Chantal en Louwrens Geldenhuys kort na hul huwelikseremonie.
’n Jong bruid word volgende week uit dieselfde kerk begrawe as waar sy die afgelope naweek met die liefde van haar lewe getroud is. Dieselfde dominee wat die 26-jarige Chantal (nÊe Beetge) en Louwrens (Boeta) Geldenhuys (31) in die huwelik bevestig het, sal ook haar begrafnisdiens lei. Die bruidspaar se lang-beplande sprokieslewe saam is Saterdagnag, ’n paar uur na hul huwelikseremonie, skielik beÍindig na ’n gru-ongeluk op die hoek van Sefako Makgathoweg en Dr Van der Merwerylaan toe die bestuurder van ’n Hilux-bakkie na bewering ’n rooi verkeerslig verontagsaam het. Chantal is op die toneel dood. Boeta was teen druktyd steeds in ’n kritieke toestand in die intensiewesorgeenheid van ’n Montana hospitaal. Hy het onder meer inwendige beserings en ’n gebreekte bekken opgedoen en is steeds aan ’n ventilator gekoppel. Teen druktyd was hy nog onbewus dat hy voortaan ’n enkelouer vir hul 5-jarige seun, Louwrens (jnr), sal moet wees. Louwrens (jnr) word tans deur sy ouma versorg. Die bestuurder van die Hilux, Abram Mphenga Themba (40) van Kwamahlanga, het Maandag op klagtes van dronkbestuur en strafbare manslag in die Pretoria-Noord landdroshof verskyn. Themba, ’n weermag stafsersant, is nie gevra om te pleit nie en is op R2 000 borg vrygelaat. Hy verskyn weer in die hof op 7 Februarie. Die gru-ongeluk het omstreeks 01:00 plaasgevind terwyl die pasgetoudes, na afloop van die onthaal,
oppad was na ’n nabygeleĂŤ gastehuis vir hul huweliksnag. Volgens ’n ooggetuie, Magda Hayes, het die egpaar pas by ’n groen verkeerslig weggetrek toe die Hilux, wat glo teen ’n geweldige spoed gery het, hul blou Golf aan die passasierskant getref het. “Dit het gelyk asof die motor ontplof en die glas het soos konfetti oor die teerpad gestrooi,â€? het sy aan Rekord gesĂŞ. Die Golf het omgerol en teen ’n verkeersligpaal tot stilstand gekom. “In geen stadium het die bestuurder probeer rem of spoed verminder nie - daar was nie eers ’n enkele remmerk van sy motor op die pad nie.â€? Hayes en haar man het hulle na die toneel gehaas. Chantal het nog enkele minute gelewe. Paramedici was binne minute op die toneel maar het Chantal dood verklaar. Volgens Hayes het Themba sterk na drank geruik toe hy uit sy motor gehaal is. “Daar was ook ’n oop blik Castle bier in sy voertuig wat oor sy skoene uitgeloop het.â€? Polisie het kort na die ongeluk ’n bloedmonster by Themba geneem. ’n Emosionele Louwrens Geldenhuys (snr) het Dinsdag gesĂŞ almal was verheug oor die troue. “Ons verdriet is nou net so grensloos as wat ons vreugde was.â€? Ds. Wynand Malan van die NG Kerk Florauna het gister gesĂŞ hy was erg geskok toe hy verlede Sondag, kort voor die erediens, van die ongeluk verneem het. “Dit is byna onwerklik om binne ’n week nadat ek ’n paartjie getrou het een van hulle te moet begrawe.â€? Chantal se begrafnisdiens word Maandag om 13:00 gehou.
RBT plans for North Stephané Bothma The north of Pretoria and the Moot area could soon have a brand new multimillion rand rapid bus transit (RBT) system - running from the south of Paul Kruger Street, through Capital Park, Eloffsdal, Wonderboom South to Wonderboom station and back. The Tshwane metro also plans to erect seven bus rapid transit stations on the median island between Pretoria CBD and Wonderboom station. Particulars of the proposed route, plans and reports are available for inspection and residents have the opportunity to lodge objections or make representations until 14 December. Should no objections be received, the metro plans to proceed with the implementation of the proposed route and construction of the proposed stations on 15 December. The seven stations would be erected on Paul Kruger Street between Francis Baard and Pretorius streets, between Struben and
Johannes Ramokhoase streets, immediately north of Boom Street, between Flowers and Van Heerden street in Capital Park, on Mansfield Road between Booysens and Eloff streets in Eloffsdal, on Mansfield Road between Van Rensburg and Green streets in Wonderboom South and a terminal at the Wonderboom station. The RBT system to the north was planned as the final trunk route to be known as Line 1A that would link the CBD with the Rainbow Junction in the north. “Tshwane Rapid Transit passengers can expect reduced travel times between home, work, retail and social destinations with improvements in traffic congestion and road safety. “The number of traffic accidents is likely to reduce and those that do occur will have less of an impact on traffic flow,” Tshwane communications manager, Nomasonto Ndlovu, told Rekord. “Some 154 buses would be procured for the system, which would feature dedicated bus lanes along trunk routes, stations at regular intervals and terminals at major transport interchanges,” Ndlovu added. Should the metro embark on the project, the construction of the first of three trunk routes would start on 15 December. It will join the CBD with Hatfield. The second route would lead to Atterbury Road while the final route will link the north.
Rioolprobleem teister inwoners vir ses jaar Ryno Ellis Dit het wel ses jaar geneem, maar die Tshwane-metro het uiteindelik ’n huishouding in Pretoria-Noord se probleem opgelos. Rou riool het telkens wanneer dit reën in hul agterplaas uitgestroom. Die Oppermans hoef nie meer paniekbevange te raak as hul sien dat die reënwolke opsteek nie en is baie verlig dat die metro die ergernis uiteindelik opgelos het wat die gesin se gesondheid erg in gevaar gestel het. Vir ses jaar het Marietjie Opperman se tuiste in Wolmer onder rioolwater beland na hewige reënbuie die riool by
’n drein langs Opperman se agterdeur laat uitborrel het. “Met swaar reën het riool, kondome, onderklere en babadoeke by ons agterdeur se drein uitgespoel,” vertel Opperman, wat na ses jaar al raadop was. Die gesin moes gereeld hul agterplaas skoonmaak van al die gemors wat uitgespoel het. Die riool was ook ’n gesondheidsgevaar en het die Opperman-gesin dikwels siek gemaak. “My man het infeksie in sy oog opgedoen en die hele familie het velsiektes gekry as gevolg van die riool.” Die reuk van die riool wat uitgespoel het, was uiteraard ondraaglik. Marnette Sutherland, wyksraadslid, het Opperman gehelp om die probleem op te los. Die metro het twee rioolpype tussen Opperman se huis en die veld aan die ooste van die erf geïnstalleer om te dien as noodoorloop indien die munisipale rioolnetwerk oorloop ten tye van swaar reën. Opperman sê nou dat die pype geïnstalleer is en die wolke pak saam, hoef hulle nie meer te bekommer oor riool wat hul huis gaan oorstroom nie. “As die drein nou oorloop, dan gaan dit reguit by die rioolpyp in en word dan na die veld langsaan weggelei. Dit is wonderlik om nou by jou agterdeur uit te kom en nie ander se gemors hoef skoon te maak nie,” vertel ’n verligte Opperman.
Marietjie Opperman voor die nuwe rioolstelsel wat by haar agterdeur geïnstalleer is.
AfriForum plaas plaasmoorde in die kollig Natashia Slabbert Plaasmoorde raak álmal. So meen besorgde Afrikaners wat Saterdag in die Pretoriase middestad teen plaasmoorde protesteer het.
Naasbestaandes van vermoorde boere en bekendes, insluitend Steve Hofmeyr, Adam Tas en Chris Chameleon, het Saterdag saam met AfriForum standpunt teen dié brutale moorde ingeneem. AfriForum het die protesoptog gereël, waartydens ’n memorandum aan die Minister van Polisie, Nathi Mathetwa, oorhandig is as deel van die Solidariteit-beweging se omvattende veldtog teen plaasmoorde. By die minister van polisie se kantoor is die memorandum oor ’n luidspreker voorgelees. Onder andere word geëis dat die regering plaasmoorde prioritiseer en spesialiseenhede skep om die moorde te voorkom en te beveg. ’n Emosionele Susan Nortjé, wie se suster Wilna, swaer Attie en driejarige dogtertjie, Willemien Potgieter, op hul Vrystaatse plaas op 1 Desember 2010 brutaal vermoor is, het die optog en Wikus van Rensburg, Gina Gouws en Riëtte Kok voel genoeg is genoeg nadat twee boere Vrydagoggend by hul plaas in Brits doodgeskiet is.
oorhandiging bygewoon. Volgens Ernst Roets, adjunkuitvoerende hoof van AfriForum, was die doel van die optog om bewusmaking te skep, ondersteuning aan die familie van slagoffers van plaasmoorde soos die Potgieters te betuig en sekere eise aan die regering deur middel van die memorandum te stel. “Ons wil ook hê dat die probleem met die statistieke aangespreek moet word. Die polisie weier om amptelike statistieke oor plaasmoorde bekend te maak.” Volgens Roets dui AfriForum se navorsing dat drie keer soveel plaasmoorde as gewone moorde in Suid-Afrika plaasvind en dat twee keer soveel boere as polisiemanne jaarliks vermoor word. “Boere word in groot getalle vermoor en selfs gemartel. Ten spyte hiervan weier die regering om te erken dat daar ’n krisis is, of om ’n gefokusde teenstrategie uit te werk. Daarom moet ons passiwiteit onder Suid-Afrikaners hokslaan. Hierdie getalle is verskriklik erg maar dit is veel erger om in die lig daarvan stil te bly en niks daaraan te doen nie.”
Van links is Ernst Roets, adjunk-uitvoerende hoof van AfriForum, Susan Nortjé, wie se suster wreedaardig in ’n plaasaanval op 1 Desember 2010 vermoor is en Steve Hofmeyr by AfriForum se protes teen plaasmoorde.
Onbekende man se liggaam nog nie uitgeken Ryno Ellis Die liggaam van ’n man tussen die ouderdom van 35 en 40 wat onlangs in ’n dam by die Wonderboom-lughawe gevind is, is steeds nie uitgeken nie. Nog geen nuwe inligting het na vore gekom om lig te werp op
die saak nie en die polisie doen ’n beroep op enigeen met inligting om hulle te kontak. Volgens Mirna von Benecke, woordvoerder van die Sinovillepolisie, is die liggaam omstreeks 22:00 op 20 November in ’n spruitjie naby die lughawe deur ’n verbyganger gevind en
aangemeld. “’n Verbyganger het ’n slegte reuk geruik en ondersoek gaan instel, waarop hy op die liggaam afgekom het. Dit wil voorkom of dit al vir drie tot vier dae in die spruit gelê het voor dit gevind is.” Die oorledene het geen identifikasie aan hom gehad nie.
Von Benecke het bevestig dat die liggaam bewyse van geweld toon, maar dat sy nie kan bevestig dit tot die man se dood bygedra het nie. “Alhoewel daar merke aan sy lyf sigbaar is, kan ons nie bevestig of dit die oorsaak van sy dood was nie.”
Sy sê verdere inligting, soos die identifikasie van die persoon en die oorsaak van sy dood, sal eers bevestig word sodra die nadoodse ondersoek afgehandel is. Von Benecke doen ’n beroep op enigeen wat enige inligting het om die Sinoville-polisiestasie by 012-543-8800 te bel.
Beertjie-projek kom tot suksesvolle einde Natalie Grobler Die Hanco’s TeddyCare-projek het na sowat drie maande tot ’n suksesvolle einde gekom. Na intensiewe veldtogte deur CrisisOnCall, Lifemed, Best Care-ambulansdienste en Radio Rippel het hulle sowat 8 540 teddiebere vir die projek ingesamel. Alhoewel hulle nie die 10 000 mylpaal behaal het nie, glo al die rolspelers dat die sowat 8 000 teddiebere ’n verskil in kinders se lewens sal maak. Dié vier organisasies het verlede Saterdag by die Kolonnade Retailpark die derduisende teddiebere aan Choc Childhood Cancer Foundation oorhandig. Hulle sal dit dan verder aan hul verskeie takke uitdeel. Frikkie Gous, woordvoerder van Lifemed het gesê dat hy dankbaar teenoor al die mense is wat gehelp het om die projek ’n sukses te maak. “Ons gaan die projek weer volgende jaar aanpak en ons gaan baie groot gaan. Ons gaan Hanco se droom aan die lewe hou.” Veronica de Jager, woordvoerder van Choc, het gesê dat die derduisende sagte speelgoed nodig is vir hul kinders. Sy het
Die Hanco’s TeddyCare-projek het verlede Saterdag by die Kolonnade Retailpark tot ’n suksesvolle einde gekom. CrisisOnCall, Lifemed, Best Care-ambulansdienste en Radio Rippel het sowat 8 540 teddiebere aan die Choc Childhood Cancer Foundation oorhandig.
gesê na hulle dit aan hul verskeie takke oorhandig het gaan hulle die res van die teddiebere aan minderbevoorregte kinders uitdeel. Selfs Jacques van der Westhuizen, oud-Springbok, het die geleentheid
bygewoon en hy moedig alle inwoners aan om volgende jaar betrokke te raak by die projek. Dié teddiebeerprojek is deur Hanco Viljoen, wat in 2009 aan kanker dood is, geïnspireer na hy derduisende beertjies
ingesamel het. Dit was Hanco se droom om vir elke minderbevoorregte kind ’n beertjie te skenk en dus het dié vier organisasies besluit om Hanco se droom te laat voortleef.
Spesiale Kersparty vir kinders Ryno Ellis Die skep van goeie Kersfees-herinneringe was die hoofdoel van ’n middag van Kersvieringe saam met kinders van ’n informele nedersetting in Kameeldrift. Deeltydse predikant en beskerm vrou van die nie-winsgewende organisasie, Dynamic Women for Children (DWFC), Liesel KrauseWiid, wat die funksie gehou het, vertel dat die organisasie hoofsaaklik ten doel gehad het om die
kinders, wat dit nie altyd te goed het nie, met gelukkige herinneringe na te laat. “Hierdie kinders word onder vreeslike gebroke omstandighede groot en daarom wil DWFC vir hulle mooi herinneringe skep wat hulle hopelik nooit sal vergeet nie,” vertel Krause-Wiid. Die kinders is Maandag by DWFC se sorgsentrum vermaak met ’n opvoering deur Gerhard Steyn gevolg deur ’n praatjie deur stemkunstenaar en komediant, Erich Posthumus en sy alter ego, Nor-
man, oor die ware betekenis van Kersfees. Bekende aktrise en televisieaanbieder, Lindie Strydom, het die dag saam met die kinders spandeer terwyl hulle die feesvieringe geniet het. Marleen van der Walt, stigter en versorger by DWFC, vertel dat die organisasie die kinders van die informele nedersetting elke dag na skool versorg. “Ons verskaf kos aan die kinders en help hulle met hul skoolwerk.”
