January 2020 Rejoice Essential Magazine

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Table of Contents 50


2020 the Year…It Came To Pass!


To Experience the Miraculous Requires Absolute Faith


New Year’s


Apostle Chazdon Strickland




7 Scriptures for Christian Creatives to Cherish in 2020 & Beyond


The Pawn of Judas Iscariot


In A Faceless Crowd


The Christian ViewPoint On Abortion


The Face of Adversity


The Christian View of Same-Sex Marriage


Christian Viewpoint on Marriages & Relationships





Kimberly Moses Founder And Editor Effingham, SC www.prophetessk.org

Tron Moses Photographer, Marketer, Designer Effingham, SC www.tronmoses.org

Keiyia Jackson-George Writer And Chief Editor Cane Garden Bay, Tortola Virgin Islands www.rkgconsultinggroup.com www.justmekjg.com

Taylur Holland Writer Dallas, Texas www.thescribesheart.com

Shirley Ann Cooper Writer Kissimmee, Florida praise_write@gmail.com

Leslie Harvey Writer Houston, Texas hollygardenshome@gmail.com




Mae Bloom Writer Plantation, FL www.isntlifemore.com

Marcus Johnson Writer Clermont, FL www.fhghministries.org

Dr. Annette West Writer Sumter, SC drannettewestministries@gmail

Andrea Marino Writer rapture927@aol.com

Tamekia Washington Writer tamekiawashington17@gmail.com

Terra Dobson Writer terra986.td@gmail.com












Wow, where did 2019 go? Last time, I checked it was August and school was just beginning! My oh my, I can barely believe it myself. If you are anything like me, then you are well into New Year nesting mode. “New Year Nesting” is

what entrepreneurs do when a New Year approaches - kind of like the nesting phase that happens when a woman is pregnant – out with the old in with the new, decluttering, planning, organizing, preparing, rearranging, stocking up, and then repeating the process (literally until December 31st)!


Preparation and organization are essential for any entrepreneur and even more so when you are a wife and mom like myself. As I approach checking off the last things on my New Year’s to-do list, I look back in awe with a grateful heart for all that God has allowed me to accomplish this year. It has been an adventure for sure. Some weeks I got so much accomplished and other weeks I struggled to remember if I did anything at all! Some days I felt like I could move mountains, while other days, it was tough to speak by faith. But in it all, I am reminded of God’s promises and every one of them are sure. It is up to us as His daughters to believe and remain faithful to what He has called us to do even when we can’t see how it will all come together. Here are seven scriptures, I am holding near and dear in 2020 and beyond… 1. 1 Chronicles 28:20 … “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. He will see to it that all the work related to the Temple of the LORD is finished correctly. After King David gave his son Solomon instructions on how to build the Lord’s temple, he did not neglect to encourage him to be strong and courageous. This exhortation shows up many times in Scripture, but I really love the way it is said here. Not only did David say be strong and courageous, but he also said DO THE WORK! That part is important because as we go forth to fulfill our purposes, we must not neglect to do the work. It may be tedious at times and other times, you may feel you just want to move on to something else, but lay aside fear and discouragement and choose to DO THE WORK because God has chosen you to do so. Look what the end of this scripture says – the LORD, will see to it that what He has called you to do is finished correctly! Now that is a promise to shout about!

just “ Don’t rush into

collaborations or “sweet” deals because it seems like a quicker way to get to where you want to be.

2. Matthew 25:30

To those who use well what they are given, even more, will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. You may not think you can afford to switch blog hosts or publish your book. You may even feel like others are better off because they have more financial resources than you do to get what they need to get done. You may even feel like you are lagging behind everyone around you, but I have a question for you: have you used all your resources to the best of your ability? If you have, then don’t despair because God has given you the vision and I am a strong believer that if He gave it to you, then He has already made provision for it. If you haven’t, then go to our Father and




ask Him how you can use what He has already given to you. 3. Proverbs 21:5 Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty. I couldn’t have said it better myself! Don’t just rush into collaborations or “sweet” deals because it seems like a quicker way to get to where you want to be. Take the time to plan and learn your craft. If God has given you the vision, then surely there is no need to be hasty because there is an appointed time for everything. Plan with God (#letsplanwithGod) and then go forward. 4. Colossians 3:23 Work willingly at whatever you do as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. We’ve all heard this scripture a thousand times, but are you applying it well when it comes to being a good steward of your daily tasks – your blog? How about time management? And your company upkeep? In 2020, let us be mindful of doing all our work as unto the Lord. I can guarantee complaining, sulking, double mindedness, and procrastinating will have to flee. 5. Mark 9:23-24 “What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” The father instantly cried out, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” Are you kidding me, of course, God can do it – BUT do you believe He can do it for you? Maybe you are looking around and seeing others and wondering – God, what about me? No more of this in 2020. What you believe matters a lot to God. Nothing is impossible for Him, but because of your unbelief, many things may be held up. Don’t hold your self

back. Believe the promises God has made to you and when you fall short, don’t feel bad, just pray, “Lord, help my unbelief!” 6. Deuteronomy 8:5 Think about it: Just as a parent disciplines a child, the LORD your God disciplines you for your own good. Oh, how we all would love to skip this scripture, but . . . we can’t, so let’s take it in love. Most things in life we face will be solely for disciplining us. Discipline is good, though it never feels that way, I am learning (slowly, but surely) that if we embrace God’s discipline knowing that He is a good Father who only wants what is best for His children, then we won’t break under His training, but we’ll bloom in every season! 7. Proverbs 24:27 Do your planning and prepare your fields before building your house. Many of us plan, but run into an issue when it comes to preparing. They sound similar but are very different- making a plan is a decision to do something while preparing is to make ready. This year, I spent my time making ready what I believe God is calling me to do, and I am so grateful I did because I was able to execute more that way. So, in 2020 and beyond, get comfortable with making ready those things that you are believing God for. I pray these scriptures will encourage you through the ups, downs, pauses, and detours of entrepreneurship and I pray they will remind you that God’s will for us is so much better than our own. May 2020 be the year promises you’ve been praying for are manifested and God’s will for you is made clearer than ever before in Jesus’ name. Let me know which scriptures are you clinging to in 2020?






For many years, even the years before I was reborn, I struggled with the story of Judas Iscariot and his betrayal of Jesus - this is even one of the stories that had kept me from the Church for many years. Then when Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that He had been condemned, he felt remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, saying, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” But they said, “What is that to us? See to that yourself!” - Mt 27:3-4. I recently had a revelation regarding this man.

I had faulty thinking and perspectives about Judas as have others and many do to this day. The flawed concept of “Predestination.” 1. His destiny was out of his hands - he had been predestined to betray Jesus. For many years, I felt that this was not fair. I walked in this belief. I thought Judas was a pawn. 2. He was doomed for hell before he was even born - he was a tool used by God. I “used” to believe this and it impacted my belief about who God is. I want to get to the topic of repentance, but before I do that, let me assure you that I no


longer believe that Judas was predestined to betray Jesus; hence, he was not a tool - that is just stupid thinking. Some would suggest that Judas was a helpless pawn, unable to resist the invasion of Satan into his life. That certainly is not the case, as even Judas himself conceded. He never pled: “I could not help myself; Satan made me do it!” Rather, he confessed: “I have sinned in that I have betrayed innocent blood” (Matt 27:4). Wasn’t it in God’s plan from the beginning that Jesus would be betrayed? We read in John 13:18 and 17:12, where Jesus said that the actions of Judas were so “that the scripture might be fulfilled.” It was most likely that He was quoting from Psalm 41:9, where David was referring primarily to someone who had turned against him: “Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me.” When Jesus cited this passage, He omitted “whom I trusted” because He “knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who it was that should betray him” (John 6:64). The Lord never trusted Judas because he knew his heart. FYI - this means that Acts 1:16 must also be viewed the same way. Another important fact that must be recognized is that foreknowledge does not demand predetermination. This modernism Calvinistic theory of predestination is full of bologna. God foreknew that Judas, exercising his own free will, would betray his Son. The frequent rationalization, “I can’t help what I do; I was predestined to do it,” is stinkin-thinkin, but one that is readily accepted in a modern world that seeks to escape from personal responsibility. The Scriptures teach that men will give an account on the day of Judgment for their own conduct (Rom. 14:12; 2 Cor. 5:10) — not for actions thrust upon them by God. The very idea is an insult to the Almighty. Anyhow, onto the topic of “repentance.” I recently began a study of repentance, which took me back to the unfortunate topic of Judas. I had not thought much about Judas in many years, but there he was, smack dab

would “ Some suggest that

Judas was a helpless pawn, unable to resist the invasion of Satan into his life.

in the middle of my repentance study. After betraying Jesus, Judas ran back to the Pharisees. It was his reaction and emotion that caught my attention. “Then when Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that He had been condemned, he felt remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, saying, ‘I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.’ But they said, What is that to us? See to that yourself!’” - Matt 27:3-4. Notice that he felt remorseful and was rattled with guilt after realizing what he had done. While he may have been convicted about his actions and felt bad about it, he never truly repented. The KJV translation uses the word “repented” whereas other translations use “felt remorse.” When Judas “repented” or “felt remorse” - the original word used here is the Greek word metamellomai, which expresses sorrow, mourning, or grief; it rarely gives the picture of someone moved to change, but rather depicts a person who is seized with remorse, guilt, or regret. However, when we look at true repentance, such as what Jesus tells is in Matt 4:17, “From the time Jesus began to preach and say, REPENT, for the king-




We don’t need to fear God. We need to fear sin that damages our minds, warps our characters, sears our consciences, and destroys our souls;

dom of heaven is at hand” - the word “repent” in this case is metaneo - referring to a complete turn in the way one thinks, lives, or acts.

would he be in heaven today rather than purgatory? I say yes - I believe that Judas had a choice to fully repent to the Father and would have been on a road to salvation, but he did not. Instead, he chose to walk in regret, guilt, and remorse. Picture a historical alternative - a what if. What would have happened if Judas had walked up to the cross, while Jesus hung there still alive, and repented and asked for forgiveness? Sure, there would have been some that might have hit him, beat him, spit on him (the Disciples, Mary??), but it would have been worth it if his heart was truly in it. If he did this truly from his heart, I picture Jesus looking down at him with tears in his eyes, softly and tenderly responding, “You are forgiven.” What an AWESOME Daddy we serve!!! I, for one, am a walking example of someone that has A LOT of opportunities to walk in regret, guilt, and remorse; yet, I have chosen, instead, a life of repentance and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and I know that I am saved because of my belief. For Him to be capable of forgiving the person that committed a true heart betrayal of His Son - or for him to forgive me for operating for 40 years in blasphemy and hypocrisy - for Him to forgive, to love me, and to allow His gift of the Spirit to operate in me is overwhelming. But, this is who He is.

