Research Australia Annual Report 2021

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Annual Report 2020-2021

RESEARCH AUSTRALIA 20 YEAR HISTORY Research Australia has demonstrated expertise in the policy settings for health and medical research, including providing credible, politically neutral, policy advice for 20 years.

Research Australia established





Health and Medical Research Strategic Review, Chaired by Peter Wills AC


Research Australia

Report to the Parliament of Australia For the period 1 March to 31 August 2021

National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission Review Chaired by Professor Christine Bennett AO, former Research Australia CEO and Chair.

Research Australia launches Beyond Discovery



NHMRC became an independent statutory agency


NHMRC funding doubles Research Australia’s First Annual Public Opinion Poll

Sir Gustav Nossal appointed as Research Australia Patron

NHMRC Embryo Research Licensing Committee


Research Australia establishes the University Roundtable


NSW Health and Medical Research Strategic Review, Chaired by Peter Wills AC

Research Australia’s survey of the impact of the pandemic on our sector published in The Lancet

Research AustraliaA Collaborative Strategy

MRFF reaches its target of $20 billion in capital

2017 - 2020

Research Australia’s Collaborative Strategy (2017-2020)

Research Australia’s 10 Strategic Imperatives policy paper

Research Australia establishes the Health Economics Roundtable

MRFF created to deliver an extra $1 billion funding for health and medical research




McKeon Strategic Review of Health and Medical Research

Research Australia’s inaugural conference: Philanthropy in Health and Medical Research

$570 million Frontier Medical Research Program, Research Australia was proud to develop with the Commonwealth Department of Health



$500 million Biomedical Translation Fund established Philanthropy Conference in partnership with the Victorian Government




2020 2021

Research Australia develops the MRFF Evaluation Framework in partnership with the Federal Government

COVID-19 Briefings for over 150 Ministers, Shadow Ministers, MPs, Department officials and advisors

Research Australia publishes the COVID-19 report series. COVID-19 Series: Report 1


How Australia’s health and medical research sec tor is responding

How Australia’s health and medical research sector is responding

The impact of COVID-19 on health and medical researchers

Philanthropy in health and medical research: the impact of the pandemic

A second survey on the impact of COVID-19 on health and medical researchers

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Annual Report 2020-2021

CHAIR FOREWORD Research Australia celebrates 20 years as the only peak body to represent the entire health and medical research pipeline. Over these 20 years, Research Australia has been an effective advocate for health and medical research.

Countries with high quality health systems need an active involved health and medical research effort. Embedding research into health services is a strategic priority for Research Australia and it is a personal passion of mine to see research implementation and translation speeded up.

As I complete my first year as Chair of Research Australia, I have been proud to see Research Australia continue to respond to emerging issues, remaining bold in proposing change and driving the sector towards new potential.

On behalf of the Board I would like to thank our CEO and Managing Director, Nadia Levin, for leading the organisation through the uncertainty of the last two years. She has navigated Research Australia through this storm with vigour, foresight and a deep understanding of the impact that COVID-19 has had on the research sector.

Who would have imagined when all those infectious diseases wards in our hospitals were closed down decades ago we would experience a global pandemic of this scale? COVID-19 is the worst public health crises the world has faced since the Spanish flu of 1919 when returning troops from WWI took it around the world – with COVID-19 this took weeks not years. Crises often accelerate innovation. We saw the establishment of the Federal Department of Health in 1921 after the Spanish flu. Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit Australian shores in 2020, we have seen the development, production, and roll out of COVID-19 vaccines globally. It is a true testament to our health and medical research sector that Australia records a vaccination rate approaching 95% two years since we learnt of the pandemic. In 1936 the Commonwealth Minister of Health, William (Billy) Hughes said, “Research must be actively pursued and developed and as fast as the new knowledge is acquired it must be applied.” He spoke these words at the establishment of the National Health and Medical Research Council, and they are still as relevant today.


Research Australia

We know that greater national and global collaboration is possible. Emerging from the pandemic we need to grasp this opportunity as well as the challenges it has exposed, to strengthen the Australian health and medical research sector to deliver health benefits for all Australians.

