RegionWeek 20th Edition

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AUGUST 31th 2019

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No 020

BURUNDI Burundi CENI issues the detailed 2020 electoral calendar. See what it entails here.

AFRICA Uganda launches national airline with flights to Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya

BURUNDI Burundi drummers slam Rwanda over EAGT’s ‘unauthorized use’

BURUNDI UNHCR says Burundi conditions ‘not conducive’ to refugees repatriation

AFRICA Kenya joins ranks of oil-exporting countries as President Kenyatta flags off the first consignment

BURUNDI Museveni met the UN Special Envoy for Burund


What you need to know about Cesária Évora, Africa’s “Barefoot Diva” honored by Google


Finally, the DR Congo Government established after 7 months of absence


Burundi and Tanzania agree on the repatriation of all Burundian refugees BURUNDI

UNHCR says Burundi conditions ‘not conducive’ to refugees repatriation

After the last week visit by the Minister of Home Affairs of Burundi, pascal Barandagiye and the Minister of Home Affairs, Kangi Lugola, of Tanzania, it was agreed between the two states that all refugees ‘are to repatriate beginning this October 2019.




AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2019

N° 020

Burundi and Tanzania agree on the repatriation of all Burundian refugees

After the last week visit by the Minister of Home Affairs of Burundi, pascal Barandagiye and the Minister of Home Affairs, Kangi Lugola, of Tanzania, it was agreed between the two states that all refugees ‘are to repatriate beginning this October 2019.

THE BIG PICTURE: The Burundian refugees living in Tanzania fled the country in 2015 when the demonstrations erupted against the re-election of the incumbent president of Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza. Some refugees have voluntarily repatriated, others are still wondering if they will be back to Burundi.

It appears that the repatriation will primarily concern the Burundian refugees camp of Mtendeli and Nduta. Other Burundian refugees are living in Nyarugusu, a camp mixed with Congolese refugees.

Related: Burundi – Repatriation: Refugees voluntary repatriation from Tanzania is well underway. After the last week visit by the Minister of Barandagiye pascal called on BurundiHome Affairs of Burundi, pascal Barandagiye and the Minister of Home Affairs, Kangi Lugo- an refugees to be back, promising that la, of Tanzania, it was agreed between the two they ‘are welcome back’. states that all refugees ‘are to repatriate begin- “We sincerely thank Tanzania, which has just agreed to help us to ensure that ning this October 2019. this activity is carried out properly,” “Burundian refugees living in Tanzania Pascal Barandagiye said from Tanzania, have to repatriate because what they adding that the refugees “will receive fled is no more…now Burundi is calm…”, a warm welcome from the part of the Lugola told reporters.

Burundian government “. According to reports , Burundian refugees have until October 1, 2019, to “register voluntarily”, otherwise “adequate measures will be taken” under the terms of this agreement. According to Pascal Barandagiye, some 78,000 Burundian refugees have already returned home. According to UNHCR data, the number of Burundian refugees in neighboring countries was 342,867 as of 31 July 2019. But this figure is not agreed upon with by the government of Burundi, saying that these figures are ‘ballooned up’ by the UNHCR staff.

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AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2019



Burundi CENI issues the detailed 2020 electoral calendar. See what it entails here. In the months running to the 2020 elections, the national independent electoral commission has issued the 2020 elections calendar. Here is what the calendar entails. On May 20, 2020: Presidential Elections, Deputies and Municipal Councilors. On July 20, 2020: Elections of Senators. August 24, 2020: Elections of Councils and Chiefs of Zones/quarters. I. Presidential Election The filing and verification of nomination files of candidates are expected to take place from February 25 to March 05, 2020.

The electoral campaign will take place results: August 4, 2020. from April 27 to May 17, 2020. Voting Beginning of the legislature: August day is slated on May 20, 2020. 4, 2020. The proclamation of provisional results: May 25 and 26, 2020. The final results to be proclaimed on June 4, 2020. Beginning of the legislature is slated on June 4, 2020

The filing of lists of political party agents, political party coalitions and independent candidates is expected to take place from March 23 to 27, 2020.

III. Election of municipal councils Filing and verification of candidate files: from February 25 to March 05, 2020 Filing of lists of political party agents, political party coalitions and independent candidates: from March 23 to 27, 2020

The electoral campaign will start from April 27 to May 17, 2020. Voting day will be on May 20, 2020.

