February 25, 2022
St u d
hot s H eads
io P i ct u
r es
S a y "C heese"! Do you need a new headshot?We thought so! Reinhart is offering free standard headshots to the entire company at the next All Company Meeting. April 5t h | 8am - 10am | Locat ion TBD | Dress t o Impress!
In-Studio Photography Session Also Available Reinhart is also offering in-st udio sessions wit h a phot ographer at a discount ed rat e. This is a great opport unit y t o get business port rait s wit h t ouchups and unique backgrounds. Pict ures will be t aken in a phot ography st udio wit h nat ural light and professional props and backgrounds. Out door space is also available. Sign up and deposit will be required. Rates start at $100. Dates are TBD but will be at the end of March - details to follow. In order to assess interest, please fill out the form below.
Click Here To Let Us Know if You Are Int erest ed
Cont act Mary at mcox@reinhart realt ors.com for List ing Post Suggest ions or Quest ions.
February 25, 2022
M a n a g er s' C or n er A Substantial Portion of Legal Issues We See are Caused by Breach of Fiduciary Duty Breach of fiduciary duties is completely avoidable. Take the first step. Know clearly what your fiduciary duties are as they are defined by the National Association of Realtors and Michigan Association of Realtors. Loyalty: ?Thisduty obligatesa real estate broker to act at all timessolely in the best interest of hisprincipal to the exclusion of all other interests, includingthe broker?sown self-interest.? The idea is loyalty is best demonstrated when the agent avoids any conflicts of interest that might compromise the interest of the principal. Confidentiality: ?An agent is obligated to safeguard his principals?confidence and secrets? When acting as an agent of the principal, information gathered is private. Any information that might weaken the principals' position on price, terms or timing are prohibited from being shared. There is one exception to this duty. Material facts concerning the condition of the property cannot be withheld from the buyer. Disclosure: ?An agent is obligated to disclose to his principal all relevant and material information that the agent knowsand that pertainsto the scope of agency.? The duty of disclosure obligates the agent to reveal to their principal details that are discovered about the other party that may benefit them. The exception to this duty is when practicing dual agency or some other form of limited agency. Obedience: ?An agent is obligated to obey promptly and efficiently all lawful instructions of his or her principal.?
Contributed by: Joe Peoples
Obedience in this case is limited to the scope defined in the listing and/or buyer agency contracts. This duty does not apply to any unlawful instructions.
Reasonable Care and Diligence: ?The standard of care expected of a real estate broker representing a seller or buyer is that of a competent real estate professional.? "By reason of his license, a real estate broker is deemed to have skill and expertise in real estate matters superior to that of the average person.? ?This duty includes an obligation to affirmatively discover facts relating to his principal?s affairs that a reasonable and prudent real estate broker would be expected to investigate.? Accounting: ?An agent is obligated to account for all money or property belonging to his principal that isentrusted to him or her? We are expected to safeguard any money, deeds, and other documentsrelated to the transaction.
Avoid breaching your fiduciary dutiesby memorizing them.
Cont act Mary at mcox@reinhart realt ors.com for List ing Post Suggest ions or Quest ions.
February 25, 2022
Tech Tip Want to learn? Take a class! Reinhart w ill begin a class series in M arch. Classes w ill be held on W ednesdays at 11am via Zoom. This is a great opport unit y t o learn about sof t w are and programs Reinhart uses as w ell as great market ing t ips t o improve your business.
A Zoom link will be sent out prior t o t he class dat e. Everyone is invit ed and encouraged t o join t he classes.
ClassSchedule March 9
Intro to LucidPress
March 16
Using Facebook for Marketing
March 23
Intermediate LucidPress
March 30
Keeping in Touch with Your Sphere: Newsletters,Housing Reports & CRC Blog
April 6
Intro to LucidPress
April 13
How to Leverage Boost and Listen360
April 20
Intermediate LucidPress
April 27
Using Instagram for Marketing
May 4
Converting Online Leads & Outgoing Referrals
Questions?Email the marketing team for answers! digitalservices@reinhartrealtors.com
Cont act Mary at mcox@reinhart realt ors.com for List ing Post Suggest ions or Quest ions.
