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Pet Pick
Anore is one of the sweetest and most handsome kitties you will ever have the privilege to meet. He is not stingy with his affection, and he does not mind being toted around, held, or played with. He is happy to be anywhere where there are people. Anore needs a hero because he has FIV (which is not contagious to people or other non-feline animals), but he is healthy and should lead a long, happy life. To adopt Anore or any of the other dogs and cats, visit pawsatlanta.org or stop by the shelter at 5287 Covington Highway in Decatur.

You & Your Pets

For our August issue, we’ll be featuring photographs of pets and their owners. Send us a snap of you and your pet (or pets) and you might see yourself in this special section. Photos should be high resolution with all persons and pets identified by name. Send your images by July 13 to editor Collin Kelley at collin@atlantaintownpaper.com