RegionWeek 17th Edition

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Davido emerges as the highest-paid influencer on Instagram with $474,000

2020 CHAN Qualifiers: Burundi among 15 countries qualified for the final round Burundi national team is has booked its ticket to move to the final qualifying round counting for the 2020 African Championship (CHAN) Qualifiers.


Health Minister denies UN report of ‘epidemic Malaria in Burundi’. The Minister of Health and AIDS Control, Dr. Thaddée Ndikumana , denied on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 during a press conference, the information broadcast by Radio France International (RFI), citing the UN Ofce for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, OCHA, which has recently launched an alert for a malaria epidemic, while “it is not there yet”.

Two mass shootings in the United States have claimed 29 lives within 24 hours and left dozens of others injured and hospitalized for treatment.

Kagame calls for stepped up efforts to end hunger for the African continent.

According to him, ‘when we declared malaria in 2017 as an epidemic, we counted in 4 months 4,913,150 patients who suffered from malaria with about 4500 deaths’.

President Paul Kagame, the president of R w a n d a efforts to end hunger on the African Continent. Kagame made the call on Monday while speaking at the on-going African Food Security Leadership Dialogue (AFSLD) in Kigali.

While for this year, from January to June, there are 4,394,616 patients and 1,400 registered deaths, Minister Ndikumana says the numbers have gone up, but they have not reached the 2017 threshold at all.

Burundi Head of State evaluated the civil societies Burundi Head of State Pierre Nkurunziza met in Ngozi province, Tuesday, August 6, 2019, officials of public companies and companies with public participation in a meeting to assess the state of distribution of dividends in these companies.

United States of America: 29 killed in two mass shootings.

North Korea stole $2 billion from banks and cryptocurrency exchanges for weapons, UN report.

President Kagame joins his counterpart of Zambia to launch SDGs Sub-Regional Center Rwanda head of state Paul Kagame has arrived in Lusaka, capital of Zambia to launch the SDGs Sub-Regional Center for Southern Africa. President Kagame who is also the Chairman of the board of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Centre for Africa, joins his counterpart President Edgar Lungu

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Health Minister denies UN report of ‘epidemic Malaria in Burundi’.

The Minister of Health and AIDS Control, Dr. Thaddée Ndikumana , denied on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 during a press conference, the information broadcast by Radio France International (RFI), citing the UN Ofce for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, OCHA, which has recently launched an alert for a malaria epidemic, while “it is not there yet”. According to him, ‘when we declared malaria in 2017 as an epidemic, we counted in 4 months 4,913,150 patients who suffered from malaria with about 4500 deaths’.

The latter supported health centers and visited communities to detect and treat malaria free of charge. It indicates these measures taken have had positive results since the death rate has significantly decreased by 50% compared While for this year, from January to June, there to 2017. are 4,394,616 patients and 1,400 registered deaths, Minister Ndikumana says the numbers According to Mr. Ndikumana, apart from these have gone up, but they have not reached the measures that the government has taken, oth2017 threshold at all. er approaches have been made to gradually reduce the death rate among patients who suffer THE BIG PICTURE: According to from malaria through intra-domiciliary spraying the UN report, around half of Burun- in districts that have experienced outbreaks, dians have (5, 7 million) have been not to mention the free first-line treatment infected by Malaria and up top 1800 (Amodiaquine-Artesunate). registered deaths from Malaria, as it declared the disease as ‘epidemic’ In addition, with the support of WHO, there has in Burundi. been the efficacy test of this first-line treatment. The preliminary figures observed already Moreover, the rise of these figures for the year show a decrease in efficiency, which is why 2019 is justified, according to the Minister of the Ministry intends to abandon it to start the Health, by the fact that since the outbreak of Coartem currently used in the sub-region. malaria in the northern, central and eastern districts, the government of Burundi has ear- The minister reassures the Burundian society marked a sum of one billion US dollars and that the situation is not at all alarming and urghired temporarily 360 health providers to as- es them to sleep always under long-lasting insist the population. secticide-treated mosquito nets.


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RegionWeek August 2019

Kenya: Ejected breastfeeding MP sparks row in Parliament. Kenyan MP, Zuleikha Hassan, who was kicked out on Wednesday for bringing her baby into the Parliament, has sparked uproar in Parliament, raising concerns over the Women’s rights in the country.

