“Indulge yourself in this green land full of history and natural beauty. From stunning water views and forest trails to the cozy harbor and city. Elvion is an ideal place for photographers, bloggers, and couples.”
Elvion has had a major revamp and we now have the Blackbird Edition. It is spectacular with the usual high standard that we have come to expect from the Elvion sim design and landscaping. I am always in awe of what the Elvion design team comes up with to ensure a sim that wows visitors every time. You only have to look at landscape group photos on Flickr to know that the Elvion sims are a popular place to visit and take pics.
When you arrive at the landing point, you have the option of just walking about where the trails may take you or using the map to teleport around to the different areas. There are 8 areas including the starting area where you arrive, but the sim is well-catered for with roads, tracks, and trails that circumnavigate the sim taking you to all of the areas on the map, so you shouldn’t miss any if you choose to ramble.
When I visited, there were plenty of people out enjoying the vistas but there was still loads of space to sightsee, take pics, and enjoy the views. Sometimes I had to circle back and wait for people to wander on to get my photos, but it never took too long as people were keen to see it all.
Also, don’t be afraid to veer off the track from time-to-time as there are little hidden areas that are worth viewing where you can find animals, flowers, and stunning views overlooking the sea. If you get lost or fall off a cliff like I did, you can always jump back to the landing point and use the map. Makes it very user-friendly.
My personal favourite area of the Elvion sim is the river area under the bridges. Make sure you follow it along for waterfalls, tucked-away buildings, boats, and loads of water fowl.
And while we are on the subject of animals; you will find plenty to enjoy so keep an eye out for highland cows, horses, sheep, deer, dogs, cats, and otters. I am sure there are more than listed here, so I will be going back to see what else I can find.
Elvion - Blackbird Edition is definitely a place to visit and has something for everyone. It takes you from rocky beaches complete with a lighthouse and a harbour, up past farmland with a working windmill and wooded areas, to ruins and even a
gorgeous town area complete with a bookshop. Don’t miss out seeing this iteration before it changes again!
*NOTE: In the photos you see today, I have only used the lighting that the sim provided, but just played around with my personal lighting to get the shadows and light I wanted. I also only used a sharpening tool in my editing programme, so what you see is what you will find in the sim for your photos. They have chosen the EEP carefully.
I am also using a PBR viewer so things tend to have a slightly deeper, darker look, but it is really the only way to go unless you want the sea water to look black with patches of colour!
takes the stand
Music is everywhere in Second Life: every sim has its own kind of music and it is tuned to a specific radio station (except, of course, the abandoned lands where only the pariahs and the people living on the fringes of society would go). Even if you haven’t been a Second Life resident for a long time, chances are you have heard another kind of music, the music brought to you by a disc jockey, better known as a DJ. This happens mainly in clubs, but also in special events that are usually animated by these very specialized professionals whose only task is to make sure you and everyone else have a good time.
Being a DJ puts you in control of the music people will be listening to and that’s a big responsibility. And of course, it is also a coveted position that bestows fame and riches upon its occupant. This brings us to the heart of the matter: How can you be a DJ? To answer this question we talked with a very talented and highly reputed DJ. Keep reading if you want to follow in her footsteps.
Vicky Vermilion has been DJing for 4-5 years now and says that, for her, “playing music for people is great because if they are down you can lift them up. If they are sad, you can help them be happy. If they hurt, you can help them heal. All from just playing the perfect song. It all comes down to making people’s lives just a little bit better with music.”
Who wouldn’t want to take part in that mission? Let’s see how it is done.
“I use a program called SAM, although you can use others like Virtual DJ or Mixx,” she explains. “Regarding hardware, I use a regular gaming headset with a built-in microphone. I have a Kraken, but there are lots you can get. You will want to get a good one though, with a flexible mic and preferably
good sound. Not the telemarketer-looking sets with only one earpiece.”
She uses a microphone because “I do like the connection with the crowd, although talking can be stressful until you get comfy.” But she admits that “for me, it was a little nervous as Vicky because I’m a guy and I didn’t want to disappoint people, but they love my voice and have been so kind.”
On the other hand, she adds, “I also like the laid-back way of just playing music.”
