Vol 25 No 49_Oos_Faerie Glen

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Hof moet besluit oor e-tol Du P Martins

’n Kunstenaarsvoorstelling van hoe die beoogde universiteit se kampus daaruit sal sien.

Die Kampus kom Solidariteit se droom van volwaardige Afrikaanse universiteit al sterk op dreef Du P Martins ’n Nuwe volwaardige Afrikaanse universiteit ter waarde van R150 miljoen word in Centurion, vlak langs Waterkloof-lughawe, beplan. Die Kampus, soos die universiteit na verwagting genoem sal word, is ’n lang gekoesterde droom van Solidariteit. Dit het verlede jaar met die aankoop van 4,8ha grond skuins oorkant Dastek in Hans Strijdomrylaan ’n werklikheid begin word. Die Kampus-universiteit sal na verwag-

ting in 2013 voltooi wees en die eerste lesings aan Solidariteit-studente op die terrein kan moontlik begin 2014 aangebied word. “Ons is deur al die soneringsprosesse. Ons wag net vir die ďŹ nale toestemming van die Tshwane-metro wat moontlik in die eerste helfte van vanjaar afgehandel behoort te wees. In die tweede deel van vanjaar behoort ons die grootmaatdienste te kan installeer en in die eerste deel van 2013 met die bou van die universiteit kan begin. Al die bouplanne vir die universi-

teit is reeds voltooi,� het Dirk Hermann, adjunkhoof van Solidariteit gesê. Hermann het daarop gewys dat Die Kampus een van die belangrikste produksiemasjiene vir Afrikaanse opleiding gaan wees. Die Kampus gaan onder meer ook die tuiste van Sol-Tech, wat tegniese opleiding en Akademia, wat hoÍr onderwys per videokanaal behels, gaan wees. Vervolg op bladsy 2

Die waarskynlikheid of die e-tolstelsel op 30 April in werking kan tree, berus op die beslissing of die hooggeregshof in Pretoria die Bondgenootskap teen Stedelike Tol (BTST) se aansoek vir ’n interdik teen Sanral vandag (Dinsdag) sal toestaan. Die BTST se aansoek vir ’n bevel om te verhinder dat Sanral tolgeld hef, is vir verskeie ander organisasies soos Cosatu en AfriForum ’n toetssaak. Die organisasies het in die verlede reeds aangedui dat hulle in eie reg ook ’n hofgeding teen Sanral oorweeg. Die BTST voer in sy hofstukke wat vandag by die hooggeregshof ingedien word aan dat Sanral in gebreke gebly het om die voormalige minister van vervoer, asook die gemeenskap, genoegsame inligting omtrent die e-tolstelsel te verskaf. In sy verklaring word veral Sanral se gebrek om die koste met die invordering van e-tolgeld te verduidelik, asook die feit dat Sanral nagelaat het om die regte omgewingsvoorskrifte in die bou van die paaie na te volg, en nie die sosio-ekonomiese gevolge in ag te neem nie, bevraagteken. Vervolg op bladsy 2



Afrikaanse universiteit op pad Vervolg van bladsy 1

Hy het gesê daar is deeglik na verskeie nerings in aanvraag gekyk en dat die eerste fase van opleiding van die verskeie dissiplines tweeledig van aard sal wees. Die eerste fokus is op tegniese opleiding en ambagte. Met dit in gedagte is daar vir heelwat werkwinkels beplan waar studente in verskeie vakkundige rigtings opleiding sal ontvang. Die Sol-tech-instelling is as ’n instelling vir voortgesette onderwys en opleiding by die sektorale onderwys en opleidingsowerhede geregistreer. Sol-Tech fokus daarop om studente in skaars en kritieke vaardighede op te lei en gevolglik sal daar ook sterk klem op behoorlike wiskundige opleiding gelê word. Die tweede Solidariteit-instelling wat na die kampus sal verskuif is, Akademia. Akademia bied hoër onderwyskursusse aan en het in 2012 met die eerste diploma en sertifikaatkursusse begin. Leersentrums is reeds regoor Suid-Afrika gevestig en kursusse word per videokanaal aangebied. Hiervolgens sal studente in klein groepe by verskeie sentrums in die land bymekaarkom om klas te draf. In so ’n klas sal daar twee skerms wees, een met die lesingmateriaal en een met die dosent. Studente sal in die klaskamers regstreeks met hul dosente in kontak wees en daar sal van

susse gaan uitbrei. Dié begin is die eerste been van ’n volwaardige groot Afrikaanse universiteit. Verskeie ander dissiplines wat nie noodwendig vakkundig van aard is nie soos byvoorbeeld kursusse in regsekretariële werk word ook deur die universiteit beoog. In die stadium is daar ’n nypende tekort vir sulke mense,” Op die lugbeeld kan gesien word dat die beoogde kampus het hy gesê. naby alle toegangsweë is. Hy het daarop gewys dat Solidariteit se Helpende Hand studente verwag word om ten minste 75% van die klasse by te woon om vir eksamen- ’n Afrikaaanse beursplatform ontwikkel het en reeds meer as 60 Afrikaanse beurse toelating te kwalifiseer. administreer. “By Die Kampus sal daar nege ateljees “Daar word beplan om die beursplatwees vanwaar die dosente dwarsoor die land hul klasgeelesings per videokanaal sal form baie meer uit te brei en ’n groot deel van die beurse sal toegeken word aan uitsaai. Ons verwag dat daar sowat 10 000 studente wat by Die Kampus studeer. Solistudente op die wyse klas sal loop,” het dariteitlede se kinders wat kwalifiseer, sal Hermann gesê. uiteraard voorkeur geniet in die toekenning “Ons gaan volgende jaar ons eerste van beurse. Omdat die beoogde universiteit B.com-graadkursus aanbied. Dit is die begin van ander graadkursusse wat later sal ’n private inisiatief is het ons ook nie ’n volg. Daar is ook ’n hele paar ander tersiêre subsidieswaard oor ons kop wat voorskrifonderrigvakke, soos byvoorbeeld rekening- telik is nie en die spreektaal van die univerkunde, wat ons later ook na volle graadkur- siteit sal Afrikaans wees,” het hy gesê.


Hof betrek Vervolg van bladsy 1

Die BTST se hofstukke wat die interdikaansoek motiveer, berus op drie argumente, naamlik die irrasionele en onredelikheid om e-tolheffing as ’n metode te gebruik om inkomste te genereer, die ondoeltreffende en onnodige uitgawe vir die padgebruiker en die ernstige gebrek aan betekenisvolle raadpleging met die publiek wat op die einde verantwoordelik vir die opgradering van die paaie gehou sal word. Volgens die BTST is daar ook nie bevestiging van Sanral se bewering dat indien die tolgeldheffing verder vertraag word, Sanral hul kontrak met Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) gaan verloor nie. Die ware koste van die e-tolstelsel is volgens BTST ook nie aan die hof bekendgemaak nie. Wayne Duvenhage, BTST se woordvoerder, het gesê Sanral het nie die kontrak met die maatskappy aan die hof verskaf nie. Hy het motoriste gemaan om eers vir die hof se beslissing te wag voor hulle e-tolskyfies koop. Vandag se hofgeding volg na die ingryping van die Nasionale Verbruikerskommissie verlede Woensdag om die toldebakel by te lê en die Sanral-regulasies gewysig te kry. Ondanks die Nasionale Verbruikerskommissie se pogings om bemiddeling, is verlede Vrydag nuwe skoktariewe in die Staatskoerant gepubliseer, waarvolgens ligte voertuie sonder e-tolskyfies teen R1,75 per kilometer aangeslaan kan word. ’n Verdere verandering is ook dat minibustaxi’s en busse nêrens as onthef geklassifiseer is nie, wat impliseer dat eienaars van sulke voertuie moontlik nou ook tolgeld sal moet betaal.





Jungnickel outbreak: 3 dead, 28 in hospital Natalie Grobler

Stefan van der Walt, Kobus van Eden, Trevor Beddy, Tertius du Plessis Sonja Hekman and Ward councillor, John Grant, and Shiobhan Muller are pleased with the Tshwane metro’s decision to replace the old fencing line with new palisades at the Frik Eloff Park in

Fence ensures safe sport facilities Ané Roux The Tshwane metro has heeded the call by residents for safer fencing and access control to the sport and recreation facilities at the Frik Eloff Park in Lynnwood. Ward councillor, Shiobhan Muller and members of the Lynnwood Residents Association contacted the metro regarding the ineffective fencing around the park and the subsequent safety concerns about the open veld. They claimed that vagrants could easily

take refuge in the dark park at night. The metro is currently in the process of erecting a brand new palisade fence to prevent vagrants from moving in and to ensure access to the park is controlled. “I am very happy with the metro’s decision to erect this fencing. The old fence was 20 years old and not effective at all. The controlled access will ensure those who use the facilities are safe and at night the buildings will be closed and protected. The residents and I are very pleased,” said

Muller. Kobus van Eden, Chairman of the Lynnwood Residents Association, said the new fence would enhance the aesthetics of the park and contribute to more residents using the park. “Dog walkers and runners are plentiful in this area. With a secure park at their disposal, I’m sure they will utilise the facilities even more,” Van Eden said. The fencing project will be completed by the end of April and the gates to the sport facilities will be open from 06:00 to 18:00.

Three people reportedly died and two were still in hospital following a recent outbreak of severe diarrhoea at the Paul Jungnickel Home for the disabled in the east of Pretoria. Another 26 residents have also been affected. According to a statement issued by the health department, urgent measures were taken to contain the disease (shigellosis), which could be caused by unhygienic conditions and contaminated food. At the time of going to print, department spokesperson, Simon Zwane, confirmed that the outbreak which started late last week, had been contained. The cause of the outbreak had, however, not been identified. The Department of Health had dispatched an outbreak response team to assist at the home and samples had been collected for investigation. Shigellosis is an intestinal infection that results in severe diarrhoea caused by the shigella bacteria. The symptoms include, loose stools (with blood and mucus), fever, abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting. A departmental response team took measures to try and curb the outbreak, including the isolation of all patients involved, transferral of all seriously ill patients to Tshwane District hospital and testing of swabs from water samples. Employees of the Paul Jungnickel Home declined to comment.




Gee opinie Begroting ontlok kritiek Du P Martins

Danie Basson, chief operations officer and Pardon Moyo, security officer, with the trailer of the Hatfield CID static point.

Security in Hatfield improves Ron Sibiya The fight against crime received a major boost in Hatfield recently. The Hatfield city improvement district (CID) has put a visible static point on the corner of Burnett and Hilda streets. According to Hatfield CID’s chief operations officer, Danie Basson, the static point, which is in operation 24 hours a day, improves security access to residents. “It is not easy for residents to immediately report crime if security officers move around in their patrol areas, as

the residents do not know where to find them. The visible static point does not only improve communication between the community and the CID security, but also assists security to respond quickly to immediate reported crimes,” Basson said. The static point is also available for general enquiries including directions to embassies and security issues. Basson said the level of crime in the area was up and down. Most areas which experience crime are parking bays where there are no security officers to monitor those areas.

Basson said most crimes occured because of negligence. “It is important to double check if a vehicle is properly locked before one leaves it in a parking lot. People put laptops in the boots in full view of the public and criminals,” Basson said. He said putting valuable property in the boot in public made criminals target your car with the intention to steal. He also said people should lock any valuable property in the boot. The CID has 18 members patrolling in the area and reaction vehicles supported by closed-circuit television cameras.

Ekonomiese groei sal aan bande gelê word en werksverskaffing sal gekortwiek word indien die Tshwane-metro se konsepbegroting van 25% belastingverhoging vir dienste ’n realiteit word. Dit is die mening van Brandon Topham, die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) leier van die Tshwane-metro. Topham het ’n beroep op inwoners gedoen om teen die beoogde 25% verhoging in belastingheffing te betoog. Die skerp styging soos voorgestel in die 2012/13 konsepbegroting is tans oop vir openbare bespreking. “Indien die metro uitgeblink het in korporatiewe uitnemendheid en indien fakturering reg geskied het en inwoners gelyke toegang tot basiese dienste geniet het, kon ’n saak ter regverdiging van ’n 25% verhoging uitgemaak word. Dis egter nie die geval nie en ek vind dit moeilik om die ANC-burgemeester se argument van ‘betaal meer sodat ons dienste kan lewer’ te verstaan. Inwoners wat moeg is vir die metro se uitmergeling, of wat nie behoorlike dienste ontvang nie, het nou die geleentheid om hulle stemme te laat hoor. Sonder diesulkes se ondersteuning is die DA se opposisie betekenisloos,” het Topham gesê. Inwoners kan hul geskrewe besware teen die voorgestelde verhoging e-pos na angeliquet@tshwane.gov.za. ’n Kopie van sulke geskrewe besware moet ook per e-pos gestuur word aan da.tshwane@ gmail.com sodat die besware verder gevoer kan word. Verdere navraag kan gedoen word by Adriana Randall, DA-woorvoerder van finansies by die Tshwane-metroraad, by 083-263-8667.



Metro says claims completely untrue

Inspector Diale Ratsela from the Tshwane SPCA feels the e-tolling costs would be too much of a financial burden for them to carry.

Ward cllr’s claims about projects refuted Ané Roux The Tshwane metro this week denied claims that no further infrastructure upgrades were planned for the eastern suburbs for the rest of the year. Last week Ward Councillor Shiobhan Muller was quoted as saying that she had learned that the metro had no further infrastructure projects planned for the east of Pretoria. Dikeledi Phirie, spokesperson for the metro, however, said that these allegations were false and that councillors should put evidence on the table. “The Tshwane metro is home to many foreign missions and the majority of these diplomats reside in the eastern suburbs of the city. The metro would definitely attract bad publicity internationally if it

cancelled all infrastructure development or maintenance projects, including storm water pipes, electricity and sewerage,” Phiri told Rekord. She added the metro had an obligation to use allocated funds to maintain the infrastructure and that service delivery was part of the metro’s mandate. “The metro must fulfill government’s constitutional obligation of providing services. Municipalities are mandated to provide access to basic municipal services, defined as a service that is necessary to ensure an acceptable and reasonable quality of life and which, if not provided, would endanger public health, safety and the environment. The metro is committed to service delivery in all its wards irrespective of residents’ political affiliation, race or creed,” Phiri said.

Claims that the infrastructure upgrade at the Rodericks circle was one of the last planned for the east of Pretoria, were denied by council this week.


E-toll costs concern SPCA Natalie Grobler The new e-tolling system could have severe implications for the finances of the National SPCA and local SPCA’s. An appeal by the charity organisation in September for exemption from paying toll fees fell on deaf ears. “It is ludicrous if not downright immoral that our hard earned money will be used for the purpose of paying tolls,” said Christine Kuch, spokesperson for the NSPCA. According to Korky Levanon, spokesperson for the Tshwane SPCA, costs could be as high as R9 000 a month, if not higher. “Because of the nature of our work, we travel regularly to various callouts across the entire Pretoria region. The introduction of toll roads will have a huge impact on our running expenses.”

She said the Tshwane SPCA does not receive any government funding and they needed to step up moneyraising to cover the additional e-tolling costs. Levanon said most donors supported them, knowing that their donation would have a direct impact on animals in need. “We rely totally on the generosity of the community we serve to fund our operations and appeal for support to cover these added costs for e-tolls.” The NSPCA appealed for exemption from the e-tolling system in September 2011 but were told they would pay the same tariffs as other motorists. “Our plight to be exempt from the e-tolling system fell on deaf ears and now all SPCA’s are in serious danger,” said Kuch. She said the NSPCA used the saved money to plough back directly into the uplifting

of animal health and welfare standards across the country, but with the new e-tolling system it might be difficult. The NSPCA now found itself in a position whereby they shall have no option but to use public money to pay for their vehicles to be allowed onto freeways to go and assist animals. She said they did not receive any money from national or local government and dispensation from South African National Road Agency Limited (Sanral) was denied. “It is our role to assist animals and to ensure their safety, which in turn impacts on the safety of all other travellers. Accidents involving animals, overturned trucks carrying animals or vehicles with animals on board involved in accidents, do occur.” Sanral could not provide comment at the time of going to print.




Sal Afrikaans onder studente aftrek kry? Die Kampus, ’n nuwe Afrikaanse universiteit wat deur Solidariteit beplan word, sal na verwagting in 2013 voltooi wees.

Edna Fouché is van mening dat Afrikaans as voertaal nie in ’n besigheidskonteks vir haar sal werk nie en daarom sal sy nie aan ’n Afrikaanse instelling gaan studeer nie.

Rekord se Ané Roux het aan studente gevra of hulle Die Kampus, waar akademie slegs in Afrikaans aangebied gaan word, sou ondersteun. Lebogang Ramokgaba stel nie belang in ’n Afrikaanse universiteit nie. “Daar is te groot verskil tussen ons en die Afrikaners, ek sal nie aan ’n Afrikaanse universiteit leer nie. Jacques Strydom is van mening dat onderrig in Afrikaans vir hom makliker is en hy ook by ’n universiteit sal studeer waar onderrig in Afrikaans aangebied word.

José Roy sal aan ’n Afrikaanse instelling gaan studeer. “Ek sal inskryf, want dan kan ek ook my eie Afrikaans verbeter.”

’n Man wat graag in sy moedertaal sal wil studeer, is Muller Potgieter. “Dit maak vir my sin om in Afrikaans te studeer en ek sal graag by ’n instelling waar die voertaal Afrikaans is, wou studeer.”

Vir Bernice Myburg sal die besluit om aan ’n Afrikaanse universiteit te studeer afhang van die kursusaanbiedings. “Ek benodig spesialiteitsonderrig en sal daarom nie bloot taalbeleid kies nie.”

New South African Post Office stamps will soon be available to celebrate South Africa’s national symbols and to reflect our fauna and flora, cultures and people.

Stamps celebrate country’s diversity Seven days before Freedom Day the South Africa Post Office released a set of stamps that celebrates South Africa’s national symbols and the way they reflect our fauna and flora, cultures and people. These symbols, skilfully illustrated by Lize Marié Dreyer, a third-year student at the Open Window School of Visual Communication, appear on a set of eight stamps and two first-day covers to be issued this week. Dreyer said she made the illustrations using the symbols as a medium. “For instance, the illustration of the protea is made up of tiny proteas.”

Dreyer added that she enjoyed the creative process immensely and was thrilled by the idea of her designs travelling the length and breadth of South Africa in the form of postage stamps. The stamps include the national anthem, flag and coat of arms, the Springbok, the blue crane, the king protea, galjoen and yellowwood tree. The stamps cost R2,65 each and can be used as postage on any domestic DL-sized letter. They will be available at all post offices from this week and can be ordered online at www.virtualpostoffice.co.za.

Seun samel vir minderbevoorregte kinders speelgoed in Jonathan Rijnen, ’n graad 5leerling aan Laerskool Garsfontein, oorhandig die eerste speelgoed wat hy vir minderbevoorregte kinders ingesamel het aan sy skoolhoof, Johan Joubert. Rijnen se Speelgoed-projek het onlangs afgeskop en dié speelgoed gaan aan die Garsie Hulplyn. Rijnen hoop om nog baie kinders se harte te verbly en gaan die volgende klompie speelgoed aan die Jakaranda-kinderhuis skenk. Navrae: Hester 082559-7238.