According to local media, the ejected MP said the row highlighted the need to open up spaces for women and mothers. THE BIG PICTURE: Kenya’s parliament in 2017 passed a motion compelling employers to provide safe spaces for mothers and their children. Proponents of the legislation say little progress has been made since. Hassan said her actions resulted in the speedy creation of a long-promised parliament and she hoped it would also spark discussion over the difficulties faced by many young women who felt forced to choose between family or career.

“It should highlight the challenges young women face,” she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in a phone call from parliament in Nairobi.”If we now can have workplaces around Kenya that have nurseries – something so simple but with such a big impact – that would be a move in the right direction.”

‘How it all happened’ The ejected MP, Hassan, brought her child into the Parliament and breastfed her…but the meeting chairman raised objections that the MP should be cast outside, that the Parliament was not a place to ‘nurse children’. The other MPs in the room protested that it is wrong to cast the breastfeeding MP out-

side and created uproar in the room. Hassan, 39, an MP for the center-left Orange Democratic Movement, said she took her fivemonth-old baby girl Mwanabaraka to work on Wednesday after struggling to get childcare which would normally have meant she would have to stay at home.

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“I think I have been patient enough,” said the mother-of-four. “I reached my limit and I said ‘I am going with my baby to work’.” Some Kenyan lawmakers are protesting against a decision by the temporary speaker of parliament’s lower house to eject their colleague who was holding her young child during a session of the legislature. As VOA reported, Saida Ali, a Kenyan gender rights activist said in her view, it was the Parliament speaker who was out of order, instead of the ejected MP. “This is an example of how patriarchy sends out a message that certain spaces are male spaces, certain spaces, certain leadership, certain decision making institutions are not spaces for women, and for me that is problematic because we are basically saying patriarchy as a system continues to assert male authority and legitimizes the oppression of women,” said Ali.

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President Kagame joins his counterpart of Zambia to launch SDGs Sub-Regional Center

Rwanda head of state Paul Kagame has arrived in Lusaka, capital of Zambia to launch the SDGs Sub-Regional Center for Southern Africa. President Kagame who is also the Chairman of the board of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Centre for Africa, joins his counterpart President Edgar Lungu. According to Alexander Chiteme, minister of National Development Planning, said the two leaders will launch the center on Wednesday, 7th August 2019 in Lusaka, the Zambian capital. As Chiteme said, the launch, which is a one-day event brings together over 200 government officials, international organizations, development financing institutions, statistics institutions and experts from southern Africa and beyond, to discuss the major themes relevant to SDG implementation in Africa with focus on the sub-region.

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“As part of delegates, all the ministers charged with the coordination of SDGs implementation predominately ministers responsible for national development within the region, have been invited to attend this important event,” Chiteme noted.

The sub-regional center, he said, will assist southern African countries to unlock bottlenecks that hinder the smooth implementation of the SDGs and help achieve the goals.

“The SDG Sub-regional Center is an international not-for-profit institution, which, once launched, will provide technical support, neutral advice, and expertise to national governments, private sector, civil society, and academic institutions in order to accelerate the implementation of the SDG agenda,” he said in a release.

The launch follows the signing of a country agreement in September 2018 between the Zambian government and the SDG Center for Africa. Rwanda hosts the SDGs Center for Africa – part of the global goals launched three years ago where the 193 members of the United Nations signed up.

In September last year, the Zambian government signed an agreement with the SDGs Center for Africa Secretariat to host the sub-regional center. The Zambia Center is launched amid a report which claimed that Africa is trailing behind in the implementation of the SGDs goals. The report, dubbed “a three-year reality check”, which was released in June this year, takes a comprehensive in-depth look at where Africa stands in delivering the needs of its people, and the picture it draws is worrying. As the report itself coyly observes, three years after the adoption of the SDGs, there remains “much-unfinished business”.



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RegionWeek August 2019

North Korea stole $2 billion from banks and cryptocurrency exchanges for weapons, UN report. UN report seen by Reuters showed that North Korea “used cyberspace to launch increasingly sophisticated attacks to steal funds from nancial institutions and cryptocurrency exchanges to generate income.”

