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Where partnerships put wind beneath wings

Welcome to Sonderborg Airport Located at the heart of the Danish-German border region, Sonderborg Airport represents the nearest airport for some one million people and also for several thousand businesses on either side of the border. As a result, Sonderborg Airport is not just an integrated part of the border region, but also one of the essential elements in its development and growth. The sound of a jet engine, is the sound of development and

Sonderborg Airport is something very special. Our airport sits in

progress - something we are reminded of many times a day

the border region between Denmark and Germany and is the

at Sonderborg Airport, a place filled with engine noise right

closest airport for almost a million people. That is the second

around the clock. Sonderborg Airport never sleeps, but rather

largest primary catchment area in Denmark - exceeded only

teems with life - even between the take-offs and landings.

by Copenhagen. We are also the closest airport for the many

People coming and going, passengers, businessmen and

thousands of businesses on either side of the border and as

women, cabin crew and ground staff. Here you will find

such, a crucial component of the region’s infrastructure. It is

meetings and workshops, break times and busy times, happy

a role and a responsibility we are proud to accept and we do

reunions and farewells.

so with open arms, to ensure the common development and progress of this strong, thriving region.


We are driven by a shared vision, that Sonderborg Airport should be the natural setting for a professional and dynamic aviation environment

The airport forms the setting for a huge amount of activity and

Here tomorrow’s skilled ground staff are taught subjects such

is the base for a large number of companies - in the form of

as radio communication, meteorology and Aerodrome Flight

airlines large and small, aircraft management, MRO and other

Information Service.

aircraft maintenance facilities, flight software development companies and aircraft component suppliers. And of course it

Together we have created a professional aviation environment

is also the base for a total of nearly 300 workers. We embrace

characterized by synergy and knowledge-sharing. We thrive

a broad range of enterprises, thereby accommodating large

best around the noise of aircraft engines and together we put

and small, business and pleasure alike... but what all of these

wind beneath the wings of new ideas. We challenge ourselves

activities have in common, is our ever-keen focus on shared

constantly to get even better at what we do. This applies as

ambitions, visions and collaborations.

much to customer service - the fastest check-in time in Europe, the free parking close to the terminal, the comfortable facilities,

Sonderborg Airport’s development and success is the result of

and more - as to the development of new growth industries,

close, effective cooperation between the airport, the business

and to educational and training opportunities within the

sector, Sonderborg municipality and the region as a whole.

aviation industry.

As a result of this strong cooperation, the airport finds itself solidly planted on Danish soil, in a powerful collaboration

Shared vision, ambition and collaboration, is the formula that

between the private business world and the public sector.

places Sonderborg Airport among Denmark’s best regional

This strong partnership is driven by a shared vision: that the

airports today.

airport represents the natural bedrock for a dynamic aviation environment, in a constant state of development. This is why highly specialized businesses within aviation technology, service and operations, all grow and flourish here. Sonderborg Aviation Center, is also located within the airport.

Christian Berg Airport Director


Part of a Common Project According to a string of customer satisfaction surveys, the experience of travelling by aircraft has changed for the worse over recent years. Sonderborg Airport goes against the current, always striving to restore quality on every single element, over which we might have an influence.


Sonderborg Airport is a modern, well-run airport. The control tower and runway are well-equipped with navigational resources, allowing the airport to operate flights in most kinds of weather, ensuring a very high level of regularity for the airlines flying from the airport. The runway is 1797 metres long - long enough for e.g. a Boing 737. Sonderborg Airport is open to airline traffic 24 hours, 7 days a week, offering a high level of service with flexible staff. Sonderborg Airport is owned by Sonderborg Municipality, who sees the airport as a central and important part of the region’s infrastructure.

At Sonderborg Airport everything possible is done to make

overlooked. No longer however, since the strategy is, that there

it quick and easy, to be a passenger. Here, you won’t pay for

will be opening up a route to an international destination, the

parking, coffee, wireless or newspapers; and you’ll be greeted

status will change from being a purely Danish airport to that of

by smiling, service-minded staff at both check-in and security.

a bi-national Danish/German airport. Sonderborg Airport is a

Safety and security, however, is just as paramount here, as in

classic feeder-airport, meaning that passengers from here are

those airports where the traveller, might feel rather less valued.

carried to the traffic nerve-centres (so-called ’hubs’). Somewhat

Here the same things are done, but with a Sonderborg twist,

55% of the passengers change flights in Copenhagen in

and this is crucial to everybody at the airport.

order to travel onward around the world, so it makes sense to establish corresponding feeder routes e.g. Berlin, Frankfurt or