Hospitium vier kwarteeu met nuwe boek Mia Spies Die Sungardens-hospitium vier in Mei vanjaar hul 25e bestaansjaar met ’n boek oor hul kleurvolle geskiedenis. Die boek, Sungardens Hospice 19872012, gaan oor die pad wat dié nie-regeringsorganisasie gestap het, van hul nederige begin tot waar hulle vandag ’n belangrike rol in palliatiewe sorg in Pretoria het. Die samesteller was ’n voormalige matrone by die hospitium, Bridget DyerSmith, wat steeds op die raad dien.

Bridget Dyer-Smith is trots op die voorfinale produk van die boek wat sy saamgestel het om die Sungardenshospitium se geskiedenis saam te vat.

Sy dra dié boek op aan almal wat betrokke was om die hospitium te maak wat dit vandag is. “Ons het begin met ’n enkele lessenaar, telefoon en bereidwillige vrywilligers en het met passie, hoop en harde werk gebou aan die suksesvolle maar broodnodige organisasie.” Die Sungardens-hospitium het in 1987 hul deure geopen en moes deur geldelike moeilike tye, die toename van MIV/Vigs en selfs ’n tyd toe hulle haweloos was, kop bo water hou. Die stigter, Shelagh Lahoud, wat intus-

sen die land verlaat het, gaan ook terugkeer om deel te maak van die verjaarsdagviering. Dyer-Smith het gesê die boek handel oor ’n suksesstorie wat mense gaan inspireer. “Ons word daagliks met hartseer omring

maar hou aan lag en laat nooit onsself toe om depressief te raak nie,” het Dyer-Smith gesê. Sungardens Hospice 1987-2012 sal by die hospitium beskikbaar wees. Navrae: Adri 012-348-1934.



Redaksionele Kommentaar Die Tshwane-metro se beoogde verhogings in sy munisipale tariewe maak dit een van die duurste munisipale gebiede om in te bly. In sy onlangse begrotingsgdokumente word voorgestel dat elektrisiteit met 12%, water met 10%, eiendomsbelasting met 12% en vullisverwydering met 25% styg. Hierdie verhoogde tariewe sal vanaf 1 Julie geld. DiÊ stygings is ver bo die inasiekoers van 6%. In vergelyking met ander munisipaliteite is dit slegs Johannesburg (’n styging van 14% in elektrisiteit en 14,5% in watervoor-

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We are truly one with all things around us



siening) wat duurder is. In Johannesburg is die voorgestelde gemiddelde styging in eiendomsbelasting egter veel laer teen 6% en vullisverwydering teen 6,7%. In Kaapstad sal watervoorsiening met 15% styg, terwyl elektrisiteit met 11%, eiendomsbelasting teen 8% en vullisverwydering met 7% sal styg. Die Tshwane-metro se voorgestelde gemiddelde verhogings is veel hoĂŤr as die indeks van munisipale koste wat op 8,9% staan. VroeĂŤr vanjaar het die Nasionale Energiereguleerder (Nersa) aanbeveel dat munisipaliteite hul verbruikerstariewe met nie meer as 11,03% verhoog nie. Eskom het toe die styging in die tarief waarteen krag aan plaaslike owerhede verkoop word van 28% tot 13,5% verlaag. Tshwane-metro se voorgestelde tariefverhoging oorskry die aanbeveling. Dit is egter Tshwane-metro se eiendomsbelasting wat die huiseienaars noustrop gaan laat trek. Dit blyk dat daar geen einde is aan die eise wat aan die gewone verbruiker se beursie gestel word nie. Vanaf 1 April het die drastiese verhoging in die petrolprys en die verhoogde hefďŹ ngs op petrol veral die Gautengse motoriste swaar getref, om nie eens te praat van die skokke wat die e-tolstelsel gaan bring nie. Berigte dat die water van volgende jaar af aansienlik duurder kan word is ook baie slegte nuus, veral vir georganiseerde landbou wat vir nagenoeg 62% van die totale waterverbruik in Suid-Afrika verantwoordelik is. Dit volg na die regering beplan om oor die volgende tien jaar beleggings ter waarde van nagenoeg R573 miljard in waterinfrastruktuur te doen. Verbruikers word aangemoedig om hul stemme dik te maak by die openbare raadplegingsprogram oor die voorgestelde begrotings. Munisipaliteite is wetlik verplig om hul konsepbegroting op hul webwerf te publiseer.

P nch of salt

Sometime ago I wrote in this column about the beauty of the universe and the ‘celestial symphony’ of the Fred Boshoff stars. I subsequently received a letter on the subject from Mark Nel, chairman of the Naval Association of SA, and I would like to expand on this theme. This is how it is described in the world literature. Arthur Koestler in The SleepwalkWe belong to this timelessness, this ers wrote that Pythagoras’ vision of the everlasting wonder of life. universe resembled a cosmic musical This clarity. box playing the same Bach prelude from This holiness. eternity to eternity. This harmony. Shakespeare also wrote about it in This celestial symphony. The Merchant of Venice where Lorenzo The poet TS Eliot had such an experiexplains to Jessica: ence. ‌ soft stillness and/the night/Become In his biography, written by Lyndall the/touches of sweet harmony./Look how Gordon, TS Eliot, An Imperfect Life, it the floor of heaven/is thick inlaid with/ is said that at the time Eliot graduated patines of bright gold;/But in this mofrom Harvard College, while walking one tion/like an angel/sings./Such harmony is day in Boston, he plunged into a strange in/immortal souls. silence like a parting of the seas. Milton in his Arcades also came close In June 1910 he wrote a poem, which to describing the celestial metaphysical he never published, called Silence, his symphony. ďŹ rst and perhaps most lucid description But else in deep of night when drowsiof the timeless moment. ness/Hath lockt up mortal sense, then This is the ultimate hour./When life listen I/to the celestial Sirens harmony‌ is justified./The seas of experience/that Or Dryden: was so broad and deep/so immediate and From harmony, from heavenly harmosteep/are suddenly still. ny./The tuneful voice we heard from high/ Eliot’s peace in the noisy street is Rise, ye more than dead. similar to Ralph Emerson’s on Boston The harmony of the symphony of the Common when he felt ‌ glad to the night one can experience, is an unknown brink of fear. dimension that existed before time began. We are truly one with all things. Within that holy, everlasting moment, One realises this at such great mopregnant with absolute harmony, you ments of inspiration, when the self become aware of the beauty all around merges into the Whole and all life and you and feel your own spirit dissolving consciousness becomes a great act of into and becoming one with that silence, marriage in which the love at the heart of harmony and beauty. things, ďŹ nds its supreme consummation.


E-pos jou briewe na: nuus@rekord.co.za

Briewe mag aan die Redakteur gerig word, Posbus 8261, Pretoria 0001, faks na 086-652-0378 of e-pos na nuus@rekord.co.za. Briewe mag nie langer as 200 woorde wees nie. Die Redakteur behou die reg om enige brief te wysig. ’n Skrywer mag onder ’n pennaam skryf, maar sy of haar volle name, adres en telefoonnommer moet die brief vergesel.

Name mors van geld Peet van Niekerk van Pretoria Tuine skryf: Ek verwys na die berig Pretoria gaan verander in Rekord van 30 Maart. Ons is moeg om te lees wat raadslid Ramakgopa wil hĂŞ. Dit is om van siek te word. Wat is die doel van die naamsverandering? Ons leef nou al soveel jare met die name saam.

Daar is nie geld om aan die armste van die armes huise te voorsien nie, ook nie kos, sanitasie, water of elektrisiteit nie, maar hy wil miljoene rand spandeer op onbenullighede. Ek het die afgelope week met heelwat mense gesels en almal voel dit is ’n absolute mors van geld terwyl daar plekke en omstandighede is waar die geld beter spandeer kan word.

Neem foto’s by lokaal Kerneels van Pretoria-Noord skryf: Alhoewel persone wat hulle motorbestuurslisensies moet hernu in ’n amptelike kennisgewing versoek word om die nodige foto’s saam te bring by hernuwing, is dit lankal reeds nie meer nodig of aanvaarbaar nie. Die amptelike foto’s wat op die lisensies gaan verskyn, word in dieselfde lokale as diÊ waarin die oogtoetse gedoen word, geneem en is waarskyn-

lik in die oorhoofse kostes ingesluit. - Die Tshwane-metro lisensiedepartement het bevestig dat foto’s vir die hernu van ’n bestuurderslisensie tydens die aansoekproses geneem kan word en in die aansoekkostes ingesluit is. Die twee foto’s wat vir ’n tydelike rybewys benodig word, word egter nie in die kostes ingesluit nie en moet deur die aansoeker voorsien word.

Artikel bring herinneringe Pieter Prinsloo skryf: Net ’n kort woord van dank en waardering aan Rekord se joernalis, Du P Martins, vir die interessante artikel oor die Zonderwater-krygsgevangenekamp naby Cullinan. Moontlik mag dit lesers interesseer om te weet dat kolonel HF Prinsloo as 11-jarige seun met sy ma en ander kinders deur ’n boereverraaier te perd aangejaag is na die konsentrasiekamp. Hier het hy natuurlik eerstehandse ervaring opgedoen oor toestande in die

Engelse konsentrasiekamp. Hierdie indrukke het sekerlik bygedra tot sy latere dramatiese hervormings in die Italiaanse kamp by Zonderwater. Met die onderdrukking van die destydse Bondelswart-rebellie in Suidwes, het Prinsloo ’n deurslaggewende rol gespeel. Hy was ook seun van kommandant HF Prinsloo van Spioenkop-faam. By Spioenkop het hy vir sy pa en kommando vars perde gebring. Nogmaals dankie vir die berig.

Ondersteuning baie waardeer Lucas Luus van Montana skryf: Ons motor is Sondagoggend 15 April uit die parkeerterrein van Montana Corner gesteel. Graag wil ons die volgende persone bedank wat ons die hele tyd bygestaan het, teruggeneem het huis toe en ook gehelp het om weer in ons huis te kom. Die blitspatrollie, die Sinoville-polisie

wat binne tien minute op die toneel was en inke diens gelewer het, die bestuurder van Spar asook Evert Crafford, Paul en Nicoleen du Plessis en hul kinders en Hans Jobse en sy seun. Die optrede van al die bogenoemde partye het daartoe gelei dat ons motor binne ’n uur en ’n half opgespoor is. Nogmaals baie dankie aan almal.

Lewe in oorvloed


Johannes 10:10. Ek het gekom sodat hulle die lewe kan hê, en dit in oorvloed. Ek lees weer die aangrypende toespraak deur Anna Quindlen, wenner Dr. Johan van ’n Pulitzer prys. Ek haal ’n stukkie aan: So here’s what I wanted to tell you today: Get a life. A real life, not a manic pursuit of the next promotion, the bigger pay cheque, the larger house. All of you want to do well. Do you think you’d care so very But if you do not do good too, then domuch about those things if you blew an ing well will never be enough. aneurysm one afternoon or found a lump Sonder dat ek weet wat Anna Quindlen in your breast? se geloofsoortuigings is, wil ek sê dat Get a life in which you are not alone. hierdie toespraak suiwer evangelie is. Find people you love and who love Kry lewe en Lewe. Dít, sê Johanyou. nes 10, is wat Jesus kom doen het. Hy het And remember that love is not leisure, vir ons lewe gebring en dit in oorvloed. it is work. - Hoe groot behoefte is daar by die Pick up the phone. Send an e-mail. mense van ons land aan iemand wat uitWrite a letter. bundig wys dat dit wel moontlik is om in Get a life in which you are generous. hierdie land en in hierdie tyd in ons land And realise that life is the best thing ever, se geskiedenis te Lewe? and that you have no business taking it - Is daar ’n beter manier om Jesus te for granted. Care so deeply about its goodness that verkondig as om te lewe? - Is daar ’n sterker bewys en demonyou want to spread it around. strasie van die opstanding van Jesus as Take money you would have spent on wanneer sy kinders Lewe? futility and give it to charity. Die mens wat die Lewe praat en die Work in a soup kitchen. Be a big Lewe doen sal werklik ’n verskil maak. brother or sister.




Angus Buchan captivates all Valeska Abreu Emotions ran high in a room filled to capacity the minute Angus Buchan addressed the crowd who came to see him at the launch of his new book The Mighty Men Journey. Last week Cum Books at Menlyn Mall was bursting at the seams as the numbers gathered inside and outside the Christian bookstore. Tears filled the eyes of young and old when Buchan walked through the doors. As he walked through the crowd, the evangelist dealt out hugs and handshakes, which made his positive energy fill the room. A few people approached him, telling them of their problems and Buchan gently laid his hands on them and said a prayer. Buchan spoke of his new book, saying that every man should read it and women should encourage this. “This book is filled with quotes from ordinary people because God chooses ordinary people,” he said. “The book gives a compelling account of one man’s obedience to God that brought about a revival in South Africa and has changed thousands of lives forever,” said Sua du Plessis, the Publication Manager of Christian Art Publishers, who also spoke at the launch. Joe Niemand also performed at the launch. Joe Niemand’s performance resulted in praising and worshipping.

The evangelist was famous for starting the Mighty Men conference that grew from just a dream in 2003 to over 400 000 males at the final conference in 2010. He has since released two books, Faith like Potatoes and most recently The Mighty Men Journey. Two movies, based on the books are

Evert De Goeder, headboy at HTS John Vorster attended the launch with his school friends, Pieter Smith and Hein Conradie.

’n Splinternuwe suidelike halfrondrekord vir die meeste mense wat op een slag saam toutrek is Saterdag by ’n toutrekfees in Pretoria-Noord opgestel. Dié rekord is tydens ’n prettige fees, wat deur die nie-winsgewende organisasie Suffer the Children in samewerking met Rekord gehou is, opgestel toe ongeveer 400 mense saam teen mekaar tougetrek het. Paul-Jay Albrecht, voorsitter van Suffer the Children aan wie die opbrengs van die fees gaan, het die rekordpoging as ’n sukses bestempel. “Dit is nie aldag dat jy soveel mense kry wat op een slag saam toutrek nie,” ie, het Albrecht gesê. Die fees

Angus Buchan spoke at the launch launch. His words left no one un untouched.

Joe Niemand performed two emotional songs. An autograph for a follower.

Nuwe rekord opgelewer Natashia Slabbert

also on circuit. “I camee all the way from Witbank tonight to see Buchan and I will d to listen to him,” travel around the world said Chris du Toit. peech by getting the Buchan ended his speech ner’s prayer, a first for crowd to recite the sinner’s many.

was beslis ’n eerste van sy soort en is by Hoërskool Gerrit Maritz gehou. Tydens die fees kon feesgangers kies uit kleurvolle kunsstalletjies, geurige kosstalletjies en top vermaak deur kunstenaars soos Liza Brönner, MarNet, Fanus Pienaar, Quintin Prinsloo en Charné Grabie. Vir die jongspan was daar onder meer ’n glybaan, kameel- en perdritte, trapkarre, ’n verfbalbaan en waterbalkaskenades. “Ons is ongelooflik dankbaar vir die fenomenale bewusmaking wat die liefdadigheidsorganisasie Suffer the Children tydens die fees gekry het. Dit is eintlik waaroor die dag gegaan het,” het Albrecht gesê. Boetie en sussie André en Quinzelle Smith stoei in dié stampballe teen mekaar.

Quinzelle Smith voer die kamele.

Voortrekkers van verskeie kommando’s trek saam teen die gemeenskap tou.

M Michael Strange could hardly control his e emotions as he posed with Buchan for a photo.




Fortunato Mazzone on 012RA/0514589 460-5173.

Art Art courses - Oils & acrylics - 27, 28 & 29th April. 19 & 20 May, 22, 23 & 24 June Neil Moss 083-306-1635. See website www.neilmoss.co.za. RA/0515284

• Eierkuns. Alle materiale voorsien asook middagete. Omskep volstruiseier in juwelekissie. 5, 12, 19, 26 Mei. Marlene 072-472-8980. RA/0515551

• Johanmarais Art Studio exhibits Johan Marais’ The Colour Wheel at 103 Rockwood Cres, Woodlands Lifestyle Estate, from 11-18 May, from 10:00-18:00. Tel 012-9973092. RA/0515584 • Kunsklasse. Volwassenes &

kinders. Kom skilder ook saam in die natuur. Totia & Elmirie Meyer 012-345-1740 / 082RA/0514498 950-1857.

Musiek • BTE VO1SS presents a Sunday Morning Concert: Gloria in Excelsis Deo in celebration of Easter on 29 April at 11:00 in the Drama Theatre. Tickets are R80 and R60 (for pensioners). RA/0515992 Door sales only. • Ristorante Ritrovo Adopt an

Artists Dinner Concert, 2 May at 19:00 for 19:30. Dress Smart. Ticket R350 per person. inclusive of three-course meal and table wine and a magical concert by members of BTE VO1SS that will take your breath away. Book with

Markets • Die NH-kerk Wonderboompoort bied ’n familiepretdag aan 5 Mei. Uitstallings van handgemaakte proseleinpoppe, mohairprodukte. Talentkompetisies, Mnr en Mej Wonderboompoort. Eetgoed. Tel 082-550-2975. RA/0516274 • Die NH-kerk Villieria , h/v Ben Swart en 27e Laan hou basaar op 12 Mei. Kom kuier, koop kos en luister na goeie vermaak. Almal welkom. Navrae: jan.westenraad@ absamail.co.za. RA/0514927 • Farm City Market takes place Saturdays from 09:00-13:00 in aid of various charities. Exhibitors welcome. Olympus Road. Tel 082968-6001. RA/0514363 • Hazel Food Market. Market with 60 food stalls. Greenlyn Village Centre, Menlo Park. Every Saturday from 08:00 - 14:00. Retha 083-554-5636. www.hazelfoodmarket.co.za. RA/0514156

• Irene Kunsmark - Smutshuismuseum, Langnaweekmark 28 April 09:00-14:00. Irene Mark bied ongeveer 300 stalletjies met uitstekende handgemaakte produkte. ’n Deli met kosstalletjies en musiek asook ’n aparte antieke gedeelte. 012RA/0511676 667-1659. • Murrayfield Morning/Oggend Market takes place every Saturday from 08:00-14:00, c/o Rossouw and Rubida Streets, Murrayfield. Beate 012-460-7722. RA/0515543



Friday, 27 April SABC 1 06:00 Kids News and Current Affairs 07:30 Takalani Sesame 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 12:00 Friends Like These 14:30 Matrics Uploaded 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:00 The Jadagrace Show 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 21:00 Live 22:00 I am a Legend SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 Curious George 09:50 Magic Cellar 10:50 Ratanang 11:50 Nanny 911 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 18:00 Vetkoekpaleis 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Noot vir Noot 21:00 Mmampodi 22:30 Four Weddings SABC 3 16:00 3 Talk with Noeleen 17:35 Oprah Winfrey Show 19:00 News 19:30 Entertainment News eTV 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 Mad About You 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 3rd Degree 12:30 My Best Friend’s Wedding 14:30 Kids World 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Medical Detectives 18:30 Rhythm City 19:00 News 19:30 Club 808 20:00 Malcolm and Eddie 20:30 Paycheck 22:55 The Peacemaker

Saturday, 28 April SABC 1 05:00 Matrics Uploaded 06:15

• New food/craft market, R100

p/weekend, busy Pick n Pay centre. SMS 076-939-7300. RA/0515592 • The Irene Homes Garden Fête takes place on 1 May at 09:00. Variety of stalls and entertainment. Stalls available. Tel 012-667-1035. RA/0515523

• Theresapark-moedersmaand bied vlooimark en teetuin ten bate van senior burgers. 5 Mei 08:00 - 16:00. Kingsley Square-sentrum, h/v Bokmakierie en Genetstrate. Tel 071550-9545. RA/0516266 • Volle Evangeliese-kerk, Lyttelton hou kermis. 4 Mei vanaf 18:00 by Barnyard, verskeie kunstenaars van hul gemeente gaan optree. Eetgoed te koop. 5 Mei vanaf 09:00. Trompoppies, springkastele, speletjies vir jonk en oud, potjiekoskompetisie. Verversings. en meer. 84 Stasieweg, Lyttelton Manor. Lothar 078-308-7843. RA/0516402

Sport • Shape up with The Fitness

League exercises to music by qualified instructors. At Victoria Cross Lodge Hall in 26th St, Menlo Park. Tel. Marielienne 083-381-4940/ Leslie 083-4716752 (also for classes in Irene) or fitnessleaguepretoria@ gmail.com for a free trail class.

teek. Tel: 083-260-1724.


