RegionWeek 5th Edition

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N° 005

May, 2019





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May, 2019

return to Burundi. Our men have a lot of activities to do in their country”, Sindimwo told RegionWeek Burundi is still on the defensive in UN bodies, whether at the Human Rights Council in Geneva or at the UN Security Council in New York. How is the country going to get out of this situation? “We are under an international conspiracy, which is why Burundi is on the defensive. In the last four or five years, there has been a cascade of resolutions and Gaston Sindimwo: “Burundi is recommendations on Burundi. In under international conspira- terms of numbers, they exceed by 10 times or more those that cy for four or five years”. Burundi has experienced since In an exclusive interview with independence. The underlying issue was the third term. Is this RegionWeek, Burundi first question still on the agenda?” vice-president, Gaston Sindimwo brings up an “the inMr. Vice-President, we are ternational conspiracy” with heading towards the 2020 which his country has been elections? Can we know under for a couple of years. where Burundi is for preparaGaston Sindimwo answers other trending questions such tions for different elections? as 2020 elections, the politi- What are the estimated cost of these elections and the cal space situation in Burundi, the arrest warrant against contribution of each other? former President Buyoya, etc. The government of Burundi has prepared the elections very well. The electoral instruments, nameMr. Vice-President, 1000 Burundian soldiers were recent- ly the Constitution and the Electoral Code, are already there. For ly affected by a UN-backed the moment, Burundi is heading drawdown and repatriated from Somalia. Your comment? straight for holding the elections. Burundi is willing to organize the Is this a sign of weakness in elections with its own means. Burundian diplomacy? Elections will be funded mainly “Burundi is under an internaby state means and the contributional conspiracy. I participated in the meeting which decided to tions of its citizens. draw down the number of troops in Somalia by 1,000 a year. This But there are numerous elecdecision should affect all troops tions of refugees, especially contributing countries in propor- those in Rwanda and Uganda, etc...? tion to the number deployed on Since 2015, Burundi has been Somali soil. But it is the only calling on Burundian refugees to Burundian troops who were affected by the measure, this is repatriate. Many have returned part of an international conspir- to their country and others are acy that dates back a long time. still hesitant. We take this opWe take note of it. We did not go portunity to reiterate the same to Somalia to get rich but to help call: that all the people who are outside to come home to our Somali brothers to recover further consolidate democracy peace. If peace was restored, with their compatriots who are in our forces would have returned the country. Burundi is ready to for a long time to Burundi. We will not be in Somalia forever be- facilitate their resettlement with their goods and services. cause we are not an occupying force. We are a peacekeeping force. The day peace is restored With one year to go to 2020 to Somalia, we will leave. And if elections, can one know if the political space is open to the African Union believes that our forces are no longer needed all the actors of the political life of Burundi? in Somalia, we will pack up and

Political space is open to politicians who travel in the country as long as they are abiding by the rules and to teach peace. There are politicians who warn the international community about an alleged restriction of political space. They intentionally forget to mention that apart from the CNDD-FDD and some other parties, many other political parties do not have the financial means to pay for their touring throughout Burundi. In the field of justice, an international arrest warrant has been issued against former President Pierre Buyoya for his alleged participation in the 1993 coup against Melchior Ndadaye. Has justice not anticipated what could be done by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on this issue? We leave it up to the justice and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to play their part. Burundian justice is independent and we are waiting for the report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Burundi believes that it is better to get rid first of the dispute with Rwanda before talking about the inter-Burundian dialogue...what do you say? The issue of inter-Burundian dialogue has been closed since the last EAC Heads of State meeting. Apart from the dialogue initiated by the Burundi government, there is no other. Today is the time for the 2020 elections. Those who think that they can get another dialogue through the presidents are mistaken, it’s a waste of time. You are from the UPRONA party, how is your party preparing for the next elections? Today more than yesterday, all UPRONA party activists are determined to go to the elections being united. Despite some disputes within the party, all activists have their eyes turned towards the 2020 elections. From the bottom up, we have put in place bodies that can pull the party towards elections. The priority for all is the 2020 elections with the goal of recovering the place that was the UPRONAsince a long time.