February 25, 2022
SAVE t he
D a t es! New Agent Training via Zoom SellersWeeks: February 28 - March 2 & March 7 - 9 | 9:00am-2:00pm
Annual New Const ruct ion All Company M eet ing March 1 | 9:00am | Zoom Click Here for Zoom M eet ing
GROW Program Roundt able Discussion Led by Pia Crum 12pm - 1:30pm | March 16 | South Office Cafe | Bring a Lunch or Snack! For "newer" Agents in the business 3 years or less who want to GROW their business & knowledge.
You May See Your Name & Photo in Lights Next Week If your 2021 sales volume exceeded $4.5 million in 2021, you became eligible for a special promotion that runs next week, Monday, Feb. 28 through Sunday, March 6. The REO Family of Companies has purchased space on large digital billboards around the state which will rotate individual associates or teams in 8-second increments for 7 days. Washtenaw Co. office billboard space allocations are located at I-94 & Zeeb and I-94 & Willow Run. Ads will run around the clock and each agent/team should appear at least once every hour. No need to park on the highway and wait to see your board so you can take a photo of it. The billboard art isavailable HEREand in the LucidpressImage Manager so you can do somethingfun with it in a much safer way.
Cont act Mary at mcox@reinhart realt ors.com for List ing Post Suggest ions or Quest ions.
February 25, 2022
A g en t R ev i ew s Testimonials from Listen360 10/ 10 I was very fortunate to have her as my realtor. Just as when my friend introduced her, she said Judie is a trustworthy realtor, I would refer Judy to others for the same reason. She was always professional, accurate, and tried to think on my side. Advice from her long experience has been invaluable. -Jungeun Lee
Judie W u North Office 10/ 10 Rick Jarzembowski used his forty years of real estate experience to anticipate the needs of the prospective buyer and was attentive to details of the home that could be highlighted and prominently displayed to enhance the value of the home. He catered to the comforts of both the Seller and Buyer. His communication skills were utilized in every aspect of the process. -Matthew B.
Rick Jarzembowski East Office 10/ 10 Lisa Stelter is very professional, always on top of things and very dynamic. Her inputs and advice are very valuable. She helped us make the right offer and get the house we wanted in record time. Her assistant, Kati, was also extremely efficient and kept the process easy and on time. They make an excellent team, and we are happy we could work with them. -Rougee R.
Lisa St elt er West Office Cont act Mary at mcox@reinhart realt ors.com for List ing Post Suggest ions or Quest ions.
February 25, 2022
Cont act Mary at mcox@reinhart realt ors.com for List ing Post Suggest ions or Quest ions.
February 25, 2022
Cont act Mary at mcox@reinhart realt ors.com for List ing Post Suggest ions or Quest ions.
February 25, 2022
Charit able Giving SCHOOL SUPPLIES DRIVE January 10 - February 25
Donate items to fill our participants' desks and keep them going strong thisschool year! All items go to ByKids4Kids virtual reading program participants.
Donating is Easy!
Suggested Items
Shop our Amazon wishlist or drop donations at the Reinhart North Office. Be sure to send receipts to Jennifer Essary at REO.
Questions? Contact Jennifer Fry - jfry@reinhartrealtors.com
Pre-sharpened pencils Mechanical pencils Black & blue pens Sticky notes 2022 yearly planners College ruled notebooks
Hand sanitizer Facial tissues 2 pocket folders Crayons Markers
Click Here t o Donat e from t he Amazon W ishlist
SPECIAL OLYM PICS POLAR PLUNGE & FROZEN 5K Plunge, walk, run, or donate from home to support The Annual Polar Plunge and Frozen 5K for Special Olympics.
T i m el i n e
W hen , W her e & D on a t e
11AM .................. Frozen 5k
-February 26, 2022 -Frozen 5k @Gallup -Plunge @HOMESBrewery
11AM - 1PM ..... Plunger Check-in 1PM - 2PM ........ Take the plunge! AFTER................. After-SplashBash & Awards Enjoy heat ed areas, food, drink and good company aft er t he 5K / Plunge at Homes Brewery!
112 Jackson Plaza (near Wagner), Ann Arbor
Click Here for A2 Polar Plunge Click Here for A2 Frozen 5k
Free drink at Homes Brewery after 5k. Participate in either event and raise $100 and your lunch is included. Contact Laurie Buys, lbuys@reinhartrealtors.com, with questions about how to register, donate, fundraise. Cont act Mary at mcox@reinhart realt ors.com for List ing Post Suggest ions or Quest ions.