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Publisher/Editor-In-Chief Reign Congrejo Fashion Editor Bronxie Asst Fashion Editor Shantal Gravois CONTRIBUTORS CompE Sammie Audion Jamee Sandalwood Arya Braveheart Sita Writer Yhishara Cerise Magissa Denver Matt Thomson COVER PHOTO: Magissa Denver COVER MODEL: Ava Jean Westland

BOSL Magazine January 2021 Edition

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2021 BEGINS 62


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SL SKI LODGE Walking in a winter wonderland has reached new peaks in Second Life – snow peaks, that is. And ski runs, and ice skating, and more. I speak of Yeti’s Run Ski Resort, so realistically cold that one cyber shivers in a good way. Put on your winter boots and come with me. Visitors can immediately tell that Yeti’s Run is beautiful, and that beauty starts with the Lodge. Wooden floors and soft tones contrast with bright decorations for ringing in the New Year. The Lodge includes a lounge, restaurant, game rooms, coffee nook and café, and many other amenities awaiting discovery. As a focal point of Yeti’s Run, the main building’s features are abundant. Some standout, while others are more subtle surprises for which to dig. The quality and detail of the Lodge is indicative of the entire site; there is pride in craftsmanship, and it shows. “Lots of hard work and love went into it,” says the site’s owner and creator, Wyatt Reigns, about his snow- and ice-encased world of frigid fun spanning a full region. “Yeti’s Run Ski Resort took about a month to build.” But unlike many winter-come-lately sims, Yeti’s Run is more than a pretty face: Yeti’ Run is a hands-on experience.

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Everything is user interactive, including sleds, skies, snowballs, and even stoves and hot beverages. Also unlike most winter SL attractions, Yeti’s Run is here all year. “It will remain running through the winter months for skiing and snowboarding, and other activities.” Wyatt then adds, “But it is also open for other seasonal attractions. We will change it for springtime with mountains, horseback riding, trails, and more.” But that is in the future and this is now, with Jack Frost nipping at our pixels. Let’s do this. The Lodge is a great place to meet friends, so we did, enjoying cups of hot chocolate at its bar and playing games at its tables. All the favorite table games are here: Blitz, Skippo, Greedy, so deal me in. Or chat beside the stone fireplace and just enjoy the season with good friends and hot apple cider. But now it’s time to hit the slopes, where getting there is half the fun.

Article by: CompE|Photography: Contestants|Writing: Cara Paine

The Yeti’s Run ski lift is on a postcard-like vista with stunning views of the snowy world below. Before donning skis, take heed of each slope’s level of difficulty. Little Bear is for us snow bunnies just starting out. Alpine Way and Appalachian Way are intermediate courses for skiers who are self-assured but not ready for full-blown whiteknuckle encounters. Yeti’s Run is that encounter: the namesake slope is expert level for thrill in the chill. A convenient Ski Patrol is within walking distance. “It’s for the injured folks,” notes Wyatt with a smile. But skiing is only one of many frosty activities. Yeti’s Run is a selfcontained region of many venues. As for building and design, to borrow from an old Beatles’ tune, Wyatt gets by with a little help from his friends. “I had two great ladies that helped me make this all come to life,” he says, referring to girlfriend Danyell.Topaz and their friend, MsAmazon2u.Braveheart. “Both were largely responsible for the Village and they had a large hand in making this sim look the way it does.”

One look around shows they did well. “Our goal was to make the prettiest Winter Sim we could,” Danyell recalls. MsAmazon2u adds, “There are a lot of places to take pictures, posing with friends and hanging out. Games are everywhere.” Danyell drew from experience when doing her part in the creation of Yeti’s Run. “Christmas and winter were the time of year as a child where I smiled and had fun. I want that for others, too. This is the place for that. Come, have fun, let your inner kid run free and forget about the problems of a horrible year.” She speaks of 2020, when the world was plagued by COVID-19 but Second Life wasn’t. Yeti’s Run is a coronavirus-free zone. No masks required except ski masks. In addition to skiing, visitors can enjoy ice bumper cars, snowboarding, ice skating, Christmas Putt-Putt, and snowball fights. Opportunities to act like adults are also available to interested parties.