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May, 2019


‘Mysterious shootout’ between Uganda troops in AMISOM claimed 4 lives. A relatively ‘mysterious shootout’ between Ugandan soldiers(UPDF) in AMISOM Somalia has claimed 4 lives of UPDF forces. The shootout occurred on Saturday, May 11, 2019, local media reported.

Uganda’s Defence Spokesperson Brigadier Richard Karemire confirmed the shooting and said that the “shooting took place at Mogadishu Base Camp”, a base where hundreds of AMISOM soldiers are located. Local media reported that the shootout may have resulted in an angry argument between troops’, then afterward it turned out to be a deadly shootout between UPDF forces.

Brigadier Richard Karemire told Daily Monitor that investigations are underway in order to determine the real cause for this deadly shootout

The motive isn’t yet known. We want to know whether he was insane or not, Richard Karemire said.

Daily Monitor reports that the soldier who was irritated by his supervisor shot dead his supervisor and then four soldiers in total died in the Saturday shooting incident. Uganda is the first troops contributing country to have troops in Somalia with around 6000 troops for the maintenance of peace and fighting against the AL Shabab militias. Related: Uganda joins Burundi in threatening to quit AMISOM over troops drawdown. Burundi comes as the second troops contributing country in Somalia with more around 4000 troops. Burundi saw the United Nations and the African drew down the number of its troops to 1000 troops in Somalia, a move that Burundi did not appreciate. After the drawdown of 1000 Burundi troops, Uganda’s president threatened to pull out all of its troops in Somalia, saying that the drawdown would ‘endanger the remaining troops on the front lines’.




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May, 2019

The EU-Burundi representation recommends an ‘inclusive dialogue’ for the future of Burundi. The representation of the European Union in Burundi urged all Burundi stakeholders to engage in a constructive discussion and dialogue in order to prepare well the future of all Burundians. This was said on Thursday, May 09, 2019, when the EuropeanUnion representation celebrated the day of Europe. The European Union representative, Wolfram Vetter reiterated the European continent;’s resolve to continue to build itself towards development.

As reported by Burundi State-run radio, Wolfram Vetter, recommened Burundiand to engage in meaningful dialogue and discussion ahead of the pkanned 2020 elections. “Together, we cooperate on the national development plan in concrete actions that will develop the country’s economy and improve the income and quality of life of Burundians. A good partnership goes hand in hand with a good dialogue both at home and abroad, at political and technical level, Wolfram Vetter said WHY IT MATTERS: Burundi and the European Union relations came to a new low since 2015 when Pierre Nkurunizza announced his re-election. Since that time, Burundi and EU have been at loggerheads over the human rights cases in Burundi. Despite these differences, the EU in Burundi has tried to maintain the ‘calm tone’ by continuing to support Burundi in various fields.

The EU in Burundi wrote on Twitter: The European Union wants to remain number one of Burundi’s leading partner. 470 billion BIF contracts in the rural area, health, energy, governance. Soon, 90 billion BIF will be added for health and in 2020 150 billion BIF for health, rural development and energy.

Wolfram Vetter said that the European Union has helped Burundi in the areas of health, energy and rural development with 560 billion Burundian francs(around 300 million USD) and plans to mobilize at least 150 billion more next year. ‘Burundi open to dialogue’. As reported by Burundi state radio, Burundi is still open to dialogue. This was said by the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Af-

fairs, Bernard Ntahiraja who attended the celebration. Ambassador Ntahiraja Bernard nevertheless deplored the fact that the European Union has taken unfair sanctions against Burundi whereas the country has taken a good path towards developments, thus indicating that the sanctions imposed on Burundi by the European Union could be lifted.