The UN Security Council publishes a report twice a year to a UN committee which is in charge of enforcing sanctions on North Korea. The hermit kingdom led by Kim Jong Un has been slapped with three rounds of sanctions, which includes bans on exports on everything from seafood to iron and coal. The sanctions followed Pyongyang’s proli c range of missile launches and nuclear weapons tests in 2017. Over the past few weeks, North Korea has resumed its nuclear program by launching ballistic missiles. North Korea leader, Kim Jong Un, stated that the launches were meant as a ‘warning to the US and South Korea’

North Korea stole $2bn (£1.64bn) from banks and cryptocurrency exchanges to fund its nuclear weapons program.

It should be noted the United States and South are doing their military drills. North Korea has described these US-South Korea military drills as rehearsals for invading North Korea. But the US and South Korea say that these military drills are in defensive, not offensive, nature

According to a new leaked United Nations report, seen and cited by a range of prestigious media outlets, including Bloomberg, North Korea has about “30 overseas representatives controlling bank accounts and facilitating transactions, including for illicit transfers of coal and petroleum.” Pyongyang also “continued to enhance its nuclear and missile programmes although it did not conduct a nuclear test or ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) launch,” said the report to the UN Security Council North Korea At a press conference, a UN sanctions committee by independent experts monitoring spokesperson said that UN Seccompliance over the past six months. retary-General Antonio Guterres believed the missile launches The UN’s Security Council also said in that report: “Ongoing deficien- were “just another reminder of cies in Member States implementation of financial sanctions com- the importance of restarting talks bined with DPRK’s [Democratic People’s Republic of Korea] deceptive on the denuclearisation of the practices enabled the country to continue to access the international Korean Peninsula.” financial system. Large scale attacks against cryptocurrency exchanges allow the DPRK to generate income in ways that are harder to trace and subject to less government oversight and regulation than the traditional banking sector.

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Burundi Head of State evaluated the civil societies Burundi Head of State Pierre Nkurunziza met in Ngozi province, Tuesday, August 6, 2019, ofcials of public companies and companies with public participation in a meeting to assess the state of distribution of dividends in these companies.

The ndings show that some companies in which the state has invested are performing well but do not return all dividends to the state while others give nothing while they show performance. The Head of State was accompanied by two of his senior advisers who exposed, in turn, the state of the distribution of dividends at the level of public and para-public companies. ‘Three categories’ The nding was that these companies fall into 3 categories. According to the speakers, some companies do formal management and make prots but do not give up all the shares that come back to the State. Another category is composed, according to the speakers by companies that make performances but give nothing as dividends to the State. The third category is made up of companies that do not perform or work at a loss. Speaking, President Pierre Nkurunziza reminded that this money is not really money from the state, but rather funds that come from citizens through taxes. He explained that if a company in which the state has invested prots, dividends should be returned to the state reserve to nance public services and construction of public infrastructure to accelerate the development of the country. The Head of State took this opportunity to commission a study that will release all the prots made by each public company or public participation since its foundation and the dividends received by the State.

This study will also have the mission to establish the responsibilities for all the deciencies which would appear in the management of the public and para-public companies. As long as these public and publicly-owned enterprises use a lot of capital, this study, which will be produced next October, will show the annual contribution of each company in the implementation of the National Development Plan to reach in 2027 the growth rate of 10, 6% that the state has set. “If the General State Budget is now nanced by the taxpayer’s taxes, what is the role of these companies? “asked the Head of State. Finally, the President of the Republic encouraged business leaders who are putting themselves in order and asked those who are less successful to pull themselves together.



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RegionWeek August 2019

2020 CHAN Qualifiers: Burundi among 15 countries qualified for the final round Burundi national team is has booked its ticket to move to the nal qualifying round counting for the 2020 African Championship (CHAN) Qualiers. tion organized by CAFwhich decides the participating teams of the 2020 African Nations Championship. The continental tournament is reserved for only national team players who play in their country’s own domestic league. The 2020 CHAN which is set to kick off in January will feature a total of 16 teams including Cameroon which qualify automatically as hosts. Here are the xtures according to the Zones.

Burundi Swallows of the players who play their home league booked their place at North Africa Zone: the nal qualifying round after beating South Algeria – Morocco Tunisia – Libya in the rst and the second legs. Burundi beat South Sudan 2-0 in the rst leg played in Bujumbura at Intwari Stadium before edging them out following a 2-1 score during the second leg played in Uganda at Startimes Stadium.

