Hot Springs Village Advocate - Summer 2014

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Advocate Volume 38, No. 2

Summer 2014

HSV Business Model David Twiggs Outlines HSV Transitional Business Model


David Twiggs, Hot Springs Village (HSV) Chief Operating Officer/General Manager, outlined the transitional business model for the Property Owners Association at a meeting held at the Woodlands Auditorium April 16. Twiggs said HSV must transition in several main areas in order to promote sustainability and growth. These areas include quality control, monetizing amenity sales, placemaking, context, brand, marketing and monetizing growth. In each of these areas, Twiggs discussed various methods which had been employed by HSV in the past as well as transitions needed to bring about sustainability and growth in the Village in the future. Quality Control: Twiggs noted the need for capital maintenance and attention to financing, as well as systems inventory that provides improvements for quality customer service, facilities, Property Owners’ Association Advocate Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association 895 DeSoto Blvd. Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 Telephone: (501) 922-5556 Email address: Website: Managing Editor: Linda Mayhood Editor: Lisa Watson Thomas

Volume XXXVIII, Number 2

PERIODICAL POSTAGE 019-847 AT HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS - Additional Entry, Little Rock, Arkansas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the POA Advocate, 895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909. The Property Owners’ Association Advocate is published quarterly, four times a year, by the Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association (POA), 895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909. The POA assesses its members $440.16 a year, $1 of which covers the annual subscription price. The publication is distributed to 21,607 members of the POA. Periodical postage #019847 from Hot Springs, Arkansas.

2 Hot Springs Village Advocate Summer 2014

“We want people to love living here.” David Twiggs

Hot Springs Village is creating new places for people to “thrive.” Watch for these amenities, clubs and options in coming months. Some of the newest include Grove Park, home of the Green Market, Artisan Market and Rock Porch Sessions (see related story), the Ouachita Rod & Gun Club, a club for outdoor sporting enthusiasts; Basecamp, a “clearing house” for sporting events in the region; and PlayOST, a regional sports trail including more than 200 holes of golf.

gate access and reservations. Monetizing Amenity Sales: Twiggs said it is necessary to monetize golf and other amenities both externally and internally. He highlighted the Ouachita Sports Trail (Play OST) as an example of bringing this about, noting he is working with regional partners to develop this new amenity for the region. Placemaking: Twiggs said it was important to add ultralocal value in Hot Springs Village as well as providing new housing options and investment incentives to encourage growth through placemaking. New Context: A variety of transitions are needed in HSV to create a new context, according to Twiggs. These include changing the Village’s reputation in Arkansas through development model public relations, in-migration business opportunities and tourism. Twiggs said the development of Ouachita High Country (OHC) is another way to provide a new context for HSV as well as recognizing a change in the target market and developing new network partners both re-

gionally and on a state wide level. Brand: Transitions in HSV branding include not only the look through publications, press and visuals but also developing new products such as the Ouachita Rod & Gun Club, Grove Park markets and Basecamp. Marketing: Twiggs said the marketing strategy for Hot Springs Village must include not only advertising but also competitive analysis, sales, visitor flow navigation and discovery packages such as providing a one stop shop and lodging for prospective members. Monetize Growth: Twiggs emphasized the necessity of implementing a sales program as well as analyzing assessments and fees in order to monetize growth in the Village. In conclusion, Twiggs said all of the parts of the strategy work together to make HSV a place where people want to live. “We want people to love living here in Hot Springs Village,” he said. “It’s all about creating places for people to thrive.” A video presentation of the meeting is available at 

Update with Keith Keck, Board President President Keith Keck Lauds Committees, Finances, Pet Legislation