#EuropeDay “ L’#UE veut demeurer 1 partenaire de premier plan du #Burundi. Des contrats de 470 milliards BIF ds le dvpt rural, santé, énergie, gouvernance. Bientôt 90 milliards BIF s’ajouteront pour la santé et avt 2020 150 milliards BIF de + pour santé, dvpt rural & énergie jwZrhviznV UE au Burundi (@UEauBurundi) May 9,


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Ntahiraja promised that Burundi will continue with the democratic process and that the upcoming elections will be free, transparent and peaceful, especially since the Burundians themselves contribute to their preparations ons.

We thank the parteners who continued to help Burundi when others had taken the decision to go, Ambassador Ntahiraja concluder


May, 2019


It should be remembered that the European Union, in general, has slapped sanctions on Burundi since 2015 for the allegations of human rights violations in Burundi. THE BOTTOM LINE: The European Union has suspended almost all of its help to Burundi government, and now it channels its help through the people’s societies instead of through the government. Burundi governement is not satisfied with this EU move.

Kenya Airways to add one more direct flight from Nairobi to Bujumbura

Kenyan National Carrier company, Kenya Airways has said to increase one more direct flight from Nairobi, Kenya to Bujumbura, Burundi.

WHY IT MATTERS: Kenya Airways had suspended some parts of the flights to or from Burundi either due to local tax regulations or security reasons. Kenya Airways had even relegated Burundi high officials to travel in commercial flight, the move that Burundi rejected it as ‘ unfit ‘ to Burundi government officials.

This was announced to kickstart on May 8, 2019, that an additional daily direct service from Nairobi to Bujumbura, Burundi. The new flight to be operated by Jambojet on a Bombardier Q400 will be a direct flight and is set to reduce waiting times and offer better connections to Kenya Airways growing European and new America service, Africa Business reports Kenya Airways Group Managing Director & CEO Sebastian Mikosz said, “This increase to our local and regional Network is part of our strategic intent to expand our footprint across Africa.”

The new daily afternoon service will operate between Nairobi and Bujumbura in addition to the current daily tagged morning flight that operates between Nairobi and Bujumbura on the Embraer 190. The additional direct flight to Bujumbura will increase travel and trade amongst the East African Community (EAC) countries as the common market protocol is already in place. The protocol has paved the way for free movement of labor, goods, and services within the region. It should be remembered that Burundi’s international airport is a major hub for internationals traveling in the East African Community such as Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Uganda.




N° 005

May, 2019

Burundi government seizes properties belonging to exiled politicians.

Burundi governement, through the Public Prosecutor, Sylvestre Nyandwi, has decreed that the properties belonging to politicians who are accused by Burundi justice to be part of the tumultuous situation in 2015 to be seized. This was said on Thursday, May 09, 2019, when the EuropeanUnion representation celebrated the day of Europe. The European Union representative, Wolfram Vetter reiterated the European continent;’s resolve to continue to build itself towards development.

WHY IT MATTERS: Burundi had already sent international arrest warrants to some of the exiled politicians accused of engaging in an attempted coup in May 2015. International justice has so far denied actingon these arrests warrants.

According to the statement of the Public Prosecutor, the Burundi government has managed to take over the wealth of some of the suspects of the uprisings of 2015. As the statement said, those who have fled the country will see their houses and their assets to be seized by Burundi governement. Most of these politicians are exiled and live in for-


eign countries such as Belgium, Canada, etc. In a statement published on May 15, 2019, by the Prosecutor of the Republic of Burundi, Sylvestre Nyandwi, a list of these politicians was issued to Burundi governement in order to proceed with the seizure of their mobile or immobile properties.

The statement states that Burundi is to seize the properties of these accused politicians and wanted by the Justice of Burundi, and to ‘exploit them waiting for their impending trial.