My sincere appreciation and thanks to all my Board colleagues for welcoming me into the role of Chair so warmly with a special mention to my predecessor, Chris Chapman, and to Research Australia Director, Professor Shitij Kapur who retired from the Board during the last year. Over its 20 year history, Research Australia has evolved to meet the needs of the times and as we move to a post pandemic world I look forward to seeing the organisation continue to champion the sector.

Assoc. Prof Annette Schmiede Interim Chair

CEO FOREWORD As we look back on the past year and Research Australia’s 20 year history advocating for the sector, we now look towards the future of Australian health and medical research and importantly the opportunities for our sector. Australia has among the world’s top talent in health and medical research and the institutions to underpin new economic activity and greater clinical outcomes. When it comes to health and medical research, Australia does well, but Australia can do better. We are the beneficiaries of so much public investment, including the $570 million Frontier Health and Medical Research Initiative that Research Australia was proud to develop with the Department of Health. Our sector does not take this for granted. However, we have to strengthen the connection between research and healthcare as we move out of pandemic mode and into Covid normal. Now is the time to ensure our research system matches the needs of our health system. Research Australia’s job is to ensure the architecture of our sector is solid - that the policy and funding framework is set at the right temperature for clinical and commercial health outcomes. A National Health and Medical Research Strategy is needed to ensure nationally coordinated, investment in all stages of research, according to health priorities and according to economic impact.

This idea isn’t new, there have been 20 reviews of health and medical research over the past 15 years. More than half of those recommend a national strategy. Such an approach would facilitate research that is informed by States and Territories, together with the Commonwealth, to ensure more research-active health systems around the country. It is our medical researchers and health innovators who will deliver better health outcomes and cost savings for reinvestment in our health system. We cannot afford to ignore this. A national approach, using the resources we have now, must design and build the Australia of tomorrow, using health and medical research as a key lever for health outcomes and innovation – after all health and wealth go hand in hand. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Research Australia has worked to support our health and medical research pipeline and this would not be possible without the support and guidance from the Research Australia Board. I extend my sincere thanks to our impressive Directors for their ongoing support and advice during this year. Research Australia is almost entirely member funded and it is our members trust and loyalty that makes our organisation strong. I extend my sincere thanks to our entire membership, your dedication to better health outcomes for all Australians fuels our advocacy. On behalf of Research Australia, we are determined to take the organisation’s incredible work over the past 20 years and turn this into meaningful change for our sector. We look forward to taking you all on that journey with us. Together we can enable and design a stronger, more sustainable health and medical research system.

Nadia Levin CEO & Managing Director, Research Australia

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Annual Report 2020-2021

BOARD OF DIRECTORS With appreciation to our Chair and Board of Directors who are tireless in their advocacy for health and medical research. They represent the sector across the public and private sector. Thank you all for your contribution.


Assoc. Prof Annette Schmiede Chair since December 2020 Former Executive Leader, Bupa Health Foundation Director since May 2015

Professor Dawn Freshwater Deputy Chair since February 2021 Vice-Chancellor, The University of Western Australia Director since August 2019

Nadia Levin Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director, Research Australia Director since January 2016

Peter Wills AC Director, Wills Advisory Pty Ltd Founder and Director since 2000 Deputy Chair from February 2011 to February 2021

Dr Andrew Nash Senior Vice President – Research, CSL Limited Director since November 2013

Professor Melissa Little Theme Director of Cell Biology, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute Director since August 2019

Warren Bingham Founder and Executive Chairman, MedTech International CEO, BioAnalytics Holdings Director since July 2020

Martin Bowles AO PSM National Chief Executive Officer, Calvary Healthcare Australia Director since August 2020

Research Australia

Professor Mary Foley AM Managing Director, Telstra Health Director since August 2017

Assoc. Prof Greg Kaplan Chief Operating Officer, Ingham Institute Director since November 2014

Professor Nicholas Fisk Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), UNSW Sydney Director since December 2015

Professor Brian P. Schmidt AC FAA FRS Vice-Chancellor and President, Australian National University Director since May 2021