What Judas expressed was remorse and guilt, he did not repent.

Nonetheless, there were three scriptures that I could find where it indicates that the Lord may not forgive sins.

• Guilt is a prison that will keep unchanged. • Remorse enslaves you and leaves you feeling sad, depressed, hopeless, and unchanged. • Regret is self-pity that is focused more on your own personal loss and it leaves you unchanged. • Repentance is a quality decision to change you can be sure the Holy Spirit will release His power to effect change in you, which is the doorway to freedom!

• If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will [forgive their sin] and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 • Perhaps when the people of Judah hear about every disaster I plan to inflict on them, each of them will turn from his wicked way; then I will [forgive their wickedness and their sin].” Jeremiah 36:3

But, what if Judas had truly repented [metaneo]? Would he have been forgiven and

• But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not [forgive your sins]. Matthew



About the Author

In these texts, the phrase “forgive your sins” is a euphemism or synonym for reconciliation. God is always forgiving, but we cannot experience His forgiveness if we remain unrepentant or if we refuse to turn from our sinful ways. If we refuse to forgive others, then we demonstrate we have not opened our hearts to receive God’s renewing power in our lives. So, even though forgiveness is always freely extended from God, we don’t experience the result of that forgiveness until we open the heart in humble repentance and then the Holy Spirit comes in and renews our hearts. When that happens, we are unified with God and thus are in a forgiven state.

Marcus is a retired US Army veteran (Major), having served for 20 years and participating in three wars. Upon retirement, he served in various senior IT Leadership and Executive positions for the Attorney General for the State of TN, Montgomery County TN, SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment, and Wycliffe Associates supporting Bible translation around the world amongst others. Marcus holds both a DBA (ABD) in IT Leadership from Capella University and a Doctorate in Ministry from Christian Leadership University.

When we do accept God’s grace in our lives, then we live in the state of forgiveness having allowed God’s gracious forgiveness to transform our lives. If we refuse to respond to God’s freely extended forgiveness, then our lives are not changed and we do not live in a state of forgiveness, even though God is still forgiving. I have then chosen to operate in regret, remorse, and guilt. This is way too depressing for me. I instead prefer to follow what the Bible teaches in that it is “kindness of God that leads us to repentance” (Romans 2:4). When Moses asked to see God’s glory, God put Moses in the cleft of the rock, passed before him, and said, “The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished” (Exodus 34:6,7). This makes me happy!! We don’t need to fear God. We need to fear sin that damages our minds, warps our characters, sears our consciences, and destroys our souls; ultimately separating us from our loving God. We should never walk around in guilt, remorse, or regret. This is what I believe anyway.

Marcus has been married for 30 years to his wife, Julee and they have three children. Unfortunately, Marcus and Julee joined the ranks as Goldstar parents when their oldest son died in 2011 while serving in the Air Force in the Middle East. Marcus experienced his life transformation experience with Christ in September 2008 and has been on fire ever since. The life testimony for Marcus and Julee plays a large part in how they live for Christ today as well as how they share the love of Christ with others. This becomes very obvious in Marcus’ writings, filled with transparency and authenticity. Marcus and Julee recently founded FHGH Ministries in 2019, a ministry leaning towards a blend of Faith and Culture, as well as the hearts of men that are struggling with their identity and purpose. Marcus published his first book “My Personal Desert Storm: Eating Crow and Humble Pie” in 2019 and is currently at work on two more books where he addresses his 40 year journey to Christ and his struggles with his new found Christianity that followed. Marcus can be reached at fhghministries@ gmail.com as well as their ministry website located at: www.fhghministries.org




If you’re willing, God can take your mistakes and use them for His glory Love the author’s honesty and willingness to share his story and struggles. The book encourages the reader to never give up, to put his/her pride aside, and allow God to change their heart, life and destiny forever. — Cyndi Bryan


From a fellow Desert Storm Vet What an amazing book! Has a former Desert Storm veteran with C Co 3–502nd inf, 101st Air Assault, this book hits home. I highly recommend this read for all. Marcus hits a homerun with his book.— tvallejos









All of us like sheep have gone astray, Each of us has turned to his own way; But the LORD has caused the iniquity of us all To fall on Him. (Isaiah 53:6) Imagine standing in that crowd of people watching Jesus be crucified, not deserving of that second chance at life? Better yet, imagine standing in that crowd cheering His death, not realizing that it was all for you? Shhhh, hush, and let’s pretend that we ARE in that crowd. Come! Go with me, to a very far away place in time, when God gave us the greatest gift in the world, bringing Salvation to what we now see as a Faceless Crowd.

A crowd filled with unidentified persons who refused to accept God’s living Sacrifice, so much that they would trade beauty for ashes, good for evil. But, what if I told you that this far away place is actually the world we live in right now? A twist? Oh, you have no idea! Walk with me through a world where forgiveness is shallow, and mercy is far hidden. A place where love isn’t defined by actions, but rather, embedded through simple, spoken words. A place where hate is created simply because it can be. A place where in the dead of winter, there is no real warmth to shelter those in need or no cover to protect the weak from the storm.


And the worst of it all...a place when Salvation came knocking and no one answered. So when the crowd had gathered, Pilate asked them, “Which one do you want me to release to you: Jesus Barabbas, or Jesus who is called the Messiah? (Matthew 27:17) The brown-haired woman screaming from afar, “Crucify him!” Was that you? Or were you the woman crying over the blood of Jesus spilled? Was that you wiping his feet? Which one was you? Were you the man throwing rocks? Or are you the boy with the bookbag spitting and cursing the freedom given to you through a Savior coming to set you free? Who are you? Who am I? While the question is easy to ask, the answer is mighty difficult, vital, maybe even lifethreatening. I often wonder who I’d be in that crowd when Jesus hung on that Cross. I get a lump in my throat whenever I gaze into that crowd because I just cannot find my face. I can’t seem to put into place where my feet would stand. Although, I am adamant right now that I would be angry, hurt and distraught, how would I be then? In that crowd of faceless people, where would I be? Today, in the arms of His mercy, I find grace. I find peace and strength. And while I can’t see my life without Him right now...I’m scared just thinking about who I’d be yesterday. I imagine the day of the death and resurrection of my King and my heart breaks. Not just because of the torture that He endured. But because of my own actions on that day. I know that today, I would fall to my knees in anguish. I’d probably be rushed to the ER due to heart pain. I would most likely need a sedative to calm me down, or a bottle of whiskey to drown out the sounds of His agony, be-

I can picture the faceless crowd just cheering His death. I can feel their desperate cry for revenge when I close my eyes.

cause yes, that would be me...TODAY.

But what about yesterday? I can’t help but think that I had failed Him. And just to imagine me walking away laughing and making jokes, or poking fun, breaks my heart because I wasn’t there! I wasn’t there, because I was raised in different times. I was taught about that perfect life who came rushing in to save me. I was taught about His love and His message. It was me who made the ultimate decision to follow Him: to make Him the Savior in my life. And no matter where I walked or dragged my feet, He found me! I can picture the faceless crowd just cheering His death. I can feel their desperate cry for revenge when I close my eyes. I can smell the hate in that air for a man who gave all just to save those foolish people in that faceless crowd. And I wonder......




What if those thoughts were surreal, so indepth, but all because as I turn around, I find that...I AM THAT FACE IN THAT CROWD?!?!?! It’s me! What if I could see from above and look down into the big ball of people below and find MY FACE! My face shouting, “Crucify Him!” What if...what if I was spitting at Him, kicking dirt at His face when He fell carrying that heavy Cross?? Oh, my God!! I suddenly feel the heat hit my face. The hate stirred up in my heart! I can feel all the things that I have suffered and endured. I can hear the voices that did me wrong. And the people that I loved so much were all in my thoughts. Their places in my life when they did me harm. When they ignored me, and when they forgot who I was and what I did for them. I began to remember times when my loved one inflicted pain on me, and the one I cared so much for cursed at me. Memories came pouring in when I did so much for others and received nothing in return. Not even a simple, “Thank you.” I remember. I recall when I stood in the rain all by myself, enduring the storms brought on by life. I begin to sweat out fear and worry. And then, I stop and realize that... HE ENDURED EVERYTHING I AM ENDURING! All the pain that I had been inflicted, He felt. He felt my heart when I had to say goodbye to those I once loved. He had to hear the voices that threw insults at me. And every bad experience that I had ever experienced... HE EXPERIENCED! I came to realize that whether I stood in that crowd, my face He DID recognize. He

loved me even when I couldn’t love myself. He taught me all the things that I needed to learn, even when I refused to listen. He became my peace in chaotic times, and my joy in times of sorrow. He was my strength. He sheltered me from the storm and covered me when rain desired to drown me. So whether we walk with a limp, or a clouded mind, freedom walks with us! Whether we glide through life’s battles or crawl on the mission field, safety walks with us! And no matter how long we take to get to where He needs us, He walks with us! He walks with us to that place of solitude. And that place where we cried out in desperation... HE WAS ALREADY THERE! You see, when Jesus died on that cross, everything that we endure today, died yesterday and new life came in place, leading each one of us to freedom! We are no longer part of that faceless crowd. We are new! New in Christ! God didn’t send a Savior so that we could live with regret, but rather a life worth living. A life where everything was already set. Fear, worry, pain, and the worst of it all was tossed away at the cross! Chains were broken and hearts mended. Our steps were ordained to walk with royalty. Because at the end of the day...A KING SET US FREE! After this, I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. (Revelation 7:9)






In 1973, abortion was legalized in the United States of America. As an open-minded 20-year-old at that time, I didn’t think it was so awful. Especially since women were seriously injuring themselves by the do-it-yourself methods of terminating a pregnancy. Regrettably, in my younger days, my focus was on the choice to have or not have a child. After all, free will was given by God. I could also relate to the mainstream ideology that abortions empower women, enabling them to pursue careers and make a better life for

themselves before motherhood. What I have learned over the years since Roe v Wade is that while God has absolutely given us the freedom to choose a course of action in any given situation, this freedom is never a reason to do wrong, or to harm to another human being. “Without revelation, people run wild.” (Proverbs 29:18) We need a standard of truth to live by. And God has given us the truth in His word. (John 17:17)