West Africa Zone A: Mauritania – Mali Senegal – Guinea

Africa Zone West B: Togo – Nigeria Burundi will now face Uganda Cranes in a Niger – Ivory Coast two-legged tie counting for the 2020 CHAN Ghana – Burkina Faso qualication next year in Cameroon. Central Africa Zone: Burundi will host Uganda in the rst leg to Central Africa – DR Congo be played in Bujumbura at Intware Stadi- Equatorial Guinea – Congo um on September 20, 2019, and Uganda will host the return leg on October 18 in Eastern Zone Burundi – Uganda Kampala. Ethiopia – Rwanda The rst legs of the nal qualifying round are Tanzania – Sudan slated between 20 to 22 September, while the return legs are scheduled from 18 to Southern Zone Zambia – Eswatini 20 October. Namibia – Madagascar The 2020 African Nations Championship Lesotho – Zimbabwe qualication is a men’s football competi-

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Kagame calls for stepped up efforts to end hunger for the African continent. President Paul Kagame, the president of R w a n d a efforts to end hunger on the African Continent. Kagame made the call on Monday while speaking at the ongoing African Food Security Leadership Dialogue (AFSLD) in Kigali.

“We are off track with the Malabo Declaration target to eradicate hunger by 2025. In fact, since it was signed in 2014, undernourishment has been rising again in many African countries,” the President warned.

Noting that “almost 20 percent of Africans are undernourished”, the Head of State assured other leaders that the problem can be ended with the right kind of technology, partnership, and cooper“Increased agricultural productivity is ation. “Here in R w a n d a , we have had our struggles with this (malnutrition). But I assure you, with the knowledge that has been put in our hands, the technology, the support of partners, and ensuring that everyone participates, we are going to x this problem and we are going to succeed. If we can, everyone can,” he said.

essential for eradicating hunger and undernourishment. But food security is not where we stop. We want a continent that is truly prospering in every sense of the term. And agriculture is undoubtedly the foundation of Africa’s prosperity.

term. And agriculture is undoubtedly the foundation of Africa’s prosperity. That is the larger ambition we He warned that “undernourishment will negatively must challenge ourselves to achieve. We owe it to impact today’s children throughout their lives” if left the generations that follow us,” he said. unchecked. The two-day event brought together different stake“The entire human development agenda in Africa is holders as part of facilitating their engagement in at risk,” he said, calling for action. boosting collective action aimed at adapting Africa’s agriculture and food systems to climate change in With the ‘2019 State of Food Security and Nutri- order to improve on the continent’s food security. tion’ report by FAO indicating that 31 percent of the nearly 821 million people who are hungry worldwide Hosted by the Government of Rwanda, the meetcome from sub-Saharan Africa, Kagame called for ing was organized by core partners that include the collective efforts among partners to end the threat. African Union Commission, the World Bank Group, Related: World Bank allocates $200 million to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), boost basic education in Rwanda the African Development Bank, as well as the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). He said that the efforts will include adapting to climate change to increase agricultural produc- The dialogue brought together delegates that intion, improve national governance to end con icts, clude Heads of State, ministers of agriculture and and harness trade and private sector investments nance, heads of international institutions and Reacross the continent. gional Economic Commissions (RECs), Nobel prize laureates, and eminent scientists in order to cata“Increased agricultural productivity is essential lyze actions and nancing to help address Africa’s for eradicating hunger and undernourishment. But worsening food security crisis under recent climate food security is not where we stop. We want a con- change. tinent that is truly prospering in every sense of the



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RegionWeek August 2019

Saido Berahino to find another fresh start after failure at French Nimes

Burundi international Saido Berahino is in high pressure looking for a fresh start to rebuild his career after failing to land a deal at French club Nimes Olympic.

The 25-year-old striker tried his chance when he played a friendly for Nimes Olympic last week against Toulouse with the hope to get a deal with the club. But the club did not offer him a contract.

Berahino has returned to train at Belgian club Zulte Waregem, which has also expressed the possibility of signing him once his matter with Stoke City is sorted out.

As Burundi national team captain, Saido Berahino announced to start training in Zulte Waregem in Belgium in an attempt to build his career ahead of the new season after the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations held in Egypt as his nation made the first-ever debut at the continental tournament organized by CAF.

