RegionWeek 3rd Edition

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RegionWeek N° 003 Mars 2019

Burundi Head of State says that Burundians are not the ‘poorest people on earth’. Despite the prevalent information that the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, Burundi Head of State, Pierre Nkurunziza, has assured Burundians that they are not the ‘poorest people on earth’ as the world think. Nkurunziza said this, this Tuesday, when he was in a meeting with the executives of the Ministry of Finance, Budget and Economic Development Cooperation, those of the Burundian Revenue Office of (OBR) as well as those of banks operating in the country. Burundi Head of State slammed the ‘infiltration of foreign practices’.

Uganda joins Burundi in threatening to quit AMISOM over troops drawdown.

Due to declining and irregular funding, the UN Security Council, in Resolution 2372 of 2017, proposed a phased drawdown of peacekeepers in Somalia with a full pullout by 2020. President of Uganda has been critical of the United Nations Body in various sectors ranging from funding and how the UN acts when some African countries have been accused of failing to protect the human rights of its subjects.

THE BIG PICTURE: Following the proposed drawdown by the UN Security Council and the African Union of the AMISOM troops from Somalia, some contributing countries are now considering to quit the ANISOM if the decision to draw down troops from AMISOM is maintained. Burundi and Uganda have threathened to quit AMISOM. Burundi, through its parliament, has argued that the


Burundi is not the ‘poorest country’. According to Mr. Nzeyimana, the Head of State said that Burundi is not one of the poorest countries as it is always said by the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund.

On the other hand, Nkurunziza added, According to the deputy spokesman Burundi can organize itself and work of President of the Republic, Mr. Alain on projects of great importance, for Diomede Nzeyimana, example, of the new National Develthe head of state has started with the opment Plan to bring out Burundians word of God who stipulates that nor- of poverty which, according to him, mally “people make mistakes for lack is not tangible because, with the natof knowledge”. ural resources that Burundi has, we can easily get out of the poverty. The head of state slammed Finance Ministry officials who participate in The President of the Republic invitacts that do not give a good image ed senior officials of this Ministry to to Burundian people or government think about leading projects that porbecause they do not know that their tray a beautiful image of the country. acts affect the rest of the country, Minister of Finance, Budget and Ecopointed out Mr. Nzeyimana. nomic Development Cooperation, Domitien Ndihokubwayo, took the He gave the example of Westerners opportunity to thank the head of who, in 2010, who wanted to intro- state for having thought to dispense duce the same-sex marriages in Bu- the course of moralization of the rundi and who, in return, promised company to its executives. reduced size of its troops in Somalia may jeopardize the security of the remaining 4400 troops in Somalia.

President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda has threatened to withdraw his country’s forces from the peacekeeping mission in Somalia if the United Nations insists on reducing the number of troops on the mission. Ugandan is the first contributing country in AMISOM with 6400 troops fighting against AL Shabab militants in Somalia.

help to the government. He said that this did not succeed in because of the education of Burundian leaders.

Read also: Standoff between Burundi and AU: Burundi Threatens to Withdraw All Its Troops From Somalia. The Ugandan president, who has recently become critical of the UN, said he had personally informed the Security Council that Uganda would withdraw its 6,400 contingent from Somalia if it is forced to scale down, the East African reports . This comes after Burundi’s Pierre Nkurunziza threatened to pull out of Amisom if the funders of the mission insist that Bujumbura recall its 1,000 soldiers.

“They recommended I should reduce the number of soldiers but I will not reduce even a single one unless I take all of them out of Somalia ,” Mr. Museveni said. Uganda is the largest troop-contributing country to Amisom, with more than 6,400, of the total 21,626 soldiers. The troop-contributing countries have said that this number is smaller than what is required to fully pacify Somalia and have been advocating a troop surge instead. Mr. Museveni told the High-Level Ministerial Meeting of Ministers in charge of Refugees in the Great Lakes region at Munyonyo in Kampala that his efforts to convince UN secretaries-general Ban Ki-Moon and his successor António Guterres were rebuffed. It should be noted that Kenya has been urged by some authorities to quit altogether AMISOM over the frequent attacks by AL Shabab in Nairobi. But the Kenyan Defense Forces have so far ruled out the possibility of pulling out all of its troops from AMISOM, saying that it is one way of ‘keeping at bay the AL Shabab militants’.


