Welcome to 2023! The snow is falling in Second Life, and we are mid-winter with ice-skating, hot chocolate, and warm fires aplenty. The SL designers have been so busy making new and exciting items, and I can’t wait to show you some of them.
My New Year’s resolution was to make this year so easy for you right from the beginning. In other words, I am planning to start as I mean to go on. So, for each month of 2023, my articles will simply be named for a month of the year, beginning, therefore, with January.
This month, I am showcasing indoor and outdoor with some amazing items to have your home and land looking stunning and just perfect amid the ice and snow. I even discovered a new designer/store as part of the journey, which I love.
I shall begin with the house and so much of its furniture and decor. This Nordic Cottage was a Saturday Sale bargain with each component sold separately, but to get it all was a steal! I was so excited to get it home and get it all rezzed and assembled. It was so easy, and it looks amazing.
From there, it was just a matter of adding other decor items, as well as doing some surrounding landscaping and tree planting. The whole scene came together over two days at most. In fact, the photos took longer than the setup on this one. Crazy, but true.
The new store I discovered was Mysterious Designs. Their landscaping items are just gorgeous, as you can see from the ice lake and
surrounding items. I had so much fun visiting the store, choosing items, and decorating my land for winter. Another bonus is that Mysterious Designs are part of the SL Home Decor Weekend, so many of these items I was able to grab as bargains, but make sure you go and take a look at all of their items for all of the seasons.
I hope you are as excited for the year ahead as I am. I am looking forward to sharing all of the wonderful home and garden items I find throughout the year. If you have any stores that you think I must visit, please let me know. I love finding new designers and stores to showcase. It is great to share the love around.
Happy New Year, dear readers, and may 2023 be peaceful and safe for you all.
Atelier Burgundy+KraftWork+Pitaya
Nordic Cottage Building (w/smoke & snow roof), Sofa, Entrance Decor, Kitchen, Bathroom, Bed, Decor
Apple Fall
Bathroom Lotions - Soaps, Globe w/ BooksBlack
[Bad Unicorn]
Concrete Driveway - Ground Slabs, Light Posts
Loistava Toilet Paper Hanger SILVER Botanical - Douglas Fir
Anne Kitchen - Shelf III - (Light/Marble), Pile (Light/Marble), Bowls (Marble)
:Cheeky Pea: Biblio Pendant Light
Ski Set, Pacific Bathroom Rug crate - Dandelion Daybed Side Table
“Vintage Sled”, “Les Memoires Log Basket”
Christmas Winter Bench Santa Stop Here
Mr Cat - Siamese, Blue (Fundati)
Ashes Tree Set -winter+Half-Deer+ Shoe Rack - Mix (black tinted rack)
<Heart Homes>
Backyard Winter Jacuzzi Bathrobes “Her” (Deco)
Arctic Foxes, Snowday St.Bernards Snowfort, Grey Wolf, Reindeer Collection
Kitchen Rails - Flower Rack, Books Rack, Bed End Trunk Bench Gray
KraftWork + Pitaya
Reading Nook. Books, Purple flower arrangement
Winterland Deer <Magic Party> Hydrant Water Tap [RED]
Basket Tray with Glasses, French Press White, Painted Mortar, Dark Cutting Board, Plates, Cottonballs Jars
Seasons - Spice Pot, Seasons - Jar, BaruStool, Towel, Vase - V1.0
Mithral *
Plant Trio + Shelf (Pack A)
Mysterious Designs
Snowfall Lake, Snowfall Garden #2
Burack Books and Sculpt
Rocks Snow Nutmeg. Holiday Eve Sled w/Blankets, Fruits, Garden Clutter Rainboots, Porcelain Kitchen Clutter Plain, Lazy Days Daybed Slippers
[QE Home]
Winter Pine Shadowbox v2
Scarlet Creative
Paris Wool Rug
Serenity Style
Snow Balls for sale
The Looking Glass
Winter’s Love Frost Flowers
Snowflake Sled Wall Decor
Icy Paving Stones (snowflake), Richmond Mailbox (w/newspaper), Pothos Plant (trailing)
Mclane kitchen - {Black} Fruit and vegetable basket, Handmade Storage Basket, Jug of succulents and lavender
New year, new life, new goals. Your deadbeat boyfriend dumped your ass before the holidays and started dating his own alt, making sure you know he’s having a great time going to better places than he used to go with you. This sent you in a downward spiral that made you rush to your fridge in search of immediate comfort. Comfort food, that is, the kind of food you turn to when you are in a deep funk. It would be a shame if you eat your way out of your depression, though. Eating will only compound your situation by making you gain weight. Germans even have a word for this: Kummerspeck (literally “pain bacon”), that is, the weight you gain by overeating when you are sad or otherwise emotionally distressed.