With the flowers out and the grass figolf course usage, as a cold and soggy nally growing, your Village remains a Spring left our golf revenue slightly vibrant place for activity. A plethora below budget projections. of entertainment and recreFinancially, your POA reational events are available for mains on solid ground under all. From multiple musical perour no-frills 2014 Budget. formances to new outdoor recLooking forward, the Future reational activities, our POA Financial Task Force continues Staff under General Manager to work hard on our 2015-2020 Keck David Twiggs’ superb leaderfinancial projections, with an ship continues to look for ways expected initial presentation of to make our community even more revenue ideas to be made in July. attractive for current and future resiIn the “Whew...Glad that is Done” dents. category, our effort to Promote At the Committee Appreciation Responsible Pet Ownership via a Reception, I challenged all commitHSV-specific Pet Control Ordinance tees to be more creative and innodid pass both Garland and Saline vative in ideas to make our Village a County Quorum Courts. This ordibetter place. Some of this creativity nance is now in effect, and unfortumay be especially needed to encourage nately our POA staff has already had

to cite pet owners who failed to take their responsibilities seriously. On a more positive note, Grove Park nears completion providing a centralized gathering location next to the Woodlands. I also had the opportunity to attend the formal Dog Park Grand Opening. ... A BIG THANKS to the Friends of the Dog Park who made this reality, and now spurred on two other groups to approach the POA about potential cooperative projects. Lastly, we welcomed two new members, Mike Medica and Mary Neilson, to this year’s POA Board of Directors. We look forward to working with Mike and Mary on making Hot Springs Village an even better place to live and play. 

Mary Neilson, Mike Medica Elected to HSV Board of Directors

Mary Neilson and Mike Medica agement, personnel management, and Medica is a member of Village were elected to the Hot Springs Vilinsurance. United Methodist Church and served lage Board of Directors for three-year She holds a Bachelor of Science on the church finance committee for terms, replacing Directors John Degree in Communicathree years. He is a member of Cooney and Tom Bryant. They tions from University of the Rotary Club of Hot Springs were seated at the April 16 Regthe Ozarks in Clarksville Village and served as coordiular Meeting. where she graduated nator for the club’s annual flea Neilson, who received the magna cum laude. market. He worked for 30 years most votes, has lived in Hot Medica and his wife, for H. Ross Perot’s ElectronMedica Springs Village almost 7 years Neilson Sharon, have lived in the ic Data Systems building data and is actively involved in the Village for 16 years, movcenters and procurement of all community, serving serving on the ing here from Plano, Texas. Before computer hardware and mechanical Governmental Affairs Committee. moving here full time, they owned a equipment to run them and providAn Arkansas native, she is a memtownhouse in HSV for several years. ing vendor management that includber of the Village United Methodist A native of Seattle, he served four ed purchasing agreements, vendor Church, a founding member of the years in the U.S. Air Force with two performance and other related proJessieville School District Foundation years in Japan and two in Florida. cesses.  and PEO. She is a sales manager for 2014 Hot Springs Village Board of Directors Voting Results the Hot Springs Convention and Vis Resident Non-Resident Total itors Bureau and has coordinated the Mike Medica 2,782 2,577 5,359 Hot Springs Sister City Program for Mary Neilson 3,413 2,772 6,185 the past five years. Other professional Lu Otto 2,988 2,090 5,078 experience includes marketing manSummer 2014 Hot Springs Village Advocate 3

Money matters

HSV Reports January-March 2014 Financials


At the April 16 Hot Springs Village Board of Directors Regular Meeting, Linda Mayhood, Assistant General Manager, outlined the overall financial position through March 31. Overall: Revenue is less than budget due to assessments and golf revenue, operating expenses are less than budget, and capital and transfers are in line with the budget. Revenues: 2014 year to date revenue totaled $6,874,195. This is aligned with budget with the exception of assessment and golf revenue. Assessment cash is $90,023 less than budget. YTD 2014 Golf revenue is less than budget by $179,218 and $87,444 less for the month with golf rounds of 34,249 being less by 1,313 compared to 2013. Staff believes part of this revenue shortfall will be made

