Victoria Spirit - July, 2012

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July 2012

Prepared and paid for by the City of Victoria

Vol. 4 - No. 1





Let’s make this year’s National Out Event a huge su ccess. Neighbor hoods that register th eir block party with the City have the op portunity of ha ving the Fire Departm ent, Sheriff and Carver County Mount ed Posse stop by their event. This year , Night Out will be held on Tuesday, Au g. 7. To register, please call or email Jenn ifer Kretsch at 95 2443-4212 or jkr etsch@ci.victoria



Plan to attend National Night Out

Hwy 5 Project over halfway done!


he Highway 5 project is still on track to be completed on or near Aug. 30. By the time you read this, the project’s construction will be nearly two weeks into the closure starting at Highway 41 to 78th Street. The City was given a number of options on how to do this part of the project. One was to have it constructed under traffic conditions. This would have extended the project into November and the City had safety concerns for both the traveling public and the construction workers. The City opted to work with MnDOT on a full closure except to local residents and provide a static detour. MnDOT also wrote the contract to include financial incentives to reduce the timeframe for the closure. If you have questions on the project, you can always get the most up to date information at This project has brought together a number of dedicated partners including the Victoria Business Owners Association, the Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce and Think Victoria! Local businesses have also been partners in sponsoring events, helping reach their customers with updates, and most of all exhibiting patience with what will surely be one of our more challenging summers as a community. As a way to thank the residents and the businesses, the City will be planning a party to celebrate the re-opening of Highway 5. Because we won’t know the exact date of the opening, we are asking you to sign-up for a special email-only invitation. Please go to the City website – www. - and click on “Sign Up for the Hwy 5 Party.” We’ll let you know as soon as we know when and where the party will be!

Victoria candidate forum set Notice of City Council Candidate Mark your calendar for Oct. 9 Filing: July 31 – Aug. 14


he League of Women Voters of Eastern Carver County (LWM-ECC) invites you to attend a Candidate Forum on Tuesday, Oct. 9 at Victoria City Hall. The LWM-ECC will sponsor a public candidate forum for Victoria candidates running for the Office of Mayor and Offices of Council Members. The forum will be held in the Victoria City Council Chambers in City Hall located at 7951 Rose Street. The purpose of the forum is to provide voters of the City with an opportunity to hear the can-

Victoria City Council Mary Hershberger Thun, Mayor Kim Roden, Council Member Tom O’Connor, Council Member Jim Crowley, Council Member Tom Strigel, Council Member

Contact Us City of Victoria 7951 Rose Street, P.O. Box 36 Victoria, MN 55386 Phone: (952) 443-4210 Fax: (952) 443-2110 Web site: E-mail: Victoria Recreation Center 8475 Kochia Lane Victoria, MN 55386 Phone: (952) 443-4255 Please Recycle

didates discuss the issues of importance to them in this election. T heLW M-ECC is a nonpartisan group and does not endorse, support or oppose political candidates for office. The time for the forum has not been established, but will be posted on the City’s website at www. when it becomes available, along with the candidate forum agenda.


he City of Victoria’s municipal election is held in conjunction with the General Election on Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012. The following City Council offices are up for election: Mayor – (4) Four-Year Term Beginning Jan. 2013 and ending Dec. 2016

Council Member – (4) Four-Year Term Beginning January 2013 and ending Dec. 2016 Council Member – (4) Four-Year Term Beginning January 2013 and ending Dec. 2016

The City Clerk will be accepting the filing of Affidavits of Candidacy at City Hall located at 7951 Rose Street,

Victoria, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. beginning July 31, and ending Tuesday, Aug. 14 at 5 p.m. Affidavits must be signed, notarized and filed in person with the City Clerk. Candidate Eligibility: For City Council, any person may file to be a candidate who meets the following: • Eligible to vote; and • Will be 21 years of age upon assuming office; and • Will have been a resident of the City for at least 30 days before the General Election; and • Paid a $2 filing fee. If you are interested in fi ling and have questions, please call Jennifer Kretsch, City Clerk at 952-4434212 or email at

SouthWest Transit offers bus service during road construction his summer has seen the Minnesota Department of Transportation re-constructing Highway 5 in Victoria. While the final result will be very nice, the construction is causing commuters traffic jams and in many cases long delays.


Transit. “We know that once people give us a try they generally keep riding SouthWest Transit. There are no hassles, no big gas bills and no parking fees when SouthWest Transit is your choice to get downtown or to the U of M.”

To help alleviate some of the problems associated with the construction and to make things easier for everyone, SouthWest Transit has been offering weekday bus service to downtown Minneapolis and the University of Minnesota from the Victoria Recreation Center. Each morning there are four routes taking passengers to Minneapolis and in the afternoon there are three routes coming back to Victoria.

The bus service being provided by SouthWest Transit is being paid for in part by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, SouthWest Transit and Carver County. The bus service will continue until the Highway 5 construction is completed, which is expected to be near the end of August.

“We are hoping that we can help Victoria residents get around a little easier this summer,” said Len Simich, CEO of SouthWest

Specific information on route times can be obtained by visiting the city’s website: or going directly to the SouthWest Transit website at

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