DEATH ROAD CLAIMS TWO AnĂŠ Roux Watermeyer Street is fast becoming one of the most notorious roads in the east of Pretoria. With regular accidents, drunk drivers speeding and heavy trafďŹ c on the road that leads from the N4 freeway through Silverton, the Tshwane metro is now being accused of failing to react to the many complaints they have received over the past year. Having been dubbed ‘the road of death’, Watermeyer Street this weekend again lived up to its name when it claimed another two lives with residents having to step in and assist motorists when the authorities failed to respond to their emergency calls. Ward councillor Ben Chapman told Rekord he was blaming the metro in part for the fatal accident as calls for the implementation of trafďŹ c control measures had been ignored by the metro for too long. “After appealing to the metro for more than a year to rectify the speeding problem on Watermeyer Street, people died this weekend. Furthermore, it took 25 minutes for the ďŹ re department to arrive, despite the fact that they have a station less than two kilometers from the accident scene. The neighbourhood watch had to appeal to residents to bring ďŹ re extinguishers to the accident scene as the ďŹ re services were failing to respond.â€? The chairman of the Meyerspark neighbourhood watch, Piet van Wyk de Vries, said accidents on Watermeyer were a weekly occurrence. “The problem is that motorists simply ignore the speed limit and there are too little trafďŹ c control measures.â€? He told Rekord that speed cameras and additional trafďŹ c lights would go a long way in making Watermeyer Street a safer
road. Silverton police spokesperson, Captain Jan Sepato echoed residents concerns. “We attend to accidents on that road frequently because motorists ignore the 60 kilometres per hour speed limit. It is also a main road so it is always busy,â€? he said. Chapman commended the community for the assistance in Saturday night’s accident. Residents alerted each other and rushed to the scene while attempting to contact the authorities, however, it is alleged that calls to the call centre went unanswered. Elmar Snyman was one of the ďŹ rst to arrive and found that two vehicles, a white Jetta and a blue Golf, had collided. The passengers of the Jetta, an elderly man and his son, only 12 years old, died while the third motorist escaped with minor injuries. Snyman blocked the road to warn oncoming motorists while other residents drove to the local ďŹ re station. While they were waiting for the ďŹ re brigade to arrive, one of the vehicles started to catch ďŹ re from leaking petrol and oil. Snyman sent out a message on the community radio system for residents to bring ďŹ re extinguishers in an attempt to douse the ames. “The vehicle was on ďŹ re and our household extinguishers did little to the blaze. Only when the ďŹ re brigade arrived could the ďŹ re be contained.â€? Snyman added that the metro police arrived a full hour after the accident and did not take control of the scene. “The metro police did nothing, residents assisted in diverting trafďŹ c until the scene was cleared at 04:00 on Sunday morning.â€? The metro was unable to comment at the time of going to print.
AfriForum plaas plaasmoorde in die kollig Plaasmoorde raak ĂĄlmal. So meen besorgde Afrikaners wat Saterdag in die Pretoriamiddestad teen plaasmoorde protes gemaak het. Van links is Ernst Roets, adjunkuitvoerende hoof van AfriForum, Susan NortjĂŠ en Steve Hofmeyr. NortjĂŠ se suster en gesin is wreedaardig in ’n plaasaanval op 1 Desember 2010 vermoor. Volgens Roets dui AfriForum se navorsing dat drie keer soveel plaasmoorde as gewone moorde jaarliks in Suid-Afrika plaasvind. “Boere word in groot getalle vermoor en selfs gemartel. Ten spyte hiervan weier die regering om te erken dat daar ’n krisis is, of om ’n gefokusde teenstrategie uit te werk. Ons moet passiwiteit onder SuidAfrikaners hokslaan. Hierdie moordgetalle is uiters onrusbarend maar wat erger is, is om in die lig daarvan stil te bly en niks daaraan te doen nie.â€?
Police continue to fight crime successfully Ané Roux The east of Pretoria seems to be a bit safer after various police successes in the Garsfontein and Silverton policing areas.
In recent weeks, two members of an alleged housebreaking syndicate targeting Lynnwood, Faerie Glen and Garsfontein were arrested when they tried to rob a woman of her jewellery while in her vehi-
Dave Muller of the Garsfontein police station encourages residents to contact them with information of any suspicious activities in the area.
cle at a petrol station. According to Garsfontein police spokesperson, Dave Muller, patrolling officers and members of the community saw the incident and rushed to the woman’s aid.
The suspects tried to flee but were quickly apprehended. The police officers found an unlicensed firearm in their possession and upon further investigation, linked the two men to housebreaking incidents in the area. “This is a massive success for the police and the community members who vigilantly assist the police in patrolling the streets. We need all the help we can get in fighting crime successfully,” Muller said. He added that residents should contact the police with any information on suspicious activities. “The Garsfontein police have launched several crime prevention operations, especially for the festive season and in the months following. We want to work with our community and we welcome any information they want to share to make the area a safer place during this festive season,” Muller said. At the same time, a housebreaking syndicate operating in Silverton and surrounds were also smashed when two members were arrested and successfully prosecuted. According to Captain Jan Sepato of the Silverton police, the prosecution of the two gang members was a culmination of good police work and community involvement. “Two men were sentenced by the North Gauteng High court for the murder and robbery of the 70-year-old Maria Wiing recently,” he said, adding that a third man connected to the robbery was also arrested and convicted. The first two accused were sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder and an additional 15 years for aggravated robbery while the third accused was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment. According to Sepato, police records indicated that the three convicts had been arrested in the past on several charted for various crimes.
Drie paaie word tydelik gesluit Du P Martins
Johan Moller stands at one of five different rubble heaps along the N4 freeway.
Rubble dumped next to N4 Ané Roux Illegal dumping seems to be on the increase in the open veld next to the N4 freeway and the Pretoria Botanical Gardens. A concerned resident, Johan Moller, is very unhappy with the manner in which rubble was illegally dumped.
“Some people seemed to think that dumping building rubble was acceptable. “We have designated sites for building rubble. Those who dump their rubble in the open veld are doing so illegally and residents should not tolerate such behaviour.” He warned that the commu-
nity camera on Cussonia Avenue could be utilised to identify illegal dumping. “The camera has been used to prevent hijacking and smash and grab incidents. It can be used to spot those who use this open veld as their dumping site.” The metro was unable to comment at the time of going to print.
Sommige motoriste in die ooste van Pretoria sal gou gewoond daaraan moet raak om nuwe roetes te gebruik na die Tshwane-metro besluit het om drie paaie gedeeltelik vir motorverkeer te sluit. Die strate wat geraak word, is Idastraat in Menlopark, Alewyn Vorsterstraat-kruising met Rodericksstraat in Lynnwood en die Garstfontein/N1-kruising en Garstfonteinweg in Ashlea Gardens. Die sluiting van Idastraat word gedoen om inwoners se belange in Lynnwood Glen te beskerm teen Sanral se beoogde ontwikkeling vir meer parkeerruimte by hul kantoor in Idastraat. Dit volg nadat die Lynnwood Glen Eiendomskomitee, die Lynnwood Glen-inwonersaksiegroep en Sanral op 1 Augustus 2011 ooreegekom het om Sanral toe te laat om sy parkeerruimte te vergroot. Sowat 200m van Idastraat word hierdeur geraak. Daar sal egter beperkte toegang wees om inwoners wat in die geslote deel woon, toegang tot hul huise te bied. Die sluiting van Alewyn Vorsterstraat volg nadat die metro ’n petisie ontvang het waarin ’n gevaarlike verkeersprobleem uiteengesit word. Volgens die petisie jaag motoriste in
Rodericksstraat en veroorsaak ’n gevaar vir inwoners met verskuilde en blinde toegange tot hul eiendomme. Alewyn Vorsterstraat is slegs 75m lank en die straat word as ’n kortpad gebruik om die verkeersirkel by die kruising van Rodericksstraat en Sussexlaan te vermy. Die verkeervloei in Ashlea Gardens word geraak deur die konstruksie van die Garstfonteinwisselaar wat voltooi is. Dit het ook sy uitwerking op verkeervolume in Garstfonteinweg en Matroosbergweg en Selatistraat. Ashlea Gardens Uitbreiding 6 sal toegang tot Matroosbergpad kry. Nog meer verkeer word verwag sodra alle ontwikkeling op die pad voltooi is. Om die integriteit van die residensiële gebiede van Ashlea Gardens en Alphenpark teen die ekstra verkeersvloei te beskerm, is besluit om Matroosbergweg op twee plekke te sluit. Dit is by die kruising van Delyweg en Matroosbergweg, Ashlea Gardens en naby die kruising met Garstfonteinweg in lyn met die grense van erwe 52 en 53 van Ashlea Gardens. Openbare vervoer maak gebruik van Garstfonteinweg en Delystraat. Om openbare vervoergebruikers tegemoet te kom, sal hierdie paaie voetgangerverkeer na en van die twee deurpaaie kan hanteer.
Deurwinterde politikus vier 35 jaar diens Du P Martins Die deurwinterde politikus, Koos van der Merwe van Wapadrand het Vrydag sy 35e jaar in die politiek met politieke stalmaats van gunterjare met ’n swierige ete by ’n spoggerige restaurant gevier. Omstreeks 12:00 het hy op die stoep van die restaurant een na die ander van sy gaste ingewag en die weersiens van elk was soos dit net kan as jy ’n sak sout saam opgeëet het. Van die genooide gaste was Pik Botha, Stoffel van der Merwe, Andrew Gerber, Ferdie Hartzenberg, Willem Cruywagen, Chris de Jager en generaal-majoor Gert Opperman. Tydens die ete is daar met groot gelag kort-kort staaltjies van gebeure in die politiek oorvertel. “Ek was van kleintyd ’n politieke aktivis. Toe ek agt of nege was het ek al pamflette versprei en in posbusse geplaas. Toe ek begin spiere kry, so teen 14, het ek al gehelp om plakkate op te sit. Ek het elke politieke vergadering saam met my pa bygewoon,” het Van der Merwe vertel. Met groot lekker vertel hy hoe hy op 26 Mei 1948 aan die verkiesing deelgeneem het waartydens Jan Smuts uit die kussings gelig is. “Ek onthou daardie dag goed. Ons as Nattes was arm. Die Sappe se tafels was oorlaai met allerhande lekkernye. Ek en ’n paar maats het ’n plan bedink. Ons het vir ons Sap-rosette gekry en etenstyd by die Sappe se tente aangekom en vir die Engelse tannies daar gesê: ‘Auntie, ons gaan wen vandag. Ons is honger.’ Sommer dadelik is vir ons kos ingelaai en ons het die Sappe omtrent bankrot geëet. Buite die tent het ons die rosette afgehaal en die aand weer aangesit, daar aangemeld weer lekker geëet.” Van der Merwe is die eerste keer op 30 November 1977 as LV verkies en het die sonderlinge onderskeiding dat hy die langste dienende parlementariër in Suid-Afrika
Die gaste wat almal Vrydag saam met Koos van der Merwe sy 35 jaar in die politiek gevier het is van links dr. Ferdie Hartzenberg, voormalige leier van die Konserwatiewe Party, Andrew Gerber, voormalige LV vir Brits, generaal-majoor Gert Opperman van die erfenisstigting, dr. Willem Cruywagen, voormalige administrateur van die Transvaal, Pik Botha, voormalige minister van buitelandse sake, dr. Stoffel van der Merwe, voormalige minister van staatkundige ontwikkeling, adv. Chris de Jager, voormalige LV van Bethal en Koos van der Merwe, die gasheer.
is. Hy het onder sewe staatshoofde gedien en is ook die langste dienende hoofsweep en lid van die Regtelike Dienskommissie. “Ek was verkies as ’n Nasionale Partykandidaat en het in die hoedanigheid gedien totdat die party sy beleid oor magsdeling verander het. Ons het saam met dr. Andries Treurnicht geloop en ek het vir tien jaar in die Konserwatiewe Party (KP) gedien. Die KP het my uitgeskop want hulle het gesê ek het te liberaal geword. Maar ek het gesien ons gaan nie die stryd wen nie en ek het my toe by ’n swart vennoot, dr. Mangosuthu
Buthelezi gevoeg, waar ek vandag nog is. Die Zoeloes en die Afrikaner het vennote nodig want ons het baie van dieselfde strydpunte,” vertel hy. As gesoute parlementariër het Van der Merwe al meer as 100 keer die buiteland op sendings besoek. Hy het homself as prokureur bekwaam en is tans met ’n doktorsverhandeling in politieke wetenskap besig. “Aftree? Nee, ek het mos gesê ek tree af die dag wanneer ek doodgaan,” skerts Van der Merwe.
Opposisie klop ANC Du P Martins In ʼn verrassende wending het die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) met die hulp van ander opposisiepartye Donderdag die ANC meerderheidsparty in die Tshwane-metro raadsvergadering in die stemming oor ’n mosie met 85 stemme teen 77 geklop. Die ANC-mosie was teen André van der Walt van die DA gemik omdat hy na bewering in verlede maand se raadsvergadering sou gesê het dat ANC-raadslede betrokke is by ’n seksskandaal waar voorregte verkry kon word in ruil vir seksuele dienste. Die ANC-raadslede het geëis dat hy bewyse moet voorlê en die uitlating terugtrek wat hy op verlede maand se raadsvergadering gemaak het. Die speaker, Morakana Mosupyoe, het Van der Walt daarop gewys dat dit ’n ernstige klag is en hy is aangesê om bewyse hiervan voor die raad se reëlsen etiese komitee voor te lê. Van der Walt het verduidelik dat hy in geen stadium gesê het dat raadslede betrokke is nie en dat sy inset op verlede maand se raadsvergadering voortspruit uit klagtes wat hy van die gemeenskap ontvang het. ’n Vrou wat deel was van die metro se openbare werkersprogram het aangevoer dat sy seksueel geteister was deur amptenare van die metro. “In die lig van die erns hiervan het ek dit goed gedink om dit onder die raadslede se aandag te bring,” het hy gesê. Die speaker het daarop aangedring dat Van der Walt bewyse asook sy oorspronklike toespraak moet voorlê en sy beweringe moet terugtrek. Van der Walt het daarop gewys dat ’n vrou wat seksueel geteister word nie geneë is om sommer in ’n raad oor sulke sake te praat nie, maar dat hy so seker van sy saak is dat hy weier om die raad om verskoning te vra en indien hy verkeerd bewys word, hy dadelik die raad om verskoning sal vra. Hy is selfs bereid om ’n maand se salaris aan ’n inrigting vir mishandelde vroue te skenk. In die wysiging op die ANC se mosie is aanvaar dat ʼn spesiale komitee bestaande uit lede van alle politieke groeperinge aangewys sal word om die saak te ondersoek. Toe die speaker die uitslag van 85 stemme vir en 77 teen die wysiging bekendmaak, het DAlede luidkeels gejuig. Die stemming het gevolg nadat die burgemeester, Kgosientso Ramokgopa, en 20 van sy raadslede vertrek het om ’n ANCvergadering met betrekking tot die Mangaung-konferensie by te woon.
Tshwane-metro skors 3 amptenare oor mijoene Du P Martins
Oorkonde vir musiekdoyen Op 90-jarige ouderdom is dr. Stefans Grové, die vader van die kunsmusiektradisie in Suid-Afrika, onlangs op ’n deftige onthaal van die SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns met ’n oorkonde vereer vir sy aandeel in die bevordering van kunsmusiek. Op die foto ontvang hy ’n oorkonde van die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns van professor Wannie Carstens, voorsitter van die akademie. In 1953 was Grové die eerste Suid-Afrikaner aan wie die gesogte Fulbright-beurs toegeken is en hy het daarmee aan die Universiteit van Harvard gestudeer. Met sy aanstelling by die Universiteit van Pretoria was hy professor in komposisie en die residensiële komponis. Talle toekennings deur verskeie musiek- en kultuurorganisasies is deur die jare aan Grové oorhandig. Hy het erelidmaatskap van die Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns in 2008 ontvang en ’n erepenning vir musiek in 1997. Sy werk was deur die jare dikwels die onderwerp van artikels, tesisse en proefskrifte in Suid-Afrika asook in die buiteland. Professor Wannie Carstens, voorsitter van die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, het die oorkonde oorhandig. Foto: Du P Martins
Drie senior amptenare van die Tshwane-metro is met die raadsvergadering Donderdag geskors. Dit volg nadat die burgemeester, Kgosientso Ramokgopa, die normale gang van die raadsvergadering onderbreek het met die voorlegging van drie spesiale verslae. Die geskorstes is Mapiti Matsena, wat die strategiese uitvoerende direkteur in die speaker se kantoor was, die uitvoerende direkteur vir behuising, Mapule Phora en die strategiese uitvoerende direkteur vir infrastruktuurdienste, Lefadi Makibinyane. “Ek sê nie dat die drie skuldig is nie. Wat ek sê is dat ons die drie sake het waarvoor die geskorstes verantwoording moet doen,” het Ramokgopa gesê. Matsena was, toe die raadsvergadering begin is, nog op sy plek voor die speaker, Morakane Mosupyoe se stoel, maar het kort daarna opgestaan en die raadsaal verlaat. Ramokgopa het gesê dat die skorsing van Matsena te doen het met die wyksraadverkiesings wat vroeër vanjaar groot kritiek uitgelok het en ongerymdhede aan die lig gebring het. Vroeër vanjaar het die metro aangekondig dat ’n ondersoek getoon het dat sekere prosesse met betrekking tot verskaffingprosedure nie nagevolg is nie deurdat ’n diensverskaffer aangestel is
om die wyksraadverkiesing te bemark. Die uitgee van ’n R8,5 miljoen tender om dit te doen was buitengewoon omdat die metro in die verlede nooit van ’n buite-instansie vir die taak gebruik gemaak het nie. Daar is ook onduidelikhede oor hoe die dienskontrak met die diensverskaffer gesluit is, wat die metro meer as R10 miljoen uit die sak gejaag het. Matsena is vroeër vanjaar van 27 Januarie tot 1 April met spesiale verlof geplaas terwyl die aangeleentheid teen hom ondersoek is. Matsena het hom na die hof gewend om te verhinder dat Ramokgopa die verslag teen hom in die raadsvergadering bekendmaak. Onderwyl die raadsvergadering aan die gang was, is bekendgemaak dat die hof sy aansoek verwerp het. Die saak teen Matsena sal nou na die stadsbestuurder vir ’n dissiplinêre verhoor verwys word. “Ons glo dat die geld wat vir die wyksraadverkiesingkwessie aangewend is te veel is. Ons het nie waarde vir ons geld ontvang nie,” het Ramokgopa gesê. Makibinyane se skorsing volg nadat hy herhaalde aanbevelings van die raad om verslae rakende die gebruik van Rooiwal- en Pretoria-Wes-kragstasies voor te lê, geïgnoreer het. “Ons belê in kragstasies sonder dat ons enigiets terugontvang. Dit is nou ruim vyf maande al wat
ons vir sy verslae wag, maar tot dusver is niks ontvang nie,” het hy gesê. Makibinyane word daarvan verdink dat hy na bewering sonder enige mandaat ’n kontrak met ’n diensverskaffer gesluit het en nie sy werk gedoen het nie. Die dienskontrak het aan ’n private maatskappy toestemming verleen om met die rioolnetwerk gratis hul eie optiese kabelnetwerk te installeer. Die verlies van inkomste vir die metro word op sowat R1,5 miljard beraam. Toestemming aan die maatskappy is intussen geweier en Makibiniyane se aandeel in die aangeleentheid word ondersoek. Phora is geskors omdat sy geen rekenskap kon gee van R70 miljoen van die metro se behuisingafdeling nie. Sy het na bewering geteken vir R10 miljoen se voorafvervaardigde huise, wat nooit gelewer is nie. “Dit is al ’n geruime tyd dat die burgemeester by verskeie geleenthede gesê het dat hy hom vir skoon administrasie beywer en dat daar daadwerklik teen amptenare opgetree sal word wat hulle skuldig aan wanbestuur of korrupsie maak,” het Pieter de Necker, woordvoerder van die burgemeester, gesê. “Hierdie is ’n bewys dat hy ernstig is daaromtrent. Hierdie is nie die laaste van hierdie soort verslae wat voor die raad gaan dien nie. Daar is nóg wat voor stok gekry sal word.”