Lindie Strydom sing saam met die jongspan.
Gerhard Steyn saam met Zoe Posthumus.
Beskuldigde dood tydens moordsaak Natashia Slabbert Die beskuldigde in ’n gesinsmoordtragedie wat groot opslae in die koerante gemaak het, is onlangs dood. Louis Venter, wat van moord aangekla is na hy vroeër vanjaar sy vrou en seun na bewering doodgeskiet het, is onlangs in die Kalafong-hospitaal dood. Dit volg na Venter sowat ’n maand gelede ’n erge beroerte gehad het waarna hy gedurende die daaropvolgende paar weke in en uit die hospitaal en gevangenis was. Venter het na bewering sy vrou, Meisie Venter en seun Innes, in Maart vanjaar by die gesin se huis in Dorandia doodgeskiet na ’n rusie glo laat die Sondagaand uitgebreek het. Volgens Pretoria-Noord-polisie se woordvoerder, konstabel Maanda Singo, het die tragedie plaasgevind nadat konflik aangaande die seun vermoedelik tussen die egpaar uitgebreek het. “Die polisie is ontbied na inwoners geweerskote gehoor het en met die polisie se aankoms by die toneel is die vuurwapen steeds in sy (Venter) se hande aangetref.” Die oorledene sou weer 23 November op twee aanklagtes van moord voor die hof moes verskyn. Die Pretoria-Noord-polisie se ondersoekspan het bevestig dat die saak voorgekom het en weer uitgestel is. “Omdat die beskuldigde dood is, moet die doodsertifikaat nou aan die hof voorgelê word. Die direkteur van openbare vervolging moet ook ingelig word waarna die saak as afgehandel beskou sal word.”
Opdraande pad lê vir kankerlyer en familie voor na verlamming Jongman wag op ingevoerde ventilator sodat sy grootouers hom kan huis toe neem Natashia Slabbert ’n Jongman wat ’n dapper stryd voer na ’n kankergewas hom verlam het, hoop om binnekort uit die hospitaal ontslaan te word. Dawie van Rooyen (23) van The Orchards is verlede jaar, enkele dae voor Kersfees, in die hospitaal opgeneem nadat hy onverwags inmekaar gesak het. Na ’n kankergewas uit sy nek verwyder is, was die oudleerling aan Hoërskool Overkruin ’n kwadrupleeg en het hy die
afgelope 12 maande in die waakeenheid van die Steve Biko Akademiese-hospitaal aangesterk. Volgens Van Rooyen se familie is daar egter niks meer wat dokters vir hom kan doen nie. “Ons is aangeraai om hom tuis te versorg waar hy in sy eie omgewing kan aansterk,” het Salome de Villiers, Van Rooyen se tante, aan Rekord vertel. ’n Opdraande pad lê egter vir Van Rooyen se grootouers voor wat onder-
neem het om hul kleinkind verder te versorg. Dié pensioenarisse gaan klippe kou om 24 uur hoë sorg in die vorm van twee verpleegsters asook die maandelikse huur van ’n ventilator te bekostig. Van Rooyen, wat volgens medici ’n lewensverwagting van slegs ’n paar jaar het, kan nie self asemhaal nie en mag dus nie ontslaan word voor hy nie sy eie longmasjien het nie. “Na soveel terugslae hou ons tans duim vas vir ’n ingevoerde ventilator wat ons dan maandeliks moet afbetaal, na ons by geen ander plek kon regkom nie. As alles goed verloop kan Dawie hierdie week huis toe kom,” het ’n emosionele De Villiers gesê. Ten spyte van die uitdagings en die bekommernis oor hoe sy grootouers en tante by die geldelike verpligtinge gaan uitkom, baklei Van Rooyen om positief te bly en hoop hy op ’n wonderwerk. “Hy werk nog deur die skok. Hy was ’n blakende gesonde jongman wat pas sy diploma ’n paar weke vantevore voltooi het voor hy uit die bloute inmekaargesak het. Ons kan nog nie die sin daarin sien nie, maar, nou ja, dit is nie ons wil nie. Dawie glo dat hy gesond gaan word en weer gaan loop en ons glo saam hom.” Van links is Hester van Rooyen, Dawie van Rooyen en Dawie se vriendin Mikhyla Gropp. Van Rooyen het by sy ouma Hester en oupa Jan grootgeword na sy pa sewe jaar gelede dood is.
Musicians perform for charity Ron Sibiya About 30 musicians from various parts of the country performed in one of the major free music festivals to raise money to assist disadvantaged people. The festival was held at Laerskool Saamspan in Mountain View on Saturday. In attendance was also American country music artist,
Greg Rau. The money raised during the day was handed over to Uncle Ben’s Den charity organisation. The events organiser, Sharon van Zyl, who is also one of the musicians, said she was deeply touched by the hard work Uncle Ben’s Den did for less privileged residents. “The charity organisation gives food to homeless people and this show would ensure that Uncle
Ben’s Den had enough money to celebrate Christmas this year.” Uncle Ben’s Den is situated in Hermanstad. It is also the home of elderly people and it looks after mentally and physically disabled individuals. It provides rehabilitation programmes for people who are addicted to drugs. Some of the money was given to Laerskool Saamspan to pay for its electricity.
Die kinders dans saam op die verhoog by die ATKV Kinderfees.
Laat die kinders na my toe kom... Natashia Slabbert Kinders van regoor Pretoria het onlangs al dansende, springende, klappende, laggende, gillende en jillende die ATKV Kinder Christusfees bygewoon. Dié prettige kinderfees het Sondag by Kerksondermure in Centurion plaasgevind. Kinders jonk en oud het regdeur die aanbieding be-
hoorlik baljaar terwyl kunstenaars soos Willie en die Wenspan, Clemens en die Kruiskyk Kewers en Ghapi gunstelinge soos Loof Hom met die tromme, My God is so groot en Hy hou die hele wêreld in Sy hand gesing het. Oom Karoolus en Lente het ook vir groot vermaak gesorg met staaltjies, grappies en liedjies spesiaal vir die jongspan.
Lente en Oom Karoolus praat met die kinders oor Jesus.
Maria Fourie and Annet Schoombie of Uncle Ben’s Den Den.
C Cuve and Hodassah (2) Harding, Murli Burger (11), Michaela (5), Joshua and Christelle Harding. M
GPF-lede sluit suksesvolle jaar af Natashia Slabbert Met die geurige reuk van braaivleisvuur wat in die lug hang het lede van die Pretoria-Noord gemeenskappolisiëringsforum (GPF) onlangs ’n glasie op ’n suksesvolle 2012 geklink. Marius Freysen en Melanie Lewis, die voorsitters van sektor 1 en 2, het Pretoria-Noord GPF se
hoogtepunte van 2012 tydens die geleentheid met Rekord gedeel. “’n Goeie arrestasie wat uitstaan is twee verdagtes wat na ’n gewapende huisroof in Florauna vasgetrek is. ’n Vuurwapen is teruggekry. Nog ’n hoogtepunt was toe ’n verdagte binne enkele minute vasgetrek is nadat hy ’n bejaarde man in die vroeë oggendure vanjaar aangeval het. So
is daar baie gevalle as ons oor die jaar terugkyk waar ons kan sien dat ons werklik die oë en die ore van die gemeenskap was.” Freysen en Lewis het hul hoop uitgespreek om ook in 2013 ’n daadwerklike verskil in die gemeenskap te maak en dat die GPF, wat tans uit sowat 630 vrywillige lede bestaan, verder sal groei.
Va Van links is Elria Stassen, Lietha Vellema, Marius Freysen en Gerhard Stassen. W Wallace en Juanita en Prinsloo. Pr r
Clemens Mans van an die Kr Kruiskyk isk k Ke Kewers. ers Agter van an links is lede van die orkes Steyn Fourie en Ghapi.
Wrap up Christmas with Game Imagine not having to dash home after Christmas shopping to wrap presents before loved ones see them. Gone are the days of cutting, folding and sticking when precious time would be better spent decorating the tree or planning the Christmas menu. From just R6,Game stores are offering customers the convenience of having their gifts wrapped instore and your small donation will go towards giving children from disadvantaged backgrounds the gift of a good education.
Renier Lewis en Johan Stassen Stassen.
Estate agents recognised Children from Illungelo Labadala Childrens Village with Game Team “We have a fund to which both Game itself and the public contribute. It supports a variety of initiatives that improve education for the children who need it the most throughout the year. Last year, we raised R860 000 through gift wrap services across the country in Game stores.
We want to say a big thank to you all our customers who cared enough to support this initiative in 2011 and encourage them to do the same this year. In fact, we’d like to encourage our customer to help us raise even more this year,” said Game CEO, Jan Potgieter.
Pretoria North estate agent, Jackie Meyer, receives an award from Neville McIntyre, chairman of Aïda’s parent company, Jigsaw Holdings. The national Aïda real estate group named Meyer as its Agent of the Year at its recent national awards ceremony. Pretoria North agent David Mmantji was named as the agent having sold the highest number of homes while Mariana Louw, also from Pretoria North, claimed the Rookie Agent of the Year title.
Mooimaakwerkswinkel verklap geheime Fassinerende velsorg- en mooimaakgeheime is Vrydag by die Modelmooi-vroueoggend verklap. Vroue van regoor Pretoria het behoorlik by dié geleentheid van Willa Krause Velsorg aan skoonheidsdeskundige Inge Ferreira se lippe gehang. Ferreira, hoofopleidingsbeampte van Willa Krause Velsorg, het agter die skerms velsorg en grime-ringswenke gedeel en vroue stap-vir-stap deur die aanwend van grime-ring geneem. Dié mooimaakkuierdag en grimeringswerk-
winkel was gedeeltelik ten bate van die liefdadigheidsorganisasie Dynamic Women for Children (DWFC.) DWFC is in 2008 deur Marleen van der Walt gestig en bestaan uit ’n groep vroue wat hulleself oor behoeftige kinders van ’n blanke informele nedersetting in Kameeldrift ontferm. Volgens Van der Walt, wat ’n naskoolsentrum vir die kinders in Oktober geopen het, floreer die kinders met die ekstra hulp, aandag en liefde wat hulle ontvang. Die Modelmooidag is met ’n inspirerende Innerlike Skoonheidaanbieding deur Liesel Krause-Wiid en ’n modeskou met Lindie Minnieontwerpe afgesluit.
Inge Ferreira, hoofopleidingsbeampte van Willa Krause Velsorg (links) en Gerda Potgieter.
More jeans donated Van links is Rozahn van Biljon van Dynamic Women for Children (DWFC), Liesel Krause-Wiid, beskermvrou van en vvan an der derr Wa Walt lt, stig gte terr va an a n DWFC. DWFC en Marleen Walt, stigter van
Hettie Taljaard, gebiedsbestuurder van die Willa Krause Groep, analiseer Marlene Tromp se vel om haar korrekte velondertoon en onderlaagkleur te bepaal.
Derek Pretorius (left), sales manager at Pretoria-Noord Toyota and Michael Strange, regional co-ordinator at Rekord. Pretorius recently handed a number of jeans to Rekord as part of Rekord’s Jeans 5000 project. This project aims to collect at least 5 000 jeans to be donated to the less fortunate throughout Pretoria.
Editorial COMMENT A myriad of problems lambastes the average South African these days. These problems range from economic, political, poverty, crime and many more. With all these issues weighing on everyone’s minds it is easy to forget the one big problem our society still faces – the scourge of HIV/Aids. World Aids day is celebrated on 1 December. Twenty five years and millions of lives into the Aids endemic, World Aids day is an opportune moment for us all to take stock and reflect on both Capital Media (Edms) Bpk / (Pty) Ltd
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our achievements and our failures in dealing with its continuing devastating impact. Over the past quarter of a century more than 25 million people have died as a result of HIV/Aids and today 40 million people live with HIV. One of the greatest challenges we face is the Aids related stigma and discrimination, which forms a real barrier to stop the expansion of this disease. The reality of Aids to South Africans was brought to light recently by a report on the projected shortage of teachers over the next five years in South Africa. According to the report, South Africa faces a shortage of up to 94 000 teachers by 2015. Among the many reasons for this projected shortage is the effects of Aids-related illnesses. The report released by the Education, Training and Development Practices, Seta, warns that HIV/Aids is already taking its toll on teacher numbers. Two hundred out of 500 SA National Democratic Teachers Union (Sadtu) members who volunteered for Aids tests between October 2007 and September 2008 tested HIV-positive. According to the report most of the 250 Sadtu members who died in Gauteng in 2007 died of Aids-related illnesses. The report also warns that we are entering a critical period where those who had been infected were now dying. Education is of paramount importance in the battle against HIV/Aids.
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Letters may be addressed to the Editor, PO Box 8261, Pretoria 0001, faxed to 086-652-0378 or e-mailed to Letter must be limited to 200 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit any letter. A writer may use a pseudonym, but his or her full name, address and telephone number must accompany the letter. The opinions expressed in letters are not necessarily the views of Rekord.
Eiendomsmark word al meer geteiken Me. Weber van Pretoria-Noord skryf: Daar is deesdae ’n nuwe tendens weens swak verkope in die eiendomsmark en banke wat toenemend strenger maatreëls met keuring van leningaansoekers ingestel het. Sogenaamde voornemende kopers doen hulleself as potensiële kopers met ’n goeie kredietrekord voor. Besit van eiendom word geneem en ’n koopkontrak onderhewig aan standaard voorwaardes, onder andere betaling van huur, lening en lewering van waarborge, word gesluit. Allerhande beloftes word gemaak oor betaling van huur tot dit by die daad kom. Dan word verskonings aangevoer dat die koopkontrak gebrekkig is en dat verkopers nie die kopers van dienste voorsien
nie. Die kopers verbreek dan eensydig bepalings van die koopkontrak en weier om te betaal. Hulle beroep hulle dan op die behuisingswet van 1988 en verklaar hulleself eenvoudig as plakkers. Intussen strek die vindingrykheid van sogenaamde kopers (plakkers) veel verder as net om gratis verblyf te bekom. Gratis krag en water is ook op die spyskaart. Hekke word deur die moderne plakkers met slotte gesluit sodat die regmatige eienaar geen toegang tot sy eiendom het nie. Intussen is my hande afgekap en bevind ek my in ’n doodloopstraat aangesien die Tshwane-metro nie antwoorde op my vrae kan verskaf nie. Brief verkort – Redaksie.
Gee pluimpie aan Telkom Mev. Mouton skryf: ’n Rukkie gelede het ons Telkom-landlyn skielik ophou werk. Ons het dit by Telkom Direct by Kolonnade Retail Park gaan rapporteer waar die personeel ons besonder goed behandel en ondersteun het. En kan u glo, later skakel Telkom ons en
vra of hulle ons kan kom besoek. ’n Halfuur later was die amptenaar by ons huis en binne tien minute is die probleem opgelos. Baie dankie Telkom vir uitstaande diens en vir ’n uitstaande amptenaar. Clarens, baie dankie, jy was puik. Mense wil altyd kla, in hierdie geval is dit lekker om ’n pluimpie te gee.