Music, of course, is the substance matter of her trade and with over 120,000 songs on one drive, she’s ready to tackle pretty much any gig that’s thrown her way. “I collected this music over the years. I didn’t start as a DJ and then go out looking for songs. It was more of ‘Hey, I have a bunch of music, maybe I can DJ’. Then I just expanded my collection from different sources. Torrents back in the day, ripping from CDs I own. But recently I have purchased most of my songs from various places where you can get them for very little money.”
About the legal issues of using these songs, Vicky suspects that “it may not be entirely legal to broadcast music; but then the Internet isn’t regulated the same way as radio. It’s not well understood and I think most people aren’t really causing any harm so it isn’t worth the lawsuit. Besides, the DJ community would be crushed if we couldn’t do it, but I would stop if it turned out to be illegal or something.”
The software she uses for her job is called SAM by Spacial and it isn’t cheap (299 USD). “No, it ain’t cheap, but I enjoy being a DJ so it’s worth it to me.”
Besides the broadcasting software, a DJ needs a streaming provider, which is how the connection
between the computer and Second Life is made. Vicky rents the stream in SL from Abbys Shoutcast. The cost of this service depends on the number of listeners: L$28 a week for 25 listeners up to L$112 a week for 250 listeners. What else does a DJ need?
“Well, you need a place to play and people to listen”, she answers. Clubs usually have a board where DJs can log and that automatically changes the stream of the land; this way, the DJ doesn’t need to have rights over the land to insert the stream. “Not all clubs use it”, she warns. “In some places, the DJs have to manually change the stream in the About Land tab. That is very old school, so only the most changeresistant and technology-fearing club owners do it.”
“Some people just don’t like the newfangled stuff,” she adds with an amused smile.
Once you have music, software, and a stream, finding a place to play is about the same as finding a job in real life: you need to apply.
“Usually you fill out an application, either in-world or online —if the club is web-savvy enough”, she explains. “If not, you may submit a note card with your details. Every place has a different procedure, of course.”
“Currently, I DJ at three different clubs on a fixed day of the week; there is one more where I can play whenever and however long I like since I am the only DJ there”, she adds.
Finances are something to be considered too. Income results mainly from tips, except during special events, when the organizers may pay an agreedupon sum.
“Tips are always variable,” she explains. “Not everyone can afford or want to tip but lots of people do and it is appreciated because it helps some DJs pay for their stream, music, shopping habits, SL membership, or even bills in real life. Like for me, it’s a small but helpful supplement to my RL.”
A DJ even may be able to make a living in SL with those tips, like paying for tier, shopping, the streaming services, among other expenses.
“Yes, you may if you work for it. You can’t just play music, sit back and expect tips,” she warns. “Tipping is for a service you provide and a proper DJ should provide entertainment beyond just music.”
“I try to be funny and fun, keep the conversation going in the club,” she adds, “help make people feel as if they are part of something, part of a show.”
Her career as a DJ has a nice origin story, and Vicky is not shy to share it.
“I used to be a host back in the day, maybe 2019 or something,” she remembers. “The DJ I hosted for was a really cool person and she encouraged me to try it when we joked about switching our jobs. She got me started and I went to apply at a club to be a host and they interviewed me in voice, asking if I could DJ. I said I was just learning and they told me that with my voice, they wanted me to DJ. So… I started and learned as I went.”
found her voice as a DJ. “They encouraged me, helping me to overcome the fear of voicing as a male in a female avatar.”
The job of the DJ starts by creating a playlist. But not any playlist, mind you, but one where “one song flows well with the next in terms of beat, style, tempo, everything. That is the ‘art’ of being a DJ. Anyone can make a list and play. It’s what everybody does on Spotify, for instance.”
“But a DJ has to have an ear for what song flows well into the next, and we watch the crowd and feel the energy,” she adds. “We must sense when the crowd is into our music and when they might be getting bored.”
Sensing the crowd in a medium as cold as a PC monitor might not come easy. “Yeah, but it’s something you have to just be able to do,” she explains. “There are obvious clues like chatter or people using excited gestures. There’s also just an ‘energy’ I can feel from people. Sounds weird, I know.”
That is why DJing is more an art than a science, more a hobby than a chore, more a passion than a job. And that’s also why the need for DJs in Second Life –good DJs, of course- will always provide an excellent opportunity for those daring enough to follow their true calling.
