Laity Voice July 2010

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Pqsse 01, 2010

Biwk 2008 HmKÃv 12-˛mw XnbXn kotdm˛ae-_m¿ _nj]vkv kn\Uv am¿ amXyp Ad-bv°¬ sNb¿am\pw, am¿ amXyp B\n°p-gn-°m-´n¬, am¿ sk_m-Ãy≥ FS-b{¥Øv F∂n-h¿ AwKß-fp-ambn \ntbm-Kn® Aevamb IΩo-js‚ {]h¿Ø-\-߃ k`mkaq-lØ - n\v Hcp ]pØ-\p-W¿hv \¬In-bn-´p≠v. k`mZn\ambn BN-cn-°p∂ ZpIvdm\ Xncp-\m-fn¬ Aevamb IΩo-j≥ ‘Laity Voice’ F∂ t]cn¬ Hcp C‚¿s\‰v hm¿Ømam[yaØn\v XpS°w Ipdn-°p-∂X - n¬ Rm≥ kt¥m-jn-°p-∂p. \ΩpsS k`-bpsS ]mc-º-cy-Ønepw, hnizm-k-Ønepw apdpsI ]nSn-®p-sIm≠v temI-sa-ºm-Sp-ap≈ hnizmkn kaq-lsØ k`bpsS apJy-[m-cb - n¬ i‡n-s∏-SpØp-hm≥, Aevamb IΩo-j≥ \S-Øp-∂ ]cn-{i-a-߃°v CsXmcp klm-bn-bmIpw F∂Xv Dd-∏m-Wv. C‚¿s\‰v hm¿Øm-am-[y-a-cw-KØv IS-∂p-sN∂v {InkvXp-kvt\-lhpw, kphn-tij ktµ-ihpw FØn-t°-≠X - ns‚ Bh-iy-IX Xncn-®-dn-™n-cn-°p∂ Hcp Ime-L-´-am-Wn-Xv. kXyk-‘-ambn Imcy-߃ Adn-bm-\pw, ]Tn-°m-\p-ap≈ Ah-k-c߃ GsXm-cmƒ°pw e`n-°-Ww. ]pXp-Xmbn Bcw-`n-°p∂ C‚¿s\‰v hm¿Øm-am-[yaw Aevamb kaq-l-Øns‚ hnhn[ Xe-ß-fnse {]h¿Ø-\-ßsf GtIm-]n-∏n-°m\pw i‡n-s∏-SpØm\pw D]-I-cn-°-s´-sb∂v Biw-kn-°p-∂p.

tZml: BtKmf Xe-Øn¬ kotdm ae-_m¿ k`m kaq-lsØ k`-bpsS apJy-[m-c-bn¬ i‡n-s∏-Sp-Øp-sa∂v Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sNb¿am\pw Im™n-c-∏≈n cq]Xm _nj∏p-amb am¿ amXyp Adbv°¬ {]kvXm-hn-®p. JØ-dns‚ Xe-ÿm-\-amb tZml-bnse sk‚ v tXmakv tZhmeb A¶-W-Øn¬, kotdm ae-_m¿ k` Aevamb IΩo-js‚ B`nap-Jy-Øn¬ hnhn[ cmPy-ß-fn-embn \S-°p∂ Aevamb Iq´m-bva-IfpsS {]Ya ]T-\I - ym-ºpw, Aevamb ktΩ-f\ - hpw DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp kwkm-cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p am¿ Ad-bv°¬. hnhn[ cmPy-ß-fn¬ k`m ]mc-º-cy-hpw, ss]Xr-Ihpw ImØpkq-£n®v hnizm-k-Øn¬ ASnbp-d®p apt∂-dp∂ hnizmkn kaq-lØns‚ tkh-\-߃ AXp-ey-am-Wv. sh√p-hn-fn-Ifnepw, {]Xn-k-‘nI-fnepw Xf-cmsX apt∂-dp-hm≥ k`m t\XrXzw Ah-tcm-sSm-∏-ap-≠mIpw. ktΩ-f\ - Ø - n¬ Iqcnb _nj∏v am¿ t_mkvtIm ]pØq¿ A≤y£X hln-®p. sFIy-tØmSpw {]m¿∞-\t- bmSpw IqSn-bp≈ H∂mb

I¿±n-\mƒ h¿°n hnX-b-Øn¬ taP¿ B¿®v _nj-]v, kotdm ae-_m¿ k`

Mar Mathew Arackal Chairman

Mar Mathew Anikuzhikkattil Member

Mar Sebastian Adayantharath Member

{]h¿Ø-\-߃°v At±lw Aevam-bsc Blzm\w sNbvXp. k`-bpsS BtKm-fX - e Aevamb {]h¿Ø-\ß - s- f-°p-dn®v IΩo-j≥ sk{I-´dn AUz. hn kn sk_m-Ãy≥ apJy{]-`m-jWw \S-Øn. tUm. taml≥ tXma-kv, ^m. tPmkv X®p-Ip-t∂¬, tUhnkv CS-t»cn, tUhnkv FS-°f - Ø - q¿, ¢mc≥kv Fe-hpØn- ¶ ¬, sPbnwkv tPm¿÷v F∂n- h ¿ kwkm-cn-®p. N¿®-Iƒ°v sjh. kn_n hmWnb-∏p-cb - ° v ¬ tamU-td-‰d- m-bn-cp-∂p. JØ-dnse Aevamb {]h¿Ø-\ß - ƒ°p≈ I¿Ω-]c- n-]mSn-Iƒ Bhn-jvIc- n-®p.

kotdm ae-_m¿ k` Aevamb IΩojs‚ B`n-ap-Jy-Øn¬ B[p-\nI kmt¶XnI kwhn-[m-\-߃ D]-tbm-K-s∏-SpØn am[ya cwKØv ]pØ≥ kwcw- ` - Ø n\v Bcw`w Ipdn-°p-∂p. Laity Voice C˛ amknI Cu cwKsØ Aevamb IΩo-js‚ {]Ya kwcw-`-am-Wv.

am{X-am-Wn-Xv. 2009 HmKÃv 12-˛15 hsc k`m Bÿm- \ - a mb Fd- W m- I pfw Im°- \ mSv au≠v sk≥dv tXma-kn¬ tN¿∂ A¥¿tZiob Aev a mb Akw- ª n- b n¬ 2030 ˛tebv°p≈ k`-bpsS apt∂-‰-sØ-°p-dn®v Bi-b-߬ ]¶p-sh-bv°p-Ibpw ]T-\-tc-JIƒ Xøm-dm-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp.

hnhn[ cmPy- ß - f n- e mbn NnX- d nPohn°p∂ k`-bnse Aevamb kaq-lsØ tIm¿Øn- W °n i‡n- s ∏- S p- Ø pI F∂ e£yØn\m-bp≈ Hcp FfnbNph-Sp-hb - v]p

e£y-Øn-se-Øn-t®-cp-hm≥ am[y-a-cwKsØ \ΩpsS ]¶m-fnØw i‡n-s∏-Sp-ØWw. sebv‰n thmbnkn-eqsS temI-sa-ºmSp-ap≈ hnizmkn kaq-lsØ k`-bpsS \ne-

Pqsse aq∂v sk‚ v tXmakv Zn\w, k`m Zn\-hpw. Aevamb IΩo-js‚ am[y-a-cwKsØ {]Ya kwcw-`-amb Laity Voice, k`- b psS Xe- h \pw I¿±n- \ m- f p- a mb taP¿ B¿®v _nj∏v am¿ h¿°n hnXb-Øn¬ DZvLm-S\w sNøp-∂p. hnhn[ Iw]yq-´-dp-I-fn¬ \n∂v, 50,000˛ ¬ ]cw Iw]yq-´-dp-I-fn-tebv°v C˛-sa-bn¬ A{U n-eqsS Laity Voice, BZy Zn\w Xs∂ FØn-t®-cp-∂p. c≠p amk-Øn-\p-≈n¬ c≠p e£w sabn-ep-Iƒ e£y-an-Sp-∂p. k`- b psS am[ya ip{iqjm cwKØv ]pØ≥ am‰-߃°v XpS-°-am-bn. 2030 se k`sb e£ywsh®p≈ Hcp NphSp-h-bv]m-Wn-Xv. F√m cmPy-ß-fn-ep-ap≈ hnizmkn kaq-lsØ i‡n-s∏-Sp-Øphm-\p≈ Hcp {iaw. hcpw\mfp-I-fn¬ Laity Voice B[p-\nI kmt¶-XnI hnZy-bpsS am‰- ß ƒ ssIh- c n- ° pw. k`m hm¿Ø-Iƒ, kwL-S\m {]h¿Ø\ dnt∏m¿´p- I ƒ, B\p- I menI kw`- h - ß ƒ, hnizmk PohnX ]cn- i o- e - \ - ß ƒ, kmaqlytkh- \ ߃ , ˛tebv°v Ab-bv°q. temIw hnc¬ Xpºnem-Ip-tºmƒ kXy߃ s]mXpkaqlw Adn-bs- ´. 2

