Publisher/Editor-In-Chief Reign Congrejo Fashion Editor Bronxie Asst Fashion Editor Shantal Gravois CONTRIBUTORS CompE Sammie Audion Jamee Sandalwood Arya Braveheart Sita Writer Yhishara Cerise Magissa Denver Matt Thomson COVER PHOTO: Magissa Denver COVER MODEL: Winter Jefferson
BOSL Magazine November 2020 Edition
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Second Life Fishers Article by: CompE|Photography: Cara Paine
John Mansfield was right when he penned, “I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely seas and sky.” Actually, he was half right. Yes, we are drawn to large bodies of saltwater -- but lonely? Obviously Mansfield never knew of Fishers Island Yacht Club, which conjures many SL definitions. Lonely is not one of them.
In total, Fishers is the largest marine site of its kind in Second Life. “From here you can sail to hundreds of regions,” says Port Captain Drw (drwyndyn.tyne). “Boaters often sail from Corsica in the north through Nautilus and the Blake Sea to Satori in the south.” But sailing is not easy, which is part of the fun.
For some, Fishers is more than a part of Second Life: it is Second Life. Visitors come from everywhere, including yachtsmen, commanding fleets rivaling those of the U.S. Navy. Smaller sleek vessels, built for competitive racing, zip by. Sailboats, motorboats, party boats, and more-- you name it!-- dot the cyber waters as well.
Sailing in SL is amazingly similar to sailing in RL. Skills must be learned, marine protocol must be followed, and the winds --though never mastered-- must be navigated and respected. “Take some free lessons,” notes Maggi Morpath, a Fishers’ regular. “It saves a lot of frustration.”
Fishers spans 50 SL regions and has 1,795 members. The seaside enterprise includes a vast oceanside complex, which hosts races, cruises, dances, and a sailing school. On a personal note, it has a great pool and casual bar.
She adds, “Learn the rules of sailing so you don’t alienate people.” Maggi notes that one should ask a lot of people a lot of questions before investing in a boat. Asking questions is easy here. Everyone is friendly, loves what they do, and is willing to help beginners.
The estate of Sailors Cove surrounds the complex. It runs from The Rainforest in the south, up through the Tropics and into this more temperate area, then east where a new Ski Resort has opened on The Mountain.
Several other yacht clubs can be found in the area, too. Nantucket Yacht Club, Starboards Yacht Club, Rainbow Sails Yacht Club, and Leeward Cruising Club. Members frequently intermingle and share a commonality: they love to party.
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“We also have a state of the art bar and dining facilities, swimming pool, working tennis court, and many board games scattered about,” notes Drw, In addition, dances, social events, and gatherings are frequent-- both planned and spontaneous. “I have a dance that I could do right here this Friday Night,” Commodore Patricio Morpath adds. And proves it two days later.
Corky Neuman offers a more laid back opinion: “The watercraft are beautiful, and being on the water is fun. You can almost feel it. I just like being out here.”
A Friday night extravaganza erupts: instant party, with more dancing sailors than a Navy shore leave. Over cyber drinks, great tunes, and cool dance moves exceeding landlubber legs, boaters unite. They explain the good life on the shores of the Blake Sea.
“Wind is out of the north at 15 knots,” says Heather Lane, checking instruments and adjusting sails accordingly as we board her Bandit 22 LTE. Heather knows the craft well. Last week, she won fourth out of nine overall in an annual regatta.
“For me it’s all about racing,” explains accomplished sailor Justin Blade. “I have sailed in RL but never raced. Here I can.”
When satisfied everything is ready she says, “Ready for a spin?”
Heather Lane agrees. “I enjoy the competition.” Maggi adds, “It is just the right combo of challenge and fun,” speaking about boating, racing, and aqua adventures. “Boats, watercraft are possibly the most realistic vehicles in SL.”
To find out what all the fuss is about, we take a ride and discover actions speak louder than words on land and sea.
Who would say no? We skim across the wave-swept Blake, the ocean uniting the Second Life World. “This (boating) is an addiction within the addiction (Second Life),” Heather notes while constantly monitoring the sea and vessel and adjusting accordingly.