A new year offers you the chance to open a new chapter in your life, to start over with a clean slate, as it were. So, why not take this opportunity to show you-know-who who was the real loser in this breakup?
That’s right! Don’t let the word dumped get the better of you. You know you’re better than that, and as a Second Life resident in good standing, you don’t even need to exhaust yourself with diets and workouts to get back to the figure that made him fall for you in the first place. No, all you need is to send your avatar to one of the many establishments devoted to the culture of the muscle. Yes, those places otherwise known as gyms.
And here is another good reason for working out: that’s an excellent pretext to go shopping and find a cute outfit that will put you on the radar of your future gym mates. So, before even thinking of finding a gym, grab your purse and visit your
favorite store in search of those perfect tops and bottoms that will enhance your still-tempting curves.
Now that you’ve chosen your garments, it’s time to choose a place. If all you want is to visit a gym to work out a little, socialize a lot, and enjoy the eye candy around you, then by all means go to the Alpha Gym, a well-established and respected institution where you will find all the machines you may think of: treadmills, bikes, rowing simulators, weight-lifting stations of all kinds, everything you need to work your pecs, biceps, triceps, quads, glutes, abs, and even muscles you didn’t know you had. Plus, a little more: showers, a locker room, a beach to relax if needed, and a juice bar to replenish your fluids. If anything, maybe you could ask for a sauna, but hey, all this is free and all you need to enjoy it is a little motivation to drag your ass there and start working out.
Oh, motivation! That unforgiving factor whose loss makes every plan, every dream, every hope, and every fantasy get drained down the toilet! In case your determination starts wavering those cold mornings when the body refuses to get out
and be able to lift more and more kilos (or pounds) every time.
And even if you don’t need to get rid of any Kummerspeck, nor to rub your amazing figure in your ex-boyfriend’s face, you may want to give the gym a try for the sheer pleasure of feeling your body stretching and getting limber day in and day out. Everyone may have a different motivation to work out, but the goal is the same for everybody: to be the best version of yourself.
of the warm and cozy blankets, just think of the face that good-for-nothing will make when you “accidentally” bump into him at the next “Best in Red” night in your favorite club.
You may think making your ex jealous is a contemptible motivation to work out or, at least, to watch your health. And you’d be right, of course. So, if you want to visit a gym to really get in shape, work your muscles, and feel the joy of mastering your own body into doing whatever you want, then you need something more serious.
And if you want serious, you should visit Maelstrom Muscle Gym, This gym was founded and is run by Diego V. Maelstrom, a wonderful guy who recognizes that his main motivation “is helping others in SML and watching them grow.” And since he is usually around his gym, you may ask him for help in case you need it. Or ask Sally, a girl who is always willing to help everybody. You need to train often to increase your strength
Deck the Halls is one of the most beloved Christmas carols bursting with traditional Yuletide cheer. The melody, whose lyrics celebrate ancient Yuletide carols and treasures, is Welsh and dates to the 16th century. The lyrics were written by a Scottish musician and date to 1862.
When we think of celebrating Yuletide, we think of beautifully decorated Yuletide log cakes, spiced wine or wassail, seeing friends old and new, and Christmas trees piled high with gifts. For most of us, Yule and Yuletide are synonymous with Christmas and holiday festivities, but the original meaning was quite different.
Today, many Yuletide celebrations are celebrated throughout the world with some of the most famous being England’s Stonehenge, Sweden’s Gavle Goat, Iceland’s 13 Yule Lads, and Austria’s devil-like creature called Krampus.
Remnants of Yuletide celebrations like decorated Christmas trees, evergreen wreaths, burning fires, the log-shaped chocolate cake known as a Yule Log, and the word Yule itself remain.