A common phrase runs through the book of Judges: “The Israelites did what was evil in the Lord’s sight.” What was this evil? They abandoned God, who had delivered them, time after time, and performed miracles on their behalf right before their eyes. The Israelites suffered because of the things they did, so will our blessed-by-God nation suffer if Americans continue to part ways with our Deliverer, believing we know better than Him. And so will we individually suffer the consequences of any choice that violates the words of our Creator. Those rejecting His truths are given over to a strong delusion. (2 Thessalonians 2:10,11) We see evidence of this, today, in evil being called good and good being called evil. (Isaiah chapter 5:20) The killing of innocent lives through abortion, without a medical reason, is evil. Yet, abortion is approved. Alarming how this medical procedure has morphed into the gruesome and inhumane practice that it has since first legalized. Something is terribly wrong when a society accepts dismemberment of a preborn human being or crushing his head to remove his brain, which is the case in partial-birth abortion. I realize there are those on the side of ‘choice’ who are not in agreement with legalizing these barbaric surgical procedures. The fact that our government had to actually establish a law to ban them is nonetheless tragic. It’s a sobering thought to consider a potential bald eagle being touted more valuable than a potential human being. In the 18th chapter of the book of Leviticus, God specifies to Moses that His people are not to engage in the evil practices of the pagans they encounter along the way to the Promised Land. These practices included the killing of children as a sacrifice to the pagan god, Moloch. Satan’s mission has always been to steal, kill, and destroy life. Intermingling with the ways of modern society will be a snare to the followers of Jesus. (Psalm 106:3439) We will serve either righteousness or unrighteousness. (Romans 6:16) Everyone who does wrong will be repaid. (Colossians 3:25)

The killing of “ innocent lives

through abortion, without a medical reason, is evil.

Despite a law prohibiting late-term abortion, there are doctors who are performing them, and there are many in the abortion industry who are selling the organs of destroyed human babies. These, whose god is money, display a total disregard for human life. The infant inside a womb, who has been lethally injected in an abortion, is heartlessly compared to a piece of meat that will ‘soften’ as in a crockpot before being expelled from the mother’s body. Thankfully, Pro-life groups are working tirelessly and vigorously to educate women and men on the truth of what happens in the termination of human life. Enlightenment, regarding the physical pain of the preborn during and after abortion, is making a huge impact on a pregnant couple’s decision. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6) Except a person knows Truth, he will take the path of evil, which leads to destruction. God has come so that people may have life. (John 10:10) Life is undoubtedly from God. “For it was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13) “The breath of the Almighty gives me life.” (Job 33:4) The preborn are human beings in God’s eyes. And there can be no doubt




about the value God has placed upon human life. We are made in His image- remarkably and wonderfully created. (Genesis 1:27, Psalm 139:14) My uncle, who is a medical doctor, states with confidence that every baby born is a miracle. Any couple who is unable to conceive would agree. Yet, pro-choice arguments continue. A few years back, a columnist from a local paper presented a rationale for abortion. She posed it as a way to prevent crime. Such blatant ignorance of the ways of God. Or was this columnist displaying rebellion against Him? God commands us not to kill. (Exodus 20:13) Sadly, abortion has become a means of convenience. It is used as birth control and also used to dispose of babies who - in the world’s eyes - are unfit to live a so-called normal life. Recently, I was talking to a friend who shared her experience with abortion. She expressed her fear and intimidation brought on by her doctor because a test revealed that her unborn child had Down’s syndrome. The negative scenarios of ‘what it would be like to raise such a child’ and ‘what would happen to such a child if my friend were to pass away’ were enough to convince this friend to abort her baby. We can’t blame doctors for our choices. I can tell you, 40 years later, my friend was visibly pained over her decision. Not an inkling of empowerment could be heard in her voice while sharing her experience either. There are plenty of heartwarming stories of love surrounding children with Downs. They possess an abundance of joy that anyone would want. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans for your future and to give you hope. (Jeremiah 29:11) What if we simply put our doubtful and fearful situations in the capable hands of God, leaving the outcomes to Him. He promises to work everything out for good to those who love Him. (Romans 8:28) An article on Facebook described a couple who had chosen to keep a child, though the child would not survive the type of dwarfism she had because her lungs were so compromised that they could not sustain breath-

ing for any length of time. The little girl was born and was lovingly cared for by her parents until she passed away. I was so impressed that I shared this post on my Facebook page. A day later, a good friend from high school sent me a text about this post, describing it as a balm to her soul in that her daughter-in-law had gone through the same scenario not long ago. She said this story would greatly comfort her son and his wife. “God comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.” (2 Corinthians 1:4) As followers of Jesus Christ, we are to be holy. To live separated from the standards of the world (1 Peter 1:15) and to hate evil (Ps 97:10). When we make the wrong decision, Jesus offers forgiveness. (I John1:9) Having taken on the sins of the world and fulfilling the demands of God’s laws perfectly and completely, we have hope. I pray Americans reassess the road they are on with regard to the abortion issue as well as other issues that oppose what God says. It is never too late to change course; the fork in the road is always in sight while we are, yet, in the age of God’s grace. About the author Andrea Marino is a Christian who is passionate about sharing God’s Good News. She loves to encourage people to never lose hope. Coming from a place of fear and bondage, God inspired Andrea to write about her victory. The Hobble, from Ai to Bethel is a life and death story, encompassing one, young, down-on-her-luck woman’s encounter with the real-live Son of God. Struggling for over twenty years to give the concept of sin and death a more ‘palatable’ view, Andrea hopes the reader will find some comic relief in our common ‘hobble’ upon the earth to the house of God. Please visit her website: hobbletobethel.com and FB page, In The Way Everlasting. When not writing, Andrea enjoys being with her family and cycling with her husband on the open roads.


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Andrea Marino, in the book “The Hobble From Ai to Bethel,” is passionate in her writing sharing the Good News of Jesus. This book encompasses her journey of freedom from feeling like a “lesser than’ woman. She shares on the unseen spiritual battle that every person must deal with at some point in their journey. She does an excellent job addresses the symbolic representation of the characters in the book. She shares how some people have crooked walks before God, but ultimately begin to recognize their sin in the process. Also, there is a great perspective on the human side of Jesus and His incredible, extravagant love towards His children. An easy and insightful read. Dr. Annette West, LivingWord International Ministries




In the face of Adversity, What do we see? Adversity’s eyes are cold and gray. The breath of its open mouth Presses onward Seeking to destroy all Hope. Adversity, a stepping stone That must be triumphed. The face of Adversity Is not but a mask, for under it, If searched long enough, lies the Face of Mercy. Staring into the face of Adversity, I see Glory.






The Word of God speaks and gives examples by which we find guidance for our lives. God loves each one of us unconditionally and because God is love, we are to love others the same way, which is fundamental Christianity. The thought in this article is what should be the Christian view on same-sex marriage. In the Bible, in the book of Genesis, we see that God made a man, Adam, and then out of all that was created, God said nothing was fitting to be man’s mate. All animals formed had

a mate, but not the man. So, God created a female, and Adam named her Eve. (Genesis 2) God then blessed the union of a man and with a woman. This could make one think that God then did not create homosexuality. For if that were the case, He could have created another man and a woman and allowed Adam to choose, but this He did not do. There are people of many beliefs and convictions who oppose same-sex marriage. How-


ever, we want to take a look at the bible and see what lies therein. As we look in the bible in the Old Testament book of Leviticus, God’s law laid into the precept that all forms of homosexuality are sin and an abomination to God. (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13). The New Testament states, “In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.” (Romans 1:27). However, I want to be clear that Satan has always been on his job; thus nothing is new. From a personal perspective, I believe that same-sex marriage is an attack of Satan in an attempt to destroy what God created and ordained. Let us take a look at the word sin, which is an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law of God. Sin is all around us and we each have the opportunity to act upon it or not. Many choose what they consider to be sin and that which is not. Thus, we must stay aligned with scripture and keep our emotions out of addressing this issue. Some would say that if Jesus did not condemn it, we should not. I take thought to chapter five in the book of Galatians. In verses 19-21, it shares what things are regarded as acts of the flesh. There are many things included there like sexual immorality, impurity, and idolatry, which would be considered as sexual sins. In verse 21b, it says, “I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.” Every type of sexual sin is not listed, but the words and the like would make samesex inclusive of sexual immorality. I do believe that we, as Christians, if not careful, can get caught up in an unnecessary discussion on this issue, wasting valuable time on how we feel about things that others are doing. There is nothing we are going to say to someone that has already made up their mind as to what they want to do with their free-will. However, as committed and relational Chris-

tians, we must be willing to love and not shun others. We do not have to accept another person’s behavior, but we should still be able to relate to and engage them. We have to be adaptable to people, not to sin. The link that brings it all together is love. Love is universal, and just as Jesus loves us beyond our sins, we must be willing to love others. Thus, the hallmark of a true relational Christian. Dr. Annette West

book “ Inofthe Genesis,

we see that God made a man, Adam, and then out of all that was created, God said nothing was fitting to be man’s mate.




has always “ Satan been on his job; thus nothing is new. From a personal perspective, I believe that same-sex marriage is an attack of Satan in an attempt to destroy what God created and ordained.