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One of the most difficult parts of learning to operate a boat is the The sea is not denied, nor is boating, at Fishers Yacht Club and the incorporation of multiple simultaneous tasks. “You must navigate salty brine of Second Life. a course, follow the rules, be constantly aware of surroundings and other boaters. All of this is done while controlling the boat from a computer keyboard.” The free courses are highly recommended. Going out on the water without training, you’re sunk-- literally. Demo boats are available for test runs. But the training on all things cyber- nautical is worth it. As for purchasing a shipshape vessel, prices start around $2,500 L and rise like the morning tide. But the cost bears seaworthy dividends as firsthand experience now agrees. Heather cuts the water’s surface of the boundless Blake Sea, wind in our sails and ocean spray in our midst. As land shrinks on the horizon, one realizes John Mansfield was spot on: “I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied.”
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Reflections Many people often think about the time before COVID-19. Remember when no one had any concern about dining in a restaurant, going to the dentist, shopping at a mall, or enjoying a live concert? Sadly, this is no longer our reality -- at least for most of us, who are doing our best to be careful and thoughtful for not only ourselves, but also one another. However, this leaves us with a big desire for social interaction; after all, humans are social beings. So how can Second Life (SL) help with satisfying that desire? First, we have to ask ourselves what kind of interactions we miss most. Some we can have in SL - others perhaps not so much. We should not look for those which SL can’t offer and then blame SL for not having them. Let’s look at the following examples taken from above: 1. Restaurants? Not exactly made to be virtual, and I am not sure if pixels are considered a healthy diet. However, virtual restaurants and wineries do exist -- perhaps make it work with a Real Life (RL) cheese plate and a nice glass of red? 2.Dentist? Well, perhaps some are out there in the form of kinks, but it’s probably not a virtual thing - and why should it be, right? 3.Shopping? Yeah, lots of shopping happens in SL. We can visit malls and shops, or shop directly at Market Place, and it’s so much more affordable than in RL! 4.Live concerts? SL has quite the live scene. Singer and Songwriters, as well as musicians with prerecorded band playbacks do very well in SL and have created an active scene based within several beautiful venues. So, can we experience true concerts in SL? Well, yes and no. SL does have musical performances; if you are in for the music, then you might just get your fix. But if you are in for rubbing shoulders, screaming, and dancing in a large crowd, then I am afraid you have to wait.
Article & Photography by: Sammie Audion Moreover, the delay of any virtual platform other than SL makes it almost impossible for musicians to play at the same time-- in reality, all-in band sessions are pre-recorded. But singers with their own playback? Yes! That is a thing in SL, and it is big. They perform in great venues all over the grid. As far as live venues go, Reflections is truly idyllic. The venue is set up as an amphitheater, the sections separated with softly flowing water. The floor of the theatre is a lovely pond separating the ranks from the stage. The sound must be amazing in a place like this, and the ambiance will make a performance in this venue a true pleasure. A concert here might address more than just one of our senses, similar to an RL experience. But make no mistake, Reflections is much more than a beautiful event venue. Though Reflections is not a full sim, plenty of little hideaways to hang out in are tucked throughout the venue. The forest invites visitors for a little romantic stroll, with many beautiful details to discover. A lovely little coffee shop offers a place to sit and talk with a friend. The nature at Reflections is very lively indeed. When quietly exploring the woods, one can find rabbits, deer, and foxes -- just to name a few. Around a house, even some chickens can be found. Of course, the mandatory beach scene awaits, with chairs scattered across the shore to invite visitors to rest and relax. Seagulls flyi in the breeze and claim rocks just far enough out from the shore to have their peace and quiet. Even a cave with some underwater fauna and flora invites explorers into an entirely different world. Isn’t that a bass swimming along there in the back? Wait, there are more. Can you identify the fish? Everyone can find something to their liking at Reflections. A trip here is well worth it, even if just to break the loneliness and boredom caused by the current restrictions and isolation.