Chris Chapman Chair since November 2016 President, International Institute of Communications Director since August 2016 – term ended December 2020

Professor Shitij Kapur Chairperson, The Committee of the Deans of Medicine of the Group of Eight (Australia) Director since February 2020 – term ended December 2020

Jenny Morawska Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director, The Morawska Group Director since November 2017

A special thank you to Chris Chapman and Professor Shitij Kapur for their years of tenure and huge contribution to the work Research Australia has been doing. Chris has supported the organisation as a Board Director since August 2016 and then commencing as Chair in November 2016. Professor Kapur became a Board Director in 2020 and has supported the organisation tremendously, particularly as Chair of the University Roundtable.

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Annual Report 2020-2021



Research Australia envisions a world where Australia unlocks the full potential of its world-leading health and medical research sector to deliver the best possible healthcare and global leadership in health innovation.

To use our unique convening power to position health and medical research as a significant driver of a healthy population and contributor to a healthy economy.


CONNECT researchers, funders and consumers to increase investment in health and medical research from all sources.


Research Australia

ENGAGE Australia in a conversation about the health benefits and economic value of its investment in health and medical research.

INFLUENCE government policies that support effective health and medical research and its routine translation into evidence-based practices and better health outcomes.

PRIORITY PROJECTS At any given time, we run a multitude of campaigns, policy projects and thought leadership programs. Priority areas that look at key strategic objectives and actions and already underway include:




Data as a national resource

Embedding research in Australia’s health system

Smarter investment in health and medical research

Promoting the value of data as a national resource

Stronger links to enable faster uptake of evidence-based practice

Promoting the economic value of HMR

Encouraging policy settings for shared, linked and secure data Educating consumers on how wellbeing can be advanced with technology

Policies and incentives required to support better integration of clinical care with HMR

Advocating for better alignment of existing HMR funding Championing commercialisation

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Annual Report 2020-2021


Post pandemic opportunities for health & medical research & innovation Consultation paper

Over the past year, Research Australia has witnessed how the global pandemic has impacted Australia, exposing both flaws and opportunities in many parts of our national systems. COVID-19 has demonstrated unequivocally the value of medical research. In turn, the pandemic has also exposed the underlying fragility of our research infrastructure and an over-reliance on imports and income generated by international students to fund research in higher education. As we emerge out of the pandemic, it is essential that the economic value health and medical research offers Australia is fully recognised and expanded. In 2021, Research Australia launched a national consultation on the post pandemic opportunities for health and medical research which aims to understand the key policy reforms that are needed to meet the changing needs and challenges of our sector. Research Australia has been working with our members to closely examine how we tackle the challenges and opportunities presented by the pandemic. Together, we can emerge with a stronger health and medical research sector capable of delivering better health and more wealth for Australians. The areas we will explore are: 1. Strategic coordination of funding for health and medical research through a National Strategy for Health and Medical Research. 2. Future-proofing Australian health and medical research through workforce planning, particularly for early and mid-career researchers, and addressing indirect costs.

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3. Imagining the Australian health industries of the future, starting with a national stocktake of health and medical research to identify the strengths and unnecessary duplications. 4. Meeting the needs of state and territory health systems by engaging the states and territories in the identification of research priorities. 5. Putting patients and the public at the centre of health innovation, looking at tools like consumer panels to improve consumer co-design. The reforms both draw on the previous recommendations and seek to address new challenges presented or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the adjustments proposed are structural changes that will take many years to deliver. Research Australia is very conscious of the enormity of this task. Not all of the change that is needed can be delivered at once and part of our consultation with the health and medical research sector will be to understand the priorities for immediate focus, what must be done in the medium term, and what will require long-term change. For further information on Research Australia’s consultation please visit our website here.