About the Author

LivingWord International Ministry Holistic Wellness Life Coach/Pastoral Counselor Greetings, everyone, I reside in Sumter, SC, with my spouse John, retired military, and we were blessed to be part of the active military community for 22-years. We have three adult children and seven grandchildren. God has

ordained, anointed, and appointed me to assist and serve others. For over 35 years, it has been my goal to find ways to take better care of my mind, body, and spiritual relationship with the Lord. As I grow, I always seek to share and empower others, which is significant to me, because as we learn to maintain an optimal level of wellness, we are better-aligned with the things of God. I am an ordained minister, evangelistic voice to the world, pastoral counselor, and holistic wellness life coach. I lead the LivingWord Outreach Ministry, sharing in prisons, nursing homes, presenting workshops, and planning and facilitating retreats. Also, I have been active in the Protestant Women of the Chapel, military ministry, for 30 years. During this capacity, I taught locally, regionally, and internationally. I am the CEO of West Business Consulting Services “WBCS,” and GinQKBoost specializing in primarily ginger products and sharing on healthy ways of living in alignment with Christ. Also, I am a self-published author of six books and hundreds of articles and devotions. I have traveled the world sharing God’s truth. Presenting business, leadership training for all genders and age groups. I helped start and continue to sponsor a mission school in Kakamega, E. Africa, and an orphanage in Sierra Leone, W. Africa. Let us not just hear the word only, but live to please the Lord. (James 1:22) Contact information: Email: drannettewestministries@gmail Phone: 803.464.0591 YouTube: DrAnnetteWest Facebook Group: Holistic Wellness: MindBodySpirit Instagram: westam1 (Your Daily Dose every morning, One-Minute, with a scripture, prayer and or thought)



As Christians, we believe sincere marriage is between male and female and measured in as the purpose of God. The establishment of marriage was created by God purposed for those after His heart. God’s heart and plan for marriage is for us to have company, friendship, closeness and ‘in-to-him’ intimacy. Marriage is designed to intentionally build up couples, endure shared joy, and assist each other in prosperity and hardships. Through His heart, purpose and plan for a Godly created marriage, a union

honors Him and a family foundation and structure. The Bible says, “be fruitful and multiply,” which keeps the family structure and foundation stronger for future generations. As Christian believers, we have a great deal of respect for marriage because it is ordained unto our Lord and Savior as a divinely blessed, lifelong, monogamous union between a man and woman. According to the Bible, the definition of a marriage relationship is a promise before God




to achieve the assurances that a marriage needs, such as the man attending to his wife’s physical, emotional, and sexual needs. Today, society has forgotten, or refused, to honor the Christian views on the institution of a holy matrimony. Satan has allowed laws to be passed for common law marriage, or shacking, in several states, same-sex marriage, transgender marriage, and all of this crazy, weird, and unexpectable mess. WARNING: God is not pleased with all of this abolition! His word clearly states how we are supposed to conduct marriages and why (1 Corinthians 7:8-9). We, as citizens, have allowed the enemy to come and say different; now, it’s just out of control. Children, middle schoolers, and young adults are willing to shack up because they are able to live with the individual for years without a formal marriage. Can we return to what is right? Yes, but we have to begin studying the word and hearing from God for instructions. It’s our time to win the lost and take back what God has ordained. The Bible speaks on being persecuted for righteousness and standing firm in our beliefs. The church is outside of the four walls for believers and not just on Wednesdays and Sundays. The three Hebrew boys stood on their belief and refused to bow; God saved them. John the Baptist refused to bow down because he stood firm in his faith. His soul was saved. The Bible speaks of Christ’s return for His church without a spot or a wrinkle. WAKE UP! Christ is married to the church; it is his bride. Our God can do abundantly above all we can ask or think because we have power and authority. Let what has been given to us prevail over the enemy and agents of wickedness and areas of darkness. The Christian viewpoint of marriages and relationships must be established according to God’s words and based upon His principles and foundation in order to please our Lord and Savior’s sight.

About the Author Leslie Harvey has committed her life to serving God. Through all of the challenges and trials, she has faced, her faith continues to elevate higher, Loving God more and more. She is a certified Christian Counselor who loves to pray, intercede and assist others. She is a dedicated active member of Word of Restoration International Church in Rosharon, Texas, under the leadership of Apostle Charles Perry Jr. and serving in the Marriage Ministry. This Los Angeles California native currently resides in Houston, Texas with her husband, four adult children and three grandchildren.

Marriage is “ designed to

intentionally build up couples, endure shared joy, and assist each other in prosperity and hardships.





2020 THE YEAR…IT CAME TO PASS! Tamekia Washington

The new year is a time of great joy, gratitude, exuberate celebrations, and major anticipation. You see, the New Year is the time of year when we look forward to an opportunity of do-overs. It’s the time we can make plans to have more and be more. It is a time we expect more for our lives, for ourselves and for our loved ones. Often, we grab the typical white poster board, and eagerly pour out our hearts and elaborate plans for the year!

ner with reality or hope against hope. I want to encourage you to hope against hope! You may be saying, “I have done it before, I have waited before, I’ve held on before.” Let me encourage you, beloved. This hope that you are holding on to will not disappoint you! Not only is enduring for your hope developing a holy character within you, but it is also thrusting you into a year where you will proclaim… IT CAME TO PASS!

Not only is this a time for high hopes, but it is also a time of great vulnerability. You see, for many, the New Year is a time we realize we didn’t do what we so enthusiastically planned the year prior. Or, it could be we didn’t receive what we desperately hoped for last year. I have found myself at that place before. You know, the place where hope and reality meet. This is a defining place and moment. This is the place where you must decide if you’ll part-

This new year is ushering in a new decade and this new decade is ushering in a new era. Know that you have not been down this road before. Don’t let the enemy convince you that you’ve heard it all before. Anticipation is in the air! See, 2020 is the year of picture-perfect clarity. You will see your vision with perfection and execute it with understanding and excellence. Father will provide you with the strategy and knowledge to execute what He has


called you to do. He has planned the perfect set up for you. He has gone before you and made the crooked paths straight. I know what you’re thinking. You’ve probably written every prophetic word God has given you, held onto it…prayed over and tarried for it. The time has come. Your prophetic promise is manifesting…now!

as truth, just as the enemy wanted. What a deception!

To see your blessing to come to pass, you must see and hear only what the Father says and sees. Not only that, beloved, but you also have a responsibility to cast down all vain thoughts and imaginations that exalt themselves above the knowledge of God. It brings me much joy and gratitude to exGod has spoken, right? press these words from Fathers’s heart to you. From his infinite knowledge, right? You know, He is the giver of good gifts and He Then every other thought not originated from takes good pleasure in saving us. This word him is a vain imagination. is exciting, but also know that it is mature. It comes with instructions and expectations. When the enemy, your adversary, tries to conSurprisingly, not only do we have expectavince you to reject your promise from God, tions for God, He has expectations for us. cast down the vain imagination and confess Therefore, I must convey to you what is need- the promises of God. As you speak what you ed to pull this word into your reality for 2020. hear God say with boldness and authority, In order to pull your prophetic promises into you will see the ushering in of a brand-new your now, you must not consider your circum- day, a new year, decade and era. You will see stances. Let me explain. When Satan went to the manifestation of every word that God has Eve in the garden of Eden, he tempted her promised you. You will say, “Truly God’s words with something that was in her surroundings. did not return to Him void!” You will shout Satan alone speaking to Eve would not have with a voice of triumph and proclaim your been enough to entice her, but he had to get victory. You will dance with joy and boldly say, her attention visually as well. “2020 without a doubt is a year like no other.” You will shout, “This is surely the year that… IT Often, we negate what we hear and focus on CAME TO PASS!” what we see. This is what happened to Eve. If Satan had gone to Eve and told her that God was a liar, she would’ve probably rebuked the viper, remembering that she had authority over him anyways. Instead of him coming to her directly and accusing God of being a liar, he manipulated her by diverting her attention to what she could see, which was the tree. At that moment she allowed the TEMPTATIONS of her surroundings (the tree) to speak louder to her than God’s word. This is how she perceived the fruit as good to eat. She took the temptation and looked at her surroundings. In other words, the tree became her focal point and Satan became her guide. At that moment, she saw her surrounding differently from what God had spoken. Taking her eyes off God and putting them on her surroundings distorted her image. She saw God as a liar and Satan’s depiction of her surroundings

will see “yourYouvision with perfection and execute it with understanding and excellence.





Peter wanted to walk on water with Jesus to experience the miraculous himself. However, to do that, Peter was going to have to access a faith beyond simply believing in Jesus; yet, it all started with one simple action. Perhaps you have found yourself, or are now, in the same place I recently was. I felt God leading my heart to make a life-changing decision: finish my book, which I have been working on for over 12 years; or remain

in my full-time job. I could not do both. My career only allowed me four hours a week to write, yet my manuscript still required hundreds of hours of work. Leaving my job meant a loss of my career and financial security. I prayed fervently for months to know God’s will in the matter. After several months, God spoke to me, “Steven, what is the first thing Peter had to do to walk on water with Jesus? He had to get out of the boat. Steven, get out of the boat!” The Word of the Lord


Leaving my “ job meant a

loss of my career and financial security. I prayed fervently for months to know God’s will in the matter.

then led to another deeper question: did I have the faith to ‘get out of the boat’? God’s profound, yet simple and clear message, has started me on a journey in the world of the miraculous, which leads to our study today. We’ll use the narrative found in Matthew 14:25-31. Shortly before dawn, Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then Peter got

down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “Why did you doubt?” And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” (Matt 14:25-33; NIV) It’s no wonder the disciples’ first response was fear: I think we can be fairly certain they had never seen anyone walk on water. Jesus, as God in human form, created and transcends the known physical laws of the universe. Jesus is doing the miraculous, and Peter, not fearful but intrigued, wants to experience the miraculous for himself. Now, I want to focus on the action, but first, we see that Peter wants to walk on the water, and we also see him asking Jesus’ permission to do so, which Jesus graciously grants. We then see what seems to be a simple descriptive part of the narrative, “Then Peter got down out of the boat…”, but this action to me, really represents the most challenging aspect of the event. The Bible, as so many of you know, is a multi-layered text in that what it says at face value is truth, but there are many layers of truth underlying the text itself. We know from accounts of this event that the seas were rough, and ‘the boat’ represents safety and security from the circumstances that surrounded the boat’s occupants. As long as they stayed in the boat, they would not drown. Peter getting out of the boat demonstrates a faith in Jesus and His power that was most likely beyond anything he had experienced in his life. On the surface, Peter getting out of the boat into rough seas pretty much guaranteed he was going to drown. The vital difference is outside of the boat is Jesus, already walking on the water, already doing what seems impossible to us! The narrative continues when Peter gets out of the boat and begins to walk on water,




just as Jesus is. The next part of the narrative is also crucial in its application to our faith, “But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Peter, instead of keeping his eyes on Jesus, began to focus on the circumstances that surrounded him, and those filled him with fear, so he began to sink. Likewise, when we want to experience and participate in the miraculous, if we focus on our circumstances instead of Jesus, we will also ‘begin to sink’. That is why the author of Hebrews twice admonishes us to “fix our thoughts on Jesus” and “fix our eyes on Jesus” (Hebrews 3:1; 12:2 NIV). When God calls us to do something that is beyond our ability, knowledge and skills, as long as we keep our eyes on Jesus, and not our circumstances and limitations, I believe we will accomplish whatever God has called us to do. In fact, I believe it is definitely God calling us when what God is asking to do what doesn’t seem possible. The conclusion of the narrative testifies to this, as well as the everlasting saving power of Jesus Christ. Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” Jesus did not let Peter drown, and Jesus will not let you ‘drown’, or be overcome by the circumstances you encounter as you move forward in experiencing the miraculous. Jesus also clearly identifies why Peter began to sink: Peter focused on the circumstances rather than on his faith in Jesus, and doubted Jesus. Jesus is not scolding Peter. Jesus is merely stating a Godly reality that is true for Peter and remains true for us today: had Peter remained sure of his faith in Jesus’ power, and not doubted, Peter never would have begun to sink. Maybe God is calling you to do something that seems beyond your abilities, to ‘get out of the boat’ that represents your security and safety. Maybe you have ‘gotten out of the boat’, but find yourself now in the midst of circumstances that seem overwhelming and