Ipssh‰v: hnhn[ Kƒ^v cmPy-ßf - n¬ kotdm ae- _ m¿ k`m kaq- l sØ kµ¿in® Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sNb¿am≥ am¿ amXyp Ad-bv°-en-s\bpw sk{I-´dn AUz. hn. kn. sk_m-Ãy-s\bpw Ipssh-‰nse hØn-°m≥ ÿm\-]Xn Imcym-ebw Dujvaf - a- mbn kzoIcn-®p. A∏-kvtXm-enIv \q¨tjym B¿®v _nj∏v ]o‰¿ dmPn-°p-ambn Kƒ^v cmPy-ßfnse Aevamb kaq-l-sØ-°p-dn®pw k`m {]h¿Ø-\ß - s- f-°p-dn®pw N¿®Iƒ \S-Øn. Ipssh‰v hnIm-cn-bØv _nj∏v Imant√m _m√n≥, tam¨kn-t™m¿ tPm¨ I√-dbv°¬, ^m. amXyp Ipt∂¬ ]pc-bnSw F∂n-

]m- S p- I - f pw, k`mhm¿Ø- I fpw kXy- k ‘ambn Adn-bn-°pI F∂-XmWv e£yanSp-∂Xv. AXn-ep-]cn hnizmk ]cn-io-e-\-Øn\m-bp≈ Hcp thZn-bp-am-Wn-Xv. Ce-Ivt{SmWnIv bpK-Øn¬ `mhn-bn¬ h≥ am‰-߃ ap∂n¬ I≠p-sIm≠v Aevamb IΩo-j≥ Laity Voice \p XpS°wIpdn-°p∂p. kl-I-c-W-߃ {]Xo-£n-°p-∂p. Biw-k-I-tfmsS anin-lm-bn¬ kvt\l-]q¿∆w

am¿ amXyp Ad-bv°¬ sNb¿am≥, Aevamb IΩo-j≥

hcpw {]Xn-\n[n kwL-Øn-ep-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. Kƒ^v taJ-e-I-fnse Aevamb {]h¿Ø-\߃°v hØn- ° m≥ Imcym- e bw F√m ]n≥Xp-Wbpw hmKvZm\w sNbvXp. kotdm ae-_m¿ k` Aevamb IΩo-js‚ B`n-apJy- Ø n¬ \S- ° p∂ BtKmf Aev a mb ktΩ-f-\-ß-fpsS `mK-ambn Kƒ^nse {]Ya-L´w Ipssh‰v ktΩ-f\ - t- ØmsS ]q¿Ønbm-bn. Ipssh-‰nsebpw _lvdn-\n-se-bpw C¥y≥ Aw_m- k n- U ¿amcmb APbv a¬tlm-{X- tUm. tPm¿÷v tPmk^v F∂nh-cpambn _nj∏v Adbv°epw kwLhpw {]hmkn C¥y-°m-cpsS {]iv\-߃ ]¶p-hbv°p-Ib - p-≠mbn.

Ipssh-‰nse hØn-°m≥ ÿm\-]Xn Imcym-ebw kµ¿in® kotdm ae-_m¿ k` Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sNb¿am≥ am¿ amXyp Ad-bv°¬ A∏-kvtXm-enIv \q¨tjym B¿®v _nj∏v ]o‰¿ dmPn-°n\v kvt\tlm-]-lmcw ssIam-dp-∂p. Ipssh‰v hnIm-cn-bØv _nj∏v Imant√m _m√n≥, Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sk{I-´dn AUz. hn. kn sk_m-Ãy≥, tam¨. tPm¨ I√-dbv°¬, ^m. amXyp Ipt∂¬]p-c-bn-Sw, tUhnkv F∂n-h¿ kao-]w.

I¿Zn\mƒ am¿ h¿°n hnXbØn¬ sIm®n: A]ISIchpw A[m¿anIhpamb \nba\n¿amW߃ \SØptºmƒ AXns‚ Kuc hXcamb {]XymLmXsØ°pdn®p P\{]Xn\n[nIfpw ]uckaqlhpw Nn¥n°Wsa∂p I¿Zn\mƒ am¿ h¿°n hnXbØn¬ ]{X°pdn∏n¬ Adnbn®p. Zn AknÃUv dns{]mUIv‰ohv sSIvt\mfPokv (sdKptej≥) _n¬˛2010 F∂ t]cn¬ tI{µ k¿°m¿ \S∏m°m≥ t]mIp∂ \nbasØ ]cma¿in®psIm≠mWv At±lw CØcsamcp ]{X°pdn∏nd°nbXv. {]P\\ kmt¶XnI hnZybpsS Zpcp]tbmKw XSbm\pw AXv kpc£nXhpw [m¿anIhpam°m\pamWv Cu _n√v sIm≠phcp∂Xv F∂mWv ]dbp∂Xv. 15 iXam\w ZºXnIƒ°p Ip´nIfns√∂pw F√m ZºXnIƒ°pw Hcp Ip´nbp≠mIm≥ AhImiaps≠∂pw _n√v {]kvXmhn°p∂p. k¥mt\mXv]mZ\w Fßs\bpw XSbWsa∂p ]dbp∂ k¿°m¿ Xs∂bmWv Cßs\sbmcp AhImiaps≠∂p ]dbp∂Xv . ZºXnIƒ°v Ip´nbp≠mIm≥ GXp am¿Khpw D]tbmKn°msa∂p hcptºmƒ ssewKnI_‘w, {]P\\w F∂o ZmºXyØnse ISaIƒ°v Bscbpw Iq´ptN¿°mw F∂p hcp∂Xns‚ [m¿anI ]cnKW\Iƒ \mw ad°p∂p˛I¿Zn\mƒ Nq≠n°m´n. Afi˛_oPßfpsSbpw AhbpsS ZmXm°fpsSbpw hmSI K¿`]m{X°mcpsSbpw hnhcßfpsS _m¶pIfpw {]P\\ kmt¶XnIhnZybpsS ¢n\n°pIfpw \nbam\pkrXam°p∂XmWv _n√v. CXv IpSpw_hyhÿnXnsbbpw kmaqlnI sI´pd∏ns\bpw A]ISs∏SpØp∂ \S]SnIfmIpw. ssZhØns‚ kr„nbn¬ A[m¿anIhpw A]ISIchpambn CSs]Sp∂Xmbn CXp amdpw. ssewKnIXbnse t{]aw, {]P\\w F∂o c≠p am\߃ ]q¿Wambn th¿Xncn®v ssewKnI thgv N sb DØchmZnXzclnXhpw {]P\\_‘an√mØXpam°p∂ sshIrX kwkvImcØn\v _n√v hmXn¬ Xpd°psa∂v I¿Zn\mƒ ap∂dnbn∏v \evIn. hmSI K¿`]m{Xw, _oP]nXmhv, AfiamXmhv, hf¿Øp]nXmhv, hf¿ØpamXmhv F∂nßs\ iniphns‚ c‡_‘w hnIrXamIpsa∂pw amXmhv, ]nXmhv , `mcy, `¿Ømhv , hnhmlw F∂nhbpsS A¿Yßfpw \n¿hN\ßfpw amdpsa∂pw At±lw hy‡am°n. HºXp amkw K¿`w [cn®p {]khn® kv{XotbmSv Ip´n°v _‘w ]mSn√, AXn¬ c‡_‘an√ F∂v ss\bmanIambn Iev]n°m≥ Ignbptamsb∂pw I¿Zn\mƒ tNmZn®p. IpSpw_ØI¿®bpsSbpw AcmPIXz Øns‚bpw ]m›mXy amXrIIƒ hnthI iq\yambn `mcXw kzoIcn°cpsX∂v At±lw Hm¿an∏n®p.


Aims & Objectives • To strengthen the Syro-Malabar community all over the world in their faith and tradition by solidifying a sense of belonging among them so that they feel that they are one family, one stock, with a glorious past, elegant present and dignified future. • To ensure greater and dignified participatory role of the laity in the ministry of the Church • To provide a proper platform for addressing the common issues, spiritual and temporal, pastoral and social of the Syro-Malabar laity all over the world. • To promote a harmonious mutuality between the laity and the clergy. • To open up opportunities for the laity to share their knowledge, experience and expertise in various spheres of activity. • To preserve and propagate the identity of the Syro-Malabar Church and her traditional faith, inherited as apostolic patrimony from St. Thomas. • To mould and motivate the laity to witness true human values in their family and work. • To enlighten the Laity about the teachings and policies of the Church. • To establish and strengthen global fraternity and co-ordination among the Syro-Malabar laity.