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Annual Report 2020-2021

MEMBER ENGAGEMENT EVENTS Research Australia uses our unique convening power to bring together our members to prosecute policy ideas or discuss areas of opportunity. Our forums also attract the attention of sector influencers and as such can be very powerful networking opportunities. 18TH ANNUAL HEALTH AND MEDICAL RESEARCH AWARDS After the postponement of the Awards in 2020, we celebrated the outstanding efforts and achievements of our sector after a difficult past two years. Acknowledging talent and excellence in our sector is not only a key part of Research Australia’s role in advocating for health and medical research, it is also paramount to encouraging future generations of great researchers. Thank you again to all the nominators who acknowledge the importance of these prestigious Awards. As per tradition, the winners were announced on the night of the gala dinner and Award ceremony. Our website features all the winners and highly commended finalists so please click here to view. Research Australia sincerely thanks the 202021 Awards Sponsors for partnering with us to deliver a wonderful awards program in recognition of our incredible health and medical research sector. The Hon Greg Hunt MP, Minister for Health and Nadia Levin, Research Australia CEO

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Data Innovation Award sponsored by Bupa Health Foundation presented by Dr Chris Dalton and the Hon Gabrielle Upton MP (middle) Dr Tracy Dudding-Byth, Hunter New England LHD Highly commended Dr Qing Zhong, Children’s Medical Research Institute Advocacy Award presented by Ms Zali Steggall OAM MP (left) Highly commended Professor Megan Munsie, University of Melbourne. Accompanied by Dr Fiona Martin MP and Mr Warren Bingham

Ms Yasmin Catley MP, NSW Shadow Minister for Digital, Customer Service and the Hunter (left) with Lucy Clynes, Research Australia’s General Manager

Dr Mike Freelander MP, Federal Member for Macarthur with Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah, Labor candidate for Higgins, Victoria

Great Australian Philanthropy Award presented by Dr Mike Freelander MP (left) to the Miller Foundation

Peter Wills Medal presented by Mr Peter Wills AC (left) Professor Brendan Murphy, Commonwealth Department of Health

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Annual Report 2020-2021

MEMBER ENGAGEMENT EVENTS UNIVERSITY ROUNDTABLE The Research Australia University Roundtable continues to be a vibrant discussion forum, and an important source of input and advice to the Research Australia Board and to Research Australia’s policy positions on behalf of its constituents. This year the University Roundtable has explored the role of those who both undertake medical research and provide health care. This important group are often referred to as ‘clinician researchers’, or ‘health practitioner researchers’.

Key attendees of 11 November 2021 University Roundtable

Four University Roundtables were held in the financial year: ◆ 27 August 2020, via zoom, exploring what needs to change for Australian health and medical research to deliver better outcomes with less. ◆ 11 November 2020, via zoom, with presentations on the role of academic institutions in driving health and medical research and development in Australia – both in our health system and in industry. ◆ 25 March 2021, via zoom, began the Roundtable’s discussions on the role of the clinician researcher, which continued throughout 2021. ◆ 26 May 2021, via zoom, further exploring clinician researchers and the role of Australia’s Universities in preparing and supporting this important group. Attendees of Research Australia’s University Roundtable on 26 May 2021

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HEALTH ECONOMICS ROUNDTABLE The Research Australia Health Economics Roundtable was established in 2017 as a forum for connecting health economists from within Research Australia’s membership with the broader research community and government. The group exists as a forum for collaboration, comment and research and was established to play a key and unique role in driving researchbased evidence for health policy and program development. 2021 saw a focus on the post pandemic opportunities for our sector and particularly exploring the economic value health and medical research offers for Australia. Two Health Economics Roundtables were held in the financial year:

Dr Katie Allen MP, Federal Member for Higgins

◆ 16 September 2020, via zoom, themed around the impact of COVID-19 on medical researchers and the economic case for health system reform in a post-pandemic Australia. ◆ 19 May 2021, via zoom, provided a 2021 Federal Budget brief with a focus on mental health and aged care. Dr Katie Allen MP, the Federal Member for Higgins, Victoria addressed the Roundtable with an overview of the Government priorities and the role for health and medical research. Attendees at 16 September 2020 Health Economics Roundtable

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Annual Report 2020-2021

MEMBER ENGAGEMENT EVENTS PHILANTHROPY ROUNDTABLE Research Australia advocates for smarter investment in our sector and this includes philanthropy. While government funding of health and medical research is the bedrock of this system, contributions from charities are also significant. It is imperative the governments, stakeholders and the greater community understand how essential the contributions made by philanthropists, corporates and individuals are to health and medical research. The Philanthropy Roundtable is convened for Research Australia’s member organisations who exist specifically to fund their own or third party researchers or both, to discuss key issues affecting their fundraising capability, challenges the sector is facing and collaborative opportunities to ensure sustainable funding.

