Durham School Prospectus

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Durham School


Welcome to Durham School

An Independent Co-educational School (Age 3-18)

all-round education to day and boarding pupils. The School is fully co-educational and incorporates its own prep school, Bow, which is near to the senior school campus. We are lucky to occupy a central location in the city, close to both the

university and cathedral, as well as having acres of green space around. For day or boarding pupils we offer the best of both worlds: an exciting academic city, as well as room to breathe outdoors.

At Durham School we believe in educating the whole person in the very broadest sense. Of course, academic life is at the heart of what we do, and we are proud of our record of helping pupils achieve highly, irrespective of their academic ability. In addition, we believe that pupils learn as much about themselves in what they do outside the classroom, and the School offers a huge variety of extra-curricular activities. We enjoy a richly deserved reputation for sport and many Old Dunelmians have gone on to regional and national success in those areas. However, it is the taking part that counts and we encourage every pupil to

play representational sport for the School during their time here. The School’s music and drama provision is also very strong, with a tradition of highly-acclaimed performances in world-class venues, and we are one of the few all-Steinway Schools in the UK.

Although we are a small school, we are big in ambition. We want our pupils to leave us as mature and responsible young men and women, imbued with the skills required to tackle the challenges of the 21st century, while retaining a sense of traditional values, which are timeless. Our values – moral integrity, ambition, responsibility, and kindness – are the MARK of a Durham School education and these give our pupils ‘Confidence for Life’.

“We want our pupils to leave us as mature and responsible young men and women”

A traditional British boarding school with a modern international community, Durham School encourages pupils to take full advantage of everything a busy, co-educational school has to offer, living life to the full as part of a community in which the individual flourishes.

Confidence for Life Community

• Excellent pastoral care ensures pupils are known as individuals and challenged to develop their talents.

• Houses create a sense of belonging that roots pupils to the School.


• Faithful to its Cathedral foundation but respectful of the beliefs of others, collective worship and

reflection build community.

• Its location in the city centre enhances pupils’ learning through its well-established relationship with Durham University.


• A full and rounded curriculum encourages pupils to aspire and have the confidence to succeed.

• An inclusive ethos provides academic challenge for all abilities.


• A full and varied programme challenges pupils to develop all aspects of their lives on the sports pitch, on stage, and elsewhere.

• Healthy competition both within the School and outside provides opportunities to learn how to fail and how to succeed.

“A key theme throughout our history has been the ability to evolve and develop to continue to serve our pupils”


Our history and traditions are an important part of School life and are the foundations for our continued academic, co-curricular and sporting success.

The origins of Durham School can be found in the medieval monastic schools of Iona and Lindisfarne. When the monks from Lindisfarne founded Durham Cathedral in the 10th Century they also founded a school that would go on to become Durham School.

In 1414, the Cathedral School was refounded by Bishop Thomas Langley. These original buildings can still be seen on Palace Green between Durham Cathedral and Durham Castle. The School was again re-founded by Henry VIII in 1541. The term “King’s Scholar” dates back to this time. The School moved to its present site in 1844 to enable it to take on more

pupils, teach a broader curriculum, and to have the space to play sports such as rugby and cricket.

Durham School Boat Club is the third oldest in the world, and is a founder member of the famous Durham Regatta. Durham School Football Club is the fifth oldest rugby club in the world and has fostered the talents of countless rugby internationals over the past 170 years. On these foundations is built Durham’s fine sporting tradition that continues to this day.

Our Chapel commemorates former pupils, known as Old Dunelmians or ODs, who have given their lives in the service of their country. There are 98 steps leading up to Chapel – one for each Old Dunelmian who died in the First World War.

The Kerr Arch, the gateway to our main site, frames the Chapel from Quarryheads Lane. Built in 1926, it celebrates the life of Graham Campbell Kerr OD. Kerr, who had played rugby for Scotland while teaching at the School, went on to become the first civilian Governor of Sudan.

Girls first joined the School in 1985 and we became co-educational throughout in 1998. We now have two girls’ houses, Pimlico and MacLeod. The boys’ houses are School, Poole and The Caffinites.

A key theme throughout our history has been the ability to evolve and develop to continue to serve our pupils. Looking to the future, Durham School has ambitious plans for the development of the campus so that it can continue to instil confidence for life for generations to come.

The MARK of a Durham School education

For over 600 years, Durham School has prepared the young of today to be the leaders of tomorrow in the lessons we teach both in and outside the classroom, but more importantly in the values we encourage in every aspect of our daily lives.