RegionWeek N° 003 Mars 2019

Kagame tells his officials to be ready and prepared’ for the stand off with Uganda. Following the Uganda-Rwanda border row , the President Paul Kagame of Rwanda spoke out today for the first time about the cause of the recent frosty relationship between Kigali and Kampala that led to the closure of Katuna border on February 28. Kagame said his country had been provoked to take certain actions. Kagame spoke this during a retreat, Umwiherero, which will run through March 12. It has been dubbed as #Umwiherero2019 on Twitter.

you start looking the same.” , Kagame said.

“What remains to discuss with our brothers and sisters is the movement of people. We have Rwandans who go to Uganda who have been in prison, in their dozens, some “ We have been provoked, of them are in military prison, people have crossed our bor- others nobody knows where ders, killed our people and we they are.” have not responded. We were able to see someone wanted ‘Standoff between Rwanda to drag us into this mess. and Uganda to be costly’. When they have dragged you into this sort of problem, then In his speech, Rwandan Pres-

2019 AFCON Qualifiers: Rwanda Amavubi’s coach names squad for Ivory Coast ti

ident, Kagame, highlighted the cost of the standoff with Uganda in these terms: “All that comes costly, diverts resources, attention, we should be prepared for that. That is the price of stability and continued well being. It means you have to keep doing the best you can, make progress and defend the progress you are making.”

try but that country should also not be destabilizing others, I think it is a fair deal.”, Ugandan media outlet Nile post repeated Kagame’s words. Museveni says that his enemies ‘can’t survive’.

Museveni, the President of Uganda, has hit out on Kigali’s claims of Ugandans torturing Read also: Rwanda-Ugan- Rwandans who are in Uganda.

da border row: Both counPresident Museveni mentioned tries exchange ‘barbed specific people who have an inrhetoric’. tention of destabilizing Ugan-

da, maintaining that the coun“When I hear somebody say no try has a very huge capacity at one can destabilize their coun- protecting itself as well as taktry, I agree. No one should actu- ing on its enemies. ally be destabilizing that coun-

joined US side Sporting Kansas, Belgium-based duo of Nirisarike Salomon (FC Tubize) and Djihad Bizimana (Waasland Beveren), Muhire Kevin (El Dakhleya Sporting Club, Egypt), Kagere Meddie (SC Simba of Tanzania and standin skipper Jacques Tuyisenge who plays for Kenyan giants Gor Mahia compose the list of foreign players summoned for the clash. The Azam Rwanda Premier League Mashami Vincent, the head coach of Amavugolden boot pursuers Nizeyimana Djuma of SC Kiyovu and Hakizimabi has named a 27-man provisional squad to na Muhadjiri of APR FC, defendplay the Elephant of Cote d’Ivoire in the 2019 ers Habimana Hussein (Rayon Total Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers (AFSports), Iragire Saidi (Mukura VS) CON). and striker Iradukunda Bertrand Rwanda’s Amavubi is set to enter former African champions Ivory (Mukura VS&L) are the conspicuthe residential camp on Thurs- Coast with 8 points. ous names on the local list. day, March 14, 2019, at La Palisse The released list has 20 local Hotel in Bugesera District. players while seven players Amavubi skipper Haruna NiyonziThe match between Amavubi make the foreign cast, and they ma and his assistant Jean Baptiste against Ivory Coast in the 2019 are set to start preparations Mugiraneza are major omissions Total Africa Cup of Nations (AF- for the upcoming qualifier on from Mashami’s squad again afCON) qualifiers is scheduled on Thursday. ter missing the Central African Saturday, March 23, 2019, at Sta- The training sessions will be Republic (CAR) game last Novemde Bouaké in Abidjan. held until March 20 ahead of ber, which ended in a 2-all draw at Rwanda is placed at the bottom their departure to Abidjan on Huye Stadium. of Group H with only two points March 21, Goalie Mvuyekure from five games, three adrift of Emery playing his trade with While APR captain Mugiraneza is third-placed CAR. Guinea top the Kenyan side Tusker Fc, Rwa- still recovering from injury, playgroup with 11 points, followed by tubyaye Abdul who recently maker Niyonzima has not been