1. temI-hym]-Ia- mb kotdm ae-_m¿ k`-bpsS X\n-abpw ss]XrIhpw t]mjn-∏n-°p-∂X - n-t\m-sSm∏w k`m-Km-{XsØ hf¿Ø-Ww. 2. Hmtcm cmPy-Ønepw kaq-l-Ønepw thZn-I-fnepw \ΩpsS X\na \ne-\n-dp-Ø-Ww. A-flm-b¿°p IqSp-X¬ {]mXn-\n-[yhpw ]¶mfn-Øhpw Dd-∏p-h-cp-Øm-\p≈ I¿Ω-]-≤-Xn-Iƒ k`bn-ep-≠mhWw. 3. kao-]-`m-hn-bn¬ kztZ-itØm hntZ-itØm k`mw-K-ß-fpsS XpS¿Iq´m-bva-Ifpw ktΩ-f-\-ßfpw D≠mhpIbpw CØcw {Inbm-flI Nn¥-Iƒ XpS-cpIbpw sNøpw

9. cmPy-Øn-\I - Øpw ]pdØpw h¿≤n®p hcp∂ h¿Kob Xo{hhmZ`oj-Wn-Is- f-°p-dn®v PmK-cq-Ic- m-bn-cn-°m≥ k`m-hn-izm-knIsf Akwªn Blzm\w sNbvXp. anj-\d- n-am¿ t\cn-Sp∂ henb {]Xnk-‘nbpw `oj-Wnbpw Gsd Kuc-ha- mbn k` ImWp-∂p. 10. \m-Wy-hn-fI - ƒ°pw X\-Xp-Im¿jn-Ih - n-`h - ß - ƒ°pw hn]-W\ - k - m[yXIƒ i‡n-s∏-Sp-ØW - w. Irjn apJy-sXm-gnepw Pohn-Xa- m¿Khpambh¿°v `mhn-bn¬ henb Im¿jnI {]Xn-k‘n krjvSn°m-\n-S\¬IcpXv. hnhn[ Im¿jn-I-k-ºØv hnI-k-\-]-≤-XnIƒ°v tI{µ-˛-kw-ÿm\ k¿°m-cp-Iƒ cq]w \¬I-Ww.

4. kotdm ae-_m¿ k`mw-Kß - ƒ - IS∂p sN-∂n-cn-°p∂ F√m ÿeß-fnepw Ah-cpsS AP-]m-e-\-{]-h¿Ø-\-߃ \S-Øp-∂-Xn\p≈ ]q¿Æ A[n-Imcw kotdm ae-_m¿ k`°p \evI-W-sa∂v ktΩ-f\w \n¿tZ-in-®p. 5. \ΩpsS BNm-c-ßfpw A\pjvTm\-ßfpw X\n-abpw \mw \jvSs∏-Sp-Øn-°q-Sm. AXp ImØp-kq-£n-°m≥ GXp hnt[-b-\bpw \mw {i≤n-°-Ww. 6. kotdm ae-_m¿ k`-bnse {]hm-kn-Iƒ {]Xn-k‘ - n-If - nepw XßfpsS hnizm-k-ssN-X\yw apdpsI ]nSn®p apt∂-dm≥ \S-Øp∂ {ia-߃ «ml-\o-b-am-Wv. hnhn-[-ß-fmb ]cn-an-Xn-I-ƒ Hmtcm cmPy-Ø-pw hnizm-kn-Iƒ A`n-ap-Jo-I-cn-°p-∂ps≠¶nepw AhcpsS hnizm- k - P o- h n- X - X o¿∞m- S - \ apt∂- ‰ - Ø n\v AevambAkwªn F√m-hn[ ]n¥p-Wbpw {]Jym-]n-®p. {]hmkn kaq-lsØ apJy-[m-c-bn¬ i‡n-s∏-Sp-Øp-hm-\pw, {]hm-kn-Ifmb bph-X-e-ap-dsb k`m ssNX-\y-Øn¬ hf¿Øp-hm-\p-ambn BtKm-f-X-e-Øn¬ IqSp-X¬ anj≥ tI{µ-ß-fpw, k`m sshZnI-cpsS tkh-\-ß-fpw, ]pXnb cq]-X-Ifpw D≠m-I-W-sa∂v Aevamb ktΩ-f\w Bh-iy-s∏-´p. 7. tIc-fØ - nse Irjn-ÿe - ß - f - psS ]cn-an-Xn-aqew kotdm ae-_m¿ k`mw-Kß - ƒ°v Im¿jn-Ic- w-KØp\n∂p ]n∑m-td≠ kml-Ncyw kwPm-X-am-Ip-∂-Xn-\m¬ kwÿm-\-Øn\p ]pdØpw C¥y-b°p ]pdØpw ]pXnb Irjn-ÿ-e-߃ Is≠tØ-≠Xns‚ Bhiy-I-Xbpw adp-\m-S≥ IpSn-tb-‰hpw Cu Xc-Øn¬ hntZ-itØ°v Im¿jnI km[y-X-I-fp-am-bp≈ IpSn-tb-‰-sØ-°p-dn®pw Nn¥n-®p- Xp-S-tß≠nbn-cn-°p-∂p. 8. sshZn-I-cp-sSbpw k∂y-kvX-cp-sSbpw k`m-ip-{iq-jm-cw-K-߃ al-Ø-c-am-Wv. Ah-cpsS henb tkh-\-ßsf Akwªn hne-aXn-°p-∂p. F∂m¬ Aevamb kl-I-c-Whpw ]¶m-fn-Øhpw k`m-{]-h¿Ø-\-ßfn¬ Dd-∏m-°-Ww.

11. k`-bn¬ kv{XoI-fpsS kPoh]¶m-fnØw Dd-∏m-°p-∂-Xn\pw kaq-l-Øns‚ apJy-[m-c-bn-te°v Ahsc sIm≠p-h-cp-∂-Xn\pw Bh-iy-amb ]cn-io-e-\-]-cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ Bhn-jv°-cn-°Ww. 12. bph-P-\-ßsf hnhn[ a’-c-]-co-£-Iƒ°p Xøm-dm-°p-∂-Xn\v hnhn[ tI{µ-ß-fn¬ ]cnio-e-\-tI-{µ-߃ ÿm]n-°p-I. `c-WX-e-Øn¬ k`mw-K-߃ FØn-s∏-tS-≠Xv A\n-hm-cy-am-Wv. 13. BtKm-f-X-e-Øn-ep≈ kotdm ae-_m¿ k`mw-K-ßsf k`-bpsS hnhn[ I¿Ω taJ-e-I-fn-te°pw apJy-[m-c-bn-te°pw sIm≠ph∂v i‡n-s∏-Sp-ØWw. 14. k-`bv°p cmjv{So-bap≠v, I£ncmjv{So-b-an-√. F∂m¬, \oXn \ntj-[n-°s- ∏-Sp-∂h - c- p-sSbpw ]m¿iz-hX - v°c- n-°s- ∏-´h-cp-sSbpw Imcy-߃°mbn k` cm{„o-b-ambn CS-s]-S-W-w. H∏w DØa ss{IkvXht\Xm-°ƒ k`-bn¬\n∂v hf¿∂p-hc- n-Ibpw thWw. 15. {]-hmknae-bm-fn-If - psS \nt£]w cm{„-Øns‚ kpÿn-Xn-°pw kaq-lØ - ns‚ hf¿®-bv°p-ambn hn\n-tbm-Kn-°p-hm-\p≈ \n¿t±i-߃ Akw-ªn-bn¬ Dcp-Øn-cn-™p. CØ-cØ - n-ep≈ \nt£] kwc-`-߃ hnhn[ taJ-e-I-fn-te°v hgn Xncn-®p-hn-S-Ww.


tijw t]Pv .. 5

16. sa-®-s∏´ IpSpw-_-_-‘-߃ k`-bpsS i‡n-t{km-X- m-Wv. AØcw IpSpw-_ßsf cq]-s∏-Sp-Øp-hm\pw Bflo-bs- sNX-\y-Øn¬ ]cn-t]m-jn-∏n-°m\pw k`mwK-߃ ap≥ssI-sb-Sp-°-Ww. {]tXyIn®pw IpSpw-_ß - f - n¬ Ip´n-If - psS FÆØn-ep-≠m-Ip∂ Ipdhv Bi-¶-tbm-sSbmWv t\m°n-°m-tW-≠Xv. IqSp-X¬ Ip´n-Iƒ P\n-°p-I, Ahsc hnizm-kssN-X-\y-Øn¬ hf¿Øp-I, amXm-]n-Xm°ƒ \√ amXr-I-I-fm-Ip-I. IpSpw-_-Pohn-X-tØ-°p-dn®v hnhm-l-Øn\p ap≥]pw tijhpw \√ ]cnioe\w \¬IpI XpSßnb \n¿tZ-i-ßfpw Akw-_vfn-bn-ep≠mbn. 17. A¬amb IΩo- j - \ p- a mbn _‘- s ∏´v kv { XoIƒ, bph- P - \ - ß ƒ XpSßn hyXykvX Pohn-X-X-e-ß-fn-¬ IqSp-X¬ k_v IΩo-j-\p-Iƒ D≠m-h-Ww. 18. hn-tZ-i-ß-fnse IpSn-tb‰w kao-]-Im-eØmbn IqSp-X¬ {]iv\ß - ƒ krjvSn-°p∂p. Can-t{K-j≥ {]iv\ß - ƒ, hnk Ipcp°p-Iƒ XpSßn hnhn[ {]iv\-߃. kmº-ØnI amµy-sØ-Øp-S¿∂v tPmen \jvS-s∏-´-hcpw IpSn-tb-‰-hp-ambn _‘s∏´v \nc-h-[n hnhn[ {]iv\-߃ t\cnSp-∂p. Cu {]iv\-ßfn¬ ASn-b-¥n-cambn CS-s]-Sp-Ibpw ]‰p∂ taJ-e-I-fnse√mw klm-bß - fpw kl-Ic- W - ß - fpw FØn-t°-≠Xp≠v 19. ]mh-ß-tfmSpw A[-ÿn-X-tcmSpw ImcpWy-ap-≠m-I-Ww. Zfn-X¿, ]nt∂m-°-hn-`mK-߃ F∂n-hsc am\p-jnI ]cn-K-W-\I-tfmsS klm-bn-°-Ww. A¿l-amb am\p-jn-I, kmaq-lnI \oXn Dd-∏m-°W - w. 20. hnZym-`ymk \ne-hm-cw h¿[n-∏n-°-Ww. hnhn[ a’c]co-£-Iƒ°v ]cn-io-e\w \¬Im-\p≈ ÿm]-\-߃ Bcw-`n-°Ww. s]mXp {]th-i\ - ] - c- o-£I - f - n¬ ]cnio-e-\-ÿm-]-\-߃ IqSp-X-embn Bcw`n- ° - W w. tI{µ, kwÿm\ ]co- £ Iƒ°v {]tXyI ]cn-io-e\w \¬Im\p≈ ÿm]-\-ßfpw A\n-hm-cy-am-Wv. 5