The Hon. Dr Andrew Leigh MP, Federal Shadow Assistant Minister for Treasury and Charities

Three Philanthropy Roundtables were held in the financial year: ◆ July 7 2020, via zoom, was the first Philanthropy Roundtable and explore the impact of donor diversion to COVID-19 and how to meet the challenge of the move to virtual events when fundraising efforts are highly event and face to face dependent. ◆ 10 December 2020, via zoom, launched Research Australia’s third COVID-19 report, Philanthropy in health and medical research: the impact of the pandemic, which highlights the critical importance of philanthropy in health medical research and the feedback from our mission focused fundraising members. ◆ 31 March 2021, via zoom, provided attendees with an opportunity to engage with key government decision makers, the Hon Jaala Pulford, the Victorian Minister for Medical Research and the Hon. Dr Andrew Leigh MP, the Federal Shadow Assistant Minister for Treasury and Charities.

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The Hon Jaala Pulford MP, Victorian Minister for Medical Research

POLITICAL ENGAGEMENT COVID-19 PARLIAMENTARY BRIEFINGS In this financial year we continued to conduct parliamentary briefings on COVID-19 and the impact of the pandemic on our sector and what this means for the future of Australia’s research. Since the pandemic began, Research Australia have briefed over 150 Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries, Shadow Ministers, Members of Parliament and Advisors at both the Federal and State and Territory levels of Government. Parliamentary Briefing on the Hidden Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Australians’ mental health On February 2021 Research Australia and the Parliamentary Friends of Mental Health brought together leading Australian researchers for a briefing for Members of Federal Parliament on the latest research into the mental health impacts of COVID-19 and what Australia needs to do in response. The event was attended by 13 Federal Members of Parliament, Shadow Ministers and Advisors and presented by the Parliamentary Friends of Mental Health Co-Chairs:

Key speakers included: ◆ Professor Pat McGorry AO Former Australian of the Year; Executive Director, Orygen Youth Health; and Professor of Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne ◆ Professor Frances Kay-Lambkin Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) and Director of the NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence (PREMISE), The University of Newcastle; President of the Society for Mental Health Research; and registered psychologist ◆ Dr Michelle Blanchard Deputy CEO and Director of the Anne Deveson Research Centre, SANE Australia; and Honorary Senior Fellow of the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, University of Melbourne ◆ Professor Jennie Hudson Professor of Clinical Psychology, Black Dog Institute; and Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences of Australia

◆ Mr Andrew Wallace MP Co-Chair of the Parliamentary Friends of Mental Health; Speaker of the House of Representatives; and Federal Member for Fisher, Queensland ◆ Senator Deborah O’Neill Co-Chair of the Parliamentary Friends of Mental Health; Chair of the Standing Committee of Privileges; and Senator for New South Wales ◆ Former Senator Rachel Siewert Co-Chair of the Parliamentary Friends of Mental Health Senator Deborah O’Neill, Co-Chair of Parliamentary Friends of Mental Health

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Annual Report 2020-2021

PUBLICATIONS INSPIRE INSPIRE is Research Australia’s online publication showcasing its members’ research, innovation and leadership. To view visit

2020 | 017

A FOCUS ON COVID-19 Finding the silver lining in a pandemic Helping Australians survive blood cancer How useful are tracking apps in curbing COVID-19 infections?

HealthHatchery, a scalable program for healthcare innovation Personalised approach to limit adverse reactions to medicines New Digital Health lab addressing health challenges

2021 | 019


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2020 | 018

PUBLICATIONS LEADERSHIP INSIGHTS We were pleased to launch our new series, “Leadership INSIGHTS on Health and Medical Research & Innovation” last financial year. In this series we share the insights of selected thought leaders from across the broad pipeline we proudly represent. Featuring opinion pieces from such esteemed leaders from our member organisations on varying current issues has been both fascinating and engaging.