Among those who were deprived of their properties include some who are imprisoned in Burundi due to their participation in the 2015 riotous movements as Cyrille Ndayirukiye currently jailed in Gitega province. The leading culprit to be deprived of his wealth properties in Burundi is Godefroid Niyombare who spearheaded the attempted coup against the Burundi government in 2015. Related: CNARED in tatters: Nyangoma’s CNDD quits this political platform. Burundi: Ex- CNDD-FDD members in PPD-GIRITEKA clash over CNARED platform. Related: CNARED in tatters: Nyangoma’s CNDD quits this political platform. Burundi: Ex- CNDD-FDD members in PPD-GIRITEKA clash over CNARED platform.


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May, 2019



Kidumu pledges support to Burundian female artist, Esther Nish

It was on Monday, May 13, 2019, that Jean Pierre Nimbona, alias Kidumu, has unveiled “Umbamwo”, a song made with Esther Nish. Two generations in a song collaboration. Kidum wants to get involved in Esther Nish’s career.

who has ever worked with Kidumu. I would say that I am the eldest of all Burundian armies “, she said.

The first song to mention it is the interpretation of “Feel Love” by Sat-B. The audience discovers a female voice that is comfortable playing piano music. She did not stop there. The song that marked a turning point in her career that is just beginning and the resumption of the song “Telenovela” of Kidum on the piano that became viral on social networks to the point of reaching its author and interpreter Kidumu.

‘Sponsorship apparently does not stop on this collaboration’, Kidumu is telling Esther Nish that the doors will still be open in Nairobi.

She added: “He welcomed me to Nairobi as someone he wants to launch. I have a lot of the fact that he chose me It was in 2018 that Esther Nish was from among all Burundian armies to spotted by Robert M. manager of Hope work with him. It’s a good accompaniTalent Studio in Ngozi. On the keyboard, ment, he just launched me as it should playing herself the song she was interbe with a good job”. preting, the manager does not understand. He approaches her and makes Kidumu, an old wolf of the East Afcontact with her. rican music did not fail to give some advice to his protégé. “As a veteran Esther Nish will be brought to Bujumbu- in this business, I’d like to give Esther ra where the Hope Talent Studio headNish some advice. From now on you quarters is located. Until then, everywill meet several challenges. Some will thing went unnoticed. At least that was block you just because they are jealous before Esther Nish began to interpret of your work (...). Never give up, do your the hit songs of Burundian artists. job properly and God will do the rest”.

This is the beginning of a project. Impressed by the artistic ability of this girl, Kidumu decides to invite her to Kenya to make a song with her: “Umbamwo”. For Esther Nish, it is a pride to be able to work with this legend of Burundian music. “I am the only Burundian girl

“After ‘’ Umbamwo ‘’ together, I promise you a sponsor permanently. You will do the songs as you please. Do not hesitate, I will always support you. And if you do not want to go to Bujumbura, come back to Nairobi, I’ll welcome you with an open heart”, Kidumu said. Esther Nish has told us that soon she will return to Bujumbura. Until then, she has 3 songs to know “Warandoze”, “Muganga” and “Umbamwo” that is much talked about at the moment, Kidumu said.



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May, 2019

Op-Ed: The Seventh Day Adventist Church of Burundi in turmoil: What is the real problem? The Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA) in Burundi is confronted with a deep crisis that is threatening to cripple its credibility.

The statement states that Burundi is to seize the properties of these accused politicians and wanted by the Justice of Burundi, and to ‘exploit them waiting for their impending trial. The Division is composed of several countries and is based in Nairobi, Kenya. The Division committee did not explain why it made such a radical decision without consulting or informing the local church in Burundi. This created huge confusion in the Burundi SDA church. There was a very negative reaction from members of the SDA in Burundi especially because Pastor Ndikubwayo’s 5 years term in office was not yet finished and members of the church in Burundi needed some clarifications in order to understand the reason behind the sudden and brutal change in leadership. The confusion was increased by the fact that under Pastor Ndikubwayo’s leadership, the SDA church in Burundi just completed a successful campaign of evangelism known as the Total Members Involvement (TMI) on more than 1200 sites across Burundi’s territory. Around 240 preachers from around the globe took part in the campaign and the government of Burundi ensured security during the campaign.