XrZob kotdm ae-_m¿ taP¿ A¿°n F∏n-kvtIm-∏¬ Akw-ªn-°mbn k`-bn¬ Hcp°-߃ ]q¿Øn-bm-hp∂p. HmK-Ãv 19- ap-X¬ 22 hsc k`m Bÿm-\-amb sIm®n, Im°-\mSv au≠v sk‚ v tXma-kn-emWv Akwªn. k`-bnse F√m sa{Xm-∑mcpw sshZnI k\ykv X Aevam-b{- ]-Xn-\n-[n-Ifpw, C¥y-bn-sebpw hntZ-is- Øbpw anjy≥ tI{µ-ßf - n¬ \n∂p≈ HutZym-KnI {]Xn-\n-[n-Ifpw Dƒs∏sS A™q-tdmfw t]¿ ]s¶Sp-°p-w. “hnizmkw Pohs‚ kwc-£W-Øn\pw kºq¿Æ-Xbv°pw”î F∂-XmWv Akw-ªn-bpsS apJy-{]tabw. k`-bpsS apt∂m-´p≈ {]h¿-Ø-\-߃°v i‡n]I¿t∂-Ip-hm\pw, Iq´mb {]h¿Ø-\-߃°v IcpØp]I-cp-hm\pw Akwªn e£y-an-Sp-∂p.

Ipssh‰v: k`-bpsS apJy-[m-cb - n¬ ]¶ptN¿∂v hnizmkn kaq- l - Ø ns‚ hf¿®bv°pw Db¿®-bv°p-ambn Ipssh‰nse kotdm ae-_m¿ Iƒ®-d¬ Atkmkn-tb-j≥ sNøp∂ tkh-\-߃ al-Øchpw A`n-\-µ-\o-b-hp-am-sW∂v Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sNb¿am≥ am¿ amXyp Adbv°¬ {]kvXm-hn-®p. Ipssh‰n¬ tN¿∂ Fkv. Fw. kn. F t\XrktΩ-f\w DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp kwkm-cn-°p-Ib - m-bn-cp∂p am¿ Ad-bv°¬. Poh-Im-cpWy {]h¿Ø\cwKØv kotdm ae-_m¿ Iƒ®-d¬ Atkm-kn-tb-j≥ \S-

Øp∂ \nkzm¿∞ {]h¿Ø-\-߃ a‰p {]ÿm- \ - ß ƒ°pw, kwL- S - \ - I ƒ°pw amXr-Ib - m-Wv. km[p-P\ - ß - ƒ°m-bp≈ `h\-\n¿ΩmW ]≤-Xn-I-fn-eqsS 200-˛¬ ]cw IpSpw-_-߃°v B{ibw Hcp-°p-hm≥ Ign-™Xv {]iw-k-\o-b-am-Wv. ktΩ-f\-Øn¬ {]kn-U‚ v sk_mÃy≥ tPm¿÷v ]pc-bn-S-Øn¬ A[y-£X hln-®p. Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sk{I-´dn AUz. hn kn sk_m-Ãy≥ apJy {]`mjWw \S-Øn. P\-d¬ sk{I-´dn A\n¬ Xøn¬, tXmakv Ipcp-hnf \cn-Xq-°n¬ F∂n-h¿ {]kwKn-®p.

Ipssh-‰n¬ \S∂ kotdm ae-_m¿ Iƒ®-d¬ Atkm-kn-tb-j≥ t\XrktΩ-f\w kotdm ae-_m¿ k` Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sNb¿am≥ am¿ amXyp Ad-bv°¬ DZvLm-S\w sNøp∂p.Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sk{I-´dn AUz. hn kn sk_m-Ãy≥, {]kn-U‚ v sk_m-Ãy≥ tPm¿÷v ]pc-bn-S-Øn¬ P\-d¬ sk{I-´dn A\n¬ Xøn¬, tXmakv Ipcp-hnf \cn-Xq°n¬ F∂n-h¿ kao]w

AUz. hn.-kn. sk_m-Ãy≥, sk{I-´-dn, kotdm-˛-a-e-_m¿ k`- Aevam-b -I-Ωo-j≥ AXn¿Øn-Iƒ IS∂v BtKmf-km-∂n-[y-ambn kotdm ae-_m¿ k` hf¿∂n-cn-°p∂p. C¥y-bnse CX-c-kw-ÿm-\-ß-fnepw hnhn[ cmPy-ß-fn-ep-ambn e£-°-W-°mb k`ma°ƒ hn. tXmam«olm ]¶ph® k`m]mc-º-cyhpw, ss]Xr-Ihpw apdp-sI-∏nSn®v hnizm-k-Po-hn-X-Øn-¬ ASnbpd®v, s]mXp-k-aq-l-Øn¬ kPo-h-km-∂n-[y--ambn \nd-™p-\n¬°p-∂p. temI-sa-ºm-Sp-ap≈ k`-bnse Aevamb kaq-lsØ apJy-[m-cbn¬ i‡n-s∏-Sp-ØpI F∂ e£y-tØm-sS-bmWv kotdm ae-_m¿ k` Aevam-b-IΩo-j≥ {]h¿Øn-°p-∂-Xv. X\-Xp-]m-c-º-cyhpw kwkvIm-c-hp-ap≈ kotdm ae-_m¿ k`-bpsS Ncn-{X-Ønse Aevam-b-ap-t∂-‰-Øns‚ \n¿Æm-b-I-sa∂v ASn-h-c-bn´ A¥¿tZiob Aevamb Akw-ªn-bpsS XpS¿®-bmbn hnhn[ cmPy-ß-fnepw C¥ybnse CXc kwÿm-\-ß-fn-ep-ap≈ Aevamb Iq´m-bva-Iƒ i‡n-s∏-Sp-Øp-I-bm-Wv. A\p-jvTm-\w, hnizm-kw, Ie, kwkvImcw XpSßn F√m cwK-ßfnepw X\n-abpw B`n-Pm-Xyhpw ]pe¿Øp∂ kaq-l-amWv kotdm ae-_m¿ k`. F√m taJ-e-Ifnepw temIw amdn-s°m-≠n-cns° ]pXnb kl-{km-_vZ-Øn¬ k`-bpsS ZuXy-ß-sf-°p-dn®v Kuc-h-amb Nn¥-Iƒ k`m kaq-l-Øn¬ ]¶p-h-bv°p-∂-Xm-Wv. CS-hI sshZn-I-cn¬ {]mbw sN∂bmƒ {InkvXpinjy-\mb hnip≤ tXmam-«o- km[n-°mØ hn[-ap≈ Hcp Aevam-b-]-¶mtbmK-Øn¬ A≤y£w hln-®n-cp∂p. ]≈nlmbmWv `mcXk`-bpsS ]nXmhv. am¿tØm- fnØw BZy-Imew apX¬ kotdm-˛-a-e-_m¿ bpsS `uXn-I-h-kvXp-°-fpsS am{X-a√, CS-hΩm-«o-lm-bm¬ ÿm]n-Xa- mb ss{IkvXh - k - - k`mt\-Xr-Xz-Øn-ep-≠m-bn-cp∂p. BZn-aI - m-eI-bnse {InkvXob Iq´m-bva-bpsS apgp-haqlw X\-Xmb Hcp PohnXssien kzmb- ß-fn¬ \ΩpsS k`-bn¬ \ne-\n-∂n-cp∂ s‚bpw tae-t\z-jWw \S-Øn-bn-cp∂Xv Ø-am-°n-bn-cp∂p. Bg-amb hnizm-khpw A¬amb]¶m-fnØw F¥m-bn-cp-∂p-sh∂p ]≈n-tbm-K-am-bn-cp-∂p. ]cky]m]w kw_Xo{h-amb k`m-kvt\-lhpw C-hn-Sp-sØ- k- a\- n-em-°p-Ibpw AXn¬\n∂v ssNX-\y‘n®v tIkp-Iƒ ssIImcyw sNøp-I, k`m`sb ssNX\y[\y-am-°n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. hn. apƒs°m-≠p-sIm≠v k`sb Icp-∏n-Sn-∏n-°pk-aq-lØ - n¬\n∂v Xev°m-et- Ø°p ]pd-¥tXmΩm-«olm hf¿Øn-sb-SpØ k`m-Po-hn- hm≥ {ian-°p-Ibpw sNøpI-bmWv A¬amb ≈p-hm-\p≈ Xocp-am-\-sa-Sp-°pI XpS-ßnb X-ssi-ensb "tXmΩm-bpsS am¿§'-sa-∂mWv IΩo-j≥. Npa-Xe - I - fpw ]≈n-tbm-KØ - n-\p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. \ΩpsS ]q¿∆n-I¿ hnti-jn-∏n-®n-cp-∂X - v. Cu k`m`c-WsØ kw_-‘n-®n-S-tØmfw sshZn-Ih - n-Zym¿∞nsb Xnc-s™-SpØv tZiam¿§- a mWv \ΩpsS k`mPohn- X - Ø n\p kotdm-˛-a-e-_m¿k-`bv°v \q‰m-≠p-I-fpsS °pdn \ev I n ]T- \ - Ø n- \ mbn Np°m≥ ]nSn-®-Xv ]mc-º-cy-amWp≈Xv. ]≈n-tbmK-sa-∂Xv a¬∏ms‚bSpØv Ab-®n-cp-∂Xpw ]≈n-tbm]uc-kvXy-It- Ømen°m k`-If - n¬h®v k`m `c-Wk - {- º-Zm-bØ - ns‚ s]mXp-hn-ep≈ K- a m- b n- c p- ∂ p. ]≈n- t bm- K - Ø n¬ sshZnAwK-kw-Jy-sIm-≠v bpt{I-\n-b≥ k`- I-gn- t]cmWv . IpSpw- _ - Ø - e - h - ∑ mcpw Xt±I¿°pw A¬am-b¿°pw Xpeyamb Ah™m¬ c≠mw ÿm\-Øp- \n¬°p∂ k`- inbsshZn-Icpw Dƒs∏´ Hcp tbmK-amWv Imiw A\p-h-Zn-®n-cp-∂p. s]mXp-Xm-ev]-cybmWv kotdm-˛-a-e-_m¿ k`. ]m-›m-Xy-]u- Hmtcm ÿe-sØbpw ]≈n`cWw \S-Ønap≈ Imcy-߃ F√m CS-h-I-I-fp-sSbpw ckv X y k`- I - f n¬ H∂nepw Z¿in- ° m≥ bn-cp-∂-Xv. {]Xn-\n-[n-Iƒ Hcp-an®pIqSn-bmWv Xocp-am-\n6