• Christ for Moot vir Christus bied ’n huwelikseminaar van 4-6 Mei by NG-kerk Rietfontein-Suid. Sprekers: Dr Ewald en Beatrix van Rensburg. Bespreek 082-890-0377. RA/0513130

• Johan Marais delivers a talk on Various snakes, snakebites and how to treat snakebites at Imbabala, Buffelsdrift, on 26 May at 09:00. Book 082-375-4717. RA/0515576 • Loopbaanuitstalling. Opedag 12 Mei van 08:00-14:00, TUT- kunstekampus, Pretoria-Wes-kampus. RA/0515549 Tel 086-110-2421. • Soul kitchens workshop.

5 May - Sourdough Bread Making. Learn how to make sourdough, Focaccia, Ciabatta and Artasa Loaf. 26 May - Italian Fresh Pasta & Pesto’s. Learn the art of pasta making, fresh pesto’s and sauces. R600 pp per workshop. Eedria 083381-0343 /eedria@gbm.co.za.

• Kom stap saam in die Moreletakloof-natuurreservaat van 06:00 op 27 Apr. Bring piekniekmandjie. Tel 082-927-4673. RA/0515528 • Scottish country dancing, Thursdays at 19:45, Hatfield. Tel 082891-7091. RA/0515554

Charity • Beroepsforum (Jakob se Put) bied ’n Moedersdag-vlooimark op 5 Mei by kerksondermure ten bate van mense sonder werk, maar nie bedel nie. Inge 012-644-0545. RA/0515555 • Curro Hazeldean Gospel Festival to be held at 3Ci Zwavelpoort. 1 June. Children’s programme 16:00 - 17:00. Adults: 18:30 - 21:00. Entrance: Five non-perishable food. Items of clothing, blankets or money. All proceeds go to charity. Tel 012-809-0714. RA/0516277 • Die VLU-Jakarandastreek bied op 11 Mei ’n gholfdag by Dienstegholfklub ten bate van MeerhofSkool. Candace 082-563-2181.

• ’n Geldinsameling ten bate van die Blommefondswonings vir Bejaardes, Union Park Gate, Kerkstr op 8 Mei van 05:00-10:30. Boeke, wit olifant en meer. Tel 012343-8173. RA/0515531 • Nicholis Louw sings for the animals at a breakfast in aid of Wollies Animal project. 28 Apr 11:00. at the Rondawel (old Police Rondawel), 101 Rooikat Street, Hestia Perk, Pretoria North. Tickets at Kem de Beer Pharmacy (Pretoria North), Ben Viljoen Street. Villa 083-3391692. RA/0514952

Klubs • CAD (Christelike Afhanklikheidsdiens kom Maandagaande by Stabilis bymekaar om 19:00, Môregloed. Tel 082-570-1291. RA/0516293 • Centurion Radio Amateur-klub vergader elke 2e Saterdag om 14:00 by die Scout-saal, Wierdapark. Nuwe lede welkom. John 011-8052649. RA/0515545



• Three-day workshop on Caring for the person with Dementia/ Alzheimers 29-31 May. Sungardens hospice, Lynnwood, Pretoria. Aplications close 24 May. Tel Denise 082-413-9956. RA/0516281

• Ou lampskerms gesoek vir ’n gemeenskapopheffingsprojek. Tel 83-556-2567. RA/0515581 • Victory over childhood abuse. You can be more than a survivor. Tel Marisa 072-639-8597. RA/0509667



Lectures • Afrikaanse skryfkursus Leer by gepubliseerde skrywers oor skryftegnieke, kinderboeke, verhale rubrieke en poësie. 19 & 26 Mei. Waverley-biblio-

An Nur 09:00 Dance Your Butt Off 10:00 Generations 12:30 Why are we so angry? 13:30 B-Ball Show 14:45 Laduma: Absa Premiership 17:30 Roots 18:00 Real Goboza 18:30 Friends like These 19:30 News 20:00 Laduma: Absa Premiership 22:15 The Brave One SABC 2 06:00 Tinga Tinga Tales 06:30 Jakkals Jol 08:30 DIY met Riaan 09:00 House Call 10:00 Treasure Hunt 11:00 Keeping it Real 11:30 Living Land 12:00 Mother of all Professions 12:30 90 Plein Street 3 13:00 Muvhango 15:00 Late Night with Kgomotso 18:00 News 18:30 The Ghost Whisperer 20:00 The Voice 22:00 Boxing SABC 3 05:00 Wille Wêreld 08:36 Kids Challenge Show 10:00 X-Men Evolution 12:00 IFAD Documentary 18:00 Celebs Biographies eTV 05:00 Haleluya Africa 05:30 Medical Detectives 06:00 Higher Life 07:05 Cool Catz 07:30 Stuart Little 08:00 Thomas and Friends 09:30 Rhythm City Omnibus 11:30 WWE: Bottomline 13:00 Malcolm & Eddie 14:00 A Memory in my Heart 16:00 WWE: Vintage Collection 17:00 WWE: NXT 19:30 The Showbiz Report 18:05 Breaking the Magician’s Code 19:00 News 20:00 Over The Hedge 21:40 Panic Room

Sunday, 29 April SABC 1 05:00 Matrics Uploaded 06:00 Xihlovo 07:30 Ntunjambili 11:00 Big Up 13:30 Imizwilili 18:00 Gospel Gold 19:30 News 20:00 Ocean’s 13 22:00 The Good German SABC 2 05:30 Tyrannus 07:00 Weekend Live 08:30 Psalted 10:00 I Carly 11:00 Eastern Mosaic 12:00 Sunday Sadhana 14:30 Pasella 15:30 7de Laan 18:30 Fokus 19:00 Stokvel 8 20:00 It’s Gospel Time 21:00 Secret Safari 22:00 Monk SABC 3 06:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends

• Deon Opperman en Sean Else se Afrikaanse Treffermusiekspel vind tot 13 Mei by die Staatsteater plaas. Tel 012-997-5950. RA/0514365 • Jacaranda poets meet on 28 Apr 09:30 at St Francis. Topic for poem Dream or/and Being practical. Kate 012-460-8925. RA/0516275

09:00 Dtv X1 12:00 Isidingo Omnibus 16:00 Hello Dr 18:00 Around Iceland on Inspiration eTV 05:00 Haleluya Africa 06:30 Creflo Dollar Ministries 07:00 Higher Life 07:30 Family Time with Angus Buchan 08:30 Hillsong 09:00 Paddington Bear 09:30 Mona the Vampire 10:00 Zoboomafoo 10:30 Shiz Niz 11:00 TJ Hooker 12:35 Seconds from Disaster 16:00 Local Doccies 17:00 WWE: Raw 19:00 News 19:30 Modern Family 20:00 Deep Impact 22:25 Taxi Driver

Monday, 30 April SABC 1 05:00 Aum 06:00 Kids News and Current Affairs 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:00 Generations 10:30 Get Real 11:00 Precious Africa 13:30 Shift 14:30 Matrics Uploaded 16:07 Digi Know 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:00 Soul Buddyz 19:30 News 20:00 Generations SABC 2 05:30 Agri TV 06:00 Morning Live 09:50 Magic Cellar 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Nanny 911 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 16:00 Hectic Nine9 17:00 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 17:30 News 18:00 When Duty Calls 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 21:00 Muvhango 22:00 Fool’s Gold SABC 3 05:30 Expresso: Breakfast Show 09:00 New Adv of Captain Planet 09:50 China Beach 10:40 Generations 11:10 Isidingo 11:40 7de Laan 14:00 All My Children 14:50 Oprah Winfrey Show 15:45 Dr Oz 16:40 3 Talk with Noeleen 21:00 The Middle eTV 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 12:30 Backstage 14:30 Paddington Bear 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Medical Detectives 18:00 News 18:30 Rhythm City 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 The

Events will not be accepted over the phone. Fax to 086-645-6764 or e-mail editorial@rekord.co.za or nuus@rekord.co.za or post to PO Box 8261, Pretoria, 0001. Only events not aimed at profit/product selling, will be placed for free. Publication is not guaranteed. Deadlines are strictly Wednesdays at 12 noon for the next week’s edition. Events aimed at profit and events for guaranteed publication can be placed at a nominal fee. Contact Small Hits on 012-842-0321 or fax 086590-9648 or e-mail at smallhits@rekord.co.za

Steve Harvey Show

Tuesday, 1 May SABC 1 08:30 Isidingo 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:00 Martin 4 12:00 Selimathunzi 13:30 Shift 16:07 Comedy Khona 17:00 Cory in the House 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 18:30 Daddy 24/7 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 20:30 Montana 21:00 Why are we so angry? 22:00 Justified 23:00 Martin 4 SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 Curious George 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Nanny 911 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 15:30 Muvhango 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Erfsondes 3 21:00 Muvhango 22:00 It’s Gospel Time 23:00 Open University 2 SABC 3 05:00 Nuus/Weather 09:00 Celebs Biographies 17:40 Days of Our Lives 22:00 Law & Order 00:00 Oprah Winfrey eTV 08:00 eNews Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 12:30 Flicka 14:25 Dr. Seuss’ the Cat in the Hat 16:40 The Young and the Restless 18:30 Rhythm City 19:00 News 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 House of Payne 21:00 Skin Deep 21:30 3rd Degree

Wednesday, 2 May SABC 1 06:30 Ken Do & Psi 07:30 Takalani Sesame 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:30 Real Goboza 12:00 Live 13:30 Making Moves 14:30 Matrixs Uploaded 17:00 Pair of Kings 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 20:00 Generations 21:00 Relate 22:00 Viva Riva! SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 The Mummy 11:50 Nanny 911 12:40 Judge Mathis

13:25 Days of our Lives 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 17:00 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Pasella 21:00 Muvhango SABC 3 10:40 Generations 16:45 Days of Our Lives 21:00 Zero Tolerance 00:00 Oprah Winfrey Show eTV 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Supernanny 13:30 WWE: Vintage Collection 17:30 Medical Detectives 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 My Name is Earl

Thursday, 3 May SABC 1 05:00 Journeys of Inspiration 06:00 Kids News and Current Affairs 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 08:30 Isidingo 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:00 Martin 4 10:30 NBA Action 13:30 Siyayinqoba 14:30 Matrics Uploaded 17:28 Journeys of Inspiration 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 20:30 Sokhulu & Partners 21:30 Cutting Edge SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 09:20 The Mummy 09:50 Takalani Sesame 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Nanny 911 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 The Big Break Legacy 21:00 Muvhango 22:00 Ocean Symphony SABC 3 11:40 7de Laan 17:40 Days of Our Lives 21:40 Kings 04:00 3 Talk with Noeleen eTV 06:00 Sunrise 10:00 Madam & Eve 10:30 The Young and the Restless 12:30 Backstage 13:30 WWE: Raw 16:00 Craze World Live 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Street Court 18:00 News 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 Mad about You




Guidelines for new mothers Rekord in association with ReelMom Events host the Pretoria NewMom Seminar featuring expert speakers covering sleep, health and nutrition at the Atterbury Theatre on 5 May at 08:00. A health and nutrition expert will discuss why organic is best for you and your baby. A clinical psychologist will cover dealing with postnatal depression (PND) and mother wellness. Other speakers include Dr Alison Bentley, well-known sleep expert and international speaker and Dr Johnny Lotter, specialist

paediatrician at Pretoria East hospital. All guests will receive a fantastic goody bag valued at over R500, scrumptious finger snacks and refreshments. There are prizes to be won worth over R10 000. Enquiries: Elizabeth on 072-041-8840 or visit www.reelmomevents.com. - Rekord has three double tickets to t give away. SMS the word REELMOM to 36968. SMSs cost R1,50 and free SMSs do not apply. Winners will be notified telephonically. p The T competition lines closes on 3 May at midnight.


Dr Alison Bentley, wellknown sleep expert.

Dogs and owners take part in challenge Valeska Abreu Man and his best friend showed up in their numbers at the annual SPCA Wag-a-Walk challenge. The Smuts House Museum was the playground to over 400 different breeds and sizes of dogs on Saturday. According to Korkey Levanon, spokesperson for the Tshwane SPCA, close to 350 people attended the challenge, doubling last years’ turnout. The money raised at the event would be used for the sterilisation programme of the


SPCA as well as the promotion of thee programme. al of R12 300 was “A total raised thiss year, as well as ood donations a lot of food which wee really need,” said Levanon. anon. According ding to Levanon, they y were hopeful for another er Waga-Walk coming oming spring this is year. JohnnMichael hael Groenenewald posses sses with Jessie. sie.

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Cindy Blignaut and Frans Potgieter enjoy the autumn sun with Elvis (in Blignaut’s hands) Gabby, Sparky and Buddy.

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Bekende sanger in teater te sien Arno Carstens is op 26 April om 20:00 by die Atterbury-teater met sy vertoning genaamd Wonderful Wild te sien. Gedurende sy loopbaan as die hoofsanger van die Springbok Nude Girls en gevolglik ook as ’n solokunstenaar, het Carstens tien ateljee-albums vrygestel en 20-jarige ouderdom top tien enkelsnitte gehad. Hy het al vyf Sama’s gewen en die verhoog met U2, The Roll-

ing Stones, The Police en R.E.M gedeel. 2012 sal Carstens se mees kreatiewe jaar tot nog toe wees. Sy vierde solo-alw bum is op die punt om b vrygestel te word. v - Rekord het drie dubbelkaartjies om weg du te gee. ge SMS die woord ARNO na 36968. SMS’e kos R1,50 en gratis SMS’e tel nie. Die sluitingsdatum vir die kompetisie is 25 April om middernag.


Die groep ADAM maak vinnig opgang en gaan binnekort ’n nuwe CD uitbring.

Treffers vir oud en jonk Die veelbekroonde sanger, Arno Carstens, tree op 26 April in die Atterbury-teater op.



- Rekord het vyf dubbelkaartjies om weg te gee. ka SMS die woord ADAM S nna 36968. ’n SMS kos R1,50 en gratis SMS’e R ggeld nie. Die sluitingsdatum vir die kompetisie is 2 Mei om middernag.








Kortverhale oor grensoorlog sal lesers roer ’n Paar van die skrywers van kortverhale in Grensoorlogstories, is van links Gerda Taljaard, Kees van Dijkhorst, Bertus Steenkamp, Jeanette Ferreira, Theresa Papenfus, Bernard Odendaal en Trudy Erasmus.

Van koffie en koek tot verlange en heimwee is slegs ’n paar woorde om die bekendstelling van Grensoorlogstories te beskryf. Die bekendstelling het onlangs by die Kolonnade-sentrum plaasgevind. Intense verdeeldheid oor die Grensoorlog in die laaste dekades van die vorige eeu is steeds aan die orde van die dag. Talle feitelike publikasies daaroor het in die onlangse verlede die lig gesien. In hierdie bundel bring skrywer en redakteur, Jeanette Ferreira, 31 kortverhale van verskillende skrywers byeen, ingelei met ’n

insiggewende skrywe deur Louis Bothma. Tydens Grafitti-boekwinkel en Lapa-uitgewers se onlangse Boek-en-Koek-geleentheid oor die Grensoorlog, het gaskunstenaars Petru Wessels en Carel Trichardt ’n paar van die kortverhale voorgelees. Die voorlesing het gesorg vir skaterlag asook ’n hele paar trane van heimwee. Die bundel skep ’n somber herinnering aan die sentiment dat daar vir ons vaderland gesterf is. Die bundel sal lesers op ’n nostalgie toer terugneem na die grensoorlog en is seker om ’n paar hartsnare te roer.

Reinhard en Fransien Schaarschmidt geniet hul vroegoggendkoffie tydens die onlangse boekbekendstelling van Grensoorlogstories.

Gaskunstenaars en voorlesers van die bundel, Petru Wessels en Carel Trichardt.

Hettie Pepler en Theresa Papenfus.

Operetta in three acts Die Fledermaus-operetta in three acts by Johann Strauss II will be performed at the Brooklyn theatre on 22 April at 15:00, 25 April at 20:00, 27 April at 20:00, 29 April at 11:00, 2 May at 20:00 and 4 May at 20:00. Salon Music has established itself as one of the only opera companies in South Africa to present operetta on an annual basis. Since its inception 17 years ago, Salon Music has staged eight romantic operettas, of which the salon version of Die Fledermaus is now being revived and will be the second operetta to feature in the Brooklyn theatre. Bookings: 012-460-6033 or Computicket.




Musiek en dans kunstenaar se inspirasie Mia Spies

Stefani en Jana Stander.

Paul Dukai en Van Dyk.

Die dag toe die sesjarige dogtertjie ’n stelletjie olieverf in plaas van ’n pop vir Kersfees wou hê, het almal geweet, ’n kunstenaar sou sy wees. Nou byna vyftig jaar later is Sonja van Dyk se droom bewaarheid. Van Dyk het onlangs haar eerste groot kunsuitstalling by die Villa Paolo-restaurant in Waterkloof gehou. “Dit is baie bevredigend om te kan verf en dan boonop te sien hoe ander mense my kuns geniet.” Die meeste van die kunswerke wat onlangs uitgestal is, het ’n klassieke tema wat deur musiek en dans geïnspireer is. “Die beelde wat met musiek gepaardgaan is so mooi en dit maak dit lekker om te verf.” Van Dyk hoop om nog baie uitstallings oor die land hê.

Sonja van Dyk, Karen Louw en Henriëtte Barrie.

Jaco Loots en Caramia Perks.

Giepie Stander, Bennie en Louis van Dyk.

Janice en Johannes Cloete.

Anton Muller en Van Dyk.

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New Afrikaans musical opens in theatre Ané Roux Lied van my Hart is Deon Opperman and Sean Else’s latest Afrikaans musical stage production and premiered last Tuesday in true style. Several celebrities and artists attended the evening and shared in the music. “I’m very excited about this production, the cast is fantas-

tic, the music is nostalgic and the story is lekker South African,” said producer Else. He also said the plans to remake the musical into a movie were already underway. “I’m planning on making Lied van my Hart into a movie. With film, an audience can be reached anywhere,

which is not the case with theatre. This story and its music must be told on film,” Else added. - Rekord has a set of ddouble tickets to give away. S SMS the word LIED to 336986. SMS costs R1,50 an and free SMSs do not apply. Th The winner will be notified telephonically. Closing date for the competition is 26 April at midnight.


Producer Sean Else and his wife Carla shared in the excitement of the premiere.

Schalk en Tanya Eyberg.