The activities of the TMI itself were opened by the First Vice-President of Burundi – H.E. Gaston Sindimwo. Already these few facts show clearly that the government of Burundi is not interested in persecuting the SDA church in Burundi.

The question is therefore as following: What is happening inside this church and why the true reason for the conflict is hidden? Why the responsibility has been shifted to the Government of Burundi? Despite the contradicting reports and mutual accusations from warring parties, one thing is becoming clear: The issue at the center of the fighting within the SDA Church in Burundi is simply a deep leadership crisis coupled with factional interests of influential members of the church.

It is neither an infringement to the freedom of religion nor government-sponsored harassment against some church leaders as published in the social media.

The intervention of the Burundi Government has been mainly linked to restoring order and security as the warring parties have been causing disorder and threatening the safety of citizens in areas where the local branches of the SDA church are located. A group of church members suspected of being manipulated by some of the pastors in custody tried to use violence in preventing other pastors from preaching on various occasions. The move to restore peace and stability and the arrest of some pastors accused of embezzling church funding has led the highest hierarchy at the headquarters in the USA to issue a statement


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claiming that the government of Burundi is violating the freedom of religion and harassing the newly established leadership especially Pastor Lamec Barishinga who was appointed in the controversial replacement of Pastor Joseph Ndikubwayo. Related: Burundi’s Adventist Church in ‘turmoil’. An exchange of letters between Burundi Home Affairs Minister Pascal Barandagiye and the SDA special envoy Dr. Ganoune Diop points to the discussions that took place around the leadership crisis and the fact that so far, no satisfying solution has been found. As a consequence, the Minister decided to continue recognizing the leadership of Pastor Joseph Ndikubwayo temporarily until a consensual solution is found.

“ “

May, 2019




Know Dudu T. Niyukuri’s project, XWave, a digital content selling app.

Obviously, the SDA Headquarter is either not well informed or is trying to hide the true and shameful reason that is creating havoc inside the church – the leadership crisis, the corruption, and theft of funds destined to projects that are supposed to be implemented in Burundi.

One such project, for instance, concerned a modern hospital facility that the church was planning to build in Bujumbura a few years ago but which never materialize.

The money was stolen by some of the church leaders and their family members and those include Pastor Lambert Ntiguma and the wife of Pastor Lamec Barishinga. The appointment of pastor Barishinga was a tactical move destined to cover up the embezzlement in which his wife was involved. An audit report commissioned between 2017 and 2018 shows that around BIF 200 million destined to local projects have been missing in the books. Evidence from bank accounts of Baringa’s wife show the withdrawal movements.

It is clear that at the Headquarter of the SDA in the USA has refused to face the truth and to condemn the corrupt manner in which Pastor Joseph Ndikubwayo has been dismissed from his post before the end of the term. It also looks as if Ted Wilson, the global leader of the SDA, has opted to tarnish the image of Burundi government instead of addressing the leadership crisis and the theft of church money made by the pastors who are in custody, a fact that was evidenced by the audit report.

Dudu T. Niyukuri talks about his project XWave, an application for selling the digital content.