up over the remaining nine months of the year. Operating Expenses: 2014 year to date expense totaled $5.8 million and is better than budget by $233,484 Golf comprised $165,434 of the $233,484. This is mainly due to payroll savings related to the courses being closed. Approximately $120,000 of total payroll savings in Golf will be realized throughout the entire year due to the courses being closed in Jan-

uary and February. Capital: Purchased Capital totaled $349,091 and is $10,359 less than budget. Constructed Utility Capital is under budget by $16,382. Transfer To/From Operating Reserves: 2014 transfers to/from operating/reserve are in line with the plan. Risk/Opportunities: The biggest hurdle involves declining golf revenues related to poor weather conditions. 

2013 Audit Receives Highest Rating T. J. BOYLE of Frost, PLLC, presented the 2013 Audit at the April 16 Hot Springs Village Board of Directors Regular Meeting. HSV received an unqualified opinion, which is the highest and best rating an audit may receive.

Thanks to the Frost team and HSV accounting staff for their on-going work throughout the year and at year end, as well as the audit committee. View full report at | Governance | Financials | Budget & Financial Reports. 

Pet Control Policy Approved by Saline and Garland County Courts HSV Animal Ordinances have been approved by Saline and Garland County Quorum Courts. Both ordinances are available on the HSV website. To view, go to | Governance | Governing Documents | Pet Ordinance.

As a result of these ordinances, the Board will consider a change to the POA Policy to define restraint in accordance with the new ordinances. The change would also give HSV animal control officers authority in both Saline and Garland Counties. 

In This Issue HSV Business Model...............................................................2 Update With Keith Keck, Board President......................3 Money Matters.........................................................................4 Hot Springs Village News......................................................5 Notable in Hot Springs Village............................................6 Upcoming Events....................................................................8 Stay up-to-date on the latest HSV news and events. Sign up for the Village Digest Eblast today at www. Click on Sign Up for POA News. 4 Hot Springs Village Advocate Summer 2014

Hot Springs Village Important Numbers EMERGENCY Main Number COO/GM Assistant GM Accounting Fire Non Emergency Golf Marketing P&I Police Non Emergency Public Works Recreation Tee Times Visitor Center

911 501-922-5556 501-922-5530 501-922-5541 501-922-5556 501-922-2210 501-922-5549 501-922-5561 501-922-5562 501-922-0011 501-922-5528 501-922-0322 501-922-2858 866-984-9963

Hot Springs Village News Sample Regional Fare, Artisans’ Wares and Music at Grove Park


Come out and celebrate the grand opening of Grove Park, HSV’s newest amenity, on June 7, with the Rock Porch Sessions featuring “Delta” Donnie Mathis. The event kicks off at 5:00 p.m. with Fat Buoy’s Rolling Diner on hand with food and drinks for purchase. Buy fresh seasonal produce, crafts, artwork, photography and more at the weekly Green Market, open Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at Grove Park, located at 1105 DeSoto Blvd., near the Woodlands Auditorium. Stay up to date by following the Green Market on Facebook at www. Visit the new Artisan Market at Grove Park, Sunday, June 22 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. From jewelry, pottery, woodworking and more - it’s

your marketplace for arts and crafts galore. Want to introduce your arts and crafts to HSV? All arts and crafts must meet certain criteria for inclusion in the market. Request a vendor application for both markets by emailing Grove Park, a community gathering place for the weekly Green Market, and quarterly Artisan Market, will also be home to Rock Porch music sessions during the summer and fall. The park offers an opportunity for Hot Springs Village to support local farmers, according to David Twiggs, HSV Chief Operating Officer. “We support local and we wanted to give local farmers a nice place where they could sell their homegrown produce and bring the region together for local farm-to-market

shopping,” said Twiggs. “It also gives us the opportunity to provide a place where people can get together, visit, listen to music and have fun.” Provide a lasting memory. Purchase a memorial picnic table for Grove Park for $500. For more information, call 501-922-0322. 