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Seven cabin rentals are embedded in the snowy hills, fully furnished for a relaxing SL getaway. Shopping is available, with more vendors coming. In addition, we are invited to ski all day and dance by night.’ The Music Barn is a fully functional ballroom for dances and other events. “It can hold a lot of people,” says Wyatt. “That was our goal in building it.” It’s a great place to forget social distancing for a while, too. As the sun sets on Yeti’s Run, snowflakes continue to drift and darkness falls on white mountains. Sadly, nighttime gradually claims this winter world – unless you reset the SL sun position to ‘Midday’, which I just did. Time to hit the slopes again! Happy New Year, and enjoy the snowy world of Yeti’s Run yet again.

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PANDASIA When arriving at Pandasia, westerners may find the place a little ‘over the top’. A Buddhist garden with pandas is perhaps not something one might expect to encounter in life. A little background can help. In Chinese culture, the panda is the symbol for friendship and peace, and associating this to the tranquility of a meditation garden is not so far-fetched. Because of their symbolic meaning, pandas are given by the Chinese government to selected zoos around the world to establish friendship with other countries. Often, the panda is compared to yin and yang because of the black and white coloring of their pelt. This association is actually not misplaced because of the animals peaceful, well-balanced, and calm behavior, especially when in captivity. When observed in the wild, the pandas are said to be a little more aggressive and strong as a tiger— which might explain why they barely have any predators lurking in the dark. Well, except for the panda cubs; they have to be protected from snow leopards and martens. Considering that pandas enjoy an herbivorous diet, it’s surprising that they are classified as Ursidae just like their carnivorous brothers. Like in Real Life (RL), the cuddly animals do their thing on Pandasia— which is usually eating about 20 to 30 pounds of bamboo per day. Good thing that they are not as hungry in the virtual world or the garden would be a desert very soon. So, having said all this, we might agree that pandas have their justification in the dreamlike tranquility of this Buddhist garden. After all, the sim builder, T-Chat (noisette.haller), made ‘panda’ part of this destination’s name. The sim itself appears to be an island on a lake in a mountainous landscape. On closer observation, the lake must be saltwater, as a dolphin jumps out to the water in the background from time to time. A couple of structures are spread out over the idyllic landscape, connected by pathways and piers. The cute pandas made the place their own, yet Pandasia is peaceful and inviting.

Article & Photography by: Sammie Audion On arrival, just walk over the pier, but watch out for the dragon to your right. You never know if the old beast got up in a bad mood. A larger boat allows for bigger parties to get together for a tea gathering. No one knows if they would serve warm rice wine if one would ask. When continuing the exploration, various meditation structures such as covered decks greet you. Make no mistake: the journey to those structures is at least as fascinating as the destination. Many details are rewarding to those who take the time looking. For instance, beautiful birds call these islands home, and a little sheep is jumping happily on a rock. Another structure, perhaps you would call it a shed or a little house, has tables with chairs outside. In fact, many sitting areas are distributed all over the sim. Many of the sits tested where actually pretty good, and some refreshingly different (yet not hideous) in comparison to what one usually finds out there on the grid. This particular garden sitting area is simply perfect for the long overdue chat with a friend you could not see for such a long time now due to COVID-19. Dawdling around the three islands using only the piers and bridges leaves much of the world missed. Make sure to board one of the rowboats. Wear (add) the rows given, so you can maneuver the boat and explore beyond what meets the eye on arrival. Float along and explore more secluded, incredibly romantic places that T-Chat created with so much love for detail. Might it be the small enclosed cave-like tavern with a lovely beach containing a Japanese-style dining table for two? If that is not the perfect romantic spot for a date or anniversary, I don’t know what is. For others, it might be beach house. A protected campfire at the beach with a cozy sitting area might be the perfect spot. Of course, dance intans are spread out all over the sim.