a regular at Simba SC in Tanzania and his form has drastically dropped since his move from bitter rivals Young Africans in 2017. Amavubi Provisional Squad for residential camp: Goalkeepers: Rwabugiri Omar (Mukura VS&L), Kimenyi Yves (APR FC) and Mvuyekure Emery (Tusker FC, Kenya) Defenders: Rwatubyaye Abdoul (Sporting KC, USA), Nirisarike Salomon (FC Tubize, Belgium), Manzi Thierry (Rayon Sports FC), Buregeya Prince (APR FC), Fitina Ombolenga (APR FC), Imanishimwe Emmanuel (APR FC), Habimana Hussein (Rayons Sports FC), Iragire Saidi (Mukura VS&L), Rutanga Eric (Rayon Sports FC) and Iradukunda Eric (Rayon sports FC). Midfielders: Butera Andrew (APR FC), Niyonzima Ally (APR FC), Muhire Kevin (El Dakhleya Sporting Club, Egypt), Niyonzima Olivier (Rayon Sports FC), Nsabimana Eric (AS Kigali), Bizimana



RegionWeek N° 003 Mars 2019

Uhuru Kenyatta on a working visit in Rwanda. Kagame turning to Tanzania and Kenya for support?

While Kigali’s government with its president, Paul Kagame, and his top officials are in the governmental retreat(called Umwherero 2019), the president of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, has visited Rwanda this Monday, March 11, 2019. While on a working visit, Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya met Paul Kagame and Kigali officials during this Kigali government retreat. The Kenyan President arrived in the country this Monday and was received at Kigali International Airport by Foreign Affairs Dr. Richard Sezibera, a Rwandan media outlet, News Times, reports.

di and Uganda. Recently, Kagame paid a relationships. short visit to Tanzania’ Magufuli, where Paul Kagame eyeing route to the sea? they held private bilateral talks. One Kenyan media reported that the unannounced visits and encounters that Paul The two countries share close ties in mul- Kagame is doing may be heralding Kagtiple aspects including trade, security, ame’s wish to have ‘a route to the sea’ that capacity building and investment among is to say his wish to ‘disenclave Rwanda’. others. Daily Monitor reports that Rwandan PresiReferring to the soaring tensions be- dent Paul Kagame in Tanzania on a two-day tween Kigali and Kampala, and probably visit, seen as a quest to warm up relations with Gitega, Uhuru Kenyatta said: ” We with Dar in the wake of escalating tensions have challenges but I am convinced that with Uganda, Burundi and the Democratic with goodwill and good intentions, which Republic of Congo. is what we have for our people, we will resolve even those challenges that are Rwanda, as a landlocked country like other ahead of us”. EAC member states, such Burundi, Uganda, and South Sudan, may be turning atUhuru Kenyatta reiterated that ‘the re- tention to the ‘calm brothers, John Pombe lationship between Rwanda and Kenya is Magufuli and Uhuru Kenyatta, in search of probably one of the best relations’. support.

News Times reports that Uhuru Kenyatta immediately went to the Rwanda Defence Force Combat Training Centre of Gabiro in Gastibo District where he met his Rwandan counterSome observers and onlookers are herpart, President Paul Kagame. alding that Paul Kagame may be turning to Tanzania’ Magufuli and Kenya’s Uhuru THE BIG PICTURE: Paul Kagame is making a for support while the frosty ties between round of face to face encounters with some Kigali, Gitega, and Kampala are wreaking EAC leaders these days he is facing soaring havoc on these three EAC member states’ tensions with his neighbors such as Burun-


Rwanda is served by two major transport corridors — the Central Corridor that runs from Dar es Salaam through Tanzania’s heartland, and the Northern Corridor that runs from Mombasa through Kenya and Uganda.