Huge accomodation shortage in Hatfield Stephané Bothma
Ané Venter en haar vriendin Zané Oostuizen is twee jong meisies wat veg vir die behoud van renosters.
Leerlinge wek bewustheid Ané Roux Die aanslag op renosters het deur die loop van die jaar vele opslae gemaak. In die media is daar luidkeels berig oor persone wat renosters koelbloedig doodskiet vir hul horings. Twee graad 6 Laerskool Anton van Wouw-leerlinge, Ané Venter en Zané Oosthuizen het egter besluit dat hulle genoeg gehad het van die wrede aanvalle op SuidAfrika se renosters en het ’n plan beraam om saam met medeleerlinge op te staan vir die behoud van die gehoringde reuse. “Ons het besef dat ons as kinders ook iets moet doen en saam het ons besluit om ’n renosterbewusmakingsprojek
aan te pak. Ons het besluit om ’n groot legkaart te bou en so verskillende skole genooi om dit met herwinbare materiale te versier,” vertel die twee bewaarders. “Ons het ook besluit om ’n geldinsamelingsdag te reël en die geld aan organisasies te skenk wat teen renosterstopers veg.” In slegs een maand het die twee daarin geslaag om R21 000 in te samel en aan die Rhino Action Group Effort oftewel Rage te skenk. Met hul sukses het die twee besef dat die nood in Pretoria vir ander sosiale liefdadigheidsprojekte ook groot was. “Ons is bly ons kon van die renosters help en dit het ons gemotiveer om na mense in nood in ons omgewing te kyk. Ons het
besluit om nou al te begin met ’n kombersieprojek wat ons aan behoeftige mense wil skenk in die winter en ook ’n handsakkieprojek wat ons aan vroue wil skenk. In die handsakkies wil ons vroueprodukte sit.” Die twee voeg by dat mense en diere vir hulle ewe belangrik is en dat as kinders, niks hulle keer om betrokke te raak nie. “Ons het geleer dat mense oor die algemeen graag betrokke wil raak en help. Ons het net die voorstelle gemaak en die ondersteuning kom van ander mense wat ook wil help. Dit is wonderlik en ons gaan aanhou met ons projekte om so bietjie-vir-bietjie ’n verskil te maak in mense en diere se lewens.”
The high demand for residential units in a new development in Hatfield, aimed at young professionals and University of Pretoria students, underlined the shortage of suitable accommodation in the area. In a week since the prelaunch of Duncan Court in Hatfield, more than 100 of the flats, ranging in price from R629 000 to R1,7-million for a luxury two-bedroomed loft apartment, have been sold. The record sales, secured within a week, confirmed the shortage of quality student accommodation in the cosmopolitan suburb of Hatfield, according to developers of the buildings, Costa Zervas Projects. According to the developers, who ran feasibility studies in the area, the demand outlined in the reports as well as Duncan Court in Hatfield.
projected forecasts had been exceeded. “Buyers purchasing for their children immediately identified with the safe and ideal location near Tuks that is also in easy walking distance to the new Hatfield Gautrain station,” said Kent Gush, managing director of Kent Gush Properties, who are selling the units. Gush said investors with a view to purchase-to-let had been quick on the uptake, as a gross rental yield of between 0,8% and 0,9% could be expected. Targeting the student market and young professionals by offering a safe, convenient and lock-up-and-go lifestyle, Duncan Court will comprise 11 storeys of 484 units, including studio apartments, one and two bedroom apartments as well as one and two bedroom loft units on the upper levels.
Winnie Venter sê haar sleutel tot ’n lang lewe is lekker open-wakker oefening.
Oefening hou dié pensioenaris jonk Ané Roux Op 85 is Winnie Venter van La Montagne nie ’n alledaagse pensioenaris nie. Sy wikkel haar lyf al 36 jaar op die maat van kloppende musiek met aërobiese oefening en is oortuig dat dit oefeninge is wat haar jonk hou. “Ek en my man is baie aktief en die oefeninge is so lekker dat ons elke slag teruggaan vir nog. Ons moet na onsself omsien en deur oefeninge kry ons dit reg om die spiere aan die gang te hou,” het Venter aan Rekord gesê. Verder is sy ook oortuig dat aërobiese oefening die sleutel tot ’n lang lewe is. Dit is ook ideaal vir ander lede van die
ouer garde wat nie noodwendig kans sien vir draf of fietsry nie. “Ons leer steeds nuwe oefeninge, ons werk met toue en rekke en dit help om ons hartklop sterk en gesond te hou. En daar is nie baie stremming op die wat nie so fiks is nie. Tot my 91-jarige man doen saam oefeninge,” het sy bygevoeg. Sy erken dat sy reeds 36 jaar lank aërobiese oefeninge doen. “Toe ek met hierdie oefeninge begin het, was dit vir my baie lekker. Ek geniet dit om saam met ander te kuier en ek is beslis ook nie die enigste ouer vrou in die klas nie. Aërobiese oefeninge is lekker loslit, hou mens aan die beweeg, oefen die spiere en verseker ’n gesonde lewe.”
Youngsters receive blades Ané Roux Paralympic silver medallist, Arnu Fourie, is a man who has picked himself up and applied his mind to be successful and competitive no matter what life throws his way. Partnering with rugby hero Morné Steyn, Fourie has launched a campaign to supply young amputees with blades to help them make their athletic dreams come true. Fourie and Steyn are sharing the message of how determination and practice would bring rewards. Fourie recently also involved Oasis Water’s Water 4 Good campaign, in helping youngsters who need prosthetic legs to walk again. “Without partnerships like these many children will not be able to receive new legs because it is very expensive and they grow out of them quickly. It is thanks to campaigns like Water 4 Good that private individuals and companies can work together to give our children opportunities,” Steyn said. Fourie related how he had lost his leg in a motor boating accident. “When I lost my leg I had no idea on how to move forward in my life. I was not going to play rugby with just one leg. That dream was shattered,” he said. Fourie then met with Oscar Pistorius who gave him an old pair of his blades. With practice, Fourie got better and faster and today he is a world record holder and Olympic medallist. His message to the youngsters
Arnu Fourie with Brendon Menezes and Morné Steyn with Gerhardus Visser.
receiving their new blades is simple. “Keep on practising, accept your blades as your new legs and never give up on achieving your goals.” For Brendon Menezes it was
a big occasion as he received his blades. “I hope I can run just as fast as Arnu. I also want to participate in the Olympics,” the young man said.
Man with passion tackles long walk to Cape Town Ron Sibiya A brave Johann Odendaal will celebrate the festive season by walking 1 800km from Pretoria to Cape Town. Odendaal, who has a passion for adventure, looks forward to raise awareness and money for the QuadPara Association (Qasa) at the end of an 1 800km walk from Pretoria to Cape Town. “I hope to raise R5-million,� Odendaal said. He began his tough journey at the Union Buildings on Saturday and it will end at Jan van Riebeeck’s statue, close to the V & A Waterfront in Cape Town in two months time. The money will go to the Qasa’s road and awareness campaigns. Qasa is a charity organisation that raises awareness and money for quadruplegics and paraplegics in South Africa. They strive to prevent spinal cord injury, as well as protect and promote the interest of people with mobility impairments by formulating a national policy and strategy to develop and ensure the full potential and quality of their lives. Odendaal believes he would face serious challenges along the journey, including heat and rain, however, he feels equal to the
Ward councillor Vickey Bosch on the stretch of road, which will no longer be a dark tunnel from 2013.
Johann Odendaal prepares to start his journey at the Union Buildings.
words QUADS SA to 40010 to pledge R20 to this adventure can support Odendaal and Qasa. Contributions can also be deposited to Qasa, Nedbank Pinetown Account Number: 1339 473267. The branch code is 133 926. People are encouraged to use KAAPSTAP and their surnames as the reference.
task as he had been training for a month. “The awareness campaign is important especially during the festive season. Using a cell phone while driving can lead to serious accidents, which can claim lives or leave one paralysed,� Odendaal said. Sending an SMS with the
Community happy about streetlights AnĂŠ Roux At a project hand over recently in ward 79, it was announced that 50 new streetlights were to be erected in January 2013 between Nellmapius Drive and Boeing Street. “This is excellent news for the
community,� commented ward councillor Vickey Bosch who had received numerous calls from residents asking for streetlights. “This dark stretch of road is notorious for hijackings and muggings. Hopefully the new streetlights will go a long way towards discouraging crime in the area.�
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CSIR presents soccer event to boost youth The recent wet weather definitely didn’t dampen the spirits of the 72 young soccer players that took part in the CSIR’s first u.12 soccer tournament. The event included motivational talks by former Banyana Banyana captain, Simphiwe Dludlu and Amatuks player, Mpho Maruping. Both speakers reminded the players how important it was to work hard, remain focused and that anything was possible. All were important messages for the players who formed part of developmental teams comprising of the Mamelodi Tuks
Team, Superstrikers from Nellmapius, Tsamaya from Pretoria East and Thiba from Kwa-Mhlanga. CSIR’s Wellness, Sports and Recreation manager, Bianca Filmalter, indicated that there were two aims for the event, firstly to expose young people from various communities to the CSIR and to contribute towards positive youth development through sport. “By participation in team sport, young people learn about the importance of key values such as honesty, teamwork, fair play, respect for themselves and for others,” she said.
Five-year-old collects jeans for charity
Thiba from Kwa-Mhlanga coached by Phillemon Monareng was announced as the winning team.
Robyn Florence (5) from Moreleta Park collected 66 pairs of jeans for the Rekord Jeans 5000 project. She collected jeans for all ages through Enoch Nursery School which she attends, and from her family and friends. Florence said she was really happy with what she had done for people less fortunate than herself. “God blesses me and I am trying to bless other people too.” Photo: Nthabiseng Madumo
Editorial COMMENT A myriad of problems lambastes the average South African these days. These problems range from economic, political, poverty, crime and many more. With all these issues weighing on everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s minds it is easy to forget the one big problem our society still faces â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the scourge of HIV/Aids. World Aids day is celebrated on 1 December. Twenty ďŹ ve years and millions of lives into the Aids endemic, World Aids day is an opportune moment
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20 000 - Mamelodi Sentraal / Central - 22 540 19 000 - Wesnuus Centurion - 56 100 70 640- Oos/East: Moot -32 880 Noord / North - 37 850 Lynnwood (33 535) Faerie Glen (37 105) Noweto - 28 820 Total weekly distribution / 287 830 Totale weeklikse verspreiding Rekord word uitgegee en versprei deur sy eienaar, Capital Media (Edms) Bpk, Orpenlaan 32, Lydiana en gedruk deur Caxton, Wrightstraat 16, Industria
for us all to take stock and reďŹ&#x201A;ect on both our achievements and our failures in dealing with its continuing devastating impact. Over the past quarter of a century more than 25 million people have died as a result of HIV/Aids and today 40 million people live with HIV. One of the greatest challenges we face is the Aids related stigma and discrimination, which forms a real barrier to stop the expansion of this disease. The reality of Aids to South Africans was brought to light recently by a report on the projected shortage of teachers over the next ďŹ ve years in South Africa. According to the report, South Africa faces a shortage of up to 94 000 teachers by 2015. Among the many reasons for this projected shortage is the effects of Aids-related illnesses. The report released by the Education, Training and Development Practices, Seta, warns that HIV/Aids is already taking its toll on teacher numbers. Two hundred out of 500 SA National Democratic Teachers Union (Sadtu) members who volunteered for Aids tests between October 2007 and September 2008 tested HIV-positive. According to the report most of the 250 Sadtu members who died in Gauteng in 2007 died of Aids-related illnesses. The report also warns that we are entering a critical period where those who had been infected were now dying. Education is of paramount importance in the battle against HIV/Aids.
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Letters may be addressed to the Editor, PO Box 8261, Pretoria 0001, faxed to 086-652-0378 or e-mailed to Letter must be limited to 200 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit any letter. A writer may use a pseudonym, but his or her full name, address and telephone number must accompany the letter. The opinions expressed in letters are not necessarily the views of Rekord.
Mense help nog ander Verligte moeder skryf: Ek en my dogter het onlangs by Ala Turka-restaurant in Irene Village vir haar 21e verjaardag, net ma en dogter, gaan uiteet. Die aand was ongelooďŹ&#x201A;ik spesiaal en toe ons ry het ons geen benul gehad op watter noot die aand sou eindig nie. Ongelukkig maak moeder die oordeelsfout en ry die Rietvleidampad, dit is mos korter en daar is een groot storm. My ou Polo van 14 jaar het my nog nooit in die steek gelaat langs die pad nie, maar ja, dit is toe mos net met hierdie reĂŤn en water, dat my kar besluit om tot die dood te hik en snik, op die hoek van Rietvleidamstraat en Delmasweg - nie â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n plek vir twee vroue om ongeveer 22:15 te gaan staan nie. Ek het probeer die motor uit die pad stoot, stilletos, stywe rokkie en al. Toe ek weer sien, staan â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n onbekende man langs die motor, beduie allerhande dinge en ek
Suzette Swart skryf: Ek was nog altyd onder die indruk dat winkeleienaars vere voel vir hul gemeenskap en dat alles net oor geldmaak gaan. Wel, Richard en Kerry Gunnings van Dely Road Superspar in Newlands het my oor die afgelope drie jaar oor en oor verkeerd bewys. Hulle is altyd bereid om skenkings te maak wanneer die Nuwe Hoop Skool en
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weet nie waar hy vandaan gekom het. Gelukkig skrik hy vir my dreigement dat ek gaan skiet as hy nader kom. Nie twee sekondes daarna nie verdwyn hy in die lang grasse en daar stop my redding. â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n Man en vrou help my die motor uit die pad stoot en toe hulle hoor ek wag vir my versekering se nooddienste, besluit hul om saam te wag. Ek kan nie genoeg dankie sĂŞ vir hul noodbystand nie. Hulle het aanhoudend gebel en my op hoogte gehou en seker gemaak ek is veilig. My barmharmtige Samaritane het my motor aan die gang gekry en beloof om my te volg tot ek veilig by die huis is. Dankie dat julle soveel omgee vir jul medemens om stil te hou, my te hulp te snel, moontlik te red van skelms en gesorg het dat ek en my dogter veilig die huis bereik... Mense soos julle is min en ek het nie besef daar is nog sulke mense nie.
Dankie, mens-mense
Christmas + !
! -"
Email your letters to:
koshuis iets nodig het, sonder om enige erkenning te vra. Meestal hoef hulle nie eers gevra te word nie, hulle skenk sommer uit hul eie. Wanneer â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n klant â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n produk onder hul aandag bring wat nie in hul winkel beskikbaar is nie, word daar onmiddellik werk van gemaak om dit op hul rakke te kry. Dit is â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n voorreg om sulke toegewyde mens-mense in ons gemeenskap te hĂŞ.
Worried about plans Christo van den Heever writes: I refer to Rekord of 30 November and the article regarding the proposed development on Atterbury Road. As resident of the adjacent Garsfontein Securapark area to the proposed development area, I would hereby like to support councillor Karen Meyer in all the concerns she had raised on behalf of the residents. I am not opposed to further residential or commercial development however, the Tshwane metro should listen to its residents and not ignore the key planning principle of balancing land-use development with infrastructure development and the protection of the environment. This proposed development is almost an extension of the Menlyn Node application already approved by the metro. The metro must present a plan that is workable for all. It is true that some residents will support this proposed development and I am sure that these residents will be the ones whose houses will be bought and demolished to make way for an 11 storey block
of flats, a three storey building for shops and a seven storey block for offices. Only two groups will benefit from this development: the residents selling their houses to the developers, afterwards they will relocate to other areas and will not be affected by the proposed development at all and secondly, the developers. I am not prepared to support an 11 storey development, looking down onto my property, invading my privacy and negatively effecting the value of my property, not to mention the effect on infrastructure and traffic this development will have on the area. A huge concern of course, is the fact that nobody knew about this proposed development and that us residents only heard about this by chance. Councillor Karen Meyer was elected as ward councillor for ward 44 in which this proposed development falls, it is therefore her responsibility to raise the concerns of the 14 000 residents living in ward 44 and to protect the rights of all the residents of the area. I therefore support Meyer all the way.
Eiendomsmark geteiken Me. Weber van Pretoria-Noord skryf: Daar is deesdae ’n nuwe tendens weens swak verkope in die eiendomsmark en banke wat toenemend strenger maatreëls met keuring van leningaansoekers ingestel het. Sogenaamde voornemende kopers doen hulleself as potensiële kopers met ’n goeie kredietrekord voor. Besit van eiendom word geneem en ’n koopkontrak onderhewig aan standaard voorwaardes, onder andere betaling van huur, lening en lewering van waarborge, word gesluit. Allerhande beloftes word gemaak oor betaling van huur tot dit by die daad kom. Dan word verskonings aangevoer dat die koopkontrak gebrekkig is en dat verkopers nie die kopers van dienste voorsien
nie. Die kopers verbreek dan eensydig bepalings van die koopkontrak en weier om te betaal. Hulle beroep hulle dan op die behuisingswet van 1988 en verklaar hulleself eenvoudig as plakkers. Intussen strek die vindingrykheid van sogenaamde kopers (plakkers) veel verder as net om gratis verblyf te bekom. Gratis krag en water is ook op die spyskaart. Hekke word deur die moderne plakkers met slotte gesluit sodat die regmatige eienaar geen toegang tot sy eiendom het nie. Intussen is my hande afgekap en bevind ek my in ’n doodloopstraat aangesien die Tshwane-metro nie antwoorde op my vrae kan verskaf nie.