Jaco and Anria van Heerden.

Glam Guru, Hannon.

Writer and actor, Pierre van Pletzen with his actor wife, Sandra Vaughn.

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Sanger lewer topklas kabaretteater Daniele Pascal is met haar produksie, Mots d’ Amour op 25 April by die Lemon Jack-teater. Haar passie, kreatiwiteit en vasberadenheid het menige Afrikaanse kunstenaar al geïnspireer. In hierdie splinternuwe verhoogstuk lewer sy niks minder as die hoogste standaard van kabaretteater nie. ’n Tapisserie van Afrikaans en Franse digkuns word vertoon deur ’n reeks oorspronklike komposisies van tango tot jazz, tesame met die werke wat Pascal die geliefde sanger gemaak het wat sy vandag is. Pascal het kragte met Pieter du Plessis en Gezanie de Jongh gesnoer. Navrae: 083-512-4241.

Kollig val op liedjieskrywers Die eerste Kollig Sessies vind by die Lemon Jack-teater op 20 April om 20:00 plaas. Die Kollig Kollektief is ’n kunstenaarsinisiatief wat te weeg gebring is om ’n platform te skep vir oorspronklike kunstenaars en liedjieskrywers wat klem op inhoud plaas. Die liedjieskrywers wat by die Kollig Sessies sal optree is Johann Slabbert, Nell en ElrineLouise. As deel van Kollig Kollektief gaan drie kunstenaars ook hul kuns uitstal. Navrae: 072-436-0450.



Aan alle ouers kan ons sê dat ons presies weet hoe moeilik dit is om kinders groot te maak – duisende van ons by Old Mutual is ook ouers. Ons weet ook die verantwoordelikheid kan oorweldigend wees en dat beplanning vir jou kind se toekoms allesbehalwe eenvoudig is. Nietemin het ons almal dieselfde wens vir ons kinders – dat hulle eendag eerlike, verantwoordelike en suksesvolle grootmense sal wees.

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Die een gemeenskaplike kenmerk van die meeste suksesvolle volwassenes is vir seker ’n goeie opvoeding. Daarom moet jy ’n doelbewuste besluit neem om genoeg fondse vir 12 jaar op skool en minstens 4 jaar op universiteit te genereer. Na gelang van jou keuses, kan dit jou in vandag se geldwaarde byna R2.5 miljoen* uit die sak jaag. Die goeie nuus is dat dit heeltemal moontlik is – met die Klassieke 5 Beleggingsreeks effektetrusts. Hulle is ontwerp om opbrengste te lewer waarvan jy maar net kon droom. Selfs al sit jy nou net ’n klein bedrag van R500 per maand opsy, kan dit in die jare vorentoe groot uitbetalings beteken, danksy die krag van saamgestelde groei. En as jy bang is dit gaan jou te veel bind, ontspan! Effektetrusts sal jou nie bind nie. Jy kan binne ’n dag toegang tot jou geld kry – sonder boetes. Jy kan maandelikse betalings oorslaan. Weer eens, geen boetes nie. En geen aanvanklike administrasiefooie nie – jou geld werk dus van dag een af vir jou.

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Prinsesdag gee meisies hoop vir die toekoms Mia Spies ’n Nuwe rok, blink skoene, grimering en natuurlik ’n kroon is al wat ’n meisietjie nodig het om soos ’n prinses te voel. Altesaam 15 meisies van die Meerhof-skool vir gestremdes by Hartbeespoort is onlangs vir ’n dag soos koninklikes hanteer by Reik vir ’n Droom se Koningin vir ’n dag-geleentheid by Castello di Monte in Waterkloof. Volgens Reik vir ’n Droom se takbestuurder, Daleen Botes, is die dag gereël om vir die meisies hoop te gee en hulle spesiaal te laat voel. Botes glo dit is belangrik om hulle vir ’n dag uit hul omgewing te haal en te bederf.

“Die meeste van hulle droom net daarvan om in mooi klere in ’n limousine te ry saam met ’n regte skoonheidsprinses en vandag het daardie droom waar geword en kon hulle vir ’n dag van hul probleme vergeet.” Na die meisies in prinsesuitrustings opgetooi is, het hulle tee en verversings geniet voordat mej. Suid-Afrika, Melinda Bam, hulle gekroon het en vir elkeen ’n geskenkpakkie uitgedeel het. Bam glo dit is belangrik dat dié kinders, wat reeds so baie in hul lewens deurgemaak het, sorgelose pret vir ’n dag te ervaar. “Ek dink dit is goed vir ’n meisie se selfbeeld en gee haar daardie hupstoot om moeilike tye aan te pak,” het Bam gesê. Die hele dag het vir die

graad 3-leerling, Loane Botha, onwerklik gevoel. Sy droom daarvan om eendag ’n grimeerkunstenaar te word en het selfs ’n paar wenke gekry gedurende die mooimaaksessie. “As ek weer eendag nie lekker voel nie gaan ek net aan die bederf dink dan sal ek sommer daarvan vergeet,” het Botha vertel. Die sangeres Riana Nel het vir die kinders gesing en self ’n liedjie op die verhoog opgemaak met woorde soos ‘kroon’, ‘prinses’ en ‘liefde’ wat van die meisies uit die gehoor vir haar gegee het. “Mense dink ons doen dit vir hulle maar eintlik beteken dit soveel meer vir ons om die glimlagte op hul gesigte te sien,” het Nel gesê.

Melinda Bam en Keitometse Tyobeka.

Pretoria Technical High School pupils visited Jojapi Engineering Company recently.

Engineering encouraged Ron Sibiya Pupils of Pretoria Technical High School recently received firsthand experience on how engineering companies operated, thanks to Jojapi Engineering Company in Silverton. In addition to hosting 21 pupils, the company also donated R30 000 to the school to raise awareness of the engineering industry among the youth. The pupils and three of their teachers visited the company recently. According to the school’s mechanical teacher, Meville Nelson, pupils saw how welding, cutting, fitting and turning were done. The school will use the R30 000 to improve its workshops, which include mechanical, civil and electrical facilities.

•NOTICE• All persons receiving a government grant such as old age pension, child grants, or any other social grant must reregister their current Sekulula account with the South African Social Services Agency (SASSA). Go to your nearest SASSA office and finalise this process from 1 June to 30 November. To register you need only your Identity Document and your bank card. If you have reregistered and have problems with your new SASSA card, you must contact the SASSA helpline. All persons receiving their grants at pay points will automatically be reregistered when they collect their monies. Enquiries: Help desk at SASSA on 0800-601-011.




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You’ve got a computer and you’ve got a phone – so why do you need a tablet - a device that seems to sit somewhere in the middle? In their present guise, tablets do not replace mobile phones or computers, but rather play the role of a portable media device that lets you play back digital content while you’re on the move, while giving you the functionality to check and respond to email, check in on your social profiles, and to surf the Internet. The large format screen gives maximum visual impact, with touch screen interaction literally putting the full control of the device at your fingertips. Most tablets allow you to create content – but this is at a very basic level through touch keypads that are part of the screen or via the cameras (many with video capability) that is integrated into the device. This is not the device on which to write your award-winning novel or film your Oscarwinning movie. But it is going to open up the digital world for you. Over and above the appeal of the media playback capabilities, the success of tablets has been in the practical applications that have made the devices indispensable to many. Applications (called “apps”), available via iTunes for Apple devices and the Android market for others, allow you to personalise the device to perform according to your needs. Need a GPS? Want to know what the weather’s going to do? Need a recipe book to create culinary masterpieces from the last three ingredients in your fridge? Need to keep the kids entertained in the car on the journey to your holiday? There are literally tens of thousands of applications out there to rise to whatever challenge you face – and with most costing less than R10 to purchase, apps offer a world of functionality at an affordable price.



SA-kunstenaars span saam Mia Spies Kunstenaars van oor die land het onlangs saamgespan vir die Engage-uitstalling van die Pretoria- kunsvereniging. Paartjies het twee- en driedimensionele kunswerke geskep wat mekaar aangevul of teengespreek het. Dit word by die Mackiestraat-galery uitgestal. Die opening was op 15 April om Wêreldkunsdag te vier en heel gepas dieselfde dag as wat kunstenaar Leonardo Da Vinci 560 jaar gelede gebore is. Volgens die direkteur van die Pretoriakunsvereniging, Pieter van Heerden, is dit ’n wonderlike geleentheid vir Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaars om deel te wees en ’n bydrae te lewer tot wêreldkunsdag. “Ons het so baie talent in ons land en dit is wonderlik om te sien wat hulle mee vorendag kom as hulle saamwerk,” het Van Heerden gesê. Bekende kunstenaars soos Lynette ten Krooden, Diane Victor, Margaret Gradwell en Guy du Toit is deel van dié elite uitstalling. Ten Krooden en haar spanmaat, Sanna Swart, se kunswerke oor die oervis, Captured in Stone Fossil Fish, het veral aandag getrek. “Dit is lekker om saam met iemand te werk omdat ons mekaar kon aanspoor en inspireer,” het Ten Krooden vertel. Twee jong kunstenaars, Riegerdt Deetlefs en Roelf Daling, se kunswerke het ook die koppe laat draai. Dit was die eerste groot uitstalling waarheen Deetlefs genooi is. “Dit is ongelooflik om saam met sulke groot name in die kunswêreld uit te stal omdat ek al so baie uit hulle werk geleer het.” Hy geniet dit ook om saam met ander te werk. “Kunstenaars het gewoonlik so ’n afgesonderde bestaan, so ek geniet dit om van tyd tot tyd met ’n ander kunstenaar te engage,” het Deetlefs bygevoeg. Die uitstalling is tot 2 Mei 2012. Navrae: 012-346-3100.

Sanna Swart en Lynette ten Krooden staan by hul kunswerk, Captured in Stone Fossil Fish.

Danelle Janse van Rensburg en Daniël Rankadi Mosako by hul werk, Paslangs/As the crow flies.

When you’re shopping for your tablet, ask how much storage capacity it has (the more, the better), and if it has built-in wireless connectivity to access the Internet. Incredible Connection has a range of tablets to suit your needs. Once you have your tablet in hand and are looking for apps to play with, you could consider Angry Birds Space – the new extraterrestrial update to the game that has taken the world by storm – or Flipboard, which will gather news and updates from around the world and from your Twitter and Facebook feeds, to present them to you in your own personalized digital newspaper. These two are just a beginning though… shopping in the app stores is guaranteed to reveal apps that you didn’t know you needed – but will absolutely have to have! If you need any technical assistance or need expert advice, we can help. Incredible Connection has an in-store Technical Centre and a team of mobile technicians. Incredibles OnSite is a dedicated team of onsite technicians, who will install, fix and solve all technology problems at your home or work, offering you all the solutions and none of the hassle. To log a call or for more information call 0860 011 700.

Riegerdt Deetlefs en Roelf Daling by die een deel van hul werk werk, Josef Chauke.

Spreker deel kennis by ontbyt As jy al gewonder het wat op die wêreld en Suid-Afrika wag na 2012, moet jy nie die ontbyt met Clem Sunter misloop nie. Sunter is die voormalige voorsitter en uitvoerende hoof van Anglo American. Hy gaan 1 Junie by die NG-kerk Elarduspark praat tydens ’n ontbyt wat

W H E R E T EC H NOLOGY & H U M A N I T Y M E E T Inc DTP 3923

van stapel gestuur word om geld vir die Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (VGK) in Ivory Park in Ekurhuleni in te samel. Die geld gaan vir die ondersteuning, instandhouding en voltooiing van ’n gemeenskapsentrum en vroeë kinderontwikkelingsentrum in Ivory Park. Die Elarduspark-gemeente en ander

gemeentes in die suidooste van Pretoria is al jare lank betrokke by die VGK Ivory Park. Hulle beplan om hul gemeente se slagspreek Reik uit na ’n wêreld in nood voluit uit te leef. Navrae: 012 3451144 of kerkkan toor@ngelarduspark.co.za.




Prevent accidental poisening of children Many deaths among children at home is due to accidental poisoning caused by negligence of caretakers Natalie Grobler About 25% of children between the ages of two and six have lost their lives due to negligence. According to Frikkie Gous, spokesperson for LifeMed, there had been 220 cases of poisoning in the last 12 months and 85% of them were children. He said the remaining 15% were accidental poisoning and suicides. Richardt Peuk, an emergency care practitioner for LifeMed, said there were many aspects to poisoning that most parents did not take into consideration.

He said most poisons have an oily basis, which is easily absorbed through the skin, lungs or by drinking it. Some of the most common poisons in the average home include ant poisoning, poisoned spray, certain plants in the garden and medicine meant for adults. “When a child has come into contact with poison, parents should ďŹ rstly protect themselves before attempting to help their children. Most parents are beside themselves with worry and in the process they poison themselves.â€? He said that if a child had the poison on the skin, parents should put on gloves

before touching the child. If there were no gloves, the caregiver could use any object as long as they kept themselves separate from the poisoned area. “After the necessary precaution has been taken, then the caregiver should only rinse the child with soap and water.â€? He said that because most poisons have an oily basis, it is difďŹ cult to rinse it off with water only. According to Peuk, there are three degrees of exposure - mild, moderate and severe. He said in mild cases, children would experience restlessness and diarrhoea. In moderate cases, children would have muscle cramps, rapid heart-

beats, diarrhoea, confusion or drowsiness. “In severe cases, children will struggle to breathe, experience convulsions and saliva will come out of their mouths.� Peuk added that poisoning of children could easily be avoided if parents took proper care in safeguarding toxic items in their homes. “Most caregivers make the mistake of allowing their children to drink water or help them to vomit to get the poison out of their systems. This is not the right procedure to follow.� He said parents whose children were exposed to poisoning should contact the emergency services immediately.

Winter and influenza in the offing SnifďŹ ng, coughing and a sky-high fever usually goes hand in hand with the winter season. Winter is rapidly approaching and dangerous inuenza strains usually start hitting us. According to the World Health Organisation, inuenza epidemics affect up to 15% of the global population every year, which leads to between 250 000 to 500 000 deaths. Flu is a highly contagious viral disease which spreads at a rapid rate and can have devastating consequences if left untreated. It can be transmitted in various ways, either airborne, droplets or by direct contact. People considered to be in the high-risk group can get their u vaccinations for free from government clinics or hospitals. The high-risk group include pregnant women, people over 65 years of age, those with chronic heart disease, diabetes or chronic lung disease and people living with HIV/Aids or other reduced immune system-related conditions. Getting vaccinated before winter is something even the healthiest person should consider. The Independent Community Pharmacy Association (ICPA) has joined the National Department of Health in driving an awareness campaign that highlights the risks of inuenza and the beneďŹ ts of having the u vaccine. ICPA chairperson, Sham Moodley, said South Africa had been very lucky as it had only isolated cases of dangerous inuenza viruses such as bird u and swine u, which caused havoc in Europe and Asia. Flu vaccines are therefore highly recommended by healthcare practitioners as a precautionary step to protect against the dangerous virus strains. These dangerous strains have the ability to cause a pandemic if not controlled and treated correctly. “Last year more than a million u vaccinations were administered in South Africa and this year we would like to see these numbers increase signiďŹ cantly,â€? said Moodley. It is important for all, not just high-risk groups, to get vaccinated against inuenza. “With new types of virus strains developing every winter, it is important that we protect our people and maintain our status as a country with only a moderate percentage of these dangerous inuenza strains.â€? It normally takes two weeks to built immunity after a u shot. Enquiries: www.icpa.co.za.





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WILTSHIRE ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE Elegantly crafted bentwood. TV, LCD, or Plasma entertainment centre with black tempered 8mm glass top. Dimensions: 160cm x 48cm x 46cm. TV and accessories not included.

WAS 2499


Dep 200 • 109 x 30 MtHS total paYaBle 3270 at 19% iNteReSt


32” (81cm) LCD TV • FM Ontvanger • USB2.0 (Video, JPG, MP3) • Model LA32C400 /400 • ONTHOU JOU TV LISENSIE*



WAS 3699



Dep 270 • 149 x 30 MNDe totaal 4470 teeN 19% ReNte




WAS 1699

BAR FRIDGE • CFC-free • Plastic Table Top • 2 Wire Shelves • Can Dispenser • White • Model GR131SU

DVD CD TUNER WITH LCD • DVD/VCD/MP3/MPEG-4 /CD/CD-R/CD-RW • 7” Wide Touch Screen Control • AM/FM-MPX 2 Band Radio, PLL Tuner • USB/SD Slot • Model AX-9001




WAS 1899


Dep 130 • 79 x 30 MtHS total paYaBle 2370 at 19% iNteReSt

• Direct Drive Motor • 10 Washing Programmes • White • Model F8056/1056NDP

WAS 3299


SOME PRODUCTS MAY BE UNBOXED, OR UNWRAPPED LOUNGE 5 Piece Waverly Lounge Suite 3 Piece Diva Lounge Suite 3 Piece Avril Lounge Suite 3 Division Kelly Slip Cover Couch 2.5 Division Kelly Slipcover Couch 2.5 Division Amanda Couch 2 Division Tessa Slip Cover Couch Salena Recliner Vienna Tub Chair Kiara 580 Entertainment Centre Savannah Entertainment Centre Cayman Mahogany Entertainment Centre Omnia Mahogany Entertainment Centre Sunshine Elmwood Coffee Square Table New York Oval Coffee Table

BAR CHAIRS/DINING CHAIRS Bella Bar Chair Panama Bar Stool Mississippi Bar Chair Toni Bar Stool - Black or Orange Casa Black Leathermate Dining Chair Dallas Cinnamon Dining Chair

WAS NOW 14999 10999 12999 9999 11999 8999 7999 2999 6999 2499 4499 3499 3999 2999 4299 3799 1599 1299 4999 4299 1799 1499 1599 1299 899 699 2199 1499 1099 649

SAVE 4000 3000 3000 5000 4500 1000 1000 500 300 700 300 300 200 700 450

399 649 599 299 799 499

199 499 479 199 449 349

200 150 120 100 350 150

BEDROOM 152cm Sertapedic Gibraltar Queen Base Set 152cm Technisleep Tammy Mattress 152cm Alvina Headboard and Foot End Alvina Solid Pine Pedestal Bahia Pedestal Preston Walnut Pedestal Bahia Dressing Table Basket Bahia Pedestal Basket Sleep Thera-P Standard Pillow Temptations Contour Pillow

9499 1599 9999 1299 999 899 299 279 149 199

6999 1299 7499 999 699 599 179 179 89 179

2500 300 2500 300 300 300 120 100 60 20

CARPETS Assorted Glamour Rugs - 160cm x 230cm Assorted Panda Rugs - 160cm x 230cm Assorted Shaggy Stripe Rugs - 110cm x 160cm Assorted Tasha Rugs - 110cm x 160cm Assorted Infinity Rugs - 120cm x 160cm Assorted Stripe Shaggy Rugs - 70cm x 120cm Assorted Avanti Rugs - 170cm x 230cm