Mense help nog ander Verligte moeder skryf: Ek en my dogter het onlangs by Ala Turka-restaurant in Irene Village vir haar 21e verjaardag, net ma en dogter, gaan uiteet. Die aand was ongelooflik spesiaal en toe ons ry het ons geen benul gehad op watter noot die aand sou eindig nie. Ongelukkig maak moeder die oordeelsfout en ry die Rietvleidampad, dit is mos korter en daar is een groot storm. My ou Polo van 14 jaar het my nog nooit in die steek gelaat langs die pad nie, maar ja, dit is toe mos net met hierdie reën en water, dat my kar besluit om tot die dood te hik en snik, op die hoek van Rietvleidamstraat en Delmasweg - nie ’n plek vir twee vroue om ongeveer 22:15 te gaan staan nie. Ek het probeer die motor uit die pad
stoot, stilletos, stywe rokkie en al. Toe ek weer sien, staan ’n onbekende man langs die motor, beduie allerhande dinge en ek weet nie waar hy vandaan gekom het. Gelukkig skrik hy vir my dreigement dat ek gaan skiet as hy nader kom. Nie twee sekondes daarna nie verdwyn hy in die lang grasse en daar stop my redding. ’n Man en vrou help my die motor uit die pad stoot en toe hulle hoor ek wag vir my versekering se nooddienste, besluit hul om saam te wag. Ek kan nie genoeg dankie sê vir hul noodbystand nie. Hulle het aanhoudend gebel en my op hoogte gehou en seker gemaak ek is veilig. My barmharmtige Samaritane het my motor aan die gang gekry en beloof om my te volg tot ek veilig by die huis is.
Confess your sins James 5:16 (AMP): Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offences, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed… Offences can be the cause of certain illnesses according to this scripture. Do you know anyone who wears an offence like a badge of honour? Could that person be you? Your offended heart can distract you from the true destiny of God’s call and plan for your life. Offended people seem to trust nobody except themselves and unknowingly they are offending God, because their fear of man causes them to distrust God. Isaiah 8:13 (AMP): The Lord of hosts—regard Him as holy and honour His holy name [by regarding Him as your only hope of safety], and let Him be your fear and let Him be your dread [lest you offend Him by your fear of man and distrust of Him]. In society there is a saying, If it is to be, it is up to me. Actually you’re saying, I’ve got to be in control all the time and because you cannot put your trust in God, He cannot
Faith Nevil Norden
heal your offended heart or keep you from stumbling on your way to your destiny. An offence is like an old broken down fence that needs mending. The longer the fence lies on the ground untended, the more it deteriorates and grants access to undesirables. The same is true of an offence, which causes division between individuals. The longer an offence is allowed to linger and fester, the more the relationship deteriorates. One dangerous characteristic of an offence is that it is like a virus; it can spread to others and multiply in magnitude. I challenge you to deal with any offence you might have.
Gift suggestions for the festive season It is not always easy to choose the perfect gift for Christmas and for some people it might even be a nerve-wracking experience. That is why Rekord shopped till we dropped to ensure that none of our readers need to enter the festive season unprepared. Not only will readers find a variety of gift ideas that would soothe the gift seeking blues. Here are some gift-wrapping tips. Coloured tissue paper - tissue can make any gift seem more festive. Collect several colours to use when lining gift boxes, to cushion delicate
items, inside cello bags, or even to use as gift paper. Avoid buying a few sheets at a time, as these are particularly expensive. Order in bulk or browse paper warehouses. Making gift tags - craft and stationery stores have blank tags in a variety of shapes. You can also make your own tags in any size or shape using coloured paper or cardstock. Scalloped edge scissors will also help create pretty looking tags. Recycled greeting cards - cut off the fronts of beautiful holiday cards
and attach them to your gift using double-faced tape. The picture on the card will dress up your gift and add a bit of colour and style. Use a simple cording as ribbon. Wired ribbon - wired ribbons are widely available. Most offer beautiful colours of sheers with the convenience of wired edges. Making a package look gorgeous is a snap with wired ribbon. Trim the ends of the wired ribbon on a slant or in a V-shaped swallowtail cut. Gift bags - plain, coloured, with or without handles are terrific for
giving items that do not have a box or for gifts that include multiple items. Alternative gift papers - many people like the look of using home made wrapping paper. This can be done in brown craft paper, using comics as wrapping paper, origami papers for small gifts, wallpaper scraps, old scarves or even pieces of fabric. Curling ribbon - this inexpensive narrow ribbon can be curled with the blade of a knife or scissors. It can be somewhat of a fuss to use, but is colourful and fun for children’s gifts.
< R100 - Men
< R100 - Women
< R100 - Women
< R100 - Boys
< R100 - Boys
< R100 - Girls
Old Sp S Spice ice Original, R95,95. DisChem Pharmacies.
Cadbury 500g Milk Tray, R89,99.
Cosmetic bag pockets with handle, R85. Ralo Cosmetics.
Lightning buggy - remote control car, R99,99. Reggies.
Toy Story - puzzles pack R45. Reggies.
Fantasy Dress-up, R70. Reggies.
< R300 - Men
< R200 - Men
< R200 - Women
< R200 - Girls
< R200 - Boys
< R300 - Boys y
Bar butler, R279. Home Etc.
Baylis Gift Set Black Pepper and Ginseng, R135,95. DisChem Pharmacies.
Compactt C Colour MakeC l M k up set, R195. DisChem Pharmacies.
Say What necklace, R160. Sass Diva.
Play set Elephant Adventure Access, R179,99, Crazy Store.
PC/Play Assorted PC/Pl Play Station and Xbox Games (Sims, Fiva), R249,90. Reggies.
< R300 - Girls
> R500 - Boys
> R500 - Men
Techno Girl Laptop, R299,99. Game.
iPod ShufďŹ&#x201A;e (assorted colours), from R599. iStore.
Kouros YvesSaintLaurent pack EDT, R860. DisChem Pharmacies.
> R500 - Women
> R500 - Boys
> R500 - Girls
Winland 32 bag, R599. Aldo.
Dino Lego pack, R999,90. Reggies.
Furby 2012, R799 R799,90. F b 2012 90 Reggies.
WIN A CADBURY HAMPER To make the overall shopping experience even more enjoyable, Rekord has two Cadbury hampers to the value of R800 each to give away. To enter the competition, SMS the word CADBURY to 36968. SMSs cost R1,50 and free SMSs do not apply. Winners will be notified telephonically. The closing date for the competition is 14 December at midnight.
Dié robotikaklub beïndruk Die Robotikaklub, Techno-Kidz van Laerskool Stephanus Roos, neem elke jaar aan die First Lego League-kompetisie (FLL) deel. Laerskool Stephanus Roos se twee spanne, Men in Colour en Crazy Solutions, het weer vanjaar die beoordelaars met hul innoverende idees by dié kompetisie beïndruk. Die FLL is ’n internasionale robotika-spankompetisie vir kinders tussen die ouderdomme
van 9 en 14 jaar. Meer as 200 000 kinders uit 60 lande het vanjaar vir hierdie vooraanstaande kompetisie ingeskryf. Die FLL se 2012-tema was Senior Solutions en elke span moes die onderwerp van oudword ondersoek, bepaal hoe dit jou vermoë om jou leefstyl volhoubaar te hou, beïnvloed en ’n voorstel maak hoe om ’n bejaarde persoon se lewensgehalte te verbeter.
Die Men in Colour-span is voor van links Bertus Veldman, Marco Botha, agter is Chané van Zyl (afrigter), Justin Evans, Wehan Wolfaardt, Marchant Fourieen en André Badenhorst. (Links) Die Crazy Solutions-span is voor van links Lee Kunneke, Duncan Esterhuizen (middel) Nicky du Plessis (afrigter), Calvin Roos, Marianne van der Berg, Shelby Kriek, Anthony Marshall, Henco Coetzee, (agter) Rikus Pretorius.
Marchant Fourie demonstreer hoe sy robotiese arm werk.
Veelsydigheid is maklik vir haar
Jong krieketster sluit aan by Northerns span
Renate Myburg is onlangs gekies om aan ’n internasionale talentkompetisie in Amerika deel te neem. Dié graad 10-leerling aan Hoërskool Overkruin blink uit in sang, dans, drama en modelwerk. Sy het vroeër vanjaar aan die Dance Masters of South Africa se provinsiale danskompetisie deelgeneem waar sy drie goue medaljes gewen het en SuidAfrikaanse kleure verwerf het. Sy het later aan ’n nasionale talentkompetisie deelgeneem waar sy goue medaljes vir ballet en kontemporêre items gewen het. Sy is ook aangewys as een van die top tien dansers van die kompetisie waarna sy gekies is om aan die internasionale talentkompetisie in Orlando, Florida, van 1 tot 6 Januarie 2013 deel te neem.
Tristan Janse van Rensburg is onlangs tot die o.11 Northerns-krieketspan verkies. Die spanne neem van 1 tot 6 Desember aan die nasionale krieketweek in Secunda deel. Janse van Rensburg, ’n graad 5-leerling aan Laerskool Wonderboom, is dol oor krieket en het al as vyfjarige klubkrieket by Sinoville Krieketklub begin speel. Sy krieketheld is AB de Villiers en sy grootste droom is om eendag vir die Proteas te speel.
Help children stay safe during school holidays The school holidays have arrived and compared to the winter break, it is much easier to keep the children entertained. For parents who are unable to take time off from work or leave their children in the care of someone they trust, any school holiday brings with it the added stress of constantly wondering if your child is safe. Clive Humphrey, managing director of ADT Northern Region, has some general tips that parents can pass on to their children. He said it is important that parents make sure youngsters are aware that they need to keep all entry and exit doors locked and that no one is to enter the home without their permission.
“If parents have a home security system installed they should teach their children how to activate and de-activate it and how and when to use other security devices like panic buttons. I urge parents to make a list of important telephone numbers of their local emergency services and to keep it stored in an accessible area.” Humphrey said there are basic rules that parents could use to teach their children to follow if they are leaving home to walk to a friend’s house for a visit. “If parents usually drive their children to a friend who lives in the same neighbourhood, rather walk the route with them before they have to do it on their own.
Explain that it is better to walk a slightly longer route down familiar streets, where there is more activity, than taking shortcuts across fields or deserted areas.” He said parents should advise their children that if they do happen to find themselves in an unfamiliar street, they should look out for a police or security officer to help them and to never accept advice or a ride from a stranger. With shopping malls also far busier than usual during holidays, Humphrey said the risk of a child wandering away from their parents and becoming lost in the hustle and bustle is higher. In a bid to keep them safe he advised
that, as a general safety precaution, parents should help their children to memorise their name, surname, home address and a contact number for at least one parent. “Teach them that if they become separated from you they should immediately look for mall security and give them that information. If your child is readily able to give them these details, the time taken to track down a parent can be reduced dramatically.” Humphreys added that educating a child about personal safety is very important, especially when the possibility exists that their parents may not be able to be with them all the time.
Kaptein Blitz ontlok Nog ’ n treffer vloei uit skrywer se pen superhelde Natalie Grobler
Frank Opperman is Kaptein Blitz - Suid-Afrika se eie superhero. Kaptein Blitz is ’n eenman-teatervertoning wat deur bekroonde jeugboekskrywer Jaco Jacobs geskryf is. In hierdie prettige produksie vertolk Opperman die skreeusnaakse rol van Kaptein Blitz asook die ander skurke in die verhaal. Tydens die vertoning word die gehoor deur ’n opwindende fantasiewêreld van superhelde, supergadgets en superskurke geneem. Die jongspan leer dat daar ’n superheld in elke kind skuil en Kaptein Blitz wys die jonges hoe om daardie held te ontdek. Kaptein Blitz is ’n aksiebelaaide toneelstuk wat beloof om jonk en oud aan te gryp. Kaptein Blitz is op 8 Desember om 11:00 by die Pierneef-teater te sien en 13 Desember om 11:00 by die Atterburyteater. Akteur en komediant Frank Opperman is binnekort te sien in die aksiebelaaide teaterproduksie, Kaptein Blitz.
•NOTICE• - Die De Wildt Kersmark vind op 8 Desember ten bate van verskeie liefdadigheidsorganisasies plaas. Dit word van 08:00 tot 15:00 by afrit 129 op die Britspad in De Wildt gehou. Top kunstenaars soos Dozi, heerlike kos- en
kunsstalletjies en opwindende kindervermaak is van die hoogtepunte op die program. Die Wollies-diereprojek en Santa Paws-inisiatief bied ook ’n 4kmpretloop met diere asook ’n hondekompetisie aan. Toegangsgeld gaan aan die gesin van Megan Croukamp, wie se been onlangs geamputeer is. ’n Kersboom met geskenke gaan ook vir behoeftige kinders beskikbaar wees. Navrae: Rina Bester by 071-110-6907.
Derick van der Walt, ’n bekende skrywer van Totiusdal, se nuwe boek, Hoopvol, reflekteer ook sy lewe en sy suksesse. Van der Walt, die direkteur van Green Pepper kommunikasiekonsultante, het in 2007 sy skryfpen opgetel en sedertdien het die boekpryse ingerol., Hy het in 2007 ’n goue Sanlamprys vir sy debuutboek, Lien se lankstaanskoene verower en daarna vir Willem Poprok. Nou het hy die silwer Sanlamprys vir Hoopvol gewen. Van der Walt se boek Lien se lankstaanskoene word vanjaar verfilm en sal in Februarie vrygestel word. Hoopvol is die verhaal van ’n 16-jarige seun, Ben de Koker, wat na sy pa, wie hy nog nooit ontmoet het nie, begin soek nadat sy ma en suster in hul huis doodgebrand het. Parallel aan dié vertelling ontvou die verhaal van die 18-jarige Nathalie, ’n weeskind wat op die Karoo-dorpie, Hoopvol, by die plaaslike pastoor en sy vrou woon. Dié boek is ’n oorgrensroman wat wyd aanklank sal vind. “Ek het sowat vier boeke die afgelope vier jaar geskryf en ek moet bieg dat Hoopvol my gunsteling is,” het Van der Walt gesê. Die gesogte skrywer skuif homself reg in sy stoel, stoot sy bril reg en begin die geheime van boekskryf verklap. “Ek begin nooit met die eerste drie hoofstukke nie. Ek begin by die dramatiese en tranerige dele en dan begin die
Die bekende skrywer, Derick van der Walt, se nuwe boek, Hoopvol, is nou beskikbaar.
boek homself skryf. ’n Skrywer moet net doen wat hulle die beste doen en dit is om te skryf. Moet nie te veel beplan nie, begin net. Die skrywer is eintlik net die marionet.” Hy is tans besig met nuwe projekte maar wil nie al sy geheime verklap nie. Volgens Van der Walt is sy aanhangers in vir ’n verassing in die nuwe jaar. - Rekord het vier Hoopvol bboeke om weg te gee. SMS die sl sleutelwoord HOOPVOL na 336968. SMS’e kos R1,50 en gr gratis SMS’e tel nie. Die sluitingsdatum vir die kompetisie is 14 Desember om middernag.