The tradition of Yuletide fun is alive and well in many of the holiday festivities found around the world.
So— how do you celebrate Yuletide? BOSL has a few ideas for inspiration…
Can you believe 2023 is upon us? Seems like from Halloween through Christmas, life is a blur. And then – boom! Happy New Year! Perhaps Michael Altshuler said it best: “The bad news is time flies. The good news is, you’re the pilot.” The same holds true in our virtual world.
For those who work, play, and live in Second Life on a regular basis, you are the pilot. You have control to make Second Life what you want it to be. Successful people know this.
Take these for example: prominent citizens of the metaverse sharing their plans and 2023 New Year’s resolutions.
to show love and kindness to everyone I meet in SL (RL, too).”
Annie continues, “And I always hope to accomplish, improve my work, and learn something new— a new technique, program, or way of working. You never know what life has in store though, so I will flex and flow with whatever life throws me and accomplish as much as I hope to!”
The owner of Just Because, SL’s passion for fashion, store of renown, Annie Melson’s reputation for quality is well established. But she notes what everyone else should: “there is room for improvement in the new year. I always resolve
We met Amanda in her namesake showcase, Amanda T Tamatzui Art Gallery. She is the artist, curator, and more. Time is of the essence, but she makes time for those who matter. Her New Year’s goals are two-fold:
“I will take more time keeping friendships alive,” she says. “New friendships offer a chance to grow. We never know if we have stumbled on a gem of a friend unless we spend time talking.”
Her second resolution: “I will grow my Art business in both worlds and align myself with the right people to achieve this goal. Why? So I can have more free time to enjoy lives in both worlds!
If my business is good, I won’t have to spend it in a job. This is a great enough reason for me to invest my focus, thoughts, and time into what I love doing: creating art.”
Letz has been an SL DJ almost as long as SL has been SL. But as they say in midnight TV infocommercials— “But wait, there’s more.” Lots more.
An SL resident of 14-plus years, he has spent much of that time accumulating music. Huge files of playable tunes. In music, Letz has enough streams to float the Queen Mary.
Country, Rock, Big Band, Symphony, and “where on earth did you get that?” are but some of his genres.
He has owned clubs, worked other clubs, and assisted people who started clubs. Letz plays parties, and at times, he is the party.
“My New Year’s resolution as a DJ is to engage the crowd more and try to improve the quality of my musical content,” he says about 2023. He adds with a smile, “I will also try to be less strict with my hostesses.”
Another man of music is Xtern (xtern01), owner NY NY Piano Lounge. The soul-soothing destination started as a small intimate place to be. Today it has 50 venues.
But New York’s professional musician in both worlds does not rest on his laurels. “My resolutions for SL 2023 are simple,” he says. “I will continue to create and build unique venues for all to enjoy without fear or trepidation.” Another 2023 goal of Xtern’s is “to maintain the welcome and safe haven for everyone who travels my SL journey with me.”
The owner of Dench Designs offers furnishings for home, office, and just about everywhere else. Amanda’s New Year Resolutions apply to most of us: “Reduce my inventory!” She says. “It now
stands at 223,154. It’s so big it takes me a long time to find things.”
Her second 2023 goal: “Make my work place a lot tidier.” She smiles. “As you probably can tell I am very disorganized.” Who among us can say different?
And now it is your turn. What are your SL New Year’s Resolutions for 2023? Here are suggestions:
For heaven’s sake, upgrade your avatar. You know who you are, the one who joined SL 15 years ago with the Sears and Roebuck shirt, plastic hair, and shoes once worn by Methuselah. Yet you still wear it! For the name of all that is decent, stop it! You’re hurting our eyes!
Let 2023 be the year of a new you. Work on your appearance. For we are citizens of Second life. We are not block head people, killing cyber goats with axes in Minecraft.
Try something new— a new club, organization, school. Learn to script and/or build. SL skills pay dividends. Even those with ugly avatars no one wants to be around can benefit. With the right skills, you can build a friend.
Finally, and this is important, learn about people. Listen to them, especially those from other countries. Second Life offers amazing opportunities to meet folks from across the planet. The more we understand each other in the second world, the better we can understand each other in the real one. There has never been a more critical time for understanding each other.