Geskok oor die dierebrief Anti-barbarisme skryf: Na aanleiding van verlede week se skokkende brief dat troeteldiere net soos beeste geëet kan word, wil ek net vra hoekom dan nie maar ook die pensioenarisse eet nie? Hulle is net ’n las.
Vegetarian gets agreement here KC van den Berg: I have to agree with Vegetarian in a sense. Any meat is fair game if you are a meat eater (except certain species protected by law), yet there are some other human factors to consider if your conscience allows you. Would Vegetarian like to have his or her pet budgie to be plucked, cooked and eaten or his or her pet hamster or boa constrictor skinned, braaied and eaten? It is all about perception. In Asian countries certain breeds of dogs and snakes are bred to supply restaurants with a delicacy, yet they would refuse to eat what we consider as normal consumption meat such as lamb, chicken and beef. In some of those countries these animals are seen as holy or sacred, as we find it repulsive to eat what we consider as pets.
Ook kwaad oor dierebrief Marieta de Beer skryf: Net ’n vraag aan die anonieme skrywer ‘Vegetarian’ aangaande om verlore diere beskikbaar te stel vir hawelose mense as ’n bron van voedsel. Daardie dier het in ’n liefdevolle huis gewoon. Harteloos om so te eindig. Hoekom is jy te bang om jou naam bekend te maak? Jy is ’n siek persoon om sulke dinge kwyt te raak.
Dink net hoeveel belastinggeld sal dan bespaar word. My antwoord aan jou is dat jy dringend hulp nodig het. Los my troeteldiere uit. Ek sal my troeteldiere met my lewe beskerm.
Oumense se lot
Klippe langs die pad
Ek het nou die dag ’n besoek by ’n ouetehuis gaan aflê waar mense Du P Martins wat al etlike jare daar woon, kennis gegee is dat hulle “O regtig? Nie geweet elders ’n heennie. My seuns sal seker kome moet vind. Met so vandag kom kuier.” ’n besoek kan ’n mens Dan maak die gesprek nie anders as om weer ’n draai met iets wat diep onder die indruk te skielik onthou word.… kom van wat die begrip My oupa was ’n polisiedankbaarheid werklik man…” ’n Oomblik se beteken nie. opflikkering wat gou Twee ou mense sit verdof en die spoor alleen in die sitkamer. Anders as by ander ouete- weer vat op die gemakhuise waar die oggend tee like kennisvlak van ‘My seun is ’n aktuaris van ’n gesellige byeenkoms …’ En net so uitgerafel is met die rustige geroessoos die gesprek is die moes van pratery, is daar hier-en-daar se stopwerk geeneen wat by hulle aan die broek se pyp of aansluit nie. afgeremde skoene wat Hulle is van die envertel van baie kilometer kelinge wat nog oorgebly se stap oor ’n lang tyd. het. Die ander, sommige Kyk ’n mens ’n bietjie wat al jare lank inwoners dieper sien jy nie net die was, het reeds vertrek, fisiese aftakeling nie, of is deur hulle kinders maar ook met die nie te gehelp. skoon bloes, die persoonHulle gesels ditjies en datjies, klein dingetjies en like aftakeling van eens trotse geestelike waardes meestal by mekaar verby wat tot ’n ‘dit-maak-niewant dit is die teenwoormeer-saak-nie’ siening digheid van elkander verskraal is. wat meer beteken as die Dis die maak-niegesprek. meer-saak-nie aspek wat En soos dit met pla. oumense gaan, hang die As ou mense in klein vergeet soos ’n mantel om kamertjies sit net met ’n die maer skouers. Die refrein van: “Dit is paar skamele stukkies meubels en ’n kas vol ’n baie lekker plek en dit rame met ou foto’s van is naby die hospitaal. Ek klein kleinkinders, wat het ’n seun en hy is die aktuaris van….” sluit elke nou al groot is, vertel dit sy eie storie. Dit is ’n vierde of vyfde relaas af. storie van verstotenheid. Die gesprek draai met Waar is daardie kinders stil tussenposes oor sinop die foto’s wat nou al nelooshede om en om en op een of ander wyse kom groot is, of ander bewyse van onlangse besoeke? dit weer op die spoor van In vergange se dae was ‘Ek het ’n seun. Hy is die aktuaris van…’ In een van die oumense die patriarge in die gesin en hoof van die min oomblikke regisdie huis. treer die ‘nuwe’ inligting Mense wat hul stempel by die gesprekvennoot.
Confess Faith James 5:16 (AMP): Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, Nevil Norden your false steps, your offences, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed… Offences can be I’ve got to be in control all the cause of certain illnesses the time and because you according to this scripture. cannot put your trust in God, Do you know anyone who He cannot heal your offended wears an offence like a badge heart or keep you from stumof honour? Could that person bling on your way to your be you? Your offended heart destiny. An offence is like an can distract you from the true old broken down fence that destiny of God’s call and needs mending. The longer plan for your life. Offended the fence lies on the ground people seem to trust nobody untended, the more it deteexcept themselves and unriorates and grants access to knowingly they are offending undesirables. God, because their fear of The same is true of an ofman causes them to distrust fence, which causes division God. Isaiah 8:13 (AMP): The between individuals. The Lord of hosts—regard Him longer an offence is allowed as holy and honour His holy to linger and fester, the more name [by regarding Him as the relationship deteriorates. your only hope of safety], One dangerous characterand let Him be your fear and istic of an offence is that it let Him be your dread [lest is like a virus; it can spread you offend Him by your fear to others and multiply in of man and distrust of Him]. magnitude. In society there is a sayI challenge you to deal ing, If it is to be, it is up to with any offence you might me. Actually you’re saying, have.
oop die waardestelssel van die gesin aafgedruk het. ’n Pa oof ma of ’n ouma en ooupa by wie om raad aaangeklop kon word. Dit is mense wat in hhul bejaardheid nie in ’’n staat van niksdoen vvroegtydig doodgaan nnie. Trouens, dit is ’n eer, voorreg en seën om hulle by jou te hê, want hul warmte en insig is ’n rigsnoer vir ’n kind en die trooslappie vir kleinkinders. Dit is tragies dat ons samelewing die verpligting van die versorging van ouers aan instansies soos ouetehuise verpand het. Daar is natuurlik ’n saak uit te maak dat sulke instansies in baie gevalle beter toegerus is om oumense met Altzheimers en kranklikhede beter te kan versorg. Tog is dit ook waar dat te dikwels die senior burgers as ’t ware op die sypaadjie geparkeer word sodat vryheid van beweging van die kinders nie aan bande gelê word nie. Die een keer ’n maand of jaar se besoek is genoeg om die gewete te sus met die verweer: “Ja, ek betaal mos die rekening van die ouetehuis en ek besoek haar mos gereeld. Dis mos genoeg.” Nee meneer, dis nie genoeg nie. Die eensaamheid en gevoel van verstotenheid van baie van dié wat in die vakansie- en Kersfeestyd by ’n ouetehuis moet sit, is skreiend. Dit is vir dié rede wat ’n mens net dankie kan sê en die hoed kan lig vir instansies, organisasies en individue wat spesiale pogings aanwend om dié tyd van die jaar ook ons oues van dae gekoester te laat voel.
Laat die kindertjies na my toe kom... Natashia Slabbert Kinders van regoor Pretoria het onlangs al dansende, springende, klappende, laggende, gillende en jillende die ATKV Kinder Christusfees bygewoon. DiĂŠ prettige kinderfees het Sondag by Kerksondermure in Centurion plaasgevind. Kinders jonk en oud het regdeur die
aanbieding behoorlik baljaar terwyl kunstenaars soos Willie en die Wenspan, Clemens en die Kruiskyk Kewers en Ghapi gunstelinge soos Loof Hom met die tromme, My God is so groot en Hy hou die hele wĂŞreld in Sy hand gesing het. Oom Karoolus en Lente het ook vir groot vermaak gesorg met staaltjies, grappies en liedjies spesiaal vir die jongspan. Willie en die Wenspan sing die liedjie 100% vir Jesus.
Lente en Oom Karoolus praat met die kinders oor Jesus.
Clemens Mans van die Kruiskyk Kewers. Agter van links is lede van die orkes Steyn Fourie en Ghapi.
Die kinders dans saam op die verhoog by die ATKV Kinderfees.
Sterre laat drome waar word Mercia Rand
Paul Smit, voorsitter van die Sharks-ondersteunersklub van Pretoria, Dan Lombard en Anthea Kuntz.
Dit is nie net verskietende sterre wat drome laat waar word nie. Die Sharks-ondersteunersklub van Pretoria het tydens hul jaarlikse Ontbyt met die Sterre, reuse suksesse met hul geldinsameling ten bate van die Reik na ’n Droomstigting behaal. Sporthelde, sepiesterre, sangers en ander onvoorwaardelike sterre het by Pebble Rock-gholfbaan se klubhuis ’n heerlike ontbyt saam met gaste wat hul harte (en beursies) groot oopgemaak het, nie net
’n fantastiese kuieroggend te geniet nie, maar ook gehelp om terminale siek kinders se drome te bewaarheid. Die sterre het die geleentheid gekry om hul kindertyddrome te deel. Sommige het waar geword, met ander het die lewe ’n heel ander koers met hulle ingeslaan. Ongelukkig het soveel siek kinders nie die kans om te sien of hul drome wel sal waar word nie en daarom maak Reik na ’n Droom dit moontlik om hierdie drome vroeg in die jongmense se lewens
te bewaarheid. Vir sommige mense soos Dan Lombard, wat daarvan gedroom het om eendag in die groen en goud op die rugbyveld uit te draf, het ’n fratsongeluk tydens ’n oefening sy lewe soos handomkeer verander. Hy is vandag ’n kwadrupleeg en droom nou ander drome: om eendag ’n televisieskeidsregter te word. Die ontbyt is met ’n veiling van pragtige skilderye en kunswerke afgesluit. Die Sharks-ondersteunersklub van Pretoria het sowat R20 000 ingesamel.
Jaco Herbst (links) en sy broer Pieter (regs) knoop geselskap met bekende akteur Pierre van Pletzen (Oubaas van 7de Laan) aan.
Die tafel met die beste gees was beslis die sjarmante aktrise Elma Postma se tafel. Voor van links is Johan Botha, Quinten Booysen, Marelize Vermaak, Ronalta van der Merwe, (agter) Suhagna Monsura, Elma Postma, Rene Coetzer, Pieter Kruger en Herman van der Merwe.
Residents must be aware of meter hoax Metro warns against a company that poses as the middleman between the customer and the metro Natalie Grobler The Tshwane metro has issued a stern warning to all its residents regarding a prepaid meter conversion scam. According to Nomasonto Ndlovu, spokesperson for the metro, the swindlers were apparently riding on Executive Mayor, Kgosientso Ramokgopa’s speech that he had made during his State of the City Address where he said that the city would embark on an initiative called Security of Revenue Project. This project entails a full rollout of prepaid electricity meters throughout the entire Pretoria region. “The fraudsters are luring customers into paying between R2 000 and R5 500 to have prepaid meters installed. They convince customers to pay them so that they could approach the metro on their behalf to have the meters installed. They then disappear without a trace.” Ndlovu warned residents that the fraudulent company circulated their advertisements via e-mail. She said they wanted to forewarn residents not to make use of the company, as it was not contracted by the metro itself. “We want to caution residents that no customer would be able to buy electricity tokens should their meters be converted privately.” She said that the metro was by law the sole distributor of electricity in the Pretoria region and therefore the resi-
dents were advised to engage the metro directly through properly established offices except in cases where the connection type dictated that there should be submetering installed. “It should be noted that the energy department has never before indicated that the rollout of prepaid meters would be at no cost to the customer. It is the cost for retrofitting the current installed conventional meters that would not be for the customer’s account, but for the metro’s.” Ndlovu said that the project would be phased in from region to region, as the metro did not have the finances to complete the project in one stage. She said the project would only be completed in 2015. Residents can only apply for the installation of the prepaid meters at the following metro offices: - Mamelodi municipal offices at customer care counter 6 and 7. - Eersterust municipal offices at counter 1. - BKS, room counter 8, CBD, 373 Pretorius Street. - Centurion municipal offices at counter 9. - Atteridgeville electricity depot. - Akasia municipal offices at customer care. - Rosslyn electricity depot at customer care. - Soshanguve community centre, Block FW at customer care.
Renaldo Bothma, bekende rugbyspeler van die Pumas, beantwoord seremoniemeester Jacques Olivier se vraag oor wat sy groot droom as kind was.
Die 15-jarige Yolandi Engelbrecht (YoYo) van Centurion bekoor gaste met haar sielvolle sang.
Honest man returns phone Nthabiseng Madumo A small act of honesty has left a Pretoria woman with renewed faith in human kind. Lesego Rikhotso, a supervisor at the West End Theatre, became Jacqui Logan’s hero after he found her cellphone on a chair at the theatre at the Pretoria show grounds. Logan attended her granddaughter, from Laerskool Garsfontein’s school concert at the theatre a few weeks back. “When I got home after the concert I looked for my phone and thought I might have left it in the vehicle. The next morning I went to check in the vehicle but it was not there,” Logan explained. She then called her cellphone number and Rikhotso answered the phone. He told her he had found her phone on a chair in the theatre and she could come and get it. “I went to Rikhotso immediately. I was stunned by his honesty. After a hug, tears and a small reward of appreciation I took a photo of him and bade him goodbye. To all those people who are negative about the country, there are still honest people out there and Rikhotso is one of them.” Rikhotso is a supervisor at the theatre and really appreciated the treatment that Logan had given him. “There are not many people who would act the way that she did. She caught me off
Lesego Rikhotso found Jacqui Logan’s cell phone and returned it to her.
guard and her reaction meant a lot to me,” Rikhotso expressed his feelings. Rikhotso told Rekord that the staff at the theatre was very reliable and honest when handling their clients’ property.
Mooimaakwerkswinkel verklap geheime Fassinerende velsorg- en mooimaakgeheime is Vrydag by die Modelmooi-vroueoggend verklap. Vroue van regoor Pretoria het behoorlik by dié geleentheid van Willa Krause Velsorg aan skoonheidsdeskundige Inge Ferreira se lippe gehang. Ferreira, hoofopleidingsbeampte van Willa Krause Velsorg, het agter die skerms velsorg en grimeringswenke gedeel en vroue stap-vir-stap deur die aanwend van grimering geneem. Dié mooimaakkuierdag en grimeringswerkwin-
kel was gedeeltelik ten bate van die liefdadigheidsorganisasie Dynamic Women for Children (DWFC.) DWFC is in 2008 deur Marleen van der Walt gestig en bestaan uit ’n groep vroue wat hulleself oor behoeftige kinders van ’n blanke informele nedersetting in Kameeldrift ontferm. Volgens Van der Walt, wat ’n naskoolsentrum vir die kinders in Oktober geopen het, floreer die kinders met die ekstra hulp, aandag en liefde wat hulle ontvang. Die Modelmooidag is met ’n inspirerende Innerlike Skoonheidaanbieding deur Liesel Krause-Wiid en ’n modeskou met Lindie Minnieontwerpe afgesluit. Inge Ferreira, hoofopleidingsbeampte van Willa Krause Velsorg (links) en Gerda Potgieter.
Van links is Rozahn van Biljon van Dynamic Women for Children (DWFC), Liesel Krause-Wiid, beskermvrou van DWFC en Marleen van der Walt, stigter van DWFC.
Hettie Taljaard, gebiedsbestuurder van die Willa Krause Groep, analiseer Marlene Tromp se vel om haar korrekte velondertoon en onderlaagkleur te bepaal. Karien van der Merwe en Irma Munnik.
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Businesswomen mingle over cup of tea Natashia Slabbert
Alta Boshoff, a beauty consultant and Paulina Matlata, owner of the Inspiring Women Network’s Pretoria franchise.
The Inspiring Women Network hosted a colourful High Tea for businesswomen and socialites on Saturday. Women in bright summer dresses attended the networking event, which was held at the Tsibana Guest Lodge in Arcadia. According to Paulina Matlala, owner of Inspiring Women Network’s Pretoria branch, the aim of the event was for guests to have a fun morning while networking and building relationships with other businesswomen. The event’s theme was Finding your Passion and Matlala, who is also a personal and business coach, encouraged guests to find fulfilment and enjoyment in their careers by doing something they are passionate about. Khensane Nkuna and Tshegofatso Phasha.
Daphny Matlala Dap Da D aph phnyy M phny atla ala aa and nd n d Gontse Moropa. Go Gont G ont ntse tsse eM orop or opa. a. a.
Gugu Mothata, owner of Tsibana Guest Lodge and businesswoman Duduzile Dube.
Lerato Nkuna and Yonela Mpambani.
Ephinia Makwela and Cathy Maimela.
Celia Klein loer deur ’n uitstaller se ware.
Alida en Annelize Craig.
Waarde vir geld by mark Ané Roux Roelie Olivier het ’n boeketafel by die mark gehad.
Die jaarlikse Transoranje Skool vir Dowes se Kersmark was onlangs gehou by die Tshwane-metro se skougronde. Oudergewoonte kon diegene wat op soek was na waarde vir geld en unieke geskenke na hartelus by die mark uitsoek. Die mark vorm deel van die skool se geldinsamelingsprojekte.
Karen en Branden Hart.
Ry trein dié vakansie Kersvader het sy rendiere uitgespan en besluit om vanjaar eerder met die trein te ry. Hy het die vriendelike uitnodiging van Friends of the Rail aanvaar en besluit om 9 Desember en 16 Desember van Hermannstad na Cullinan en terug te ry met ’n wavrag vol geskenke vir die kleingoed. Die immer gewilde stoomtreinritte na Cullinan lok jaarliks heelwat stoomtreinentoesiaste. Trouens, daar is selfs mense wat spesiaal van oorsee kom om die ystergevaarte sissend op sy spore te sien en dan boeke na te slaan om te weet wanneer dit gebou is, waar dit oral gebruik is en wat die steenkoolverbruik van die lokomotief is. Vir die kers- en vakansieseisoen het die Friends of the Rail ’n heerlike en bekostigbare program uitgewerk om mense wat met Jan Tuisbly se karretjie ry ’n geleentheid te bied om vet pret te hê. Die treinritte na Cullinan vertrek van Friends of the Rail se “Loftus Versveld” stasie om 08:00 en vertrek 15:00 weer van Cullinan. Vir diegene met ’n stukkende beursie het die organisasie ook ’n spesiale Tshwane Xplore treinrit aangelê waardeur ’n groot deel van Pretoria teen R100 per treinrit ontdek kan word. Die klub het verder ook spesiale nuwighede aangelê soos ’n avontuur en ’n spapakket wat op Vrydae sal plaasvind. Vir jaareindfunksies of korporatiewe groepe het die klub Vrydae, Saterdae en Sondae ook spesiale treinritte teen spesiale afslagpryse. Die Friends of the Rail is ’n nie-winsgewende organisasie wat slegs deur
hierdie stoomtreinritte kan bestaan en die historiese belang van stoom in die vervoer-geskiedenis daardeur kan bewaar. Volle besonderhede by www. friendsoftherail. com.