Electoral campaign: from April 27 to May 17, 2020. Polling day: May 20, 2020

The consolidation and proclamation of provisional results: May 25 and 26, 2020. The final results are expected to be proclaimed on June 4, 2020.

Proclamation of the provisional results: May 25, 2020. Proclamation of the final results: June 09, 2020. Establishment of municipal offices: July 24, 2020. Appointment decree of Directors: August 29, 2020. The swearing-in ceremonies of the IV. Election of Senators newly elected president of Burundi is expected to take place on August 20, Filing and verification of nomination files of candidates: May 27 to June 10, 2020. 2020 II. Election of Deputies The filing or deposit and verification Filing of lists of political party agents, of nomination files of candidates political party coalitions and indepenwill take place from February 25 to dent candidates: June 21 to June 30, March 10, 2020. 2020. The filing of the lists of representatives of political parties, coalitions of political parties and independent candidates are expected to take place from March 23 to 27, 2020.

Election campaign: from June 27 to July 17, 2020. Polling day: July 20, 2020. Proclamation of provisional results: July 23, 2020. Proclamation of final

V. Election of Councils and Heads of zones/quarters Filing and verification of applications: from June 15, 2020, to June 24, 2020. Filing of lists and accreditation of agents of independent candidates: from July 26 to August 4, 2020. Electoral campaign: August 1 to 21 August 2020. Election Day: August 24, 2020. Proclamation of provisional results: August 27, 2020. Proclamation of final results: September 15, 2020. Establishment of Councils and Chiefs of Zones / Quarters: September 17, 2020.




AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2019

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Kenya joins ranks of oil-exporting countries as President Kenyatta flags off the first consignment The Kenyan leader said the oil project has already brought benefits for the people of Turkana County, with the local communities directly benefiting from employment opportunities in production and logistics, in addition to the provision of ancillary and support services. “As we proceed to fullfield development, we will ensure that local communities are major beneficiaries of these resources,” Kenyatta assured, noting that the government has put in place measures to ensure that the fruits of prosperity are shared with devolved units in an equitable and sustainable manner.

Kenya head of state Uhuru Kenyatta on Monday, 26th August 2019, flagged off the first consignment of 200,000 barrels for export as the East African nation joins the ranks of petroleum exporting countries in the world.

British firm Tullow Oil, which has exploration and oil fields in Turkana, said in July that the EOPS production was increased from 600 barrels of oil While in the sendoff ceremony in the coastal city, midday. He said the government is committed to Kenya head of state Uhuru Kenyatta said the first achieving sustainable development through prudent per day (bopd) to 2,000 bopd and, to date, more consignment of Kenyan crude oil which left the use of the country’s resources. than 200,000 barrels of Port of Mombasa for Britain, makes Kenya the first oil have been delivered to “We will ensure that Kenya’s natural reeastern Africa country to become an oil-exporting sources are utilized in a manner that yields the port of Mombasa. nation. maximum dividends today but without “I am proud to say Kenya’s grand march Kenya’s journey to becomcompromising the interests of future gento oil and gas production and export has ing an oil exporter began erations,” he said begun. The flagging-off of this maiden conin 2012 when Tullow Oil signment represents a new dawn for Ken- Kenya’s Early Oil Pilot Scheme (EOPS) commenced discovered commercial ya; and the beginning of an era of greater in June marking the beginning of the journey tooil deposits in the East wards a full development of Kenya’s oil and gas prosperity for all Kenyans,” he said. African nation that are resources. currently estimated at 750 Kenyatta said the consignment of 200,000 barrels million barrels. of low sulfur crude from oil fields in Turkana Coun- Kenyatta said EOPS has shown global markets that ty in northwest Kenya destined for Britain is worth Kenya possesses the know-how and infrastructure The EOPS is being under1.2 billion shillings (12 million U.S. dollars), a price required to facilitate full production of commercial taken by the Kenya joint much higher than what was initially projected. quantities of its oil resource. venture partners comprising of Tullow Oil, Africa Energy officials said the exports are aimed at gaug- He said that the next phase following the success of Oil and Total Oil and the ing the international markets’ reception to Kenthe pilot project will include full-field development Kenyan government who ya’s lowsulfur oil ahead of commercial production that will be characterized by production and pipeline own the Blocks 10BB and that is now estimated to start in the second half of transportation of crude from Lokichar to the new 13T in northwest Kenya. 2023. The Celsius Riga, the ship carrying the Ken- Port of Lamu. yan crude oil left the Mombasa Port shortly after