Within a community shaped by moral integrity and kindness, we cultivate responsibility and ensure that all pupils can thrive, be happy, and make a positive ‘MARK’ in the world. In doing this, our pupils learn to pass their examinations today while receiving an education that will last a lifetime.

Distinctively Durham

In so many ways, all schools are similar and yet all schools claim to be different. So what is the unique quality that makes Durham distinctive?

In short, we compete. In comparison to most schools, Durham is small, but we do not let that stand in our way. Pupils here do lots of things that revolve around their education: sport, music, drama, outdoor pursuits, CCF, and so the list goes on. Pupils represent the school at county, national, and international levels, achieving impressive standards in all that they do and competing with the best of them. Pupils dedicate time to these activities because they are fun and enhance CVs but, more importantly, because they develop the pupils as people; they learn to compete, they learn to win, and they learn what to do when they fail or lose. Balancing all this with academic work is never easy, but pupils learn from the very beginning that examinations cannot get in the way of an education that will last a lifetime.

Moral Integrity

• We demonstrate a desire to do the right thing

• We act in private as we do in public

• We have the courage to say and do the right thing

• We stand firm for what is right

• We challenge things we think wrong and are open to challenge from others

• We are accountable for failure as well as success, and do not allocate blame

• We can be relied upon to do what is right

• We demonstrate and promote honesty


• We achieve our goals by consistently working toward them

• We go above and beyond the call of duty

• We aim for the best in ‘me and them’ and take pride in all we do

• We seek help and support before giving up and identify lessons in setbacks

• We encourage all to develop maximum potential and support others to achieve

• We embrace opportunities, challenges and seek to develop our skills and talents

• We identify opportunities for School development

Responsibility Kindness

• We do what we say we will

• We are punctual and prompt in all that we do

• We use our resources responsibly, developing and caring for our environment

• We act before being asked and consistently deliver on expectations

• We prepare thoroughly for all tasks

• We encourage autonomy in all and seek leadership

• We acknowledge and seek to resolve problems

• We pioneer better ways of doing things

• We are open and approachable to all

• We welcome and listen to the opinions of others

• We look to engage and involve all in the community

• We attend to newcomers and those needing help, and build relationships actively

• We are positive in responding to questions

• We support each other and stand up for fellow colleagues and pupils

• We acknowledge individual needs within the community

• We speak positively of the School community

Set in 36 acres, situated in the heart of the beautiful and historic city of Durham, Durham School enjoys a country feel, but is within walking distance to the River Wear, Durham Castle, and the World Heritage site Durham Cathedral.

“The School curriculum at Bow is carefullystructured to ensure it is broad and varied and enables every pupil to achieve their potential and thrive in their areas of strength”

Welcome to Bow, Durham School

EYFS to Year 6 (3-11)

Bow, Durham School offers a high quality, all-round education, with before and after School care, giving great flexibility for today’s busy families.

The School curriculum at Bow is carefully structured to ensure it is broad and varied and enables every pupil to achieve their potential and thrive in their areas

of strength. It is based on the National Curriculum but is focused around a holistic education, preparing our pupils for their academic futures as well as for their life journey.

Early Years

The Early Years of a pupil’s education are crucial to future development. Within the FS1 class, we provide our pupils with a caring and nurturing environment, while encouraging confidence and motivation

for learning through stimulating and creative experiences both indoors and outdoors.

In FS1-2, pupils access experiences shaped from the seven areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and their progress is assessed using the Early Years Goals. The School focus on delivering a Creative Curriculum which enables learning through a knowledge and skills based approach.


The Pre-prep incorporates all pupils in the EYFS and KS1. Teaching staff in the Pre-prep work closely alongside one another to provide these children with a safe, caring and family-orientated environment where they feel comfortable, happy and secure, building their self-confidence and independence.


In Years 3 and 4, the pupils are taught English, maths and Foundation subjects by their class teacher. The Creative

Curriculum approach is used to link learning to a topic theme, with some subjects taught by specialist teachers.

In Years 5 and 6, the pupils follow a subject-based timetable and are taught by specialist subject teachers. Movement from class to class encourages independence and is good experience for the transition through to the Senior School. The curriculum continues to foster cross-curricular links across subjects where possible.

We carefully monitor our pupils’ progress

with regular assessment check points. We work closely with parents though meetings and reporting to ensure all pupils are achieving their full potential. The tracking and assessment systems we use allow us to make comparative judgements in line with age related expectations.

As our pupils come towards the end of their time in Prep, we work closely with Senior School staff to ensure a smooth transition both academically and pastorally.