The airport is highly valued by the border region as a whole


The airport experiences fantastic backing from the business sector, leisure travellers and politicians, throughout the entire

Sonderborg Aviation Park

border region. The airport is part of the common project since

Sonderborg Aviation Park is the collective name for a range

it is a deciding factor for the airlines who use it and Sonderborg

of base-companies, all drawing on the synergy effect of

Municipality has a good understanding of the importance

being positioned next to other kindred businesses in a

of accessibility. The world can come to Sonderborg and vice

versatile business environment. Naturally, it is also an obvious

versa, so the airport means a lot - not least for the local business

advantage for the companies to have direct access to a speedy


Copenhagen connection and thereby the rest of the world, via the traffic hub of Copenhagen.

Large catchment area After Copenhagen Airport, Sonderborg Airport has the largest

On the following pages you are able to meet and greet the

primary catchment area of all the airports in Denmark.

base companies and hear about their objectives and their

Sonderborg Airport has greater potential than is currently being

version of the advantages related to being located at one of

exploited - 40% of this population base lives south of the border

Denmark’s finest regional airports.

in Germany and it is this sector which has been previously


Alsie Express Bringing the World Closer The Express breaks with many customary notions. What other company would give its planes a cool, matt-black look, serve home-baked treats and local apple juice on board and have the captain greet the passengers at the aircraft before boarding? In the border region, we are not afraid of try out new things - and it seems to be working.

Alsie Express, a sister company to Air Alsie, took over the

We swim against the current - where the rest of the world

Copenhagen route in the summer of 2013 and since then

focuses on discounts, we focus on quality instead. Passengers

the airport has, month by month, seen a steady increase in

are our future, so we wish to provide everyone with a great

passenger traffic. With several daily departures going both ways

experience - a fast check-in, pleasant and helpful staff and en

on every weekday, plus flights during the weekend, the route

route catering to reflect great quality.

meets current popular demand - and the three price groups fulfil the customers’ need for flexibility.

Chartered flights - and more Having two ATR-planes in the fleet, Alsie Express can focus

Regardless of where you are heading - to an onward flight, a

on chartering aircraft to businesses which have a need for

meeting, or a cultural event - the entire border region has easy

individual flights (ad hoc charter flights) - and may also market

access to the world and vice versa. Alsie Express is a guarantor

its flight routes to the whole of the border region through this

of accessibility, the opportunity to reach the capital in less


than an hour and be close to the rest of the world via the Copenhagen traffic hub is of great importance, not least for the many large workplaces in the area.


For instance, we arranged a ladies’ tour to Copenhagen, in co-

region. The North German area alone constitutes 40% of the

operation with a German company, where the guests enjoyed

population base and that is where the largest area of expansion

special catering and a red carpet reception. And we have

is to be found. Alsie Express are very aware of this - which is why

also transported sports people several times, for example the

the company’s in-flight magazine are published as a double

local Superliga team to a match in the Europa League. When

edition, under the Danish name Grænseløs and the German

it comes to charter, we can offer that little bit more - and we

name Grenzenlos (’Borderless’).

maintain a close dialogue with both the business sector and the travel bureaus.

With the establishment of Alsie Express, we have taken a step towards creating growth and development in the border

With its regular scheduled route, Alsie Express is doing its bit for

region. Not the first step, but an important step - because we

the region. Having so many departures on the books demands

believe that good transport opportunities are an important

that you are present. Sonderborg Airport is the nearest

factor in creating more jobs and greater business for local

airport for 978,000 people and Alsie Express is therefore an


important part of the infrastructure for the whole of the border

Our passengers are our number one concern, so we wish to provide everyone with a great experience.


Air Alsie Quality beyond all limits Based at Sonderborg Airport, Air Alsie is one of the leading private jet operators in the Northern hemisphere. The company oversees a fleet ranging from compact, short-distance aircraft to intercontinental jet planes. The core service is aircraft management.

It is an advantage for many companies to own their own aircraft

20% of the aircraft that we manage today are owned by Danish

– but only a small number of them actually have the skills to

businesses; the rest are spread across the world. When aircraft

operate it. This is where Air Alsie steps in. Air Alsie organises

have to undergo their regular, mandatory maintenance checks,

pilots and cabin staff and crucially takes care of service and

or are subject to repair, this will always take place in our hangar

maintenance. Director Henrik Therkelsen from Air Alsie explains:

in Sonderborg Airport - and we are the Authorised Service Center for Dassault aircraft which constitute the majority of

�Our customers have chosen to outsource the operation of their

our fleet.�

planes to us, not least because of the fact that air travel rules


are extremely complicated and require specialized knowledge

Air Alsie also offer Executive Jet Charter Service, i.e. private

these days. Our organization holds this knowledge and we have

jet rental, as a secure and flexible solution for customers with

experience with the training and appointment of personnel.

special transport requirements.

