Vol 25 No 50_Noord

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Herrie oor koorsbome Natashia Slabbert Dertien koorsbome in Montana het byna ’n herrie veroorsaak toe die departement van omgewingsake onlangs diĂŠ majestueuse bome moes afsaag en ’n ontstelde inwoner bereid was om haarself aan ’n koorsboom vas te ketting om die proses stop te sit. Volgens inwoner Joan Meyer, het sy byna op haar rug geval toe sy die eerste keer merk dat daar aan die bome reg oorkant haar huis gesaag word. “My hart het gebreek. DiĂŠ bome groei jy nie in ’n leeftyd nie en dit was so hartseer om te sien hoe hulle verwyder word,â€? het Meyer gesĂŞ. Volgens die departement van omgewingsake het hulle egter talle klagtes van inwoners ontvang en moes hul noodgedwonge die koorsbome afsaag. “Die dorings steek onder andere motorbande stukkend en is ook gevaarlik vir voetgangers en fietsryers. Die bome se dorings kan regdeur ’n skoensool steek. Hierdie bome het ook ongelooflike groot wortels wat later groot skade aan die pad kan aanrig,â€? het Willem Otto van die departement gesĂŞ. Vervolg op bladsy 2





Twee werkers laai die takke van koorsbome wat in Klipmossiestraat afgesaag is op ’n trok. Volgens die departement van omgewingsake is diÊ bome op versoek van inwoners afgesaag. ’n Inwoner was egter hewig ontsteld oor diÊ pragbome verwyder moes word.



BMW plant to expand Exports from the BMW plant in Rosslyn are expected to double and could mean the creation of 600 new jobs Exports from BMW’s Rosslyn plant were expected to double over the next few months resulting in the creation of some 600 new jobs. Installed production capacity was said to increase beyond 90 000 cars by 2013 and to cope with the demand, BMW would introduce a third shift, resulting in the em-

ployment of additional workers, Tshwane metro’s Executive Mayor Kgosiento Ramokgopa said last week. Addressing an event announcing the fourth Tshwane International Trade and Infrastructure Investment Conference (TITIIC 2012) to take place from 23 to 25 May, the mayor said the conference

gave a clear signal that the new City of Tshwane was ‘open for business’. He said the metro’s relationship with BMW, among others, was currently at an all-time high. “The production of the new BMW 3series commenced in Rosslyn last month,� Ramokgopa said, adding that exports from

the motor manufacturer would therefore double, bringing in the much needed economic activities to the city and resulting in the creation of 600 jobs.

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Metro, BMW partners on energy project Continued from page 1

He added that the BMW group also announced recently that it would partner with the metro on a waste-to-energy project. “The project is similar to a landfill gas programme which is currently responsible for providing the BMW plant in Spartanburg, South Carolina in America, with about half of its energy requirements,” the mayor said. He pointed out that the BMW example

was just one of many private sector led developments that were taking place in the city. Since the gazetting of the National Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Bill by the trade and industry department, efforts were at an advanced stage to declare the Automotive Supplier Park in Rosslyn as a SEZ, Ramokgopa said. “This classification will position the facility as an integral element of the city’s investment facilitation strategy and broader industrial development programme.

In this regard, the metro and the Supplier Park Development Corporation (SPDC) have committed funding for the purpose of undertaking a comprehensive economic impact assessment on the facility as an SEZ,” the mayor said. According to the mayoral committee member responsible for economic development and planning, Subesh Pillay, the purpose of the fourth TITIIC was to raise the investment profile of Pretoria as an attractive destination for large-scale, longterm investments.

“The conference will bring together the private sector and the city and priority areas of investment will be showcased as well as further opportunities for privatepublic synergy,” Pillay said. According to him, the metro had identified several sectors as offering opportunities for private sector support, development and investment including automotive and components, tourism, agriculture and agroprocessing, mixed manufacturing, aerospace and aviation technology and business outsourcing and off-shoring.

5 dead and scores injured on roads Vrou poog om One woman was killed and 40 injured after a bus overturned on the N1 near Murray Hill north of Pretoria on Saturday morning. According to Nectare 911 spokesperson Jeffrey Wicks, it appeared if the driver of the bus lost control, causing the bus to overturn approximately 10 km from the Pumulani Toll Plaza. “Paramedics arrived at the scene to find that nearly 40 occupants, who had climbed through the broken windows of the bus, had sustained minor injuries. A 13-year-old boy lay trapped beneath the wreckage and had to be freed with the Jaws of Life. He was later airlifted to the Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital,” Wicks said. It was one of many serious accidents that had occurred in Pretoria over the long weekend. On Thursday evening a nine-vehicle pile up was caused after a bus allegedly crashed into slow-moving traffic on the N1 near the Zambesi off-ramp. According to Jeffrey Wicks, a threeyear-old boy was critically injured in the pile-up and was airlifted to the Steve Biko Academic Hospital. Nine other people sustained minor injuries in the pile-up. In another incident, a man believed to be

bome te red Vervolg van bladsy 1

A coach liner which overturned on the N1 near the Pumulani Toll Plaza on Saturday, left one dead and 40 injured. Rescue workers had their hands full at the scene of the accident.

a vagrant, was killed on Friday when he apparently stumbled in front of an oncoming vehicle in Brooklyn Road near the Menlo Road Junction. An accident in Mayville also claimed a life on Friday after a minibus taxi drove into a bakkie in Paul Kruger Street. In another serious accident over the long weekend, two people were killed and a third seriously injured after two vehicles

collided on the N4 near the Watermeyer Road on Saturday morning. “It appeared that both vehicles were travelling in the same direction. One of the vehicles slammed into the rear of the other, causing the front vehicle to spin out of control. Two people sustained fatal injuries and a third, who was critically injured, was taken to the Steve Biko Academic Hospital,” Wicks said.

Meyer het egter voet by stuk gehou dat dié storie nie vir haar rym nie. “As dit wel die rede is, waarom word daar dan koorsbome in Zambesirylaan geplant?” Otto het verduidelik dat ontwikkelaars en inwoners soms nie heeltemal ingelig is oor die probleme wat koorsbome kan meebring voor hulle dit plant nie. “Ongelukkig word dié bome soms sonder ons medewete geplant dan moet dit later met groot onkoste uitgehaal word as gevolg van probleme wat dit begin veroorsaak. Otto het inwoners aangeraai om met die departement te skakel voordat hulle enige bome op sypaadjies plant. Hy het bygevoeg dat hy Meyer se bekommernis verstaan en dat hulle daarom besluit het om die laaste drie koorsbome, wat met Rekord se besoek nog nie afgesaag was nie, daar te laat. “Inwoners hoef nie bekommerd te wees nie. Die departement sal nie net op straat invaar en bome afsny nie. Die proses word versigtig oorweeg voor ’n besluit geneem word,” het Otto gesê.




New street names up Troeteldiere verskeur Natalie Grobler and Ané Roux

Natashia Slabbert

Residents were extremely unhappy with new street name signs that seemed to have appeared overnight in several areas. The Tshwane metro was, however, well within its rights to start the name change process and an urgent application for an interdict by AfriForum on Monday to try and put a stop to the process was turned down. New names that have already been put up are Nico Smith Street (Michael Brink), Stanza Bopape Street (Church), Solomon Mahlangu Drive (Hans Strijdom) and January Masilela Drive (General Louis Botha). Councillors from different areas voiced their frustration regarding the street names, but, according to councillor Elmarie Linde from ward 54, it fell on deaf ears. She said the new policy on local geographical names was approved providing the metro adhered to various conditions. One of these conditions was that the old names stay visible next to the new names for two years, but the Executive Mayor, Kgosientso Ramokgopa, decided it will only stay visible for six months. “This is but one of the reasons why we say the renaming of the 25 streets are not according to policy.” She said during the mediation of renaming the streets, the metro received approximately 3 600 objections regarding the proposed names. “Residents did submit alternative names, but these suggestions were ignored.” The fight is however far from over. Kallie Kriel, CEO of civil rights organisation AfriForum, said they had applied for an urgent High Court interdict to stop the metro from going ahead

’n Gesin in die weste van Pretoria vrees vir hul veiligheid na ’n buurman se pitbulterriërs glo onlangs oor die gesin se muur gespring het en twee van hul troeteldiere verskeur het. Christine Nicholson van Kwaggasrand se honde, Sheba, ’n labrador-kruising en Prinses, ’n foksterriër, is onlangs in aparte voorvalle vyf dae uitmekaar deur die bure se twee pitbul-terriërs doodgebyt. Nicholson, wat nou vir haar drie kleinkinders se lewens vrees, het in trane vertel hoe haar twee geliefde troeteldiere enkele dae uitmekaar voor haar verskeur is. “Die pitbul-teef het in my erf gekom en Sheba aangeval. Ons het geskree, met water gespuit en geslaan maar kon die teef nie stop nie. Ons het die polisie gebel en hulle was vinnig op die toneel, maar hulle het nie magtiging gehad om te skiet nie. Die DBV kon ook nie help nie,” het ’n hartseer Nicholson gesê.

Michael Brink Street was changed to Nico Smith Street overnight.

with the name changes and were awaiting the ruling. “We are not satisfied with the manner in which the name change process were conducted. That is why we turned to the courts. We are determined to stop the metro from going ahead with their street name changes,” he said. Ben Wannenburg, councillor of ward 50, was also not satisfied with the metro’s street name change procedures. “I am currently in talks with the province to get clarity regarding Zambesi Drive. I want to know how it is possible for the metro to change a provincial road. It doesn’t work like that.” According to Wannenburg, he had submitted a petition with approximately 2 000 signatures against the proposed name change in 2009 and was currently drawing up a second petition to fight for Zambesi Drive. Pieter de Necker, mayoral spokesperson, confirmed that the new street names would be placed along the old street names for the next six months to two years. “It is in the interest of motorists to inform themselves about the new names,” he said. De Necker confirmed the name change process would cost metro taxpayers around R1,7-million.

Volgens Nicholson moes sy Sheba as gevolg van die wonde wat die dier opgedoen het, laat uitsit. Nicholson het die mediese rekening aan die buurman oorhandig en aangedring dat hy met sy diere ’n plan maak. “Hy het net skouers opgetrek en jammer gesê. Ek het vir hom gesê as ’n dier een keer doodgemaak het, sal hy dit weer doen. Ek het net nie besef dit gaan so gou weer gebeur nie,” het Nicholson gesnik. Volgens Nicholson was sy ’n paar dae later in haar tuin doenig toe sy die pitbulterriër reg agter haar gewaar. “Ek het begin skree en die hond het vir Prinses, wat op die agterstoep in die sonnetjie gelê en bak het, aan die keel gegryp. Die ander pitbul-terriër was vinnig by. Ons het alles probeer doen maar kon nie keer dat die twee honde Prinses doodbyt nie.” Volgens Nicholson se seun Brendt, wat uitgehardloop gekom het toe hy sy ma se gille hoor, het die buurvrou tydens die voorval uitgekom, maar die gesin se noodkrete geïgnoreer. Nicholson vrees nou vir haar kleinkinders, wat onderskeidelik ses, sewe en 11 jaar oud is se veiligheid. “Die honde het vir Prinses op die stoep by die kombuis kom haal. Wat as een van die kleintjies daar gesit het?” Volgens Nicholson weier die bure steeds om iets aan die honde te doen. Die DBV het bevestig dat hulle nie met sulke voorvalle werk nie en gesê dat die Tshwanemetropolisie wel dié soort sake hanteer. Volgens die metropolisie se woordvoerder, Alta Fourie, het hulle geen klagte in verband met die voorval ontvang nie, maar hulle gaan ondersoek instel. “As inwoners soortgelyke probleme met diere ervaar kan hulle die metropolisie by 012-358-0700 kontak,” het Fourie gesê. ’n Hartseer Christine Nicholson vertel van die twee voorvalle waarin twee van haar troeteldiere doodgebyt is.




Police members raise money for sick colleague ‘Family’ join hands to help colleague get a bone marrow transplant Natashia Slabbert Members of the Sinoville and Mamelodi police are standing together to support one of their own, who is currently battling with a lifethreatening illness. Lieutenant Colonel Lourens Badenhorst from the Mamelodi police was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer two years ago and an extremely tough journey had followed since. Doctors broke the news to Badenhorst in January last year that a bone marrow transplant was the only way forward. His fellow policemen since embarked on a drive to raise money for the costly process of finding a suitable donor. “There is no alternative, the chemotherapy is only delaying the process and

therefore I need to receive a bone marrow transplant,” Badenhorst said. Badenhorst explained that the process of finding a 100% donor match was complicated. “My sister was the first to be tested but it didn’t turn out to be a match. A match could also not be found in South Africa. So the process went international. Five Italians were identified but the last remaining candidate fell out two months ago.” According to Badenhorst, the process for a new candidate had to start from scratch and doctors managed to identify three Germans a short while ago, of which one candidate remains on the shortlist. “Unfortunately it is a costly process and the tests which are necessary to establish whether the candidates match 100%, are expensive,” Badenhorst admitted. According to Badenhorst, his medical aid will take responsibility

for the medical bills from his first day of admittance to hospital. “The medical aid do not cover the costs involved in finding a donor because the process is so complicated.” The Sinoville and Mamelodi police have stepped up and launched moneyraisers to help with Badenhorst’s medical expenses. “We are aware there are many people who suffer from cancer, but we are in a position to make a difference to one of our own ‘family’ members,” Mirna von Benecke from the Sinovile police said. A moneyraiser, which will feature a guest artist and Fusion Dance productions, is set to take place on 5 May at Laerskool Stephanus Roos. “The police are asking residents to join them to try and make a difference to Colonel Badenhorst’s life,” Von Benecke said. Enquiries: Mirna von Benecke on 012-543-8814.

Lieutenant-Colonel Lourens Badenhorst is receiving chemotherapy after he was diagnosed with polycythemis vera, a type of bone marrow cancer, two years ago. Badenhorst, who has served in the police force for 21 years, needs a bone marrow transplant.

March winners crowned Multi Listing Services announced its March winners on 13 April during their monthly zone meeting. The property agents are from left Deo Swanepoel of Deo Swanepoel Eiendomme, Anelda Whittal of Invest ’n Dream, Johan Prinsloo of Deo Swanpoel Eiendomme, Dorothy Hermsen of ProNamic Eiendomme and Brian Snooke of Pro-Namic Eiendomme. Delvine Ludick of Delvine Eiendomme was absent.