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That is just a part of the hidden treasures that can be found at Pandasia. In these troubled times, to be reminded of the friendship and peace that pandas stand for can’t be a bad thing. Even if you feel the whole meditative lifestyle isn’t your scene, the place is certainly enjoyable, romantic, and very well built. Besides, aren’t them pandas über-cuddly, eh?

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DECODING THE NATURE OF BEAUTY Beauty. Some say it is timeless, others say it is in the eye of the beholder, and still more believe that the concept of beauty is constantly shifting. Most of us also equate beauty with love: the love of family, the love of a treasured spouse or significant other, the love of the beauty of nature and the cosmos, the love of self, and the love of the senses. Many believe that our concept of beauty changes and evolves with the times, our experiences, and even our mood. Beauty, and our appreciation of it, help to define us as people in Real Life and in Second Life. Technology has put the power to define beauty into the hands of millions of people from all over the world. People that, even twenty years ago, might not have had the access to the marvelous technology that is at our fingertips today. Mobile phones allow people to capture what they think is beautiful almost instantly and print it to share with others-- everywhere with the click of a button. Our technology even allows us to enhance beauty with the use of apps and special photography programs that have filters to alter and manipulate the appearance of images. Today, every one of us is a photographer, one way or another! In SL, we are able to shoot fantastic photos and bring textures and shapes from the real world that dazzle and amaze residents. Many artists and fashionistas, designers and models are dedicated to the art of what they believe is beautiful and fantastic in SL. Many of us find joy in looking at these images to experience the beauty of SL-- especially in these uncertain times. Beauty is, of course, bound by the times we live in; it is also cultural and generational. What one community or generation considers beautiful, another may not. What one group of people admires and finds irresistible can repulse others. In a word, beauty is subjective. So, how does one define beauty? I suppose defining a snowflake or a soap bubble is easier than defining beauty! One constant is that beauty is personal: we know it when we see it– or so we think! One way to look at beauty is to see how it has been defined through time. Beauty has been one of the most intricate topics of philosophical

Article By: Sita Writer|Photography : Bronxie One way to look at beauty is to see how it has been defined through time. Beauty has been one of the most intricate topics of philosophical discussions through the centuries. Plato, for example, said, “Beauty of style and harmony and grace and good rhythm depend on simplicity.” Confucius said, “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” Aristotle said, “Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference.” These statements are timeless and still relevant today. Many well-known poets and authors express beauty in lofty words and romantic phrases. “Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art,” wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson, while John Keats said, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever: its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.” William Blake put his concept of beauty simply: “Exuberance is beauty.” And painter Vincent Van Gogh said, “If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” I mean, who can disagree with these statements? Then there is fashion-- an industry that celebrates beauty at its best and discriminates at its worse –-and no, I am not going there. Like it or not, fashion plays on life, on art, and on love! It often defines eras and how we view our sense of self worth and beauty. According to Coco Chanel, “beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” Alexander McQueen finds, “I think there is beauty in everything. What ‘normal’ people would perceive as ugly, I can usually find something of beauty in it.” And the iconic Yves Saint Laurent thinks, “I have always believed that fashion was not only to make women more beautiful, but also to reassure them, give them confidence.” The quest for the perfect look is global and expensive, and today’s society accepts the concept of improving one’s beauty. This is easy to do in SL. Let’s not forget the beauty of nature that gives us a feeling of well-being and fulfillment. Sometimes it is good to unplug, head out into the great outdoors, and take in the sights and sounds of your surroundings. You may find an inner peace and beauty that you have been missing. As Rachael Carson said,

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“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” The famous photographer, Ansel Adams said, “I believe the world is incomprehensibly beautiful-– an endless prospect of magic and wonder.” The Navajo have a prayer about the beauty of nature: “As I walk, the universe is walking with me. In beauty, it walks before me. In beauty, it walks behind me. In beauty, it walks below me. In beauty, it walks above me. Beauty is on every side.” The search for beauty spans the centuries and continents. BOSL hopes that this is a source of inspiration-- one that helps you to aspire to all that you can be and more in both SL and RL. And most of all, we hope that in the coming year you will share all the goodness inside of you and what you think is beautiful to your friends and family.