®n-cp-∂-Xv. tbmK߃ XΩn¬ ]q¿Æ-amb XpeyX \ne-\n-∂n-cp-∂Xv k`-bpsS Iq´mbvabv°pw sFIy-Øn\pw Imc-W-am-bn. \ΩpsS ]q¿h ]nXm-°-∑m¿ k`sb I≠n-cp-∂Xv hnizm-kn-If - psS Iq´mbva F∂ \ne-bnepw ssZh-P\w F∂ coXn-bn-ep-am-Wv. hntZ-in-I-fmb anj-\-dn-am-cpsS hnh-cW-ßfn¬-\n∂pw a\- n-em-t°-≠X;v ChnsS \ne\n-∂n-cp-∂Xv A-∏-kvtXm-enIIme-ß-fnse k`-bpsS amXr-I-bn-ep≈ Hcp Iq´mbva-bmbn-cp-∂p-sh-∂m-Wv. k`-bpsS BZysØ c≠paq∂p \q‰m-≠p-I-fn¬ k`-bn-se-√m-bn-SØpw \ne-\n-∂n-cp-∂Xv BZn-a-k-`-bpsS ssNX-\yØn-ep≈ Hcp `c-W-{I-a-am-bn-cp-∂p. A∏kvtXm-enI \S-]-Sn-I-fnse hmIy-߃ ]cntim-[n-®m¬ k`-bnse∂pw {][m\ Imcy-ßfn¬ Xocp-am-\-sa-Sp-Øn-cp-∂Xv «ol-∑m-cpw aq∏-∑mcpw Ah-tcm-sSm∏w k`- ap-gp-h-\pambncp∂p- s h∂v a\- n- e m- ° p- h m≥ km[n°pw. A¬am-b-tcm-Sp≈ Ah-K-W\bpw hnth-N-\hpw Cu k-`-bn¬ C√m-bn-

Xß-fpsS al-Ømb ss]XrIw kwc£n-°p∂Xn\p-th≠n \S∂ F√m t]mcm-´ß-fnepw A¬am-b¿ AhcptSXmb ]¶p hln-®n-´p≠v. X¬^-e-ambn 1887 tabv 20-˛mw XobXn tIc-f-Ønse kpdn-bm-\n-°msc eØo≥Im- c n¬\n∂p th¿Xn- c n®v Ah¿°mbn {]tXy-I-amb c≠p hnIm-cn-bØp-Iƒ ÿm]n-®p. 1923-˛¬ Fd-Wm-Ipfw tI{µ-ambn Cu k`bv°v kz¥-amb Hcp sslcm¿°nbpw ÿm]n®p In´n. F∂n´pw \ΩpsS ss]XrIw ]q¿-Æ-ambn hos≠-Sp°p-hm≥ \ap°p km[n-®n-√. am¿tØmΩm k`-bpsS X\n-abpw hy‡n-Xzhpw AwKo-Icn-®p-In-´p-hm≥ c≠mw hØn-°m≥ kq\-ltZmkv hsc- Im-Øn-cn-t°-≠n-h-∂p. hØn-°m≥ Iu¨kn¬ Xocp-am-\-߃ h∂n´pw ss]Xr-IØ - n-te-°p≈ bm{X kmh[m-\a- m-bn-cp-∂p. 1993-˛¬ \ΩpsS k`sb Hcp taP¿ B¿°n-F∏nkvtIm∏¬ k`-bmbn Db¿Øn. k`-bpsS X\-Xmb ]mcº-cy-ßsfbpw hy‡n- X z- s Øbpw ]p\x- ÿ m- ] n-

k`-bnse Aevam-b{- ]m-apJyw Dd-∏p-hc- pØm≥ th≠n ]mÃ-d¬ Iu¨kn¬t]mep≈ kwhn-[m-\-߃ \n¿t±-in-°p-I-hgn c≠mw hØn-°m≥ Iu¨kn¬ \q‰m-≠pIƒ°p apºp-Xs∂ \ΩpsS ]≈n-tbm-Kß - fn-eqsS \ne-hn-en-cp∂ Aevamb ]¶m-fn-Øk - z`m-hØ - ns‚ {]k‡n ]tcm-£a- mbn AwKoI-cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. \ΩpsS k`m]mc-ºcysØ Imem-\p-kr-Xa- mbn ]p\-cp-÷o-hn-∏n-®Cu Ime-L´Øn¬ kotdm˛a-e-_m¿ k`bnse A¬amb ]¶m-fnØw IqSp-X¬ kpZrV- a m- ° pI- b mWv A¬amb IΩo- j s‚ e£yw. \q‰m-≠p-Iƒ°v apºv ChnsS \ne\n-∂n-cp∂ Hcp Pohn-Xc- o-Xnbpw `c-W{- I-ahpw h≈n-]p≈n hyXymkw IqSmsX ]p\-cp-≤c- n°-Ws- a∂v Bcpw {]Xo-£n-°p-∂n-√. F√mhcpw Du∂¬ \¬Ip-∂Xv ]-≈n-tbm-KØ - ns‚ ssNX-\y-Øn-em-Wv. k`-bpsS t{]jn-X-Zu-Xy-Øn¬ k`mw-K߃s°√mw Ah-chcp-tS-Xmb ]¶p \n¿hln-°m-\p-≠v. ]uc-kvXy-k-`-I-fpsS Im\≥

cp-∂p. Chn-SpsØ k`m-k-aq-l-Øn\v k` Ah-cp-tS-Xm-sW∂pw Ah¿ Xs∂-bmWv k` F-∂p-ap≈ t_m[y-ap-≠m-bncp∂p. ]m›mXy kzm[o\w tIcf \{km-Wnk-`-bpsS ta¬ i‡n-bm¿÷n®psh¶nepw am¿tØmΩm {InkvXym-\n-I-fpsS ss]XrIw kwc-£n-°p-∂-Xn\pw ho-s≠-Sp°p-∂-Xn\pw th≠nbp≈ \mep \q-‰m-≠p-Iƒ \o≠p\n∂ kwcw-`-Øn¬ A¬am-b¿ Xß-fp-tSXmb ]¶p hln-®n-´p≠v. Iq\≥Ip-cn-ip-kXy-sØ-Øp-S¿∂v k`-bn¬\n∂p th¿s]-´pt]mb Bdmw am¿tØm-Ωm-tbbpw At±-lØns‚ `c- W - Ø n≥ Iogn- e p≈ 80,000 tØmfw hnizm-kn-Is- fbpw ItØm-en-°m- k`- b n- t e°v B\- b n- ° p- ∂ - X n- \ p- t h- ≠ n \SØnb {ia- ß - f nepw Bfp- s Im≠pw A¿∞w-sIm≠pw A¬am-b¿ kl-I-cn-°pIbpw t\XrXzw \evIp-Ibpw sNbvXp.