Wrap up Christmas with Game Imagine not having to dash home after Christmas shopping to wrap presents before loved ones see them. Gone are the days of cutting, folding and sticking when precious time would be better spent decorating the tree or planning the Christmas menu. From just R6,Game stores are offering customers the convenience of having their gifts wrapped instore and your small donation will go towards giving children from disadvantaged backgrounds the gift of a good education.
Children from Illungelo Labadala Childrens Village with Game Team “We have a fund to which both Game itself and the public contribute. It supports a variety of initiatives that improve education for the children who need it the most throughout the year. Last year, we raised R860 000 through gift wrap services across the country in Game stores.
We want to say a big thank to you all our customers who cared enough to support this initiative in 2011 and encourage them to do the same this year. In fact, we’d like to encourage our customer to help us raise even more this year,” said Game CEO, Jan Potgieter.
Make-over brings magic back to Sterland Mercia Rand Mention the word ‘Sterland’ to almost any middle-aged Pretoria citizen and the reaction is mostly the same: nostalgia about a once magical cinema complex in Sunnyside. Being the flagship of Ster-
Kinekor, Sterland has recently undergone a major renovation and upgrading face-lift. A total of R53million was spent to replace worn out seats, upgrade to digital sound systems and projectors and overall beautify this once neglected jewel of Pretoria. Rekord was invited to the grand
reopening of Sterland and the premiére of Skyfall, the new James Bond action movie. The overall feeling was - Sterland has been restored to its former glory. The sound, seating and movie projection are on par with the best in the world.
The newly renovated Sterland complex in Sunnyside. Visit for more photos. Niel and Sheryl Moolman were excited about the revival of Sterland.
Sibongile Legoage and Lebogang Skosana came all the way from Mamelodi to enjoy the new James Bond movie.
Kyle Ludwick of Waverley and Kuschke de Bruyn of Montana.
The Lloyd family was very impressed with the revamped Sterland. From left are Edward, Helen, Elize and Graham.
DJ Sponge Bee behind the decks entertaining the crowd.
At the front of the excited queue were Thando Nkumalo, Audrey Kotelo and Ziyaud Yoolam Noosen.
Jarred Gebhardt and Ilana Steytler.
Ismael and Fatima Tayob.
A shot in the arm for Pretoria
PRETORIA METAL PRESSINGS a division of Denel (SOC) Ltd
Stephané Bothma
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR NEM: AQA ATMOSPHERIC EMISSIONS LICENSE FROM APPA LICENSE FOR A MANUFACTURING PLANT IN PRETORIA, GAUTENG PROVINCE. Notice is hereby given in terms of section 21 (1)(a) and the minimum standards for the listed activities as contemplated in section 21 (3)(a) and (b) of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (Act 39 of 2004) (NEMAQA) in GN 248 of 31 March 2010. Pretoria Metal Pressings, (PMP) A Division of Denel (SOC) Ltd. is applying for an atmospheric emissions license for a manufacturing plant at Stand 15400, Pretoria-West, Gauteng Province. The site falls under the jurisdiction of the Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality. General coordinates for the manufacturing plant: Latitude: S25°45’50” | Longitude: E28° 07’50” Pretoria Metal Pressings, (PMP) A Division of Denel (SOC) Ltd is a manufacturer of ammunition and technological related products. Please note that this is only a conversion from the approved APPA license (certificate number 991) to a new NEM:AQA license. The following license(s) must be obtained from the relevant Government Department: • An Atmospheric Emission License is required in terms of section 21 of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (Act 39 of 2004) (NEMAQA), read with GNR 248 of 31 March 2010, as the smelting and casting of copper is a listed activity. The application for the atmospheric emission license will be submitted to the Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality. In order to ensure that you are registered as an interested and/or affected party (lAP) or if you require further information on the abovementioned application, please submit your name, contact information, interest and comments/relevant issues on the matter in writing by 31 December 2012 to Maryna Louw. Applicant: Pretoria Metal Pressings, (PMP) A Division of Denel (SOC) Ltd Environmental Consultants: EHRCON (Pty) Ltd Attention: Maryna Louw Telephone: (012) 318-1289 | Fax: (012) 318-1603 | Email: Reference: PMP AEL 6848
The rejuvenation of the Pretoria central business district has received yet another boost with a multimillion rand revamp of Sterland, which has been an integral part of the city’s entertainment culture since the initial opening of the complex in 1969. When completed, the complex will boast the largest number of cinema seats within one complex in the country. With secure paid-for parking and optimal security measures in place, the complex is aimed mainly at the student market. Sterland, situated in Arcadia at the corner of Pretorius and Beatrix streets, has been the recipient of a number of facelifts, most notably in 1991 and again last year. A total of R53-million had been spent on the upgrade of the wellknown Pretoria landmark. The newly refurbished complex
was launched by Ster-Kinekor on 30 November, bringing the city’s entertainment icon in line with world class movie technology. Although Sterland in recent years had been catering to patrons living in and around Pretoria’s CBD, they believe that with the state of the art technology installed, they would now reach campuses in and around Pretoria and well as satellite sites such as the Soshanguve, Mamelodi and Hatfield campuses. “Because our new look is of world class quality, it will appeal to any market. If we look at the surrounding areas and tertiary institutions however, market wise, our core focus is the student audience,” Ster-Kinekor told Rekord. The company said it was working closely with mall management to ensure optimal security on site during and after show times. “Sterland Cinema has had no (crime) incident in the last year and we hope that through combined
efforts, that will remain the case,” Ster-Kinekor said. Sterland opened its doors more than 40 years ago and at the time, could lay claim to the only ice rink in Pretoria and attracted visitors from all over the city. Sterland boasts the largest number of cinema seats within one single South African complex - 2 418 across 11 cinemas - the largest of which can seat 561 cinemagoers. The complex will also offer audiences enhanced sound quality for both 2D and 3D features augmenting the movie-going experience. “The newly renovated site is a tell-tale sign that not only is SterKinekor committed to bringing audiences across the country a top quality cinema experience, but that audiences themselves are demanding to see more movies more often and in a great environment,” said Fiaz Mohamed, CEO of Ster-Kinekor. Heather Hurter het seker gemaak dat daar ’n Kersfeesgevoel tydens die Toy Run was.
Ysterperde brul vir goeie doel Natalie Grobler N D Derduisende motorfietsryers van Pretoria en Limpopo het onlangs by die Kolonnade Retailpark bymekaar gekom vir die 30e R agtereenvolgende Toy Run ten bate van ag minderbevoorregte kinders. m Die motorfietsryers het om 08:00 van
die winkelsentrum na die Carousel vertrek waar hulle derduisende sagte speelgoed, nie-bederfbare kos asook toiletware oorhandig het. Dit is die vierde jaar wat die Toy Run by dié winkelsentrum plaasgevind het en die organiseerders glo daar was meer as 7 000 motorfietsryers betrokke. Ursula en Willem van der Bergh.
Dave Potgieter glo dat sy teddiebeer ’n glimlag op ’n minderbevoorregte kind se gesig sal sit.
Stefan van Staden. Leon en Corrie Bester tydens die Toy Run. Ilze Kriel.
Owen Mamogobo, Percy Mmakola en Tebogo Mabusela.
Conrad Rogge het besluit om die agtersitplek van sy pa se motorfiets in te neem tydens die Toy Run van Kolonnade Retailpark tot by y die Carousel.
Johan Vermaak.
REKORD OOS VRYDAG 7 DESEMBER 2012 As your baby’s pallet becomes more accepting of different foods it is time to start introducing protein, which can be done from six months onwards.
Plan your baby’s menu Planning your baby’s menu with care right from the very beginning can make a vital contribution to its healthy development. By introducing solid foods that fuel their growth and contribute to their overall sense of wellbeing, mothers can help establish a positive relationship with food for their little ones well into adulthood. With this in mind, how do mothers who want only the best for their precious bundles, give their babies the right start, as they begin exploring the delicious and ever so yummy world of food? Renowned paediatric dietician, Claire McHugh, shares her top tips for introducing your baby to the foods that will kickstart their optimal growth. While introducing solids to baby may at first seem daunting, Claire sets out an easy-to-follow plan on how best to lay the foundation for a healthy relationship with food for your baby. Yummy in baby’s tummy “It goes without saying that nutrition is vital to the healthy growth, wellbeing and brain development of your little one. For this reason it is important to give weaning your baby the attention it deserves. Whether baby has been breast-fed as recommended by the World Health Organisation, or has enjoyed a menu of formula, the period around six months is an important window during which time baby can learn that the world of solid foods is an exciting one to explore,” Claire explained. Mothers are advised to look for the following signs to assess whether their baby is ready to expand their menu: - If your baby is no longer satisfied with their milk feeds then consider the introduction of solid foods. - Your baby should be sitting with support and able to lift herself on her elbows when lying on her stomach. - When baby has doubled her birth weight, her diet is ready for a change. - Babies also begin to show an interest in food when mom and dad are enjoying a meal or snack together. Menu planner Claire recommends an easy to digest option for your baby’s first meal. “I advise
mothers to start your baby on plain rice cereal that is mixed with baby’s milk to a texture that can pour off the spoon. Not only does it taste familiar, but also rice cereals are normally fortified with iron and we know that baby’s iron levels are generally depleted by the time she is six months old. While some believe starchy vegetables offer baby the best start, it is important to remember that this particular food group is not rich in the iron that your baby needs,” said Claire. As Claire points out, it is important for your baby’s first meal to be prepared when she is not tired and not too hungry so that her first experience of food is a happy one. “As soon as baby has accepted rice cereal, start introducing starchy veggies such as pumpkin, butternut, sweet potato and squash. New foods can be introduced every two to three days provided that baby has not demonstrated an allergic reaction. Fruit can be added to baby’s menu shortly thereafter with bananas, puréed apples and pears making the ‘daily specials list’ so to speak.” Meaty menu As your baby’s pallet becomes more accepting of different foods it is time to start introducing protein, which can be done from six months onwards. Chicken livers are an excellent source of protein and iron and with their smooth consistency your baby is more likely to take to this meaty meal. Lamb shank placed in a slow cooker until it falls off the bone is another good option for your baby. Vegetarian sources of protein like beans and lentils are also suitable and easy to blend into dishes. Snackety snack “As you gradually introduce more food groups, increase the texture of your baby’s meals and lessen her milk feeds, you’ll find that a daily menu of breakfast, lunch and supper with two snacks in between is in your baby’s best interest. Snacks are important because your baby’s tummy is small and cannot hold the volume of food she needs to fuel the high energy levels required for her rapid growth. Try to include a starch, protein and fruit or vegetable in each meal and constantly progress with texture” advised Claire.
Check credentials before enrolling at institution Matric pupils are excited because the their schooling is finished, but with this excitement comes anxiety and stress when they have to choose how and where to further their studies. Here are a few tips by Dr Felicity Coughlan to prospective students preparing to register at a tertiary institution: Check that the institution is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training A list of registered private higher education institutions is available on the website of the DHET, as well as the SAQA website. Private institutions are also required to display their registration certificate in their reception. Never accept the mere presence of a so-called registration number as proof of registration. Check that the qualification is accredited - if that is what you require Note that there is a difference between quality assurance and accreditation of qualifications. It is possible that a registered private higher education institution’s programmes may not all be fully accredited or registered higher education programmes.
This may impact on your ability to register for further studies if that is your ambition. Make sure you know what you are signing up for. The status of programmes themselves can be checked on the SAQA website, but some caution need to be exercised here as this register is not always 100% up to date and there is a delay between processes. The best approach is to ask the institution concerned for evidence of registration and accreditation, which they should be able to provide without hesitation. Investigate the reputation of an institution - in person and online Visit campuses and speak to existing students, especially those who are enrolled in, or have completed the course you intend to take. Ensure that the institution and course will meet your specific needs. Private and public institutions are subject to the same quality assurance requirements and often offer similar services and facilities. Equally, similar challenges appear in various guises in the private and public sphere.
Prospective students are advised to do their homework about the institution into which they want to enroll for further studies.
Beware of many pitfalls of the office party
Avoid excessive alcohol consumption at the end-of-year party
As the end of the year quickly approaches, conversations around the water coolers inevitably reflect on who did what at last year’s office party, and what can be expected at this year’s function. “While companies encourage their staff to enjoy themselves at the hard earned year-end party, individuals need to take personal responsibility for their actions and be cautious not to over-indulge,” the spokesperson for the Industry for Responsible Alcohol Use (ARA) Adrian Botha warned. Excessive consumption of alcohol especially, could lead to a loss of inhibitions resulting in inappropriate commentary and actions as well as risky sexual behaviour, all of which could negatively affect personal and professional reputation. Botha advised that bad behaviour could jeopardise an employee’s job or career growth. He warned that bad mouthing the boss to anyone within earshot could even
prejudice next year’s salary or performance review. What may appear funny or entertaining the previous night could only add to the awkward atmosphere the following day. Additionally, in larger companies, departments who do not necessarily work together regularly, could be thrown into a social situation where first impressions count. How you behave at this event could hamper your chances when applying for a position in another department that could affect career advancement. “The focus does not need to be on abstinence. It is really about knowing your personal limits. While legal alcohol limits apply to everyone, alcohol affects people differently and while John from accounting may be able to down a six-pack and carry on a conversation as if he had been sipping only water, you may feel tipsy after only one glass of wine.”
Gift suggestions for the festive season It is not always easy to choose the perfect gift for Christmas and for some people it might even be a nerve-wracking experience. That is why Rekord shopped till we dropped to ensure that none of our readers need to enter the festive season unprepared. Not only will readers find a variety of gift ideas that would soothe the gift seeking blues. Here are some gift-wrapping tips. Coloured tissue paper - tissue can make any gift seem more festive. Collect several colours to use when lining gift boxes, to cushion delicate
items, inside cello bags, or even to use as gift paper. Avoid buying a few sheets at a time, as these are particularly expensive. Order in bulk or browse paper warehouses. Making gift tags - craft and stationery stores have blank tags in a variety of shapes. You can also make your own tags in any size or shape using coloured paper or cardstock. Scalloped edge scissors will also help create pretty looking tags. Recycled greeting cards - cut off the fronts of beautiful holiday cards
and attach them to your gift using double-faced tape. The picture on the card will dress up your gift and add a bit of colour and style. Use a simple cording as ribbon. Wired ribbon - wired ribbons are widely available. Most offer beautiful colours of sheers with the convenience of wired edges. Making a package look gorgeous is a snap with wired ribbon. Trim the ends of the wired ribbon on a slant or in a V-shaped swallowtail cut. Gift bags - plain, coloured, with or without handles are terrific for
giving items that do not have a box or for gifts that include multiple items. Alternative gift papers - many people like the look of using home made wrapping paper. This can be done in brown craft paper, using comics as wrapping paper, origami papers for small gifts, wallpaper scraps, old scarves or even pieces of fabric. Curling ribbon - this inexpensive narrow ribbon can be curled with the blade of a knife or scissors. It can be somewhat of a fuss to use, but is colourful and fun for children’s gifts.
Under R100 - Men
Under R100 - Women
Under R100 - Women
Under R100 - Women
Under R100 - Boys
Old Spice Original, R95,95. DisChem Pharmacies.
The Colour Institute Sealed With a Kiss, R95,95. DisChem Pharmacies.
Cadbury 500g Milk Tray, R89,99.
Cosmetic bag pockets with handle, R85. Ralo Cosmetics.
Lightning buggy - remote control car, R99,99. Reggies.
Under R100 - Boys
Under R100 - Girls
Under R100 - Girls
Under R300 - Men
Under R200 - Men
Toy Story - puzzles pack R45. Reggies.
Brush R49. h set fifive-piece, i R49 Ralo Cosmetics.
Dress-up, R70 R70. Fantasy Dress-up Reggies.
Bar butler, R279. Home Etc.
Baylis Gift Set Black Pepper and Ginseng, R135,95. DisChem Pharmacies.
Under R200 - Women
Under R200 - Girls
Under R200 - Boys
Under R300 - Boys
Under R300 - Girls
Compact Colour Make-up set, R195. DisChem Pharmacies.
Say What necklace, R160. Sass Diva.
Play set Elephant Adventure Access, R179,99, Crazy Store.
Assorted PC/Play Station and Xbox Games (Sims, Fiva), R249,90. Reggies.
Techno Girl Laptop, R299,99. Game.
Over R500 - Boys
Over R500 - Men
Over R500 - Men
Over R500 - Women
Over R500 - Women
iPod Shuffle (assorted colours), from R599. iStore.
Tempo gents watch silver R599 and brown R799. American Swiss.
Kouros YvesSaintLaurent pack EDT, R860. DisChem Pharmacies.
Winland 32 bag, R599. Aldo.
Dolce & Gabbana EDT 50ml, R575. DisChem.
Over R500 - Boys
Over R500 - Girls
Over R500 - Girls
Dino Lego pack, R999,90. Reggies.
Furby 2012, R799,90. Reggies.
Mega Baby toy set with doll bag, doll pram and doll travel bed, R599,90. Reggies.
WIN A CADBURY HAMPER To make the overall shopping experience even more enjoyable, Rekord has two Cadbury hampers to the value of R800 each to give away. To enter the competition, SMS the word CADBURY to 36968. SMSs cost R1,50 and free SMSs do not apply. Winners will be notified telephonically. The closing date for the competition is 14 December at midnight.
Laerskoolleerlinge palm dux-toekennings Kyle Matthews (links) en Mioné Heyneke, van Laerskool Pretoria-Oos, het die hoogste akademiese toekennings naamlik die dux-toekennings ingepalm. Hulle het verskeie medaljes en koopbewyse vir boeke saam met die eretitel ontvang. Matthews is aangewys as die beste presteerder in Engels, wiskunde, en ekonomie en Heyneke het vaktoekennings en medaljes in Afrikaans, sosiale wetenskap, lewensoriëntering en natuurwetenskap ontvang.
Menlopark-stoeiers bring vyf medaljes terug Drie stoeiers van Laerskool Menlopark het uitsonderlik presteer tydens ’n internasionale toernooi waaraan hulle deelgeneem het. Jaco du Toit (graad 3), Ruben Pienaar (graad 4) en Obed Ngoepe (graad 7) was deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse Streek Uitnodigingspan wat aan toernooie in Duitsland en Nederland deelgeneem het. Die Menlo-stoeiers het vyf medaljes gewen. Pienaar het ’n goue en bronsmedalje gewen, Du Toit twee silwermedaljes en Ngoepe ’n silwermedalje. Die Suid-Afrikaanse streekspan het in Nederland die eerste plek behaal en in Duitsland tweede geëindig. Stoeiers van regoor Europa en Rusland het aan die toernooi deelgeneem.
