ADVERSITY COMES TO US ALL “If you faint in the day of adversity your strength is small” Proverbs 24:10
f your idea of success is the absence of adversity your definition is not biblical. In Matthew chapter 7 Jesus tells the parable of the man who built his house upon the rock. Did you ever notice that the same storms, wind, and floods came against the righteous man’s house as destroyed the foolish man’s home? His righteousness didn’t save him from the storm; it saw him through it. Job 5:7 says, “ Yet man is born to trouble, like the sparks fly upward.” That verse is probably not underlined in your Bible, written on any plaques on your walls, or on the bumper of your car, but it is still true. You are going to have obstacles;
If your idea of success is the absence of adversity your definition is not biblical.