Although he made a test with Nîmes on Saturday against Toulouse (2-1) in a friendly match, Berahino was reportedly disgusted by the behavior of the Nîmes Olympic.

“From the beginning, he was able to note a lack of organization within the staff and an absence of obvious professionalism. He was made to visit the structures of the club as if everything was stalled, that it would be his locker room, his training grounds, etc …,” said a source close to Berahino during an interview with 10 Sport. “While no real condition of recruitment was not offered to him clearly, as is the case in all high-level clubs. And when he met the coach, he saw a demotivated coach, very cold, “He added “Despite his status, he agreed to give it a try because he was extremely motivated to play for this club. But not in these conditions … That’s why he’s leaving and he does not want to continue discussions around his coming. He abstains from speaking to respect the club but he is extremely surprised by the treatment he has shown and the treatment of the club’s coach. “Honestly, he’s a little amused by the situation because it’s been so strange that it’s worth better laugh. I really wonder how Nimes did to reach this level and stay there with this kind of practices. There was a nice move with Saido, it’s more than a shame. I am very worried about the future of the club …,” he concluded.

Burundi Striker was sacked by Stoke City as he has three years left on his contract with the club which runs until 2022. The 25-year-old striker was found guilty of drinking-driving in May, he was subsequently banned from driving and handed a £75,000 fine by the Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court. Berahino is currently in negotiations with the English Championship club over the end of his contract. Despite his club situation, former England youth international Berahino represented Burundi for the 2019 Total Africa Cup of Nations won by Algeria after beating Senegal in the final in Egypt. Berahio who lead the Swallows of Burundi as a captain, played all three matches as his country was eliminated from the 2019 AFCON in the group stages.

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United States of America: 29 killed in two mass shootings. Two mass shootings in the United States have claimed 29 lives within 24 hours and left dozens of others injured and hospitalized for treatment.

The first occurred in El Paso, Texas, where 20 people died in a shooting at an area Walmart store on a busy Saturday morning. On Twitter, the US President, President Donald Trump described that attack as “an act of cowardice.” One suspect was taken into custody in the immediate aftermath while authorities were studying an extremist manifesto purportedly written by the gunman. ‘How it all unfolded’ Thanks to an AFP report, a gunman armed with an assault rifle killed 20 people Saturday when he opened fire on shoppers at a packed Walmart store in El Paso, Texas. Less than 13 hours later, a lone shooter killed nine people in Dayton, Ohio early Sunday before being shot dead by responding police officers. The attacker opened fire around 1:00 am (0500 GMT) on a street in the popular bar and nightlife district called Oregon, leaving nine dead and 26 wounded. Footage captured with cellphones showed multiple bodies lying on the ground in the store’s parking lot. Other footage showed terrified shoppers running out of the store as gunfire increased, Breitbart reported. Police chief Greg Allen confirmed in addition to the 20 confirmed fatalities in El Paso, there were 26 wounded. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador confirmed three Mexican citizens were killed and Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said six others were wounded. Various news reports said the ages of victims being treated at hospitals ranged from two to 82 years. Police said that Walmart was “at capacity” at the time of the shooting, with 1,000-3,000 customers inside. A matter of hours later the second shooting tragedy played out in Dayton, Ohio. Nine were killed and another 26 injured in that mass shooting. Mayor Nan Whaley said the injured were in several hospitals distributed throughout the city. Whaley told reporters she was “amazed” by the quick response of the officers which she said prevented further deaths, but also stressed it would be a “very, very difficult time” for families of victims. “As a mayor, this is a day that we all dread happening,” she said. “What’s very sad is I’ve got messages from mayors across the country – it’s sad that we’ve all gone through it.” Assistant Police Chief Matt Carper had earlier told reporters patrol officers managed to take down the gunman. “Our people are very well trained for a situation like this,” he said, adding it was “very fortunate that the officers were in close proximity”.


Sudan military and protesters agree on a ‘transitional government’.

Sudan military leaders and protesters leaders have agreed to put up a constitutional declaration which will pave the way for the transition government and usher in a common governement agreed upon by all military and protesters. According to an AFP report, both protesters leaders and military leaders reached “full agreement”, meaning that there might bot be any scrapping of the deal reached upon between protesters and military leaders.

The announcement was made today on Saturday by an African Union mediator without giving further details.