1999 1499 1199 899 699 549 599

1499 1099 899 649 549 399 449

500 400 300 250 150 150 150

AUDIO/VISUAL (REMEMBER YOUR TV LICENCE*) 60” (150cm) LG Plasma TV - Model 60PK750 34999 19999 46” (117cm) Samsung Full HD LED TV - Model UA46C6900 19999 8999 55” (140cm) Telefunken LED TV - Model VLED-55FHD 17999 8999 47” (119cm) Telefunken LCD TV - Model TLCD-47FHDS 9999 5499 47” (119cm) Telefunken LED TV - Model VLED-470FHD 10999 7499 42” (107cm) Enzer HD Ready Plasma TV - Model EMP-420HD 4999 3599 32” (81cm) Enzer HD Ready LCD TV - Model ELCD-32HDA 2999 1999 32” (81cm) Sony LCD TV - Model KLV-32T550/BX300 3499 2699 40” (102cm) Enzer Full HD LCD TV - Model ELCD-40FHD 3999 3599 Samsung Blu-Ray Home Theatre System - Model HT-BD1255T 7499 3499 LG Blu-Ray Home Theatre System - Model HB905TA 5499 3399 Samsung Home Theatre System - Model HT-C350 1899 1299 Samsung Home Theatre System - Model HT-C453 1999 1499 Enzer Home Theatre System - Model EHT-3026 799 499 Samsung Micro DVD HiFi - Model MM-C550D 2799 2199 Samsung Micro DVD HiFi - Model MM-C430D 1899 1499 Bauer CD Boombox - Model BL-660 349.99 249.99 Samsung 7.1 Channel 3D Blu-Ray Player - Model BD-C6900 3999 2299 Samsung Blu-Ray Player - Model BD-C5500 1499 799 Samsung Blu-Ray Player - Model BD-P1500 1299 649 LG Blu-Ray Player - Model BD-560 1299 799 LG HDMI DVD Player - Model DV-392/DV492 679 389 Samsung DVD Player - Model DVDP181/191 479 239 Samsung DVD Player - Model DVD-C550 699 499 LG DVD Player - Model DV450/DV550 499 289 Bauer DVD Player - Model DVD211 319.99 149.99 Nokia N-500 GPS 1499 549

15000 11000 9000 4500 3500 1400 1000 800 400 4000 2100 600 500 300 600 400 100 1700 700 650 500 290 240 200 210 170 950

APPLIANCES Bauer Thermo Electric Cooler & Warmer 34l Bauer Microwave Oven - Model EM134ABW 38l Defy Mirror Microwave Oven - Model DMO-345 26l LG Grill Microwave Oven - Model MH6647SRWB 17l Bauer Microwave Oven - Model MM717CKL 2000W AEG Cyclone XL Vacuum Cleaner 1800W AEG Viva Spin Vacuum Cleaner - Model 7480 1800W LG Vacuum Cleaner - Model VCA281NT PATIO AND OUTDOOR 9 Piece Colonial White Patio Suite 1400W Flymo Hover Mower - Model TL350 Flymo Samurai Trimmer - Model 1000XT 400W Gardena Turbo Trimmer 2000W Flymo Twister Garden Vacuum Cleaner Raleigh 20” Purple Jazzi Girl BMX 125cc Conti Superbike - Model CSB-125 200cc Dynax Quadbike

999 999 999 999 499 999 799 599

599 599 699 699 299 549 499 399

400 400 300 300 200 450 300 200

1899 999 1599 999 899 699 629 499 599 399 699 299 17999 9999 17999 12999

900 600 200 130 200 400 8000 5000

Dep 250 • 139 x 30 MtHS total paYaBle 4170 at 19% iNteReSt

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VALID 27 APRIL TO 4 MAY 2012 WHILE STOCKS LAST If a mistake occurs or incomplete information is printed, we will display a notice in-store with all the correct details.





Dance skills shown in only 15 minutes New choreographers will showcase their superb skills The artistic director of the acclaimed Tshwane Dance Theatre (TDT), Esther Nasser, will stage the next instalment of the company’s successful programme of dance. The programme called 15 Minutes of Fame, runs from 24 to 29 April at the State Theatre’s Arena Theatre. The new programme, like its predecessor, gives four new choreographers 15 minutes each to choreograph a work that will showcase the superb technical and artistic skills of the TDT. Three new works will be introduced, while Celeste Botha’s Here and Now was reworked and will be performed again. The three new works are by the TDT’s Laura Cameron and Liyabuya Gongo as well as a contribution from Shelley Sheer,

The 15 Minutes of Fame dance show will be performed at the State Theatre’s Arena Theatre soon.


SWOP YOUR CURRENT ANTI-DANDRUFF SHAMPOO FOR NEW CLEAR AND YOU’LL DISCOVER A REVOLUTION IN SCALP CARE. Visit our Clear Swop Station at Menlyn Park Shopping Centre. • Friday 27 April - 9am - 6pm • Saturday 28 April - 9am - 6pm • Sunday 29 April - 9am - 4pm

former lead dancer and artistic director from the Batsheva Dance Company in Israel. The naming of the season, 15 Minutes of Fame, is a direct quote from Andy Warhol’s famous quote. The expression comes from Warhol’s exhibition at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, from February to March 1968. The catalogue reads: “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.â€? In 1979 Warhol reiterated his claim, â€œâ€Ś my prediction from the sixties ďŹ nally came true: In future everyone will be famous for 15 minutesâ€?. Becoming bored with continually being asked about this particular statement, Warhol attempted to confuse interviewers by changing the statement variously to ‘in the future 15 people will be famous’ and ‘in 15 minutes everybody will be famous’. The performance starts at 20:00 from Tuesday to Friday and 15:00 and 20:00 on Saturday and Sunday.

Italianers het aandeel in Voortrekkermonument Du P Martins Die nuwe status van die Voortrekkermonument as ’n graad 1 nasionale erfenisterrein is onlangs deur minister Paul Mashatile, minister van kuns en kultuur, met ’n gedenksteen onthul. Sonja Lombard, uitvoerende direkteur van die monument, het in ’n kort verwelkomingstoespraak vertel dat die monument van 1947 tot 1949 gebou is en deur dr. DF Malan voor ’n skare van sowat 250 000 geopen is. Die monument is, uitgesonder die piramides, die grootste monument in Afrika en beklee die tweede plek vir die mees besoekte monument in Suid-Afrika. Nagenoeg 200 000 mense besoek dit jaarliks, waaronder ongeveer 15 000 leerlinge. In sy toespraak het Mashatile gewys op die diversiteit van Suid-Afrika se geskiedenis. Minder bekend is die aanloop tot die bou van die monument en die aandeel wat Italiaanse bouers en kunstenaars in die totstandkoming daarvan gehad het. Reeds in 1931, onder die voorsitterskap van dr EG Jansen, is die gedagte van ’n nasionale monument by ’n kongres van die Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge in Bloemfontein geopper. Na deeglike beplanning is besluit om ’n monument ter ere van die Voortrekkers in Pretoria te bou om met die 100-jarige herdenking van die Groot Trek saam te val. Die argitek Gerhard Moerdyk is aangestel om dit te ontwerp. Die eerste sooie is deur ene adv. Jansen op 13 Julie 1937 gespit. Teen Februarie 1938 is tien tenders aangevra en die laagste tender van ₤175 000 van die Italiaanse konstruksiemaatskappy A Cosani is toe aanvaar. Met die uitbreek van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog is werk aan die monument gestaak. Cosani kon die werk om geldelike redes nie voltooi nie. Die tender is daarna

aan die maatskappy WF du Plessis van Bloemfontein toegesĂŞ. By die voetstuk van die monument is die beeld van ’n moeder en haar twee kinders wat in opdrag van Moerdyk deur die beeldhouer Anton van Wouw ontwerp is. Die beeld is 4,1 meter hoog en weeg 2,5 ton. Die maak van die bronsbeeld het ook ’n nuwe era in beelhoukuns in Suid-Afrika ingelui deurdat dit die eerste beeld was wat plaaslik in een stuk deur die Italianer Renzo Vignali gegiet is. Die friese binne die monument is ’n intrinsieke reliĂŤfwerk van die geskiedenis van die Groot Trek van 1835 tot 1852. Dit bestaan uit 27 panele. Vier beeldhouers, Hennie Potgieter, Laurika Postma, Frikkie Kruger en Peter Kirchoff, het vyf jaar lank gewerk om gipspanele te maak. Dit is na ItaliĂŤ gestuur, waar vyftig beitelaars onder leiding van prof Romano Romanelli, op Italiaanse Quercetta-marmer ’n presiese weergawe van die kunstenaars se werk kon uitbeitel. Een van die interessantste friese wat die Italiaanse bydrae in die oprigting van die monument uitbeeld, is ’n tafereel ontleen aan die geskiedenis waarin die dapper optrede van die Italiaanse vrou, ThĂŠresa Viglione, uitgebeeld word. Rondom die monument is ’n laermuur bestaande uit 64 waens, dieselfde getal waens wat by Bloedrivier was. Frikkie Kruger het ’n kleimodel van die muur gemaak waarvan ’n gipsafdruk daarna gemaak is. Dit is na Johannesburg geneem, waar die Italiaanse maatskappy Lupini in sement die ďŹ nale gietafdrukke gemaak het. Die eerste waens is in Maart 1949 voltooi. Elke wa weeg agt ton en is 4,6 meter lank en 2,7 meter hoog. Die totale lengte van die muur is 313 meter en omtrent al die kunstenaars wat daaraan gewerk het, was Italianers.

New Clear contains a clinically-proven formula, with Nutrium 10 for women and Pro Nutrium 10 for men, which nourishes the scalp from within. *Participants will receive Clear in the form of a voucher which can be redeemed for a 200ml bottle at any of the following stores: Clicks, Dischem, Pick n Pay (Family, Supers, Minis and Hypermarkets), Checkers/Checkers Hyper, Shoprite, Spar (all) and Game stores in South Africa. For Terms and Conditions call 0860 572 861.


Die 64 waens om die Voortrekkermonument is ook deur ’n Italiaanse maatskappy gegiet. Elke paneel van ’n wa weeg agt ton.

Vier kunstenaars het vyf jaar gewerk om die friespanele te voltooi.







National library opens new reference room The National Library of South Africa celebrated South African Library Week (SALW) in style, as they officially opened the reference room and announced extended operating hours last Tuesday. The library, situated in the city centre, also officially opened the deacidification unit, launched the new National Library of South Africa website and an e-repository website. Miss South Africa Mellinda Bam spoke at the SALW at the National Library of South Africa.

The deacidification system is the seventh system in operation in the world and the third one installed at a national library. The theme for this year’s SALW celebration, from 17 to 24 March, was Develop at your library. During the week, libraries promoted the importance of library and information services throughout South Africa. The SALW celebrations promoted the objectives and vision of government by highlighting the role that libraries play in developing and building the nation.

John Tsebe, CEO of the National Library of South Africa, and Mellinda Bam.

Pranksters can face charges

Despina Vandi and Christos Menidiatis

12 May 2012 Centre Court

Don’t miss one of Greece’s most successful and superlative pop divas live on stage with Christos Menidiatis.

Calls range from hangups to bomb threats

1 - 2 June 2012

Don’t miss this Afro-jazz International music festival featuring Thandiswa Mazwai and the Jaziel Brothers on the 1st of June . Oliver Mtukudzi and Judith Sephuma on the 2nd of June. Salif Keita on both nights.


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During public and school holidays pranksters become more active. Although in most countries, prank calls to emergency services and emergency telephone lines are considered a criminal offence, ER24 receives hundreds of prank calls during holiday periods. According to ER24 spokesperson, Werner Vermaak, these prank calls range from annoying hang-ups to outright false calls or bomb threats. “We have to treat every single call as a real emergency and resources must be dispatched if an address is given,” said Vermaak. ER24 recently received over 300 prank calls from one caller, only known as Nicholas. Vermaak said another prank caller keeps phoning the emergency line to report a friend that had a heart attack. Everytime the emergency medical dispatcher treats the call as a real emergency and then an ambulance along with a rapid response vehicle arrives at an abandoned building or an address where no one is home. In the majority of the cases prank callers are registered with as much detail as possible. When ER24 has enough information from the Caller Line Identity System, the number is flagged. Once the number appears on the prank caller register, the call taker alerts the floor supervisor and the voice recording is flagged for further investigation. “As an emergency line we cannot block the numbers, in case the person has a real emergency, which we have to act upon,” Vermaak explained. Everytime a call is identified as a prank call, however, the caller’s telephone number is sent for follow-up and the call is investigated according to internal policies. Once the investigation proves that the caller is a prankster, the telephone number and other relevant information will be handed over to the police where the prankster will possibly face serious charges. “We take all of our emergency calls seriously and our aim is to provide fast and efficient emergency medical care. Pranksters clogging up emergency lines will be dealt with in a serious manner,” Vermaak added.


LOST & FOUND Rekord publishes this column on animals lost and found as a special service to the community. Rekord lewer ’n spesiale diens aan die gemeenskap in dié rubriek oor diere wat verlore of gevind is. - A miniature Doberman pincher went missing on 8 April in the Murryfield/Lynnwoodrif area. Enquiries: Gerda Jacobs on 071-987-6303. - A Siamese cat went missing on 10 April in the Waterkloofrif area. Enquiries: Delena Prinsloo on 082-567-4866. - ’n Rooibruin Somali-katjie, Isis, het op 10 April in die Waterkloof-omgewing weggeraak. Sy het ’n mikroskyfie. Navrae: Annemarie by 082-551-7309. - ’n Goedversorgde gryswit Persiese kat (Chinchilla), wat onlangs geskeer is, het ongeveer vier weke gelede in die Waterkloof Glen/Constantiapark-omgewing weggeraak. Hy het groen oë en reageer op die naam Benji. Hy het ’n mikroskyfie. Navrae: Cizelle by 082-415-5390. - A white and brown Jack Russell terrier went missing in the Sinoville area. He has a metal choker chain around his neck. His name is Savage. Enquiries: Natalie on 082939-7581 or Lincoln on 071-469-8581. - A tabby cat went missing on 15 March in the Waterkloof Ridge area. Her name is Muschi and she was last seen wearing a light-blue Pheroma collar with a brass pendant with her name on. Enquiries: 071907-0700. - A 4 year old Jack Russel terrier is looking for a home. The ideal home is a smallholding or farm because he is a good hunter. Owner moving to townhouse. Enquiries: Estelle de Beer on 082-304-0233. - ’n Goedversorgde wit kat met blou oë en gemmer stert het in Loskopstraat, Newlands, weggeraak. Hy het ’n mikroskyfie. Navrae: Judy de Beer by 082-457-6610 of Angelique by 082-331-7897. - ’n Goedversorgde kortbeen Jack Russellterriër is in die Elarduspark-omgewing gevind. Navrae: Letsie by 082-784-1743. - ’n Volwasse gemmerkat het in die Meyerspark-omgewing weggeraak. Sy naam is Caillou en hy het kenmerkende klein happies uit beide ore. Navrae: Ilze by 082-410-2254. - A cat, Felix, went missing from the Forest Place complex in Koedoeberg Street, Faerie Glen. Enquiries: Odette van der Merwe on 082-555-9901. - An oriental black cat went missing in Meadow Height Estate, Moreleta Park. His name is Max. He has green eyes and needs medical attention. Enquiries: Monica Teunissen on 082-336-7349. - Residents can e-mail Wetnose Animal Rescue centre the details and photographs of their missing or found pets. Enquiries: wetnose.marketing@absamail.co.za or 013-932-3941/2. - Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital often treats injured or sick stray animals brought in after-hours. Please check that your missing pet has not been brought in to us. Once healthy again, unclaimed strays are rehomed. An adoption fee is charged to cover the cost of sterilisation, vaccination and a microchip. Enquiries: 012 529 8016 - The Pretoria or Centurion SPCA might have taken in your pet. Enquiries: 082423-1985 or send information and photos to reception@spcapta.org.za. - Residents who have lost or found a husky or husky cross or who would like to adopt a husky should contact the Husky Rescue centre. Post details and photos online at www.huskyrescue.co.za. Enquiries: manuela@huskyrescue.co.za or 082-8519576.

This Labrador is looking for a loving family and is up for adoption. Her kennel number is E38 and her disk number is 11984. Enquiries: SPCA 012-803-5219.







VW commercial vehicles still growing strong The Volkswagen commercial vehicles brand in South Africa recorded 1 111 sales during February, its highest sales month ever. This topped the brand’s previous best sales month (1 015 units) in August 2011. The Amarok model range accounted for

817 units of the record sales, followed by Caddy commercial models with 159 units and T5 Transporter range with 135 units. The record sales in February helped Volkswagen commercial vehicles brand to achieve its best ever market share of 8,2% in the light commercial vehicle segment.

The introduction of the Amarok single cab model range in July last year provided the brand with full representation in the 1-ton pick-up market. Since then, both the single and double cab variants have continued to help entrench Volkswagen Group South Africa’s footing in the South African commercial vehicles market. “The introduction of the workhorse single cab model The Amarok model range accounted for 817 units of the record sales that Volkswagen recorded in February this year.

pushed the Amarok to the highly contested bakkie market, especially with fleet companies and the farming community. We have had positive and growing interest from this sector, which we hope will convert into sales in the coming months. Our recent research results show that our customers are satisfied and have been impressed by the performance as well as overall quality of their Amarok single cabs,” said Mike Glendinning, director for sales and marketing at the Volkswagen Group South Africa. The market introduction of the Amarok double cab at the end of 2010 captured the hearts and minds of consumers throughout South Africa. It also made history when it became the first bakkie to be named as one of the finalists in the 2011 South African Guild of Motoring Journalists Car of the Year competition. “The Amarok in particular had an excellent start this year with 13 000 vehicles sold worldwide.”







Homeowners want a home with a story Homes that are architecturally distinctive or which have a rich history, are always in demand in Johannesburg’s sought after northern suburbs. According to Jonathan Davies, Pam Golding Properties joint area manager, who is based at the company’s Hyde Park

office, said many buyers particularly at the higher end of the market were specifically looking for homes with which they could identify and that suited their own individual lifestyles. “While we sell properties across all price ranges, in this area we deal with many buyers in the price range from R10-million upwards, who wish to express their individuality and their own personal taste through their homes,” said Davies. Davies also said Pam Golding Properties had a prestigious portfolio of iconic properties that were currently on the market. “One such exceptional home is situated in Westcliff and is more than 100 years old, it was built in 1902,” said Davies. Davies said when visiting this grand old home, you might find yourself transported back to a gracious time of croquet, masked balls and horse drawn carriages. “This ambience becomes evident upon entering the home through the triple volume entrance hall with its magnificent wooden staircase. The house, marketed by Pam Golding Properties for R16-million, is set among rolling lawns and old Cape ash, jacaranda, peach and fig trees,” said Davies. The house has six bedrooms, all of which have fireplaces and four bathrooms two of which are en suite. There are five reception rooms, including a ballroom and three large garages.

Duet ideal for retired or young family This neat two-bedroom, two-bathroom duet in Eldoraigne is close to all amenities and is ideal for a young couple or retired couple downsizing. The house is selling for R1 095 000. Enquiries: Magda at Fine & Country on 083-271-1157.


Neat townhouse in complex up for grabs This four-bedroom, two-bathroom townhouse with a double garage in Centurion is available for R799 000. This property is well taken care of and the complex is under excellent management. The property is situated next to Unitas hospital, schools and a newly renovated shopping complex. Enquiries: Maurits at Rose Square Properties on 082-997-7411.