Air Ambulance

”Our plane is ready for action at very short notice; and as well

Scandinavians are travelling more than ever and this

as this primary ambulance-plane, we can also make two more

unfortunately means that some will also be affected by

available for the same purpose,” says Henrik Therkelsen.

accident or sickness, far from home. Whether the affected person will be treated locally or brought back home is

Another kind of ambulance service is the one that Air Alsie

dependent on various circumstances. Air Alsie’s fully equipped

offers to aircraft needing in-situ repairs. In these cases, it is the

air ambulance flies around 180 times a year with a medical team

company’s mobile technical team who will head out to fix

on board to bring unfortunate Scandinavians back home, even

the problem.

from remote destinations.

We are ready for action at very short notice!


Skyways Technics relationships of mutual trust and a large number of the staff, including some of the world’s most experienced mechanics, are residents of the region. Many clients come to the Skyways Technics centres in Sonderborg and Billund; but the technicians also fly out to the whole of Europe, to assist with AOG, for example. Experience and expertise mean everything Every aircraft operator understands that the conditions for smooth traffic handling require a strong organization behind Base and Line Maintenance. Experience and expertise mean everything when it comes to getting the plane in the air on time. With their know-how, Skyways Technics are therefore the natural choice of partner for every serious aircraft operator within regional traffic. In order to handle the intense time-pressures, Skyways Technics keeps a large warehouse of spare parts for various types of aircraft and carry out component exchanges. The know-how to save Every hour an aircraft sits on the ground costs money.

Skyways Technics covers Base and Line Maintenance (usually

Notification of AOG (Aircraft on Ground) should always call

maintenance checks and non-scheduled repairs), along with

for a speedy response. With Skyways Technics at Sonderborg

the overhaul and maintenance of primarily aircraft types ATR

Airport, you will be prepared for every kind of situation. The

42/72 and CRJ 100/200 - also the aircraft that operate from

phone lines are always open – 24/7/365.

Sonderborg Airport on a daily basis on the Alsie Express routes.

With a centrally-located administration, hangar facilities,

FACTS: The time intervals for aircraft component maintenance checks

workshops and not least a team of highly specialized and

depend on the function of the component. For instance with the

experienced personnel, the company fulfils the particular

landing gear, it is dependent on the number of cycles - i.e. takeoffs and

demands of quality and efficiency that are characteristic of

landings - while others are determined by duration.

the industry. ”It has exceeded all expectations.” Brief and to the point, this is how CEO Benjamin Nielsen puts it when asked to describe the kind of start that Skyways Technics has experienced as an independent specialist in aircraft maintenance and repairs. The CEO is not slow to pass on the credit to a dedicated workforce. When it comes to business, Skyways Technics have had the wind under their wings right from the beginning - but this is also an organization with strong roots in the region. The customer base has been built up over many years through


CP Avia Support & Avia Consult On first-name terms with an entire industry Carl and Peter Pedersen have a great view from their office. They can see the planes landing and taking off and be part of a workplace with air traffic at its core. Father and son have respectively dedicated 50 and 30 years of their lives to this industry. At CP Avia Support and Avia Consult, you will find neither storage racks nor workshops. Here, it is all about network, guidance, expertise, language skills, and the right certificates. When it comes to maintaining aircraft, nothing is left to chance. So, confidence is important - but nothing ever takes place until the staff member in question can show that their qualifications are 100% in order. The market is the whole of Europe, and the clients number among the very biggest, such as Lufthansa, KLM and Air France. ”You might not think it, but this is a small industry, where everyone knows each other,” says Carl Pedersen, who, after

A range of solutions are made available via the huge network

having overstepped the age limit in his previous job, was urged

and the reliable names in the industry, resulting in the clients

by his former contacts to branch out on his own. That was the

saving money without having to compromise on quality

beginning of CP Avia Support in 2008 and Avia Consult in 2013.

or safety.

Large market for alternative spare parts

Airbuses might not land here very often - but Sonderborg

The companies have partnership agreements with a handful of

Airport is a natural base for experienced aircraft experts:

American firms - within, respectively, fuel components, aircraft

”But you can still smell the countryside around here,” as Carl

components, avionics and automatic testing equipment.

Pedersen puts it drily.