•NOTICE• As jy al gewonder het wat op die wêreld en Suid-Afrika wag na 2012, moet jy nie die ontbyt met Clem Sunter misloop nie. Sunter is die voormalige voorsitter en uitvoerende hoof van Anglo American. Hy gaan 1 Junie by die NG-kerk Elarduspark praat tydens ’n ontbyt wat van stapel gestuur word om geld vir die Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (VGK) in Ivory Park in Ekurhuleni in te samel. Die geld gaan vir die ondersteuning, instandhouding en voltooiing van ’n gemeenskapsentrum en vroeë kinderontwikkelingsentrum in Ivory Park. Die Elarduspark-gemeente en ander gemeentes in die suidooste van Pretoria is al jare lank betrokke by die VGK Ivory Park. Hulle beplan om hul gemeente se slagspreek Reik uit na ’n wêreld in nood voluit uit te leef. Navrae: 012 3451144 of kerkkan toor@ngelarduspark.co.za.



Begroting oop vir insae Leerlinge Rudie Janse van Rensburg, Christo du Plessis en Ian Swart demonstreer hoe die oefenapparate by Hoër Tegnologiese Skool John Vorster se nuwe gimnasium werk. Die rekkeprogram bevorder fisiese en motoriese fiksheid en aspekte soos balans, ritme, reaksietye en konsentrasievermoë.

Du P Martins Ekonomiese groei sal aan bande gelê word en werksverskaffing sal gekortwiek word indien die Tshwane-metro se konsepbegroting van 25% belastingverhoging vir dienste ’n realiteit word. Dit is die mening van Brandon Topham, die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) se koukusleier van die Tshwane-metro. Topham het ’n beroep op inwoners gedoen om teen die beoogde 25% verhoging in belastingheffing te betoog. Die skerp styging soos voorgestel in die 2012/13 konsepbegroting is tans oop vir openbare bespreking. “Indien die metro uitgeblink het in korporatiewe uitnemendheid en indien fakturering reg geskied het en inwoners gelyke toegang tot basiese dienste geniet het, kon ’n saak ter regverdiging van ’n 25% verhoging uitgemaak word. “Dis egter nie die geval nie en ek vind dit moeilik om die ANC-burgemeester se argument van ‘betaal meer sodat ons dienste kan lewer’ te verstaan. Inwoners wat moeg is vir die metro se uitmergeling, of wat nie behoorlike dienste ontvang nie, het nou die geleentheid om hulle stemme te laat hoor. “Sonder diesulkes se ondersteuning is die DA se opposisie betekenisloos,” het Topham gesê. Inwoners kan hul geskrewe besware teen die voorgestelde verhoging e-pos na angeliquet@tshwane.gov.za. ’n Kopie van sulke geskrewe besware moet ook per e-pos gestuur word aan da.tshwane@gmail.com sodat die besware verder gevoer kan word. Verdere navraag kan gedoen word by Adriana Randall, DA-woorvoerder van finansies by die Tshwane-metroraad, by 083-263-8667.

Nuwe gimnasium by skool spog met rekke-apparaat Natashia Slabbert Hoër Tegnologiese Skool (HTS) John Vorster spog met ’n splinternuwe rekkegimnasium - ’n eerste van sy soort in die Moot-omgewing. Dié gimnasium, wat van elastiese rekke in plaas van gewigte gebruik maak, se amptelike opening het onlangs by HTS John Vorster plaasgevind. Leerlinge aan HTS John Vorster het tydens die openingseremonie verskeie

demonstrasies met die rekke-apparaat aan inwoners, naburige skole en die media demonstreer. Volgens HTS John Vorster se woordvoerder, L’lize van Rensburg, is die rekke toepasbaar op alle vlakke van verskeie sportsoorte en bevorder dit aspekte soos reaksietye, uithouvermoë, fisiese krag en konsentrasievlakke. “Die rekkeprogram bevorder ons sportmanne se fisiese en motoriese fiksheid en aspekte soos balans, ritme, reaksietye en

konsentrasievermoë word ook bevorder.” Volgens Van Rensburg is die rekkegimnasium ook in HTS John Vorster se LOR-sillabus ingebring en gaan leerlinge tydens LOR-klasse van die gimnasium gebruik maak. “Die rekke-gimnasium word in ’n positiewe gees aangebied en elke leerling geniet dit terdeë. Hierdie is ’n fasiliteit wat ons aan ons gemeenskap asook aan voornemende leerlinge vir 2013 bied.”





Nuutgestigte aksie voed haweloses Die nuutgestigte Pretoria-Noordomgeegroep (PNOG) het onlangs hul eerste aksie van stapel gestuur en honger haweloses van sop en broodjies voorsien. Volgens die voorsitter van PNOG, Rudi Britz, is die welstand en nood van die Pretoria-Noord-omgewing hul

fokus en beplan dié organisasie soortgelyke aksies vorentoe. “Enigeen wat in die Preroria-Noordomgewing woon, kan betrokke raak om ’n bydrae in die omgewing te lewer,” het Britz gesê. Navrae: Rudi Britz by 083-3099664.

The Parlotones, Neil Pauw, Kahn Morbee, Paul Hodgson and Glen Hodgson, with Shona Ferguson from The Wild and Janina Oberholzer from Jacaranda FM.

Auction raises R570 000 to fight rhino poaching

Willie du Plessis (links) en James Wallace (regs) by die nie-winsgewende organisasie Pretoria-Noord-omgeegroep se sop en brood-uitreikaksie wat onlangs gehou is.

Jacaranda FM raised R570 000 to help end rhino poaching. Jacaranda FM’s listeners and friends opened their hearts and wallets during a recent auction of The Parlotone’s guitarist Neil Pauw’s painting, pledging R570 000 towards the training of tracker dogs that would assist in the stations’ anti-rhino poaching efforts. The auction was a culmination of an extended campaign, which started in March when Pauw’s painting was put on auction as part of a story line in the television programme The Wild. On this Mnet’s high gloss show, the painting was sold to Itumeleng, played by Shona Ferguson, who paid R60 000. Recently, fiction became reality as the picture, the Parlotones, actors from The Wild, and Jacaranda FM’s Martin Bester Drive, encouraged listeners to bid for the painting live on air, with the proceeds going to train tracker dogs to assist in ending rhino poaching in South Africa. Jacaranda FM’s studio in Montecasino hosted the live radio broadcast, which generated calls and pledges from corporates and individuals.

Children were donating pocket money of R20, while corporate businesses were creating drama that saw Grippa Sales finally donating R200 000 to the cause in the final minutes and walking away with Pauw’s masterpiece. Jacaranda FM’s marketing manager, Jenny Griesel, said the station has led the struggle against rhino poaching since 2010 through various interventions such as antipoaching units and field ranger training, supply of equipment, vehicles, on-going education and creating awareness. The tracker dogs project is the next step to take these efforts further, by providing support for those at the front line. Kahn Morbee, lead singer and spokesperson for the Parlotones, said rhinos belong to all South Africans and the people of South Africa showed they care and as a united force they can achieve amazing things. “I hope that in 20 years we still have a thriving population of an iconic symbol of our society and in some way this event was a major catalyst. The struggle is far from over but we showed that we’re prepared to fight back,” he added.

Boy recovers after hand surgery Suzette van Huyssteen A entire new life now lies ahead for a three-year-old boy thanks to the generosity of medical staff at a hospital in Pretoria east. Mielo-Trent Skinner took the first step to be able to use his hands normally last week when he was booked into theatre for reconstructive hand surgery. He received his first operation last week Thursday at Kloof hospital, after plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr Tienie van Rooyen was willing to help. After Rekord heard of Skinner’s plight, they contacted various doctors for free assistance and Van Rooyen reacted by offering his services and further assistance

in terms of the anaesthetist and hospital. Skinner was born three months premature with webbed fingers on both his hands and with a clubfoot. His parents wanted to give their child a quality life but did not have the financial means to do so. Three years down the line Van Rooyen came as an angel sent from God to answer their prayers. According to Van Rooyen, the repair process for Skinner’s hands was a two-year period repair process, planned with a six-month break in between, in which time the bandages would be changed under anaesthetics for skin grafting purposes.Van Rooyen planned to operate on both hands last week

Mielo-Trent Skinner plays in the garden with the new toys he received as a present from Rekord, after his first reconstructive hand surgery.

Thursday, but while in theatre realised that the child would struggle without the use of both his hands. He will now reconstruct one hand at a time. In total, as planned, Skinner would have to undergo four operations and afterwards he would need an occupational therapist or physiotherapist. Last week the first step was taken and Skinner’s right hand was operated on. According to his father, Bernard Theron, the operation was a success, albeit very emotional. “The experience was emotional, partly due to seeing your child so helpless and partly because of the doctor and everybody’s generosity and willingness to help our child,” Theron said. According to Theron, his son was approximately in theatre for five and a half hours. “So far he recovered really well and is smiling, running around and playing at home,” Theron said. Theron added that they were extremely grateful for the kindness of the hospital staff. Susan van Biljon, from Van Rooyen’s consulting room, gave Skinner a teddybear whose hands were also wrapped in bandages, as a present from the hospital and staff members of Van Rooyen. Skinner certainly made a lot of new friends and made his way into the hearts of many Pretoria residents.




Ma en dogter eet saam, lag saam en werk saam Ané Roux Die twee elegante vroue sit in die herfssonnetjie. Hul hare blink en die gesprek is lig en vrolik. Hulle is nie net beste vriendinne nie, hulle is ook ma en dogter. Belinda en Lisa Brönner werk saam as ’n span in die musiekbedryf, hulle deel ’n respek vir mekaar se talente en uit die staanspoor is dit duidelik dat hulle mekaar vertrou. “In die musiekbedryf is dit moeilik. Daar is baie slaggate en onsekerhede. My ma is my agent want ek weet ek kan haar vertrou, sy het eerlikwaar net my beste belange op die hart,” het Lisa aan Rekord gesê. Belinda knik. “Dit is waar, ons werk goed saam want ek weet tot wat Lisa in staat is en ek probeer om net die beste vir haar loopbaan

te verseker. “In besigheid maak ons ’n goeie span. Ons troos en motiveer mekaar,” het sy gesê. Vir Lisa is haar ma se beste eienskap, Belinda se goedhartigheid. “My ma wil altyd almal help. Haar hart is so groot en daar is altyd plek vir nog mense. Sy sal haar laaste slukkie water weggee as iemand dors het, sy sorg altyd. Dit maak my sommer jaloers,” het die jong sangeres gesê. Belinda dink weer haar dogter se vermoë om altyd positief te wees is haar beste karaktereienskap. “As ek vies raak vir mense kan Lisa die goeie dinge raaksien, dit is ’n goeie eienskap om te hê,” het Belinda gesê.

Moedersdag is vir dié twee nie net op 13 Mei nie, hulle vier gereeld hul verhouding met ’n spesiale ete. “Ons bederf mekaar maklik, ’n lekker ontbyt of middagete en partykeer sommer ’n groot stuk koek ook en ons deel ons kos ook. So deel ons mekaar se lewens - elke dag,” het Lisa bbygevoeg. - Rekord het vyf kkopieë van Lisa B Brönner se nuutste C CD, Vir eers is dit nnet ek, om weg te ggee. SMS die woord LISA na 36968. SMSe kos R1,50 en gratis SMSe tel nie. Wenners sal telefonies in kennis gestel word en moet hul pryse by Rekord se kantore afhaal. Die kompetisie sluit op 10 Mei om middernag.


Belinda en Lisa Brönner is ’n ma-en-dogterspan wat vir niks terugstaan nie en glo dat hulle goeie verhouding uit ware vriendskap spruit.

Kleuter se harte klop warm vir hierdie winter Natashia Slabbert Soos wat die herfsblare begin verkleur en ’n koel bries deur die strate van Pretoria stoot, besef inwoners dat die koue wintermaande al nader kruip. Vir behoeftige inwoners is dit egter nie altyd moontlik om nuwe wintersuitrustings vir die komende winterseisoen aan te skaf nie. Daarom het twee bejaarde susters van die noorde van Pretoria besluit om truie vir behoeftige kleuters in die Wolmer-omgewing te brei. Dawn Faure (74) en Welda

Bos (72) het die afgelope paar maande hul pensioengeld gebruik om kleurvolle wol vir dié truitjies te koop. Na ’n paar maande van brei het Faure, in samewerking met die Wolmer-inwonersvereniging, 33 kleurvolle truitjies aan die Teletubbies-kleuterskool in Wolmer geskenk. Die opgewonde kleuters het trots met hul helder nuwe truitjies gespog en die vreugde was duidelik op elke gesiggie te sien. “Ons is so dankbaar vir mense wat hul harte oopmaak. Daar is regtig soveel behoefte in ons gemeenskap en daar is nie altyd

geld om te koop nie. Daarom is dit wonderlik dat die gemeenskap saamstaan en mekaar uithelp,” het Willemien Freemantle van die Wolmer-inwonersvereniging gesê. Volgens Faure brei sy al van kinderdae af en is dié nie die eerste geleentheid wat sy al gehad het om haar breiwerk in die gemeenskap te saai nie. “Ons kon gelukkig ook al vir ander organisasies sokkies en teddiebere brei. Ek glo nie daaraan om stil te sit nie, ek moet maar die hande besig hou. Dit was ook beslis nie die laaste van my nie, ek hoop ek kan nog baie bydraes tot die gemeenskap lewer,” het Faure gesê.

Johnethan Welthagen (4) en Blessing Marema (5).

Hanru de Villiers (4) is beïndruk met sy kleurvolle truitjie.

Beitshepo Phetla (5) en Anzonel Bouwer (4).

Nadia Brits (5) en Janushka Greyling (4) is snoesig warm in die truie wat aan kleuters by die Teletubbieskleuterskool in Wolmer gegee is.

Kleuters van die Teletubbies-kleuterskool saam met Dawn Faure wat vir elke kleuter ’n truitjie gebrei het.