Pro Arte helps out Ané Roux In the spirit of good will, Pro Arte Alphen Park decided to donate matric text books to the newly established Gonubie High School situated just outside East London. Gonubie High School will have its first matrics in 2013. Currently the school offers grade 8 to 11. With the assistance of Elliott International’s Pretoria branch the donated text books will be transported to Gonubie High School free of charge, doing justice to their slogan: The easy way to move. The ‘great trek’ will commence on 5 December, when Elliott International will fetch the 16 boxes of textbooks at Pro Arte Alphen Park. With the syllabus changing from the National Curriculum Statement (NCS) to Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (Caps) for the matrics of 2014, the NCS text books are not printed anymore and the Eastern Cape Department of Education cannot help Gonubie High School with text books. Pro Arte Alphen Park mathematical literacy teacher, Ilse Ackermann, learnt of the predicament through her daughter, Zana, who teaches at Gonubie High School. Zana is a proud old Pro Arte pupil. They contacted Johann Güldenpfennig, principal of Pro Arte, who agreed to help. “It was difficult for the school to obtain books for the old syllabus, which are used for one year only. With the donated books from Pro Arte, the new generation of matrics for 2013 will have a chance to better their lives through education,” said Pro Arte media spokesperson Ina Grobler.
Kallie Kriel, Uitvoerende hoof van AfriForum verwelkom die bejaardes van vier ouetehuise voor die vertoning van die nuwe Afrikaanse rolprent Pretville, wat Vrydag in teaters begin draai het.
Bejaardes kyk Afrikaanse fliek Du P Martins Van breinaalde, kosresepte, skete en kwale was daar geen sprake nie. Miskien is hulle al ’n bietjie lank in die tand, maar gewis voor in die koor en heel byderwets as dit by die polsende musiek van die vyftigerjare kom. Só kan ’n mens die geleentheid opsom. Nagenoeg 130 bejaardes van vier ouetehuise was gaste van AfriForum en die Eldoraigne-tak van die Vrouelandbou-unie se projek ‘Vat ’n Tannie Fliek toe’ om die nuwe rolprent Pretville in Centurion te gaan sien. ‘Vat ’n tannie fliek toe’ is in November 2011 van stapel gestuur. Dit bied die geleentheid vir bejaardes, wat maar eina-eina aan hul pensioengeld moet knyp, die geleentheid om soos jong mense sonder geldelike bekommernis ’n Afrikaanse rolprent te sien en op die koop toe met koffie en ’n kolwyntjie of twee getrakteer te word. Dat hulle dit geniet het, is gewis. Lank voor die fliek begin het, het die vroue (en mans), miskien nou wel nie so vinnig as in die jong dae nie, by die fliek opgedaag. Sommige was opgedollie vir die geleentheid. Hier en daar kon jy die ou-wêreldse Eau-de-Cologne wat vir die geleentheid snoep gebruik is, ruik. Ander weer het gereken ’n fliek is ’n fliek en ek gaan soos ek is. Toe die teater se deure open het die jongere van senior burgers al geselsende ingestap. Die meer gevorderde in jare het met knoetserige hande die looprame vasgevat en skuifel-skuifel vorentoe gestoot en in ’n ry soos geparkeerde motors een
Colize Luttig, wat die spesiale voorafvertoning van die rolprent vir die bejaardes moontlik gemaak het, saam met Norah Fleuriot van die Margaretha Ackerman-tehuis vir Bejaardes in haar ‘blommekind’-uitrusting en Kallie Kriel, uitvoerende hoof van AfriForum, wat die ‘Vat ’n tannie fliek toe’-projek geïnisieer het.
na die ander in die gangetjie geparkeer. Sommer het, met die eerste note van die rolprent met sy musiek uit die vyftigerjare wat wissel van rock ’n rol tot doo-wop, met kieries saam getok-tok en het sonder inhibisie geskaterlag vir komiese snaakse tonele uit die rolprent. Aan die einde het die bejaardes spontaan handegeklap. Die uitbeweeg uit die teater was stadiger as die ingaan, want na ’n anderhalf uur se sit, was die bene ietwat stram en die opstaan hier en
daar ook maar ’n bietjie sukkel-sukkel. Kallie Kriel, AfriForum se uitvoerende hoof, het voor die aanvang van die rolprent die bejaardes verwelkom en gesê dat dit in belang van Afrikaans is dat Afrikaans met ’n projek soos ‘Vat ’n tannie fliek toe’ ’n hupstoot in die bemarking daarvan kry. Hy het ’n beroep gedoen dat Afrikaanse boeke, rolprente en opvoerings ter wille van die bevordering van Afrikaans ondersteun word.
Solo-album vol woema Verlede maand het Ralph Michielsen die treffersparades soos ’n storm met sy tweede solo-album Die Een getref. Dit is nie verbasend dat Michielsen se nuwe poprock-album so gewild is nie, aangesien hy beskou word as een van die pioniers van Suid-Afrikaanse musiek. Michielsen is ’n ervare musikant wat reeds in die tagtigerjare regoor die land saam met sy orkes, B-Sharp, opgetree het wat later baskitaarspeler en agtergrondsanger vir Steve Hofmeyr was. In 2006 het Michielsen met die album Malpitmuti gedebuteer. Die Een bevat 14 liedjies in Engels en Afrikaans wat ’n bruisende verskeidenheid uitmaak van saamsingtreffers in ’n pop- of rockstyl tot pragballades soos By My. Een van Michielsen se gunstelinge is Sien jou staan, wat hy saam met sy goeie vriend Joe F geskryf het. Michielsen vertel dat hierdie liedjie bedoel is vir lekker langarmdans en sommer net saamsing. Die liedjie Oë van My Kind het reeds ongekende belangstelling op verskeie streekradiostasies ontlok. Michielsen se twee dogters sing hierdie liedjie saam met hom. Die Een is nie net sommer nog ’n doef-doef-CD op die Afrikaanse musiekrak nie, dit is ’n woema-album deur een van die land se heel voorste poprockers.
Kersliedere in drie tale Op 9 Desember sing Manuel Escorcio Kersliedere en ander gewyde liedjies by Pierneef-teater. Daar sal ’n versameling liedjies van verskeie van sy CD’s wees en dit beloof om ’n middag vol rustige Kersmusiek te wees. Manuel sal in Afrikaans, Engels en Portugees sing.
Mimi Coertse will be directing the Bel Canto Ensemble which she also founded.
Xmas carols with Mimi
Rooftop Ensemble tree op Die bekende en immergewilde Rooftop Ensemble hou ’n Kerskonsert op 9 Desember in die Musaion om 15:00. Die groep bestaan uit Marina Botha (sopraan), Annemarie Steenkamp (mezzosopraan) en Tinus Spies (tenoor). Vir hierdie konsert sluit Pierre Malherbe, Deirdre van Schalkwyk en Lascelle Baker by hulle aan. Hulle deel die verhoog met ’n instrumentele ensemble, bestaande uit Lize
Lubbe, Marie Cumming en Ronald Davey, onder leiding van Misha Meyer en Ferdi Rautenbach wat mekaar agter die klawers afwissel. Die gesoute tromspeler, Deo du Plessis, sal ook optree. Die Rooftop Ensemble is bekend vir hul diversiteit en hierdie konsert is geen uitsondering. Die program sluit gewilde werke soos Sleigh Ride en Still, still, still asook Schubert se Psalm 23 vir 4 Soprane in.
Afrikaans in sy are Daar is min dinge wat Rudi Claase nie kan doen nie. Geen wonder die naam van hierdie suksesvolle sanger, liedjieskrywer en platebaas kom bykans op elke toonaangewende Afrikaanse album voor nie en hy is op 7 Desember by die Pierneef-teater te sien. Hy skryf vir meeste van ons land se voorste kunstenaars topverkoper treffers en dit maak Claase trots om in Afrikaans die volk te vermaak. Al is die buitelandse voordeur vir hom oop, is Suid-Afrika beslis waar hy wil woon en werk.
The Bel Canto Ensemble will perform well-known Christmas songs under the personal direction of the founder of the ensemble, Mimi Coertse on 9 December at the Atterbury Theatre. The ensemble consists of six beautiful voices including Louette Johnston, Loveline Madumo, Veramarie Meyer, Jonathan Watkins, Given Mabena and Mziyanda Zita. They will share the stage with 12 other angelic voices and will be accompanied by the gifted pianist, Willem Luitingh. Favourites in the programme include Joy to the World, When a Child is Born, Somerkersfees, Battle Hymn, Oh Holy Night, O Tannenbaum, Adeste Fidelium and Panis Angelicus.
• Pretoria Youth Theatre’s Sleeping Beauty will be presented at the Irene Village Theatre from 30 November to 15 December daily at 10:00 & 15:00. Bookings tshwaneyouththeatre@ Information 084249-9292. RA/0535950
• Scottish country dancing on Thurs days at 19:45 in Hatfield. • Tantalizing Zumba Pretoria hosts a Summer Festival Evening at Pioneer museum on 11 Dec at 18:00. Annarie 078-569-3028.
mous puppet show Toy Shop Trouble will be presented at the Irene Village Theatre on 7, 8, 13, 14 & 15 December at 13:00 Bookings: tshwaneyouththeatre Information: 084249-9292. RA/0535952
• Hazel Food Market. Market
with over 70 food stalls. Greenlyn Menlo Park. Retha 083-554-5636 RA/0534326
Charity • LifeLine Pretoria provides free confidential counselling in all spheres. Crisis line 012-8043619. Rape line 082-340-2061. Appointments 012-804-1853. Address: 71 Watermeyer St, Val de Grace. RA/0527591
• Hoërskool Silverton se Kersmark vind plaas tot 8 Desember vanaf 09:00-18:00. Kersvader besoek ons op 8 Desember, kom neem ’n foto saam met hom. Baie oulike handgemaakte produkte, tuisgebak, CD’s, boeke, teetuin en nog meer. Kaartfasiliteite en veilige parkering. Uitstallers bel Anita 082-665-6195.
• Gehalte geskenke wat ’n leeftyd hou. Handgemaakte kunswerk. Mosaïek, piouter, skilderye, kralewerk, gebreide items, pottebakkerswerk, keramiek, juwele, Kersversierings, houtprodukte en vele meer. Street Cafe-koffiewinkel by Centurion-kunsgalery, Lytteltonbiblioteek. 5 tot 15 Desember. Maandae tot Vrydae 10:00-17:00. Saterdag 10:00-13:00. (gesluit Sondae) Daphne 082-465-0494. RA/0537772
Musiek • Accompanist / Repetieur
/ Coach. Required by BTE VO1SS for 2013. For more information please contact Madeleen on 012-322-7944 or e-mail: deadline: 6 Dec. Auditions take place on 11 & 12 Dec. RA/0536801
• Moenie Maandagaande tuis spandeer nie. Kom kuier vir die CAD-familie om 19:00. Die groep bied jou ondersteuning op alle vlakke. Haarhoffstraat 1229, By Stabilis. Tel Linda 082-570-1291. RA/0535196
• Op 8 Desember hou Have a Heart Foundation ’n Kersfeespartytjie ten bate van die Abraham Krielkinderhuis in Nylstroom by die Irene Village Mall in Centurion, Irene. Daar sal ’n wye verskeidenheid sangers optree en die ingang beloop ’n geskenk of ’n donasie. Die kinderhuis gaan self daar wees en Kersvader en ’n groot Kersboom. Dit begin om 09:00 tot 21:00. Kom maak gerus ’n draai. Dis pret vir ’n goeie doel. Bianca 072-178-9165. RA/0535939
Markte • Hazel Food Christmas Market on 6, 13 and 20 December had been
Friday, 7 December SABC 1 06:30 Sportsbuzz 2012 07:30 Takalani Sesame 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 08:30 Isidingo 09:00 Generations 12:00 Friends Like These 14:30 Summer Splash 15:30 The 99 17:00 That’s so Raven 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 20:00 Generations 21:00 Live SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 09:00 Thabang Thabong 10:00 Takalani Sesame 2 10:30 Rivoningo 11:00 Ratanang 12:00 Dr. Phil 15:00 7de Laan 18:00 Voetspore 19:00 News 19:30 Sweepslag 20:30 News 22:00 Without A Trace SABC 3 05:30 AM Shopping 10:30 Generations 11:00 Isidingo 11:30 7de Laan 13:00 News @ 1 13:55 All My Children 15:45 The Dr Mol Show 17:30 Days of Our Lives 18:30 Little Mosque on the Prairie 19:00 News 22:25 Sports Wrap 01:00 Open University eTV 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 Mad About You 10:30 The Young and the Restless 12:30 Backstage 13:30 WWE: Smackdown 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Medical Detectives 19:00 News 20:00 Malcolm and Eddie
Saturday, 8 December SABC 1 07:30 Big Breakfast 09:30 Life is a Stage 10:00 Generations 14:00 Soccer 411 15:00 Soccer Build-
• Forum Toastmasters meet every alternate Wednesday at 19:00 at Brae Lodge, The Willows. Stefan 083-212-2432. RA/0533877
• Pretoria Youth Theatre’s fa-
cancelled. There will be a Hazel Food Candlelight Market with food and wine on 8 December 17:0021:00. Retha 083-554-5636
Sport • Die Silver Valke-rugbyklub se o.19-span is op soek na spelers vir 2013 se Carltonbeker-seisoen. Die klub is veral gefokus om die matrieks van die jaar ’n plek te gee om hul rugbyloopbaan voort te sit. Alle spelers wat eers na September volgende jaar 20 word is baie welkom. Velde geleë op die h/v Pretoria en Roestofstr oorkant Pioniers-museum. Tel Wille 083771-7768. RA/0537771
• Jacaranda Fly Fishing Club meets first Tuesday of the month at 19:00 at Centurion Rugby Club. Cynthia 083-263-9929.
plaas. Tel ds Rudi 082-557-7340. RA/0537774
• ’n Geloftefees sal op 16 Desember by die Rooihuiskraalterrein (in Rooihuiskraalweg) suid van Theuns van Niekerkstr gehou word. Die formele verrigtinge begin om 09:00 en behoort teen 11:00 klaar te wees. Linda 012-654-2079. RA/0537769
• Professionele enkellinge (50+) kuier Vrydagaande in Ninaparkomgewing. Sylvia 074-143-2336. RA/0537111
• Strelitzia Toastmasters meet 2nd and 4th Thursday at 08:30 at Oostvallei Village. Debbie 083-310RA/0533878 3747. • Stroke support group Pretoria. You are welcome to join us on Tuesdays at 10:00-12:000 in Waterkoof Glen. Meet people, make friends, have fun. Informative talks, therapeutic sessions, outings, getaways and other supporting activities for the physically challenged and their carers. Tel 084-270-4507. RA/0536467
Religion • Antipas Geref Baptiste Gemeente (Queenswood). Woordgefundeerd, Christusgefokus en Godgesentreerd. Sondae 10:00. www.antipaspretoria. RA/0537132
• Shalom Aanbiddingsentrum, Montana bied: Mervis 9 Des om 09:00; dr. Monty Eloff - Eindtydkenner 16 Des om 09:00; dr. Monty Eloff - Eindtydprofesieë 23 Des om 09:00; Danie Botha 25 Des om 09:00; Evangelis Anton la Grange 30 Des om 09:00; Pastoor Lorentz la Grange - Oujaarsdiens 31 Des om RA/0537114 22:30. Tel kerkkantoor.