Some would question why am I doing domestic violence awareness in Second Life “It’s only a game.” I do not share that thought at all. Many would send me IM’s out of the blue and just tell me their story. Many find me a release, and others I help sort out their thoughts. Reign, Jamee, Issy and all the staff at BOSL/MVW/BLVD, continues to support why I entered MVW and what I want to do. Reign offered me a gorgeous satellite store at the beautiful BOSL Innovation Pavilion Shopping Complex. When guests visit the BOSL Pavilion, they can pick up information regarding the Center as well as know why I created my store Heels. Whatever I wanted to help with either my Center or my Event, I Said NO SL to Benefit RAINN, they are there for guidance, advice and of course their support.”

Morgan is not only gentle, but she is also compassionate and, she holds those close to her heart in her heart… in both lives… “As for my real life, I gained so many friends that I consider my real life friends. I also have bonded close with so many people that I consider family. I cannot narrow one or several things that have been a blessing to me as MVW since I consider any experience as a life lesson.” Morgan is motivating, and a joy to emulate, especially in 2020, a challenging time in all lives. “I am always here for women that are challenged – it is something that I care deeply about and always will.”

2021 Begins 2021 is here, and it comes with a lot of expectations. I am just hoping the coming year is better than 2020. The bar is not high, that is for sure. So much has happened this year— too much. I am starting the year on a positive note. I wanted to create a beautiful place to just sit and be. This is not a place for groups of people; it is a place for me and, perhaps, a friend. Someone with whom I can sit and chat and share a glass of wine. This building is aptly called a ‘nook’, and that is exactly what it is— a nook in the corner of my garden, a place to hide away, read a book, and just chill. The nook is from Scarlet Collective, and it’s absolutely gorgeous! Just enough space to be cosy, but with loads of windows to get light and to enjoy the view. The outside areas are made to be relaxing spots, too, so I have the hot tub, the gorgeous pergola dining area, the picnic blanket area, and the winter sled seating spot. I even made sure there is an outdoor fire for those chilly evenings. It might be cold out there, but it is also beautiful. I will put on a coat and hat, grab a rug, and be happy in the snow. The trees really make this spot look magical. The icy, snow-covered branches are perfect for creating a winter wonderland with all the separate nooks for me to enjoy. I love this time of year. It is visually stunning. The inside area is for when I want to retreat from the cold and snuggle up with a cookie and a coffee. I have crafts, internet, and books to keep me amused, so I will be fine here until I start missing some human company. That could take a while. I need space.

Photos and Article by Arya Braveheart January has come to Second Life, and I am hoping it is will be a better year for all of us. May your 2021 be full of friendship, kindness, love, and beauty. May this year bring so many hugs and time with family that it makes up for time missed in 2020. I am excited and nervous to see what this year brings, but I am looking forward to sharing each month with you in Best of SL Magazine. Enjoy. Credits: Scarlet Creative - The Nook 1, Nook - Sofa, Fireplace Insert, Coffee Table, Nerites Plant in a Cage, Brooklyn Plant, Campbell Vintage Scale, Rustic Artist Desk and Plant, Monteverde Rug - Circle Blue, The Nook Rug, Mountain Lodge Birch in Belts, Cordelia Armchair Light, Cabinet, Nook Picture, Alexander Black Lamps Apple Fall - Oregon Wood-fired Spa - Espresso, Bohemian Coffee Press, Latte Decor <Aphrodite> - Snowmen mix & match - 3, 5 & 6 [CIRCA] - “Snow Day” Winter Birdbath - touch for snow, “Wintery Night” Bench - Singles & Lovers, “Nordic Winter” Snow Guy - Frost, “Aspen Winter” Berry Branch Vase - Frost & Alumn CHEZ MOI - Rustic Table, Winter Time Set CJ Creations - Evergreen cone Winter Snowman ceramic Planter, Evergreen round Winter Helleborus ceramic Planter, Winter - the Light of an Angel - with Animations Decor Junction/Shutter Field - Winter Basket - Rustic, Winter Tray - Vintage, Winter Lantern - silver, Winter Cookies - Vintage Dekute Dekore - Riley’s Memorial Picture Frames DISORDERLY. / Snug Winter / Gingerbread Cookies EED - Winter Birdhouse, Wintergarden Patch