°phm\pw AXns‚ k¿§m-flIhf¿®sb Xzcn-Xs- ∏-Sp-Øp-hm-\pamWv taP¿ B¿°n-F∏n-kvtIm-∏¬ ÿm\hpw kn\-U¬ kwhn[m-\hpw G¿s∏-Sp-Øn-bX - v. F∂n´pw ss]XrI-Øn-te-°p≈ bm{X hfsc aµ-K-Xn-bn-emsb∂v kn\-Un\v t_m[y-am-bn. B bm{X kpK- a hpw thK- Ø nepw B- ° p- ∂ - X n\p th≠n- 2008 HmK-Ãn¬ Im°-\mSv sk‚ v tXm-akv au≠n¬h-®p \S∂ kotdm ae_m¿ taP¿ B¿°n F∏n- k v t Im- ∏ ¬ _njv]vkv kn\Uv BZy-ambn A¬amb IΩo-j\p cq]w \evIn-. IΩo-js‚ sNb¿am\mbn A`n-hµy am¿ amXyp Ad-bv°-ens\bpw AwK-ß-fmbn A`n-hµy am¿ amXyp B\n-°p-gn-°m-´n¬, A`nhµy am¿ sk_mÃy≥ FS-b{¥-Øv F∂n-hsc \nb-an-®p.

\nb-a-Øn¬ hnizm-kn-I-fpsS Ah-Im-i-ßsf-°p-dn®v hy‡-ambn {]Xn-]m-Zn-®n-´p≠v: ssZh-im-kv{X-]-T-\-Øn-\p≈ Ah-Imiw Aevam- b¿°p≠v; k`-bpsS t{]jn-Xc- w-Kß - fn¬ ]¶m-fn-If - m-Im\pw k`m-a° - f - psS Bhiy-߃ CS-b-∑msc Adn-bn-°m\pap≈ ISa Ah¿°p≠v; H∏w Xß-fp-sS ss{IkvX-h[¿Ω- ß ƒ \n¿∆- l n- ° p- ∂ - X n- \ p- t h≠n Aevam-b-cpsS kwL-S-\-Ifpw kan-Xn-Ifpw cq]o-I-cn-°p-∂-Xn-\p≈ Ah-Im-ihpap≠v. I¿Ømhv \sΩ `c-ta-ev]n® ZuXyw \msamcp-an®v bYm-hn[n \n¿∆-ln-°p-∂X - n-\p-th≠n Aevam-b-cpsS CØcw Ah-Im-i-ß-sf-°pdn®v ]Tn-°m\pw Ah th≠-hn[w ka-bmk-a-b-ß-fn¬ D∂-bn-°m\pamWv Aevamb IΩo-j≥ {ian-°p-∂Xv. XpScpw


way in rectifying the branding of the Church by certain sections as a money-making machine. It popularizes the contribution of the Church in the form of charity homes, old-age homes, palliative care

The Commission for Laity of the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church was formed by the Synod of Bishops on 12.10.2008. From its very inception the Commission has been organizing a slew of programmes and projects in order to fulfill its main objective of ensuring greater laity involvement in the ministry of the Church. These programmes are related to various domains of activity including social, educational, cultural, economic, philanthropic and spiritual. The most tangible impact of the Commission is that it could engender a feeling of oneness, a we-feeling, among the laity so that they feel that they are the Church and as such they have a lot to contribute in church activities, a lot to share since they belong to the same stock, the same family. Lay members of the Church have started feeling that they are an integral part of the Church like priests and nuns and that their views and opinions are taken into account. There is a general consciousness that the activities of the laity are to be coordinated at different levels, 8

parish, diocesan, archiepiscopal and international. The enormous resources of the laity are to be pooled and harnessed for the good of the society at large. The Consultation Council meeting of the Commission for Laity involving top-rated laity leaders of various walks of life, created among them a feeling that they too are responsible for the building up of the Church. They got a forum to frankly discuss common issues affecting the Church across the border of the states and the country. The lay public also got opportunities to ventilate its grievances and feelings about the hierarchy. Another significant achievement of the Commission is the formation of a human resource bank, a resource team of 25 members in every diocese to give the faithful proper training in the Bible, Theology and the Teachings of the Church. Promotion of a fraternity of entrepreneurs is yet another major area being explored. The commission is also taking steps to organize migration to Maharashtra. The Commission has gone a long

centres, homes for the physically challenged and mentally retarded, nephrology, and cancer centres etc to a considerable extent. Through its large network across of the globe, the Commission has been able to project the true image of the Church, the face that cares for the poor, the sick and the discarded. Measures are being taken to establish catholic townships and Liaison Offices in major cities like Delhi,Thiruvananthapuram. and Mumbai The International Laity Assembly held at Mount St. Thomas, Kakkanad, Ernakulam, from 13 to 15 April, 2009, was the first of its kind in the history of the Syro-Malabar Church. Nearly 300 select delegates including top dignitaries from various parts of the world attended it and aired their views and proposals regarding how the Church should be further strengthened with grater laity participation. Energized and motivated, the laity is looking up to Synodal Bishops to continue to give them proper leadership in faith formation and social uplift.

Ipssh‰v: k`-bnse Aevam-b-cpsS ]¶mfnØw i‡n-s∏-Sp-Øp-I-bpw -A-evam-bcpw sshZn-Icpw XΩn-ep≈ _‘hpw kl-I-cWhpw Du´nbp-d-∏n-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂Xv hnizmkn kaq-lsØ sI´n-∏-Sp-°p-hm≥ AXy-¥m-t]-£n-X-am-sW∂v Ipssh‰v hnImcn-bØv _nj∏v Imant√m _m√n≥ {]ÿmhn- ® p. Ipssh- ‰ nse Im¿Ω¬ lmfn¬ kotdm ae-_m¿ k` Aevamb IΩo-js‚

Øn-\p-ap≈ thZn-bm-Ip-hm\pw kotdm ae_m¿ k` Aevamb IΩo-js‚ {]h¿Ø-\߃°v km[n-°s´ F∂v _nj∏v Imant√m _m√n≥ Biw-kn-®p. BtKmf Xe-Øn¬ k` i‡-am-bn-s°m≠n-cn-°ptºmƒ Aevamb kaq-l-Øns‚ apJy-[m-cb - n-ep≈ {]h¿Ø-\ß - ƒ IqSp-X¬ Db¿®-bpw, hf¿®bpw ssIh-cn-°p-sa∂v ktΩ-f\w DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp sIm≠v Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sNb¿am≥ am¿ amXyp Ad-bv°¬ kqNn-∏n-®p. hcpw\mfp-I-fn¬ F√m cmPy-ßf - n-ep-ambn \S-°p∂ Aevamb {]h¿Ø- \ - ß ƒ k`- b psS {]h¿Ø- \ ߃°v ]pØ≥ hmXn-ep-Iƒ Xpd-°p-sa-∂v am¿ Ad-bv°¬ ]d-™p. Aevamb IΩo-js‚ {]h¿Ø\ am¿§tcJ IΩo-j≥ sk{I-´dn AUz. hn. kn. sk_m-Ãy≥ Ah-Xc- n-∏n-®p. hnImcn P\-dmƒ ^m. amXyp Ip∂-Øp-]p-c-bnSw tamU-td-‰-dmbn-cp-∂p.

B`n-ap-Jy-Øn¬ \S∂ Aevamb ktΩ-f-\Øn¬ A≤y-£X hln®p kwkm-cn-°pIbmbn-cp∂p _nj∏v Imant√m _m√n≥. k`m kaq-lØ - ns‚ apJy[mc-bn¬\n∂v Hgnhm-°-s∏-Sp∂p F∂ Nn¥ Aevam-b¿°v D≠m-I-cp-Xv. Ipssh-‰nse kotdm ae-_m¿ k`m kaq-l-sØ Fs‚ kz¥w P\-ambn Rm≥ Icp-Xp-∂p. F√m doØp-Ifpw AhcpsS X\-Xmb hyXym-k-ß-tfm-Sp-IqSn Hcp kaq-l-ambn Rm≥ Icp-Xp-∂p. ]c-kv]cw Adn-bp-hm\pw X\na\ne-\n¿Øn {]h¿Øn°p-hm\pw ]c-kv]c [mc-Wbv°pw sFIy-

cmhnse A_m-knb ssZhm-e-b-Øn¬ Znhy-_-en-tbmsS ktΩ-f-\-Øn\v XpS°w Ipdn-®p. kotdm ae-_m¿ Iƒ®-d¬ Atkmkn-tb-j≥ \n¿≤\ P\-hn-`m-KØ - n\p th≠n tIc-f-Øn¬ \S-∏n-em-°p∂ 4˛m aXv `h\ \n¿ΩmW ]≤-Xn-bpsS tcJ-Iƒ {]kn-U‚ v sk_m-Ãy≥ tPmk^v ]pc-bn-S-Øn¬ am¿ Ad-bv°-en\v ssIamdn. _nj∏v Imant√m _m√n≥, Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sk{I-´dn AUz. hn. kn. sk_m-Ãy≥, kotdm ae_m¿ Iƒ®-d¬ Atkm-kn-tb-j≥ P\-d¬ sk{I-´dn A\n¬ Xøn¬, tXmakv Ipcp-hnf F∂n-h¿ kwkm-cn-®p.


