ORALITE - Practical Information 5951/5851

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ORALITE® 5951 High Intensity Prismatic Container Marking Grade

ORALITE® 5851 High Intensity Container Marking Grade

Practical Information

Reflective Solutions Engineered to Save Lives™

ORALITE® Container Marking Grades The ORALITE® Container Marking Grade series reflective films are flexible, highly reflective, weatherproof, BASt approved materials. The Container Marking Grade series includes both prismatic and high intensity glass bead materials: ORALITE® 5951 complies with the class RA2, design C, ORALITE® 5851 complies with the class RA2, design B. Description

Application Instructions

The ORALITE® Container Marking Grade series reflective films

Select a film blank of ORALITE® material pointing to the left or to

are especially developed for application to permanent and

the right. From one end, peel back approximately 10 cm of the

exchangeable containers on public roads. The films are equipped

siliconised cover material from the reflective film and fold it back.

with an adhesive that ensures permanent bonding to painted and polyolefinic substrates. Depending on the stress the film is

After carefully planning the positioning and alignment of the film

subjected to, full functionality is guaranteed for a period of up to

on the permanent or exchangeable container, press the film

five years.

section with the exposed adhesive layer to the surface using a squeegee or hand roller.

The film with the print design required for container warning signs also is available in the form of blanks. The reflective data and

Continue to remove the cover material from the film slowly and

colours at daylight comply with DIN 67520 Part 2 and DIN 6171,

evenly, pressing the reflective film to the vehicle surface with the

and with the international specifications for reflective materials of

squeegee or roller. Be sure to use the squeegee in a sweeping

this class. They are approved by the German Federal Ministry for

motion, starting from the centre of the material and working out

Transport as lighting products for marking permanent and

toward to the edges to firmly affix the film and avoid air pockets.

exchangeable containers.

(Figure 1)

Container Markings The labelling of permanent and exchangeable container markings is stipulated in the transport statement of January 11, 1984. Retroreflective container warning signs must comply with DIN 67520 and DIN 6171. Moreover, they require the approval of the German Federal Ministry for Transport.

IMPORTANT - Application Conditions The Oralite® Container Marking Grades are approved for application to painted and polyolefinic surfaces. For optimum adhesion and performance, the material must be applied to surfaces that are free of dust, dirt, debris and grease. Materials must be applied when ambient and substrate surface temperatures are between 12°C and 35°C. The reflective material must be applied under dry conditions only! When applying material to freshly painted surfaces, be sure to let the paint dry and cure completely before applying the ORALITE® material. 1 Figure 1. Application of material to surface

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Practical Information

Removal of Films

Package Contents

Heat the film using a tool such as a hot air gun, and then peel the film

Both ORALITE® 5951 and 5851 are available as application kits.

away evenly at an angle of approximately 30°. To avoid adhesive

Each kit (Figure 3) includes:

residues on the vehicle, the film should be removed slowly and at not

• 10 sets (totalling 80 blanks)

too high a temperature. If adhesive residues do occur, they can be

• 1 set comprises four films pointing to the left and 4 films pointing

removed using a paint compatible solvent.

to the right, each measuring 141 mm x 705 mm

3 Figure 3. Pack contents of the ORALITE® 5851 Kit. The ORALITE® 5910 Kit has the equivalent contents.

Cleaning of Films Add a standard rinsing agent to water. After washing, be sure to rinse the surface with clear water and dry it. If using a high pressure cleaner, 2

the distance between the vehicle and the cleaning nozzle should be at least 50 cm. Do not direct the steam jet directly at the edge of the film.

Figure 2. Finished application

Further Information For further information about technical parameters, see the Technical Data Sheet for ORALITE® 5851 High Intensity Container Marking Grade and ORALITE® 5951 High Intensity Prismatic Container Marking Grade. For additional questions, please contact us: Tel: +49 (0) 33 01/ 8 64 - 0 reflective.solutions@orafol.de www.orafol.com

The information provided herein is based on our knowledge and practical experience. Given the wide variety of possible variables during processing and application, customers are advised to test our products independently for special applications. This information does not constitute a legally binding guarantee of certain characteristics.

Engineered to Save Lives™ - www.orafol.com

ORAFOL® Europe GmbH Reflective Solutions Orafolstraße 2, D-16515 Oranienburg, Germany Tel: +49 (0)3301 864-0 · Fax: +49 (0)3301 864-100 reflective.solutions@orafol.de · www.orafol.com

Brochure 920971, © 2012, ORAFOL Europe GmbH. ORALITE® is a registered trademark of ORAFOL Europe GmbH. 48501-004, 12/2012

Reflective Solutions Engineered to Save Lives™

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