Adopt a Hydrant in Your Neighborhood Show off your artistic side. The Fire Department is once again encouraging members to Adopt a Hydrant by painting custom designs on hydrants that have not yet been decorated. Be sure to select hydrants painted silver

or red, not custom painted. Submit your newly painted hydrant on the Fire Department Facebook page at and you could win a prize.

Celebrate America’s Independence Day in Hot Springs Village Celebrate America’s Independence Day in Hot Springs Village. This year’s Stars and Stripes Festival, sponsored by Ike Eisenhauer State Farm Insurance Agency, includes family fun activities July 3-5. From kayak and paddleboard races to a Paradise Party on Balboa Beach, sponsored by Boomer’s Rock, … and





the fireworks over Lake Balboa, of course …, the festival is chock full of fun. The schedule of events is available at Click on Stars and Stripes Festival on the home page. Partnership opportunities are available. For more information, call 501-922-0322. 



American Idol

& The Fabulous





African Acrobat Troupe

Fall Concert Series Little Big Band Finalist For more information, call 501-922-4231 or go to

Summer 2014 Hot Springs Village Advocate 5

Notable In Hot Springs Village DeSoto Golf Course Opens For Play Following Renovation


THE DESOTO Golf Course is open for play following a $525,000 renovation, which was approved by the board in December 2012. The greens have been converted to Champion “ultra dwarf ” Bermuda grass and several improvements were made to the course and facilities. These included renovating the 45 year old DeSoto golf maintenance building inside and out and regrading the slope around the building to eliminate rain water infiltrating the building. Substantial improvements were made to drainage and irrigation on the course as well as renovations to

cart paths, holes and bunkers. The Hot Springs Village Men's Garden Club helped with landscaping design and planting on several greens and tees. Due to damage at the 19th Hole and the DeSoto Club, a temporary pro shop has been installed on the premises while repairs are being made. A food truck will be available at the facility from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. on Monday – Thursday with extended evening hours on Friday and Saturday. “I think it will be a course that everyone will be proud of,” said John Paul, HSV Golf Director. “It will

DeSoto Golf Course

need a couple more months to mature but it will wind up being one of the favorite courses to play in the Village.” Make your tee time today and come out to play on the newly renovated course. 

Play Golf and Give to Others at Upcoming Golf Tournaments Play golf and give to others by participating in one or more of the upcoming charity tournaments at Hot Springs Village golf courses. For more information, call 501-922-2858.

June 7: Shriner’s, Balboa July 26: SOZO Recovery, Magellan Aug. 23: Knights of Columbus, Magellan Sept. 3: Kiwanis, Magellan

Oct. 4: Boys and Girls Club/Lions Club, Balboa Oct. 7: Teen Challenge, Magellan In addition, the Golf Skills Challenge is set for July 2 at Magellan. 

Departments Offer Service, Support, Discussion Opportunities Hot Springs Village departments provide services, support and opportunities for discussion. See the following items for the latest news and opportunities.

AnnualSprint Sprint Triathlon 3rd3rd Annual Saturday, June Triathlon 14th Saturday, June 14 Registration is now open, visit!

This USAT-sanctioned event includes a 500-yard swim, a 13.5 mile cycle ride and 3.5 mile run in beautiful Hot Springs Village and is managed by DLT Events with support from and in benefit of Teen Challenge of Arkansas. Participate in TRI the Village, and enjoy specials for TRYing the Village all weekend long: • Book your rental accommodations for the weekend, June 13-15, and receive the first night free and 10 percent off rental accommodations (2-night minimum required). Call 501-922-9850 or go to Be sure to mention the TRI-the-Village special to receive these rates.

