1 minute read
All your hard work which you have made so far in making your perfect pitch deck will go waste if you go anywhere wrong with its delivery to the investors. Read on to know more about the right ways of pitch deck delivery:
• Take your deck slides to a print shop to get them properly bound. This means your deck will remain neat and ordered and will show investors how serious you are. • Professional standard steel binding is recommended. Spiral binding is the next best option if you cannot find a print shop with a steel binder. Do not go for comb binding, which can fall apart and completely avoid, using a staple.
• A PDF is the best format to deliver your digital deck. • The layout remains the same across all operating system be it Windows, Apple, or Android. You also get the added benefit of password protection, giving you some control over who can view your deck. • You can also host your deck on a cloud service platform which will provide investors with an access link. This will allow you to update the deck even after the investors have received it.
Printed Deck Delivery
Digital Deck Delivery