First home buyer’s grant: Homebuilder scheme the Australian government has issued a new program is known as the home builder grant this allows eligible owner-occupiers including the first home buyers to get a grant of $25,000 in which they can either use that to build a house or to substantially renovate an existing home. The aim of the scheme is to encourage the growth of the residential construction market. In this article, we are going to tackle some of the key points for accessing home builder program. Qualifications • You must be a natural person this means you cannot be a trust or a company. • You must be over the age of 18. • You must be an Australian citizen. • There are income caps to this grant. - If you’re an individual earning less than $125,000 and you can prove this in your previous tax return from 2018 2019 or later then you will meet one of the legibility criteria. - For couples, if you are earning below $200,000 and you can prove this in your previous tax return or later than you meet this income criterion you can also enter a building contract to either build a principal place of residence where the property value does not exceed $750,000 or substantially renovate your property. • construction must commence within three months of the contract day. Renovations The renovation must be between $150,000 and $750,000 and the property value must not exceed 1.5 million dollars. Owner-builders who are seeking to use this program in the hopes of building an investment property or renovating a home which will be used for business purposes are not eligible for this grant. Renovations must improve the accessibility, livability, and the safety of the property. This excludes tennis courts, pools or sheds if you are indeed trying to build them you will not be legible for this program. Renovations or any building work must be taken by a registered or licensed contractor depending on your state and named as the builder on the building license or building permit the home builder grant will be non-taxable this is the same as any other previous program the government has laid out. And it’s important to know that each state has its own sort of rules and regulations regarding the home builder grant. Extension The home builder is extended until March 2021. Contracts signed between 4 June and 31 December 2020 will receive $25,000. Contracts signed between 1 January 202021 and 31 March will receive $15,000. If you reside in Western Suburbs of Victoria and you’re needing help or just assistance the Funding Force would be the perfect match for all of your inquiries and finance mortgage-related things.