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• Pretoria Youth Theatre’s Sleeping Beauty will be presented at the Irene Village Theatre from 30 November to 15 December daily at 10:00 & 15:00. Bookings tshwaneyouththeatre@ Information 084249-9292. RA/0535950
• Scottish country dancing on Thurs days at 19:45 in Hatfield.
cancelled. There will be a Hazel Food Candlelight Market with food and wine on 8 December 17:0021:00. Retha 083-554-5636 • Hazel Food Market. Market with over 70 food stalls. Greenlyn Menlo Park. Retha 083-554-5636
mous puppet show Toy Shop Trouble will be presented at the Irene Village Theatre on 7, 8, 13, 14 & 15 December at 13:00 Bookings: tshwaneyouththeatre Information: 084249-9292. RA/0535952
Liefdadigheid • LifeLine Pretoria provides free confidential counselling in all spheres. Crisis line 012-8043619. Rape line 082-340-2061. Appointments 012-804-1853. Address: 71 Watermeyer St, Val de Grace.
• Hoërskool Silverton se Kersmark vind plaas tot 8 Desember vanaf 09:00-18:00. Kersvader besoek ons op 8 Desember, kom neem ’n foto saam met hom. Baie oulike handgemaakte produkte, tuisgebak, CD’s, boeke, teetuin en nog meer. Kaartfasiliteite en veilige parkering. Uitstallers bel Anita 082-665-6195. RA/0536459
Art • Gehalte geskenke wat ’n leeftyd hou. Handgemaakte kunswerk. Mosaïek, piouter, skilderye, kralewerk, gebreide items, pottebakkerswerk, keramiek, juwele, Kersversierings, houtprodukte en vele meer. Street Cafe-koffiewinkel by Centurion-kunsgalery, Lytteltonbiblioteek. 5 tot 15 Desember. Maandae tot Vrydae 10:00-17:00. Saterdag 10:00-13:00. (gesluit Sondae) Daphne 082-465-0494. RA/0537772
Musiek • Accompanist / Repetieur
/ Coach. Required by BTE VO1SS for 2013. For more information please contact Madeleen on 012-322-7944 or e-mail: deadline: 6 Dec. Auditions take place on 11 & 12 Dec. RA/0536801
• Moenie Maandagaande tuis spandeer nie. Kom kuier vir die CAD-familie om 19:00. Die groep bied jou ondersteuning op alle vlakke. Haarhoffstraat 1229, By Stabilis. Tel Linda 082-570-1291. RA/0535196
• Op 8 Desember hou Have a Heart Foundation ’n Kersfeespartytjie ten bate van die Abraham Krielkinderhuis in Nylstroom by die Irene Village Mall in Centurion, Irene. Daar sal ’n wye verskeidenheid sangers optree en die ingang beloop ’n geskenk of ’n donasie. Die kinderhuis gaan self daar wees en Kersvader en ’n groot Kersboom. Dit begin om 09:00 tot 21:00. Kom maak gerus ’n draai. Dis pret vir ’n goeie doel. Bianca 072-178-9165. RA/0535939
Markets • Hazel Food Christmas Market on 6, 13 and 20 December had been
Friday, 7 December SABC 1 06:30 Sportsbuzz 2012 07:30 Takalani Sesame 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 08:30 Isidingo 09:00 Generations 12:00 Friends Like These 14:30 Summer Splash 15:30 The 99 17:00 That’s so Raven 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 20:00 Generations 21:00 Live SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 09:00 Thabang Thabong 10:00 Takalani Sesame 2 10:30 Rivoningo 11:00 Ratanang 12:00 Dr. Phil 15:00 7de Laan 18:00 Voetspore 19:00 News 19:30 Sweepslag 20:30 News 22:00 Without A Trace SABC 3 05:30 AM Shopping 10:30 Generations 11:00 Isidingo 11:30 7de Laan 13:00 News @ 1 13:55 All My Children 15:45 The Dr Mol Show 17:30 Days of Our Lives 18:30 Little Mosque on the Prairie 19:00 News 22:25 Sports Wrap 01:00 Open University eTV 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 Mad About You 10:30 The Young and the Restless 12:30 Backstage 13:30 WWE: Smackdown 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Medical Detectives 19:00 News 20:00 Malcolm and Eddie
Saturday, 8 December SABC 1 07:30 Big Breakfast 09:30 Life is a Stage 10:00 Generations 14:00 Soccer 411 15:00 Soccer Build-
• Jacaranda Fly Fishing Club meets first Tuesday of the month at 19:00 at Centurion Rugby Club. Cynthia 083-263-9929.
Sport • Die Silver Valke-rugbyklub se o.19-span is op soek na spelers vir 2013 se Carltonbeker-seisoen. Die klub is veral gefokus om die matrieks van die jaar ’n plek te gee om hul rugbyloopbaan voort te sit. Alle spelers wat eers na September volgende jaar 20 word is baie welkom. Velde geleë op die h/v Pretoria en Roestofstr oorkant Pioniers-museum. Tel Wille 083771-7768. RA/0537771 • Moot-atletiekakademie hou ’n atletiekafrigtingsweek 10 tot 14 Desember op Hoërskool Hendrik Verwoerd se sportgronde. 08:00 tot 16:00. Tel Janita 082-920-7334. RA/0537773
Clubs • Afgetredenes en enkellopendes (63-75 jaar). Maak nuwe vriende. Bespreek 082-267-2638.
up 17:30 Roots 18:00 Real Goboza 18:30 Friends Like These 20:00 Inside Story SABC 2 06:30 Jakkals Jol 07:00 Morning Live 09:00 House Call 10:00 Shorething 10:30 Wise Up 11:30 Living Land 13:00 Muvhango 15:00 Ninja Warrior 18:00 News 18:30 The Ghost Whisperer 19:30 News 20:00 The X Factor USA 21:00 The Mo’Nique Show 22:00 Boxing SABC 3 06:16 Gloss It Up 09:44 Scooby Doo! Mystery Inc 11:03 Hannah Montana 11:31 Wizards of Waverly Place 13:00 The Dr Oz Show 17:00 C.H.I.P.S. 19:30 The Cronicles of Narnia, The Prince Caspian 22:10 Sports Wrap 22:15 CSI NY eTV 05:00 Medical Detectives 06:35 Cool Catz 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:30 Lazytown 08:00 Thomas & Friends 09:00 Sistahood 09:30 Rhythm City Omnibus 11:30 WWE: Bottomline 13:30 Malcolm & Eddie 14:00 Soccer Dog 16:00 WWE: Vintage Collection 17:00 WWE: NXT 18:00 News 20:00 Home Alone
Sunday, 9 December SABC 1 09:00 Gospel Gold 10:00 Spirit Sundae 11:00 Big Up 12:00 Daddy 13:00 Roots 13:30 Imizwilili 14:30 Afrogoals 2012 17:30 Gospel Gold 18:30 Sunday Live 20:00 National Treasure: Book of Secrets SABC 2 06:00 Thabang Thabong 10:30 Eastern Mosaic 12:00 Sportsview 12:30 Women in Sport 13:30 Noot vir Noot 14:30 Pasella 15:30 7de Laan 18:00 News 18:30 Fokus 20:00 Gospel Classics 22:00 NCIS 23:00 Last Comic Standing SABC 3 05:00 Garbage Gallery 06:17 Kim Possible 07:11 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch 09:00 Power Within 09:30 Isidingo Omnibus 11:30 DTV 19:00 News 21:30 Interface 22:00 The Cosby Show 22:25 Sports Wrap 23:30 Special Assignment 00:00
plaas. Tel ds Rudi 082-557-7340. RA/0537774
• ’n Geloftefees sal op 16 Desember by die Rooihuiskraalterrein (in Rooihuiskraalweg) suid van Theuns van Niekerkstr gehou word. Die formele verrigtinge begin om 09:00 en behoort teen 11:00 klaar te wees. Linda 012-654-2079. RA/0537769
• Pretoria Youth Theatre’s fa-
• Tantalizing Zumba Pretoria hosts a Summer Festival Evening at Pioneer museum on 11 Dec at 18:00. Annarie 078-569-3028.
• Forum Toastmasters meet every alternate Wednesday at 19:00 at Brae Lodge, The Willows. Stefan 083-212-2432.
• Professionele enkellinge (50+) kuier Vrydagaande in Ninaparkomgewing. Sylvia 074-143-2336. RA/0537111
• Strelitzia Toastmasters meet 2nd and 4th Thursday at 08:30 at Oostvallei Village. Debbie 083-310RA/0533878 3747. • Stroke support group Pretoria. You are welcome to join us on Tuesdays at 10:00-12:000 in Waterkoof Glen. Meet people, make friends, have fun. Informative talks, therapeutic sessions, outings, getaways and other supporting activities for the physically challenged and their carers. Tel 084-270-4507. RA/0536467
Godsdiens • Antipas Geref Baptiste Gemeente (Queenswood). Woordgefundeerd, Christusgefokus en Godgesentreerd. Sondae 10:00. www.antipaspretoria. RA/0537132
• Shalom Aanbiddingsentrum, Montana bied: Mervis 9 Des om 09:00; dr. Monty Eloff - Eindtydkenner 16 Des om 09:00; dr. Monty Eloff - Eindtydprofesieë 23 Des om 09:00; Danie Botha 25 Des om 09:00; Evangelis Anton la Grange 30 Des om 09:00; Pastoor Lorentz la Grange - Oujaarsdiens 31 Des om RA/0537114 22:30. Tel kerkkantoor.
Christmas • Nederlandse Vereniging bied weer hul jaarlikse Kerssangaand op 6 Des 19:30 te Pretoria-Oos-kerk (regoor Loftus). Opbrengs ten bate van Penn, wat ook die verversings na afloop sal versorg. Veilige parkering. Lia 073-515-5536. RA/0536499
KOL George wat daar opleiding ontvang het gedurende 1977 tot 1998 hou reünie in George. Tel 079-011-6830. RA/0536507 • Dringend op soek na alle oudleerlinge en onderwysers wat skoolgegaan het in Nigel aan die destydse Junior Hoërskool, ook genoem Ou Klipskool en die eerste dubbelmedium Hoërskool Nigel van 1949-1962. ’n Gedenkblad oor hierdie jare word op 16 Maart 2013 tydens ’n groot kermis by huidige Hoërskool John Vorster in Nigel oorhandig. Enige foto’s oor skoolaktiwiteite word nog benodig vr die saamstel van die gedenkblad. Susan 012-665-3474 of info@ RA/0535279 • ’n Algehele Noupoort, Oos-Kaap reünie word by Gariepdam naweek van 22-24 Maart 2013 beplan. Tessie 079-495-1739. RA/0535879
• Rooftop Christmas market 9 Dec at 15:00 at the Musaion, University of Pretoria. Tinus 083612-0244. RA/0537775
Reünies • Alle oud Soldoedies van SALV-
• Die Wonderboom Geloftefees vind op 16 Desember plaas by die Wonderboom regoor die Wonderboom Junction-winkelsentrum. Die erediens begin om 09:00 en word gelei deur ds PR Schoeman (NGkerk Theresapark.) Die feesboodskap begin om 10:00 en word gelewer deur Kallie Kriel (AfriForum). Bring eie stoel saam. Indien dit reën vind dit by Laerskool Wonderboom
Interface eTV 07:30 Family Time with Angus Buchan 08:30 Hillsong 09:00 Peppa Pig 10:00 Doodlebops 10:30 Shiz Niz 12:05 WWE Specials 15:05 America’s Got Talent 17:00 WWE: Raw 18:05 Bornfrees: Turning 18 18:30 Rolling with Kelly Khumalo 19:00 News 19:30 How I Met Your Mother 20:00 Rush Hour
Monday, 10 December SABC 1 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:00 Generations 10:30 Get Real 11:00 The Mythbusters 15:30 Bob Morane 17:00 Teenagers on a Mission 19:00 Stage of Life 20:30 Zone 14 21:00 Soccer Zone 22:00 Rookie Blue 23:00 Music Lounge SABC 2 10:00 Takalani Sesame 10:30 Rivoningo 12:00 Dr. Phil 12:45 Judge Mathis 14:15 Love Her To Death 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 17:00 Dragon Ball Z Kai 18:00 When Duty Calls 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 50/50 20:30 News 21:00 Muvhango 21:30 Motswako 22:00 Inglourious Basterds SABC 3 09:30 The Nate Berkus Show 10:30 Generations 11:00 Isidingo 11:30 7de Laan 13:55 All My Children 14:45 Mission Impossible 15:45 Dr Oz Show 17:30 Days of our Lives 19:00 News 19:30 Isidingo 21:00 The Game 22:00 Sports Wrap 22:05 CSI 23:05 The Good Wife eTV 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 15:00 Paddle Pop Begins 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Medical Detectives 18:30 Rhythm City 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 The Steve Harvey Show
Tuesday, 11 December SABC 1 06:00 Kids News and Current Affairs 08:00 The Bold and the
• Events will not be accepted over the phone. Fax to 086-645-6764 or e-mail or or post to PO Box 8261, Pretoria, 0001. • Only events not aimed at profit/product selling, will be placed for free. Publication is not guaranteed. • Deadlines are strictly Wednesdays at 12:00 for the next week’s edition. • Events aimed at profit and events for guaranteed publication can be placed at a nominal fee. Contact Small Hits on 012-842-0321 or fax 086590-9648 or e-mail at
Beautiful 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:30 Soccer Zone 13:30 Shift 14:30 Summer Splash 15:30 Time Jam 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 18:30 Daddy 24/7 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 20:30 Montana 21:00 Imagined Homelands 22:03 Justified SABC 2 09:00 Thabang Thabong 10:00 Takalani Sesame 10:30 Rivoningo 11:30 Talk SA 13:30 Days of Our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 18:30 7de Laan 19:30 Onder Draai die Duiwel Rond 21:00 Muvhango 21:30 Powerball 21:34 Mponeng 22:00 Gospel Classic 23:00 Last Comic Standing 23:50 Love Her To Death SABC 3 06:00 Expresso: Breakfast Show 09:30 The Nate Berkus Show 10:30 Generations 11:00 Isidingo 11:30 7de Laan 13:00 News 13:55 All My Children 16:35 3 Talk 17:30 Days of Our Lives 20:59 News in 60 Seconds 21:00 The Good Wife 22:00 Sports Wrap 22:05 CSI New York eTV 08:00 eNews Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 12:30 Backstage 14:35 Cool Catz 15:00 Lazy Town 16:00 Frenzy 16:40 The Young and the Restless 18:30 Rhythm City 19:00 News 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 The Ellen Show 20:30 America’s Got Talent
Wednesday, 12 December SABC 1 06:00 Kids News and Current Affairs 07:30 Takalani Sesame 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:30 Real Goboza 12:00 Live 14:30 Summer Challenge 15:30 Avatar 17:00 Cory in the House 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 20:00 Generations 20:30 Zone 14 SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 09:00 Thabang Thabong 11:00 It’s For Life 11:30 48 Hours 12:00 Dr. Phil 12:45 Judge Mathis 15:00 7de Laan 16:00
Hectic Nine-9 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Pasella 20:30 News 21:00 Muvango 21:30 Stokvel 22:00 Jam Sandwich 23:50 Ghost Whisperer SABC 3 09:30 The Nate Berkus Show 10:30 Generations 11:00 Isidingo 11:30 7de Laan 13:00 News 13:55 All My Children 14:45 Mission Impossible 15:45 The Dr Oz Show 19:00 News 19:30 Isidingo 22:00 Sports Wrap eTV 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Supernanny 13:30 WWE: Vintage Collection 16:00 Shiz Niz 17:30 Medical Detectives 18:30 Rhythm City 20:00 Mgongo By Sony
Thursday, 13 December SABC 1 07:30 Takalani Sesame 09:00 Generations 11:00 The Media Career Guide 15:30 Avatar 17:00 That’s so Raven 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 20:00 Generations 20:30 Room 9 21:30 Kwanda Talk 22:00 Yizo Yizo SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 09:00 Thabang Thabong 10:00 Takalani Sesame 10:30 Rivoningo 12:00 Dr. Phil 12:45 Judge Mathis 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 18:00 Leihlo La Sechaba 18:30 7de Laan 19:30 The X Factor USA 21:30 Speak Out 22:00 A Nation at Work SABC 3 08:30 The Dr Mol Show 10:30 Generations 11:30 7de Laan 13:55 All My Children 14:45 Mission Impossible 16:35 3 Talk 17:30 Days of Our Lives 19:00 News 21:30 Special Assignment eTV 09:00 Rhythm City 10:30 The Young and the Restless 14:30 Peppa Pig 15:00 Mona The Vampire 17:30 Medical Detectives 19:00 News 22:35 Mr Brooks
New SUV offers sleek and elegant design The introduction of the Infiniti EX into the South African market offers a blend of sporty SUV design, luxurious appointment and powerful engines to provide an elegant and stylish offering in the compact SUV segment. With its crossover design style, which mixes the stance and poise of a compact SUV with coupe-like styling and proportions, the Infiniti EX has reinvented the way compact SUV’s look. With an advanced chassis, it also reinvigorates how they drive and with extensive standard specification the Infiniti EX proves to be a formidable competitor. Traditional 4x4 boxiness has been completely disregarded in the Infiniti EX’s design, where a sleek and elegant coupe has provided inspiration for the design. The EX’s driving character - refined athleticism - is accurately reflected by the long bonnet and sharply tapering roofline. The signature Infiniti double-arch grille has been blended seamlessly with the flowing contours and soft edges of the body,
and the complexly shaped xenon headlights are also an Infiniti signature. Chrome trim edging around the glasshouse reinforces the coupe look and provides a strong character line at the rear where the window kicks up to form a triangular C-pillar. Rear privacy glass and elegant 18-inch alloy wheels add to the sophistication, while LED taillights and an integrated spoiler distinguish the rear. Efficient aerodynamics have been achieved with the low roofline (the Infiniti EX has a drag coefficient of 0.33), which also aids in lowering the centre of gravity and boosts visual dynamism. A luxurious interior with fine quality and fittings brings with it a strong element of practicality as well, making the Infiniti EX a great all-rounder. Focus on the driver has been achieved thanks to a sculpted-out cockpit, and all Infiniti EX passengers enjoy sumptuous comfort with leather upholstery all-round (standard on GT and GT Premium models). Careful attention has been paid to ergo-
nomics too, allowing for relaxed and comfortable driving. Even with a full complement of passengers on board, the EX offers practical boot space, enhanced by a 45l under-floor storage compartment (on diesel
models). When it comes to carrying larger loads, the EX has a user-friendly trick up its sleeve: each portion of the split-folding rear seats can be remotely lowered or raised simply by pressing a button.