Voltitel-woning in aftreeoord ideaal ingerig vir bejaardes se behoeftes Hierdie goed toegeruste huis in Retire@Midstream is ’n nuutgeboude voltitel-woning met twee slaapkamers en twee badkamers. Dit is spesiaal ingerig vir bejaardes se behoeftes en bestaan uit ’n oopplan kombuis met opwaskamer, ruim leefareas en twee toesluitmotorhuise. Die ruim patio kyk uit oor ’n pragtige en gerieflike grootte tuin en is toegerus met ’n gasbraaier. Retire@Midstream is ’n welbekende naam onder gehalte aftreeoorde. Dit bied ruimte en privaatheid vir belangstellendes ouer as 55 jaar. Die volgende fasiliteite is beskikbaar: mediese versorging, ’n moderne binnenshuise rolbalbaan, ’n winkelsentrum wat alles bied, biblioteek, restaurant, veilige staproete en vele meer. Die huurbedrag vir hierdie spesiale eiendom is R12 000 per maand. Okkupasie kan van 1 Mei geneem word. Navrae: Ernst van Eck van Aula Verhurings by 082-872-5491.




Pupil excells in war games

Onnies met lang asems

Gregory Laycock (17) from Pretoria Boys’ High School recently won the Junior World Championships title for War games and Morabaraba in Durban. Mind Sports South Africa hosted the IWF’s 50th World Championships. Laycock finished in fourth place in the senior event. He is a regular medal winner in South African war gaming.


Hoërskool Garsfontein onderwysers, Elouise Dirkse van Schalkwyk en Morné Viljoen, het onlangs aan die Two Oceans Halfmarathon deelgeneem. Van Schalkwyk het ’n bronsmedalje en Viljoen ’n silwermedalje gewen. Viljoen is ook opgeneem in die Gauteng-Noord Meesters-atletiekspan.

Garsie is SA-kampioen Jeanelle Loubsher aan Hoërskool Garsfontein het goud in die meisies o.17-hekkiesitem op die SA-kampioenskap, wat onlangs in Bloemfontein gehou is, gewen. Sy is as die nuwe SA-kampioen aangewys.


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By uitstek uitmuntend Janet Seeliger van die Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool is tydens die Suid-Afrikaanse atletiekbyeenkoms wat einde Maart plaasgevind het, in twee items as SA-jeugkampioen gekroon. Sy het die o.17 400m-item in ’n nuwe persoonlike beste tyd van 54,9 sekondes gewen en ook verspring, met nog ’n persoonlike beste afstand van 6,12m. Sy het ook ’n silwermedalje in die 200m gewen. Met hierdie prestasies word sy ingesluit in die SA-Juniorspan wat aan die einde van Mei aan die Suidelike Streke-byeenkoms in Namibië gaan deelneem.


All standard Terms and Conditions of MTN and MTN Service Provider apply. Offer available to SMEs. Valid until 30 April 2012 or while stocks last. Device colours may vary from those illustrated. Prices include VAT and are subject to a new 24-month contract. Visit www.mtnbusiness.co.za/sme or contact your nearest participating MTN outlet or dial 809 from your MTN cellphone or 083 1 809 from any other network operator in order to speak to a consultant. Bring your ID and proof of residence, or affidavit thereof, to RICA. E&OE.

Corlia Fischer van Curro Kollege in Hazeldean is onlangs verkies tot die o.17SA skole tennisspan. Fischer sal Suid-Afrika in Skotland in Junie verteenwoordig.




Tel: 012 842 0321 • Fax: 012 842 0319 • www.rekord.co.za • smallhits@rekord.co.za REKORD CENTURION DEADLINE: MONDAY 12:00 for the same week / OTHER REKORD NEWSPAPERS: DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY 12:00 for the following week • Office hours: 8:00 - 16:30

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VOERTUIE GEVRA Ons koop motors/ bakkies/sleepwaens onder R100 000 vir kontant. Chris: 082-337-8401 Rian: 082-819-9367

011-331-5015 RA/0515896


CASH PAID FOR Able to help you

SA Art, Antiques and Jewellery. 082-657-2610




Kontantlenings: Onmiddellik beskikbaar teen: motors, vragmotors, bakkies, bote, woonwaens, sleepwaens, motorfietse en juwele wat u verpand. Skakel Danie Muller

073-782-3121 ra/0513988

AUCTIONEERS 48 Botha Avenue, Lyttelton We buy & sell all your unwanted goods. We also loan money when you need it most!!! We buy all furniture CASH. Pay and load. Contact Tania

012-664-3469 / 082-563-2444 / 012-664-1750


Against your car, caravan, trailer. Be safe! Co. Est. 1991. Blacklist welcome. De Villiers 012-323-5420

Lukas 072-379-4744 RA/0506333

All ON SPOT REPAIRS Fridges, freezers, geysers, washing machines, driers, microwaves, stoves, dishwasher, air conditioner, electrical faults & plumbing. Guaranteed & pensioners discount. OPEN ON WEEKENDS! Wilson 012-753-3665 083-864-3383 ra/0514904

Fridge/Freezer 24/7 Re-gassing from R350

Albert 072-770-7822 ra/0516020

Woonwaens gesoek Ons bestaan van 1983. RA/0514749

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www.karendogtraining.co.za ra/0500248


Appliance Repairs @ home 082-555-0031 RA/0515768

HERSTELWERK By U Huis Gerrit 082-824-2070 aag - aag aan-almal 0005 Jaar in Rekord

( ( ( ( (

Etienne Loots Prokureur Alle regswerk 083-280-5653 RA/0511411

Oulike en bekostigbare huurspasie vir besighede beskikbaar by Karoo Lifestyle Centre, Lynnwood Weg. Kontak Liesl 072-784-9240 RA/0515205



Asemrowende springkastele te huur.

RONEL 012-377-1710/ 082-677-1553 ra/0496091

www.lmdrivingschool.co.za ra/0513980

@ HOME All grades/subjects


tutor@axxess.co.za 082-341-4759/0800-864-486

1 Dag Diens

Alle voertuie & bakkies vir KONTANT. Ek kom na u. Bel/sms laaste 076-939-7300

Beste pryse vir jou motor. Ons bestaan van 1983. Julindi 012-323-5420 RA/0514748

Contact Dirk 082-688-3752 RA/0498217

PIETER BOSCH W/masjiene, T/droers & Stowe, Speed Queen, Defy W/pool, LG, Samsung

TOETS ONS DIENS ra/0500842




MAINTENANCE & HANDYMAN SERVICES Building projects since 1976 * Bathroom renovations * New houses * Extensions, granny flats, waterproofing * Painting of houses & roofs We also do small projects.

082-399-8952 ra/0514726



Big or Small !!! Kontak Thys

072-287-9753 designkitchens@ vodamail.co.za

GARAGE DOORS, GATES Installations, Repairs & Motors. 072-870-5722 RA/0515979

PTA EAST STORAGE 18 & 36 m² storage units. Carports for boats & caravans 083-273-8556 RA/0507682

GEELBOOI: Vir alle VERFWERK. Het jare ondervinding. 076-602-8802 ra/0515674


Ann: 082-702-1118 Celeste 082-461-8285 Helen 078-530-2486


I pay more than dealers * Cars under R100 000 * Bakkies & 4x4's under R200 000 * Certain quality motorbikes

KLASSIEKE MUSIEK Beginners:, 6-80 jr! Mev. Roos 012-361-3117


0011 Jaar in Rekord










082-927-0782 Hansie

* Ys-/Vrieskaste, tuimeldroĂŤrs, stowe, oonde, skottelgoedwassers, wasmasjiene

Aanbou, Electric, Handyman, Loodgieter, Paving, TeĂŤls, Verf. Dr House does small or big jobs. 082-254-5181 012-754-2175


SCHOOL helps you with learners / driver's license, K53 lessons. MARIE 083-459-8839

Mauritz: 083-411-3537 012-331-6320



HOUTVLOERE. Afskuur (90% stofvry) en seĂŤl. HerlĂŞ en installeer.

20 Year Warranty Free Quotes.

by u HUIS # 9# 9/ 9&' # 9$ ) '#9& %# ( ' 9 &9 9 209 #'9# 9$# ' + * &' -9 $ 9! 9/ 9)#& & # 9# -

(keep 2 days). Deliveries

AndrĂŠ 082-957-2494

aag - aag aan-almal 00013 Jaar in Rekord



affordable lessons

ys-/vriesk, stowe, oonde, wasj, t.droĂŤrs, skottelgwas

ABC Jumping 4 Kids Jumping castles: Crocodile, boat, hippo, waterslides etc. Hire for 1 day & keep for 2! We deliver! Midweek specials! jumping4kids.co.za



Aag nee los blokkies!



Activity castles.

Fridge Repaired @ Your Home!!! Free Quotations


012-348-0146 083-948-0803


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aag - aag aai alles breek

Well established School (25 yrs) All breeds, Adults & Puppies. Classes weekdays, mornings & evenings. Proven soft methods.

$ )9&' # +9!

' &+ ' +9 ' +9 + & 9

Karen Myers Dog Training School:


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Ria 082-368-0191

ALS FRIDGES *Repairs @ your premises

Rosaline 012-323-5420


By U Huis Ys- / vriesk, stowe, oonde, wasj, t.droĂŤrs, skottelgwas


1 hour, 5% interest.

Aan - diens ! ! ! ! - 04 - 04:45 pm

10 Jaar in Rekord!!! APPARAAT HERSTEL


A1 LOANS Up to R120 000. Blacklisted & Garnish.



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MASTER MATHS / SCIENCE. Tweetalig Garsfontein / Equestria / Woodhill / S'ton. 012-993-2444 ra/0502718

THUMBS-UP DRIVING SCHOOL Pieter 079-430-2767 ra/0492316

J & M AANBOUINGS * Waterdigting * Spuitverf van dakke. Werk gewaarborg.

Jacques 082-335-7456 RA/0512853


Nuwes, herstel en diens. Riaan 083-583-0311 RA/0515286

Na 23 jaar steeds die beste gehalte KOMBUISE, KASTE, toonbanke,

kantore asook graniet en gelamineerde houtvloere. Hendro 083-255-0409 RA/0516004



ALLE huishoudelike herstelwerk. Daklekke, verf, aanbouings, ingeboude kaste. Loodgieterswerk. Skakel CONRAD:



Upholstery of furniture & cushions. Make & install of curtains & blinds. Restoration of wooden, cane & patio furniture. Make of headboards, ottomans, couches, wingbacks, dining chairs, corner units etc.

Installations Certificates Contact:

Kajtek & Jaconell 012-654-0126 / 072-240-4257 RA/0515998


Alle stoffering, restourasie &

herstel van alle meubels. Riempies. Los kussings. Uitstekende kwaliteit teen billike pryse. In besigheid vanaf 1988.

Phillip 082-950-3070 RA/0505632

082-776-3159 012-345-2083

012-335-9631 / 012-752-5256



JUST 4 U ANTIQUES Furniture restoration, upholstery, riempies, rottang, buying and selling of all solid wood furniture and antiques. Best prices guaranteed.

Contact Kobus 073-888-1293

PAWN - 4 - CASH 525 Duncan St, Hatfield, Gold, Rolex watches, Antiques, Household Furniture ect. BEST PRICE GUARANTEED!

082-521-3094 / 082-923-3541


Meubels / Furniture Yskaste - Freezers 082-565-7892 /



*!6-1= ! #1= + /! 1=+ / ( !1= & ! !=! = ! ! = ! =+-!( = ! ( % 3


DAK DOKTER Alle tipe waterdigting en herstelwerk. Tot en met 10 jaar waarborg op alle werk. Kontak

012-653-7227/8 083-608-2157

huishoudelike toestelle, ook

geysers, swembadmotors, hekmotors ens. Bel Steve vir 'n gratis kwotasie. 012-

379-3502 072-741-2624 alle ure



BY DIE HUIS W/masjiene, Ys/Vrieskas T/droers & Stowe, Skottel- wassers. Speed Queen, Defy W/pool, LG, Samsung. 082-555-0031 RA/0515769

A C T I V E SAT A pro job

DSTV All installations & repairs

Trevor 079-296-9309

Electric fence + CCTV Repairs, maintenance and new installations.

Jan 082-711-3080 RA/0489705





For All maintenance repairs. Painting, Ceilings, general repairs.

*DSTV's *HDPVR's * EXTRA VIEW *EXTRA TV POINTS *SURROUND SOUND Owner installer. Nico 082-803-3345




CASH FOR GOLD !! We pay up to R400/gr We come and collect 512 Bosman St. 084-755-8443 RA/0515122

0 = ,

All pool maintenance. Weekly or monthly. Arrie 082-338-5729 ra/0516019


Lek jou swembad? Barracuda werk nie? Bel Alwyn 072-068-6200 Alle Herstelwerk Re-marbelite Pomp & filter 'new pools' Gratis kwotasies RA/0515993

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Supply & Install nets, covers, heating for all swimming pools & jacuzzi's, Martinus

* A=5?<=666=76;7 A=567=;:<=:5:9

)*=$' ) , ' *

SWIMMING POOL repair, new or maintenance with 29 years experience you will get the best prices and top quality Andre

* Int / Ext wall painting * Waterproofing / Painting all type of roofs * Thermoflex systems * Residential / Industrial * New fascia boards, gutters, ceilings * 7 Year guarantee * References available * On site supervision Free Quotations

Lock Stock & Barrel 012-348-0325 083-556-6767 RA/0515984

Problem with geyser, toilet, burst pipe, water & roof leaks, gutters, leaking basins and zinks, carports, palisades, gates, painting, ceilings. We do it all!.

083-255-3064 RA/0515236


installations * Single view * Extra view * HD * Signal problems * Relocations Where customer service is just the beginning

! 1= ! =B= !

Chris 083-415-2494 ra/0515858

ALL WASHLINES 082-748-5299 / 012-542-1589 RA/0504810

Alle Elektriese & Loodgieterwerk. Skakel Albertus 082-561-2213

www.micapools.co.za RA/0514745







(20 Years) foam, upholstery, lounge suites, wingbacks, dining chairs etc. Curtaining Samples.

Dressmaking & Fashion Design Classes. Beginners, Advanced. Also Knitting. Tweetalig.

sliding doors, windows, showers, mirrors, glass repairs. Econo Glass & Aluminium Factory prices

Ashley 083-632-3914

Denise 082-402-5062

Kobus 082-818-6611




072-495-3171 www.centum.co.za


* Blocked drains * Geyser replace/repair * Leaking taps * Toilets & burst pipes

THE CARPENTER Professionele installasies van: Deure, Dekke, Skirtings, Laminated Flooring, Ingeboude kaste, Afdakke, Drywalling,ens

Nico 082-556-0780

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Elektriese sertifikate, herstel + installasies 082-448-7290 RA/0504421

HSH ELEKTRIES Alle nuwe elektriese installasies, herstelwerk / instandhoudingswerk, fout opsporing en elektriese sertifikate.

Skakel Hercules 082-

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Bathroom renovations, blocked drains + toilets. Valves, geysers and burst pipes. SPEEDYPLUMBING

Hein 074-165-9138 AAN DIENS 24 UUR

1st TEK LOODGIETERS Verstopte riole, geysers, toilette.

012-998-0002 082-662-4103 aanbouning

FRITZ PLUMBERS Drains, geysers, leaks


ABSOLUTE PEST CONTROL Free Quotes!! We beat any written qoutes.

012-662-1043 082-741-8438

1st TEK ELECTRICAL Earth leakages, Stoves, Plugs, Lights, Geysers, Pool pumps, Borehole pumps, Gate motors, COC's etc

LAWN TREATMENT PROGRAMS Pest control. Weed control. Fertilizers. Ants. Robert

082-821-6394 ra/0515859

cc Pest control & termites

086-100-0893 24 / 7 082-574-5455 RA/0505274

Van Dyk Pest Control Free Quotes, 13 Years exp Ben 074-891-5410 RA/0494765

073-388-4908 RA/0497759

Aan diens 24-uur Herstelwerk, installasies & sertifikate

082-662-4103 RA/0497752


All areas in PTA NO CALL OUT FEES!!! For ALL your plumbing needs

Call Cactus Plumbing 083-261-5658 / 082-610-7603 RA/0514144

Alle Geysers, Drains, Toilette, pype ens. Andries Loodgieters

No call out fee. 012-377-3905 072-390-1559 RA/0510797

BESTE PRYSE vir dreine, geysers en waterlekke. ALL-IN-ALL

082-448-7290 RA/0504420

Betroubare Gekwalifiseerde Loodgieter Onderhoud en konstruksie. GEEN UITROEPKOSTE Erwee 079-435-7389 RA/0515950

G J van Lis PLUMBER Personalised service/ Persoonlike diens.

GIJIMA Plumbers (Reg / Kwal) Alle Solar / Heatpump / Loodgieter konstruksie en onderhoud

Louis 076-586-4954 ra/0515277

ASPIGON Electrical Problems? Integrity & Honesty Our motto Free quotes, Owner's Supervision & COC's


AANBOUINGS 072-292-2076 079-397-5262 Bouwerk, Verbeterings, Loodgieterswerk, Verfwerk asook elektries, bouplanne en algehele projekbestuur.

Vakmanskap gewaarborg. RA/0515159


ATTERBURY ELEKTRIES Vir alle elektriese dienste

GEEN UITROEP KOSTE in Ooste van Pta. 071-672-1425 ra/0515982

082-339-6135 082-441-0335 RA/0515180

ARG. BOUPLANNE 072-141-4731 RA/0516010

1311 of 012-333-5241 ra/0514123

BETROUBARE elektriese onderhoud. GEEN UITROEPKOSTE Erwee 079-435-7389


BUILDING Alterations, small and big. Free quotations. John 082-350-2380 ra/0515174


BHC ELECTRICAL Certificate of Compliance New Installations, Domestic and Industrial Installations and Repairs, Light, Plugs, Stoves, etc.

Henry 083-270-5808 RA/0514638

Betroubare, eerlike

BOUER om herstelwerk, verfwerk veranderings of aanbouings aan u huis te doen. Ons installeer ook reĂŤnwater- stelsels. Kontak Neels by 072-353-9999 RA/0515777

DIAL AN ELECTRICIAN EST. 1996 24/7 SAME-DAY service Free Quotes. Power Failures. Generators, Stoves, Lights, Plugs, Geysers, Pool & Borehole Pumps, Gate Motors, Intercoms. 012-809-0204 / 012-663-5608 All hrs: 083-575-2052 RA/0514158

GROOT VERSKEIDENHEID kleistene. Alle "stone age" Stene vanaf R80/m² RA/0497389

Willcue Construction

New buildings, alterations / bathroom, kitchen renovations

Willi 012-548-0653 NHBRC since 1990 ra/0512798

! ! !

! ! !

3 ! - % ! ! !3 3

Sand, Klip, Stene, Bogrond, Kompos, Speelsand, Brick force, DPC, Lintels, sement, ens.

BENODIG U 'N Kontak Hentie 084-721-


Bestuur sedert 1982 SKOU-AANBOD, 2 Jaar waarborg, Stene gelê teen R30/m². Gekleurde stene R45/m².




VILLAGE PAVE BK 012-324-4632 / 083-314-9798


Aan diens 24-uur



!!= ( 3 0 +=% !! 3

nuwe installasies en sertifikate. Willie 082-786-2805




Gustaaf: 072-222-7233 33 Yrs' exp. 012-547-0901

3&(- "( $3 3

AAN Aardfoute, herbedrading kan ek aandag gee,

Interior / Exterior. Damp treatment. Waterproofing. Owner Supervision. Free Quote & Best prices. Call 072-763-8285


Pest Control Services 24/7


871-0368 / 072-382-3441




E=$' )=), * =*"= = " =$'

076-787-4075 or visit

Herstelwerk binne en buite die huis. Verf-, teĂŤl-, loodgieter-, staal-, aanbou-, elektries-, houtwerk. Alles waaraan jy kan dink. Beste diens en pryse. Rika 071-227-5404 of Pierre 079-808-4317



3#( & ( !% - 3 3


24 hrs

" = ",')

Gerry 082-356-9943



)*= !. * ! . , )

NEED AROUND YOUR HOUSE. Also Hang doors, painting, lam floors.


