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which is only seen at County Cricket level or at private schools, according to the club.
Rob Wilkinson, from Hailsham Cricket Club said: “We are delighted to have completed a four-year project and can’t wait to see the whole club using it throughout the week from April onwards. “April will see the return of the cricket season and we have a jam packed pre-season schedule for both the men and women’s teams. We are excited to welcome over 20 new players to the club across all the different teams and of varying abilities.

We pride ourselves on being an inclusive club that offers cricket to all the community no matter of age or ability. With the season starting up the Boundary Bar has been updated and improved and we look forward to welcoming players, family and the local community in for a drink on match days and weekends. We have four new picnic benches and parasols at the front and several new varieties of drinks on sale.”
The junior season gets going in May and the club is excited to get going. All junior players have had a taste of cricket through the early part of spring, either indoors or outside in the new facility. Training starts again on Wednesday 12th April and the hard work will begin to make sure teams are ready for the challenges of the league. events

If you would like to get involved as a volunteer at Hailsham Cricket Club, either through helping on the bar, scoring, umpiring or coaching please get in touch with the club. They are still looking for new men and women to join its adult teams or boys and girls aged 4-16. Hailshamcc@outlook.com / 07980146841 or contact them through social media.

Bowes House care home, Hailsham

Let’s talk about Dementia
Wednesday 19th April 2023
2.30pm - 4pm
Carers café
The third Thursday of each month
2.30pm - 4pm
Trusted to care.
To attend please call 01323 315137 or email karen.milligan@careuk.com