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Editorial COMMENT It was reported last week that water would become very expensive from next year. Government is planning a massive budget outlay of R573-billion over the next ten years to try to improve our ailing water supply. Last week Diepsloot experienced massive water supply problems with contaminated water. This has placed the focus again on the problems South Africa faces in this regard. Geographically speaking South Africa has always faced and will always have problems with water supply. The absence of a fresh water non-seasonal river and high altitude exacerbates the problems to supply water to its industrial and agricultural heartland. One commentator pointed out that neither Johannesburg or Pretoria should really + ,- . / ' $ , *. 0

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exist. They can do so only because huge amounts of water are being piped to them from Lesotho and 1 820 meters uphill from KwaZulu-Natal. South Africa faced an electricity supply problem because the government ignored the warnings it was given more than ten years ago. The same situation is now facing us with water supply. A combination of polluted water sources and poor management of dams, sewerage works and treatment plants has led to a situation where our water supply is under serious threat. The areas our water originates from, is being damaged by a generalised official disregard for the environmental consequences of industrial activity. A further problem is related to the poor management of informal settlements. With inadequate sewerage systems in place and little provision for the removal of waste, large quantities of waste are washed into rivers, where they make their way to overburdened water purification plants. Many South African municipalities do not have budgets big enough to properly manage the quality of drinking water they supply. In a recent national survey of wastewater treatment plants it was found almost a third required ‘immediate intervention to avoid a crisis’. The problems are exacerbated by poor management of dams, which reduce the supply of water we have available and also affects its quality. According to a report, only 54% (160 of the 294) dams owned and managed by the Department of Water Affairs comply with modern safety standards. Water is also affected by the ‘have’s’ and ‘have nots’. South Africa’s tap water is among the best in the world, but with millions still lacking access to flush toilets and piped water, the threat of waterborne diseases cannot be ignored.

Crooks in Bybel ook Kleintyd het ons Cowboys and Crooks gespeel en natuurlik wou niemand die crook wees nie want soos ons almal weet, die crooks moet mos doodgeskiet word. Later het ek gedink daar moet baie crooks in die Bybel se tyd gewees het, want so ’n dik boek oor die goed en kwaad dui mos daarop. So in die gesoek na die Bybelse crooks vind ek toe uit dat van die mees gehate crooks in die Bybel die tollenaars was. Net so vind ek toe ook uit dat hulle al toentertyd seker met verkeerskonstabels moes geheul het, want in Psalm 140:6 lees ek: Trotsaards het vir my ’n vangnet gespan en toue; hulle het ’n net uitgespan aan die kant van die pad; strikke het hulle vir my gestel. Sela. Seker maar waar wat die Bybel sĂŞ daar is niks nuut onder die son nie. Te oordeel aan die string organisasies soos AfriForum, Cosatu, Kamer van Koophandel, Transvaalse Landbou-unie, Agriforum, Bondgenootskap teen Stedelike Tol, die DA en die Vryheidsfront Plus wat almal toustaan om Sanral teen die hoogste mas op te hang, dra vandag se tollenaars nog dieselfde etiket as hul Bybelse kollegas. Die kwessie van tol betaal is al erg genoeg. Wat dit vererger, is die geknoeiery van Sanral om ondanks herhaalde beroepe vir eerlike openhartigheid, hulle steeds met voortvarende arrogansie uit die bloute nuwe tariewe afkondig. Dit nogal by wyse van ’n Staatskoerant op Vrydag die 13e, asof die skuiling agter die gedrukte afkondiging regverdiging vir ‘gedane sake’ verleen. Die datum op sigself is insiggewend, want dit is die datum van bygelowe. Nou ja, as hulle die waarheid op diĂŠ

Klippe langs die pad Du P Martins

datum wil yk, dan kan ’n mens met reg vra wanneer kan ’n mens hulle glo. As argitekte van die reÍls en regulasies en hoe daar van die publiek geoes gaan word, het Sanral voor die bekendmaking van die inligting in die staatskoerant al hierdie feite seer sekerlik reeds haarfyn geken. Waarom het Sanral nie voordat hulle in ’n blik gedruk is om voor die hof te verskyn nie die feite bekendgemaak nie? Waarom het Sanral nie toe hulle in ’n vier-uur-lange samespreking met die Verbruikerskommissie was en die geleentheid gehad het om dinge reg te stel, nie toe daarvan melding gemaak nie? Met die verkoop van R20 miljard se effekte wat Sanral vir stelsels ingekry het en die verdere R5 miljard wat Pravin Gordhan, minister van finansies, Sanral gegee het om hulle te help om hul skuld af te betaal, was Sanral in ’n goeie posisie om hul berekeninge te maak van wat hul tariewe moet wees om ’n goeie finansiÍle oes van Jan Alleman te kry. Met dit gesê, kom nog ’n Bybelse waarheid my op wat in Mat 13:12 staan: Want hy wat het, aan hom sal gegee word, en hy sal oorvloed hê; maar hy wat nie het nie, van hom sal weggeneem word, ook wat hy het.



E-pos jou briewe na: nuus@rekord.co.za

Briewe mag aan die Redakteur gerig word, Posbus 8261, Pretoria 0001, faks na 086-652-0378 of e-pos na nuus@rekord.co.za. Briewe mag nie langer as 200 woorde wees nie. Die Redakteur behou die reg om enige brief te wysig. ’n Skrywer mag onder ’n pennaam skryf, maar sy of haar volle name, adres en telefoonnommer moet die brief vergesel.

Hondjie se val ontstel Mev. Coetzee skryf: Ek wil net vertel van ’n insident wat ek en my dogter 19 April by Centurion Mall beleef het. Ons was op pad na Maxis om ontbyt te eet en moes by ’n troeteldierwinkel verby stap. Binne, was twee jong mans besig om klein, en ek bedoel klein, hondjies in die draadvertoonkaste te sit, sommer so drie, vier hondjies gelyk in die hande. Die boonste vertoonkas staan ten minste 1,5m

bokant die teÍlvloer, toe die een jong man ’n hondjie laat val. Na die deure geopen het, het my dogter met hulle gaan praat, onnodig om te sê, volgens die man, was die hondjie ongedeerd. ’n Mens kon sommer sien die diertjie het baie seergekry. Ek het gedurende die oggend met verskeie winkeleienaars oor die voorval gesels en selfs die DBV gebel. Wat staan ’n mens te doen? Brief verkort – Redakteur.

Give with love Most people believe that true success and happiness are found in receiving or getting. In other words, a mentality that says: I’m going to get what I can, can what I get and sit on the can; and when I’ve got enough in the can, I’ll be content! Matthew 10:42 (TLB): And if, as my representatives, you give even a cup of cold water to a little child, you will surely be rewarded. This verse says that even the smallest act of kindness, done to the right person and with the right motive, will be rewarded. True Godly love is love that gives. What is given is not important, but the motive and attitude are what matters. Giving to a child speaks of unselfish service, because a child will not normally be able to give something back to you. Think of yourself for a moment – do you live to give or live to receive? Proverbs 11:24-25 (TLB) says: It is possible to give away and become richer! It is

Faith Nevil Norden

also possible to hold on too tightly and lose everything. Yes, the liberal man shall be rich. By watering others, he waters himself. The whole worldly system says: “Save to have�, while God says: “Give to get�. Give freely of your time, your energy and your resources and you will be amazed at the joy you experience. When faith gives, then faith can also receive. Why not start today? The world and God are waiting.








PUK-wintersportreeks lewer puik resultate Montana se rasieleiers behaal tweede plek Twee Hoërskool Montana rasieleierspanne het onlangs aan die Gauteng-kampioenskap vir rasieleiers deelgeneem. Dié toernooi het by Hoërskool Eldoraigne plaasgevind. Beide spanne van Hoërskool Montana, waarvan een ’n meisiespan en die ander ’n gemengde span, het tweede plekke by die kampioenskap behaal.

Last man standing Hoërskool Overkruin pupil Niki Bouwer recently participated in the Last Man Stands Cricket (LMS) World championship as a player for the Kings VIII team. LMS is the biggest amateur cricket league in the world with over 1 000 teams and nearly 20 000 players. The Pretoria-based Kings VIII team was crowned as the champions at the prestigious World Championship, which was held in Cape Town.

Nuwe jeugkoorlid Nicole Eagar, ’n graad 11-leerling aan Hoërskool Overkruin, is vanjaar tot die Universiteit van Pretoria se jeugkoor verkies. Die koor het onlangs na België vertrek, waar hul aan verskeie kompetisies gaan deelneem. Die universiteit se jeugkoor is ’n multi-kulturele koor wat uit uit 71 lede, wat 23 skole in Pretoria verteenwoordig, bestaan.

Hoërskool Montana het onlangs saam met agt ander hoërskole aan die PUK-wintersportreeks deelgeneem. Die agt skole is in twee groepe van vier elk opgedeel. Hoërskole Montana, Merensky, Lichtenburg en Standerton het in die een groep teen mekaar kragte gemeet. Na verskeie wedstryde het dié vier skole teen die volgende groep skole, waaronder hoërskole Ben Vorster, Standerton, Oos-Moot en Frikkie Meyer, gespeel. Daarna is die plekke in die PUK-reeks aangewys waar Hoërskool Montana se eerste rugbyspan in die algehele derde plek geëindig het. Hoërskool Montana se eerstespan rugby in aksie teen Hoërskool Merensky tydens die PUK-reeks wat onlangs plaasgevind het.




Treat your special mom

George Baker, BZN en Pussycat vermaak gaste op 12 Mei by die Moreletagemeente.

On 13 May mothers around the country will be spoiled in celebration of Mother’s Day. Rekord, in conjunction with the Carousel Hotel and Entertainment World, is giving three readers the opportunity to spoil their mothers in style on Mother’s Day weekend. The prize includes a one-night stay at the hotel, dinner and a scrumptious breakfast fa for two people. - To enter, simply ‘Like’ the Rekord Facebook page and F post a photo of a

special moment with your mother. Then like the picture. The moms with the most ‘likes’ will be posted on Re-kord’s new website www.looklocal.co.za. Winners will be notified via our Facebook page and the competition closes on 10 May at midnight. The prize is only available for 12 to 13 May and is not redeemable for cash.


Terug na 70’s en 80’s met Goue Stemme Musiekliefhebbers gaan weggevoer word na die 70’s en 80’s wanneer George Baker, Pussycat en BZN op 12 Mei in die ouditorium van die Moreleta-gemeente tydens hul Goue Stemme-konsert, optree. George Baker, Pussycat en BZN word getel onder die musiekikone van die 70’s en 80’s. Dié drie kunstenaars spog met verskeie goue- en platinumtoekennings wat hulle oor die jare ontvang het. “Daar het reeds tien jaar verstryk sedert ons laaste BZNkonsert in Suid-Afrika,” sê die musiekduo Jan Keizer en Annie Schilder. “Ons kan nie wag om weer daar op te tree nie.”” George Baker is net so opgewonde.

“Na tien jaar is ek angstig om weer my Suid-Afrikaanse aanhangers te sien.” Volgens Toni Willé van Pussycat gaan daar beslis genoeg nostalgie by die konsert wees. “Vir die eerste keer in 15 jaar gaan ek weer al Pussycat se treffers sing. Dit is boonop die 35e herdenking van die groot treffer, Mississippi.” Kaartjies is reeds beskikbaar by Computicket. - Rekord het vyf dubbelkaartj om weg te gee. SMS die tjies woord STEMME na 36968. w SMS’e kos R1,50 en gratis S S SMS’e tel nie. Wenners sal telefon in kennis gestel word. Die efonies kompetisie sluit 10 Mei om middernag.


Groot kunstenaars tree weer by Zambezi-musiekfees op Hoërskool Montana het besluit om vanjaar die prettige Zambesi-musiekfees, met supersterre soos Bok van Blerk en Elvis Blue, vir ’n tweede keer aan te bied. Hoërskool Montana het verlede jaar hul 30e bestaansjaar in styl gevier met dié uiters suksesvolle musiekfees wat almal gaande gehad het. Die eerste Zambesi-musiekfees, wat met top kunstenaars soos Arno Jordaan en Snotkop gespog het, was ’n wegholsukses en het ’n skare van 6 500 mense getrek. Die fees gaan 19 Mei op Hoërskool Montana se A-rugbyveld gehou word en gaan top vermaak deur bekende kunstenaars soos Bok Van Blerk, Elvis Blue, Snotkop en Arno Jordaan bied.

Feesgangers kan na ’n karnavalatmosfeer, kompleet met watertand kosstalletjies, unieke uitstallings en ’n mallemeule, uitsien. ’n Idols-talentkompetisie, waarvan die inskrywingsvorms by www.hsmon tana.co.za beskikbaar is, gaan ook deel van die feesverrigtinge uitmaak. Inwoners kan gerus hul eie stoele of komberse en piekniekmandjies saambring. Geen drank of glasbottels gaan toegelaat word nie. ’n Biertuin sal ook tydens die fees beskikbaar wees. Die hekke by Hoërskool Montana se Zambesi-musiekfees gaan van 09:00 tot 23:00 oop wees. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Computicket. Navrae: Hoërskool Montana by 012548-0160.

Take charge of your finances Promotion We work hard throughout our life as adults to provide the best standard of living we can for our families and it’s vital that we make sure that we protect our hardearned money along the way. Managing your finances can be a juggling act that is often confusing and overwhelming. Knowing you have life’s expenses under control is an excellent way to avoid future stress or unnecessary worry. With so much advice on how to increase or invest your income and so many ways to spend it, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed sometimes. However, don’t worry, we’re here to offer you tips on planning, saving, investing and managing your finances and will put you on the path to financial success. Step 1: Acknowledge the importance of your own goals. Ask yourself what do you dream of one day? Owning a business, further education, a new car, perhaps a trip around the world. Write down your top priorities and stick them up inside your wardrobe door or on your fridge. A constant reminder will make the dream seem more real and keep you motivated. Step 2: Manage household expenses so your ability to save is not compromised. If money is tight in a specific month, look at ways to trim household expenses. - Compare prices on websites before you buy. - Buy according to plan, make a list and buy only what is on it. - Take advantage of sales and special offers. - Make the most of your petrol, keep your car serviced and your tyres correctly pumped. - Go through your home and look for ways to save energy and costs. Step 3: Pay yourself first. It’s important to establish the habit of saving by starting a monthly investment.