will not “letJesus you ‘drown’, or be overcome by the circumstances

you are beginning to feel afraid and doubt. Again, if God has called you to do something and you can’t see any possibility of how you would accomplish it, it is most certainly from God. Because it is not about what you can accomplish in your own resource and ability, it is about what God can accomplish through you for the glory of God and Jesus Christ! In the final analysis, the choice is yours. Is your faith limited to believing in Jesus Christ as long as you can maintain the structures of security and stability that you have? Or, do you want to experience the miraculous power of God’s provision, guidance and faithfulness? Because if you want to experience the miraculous, to see God truly guide and provide, then you are going to have to ‘get out of boat’. *** Steven John Taylor is the author of Christ: The Bridge, a groundbreaking theological study and commentary on the Book of Hebrews due for release worldwide in late 2020. He loves to connect with people! You can email him at share@writingaboutjesus.com or follow him on Facebook where he regularly posts his teachings.


NEW YEAR’S Terra Dobson

With the start of each new passing New Year, we are believing God to manifest change within our lives. We get eager and excited for this change to occur suddenly. However, as time goes on, it might appear that nothing is changing within our lives. If you’re like me, you might have gotten another year older, more gray hairs, and you see exciting things happening for everyone else, except you. You might be tempted to think, “Why is everyone getting blessed around me and here I am still in the same dead-end situation.” You might feel as though God has overlooked you! If I can be honest and transparent, I have been in this vulnerable place time and time again. You become tired! You might even be frustrated! All of these negative emotions have now gotten you to the point to where you’re tempted to quit, throw in the towel, or simply give up! I have so been there and I have the t-shirt to prove it, LOL. As we start our journey into this New Year, I want to take this moment to encourage you!

If you’re reading this, don’t think it is just a coincidence. No, this a kairos moment by the hand of the LORD for you. Beloved, God wanted me to let you know, He hasn’t forgotten about you and He loves you! He knows your name! Yes, you! He knows your address! He knows how many strands of hair are upon your head. Ladies, if you’re like me and you like to add hair to your head, He knows how many strands of hair that is too. I hope you were able to laugh at my joke. Laughter is really good like medicine. God doesn’t want you walking around being sad and depressed. He wants you to have JOY! He wants you to live a life of abundance. I have to share my favorite scripture with you. John 10:10 states, The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy, I have come that may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. This is not the time to quit, throw in the towel, give up, or lose faith. I want you to take this time to thank God for letting you live to see




another year! You made it to the year 2020! It’s not a coincidence that God kept you alive. This mere fact proves that God has a purpose for you! There are miracles and blessings that God wants to reign down over you. Don’t lose heart in this upcoming year. In Numbers 23:19, the scripture states, God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hate he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Please don’t throw away your confidence in God and the promises He has for you! Keep believing Him to do the impossible for you. Keep standing on His Word! Keep moving forward and not wavering at the blessings He wants to reign down upon You. God isn’t like man! He doesn’t say one thing one day and say something the complete opposite on the next day. No, we serve a God who is faithful! We serve a God whose word is forever settled in the heavens. It’s time to stop doubting God! It’s time to stop listening to the lies of the enemy! It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been waiting for the promises God has spoken over your life and no matter how many months, days, weeks, and years have passed by. The good news is God is still God! It’s time for you to possess the land! It’s time for you to regain your momentum. I want you to develop the same determination as Joshua and Caleb. The mindset that says, “I am well able to possess the land” (Numbers 13:30). Also, the same tenacity as Jacob: “LORD, I will not let go until bless me” (Genesis 32:22-31) Lastly, this is your season of advancement! I love what the Prophet Isaiah quoted, in Isaiah 43:19, For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. As we have seen the close of 2019, and now we are gazing upon the year 2020, out with an old year, in with a new year… God wants to do a new thing in your life. He wants to do something fresh, creative and exciting for you! I simply say to you, Watch God Work!

“ As time goes

on, it might appear that nothing is changing within our lives. If you’re like me, you might have gotten another year older, more gray hairs, and you see exciting things happening for everyone else, except you.


This will be a year of awe, breakthrough and the favor of God within your life! If you have been looking at things from a natural perspective, it’s time for you to dig deeper and to shift your focus. As Elisha prayed for his servant in 2 Kings 6:17, I pray God will open your spiritual eyes that you may see with the eyes of faith. I pray God will give you a fresh revelation of His power and that you will have a greater awareness of His presence in this new year. In times past, the enemy tried to trick you into thinking you were stuck in a hopeless and repetitive cycle. By the blood of Jesus, the cycle breaks now! You’re coming out! God is giving you strategy and wisdom to defeat every hindering thing! When you’re tempted to sink back into despair, renew your mind by reading your bible on a daily basis. Next, exercise your authority given to you by Jesus Christ and cast down every thought in your mind that is contrary to God’s word (2 Corinthians 10:5). Lastly, compile a list of scripture-based declarations to confess over your life. I will end with a few God has given me and I use on a regular basis. • God is perfecting everything concerning me! Psalm 138;8, The LORD will perfect that which concerns me. God is concerned about your every need. •God is always at work on my behalf. Psalm 121: 4(NLT), Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps. When it comes to you, God isn’t taking a break or resting, He is always working behind the scenes to produce a favorable outcome for you! •All things are working together for my good. Romans 8:28(KJV), And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Meditate on these scriptures, *Don’t think that the LORD is too weak to save you or too deaf to hear your call for help! Isaiah 59:1(GNT) *For the eyes of the

LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. 2 Chronicles 16:9 (KJV)

“ This is not the

time to quit, throw in the towel, give up, or lose faith. I want you to take this time to thank God for letting you live to see another year.




APOSTLE CHAZDON STRICKLAND Interviewed by Kimberly Moses

Interviewer: This is Prophetess Kimberly Moses from Rejoice Essential Magazine. How are you? Apostle Chazdon Strickland: I am doing well. Interviewer: Thank you so much for accepting the invite. I have been following your ministry. I see some of the clips that you have posted, and they are awesome! One of your church members has said great things about you, so I am excited about today. Apostle Chazdon Strickland: Ah, thank you so much. I am really excited as well, and I am thankful for the opportunity as well. Interviewer: So, how did everything get started? How did you get into ministry and how was that like for you? Apostle Chazdon Strickland: It is an amazing story. Most people on my mother’s side of the family are Jehovah’s Witnesses and my mother went through a lot of things when she had us. She received Jesus and after she received Jesus, she was excommunicated from the family. At the time, she didn’t understand that God had really changed the trajectory of our family. After my mother received Jesus, she began to just pursue the Lord and pursue ministry. I didn’t really know anything about ministry. I was just going to church because my mom was in church. But all those years that she was going, I didn’t even realize the impact that they were actually having on me and the foundation that was being laid in my life, and it was due to my mother’s walk with God. So, my mother continued down her

path. We had a season in our life when even my momma started backsliding when I was 16 years old. I fell into a lot of rebellion and when I turned 18 years old and I was about to graduate, it was almost like the Lord was saying, “Enough is enough!” God said, “I have called you and I have chosen you!” Everywhere that I went, someone was always preaching the gospel to me. And on my job, it turned out that all my friends that were in school with me, all of them had ended up being saved and we had randomly ended up working at the same job. They began to invite me to church and I was angry. I didn’t want to go back to church because I saw the effect that it had previously in my life and how it had affected my mother. So, I didn’t realize that I was carrying the offense toward ministry and the Lord. To make a long story short, my mother decided that she was going to go back to church and she started going for about a year. I still wasn’t going and one day, I just felt led that I needed to go with my mother. So I went back to the ministry and we look back, and it is kind of funny. You would never look at me today and think that this guy is Baptist. I walked into the ministry and it was the first time that I had walked into a room where people were praying in tongues and the power of God was in the atmosphere. And I began to weep. I really didn’t understand why I was crying, but I just was overcome by the power of God sitting in the service. Then after that, I received my first prophetic word. The word was that I was going to preach to the nations and every fiber in me





about “ toI was graduate,

it was almost like the Lord was saying, “Enough is enough!”

knew that it was true, but I rejected the word and I left. And that week, I decided that I was never going back to that church again. I love the Lord. He is so merciful, but He ended up taking me through a lot of stuff that week. I lost everything that was valuable to me, such as relationships at that time. I just started going through a lot and put in a position where I was at the end of myself. So, I said, “Ok, God. I know what You are doing. You are trying to make me go back to church.” So, I went back, and I ended up receiving another prophetic word, but this time it wasn’t so much the word. But actually, I began to encounter Jesus while I was sitting in the seat and the next thing that I know, I am on my knees at the altar with my hands lifted, and I am saying like “Yes, God I will serve you.” I was 18 years old. Right now, I am 31 years old. From that day, I have never turned from the Lord, and it has been such an amazing journey, but that was initially the reason I came into the ministry. I instantly began to serve, and I knew the call of God was on my life. I just faithfully served. I was the type of guy that would be the last one to leave and one of the first people to come. I served like in every ministry that you can think of at the church. I

just wanted to serve and God began to take in a deep time of intercession and prayer in my life. I just began to encounter Jesus and His Glory. That is the foundation of us. Me and my wife coming into the ministry and just that season in my life of being in the secret place while serving. Interviewer: Amen. It is amazing how the Lord just kept drawing you. I saw on one of the flyers that you are going to Africa. The Lord is truly opening up nations. Even when you were a babe in Christ, you were serving. What is the importance of serving? Apostle Chazdon Strickland: Yes, I believe that servanthood is very important to ministry, and you know when Jesus was talking to the disciples, he was actually telling them that to be great in the kingdom, the greatest is the servant. The chief among you is the servant and I really didn’t understand that principle when I first got saved. But it just became a part of me. I just knew by the Bible and the Spirit that is what I was supposed to do, and I was drawn to jobs that nobody else really wanted to do. So, I did the bathrooms and worked in media. I did the cameras and I think that I was serving maybe five years without sitting down in a church service. I began to understand just how important serving is and I believe that it is what led to the emergence of my ministry. I believe that in this generation, we need servant leaders. You know, people that are not just moving in the power of God and not just preaching on the pulpit, but we are actually never going to require people to do something that we do not do, you know? So anything that I ask of the people, you know that it is something that I have done. You know that we are the type that we wash people’s feet. You know we do the jobs that are considered the lowest. Like, I will still clean the bathrooms to this day. I am such a servant that many of my sons and daughters actually have to pry my bag away from me because I am really just not big on being served. I know that it is necessary for them to evolve and for them to grow


and have the right humility. I have seen in the ministry where people become celebrities. I am not knocking that, but my heart is really to avoid that.

intercession being the foundation of your ministry. I know sometimes some of us don’t want to pray. What keeps your prayer life alive? What keeps the passion in your prayer?