6 Hot Springs Village Advocate Summer 2014

Administration: Administration will soon offer one stop shopping. Medical flags and garage sale signs are now sold at the front desk and in the respective departments until the transition is complete. Fire: The Cortez Fire Station Quarterly Coffee is set for June 13 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cortez Fire Station. The event is sponsored by Sam’s Club. Permitting & Inspections: ACC approved three new home permits at the May 1 meeting, bringing the total to 22 new home permits for 2014. The next Builder Series Meeting is set for Thursday, June 26 at 3:00 p.m. at Coronado Community Center. Guest speaker Jerry Jones will

discuss remodeling existing homes, the latest remodeling trends, and the contractors’ role in the permitting and inspection process. An overview of the Permitting & Inspections process will also be presented. Permitting & Inspections now offers fillable PDFs for several permits online at and will soon offer online permitting capabilities through Citizen Serve. Police: Police officers Tom Hickox and Kevin Chambers were promoted to Sergeants after meeting educational, training requirements and passing a written examination. Chief Gary Adams received his Arkansas Law Enforcement Officer certification and

Notable In Hot Springs Village HSV Projects Improve Life, Add Value, Promote Growth


Hot Springs Village projects offer opportunities for improving life as well as adding value and promoting healthy growth. Balboa Beach: Improvements are currently underway at Balboa Beach. A large water trampoline will be installed and the beach area doubled in size, with more sand added in time for the summer season. A trail project is also underway that will connect the beach to the Balboa Spillway trail and eventually the Hernando Trail along Desoto Boulevard. A long range plan is also in place that will include a boardwalk, stage area, new fishing pier and more and a fundraising campaign is underway for this additional plan. Water Treatment Plant Expansion: The Water Treatment Plant expansion, which began in January 2013, is set for completion in July. The $6.5 million dollar project increases the number of gallons of treated water per day from 4 million to 6 million. Both clarifiers are 100 percent online and the plant is mechanically complete. West Gate: West Gate Entrance Improvements were started in 2013 and will be completed in June 2014 at a projected cost of $400,000. Materials including pumps, lights and fountain equipment have been ordered. Once received, crews will begin rebuilding the pond and fountain area. A replica of the E. Faye Jones Sculture is being constructed and will be installed after the fountain renovation is complete. East Gate: East Gate entrance improvements were started in early 2014 and should be complete at the end of May. Trees were removed and streetlights and utility cables relocated in preparation for adding another lane. Signs are being installed. This update is part of an overall gate enhancement project that includes landscaping, signage, electrical, irrigation, lighting, and rock walls. Senior Chief Certification. Police officers were issued new Glock firearms, which were needed because of aging, unreliable weapons. Chief Adams is in the process of applying for an Arkansas Rural Development Commission Grant to obtain funding for much needed equipment. A Citizens Police Academy will be offered late this summer for applicants who applied but were not able to par-

A rendering of the Balboa Beach project drawn by Yang Luo, HSV Director of Placemaking.

Street Maintenance: The 2014 Street Maintenance Program is currently underway with plans to pave 12 miles and seal cracks on 8 miles for a total of 20 miles of roadway improvements. Bids are being solicited for paving and crack sealing. Striping, patching, shoulder repairs and signage improvements are ongoing. Lake Maintenance: Estate Management Services, Springfield, Mo., provided weed control services on Lake Desoto and Lake Cortez in April and the rest of HSV lakes in May and June. The vegetation will die within the next two weeks and float to the surface before it dissipates. Crews continue to remove logs from all lakes as part of the lake maintenance program. Directional Signs: A series of new directional signs have been installed along DeSoto Blvd. Staff is trying out options for new signage at a minimal expense. A variety of options will be set out as ‘test runs’ over the next few months. All of the input received so far on the first test run is greatly valued and appreciated. 

ticipate in the first class. To apply to be part of the Academy, pick up an application at the Police Department. The Police Department will hold a Community Night Out on August 5 in support of “National Night Out” and Crime Prevention. More information will be forthcoming. Public Works: Mowing began in May and will continue through the summer months. 