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AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2019



UNHCR says Burundi conditions ‘not conducive’ to refugees repatriation Just days after Home Affairs Minister Kangi Lugola and his Burundian counterpart Pascal Barandagiye inked an agreement for the repatriation of refugees; the UN refugees agency has said conditions are not yet conducive for repatriation.

Although security generally has improved in Burundi since violence erupted after the 2015 presidential polls, “conditions in Burundi are not currently conducive to promote returns,” UNHCR said in an e-mailed statement. The ministers signed the pact in Kigoma at the weekend for the repatriation of 2000 refugees every week beginning October 1. The refugees to be returned home are those who are currently hosted at the Nduta and Mtendeli camps. But the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) yesterday released a statement urging authorities in Tanzania and Burundi to ensure that international laws safeguarding the rights of refugees are not violated in the process.

The agency noted that it is assisting refugees who indicate they have made a free and informed choice to voluntarily return, pointing out that nearly 75,000 refugees have returned to Burundi since September 2017. “Those who decided to leave cited the wish to return to their houses and farms, and to reunite with family,” it said. “We call upon the commitment of the governments of Tanzania and Burundi to uphold international obligations and ensure that any returns are voluntary in line with the tripartite agreement signed in March of 2018. UNHCR urges “While overall security has improved, States to ensure that no refugee is UNHCR is of the opinion that condireturned to Burundi against their tions in Burundi are not currently will and that measures are taken to conducive to promote returns,” the make conditions in Burundi more statement affirms. conducive for refugee returns, including confidence-building ef-

forts and incentives for those who have chosen to go home.” Related: Burundi and Tanzania agree on the repatriation of all Burundian refugees Speaking during the signing of the pact, Lugola accused unnamed international organizations of frustrating the voluntary repatriation program. “We have information that there are individuals and international organizations telling refugees that there is no peace in Burundi. This is not true; the country is peaceful and the refugees should return back there,” he said. He then went ahead to order an immediate investigation to identify, arrest and prosecute all those who sabotage the exercise. The minister said the refugees are wanted back home by their government and the government of Tanzania has the obligation to ensure that they return home to build their country.




AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2019

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What you need to know about Cesária Évora, Africa’s “Barefoot Diva” honored by Google

Cesária Évora, a Cape Verdean singer and Grammy Award-winning recording artist who became known as the “Barefoot Diva”, remains one of the biggest musical acts of the 21st century, long after her demise. Born on 27th August 1941, Évora began singing when she was young. Upon becoming an adult, she began pursuing music as a career by performing at bars in her hometown of Mindelo. After several years of singing without financial success, she was eventually spotted by former musician and record producer José da Silva, who urged her to record her music in France. She was known for her exceptionally beautiful voice and managed to rock anyone who listened to her music despite the language barrier. Since her demise in 2011, numerous international artists have released songs and albums in homage to her achievement, contribution, and mentorship. Even some streets in Cape Verde and Europe (particularly in France) have been named after her for the great person and singer that she was. She continues to be celebrated at home and abroad until today. In a bid to remember her rich legacy, Google created a special doodle in her honor to celebrate what would have been her 78th birthday on Tuesday 27th August 2019. Considering that, here are the most interesting facts that you need to know about Cesária Évora. She sang in Creole-Portuguese Cesária Évora composed her music and sang them in Creole-Portuguese. Évora specialized in morna, the traditional music style of Cape Verde. Her songs typically had melancholic,

poetic undertones. Morna is widely considered the national music of Cape Verde as is the merengue for the Dominican Republic, the rumba for Cuba, and so on. One of her most famous songs is a recording of the coladeira song “Sodade”, which encapsulates the nostalgia of emigrants from Cape Verde. Évora included the song, which dates back to the Fifties, in her 1992 album Miss Perfumado.