Traditional 4x4 boxiness has been completely disregarded in the Infiniti EX’s design, where a sleek and elegant coupe provided inspiration for the design.
Employee rewarded Volkswagen Group South Africa (VWSA) human resources employee Liza Wilmot has won a prestigious accolade at the 56th gala convention of the HR industry’s professional body, the Institute for People Management (IPM). Wilmot, Volkswagen’s Production Academy manager, received the coveted Human Resources Business Partner of the Year award. With just four awards presented, including CEO of the year, HR director of the year and branch of the year, Wilmot beat other nominees from around the country who were interviewed by a panel of judges which included academics, HR gurus and politicians. Wilmot said although she was surprised to have made it all the way after being nominated by a colleague, the award was a reflection on her 23-strong team which focuses on training and growing employees on the company’s production plant in Uitenhage. The Production Academy falls under Volkswagen’s Learning Academy, which also covers the areas of leadership, technical, commercial and national sales. Since the inception of the Learning Academy in 2008, Wilmot’s team has helped Volkswagen to vastly improve its overall production positioning within the group globally. “We needed to take our training and
development to a new level,” said Wilmot. “To impact positively on the business, a new approach and learning solution was required to develop the right skills, competencies and behaviours.”
Volkswagen Group South Africa (VWSA) human resources employee Liza Wilmot has won a prestigious accolade at the 56th gala convention of the HR industry’s professional body, the Institute for People Management (IPM).
Countryman driving force behind brand
The all-new Ford Kuga will be available in South Africa early in the new year.
Ford Kuga confirmed for SA introduction Ford South Africa has confirmed that the all-new Ford Kuga will be available with a 1.6l EcoBoost petrol engine with six-speed SelectShift automatic transmission and a 2.0l TDCi turbo diesel engine with PowerShift automatic transmission. Apart from fuel-efficient engines, the newest compact SUV to join the Ford family will combine striking design and functionality with a rewarding driving experience. Smart technologies like Ford’s voice activated in-car SYNC connectivity system will be available as standard, while features such as Active Park Assist will be available as options on certain models. Using the latest powertrain technologies such as EcoBoost and twin independent camshaft variable timing (Ti-VCT), Ford has given its newest SUV a range of engines that are capable of high power and high torque while consuming less fuel. The global EcoBoost technology also features turbocharging and directs injection so that the EcoBoost engines can rival the power and performance of a larger engine but at a fraction of the fuel consumption. Further aiding fuel efficiency is the Kuga’s sleeker design. The new model is almost 10% more aerodynamic than the outgoing model, while the Kuga’s Active Grille Shutter system further enhances fuel economy by reducing wind resistance. Kuga will also introduce a ‘smart’ AWD system that pre-emptively reassesses road conditions 20 times faster than it takes to blink an eye, readjusting the AWD power split to give the driver the best blend of handling and traction. A number of advanced safety technologies will also be available as options. Adaptive Cruise Control senses when traffic is slowing, and regulates the vehicle’s speed accordingly. When the traffic clears, it goes back to the vehicle’s pre-set speed. Among the customer-focused features being shown for the first time in South Africa on a Ford product is ‘open sesame’
- a hands-free automatic tailgate, allowing customers to open or close the rear tailgate by simply sweeping a foot under the rear bumper. Full details of the line-up, specifications and features will be released closer to the vehicle’s launch in 2013.
In the two years since its launch onto the world’s car markets, the Mini Countryman has developed into a driving force behind the continuing growth of the brand. The transfer of hallmark Mini qualities and values into a new vehicle segment has won over new target groups worldwide to the brand’s unmistakable style. Summer 2012 will see the British carmaker’s first model to offer all-wheel drive benefiting from an extensive round of modifications. Detailed refinements to the car’s design and the selection of materials available for the interior shine the spotlight even more brightly on a premium character none of the Mini Countryman’s rivals can match. The modifications designed for the Mini Countryman will be rolled out across all model variants from November 2012. The newly designed rings encircling the Centre Speedo and four air vents immediately stand out. They will now be presented across the board in the colour shade Carbon Black and also have an inner ring in highgloss black or – as part of the Chrome Line Interior option – in chrome. Both in standard trim and with options specified, the fresh appeal of the colours and materials adds further lustre to the high-quality character of the Mini Countryman interior. Newly designed door inserts also help
The remodelled Mini Countryman.
to enhance the car’s premium ambience, comfort and practicality. Remodelled door armrests provide even more comfortable support for the arms, and the controls for the electric windows are now also positioned in the door trim. A full control panel is integrated into the door armrest on the driver’s side. As well as changes to the range of interior colours, interior trim elements and Colour Lines, the selection of exterior paint finishes will also be given a refresh in summer 2012. Customers can choose from three petrol engine variants in South Africa for the Mini Countryman. All models can be ordered with a six-speed automatic gearbox as an alternative to the standard six-speed manual.
The most luxurious Chrysler flagship ever The all-new Chrysler 300C Luxury Series 3.0l V6 5spd is designed to be big on efficiency, refinement and power, made its South African debut in the new Jeep Grand Cherokee earlier this year. Built by VM Motori and developed by Fiat Powertrain, this engine is a new design employing Fiat’s latest MultiJet 2 technology to help reduce fuel consumption, emissions and noise while yielding world class pulling power. The 176kW unit produces a healthy 550Nm of torque, peaking between 1 600 and 2 800rpm for effortless progress. A single variable geometry Garrett VGT 2056 turbocharger with inter-cooler ensures the engine is smooth and responsive at all speeds and yields a 0-100km/h time of 7,4sec and a top speed of 230km/h. The efficient engine can return 7,2l/ 100km on the Combined Cycle and emits 191g/km of CO2. With a capacity of 2 987cc, the engine has a 60-degree V angle giving compact dimensions of just 695mm long, 729mm wide and 698mm high.
A graphite cast iron block with aluminium cylinder heads and a structural aluminium oil sump in two elements help contribute to a total engine weight of 230kg. The sump has been designed like this to increase the rigidity of the engine for improved quietness. Noise is reduced further thanks to a new crankcase that gives the forged steel crankshaft rigid support to help limit vibrations. Matched to the diesel engine is a five-speed automatic transmission. The tried and tested W5A580 has both full automatic and semiautomatic functions. As with a traditional automatic, once ‘drive’ has been selected the gearbox can be left to do its own thing. For drivers who want more involvement, the steering wheel mounted paddles are standard. A transmission controller is calibrated to prevent the engine over-revving while an adaptive electronic control increases engine responsiveness. The all-new Chrysler 300C Luxury Series is the most highly appointed sedan the brand has ever offered. Exclusive inte-
rior features found on the Chrysler 300C Luxury Series sedan includes either Black or Mochachino Poltrona Frau® ‘Foligno’ leather-wrapped instrument panel, cluster brow, centre console side panels and upper front and rear door panels. Premium Nappa leather covers the door armrest, bolster and centre console armrest. Completing the interior environment is specially selected natural pore mocha wood trim featuring a matte finish to enhance the beauty of the real wood. The new 2012 Chrysler 300C’s Uconnect Touch system has been upgraded for 2012, adding hands free texting, voice commands for Garmin navigation and more iPod® control features to expand on the system’s world-class infotainment, connectivity and convenience technologies. With the segment’s largest touchscreen display (8.4-inch), the easy to use Uconnect Touch 8.4N with integrated Garmin® navigation is even better with the addition of voice recognition. The Uconnect Touch 8.4N enables
The all-new Chrysler 300C Luxury Series is the most highly appointed sedan the brand has ever offered.
Chrysler 300C passengers to input street addresses and navigate to points of interest. The new Chrysler 300C is one of the safest cars on the road, with a host of standard equipment that ensures driver and passengers travel in maximum security. To guarantee this, the 300C were tested in a variety of accidents including front and side impacts, roll over, pile up and fire. Different impact speeds, different types of obstacle and the different physical characteristics of passengers were also taken into account. The result is a car that combines the latest in active and passive safety devices with one of the safest structures on the road. Standard equipment includes a powerful braking system allied to some of the most sophisticated electronic driver aids available today. High performance brake pads have been designed to give regular, fade-free performance. Vibration dampening springs make the callipers more efficient and there’s a hydraulic pressure compensation system that intervenes by activating the ABS pump to the maximum if it detects a fault in the brake servo. Ready Alert Braking can predict if the driver is starting emergency braking and uses the Electronic Stability Control (ESC) pump to move the brake pads closer to the rotors and reduce the time for the brakes to be applied. The new Chrysler 300C was named Top Safety Picks by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), achieving their highest rating. IIHS recognises vehicles with outstanding crashworthiness in front, side, rollover and rear crashes. The new Chrysler flagship received ‘good’ ratings, in all four categories. The retail prices are as follows: - Chrysler 300C Luxury Series 3.0l V6 8spd: R479 990. - Chrysler 300C Luxury Series 3.0l V6 5spd: R539 990.
Still no real recovery It has been five tough years for the property market and there is still no real recovery on the horizon for 2013. This was the recent opinion of Seeff chairman, Samuel Seeff. He said the property industry had hoped they would start seeing a return to more normalised, traditional conditions this year, but it seems they will have to wait a bit longer before they break out in the property party cheer. On the up side though, there have been some encouraging signs and a little more energy in the market this year, but Seeff said that continued uncertainty, low economic and job growth, high household debt levels and constrained mortgage granting are just simply weighing too heavily on the market. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have seen some excellent growth this year with our turnover up by close to 20%, predominantly in the primary residential sector, but the increased demand in the market has, on the whole, not really translated into any noteworthy increase in transaction volumes and prices,â&#x20AC;? said Seeff. Sluggish economic fundamentals combined with low levels of mortgage credit granting are dampening movement in the market, he said. If we look at latest data for example, we still see a first decline rate of about half of all bond applications. What the increased demand is however doing, is helping to clear some of the oversupply of stock out of the market, an essential activity to pave the way for new stock to come onto the market. On the whole though, Seeff predicts a flat market with only sideways movement for 2013.
It remains business as usual in the affordable housing sector below R1,5-million with more robust buyers encouraged largely by the low interest rate which is expected to continue next year. The affordable housing sector is likely to see the bulk of demand and movement, much the same as this year, however, buyers can expect the tight mortgage lending criteria and deposit requirements to persist. There is likely to be little real movement in the volume of mortgage loans granted next year. Given the constrained economic conditions, the trend towards downscaling and off-loading secondary properties, especially in the coastal markets and in luxury golf and coastal estates is likely to continue. It is also anticipated that demand for rental properties will persist, but there is unlikely to be any significant up-tick in rental yields. Prices will remain flat with only marginal growth in the lower and middle-income sectors of the market where demand is most robust. Given that no significant progress has been made to clear the distressed stock out of the market, this will continue to impede normal demand and supply and trading conditions. It is imperative that some progress is made on these in the early part of next year. On the whole, provided that the economy remains stable, we are unlikely to see any significant movement in interest rates and market conditions will remain heavily weighted in favour of buyers.