Please obey speed limits at all gates and be prepared to stop at any time. Public Relations Officers provide an important service, allowing visitors, residents and others into HSV in an efficient, timely manner. For gate-related issues, please call 501-922-0457 or email  Summer 2014 Hot Springs Village Advocate 7

Upcoming Events June

4 Board Work Session, Ponce 4 A Team, CCC 5-6 MidSummer Nights Dream, Woodlands 6 Lions Bingo, CCC 6-7 World Wide Bridge, CDC 7 Shriner’s Golf A Rama, Balboa Golf Course 7 Ouachita Rod & Gun Club Swap Meet, Balboa Pavilion 7 Rock Porch Sessions, Grove Park 10 Tri-Lakes Good Life Expo, CCC 11 A Team, CCC 13 Quarterly Coffee, Cortez Fire Station 14 TRI-the-Village Sprint Triathlon 14 Tuff E Nuff, Balboa Club 14 Country Two Steppers, CCC 17 Radio Memories, CCC 17 Ark. Blood Institute, CCC 18 Board Regular Mtg, Ponce 18 A Team, CCC 20 Lions Bingo, CCC 21 Village Merry Mixers, CCC 21 Longest Day Marathon Bridge for Alzheimer Foundation, CDC 22 Artisan Market, Grove Park 25 A Team, CCC 26 P&I Builders Mtg., CCC 26 Newcomers Coffee, Ponce 28 Beboppers, CCC


2 Short Game Skills Tournament, Magellan Golf Course 2 Board Work Session, Ponce 2 A Team, CCC 3-5 Stars & Stripes Festival 3 Colt & the Old 45s, CCC 5 Ouachita Rod & Gun Club Fish Fry, Balboa Beach 5 Colt & the Old 45s, CCC 5 Rock Porch Sessions, Balboa Beach 9 A Team, CCC 11-13 Jr. USTA Tennis Tournament, CTC 12 Country Two Steppers, CCC 12 John Calvin Brewer Band, Balboa Club 15 Ark. Blood Institute, CCC 16 Board Regular Mtg., Ponce 18 Lions Bingo, CCC 19 Boomers Rock, CCC 23 A Team, CCC 26 Beboppers, CCC 26 SOZO Recovery Golf Tournament, Magellan Golf Course 28 Ouachita Chef Series, CCC

Fridays, Karaoke, Balboa Club


50s, 60s, 70s & 80s Thursday, July 3 & Saturday, July 5 Coronado Community Center 7:30 p.m. nightly $20 general admission

Purchase tickets at 700 Balearic Rd. 501-922-4503 (corner of Balboa & Balearic Roads)


Adult Sunday School 9:00 & 10:15 a.m. Nursery Available All Services Senior Pastor —Dr. Walter L. “Bubba” Smith

Thursdays, 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Green Market, Grove Park For more information, go to www.

Coronado Community Center, CCC; Coronado Tennic Center, CTC; Ponce de Leon Center, Ponce; Casa de Carta, CDC; Woodlands Auditorium, Woodlands



1 Lions Bingo, CCC 2 Rock Porch Sessions, Grove Park 6 Board Work Session, Ponce 6 A Team, CCC 7 Planning Coffee with GM/COO, CCC 8 Ken Goodman, Woodlands 9 Kopy Kats, CCC 13 A Team, CCC 15 Lions Bingo, CCC 16 Back to School Bash, Lake Balboa 19 Ark. Blood Institute, CCC 20 Board Regular Mtg., Ponce 20 A Team, CCC 22-24 Silver Lode Sectional Bridge Tournament, CDC 23 Beboppers, CCC 23 Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament, Magellan Golf Course 28 Newcomers Coffee, Ponce

8:40 a.m. Traditional Service 10:15 a.m. Traditional Service 11:20 a.m. A casual, come-as-you-are service A Stephen Ministry Caring Congregation

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