She had a stunning musical career Born on 27 August 1941, Évora took up singing as a girl, and as an adult began her career by performing at bars in her hometown of Mindelo. After several years of singing without major breakthrough, she was eventually spotted by former musician and record producer José da Silva, who urged her to record her music in France. After she got her start in 1988, Évora released new albums every two years or so over the course of 21 years. She performed barefoot on stage In 2004, her album Voz d’Amor won Best Apart from her exceptionally beautiful voice, Contemporary World Music Album at the there was also one striking quality about Grammys, following up on her first nominaCesária Évora; she performed barefoot hence tion for the 1995 Cesária. the name the “Barefoot Diva” Her final album, Nha Sentimento​, came out in Many people have interpreted it as a sign of 2009, two years before her death. solidarity with the poor and even being in She has an Airport named in her honor touch with her humble beginnings. After the death of her father, a musician, when Not many musicians can boast of having airshe was seven, Évora was placed in an orphan- ports named after them, Cesária Évora is an exception. age. While she built a reputation as a singer São Pedro Airport which operated since 1960 early on in her life, Évora was forced to temporarily give up on music in the 1970s due to was renamed Cesária Évora Airport on March 8, 2012, in honor of the singer. financial issues. The airport, which is located on the island of She only returned to it in the 1980s and released her first album, La Diva Aux Pieds Nus, São Vicente, is the third busiest in the tiny island country. in 1988. A statue of the singer also stands at the termiCesária Évora, however, disputed this theory, nal entrance. in an interview with The Washington Post in 2001. “People used to say that I did that in solidarity She is featured on the new 2000 Escudos with the hungry people and all the poor peobanknote ple of the world, but that’s not true. Evora’s face is featured in the new 2000 Escu“In Cape Verde, lots of people are like me. dos banknote which was introduced in DeThey just don’t like to wear shoes.” cember 22, 2014

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AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2019



Uganda launches national airline with flights to Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya After two decades of not operating, Uganda has re-launched the maiden flight to regional areas of East Africa. The first flight was bound to Nairobi, Kenya.

WHY IT MATTERS: Uganda Airlines will connect the east African countries such as Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and more.

“The airline will first fly to seven destinations. Starting with Nairobi, Mogadishu, Juba, and Dar es Saalam. And then to Mombasa, Kilimanjaro and Bujumbura,” said Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda at Entebbe International Airport.

The fees have been released to indicate the ticket fare for every destination. Destinations for the Uganda Airlines will be Kampala to BujumUganda Airlines is launching into increasingly bura, Kampala to Nairobi, Kampala to Dar Es crowded East African skies, where both RwanSalaam, Kampala to Kigali. da and Tanzania have in recent years revived their national airlines in a bid to capture a slice The Uganda Minister Ruhakana Rugunda has of the booming market. represented the president of Uganda, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as he is away in Japan to They are taking on regional giants Kenya Airattend the seventh Tokyo International Confer- ways — which continues to expand despite ence for Africa Development, TICAD, to launch struggling with years of losses and management the Uganda Airlines first inaugural flight. woes — and Ethiopian Airlines, which largely dominates the skies. “Uganda Airlines is coming to compete in the

market alongside other airlines”, said Transport Minister Monica Azuba. “Uganda Airlines will have direct flights from Uganda to China plus other countries, and it will be very important in hitting the four million tourist goal the government has set,” said Tourism Minister Ephraim Kamuntu. The East African countries such as Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania are massively investing in national Airlines carriers in order to boost trade.




AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2019

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Burundi drummers slam Rwanda over EAGT’s ‘unauthorized use’ The Burundian drummers performed Saturday, August 24, 2019, in Bujumbura, a demonstration to condemn the use of Burundian drummers abusively by Burundian refugees living in Rwanda.

The demonstrations which began with a prayer and the singing of the national anthem led the demonstrators to the Rwandan embassy in Burundi with, Ms. Godefride Hakizimana, permanent secretary at the Ministry of Culture and Sports, thanked the Burundian drummers who fight to keep the culture and customs of the country. “ Drums are the heritage of Burundians only and not other countries, ” she said.

Abed Duniya, who spoke on behalf of the Burundian drummers, said they were surprised by the way Rwanda violated international standards by using Burundi drums in an abusive manner. Normally, he explained, in a procession of drummers, the color of the outfit is relative to the color of the national flag.