ISSUE 04 Contributors

Chris Hancock AM, Chief Executive Officer, AARNet

Victoria Bowring, Chief Executive Officer, Sanfilippo Children’s Foundation

Contributors Chris Hancock AM, Chief Executive Officer, AARNet Victoria Bowring, Chief Executive Officer, Sanfilippo Foundation Alastair Furnival, Principal, Evaluate

Alastair Furnival, Principal, Evaluate

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Annual Report 2020-2021

PUBLICATIONS OPINION POLLING Research Australia has been seeking the opinions of ordinary Australians on health and medical research and its role in our society since 2003. The outcomes from these polls have been widely read across and often quoted by Government to broad range of audiences. Each year a full report is produced with the key highlights from the consumer poll and these are distributed through various channels including Research Australia members, government departments and the public. Here is a snapshot of some of those opinions captured in our 2021 Opinion Poll: ◆ While health and medical research is always in the top 10 funding priorities for the Australian Government, it is perhaps no surprise that in a pandemic, funding for research has been elevated to Priority number 2, behind funding for hospitals and education. ◆ More than a third of Australians think funding for health and medical research is more important now than they thought before the pandemic began.

Public Opinion Poll on Health & Medical Research & Innovation Since 2003

◆ More than three quarters of Australians are prepared to share their health information to advance medical research, and nearly as many are willing to do so to improve patient care. ◆ Nearly half of Australians said they would agree to participate in a clinical trial of a new medical treatment. Only 5% were disinclined to participate. ◆ A little more than 2 in 5 Australians rate Australia’s aged care system as average by world standards. ◆ Over three quarters of Australians would be willing to participate in a citizen panel to help direct funding for health and medical research. ◆ Of those who use technology, two thirds are willing for their deidentified data to be used for research purposes.

The polling for this report was generously conducted by Roy Morgan Research, a Research Australia Member.

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PUBLICATIONS GOVERNMENT POLICY AND SUBMISSIONS Research Australia has made multiple submissions in the last financial year and all submissions reflect not only the advocacy work of Research Australia but importantly, the views and input of our members. The details of these submissions can be viewed on Research Australia’s website here. AUGUST 2020

Pre-Budget Submission - Treasury


National Preventative Health Strategy Consultation Paper – Australian Government


Approval Processes for New Drugs and Medical Technologies – Parliamentary Inquiry Data Availability and Transparency Bill and Accreditation – Australian Government Medical Products Roadmap Consultation – Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources Counsel Assisting’s Final Submissions - Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety


Pre-Budget Submission - Treasury


Productivity Commission Recommendations on Mental Health – Australian Government

MARCH 2021

Data Availability and Transparency Bill – Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee

APRIL 2021

Critical Technologies Discussion Paper: Health – Australian Government University Research Commercialisation Discussion Paper – Australian Government National Preventative Health Strategy Consultation Paper – Australian Government

The table above outlines some of the policy work during the financial year but does not include the verbal submissions or responses by Research Australia representatives into the various enquiries or Senate hearings during the same period.

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Annual Report 2020-2021

PUBLICATIONS OTHER REPORTS On International Clinical Trials Day 2021, Research Australia was delighted to published our report, Clearing the pathway for global clinical trials which outlines the challenges and opportunities to attract global clinical trials to Australia.

Explainer: Clearing the pathway RESEARCH AUSTRALIA for global clinical trials LIMITED

384 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Australia has the opportunity to become a global leader in P trials, +61 2Australians 9295access 8546 ABN clinical giving to the most innovative 28 095 324 379 health solutions and building local health industries. Our low COVID-19 infection rates, world-class research community and strong health system should be a beacon, positioning About Research Australia

Australia as the preferred global destination for clinical trials. Improving the environment for clinical trials enables Australian patients to benefit from the latest medicines and technologies developed both in Australia and overseas while also helping Australian health and medical research to flourish in a competitive and lucrative world market. Clearing the pathway for clinical trials will help us meet the twin objectives of improving Australians’ health and prosperity.