floorplan. - tablet typewriter / olive

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ISPACHI - [Cherished Moments] Snowy Owls JIAN - Arctic Foxes Little Branch - Crispy Grass, Birch Shrub, Wild Banyan Tree, Douglas Fir Tree Lunaria. - Birch Glimmer Dreams Tree Mindgardens Creations - Gnarled Hollow Tree - Winter MINIMAL - Tartan Home Set Chair With Blanket And Jug MOoH! - Snowy fence with lights, Winter trees Muniick- Winter Refuge Sled Set v2 Movement - Winter Pleasures Tablet Pitaya - Morroco Dreams White- Seat pillows with blanket Serenity Style- Enchanting Deer [red scarf], Enchanting Deer [plaid scarf] [shutter field] - bloggers box - Holly Pergola Set tarte. - snow prim A *Tentacio* - Travel with me. Memories The Looking Glass - Winter’s Love Frost Flowers Trompe Loeil - Holiday Mailbox, Nicolina Basket + Towels, Outdoor Holiday Firepit, Antique Lamp Post {what next} - Icy Paving Stones 1 - LIT, Winter Bird Feeder (snowy),

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Bodysuit | N-core NATASHA - White Jacket - NX-Nardcotix - Alania Jacket Full Pack Bustier - erratic Connie Bustier (Black/White) Fatpack Skirt - Pixicat -Elegant Set (Skirt) Houndstooth Stole - Blueberry Demi Fur Stole Black Fascinator - KUNGLERS - Kathleen Fascinator Jewelry - Eclectica Pearl Mixables Classic Twist (white) Neckace and Earrings Stocking - erratic/Ciri Stockings High / Fatpack plain Shoes - N-core Sabine Black Bag - MY BAGS by Mila Blauvelt MY Luxury Black Cigarette - #187# Diva Cigarette Make-up - Eyes IDTTY CATWA Stay High Collection Lips IDTTY CATWA Daily Lipstick Hair - Doux Marcela Hairstyle Nails | Essential Nails - Holiday

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Hat | BONDI . The Indiana Hat Cigarette | [NikotiN] Cigarette Bento - Classic Suit | [ hoorenbeek ] 3 Piece Suit - Pinstripe - Grey #1 Shoes | [Deadwool] Oxford shoes - black

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TIGHTS: Izzie’s - Tights black (more sheer) LIPSTICK: {Meghindo’s} ~ LipStick ~ Princess ~ Nude ~ Dark ~ COAT: *COCO*_TeddyBearCoat(Brown)_MT_w/Auto-Hide SUNGLASSES: .::Nanika::. Sheila Sunglasses Black HEADWRAP: .:EMO-tions:. * AMARA * head-wrap EARRINGS - Forage Earrings (Onyx) BROACHS - Forage Earring Edit (Onyx) SHOES: :::ChicChica::: Dolores Black LEGACY

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Top: .Shi - Fur Pullover Skirt: Valentina. E - Discipline Latex Skirt Leggings: AVICANDY - Lace Back Seam Stockings Heels: Salvadori - Classic ‘Parlo’ Patent Leather Pumps Gloves: Just Design - Vania Gloves Hat: LaGyo - Arden Hat Earrings: Wicca’s Wardrobe - My Little Dagger Earring Hair: ELIKATIRA - Betty Hair

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Jacket: Pixicat Classy Blazer Latex Pant: Rowne. Enza High Rise Skinny Hat: N-Uno Nika Beanie Shoe; Nx-Nardcotix Ramina Boot fur: Junbug Snow Princess Fur Muff Gacha Aceesories: Flower no longer available

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