As in the car industry, there is a large market for alternative spare parts within aviation. All components, original as well as alternative, must be subject to the same approval procedures to meet the exact standards of the American FAA, Federal Aviation Administration and EASA, the European Aviation Safety Agency. As well as dealing with alternative spare parts, both firms are involved in Designated Engineering Representative (DER), which is responsible for the development of individual component repair as an alternative to replacement.



Our business is to keep you in the air


Promonitor an expert come in as an outsider and decide what should take place. The development should move forward based on actual values and resources. Development of the municipality with the citizen at the centre Two areas of expertise lie at the centre of Promonitor’s activities: Statistics and urban development. Both are about gathering the knowledge that is required for decision-making. Knowledge in the form of numbers, charts and tables; and knowledge in the form of familiarity with the public’s positions on concrete questions. This set-up provides the strongest foundation for the decision-making processes of local government. The next step is for public meetings, café meetings and workshops. ”It is not just the inclusion of residents; it is also about involvement. I work from the philosophy that if the residents are going to feel any kind of ownership, then they must be involved in the process from A to Z,” says partner The knowledge to develop

Tenna Tychsen, who is educated as an urban planner and

Promonitor is a good example of the type of knowledge-based

process consultant.

companies Sonderborg Municipality wishes to have on board. This consulting company was established in Copenhagen and

Far away - and yet nearby

still retains many customers in and around the capital - but the

With their background in both national administration and the

two directors, natives of South Jutland, became homesick. With

country’s largest businesses, you might think that Promonitor’s

a location at Sonderborg Airport, however, the big city is never

experts would feel a bit left out of things at their current

far away.

location in Sonderborg. But an efficient flight connection, as an alternative to 4 hours’ travel in a car or on a train, makes all the

Promonitor is a highly specialized consulting company

difference - both psychologically and in purely practical terms.

working primarily for the public sector and typically for the municipalities. ”We have two supporting pillars: One is analysis

The Director Lars Lindenberg has an example to hand:

in the form of public and consumer research; the other is

”I had a meeting in Bredgade in Copenhagen. I went directly

process consultancy, where we go one step further, in close

from my desk here, down to the plane. About 30 minutes later I

dialogue with the public and the local community, around

was in Kastrup, and then in Bredgade shortly after that. One of

the development of urban areas, local areas and housing

the people at the meeting had come from Ballerup, and it took

associations,” says Promonitor’s Director Lars Lindenberg.

him significantly longer to make the trip - so you can easily say that our location here at Sonderborg Airport lends us a very big


When Promonitor enters into partnership with a municipality, a

advantage. We sit right at a nerve centre for the entire region,

comprehensive process is set in motion, setting out to improve

in an international atmosphere, reminding us that we are not

the local community in question. Promonitor’s philosophy is

way out in the sticks just because we live in Sonderborg,” he

that it is all about the local resident and that it is wrong to let


Amicos In control Amicos software developers have worked on creating total solutions for over 25 years, helping the aviation world keep track of what is known in the trade as MRO: Maintenance, Repairs and Overhaul. Sonderborg Aviation Park houses the company, which solves very essential tasks in terms of security and good finances within the industry. The lengths of time between compulsory aircraft maintenance checks are determined variously by either the number of flight service hours, the number of cycles (take-offs/landings), or according to fixed time intervals, depending on the type of aircraft, status and usage. Those responsible can easily keep track of the many different factors and parameters with the tried and tested software solutions from Amicos. When an aircraft is called up for maintenance, an overview must be kept of which parts are due for inspection and crosschecks must be made regarding which spare parts are being held in stock. The system is kept updated with the numbers of spare parts

Amicos currently has a broad customer base - a fact

and will store information about individual operations, so that

demonstrating the need for a professional, thoroughly road-

the technicians can always look back over the aircraft’s history.

tested software solution, which can be developed alongside

Data is also kept regarding the time spent on individual

the changing needs and requirements of the customer.

work tasks. The software is easily accessed on screen wherever the work takes place and each team member’s employee ID card has its own bar code. Use of material and time is continuously monitored, since these parameters are especially important within the industry.


A Catchment Area with Potential Centrally located Sonderborg Airport is situated in the centre of the largest potential passenger market in Denmark, with the exception of Copenhagen Airport. Nearly 1 million people are in closer proximity to Sonderborg Airport than any other airport. Sonderborg Airports primary catchment is in the most attractive primary catchment in the western part of Denmark.



Sonderborg Airport

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Shared vision, ambition and collaboration is the formula that places Sonderborg Airport among Denmark’s best and most exciting regional airports today 15

Contact us: Sonderborg Airport Lufthavnsvej 1 DK-6400 Sonderborg Telephone: +45 7442 2130


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