Research Australia is the national alliance representing the entire health and medical research pipeline from the laboratory through to the patient and the marketplace and was established by the Australian Government 20 years ago to advise on the policy settings for health and medical research.

Australia’s low COVID-19 infection rates, world-class research community and strong health system should be a beacon, positioning Australia as the preferred Much has been done to facilitate increased clinical trial activity in Australia including work to reform the system underpinning global destination for clinical trials. Improving the clinical trials. However, our golden opportunity to capitalise on Australia’s clinical trial potential is challenged by state-based environment for clinical trials enables Australian systems, which are not coordinated, and inefficient processes that drive up the already expensive cost of clinical trials. patients to benefit from the latest medicines and This explainer provides a summary of the barriers facing clinical trials and provides viable solutions to these issues. technologies developed both in Australia and overseas The barriers and opportunities identified in this explainer Research acknowledges areAustralia largely focused on commercial clinical the trials, contributions of the following members: while also helping Australian health and medical though many of these improvements will benefit both commercial and non-commercial clinical settings. research to flourish in a competitive and lucrative world market. Our report outlines how we can unlock Australia’s potential as a beacon for global clinical trials through seven key proposals: 1.

The first country in the world to have a national approach to decentralised clinical trials

2. Developing a ‘one stop shop’ for clinical trial approvals 3. Helping sponsors correctly fund clinical trials 4. Demonstrating Australia’s high-quality clinical trials capacity to the world

5. Incorporating health data into Australia’s clinical trial system 6. The world’s most highly-skilled clinical trials workforce 7.

Working with consumers to build better clinical trials

Research Australia acknowledges the contribution of our members from across the pipeline including Novo Nordisk, GSK and Praxis Australia.

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank our foundation members and current members for their ongoing loyalty and support. The contribution, commitment to the alliance only gives us the strength to fulfil our vision and mission. We are genuinely proud to represent each and every organisation in our membership. A special thanks to our two current Foundation Members Bupa Health Foundation and Telstra Health for their membership support and contributions and in their unfailing participation in the key activities of Research Australia.

We also acknowledge the many members who have been loyal to their peak body for 20 years. This ongoing loyalty shows their commitment to health and medical research is paramount to Research Australia’s work in representing the entire pipeline to ensure good policy supports good research. We also sincerely thank AARNet for providing crucial Zoom access to host our member engagement events virtually over the past year.

Research Australia would like to acknowledge KPMG who have generously donated their audit services for 10 years.

Foundation Donors ◆ Dame Elisabeth Murdoch ◆ The Garnett Passe and Rodney Williams Memorial Foundation ◆ The Ian Potter Foundation ◆ The Perpetual Foundation ◆ Mrs Margaret Ainsworth

If your organisation is not a member then now is the time to join the national alliance of the health and medical research sector. Request more information from the Research Australia team on 02 9295 8546 or Follow us on Twitter @ResAustralia Like us on Facebook @ResearchAustralia Follow us on Linkedin Research Australia

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Annual Report 2020-2021

FINANCIAL SUMMARY Research Australia is financially sound and has met all its financial obligations. Its main source of income continues to be from membership and sponsorship. Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended 30 June 2020 Note









Employee benefits expense




Depreciation and amortisation expense








Consultancy and contractor expense



Administrative expenses



Total Expenses



Finance income



Finance expenses



Net finance income



Income for the year







Marketing and events expense Travelling expenses

Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income for the year

The statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income is to be read in conjunction with the notes to the financial statements.

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Statement of financial position as at 30 june 2021 Note ASSETS





CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents




Term deposits




Trade and other receivables










Intangible assets









CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and other payables




Employee benefits

















EQUITY Retained earnings



The statement of financial position is to be read in conjunction with the notes to the financial statements. *If you would like a copy of the

full financial statement please contact us on

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25 Research Australia Limited 384 Victoria St Darlinghurst NSW 2010 ABN 28 095 324 379

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