Related: East Africa Got Talent: Rwanda railed over the misuse of Burundi drums. In addition, the visionary of the drummers must have a spear and a shield. However, during the competition, there was no national flag of the Republic of Burundi. In addition, the visionary was a woman who did not wear a spear and a shield, said Mr. Duniya who, on this occasion, asked the government of Burundi to file a complaint against the Rwandan government for abusing the culture of Burundi. It should be noted that East Africa Got talent body issued a statement saying that there were no violations of any kinds by the drummers living in Rwanda to perform in the East Africa Got Talent.

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AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2019



African Women Entrepreneurs secure 251 million dollars from G7 leaders

French President Emmanuel Macron and G7 leaders on Sunday approved a donation of $251 million in support of the African Development Bank’s AFAWA initiative to support women Entrepreneurs in Africa.

THE BIG PICTURE: Benin star Angélique Kidjo(middle pictured) has managed to secure hundreds of millions of dollars funding from the G7 world leaders for female entrepreneurs in Africa. She was at the summit in the French resort in Biarritz along with the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK when she secured $251m (£226m), BBC reported. Macron at a press conference at the G7 Summit in Biarritz, France stated that he is particularly proud, as the current G7 president, and the program they are supporting. “The AFAWA initiative comes from an African organization, the African Development Bank, which works with African guarantee funds and a network of African banks,” he added. The risk-sharing mechanism used by AFAWA (Affirmative Finance Action for Women in Africa ) is a practical approach to international commitments.

Angelique Kidjo spoke at the summit in her capacity as the ambassador for a women’s finance project at the African Development Bank, called Affirmative Finance Action for Women in Africa. This fund is designed to help women get into business and help them grow their businesses. The priority for small entrepreneurs to have access to credit. “My main focus is on rural women, women of the market, and hard-toreach women … Women of the market do not trust banks because they are not welcome,” Kidjo said. Africa has the highest percentage of female entrepreneurs in the world, meaning one in four women start or manage their own

business, according to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2016/17 Women’s Report. It should be noted that the leaders of the G7 worked much on the solution of the Brazilian fires in the Amazon Rainforests . The G7 leaders promised to give Brazil 22 million dollars to help tackle the Amazon fires crisis. But the leader of Brazil, Mr. Bolsonaro rejected the offer of the G7 leaders amid the fallout with the French president, Emmanuel Macron. The two were involved in a spat, leading to the president of Brazil to ridicule Macron’s wife of her age (65)compared to her husband’s, Macron(the 40s).




AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2019

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Museveni met the UN Special Envoy for Burundi

The president of Uganda, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, met the United Nations Special Envoy for Burundi, Michel Kafando, on Friday, August 23, 2019, in Kampala. WHY IT MATTERS: The UN Special Envoy for Burundi, Michel Kafando, has been tasked by the UN Secretarygeneral Antonio Guterres to spearhead the peace talks between Burundians after the 2015 crisis erupted and saw hundreds of thousands(UNHCR data) of refugees flee Burundi to neighboring countries. As local medai reported , President Museveni met Michel Kafando with the UN Resident Coordinator in Uganda, Rosa Malango in Kampala.

President Yoweri Museveni has held a meeting with the United Nations Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Burundi, Michael Kafando and his delegation with whom the President discussed issues pertaining to the mediation peace process and security of Burundi.

The United Nations Resident Coordinator, Rosa Malango, also attended the meeting that took place on Friday at State House, Entebbe.

The letter contained the harshest answer ever from Yoweri Kaguta Museveni to his counterpart of Burundi.

Michel Kafando was also seen recently visiting Rwanda amid the ongoing frosty ties between Gitega and Kigali.

Burundi reacted to this leaking and blamed Uganda for doing it deliberately. Since then, relations between Kampala and Gitaga have been a bit low.

It should be remembered that Yoweri Museveni of Uganda has been tasked to mediate on the peace process of Burundians. But cracks in relationships between Gitega and Kampala also surfaced when the Museveni letter to his counterpart of Burundi leaked to ‘unauthorized channels’ and reached the ‘unintended recipients’.

It is expected that Yoweri Museveni will go on and broker a peace deal between Burundians.