Treat your savings like a bill, preferably paid by debit order. Put the money into an investment fund towards your big goal. Step 4: Decide where to invest. Investing in unit trusts is a popular choice. They give you access to a diversified portfolio without the stress of managing it yourself and if you need to, you can access your money within one day. Most importantly, they have the potential to offer excellent returns over the medium to longterm investment. There are literally thousands of local and international unit trusts available to South Africans, so how do you decide what’s right for you? The trick is to keep it simple. Old Mutual Unit Trusts’ Classic 5 Investment Collection makes unit trusts even more convenient with a range of five handpicked funds, chosen out of a range of 40 unit trusts, which we believe are the perfect investment vehicles for most types of investors. With the Classic 5 Investment Collection, you can choose a fund to meet your specific needs, depending on whether you want a lower risk fund or a higher risk fund, which looks for maximum growth. Then you can use this fund or funds if you choose more than one, as the basis of your portfolio. You can switch between them as your needs change, or you can add other funds from our full fund offering. Bottom line, you call the shots. For more information about which investments to choose, phone us on 0860 WEALTH (932584) or contact an Old Mutual financial adviser or broker. You can also use our ‘InvestRight Tool’ online at www.investmentcollection. co.za to help establish how much you will need to save and invest to meet your financial goals, be they short, medium or long-term. With self-motivation, commitment and discipline, you can achieve your financial goals and take control of where your money goes. Start today to reach your dreams.

Snotkop het ook die gehoor op hul voete gehad met sy energieke vertoning by verlede jaar se musiekfees. Talentvolle kunstenaar Arno Jordaan vermaak die skare by Hoërskool Montana se suksesvolle Zambesi-musiekfees wat verlede jaar by dié hoërskool gehou is.



Dans • Lekker Langarmdans, Vrydagaande 4 & 25 Mei, 20:00. Munisipale Ontspanningsklub, Annie Botha Laan, Riviera. Billike kontantkroeg. Eetgoed welkom. Geen o.18’s. R60 p/p. Kontak RA/0516291 Johan 082-579-5646.

Art • Art courses - Oils & acrylics

19 & 20 May, 22, 23 & 24 June. Neil Moss 083-306-1635. See website www.neilmoss.co.za. RA/0516612

• Kunsklasse in olieverf en tekenlesse (volwassenes). Moreletapark. Aand- en oggendklasse. Was self kunsstudent en het 20 jaar skilderondervinding. www.theaart. RA/0516247 com.

vind op 5 Mei van 10:00-12:00 plaas. Dit is die laaste toer van die jaar. Dr. Roos 012-807-7420. RA/0516859 - Friends of Rietvlei hosts a 7km guided walk through the Rietvlei Game Reserve on 19 May at 07:30. Marie 082-762-0046. RA/0516767 • Help Seniors in samewerking met Avbob bied ’n gholfdag 18 Mei by Wingate-buiteklub aan. Almal welkom. Anneke 086-111-6122. RA/0516742 • Honda Brunch Cruise day takes place on 6 May at Zwartkops. Tel 012-384-2291. RA/0516863 • Mandjiedans op 5 Mei van 19:00 by Valke-rugbyklub, Silverton. Geen eie drank op perseel toelaatbaar. Hendry 083-466-9016. RA/0516867 • Pret familiedag by NH-kerk Wonderboompoort op 5 Mei. Kunstenaars, talentkompetisies, eetgoed en meer. Magda 082-550-2975.






• Kermis. Ruimte-dienssentrum, Eeufeesstraat, Pta-Noord. 5 Mei van 08:00. Tel 084-208-5105. RA/0514992 • Murrayfield Morning/Oggend Market takes place every Saturday from 08:00-14:00, c/o Rossouw and Rubida Streets, Murrayfield. Beate RA/0515543 012-460-7722. • NH-kerk Villieria hou op 11 en 12 Mei basaar. Vermaak, kos en meer. Tel kerkkantoor. RA/0515532 • Princess Christian Home’s Minimarket takes place on May 11 from 08:00-12:00 at 120 Middel St, Muckleneuk. Donations of freshly baked bread and biscuits, books clothing and more are needed. Tel RA/0513162 012-460-2221.

• Ou lampskerms gesoek vir ’n gemeenskapopheffingsprojek. Tel 83556-2567. RA/0515581

• Botanical Gardens presents Conservation Tillage from 13-14 June. Jolene 014-717-3819. RA/0516746

• Geldinsameling ten bate van die Blommefondswonings vir Bejaardes, Union Park Gate, Kerkstr 693, 8 Mei van 05:00 tot 10:30. Boeke, wit olifant, rommel en meer. Tel 012-343-8173. RA/0514929

• ’n Musiekpretvasvra vind by Jakaranda-kinderhuis ten bate van dié huis en Louis Botha-kinderhuis op 5 Mei om 18:00 plaas. Tel Jakaranda-kinderhuis. RA/0516763

• Theresapark Moedersmaand Vlooimark vind op 5 Mei van 10:00 by Kingsley Square ten bate van Senior Burgers plaas. Tel 071-550-

• Curro Hazeldean Gospel Festival at 3Ci Zwavelpoort. 1 June. Children’s programme 16:00-17:00. Adults: 18:30-21:00. Entrance: Five

SABC 1 06:00 Kids News and Current Affairs 06:30 Sportsbuzz 2012 07:30 Takalani Sesame 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:00 Martin 4 11:00 Cutting Edge 2012 12:00 Friends Like These 14:30 Matrics Uploaded 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:00 The Jadagrace Show 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 20:30 Tshisa 21:00 Live SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 The Mummy 10:00 Takalani Sesame 10:20 Rivoningo 10:50 Ratanang 11:50 Nanny 911 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 18:00 Vetkoekpaleis 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Noot vir Noot 21:00 Mmampodi 21:30 Powerball 22:30 Four Weddings SABC 3 16:00 3 Talk with Noeleen 17:35 Oprah Winfrey Show 19:00 News 19:30 Entertainment News eTV 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 Mad About You 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 3rd Degree 12:00 Club 808 12:30 Backstage 13:30 WWE: Smackdown 14:30 Kermit’s Swamp Years 16:05 Frenzy 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Medical Detectives 18:30 Rhythm City 19:00 News 19:30 Club 808 20:00 Malcolm and Eddie 20:30 Hollow Man 22:50 Fearless Tiger

• Oosmoot-aftreeoord bied ’n kermis op 5 Mei van 09:00-13:00 ten bate van die oord. Meyerstr 1141, Villieria. Tel 076-859-8747. RA/0516743

• Beroeps Forum (Jakob se Put) bied ’n Moedersdag-vlooimark op 5 Mei by kerksondermure ten bate van mense sonder werk, maar nie bedel nie. Tel 012-644-0545. RA/0515555

• Dave van Vuuren headlines the Old Mutual Music in the Gardens Concert on 13 May at the Botanical Gardens. Tel 011-217-1594. RA/0516758

Friday, 4 May

• Pretoria Stroke Support Group meets Tuesdays from 10:00-12:00 in Waterkloof Glen. Tel 084-2704507. RA/0516757

• Afternoon course Dealing better with Death and Dying. 5 May 16:00-18:00. Alkantrant library, Lynnwood. RA/0516265

• Farm City Market takes place Saturdays from 09:00-13:00 in aid of various charities. Exhibitors welcome. Olympus Road. Tel 082-968RA/0514363 6001.


• Pa-wees in 2012. Cassie Carstens spreek mans by die Daniël Mannekonferensie op 9 Mei by Moreletapark-gemeente toe. Bespreek 012997-8088. RA/0515567

• Alzheimer caregiver group meets every 3rd Monday at 17:15. Next meeting 21 May. Riekie 082-4019546. RA/0516752

• Vriende van die Moreletakloofnatuurreservaat nooi inwoners om hulle by www.moreletakloof.co.za vir inligting oor uitstappies te besoek. RA/0516869


• Die VLU-Jakarandastreek bied op 11 Mei ’n gholfdag by Dienstegholfklub ten bate van Meerhof Skool. Tel 082-563-2181. RA/0515533


• New food/craft market, R100 p/weekend, busy Pick n Pay centre. SMS 076-939-7300. RA/0516527

• Erasmus-kasteel Spookhuistoere

• Loopbaanuitstalling. Opedag op 12 Mei van 08:00-14:00, TUT Kunstekampus, Pretoria-Wes-kampus. Tel 086-110-2421. RA/0515549


• g@p: Kom kuier lekker saam, maak vriende en luister na inspirerende praatjies en lewensverhale. Son 18:00 by Rafters 082-8808484. RA/0513655

• Die Tradisionele Boeremusiekklub bied ’n boeredans op 5 Mei by H/s FH Odendaal om 18:00 aan. Bernard 072-204-3994. RA/0516744

non-perishable food items. Items of clothing, blankets or money. All proceeds go to charity. Tel 012-8090714. RA/0516277

• Bipolêre Gemoedsversteuringondersteuning Montana, Pretoria. Esté na 18:00 by 071-110-0460. RA/0516855

Saturday, 5 May SABC 1 05:00 Matrics Uploaded 06:15 An Nur 07:00 Ben 10 Ultimate Alien 09:00 Dance Your Butt Off 10:00 Generations 12:30 Why are we so angry? 13:30 B-Ball Show 14:00 Soccer 411 15:00 Laduma: Nedbank Cup Semi-Final 17:30 Roots 18:00 Real Goboza 18:30 Friends like These 19:30 News 22:00 Club Culture - The Movement SABC 2 06:00 Tinga Tinga Tales 06:30 Jakkals Jol 07:00 Weekend Live 08:30 DIY met Riaan 09:00 House Call 10:00 Treasure Hunt 10:30 Wise Up 11:00 Keeping it Real 11:30 Living Land 12:00 Mother of all Professions 12:30 90 Plein Street 3 13:00 Muvhango 15:00 Late Night with Kgomotso 18:00 News 18:30 Smallville 19:30 News 20:00 The Voice 21:00 The Mo’Nique Show 2 22:00 Cold Case 23:00 Monk SABC 3 05:00 Wille Wêreld 10:00 X-Men Evolution 12:00 IFAD Documentary 18:00 Celebs Biographies eTV 05:00 Haleluya Africa 05:30 Medical Detectives 06:00 Higher Life 06:35 Cool Catz 07:00 Paddington Bear 07:30 Stuart Little 08:00 Thomas and Friends 09:30 Rhythm City Omnibus 11:30 WWE: Bottomline 13:00 Malcolm & Eddie 13:30 Step Up or Step Out 2 14:00 Rebound 16:00 WWE: Vintage Collection 17:00 WWE: NXT 18:05 Breaking the Magician’s Code 19:00 News 20:00 Cheaper by the Dozen 22:05 Alpha Dog 00:30 Trail of Passion

Sunday, 6 May SABC 1 05:00 Matrics Uploaded 06:00 Xihlovo 07:30 Ntunjambili 08:30 Team Green 10:00 Spirit Sundae 11:00 Big Up 12:00 Daddy 24/7 13:30 Imizwilili 14:30 Laduma: Nedbank Cup Semi-Final 18:00 Gospel Gold 19:30 News 20:00

• Botaniese Tuin bied Dieresiektes op die plaas op 22 Mei aan. Jolene 014-717-3819. RA/0516745 • Johan Marais delivers a talk on Various snakes, snakebites and how to treat snakebites at Imbabala, Buffelsdrift, on 26 May at 09:00. Book RA/0515576 082-375-4717. • Three-day workshop on Caring for the person with Dementia/Alzheimer’s 29-31 May. Sungardens hospice, Lynnwood, Pretoria. Aplications close 24 May. Denise 082413-9956. RA/0516281

How to steal 2 million 21:00 Gospel Gold 22:00 NBA Games SABC 2 05:30 Tyrannus 06:00 Jakkals Jol 07:00 Weekend Live 08:30 Psalted 09:00 Issues of Faith 10:00 I Carly 11:00 Eastern Mosaic 12:00 Sunday Sadhana 13:00 Women in Sport 13:30 Blue Bulls 14:30 Pasella 15:30 7de Laan 18:30 Fokus 19:00 Stokvel 8 20:00 It’s Gospel Time 21:00 Grown Too Quick 22:00 Monk SABC 3 06:30 Mickey Mouse and Friends 09:00 Dtv X1 12:00 Isidingo Omnibus 18:00 Around Iceland on Inspiration 01:30 Interface eTV 05:00 Haleluya Africa 06:30 Creflo Dollar Ministries 07:00 Higher Life 07:30 Family Time with Angus Buchan 08:30 Hillsong 09:00 Paddington Bear 09:30 Mona the Vampire 10:00 Zoboomafoo 10:30 Shiz Niz 11:00 TJ Hooker 12:35 Emma’s Wish 14:15 Rebound 16:00 Ripley’s Believe It or Not 17:00 WWE: Raw 18:05 Step Up or Step Out 2 19:30 Modern Family 20:00 Boa vs Python 21:50 All the Kings Men

Monday, 7 May SABC 1 05:00 Aum 06:00 Kids News and Current Affairs 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:00 Generations 10:30 Get Real 11:00 Precious Africa 13:30 Shift 14:30 Matrics Uploaded 15:30 Ben 10 Ultimate Alien 16:07 Digi Know 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:00 Soul Buddyz 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 20:30 Zone 14 SABC 2 05:30 Agri TV 06:00 Morning Live 09:50 Takalani Sesame 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Nanny 911 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 14:10 The Mo’Nique Show 2 15:00 7de Laan 16:00 Hectic Nine9 17:00 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 17:30 News 18:00 When Duty Calls 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Man Made Marvels 21:00 Muvhango 22:00 The Good German

• Pretoria Christian Women’s Connection meets on 12 May at Willows Country Lodge. Speaker: Elaine Schorn on Life’s a Journey. Pam 012-807-2451. RA/0516853 • Reach for Recovery invites breast cancer survivors to attend a course on 5, 11, 12 and 19 May. 32 Lys St, Rietfontein. 082-212-9933. RA/0516750

Klubs • CAD Christelike Afhanklikheidsdiens kom elke Maandaand by Stabilis om 19:00 by 1229 Haarhofstr, Môregloed bymekaar. Tel 082-5701291. RA/0516293


• Sweet 60s nooi eensames om aan te sluit. Byeenkomste en uitstappies. Elsie 083-976-1046. RA/0516751 • The Pilates Lounge Studio presents a free open day on 12 May from 09:00-12:00. Tel 012-9935747. RA/0516765 • The Pretoria Bonsai Kai hosts its bonsai show on 5 and 6 May at Safari nursery in Lynnwood. There will also be workshops. Christa 012-662-1343. RA/0516852 • Veteran and Vintage Day takes place on 10 June from 10:00-14:30 at POMC club, Keuning Drive, RA/0516747 Silverton.