Our year 7-9 curriculum provides our pupils with the tools to begin their journey as learners.”

Welcome to Senior School

With a highly talented and dedicated team of teachers who are passionate about their subject, we aim to make learning exciting and stimulating for all our pupils and we pride ourselves on the quality of our academic teaching. Life at Senior School is all about inspiring minds, igniting the love of learning and creating building blocks for academic endeavour. Lessons are planned to make all pupils think critically, evaluate and reflect.

Beginning in Year 7, each pupil is assigned to one of five Houses where they will continue to build strong relationships with their peers under the watchful eye of their tutor and Housemaster or Housemistress. The House staff offer regular guidance, assisting with organisation, academic and pastoral support.

Durham School offers boarding from age 11. Our boarding community is a safe and supportive environment in which our pupils can thrive and be happy. The House Staff work closely with pupils, parents and guardians to ensure that boarding life is rich, stimulating and nurturing. The boarding houses have a ‘home from home’ atmosphere, where pupils of all ages can learn, grow and develop a strong sense of belonging and identity. This equips boarders with a broad range of skills and aptitudes necessary for them to achieve their potential and make a success of their endeavours, academic, co-curricular and personal.

Our pupils are given opportunities for both leadership and participation in many different fields; musical activities, drama productions, sport and numerous

clubs and societies are a feature of life at

Our Year 7-9 curriculum provides our pupils with the tools to begin their journey as learners. Our philosophy revolves around empowering our pupils and helping them fulfil their potential. The curriculum is designed to offer both breadth and choice with the chance to opt for some subjects in Year 9 and Year 10.

The GCSE programme aims to builds on the foundations laid down in earlier years. The choice of subjects is wide and the curriculum structure designed to allow pupils to opt for either breadth or greater specialism. The courses normally lead to 9 or 10 GCSEs; a sound platform for more specialist study at A Level.

Durham School.
“In an ever changing world the learner has to be adaptable, at Durham School we embrace the future as well as respect the past.”

Welcome to Sixth Form

The Sixth Form at Durham School is based on a traditional academic model of a broad A Level curriculum with the opportunity to develop the character of a pupil through numerous enrichment activities.

While academic success is our corepurpose, within our co-educational day and boarding community our pupils receive a multitude of opportunities to gain ‘Confidence for Life’. After the success in their A Levels, the vast majority, if not all, of our pupils move onto higher education.

Our Sixth Form education is an interactive

process which empowers the pupil to become an independent and responsible learner, pupils are encouraged to think for themselves. These are vital skills if they are to make the best use of the freedom offered by life at university and beyond.

At Durham School we are incredibly proud of how our pupils present and conduct themselves. Indeed, they are our greatest ambassadors. In an ever changing world the learner has to be adaptable, at Durham School we embrace the future as well as respect the past.

Our International students can also benefit from a three-year Sixth

Form course; the first year being an introduction to Sixth Form, designed for International pupils for whom English is their second language. The programme has been put together by our experienced and dedicated English as an Additional Language (EAL) teachers, providing a core curriculum of GCSEs alongside intensive English Language lessons in the first year. Pupils are then in a strong position to gain full entry to the School’s A Level programme, which in turn equips students with the qualifications and wider skills to go on to further study at a British university or institution of higher education.

School shop

All items of compulsory school uniform and sports kit are available from The Durham School Shop situated in the The Admin Centre (Reception) Contact: finance@durhamschool.co.uk

How to find us

Durham City is easy to reach by road, rail and air. Durham railway station is on the East Coast Main Line. Durham School is 10-minute taxi ride or 20-minute walk from the station.

Using a Sat Nav Durham Senior School DH1 4SZ Bow, Durham School DH1 3LS

Direct rail link 2 Hours

Fly from Newcastle International Airport or 30 mins by car or rail

MANCHESTER Fly from Manchester Airport or 2 hours by rail

LONDON Services from Heathrow Airport or direct rail link 3 Hours

School transport

The School offers daily (Monday - Friday) transport around the region with several bus routes. For further information, contact: finance@durhamschool.co.uk


The prospectus and further information booklets describe the broad principles on which the School is presently run. Although believed to be correct at the time of printing, the prospectus or further information booklets are not part of any agreement between parents and Durham School. Parents wishing to place specific reliance on matters given in the prospectus or further information booklets should seek written confirmation of that statement before accepting the offer of a place. September 2018.

+44 (0)191 731 9270

admissions@durhamschool.co.uk www.durhamschool.co.uk

Durham School - founded 1414 @dunelmia

Durham School, Quarryheads Lane, Durham DH1 4SZ

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