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AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2019


Finally, the DR Congo Government established after 7 months of absence At last, the Democratic Republic of Congo’s governement has been established after the seven months of absence since the last January 2019

The DR Congo president, Felix Tshisekedi announced the establishment of the DR Congo government via an issued communique signed by him on Monday, August 26, 2019.

and Felix Tshisekedi camp have been dragging on in order to reach the consensus on the composite government. #RDC #Gouvernement Ordonnance n• 19/077 du 26 août The Prime Minister, Ilunga Sylvestre 2019, portant nomination des has announced yesterday on Sunday VicesPremiers ministres, des that the composite government has been Ministres d’Etat, des Minisset up and ready to run the country. tres, des Ministres délégués et des Vicesministres. (pages Related: Will DRC’s new Prime Minis1-4) be able to tackle the challenges the DazGj country is facing? — Présidence RDC (@Presidence_RDC) August 26, 2019 THE BIG PICTURE: Since the swearing-in of the DR Congo president, Felix As shown on the president’s decrees Tshisekedi, there has been no estabsigned by him, the DR Congoo govlished government of DR Congo. Nego- ernement will be made up of 31 mintiations between Joseph Kabila camp isters, four women included.

Political analysts say that the newly established DR congo government is mainly pro-Kabila, meaning that Joseph Kabila, although he has willingly accepted to quit and hand the governement to Felix counterpart, he still has a ‘strong hand‘ in the DR Congo government. The Prime Minister, Sylvestetre Ilunga said of the new DR Congo governement as the ‘fresh and new blood’ as it is composed by 3/4 representatives who are ‘new debutants’ in the politics of the country. This has come as a relief to governement companies which ave been going running without paying its employees for several months.




AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2019

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DR Congo opposition accuses the newly set Gov’t to be under Kabila’s clout

Although the Democratic Republic of Congo has set up a new government after 7 months of absence , the opposition members are still criticizing it of its impartiality and working under Joseph Kabila’s political clout ort influence. that Tshisekedi’s predecessor, Kabila, maintains the majority of the seats in the government and doesn’t want to leave power.

“He is [Kabila] still the main leader of the DRC and Tshisekedi isn’t the real president…that is why we want to call all the people to get up and to put them out and to begin a good transition with our popular salvation authority.”

Although Felix Tshisekedi won the much-contested DR Congo elections, it appears now that the opposition members are voicing their concerns and accusing the new president of being a puppet, VOA added.

THE BIG PICTURE: The newly set government, called a ‘coalition government’, is made up of almost 80 % percent of Kabila’s camp, the fact which angers the opposition members, slamming the Tshisekedi government of leaving them out in favor of Joseph Kabila, the former president. As the Voice of America reported , the 65-member cabinet includes 23 appointees from Tshisekedi’s Direction for Change Party and 42 from former President Joseph Kabila’s Common Front for Congo coalition. But members of the DRC’s numerous other political parties are warning that the cabinet gives too much power to allies of the former president and not enough to opposition voices.

The leading opposition member, Jean Pierre Bemba, took to Twitter to slam the newly set government over its inadequacies. Un gouvernement pléthorique, un budget de l’Etat qui va en s’amenuisant. Comment répondre aux besoins impérieux du peuple Congolais ? Comment faire face aux enjeux sanitaires, sécutaires, économiques et sociaux de la #RDC ? — Jean Pierre Bemba (@bembajp) August 26, 2019

Related: Finally, the DR Congo Government established after 7 months of absence Emery Kalwira, president of the opposition group Congolese Coalition, told VOA

“You know that Kabila is controlling the two parliamentary senates and the parliament and the biggest majority from the government composition is from him. That shows that … Congolese people will still be suffering, and that’s why we say Mr. Kabila must go out. Because Tshisekedi is not the real president,” Kalwira added.

But Tshisekedi camp told VOA and rejected these accusations from the opposition members, saying that the newly set government is diversely composed and that it did not leave out anyone meeting the requirements.

RegionWEEK is a Weekly News Briefing about Brurundi and East Africa. Publisher: RegionWeek Ltd Editor in chief: Fabrice Iranzi Head of Africa Bureau: John Nshimirimana 11, Avenue du Gouvernement, Rohero Bujumbura-Burundi Tél: +257 79 43 28 86 P.O Box 6402 Bujumbura

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