Religion • English church services to start on 6 May 11:00. C/o Braam Pretorius and Kaneelbas, Wonderboom. Everyone welcome. Attie 082-3776187. RA/0516270

• Enkel afgetrede mans en vroue (65-78-jaar) met integriteit genooi om te kuier en ontspan. Noord-, Moot-omgewing. Sue 082-267RA/0514380 2638. • Strelitzia Toastmasters meet 2nd and 4th Thursday at 08:30 at Oostvallei Village Debbie 083-3103747. RA/0516748

• Events will not be accepted over the phone. Fax to 086-645-6764 or e-mail editorial@rekord.co.za or nuus@rekord.co.za or post to PO Box 8261, Pretoria, 0001. • Only events not aimed at profit/product selling, will be placed for free. Publication is not guaranteed. • Deadlines are strictly Wednesdays at 12 noon for the next week’s edition. • Events aimed at profit and events for guaranteed publication can be placed at a nominal fee. Contact Small Hits on 012-842-0321 or fax 086590-9648 or e-mail at smallhits@rekord.co.za

SABC 3 05:30 Expresso: Breakfast Show 09:00 New Adv of Captain Planet 09:50 China Beach 10:40 Generations 11:10 Isidingo 11:40 7de Laan 14:00 All My Children 14:50 Oprah Winfrey Show 15:45 Dr Oz 16:40 3 Talk with Noeleen 21:00 The Middle 00:00 News

Tuesday, 8 May SABC 1 07:00 Land 08:30 Isidingo 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:00 Martin 4 12:00 Selimathunzi 13:30 Shift 14:30 Matrics Uploaded 16:07 Comedy Khona 17:00 Pair of Kings 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 18:30 Daddy 24/7 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 20:30 Montana 21:00 Why are we so angry? 22:00 Final Whistle 23:00 Martin 4 SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 The Mummy 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Nanny 911 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 15:30 Muvhango 17:00 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Erfsondes 3 21:00 Muvhango 22:00 It’s Gospel Time 23:00 Open University 2 SABC 3 05:00 Nuus/Weather 09:00 Celebs Biographies 17:40 Days of Our Lives 22:00 Law & Order 00:00 Oprah Winfrey

Wednesday, 9 May SABC 1 06:30 Ken Do & Psi 07:30 Takalani Sesame 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 08:30 Isidingo 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:30 Real Goboza 12:00 Live 13:30 Making Moves 14:30 Matrixs Uploaded 17:00 Pair of Kings 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 20:00 Generations 21:00 Relate 22:00 Laduma: Absa Premiership 00:00 Martin 4 SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 08:50 Thabang Thabong 09:20 The Mummy 11:50

Nanny 911 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 17:00 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Pasella 21:00 Muvhango 22:00 Medium SABC 3 10:40 Generations 16:45 Days of Our Lives 21:00 Zero Tolerance 00:00 Oprah Winfrey Show

Thursday, 10 May SABC 1 05:00 Journeys of Inspiration 06:00 Kids News and Current Affairs 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 08:30 Isidingo 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:00 Martin 4 10:30 NBA Action 13:30 Siyayinqoba 14:30 Matrics Uploaded 17:28 Journeys of Inspiration 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 20:30 Sokhulu & Partners 21:30 Cutting Edge SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 09:20 The Mummy 09:50 Takalani Sesame 10:20 Rivoningo 11:50 Nanny 911 12:40 Judge Mathis 13:25 Days of our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 17:00 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 21:00 Muvhango 22:00 Bermuda Triangle: Startling New Series SABC 3 11:40 7de Laan 17:40 Days of Our Lives 21:40 Kings 04:00 3 Talk with Noeleen

The rest of eTV’s guide was not available at the time of going to print.





New Subaru on the horizon Bernard K Hellberg With sales in the doldrums for Subaru (91 units sold in March), the arrival of the new Subaru XV is exciting news for the company. In fact, the company will increasingly come to rely on its off-road models (Forester and XV) to boost sales. The Subaru XV has chunky, modern styling, fabulous road holding, superior driver and passenger safety thanks to seven airbags, which include a knee airbag and fully independent suspension all round. Standard features include iPod connectivity, a sunroof and dramatic two-tone 17-inch alloy wheels. Subaru prides itself on rugged, reliable engineering, including such great features as a chair-driven camshaft drive and rattle-free construction. Costly belt-drive is therefore eliminated. Despite the 110kW produced by the flat-four petrol engine,

the Subaru XV felt under powered, while the gap between sixth and fifth gear is virtually non-existent. When the car runs out of steam in sixth gear, you may just as well go straight to four. At R339 000 the automatic lineartronic CVT gearbox is a better option. This is R10 000 more than the manual shifter. More good news is the Subaru XV has a comprehensive three-year/75 000km full maintenance plan, a three-year/ 100 000km warranty and 15 000km service intervals. I predict that the Subaru XV will do to the Forester what Nissan’s Qashqai has done to the X-Trail, overtaking it in sales within the next three months or so.

The new Subaru XV is the car that has to save Subaru from the shrinking sales this company is experiencing at the moment in South Africa.

Ford capitalises on its growth Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa (FMCSA) started 2012 with solid momentum. It continues ramping up production of the all-new Ranger pick-up truck and offering new vehicles like the Kuga. FMCSA sold 3 730 retail vehicles in January. The Ford Figo had sales of 1 337 vehi-

cles and it was the fourth best-selling vehicle in South Africa, reinforcing its strong fuel economy, high quality and fun to drive attributes. On 27 January, Ford Motor Company reported 2011 full year pre-tax operating profit of $8,8-billion, an increase of $463-million from a year ago, as strong performance in North America and Ford

Credit offset challenges in other parts of the world. This marks the company’s third year in a row of improving annual operating profits. “We delivered strong results for the full year as we continued to serve our customers around the world with best-in-class vehicles and make progress toward our mid-decade goals,” said Alan Mulally, Ford president and CEO. “Despite the continued uncertainty in the external environment, the strength of our North American and Ford Credit operations allows us to continue to invest for future growth and develop outstanding products with segment leading quality, fuel efficiency, safety, smart design and value,” he said. Ford Motor Company’s global growth is mirrored by FMCSA successes. The company has expanded and invested in its Silverton assembly plant, one of the key assembly operations in the company’s Asia Pacific and Africa region. FMCSA remains an important contributor to Ford globally. “FMCSA’s sustained commitment to South Africa has continued to bring exciting new products to the market, while creating future growth opportunities through investment and employment,” said FMCSA’s Vice President Marketing, Sales and Service, Dean Stoneley. “Not least of those new products is the Ranger, which will provide a solid sales base for Ford Light Commercial Vehicle sales this year.” January’s industry sales showed resilience, growing 1,9% over the same month last year to 45 944 new vehicles.

The Ford Kuga is a new offering by Ford in South Africa and it is expected to be a very popular competitor in the SUV market.




Waarde vir geld met verbeterde nutswa Die eerste generasie van die Toyota Avanza was ’n baanbrekernutswa sonder fieterjasies en wat presies gegee het wat hy belowe het. Hy het soveel mense as moontlik van een punt na ’n ander gerieflik vervoer. Die splinternuwe Avanza, wat vanjaar te koop sal wees, het die dwarslat egter aansienlik opgeskuif en grootgeword. Groot wat styl betref, groot wat ruimte betref en groot wat gemak betref. Moenie ’n fout maak nie, die nuweling behou nog al die eienskappe van die vorige model, naamlik: sewe-sitplekveelsydigheid, kompakte buite-afmetings en skitterende waarde vir geld. Die hele pakket word danksy die volgende verfyn: Dinamika en ruimte is twee kernwoorde in die Avanza se ontwerp. Iets wat egter nog meer merkwaardig is, is dat dít gedoen is sonder om sy buite-afmetings dramaties te vergroot. Die nuwe Avanza is net 20mm langer en 25mm breër. Van die kant gesien is die oorheersende ontwerpelemente die slanke, verlengde vensters wat soos een soliede stuk glas lyk. Kleurgepaste deurhandvatsels is deel van die standaardtoerusting. Die S- en SXmodelle het 14-duim-staalwiele en netjiese wieldoppe, terwyl die TX-weergawe 15-duim-allooisierwiele het. Al die SX- en TX-modelle het standaard modderskerms. Voorkantontwerpeienskappe sluit ’n nuwe spitsneus in wat die Toyota-kenteken huisves, die nuwe familiegesig van Toyota, wat sy buiging in die Yaris wat onlangs opgekikker is, gemaak het. Die sierrooster is regdeur die reeks in dieselfde kleur as die romp geverf, behalwe in die geval van die vlagskip-TX-model waar die sierrooster verchroom is. Dié topmodel in die reeks het ook misligte voor as deel van sy standaardtoerusting. Die agterdeur ‘bult’ effens van die nommerplaat af uit, wat weer ’n gevoel van krag gee. Nog twee afwerkings wat deel van die TX se standaardtoerusting is, is sy

agterste drukvlerk met ’n hoë gemonteerde derde remlig en ’n chroomstrook. Die Avanaza se binneruim word deur dinamiek en ruimheid gekenmerk. Die kajuitgevoel is baie meer dié van ’n passasiersmotor as wat dit in sy voorganger die geval was. Die middelkonsole wat die luguitlate, radiokontroles en ventilasiestelsels binne maklike bereik plaas, lewer ook ’n bydrae tot hierdie motoragtige gevoel. Een van die grootste pluspunte van die nuwe Avanza is die wyse waarop die ruimte vir die insittendes en bagasie vergroot is sonder om die buite-afmetings soveel groter te maak. Al drie rye sitplekke bied oorgenoeg ruimte wat knieruimte insluit en selfs al word al drie rye sitplekke gebruik, is daar nog genoeg ruimte agter om ’n billike hoeveelheid bagasie te huisves. Dié ruimte is verkry deur die vorm en posisie van die sitplekrugleunings en deurpanele millimeter vir millimeter te verander. Wat toerusting betref, behels die intreevlak se S-gradering sluitwerende remme (ABS), afstandbeheerde sentrale sluiting, alarm, immobiliseerder, elektriese kragstuur (kantelverstelbare stuurkolom), elektries beheerde vensters, dubbele lugsakke voor en ’n magdom bergplekke regdeur, alles as deel van die standaardtoerusting. Die petrolenjins van 1,3l en 1,5l en hul transmissies is in wese dieselfde as in die oorspronklike reeks, hoewel die voertuig se romp se gewig met sowat 20kg verminder en die sy lugdinamika verbeter is. Daarbenewens word lae rolweerstandbande en elektriese kragstuur (EPS) gebruik, terwyl elektroniese beheer van die lugversorging en enjin verbeter is. Dit en ’n magdom ander verstellings het tot ’n aansienlike verbetering in versnelling en brandstofekonomie gelei. Die gemiddelde verbruiksyfer in die gekombineerde siklus is as volg: 7,7l/100km vir die 1.3; 7,6l/100km vir die 1.5-outo en 7,2l/100km vir die 1.5-handrat.

Die nuwe Avanza se verrigting stel nie teleur nie: die 1.5-handrat versnel in 11,9-sek van 0 tot 100km/h, vinniger as die 12,1-sek van die vorige model (die syfer is effens stadiger in die geval van die outomatiese model). Toyota het gedurende die ontwikkeling van die nuwe Avanza spesifiek op rit en hantering gefokus. Die onderstel is verfyn om hoëspoed bestendigheid in ’n reguit lyn te verseker terwyl die veringverstellings hersien is om die skok van hobbels te verminder en die swaaibeweging gedurende baanwisselbewegings te onderdruk. Daarbenewens is geraas en vibrasies teen hoë rysnelhede verbeter. Windgeraas is verder verminder deur die boonste deel van die romp se klankdigting-

en absorberende materiale te hersien. ABS (sluitwerende remstelsel) met EBD (elektroniese remkragverdeling) word in al die nuwe Avanzas aangetref. Die remversterker is met ’n vlotter soort vervang (dit is ’n stelsel waar die vakuumklep toemaak wanneer dit nie gebruik word nie). Dit verminder aanvanklike verfloude werking (sponserige remslag) en lei tot ’n beter remgevoel. Wat passiewe veiligheid betref, pronk al die nuwe Avanza-modelle met dubbele lugsakke voor. Al die Avanza-modelle het ’n ToyotaCare-diensplan van vier jaar of 60 000km wat by die koopprys ingesluit is. Versieningstussenposes is elke 15 000km, asook Toyota se omvattende fabriekswaarborg van driejaar/100 000km.

Die nuwe groter Toyota Avanza, ’n voertuig wat elke uitstappie ’n plesier sal maak vir die hele gesin.




Distressed properties still a market reality While there were many positive indicators that trading conditions in the South African property market were continuing to improve, distressed properties are still a market reality. This was according to Peter Gilmour, chairman of Remax Southern Africa, who also headed up the group’s specialised distressed property department. Gilmour noted that in January and February this year, Remax of Southern Africa received over 300 new sole mandate distressed property leads from various financial institutions for which the group was one of the preferred partners for handling distressed property sales. To date, Remax agents had already successfully sold 100 of these properties. “Last year Remax reported that distressed properties spent an average of 48 days on the market and fell predominantly

into the R250 000 to R2-million price range,” said Gilmour. He also said that the majority of the distressed properties listed last year by Remax, were situated in Gauteng, which accounted for 70% of the total number of distressed properties compared to the Western Cape’s 10% and KwaZulu-Natal’s 20%. Gilmour reported that to date in 2012, distressed properties had come onto the market at an average selling price of R900 000. He also said that close on 80% of these properties had been in Gauteng. Gilmour concluded that while distressed properties would continue to make up a reasonable portion of available market stock in the year ahead, the sales process still required specialised knowledge to ensure a successful solution for both the seller and the financial institution involved.

Low maintenance house close to Gautrain bus stop This classy face-brick house is situated in Zwartkop in a small complex with easy access to freeways and within walking distance from the Gautrain bus stop. The house has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, one spacious living area plus a neat kitchen with a pantry. There is a lapa for entertainment and a double garage offers direct access to the property. There is also space for a caravan or trailer. The property is selling at R1,1-million. Enquiries: Estie Watson at Pam Golding Properties on 072-634-4411.