Let that understanding start with us, friends, domestic and international, united by Second Life.
And most of all, Have a
Twenty-four of Second Life’s Top Photographers and Artists display holiday and winter artwork.
Coat | Deadwool - Oscar coat
Trousers | Cold Ash - Dean Chinos
T-Shirt | RKKN - Leo’s Tshort Shoes | David Heather - Boyd Loafers Hair | Modulus - Miles Hair
Blazer | TETRA - Valerie Top | Addams - Emilia Crop Pants | Giz Seorn - Grace Loafers | Friday - Mimi Necklace | Kibitz - Anna Nose Diamond | Chop Zuey White Gold Earrings | PUNCH - Hoop Ring | Lux Eternal - Reign Hair | Stealthic - Lethal
Hair | DOUX - Greta Sweater | *COCO* - Sleeveless Pants | adorsy - Eliana Cardigan | GIZ SEORN: - ‘Paty’ Boots | [BREATHE] - Emika Rings | ~ Ysoral ~ - Lena Rings | ~ Ysoral ~ - Ashley NAILS | .euphoric - Superstar Eyeshadow | WarPaint* - PeggySue Eyelashes | WarPaint* - Charmed Lipstick | LUCCI. - Iconic Sunglasses | Slavia - “Addison” Clutch | =Zenith= - Leather
Jacket | Stories & Co - Marlow Jacket Pants | Blueberry - Serena Jeans Cutiebootie Shoes | Equal - Beck Mocassins
Hair | Sintiklia - Hair Kris Earrings | Mellow - Hoop Earring Ear Piercing | Mindshift - Ball Upper Ear Hoops Brow Piercing | CCbyLC - Triple Brow Piercing (Dark) Nose Piercing | Galatea Gothly GB - Silver Thin Nose Piercing Nose Piercing | SuXue Mesh - Saguna Left Nose Piercing
Top | *COCO* - Oversized Sweater Pant | Giz Seorn - Blair Leather Shorts Shoes | DDL - Thrill Platform Loafers Tights | Izzie’s - High Waisted Tights
Trouser :erratic / kamrynSweater : ISON - cropped turtleneck sweater Stocking :DEAD DOLL - Maree Pantyhoses Scarf : Mimikri - Knit Scarf Jacket : MVT - Fall style Vest Shoes : EQUAL - Beck Mocassins earrings : (Yummy) Hoop Set - Pearl Stud Rings : Orsini Jewelry COCO Hair : Dura-U105
!APHORISM! - Sinead Suit Pants Tan {Indyra} Irina Belted Sweater & Top Phedora ~ Hongjoong Loafers
IF DESIGNS - Sleeveless Knit Crop Tank Top
Hat | Rowne - Atari Round Hat - Deluxe Hair | Magika - Hair - Lydia Makeup | Glam Affair - EVOX Smoky Makeup 01 D Top, skirt and Bag | AMITOMO- YOUR MOOD Stockings | em@il - Niva Stockings-Emperador Plane Shoes | LYBRA - MIKO PATENT BLACK
GLASSES | veyard - F06 Sunglasses
HAIR | Rowne Salon - Kourtney Hair
EARRINGS | [POM] - Blaith Pearls
NECKLACE | (Yummy) - Simple Chains
COAT | [spectacledchic] - Maxwell Long Coat
TOP | ISON - talia sleeveless turtleneck RINGS | (Yummy) - Fairytale Rings
PANTS | ISON - miya high waist pants SHOES | DDL - Thrill
Cardigan Coat - Agata - Sam Coat Muffler - Agata - Sam Muffler
Turtle Neck - Egoisme - Damask Turtle Sweater Pants - [Deadwool] - Broberry Jeans Black Shoes - Strunsh - Chucky Loafers
Coat | erratic - jolene peacoat - Fatpack - Maitreya Pants | ISON - miya high waist pants - Maitreya Necklace | Bauhaus - Elettra Necklace - Maitreya Earrings | ChicChica - Kate earrings Ring | ChicChica - Kate Maitreya left Eyeshadow | Guapa - Cynthia Eyeshadow (2) Lips | Lempika - 10 Lipstick Lelutka Evox #34 Nails | alaskametro - “Tis The Season” nail art appliers
Hair | Studio Exposure - Rules Black 01