All areas


Call Albert: 082-572-7842

012-809-0204 / 012-663-5608 All Hrs: 083-575-2052



All do





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TOPTV Installations & repairs.

2='6;5 $ 2='799 $ 2='955 $ 2='9<< $ 2=':55 $ 2='7:5 $ 2='====; $=


082-565-7239 / 012-335-9519

All installations & upgrades:

24/7 DSTV &

0 =$ ==@ 6: = 6? 77 7: #- ( / )(-

Persoonlike toesig. Alle werke, bou, verf en "plumbing". Hang van deure. 083-446-4266

Accredited installer for








Nico 012-548-3624

Tyronne 082-557-5667 012-653-8252


8=! =4=, 0 * == ! =B= ! == 0 ' 8=) . ' 8= ! ) 8= ', '' ) 8=# * ,

All Phase Plumbing



* DSTV & HDPVR's * SURROUND SOUND Owner installer. Professional service

Looking for a Plumber & domestic LP Gas installer that's reliable, professional, well-priced and work guaranteed? No call-out fee Johan Fourie 082-093-7650


All Unwanted or Broken Gold & Diamond Jewellery, GOLD COINS INSTANT CASH. Do travel 24/7.

Aan diens



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Gate & Garage automation

Green installations, burst pipes & leaks. Martin 072-374-4105




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PAVE-LINK For all types of paving. Special on HalfStockbricks Paving Quality Workmanship! 072-664-7001



BOUPLANNE BUILDING PLANS Peet 082-496-4251 ra/0515246


DENSA CLEANING SERVICES t/a SKITTERBLINK Do you have problems with cleaning your house or office? WE DO IT ALL We use our own products Ironing, vacuuming, spring cleaning, window cleaning, carpet cleaning, dishes, dusting, etc. Pre-occupational cleaning. ONCE-OFF or WEEKLY Denise 083-453-2157 Santa 082-393-4893 RA/0504998

Absolutely affordable EXTREME CLEANING SERVICES domestic & commercial cleaning: once-off, weekly, pre-occupational.

Lorinda 082-495-8396 RA/0508523

Absolutely affordable

Bouplanne * NHBRC

EXTREME CLEANING SERVICES Trained domestic cleaners for placement

Jacques 082-335-7456

Lorinda 082-495-8396

J & M AANBOUINGS Aanbouings, verbeterings Elektries en loodgieter.





Absolutely affordable

Aaklig & aanstootlike bome



Commercial & Domestic

082-443-0088. 10% Minder as verseker. Eienaartoesig. CAREL ra/0490317

911 - 911



Absolutely affordable EFFECTIVE CLEANING

Aaklige & aanstootlike bome

Sloop, Snoei, Verwyder Hyskraan Trok, Sekelbos R10. Vol versek. 25 Jr ondv


FBI ONE STOP SERVICES Domestic, carpets, upholstery & maintenance handyman services Sonia 084-583-5952 RA/0497280

ACE CARPETS Standard room from R70. L/suite from R50 per seat. & Tile / Wooden flrs.General cleaing 082-269-2251 ra/0507437

All Domestic Solutions Once off cleaning & contract PRO DOMESTIC 012-567-1445 / 082-823-5045

HANNES RA/0497341

TUINAFVALVERWYDERING 083-450-0593 / 012-347-5550 ra/0509048

Mon - Sat + Supervision Carpets, Furniture, Leather Windows, Matresses. Once -off Spring Cleaning Alta: 082-395-6449 361-4123/ 663-4416/ 331-7883 / 546-6158 www.altokleen.co.za


MAGNOLIE TUINDIENSTE * Volledige dienste * Eenmalige skoonmaak * Tuinuitleg * Kitsgras ANSU 082-887-1952 RA/0514703


AMAZING SUPER CLEAN Deep clean - carpets, l/suites & mattresses. (No hidden costs). Mike 083-229-8046 081-328-8838

SLEEPERS & SLEEPER PLANKS for gardens and furniture 012-664-5808 / 7103 (w) 076-142-1249 RA/0514117


082 353 9600 ra/0492895

Flash Steam Cleaners 082-490-1195 / 012-542-2275 ra/0506939

General Cleaning Services Domestic / Industrial Sinah 072-105-2424 RA/0515867

MARINA MATWASSERS Profesionele stoomskoonmaakdienste matte/ sitkamerstelle/matrasse 25 Years in Bussiness

Allen 082-754-7734 RA/0516021

MATSKOONMAAK Droog binne 15 min. Eienaar werk self

Elna 072-958-0697


BLITSBOME Moet geen boom laat sny

BRAND'S TREE FELLING Fully Insured. 0861-708-000 all hr brandstf@mweb.co.za RA/0513640

TREE FELLING ROBERT'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES CC. We specialise in: Garden refuse & building rubble removals. Garden service & cleaning of sites and building. Working under professional supervision 083-752-0001 ra/0512548

MEUBEL VERVOER DAVID 072-171-4817 alcari@polka.co.za ra/0514625




AUSTEN Meubel- en Kantoorvervoer

012-379-9559 RA/0505181


Medical Admin Co. is seeking

GOEIE DIENS is ons leuse! 5 - 8 Ton trokke te huur met drywer. Shaun 083-646-7082


Meubels, rommel, gras & klip. Alle vervoer.

## # # ## # #

# #

! " " $ ! ! % 3 *' 836*13 (3# 836*-3 ( 3 $

083-562-2571 ra/0497546


Toesig gewaarborg. Gerhardt 012-331-5348 / 072-283-5114. ra/0497387



Aabacus Tree Felling cc Gratis Boomsloping *Kwotasies *Uithaal van stompe *24 Hrs - Versekering *Erf skoonmaak Skakel Danie

of Johanna 076-094-7233 RA/0515433

Everything in fencing RA/0513312

Elektroniese sekuriteit teen

& " 3+3 3 3

" 3% " 5 082-746-7755

sakpas pryse, hekmotors, elektriese heinings, kamerassisteme.

.3 3 3 ( & .3 " 3 " .3 & 3 ( .3 3 &


Aabacus Tree Felling cc Gratis Boomsloping *Kwotasies *Uithaal van stompe *24 Hrs - Versekering *Erf skoonmaak Skakel Danie of Johanna 076-094-7233

Skakel Louis vir gratis kwotasie 083-200-8093 RA/0514699

STEYNIES AUTOMATION Repairs & installations. Gate motors, garage doors & intercoms. General maintenance. Johan 083-292-0637 ra/0515983


Aaklig & aanstootlike bome




1.5 Ton Vanaf R250 2.0 Ton Vanaf R350 4.0 Ton Vanaf R450

10% Minder as enige kwotasie. 25 Jr ondervinding. Ten volle verseker. Eienaartoesig. CAREL ra/0490316

Bourommel, Tuinvullis, alg. vervoer, asook mini trekke, kort en lang afstand.

Bertie by 082-501-1463 vir 'n gratis kwotasie ra/0508185

Energetic admin and salesperson required for a veterinary clinic in Die Wilgers, Pretora East. * Applicants must be able to work long and flexible hours, including weekends. Must be computer literate and fully bilingual. Must reside in Pretoria and have own transport. Email CV to vet@wilgersvet.co.za

fax 086 589 0241 RA/0515994

Leading Financial Institution is looking for dynamic Sales Consultants in the

Good basic + commission

Ons Holding Company in Kaapstad wat 23jaar bestaan, brei nou uit na Pretoria 4 Nuwe takke Ons benodig: 4 Bestuurders 8 Individue om opgelei te word as Bestuurders. (18-35j) (Let wel: moet onmiddellik begin) Ons bied: *Uitstekende bevorderingsmoontlikhede *Basies R126 000pj *Medies, pensioen

Geen kansvatters nie SKAKEL 012-543-2138 RA/0515803


Alinah: 071-251-4477. Soek Ma, Wo & Vry. Betr. Hardw. Ref: 076-292-5080. Aanbeveel.

Applicants meeting the following qualifying criteria needs to apply: * Matriculation, Diploma or Degree will be an advantage * Valid driver's license & own transport * Proven strong sales background and networks. All interested candidates to send a detailed CV with contact details to fax no 086-527-8334


All Domestic Solutions. Placing of Domestic workers, tea-ladies. UIF reg. We also do Housekeeping, Cook & Bake training.

Pro Domestic. 012-567-1445/082-823-5045

www.prodomestic.co.za RA/0506943

ANNA 083-431-1158 seeks Mon & Thu. Childcare, cleans. Ref: 082-883-6622 honest, RA/0515944

ANNAH 076-168-9011 Seeks Mon, Wed & Fri. Sleep out. hardw. Ref: 012-335-5237

If you do not hear from us within 1 week, you can assume your application has been unsuccessful


Annah 082-410-2952. Seeks 5 days (piece work) in Pta-East. Reliable. RA/0515831


Annah seeks full-time/piece work. Sleep out. Ref avail. Asset. 072-767-6467

Sukkel jy om werk te kry? Eie vervoer.


Opleiding word verskaf. Enige iemand kan aansoek doen. Bets 012-345-5628 074-165-5566

ANS Bediendes 012-345-4068 + faks. 24 jaar diens




BAIE BETROUBARE HUISHULPE. Met verw, kontrak & UIF. 23 jaar in bedryf. Marthie

poste beskikbaar in

012-993-1590. ra/0497279

Pretoria Moot en Silver Lakes area

Salaris onderhandelbaar.



Alina seeks full-time (Mon Fri), sleep in. Cooks, Childcare, Irons, Cleans, Diligent. 084-060-9976

experienced in selling Banking Products.

Salary between R3 500 - R6 000 Own transport. Computer literate, very presentable, good typing skills, accurate. Application to be sent to clientcare13@ precisionmed.co.za 086-635-7980

ALINA 078-774-8412 soek stukwerk vir Ma, Wo & Vry. Verw: 083-459-3260

Pretoria area,

to be placed at our offices in Lynnwood for a period of 6 months. To start ASAP.



.3 * " .3# " 3 ( & .3 " "

Garden Waste Removal Zelda 071-108-1580

R350 - 5 Room Home With R300 - Lounge Suite




in die verpakkings-/ groothandelbedryf. KliĂŤntediens, goeie kommunikasie, verkoops- en sterk administratiewe vaardighede 'n absolute noodsaaklikheid. Kennis/ondervinding van Pastel Evolution 'n bonus!


! #$! !3 ' :) 3/23*3,704;3 3 " 393 " 3










Bokse te koop.

082-300-5044 076-729-8369 071-682-5201


PICK ME CARPET CLEANERS 4 Rooms: R450 Colin 083-281-8460




Fantastiese nuwe holistiese en organiese Spa in Lynnwoodstr. Baie promosies in die maand wat kom. Kontak Marli 072-784-9240

This well-known & trusted brand (over 100 yrs old) seeks strong Mng Acc due to growth. This role will expose you to FMCG, manufacturing & agriculture sectors. You will be dynamic, strong character with solid acc exp. Bcom + 3 - 5 yrs similar exp. Afrikaans fluent a must

Bel Kassie vir meubelvervoer.

UPMOST AFFORDABLE marietjietransport@ gmail.com


PICK ME CARPET CLEANERS 4 Rooms: R450 Colin 083-281-8460

Management Accountant, Pta East R320K pa

2 Posisies beskikb. Tussen die ouderdom van 22 en 30 jaar vir ons kantore in Centurion. VEREISTES: • Eie betroubare vervoer. • Selfoon • 2 jaar werksondervinding • Eerlik en hardwerkend. PAKKET: Basies, Kommissie, petrol en sel toelae. Skakel Zelmarie vir meer inligting by

012-548-9317 082-454-8159


Boomsloping / stompe / alle palms. Gratis kwotasies.


Irrigation Leon 083-285-4508




Landscaping &



van Gert Steyn nie!




sonder 'n kwotasie

GARDEN SERVICE Crash Clean ups Landscaping Anni 082-530-9926

ABC MINI MAXI MOVERS Local and long distance H/O 011-917-3823 Fax: 086-639-8456 Cell: 083-620-2454



Allerbeste en flinke diens



BEL ONS VIR 'N GRATIS KWOTASIE BESTE PRYSE En vele meer. Ten volle versekerd. Eienaarstoesig. Rufus

Alle Kwotasies Gratis



enige kwotasie. 25 Jr ondervinding. Ten volle

Carpet Cleaning 084-511-2843 Waterkloof 072-512-4933 Brooklyn 072-512-4933


Ironing, Vacuuming, Windows, Once-off / weekly Pre - & Post Occupational Cleaning * Personal Assistant * Safe & Secure

& afstootlike bome




Beauty Mon, Wed & Fri piece work / full-time. Asset. Reliable. Diligent. 071-492-5907 RA/0515706

Betroubare, ervare huishulp soek werk vir Dinsdae en Donderdae. Verwysing beskikbaar. Kontak Leah by 072-657-3247 RA/0515932

BETTY seeks full-time slp out, hardw, reliable, cleans, irons ref avail. 072-864-1808 RA/0515869

BUSI: seeks Tue & Fri piece job. Exc 4 yr ref. Highly recommended. 078-392-5231 RA/0515547

Faks CV na

086-621-2328 RA/0514595

VERKOOPSDAME dringend gesoek deur 'n hout verwerkingsmaatskappy in Waltloo, PretoriaOos. Salaris onderhandelbaar. Aansoek moet gedoen word dmv 'n CV te stuur na

GLORIA 083-426-9689 Seeks job as Office Cleaner / Kitchen work. Loyal, Honest. Hardw RA/0515500

Secretary / Office Assistant Immediately available. Esther Vilakazi 084-878-4719 RA/0515915

SYDNEY 073-173-9745 Seeks job as driver. Code 10 lisence with PDP. More than 10yr exp. RA/0515871

WINNIE 076-942-8875 Seeks job as Office Cleaner. Honest Hardw, Reliable. Loyal RA/0515502


Cecilia: 076-183-8036. Seeks piece job Mon, Wed, Fri. Slp out. Ref: grahamwill@hsmi.co.za RA/0515822

CYNTHIA: seeks full-time slp out. Excellent ref. Cooks, childcare. 078-745-2310 RA/0515810

ELINA seeks Monday - Friday. Reliable. Ref avail. Hardw. Asset. 082-799-0120 RA/0515847

ELIZABETH 072-080-3240 seeks piece work for Mon, Wed & Fri. Ref: 072-460-2707 RA/0515716

Ella 073-572-1194 sks full-time sleep in. Ref: 082-303-5508 / 084-568-3404 RA/0515977



Ester soek voltyds slaap in. Verw. Betr. Hardw. Aanwins. Stil geaardheid. 076-227-7131 RA/0515364


Francinah seeks full-time, sleep in. Ref avail. Hardw. Asset. Diligent. 071-310-7392

Lynnwood Bridge Retail Centre & Hazeldean Square Shopping Centre

Getrude: 071-031-2702. Seeks Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri & Sat. Sleep out/in. Ref: 082-693-6971

Send CV to 086-762-7417 REF: LBR/HZD


PC SHRINK Tired of constant misunderstandings with your PC? Get prof. help! From the smallest character deficiency right up to open hard drive surgery. We will solve your problems on your premises quickly



Ingrid seeks full-time, sleep out. Reliable. Ref avail. Hardw. Asset. 073-408-1852 RA/0515836

ISSAH seeks piece work for Mon, Wed & Fri. REF avail. Hardw. 083-349-0227 RA/0515848


JOANA 083-589-0093 Seeks full-time job. Sleep in. Ref: 083-384-0257 Joyce



JOHANNA 078-375-2518 soek Ma - Vr stukw. Uitstekende verw. Skakel 081-689-3533

PC Shop 082 667 1191 012 667 1111 ra/0485599


Joyce: 079-221-4126. Seeks piece job Mon, Wed, Fri. sleep in. Recomm. Ref: 082-583-7216 RA/0515837




JULIA: full-time / piece work sleep out. Excel ref. Childcare. Cooks. 072-917-0751 Reliable. RA/0515839

LEAH 073-367-8015 Seeks full-time job. Sleep in. Ref avail. Hardw. Loyal. RA/0515877

LETTY full-time/piece work sleep in/out, childcare. Honest. Hardw. 073-276-5037 ra/0515942

LINAH seeks Mo & Thu, hardw, reliable, cleans, irons. Speak Afrikaans 082-649-8284 ra/0515391

LINAH seeks Mon, Wed & Fri. REF. Hardw, neat, cleans, irons. Honest, loyal. 072-536-5734



EIENDOMME Meenthuise te huur vanaf

Huise en meenthuise benodig Johann 083-432-9052

R3 800 - R5 000 KONTAK Joey / Jakkie


083-676-0114 / 012-807-0523 ra/0514883


LINAH: seeks Mon, Wed & Fri piece job. Excellent ref. Hardw. 079-760-7519 Recommended



Lindiwe seeks full-time, sleep out. Reliable. Honest. Asset. Hardw. 074-927-2245 RA/0515752

Lucia soek Ma - Vr, slaap in. Verw beskik. Aanwins. Hardw. Aanbeveel. 079-468-1980 RA/0515481

LYDIA: Seeks full-time, sleep in. Childcare. Ref avail. Hardw. Neat. 081-378-7006 ra/0515483

MARIA asks full-time, sleep out. Ref avail. Asset. Hardw. Recomm. 076-532-6290 RA/0515943

MARIA seeks full-time sleep in/out. Excellent ref. Cooks, childcare. 073-921-0702 RA/0515821

Maria soek vaste werk (Ma Vry), inslaap. Verw beskik. Aanwins. 071-975-0449 RA/0515997

NELLY seeks full-time sleep in. Excellent ref. Hardw, reliable, cleans, irons. 072-406-2650 RA/0515829

Pateka 072-699-6910 seeks Mon - Fri. Piece job or full-time Sleep out. Reliable. Honest. RA/0515767

PRECIOUS: 076-500-7162 Seeks piece work for Mon, Wed & Fri. Excel Ref avail. RA/0515462

Ruth seeks full-time, sleep out/in. Reliable. Ref avail. Hardw. Asset. 072-661-7518

DIE WILGERS Gemeubileerde EenmanTuinwoonstel. Mans alleenlik

R2 250 pm W & L ings Beskik 1 Mei

083-259-5588 RA/0515720

GEZINA Ruim Bachelor woonstel in sekuriteitsblok met veilige parkering. Naby Steve Biko Akademiese Hospitaal. 1 Mei 2012

R2 400 pm 012-567-4473 / 073-614-7814 RA/0515852

Newly developed 1 & 2 bedr flats TO LET. Silway, 617 Pretoria Road, Silverton. Close to shopping centre, schools and on bus route. FREE gift for successful applicants

Tel: 012 319-8700 RA/0515917


SALPHINA seeks full-time sleep in work. Childcare, can cook. 079-676-8575 RA/0515947

Sarah seeks Mon, Wed Thu & Fri. Ref avail. Hardw. Diligent. Asset. 072-057-1849 RA/0515398

Sinah seeks full-time, sleep out. Reliable. Honest. Asset. Diligent. 076-927-7780 RA/0515427

Soek voltyds inslaap werk. Kan kook, goed met kinders. 076-750-4186 RA/0515873

Sophie het 17 jaar verw. Afrikaans. Sy soek vaste, inslaap werk. Werkg verhuis. Kontak Lucia 083-258-2227 / Sophie 079-222-4889

WATERKLOOF RIF ESTATES Tuinwoonstel. 1 Slk, studeerk, sitkamer, kombuis, wasmasjien, yskas, mikrogolf en stoof, stort en toilet. Eie onthaalarea + swembad. Onderdak parkering.