Homeowners want a home with a story Homes that stand out architecturally or have a rich history are in demand among Johannesburg buyers Homes that are architecturally distinctive or which have a rich history, are always in demand in Johannesburg’s sought after northern suburbs. According to Jonathan Davies, Pam Golding Properties joint area manager, who is based at the company’s Hyde Park office, said many buyers particularly at the higher end of the market were specifically looking for homes with which they could identify and that suited their own individual lifestyles. “While we sell properties across all price ranges, in this area we deal with many buyers in the price range from R10-million upwards, who wish to express their individuality and their own personal taste through their homes,” said Davies. Davies also said Pam Golding Properties had a prestigious portfolio of iconic properties that were currently on the market. “One such exceptional home is situated in Westcliff and is more than 100 years old, it was built in 1902,” said Davies. Davies said when visiting this grand old home, you might find yourself transported back to a gracious time of croquet, masked balls and horse drawn carriages.

“This ambience becomes evident upon entering the home through the triple volume entrance hall with its magnificent wooden staircase. The house, marketed by Pam Golding Properties for R16-million, is set among rolling lawns and old Cape ash, jacaranda, peach and fig trees,” said Davies. The house has six bedrooms, all of which have fireplaces and four bathrooms two of which are en suite. There are five reception rooms, including a ballroom and three large garages.







LOST & FOUND Rekord publishes this column on animals lost and found as a special service to the community. Rekord lewer ’n spesiale diens aan die gemeenskap in dié rubriek oor diere wat verlore of gevind is. - ’n Klein wit en bruin hond is onlangs in die Sinoville-omgewing gevind. Sy ras is onbekend, maar hy het ’n linkerheupprobleem. Navrae: Elizabeth Muller by 083-777-9666. - ’n Swart katjie met ’n pienk halsband met klokkies het in die Pretoria-Noordomgewing weggeraak. Navrae: Mari by die Pretoria-Noord-dierekliniek by 082-8225785. - ’n Jack Russelterriërtefie met mooi maniere en graag in ’n motor ry, bal speel en aan ’n leiband loop met ’n pienk halsband aan, is by die Pretoria-Noord Spar gevind. Navrae: Mari by die PretoriaNoord-dierekliniek by 082-822-5785. - ’n Toffiekleur Pikaneesreun is in die Pretoria-Noord-omgewing gevind. Navrae: Mari by die Pretoria-Noord-dierekliniek by 082-822-5785. - ’n Yorshireterriërreun met ’n groen halsband aan is in Tileba, Pretoria-Noord gevind. Navrae: Mari by die PretoriaNoord-dierekliniek by 082-822-5785. - A green lovebird went missing in Besembiesie Street, Montana Park. Enquiries: Susan Fick on 084-911-3129.

- ’n Swart Staffordshire bulterrërreun is op die hoek van Emily Hobhousestraat en Rachel de Beerweg gevind. Hy het ’n wit kol op sy bors. Navrae: Stella Bekker by 084-407-7142. - ’n Swart en wit hondjie is in Burgerstraat, Pretoria-Noord, gevind. Die hond se ras is onbekend. Navrae: Louise by 082519-6976. - ’n Jack Russelterriër het in die Montana-omgewing weggeraak. Sy naam is Charlie. Hy het ’n klein merkie op sy agterlyf wat soos die Nike-handelsmerk lyk. ’n Beloning van R500 word aangebied aan die persoon wat Charlie terugbesorg. Navrae: Andrew Fourie by 082-330-9239. - ’n Jack Russelterriër is in die Amandasig uitbreiding 10-omgewing gevind. Sy het geen halsband of mikroskyfie nie. Navrae: Ileen Dash by 084-555-0613. - ’n Swart Chinese keeshondreun soek ’n nuwe huis. Navrae: Akasia-dierekliniek by 012-527-0034 of 083-339-1692. - ’n Staffordshire bulterriërreun en -teef is in die Akasia-omgewing gevind. Navrae: Akasia-dierekliniek by 012-527-0034. - ’n Dobermann-pinscherteef het in Reidnersstraat, Dorandia, weggeraak. Sy is swart en bruin, het lang bene en ’n kort stert. Navrae: Riëtte Burger by 084-5120503. - ’n Jack Russellterriër het onlangs in die Wolmer-gebied weggeraak. Hy dra ’n wit halsband met die naam Milo. ’n Beloning van R300 word aangebied aan die persoon wat hom terugbesorg. Navrae: Angelique by 072-264-1347.





Tel: 012 842 0321 • Fax: 012 842 0319 • www.rekord.co.za • smallhits@rekord.co.za REKORD CENTURION DEADLINE: MONDAY 12:00 for the same week / OTHER REKORD NEWSPAPERS: DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY 12:00 for the following week • Office hours: 8:00 - 16:30

! "



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Kaste Kombuis en ingebou. Gratis kwotasie. Jan 084-503-1467 RA/0516756


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KOMBUISE, KASTE, toonbanke,








Daan Bekker 012-565-5968 /



. & 8 , 8 * , 8 8 !8 8> # 8# & , 8 & 18 , 8& 8> 8 8 :

Hannelize 082-920-2781 012-543-1389

THUMBS-UP DRIVING SCHOOL Pieter 079-430-2767

# $8- &,,&# 8 , # $8 &* & & 8 , 8* & 8= . * ! ! "



Spesialiseer in Speed



tutor@axxess.co.za 082-341-4759/0800-864-486



* Ys-/Vrieskaste, tuimeldroĂŤrs, stowe, oonde, skottelgoedwassers, wasmasjiene

Yskaste, Wasmasjiene.


aag - aag aan-almal 0005 Jaar in Rekord



BY DIE HUIS W/masjiene, Ys/Vrieskas T/droers & Stowe, Skottel- wassers. Speed Queen, Defy W/pool, LG, Samsung. 082-555-0031


by u HUIS







& Glybane

082-927-0782 Hansie

Was, dip, skeer, asook spesiale snitte vir alle soorte honde. Katte welkom.

8 & 8. , . 8 & $8 ,& & #8 8 8 . , & $& 8 8 & , 8 0 8#& 8 ! 8 8 $ & & . 8 8 $ 8 !8 $ 8 ,& 18)$& 8, 8 & . 8 & #8 & $8 . *& #8 8 8 8 $ 8 8& 8 8 8. * 8 , #& ,8 , & 8 8 8 $ 8 $ 8 8 !8 $ & . 8& 8 1 8 &, 8 $ 8 & 8 ! 8 , &!& 8 & . 8 , 8 ! 8 $ 8 $ 8 8 8 8 8 8#, 8 & . 8, & #8$&.8 8 & & 8 # & #8$& 8 1

Appliance Repairs @ home 082-555-0031


Henta 083-254-2412


aag - aag - aai alles breek


20 Year Warranty Free Quotes.



Beertjie Springkastele


SERVICES Building projects since 1976 * Bathroom renovations * New houses * Extensions, granny flats, waterproofing * Painting of houses & roofs We also do small projects. ra/0514726

Gerrit 082-824-2070




PIETER BOSCH W/masjiene, T/droers & Stowe, Speed Queen, Defy W/pool, LG, Samsung

By U Huis

087-808-7116 / 076-264-6516 clfastloan@polka.co.za Fax: 086-624-5333

012-386-1174 / 083-523-9158


ys-/vriesk, stowe, oonde, wasj, t.droĂŤrs, skottelgwas


Alet of Jan



& Wave Slide

aag - aag aan-almal 00013 Jaar in Rekord

Up to R150 000 (60 mnths)

Barnie Springkasteel


About Affordable

& ,8 & 8?" @8 8 8 & 8 8 8 ,& 8 & 8 $ & 8 8 & 1 08 8 8 8$ , , 8! 8 8.& , & # , &. 8 8 . # 8 $ 8 , ! .8 $ 8 8 !8 & & 8 8 & 1 % 8 $ , 8 $ ! 8 8 & 8& 8 & #8 8 & . 08& 8 & , !& & ,8 8 & 8 , & & 08 , 8 8 $ #$ & &# & 8$ 8 8 & 8 $ 8 & 8 & 8 !8 $ & 8 1




RONEL 012-377-1710 / 082-677-1553

1 Dag Diens


Asemrowende springkastele te huur.








DAK LEK Dakherstel, Waterdigting, Verfwerk, Paving, Fasias, Geute, Plafonne, Bouwerk. Wooden Decks. 25 Years our business + Ref's.

Rudi 073-031-2799 ra/0516590

SWIMMING POOL repair, new or maintenance with 29 years experience you will get the best prices and top quality Andre

076-787-4075 or visit www.micapools.co.za RA/0514745



installations * Single view * Extra view * HD * Signal problems * Relocations Where customer service is just the beginning

Chris 083-415-2494 ra/0516484

Beste pryse vir jou Woonwaens gesoek Ons bestaan van 1983. Rosaline 012-323-5420

motor. Ons bestaan van 1983. Julindi 012-323-5420

082-748-5299 / 012-542-1589 RA/0504810


Aag nee los blokkies!



CARE GIVER has successfully completed Home Nursing Course. Lucia: 082-491-4672 RA/0516489




HOUTVLOERE. Afskuur (90% stofvry) en seĂŤl. HerlĂŞ en installeer.

Fridges, W/machines, D/washers, T/dryers, Aircons & Stoves

Mauritz: 083-411-3537 012-331-6320

Ben 078-143-9842 / 084-022-1411




GLASS sliding doors, windows, showers, mirrors, glass repairs. Econo Glass & Aluminium

Kobus 082-818-6611 ra/0516477




Verstopte riole, geysers, toilette.

012-546-9188 082-662-4103 ra/0513436



DOKTER Alle tipe waterdigting en herstelwerk. Tot en met 10 jaar waarborg op alle werk. Kontak


WAS 'n MAT Matte en meubels Eienaartoesig

082-561-5150 ra/0514470

Drains, geyser, lekkasies 082-444-5831/ 012-547-1815 RA/0508531

Alle Geysers, Drains, Toilette, pype ens. Andries Loodgieters 012-377-3905 072-390-1559




ACE CARPETS Standard room from R70. L/suite from R50 per seat. & Tile / Wooden flrs.General cleaing 082-269-2251 ra/0507437

All Domestic Solutions Once off cleaning & contract PRO DOMESTIC

for gardens and furniture 012-664-5808 / 7103 (w) 076-142-1249 RA/0514117

/ # 6% /+./&/)3,07/ / /5/ /

## # # ## # #

# #

! " " $ ! ! % / &# 4/2&-/ $/ 4/2&*/ $ /



ALTOKLEEN (1979) Aan diens 24-uur Herstelwerk, installasies & sertifikate




GATES Electric fence + CCTV Repairs, maintenance and new installations.

Jan 082-711-3080 RA/0489705

BHC ELECTRICAL Certificate of Compliance New Installations, Domestic and Industrial Installations and Repairs, Light, Plugs, Stoves, etc.

Henry 083-270-5808

HANDYMAN Persoonlike toesig. Alle werke, bou, verf en "plumbing". Hang van deure. Nico 012-548-3624


Elektriese sertifikate, herstel + installasies 082-448-7290 RA/0516577

083-446-4266 RA/0516476

HANDYMAN FOR ANY NEED AROUND YOUR HOUSE. Also Hang doors, painting, lam floors.

Gerry 082-356-9943 ra/0516024

HSH ELEKTRIES Alle nuwe elektriese installasies, herstelwerk / instandhoudingswerk, fout opsporing en elektriese sertifikate.

Skakel Hercules 082-871-0368 / 072-382-3441 ra/0497364

PAINTING / ABSOLUTE PEST CONTROL Free Quotes!! We beat any written quotes.

012-662-1043 082-741-8438 RA/0516624

Pest Control Services cc Pest control & termites

086-100-0893 24 / 7 082-574-5455 RA/0505274


/ / / / /*,'0 +.-/

of Std room from R100. L/suite frm R50 per seat & Tiles, Wooden flrs. 083-418-4700 ra/0507439

MARINA MATWASSERS Profesionele stoomskoonmaakdienste matte / sitkamerstelle/matrasse 25 Years in Bussiness

Huisopknappings. Plaveisel, verf-, staalwerk. Waterdigting. Eienaartoesig.

AFRIC SAND Sand, Klip, Stene, Bogrond, Kompos, Speelsand, Brick force, DPC, Lintels, sement, ens.




Michelle 076-352-2037 RA/0505098

PICK ME CARPET CLEANERS 4 Rooms: R450 Colin 083-281-8460

PTA-NOORD MATSKOONMAKERS Eienaartoesig. Andries 084-800-9444


JUNCTION Suppliers of building materials Bricks, Pavers, Sand, Stone, Cement, etc. 071-699-6439


Gratis Boomsloping Kwotasies *Uithaal van stompe *24 Hrs - Versekering *Erf skoonmaak Skakel Danie of Johanna 076-094-7233 ra/0516227

Aaklig & aanstootlike bome

SKOONMAAKDIENS A1 Matte, meubels, "scotchguard". Ons werk self! Skakel: Leana 084-547-5990 / 379-9299 n/u


082-443-0088 10% Minder as enige kwotasie. 25 Jr ondervinding. Ten volle

Aabacus Tree Felling cc

082-443-0088 10% Minder as enige kwotasie. 25 Jr ondervinding. Ten volle verseker. Eienaartoesig. CAREL



Aaklige & aanstootlike bome


BEL WILLIE Boomsloping / stompe / alle palms. Gratis kwotasies.



Alle Kwotasies Gratis


911 - 911

100% VERSEKER Groot / Klein


082-575-8674 HANNES

Algemene meubelvervoer. Skakel Rika 082-920-1329 / 012-335-7098 ra/0497398


TOIT'S TRANSPORT Vera 082-091-5475




!!RUBBLE!! FREE FILL & QUOTE!! GARDEN & WASTE! 2 TON - R170 3.8 TON - R280 4 TON - R290 4.5 TON - R300 GO BIG - GO CHEAP 6 TON - R470 8 TON - R690 10 TON - R790 TREE FELLING YARD CLEANING FAST - 1 DAY SERVICE UPMOST AFFORDABLE marietjietransport@ gmail.com

082-300-5044 076-729-8369 071-682-5201 DISCOUNT FOR ALL PENSIONERS RA/0516474

AUSTEN Meubel- en Kantoorvervoer

012-379-9559 RA/0505181

Bel Kassie vir meubelvervoer. Bokse te koop. 012-548-9317 082-454-8159 ra/0503927

083-351-6342 /082-817-2824

En vele meer. Ten volle versekerd. Eienaarstoesig. Rufus




of Johanna 076-094-7233 Aaklig & aanstootlike bome

MEUBEL VERVOER DAVID 072-171-4817 alcari@polka.co.za

aaklige & afstootlike bome



ABC MINI MAXI MOVERS Local and long distance H/O 011-917-3823 Fax: 086-639-8456 Cell: 083-620-2454

BOU / TUIN AFVAL R350 Verhuisings R900 4 Ton trok Pryse ohb. Jaco

Gratis Boomsloping *Kwotasies *Uithaal van stompe *24 Hrs - Versekering *Erf skoonmaak Skakel Danie



082-903-5749 RA/0516276



DRIE TON TROK. Bou-, tuin- en algemene rommel. Algemene vervoer. Anton 012-546-6941/ 082-474-6563 ra/0503316

GOEIE DIENS is ons leuse! 5 - 8 Ton trokke te huur met drywer. Shaun 083-646-7082 RA/0497281

JJC TRANSPORT Verhuising & stoor! Elna 012-525-1343 083-376-1720 ra/0516632

P & A VERVOERDIENSTE Vervoer van meubels en alle tipe goedere.