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Sharing the joy of music - both listening and performing - is good for everyone. In fact, an RL study [link] has shown that enjoying music with others - even in a virtual world - is beneficial for people with dementia and depression it can also help relieve loneliness. In that sense, SL can be almost therapeutic for its residents and help keep COVID-19 from holding us back on everything. We might simply have to find new ways to fulfill our needs. And who knows what adventure might be awaiting you at Reflections? Happy exploring!
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Two Sides to Every Story – Thanksgiving In life, two sides exist to every story. Did you know that Thanksgiving is really a Native American celebration that was adopted by European colonists? Do you know why Thanksgiving is a Day of Mourning for Native Americans, especially those living in New England? When it comes to the history of Thanksgiving, most Americans have traditionally been taught a one-sided history in homes and schools. The story of Thanksgiving is mostly told from the perspective of the Pilgrims that landed near Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts in 1620. This version paints the picture of courageous settlers that fled their country looking for freedom of religion. These new settlers braved the challenges and perils of the New World with help from some friendly Native Americans. In elementary school. I am sure some of you remember teachers focusing on a happy feast between Native Americans and settlers. I bet you may have even made an American Indian headdress out of construction paper or participated in Thanksgiving re-enactments. I also bet that they did not mention the attempted genocide of this culture. The associations taught in schools regarding Native American history, which involve making poorly imagined costumes and the promotion of inauthentic movies and cartoons by Hollywood portraying Native American stereotypes, have led to cultural misunderstandings and unauthentic images of Native Americans. These images, such as Indians eating and wearing lots of feathers and war paint, perpetuate historical inaccuracy. The first Thanksgiving is a case in point, as is its aftermath 15 years later. including how to create a three sisters garden of corn, beans, and squash, and how to fertilize it with fish. Because he knew English, he became an interpreter between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Confederacy.
Article By: Sita Writer|Photography : Bronxie|Sammie Audion For centuries, long before the first European contact in the New World, Native American people had festivals – a maple sugar festival, green corn festival, strawberry moon festival, and yes, a harvest festival-- to name a few. They were held to give thanks to the creator for the many blessings received by the Eastern Woodland Indians. In the fall of 1621, William Bradford, the governor of the Plymouth Colony, decided to have a harvest feast of thanks. Bradford invited various tribes of the Wampanoags, including Chief Massasoit who brought 90 of his warriors along with a great bounty of food from lobster, venison, shellfish, and eel; to corn, squash, and maple syrup. This is a far cry from the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and pumpkin pie that we enjoy today. Squanto died in 1622, but Chief Massasoit outlived this era of peace to see the attempted genocide of his people. In 1637 near Mystic, Connecticut, while the Pequot warriors were away, more than 700 Pequot women, children, and old men were massacred. Colonial authorities including those of Bradford in Plymouth then enslaved the remaining men, women, and children and sent them to Bermuda and the West Indies. Throughout New England, more than 300,000 Native Americans were killed. In 1975, only 21 Pequot Indians lived in Connecticut. This begs the question: why should Native Americans celebrate Thanksgiving when many, especially in New England, see the colonies’ actions as attempted genocide? Today, the United American Indians of New England meet each year at Plymouth Rock for a Day of Mourning.
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Many of my Native American friends see Thanksgiving as a day of mourning but also as a day of celebration, as Native Americans give thanks every day to the great creator. They see it as time to connect with family and friends, eat a lot of food, and watch football. All agree that this story must be told, so it is not forgotten. Native American people have a word for reaching a better cultural understanding – “Etuaptmumk” or “Two Eyed Seeing”. This concept refers to learning how to see the strengths of Indigenous knowledge from one eye, and from the other eye, the strength of Western knowledge. Etuaptmumk is something all of us should keep in mind in finding a path forward to better understanding.