kotdm-ae - _ - m¿ taP¿ B¿°n F∏n-kvtIm∏¬ k` Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sNb¿am≥ am¿ amXyp Ad-bv°¬, JØ¿ hntZ-iI - m-cyk-la- {¥n sjbv°v apl-ΩZv A_vZp≈ A¬ dpsa-bvlnsb kµ¿in-®t- ∏mƒ. Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sk{I-´dn AUz hn kn sk_mÃy≥, Kƒ^v tImHm¿Un-t\-‰¿ tUm. taml≥ tXma-kv, sjh. kn_n hmWn-b∏ - p-cb - v°¬, tPm¿÷v t]mØ≥ F∂n-h¿ kao-]w.

tZml: kotdm ae-_m¿ taP¿ B¿°n F∏nkv t Im- ∏ ¬ k` Aev a mb IΩoj≥ sNb¿am\pw Im™n-c-∏≈n cq]Xm _nj∏pamb am¿ amXyp Ad-bv°¬ JØ¿ hntZi-Imcy a{¥m-ebw kµ¿in-®p. hntZ-iI - mcy kl-a{¥n sjbv°v apl-ΩZv A_vZp≈ A¬ dp-sabvln am¿ Ad-bv°-ens\ kzoIcn-®p. NSßn¬ Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sk{I´dn AUz. hn.-kn. sk_m-Ãy≥, Kƒ^v tIm¿Unt\-‰¿ tUm. taml≥ tXmakv, sjh. kn_n hmWn-b-∏p-c-bv°¬, k n. No^v tIm¿Un- t \- ‰ ¿ tPm¿÷v t]mØ≥, sk{I-´dn tPm¨. hn. tPm¨ F∂n-h¿ ]s¶-Sp-Øp. F√m aX-hn-`m-K-ß-fp-ambn ]c-kv]c kulm¿±w sI´n-∏-Sp-°p-∂-Xn¬ JØ¿ Kh¿sa‚ v {]Xn⁄m_≤-am-sW∂pw JØdns‚ ka{K hf¿®bv°v kw`m-h-\-Iƒ \¬In-s°m-≠n-cn-°p∂ {]hmkn kaq-lØn\v F√m klm-b-ßfpw \evIp-sa∂pw hntZ-i-Imcy kl-a{¥n sjbv°v apl-ΩZv A_vZp≈ A¬ dp-sabvln kqNn-∏n-®p. JØdnse kotdm ae-_m¿ k`bv°pw CXc ss{Ikv X h kaq- l - Ø n\pw k¿°m¿ \¬Ip∂ kl- I - c - W - ß ƒ°v am¿ Adbv°¬ \µn {]Im-in-∏n-®p. tZml C‚¿\mj-W¬ sk‚¿ t^m¿ C‚¿ t^kv UbtemKv Ub-d-IvS¿ s{]m^. C{_mlnw A¬ s\bn-an-sbbpw am¿ Ad-bv°¬ kµ¿in-®p. Kƒ^nse GI kotdm-ae - _ - m¿ ssZhm-ebw JØ-dns‚ Xe-ÿm-\-amb tZml-bn-em-Wv.

Main Points discussed: 1. Strategic action plans should be formulated and implemented with a definite time frame. 2. Task forces/Core groups are to be formulated consisting of experts in four key areas namely, public life, human resource development, youth participation and media development.

clergy and the religious should be formed. 9. Since 50% reservation is being offered to women in various areas, intensive training should be given to prospective women leaders 10. There should be a Website and e-magazine for Commission for Laity

even the noblest and most laudable services of the Church are not promptly conveyed to the public. Even the beneficiaries are not aware of what the Church does for them. Hence there should be centralized coordination and communication network regarding social and humanitarian activities

3. The social fabric weakens when the family system gets weak. When both parents are employed, the grooming of children suffers. One of the major focal points of the Laity Commission should be right formation of children and the youth. 4. Women deserve greater respect in the society than what they enjoy at present. 5. Empowerment of women is a solution for the increasing number of domestic violence. 6. Household surveys are to be conducted prior to providing training to empower women. 7. 50% reservation to women should be extended to Pastoral Councils and Parish Councils too 8. A centralized core group consisting of top-rated laity,

11. There should be media cells providing media training as well in dioceses. 12. The present gulf between the laity and the clergy is to be bridged at the earliest. 13. Diocesan Pastoral Councils and Parish Councils should have a common statute approved by the Synod of Bishops. Diocesan general accounts may be published in the Pastoral Council. 14. There should be a unified stance among dioceses when common issues confronting the church occur. 15. There should be a targeted action plan so that we have greater access to the civil service, judiciary, politics and the media. 16. There should be a Think Tank for the Church. 17. Due to communication gaps

conducted by dioceses and religious societies. 18. The community feeling promoted by the Church is often misinterpreted as communalism. 19. Stray cases of misdeeds and misbehaviour of churchmen are exaggerated by a section of media which, in turn, leads to blind attacks on the clergy. 20. Basic catechism text books, prayer books and marriage preparatory books are to be made available in English, German, Italian, Arabic, Hindi as well as in regional languages. 21. We have to identify leaders in religious and secular spheres of activity and provide them with adequate training through the formation of a Laity Resource Team. The LRT consisting of top-

10 11

rated laity having expertise and experience will provide training in faith formation and render assistance to the faithful at various levels in witnessing Christ in their lives.

22. With a view to promoting entrepreneurship among the laity, Entrepreneurship Development Centres are to be started. Individual initiative should be encouraged as far as possible. Entrepreneurship should be extended to women as well. 23. Health care is an area of prime significance. Non-communicable diseases like cancer, diabetes, asthma, heart/kidney failure as well as Parkinson, Alzheimers pose an increasing threat to the modern society. It is, therefore, in the fitness of things that massive awareness programmes are organized by the Church with active laity involvement and to develop remedial measures in various levels. 24. A recent phenomenon of direst consequences is global warming. Awareness programmes about this gigantic threat to life, are to be organized at various levels. Environment 11

protection shall be given due importance at the Parish/Diocese level. 25. Liaison Offices and SyroMalabar Centres are to be started in Delhi and Thiruvananthapuram, for assisting the Church authorities and the laity in their Government related

activities. This can also be developed as a Transit Centre for our people visiting these places. 26. Keralites, specially faithful from our community, after their settlement in Malabar and Idukki regions, have nowhere to go for the further migration for expansion of their agricultural projects. It is requested to find out new agricultural areas with the leadership of Church, in India, Brazil, Ethiopia and Australia, which are settlement-friendly. 27. Enhancement of sense of belonging and participation of the laity may require changes in our system. Change per se is a globally popular slogan, and in established environments it should guarantee tangible improvements. Syro - Malabar church being best performer in societies it operates, suggestions towards changes therein must proceed extensive analysis by the Commission for Laity.

Im™n-c∏ - ≈n: Ipssh-‰nse kotdm ae-_m¿ Iƒ®-d¬ Atkm-kn-tb-js‚ {]h¿Ø-\߃ amXr- I m- ] - c hpw {]iw- k - \ o- b - h pamW∂v kotdm ae-_m¿ k` Aevamb IΩoj≥ sNb¿am\pw Im™n-c-∏≈n cq]Xm _nj∏pamb am¿ amXyp Ad- b v ° ¬ {]kvXmhn®p. cq]Xm ]mÃ-d¬ sk‚-dn¬ FkvFw knF Ipssh-‰ns‚ B`n-apJyØn¬ ]mhs∏´ P\-hn-`m-Kß - ƒ°m-bn tIc-fØ - n¬ \S∏n-em-°p∂ \m-em-aXv `h-\\ - n¿ΩmW ]≤Xn DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp kwkm-cn-°p-I-bm-bncp∂p am¿ Ad-bv°¬. hnizm-kn-Iƒ kaq-l-Øn¬ \∑ h¿jn°p-∂-hcpw a‰p-≈-h-cpsS Zp:J-ß-fn¬ ]¶ptN¿∂v kl-Po-hn-It- fm-Sp≈ IS-aI - ƒ \n¿hln-°p-∂-h-cm-bn-cn°W-sa∂v _nj∏v Iq´nt®¿Øp. tIm´bw Pn√m ]©m- b Øv sshkv{]-kn-U‚ v AUz. sk_m-Ãy≥ IpfØp-¶¬ kotdm ae-_m¿ k` Aevamb IΩoj≥ sk{I-´dn AUz. hn kn sk_mÃy≥, Fkv-Fw-knF P\-d¬ sk-{I-´dn A\n¬ Xøn¬, {Sj-d¿ tXmakv Ipcp-hn-f,s{]mPIvSv FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv Ub-d-IvS¿ ^m. tdmbn hSt°¬, s]\p-th¬ Iayq-Wn‰n Ub-d-IvS¿ ^m. sk_m-Ãy≥ sh®q-°-tcm´v F∂n-h¿ {]kw-Kn-®p. Unkw_¿ 31˛\v apºv `h\ \n¿ΩmWw ]q¿Øn-bm-Ipw.