It has been a long time waiting, but it was worth it. During his recent stay in Burundi, Dudu Théophile Niyukuri had revealed that he was working on a music selling application platform XWave is an application that comes to innovate the business of the music industry of Burundi. It all started in 2009. Back from South Africa where Theophile Niyukuri, alias Dudu, had gone to deepen his studies in music production, he found that it was obviously difficult to make an income from music. “I realized that the music business system did not suit the producers”, Dudu said. In fact, for a musician to pay you well, he must have a way to earn income from his music. “I then decided not to invest too much in production, but rather to find a sales platform. After 10 years, the solution is available, “says Dudu Niyukuri, initiator of this project. Every business idea that works often comes up to a challenge that turns into an opportunity. “We want the music industry to be a closed circle to produce music and have a space for selling these products. If musicians find out how to win from their products, you understand that even the producer will be well paid. We have to stop complaining and find a solution, “says Dudu Niyukuri. The project is managed by DNT Media, a company based in Bujumbura. XWave is a digital content sales application. Whether it’s a comedy, or just songs, it’s business with them. The artist is paid according to the number of streamings of his contents. “XWave is an application for artists and by artists. We do not take a large percentage of income,



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“he says. The initiator of the project is well known as a gospel singer. He reassures and says that the platform is for everyone. “XWave is a platform for everyone without discrimination. Even comedians can bring in their content”,

says Dudu. Dudu T. Niyukuri was lately working on his album. He also took the opportunity to put it on XWave. The feedback is rather positive. “The result is surprising, we receive positive feedback far from our expectations. People quickly understood the

concept. However, we will continue to promote”, Niyukuri adds. The application is already operational. It is available on PlayStore. The user has, within the app, several means of payment facilities including Ecocash, Lumicash, and VisaCard for those who are outside Burundi.


Japan offers $270 000to support Burundian refugees living in Rwanda. As the Burundian refugees’ crisis is reported to be the least funded in the world , Japan has stepped forward by granting $270 000( around 600 million BIF) to support Burundian refugees living in Rwanda, in Mahama camp. THE BIG PICTURE: Around 60 000 Burundian refugees live in a Rwandan camp, Mahama . They fled the uprisings which erupted in 2015 after the announcement of Burundi Head of State’s re-election. Some other refugees fled to other neighboring countries. In a statement released on May 10, the Government of Japan announced a new contribution of some $270,000 to UNHCR Representation in Rwanda for 2019 covering the needs of 58,552 Burundian refugees, who are living in the country’s largest refugee camp, Mahama, in the sectors of Legal Assistance and Legal Remedies, Child Protection and Health. The Government of Japan and UNHCR will hold a launch ceremony on June 6, 2019.

Mr. Ahmed Baba Fall, Representative of UNHCR Representation in Rwanda said: “We are grateful for the contribution from the Government of Japan and looking forward to serving together with the people of concerns”. According to UNHCR’s report , the project aims to strengthen the capacity of UNHCR to maintain a favorable protection environment for Burundian refugees living in Mahama refugee camp and their access to core protection services like legal assistance, security against violence with particular attention to refugee children at risk.

Considering that overall assistance is required to meet the lifesaving needs of Burundian refugees. The project will also contribute maintain the access of beneficiaries to basic health services by supporting primary health care services, the referral of patients with a serious medical condition to secondary and tertiary health care and the access to essential drugs, the statement added.

Takayuki Miyashita ,( pictured above ) Ambassador of Japan to Rwanda, also Japanese ambassador to Burundi , said, “The Government of Japan focuses on development cooperation to protect and empower individuals, especially those liable to be vulnerable, to realize human security. Since I came to Rwanda 3years ago, I have visited Mahama refugee camp seven times to make sure how our supports work for beneficiaries. We thank UNHCR Rwanda and its partners for carrying out this important project”. Over 300 000 Burundian refugees live outside the country since 2015 tumultuous situation in Burundi. however, this the UNHCR’s figure, contested by Burundi government, accusing the latter of ‘inflating the figures’.

RegionWEEK is a Weekly News Briefing about Brurundi and East Africa. Publisher: RegionWeek Ltd Editor in chief: Fabrice Iranzi Head of Africa Bureau: John Nshimirimana 11, Avenue du Gouvernement, Rohero Bujumbura-Burundi Tél: +257 79 43 28 86 P.O Box 6402 Bujumbura

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