RegionWeek N° 003 Mars 2019


African Youth lost top leader and activist Karim Saafi in the crash of Ethiopian Airlines He was leaving Sunday morning from Addis Ababa to Nairobi where meetings of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union were to be held. Karim Saafi, 38, a dynamic young FrenchTunisian, civil society activist in Europe and Africa, and traveling with a French passport, was one of the 157 victims deplored. Born January 19, 1981 in SaintGeremain -En-Lay, in same flight, another participant in the same meet-

the suburbs of Paris, he has been established since 2005 in Brussels. He had studied at the Solvau Brussels Institute of Economics and Management and worked on a number of projects funded by the European Union.

ings, the Prof. Pius Adesanmi, director of the Institute of African Studies at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, and one of the leading Pan-Africanist scholars in North America. In a statement Sunday in Addis, the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union expressed its deepest sympathies to those who lost a loved one during ET302 Ethiopian Airlines flight that crashed on Sunday, March 9TH 2019 in Ethiopia.

In a statement published this Sunday, the Panafrican Youth Union, paid tribute to Karim, a former member of the UPJ Executive Committee, he was representing the Diaspora in the Pan African youth union. Karim was a great young African leader. He has always fought for the rights of African young people to have a better future. “We are particularly saddened,” the statement said, by the loss of two African diaspora experts According to Francine Muyumba, President of the who traveled aboard the flight to attend ECOSOCC Pan African Youth Union, “with the disappearance meetings in Nairobi. The entire Standing Commitof Karim, the African youth who loses one of its tee and the members of the Organ of Civil Society great representatives. We will remember Karim as a and Diaspora, ECOSOCC honor their memory and person who gave without counting, who shared his offer the most sincere condolences to their famiknowledge and its network for the development of lies. all young people. But above all we remember a man always smiling, kind, making everyone comfortable” For its part, the Tunisian embassy in Addis Ababa she told regionweek week. immediately contacted the Ethiopian authorities to monitor the aftermath of the crash. Ambassador READ ALSO: An Ethiopian Airlines flight Karim Kabtni declares that all the arrangements bound to Nairobi crashed on Sunday after are made on this subject.

losing contact six minutes into the flight

A brilliant leader of the African diaspora in Europe, he is the founder and co-chair of the African Diaspora Youth Forum in Europe. As such, he traveled to Kenya. He was not alone. Had taken place on the


RegionWeek N° 003 Mars 2019

BURUNDI some of the members who joined SAHWANYA FRODEU are from CNARED? Keffa Nibizi: “You should remember that SAHWANYA FRODEBU was once in CNARED then it quit, then it is usual to see that others who quit the CNARED platform may join their former colleagues who were together in the CNARED platform”.

Burundi: Reconciliation between SAHWANYA FRODEBU and FRODEBU Nyakuri, a polemical issue.

Maybe it is because SAHWANYA FRODEBU is more critical of the ruling government than you do, then you don’t share the same views ? Keffa Nibizi: “Our politics is not based on the ruling government of Burundi. It is based on the benefits of the Burundians. We advance by showing what can be done instead of being overly critical without showing how you surpass them in all aspects”. We are heading towards 2020 presidential elections, there are many speculations that some parties will do a coalition to send a unique candidate to compete with the CNDDFDD candidate, do you plan to be part of such coalition of parties? Keffa Nibizi: “The decision to be part of the coalition of other parties is an important one which is taken by the Party National Director Committee, but until now, the latter has not said anything about joining the coalition of other parties”.