Plaaslike en lang afstande. Eienaar toesig. Pieter 082-763-6486 pietere.transport@gmail.com RA/0515799

RUBBLE! 0767298369 ra/0515856



Willcue Construction



Elektroniese sekuriteit teen

Garden Waste Removal Zelda 071-108-1580

Versekering Alle bome / Palm / doringboom spesialis

sakpas pryse, hekmotors, elektriese heinings, kamerassisteme.

082-551-1014 New buildings, alterations / bathroom, kitchen renovations

Willi 012-548-0653 NHBRC since 1990 ra/0512798



Skakel Louis vir gratis kwotasie 083-200-8093 RA/0514699

in Moot-area. Skakel Melane 082-728-4729 / 076-096-2806





Hein 074-165-9138

Aabacus Tree Felling cc



Bathroom renovations, blocked drains + toilets. Valves, geysers and burst pipes. SPEEDYPLUMBING



Betroubare Piet, verw, jare onderv. Prof. Plavei-, verf-, teĂŤl-, bouwerk. 076-194-6585



Allen 082-754-7734



3 ! $ $ -- $ ! $ $

Nooi my na jou huis, jy hoef niks te koop nie. Ek wys jou hoe jy binne 10min jonger lyk. Jy kan binne 15 dae 5 jaar afskud. Glo my dit werk, al wat ek vra is 60 min van jou tyd, wanneer en hoe dit jou pas. Skakel my 083-453-1087


/! 1 082-746-7755

vir 'n gratis kwotasie



Onderwyseres benodig vir Kleuterskool " /'/ /

Bertie by 082-501-1463

Bourommel/Tuinafval 4 Ton VANAF R400 per vrag Minitrekke (kwotasie)


082-339-6135 082-441-0335


verseker. Eienaartoesig. CAREL


(- ! - (- -1 !2- (- ! - - (- -1 !2 -- (- " -- (- ! - (- - (- - (- - - (- - - " (- !!-# - (- ! - -- !



Pierre 076-592-6582

()*/-,2/)),)/'/()*/+.*/(,(0 (0./+30/.0((/'/(0./,,,/)-((




Vol stel vanaf R170 Skakel Christa 012-546-1042 082-725-5882

Droog binne 15 min. Eienaar werk self


Alle soorte naels ook beskikbaar na-ure en naweke.


072-495-3171 ra/0516581



AMAZING SUPER CLEAN Deep clean - carpets, l/suites & mattresses. (No hidden costs). Mike 083-229-8046 081-328-8838

Bourommel, Tuinvullis, alg. vervoer, asook mini trekke, kort en lang afstand.



WATERPROOFING * Int / Ext wall painting * Waterproofing / Painting all type of roofs * Thermoflex systems * Residential / Industrial * New fascia boards, gutters, ceilings * 7 Year guarantee * References available * On site supervision Free Quotations

Mon - Sat + Supervision Carpets, Furniture, Leather Windows, Matresses. Once -off Spring Cleaning Alta: 082-395-6449 361-4123 / 663-4416/ 331-7883 / 546-6158 www.altokleen.co.za

1.5 Ton Vanaf R250 2.0 Ton Vanaf R350 4.0 Ton Vanaf R450



Rudi 072-313-5689 Dawie 083-625-6107



012-567-1445 / 082-823-5045

Kwaliteit oprigting. Blanke toesig.


Aaklige vuil matte?

No call out fee.

012-653-7227/8 083-608-2157




Louis 082-967-1339



AUDIO, DSTV INSTALLATIONS All Audio, DSTV H/Theatre needs. TV, Hi-Fi repairs. 25 Years experience


STOORPLEK in Doornpoort op Privaat plot. Skakel Francois 071-680-0939 RA/0516135


ATTENTION ALL SECURITY PERSONNEL Well established security company in Pretoria East is looking for an ASSISTANT MANAGER And TECHNICIAN In their Technical Division. Technical background and Management experience essential. Salary package negotiable depending on qualifications and experience. Fax cv to 012-997-3834 / 086-573-9495 (Not longer than 3 pages) ra/0515039

BOOKKEEPER R12 000pm R15 000pm 25km from Zambesi on N1-North. This very busy retail store owner is looking for young mature and energetic lady who

can be the right hand to Snr Bookkeeper, Doing full Debtors, capturing invoices, recons etc. B/keeping dipl + 5 yrs similiar exp on Pastel. Must be fluent in Afr.

tiszelle@gmail.com RA/0516591

CUSTOMER CARE CONSULTANTS Pretoria based company seeking 10 motivated people to start immediately.

R9 000 + commission Bonuses and weekly incentives. Own vehicle ess. For interview contact Personel Dept.

on 011-042-9048 RA/0516521

Ons Holding Company in Kaapstad wat 23jaar bestaan, brei nou uit na Pretoria 4 Nuwe takke Ons benodig: 4 Bestuurders 8 Individue om opgelei te word as Bestuurders. (18-35j) (Let wel: moet onmiddellik begin) Ons bied: *Uitstekende bevorderingsmoontlikhede *Basies R126 000pj *Medies, pensioen

Geen kansvatters nie SKAKEL 012-543-2138

Admin en rep werk. Vaardig in Ms Word, Excel en kennis van Pastel. Area Kameeldrif.

Kontak H. Buitendag 076-492-7207 RA/0516518

Gevestigde Eiendomsagentskap

* New PCs * Upgrades * Repairs * Networks * Basic CCTV Systems

Call Johan for a FREE QUOTE

084-726-8307 RA/0515790

All Domestic Solutions. Placing of Domestic workers, tea-ladies. UIF reg. We also do Housekeeping, Cook & Bake training.

Pro Domestic. 012-567-1445 / 082-823-5045

www.prodomestic.co.za RA/0506943

BETROUBARE HUISHULPE Verwysings Proeftydperk. Alle voorstede Skakel MONTANA Employment 083-225-7205 RA/0513077


Op soek na

skoonheidsterapeute en nael tegnikuste om ons kliĂŤnte bevrediging te verseker. Gekwalifiseerd en of ondervinding belangrik. Kontak Jullie-Ann 072-494-1882 of e-pos CV na jullie.ann05@gmail.com RA/0516786

Restaurant in

BETTY seeks Wednesdays only. Cleaning, ironing, childcare. REF. 072-142-0346 RA/0516442

Bongi 076-667-1719. Seeks Mon - Fri. Sleep in/out. Diligent. Ref: 082-810-2628 ra/0516533

JAP-TRAP SKOONMAAKDIENSTE Ons maak jou huis, kantoor en winkel in 'n jap-trap, onder toesig skoon. Ons gebruik ons eie toerusting, skoonmaakmiddels en stryk op perseel. Kontak Maryke



Benodig dringend AFRIKAANSsprekende

LEAH: seeks piece work. Tue & Fri. Sleep out. 073-911-8159

KELNERS met onderv. Skakel Janine 012-548-6836.

E-pos volledige CV na: mikesmontana@ vodamail.co.za RA/0516718

Dame tussen 20 - 30 met voertuig en lisensie.


Verdien R11 000 pm. Eie vervoer. Geen deur-tot-deur verkope. Bets 012-345-5628 074-165-5566 RA/0516482

Werk beskikbaar by battery winkel in Brooklyn / Montana vir betroubare mans persoon. Stuur CV na 012-548-1314 RA/0516512




MAID-IN-HEAVEN Moeg vir kontrakte, huishulpprobleme? Ek't die alternatief. Het uitstekende huishulpe. SUZETTE: 074-371-2212 RA/0516006

POPPIE: Seeks Tue, Wed, Thu & Fri. piece work. Friendly, hardw. 073-199-4984 Ref. RA/0516556

Rose piece job for Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri. Honest. Excellent ref. Asset. 071-948-8316 RA/0516562

Rosinah soek Ma - Vry. Verw: Santie 083-271-4840 RA/0516264

Sarah seeks 5 days, sleep out. Reliable. Honest, hardw. Ref. Experience. 076-227-7182 RA/0516434

Sophy seeks full-time, sleep in. Reliable. Honest. Asset. Diligent. Hardw. 078-539-8779 ra/0516539

VERONICA 079-231-1620 Seeks full-time job. Sleep out. Ref: Mr Els 082-317-8866/ Ref: Mr Phaka 076-082-6980 RA/0516497


BON ACCORD Pragtige plot 2.1 ha, relatief naby stad, 4 slk, woonhuis, dubbelgeriewe, 3 m/huise, 4 buitegeboue, s/bad, braai, mooi tuin, 750+ besonderse inheemse bome, boorgat en munisipale water.

Stuur 'n kort CV aan agent533@yahoo.com RA/0516707

Onderwys pos beskikbaar by klein, onafhanklike skool. Onderwys graad / diploma of ander Universiteits- graad. Begin 16 Julie 2012.

Skakel Mev Bornman 072-532-7579 / 082-369-8214 RA/0516524

R1,25 milj of huur R7 100 pm

Roelof 072-143-3438 Roelanda Eiendomme RA/0516550


PAUL ROUX 2 Erwe, 3 000m² elk, ideal geleÍ met uitsig oor dam. Paul Roux is 'n kleinerige dorp met 'n aangename atmosfeer, 35km vanaf Bethlehem, in die skilderagtige Oos-Vrystaat.

R95 000 per erf. Roelof 072-143-3438 Roelanda Eiendomme RA/0516551


North of PTA Plot to rent, 9 hectare, 3 bedr house, double garage R6 500 pm Contact Lettie

072-346-7086 RA/0516733


&+ +$+ +.+ " !+ $+ ! %+ +$+ +$+ !+ ! &+ +%+ +%+ ! &+ +%+ + " !+ &+ " !+ &+ +%+ +%+ " %+ ! %+ +$+ !


QUEENSWOOD 3 Slk, 2 badk, kombuis, sitkamer en eetkamer. 1 Slk woonstel, swembad, boorgat, stoork, elektriese omheining. R7 500 pm Onmidd. beskik. Willem 082-603-7068

R4 800 pm elektrisiteit uitgesl. Skakel Nico 082-600-8328

R3 800pm plus deposito. W & l uitgesluit. Geen troeteldiere. Skakel Chris 079-463-6692 ra/0516498


Moderne ruim 2 slk huis. Water & krag uitgesluit. Deposito 'n vereiste. Beskik einde Mei.

Kontak 082-880-1493


KARENPARK Townhouse to let Neat simplexes. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr

R4 600 pm. 2 Bedr, 2 bathr

R4 000 pm. Beautiful gardens & swimming pool in complex.

HARMONIE Akkomodasie: Permanent R4 500pm per persoon. Bed en ontbyt en oornag verblyf R375 per nag per persoon. Naby stad, universiteit, hospitale, Gautrain stasie en winkels. Gemeubileerde kamers, etes en wasgoed ingesluit. Skakel 082-702-5994 RA/0515781


TO LET - TO LET Eenhede te huur in

Pretoria-Noord, Deetlefsstr.



" + + + " + ! + !

&+ + + %+ +%+ " + ! +$+ ! +&+ + +&+

+%+ + !+ + ! ! +$+ !

The Easterns Titans franchise, named Malibongwe Maketa as the new assistant coach as from 1 May. “Maketa brings a wonderful work ethic to the Nashua Titans team. He is a terrific mentor of young men and an excellent young coach who pushes his players to be the best they can be,� said Elise Lombard, CEO of the Easterns Titans franchise. “I am delighted that Maketa agreed to be the Nashua Titans assistant coach. After an exhaustive search he was the standout candidate and I am looking forward to working with him in future. Maketa brings a wealth of experience to the post and I am sure we will learn a lot from each other in the coming months and seasons. He has a great way with the play-

ers and he will help them develop to reach their maximum potential,� said Matthew Maynard, coach of the Nashua Titans. Previously Maketa was part of the winning Nashua Titans team. He came to the Nashua Titans as an assistant along with former coach Richard Pybus, in the 2006/07 seasons, where they enjoyed a successful partnership, winning five trophies in the two-year period. Prior to that, he was a professional coach at the Western Province Preparatory School for a year. Maketa was appointed the Northerns Provincial amateur coach in May 2008. Under his guidance, the Northerns amateur team won the CSA one-day challenge and T20 trophies.




New assistant coach appointed at Titans


Pragtige tuinwoonstel te huur. HOOG TEEN BERG Oppervlakte: 170m² 2 Ruim slaapkamers, oopplan leefarea, groot moderne kombuis met aparte opwas. Sekuriteitsdeure en vensters, gewapende sekuriteitsdienste. Onderdak parkering. Gratis tuindienste en water.

MONTANAPARK 2 Slk woonstel vir 2 persone. Beskik 1 Mei




2 Slaapkamers, 1 vol badkamer met kwaliteit afwerkings. Het elk 'n ingeboude braai en onderdakparkering asook privaat tuin/balkon. Die kompleks bied sekuriteit sowel as veilige speelarea vir kinders.

R3 700 R3 900pm water ingesluit, prepaid elektrisiteit. Kontak Dana Swart

Accommodation in well maintained block available for Rental immediately in the following areas: Wonder Park Estate, 1st ave, Karen Park & Park Crescent, Orange Blossom Boulevard, Pretoria North.