Kersfees • Nederlandse Vereniging bied weer hul jaarlikse Kerssangaand op 6 Des 19:30 te Pretoria-Oos-kerk (regoor Loftus). Opbrengs ten bate van Penn, wat ook die verversings na afloop sal versorg. Veilige parkering. Lia 073-515-5536. RA/0536499
KOL George wat daar opleiding ontvang het gedurende 1977 tot 1998 hou reünie in George. Tel 079-011-6830. RA/0536507 • Dringend op soek na alle oudleerlinge en onderwysers wat skoolgegaan het in Nigel aan die destydse Junior Hoërskool, ook genoem Ou Klipskool en die eerste dubbelmedium Hoërskool Nigel van 1949-1962. ’n Gedenkblad oor hierdie jare word op 16 Maart 2013 tydens ’n groot kermis by huidige Hoërskool John Vorster in Nigel oorhandig. Enige foto’s oor skoolaktiwiteite word nog benodig vr die saamstel van die gedenkblad. Susan 012-665-3474 of info@ RA/0535279 • ’n Algehele Noupoort, Oos-Kaap reünie word by Gariepdam naweek van 22-24 Maart 2013 beplan. Tessie 079-495-1739. RA/0535879
• Rooftop Christmas market 9 Dec at 15:00 at the Musaion, University of Pretoria. Tinus 083612-0244. RA/0537775
Reunions • Alle oud Soldoedies van SALV-
• Moot-atletiekakademie hou ’n atletiekafrigtingsweek 10 tot 14 Desember op Hoërskool Hendrik Verwoerd se sportgronde. 08:00 tot 16:00. Tel Janita 082-920-7334. RA/0537773
Klubs • Afgetredenes en enkellopendes (63-75 jaar). Maak nuwe vriende. Bespreek 082-267-2638. RA/0537135
up 17:30 Roots 18:00 Real Goboza 18:30 Friends Like These 20:00 Inside Story SABC 2 06:30 Jakkals Jol 07:00 Morning Live 09:00 House Call 10:00 Shorething 10:30 Wise Up 11:30 Living Land 13:00 Muvhango 15:00 Ninja Warrior 18:00 News 18:30 The Ghost Whisperer 19:30 News 20:00 The X Factor USA 21:00 The Mo’Nique Show 22:00 Boxing SABC 3 06:16 Gloss It Up 09:44 Scooby Doo! Mystery Inc 11:03 Hannah Montana 11:31 Wizards of Waverly Place 13:00 The Dr Oz Show 17:00 C.H.I.P.S. 19:30 The Cronicles of Narnia, The Prince Caspian 22:10 Sports Wrap 22:15 CSI NY eTV 05:00 Medical Detectives 06:35 Cool Catz 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:30 Lazytown 08:00 Thomas & Friends 09:00 Sistahood 09:30 Rhythm City Omnibus 11:30 WWE: Bottomline 13:30 Malcolm & Eddie 14:00 Soccer Dog 16:00 WWE: Vintage Collection 17:00 WWE: NXT 18:00 News 20:00 Home Alone
Sunday, 9 December SABC 1 09:00 Gospel Gold 10:00 Spirit Sundae 11:00 Big Up 12:00 Daddy 13:00 Roots 13:30 Imizwilili 14:30 Afrogoals 2012 17:30 Gospel Gold 18:30 Sunday Live 20:00 National Treasure: Book of Secrets SABC 2 06:00 Thabang Thabong 10:30 Eastern Mosaic 12:00 Sportsview 12:30 Women in Sport 13:30 Noot vir Noot 14:30 Pasella 15:30 7de Laan 18:00 News 18:30 Fokus 20:00 Gospel Classics 22:00 NCIS 23:00 Last Comic Standing SABC 3 05:00 Garbage Gallery 06:17 Kim Possible 07:11 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch 09:00 Power Within 09:30 Isidingo Omnibus 11:30 DTV 19:00 News 21:30 Interface 22:00 The Cosby Show 22:25 Sports Wrap 23:30 Special Assignment 00:00
• Die Wonderboom Geloftefees vind op 16 Desember plaas by die Wonderboom regoor die Wonderboom Junction-winkelsentrum. Die erediens begin om 09:00 en word gelei deur ds PR Schoeman (NGkerk Theresapark.) Die feesboodskap begin om 10:00 en word gelewer deur Kallie Kriel (AfriForum). Bring eie stoel saam. Indien dit reën vind dit by Laerskool Wonderboom
Interface eTV 07:30 Family Time with Angus Buchan 08:30 Hillsong 09:00 Peppa Pig 10:00 Doodlebops 10:30 Shiz Niz 12:05 WWE Specials 15:05 America’s Got Talent 17:00 WWE: Raw 18:05 Bornfrees: Turning 18 18:30 Rolling with Kelly Khumalo 19:00 News 19:30 How I Met Your Mother 20:00 Rush Hour
Monday, 10 December SABC 1 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:00 Generations 10:30 Get Real 11:00 The Mythbusters 15:30 Bob Morane 17:00 Teenagers on a Mission 19:00 Stage of Life 20:30 Zone 14 21:00 Soccer Zone 22:00 Rookie Blue 23:00 Music Lounge SABC 2 10:00 Takalani Sesame 10:30 Rivoningo 12:00 Dr. Phil 12:45 Judge Mathis 14:15 Love Her To Death 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 17:00 Dragon Ball Z Kai 18:00 When Duty Calls 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 50/50 20:30 News 21:00 Muvhango 21:30 Motswako 22:00 Inglourious Basterds SABC 3 09:30 The Nate Berkus Show 10:30 Generations 11:00 Isidingo 11:30 7de Laan 13:55 All My Children 14:45 Mission Impossible 15:45 Dr Oz Show 17:30 Days of our Lives 19:00 News 19:30 Isidingo 21:00 The Game 22:00 Sports Wrap 22:05 CSI 23:05 The Good Wife eTV 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 15:00 Paddle Pop Begins 16:40 The Young and the Restless 17:30 Medical Detectives 18:30 Rhythm City 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 The Steve Harvey Show
Tuesday, 11 December SABC 1 06:00 Kids News and Current Affairs 08:00 The Bold and the
• Events will not be accepted over the phone. Fax to 086-645-6764 or e-mail or or post to PO Box 8261, Pretoria, 0001. • Only events not aimed at profit/product selling, will be placed for free. Publication is not guaranteed. • Deadlines are strictly Wednesdays at 12:00 for the next week’s edition. • Events aimed at profit and events for guaranteed publication can be placed at a nominal fee. Contact Small Hits on 012-842-0321 or fax 086590-9648 or e-mail at
Beautiful 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:30 Soccer Zone 13:30 Shift 14:30 Summer Splash 15:30 Time Jam 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 18:30 Daddy 24/7 19:30 News 20:00 Generations 20:30 Montana 21:00 Imagined Homelands 22:03 Justified SABC 2 09:00 Thabang Thabong 10:00 Takalani Sesame 10:30 Rivoningo 11:30 Talk SA 13:30 Days of Our Lives 15:00 7de Laan 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 18:30 7de Laan 19:30 Onder Draai die Duiwel Rond 21:00 Muvhango 21:30 Powerball 21:34 Mponeng 22:00 Gospel Classic 23:00 Last Comic Standing 23:50 Love Her To Death SABC 3 06:00 Expresso: Breakfast Show 09:30 The Nate Berkus Show 10:30 Generations 11:00 Isidingo 11:30 7de Laan 13:00 News 13:55 All My Children 16:35 3 Talk 17:30 Days of Our Lives 20:59 News in 60 Seconds 21:00 The Good Wife 22:00 Sports Wrap 22:05 CSI New York eTV 08:00 eNews Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Great Expectations 12:30 Backstage 14:35 Cool Catz 15:00 Lazy Town 16:00 Frenzy 16:40 The Young and the Restless 18:30 Rhythm City 19:00 News 19:30 Scandal! 20:00 The Ellen Show 20:30 America’s Got Talent
Wednesday, 12 December SABC 1 06:00 Kids News and Current Affairs 07:30 Takalani Sesame 08:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 09:00 Generations 09:30 Muvhango 10:30 Real Goboza 12:00 Live 14:30 Summer Challenge 15:30 Avatar 17:00 Cory in the House 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 20:00 Generations 20:30 Zone 14 SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 09:00 Thabang Thabong 11:00 It’s For Life 11:30 48 Hours 12:00 Dr. Phil 12:45 Judge Mathis 15:00 7de Laan 16:00
Hectic Nine-9 18:30 7de Laan 19:00 News 19:30 Pasella 20:30 News 21:00 Muvango 21:30 Stokvel 22:00 Jam Sandwich 23:50 Ghost Whisperer SABC 3 09:30 The Nate Berkus Show 10:30 Generations 11:00 Isidingo 11:30 7de Laan 13:00 News 13:55 All My Children 14:45 Mission Impossible 15:45 The Dr Oz Show 19:00 News 19:30 Isidingo 22:00 Sports Wrap eTV 06:00 Sunrise 09:00 Rhythm City 09:30 Scandal! 10:00 3rd Degree 10:30 The Young and the Restless 11:30 Supernanny 13:30 WWE: Vintage Collection 16:00 Shiz Niz 17:30 Medical Detectives 18:30 Rhythm City 20:00 Mgongo By Sony
Thursday, 13 December SABC 1 07:30 Takalani Sesame 09:00 Generations 11:00 The Media Career Guide 15:30 Avatar 17:00 That’s so Raven 18:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 20:00 Generations 20:30 Room 9 21:30 Kwanda Talk 22:00 Yizo Yizo SABC 2 06:00 Morning Live 09:00 Thabang Thabong 10:00 Takalani Sesame 10:30 Rivoningo 12:00 Dr. Phil 12:45 Judge Mathis 16:00 Hectic Nine-9 18:00 Leihlo La Sechaba 18:30 7de Laan 19:30 The X Factor USA 21:30 Speak Out 22:00 A Nation at Work SABC 3 08:30 The Dr Mol Show 10:30 Generations 11:30 7de Laan 13:55 All My Children 14:45 Mission Impossible 16:35 3 Talk 17:30 Days of Our Lives 19:00 News 21:30 Special Assignment eTV 09:00 Rhythm City 10:30 The Young and the Restless 14:30 Peppa Pig 15:00 Mona The Vampire 17:30 Medical Detectives 19:00 News 22:35 Mr Brooks
Porsche Cayenne offers strength and style With the physical styling dimensions of an SUV and the performance of a true sports car, the Porsche Cayenne is destined to continue its remarkable success in South Africa. Selling 63 units in October (more than 60% of Porsche SA’s total sales) the Cayenne has firmly entrenched itself in the hearts of those who demand sports car-like performance (a top speed of 261km/h and a horizon-inhaling 0-100km/h figure of 5,7 seconds) and an investment in a nameplate which this year celebrates 60 years in South Africa. In a nutshell – the Cayenne is a fusion of two worlds. The GTS is not merely positioned between the Cayenne S and the Turbo, but is a model with its own distinctive character developed from tip to toe for emotionally charged sportiness. Legendary motoring muscle – with sound effects to match – is provided by the 309kW normally aspirated 4,8-litre V8 linked to active all-wheel drive and a brilliant 8-speed Tiptronic S gearbox. Frontal design elements remain strikingly aggressive with huge cooling air intakes and a distinctive front apron with even more air intakes. Clearly, Porsche engineers have designed a vehicle that will be able to withstand the extreme hot conditions in certain parts of our country during summer. There’s little point to having all this power under your right foot, however, and then be let down by inadequate lights. Relax, the darkest Karoo night will be lit up by the car’s tremendous Bi-Xenon lighting system with integrated dynamic and static cornering lights, speed-dependent driving light control – as well as adverse weather light. It’s a basic design principle that a vehi-
cle of such distinction should not only be powerful and fast, but should also look the part. The GTS does not disappoint in this regard. Special side-skirts and wider wheel arches, enhanced by window frames in high gloss black paint and a dominant roof spoiler round off the visual impact. It’s a powerful and purposeful looking creature – regardless of the angle at which you approach it. Obviously, the heart of the GTS is its magnificent V8, which produces 515Nm of torque from as low as 3,500rpm, but it’s not the sheer power that sets this engine apart. Rather, the way in which this power is delivered. Throttle response is instantaneous and, apart from the company’s flat-six engines, there are few sounds more hair-raisingly thrilling that that of a V8 in full cry. Despite the well-insulated interior, driver and passengers will be able to enjoy the sound experience – courtesy of its twin-flow Sound Symposer system – two acoustic channels terminating in the A-pillars. When the driver activates the Sport button, the channels are opened, directing the sound of the intake pulses into the car’s body cavities – sheer driving bliss. Lower suspension (24 mm) also ensures a more agile cornering capability. Matching the car’s superlative speed is the ability to bring this 2,085kg vehicle to a safe and rapid stop. Front disc brakes are six-piston 360mm diameter units while the rear is equipped with 330mm diameter discs. All calipers are painted red - adding to the car’s visual appeal. The interior features leather as standard – including Alcantara trim. The driver and front seat passenger sit on exclusive eightway electrically
adjustable GTS sports seats, while the rear seats, likewise, offer outstanding side support. The SportDesign steering wheel is also available with an Alcantara cover, but one is left wondering as to how long it will retain its attractive appearance. Options include heated and ventilated seats, four-zone climate control, as well as adaptive cruise control and Lane Change Assist, which uses two radar sensors in the rear bumper to monitor the lanes on the right and left up to 70 metres behind the vehicle – including the blind spots. This is especially useful on motorways and functions in the 30 to 250km/h speed ranges. The optional BOSE sound system includes a total of 14 speakers and an overall output of 585 watts. It will be difficult to choose between the car’s sound system and the enjoyable gruffness of a mighty V8 at work. The Porsche Cayenne occupies, understandably, a leading position in the global market for premium SUVs. Six model variants are available – propelled by either 6or 8-cylinder diesel or petrol engine, in addition to hybrid drive. In fact, three of the six models consume less than 10 litres/100 km. With its 85 litre fuel tank and claimed overall fuel consumption figures
The Porsche Cayenne GTS.
New technology for Mahindra The Mahindra XUV500, which is becoming increasingly popular in South Africa, is now fitted with fuel-saving micro-hybrid technology as standard. The system automatically activates a stop-start operation when the vehicle is at a standstill and the gearbox in neutral. The engine stops after 2,5 seconds and restarts when the driver puts his or her foot on the clutch pedal. A button on the dashboard can be depressed to disengage the system when required. The introduction of this advanced technology, which saves fuel and cuts emissions, is another example of Mahindra South Africa’s ongoing programme of adding value at no additional cost to the customer. Another feature on offer is a
change in the colour of the interiors from beige to black. This switch is the result of customer feedback and underlines the open door policy of the Mahindra SA executives and dealers in listening to customer feedback on product specifications and suggested improvements. The introduction of the sevenseater XUV500 to the range of vehicles marketed by Mahindra SA provided a positive boost for the company’s overall brand image last year, as well as increasing the company’s monthly retail sales significantly, according to the CEO of Mahindra SA, Ashok Thakur. “Prior to the launch of this striking new model at the end of September and its display at the Johannesburg Motor Show in October, our range was largely
populated by vehicles that were aimed more at utility, durability and reliability. The XUV500, with its stylish, feature-packed looks has helped redefine this image to a large extent,” explained Thakur. The XUV500 has been introduced in Australia recently and here too the response has been enthusiastic, aided by the same keen pricing policy applied in SA. Prior to its launch in Australia, the vehicle was subject to the Australian New Car Assessment Programme, where it received a four-star safety rating, which is the highest ever achieved by an Indian vehicle. The next international export markets targeted for this strongselling SUV will be Italy and Chile.
Rekord Motoring Journalist Bernard K Hellberg of 10,7l/100 km, this R983,000 vehicle is worthy of being added to the shopping list of those privileged few who appreciate quality of this nature – and who are set to buy a vehicle renowned for retaining market value.
Ford Kuga confirmed for SA introduction Ford South Africa has confirmed that the all-new Ford Kuga will be available with a 1.6l EcoBoost petrol engine with six-speed SelectShift automatic transmission and a 2.0l TDCi turbo diesel engine with PowerShift automatic transmission. Apart from fuel-efficient engines, the newest compact SUV to join the Ford family will combine striking design and functionality with a rewarding driving experience. Smart technologies like Ford’s voice activated in-car SYNC connectivity system will be available as standard, while features such as Active Park Assist will be available as options on certain models. Using the latest powertrain technologies such as EcoBoost and twin independent camshaft variable timing (Ti-VCT), Ford has given its newest SUV a range of
engines that are capable of high power and high torque while consuming less fuel. The global EcoBoost technology also features turbocharging and directs injection so that the EcoBoost engines can rival the power and performance of a larger engine but at a fraction of the fuel consumption. Further aiding fuel efficiency is the Kuga’s sleeker design. The new model is almost 10% more aerodynamic than the outgoing model, while the Kuga’s Active Grille Shutter system further enhances fuel economy by reducing wind resistance. Kuga will also introduce a ‘smart’ AWD system that pre-emptively reassesses road conditions 20 times faster than it takes to blink an eye, readjusting the AWD power split to give the driver the best blend of handling and traction. A number of advanced safety technologies will also be available as options. Adaptive Cruise Control senses when traffic is slowing, and regulates the vehicle’s speed accordingly. When the traffic clears, it goes back to the vehicle’s pre-set speed. Among the customer-focused features being shown for the first time in South Africa on a Ford product is ‘open sesame’ - a hands-free automatic tailgate, allowing
The all-new Ford Kuga will be available in South Africa early in the new year.
customers to open or close the rear tailgate by simply sweeping a foot under the rear bumper. Using the same motion technology found in today’s video game systems, a gentle kicking motion under the centre
of the rear bumper activates, unlocks and raises the tailgate when the driver has the Kuga key fob. Full details of the line-up, specifications and features will be released closer to the vehicle’s launch in 2013.
Prestigious award for VW employee Volkswagen Group South Africa (VWSA) human resources employee Liza Wilmot has won a prestigious accolade at the 56th gala convention of the HR industry’s professional body, the Institute for People Management (IPM). Wilmot, Volkswagen’s Production Academy manager, received the coveted Human Resources Business Partner of the Year award. With just four awards presented, including CEO of the year, HR director of the
year and branch of the year, Wilmot beat other nominees from around the country who were interviewed by a panel of judges which included academics, HR gurus and politicians. Wilmot said although she was surprised to have made it all the way after being nominated by a colleague, the award was a reflection on her 23-strong team which focuses on training and growing employees on the company’s production plant in Uitenhage. The Production Academy falls under Volkswagen’s Learning Academy, which also covers the areas of leadership, technical, commercial and national sales. Since the inception of the Learning Academy in 2008, Wilmot’s team has helped Volkswagen to vastly improve its overall production positioning within the group globally. “We needed to take our training and development to a new level,” said Wilmot. “To impact positively on the business, a new approach and learning solution was required to develop the right skills, competencies and behaviours.” IPM said the purpose of the HR Business Partner of the Year award was to recognise professionals with a proven track record of excellence in develop-
ing and implementing plans that enable the business strategy. Wilmot said: “It is often tough for HR to be viewed as a strategic business partner in organisations. The award is about recognising where this has successfully happened.” IPM president Raj Seeparsad said the awards represented the cream of the country’s HR crop.
Volkswagen Group South Africa (VWSA) human resources employee Liza Wilmot has won a prestigious accolade at the 56th gala convention of the HR industry’s professional body, the Institute for People Management (IPM).
New SUV unveiled in Durban GWM had an impact presence at the recent Durban Motor Show when this Chinese company introduced its brand new H6 SUV to the public for the first time. Hailed as South Africa’s most successful regional motor exhibition, the first Durban Motor Show took place 20 years ago. The show provides an effective and popular platform for motor manufactures to showcase their latest vehicle ranges and interacts with the public each year and GWM is no exception. GWM Gateway, the latest dealership to join GWM’s network of 78, welcomed visitors to the visually striking red and white GWM exhibition stand. Apart from well-known favourites like the Steed 5 pick-up range, H5 SUV and the newly launched C10 compact hatch, show
visitors feasted their eyes on the new H6 SUV. This newcomer was China’s best-selling SUV in September 2012. If South Africa’s response is anything to go by, the H6 promises to be a worthy addition to the GWM vehicle range. Design-wise, the H6 boasts refined lines and sportier contours, making it a highly attractive alternative for both male and female SUV connoisseurs. Comfort and safety features abound, and its super spacious boot and luxurious interior delighted visitors. The GWM H6 will be available at GWM dealerships early in 2013. In 2013, GWM will celebrate its sixth year in South Africa and is planning more new vehicle launches to mark the occasion.
Evoque is a finalist In global production for just over a year, the Range Rover Evoque continues to generate immense interest with over 80 000 sales globally already. The stylish Evoque has garnered over 110 global awards, including World Design Car of the Year, North American Truck of the Year and most recently Women’s Car of the Year in South Africa from Women on Wheels. The Range Rover Evoque continues to receive plaudits for its concept car looks, dynamic driving performance, class-leading off-road skills and excellent cost of ownership. “We’re delighted to be in the running for South Africa’s premier motoring accolade,” said Kevin Flynn, Managing Director for Jaguar Land Rover South Africa and Sub Sahara Africa.
The award-winning Range Rover Evoque Si4 Dynamic model was voted by the country’s top motoring media as a worthy contender for the overall Car of the Year title.
