Book Presentation

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I was interested in typography and the way that it has changed over the years. I came across a site called Design Is History. This site gave a comprehensive description of various trends and movements throughout the years in relation to typography. It also explained how the various art movements impacted upon it. I went with this concept for my book, because I don’t think many people fully recognise the impact that individuals like Herb Lubalin and Saul Bass have had on our preconceived notions of typography. I also wanted to further explore the evolution of typography through the ages, due to both the advancement of the movements and the individuals that choose to think outside the box.




My origninal design for my book was very much like a text book. There was very little white pace and lots of text. This made for a very informative book, but a very unappealing layout. Some of the information that I was trying to incorporate was also rather irrelivent, being more focussed on design rather than typography.






TECHNICALITIES: I utilised my modified font in a 9 point size for the body text. Anything larger looked out of place and anything smaller was to hard to read. The only part in the book that utilises smaller type was the image captions, which are in a size 6 font, and the references, which are in a size 8 font. These parts were done in a smaller font as it was easier to fit in the information for the references, and the image captions stood out to much in a larger font and became a point of focus. Changing the point size forced the captions out of the spotlight, allowing the bopdy text and images to take the for.

WHAT HAVE I LEARNT AND WHAT WOULD I CHANGE I have learnt that making a book takes longer than I anticipated, and that the smallest things can throw you out. An extra space here or a solid return there and there is a disruption to the flow of the page. I also learnt how important the grids are in the successful creation of a book. I would perhaps modify the layout of my book to become more design based, rather than text content. But overall I am happy with what I have managed to create.


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