kotdm ae-_m¿ Iƒ®-d¬ Atkm-kn-tbj≥ Ipssh-‰ns‚ B`n-ap-Jy-Øn¬ \n¿≤\ P\--߃°p-th≠n \S-∏n-em-°p∂ \mem-aXv `h\ \n¿ΩmW ]≤Xn kotdm ae-_m¿ k` Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sNb¿am-≥ am¿ amXyp Ad-bv°¬ DZvLm-S\w sNøp-∂p. Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sk{I-´dn AUz. hn.-kn. sk_mÃy≥, tIm´bw Pn√m ]©m-bØv sshkv {]kn-U‚ v AUz. sk_m-Ãy≥ Ipf-Øp¶¬, Fkv - F w- k nF P\- d ¬ sk- { I- ´ dn A\n¬ Xøn¬, {Sj-d¿ tXmakv Ipcp-hn-f, ^m. tdmbn hS-t°¬, ^m. sk_m-Ãy≥ sh®q-°-tcm´v F∂n-h¿ kao-]w.

sIm®n: im¥nbpw kam-[m-\hpw sFIyhpw Imw£n-°p∂ P\-kaq-l-Øn-\n-S-bn¬ h¿§o-b-hnjw IpØn-sh®v Iem]w krjvSn-°phm≥ {ian-°p-∂-h-cpsS Pev]-\-ßsf P\w Xncn-®-dn™v ]pOn®v ]pdwX≈p-sa∂v kotdm ae-_m¿ k` Aevamb IΩo-j≥. h¿§ ka-c-Øn-eqsS At\-Im-bn-c-ßsf IpcpXn sImSp-Ø-h¿ A[n-Imcw \ne-\n¿Øm\pw ]m¿´n kwc-£n-°p-hm-\p-ambn h¿§obX Abp-[a- m-°p-∂Xv XnI®pw A]-e] - \ - o-ba- m-sW∂v Aevamb IΩoj≥ sk{I-´dn AUz. hn kn sk_m-Ãy≥ hy‡-am-°n.

dqhn (a-kv°-‰v) : {]hmk Pohn-X-Im-e-ß-fnepw hnizmk kXy-ßfn¬ ASn-bp-d-®p-\n∂v ]mc-º-cyhpw ss]Xr-Ihpw ImØp-kq-£n®v apt∂-dp∂ hnizmkn kaqlw k`bv°v A`n-am-\-am-sW∂v kotdm-ae-_m¿ taP¿ B¿°n F∏n-kvtIm-∏¬ k` Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sNb¿am≥ am¿ amXyp Ad-bv°¬ {]ÿm-hn-®p. akv°-‰nse dqhnbn¬ kotdm ae-_m¿ Iayq-Wn‰n Hams‚ t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ ]o‰¿ B‚ v t]mƒ ]mcojv lmf-C¬ tN¿∂ ktΩ-f\w DZvLm-S\w sNbvXv kwkm-cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p am¿ Ad-bv°¬. Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sk{I-´dn AUz. hn.-kn. sk_m-Ãy≥ apJy-{]-`m-jWw \S-Øn. BtKmf Xe-Øn¬ k` Aevam-b¿°mbn DZvLm-S\w sNøp∂ I¿Ω]-≤-Xn-I-sf-°p-dn®v hni-Zo-I-cn-®p. ^m. t__n amXyp A≤y-£X hln-®p. Fkv.-Fw.-kn.H. {]kn-U‚ v tUm. tXmakv awK-e-∏-≈n, sk{I-´dn sdPn Nmt°m, sI.-Pn. {^m≥ko-kv, Ipcy≥ kn. amXyp, tUm. AeIvkv ]n. tPmk^v F∂n-h¿ kwkm-cn-®p. ssZhm-eb - Ø - ns‚ {][m-\I - h - m-SØ - n¬ \n∂v D÷ze hc-thev]p \¬In-bmWv am¿ amXyp Ad-bv°e - ns\ ktΩ-f\ lmfn-tebv°v B\bn-®-Xv. ^m. kvIdnb s\√p-th-en, ^m. sk_m-Ãy≥, ^m. dm^n (k-eme ImØ-enIv N¿®v) F∂n-h¿ t\XrXzw \¬In.

\q‰m-≠p-If - mbn tIc-fØ - ns‚ kmaq-ly, cmjv{So-b, hnZym-`ym-k, tkh\ taJ-eI - f - n¬ ss{I-kvXh k` \evInb \nkzm¿∞ tkh-\߃ PmXnbpw aXhpw cmjv{So-bhpw Xncn-®m-bn-cp-s∂-¶n¬ C∂v ss{IkvXh k`-bvs°-Xnsc sh√p-hn-fn-Iƒ \S-Øp-∂h - c- psS \mhn¬ A£-c-߬ sXfn-bn√m-bn-cp-∂p. k`bpsS tkh\߃ aX-Øns‚tbm hn`m-Ko-bX - b - p-sStbm ASn-ÿm-\Ø - n-e√ - ; kaq-lØ - ns‚ \∑bv°pw Db¿®-b° v p-am-sW∂v Bt£-]n-°p-∂h - ¿ a\ n-em-°W - w. aqeyhpw am\y-Xbpw kXyk¥-Xbpw \jvSs- ∏-´p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p∂ Ah-kc cmjv{So-b-Øns‚ ]nSn-bn¬ \n∂v tamN\w t\tS≠n-bn-cn°p-∂p. Ignhpw BZ¿ihpw hy‡n-Xz-hp-ap-≈-hsc k`m kaqlw AwKo-Ic- n-°pw. sXcs™Sp∏p Ime-ßf - n¬ cmjv{Sob t\Xr-Xz-߃ Ah-cpsS {Kq∏p-Ifpw XmXv]-cy-ßfpw kwc-£n-°p-hm≥ Ah-tcm[n-°p-∂-hsc ss{IkvXh kaqlw AwKo-I-cn-°p-sa∂ Nn¥ B¿°pw th≠∂v Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sk{I-´dn AUz. hn kn sk_m-Ãy≥ kqNn-∏n-®p. Xo{hhmZ-ßfpw `oI-c-{]-h¿Ø-\-ßfpw {InkvXob am¿§a-√. {]iv\-߃ k¶o¿W-ß-fm-ImsX ]e-t∏mgpw ss{IkvXh kaqlw kwb-a\w ]men-°p-∂Xv _e-lo-\-X-bmbn Bcpw ImW-cpXv. Ipeo\-amb A¥ pw am\y-Xbpw Bflob ]›m-Ø-ehpw H∂p-sIm≠p am{X-am-Wv Cu kw-b-a-\-sa∂v ss{IkvXh hncp≤ tI{µ-߃ a\k- n-em-°-W-sa∂v AUz. hn kn sk_m-Ãy≥ {]kvXmhn-®p.

a\ma:- kotdm-a-e-_m¿ taP¿ B¿°n F∏n-kvtIm-∏¬ k` Aevamb IΩo-js‚ B`n-ap-Jy-Øn-ep≈ AtKmf Aevamb ktΩf-\-ß-fpsS `mK-ambn _l-dn-\n¬ kotdm-a-e-_m¿ skmssk‰n DZvLm-S\w Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sNb¿am≥ am¿ amXyp Ad-bv°¬ \n¿∆-ln-®p. _l-dn≥ Kh. A≠¿ sk{I-´dn tUm. t\_n¬ A_vZpƒ ^ØJv apJym-XnYnbmbn-cp-∂p. kotdm-a-e-_m¿ skmssk‰n {]kn-U‚ v tPmk^v sI tXma-kv A≤y-£X hln-®p. Aevamb IΩo-j≥ sk{I-´dn AUz hn kn sk_m-Ãy≥, tP°∫v hmg-∏≈ - n, kmlXy A°m-Zan Ahm¿Uv tPXmhv s_\ym-a≥ F∂n-h¿ kwkm-cn-®p. thƒUv ae-bmfn Iu¨kn¬ sNb¿am≥ tkma≥ t__n, _ldn≥ C≥Uy≥ kvIqƒ sNb¿am≥ F{_lmw tPm¨ XpS-ßn-bh¿ AXn-Yn-I-fm-bn-cp-∂p.

Mount St.Thomas, Kakkanad, Kochi 682 021 Correspondance:- Pastoral Centre, P.B.No.22, Kanjirapally-686 507, Kottayam Dt. Kerala Phone:- +91 4828 203080, 202665, 202906, 9447355512, 0484 2424780, 9562017841 Fax:- 04828 206022 Chief Editor: Adv. V.C.Sebastian, Secretary, Commission for Laity email:- , Layout :, cell : 9946663850


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