The human condition is not easy. It is especially difficult for those who have a health issue and/or a disability. Regardless of what kind of life you lead, it is important to find things that make this journey more bearable. Like what? A support system and hobbies that you enjoy, as just for starters. Haven’t found your tribe or any passions yet? This is where platforms like Second Life can be very beneficial to people. Why? Because programs like SL allow individuals to be exposed to a wider array of persons and activities all at once. I just would like to quickly note that some of the pastimes that you find in Second Life, you wouldn't in Real Life. I would now like for you all to meet someone who has been able to use SL to her
advantage to bring some happiness into her life.
Hσиєѕтŷ Sтαя Bαŷи
(honesty.starsider) visited Second Life a few years before making it home. Her first couple of days as a new “resident” were chaotic, but she was able to settle in soon enough. It took Ms. Bayn to decide what passion that she wanted to pursue, but once she did, everything became aligned. The first activity that she took up was blogging. Blogging is a very popular pastime in SL, especially among women, as it’s a way to get premium merchandise for free; as long as you do your part and post quality pictures of the products and properly credit them on your blog, Flickr and/or Instagram. There are many different kinds of bloggers, such as fashion and home and garden. Wanting to celebrate her love for fashion in a new way, Ms. Bayn chose to start a blog about all things fashion and called it Sawsy. A little while later, she felt that it was time to
take her deep-rooted desire for everything fashion to new heights. What did she do, you ask? Why, she opened up her own shop, of course! Wanting to establish her own brand, Ms. Bayn named her store Sawsy. When asked to describe the aesthetic of her designs, it was labeled as retro urban. As we know, the term retro can refer to any year that is not the present one. In the case of Sawsy’s products, the eras that are reflected in the merchandise are the 80s and the 90s. What was the reasoning behind in choosing these two decades to be showcased in her items? Ms. Bayn enjoys music from those time periods and uses it as inspiration for her
have to create something with a certain person in mind AND use quality products that don’t break the bank.
Second Life can truly be a place of healing. Individuals who have gone and/or continue to go through challenging experiences in RL, use programs like SL as a “place” to seek out connections, distract their mind and/or earn a bit of cash. We will talk about how persons can make a living in Real Life via Second Life in just a moment, but as to why Ms. Bayn made the decision to “live” in Second Life, it was because of her health issues and the desire to have a safe refuge from them. This is something that many can relate to. I know
products. As you can probably tell by now, Ms. Bayn is a very creative woman. but I bet that you didn’t know that her creativity shines into another area too. Oh yes, she is also a revered landscaper and interior decorator! Those facts may seem surprising at first glance, but if you think about it, it makes total sense. You see, Interior decorators and landscapers must be able to design spaces that satisfy their clients preferences; while also respecting a budget, if they were given one. These things are a lot harder to do because you
people can make some dough for their expenses in RL in SL. Persons who make any kind of sellable items or offer a service, such as DJing or landscaping can make quite a few Lindens. Money gotten in Second Life can be exported or exchanged into Real Life dollars. This can be a great option for those who can’t or do not want to have a traditional job in RL. Whatever the reason for coming to SL, it’s my hope that you find what you’re looking for.
Bracelets| RYCA - X3 Gold
Earrings| RYCA - HOOP - GOLD
Hair| Unorthodox - Flow
Handbag| Majesty - Bedazzled Heart
Nose Diamond| Chop Zuey Gold
Necklace| Kunglers - Elba
Piercing| YsoraL - Belly Piercing - Sun
Rings| Kibitz - Yasmin
Sunglasses| Majesty - Heartbreaker Buffs
Hair | Wings - ES0326
Headset | black neon
Glasses | Majesty - Icey Girl Shades
Top | -S- - Auni
Jacket | -S- - Auni
Shorts | -S- - Auni
Earrings | Rawr - Oro
Necklaces | AvaWay - Cancer
Rings| RealEvil - Beast
Piercing | Secrets - Love in Simplicity
NAILS | Formanails - Russian Almond
Eyeshadow | WarPaint - PeggySue
Eyelashes | WarPaint* - Charmed
Lipgloss | Ives - Melu
Boots | ADD - Janet
iPhone | Sky Angel - Wallets