Interviewer: And that is important because that could lead to a lot of pride and things, but the serving will keep you humble. I like it how you said that your sons and daughters have to pry your bag out of your hand, and they say, “No, Apostle, we got to serve you.” Haha! That is awesome. You said prayer and

Apostle Chazdon Strickland: Ah! Wow! I guess there are a few ways that I can answer that question. I would say that one of the things that keep my prayer life is something that the Lord spoke to me years ago. It was the first time that I got an opportunity to preach and I was excited, you know, how it is the first




time. Honestly, at the time, it was more about being there than it was really about the Lord. The Lord was being patient with me. On the day that I was supposed to get up to preach, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Son, remember this. You will preach from the realm that you pray in.” Interviewer: Wow!! That is deep!! Apostle Chazdon Strickland: Yeah! When He said that to me, I realized then why there was so much shallow preaching in America. There are places in God that you can’t access just because you have a microphone in your hand. I really want to see the Kingdom of God made known, casting out of devils, healing of the sick, and [have] creative miracles. We want to see God transform people’s lives and bring them into the Kingdom of God. You know that the Bible says that with power, the Apostles gave witness to the lost of the Resurrection

that “ Youweknow are the

type that we wash people’s feet. You know we do the jobs that are considered the lowest.

of Jesus Christ. So, it is the Power of God that makes evidence that Jesus has risen from the dead and so because of that, it drives me to not lose the Power of God. I never want to be someone that does not have the ability to get evidence that Jesus is risen. I am also thankful for the intimacy with Jesus and the relationship that I was able to develop. I didn’t get to preach for a long time actually. I think that I served for eight years before I ever did any preaching and it was because of that foundation that I didn’t develop, like a pray to preach mentality. Prayer just kind of became a lifestyle. I got to tell you this too. It is kind of funny! When I was 18, I started having a lot of encounters with God, but that was another thing that kept me praying. The Bible talks about how Jesus showed Himself alive with many infallible truths and there was a season after His resurrection where Jesus was appearing to people? The Bible says that He actually came to about 500 believers to tell them to go to the Upper Room and only 120 of them showed up. Interviewer: Wow! Can you share an encounter? Apostle Chazdon Strickland: Oh yeah. Ok, so I gotta tell you a funny one. I had just moved to Jacksonville, Florida. Me and my wife we were in Columbus, Ohio. We had just gotten married and the Lord told us to move to Jacksonville. That was a big jump for me. I was scared to do it but we went ahead and made the jump. A short period of time there, we lived with my father. While we were living with my father, my dad was actually Baptist. Since he was Baptist, he doesn’t believe in praying in tongues. He doesn’t believe in being loud while you pray, so I was trying to respect his home. I hit a dry season in my prayer life, and I began to pray to the Lord. “Lord, what’s going on? I feel like when I’m praying it’s not effective. I don’t feel any intimacy with you when I’m in worship.” So, one night, I was kind of in


the middle of being asleep and awake, so I look up and I’m staring at this gigantic head. It was my pastor’s head. I’m like this is crazy, so I hear the voice of God. I’m actually seeing this in an open eye vision. I heard the voice of the Lord come out of my pastor’s face. And this is what they said, “You have been praying too soft. Go get your voice back.” Interviewer: Wow! Apostle Chazdon Strickland: Immediately, I feel the Lord come over me and I’m just like wow. I began to pray. I took the vision to someone and they’re like, “I don’t know about that. If there’s anything that I know, the devil would never tell you to pray.” Also afterward, a grace came over me after God announced that and it was just tremendous. But another encounter I had, this is probably one of the most powerful ones that I ever had. I went to school with a girl. She was one of my best friend’s cousins. I didn’t really know much about her. She was just a very well mannered type of young lady while we were going to school. Years later, I’m scrolling through Facebook and I happen to come across her page, and she’s a stripper. That bothered me because she was never like that when we went to school. I didn’t say a deep prayer. I didn’t say much. I just said God, whatever is going on, I just ask for You to turn her life around. Interviewer: Amen. Apostle Chazdon Strickland: So long story short, I went to bed that night, and then I have a dream. In the dream, I was standing in front of these two hospital doors. Then I hear the Lord say to me, “I’m going to tell you today,” and then I hear her first and last name. Then the hospital doors opened and I’m standing in the labor room. Her mom is giving birth to her. I’m seeing all the complications her mother had to give birth to her. It was amazing. Once I woke up, I felt a strong impression that I need to reach out to her, but the only way I could reach her was through Facebook. This was a problem because I was

want to “I really see the

Kingdom of God made known, casting out of devils, healing of the sick, and [have] creative miracles.

always taught, “Don’t be a Facebook prophet.” I’m like, “Lord, I don’t have a phone number. I don’t have any other way to reach her.” So I went ahead and inboxed her. I didn’t know how to bring it to her. I said, “Hey, how are you? I haven’t talked to you in a while.” She said, “Hey, how are you?” I asked her, “When you were born, were you not expected to live? Were you not expected to make it through the labor?” She was shocked. She said, “Yes.” Interviewer: Wow! Apostle Chazdon Strickland: “I was on a breathing machine for the first year of my life.” Interviewer: Jesus! Apostle Chazdon Strickland: Her mother was on drugs while she was pregnant with her and it affected her development. Long story short, I shared with her all the details I saw in




the dream and it turned this young girl back to Jesus. Interviewer: Thank you, Jesus! Apostle Chazdon Strickland: It was so profound because I had no way to know this information. It was the highest level of word of knowledge that I have ever received. I don’t have encounters every day. Sometimes we talk about encounters and they might say, “ Man, this guy has encounters all the time.” A lot of times, I’m praying by faith and I’m studying the word by faith. I may have several impressions, but I may have two or three major encounters a year. I had this encounter where an angel came to me. I was 19 years old. An angel came and tapped me on my shoulder. I couldn’t see the angel, but the angel spoke to me in an audible voice. He said, “I am here. I am the angel of the Lord, and I’m here to speak a message to you.” Immediately the angel starts speaking but I did not hear words. It was like water pouring into my spirit. At that moment, after that encounter, I began to operate in the spirit of revelation. I asked the Lord, “Why aren’t you speaking words?” and He said, “My language is not words all the time.” He took me to Revelation 1:10. When I saw it, I heard the Lord. I heard a voice and the voice sounded like a trumpet. That’s when He began to give me the revelation of prophetic sounds. To go back to what you were saying, I love to pray because prayer leads to encounters. Prayer postures you to encounter the Lord. But the other thing is the encounters reveal mysteries and secrets that can only be made now through experience. There are some things that you can’t really learn until you experience them in the Glory. Interviewer: That’s amazing, the encounters and the word of knowledge. You’re stirring me up to pray more. God reveals the hidden things that you couldn’t know otherwise except by His spirit. The angels and then the water, I have never heard that before. It is an eye-opener for me. Then you gave the Scripture, which really blessed me. I wanted to ask

I didn’t say “ much. I just

said God, whatever is going on, I just ask for You to turn her life around.

you a question about the Glory. I saw something that you posted. I didn’t understand the instructions that the Lord told you to preach from the sound booth but God moved. You didn’t have to lay hands. The Glory just dropped. What is the Glory and how can we walk at that level? Apostle Chazdon Strickland: Oh, wow! I will say that the glory is hard to define. Even in the Greek and Hebrew language, there are over 100 definitions for the glory. If I would give it a streamlined definition, I would say that the Glory is the very person of God, and it’s the atmosphere of heaven and so it was one of the things I experienced when I preached from the sound booth. We were in a season of a lot of miracles and I think that last year and this year we have seen a lot of miracles. We just began to see just crazy miracles, creative miracles. The lame walking, the blind eyes opening, and we see these results right here in America. You know, you usually only hear about that stuff in other countries, and so we began to see all these miracles, and this is what actually happened. One reason the Lord





told me to preach from the sound booth is He said, “I do not want the people to glorify you.” Interviewer: Ah, my God!! Apostle Chazdon Strickland: I have seen at times when it’s like you are moving in the Glory. In the book of Acts, the people actually thought that Paul was a god. It is very easy to get beside yourself in the Glory, so sometimes in the Glory, God will put you in a position where you are another spectator rather than the instrument that He is using. So, I preached from the sound booth and the Glory of God began to erupt all over the building. People begin to attempt to walk on the stage and fell under the power and people in their seats fell under the power. But what I have learned about the Glory is that wherever the Glory is, there are angels. A lot of people have seen angelic activity, angelic assistance. When you see someone fall under the power, it is revealing. Remember when Jesus talked about the wind and He talked about how the kingdom is not of observation? One of the things that He talked about is the wind being made evident by blowing leaves so the only way we know that the wind is there is when the leaving are blowing. But what I was saying about the kingdom is whenever you see someone fall under the power or have a healing or miracle, all we’re seeing is spiritual evidence of spiritual activity from God’s invisible Kingdom colliding with the earth. Interviewer: Ah, I like that definition! Apostle Chazdon Strickland: Yeah, it is a lot. I would say that walking in the Glory is a lot easier than it is made to be and sometimes people that walk in the Glory make it a difficult task because they kind of want to monopolize operating in the power. I would say that one of the biggest things about operating in the Glory of God are two things: 1. Fear of the Lord, because the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Also, in the book of Isaiah, when the Bible talks about having the seven spirits of God, which is basically the full function of the Holy Spirit, it sets up and names each one of them and it says, “And the fear of the Lord will be his delight.” I really believe that the fear of the Lord is key to operating in the Glory because it causes us to depart from evil. It says, “Angels encamp round about those who fear Him,” because it talks about the eyes of the Lord are upon those who fear Him. Having the fear of God actually attracts heaven. It attracts angels. It attracts the intention of the body. So when we walk in the fear of the Lord, we gain access to all that the kingdom is and it is really amazing. 2.