House For One This is my new house. It is small, and I am loving it. I have four little parts of the house broken up into a kitchen, a bedroom, an office, and a lounge. Each room has its own distinct flavour, and each one has my tastes splashed all over. I will point them out as we wander through. First up, we are in the office. I have used a mix of new and old in here to create a work space for me. It will be a fun place for my avi to sit while I write articles or do posts on my blog. I wanted to keep it clean and not too cluttered. In fact, that is my style in RL, too, so this house works so well for me. The kitchen is the second area. I am loving the focus point of the hanging bottle lights. The kitchen is small and compact; it needed to be, as this is not a big space at all-- although I did manage to fit in a cool dining table. Definitely not a space for a big crowd, but perfect for me here on my own or with a couple of friends. Now we wander into the lounge or living room area. It is compact and perfectly placed next to the fire, which will be great when snow hits the ground in Second Life. The fire makes the room look cozy, and I am imagining the Christmas decor already. Perhaps I just need to enjoy the fall colours while I can. Lastly is the bedroom, and I am loving the colours in this area. Soft pinks accented with greys and blacks keep this room from being too girlie, but I am afraid the strong theme of cats ruins all that anyway! I think I have managed to get a cat in each room. I am hoping I did! You may have guessed that I am a fan of the felines. Enjoy the rest of autumn, and make sure you throw the colours around your home.
Photos and Article by Arya Braveheart It won’t be long until winter hits and we are surrounded by white snow and ice, so embrace the yellows, reds and oranges. Have fun and check out all the stores and events that are offering amazing autumn specials and deals. Credits: Trompe Loeil - Cubit Modern Cabin 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Typewriter, Wastebin, Painting Tools, Ballpens and Pencils ACORN - Clock and Book Stack -Green V1, Dried Billy Buttons Jug -Autumn, Trio Book Stack -Green, Earth Towel 02, Clock and Book Stack -Green Andika - [pomme]03 Apple Fall - Pears & Acorns, Magazine Files, Autumn Bread & Cheeseboard, Clay Cat - Nuit, Bathroom Lotions - Soaps Ariskea - [Flanel] Autumn Cozy Decor Atelier Burgundy - Anthurium Decor, Clarinervium Plant, Clarinervium Frame, Abstract Canvas (texture change), Tall File Cabinet White, Desk Drawer Organizer White, Pencil Holder Cream, Paper Tray, Letter Holder, Scissor, Pencil, White Splatters (texture change), Tree Panel . Iron Dark Atelier Burgundy + KraftWork . Artist Table . Old Cedar, Artist Stool . black Bazar - Toronto-Study desk, Study chair, Study drawer cabinet, Stockholm-Typewriter, Paris - Flowers Black . Sand - #Cats Frame BUENO - Standup Player-White buildworksdecor ~ Luxury Computer Black crate - Harvest Entryway Branch Bag, crate Gurney Lounge Set - Rug 1, Know-How Kitchen Island Grocery Bag
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Decor Junction / Shutter Field - Kos Rug - grey [Fetch] - Peg Hooks w/ Tote GOOSE - Crupet coffee table, Monstera plant, Fall feelings light twigs hive // cutting boards llorisen // starry twinkle lights (6) KAZZA - StudioLounge - couch, frame Kei’s - Kitteh Clock (green) KraftWork Home Basics - Soho Table Lamp, Shoreditch Neutral Rug MADRAS - Fish Vase Green, Plates and Cup Mono [Merak] - Truck Figurine RARE, Starry Telescope, Maria’s Collectibles, Marie’s Heart Vase Pink, Rolling pins Storage (White), Hanging Rack MINIMAL - Autumn Home Set - Jug, Books, Plants, Small Pumpkin, Comfy Bed Decor Mithral * Plant Trio + Shelf (Pack A), Trellis Philodendron (Lime), Green Oxalis