Tel: 012-400-8611 Fax: 012-400-8642 RA/0516148

Oudspelers speel gholf om geld te in




Swemmers van die Aquatic-swemklub in die ooste van Pretoria het puik by die onlangse streekskampioenskap in Germiston presteer. Swemmers van diĂŠ klub het vyf goue, een silwer- en twee bronsmedaljes gewen. Hier is ’n paar van die presteerders saam met hul afrigters. Van links staan Eugene da Ponte (afrigter), Lyla CronjĂŠ (Laerskool Garsfontein), Bianca Coetzee (HatďŹ eld Christian School), Louis Nel (HoĂŤrskool Garsfontein), Joa van Niekerk (Laerskool Constantiapark), Stepehany Houtman (HatďŹ eld Christian School), Hannah Butters (HatďŹ eld Christian School) en Marcel da Ponte (afrigter). Foto: Koos Venter

Safe & Affordable


1 Slk woonstel R1 900pm W & L ingesl, Dep. van R1 900 onmid betaalbaar. 2 Slk woonstel R3 100, W & L ingsl, Dep R3 100 onmid betaalbar 5 km vanaf Wonderpark op kleinhoewe. Skakel 072-436-1058

Swemmers vaar puik by kampioenskap


Die Blou Bulle se oudspelersvereniging se jaarlikse gholfdag, wat onlangs by Wingatebuiteklub aangebied is, was ’n groot sukses. Belangstelling was so groot dat meer spelers as normaalweg geakkommodeer moes word. Die eerste spelers het al voor 08:00 die oggend afgeslaan en verskeie huidige sterre van die Blou Bulle het ook deelgeneem. Hier is ’n groep oud-Blou Bulle by die aand se onthaal saam met Uhland Muller (heel regs) van die hoofborg, Logistics Transport Globally (LTG ) en twee van sy personeellede (regs agter). ’n Groot bedrag is met die gholfdag ingesamel, wat gebruik sal word om oudspelers van die Blou Bulle in nood te help. Foto: Koos Venter

BEJAARDES Deelkamer beskik

082-375-1268 RA/0515405

MAGALIESKRUIN Baie netjiese 1 slk tuinwoonstel met mooi uitsig. Baie goed geleĂŤ.


R2 000 pm + water & elektrisiteit. Gerrie 082-555-8730 GEEN DIERE RA/0516356

Stoeiers ding op internasionale vlak mee SUIDKUS! Vakansie akkom.

082-785-9110 www.agape-estates.co.za RA/0496674

Drie van diĂŠ die Reitz-stoeiklub se stoeiers is onlangs as deel van verteenwoordigende Suid-Afrikaanse spanne aangewys wat internasionaal gaan deelneem. BellaLufu Hughes (heel links) gaan binnekort aan twee kwaliďŹ serende toernooie vir die Olimpiese Spele deelneem. Langs Hughes is Barco Badenhorst, Barend Wesseloo en Jacques Rossouw.




Geen einde in sig vir dié judo-legende Koos Venter Hy het reeds byna 5 000 provinsiale en meer as 500 nasionale kampioene afgerig, maar ná 60 jaar se betrokkenheid by sy geliefde sport is Hennie Pretorius se blus nog lank nie uit nie. Daar loop nie ’n meer suksesvolle en geliefde judo sensei in Suid-Afrika rond nie, maar Pretorius bly nederig oor al sy prestasies. Baie oningeligte mense glo dat alle deelnemers aan Oosterse gevegskunste se geloofslewe deur hul sport beïnvloed word, maar Pretorius maak dit vinnig af as bog. Hy getuig maklik oor sy eie Christenskap. As ’n mens luister na die invloed wat hy veral op honderde kinders se lewens gehad het in sy lang loopbaan, is sy getuienis inderdaad nie net praatjies nie. Pretorius glo dat judo een van die beste sportsoorte is om deelnemers en kinders in besonder, se lewens drasties te verander. Veral kinders wat sukkel met selfvertroue of wat uit ’n ongebalanseerde agtergrond kom, lê hom na aan die hart. Hy vertel dat daar niks lekkerder is as om so ’n kind te sien groei as sportman én as mens nie. Dié 74-jarige judofanatikus se eie verhaal is egter net so merkwaardig. Hy het tien jaar gelede reeds vir sy sesde dan gegradeer en hy word regoor die wêreld gereken as een van die sport se mees invloedryke kenners.

Sy pad het dié sport reeds in 1952 gekruis toe hy nog ’n tiener was. As jong sportman verteenwoordig hy die ou Oos-Transvaal en in 1960 begin hy ook as skeidsregter optree. In dié hoedanigheid het hy ook al internasionale erkenning gekry. Sedert 1969 tree hy al by internasionale byeenkomste op en hy is steeds geakkrediteerd as skeidsregter by die Internasionale Judo Federasie (IJF). Dit is egter as afrigter wat Pretorius soveel sukses behaal het dat die judo-gemeenskap van Suid-Afrika inderdaad al vir hom ’n standbeeld kan bou. Hy het byna 40 jaar gelede uit sy werk as ambagsman bedank, ’n judosaal langs sy huis in Kilnerpark in Pretoria aangebou en voltyds begin afrig. Sedertdien het hy nog verskeie ander klubs help stig en die lys van beroemde judokas wat deur hom afgerig is, is eenvoudig te lank om op te noem. Meer as 15 000 judokas het sy pad as leerlinge gekruis sedert hy in 1964 begin afrig het. Sy leerlinge het al wêreldwyd presteer en 79 judokas het hul nasionale kleure onder sy afrigting ontvang. Hy het ook al ’n wêreldkampioen en verskeie medaljewenners op wêreldkampioenskappe opgelewer. Pretorius het egter geen planne om nou al aan aftree te begin dink nie. Hy wil met sy werk aanhou tot hy letterlik nie meer

Pretoria yields Muay Thai world champion Muay Thai, translated into English as Thai Boxing, is the national sport of Thailand, and is a martial art with origins in the ancient (Boran) battlefield tactics of the Siamese army. Muay Thai, or Muay Boran, fights feature punches, kicks, elbows, knees, standing grappling, and head-butts to wear down and knock out an opponent. Muay Thai Boran training methods develop devastating power, speed, and superb cardiovascular endurance, as well as fighting spirit. Muay Thai Boran South Africa selects a team to attend the World Championships in Thailand each year through a series of eight tournaments that culminate in a selection final at the Ambassador’s Cup, supported by the Royal Thai Embassy. This year’s team collectively brought home a gold medal, three silver medals, and a bronze medal. Drikus Schutte (18) stood proud and tall as they raised the South African flag during

The referee raises the hand of the winner, Drikus Schutte from SA, at the Muay Thai World Championships in Thailand.

the presentation of his gold medal at this year’s World Championships in Bangkok. The road to becoming the new World Champion is his personal story of heart, determination and focus, and a ‘never-giveup’ attitude. Drikus started learning the martial art of Muay Thai at the age of 14 at Tiger Dragon Fight Gym in Newlands, Pretoria. He was quick to learn, but his age and size made it difficult to find suitably matched opponents. Due to his determination to progress, he tested his skills against bigger and stronger boys and men, and shrugged off his early defeats with his mind fixed on bigger goals. At 16, Drikus was selected for his first World Championships as a member of the Muay Thai Boran South Africa (MSA) team. He found himself measured against the strongest Muay Thai nations in the world. His first international loss fuelled a greater ambition to get back to the gym, train harder and challenge himself to develop further as a martial artist and athlete. His second attendance of the World Championships last year earned him a bronze medal. This year, at his third World Championships, he dominated in the finals against a technically strong Japanese opponent, to achieve the success of gold and the title of World Champion. Muay Thai South Africa, under the leadership of the chief instructor Kru Yai Mario Da Silva, is the South African representative of the World Muay Thai Federation, the Muay Thai Conservation Centre of Thailand and the Association Institute of Thai Martial Arts.

Pretoria se eie judo-legende, Hennie Pretorius, het pas sy 60e jaar van betrokkenheid by dié sport gevier.

kan nie. Hy is nog fiks en gesond en oefen daagliks nie net in sy gimnasium nie, maar ook deur fiets te ry en te swem. Pretorius is nog so sterk en gesond dat twee inbrekers onlangs hul moses teëgekom het toe hy hulle in sy huis verras het. Hy het ook al ’n gewapende roof oorleef deur teen die boosdoeners terug te veg. Pretorius glo dat judo die ideale sport

is om ander sportmanne soos rugbyspelers te help met soepelheid, koördinasie en selfvertroue. Ook gestremde kinders baat beslis by dié sport. Hy nooi veral ouers om hul kinders aan dié sport bloot te stel. Navrae: Hennie Pretorius by 012-3334647.

Spar winner receives a car There is an exciting new incentive for runners taking part in the Spar Women’s 10km Challenge races this year. The winner of the annual Spar Grand Prix will receive the keys to a brand new, just released car. For the past five years, the top runners have competed for Grand Prix points, with the overall winner pocketing a hefty cash prize. This year she will receive a Nissan Micra Visia 1.2.

SA’s top athletes show their excitement at the new first prize for the Spar Grand Prix. From left are Irvette van Blerk, Marelise Retief, Mike Prentice (marketing executive Spar Group) and Rene Kalmer. Photo: Koos Venter

The runner-up will receive R30 000 and the third-placed athlete R15 000. There are cash prizes for the top ten runners in the open category and for the top three in the four age categories. Runners earn Grand Prix points according to their positions in the five challenge races, which are held in Cape Town, Nelson Mandela Bay, Durban, Pretoria and Johannesburg. The top 20 runners in each race earn Grand Prix points, with the winner receiving 20 and the 20th placed runner one point. An age category runner earns points by finishing in the top five in her age group, with the overall age group winners taking home R3 000. Runners can also earn bonus points by finishing the race in a faster time than the winning time in the particular race in the previous year. All runners who beat the 2011 overall winning time in the relevant age category of the corresponding race in 2012 will score five time incentive points. “We are so excited about the way interest in the Grand Prix has grown every year,” said Spar Group marketing executive, Mike Prentice. “We believe the runners will be enthusiastic about the chance to win a new car to help them get around when they are not running.”



Rugby: 4 May. SupeRugby. Bulls vs Waratahs, Sydney Football Stadium, Sydney, Australia. 11:40 (SA time).



Atletiek: 4 en 5 Mei. SA Ope Kampioenskappe. ABSA Tuks Atletiekstadion. LC de Villiers Sportterrein. Hatfield.

Top junior hokkievroue in aksie by TUT-stadion Demi Roodt van die Northerns o.21-vrouehokkiespan laat waai met haar hokkiestok op die nasionale toernooi by TUT. Foto’s: GB Jordaan

Koos Venter Die jaarlikse interprovinsiale o.21-vrouehokkietoernooi is verlede week in die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie (TUT) se stadion gehou. Twaalf spanne van regoor die hele land het in Pretoria saamgetrek vir dié belangrike toernooi, waar

die land se beste jong hokkietalent in aksie was. Plaaslike ondersteuners het die voorreg gehad om twee plaaslike spanne te ondersteun, want die Northerns B-span het saam met die Northerns Blues deelgeneem. Hierdie feit onderstreep die krag van plaaslike vrouehokkie. Op dag vyf was die Northerns Blues nog een van die sterk aan-

spraakmakers om in die eindrondte van die toernooi te speel. Na afloop van hierdie toernooi sal ’n nasionale oefengroep aangewys word. Uit hierdie groep sal die nasionale o.21-span gekies word vir Oktobermaand se belangrike Afrika-kwalifiseringstoernooi vir die junior wêreldbekertoernooi wat volgende jaar plaasvind.

Jong Pretorianer vang rekord Blou Marlyn Koos Venter ’n Jong rekenmeester van Groenkloof in Pretoria het ervare diepsee hengelaars by ’n onlangse hengelkompetisie in Richardsbaai op hul neuse laat kyk. Hy het die grootste Blou Marlyn ooit in dié baai se hawegebied met sy eerste probeerslag as roofvishengelaar uitgetrek het. Wynand van Wyk is eintlik ’n varswaterhengelaar, maar op besoek aan Richards-

baai het hy saam met vriende op ’n boot uitgevaar om aan die bekende Bonanzadiepseespesie-hengelkompetisie deel te neem. Van Wyk het sowat twee ure met die bielie-Marlyn aan sy lyn geworstel wat sowat 40km van die strand af sy aas gevat het. Die reuse vis het uiteindelik 290kg ingeweeg. Volgens Van Wyk tel sy vangs onder die top 20 swaarste Marlyne wat ooit langs die Suid-Afrikaanse kus uitgetrek is. Wynand van Wyk by die Blou Marlyn van 290kg.

Christelle Bennett in aksie vir die Northerns-hokkiespan.

Tukkies se o.9 krieketspan, wat die Platinum krieketliga gewen het. Voor van links is Jandre Verster, Ludik Alberts, Kian Heuer, Jaco Pretorius, Marko Liebenberg en Naldo Truter, (agter) Jared Leonard, Ruben Rossouw, Hanno du Preez, Jacques Verster (bestuurder), Joshua Nel, Gustav de Jager en Marco van Wyk.

Krieketkannetjies maak skoonskip by 0.9-liga Tukkies se o.9 krieketspan het skoonskip gemaak in die 2011/2012 o.9 Platinum Krieketliga. Die span het al 13 van sy ligawedstryde gewen. In die proses het hulle meer as 1 700 lopies aangeteken in 13 wedstryde. As daar in ag geneem word dat hierdie jong spelers maar nog net nege jaar oud is, maak dit hulle prestasie eers merkwaardig. Die beste kolwer in Tukkies se span was Kian Heuer. Hy het die seisoen afgesluit met ’n totaal van 272 lopies teen ’n merkwaardige gemiddeld van 90,7. Een van sy vele vyftigtalle het hy van net 18 balle gemoker. Die beste bouler was Jandre Verster wat 13 paaltjies platgetrek het met ’n gemiddeld van 6,4.

Die veelsydigste speler in hierdie talentvolle span was Hanno du Preez wat 208 lopies in die seisoen gemoker het, terwyl hy ook 10 paaltjies ingeoes het. In totaal het die spannetjie sewe vyftigtalle aangeteken. Hierdie statistiek wys hoekom dié span so uitgeblink het. Die bestuurder van die span, Jacques Verster, het gesê die suksesresep agter sy span se prestasie was dat hy glo aan ’n rotasiestelsel. Dit beteken dat hy ’n groot groep spelers die kans gee om hul staal te wys, terwyl hul almal geleentheid kry om te ontwikkel. Verster het gesê sy spannetjie het 12 veelsydige spelers wat almal kan kolf, boul en natuurlik baie goed veldwerk kan doen.

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