Speaker | MVT
Top & Cadri | Sawsy - Diva
Thong & Chains | Sawsy - Diva
Garter & Choker | Sawsy - Diva
Boots | !4AEM - Kali
Earrings | Piece Of Me - Nami Hoops
Nails | FORMANAILS - Kalia
Tattoo | Watercolor - News w/Flowers
Hair | Mura Beauty - Alia
Eyeshadow | Saint - Trippy Chroma Eyeshadow
Lipgloss | Goreglam - Nightride Lipglow
Body | Maitreya
Earrings | Mandala - Bakauke
Hat | SAS - Zaragoza
Top | Sawsy - Jenna
Skirt | Sawsy - Jenna
Belt | Sawsy - Jenna
Garter | Sawsy - Jenna
Fan | CB- Sistur Fan (no longer available)
Boots | NX-Nardcotix - Sabina Thigh High
Romper | Sawsy - Beba Romper
Bracelet | Mandala - Takara Bangle
Necklace | Mandala - Kabuki necklace
Shoes | Essenz - Mali
Bag | Belle Epoque - Candice Bag
Glasses | Deep Static - Yvonne Glasses
Hair | Truth - Adore
Top | Get Sawsy - Hush Top - Maitreya
Skirt | Get Sawsy - Hush Skirt - Maitreya
Boots | UTOPIA@Design - Malenka
Hat & Hair | Wasabi - Oakley Hair
Sunglasses | Studio Exposure - Renaissance Diamond
Earrings | Kunglers - Ezra earrings
Necklace | Kunglers - Sibilla necklace - Pearl
Bracelets | Kunglers - Mera bracelet
Rings | Vibing - Alice rings - Gold
Nails | Beez - MyPink - S.Square
Lips | Synergy Store - HD Lips Evora - Evo/Evox
Romper | Sawsy - Simone
Boots | Buxom - Ostend Boots Fatpack
Glasses | Deep Static - Jackie Sunglasses
Hair | Doux - Laura Hairstyle
Bags | Hive - Shopaholic
Rings | Ysoral - Luxe Set rings Queen
Lipstick | Lucci - Starlight Lipstick
Nails | Cazimi - Mica Dark Nails
Necklace | AvaWay - Olivia necklace
Bracelets | Michan - Celia Bracelets
e hadn’t been gone long by the time I got there, perhaps fifteen minutes at most. “You couldn’t wait just a few more minutes for me to get here?”
I combed his hair with my fingers and kissed his cooling temple before sitting down next to him and awaiting Death’s entourage to arrive.
But before doing so, I smiled and closed his laptop. Open to Second Life, he had been making friends again.
The cancer from which my father died is irrelevant, really, other than that it was found late, was more aggressive than expected, and robbed me of him much earlier.
In hospice, nothing really appealed to him. Neither
the books, the radio I bought, nor the .mp3 player loaded up with old-time radio shows seemed to affect him.
He began to suffer from what used to be called ‘Hospital Dementia.’ Little social input, confinement to bed or wheelchair, and his dreams became epic, surprisingly amusing, but eventually confusing.
A fellow veteran of the Yahoo Chat Wars turned me on to this thing called Second Life. He described it as chat but with cartoons and sex. At this point, it was anything that might work to get him reengaged with the world around him before the time came.
And so, I set up his laptop, and he began to explore this new world of his. We didn’t talk much about it, and it didn’t last long. Honestly, because neither did he.
But for a time, there was my Dad, lucid and interested in what was happening around him.
And then, when he passed, needing something to distract me from my grief, I dove in myself.
And, being a typical newbie, I found sex. Lots of it! Ubiquitous and meaningless, the sheer volume was overwhelming. Heterosexuality to vegisexuality, and every flavor in between is there to be found.
But, like all things, even that became tiresome.
Then, one night, I was in an outdoor sim. I gazed up at that turning night and noticed that such care had been taken that even most of the constellations were as accurate as they could be.
It was at this point when I began to see Second Life for what it is: a repository of the vast capacity for creativity of the human mind.
I was fascinated by everything and found at least something in the imaginations of thousands of people. Museum sims, library sims, foreign sims. Even a neat little spaceflight museum with a working ride transport to the International Space Station.
As a man who’d spent the greater part of his adulthood, at that time, in any case, overseas, here was an opportunity to practice at least the writing of my second language. I learned to use my microphone and have managed to maintain most of my fluency, if not my accent.
I learned to build and made some small amount of Linden with low-prim, but well-built apartment houses. I have long since stopped with the advent of mesh and a healthy respect for my own limitations.
I started making friends. Real friends. People I’ve now known for a decade or longer. I learned a few things about my own sexuality I didn’t know before, and I even fell in love a time or three. This last time by far the deepest, most long-lived, intense, and important.