Triangularis (Pack A) MudHoney - Pantry Cannisters, Pantry Baskets Black Muniick - Small Snake Plant in Bucket, Llewellyn Tightback Sofa -MUSU- Cute Organizer Stack (White) MVT - My makeup routine - 1, Beauty time products - Pink .peaches. - Inked Set - Tablet, Book Stack, Kori Wine Set - Spilt Wine Glasses, Pumpkins, Skye’s Travel Clutter, Simply Divine Sink & Mirror pr!tty - Kitty Night Light - [White:Blush] Serendipity Designs - Cimmaron Decorative Branches Serenity Style- Cozy Winter Logs Crate, Serenity Style- Back to Home Set, Heavenly Pile of Cushions taikou / aircon (high wall)
tarte. - wine ladder {what next) - Pumpkin Pie V2, Slice of Pumpkin Pie Decor, Kitchenette - Toaster, Tea Kettle, Barn Door Memo Board, Favourite Recipes Cookbook WRONG - Kitchen - Grey .:YN:. Wooden table and Chairs - Veion [ zerkalo ] Full Metal - Typewriter
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Blazer & Corset: David Heather “Nomi” Pants: HACHE Metal Pants Necklace: LaGyo “Savanna” Necklace Hair: S&P “Teisha” Helmet Hair
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Top | Rowne - Hoskel Drape Top - Deluxe Sleeves | Moon Elixir x MUSE - Queen of Everything Sleeves Pants | MOZ - High Waist Flare Hem Pants Natural Linen Necklace | Modern Couture Jewelry - Doriana Black Earrings | Maxi Gossamer - Sura Drop Disks Headpiece | Modern Couture Jewelry - Calena Black Tiara Shoes | N-Core - Dana Fatpack Nails | Alme - Fancy Glitter Black Eyeshadow | Suicidal Unborn - smokey Eyeshadow Collection Fatpack Lipstick | Alaskametro - Crimson HUD Hair | Truth - Eternity Grayscale
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Dress------------------[Eternus] Yuriko Kimono Red Heels ------------------Phedora Dracarys Garter -----------------NANIKA Elisa Gold Earrings---------------NANIKA Christmas Hair--------------------KUNI Minha Headpiece-----------Zenith Christmas Flowers Makeups--------------Booty´s Beauty Eyeshadows
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Jacket| ryvolter - Isu Army Pant| *COCO* - Sheer Lace Hat| LaGyo - Giselle Headpiece Glasses| Secrets - Golden Glass Earrings| Chop Zuey - Men’s Diamond LIPSTICK: Quoth Sari Lined Lips
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Hair | KUNI - Tone Earrings | Avanti - Triangle Hoops Necklace | Minimal - Ephixa Rings | Coral - Luxe Set Rings Nemesis Shoes | GOS - Amanda Peeptoe Slingbacks Fur | Elisea Carter - Ecological Fur Jumpsuit | Thalia Heckroth - Heather Jumpsuit
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Gloves | Noche Jewelry | RYCA Boots | Gild - Gore Jacket | Cheerno Shirt | HOR - Good Morning Set for Him Pants/Belt | PC - Hermes Hat | JFL - Asymmetrical Fedora Feather | Neotoy Story - Mesh Feather Hat Accent | Layla - Desiree Emerald Ring
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Deadwool- Peak Suit w/ Oscar coat and dandy shoes Heth Haute Couture - Men’s Couture Aviator Shades Volthair. Julian Hair
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DIRAM - KIMKY SKIRT - red DIRAM - KIMKY Pants - red DIRAM - KIM Belt Mowie - Inda Top [BREATHE] - Chitomi Heels - red lipstick JUMO Originals - Rafaela Earrings Meva - Bento Gold Rings - shanghai - Matriz Necklace - red Addams - #31 Helene Tiara Foxy - Steel DeeTalez - LipGloss
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Sweater - Tetra - Dina Turtleneck knit sweater Skirt - Alter - Octavia Miniskirt Boots/ Socks - Eudora - Oakley Earrings - Cae - Presley Necklace - Cae - Presley Rings - Orsini - Juliana Bento Rings Hair - Truth - Destiny Eyebrows - Izzie’s - Eyebrow Glitter Eye Makeup - AlaskaMetro - Manhattan Eyeliner Lipstick - AlaskaMetro - Paintbox Gloss Lipstick Body Glitter - Aisling Nails - Alme - Fancy Glitter – Nude
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