R2 800 pm + dep. W & L uitgesluit Geen kinders / diere nie. Beskik. 1 Junie

072-048-5712 ra/0515954


Sylvia seeks Tue & Thu. Has ref. Diligent. Hardw. Asset. 076-914-6714 RA/0515849

WELHEMINAH seeks Mon, Wed & Fri. Recommended by ex-employee. 072-026-2777 RA/0515775

CENTURION LYTTELTON Kamer te huur in Kommune.

R1 950 pm.


William 071-350-1246 Goeie tuinwerker soek Do & Vry ra/0514606

WILLIAM: 076-712-7760 Seeks garden work for Wed . Excel 14 year. Ref: 083-206-6282 ra/0515938

Onmiddellik beskikbaar. 082-458-4963 RA/0515593


Ruim, sonnige 2 slk hoekeenheid. Beskikbaar 1 Mei of 1 Junie.

All with kitchenettes & bathrooms in this luxury hotel-style retirement centre. Bright and congenial surroundings Fine cuisine, hairdresser and library. Well equipped 20 bedr Frail Care with 24/7 nursing. Units for Sale / Rent. Prices varies R76 000 - R155 000 Now selling: * 3 x Double Units (1 bedr) *5 x Single units * 1 x Bachelor Rental



Kontak Eienaar

R2 500 pm


Lynnwood Glen Gemeubileerde kamers te huur vir selfversorgende bejaardes. Ingesluit: Etes, W & E, skoonmaak dienste, Huislike atmosfeer Kontak 082-779-0056 RA/0515758

Adriaan Marais en Chanell Moffat van die dansgroep Fusion het die afgelope naweek ’n konsert ten bate van graad 10-leerling aan Pro Arte Alphen Park, Lebogang Tabane, gehou, wat verlede jaar met nie-Hodgkin se limfoomkanker gediagnoseer is. Marais is ’n graad 12-leerling aan die skool en het al voorheen ook sy dansgroep ingespan vir ’n Cancer Tribute Show.

Phone Office Hours 012-341-7600 Mrs Janse v Rensburg

R2 000 per dag.


Groep dans ten bate van kankerlyer

Rosendal Retirement Centre

R3 000 pm Avail 1 May

Carla van Huyssteen takes the women’s title at the ATU Cross Triathlon African Championships at The Islands Estate, Hartbeestpoort recently. Photo: Studio K


Unfurnished room


events due to international triathlon commitments, Sterk was a relatively unknown quantity coming into the race. He got off to a cautious start in the 1km canal swim, emerging from the water in fourth position. At this point, pre-race favourite and SA champ Theo Blignaut led the field by a minute, followed by Naudé and Van der Mescht. “I normally lose some time to the top swimmers, so I decided to take it a bit easier and be fresher for the bike,” said Sterk. Van Huyssteen said she was also delighted with her title. She said Sloane and Van Tromp had raced extremely hard from the outset. They came out of the water together, but Van Huyssteen was first into the transition area and created a gap early on the bike. After losing them on a technical section 10km into the course, she opened up a twoand-a-half minute lead, which she extended on the trail run to ensure a clear-cut victory.

R4 000 pm

ELARDUSPARK Furnished room to rent

Eie badk. W & l ingesl,dep benodig. Onmidd beskikb. 083-289-2851

Pretoria athletes Nico Sterk and Carla van Huyssteen overcame a strong field to triumph in the ATU Cross Triathlon African Championships at The Islands Estate at Hartbeespoort recently. Sterk (1:40:38), who took third place in the South African Cross Triathlon Championships in Bloemfontein three weeks ago, beat national u.23 triathlon champion Rudolf Naudé and Sasol events winner Pieter van der Mescht. In the women’s race, Van Huyssteen (1:47:41) fended off challengers Susan Sloane and Sylvia van Tromp, to cross the line first. By adding the African gold medal to her national XTERRA title, the 27-year-old cemented her place at the ITU Cross Triathlon World Championships in Alabama, United States, in May. The race was the culmination of four Sasol-sponsored off-road events, the first three were won by Van Huyssteen and Van der Mescht. Having missed the Sasol

plus heffing. 084-657-4628

Bilene Club Lodge Praia du Bilene 2 slk eenheid met 2 badk, slaap 6 persone, ten volle toegeruste kombuis, DSTV, sit-/eetk met stoep. 22 - 29 Junie 2012 en of 29 Junie - 06 Julie 2012.


PIET seeks gardening work from Mon - Sat. Ref avail. 073-937-3790

R5 000pm of te koop @ R1.2milj.


Stefina - Well spoken, honest and reliable. Avail Tue & Thu. Works independantly and in organized manner. Ref avail. 072-425-6073

Naby Mooikloof. In aftree-oord. 2 slaapk huis, 2 badk, Dubbel-motorhuis. Sekuriteitskompleks.

Pretoria athletes overcome strong field of contestants

Legende oefen saam met Wonnies Koos Venter Landloopatlete van die Hoërskool Wonderboom kan hulself besonder bevoorreg ag, aangesien hulle deesdae een van Suid-Afrika se grootste atletieklegendes as oefenmaat het. Zola (Budd) Pieterse is tans besig met intensiewe voorbereiding vir vanjaar se Comrades-marathon. Sy werk met ’n program wat deur die ‘Koning van die Comrades’, Bruce Fordyce, vir haar uitgewerk is en volgens haar is

Aprilmaand se program een van die heel belangrikstes in die aanloop tot die wedloop. Hoërskool Wonderboom, wat teen die hang van die Magaliesberg geleë is, se terrein is baie geskik vir die soort oefening wat Pieterse tans moet doen. Dit is een van die redes waarom sy besluit het om daar te oefen. Pieterse het aan Rekord gesê dat voorbereiding vir die Comrades baie eensame ure op die pad kan beteken en daarom geniet sy dit om saam met Wonderboom se landloopspan te oefen.


SUIDKUS! Vakansie akkom.

082-785-9110 www.agape-estates.co.za RA/0496674

UVONGO / MARGATE Nuwe, luukse oopplan 3 slk woonstel met 2 badk. Grondvloer. Seeuitsig. S/bad, DStv. Jaco 082-324-8872 RA/0514160

Die atletieklegende, Zola (Budd) Pieterse saam met die belowende Labuschagne-drieling van Hoërskool Wonderboom. Van links is Alicia, Olivia en Sindy, met Pieterse tussen hulle.

Dié skool het ’n baie sterk landloopspan, wat die Labuschagnedrieling, Olivia, Alicia en Sindy, insluit. Hierdie drie blonde meisies is besig om opslae in die atletiekwêreld te maak en hulle het vanjaar die eerste drie plekke in die 2 000m-hindernisitem op die SA Junior-kampioenskap behaal. Pieterse het gesê hoewel sy mik na ’n tyd van ongeveer agt ure in die Comrades, hardloop sy teen haarself en nie noodwendig om ’n plek onder die voorste vroue los te hardloop nie. Sy het vroeër vanjaar die Twee Oseane-ultramarathon in Kaapstad, wat vanjaar in gure weer plaasgevind het, in 4:29:51 voltooi. Dié 45-jarige ma van drie tieners sê sy glo sy is nou op die regte ouderdom om langer wedlope aan te pak en vanjaar mag dalk die begin van ’n hele paar Comrades-marathons wees. Pieterse, wat tans nog saam met haar gesin in Amerika woon, ondersoek ook die moontlikheid om aan driekampkompetisies deel te neem en volgens haar is dit nie onmoontlik dat sy binnekort ook die moordende Ysterman-kompetisie sal aandurf nie.




NuPower Tuks-eindstryd kry plaaslike kleur Koos Venter Die krag van skolerugby in Pretoria is die afgelope Saterdag in die Tuks-rugbystadion bevestig, toe twee plaaslike rugbyspanne na die eindstryd van die gesogte NuPower Tuks-reeks deurgedring het. Hoërskool Waterkloof en Hoërskool Centurion durf mekaar op 5 Mei in die eindstryd aan, nadat hulle met onderskeidelik Hoërskool Nelspruit en Hoërskool dr. EG Jansen afgereken het.

Sover bekend is dit die eerste keer dat twee plaaslike skole mekaar in die eindrondte van hierdie toernooi aandurf. Hoewel Waterkloof aan die begin harde bene gekou het teen Nelspruit, het hulle in die laaste kwart van die wedstryd die oorhand begin kry. Die Klofies het uiteindelik met 49-22 gewen. Dié wedstryd het soms opwindende rugby opgelewer en die manne van die Laeveld het Waterkloof se verdediging

Lourens Boddington van Waterkloof op die aanval in Saterdag se halfeindrondte van die NuPower Tuks-sportreeks teen Nelspruit. Marnus Steyn en Ian Barnard is sy spanmaats wat gereed is om hom te ondersteun.

veral in die eerste helfte behoorlik getoets. - Centurion se vertoning was vir baie toeskouers ’n verrassing. Dié span het die seisoen stadig begin en selfs in ’n stadium teen die verwagting in teen Pietersburg verloor. Hulle het egter al hoe beter begin speel. Verlede week het hulle die sterk span van Hoërskool Kempton Park in die kwarteindronde uitgeskakel. Baie kenners het egter gedink dat Hoërskool dr. EG Jansen, met hul makro-agtal,

die oorhand oor die manne van Centurion sal kry. Dié skool was immers die gunsteling om die toernooi te wen. Centurion het egter soms skitterende hardlooprugby gespeel en uiteindelik was hul fiksheid ook een te veel vir die Oosranders se swaar voorspelers wat nie in die laaste tien minute kon byhou nie. Centurion se twee drieë in hierdie tydperk het hul oorwinning van 49-35 verseël.

Waterkloof se briljante flank, Sean Pike, op die aanval in Saterdag se halfeindrondte van die NuPower Tuksreeks teen Nelspruit. Van links is Jovan Erasmus, Nardus Erasmus en Xander van Wyk byderhand om te ondersteun. Foto’s: GB Jordaan

Dis weer tyd vir die Wally Hayward-marathon Die Alpha Centurion Hardlopers- en Stappers-klub (ACRW) bied vanjaar vir die 36e keer die Wally Hayward-marathon aan. Met hierdie gewilde wedren, word die legendariese Wally Hayward vereer. Vanjaar gaan verskeie liefdadigheidsorganisasies by ‘Die Wally’, soos die wedloop bekendstaan, baat vind. Cansa, die DBV (Centurion), Pink Drive, Amadeakinderskuiling, Kwaggasrand-reddingsdaad en die Tshwane-kindersorg is onder die begunstigdes. Benewens die marathon (wat terloops die laaste marathon in Pretoria is waar

atlete vir die 2012-Comrades kan kwalifiseer) en die halfmarathon, is daar vir die minder fikses ’n 10km- en ’n 5km-pretdraf. Al die wedlope begin en eindig by Hoërskool Zwartkop in Centurion. Die 42,2km lok veral baie belangstelling. Selfs so ver as van Kenia is navrae ontvang en ’n atleet uit Hong Kong het ook vanjaar vir Die Wally ingeskryf as sy keuse om ’n wedloop in Afrika te doen. Die roete is dieselfde as verlede jaar en is relatief plat en vinnig. ’n 10km Eco-wedren word vanjaar vir die eerste keer aangebied en blyk baie

gewild te wees. Die roete daarvan volg die wandelpaadjies langs die Hennopsrivier oor die wal van die Centurionmeer, al om die meer en terug na die skool, waar dit ook eindig. Die roete is plat, maar het so hier en daar ’n verrassing. Daar is heelwat fauna en flaura om te besigtig, veral oor die gholfbaan. Vir die kinders is daar ’n 1km-pretdraf/stap en daar gaan ’n veiligheidsgebied beskikbaar wees waar ouers wat aan een van die groter wedlope wil deelneem hulle kinders kan laat.

Daar gaan heelwat vermaak soos ’n klimmuur en springkasteel vir hulle wees. Genoeg eetgoed sal ten bate van die NG-kerk te koop aangebied word. Atlete wat vooraf vir die marathon of halfmarathon inskryf, kry ’n T-hemp, terwyl alle atlete wat een van die wedlope voltooi ’n verrassingspakkie en medalje ontvang. Voorafinskrywings kan by die takke van Sportsmans Warehouse, Run-aWay Sport of by www.enteronline.co.za gedoen word. Navrae: Bert van der Raad by 082-9226817.




Saterdag 4 Mei. NuPower Tuks Skole Sportreekseindrondtes. LC de Villierssportterrein, Hatfield. Vanaf 09:00.


Atletiek. Vrydag 4 Mei en Saterdag 5 Mei. SA Ope Kampioenskap. Absa Tuksatletiekstadion. LC de Villierssportterrein. Hatfield.

Bulls wen Brumbies Koos Venter Realistiese denke aan die begin van vanjaar se SupeRugby-toernooi sou ondersteuners van die Vodacom Bulls altyd daarop voorberei het dat hul span ’n wipplankseisoen gaan beleef weens die mengsel van ervaring en jeug in die span en die feit dat dit tyd sal neem voor hulle werklik as nuwe groep op al hul silinders vuur. Niks kon gesoute ondersteuners egter voorberei vir die frustrasie van ’n wedstryd soos die afgelope Saterdag op Loftus Versfeld toe die Bulls al sukkelend daarin kon slaag om die Brumbies van Australië met 36-34 te klop nie. Pierre Spies en sy manne was besonder gelukkig om uiteindelik as wenners van die veld te stap. Net Morné Steyn se skopskoen en ’n blaps van die skeidsregter en een van die lynregters het die Bulls uiteindelik gered. Van Spies gepraat, ’n mens wonder hoe

lank hy sy plek in die span sal kan regverdig met die spel wat hy die afgelope paar weke opdis. Die Bulls beskik oor briljante jong losvoorspelers en as Deon Stegmann en Dewald Potgieter binnekort ná hul beserings terugkeer, sal Spies beslis nie op huidige vorm sy plek in die span op meriete kan behou nie. Daar sal dringend met Spies gewerk moet word, want dit wil voorkom of sy fokus nie meer by rugby is nie. Die Bulls se komende toer sal waarskynlik die span se lot in vanjaar se reeks op meer as een manier bepaal. Aan die een kant sal hulle ten minste 12 tot 15 ligapunte op dié toer van vier wedstryde moet insamel om hul huidige gunstige posisie op die punteleer te behou en ’n kans te staan om met die oorblywende wedstryde daarna (waarvan drie tuis gespeel sal word) die

Die Vodacom Bulls se kaptein en agtsteman, Pierre Spies, is op die aanval teen die Brumbies met Zane Kirchner, CJ Stander, Jacques Potgieter, Francois Hougaard en Wilhelm Steenkamp wat byderhand is om te ondersteun. Foto: simondp@actionimage

uitspeelrondtes te haal. Aan die ander kant sal senior spelers en die bestuur ook hierdie toer moet gebruik om die span se kohesie te vestig. Die feit dat hulle weg van die plaaslike media en ondersteuners sal wees, sal die geleentheid skep om as span te konsolideer en perspektief te behou oor die taak

wat voorlê in die res van die seisoen. Die bal is dus figuurlik gesproke nou in die hande van die span self en dit sal van hulleself afhang of hulle die ondersteuners se frustrasie met ’n span wat in ’n bouproses is vinnig sal kan omkeer na vertroue en trots.

Naka Bulle maak hul merk in Carltonbeker Koos Venter Ná verlede week se honderdtal teen die nuwelinge, Oostelikes/Eagles, het Tukkies waarskynlik geglo dat hulle weer ’n maklike voltal teen nóg ’n oopklub, die Naka Bulle behoort te kry in die tweede week van die Carltonbekerreeks. Die manne van die Moot het egter gewys dat hulle beslis nie meer die span is wat verlede jaar laaste in dié strawwe reeks geëindig het nie. Met deurwinterde spelers soos Braam Pretorius (heelagter), Rikus de Beer (senter), Ruan Boshoff (losskakel), Wikus Botes (agtsteman), Imile Kayser (slot), Johan Grobler (slot) en Bertie Powel (haker) in hul geledere, gaan Naka Bulle vanjaar ’n krag wees om in hierdie liga mee rekening te hou. Hoewel Tukkies die afgelope naweek hul Carltonbekerwedstryd teen Naka

Bulle met 27-19 gewen het, lyk laasgenoemde baie gevaarlik en sal hulle beslis nog beter word soos die seisoen vorder. Hulle het Tukkies boonop verhoed om vier drieë te druk. Hou dus gerus die manne van die Moot dop vanjaar. In hierdie stadium lyk hulle na die vroeë gunstelinge saam met Tukkies, Polisie en Centurion om die halfeindrondte te haal, al het hulle albei hul eerste twee wedstryde verloor. - Hoewel Harlequins beslis nie vanjaar weer die diepte het ten opsigte van spelers wat hulle verlede jaar gehad het, toe verskeie manne van die Pumas by hulle betrokke was nie, lyk dit tog of hulle wel vanjaar ’n span het om mee rekening te hou. Harlequins het hul tweede oorwinning van die seisoen behaal toe hulle die sukkelende TUT met 19-10 geklop het. Quins sal egter eerskomende Woens-

dag in hul derde wedstryd die eerste keer werklik getoets word as hulle teen Centurion te staan kom. - Van Centurion gepraat, hulle het nou wel nie vanjaar die Assupol Super-klubreeks se eindstryd gehaal nie, maar dié span is beslis op ’n missie. Centurion se geledere is ook versterk met verskeie van Pretoria se beste klubspelers, waarvan ’n paar beslis goed genoeg is om provinsiale rugby te speel. Centurion het die nuwelinge, Oostelikes/Eagles, hul tweede drag slae van die reeks gegee toe hulle met 54-16 gewen het. Die manne uit die ooste het egter moedig probeer en hulle het nog lank nie tou opgegooi nie. Hulle het selfs die dienste van ’n top stelskopper in Thys Smith bekom. Dié klub het baie trots en genoeg spelers, so ’n mens kan verwag dat hulle vin-

nig sal begin aanpas en sterker sal eindig as wat hulle begin het. - Polisie is die ander span op ’n missie in vanjaar se Carltonliga. Dié klub spog ook met top spelers. Hul kaptein, die veteraanslot, Nico Luus, het byvoorbeeld al SupeRugby gespeel en hy lei ’n span met van die opwindendste jong klubspelers in die liga. Die Silver Valke, wat besig is om hul geledere van vooraf op te bou, was Polisie se tweede slagoffer van die seisoen toe die Bobbies hulle met 36-3 geklop het. Die manne van Silverton glo egter ook dat hulle in staat is om terug te veg en hul glorie van enkele seisoene gelede te herstel. Dié klub was inderwaarheid ’n slagoffer van hul eie sukses toe ander klubs hul spelers in tientalle afgerokkel het ná hul opgang sedert hulle in 2007 na die Carltonliga bevorder is.

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