Following the recent communiqué of SAHWANYA FRODEBU stating the ‘reconciliation’ of both SAHWANYA FRODEBU and FRODEBU Nyakuri took place, the president of FRODEBU Nyakuri, Keffa Nibizi, denied vehemently the said ‘reconciliation’ and stated that it was a ‘sham reconciliation’, Keffa Nibizi told RegionWeek. How are you prepared for the 2020 presidenTHE BIG PICTURE: SAHWANYA FRODEBU and FRODEBU Nyakuri parties in Burundi are seen as ‘twin parties’ even if they are much separated on some internal issues. FRODEBU Nyakuri( translated to ‘Real FRODEBU’), led by Keffa Nibizi which has a more lenient approach towards the Burundi ruling government, and recognized by the latter, differs much with SAHWANYA FRODEBU, led by Pierre Claver Nahimana and his Vice-President, Léonce Ngendakumana, which is more critical to the ruling government. The President of FRODEBU Nyakuri, Keffa Nibizi, in an exclusive interview with RegionWeek , slammed the leaders of SAHWANYA FRODEBU of ‘sabotaging his party value’. RegionWeek wanted to ask him about this issue which keeps them miles apart whereas they are seen as ‘twin brothers’. Following the recent communiqué of SAHWANYA FRODEBU of reconciliation between you and them, you denied categorically that there was no reconciliation, what can you say about it?


tial elections? Keffa Nibizi: ” We are much prepared to compete in the all organized 2020 elections and we are ready to come off victorious”. There are some speculations that you are under the control of the ruling party, CNDD-FDD, what do you say about it? Keffa Nibizi: “Those who say that we are under the wing or control of the ruling party do not know our party’s objective. We are an independent party”.

What is its origin? Keffa Nibizi: “We wanted to shed more light on this sham reconciliation and refute reports that there was no one of FRODEBU Nyakuri party members has joined or reconciled with SAHWANYA FRODEBU. People who said this ‘reconciliation’ had the intention of misleading our loyal party members, that is why we rejected it and refuted this sham reconciliation”. Some observers argue that in order to win over the CNDD-FDD candidate, it is better to Do you see that the reconciliation be- send a unique candidate, as Rwasa Agathon, tween you and SAHWANYA FRODEBU who can beat the CNDD-FDD in 2020 presiwill be the ultimate goal to reach? dential elections, what do you say about it? Keffa Nibizi: “It is very hard to prom- Keffa Nibizi: “We are ready to win the 2020 ise the reconciliation between elections even if we go it alone”. FRODEBU Nyakuri and SAHWANYA FRODEBU because Since 2005, SAH- How did you see the decision of Burundi govWANYA FRODEBU took a more an- ernment to let Rwasa Agathon work freely ti-democratic course; this leads to and publicly, despite recent opposition by the conclusion that it is not easy for the Bujumbura mayor, and proceeded with our reconciliation”. launching officially his newly formed and Can you be more specific about this: SAHWANYA FRODEBU indicates that democracy is its core value and recently it withdrew itself from the CNARED Coalition platform, a radical opponent coalition of the ruling party, CNDD-FDD, how can you say that

recognized party, CNL(National Congress for Liberty? Keffa Nibizi: “We were delighted by this decision of Burundi government because Rwasa Agathon and his members have the right to engage in politics in accordance with laws which govern all Burundians”.

RegionWeek N° 003 Mars 2019

Hussein Swaleh Mtetu, a CAF commissioner among the victims of Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 crash The former secretary general of the national federation and high-ranking football official, Hussein Swaleh Mtetu is among the 32 Kenyans who perished on Sunday 10 March CAF announced. Hussein Swaleh Mtetu passed away following the crash of the Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 that was on its way from Addis Ababa. The crash happened at 08:44 local time on Sunday, six minutes after the months-old Boeing 737 Max-8 took off. Husein Swaleh was reportedly returning home after serving as Commissioner in the CAF Champions League match between Ismaily SC (Egypt) and TP Mazembe (Democratic Republic of Congo) played on Friday in Alexandria.


