Creative Thinking Product: Zine

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Who are We


We are a list of imperfections... of nips and tucks...

of perceived adjustments and flaws...

of old age...

and experience...

Of false perfection...

and artificial beauty

With all of our advertisements and

magazines, we are telling our children that they have to be skinny, that they

have to be flawless...That being who they are is WRONG...

Is this the message we want to give

them? Do we want to do more harm then good? It’s up to us to change,

not just for ourselves, but for them... for our future...

Instead of degrading them for their

differences...why not treasure them?

Value each other for what they are, unique and beautiful in their own

way. Don’t try to fit the mould of society, make your own.

Be Beautiful Be yourself

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