You Spoke... We Listened... Our Alumnae Survey yielded incredible findings. Our alumnae network spans the world and is an amazing community of leaders, doctors, entrepreneurs, architects, mothers, teachers, students, artists, investors and more. WR A w o m e n p ri o ri t i z e p h i la n t h ro p y. They suppor t and focus on a variety of causes, from national parks to local food banks — civil rights to historic preservation — animal shelters to the arts.
W R A W O M E N ’ S G I V I N G C I R C L E Invest in the future of the nex t generation of WRA alumnae leaders and join today! For more information, to make a gift, or to discuss creative ways to help elevate women at Reserve, contact Senior Director of Leadership Gifts Ruth Andrews at or 330.650.9700 or Director of Leadership Gifts Amy Andrews Swegan ’97 at or 330.650.9758.
They remember and honor the women who supported them during their time at WRA. Names of peers, advisors and faculty were listed with gratitude in abundance. A nd , we were e xci te d to disc o ver, 80% of participants would like to help elevate women’s initiatives at WR A!
Now is our chance!
Ce le b rat i n g W R A Wo me n i n t he Mo de r n E ra
Our Time to Shine The 2022-2023 school year marks 50 years since Western Reser ve Academy returned to coeducation and entered a new era for the school — one that is shaped and enriched by women. Since 1972, Reserve has only grown stronger and more dynamic with the inclusion of female voice, experience and perspective — but now our i n f l u e n c e ha s o p p o r t u n i t y t o g r o w. To h o n o r t h i s m i l e s t o n e i n R e s e r v e ’ s h i s to r y, w e a re e s t a b l i s h i n g a w o m e n’s giving circle to support education at WRA. It ’s no secre t that a WR A education can be a life- changing experience. Le t ’s light the way for the nex t generation of future female Pioneers.
A C L O S E R L O O K A T H O W & W H Y W O M E N G I V E * Women currently control 1/3 of the world’s wealth; studies have found that in 2021, women held $12 trillion in assets and are projected to have $30 trillion by 2030. But traditional fundraising has been based on the needs of male donors, who have historically been prioritized.
Join the WRA Women’s Giving Circle! In 2021, alumnae contributed only 9% of the to t a l d o l la r s ra i s e d f o r WR A . R e ma r k a b l y, t h i s amount was raised by only 337 of our female graduates — leaving nearly 2,000 alumnae with the opportunity to make a powerful impact to support WRA women and girls today and in the future. Now is the time to invest in the future. We’re stronger together!
DEMOGRAPHICS Women across generations are more likely than men to give.
Our Goals
M OT I VAT I O N S For women, giving is based on empathy for others.
BEHAVIOR Women like to give collec tively. 70% of giving circles are majority-women.
Women tend to donate more to women’s and girls’ causes.
*Based on research compiled by the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
Establish an endowed scholarship fund for future female students who demonstrate significant financial need Strengthen and create opportunities for community for WRA alumnae Create mentorship programs between alumnae and students Honor esteemed WRA female leaders