Impeccable townhouse with low maintenance This impeccable townhouse in Highveld is low maintenance and situated in an upper class complex with excellent security, close to the N1, N14 freeways and Centurion CBD and it is for sale for R1 280 000. The ďŹ&#x201A;awless property consists of three spacious bedrooms. The main room has air-conditioning. The house has two elegant bathrooms of which one is en suite, a lovely neat kitchen with granite tops and solid wood built-in cupboards, two spacious living areas of which the lounge leads out onto a patio and a garden with a built-in braai. The double garages are automated and the garages have ample cupboard space. If you are looking for a townhouse that will blow your mind away, do not hesitate phone now to view. Enquiries: Peet Coetzee at Fine&Country Centurion on 083-312-4082.
Urgent last call for tax-free transfers The tax-free transfer created by Sars only applies until 30 December 2012 Property owners now only have less than one month left to set in motion the tax-free transfer of any residential properties they currently hold in legal entities such as companies, close corporations and trusts into their own names. Berry Everitt, MD of the Chas Everitt International property group recently warned owners that after 31 December 2012, they will be liable for the usual transfer duty and Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on any such transfer. The current tax-free window, created by the SA Revenue Service (Sars) in 2010, applies to all residential properties that have been mainly used for residential purposes since February 2009. It thus includes holiday homes and homes owned by foreigners, who only live in SA part of the time but not, for example, residential properties that have been converted to office use. The legislation enabling the tax-free transfers also provides that the individual to whom the property will be transferred must already be ‘connected’ to it in some way. In other words, they must be a member of the close corporation that owns the property, a shareholder of the company that owns it, a beneficiary of the trust that holds it, or an immediate relative of any of these people. “In by far the majority of cases,
it will really benefit those individuals financially to take advantage of this tax-free concession period,” Everitt said. Since December 2002, he explains, Sars has held that the sale of a legal entity which owns immovable property is actually deemed to be the sale of that immovable property, and that the purchaser has to pay transfer duty. So there is now no advantage at all for a buyer in acquiring a legal entity instead of buying the property directly. As far as the property seller is concerned, it should be noted that a company, close corporation or trust does not have the advantage that an individual has of being exempted from paying Capital Gains Tax on the first R2-million worth of capital gains on a primary residence. What is more, companies and close corporations pay Capital Gains Tax at a higher rate than individuals and have to pay Dividend Tax at 15% when monies are distributed to shareholders or members. In short, Sars has provided a golden opportunity for many taxpayers to restructure their affairs and reduce their tax liability as it relates to the ownership of property and they should be sure to seek professional advice as soon as possible and put the necessary transfers in motion before the end of December.
Executive home on a double stand This spacious executive home on a double stand on the golf course at Centurion Golf Estate is for sale for R9 500 000. The house overlooks the fairway, river and trees. This beautiful home has upmarket finishes and offers a luxurious lifestyle with a patio with braai, wine cellar, sauna and under floor heating. It has four bedrooms, four bathrooms, four reception rooms, a kitchen with a laundry and scullery and a flatlet as a bonus. Staff accommodation. Garden with irrigation system and large pool. Enquiries: Felicity Swanepoel at Seeff Centurion on 082-858-8949.
View duplex in upper class complex This duplex in Highveld is low maintenance and situated in an upper class complex with excellent security, close to the N1, N14 freeways and Centurion CBD and is for sale for R700 000. The property consists of two spacious bedrooms, one elegant bathroom, lovely, neat kitchen with ample built-in cupboards, two spacious living areas of which the lounge leads out onto a private garden with a carport. If you are a first-time buyer, this is the deal for you, do not hesitate phone now to view. Enquiries: Peet Coetzee at Fine&Country, Centurion on 083-312-4082.
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ADELE MARAIS 083-233-9454
DEBT PROBLEMS? We can help you live a DEBT FREE life.
DEBTSOL Let us help you restructure your DEBT with your creditors and put an affordable payment plan forward
Contact us at 074-115-0606 Fax: 012-546-6217 Cell: 084-550-7045 223 Eeufees St. Pta North RA/0535185
BERADINGSPRAKTISYN Afspraak 083-380-0346 ra/0519642
Against your car, caravan, trailer. Be safe! Co. Est. 1991. Blacklist welcome. Julindi 012-323-5420 RA/0535539
( ( ( (
( ( * ( ( ( (
( ( (
( ( ( ( (
CL FAST LOANS Up to R150 000 (60 mnths)
BRIDGING FINANCE 087-808-7116 / 076-264-6516 Fax: 086-624-5333
073-782-3121 RA/0537684
Appliance repairs at home yskaste, wasmasjiene
Blake: 082-555-0031 RA/0537533
Alet of Jan 012-386-1174 / 083-523-9158 RA/0505264
FUNKY KIDZ Springkastele.
Hannelize 082-920-2781
Allen 082-754-7734 ra/0537480
HERSTELWERK By U Huis RA/0537694
STEPHERN POOLS 6x4 + 4x4 LAPA = R40 000, 8x4 + 4x4 LAPA = R46000. 073-792-5750 RA/0536004
Gladiators &springkastele te huur.
Springkastele, mini-giant
Groot verskeidenheid. Annetjie 012-542-1549 /
083-292-3674 RA/0531284
Purified ice cubes, 4kg and 2kg.
Contact 082-565-3452 RA/0537536
072-649-3968 RA/0537529
082-927-0782 Hansie
by u HUIS * Ys-/Vrieskaste, tuimeldroĂŤrs, stowe, oonde, skottelgoedwassers, wasmasjiene
K53 bestuurslesse en toets. Leerlinglisensie. Alle areas. 012-329-1511 ra/0530619
Pieter 079-430-2767 ra/0531570
CASH ALWAYS PAID FOR SA Art, Antiques and ra/0531810
CLINIC HERSTEL Yskaste, Wasmasjiene. Spesialiseer in Speed Queen/ Whirlpool. Daan Bekker 012-565-5968/
PET CARE Are you going on holiday. We take care of your pets at your home. Ben 081-816-3583 RA/0537394
Diens & herstelwerk
4 Way Appliances Alle w/masjiene, t/droĂŤrs, Ys / vriesk, skottelgwas ens.
Werk self - By u huis
13 jr ervaring - 24/7 Lukas 072-379-4744
CASH for your car,
CHRIS 079-397-8938
caravan & bakkie Rosaline 012-323-5420 RA/0535540
071-145-6242 Open during holidays!
Alle Waterdigting, aanbouings, verfwerk, plafonne, fasias.5-10 jaar waarborg. Gratis
kwotasies. Skakel Rudi:
073-031-2799 RA/0537517
W/masjiene, Ys-/Vrieskas T/droĂŤrs & Stowe, Skottel- wassers. Speed Queen, Defy W/pool, LG, Samsung. 082-555-0031
Alle tipe waterdigting en herstelwerk. Tot en met 10 jaar waarborg op alle werk. Kontak
012-653-7227/8 083-608-2157 RA/0536662
DSTV accredited installer Kobus 082-818-6611 RA/0537279
Afskuur (90% stofvry) en seĂŤl. HerlĂŞ en installeer.
Mauritz: 083-411-3537 012-331-6320
About A Pro Job. Activesat. HDPVR, ExtraView, Reloc, Points, Repairs, etc. All Hrs
Ken's Maintenance
Weggooidoeke Vir babas EN volwassenes. Verskeie make. Goeie kwaliteit. 012-546-1042 / 082-740-4880
Trevor 079-296-9309 RA/0537527
Home Appliance repairs 076-313-6336 All your repairs needs one call
DSTV About all Instal & rep. ExView, HD, Points. Glen 072-381-9979 RA/0537528
Nuwes, herstel en diens.
Dries 082 953 9293
Aankoop van voertuie tot en met R40 000
082-958-2114 RA/0504793
*Torch-on waterproofing *7 Years Guarantee *High pressure cleaning. *Painting of corrugated/ IBR and tile roofs *Interior/Exterior painting Ceilings/Fascia boards FREE QUOTATIONS
Centum Roof & Paint
BROKEN PC's, TV's,Fridges, scrap metal & old car batteries Remove your junk for FREE & PAY CASH!
AAA Diens Alle tipe waterdigting
RONEL 012-377-1710/ 082-677-1553
*Repairs @ your premises 24/7 Re-gassing from R450
years experience you will get the best prices and top quality. Andre 076-787-4075 or visit
& Wave Slide
13 Jaar in Rekord
Up to R120 000. Blacklisted & Garnish.
Barnie Springkasteel
New or repair. With 29
ys-/vriesk, stowe, oonde, was/skottel masj, t.droĂŤrs.
Kontantlenings: Onmiddellik beskikbaar teen: motors, vragmotors, bakkies, bote, woonwaens, sleepwaens, motorfietse en juwele wat u verpand. Skakel Danie Muller
W/masjiene, T/droers & Stowe, Speed Queen, Defy W/pool, LG, Samsung
082-824-2070 Gerrit
( ( ( ( ( (
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( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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( ( ( (* ( ( (* ( ( ( ( ( (* ( ( (
Verlore wit, vroulike pomeranian ("Toy Pom") hondjie op 24 November 2012 om 10:00 in Braam Pretoriusstraat, Magalieskruin. Opgelaai deur vrou met 'n 4x4 voertuig. Bring haar ASB terug! Ons gesin se harte is BAIE seer! Kontak ASB vir Sonja: 072-488-4747
Jewellery. 082-657-2610
1 hour, 5% interest.
Afslag vir Kersfees: R100 call-out
Lek jou swembad? Barracuda werk nie? Bel Alwyn 072-068-6200 Alle Herstelwerk Re-marbelite Pomp & filter 'new pools' Gratis kwotasies
MICA POOLS Af en oplaai, alle omgewings!! Springkastele en vele meer. 072-365-2936
Verlore Toy Pom
( (+ ,( (* ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (* ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
BORDUURWERK Besigheidslogos. Spoegdoeke. Kepsies. Rubyspanne horlosies, hemde en kepsies. Borduur ook lace items soos lekkergoed- houertjies, lappies, boekmerke. Kontak Lynette 072-469-7212 of kom besoek my by Mirianastr 208, Sinoville om u ontwerp te kies en te borduur.
Meubels / Furniture Yskaste - Freezers 082-565-7892 076-325-1603 / 012-753-7454 RA/0537548
083-728-2601 ra/0537265
Na 23 jaar steeds die beste
KOMBUISE, KASTE, toonbanke, gehalte
kantore asook graniet en gelamineerde houtvloere. Hendro 083-255-0409 ra/0534096
DSTV installations
* Single view * Extra view * HD * Signal problems
* Relocations
Where customer service is just the beginning
houtmeubels- & lessenare. 012-335-0719 / 072-220-2983 RA/0531291
Soek yskaste, vrieskaste en meubels. 083-250-5008 RA/0531292
Chris 083-415-2494 ra/0537277
& Accredited Installer. Installations & repairs. Extra view.
Danie: 082-325-7124 RA/0537477
GATES Electric fence + CCTV
Repairs, maintenance and new installations. Jan 082-711-3080 RA/0537483
GARAGE DOORS, GATES Installations, Repairs & Motors. 072-870-5722 RA/0537451
BESTE PRYSE vir dreine, geysers en waterlekke. ALL-IN-ALL
Blocked drains - R390 Burst Geysers & pipes and all plumbing work. Christo 076-185-2690 RA/0537520
Alle werke, bou, verf en "plumbing". Hang van deure.
Gustaaf: 072-222-7233
plumber. No call out fees. Waterproofing, painting, all work in and around the house. Borehole pumps.
Kobus 082-818-6611 RA/0537278
Verstopte riole, geysers, toilette.
012-546-9188 082-662-4103 MY PLUMBER Same Great Service, Same Low Rates throughout December. 072-793-8834 ra/0536403
Gerry 082-356-9943 RA/0537519
PERFECTION PLUMBERS. 24/7 071-208-7496 ra/0537615
ACE CARPETS L/suite from R50 per seat. & Tile / Wooden flrs.General cleaing 082-269-2251 RA/0507437
* All steelworks * Gate motors * Electric fencing All maintenance repairs done on all above
KEITH 076-475-0961 ra/0522484
T : View
Installations & Repairs Stephan 082-397-8163
Mon - Sat + Supervision Carpets, Furniture, Leather Windows, Matresses. Once -off Spring Cleaning PTA / Centurion / Midrand 012-546 6158 012-331 7883 012-991 5636 012-663 4416 Alta: 082-395-6449/ 072-349-8787 Open Festive Season RA/0512206
WASHLINES 082-748-5299 / 012-542-1589 RA/0504810
ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING No power Geysers, Certificate of Compliance
086-100-0613 RA/0537297
BHC ELECTRICAL Certificate of Compliance New Installations, Domestic and Industrial Installations and Repairs, Light, Plugs, Stoves, etc.
Henry 083-270-5808
Seisoen snoei Top Bome Eenmalige Skoonmaak Vol versek/25 jr onderv
ARNO SUPER CLEAN Carpets, lounge suites, mattresses. Powerful deep clean. Quick dry (27 yrs exp). Mike 083-229-8046 ra/0535130
AVIS CLEANERS. Cleaning of Std room from R100. L/suite frm R50 per seat & Tiles, Wooden flrs. 083-418-4700
4 ! % % // % ! % %
* All Electrical work.
082-416-7387 ra/0536941
ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING No power, Geysers COC's, blocked drains
086-100-0613 RA/0537296
Elektriese sertifikate, herstel + installasies 082-448-7290 RA/0530638
Herstelwerk, installasies & sertifikate 24-uur
082-662-4103 RA/0531573
AD-HOC - 24 hrs Vir almal met loodgietersprobleme Geysers, riole, gebarste pype, ens. 086-188-6644 RA/0537449
GREEN COMPANY! Compos per sak: R15
076-729-8369 071-684-0368
Nou te kry by:
PLOT 25. Dr Swanepoelweg.
082-416-2754 RA/0530373
RAILWAY SLEEPERS From R50. 012-664-5808 / 7103 (w) 076-142-1249
Alterations & Bathroom renovations, blocked drains + toilets. Valves, geysers & burst pipes.
Huisopknappings. Plaveisel, verf-, staalwerk. Waterdigting. Eienaartoesig.
Pierre 076-592-6582
Hein 074-165-9138 RA/0537459
Andries Loodgieters Alle Geysers, Drains, Toilette, pype ens.
Sand, Klip, Stene, Kompos mengsel, Speelsand, Brick force, DPC, Lintels, sement, ens.
No call out fee.
082-339-6135 082-441-0335
012-377-3905 072-390-1559 ra/0519436 ra/0536679
Afdakke, palissades, diefwering, motorhekke, lemmetjiesdraad en veiligheidsdeure.