The President of the African Football Confederation (CAF), Ahmad Ahmad and all the African football family send their condolences to our dearest Hussein Swaleh Mtetu family, his relatives and to the Kenyan Football Federation. Mr. Hussein Swaleh was appointed as CAF Match Commissioner for 2018-2020. He was the secretary general of Kenya Football Federation (KFF) when Kenya last played at the Africa Cup of Nations finals in Tunisia 2004. The cause of the disaster is not yet clear. However, the pilot had reported difficulties and had asked to return to the airport. An eyewitness at the scene said that there was an intense fire as the aircraft hit the ground.

The airline said 149 passengers and eight crew members were on flight ET302 The Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 to Nairobi crashed early on Sunday, killing 149 passengers from more than 30 countries, and eight crew, the airline said having left Bole airport in Addis Ababa at 8:38 am (+3GMT), before losing contact with the control tower just a few minutes later at 8:44 am. The Boeing Max-8 aircraft was delivered to Ethiopian Airlines on 15 November last year. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has declared Monday as a day of national mourning for all the victims of the crash. He visited ET 302 accident site afternoon after the crash. He expresses his profound sadness at the loss of life and wishes healing to the friends and families of the bereaved. He provided direction to ensure full and timely investigation and communication of the cause.



RegionWeek N° 003 Mars 2019

Light Award, the richest competition everyone must know and get involved in.

Global Online Learning Masters scholarships 2019 at the University of Edinburgh

Have you ever heard about the Light Award Competition? Unfortunately, some are misled by the lack of information. In an interview with RegionWeek , the coordinator of Light Award, Jonathan Bright went into details of all the highlights

The University of Edinburgh will offer a number of Masters Scholarships for distance learning Masters Programmes offered by the University. Among the eligible countries, a large number of African countries. Each scholarship will cover full tuition fees and will be tenable for the normal duration of the programme of study. Eligibility Scholarships will be available for students commencing in session 2019-2020 any online learning Masters programme offered by the University. RegionWeek: Jonathan Bright, You are the coordinator of the Light Award competition. Can you tell us in brief what LIGHT AWARD is? Jonathan Bright: My name is Jonathan Mugisa Basara Bright. I am the coordinator of LIGHT AWARD and I am a coach and a CEO of Spears Connect group which is coaching and consulting public relations company that support major institutions to develop projects that help them to achieve their missions in creative, customer/beneficiaries centered way.

putting them in entrepreneurship pathways. We hold an annual entrepreneurship ideas and projects’ competition like LIGHT AWARD 2019 and year-long series of skills-based workshops. RegioWeek: Could you tell us when and how Light Award began?

Jonathan Bright: LIGHT AWARD started in late 2017 but we had the first edition finals on April 22, 2018. As I am graduating at Université Lumiere de Bujumbura, the Development department of this University inquired my comSpears initiated and execute the pany to initiate a program that LIGHT AWARD in the account of helps the university to achieves its Université Lumiere de Bujumbura. mission and extend its impact to The LIGHT AWARD is a program the whole community. to equip youth in creating and or scaling sustainable solutions by


Applicants must be nationals of the following countries: Angola, Afghanistan, Bangladesh ; Benin , Bhutan, Burkina Faso; Burundi, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Dem Rep, Djibouti; Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Kiribati; Korea, Dem Rep, Lao PDR, Lesotho Liberia, Madagascar; Malawi; Mali; Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger; Rwanda, São Tomé and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia; South Sudan; Sudan, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, Yemen, Rep, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Applicants should already have been offered a place at the University of Edinburgh and should have firmly accepted that offer or be intending to do so. Selection Criteria The scholarship will be awarded broadly on the basis of academic merit. Candidates must have, or expect to obtain, a UK first class or 2:1 Honors degree at undergraduate level or the international equivalent. Applications The closing date for applications will be the 1 June 2019.

RegionWEEK is a Weekly News Briefing about Brurundi and East Africa. Publisher: RegionWeek Ltd Ceo: Paul Cutler Editor in chief: Fabrice Iranzi Head of Africa Bureau: John Nshimirimana 11, Avenue du Gouvernement, Rohero Bujumbura-Burundi Tél: +257 79 43 28 86 P.O Box 6402 Bujumbura

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