Homebuyers prefer to shop online now The internet and retail websites have become a fundamental part of many savvy consumers’ lives in today’s market. A large number of consumers prefer to shop online due to its convenience. Although the retail industry is currently the online leader in terms of volume and the number of consumers, the real estate industry is gaining significant ground and catching up quickly. Adrian Goslett, CEO of Remax of Southern Africa, says that in the past, few would have believed that the Internet would be the first place potential buyers would look to find their dream home. Today, however, more than 90% of all consumers use property search portals. Consumers have confidence in the Internet and the information found at their fingertips. “Homebuyers appreciate how simply online resources have made the process of finding their perfect property and many of the best leads in real estate have been generated through online search portals.” It simply means that the conventional sources of real estate information are no longer as important to homebuyers. Before the introduction of property search portals, homebuyers would scrutinise newspapers and real estate property
magazines to find property. Goslett said that although there has been a shift in the industry, traditional marketing tools are by no means dead. They have merely adapted. He says that although consumer online searches have boosted the options for potential buyers and eliminated their sole reliance on older methods of research, they still have their place in the market. Although homebuyers are looking for information regarding property and searching for homes online, they will still consult a real estate agent to supplement and refine their search. The prospect of buying property online has increased, however, estate agents are still very much an essential part of the process. Online real estate search tools have not taken business away from agents, but has instead offered them another platform by which to better their service to their clients. According to Goslett, real estate agencies have spent time on developing their web technologies to accommodate their clients and the majority of real estate agents have invested in tools such as Smartphones and iPads to stay in touch and connected with their growing online network.
English style stunner in estate for sale This charming English style stunner in Midstream Estate is for sale for R3 380 000. This lovely double storey family home offers four living areas, four bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms plus a guest toilet, a study, staff accommodation and two garages. The sparkling swimming pool is in an established garden with irrigation system. A patio with built-in braai provides a nice entertainment area. Enquiries: Riana Benade at Seeff Centurion on 083-748-4219.
Stunning five-bedroomed home with flatlet This stunning and ultra-modern five-bedroomed home with a flatlet is well situated in Wierdapark and is for sale for R2 100 000. The house has five spacious bedrooms with laminated floors, three pristine bathrooms with porcelain tiles, a 60sqm luxurious kitchen, four enormous living areas, a family sized pool with lapa and a one-bedroom flatlet. Enquiries: Daniel at Fine & Country, Centurion on 071-611-4555.
Make use of expertise Buyers should tap into the expertise of reputable property professionals for guidance when buying property. Whether buyers are looking to buy property to live in or to lease out, the basics that make for a sound property investment will always apply. Commissioning the services of a qualified property expert is first prize, however, buyers also need to have the savvy to know what questions to ask. Location, location, location This maxim may have been used ad nauseum, but it’s never to be trivialised. Discuss these important factors with your property agent: - In which areas have properties shown consistent growth. - City hubs that will make for a sound property investment, making it easy to lease to younger people who have to live in the city. - Details about the existing rental market in an area, if you’re looking to lease the property out. - The proximity of the property to popular primary schools, secondary schools and universities, to enable a seamless future lease or sale. Value growth or high rental return? Return on investment is critical when deciding on your property of choice. Choosing between capital growth rate and rental return will depend largely on your financial situation. Get an understanding of
both. - Capital growth rate: the increase in value over time; if the market climbs, property price increases have a compounding effect. - Rental return: how much rental income you are likely to earn in relation to what you paid for the property. Your gross percentage of rental return is calculated as follows: - Annual rent divided by the purchase price or property value. Rental payments don’t compound, they help pay interest payments, rates and so on. There is no guarantee that the rent will increase annually although this may well be the case. Mass appeal The mercurial nature of economies around the world calls for property investors/buyers to choose a property with the realisation that they may have to sell or lease it out. For this reason, it’s advisable for them to find the middle ground between their unique preferences and common appeal in a property. Rand and cents If your property of choice needs fixing and renovating, get an estimate from a qualified contractor as to the anticipated cost. Then, with the help of your property agent, weigh these costs against the property’s projected growth in value - based on historical performance - before signing on the proverbial dotted line.
Lovely family home located in tranquil street This family home in a sought after and tranquil street in Doringkloof is easy to live in, well maintained and is for sale for R1 480 000. The three bedrooms have laminated wooden flooring whereas the rest of the house is newly tiled. The master bedroom has its own en suite bathroom. The other two bedrooms share a modernised bathroom with a shower, basin and separate toilet. The study is the only part of the house that is upstairs in the loft room. The three living areas have a natural flow and can easily be turned into an open plan layout with the kitchen. The scullery leads out to an under roof and enclosed entertainment area which connects the house with the double garage and staff room. Enquiries: Reinette at Fine & Country Centurion on 083-708-4383.
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Nico 083-446-4266
Andries Loodgieters Alle Geysers, Drains, Toilette, pype ens.
Hein 074-165-9138 RA/0537459
Thys 074-947-3191 RA/0537276
No call out fee.
plumber. No call out fees. Waterproofing, painting, all work in and around the house. Borehole pumps.
Kobus 082-818-6611 RA/0537278
Gerry 082-356-9943 RA/0537519
012-377-3905 072-390-1559 ra/0519436
All areas
24 hrs Lock Stock & Barrel 012-348-0325 083-556-6767 RA/0537491
T : View
Gate & Garage automation * INTERCOMS * ELECTRICAL FENCING * Installations & repairs Call Albert:
082-572-7842 RA/0537547
ELECTRICAL R L 24/7 * All Electrical work.
082-416-7387 ra/0536941
1st TEK ELECTRICAL Earth leakages, Stoves, Plugs, Lights, Geysers, Pool pumps, Borehole pumps, Gate motors, COC's etc
073-388-4908 RA/0531575
BESTE PRYSE vir dreine, geysers en waterlekke. ALL-IN-ALL
082-448-7290 RA/0530637
ELECTROMAX SERTIFIKATE, prepaids, konstruksie, onderhoud, geysers, fout opsporing.
Louis 012-752-7547
Blocked drains - R390 Burst Geysers & pipes and all plumbing work. Christo 076-185-2690
Cactus Plumbing All areas in PTA NO CALL OUT FEES!!!
Elektriese sertifikate, herstel + installasies 082-448-7290
! * * * )"$$* *
082-662-4103 RA/0531573
*# %, *#*%'
Installations & Repairs Stephan 082-397-8163
J.P.L Chemicals and Pest control
Personalised service/ Persoonlike diens.
Free quotes for any pest: Termites, ants, bees, cockroaches etc. Broad leaves and weed control.
THE CARPENTER Professionele installasies van:
Gustaaf: 072-222-7233 33 Yrs' exp. 012-547-0901 ra/0531289
Ronel 082-854-7030 RA/0504442
Deure, Dakke, Skirtings, Laminated Flooring, Ingeboude kaste, Muurpanele, Drywalling, ens Nico 082-556-0780 RA/0528061
1st TEK LOODGIETERS Verstopte riole, geysers, toilette.
012-998-0002 082-662-4103 RA/0513432
082-748-5299 / 012-542-1589 RA/0504810
Pest Control Services
086-100-0893 24 / 7 082-574-5455
Sand, Klip, Stene, Kompos mengsel, Speelsand, Brick force, DPC, Lintels, sement, ens.
4 " % % .. % " % %
082-339-6135 082-441-0335 ra/0536679
SAUL: Bou-, pleister-, dak-, verf-, plavei-, loodgieterswerk. Verskaf arbeid & materiaal. 21 Jr ondv + verw. NHBRC 082-973-2329. ra/0502373
## # # ## # #
# #
! " " $ ! ! % 1 '$ 513'/1 %1! 513'+1 %
1 "
R400 - 5 Room Home With R300 - Lounge Suite
Gratis Boomsloping Kwotasies *Uithaal van stompe *24 Hr - Versekering *Erf skoonmaak Skakel Danie of Johanna 076-094-7233
,1 '
,1! 1 % # ,1
,1 1 1 % # ,1 1 ,1 # 1 % ,1 1 #
ARNO SUPER CLEAN Carpets, lounge suites, mattresses. Powerful deep clean. Quick dry (27 yrs exp). Mike 083-229-8046 ra/0535130
AVIS CLEANERS. Cleaning of Std room from R100. L/suite frm R50 per seat & Tiles, Wooden flrs. 083-418-4700 RA/0507439
Domestic & Commercial Cleaning Once-off/weekly Pre-occupational
Equestria 074-175-9878 Garsfontein 076-285-0103 Brooklyn / Menlyn 083-570-8729 Moot 074-175-9878
Skitterblink Since 1997 Festive Season Open RA/0532831
F S STAALWERKE Alle tipe staalwerke. Balustrades, hekke, diefwering, ens. Ferdi 083-291-2752 STEYNIES AUTOMATION Repairs & installations. Gate motors, garage doors & intercoms. General maintenance.
Johan 083-292-0637 RA/0536804
Afsny van alle bome bel
BOOMAFSNY 082-443-0088
Landscaping Irrigation Tree felling Once-off clean ups Garden Maintenance For a free quote
Contact Charl Dreyer 083-280-4814
BLITSBOME Moet geen boom laat sny
sonder 'n kwotasie van Gert Steyn nie!
082-955-4737 RA/0506219
1.5 Ton Vanaf R250 2.0 Ton Vanaf R350 4.0 & 5.0 Ton toe trok Vanaf R450
Geplant en/of afgelewer. Betroubare & opgeleide toesig. 078-625-0733.
012-811-5095 ra/0530695
083-300-2892 Versekering Alle bome / Palm / doringboom spesialis Beskikbaar die feesseisoen!! ra/0530679
Kwotasies Gratis Outsurance serv prov
RUBBLE RUBBLE WASTE!! VERVOER 2 ton from R240 4 ton from R350 6 ton from R550 8 ton from R850 10 ton from R900 8 ton met KANTE!! GOEDKOOPSTE!
Site cleaning Klein vragte beskikbaar
076-729-8369 071-684-0368 RA/0537284
Seisoen snoei Top Bome Eenmalige Skoonmaak Vol versek/25 jr onderv
082-575-8674 HANNES BRUMMER ra/0511481
BRAND'S TREE FELLING Fully Insured. 0861-708-000 all hr RA/0537460
Aansoeke oop vir: *10 Jnr Bestuurders *10 Snr Bestuurders Vereistes: * Goeie kommunikasie * Bestuurslisensie * DeursettingsvermoĂŤ * R16 000 pm * Mpy voordele * 20 Jaar se ondervinding in die mark * Volledige opleiding
Vir onderhoud e-pos CV na
Bertie by 082-501-1463
Alg. vervoer, asook mini trekke, kort en lang afstand. vir 'n gratis kwotasie
Naas at 083-536-3497
Ons bied:
as enige kwotasie. 25 Jr ondervinding. Ten volle verseker. Eienaartoesig.
Cheapest and good service with supervision.
10% Minder
Standard room from R70.
Mon - Sat + Supervision Carpets, Furniture, Leather Windows, Matresses. Once -off Spring Cleaning PTA / Centurion / Midrand 012-546 6158 012-331 7883 012-991 5636 012-663 4416 Alta: 082-395-6449/ 072-349-8787 Open Festive Season
Garden and Building Rubble Removal.
Trokke te huur met drywer 5 - 8 ton, asook 10 mÂł tippers. Shaun 083-646-7082
Abacus Tree Felling cc
ACE CARPETS L/suite from R50 per seat. & Tile / Wooden flrs.General cleaing 082-269-2251
vervoer & stoor! Elna 012-525-1343
!" 1 $ 7& 1-01'1*4.281 1 161
ENYA Vir meubel
Carpet Cleaning
TUINAFVALVERWYDERING Allerbeste en flinke diens 083-450-0593 / 012-347-5550
MARINA MATWASSERS Stoomskoonmaak matte sitkamerstelle/matrasse 25 jaar in besigheid
PICK ME CARPET CLEANERS 4 Rooms: R450 Colin 083-281-8460
( # ( (
New installations. Bathroom renovations: 083-457-7456
). " . ). .2 "3. ). " . . ). .2 "3 .. ). # ! .. ). " . ). . ). . ). . ! . ). . . # ). "".$ !. ). " . .. "
Free Quotes. Ben 074-891-5410
Domestic, carpets, upholstery & maintenance handyman services Sonia 084-583-5952
Mini & Maxi loads 082-300-5044 071-682-5201
No Call-Out Fee
Van Dyk Pest Control
RAILWAY SLEEPERS From R50. 012-664-5808 / 7103 (w) 076-142-1249
Eienaar werk self Elna 072-958-0697
*#* * * $%&!(+$!&$,(#) $%&!(+$!$&%%
Geysers, Blocked drains, Valves. Leaking pipes & toilets. All maintenance &
UPMOST AFFORDABLE marietjietransport@
PEST A TERMITE cc Pest control & termites
012-567-1445 / 082-823-5045
Droog binne 15 min.
MAGNOLIE TUINDIENSTE * Volledige dienste * Eenmalige skoonmaak * Tuinuitleg * Kitsgras ANSU 082-887-1952 RA/0531298
083-261-5658 / 082-610-7603
For ALL your plumbing needs
LORINDA 082-726-4993
Allen 082-754-7734
Herstelwerk, installasies & sertifikate 24-uur
Domestic & commercial cleaning: once off, weekly, pre-occupational.
Domestic Solutions Once off cleaning & contract PRO DOMESTIC
BHC ELECTRICAL Certificate of Compliance New Installations, Domestic and Industrial Installations and Repairs, Light, Plugs, Stoves, etc.
Leon 083-285-4508 ra/0536826
kleistene. Alle "stone age" Stene vanaf R80/m²
Johan: 076-6666-109
Elektriese & verkoeling deskundige. Herstel & onderhoud van yskaste, lugreelings en koelkamers. Billike tariewe. Vinnige wakker diens in Pta area.
Bestuur sedert 1982 SKOU-AANBOD, 2 Jaar waarborg, Stene gelê teen R30/m². Gekleurde stene R45/m².
Landscaping & Irrigation
No power Geysers, Certificate of Compliance
012-324-4632 / 083-314-9798
.. .. # .. "#
30 Jaar ondervinding.
GARDEN SERVICE Crash clean ups. Landscaping. Anni 082-530-9926
AFR/ENG Onderwyspos JNR & SNR PRIMĂŞR. CV: RA/0537431
Eienaar toesig
072-171-4817 RA/0536806
Algemene meubelvervoer. Skakel Rika 082-920-1329/ 012-335-7098 ra/0530437
are you
082-085-5235 or RA/0536839
AUSTEN Meubel en Kantoorvervoer
012-379-9559 ra/0524566
Bel Kassie vir meubelvervoer. Bokse te koop. 012-567-1345 082-454-8159 / 0861-111-129 RA/0503927
BOU/TUIN AFVAL R350pv Trekke vanaf R950pv 4 Ton trok Jaco 083-351-6342/082-817-2824 RA/0537499
Alombekende mpy se Holding Company wat 23 jaar bestaan, brei nou uit na Pretoria
4 Nuwe takke Ons benodig: 4 Bestuurders 8 Individue om opgelei te word as Bestuurders. (Let wel: moet onmiddellik begin)
Ons bied: *Uitstekende bevorderingsmoontlikhede *R16 000 pm *Medies, pensioen
Geen kansvatters nie Skakel 012-543-2138 of E-pos jou CV na sunettebooyens7 sms na ure 076-024-9438 ra/0536682
38 a
PNA Hazeldean
benodig die dienste van 'n jong Afrikaans sprekende persoon om in skryfbehoefte winkel te werk.
Afternoons. Car & License. Good salaries. Commit for the year. Local AU PAIR Link 082-441-0439 RA/0537375
Graad 12 E-pos CV na
Moet onmiddellik pos kan aanvaar.
Gr RR POS by kleuterskool in Lynnwood beskikb. Gekwalifiseerde kandidatemet onderwys onderv kan hul CV stuur na
083-280-3287 RA/0537427
Kleuterskool beskikbare poste 2013:
Assistent ( 2 - 3 jariges)
Aflos assistent (Jan - Apr 2013) Kwalifikasies - Gr 12 Kontak 012-9918860 / 082-903-4648 RA/0537670
Las Vegas Party Warehouse (Montana)
Full-time & student jobs available. Customer service & floor assistants. Full time salary R 3 000 + Commission. Retail hours (Saturdays / some Sundays). Email CV: party3
or fax 086-636-3636 RA/0537364
Net 1% sal reageer.
Verdien R24 000 pm.
Salary R? What are you worth? Determine own income! Co. Sales training. Management pos avail. Own car ess.
Call 012-342-2693 sms your details to: 078-999-3133 RA/0537290
Wel gevestigde firma Benodig dinamiese persone vir ons 2 nuwe firmas: Poste beskikbaar: • Bestuurders • 10 Bemarkers • Verkoopspersone Professionele opleiding word aangebied met diploma. Firma bied: • Gewaarborgde groei • Pakket: R20 000+ • Medies, Pensioen, Huis subsidie. Ouderdom 18 - 40 Verander jou lewe vandag. SKAKEL HR
Annah seeks piece job for Mon, Wed & Fri, sleep out. Hardworking. 082-223-2700. RA/0537567
Ans Minnaar. 24 Jaar diens. Betroubare, eerlike huishulpe. Foon + faks. 012-345-4068 RA/0530427
BAIE BETROUBARE HUISHULPE. Met verw, kontrak & UIF. 23 jaar in bedryf. Marthie
beskikbaar vir Grd 00 Gekwalifiseerde Onderwysers kan CV's epos na RA/0537129
Huis vir Bejaardes Wonderboom-Suid
Elize:073-929-0482 RA/0537553
LYNN RAS ESTATES Kontak ons gerus indien u 'n eiendom wil koop of verkoop!! 081-475-8359 SILVERTON RIF Netjiese kompleks, 3 slk, 2 badk. R690 000 SILVERTON RIF Heerlike leefhuis. Genoeg ruimte vir ouma en tieners. 5 slk, 3 badk, + tuinw/s. S/bad. R1.48mil VAL DE GRACE Dupleks. 3 slk, 2 badk, mooi komb. R830 000 RA/0537464
BETTY 071-232-4326 Soek stukwerk vir Ma, Wo & Vry. Hardw. Verw: 083-272-5084 ra/0537378
Domestic Solutions. Placing of Domestic workers, tea-ladies. UIF reg. We also do Housekeeping, Cook & Bake training.
WARMBAD 8.5h bosveldplasie
R1.4m Drina 083-449-0558 RA/0533468
Pro Domestic. 012-567-1445/082-823-5045 RA/0506943
Dorah seeks domestic work for Tuesday and Friday. Sleep out. Ref available. 076-287-8072 RA/0537249
ELIZABETH seeks piece work for Mon, Wed & Fri. Excellent ref. Hardw. 071-739-6197 ra/0537568
FAERIE GLEN LUUKSE AFTREEOORD Vrystaande 3 slk huis, sek. Deeltitel. Kontak Eienaar Du Toit 083-417-4334 ra/0536025
HUIS H J PIEK Groenkloof
MEYERSPARK, 3 slk, 2 badk, eet- en sitkamer, kaggel, mooi houtvloere, dbl motorhuis, kombuis, opwaskombuis, buitetoilet, lapa, braai area, swembad, groot tuin. Naby N4. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. R10 000pm, 084-870-8805. RA/0537246
Bekostigbare akkommodasie Enkel kamers & 1x enkel woonstel Etes, skoonmaak en wassery diens ingesluit. *Geen siekeboeg.
