GROWING IN KNOWLEDGE “Apply your heart to instruction, and your ears to words of knowledge.” Proverbs 23:12
he simplest definition of wisdom in Hebrew is “skill in living.” Billy Graham said this: “Knowledge is horizontal, wisdom is vertical.” What he means is that you can get knowledge from people, from a book, or from schooling. Wisdom, however, does not come from around you. It comes from above, from God, and we need wisdom to guide and guard us. So often we want an event, a special seminar, or even a single prayer to instantly make us wise. Wisdom, however, is not an event. It is a process, and wisdom comes daily from God to those who seek it. You can think of it this way: wisdom does not go where it is needed; it goes where it is being sought. Jesus reiterates this truth for us, saying, “Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you—and more [besides] will be given to you who hear” (Mark 4:24, AMP). What He is saying is that you need to spend time seeking God. You need to spend time in His Word because the more you attention you give to the revelation of God’s truth the more revelation you will receive. 50