Phillip 082-229-8223 ra/0537525
. ! 3# .*-.$.(1+/4. . .2. .
## # # ## # #
# #
! " " $ ! ! %
vir 'n gratis kwotasie
1.5 Ton Vanaf R250 2.0 Ton Vanaf R350 4.0 & 5.0 Ton toe trok Vanaf R450 Alg. vervoer, asook mini trekke, kort en lang afstand.
MEUBEL VERVOER Eienaar toesig
Reliable cleaning of Carpets, Upholstery, Matresses, Windows, Floors, Flood damage. Powerful machinery for kwikdry, effective stain & odour treatment. HENNIE 079-787-9051 RA/0536806
Salon Madelein 079-900-0065 Het verhuis na h/v Airport- en Olienhout Weg, Doornpoort. RA/0536883
Flash Steam Cleaners 082-490-1195 / 012-542-2275 ra/0506939
MARINA MATWASSERS Stoomskoonmaak matte sitkamerstelle/matrasse 25 jaar in besigheid
Algemene meubelvervoer. Skakel Rika 082-920-1329/ 012-335-7098 ra/0530437
AUSTEN Meubel en Kantoorvervoer
Domestic Solutions Once off cleaning & contract PRO DOMESTIC
012-379-9559 ra/0524566
HAARSALON TE HUUR Ten volle toegerus, werk onafhanklik. Klein Komb & badk (toilet & wasbak vir kliĂŤnte) in ou Doornpoort (Sonbed ook beskikbaar vir kliĂŤnte)
082-469-4946 ra/0537308
Bel Kassie vir meubelvervoer. Bokse te koop. 012-567-1345 082-454-8159 / 0861-111-129 RA/0503927
BOU/TUIN AFVAL R300pv Trekke vanaf R900pv 4 Ton trok Jaco 083-351-6342/082-817-2824
Allen 082-754-7734
MATSKOONMAAK Droog binne 15 min. Eienaar werk self
Michelle 076-352-2037 RA/0535526
!!RUBBLE!! GLAMOROUS GIRLS NAILS Alle soorte naels ook
PICK ME CARPET CLEANERS 4 Rooms: R450 Colin 083-281-8460
beskikbaar na-ure en naweke.
Vol stel vanaf R170 Skakel Christa 012-546-1042 082-725-5882
PTA-NOORD MATSKOONMAKERS Eienaartoesig. Andries 084-800-9444 ra/0530440
SKOONMAAKDIENS A1 Matte, meubels, "scotchguard". Ons werk self! Skakel: Leana 084-547-5990 / 379-9299 n/u RA/0531696
WAS 'n MAT Eienaartoesig
082-561-5150 ra/0534337
Abacus Tree Felling cc Gratis Boomsloping Kwotasies *Uithaal van stompe *24 Hr - Versekering *Erf skoonmaak Skakel Danie of Johanna 076-094-7233 RA/0535424
Garden and Building Rubble Removal. Cheapest and good service with supervision.
Naas at 083-536-3497 RA/0531395
Navrae: 012-332-3720 JUNIOR DRAUGHTSMAN An established company based in Rosslyn requires the services of a Junior Draughtsman. CAD experience essential, sheet metal experience will be an advantage. Position available from January 2013. Fax CV to 086-543-8797 RA/0537552
TROK te huur (Platbak) 8 ton met drywer. 082-857-6565 ra/0532669
Trokke te huur met drywer 5 - 8 ton, asook 10 mÂł tippers. Shaun 083-646-7082 RA/0530430
KLEUTERSKOOL benodig Toesighouer vir 5 - 6 jaar groep, slegs smiddae. Kontak Claudina 082-662-6094 ra/0537554
Aansoeke oop vir: *10 Jnr Bestuurders *10 Snr Bestuurders Vereistes: * Goeie kommunikasie * Bestuurslisensie * DeursettingsvermoĂŤ * R16 000 pm * Mpy voordele * 20 Jaar se ondervinding in die mark * Volledige opleiding
Vir onderhoud e-pos CV na
Bertie by 082-501-1463
elektrisiĂŤn met konstruksie ondervinding. E-pos CV na
Las Vegas Party Warehouse (Montana)
Full-time & student jobs available. Customer service & floor assistants. Full time salary R 3 000 + Commission. Retail hours (Saturdays / some Sundays). Email CV: party3
!!RUBBLE!! FREE FILL & QUOTE!! GARDEN & WASTE! 2 TON - R220 3.8 TON - R300 4 TON - R320 4.5 TON - R350 GO BIG - GO CHEAP 6 TON - R590 8 TON - R790 10 TON - R890 TREE FELLING YARD CLEANING FAST - 1 DAY SERVICE UPMOST AFFORDABLE marietjietransport@
Mini & Maxi loads 082-300-5044 071-682-5201 DISCOUNT FOR ALL PENSIONERS RA/0537285
Geen kansvatters nie Skakel 012-543-2138 of E-pos jou CV na sunettebooyens7 sms na ure 076-024-9438 ra/0536682
Construction company based in Onderstepoort, North of Pretoria is seeking a
JUNIOR ADMINISTRATOR Monday to Friday 07h00 - 17h00. Must be able to use Microsoft office and have matric. Pastel experience advantage.
Salary R6 000 pm Send CV to
or fax to
086-689-5437 ra/0537749
Domestic Solutions. Placing of Domestic workers, tea-ladies. UIF reg. We also do Housekeeping, Cook & Bake training.
Pro Domestic. 012-567-1445/082-823-5045 RA/0506943
DORAH-072-820-9236: Sks work Mon - Fri. slp in/out. Level 2 Hospitality. Good ref avail. RA/0537395
Janse seeks piecejob for Mon & Wed. Slp out. Reliable. Hardw. Asset. Diligent. 079-597-0496 RA/0537456
LENA 084-737-6214 Soek inslaapwerk. Noordelike voorstede. Kook en werk goed. Verw beskik RA/0537162
MAID-IN-HEAVEN Moeg vir kontrakte, huishulpprobleme? Ek't die alternatief. Het uitstekende huishulpe. SUZETTE: 074-371-2212 ra/0537698
Mercy is looking for any full or part-time job. Young and energetic. Call 071-212-8344 RA/0537340
ROSE seeks piece work for Tue, Thu & Fri. REF available. 083-481-8731 RA/0537636
WARMBAD 8.5h bosveldplasie
Verdien R24 000 pm. Susan
Drina 083-449-0558
R1.4m RA/0533468
074-165-5566 012-345-5628 ra/0534011
EDUCATORS available 2013
Ons bied: *Uitstekende bevorderingsmoontlikhede *R16 000 pm *Medies, pensioen
Net 1% sal reageer.
Please send CV to 086-559-1422
(Let wel: moet onmiddellik begin)
ANNAH seeks Mon, Wed & Thu. Ref available. Childcare, hardw, neat. 072-108-7921
wat 23 jaar bestaan, brei nou uit na Pretoria
Ons benodig: 4 Bestuurders 8 Individue om opgelei te word as Bestuurders.
or fax 086-636-3636
Alombekende mpy se Holding Company
4 Nuwe takke
ANNAH 073-928-8278 Seeks full-time job. Sleep in. Hardw, Cleans, Irons. Reliable. Loyal.
Ons bied:
Potting soil per sak: R17
Site cleaning
012-567-1445 / 082-823-5045
ELEKTRIESE installasies, herstel / instandhouding en elektriese sertifikate. 083-280-4789 (k/u) 083-399-9364 (n/u)
VERVOER 2 ton from R240 4 ton from R350 6 ton from R550 8 ton from R850 10 ton from R900 8 ton met KANTE!! GOEDKOOPSTE! Klein vragte beskikbaar
082-575-8674 ra/0511481
Standard room from R70.
Outsurance serv prov
vervoer & stoor! Elna 012-525-1343
Kwotasies Gratis
as enige kwotasie. 25 Jr ondervinding. Ten volle verseker. Eienaartoesig.
Beskikbaar die feesseisoen!!
ENYA Vir meubel
Saduma Bottle Store & Restaurant to open at Plot 119 Waterval 273 J R 119 Ribbok Street.
012-546-6941/ 082-474-6563
DRIE TON TROK. Bou-, tuin- en algemene rommel. Algemene vervoer. Anton
10% Minder
BOOMAFSNY 082-443-0088.
Versekering Alle bome / Palm / doringboom spesialis
Thys 074-947-3191
kleistene. Alle "stone age" Stene vanaf R80/m²
33 Yrs' exp. 012-547-0901
Nico 083-446-4266
*/ ! / */ /2 !3/ */ ! / / */ /2 !3 // */ " // */ ! / */ / */ / */ / / */ / / " */ !!/# / */ ! / // !
Bestuur sedert 1982 SKOU-AANBOD, 2 Jaar waarborg, Stene gelê teen R30/m². Gekleurde stene R45/m².
Personalised service/ Persoonlike diens.
Persoonlike toesig.
VILLAGE PAVE BK 012-324-4632 / 083-314-9798
082-448-7290 RA/0530637
Afsny van alle bome bel
E & M Building Paint, Plaster, tiles, carpentry, paving, dry wall. Phone 079-727-6080 / 076-526-4851
Sales Career Salary R? What are you worth? Determine own income! Co. Sales training. Management pos avail. Own car ess.
Call 012-342-2693 sms your details to: 078-999-3133 RA/0537290
Wel gevestigde firma Benodig dinamiese persone vir ons 2 nuwe firmas: Poste beskikbaar: â&#x20AC;˘ Bestuurders â&#x20AC;˘ 10 Bemarkers â&#x20AC;˘ Verkoopspersone Professionele opleiding word aangebied met diploma. Firma bied: â&#x20AC;˘ Gewaarborgde groei â&#x20AC;˘ Pakket: R20 000+ â&#x20AC;˘ Medies, Pensioen, Huis subsidie. Ouderdom 18 - 40 Verander jou lewe vandag. SKAKEL HR
071-265-2126 RA/0537609
Jobs for SA Part-time / Full-time. Secure your job today. SMS name and postal address & code/email address for a full info brochure to
079-923-2390 RA/0536450
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Doornpoort Netjiese 2 Slk meenthuis Hoek erf, Motor afdak Braai area met afdak en lapa, LugreĂŤling Water ingesluit Beskik 1 Jan 2013 R5 200 pm + Dep 083-324-5074 RA/0537673
KARENPARK Townhouse to let Neat simplexes. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr
R4 900 pm. 2 Bedr, 2 bathr
R4 300 pm. Beautiful gardens & swimming pool in complex.
* #* * * * * '* * * *%* ! * * *-* * *$*
*$* *$*
* *$*
DOORNPOORT Huis te huur
¹6 Km van Wonderpark 4 Slaapkamers, 2½ badk. (560m²). 3 Motorhuise, 4 afdakke, lapa CCTV, Alarm, Elektries omhein. Woonstel. R12 000pm. Onmiddellik beskikbaar
Kontak Johan 083-459-5135 RA0537415
WONDERBOOM PRETORIA Netjiese ruim woonhuis in goeie omgewing met 4 slaapkamers, 2 kombuise, studeerkamer, ruim sit-/eetkamer, 2 badkamers, ekstra toilet, opwaskamer, spens, 2 toesluitmotorhuise, verdere motorafdak. Tuin voor en agter. Naby L/S en H/S.
R11 000 pm Beskikbaar 1 Februarie 2013 Skakel
Danie du Toit 082-450-9901 of Marie du Toit 072-864-5227 Eienaar Verhuurder. Geen Agent nie. RA/0536483
Mariek 083-467-8105
PRETORIA NORTH/AKASIA * 1 Bedr flat * Avail Dec *Own entrance. * Alarm NO SMOKERS *3 Kilometres from Pick n Pay Wonderpark/ Rosslyn.
R2 950 pm W & L included. Deposit required. 083-285-9245
BEJAARDES Plek beskik vir dame.
082-375-1268 ra/0537115
HARMONIE PARK TUISTES VIR BEJAARDES Verskillende verblyf opsies beskikbaar. Selfsorg (kamers en woonstelle), semi-versorging en volle versorging. Rustige deel van Sunnyside, Pretoria. Goeie 24-uur sekuriteit en veilige parkering. Skakel 012-440-3357 of besoek ons webblad by RA/0537426
Eenhede te huur in
Pretoria-Noord, Deetlefsstr. 2 Slaapkamers, 1 vol badkamer met kwaliteit afwerkings. Het elk 'n ingeboude braai en onderdakparkering asook privaat tuin/balkon. Die kompleks bied sekuriteit sowel as veilige speelarea vir kinders.
R11 000pm
Noorde van Pretoria
Huis vir Bejaardes
From R3 300 R3 600pm
Deelkamers te huur
R3 700 Beskik 01/01/2013. 3 Slk, R3 900pm 2 badk, volledige water ingesluit, prepaid elektrisiteit. 1 slk woonstel, toesluit- motorhuis Kontak Dana Swart 082-778-6592 en afdak, 3 wendy's braai area en nog afdakke, tuindiens ingesl Kontak Jeanette 083-229-8211
MONTANA TO LET: New 1 bedr, 1 bathr stack units in central security complex. Near schools, hospital and malls. Avail from 1 Feb 2013.
AMANDASIG 1 slk w/stel
Geen kinders of diere. R3 000 pm Dep verlang W& L uitgeluit
082-422-9911 RA/0537097
EENMAN Tuinw/s te huur van 1 Jan '13 teen R2 900pm en sluit water & ligte in. Wasgoed, skoonmaak en o/dak parkering opsioneel ekstra. (Slegs 1 persoon en geen diere) Nico
H J PIEK AMANDASIG AKASIA Luukse gemeub kamer Onmid Beskik R2 600 pm Fasiliteite: Groot tuin, swembad, veilige parkering, w & l ingesluit + 1 ete slegs werksdae.
Skakel Dawie 079-883-6612 082-860-8701 RA/0537430
MONTANA Kamers te huur. Naby Dros
Slegs jongmense. Yskaste, mikrogolwe, wasmasjiene en W&L ingesluit. Swembad & braaiarea.
R900 R1 650pm + deposito. Maritza 012-548-1231 083-262-4753 slegs k/u ra/0537676
Groenkloof Bekostigbare akkommodasie Enkel kamers & 1x enkel woonstel Etes, skoonmaak en wassery diens ingesluit. *Geen siekeboeg.
Kontak Joey van Eden tussen 8h00 en 16h00 weeksdae 012-460-6232 082-574-0608 NELI-ROSE OUETEHUIS Waar Sorg Versorg. 24-uur, Enkelkamer R4 800pm 012-800-1108 073-743-8213 RA/0537486
OU DE RUS Versorgingseenheid. Kilnerpark. Huis vir bejaardes. 24-Uur versorging. Enkelkamers beskikbaar.