I learned that the anonymity of SL isn’t really anonymity at all. The pixels may be how we see ourselves, but the freedom from our physical faces is what allows us to share things we would never share with someone from RL.
And which is why in SL our loves are deeper, our highs heavenly, and our lows absolutely hellish.
I found a quote that now graces my profile, more profound than I have any right to claim, but describes what I found here:
“There isn’t more than one life. Real or virtual are just two different ways to express sides of our true persona.
Converging or diverging but always complementary parts of the same reality.”
At its core, Second Life is about the mind. It’s why honesty here is critical to our relationships and ourselves. It shows us that what lies beneath truly is more important than the pixel, or the gathering wrinkles above.
I smile to myself as I write this, but I think I’ll stay here for a while longer. I think I will love; and I think I will learn. I think I will laugh.
I will live.
The Biography of Matt Thomson Artist, photographer, writer, cake trainer, caffeine wrangler.
Matt was born at a young age.
As a child he was a lonely sad young thing. His mother was in labor with him for so long they had to shave her twice Then the midwife remove her tights and pop there he was .
He was frequently alone and his only companion Kitty, the identity crisis dog, would only lick his face if he was covered in sausage meat.
His mum would feed him his meals using a sling shot. Even officialdom would neglect him by refusing him a birth certificate and his only acknowledgment of his sad beginning was a note from a condom maker that started with the words OMG WERE SOOOO SORRY
His school days were no better. He got into college only to be used as a shelf. In a vain attempt to gain validity he offered his body to science and science rejected it.
So he entered the long dark coffee time of the soul and became an artist, so poor the mice would picket the traps in his two bedroom tent.
Then one day he had a epiphany, but tablets cleared that up and he vowed to lay off curry. He would enter Second Life, a land free of vagina candles and Greta Thunbergs BO.
His art would become like Tourettes on a canvas, no meaning , no reason no profound mind set just stuff on a canvas ( and yes I do this R L to) artists that paint abstract and say pretentious stuff like this is Granny dreaming of rogering Bugs Bunny while watching big Bird lap dancing on the Cookie monster while the Ghost of Prince sings we are the world in Turkish irritate me so much whats wrong with just saying its a fit of color, that just wants to please the eye, warm the soul and clear the colon.
So here I am bad mesh and all he, doesn't care who he is, what he does, or that he farts.
I am Warm, easy going, Mad.. mebbe but when your baby stroller had shutters fitted for 5 years what the frik ya Expecting me to turn out Like Stephen Hawkins
After all
I think fish is nice, but then I think that rain is wet, so who am I to judge?
Douglas Adams
if your still awake
Thank you for reading
Shirt | Erauqs - Will Shirt
Shoes | Phedora - Johnson Sandals
Pants | Bartimeu - Mariano Shorts
Earrings | Schelm Silver Star Stud Earrings
Ring | ATD Nova Star - White Gold
Tattoo | Soul Flowers Tattoo - Carolina Gaelyth
HandBag | Leather messenger bag - Dimidhi Resident
Sweater | [Furia] - Apolo Sweater - Oxott Resident
Waist Chain | [Dope+Mercy]Oath Wasit Chain - The77sim3
Pants | [Dope+Mercy]Telepathy Pants - The77sim3 Resident
Shoes | [ hoorenbeek ] Norfolk Shoes - Limer Fredriksson
Rings | L'Emporio&PL::*Tristano*:: - Brunhild Uriza