“I am announcing to the Sudanese, African and international public opinion that the two delegations have fully agreed on the constitutional declaration,” AU mediator Mohamed El Hacen Lebatt told reporters.

meetings will be held to work out the technical details of the deal and discuss the formal signing ceremony. WHY IT MATTERS: Afryer the ouster of the long-serving, Omar Al Bashir, Sudan has been beset by protests reclaiming the departure of the military-led rule and unconditionally hand over the power to the civilian class. Sudan has been in turmoil since the military ousted President Omar al-Bashir in April. Protracted talks over the declaration have been held amid much violence.

The long-awaited declaration deal triggered celebrations in Sudan, which has been plunged into months of crisis.

Demonstrators cheered in the streets of Khartoum on Saturday to celebrate an agreement on a constitutional framework reached by Sudan’s military council and the civilian opposition.

Reuters reports of the document, which outlines the powers and the relationships between the branches of the transitional government, after weeks of protracted negotiations brokered by the African Union and neighboring Ethiopia amid sporadic bouts of violence in the capital Khartoum and other cities.


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Davido emerges as the highest-paid influencer on Instagram with $474,000

RegionWeek August 2019

Tennis star Serena Williams.

Explaining the reason for the annual list based on internal data, agency rate cards, and public information, Hopper HQ co-founder Mike Bandar told CNBC’s “Make It”: “Everyone has seen or responded to influencer marDavid Adeleke, popularly known as keting, whether they know it or not.” Davido, is reportedly stated to makes an estimated $74,000 (N26.7 million) every With a total of 11.9 million followers as at Monday, Autime he uploads a sponsored post on gust 5, 2019, and 83 percent of Instagram users saying they find new products and services on the platform, DaInstagram. vido is guaranteed to make even more this year. Born on November 21, 1992, Davido is the highest-earning celebrity in Nigeria. He is second-placed on the list of the highest-paid persons in Africa after Liverpool star, Mohammed Salah. He holds the 26th position, ranking higher than American basketball player Stephen Curry and retired professional boxer, Floyd Mayweather. Here are 2019’s top five highest-paid African influencers on Instagram:

Mohammed Salah According to the recent 2019 Instagram Rich List established by Hopper HQ, which is an automated Instagram scheduler, this makes him the highest-paid Nigerian celebrity influencer on the social media platform, especially on Instagram. Davido, who is ranked as the 38th highest-paid celebrity influencer on the social media platform, is the boss of DMW; He makes more than professional wrestler Ronda Rousey and Tennis star Serena Williams. Explaining the reason for the annual list based on internal data, agency rate cards, and public information, Hopper HQ co-founder Mike Bandar told CNBC’s “Make It”: “Everyone has seen or responded to influencer marketing, whether they know it or not.”

“We thought it would be interesting to explore the inner workings of the marketing channel, celebrate the growth of the industry and inspire those who want to be influencers.” He added

According to the recent 2019 Instagram Rich List established by Hopper HQ, which is an automated Instagram scheduler, this makes him the highest-paid Nigerian celebrity influencer on the social media platform, especially on Instagram. Davido, who is ranked as the 38th highest-paid celebrity influencer on the social media platform, is the boss of DMW; He makes more than professional wrestler Ronda Rousey and

Spot: 26 (Global); 1 (Africa) Followers: 30.7 million Earnings per post: $165,000 Net worth: $40 million Davido Spot: 38 (Global); 1 (Nigeria) Followers: 11.9 million Earnings per post: $74,000 Net worth: $16 million Funke Akindele -Bello Spot: 45 (Global); 2 (Nigeria) Followers: 8.1 million Earnings per post: $50,500 Net worth: $1 mill Wizkid Spot: 46 (Global) 3 (Nigeria) Followers: 8.1 million Earnings per post: $49,700 Net worth: $12 million Tiwa Savage Spot: 48 (Global) 4 (Nigeria) Followers: 7.7 million Earnings per post: $47,200 Net worth: $5 million

RegionWEEK is a Weekly News Briefing about Brurundi and East Africa. Publisher: RegionWeek Ltd Editor in chief: Fabrice Iranzi Head of Africa Bureau: John Nshimirimana 11, Avenue du Gouvernement, Rohero Bujumbura-Burundi Tél: +257 79 43 28 86 P.O Box 6402 Bujumbura

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