Just intimacy. Spending time with

“ I wasold.19Anyears angel came and tapped me on my shoulder. I couldn’t see the angel, but the angel spoke to me in an audible voice.


Jesus and I don’t think anything will ever substitute or replace that . I use to study a lot of people like Benny Hinn and that one thing that amazed me. He has a book called “Good Morning Holy Spirit.” It is a classic! I often go

I preached “ So,from the

sound booth and the Glory of God began to erupt all over the building. People begin to attempt to walk on the stage and fell under the power and people in their seats fell under the power.

back and read that book. He actually came into the Glory of God without even knowing anything about the Glory. He just went to a Kathryn Kuhlman meeting, was touched in that meeting, went home and said a prayer, and said, “God, I want to know you the way that Kathryn Kuhlman knows you.” He just spent hours in his room just telling the Lord that he loves Him and I believe if we just get back to that, the church will just begin to see the Glory of God more. Interviewer: Amen. We need it. Every time I turn around, it is a backsliding church. There are so many people that are lukewarm and carnal. Then, when you begin to operate in the supernatural, people persecute you as if you are a warlock or witch. They just don’t understand it and I am like, “Really? This should be normal!” I know you talked about you having an A. A. Allen mantle. What is a mantle? What is an A.A. Allen mantle? Apostle Chazdon Strickland: That is an amazing question! We are more familiar with mantles from the Old Testament with the mantle of the Prophets. The mantle was a cloak that was really just like a uniform and it was like a garment. However, it had a spiritual or prophetic significance, and what it represented was the grace being dressed around the individual. The person was actually carrying that power from something. So a prophetic mantle is what distinguishes a person as a prophet. But in the New Testament, we don’t just have the prophetic mantle, but now we have the five-fold ministry. So, the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher are your primary mantles. There are other kinds of mantles. There are mantles of intercession, etc. But you have five primary mantles. All they do is wrap us with the power to perform the office for the official duty. Another example of how we see mantles is we know of the story between Elijah and Elisha, but I do want to point out that in the New Testament, God told them to wait for the promise of the Father. Then He said that




He actually came into the Glory of God without even knowing anything about the Glory.

“You are going to be dressed in power.” That was actually a reference to a mantle. I know how to give you the power to preach the Gospel. So what I love about it is that in the Old Testament, you only have mantles for certain people, but in the New Testament, the mantles were for the entire church. See, there are mantles of power where God blesses us to be able to perform what Jesus has done in the earth and each mantle has a specific purpose. Some people may have a business mantle. By that mantle, you are empowered to be successful in business. There are mantles of intercession. Through that mantle, you are empowered to operate in the prophetic, operate as a marksman, and have a divine grace for endurance to pray. Beyond that, we go back to the A. A. Allen mantle. For the last 13 years, I was prophesied to about having encounters and about operating in a miracle ministry. But I would only see like flashes. So there would be moments where I would see somebody get healed but it was never like full scale. One specific day, I was in a meeting. A preacher actually looks at me and said, “I see an angel standing behind you.” Interviewer: WOW!!

Apostle Chazdon Strickland: Then I begin to fall onto the floor and when the preacher said that, he said, “I see a mantle being placed on you and it is the mantle of A.A. Allen.” What he didn’t know is that A.A. Allen is my favorite revivalist from revival history from the 1940’s healing movement. I was always very drawn to A.A. Allen’s ministry and I never knew why. Long story short when Elijah went up, Elijah’s mantle did not go to heaven with him and the reason being is that he doesn’t need it in heaven. So, a lot of what we see in the earth is not new. It is really just something ancient, something old that has already been in the earth and God just wants us to access it and carrying it in a different way, based on our current culture. A.A. Allen has passed away, but I received that mantle. I said that in humility, but the minute that it happened we, began to see miracles explode in our ministry services. I can’t even take credit for any of the miracles because I was empowered to do miracles by the mantle and by the grace of God. So that is when the blind eyes started opening, and we started seeing the lame walking. Interviewer: Amen! What would you tell someone that believes in miracles but only sees spurts and no consistent miracles? They know they have a miracle ministry, but they are in the waiting process. Apostle Chazon Strickland: I will say this: in the supernatural, you can’t be scared to fail. You can’t be afraid to pray for someone and not see them get healed. There are a couple of things that I would suggest to really step into more miracles because right now, I am still pressing into deeper miracles. I would say that you would never get satisfied. 1. Fasting - you know when you are really hungry, you should stay hungry and fast. If I prayed for somebody and they didn’t get healed, that would drive me to pray more. And it still does, and it makes me say, “Ok, God, give me victory over cancer. Give me victory over this.” Then, I would actually take that


said, “I see “aHemantle being placed on you and it is the mantle of A.A. Allen.” What he didn’t know is that A.A. Allen is my favorite revivalist

back to the secret place.

2. The only other thing that I would say is to study the lives of people who operate in miracles. That is another big thing that I did and learned some secrets of how they actually would operate in miracles. One of the gifts, it states the working of miracles and that implies that you and I are actually working the miracles. I had to learn how to actually work the miracles. Some people pray and move off too fast, so there are some things that I had to learn about it: how to work the miracle. I did that by watching people operating in miracles and I studied their lives and how they did the miracles. I studied how they talked to the person and how they handled the person from A to Z, from the beginning all the way to the end when the miracle was done. I just paid attention to that kind of stuff, read every miracle in the Bible, really digesting every miracle for the ministry of Jesus. All the miracles for Elijah, all the miracles in the elements,

and miracles of provisions. So I studied all the miracles in the Bible constantly. I kept them before me to keep the faith. The other thing that I did was if God used me for a miracle, I would always keep it in my memory. Testimony - the word testimony actually means to do again or to do over. So, in other words, testimonies are actually prophetic by nature. They release an atmosphere to recreate what caused the testimony in the first place. I would actually believe for a miracle. I would just remind myself of what God did for that person or I would listen to the other testimonies of other people who did miracles. Try to find someone that you can commit to and learn from that operates in miracles. You may not necessarily have to change. I am not telling you to change your Pastor, but there is maybe a mentor who operates in miracles already that can invest in your life. That is something that I would say to anybody that wants to grow. Amen! Interviewer: Amen! That is Awesome! That is good advice! Could I share with you really quickly? In 2018, the Lord told me to step out and do a conference and I was so scared, Apostle. I said, “Wow God!” This is my first time doing something outside of the church and I am doing it like in South Carolina and I was living in Colorado. So it was new to me and that was the time that I heard the Lord say, “I’m giving you a miracle mantle. A lady is here with one leg shorter than the other one. Step out and pray for her,” and He showed me how to do it. “Sit her down and speak and tell that leg to grow out evenly.” So, it happened! Since then, I have been seeing stuff, so everything that you said, Man of God, is right. It is stirring up my hunger to know more and everything that you said is right on key. I know that this interview is going to bless a lot of people. I like how you said on your intro on Facebook that you are a modern-day revivalist? Can you explain what that is? Apostle Chazdon Strickland: So, the reason that I call myself a modern-day revivalist is




because I grew up Baptist and didn’t know anything about a revival. I thought that a revival was a conference. I thought it was when you brought some speakers in, they spoke for a week straight, and they preached really good. One day I ran across this man whose name was Smith Wigglesworth. When I began to hear about Smith Wigglesworth, who had raised the dead and I started studying other people. I had heard about Katheryn Kulman, Jack Cole, and A.A. Allen. I was hearing about some of these individuals and they moved in the healing power of God. They actually saw entire cities changed! A.A. Allen’s ministry was so powerful that people in the I.C.U. who were on their deathbeds used to be brought out under his tents. The hospitals actually believed more in the power of God, when they were in town, than their own medical practice. Interviewer: Jesus! Apostle Chazdon Strickland: It just shows you the power that God was releasing and they called them all revivalists. It was because they carried the call to bring the church back to life, to call backsliders back home, to call them to come back into their normal stage, in which the early church of the book of Acts was in which was riddled with signs, wonders and miracles with the power of the Glory. That is essentially what a revivalist is. They carry the call to bring the church back to life, to bring people back to life that have died. I call myself a modern-day revivalist because I believe that there is an emerging of the Spirit of Revival that is coming into the church in particular. I see it happening in African American circles again and I keep seeing God starting to raise up revivalists. I really believe that we are on the brink of one of the greatest moves of God in church history! Interviewer: Amen! That’s awesome and so encouraging! I know that you are big on family. I was admiring what you said. You said, “I am in love with my wife and I am a Superman to my kids.” I love that! So how important is

the right spouse in ministry? Apostle Chazdon Strickland: That is a big deal! One of the things that is scary about miracle ministries is when I am in revival, a lot of people that operate in the power of God, families have fallen apart. Interviewer: Jesus! Apostle Chazdon Strickland: Because they can become so focused on the mission that they have and the assignment that they have that they overlook the people that should mean the most to them. So that is one thing that kind of scared me in the beginning, you know. In ministry, you see so many families fall apart, and all of this is connected to ambition. We have ambition and it is no different than it is for celebrities when they end up in divorce because there is no value in the family. My wife and I have been married for eleven years. Interviewer: Amen!

One of the “gifts, it states

the working of miracles and that implies that you and I are actually working the miracles.