Shirt | *AGATA* [Signature] Andy tops / pattern-B
Pants | *AGATA* [Sig-Gianni] Joel pants / black
Rings | **RE** Aeon Bracelets & Rings - Gianni
Shoes | L&B * JAKEfit LF & RT* Edge Oxford Dress Shoes
Hair | [MAGNIFICENT] JOEY Hair / Smart HB LeL (C)
Earrings | [MANDALA] STRETCHED Ears Human
Hat | Pare. - DamienBucket Hat Lime
Shirt | ::GaBriel::- Torn shirt &Tie / White
Pants | deadsouls. -"SUGAR" lime
Slippers | RWAY - Shiryu Slipper Charcoal
Bracelet | !:.M.:! - Rings Bracelets for HIM
Rings | **Real Evil** - Signet Rings Set
Jacket | Ersch - Sage Jacket
Trousers | Dope& Mercy - Cold Sun Knit Pants
Top | Archivefaction - Vessel Tank top
Sandals I Millo Copperfield - Leather Flip Flop
Hair | Lock&tuft - Knowledge Hair w/ bandana
Hat | DirtyMind - Leather Kufi
Top | Ersch - Valet
Pants | Dope+Mercy - Escapism
Shoes | Versov - Doxov Low
Socks | Versov - Comfov
Bag |
David Heather - Cameo
Piercings | Punch - Pelvis Piercing
Earrings | Rawr! - Superkilla
Bracelet | Badwolf - Wave
Shirt | VICE-Russ Crochet Polo Shirt
Shorts | HURST-Cargo Shorts
Shoes | EQUAL-Beck Moccassins
Socks | [VALE KOER]-Thermal Socks
Hat | VICE-Russ Bucket Hat "off-Pink"
Glasses | Deep Static-Brighton Glasses
Necklace | JDS-Cadenas Perle
Watch | RealEvil Industries-Elegance Series 3 watch
Earrings | #SCHOEN-Diamond Stud Cushion
Head towel | Blankline - AfterBath Head Towel
Wrap around towel | Riot - Arun Towel
Hair | Doux - Alori
Fringe Wrap | Blueberry - Solstice
Bra | Glitzz - Delphine
Panties| Glitzz - Delphine
Piercing | Secrets - Love in Simplicity
Anklet | Slavia - Julia
NAILS | Formanails - Georgina
Eyeshadow | WarPaint - PeggySue
Eyelashes | Catsy - Flower
Lipgloss | Ives - Melu
ACCESSORY | C.Chantal - Champagne Glass
Briefs | Guilty 080 - Santorini Pants 2 Black/Gold
Robe | NOCHE. Harry Robe Huffle
Slipper | RWAY - Robert Slipper
Rings | **RE** Signet Rings
Earrings | #comatosed- Unstable Earings
Cream | CWB Shave Cream Applier
Pose | POZE - Shaving pose
Shaving Knife | p.o.s.e. shaving knife
Towel | Hot Stuff - Head Towel
Dress | Gabriel - Wet Dress
Shoes | YORKE - Rue Pumps
Earrings | November - Aleena Diamond Chandelier Earrings
Necklace | Chalo - Queen/Tennis ZS Chain
Rings | PKC Diamond Claw Rings
Bracelets | Chalo - PK/NTennis Bracelet
Eye Mask | Dotty's Secret - 24k Gold Under-Eye Mask
Cigar | Chris Two Designs- Grab My!! Cigar
Dress | Blueberry - Noelia FLF Classic Pack
Hair | No_Match - No Routine
Hairdryer | No_Match - No Routine
Towel | Amitie - Spa Day
Soap | BLUEBELL Face Soap Foam
Towel | [ Focus Poses ] Get Naked 6 {towel ONLY
Wet Skin | Izzie's - Wet Body & Face
Hair Towel | Magnetic - Hair Towel Wrap
Bubbles | MALified - Body Bubbles
Belly Piercing | Rossi - Falling Diamond Flower Belly
Ring Silver
Collar | Salt & Pepper - collar Anya
Eyeshadow | Veechi - Dark Flirty Shadow Black
Hairbase | SAP Beauty - Blondie Hairbase Tone 2
Lipstick | Delicatta - Hydrous
Nail Polish | Eventyra - Mirror Magic Hud
Nipples & Piercings | VAW - XTC Nipples
Panties | le fil casse - Heddie Set Panty
Ring | Orsini - Juliana Ring
Robe | Avec Toil - Jimena Robe Plain Tempest Pack
Shoes | Marchese - Yasmine Heels
Towel | Opale - Hair Towel
Bathdress | Kaithleen's Bath/SPA Towel
Tiara | .NONNATIVE - CLEANGIRL TIARA & eye patch
Jewelry | ORSINI Jewel Care SALMA
Body soap | SAXO - Body Foam Unisex
Body bubble | MIWAS / Bubble on me
Shoes | Lyrium. Fluffy Slippers
Bags | Lyrium. Morning Routine
Loofah | Lyrium. Shower Loofah
Necklace | Addams // Cheryl Monogram Necklace // N*8
Suds | MONOMANIA - Bath Time - Foam Maitreya
Tattoo | .: Vegas :. Tattoo Applier Solace
Towel | erratic / amara - head towel / ivory (maitreya)