Kontak Joey van Eden tussen 8h00 en 16h00 weeksdae 012-460-6232 082-574-0608
Income Opportunity For financial freedom. Ligitimate company. Reg no 2004/1079529 /23. Needs your attention. Only 3 Hrs daily to secure high income with our copy and paste system with/without PC. Work anytime. 365 days 24/7. Sms name, full postal address and postal code for full info brochure and speedy reply to 079-094-1498 / 079-994-5803 RA/0537411
EUNICE seeks Mon, Wed, Fri piece job, reliable, hardworking & honest . 071-579-3724 RA/0537383
Gertrude seeks piece work Mon & Wed. Cooks well, childcare. 076-335-6379 RA/0537521
Gloria seeks full-time domestic work, sleep out. Hardworking and loyal. 076-500-9788. RA/0537526
GREAT DOMESTICS, NANNIES & GARDENERS Screened temp & perm workers. Good ref. 2-month trial period. Temp & perm contracts.
Yvonne 076-680-6538 RA/0537299
COMPUTER SHRINK Tired of Constant Misunderstandings with your PC, Smartphone or Tablet? Get Pro. help! We will Solve or Repair your Problems on your Premises Quickly:
072-180-7672 RA/0535542
Joyce: 082-084-8004 seeks part-/full-time job. Slp out. Honest, Reliable. Good with small children. Contactable ref: 076-577-6286 RA/0537172
KATRINA-073-289-1144 Seeks part-time domestic work. 3 Days. Ref avail. RA/0537382
MAID-IN-HEAVEN Moeg vir kontrakte, huishulpprobleme? Ek't die alternatief. Het uitstekende huishulpe. SUZETTE: 074-371-2212 ra/0537281
MARIA-073-433-5950: Seeks full-time domestic work. Mo-Fri. Sleep in. Good ref avail. RA/0537385
EENMAN Tuinw/s te huur van 1 Jan '13 teen R2 900pm en sluit water & ligte in. Wasgoed, skoonmaak en o/dak parkering opsioneel ekstra. (Slegs 1 persoon en geen diere) Nico
082-331-5057 RA/0537416
Contact 079-733-1888 RA/0537508
MARIA: Seeks work, 3 days sleep out, Mon, Wed & Fri. Cleans. Irons: 076-853-1035
PHINDILE Mon - Fri piece job, slp out, hardw, reliable, ironing, very diligent. 072-665-0656 RA/0537137
Roshinah soek Ma, Wo & Vry. Lojaal, betr, hardw. Goeie verw. 072-679-7581.
Selina seeks Wed, Thu & Sat sleep in/out. Hardw. Reliable. Ref avail. 078-645-1447. RA/0537481
SOPHIE soek huishulp werk vir Di. Slaap uit. Baie betroub. & hardw. 6 jaar verw. 083-687-1373 RA/0537454
R4 800pm 012-800-1108 073-743-8213 RA/0537486
OU DE RUS Versorgingseenheid. Kilnerpark. Huis vir bejaardes. 24-Uur versorging. Enkelkamers beskikbaar.
082-687-2380 of 012-333-2888
UVONGO / MARGATE Nuwe, luukse oopplan
Skakel 078-000-1462
3 slk woonstel met 2 badk. Grondvloer. See-uitsig. S/bad, DStv.
Jaco 082-324-8872 RA/0537476
Ruim 1 slk tuinw/s. Rustig. NIE ROOK, GEEN DIERE.
R2 500pm + W & E RA/0537461
Plaaslike speler wen tennis ope Koos Venter Tucker Vorster van Pretoria het verlede week die nasionale Suid-Afrikaanse Ope tennistoernooi in Groenkloof gewen. Hy het Brendan Zackay in die eindstryd met 6-1, 6-1 verslaan. In die proses het hy ’n sogenaamde wild card vir volgende jaar se Soweto Ope losgeslaan. Vorster het reeds in sy dae as junior speler opgang gemaak toe hy deur die bekende Gerrie Dippenaar van Pretoria afgerig is. Dippenaar was ook die afrigter van ander bekende spelers soos Rick de Voest, Izak van der Merwe, Jeff Coetzee, Louis Vosloo (afrigter van Kevin Anderson) en Wesley Whitehouse (voormalige junior Wimbledon kampioen) asook Surina de Beer (voormalige junior wêreld nommer een). Nadat Vorster in 2006 Suid-
Afrika se top junior was toe hy die Suid-Afrikaanse junior kampioenskap gewen het, is hy Amerika toe, waar hy met ’n tennisbeurs aan die Ole University in Missisippi gestudeer het. Hy het vanjaar sy graad in sportsielkunde aan dié universiteit verwerf. Hy speel tans in ’n ITF-toernooi in Zimbabwe, waarna twee ITF-toernooie sal volg in Potchefstroom waar hy wêreldranglyspunte (ATP) kan verdien. Volgens Dippenaar lê daar ’n blink toekoms voor vir die 24jarige Vorster. Dippenaar sê sy spel het min swakplekke, maar hy is veral sterk as sogenaamde ‘dien en vlughou’-speler, wat ’n mens sterk herinner aan die bekende Pat Rafter van Australië. Dippenaar het aan Rekord gesê Vorster se sterkpunt is tans sy sielkundige taaiheid en sy honger vir sukses in die tenniswêreld.
Atleet deel trofeë uit
W & L ingslt. Langs Kleuterskool.
Tucker Vorster van Pretoria in aksie in die onlangse nasionale SuidAfrikaanse Ope toernooi by die Groenklooftenniskompleks. Foto: GB Jordaan
1 Slk w/s te huur.
NOMSA seeks full time / piece work slp in/out. Cleaning. 076-074-1173
NELI-ROSE OUETEHUIS Waar Sorg Versorg. 24-uur, Enkelkamer
Huur R3 500/m + Dep R3 500
081-475-8359 COMPUTER CLASSES Learn fast, easy, affordable.
PERMANENTE Kleuterskoolpos
PIET: 082-436-3047 Exc gardener, Mon - Sat. Good ref 083-647-7005
ELIZABETH seeks piece work for Mon, Thu & Sat. REF. 071-195-1294
Deelkamers te huur
Anah soek Ma, Di, Wo & Vry. Betr. Aanwins. Verw beskik. Betr. 076-941-5837
Op soek na ontvangsdame met die volgende vaardighede: * Tweetalig met Afrikaans as eerste taal * Goeie rekenaarvaardighede - spesifiek MS Word, Exel. * Ge-organiseerd, eerlik, geen kriminele rekord * Vriendelik & kan met mense werk * Professionele telefoon etiket hê * Bereid wees om te leer Ervaring by vorige prokureursfirma sal tot u voordeel strek. AS u nie binne 7 dae vir 'n onderhoud genooi word nie, was u aansoek nie suksesvol nie. Stuur Afrikaanse CV na
Aminah seeks full-time domestic work, sleep in/out. Hardworking and loyal. 078-776-6277.
Sales Career
Susan 074-165-5566 012-345-5628
benodig. Salaris onderhandelbaar Van Dyk & Theron Prokureurs.
7 jaar in diens. Besonderse verwysing. Beskikbaar Ma, Wo & Do. Kontak Belinda 082-925-7754
met konstruksie ondervinding. E-pos CV na
pnahazeldean2@ Sluitingsdatum 7 Desember 2012.
Navrae: 012-332-3720
VICTORIA seeks work 4 days. Excellent ref. Cleans, irons, hardw. 072-118-7191
Die bekende langafstandatleet, Riana van Niekerk het onlangs besoek by die Alpha Centurion Hardlopers en Stappers (ACRW) klub afgelê, waar sy trofeë aan presteerders na afloop van die klub se 8km tydtoetskampioenskap oorhandig het. Van Niekerk is ’n oudleerling aan Hoërskool Zwartkop. Sy het haar loopbaan daar as landloopatleet begin onder leiding van Dewald Strydom, die huidige skoolhoof van
Zwarries. Danksy haar toewyding en harde werk, asook die ondersteuning van haar man, Allie, het sy reeds vier goue medaljes in die Comrades-marathon gewen. Dit beteken dat sy reeds vier keer onder die eerste tien vroue-atlete in die 87km Comrades-ultramarathon geëindig het. Van Niekerk woon in Clubview en sy en haar man Allie is aktief by die organisering van laerskole-atletiek in Gauteng betrokke.
GASTEWOONSTEL in rustige omgewing. Selfsorg. Ten volle gemeub. Slaap 4. R300 per PERSOON per NAG. 081-475-8359 RA/0537462
La-Montagne Kamer te huur vir jong persoon in kommunehuis. R2 300 + Dep R1 000. Skakel Amelia 076-155-1571 RA/0537424
Die kampioen padatleet, Riana van Niekerk, (middel) saam met bestuurslede van die Alpha Centurion Hardlopers en Stappers, van links, Bert van der Raad, Sakkie du Plooy en Jorrie Jordaan. Heel regs is Riana se man en bestuurder, Allie van Niekerk.
Polisie-rugbyklub hou funksie vir slotte Koos Venter Die Blou Bulle is vir dekades lank al bekend as die slotfabriek van Suid-Afrika. Sewe van die tien Springbokke wat die meeste toetse in die slotposisie vir SuidAfrika gesak het, was Blou Bulle, terwyl ’n volle 27 (meer as ’n derde) uit die 80 slotte wat oor die afgelope eeu in ’n Springboktrui gespeel het, op een of ander stadium in hul loopbaan ook vir die Bulle gespeel het. Die Pretoria Polisie-rugbyklub het oor die jare weer ’n horde slotte, waarvan ’n hele paar Springbokke geword het, vir die Blou Bulle opgelewer. Dink maar aan harde manne soos Adri Geldenhuys en Johan Ackerman. Om hierdie rede het die oud-Bloubul agtsteman en veteraan administrateur van die Pretoria Polisie, Katmuis Conradie, besluit om dié klub se jaarlikse rugbyfunksie ‘die dag van die slotte’ te noem. Geldenhuys was juis een van die gaste
by die funksie. Ander bekende oudprovinsiale slotte was André Skinner en Toy Dannhauser. Verskeie oudspelers van die Polisie-rugbyklub, wat heelwat slotte ingesluit het, was teenwoordig by dié funksie wat by die Bosveld Lapa, oud-Bloubul Willie Kahts se kuierplek langs Hoërskool Langenhoven, aangebied is. Daar is heerlik gekuier en stories oor die goeie ou rugbydae is weer opgediep. Dit was duidelik dat die meeste slotte, soos vandag nog, deur die jare altyd maar moeilike manne was wat nie op die rugbyveld verkeerd opgevryf moes word nie. ’n Paar legendes van die Polisie-rugbyklub was teenwoordig by die onlangse funksie. Voor sit kol. Katmuis Conradie en generaals Mike Geldenhuys en Ben Alberts. In die middelry is Willie Kahts, Schibel O’Reilly, Jack Conradie, Piet Steyn, Dave Pretorius, Kobus Muller en Chris Oosthuizen. Agter is Adri Geldenhuys, Chris Oosthuizen, André Skinner en Toy Dannhauser.
Die veteraan rugbyadministrateur, Mac van Vuuren (links) ontvang ’n eerbewys van die rugbyklub van Korrektiewe Dienste se voorsitter, Johnny Jaftha.
Tannie Johanna de Vos, legendariese persoonlikheid in klubrugby in Pretoria, ontvang ’n eerbewys van Johhny Jaftha, by ’n onlangse funksie van dié klub.
Die Blou Bulle-rugbyunie se nuwe uitvoerende hoof, Eugene Hare, word deur Johnny Jaftha, verwelkom in Pretoria met ’n spesiale eerbewys.
Korrektiewe Dienste wil gloriedae laat herleef Koos Venter Korrektiewe Dienste se rugbyklub is een van die oudste klubs in Pretoria met ’n roemryke geskiedenis. Dié klub, wat in hul gloriedae as die ‘Groen Dood’ bekendgestaan het, het twee jaar gelede reeds hul 80e bestaansjaar gevier. Korrektiewe Dienste se eerstespan, wat ook as die ‘Likkewane’ bekendstaan, het al twee keer die Blou Bulle se top liga, die
gesogte Carltonbeker gewen. Die Likkewane het op hul dag verskeie provinsiale spelers en ook Springbokke soos Moaner van Heerden, Deon Oosthuizen, Drikus Hattingh en Henry Tromp opgelewer. Weens verskeie faktore het die rugbyklub van Korrektiewe Dienste die afgelope jare egter deur diep waters gegaan. Dié klub se huidige voorsitter en ook pas herkose visepresident van die Blou Bulle, Johnny Jaftha, glo egter dat hulle
die draaipunt in die afwaartse kurwe bereik het en dat die klub nou weer op pad boontoe is. Hulle speel tans in die Blou Bulle se eerste liga, waar hulle vanjaar weer die halfeindrondte gehaal het. Jaftha glo egter hulle is op pad terug Carltonliga toe. Daar word tans groot planne gemaak om die klub se spelerstal weer uit te bou en Korrektiewe Dienste is ook ’n sogenaamde ‘oopklub’, wat beteken dat enige speler kan
aanmeld om in dié klub se gesogte groen trui te speel. Besoek die klub se webwerf of hul Facebook-blad vir besonderhede. By ’n onlangse funksie van die klub is twee sterk borge ook herbevestig, wat dit vir Jaftha en sy personeel moontlik sal maak om hul nuwe doelwitte na te jaag. By dieselfde funksie het die Likkewane ook hulde aan ’n paar staatmakers gebring wat oor die jare heen baie vir klubrugby in Pretoria beteken het.
Mixed team are mountain bike champs Spirits were high at Oak Valley (Elgin) recently where an impressive field of mountain bikers gathered for the third and final stage of the 2012 Contego Wines2Whales MTB Race powered by Maserati. Team USN Inov-8’s Carla van Huyssteen and Philip Buys from Pretoria claimed their second stage win for the weekend and the title of 2012 champions in the mixed team category with a combined finishing time of 10:24:39. According to Van Huyssteen stage three was tough, but fun. “For most of the day Philip and I would make up time on the single track, only to be caught by Yolande de Villiers and Johan Labuschagne on the open flat sections.
“They are really strong on the road. That’s the one section where Philip really had to help me on. “We managed to pull away at approximately the 55km mark and then maintained our lead. The Wines2Whales was a lot of fun. It was great seeing the intense battle between the women’s teams and the competition was really strong. “This was my first three-day MTB race and it was awesome, from the organisation to the routes. You can see that much effort went into staging this race,” said Van Huyssteen. Team J&Y were placed second after three days of racing, with Team Gogo and Gramps claiming the final spot on the podium.
Carla van Huyssteen and Philip Buys claimed the title of 2012 champions in the mixed team category in the 2012 Contego Wines2Whales MTB Race. Here Buys is giving Van Huyssteen a helping hand on the day. Photo: Cherie Vale
Wednesday, 5 December. Momentum One Day Cup Cricket Series. Titans vs Cape Cobras. Boland Park, Paarl. From 15:00.
Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 December. Sevens Rugby. Nelson Mandela Bay Sevens. Port Elizabeth.
Die Nashua Titans se aanvangskolwer, Henry Davids, het Vrydag teen die Dolphins ’n ankerrol gespeel met sy 76 lopies, maar ongelukkig kon hy nie waardige vennote kry om saam met hom te kolf nie.
Titans moet wen Koos Venter Met al die spanne in die Momentum-eendagreeks wat slegs een wedstryd oor het om te speel, is dit net die Warriors van die Oos-Kaap wat glad nie meer die halfeindrondte kan haal nie. Dit beteken natuurlik ook dat die Nashua Titans hul laaste ligawedstryd teen die Cape Cobras, wat in die Paarl gespeel sal word, móét wen as hulle nog vir ’n tuis halfeindrondte wil kwalifiseer. Hulle sal inderwaarheid die wedstryd ook moet wen om te verseker dat hulle enigsins nog ’n sê in die reeks kan hê, aangesien die Dolphins en die Knights in hul nekke blaas op soek na ’n plek in die halfeindrondte. Die Titans het sake vir hulself moeilik gemaak toe hulle Vrydagaand in ’n spannende wedstryd teen die Dolphins in Centurion met twee lopies verloor het. Dié wedstryd het dramaties geëindig toe die Titans net-net nie daarin kon slaag om sewe lopies in die laaste boulbeurt te kry nie,
terwyl hulle net een paaltjie staande gehad het. Die Dolphins het 264 lopies in hul toegelate 50 boulbeurte aangeteken en hulle is goed in toom gehou, veral deur puik boulwerk van Albie Morkel, wat uiteindelik drie paaltjies ingeoes het. Aanvanklik het dit gelyk of die Titans hierdie teiken op ’n drafstap gaan verbysteek, maar ongelukkig het die res van die top kolwers gesukkel om ordentlike vennootskappe met Henry Davids te behaal. Davids het sy paaltjie eers ná ’n persoonlike bydrae van 76 met 179 lopies op die telbord verloor. Eers toe David Wiese en Eden Links die agtste paaltjie verdedig het, was daar weer ’n ordentlike vennootskap wat die Titans se beurt op die wenpad kon kry. Ongelukkig het Wiese sy paaltjie net te vroeg verloor om wéér ’n wedstryd vir sy span te wen en Links kon die wa nie saam met Rowan Richards om die tiende paaltjie deur die drif kry nie. Die Titans het egter een laaste kans
Students receive black belts Ulrich Spannenberg with Black Dragon Fighting Society coaches, Soke Stoffel van Vuuren and Shihan Jacques van Vuuren, together with Christo Esterhuizen and Samatha Horn were part of an elite group to be included in specialised martial arts society recently. The three students were rewarded for a year’s hard training and dedication by being awarded their black belts.
gekry om nog tweede in die ligafase te eindig toe die wedstryd tussen die Knights en die Cape Cobras die naweek uitgereën het. Hulle sal egter Woensdag, wanneer al die spanne in hul laaste rondte wedstryde speel, die Cobras in die Kaap moet klop om ’n tuis halfeindrondte te verseker. Die Knights, wat teen die Highveld Lions in Kimberley speel en die Dolphins, wat die Warriors in Oos-Londen pak, blaas egter albei in die Titans se nekke en enigeen van dié twee kan die manne van Centurion nog verbysteek as hulle teen die Cobras verloor. Albie Morkel se puik boulwerk teen die Dolphins verlede Vrydagaand was ’n doring in die vlees van die Natallers. Dit het ook weer gewys waarom die bestuur by die Titans Morkel as een van hul waardevolste spelers beskou en hom nie wil toelaat om in Januarie in die Big Bash-toernooi in Australië te gaan speel nie. Foto’s: simondp@actionimage