Apostle Chazdon Strickland: Our marriage is beautiful, and God has really blessed me with an amazing wife. I could not ask Him for a better wife and I just really take pride in that. The way I see it is a supernatural lifestyle. It is not so much as an event, nor is it a service. When we talk about the fear of the Lord, we can’t say we fear God if it doesn’t display in the way we treat our wives or our spouses and the way that we raise our kids. So for me, I think it is just as important, or maybe more important, that I am who I say I am, especially when we get behind closed doors. I spend a lot of time with my kids and we do a lot. We take them places most of the time. I do ministry at church and they come with me. We spend a lot of time together. We go on ministry assignments and we go to South Florida. After I get through ministering, we usually stay over another day. We go sight-seeing, so the kids get to experience and to see different parts of the nation or different parts of Florida or different parts of wherever we go. So that ministry is not just about ministry. We turn it into almost like a mini-vacation. It is really important to me. I would like to say, if there is a preacher listening, I would like to say this: if you were to ever fail, everybody would probably turn their backs on you. Most of your followers would be gone. It doesn’t have to be true or it could be a scandal or it could be a lie. All those people are going to be gone, but your family, they are going to be there for you. Interviewer: Amen! That is right! Apostle Chazdon Strickland: What I am saying is don’t make decisions based on just your following and stuff like that. Pay close attention to your kids. They need you. Your wife needs you or your husband needs you. That is what’s most important because they are the ones that when all the lights are off, when you are off the stage, they are there and home with you. Interviewer: Amen! I Love that! I desire to

The early “church of the book of Acts was in which was riddled with signs, wonders and miracles with the power of the Glory.

stay a day over, especially if the Lord begins to open up doors. I get so much wisdom and I just love how you are big on family. That is very encouraging and we need more Men of God in the Body of Christ that do love their wives and do love their children and value family. So that’s important for you to differentiate here. Do you have any books that you are working on or any projects that you want our readers to know? Apostle Chazdon Strickland: Actually, I am long over-due to write a book. I am actually in the middle of writing a book. It is called Operating In the Glory. So that will be released soon and I am sharing all the secrets that I have learned about operating in the Glory. There is some stuff you can’t really cover while you are preaching or while you are teaching. But writing is a phenomenal way to really pull out everything. It is the best way to do what I am trying to do. One of the main things I desire is to do a book because I want pas-


tors to see the supernatural in their churches. That is really one of the biggest reasons for the book. It will, of course, bless people who are not in leadership and stuff like that, but there is such a deficit of churches out there. I just sometimes think about when I walked into the church when I was 18. If I walk into a church today that doesn’t have the power of God, I don’t believe that I would be saved like I am now. I just believe that it is important. So, this is what I am working on as far as a book. I also have something that’s called “Equipped” and it is a mentorship program that we are doing now. It will also do that very same thing as the book title, but I am spending about 16 weeks where I am just going to be doing Facebook. I have a secret page and I am just going to literally just pour out a lot of things. I am going to be doing a lot of teaching on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which has been a neglective truth, a neglective reality. It is one of the most important realities and we are going to really share secrets of miracles, the anointing, and the prophetic. There are so many things that we are going to really cover in that span of time in those 16 weeks. It would also be good if you are looking to grow in the things of God. Interviewer: Amen! How can people sign up for the mentorship? Apostle Chazdon Strickland: They can actually go onto my ministry page, Chazdon Strickland Ministries. As soon as they pull up the page, they will be able to see all the information there. Likewise, with the book as well. They will be able to see all the releases and all the updates of all the things that we are releasing and all that we are doing. I believe that it will be good to connect with, especially if you are looking to grow in the things of God and if you are also looking forward to being pure and balanced with family. It’s a place where we are not hyper-spiritual or where we don’t want be ‘freaks on fire’, as my old Pastor used to say back in the day.


Interviewer: Right! Do you have any closing words for this interview? Apostle Chadzon Strickland: In closing, I honor you Prophetess and I am just really thankful that you brought me on and gave me an opportunity to speak into the lives of the people. I just want to say that these are the days of the Glory! This is the hour for the Glory! For God to rise! Don’t be distracted by the smoke screens that are going on from CNN and the media. The Glory of the Latter House will be greater than the former and this is a time for the Glory! And it is once again miracle time in America again. We are about to see the power of God in a way that we have never seen before! I just really feel led to tell the church, in this hour, that this is a time that the Lord is showing what is shifting our focus, and our focus is coming back onto the original design. The original apostolic doctrine of the church. Interviewer: Amen! That is confirmation because the Lord had been speaking to me about that. About the wave of Glory! So that bears witness with my spirit also. I just thank you so much, Man of God, for allowing us to interview you and for you taking out the time. Apostle Chadzon Strickland: Thank you so much. Thank you for calling me and having me today!

Pay close “attention to

your kids. They need you. Your wife needs you.




Chicken and Seafood Paella - a classic Spanish rice dish made with Arborio rice, packed with chicken, sausage, mussels, clams and shrimp and loaded with flavor. INGREDIENTS 2 tbsp olive oil 4 chicken thighs boneless and skinless cut into 1 inch pieces 2 chorizo sausages cut into 1 inch pieces (I used Italian sausages) 1/2 tsp salt or to taste 1/4 tsp pepper or to taste 1 large onion chopped 6 cloves garlic minced 1 1/2 cups arborio rice* 14 oz diced fire roasted tomatoes (1 can)

4 cups vegetable or chicken broth low sodium 1 tbsp hot sauce such as Tabasco or Sriracha 2 tsp smoked paprika 1 tsp saffron 1 lb large shrimp shelled and deveined but keep tails on 1 lb mussels scrubbed and soaked 1 lb clams scrubbed and soaked fresh parsley for garnish chopped 1 lemon cut into wedges INSTRUCTIONS In a large paella pan heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the chicken and sausage, season with salt and pepper, then cook for about 5 minutes until the chicken is no longer pink.


Move the chicken and sausage to one side of the pan, then add the onion to the other half, season with a bit of salt and pepper and cook for 2 minutes until the onion becomes translucent and soft. Add the garlic and cook for another minute.

the rice, cover with a lid again and cook for another 10 minutes or until the mussels and clams open up.

Add the arborio and fire roasted tomatoes to the pan and stir well. Let the rice cook in the sauce from the tomatoes for about 5 minutes, you will notice it will start to brown on the bottom, which is what you’re looking for. Add the broth, hot sauce, smoked paprika, saffron and season with salt and pepper if needed. Stir everything together and cover with a large lid. Cook for about 15 minutes or until most of the liquid has been absorbed by the rice. The rice will not be cooked through at this time.

NUTRITION INFORMATION: Calories: 434kcal (22%)Carbohydrates: 38g (13%)Protein: 36g (72%)Fat: 14g (22%)Saturated Fat: 3g (19%)Cholesterol: 220mg (73%) Sodium: 1112mg (48%)Potassium: 525mg (15%)Fiber: 2g (8%)Sugar: 2g (2%)Vitamin A: 530IU (11%)Vitamin C: 15.6mg (19%)Calcium: 128mg (13%)Iron: 5.5mg (31%)

Turn down the heat and stir the rice around a bit, you will notice the crust on the bottom of the pan, that’s what you’re looking for. Arrange the shrimp, mussels and clams over

Turn off the heat and garnish with parsley and lemon wedges.














Written from the heart This book gives her personal experiences and Gods word as the foundation of what she shares. You can feel her heart as you read about her personal experiences. She helps you believe that her victories will be your victories also — Pastor Kevin Brewer




ThisThis is anis excellent an excellent dailydaily devotion. devotion. It blessed It blessed me me tremendously tremendously to get to get in the in the Word Word andand to stay to stay in in Word. I absolutely Declarations. the the Word. I absolutely lovelove the the Declarations. —Mesha —Mesha





“The Making of A Prophet: Women Walking In Prophetic Destiny” is a must read! When I started reading the first declaration, I could feel the fire of God, so I knew this book was anointed. Some of the declarations in this book are declarations that I either already speak or have spoken over myself, and there are other declarations in this book I felt were for me. I also appreciate Prophetess Kim’s testimonies in this book. The transparency she displays is encouraging because just like so many others (including myself ), Prophetess Kim did not see herself as being worthy enough to used by God, especially as a prophet. When God called Prophetess Kim to the office of a prophet, she felt that she was in a terrible state in her life, but being in that state was how she was able to trust and rely on God. When Prophetess Kim finally surrendered to God, He was able to use her more for His glory. “The Making of A Prophet: Women Walking In Prophetic Destiny” is truly a blessing for me because it gives me the encouragement and boldness that I need to move in the prophetic without focusing on the distractions or objections from others who disagree with women operating in their God-given assignment. People will try to put limits on you, but when it comes to God, there are no limitations; Prophetess Kim makes that clear in this book. She challenges and breaks the barriers some people try to use against women operating in church, ministry, five-fold offices, etc. “The Making of A Prophet: Women Walking In Prophetic Destiny” will inspire you to move forward in your assignment with the confidence in knowing that God has you, He is with you, and you have what it takes to carry out His purpose for your life, with or without the approval of others. Thank you, Prophetess Kim, for allowing God to use you to bring this much-needed book forward, blessings to you always! —LaShana Lloyd *** This book is very necessary! Women are misunderstood not only throughout the world as far as equality, but they are also misunderstood when it comes to God’s purpose in their lives. God mandated everyone, male or female, with a purpose. I’m so glad that this book described Biblical women that God uses continually throughout the Word of God as well as powerful testimonies from the writer, Prophetess Kimberly Moses. Being a student of the School of Prophets, Prophetess Kimberly imparts to her students, and we began to flow in dreams, visions, Word of knowledge, Word of Wisdom and increase of discerning of spirits. Her Love for people and God shows and is all in the fruit God does through Prophetess Kimberly. This book will bless you! — Anstrice Mcmillian Epps *** I enjoy reading books by Prophetess Kimberly Moses. She’s an amazing teacher of the Prophetic Ministry and an asset to the Body of Christ. This book will enlighten your understanding of the Women Prophets in Biblical times and help you to understand what women Prophets of today are dealing with. It will bring clarity of your own identity as a Prophet of God. I used to feel left out and different from the rest, until I found people that were just like myself. Her books are filled with wisdom; the knowledge you obtain from her books will stick with you. I had the pleasure of taking her course “School of the Prophets,” which was life-changing for me. I encourage anyone looking to fulfill the prophetic call on your life to take her course. You will never be the same. — Felecia Jackson





















“VERY INFORMATIVE” I really enjoyed reading “Enhancing The Prophetic In You.” it’s engaging, very informative, and gives a fresh perspective of the Prophetic for beginners and seasoned saints. — Felecia Jackson “I RECOMMEND THIS READ TO NOVICE AND ADVANCE PROPHETIC PRACTITIONERS ALIKE” Enhancing the Prophetic is very well written and solid teaching on the prophetic ministry. The book and teaching is backed accurately by Scripture. Subjects such as prophetic protocols, and the Dos and Don’ts of the Prophetic Ministry are covered within this book. I recommend this read to novice and advance prophetic practitioners alike.— Apostle DAE









“IT’S ORDAINED BY GOD” This book is full of the wisdom of God. It is helping me understand a lot of things that I’ve experienced in my life, and it has brought me FREEDOM indeed — Gigi Love



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