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The beginning of a new year for Hailsham and District Chamber of Commerce and one which promises to be both exciting and productive.

We’re coming to the end of our year, I’ve been President for a year and it’s time for our AGM and to focus on the forthcoming year. Our AGM took place at the B12 Bar & Kitchen on Thursday the 23rd March, a bleak blustery rainy night but a sizeable group of diehard members made it to the meeting.

Firstly, I would like to express my thanks to Melvyn Funnell-Strange and his superb team for their continued support and hospitality, not only is it much appreciated but is one of the foundations of the Chambers success this year.

Our speaker for the event was Rob Reaks of Lightning Fibre who spoke about the development of the company and the rollout of Full Fibre Broadband in Hailsham, across Wealden and into other Districts of East Sussex such as Bexhill.

The whole ethos of Lightning Fibre is about providing a fantastic product supported by exceptional service which is why his offer of FREE broadband to all our members, either existing or new, for six months is so exciting.

Because Rob made the announcement at our AGM, I have not had the time to include the terms and conditions in this article, but they will be on our web site shortly, but a truly amazing offer making membership of Hailsham and District Chamber of Commerce exceptional value for money to the business community, and that’s without including ALL the other benefits of membership which can be found on our site.

During the meeting I was pleased to announce that membership was now around 100 businesses and predicted to continue rising during the next year partly due to the Lightning Fibre offer, but also as a result of other factors such as the friendly support we offer our members, the exciting range of events we provide for our membership which will include new events during the year.

Additionally, our proposal for a Zero Carbon BID for Hailsham and District is now really starting to excite businesses to the possibilities created for commerce of all types in Hailsham and District. I am also pleased to report that Wealden District Council have re-enforced its support for the BID with Beth Heritage, Economic Development Officer becoming their BID champion and our point of contact at Wealden.

Earlier in the month, I had a very positive meeting with Beth where I outlined the latest status of the BID including the appointment of a BID Development Board which will have its inaugural meeting following the AGM so expect more developments next month.

Amongst business carried out at the AGM was the re-election of the committee for another twelve month term and also my re-election.

March started with our most successful breakfast since COVID with every seat taken and a lively meeting and our guest speaker Shaun May of May Connections who gave a very interesting presentation of his business and the services they provide to their clients including renewable energy and EV chargers.

Our breakfast meetings are a real chance to network with fifty other businesses in the Hailsham District, and members indicated during the meeting that a number of successful transactions had taken place and business relationships have developed. The worst case is that our members enjoy a friendly breakfast meeting and develop long term relationships both socially and for business.

The Chamber also has regular monthly Lunch meetings taking place on the third Thursday of each month where members meet over lunch to informally discuss business opportunities, the BID and many other subjects of interest, this month we met at The Cottage Restaurant on the Polegate By-Pass where we enjoyed an inspiring Italian menu, friendly atmosphere, and great company.

The food was beautifully presented and excellent with our hosts being friendly and polished, another superb Hailsham Chamber Business lunch, well supported and enjoyed by all.

Following our AGM the Chamber is poised for an exciting year and I look forward to reporting more exciting news and events next year, but my final act this month is to welcome our new members who are: Eastbourne MG, MS Steelworks, Knockhatch Adventure Park and Switchplane Ltd, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to our new members and am looking forward to their involvement in our friendly and very active Chamber.

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