082-687-2380 of 012-333-2888 ra/0536124
TE HUUR Twee Riviere Aftreeoord Montana
met dienssentrum op wat voltydse KARENPARK terrein en deeltyds sorg 082-331-5057 Wonderpark Estate RA/0537416 bied. 50+ Welkom 2 Bedr Flat for Sale Tipe eenhede: GROOT TUINWOONSTEL ********** TE HUUR (70V/M) Privaatsorg 2 Toilets bath & shower 2 slaapkamer. 1½ woonstelle badkamer, ruim sitkamer in the main bedroom, en kombuis. Groot privaat Open-plan kitchen with beskikbaar vanaf tuin en braai area. dining/sitting room with R3 800 R4 000pm + W & L balcony on the first floor Beskikbaar 2 Slaapkamer, with 2 carports. 1 Jan 2013. grondvloer Kontak Talitha Price: R380 000. 083-300-2825 woonstelle vanaf For more info call: RA/0537448 R5 500 082-967-8137 RA/0537157 MONTANA 2 en 3 Slaapkamer TO LET: huise vanaf Bachelor stack unit R6 000 (LA MON VILLA) water is ingesluit by on 1st floor. Avail huur, bespaar met immediately or koopkrag. 1 Jan 2013. Beskikbaarheid is R2 750pm beperk, skakel nou! Mariek Frans 082-497-0293 083-467-8105 Andre 082-494-9568
Pretoria se oopwater swemkampioen, Tyron Venter, in aksie. (Regs) Venter is â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n man wat hou van uitdagings. Hoe moeiliker, hoe lekkerder.
Swemkampioen verbeter rekords Koos Venter Toeriste wat al die roete tussen die Kaapse hawe en Robbeneiland aangepak het wĂŠĂŠt dat die see in daardie gebied nie net rof kan raak nie, maar ook ysig koud is. Dit is ook bekend dat heelwat swemmers al die sowat 8km tussen die eiland en Bloubergstrand aangepak het en dat net die dapperstes diĂŠ roete met hul eerste probeerslag kon voltooi. Vir die 26-jarige Tyron Venter, oopwaterswemkampioen van Pretoria, is die roete tussen Robbeneiland en die vasteland egter nie meer â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n uitdaging nie. Hy doen dit sommer twee, of selfs drie keer heen en weer. Trouens, Venter het enkele maande gelede beide die rekords vir die dubbel (twee keer tussen die eiland en die vasteland) en die driedubbel (drie keer die roete) verbeter. Dit is egter nie waar dit stop nie. In September vanjaar het hy ook die eerste persoon geword wat dit kon regkry om twee keer rondom Robbeneiland te swem in een poging. Eers het hy diĂŠ sowat 12km in â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n tyd van 02:37 afgelĂŞ, net om voort te gaan vir â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n tweede rondte. Hy het die twee rondtes saam in 06:27 geswem. Vir die oningeligte persoon mag hierdie prestasies dalk nie klink na iets besonders nie. Dit moet egter ook genoem word dat Venter die rekordpogings telkens aangepak het in slegs sy swembroek, sonder die beskerming van â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n spesiale swempak. Hy word wel bygestaan deur â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n span in â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n boot, maar al wat hulle vir hom mag doen is om eet- en drinkgoed aan te gee en sy tyd dop te hou. Venter vertel dat hy vir energie spesiale drankies drink of fyngemaalde piesangs eet. Dit doen hy deur vir â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n paar minute tydens die swempoging op sy rug te dryf, terwyl hy die nodige versterkings inneem. Dit bly egter â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n gevaarlike sport en volgens Venter moet die deelnemer psigologies selfs sterker en fikser wees as wat die geval met sy fisieke toestand is. Dit is nie elke Jan Rap en sy
maat wat byna sewe ure sal kan oorleef in water kouer as 15°C, terwyl jy jou liggaam tot die uiterste dryf nie. Dan is daar nog die gevare, veral in die see, van rotse, golwe, jellievisse, robbe en wat nog alles. Maar vir diĂŠ swemafrigter en verteenwoordiger van â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n groot swemdragvervaardiger, wat deesdae in Fairy Glen in Pretoria woon, was â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n uitdaging nog altyd onweerstaanbaar. Hoe moeiliker, hoe lekkerder. Waar het dit alles begin? Venter vertel dat hy nog altyd â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n avontuurlstige mens met â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n passie vir sport was. Gholf en binnenshuise krieket is sy ander gunstelinge, maar dit was in swem waarin hy van jongs af uitgeblink het sedert hy as 10-jarige ernstig aan diĂŠ sport begin deelneem het. Hy het herhaaldelik Proteakleure as swemmer, beide in die swembad en as oopwaterswemmer verwerf. Dit is egter as oopwaterswemmer waarin hy die grootste sukses behaal het en hy is reeds tien jaar lank al die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioen en ook nasionale rekordhouer in die 25km-item. Hy het verskeie titels in diĂŠ sport op sy kerfstok en word oral erken as SuidAfrika se beste oopwaterswemmer. Hoewel hy dit geniet om in kanale en damme te swem, bly die see vir hom die beste uitdaging. Hy het die jaarlikse kompetisie tussen Robbeneiland en Bloubergstrand al vyf keer gewen. Noudat hy die Robbeneiland-roete duidelik getem het, wat is volgende? Venter het aan Rekord gesĂŞ dat hy volgende jaar wil probeer om die 35km tussen Simonstad en Rooiels ook in â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n rekordtyd te swem. Dan wag daar die groot uitdaging - die 100km rondom die Kaapse skiereiland. Hy wil diĂŠ roete van die Waterfront in Kaapstad tot by Valsbaai ook volgende jaar aandurf. As hy dĂĄĂĄr klaar is, wag die res van die wĂŞreld en Venter lek reeds sy lippe af vir die roete om Rottnest-eiland in AustraliĂŤ en natuurlik ook Manhattaneiland in New York. k d
Plaaslike speler wen tennis ope Koos Venter
Tucker Vorster van Pretoria in aksie in die onlangse nasionale Suid-Afrikaanse Ope toernooi by die Groenkloof-tenniskompleks. Foto: GB Jordaan
Tucker Vorster van Pretoria het verlede week die nasionale Suid-Afrikaanse Ope tennistoernooi in Groenkloof gewen. Hy het Brendan Zackay in die eindstryd met 6-1, 6-1 verslaan. In die proses het hy ’n sogenaamde wild card vir volgende jaar se Soweto Ope losgeslaan. Vorster het reeds in sy dae as junior speler opgang gemaak toe hy deur die bekende Gerrie Dippenaar van Pretoria afgerig is. Dippenaar was ook die afrigter van ander bekende spelers soos Rick de Voest, Izak van der Merwe, Jeff Coetzee, Louis Vosloo (afrigter van Kevin Anderson) en Wesley Whitehouse (voormalige junior Wimbledon kampioen) asook Surina de Beer (voormalige junior wêreld nommer een). Nadat Vorster in 2006 Suid-
Afrika se top junior was toe hy die Suid-Afrikaanse junior kampioenskap gewen het, is hy Amerika toe, waar hy met ’n tennisbeurs aan die Ole University in Missisippi gestudeer het. Hy het vanjaar sy graad in sportsielkunde aan dié universiteit verwerf. Hy speel tans in ’n ITF-toernooi in Zimbabwe, waarna twee ITF-toernooie sal volg in Potchefstroom waar hy wêreldranglyspunte (ATP) kan verdien. Volgens Dippenaar lê daar ’n blink toekoms voor vir die 24jarige Vorster. Dippenaar sê sy spel het min swakplekke, maar hy is veral sterk as sogenaamde ‘dien en vlughou’-speler, wat ’n mens sterk herinner aan die bekende Pat Rafter van Australië. Dippenaar het aan Rekord gesê Vorster se sterkpunt is tans sy sielkundige taaiheid en sy honger vir sukses in die tenniswêreld.
Klub hou funksie vir slotte Koos Venter Die Blou Bulle is vir dekades lank al bekend as die slotfabriek van Suid-Afrika. Sewe van die tien Springbokke wat die meeste toetse in die slotposisie vir Suid-Afrika gesak het, was Blou Bulle, terwyl ’n volle 27 (meer as ’n derde) uit die 80 slotte wat oor die afgelope eeu in ’n Springboktrui gespeel het, op een of ander stadium in hul loopbaan ook vir die Bulle gespeel het. Die Pretoria Polisie-rugbyklub het oor die jare weer ’n horde slotte, waarvan ’n hele paar Springbokke geword het, vir die Blou Bulle opgelewer. Dink maar aan harde manne soos Adri Geldenhuys en Johan Ackerman. Om hierdie rede het die oudBloubul agtsteman en veteraan administrateur van die Pretoria Polisie, Katmuis Conradie, besluit om dié klub se jaarlikse rugbyfunksie ‘die dag van die slotte’ te noem. Geldenhuys was juis een van
’n Paar legendes van die Polisie-rugbyklub was teenwoordig by die onlangse funksie. Voor sit kol. Katmuis Conradie en generaals Mike Geldenhuys en Ben Alberts. In die middelry is Willie Kahts, Schibel O’Reilly, Jack Conradie, Piet Steyn, Dave Pretorius, Kobus Muller en Chris Oosthuizen. Agter is Adri Geldenhuys, Chris Oosthuizen, André Skinner en Toy Dannhauser.
die gaste by die funksie. Ander bekende oudprovinsiale slotte was André Skinner en Toy Dannhauser. Verskeie oudspelers van die Polisie-rugbyklub, wat heelwat slotte inge-sluit het, was teenwoordig by dié funksie wat by die Bosveld Lapa, oud-Bloubul Willie Kahts se kuierplek langs Hoërskool Langen-
hoven, aangebied is. Daar is heerlik gekuier en stories oor die goeie ou rugbydae is weer opgediep. Dit was duidelik dat die meeste slotte, soos vandag nog, deur die jare altyd maar moeilike manne was wat nie op die rugbyveld verkeerd opgevryf moes word nie.
Mixed team crowned champs Spirits were high at Oak Valley (Elgin) recently where an impressive field of mountain bikers gathered for the third and final stage of the 2012 Contego Wines2Whales MTB Race powered by Maserati. Team USN Inov-8’s Carla van Huyssteen and Philip Buys from Pretoria claimed their second stage win for the weekend and the title of 2012 champions in the mixed team category with a combined finishing time of 10:24:39. According to Van Huyssteen stage three was tough, but fun. “For most of the day Philip Carla van Huyssteen and Philip Buys claimed the title of 2012 champions in the mixed team category in the 2012 Contego Wines2Whales MTB Race. Here Buys is giving Van Huyssteen a helping hand on the day. Photo: Cherie Vale
and I would make up time on the single track, only to be caught by Yolande de Villiers and Johan Labuschagne on the open flat sections. “They are really strong on the road. That’s the one section where Philip really had to help me on. “We managed to pull away at approximately the 55km mark and then maintained our lead. The Wines2Whales was a lot of fun. It was great seeing the intense battle between the women’s teams and the competition was really strong. This was my first three-day MTB race and it was awesome, from the organisation to the routes. You can see that much effort went into staging this race,” said Van Huyssteen. Team J&Y were placed second after three days of racing, with Team Gogo and Gramps claiming the final spot on the podium.
Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 December. Sevens Rugby. Nelson Mandela Bay Sevens. Port Elizabeth.
18 Desember. Internasionale krieket. Suid-Afrikaanse Elftal vs Nieu-Seeland. Pietermaritzburg Oval, Pietermaritzburg. Vanaf 14:30.
Die Nashua Titans se aanvangskolwer, Henry Davids, het Vrydag teen die Dolphins ’n ankerrol gespeel met sy 76 lopies, maar ongelukkig kon hy nie waardige vennote kry om saam met hom te kolf nie.
Titans moet nóú wen Koos Venter Met al die spanne in die Momentum-eendagreeks wat slegs een wedstryd oor het om te speel, is dit net die Warriors van die Oos-Kaap wat glad nie meer die halfeindrondte kan haal nie. Dit beteken natuurlik ook dat die Nashua Titans hul laaste ligawedstryd teen die Cape Cobras, wat in die Paarl gespeel sal word, móét wen as hulle nog vir ’n tuis
halfeindrondte wil kwalifiseer. Hulle sal inderwaarheid die wedstryd ook moet wen om te verseker dat hulle enigsins nog ’n sê in die reeks kan hê, aangesien die Dolphins en die Knights in hul nekke blaas op soek na ’n plek in die halfeindrondte. Die Titans het sake vir hulself moeilik gemaak toe hulle Vrydagaand in ’n spannende wedstryd teen die Dolphins in Centurion met twee lopies verloor het. Dié wedstryd het dramaties geëindig toe die Titans net-net nie daarin kon slaag om sewe lopies in die laaste boulbeurt te kry nie, terwyl hulle net een paaltjie staande gehad het. Die Dolphins het 264 lopies in hul toegelate 50 boulbeurte aangeteken en hulle is goed in toom gehou, veral
deur puik boulwerk van Albie Morkel, wat uiteindelik drie paaltjies ingeoes het. Aanvanklik het dit gelyk of die Titans hierdie teiken op ’n drafstap gaan verbysteek, maar ongelukkig het die res van die top kolwers gesukkel om ordentlike vennootskappe met Henry Davids te behaal. Davids het sy paaltjie eers ná ’n persoonlike bydrae van 76 met 179 lopies op die telbord verloor. Eers toe David Wiese en Eden Links die agtste paaltjie verdedig het, was daar weer ’n ordentlike vennootskap wat die Titans se beurt op die wenpad kon kry. Ongelukkig het Wiese sy paaltjie net te vroeg verloor om wéér ’n wedstryd vir sy span te wen en Links kon die wa nie saam met Rowan
Richards om die tiende paaltjie deur die drif kry nie. Die Titans het egter een laaste kans gekry om nog tweede in die ligafase te eindig toe die wedstryd tussen die Knights en die Cape Cobras die naweek uitgereën het. Hulle sal egter Woensdag, wanneer al die spanne in hul laaste rondte wedstryde speel, die Cobras in die Kaap moet klop om ’n tuis halfeindrondte te verseker. Die Knights, wat teen die Highveld Lions in Kimberley speel en die Dolphins, wat die Warriors in Oos-Londen pak, blaas egter albei in die Titans se nekke en enigeen van dié twee kan die manne van Centurion nog verbysteek as hulle teen die Cobras verloor.
Die Titans se opkomende veelsydige ster, David Wiese, het weer sy puik vorm gewys toe hy Vrydagaand teen die Dolphins op nommer sewe gaan kolf het en 71 lopies van net 49 balle gemoker het.
Albie Morkel se puik boulwerk teen die Dolphins verlede Vrydagaand was ’n doring in die vlees van die Natallers. Dit het ook weer gewys waarom die bestuur by die Titans Morkel as een van hul waardevolste spelers beskou en hom nie wil toelaat om in Januarie in die Big Bash-toernooi in Australië te gaan speel nie. Foto’s: simondp@actionimage