o quite long Period of time
deloged o couple of times due to opologize for the interviews ond more becouse i{s pure reolitg this is rnore
This issue wqs So tho{s whg I'd like to content with lots of in-dePth it wqs for the debut issue
ridiculous, isn't it? However;
introduction there's one keep:
thanks MHH, Lancelot, Werkoff,
ti. Ervin &
Shikarewski BRUTAL
!, Chrissy
, Olivier im
Edward &
Gdbor Szalay & fron ATHEIST 'zine, Erik I [iD MUMMIFIED yan &
L FROST Webzine,
Sanguine Proscriptor McGovern Wrath
NCE 'zine. Giancarlo C-TUM'zine, Martin &
'zine, Hiromi & DEATH
Alex & TALES OF GARDEN OF SHADOWS, ZAYORASH, Stanislav & S Alexander Erhardt & HORDE BLOODBUCKET Producti VADER, Ivar & & IMPIOUS.
WebmagaL{ega's Metal Asylum, Edgar Franco &
& X-MTED Records,
CENTURY MEDIA rUUUWtrtJ, vDt SOULS J\JULJ rProdffins, Richard
WILD MGS, Oleg &
-SKLZUM tlndenine, Andre, Batura &. LOtsOTOlIT' .4DDtrCTIO\ ':ine and eter)..e ahc h:s ae);ei and supported
E);COIIL-]! i; -,q-
: ;i7:'-:
There are too many
eofcoRLIL' Gbitur: 6'$neLius fiuguut & brrign bg Corndius All interuiuus & reuiBrus hg €orndius
*cept intnuierus
hg lrmrminEnhus
ukroine The only correct moiting oddress: KomelKontros, Yt'oc*oyo srr.z Ssooo ttehgoro4 lrttpiZfcostrum.tripod.com/encomium/ Site Web E-moil: comelius@kontrluitrgorod.uo
3. Ar
l *
Here comes an interview with the old masters of Death Metal who once upon a time were the miqhtv ASPHYX and now they calted SOULBURN, which seems to me the reincarnation of their orevious-band. Recently, the trio - Eric Daniels (guitars), Bob Bagchus (drums) and Wannes Gubbels (vocals/bass) whose name is well-known from an other Dutch Death Metal band, namely PENTAGLE, as welt - released their first album the highly acclaimed "Feeding On Angels" which foltows the path and traditions of the oldschool Death Metal style and keep it in the best form. I had a chance to speak with drummer Bob, who tell you some interesting facts about SOULBURN and its future plans. Briefly tell us the story of SOULBURN's creation. Who are the bandmembers?
fluenced SOULBURN? The bands I prefer to listen to are old
And why you decided to call it
- SOULBURN was formed out of the ashes ofASPHYX.
ASPHYX ceased to exist in 1 996 after the release of "Embrace the Death". But then Eric and me both wanted to con-
tinue playing old school Death Metal
and we started
SOULBURN. With this new project we have no obligations or whatever. We just do our thing. The
bandmembers are Wannes Gubbels-
Bass/vocals, Eric Daniels-guitars, Bob Bagchus-drums. We decided to call it SOULBURN 'coz I once dreamt about the name. So I told Eric and we both had a good feeling about it. Your first album "Feeding On Angels" was released by CENTURY MEDIA, What can you say about this contract? And do you satisfied with the selling results so far? - Same contract as ASPHYX and
stands for.
Explain the ideas and beliefs be-
hind SOULBURN, Are you guys satani
sts ?
- Our belief concerning
is that this is just our
we are rather happy with the sales so far, concerning the economical situation in Gcrmany as it is at the moment. I think we're doing quite well in Greece.
What is the basic concept of "Feeding On Angels"? What do you try to express through your lyrics?
- The typical Death Metal concept
TION, old SODOM, MESSLAH, OBSCURTTY, oIdENTOMBEDNIHILIST, POSSESSED, ASSASSIN, old BLACK SABBATH, TROUBLE, old VOTVID etc. etc........ So you also get a good description of what SOULBURN
ir man people can appreciate old fashion Death \letal alor more than the Dutch peopie tbr instance. In most â‚Źditions vour music described es old-school Derth Metal. And how you can erplein us r our style?
- Old School Dr-ath Metal, of course! In the
Death, doom, Satan, Witches, demons,- Stakeburnings, Hell, Chaos and Desaster, Mayhem and Armageddon as it rs. Nothing else fits Death Metal I think. This is how real Death Metal lyrics should bei If 1 ou claim to be playing true Death \{erai vou can't sing about anything else, and :f vcu do, you're not playing Death
very st-1le of cld VENOM, old CELTIC
Metaii \\-e're not expressing anything through c':r.'-:ics. We're not fucking
messangers sh.. claim to know it better, When you see .:::r al'cumcover you know
what to expecr.
SOULBUR\ is r rrio... Isn't too hard to play live in trio? \l'het is your attitude to live performencesl' Is it possible to see you playing frequenrlr cnd where you were treated best? - No. We play as loud as a::::::.-e. Livc rformances are good, of ccu-. :-l xg 31s ln our element the most wbEn ffe're :c-.:de *re pe
studio. However, SOULBUR-\ s'i.. crt p.a1. live that much as ASPHYX did. \,1'e p.a1.ed
on 2 festivals so far, one of therE s-as \\'acken Open Air in Germany. We're more concentrating on festivals than on single gigs. We like playing in Germany the most! The crowd is always very great! The Ger-
FROST, S L.{'L'GH TER, BATHORY, MASSACRE etc. \tr'e all sre*'up with these gods and still love tbe:ri
Sometime Eric end )'ou were the
members of the mightl Deeth \letsl band ASPHYX. \A'het Ers tbe rerson for ASPHYX's split :p? Do 1oo \eep
cultivating with l|lrrtil \-rr Drrnen
furthermore? Have 1ou elr lerJ from his band SUBMISSIO:t? - After the release of Emc:ace the Death I thought that ASPHYX had gir.en it's best shot and it was time to end tbat story. In fact Embrace the Death *as actually the first ASPHYX album, before The Rack. It came out as last, so it was a good album to end it with. Embrace the Death does represent ASPHYX the best as it was, evil, obscure and heavy brutal death metal, recorded in a goddamn ga-
rage! ASPHYX was a true Death Metal band right from the start to the very end! \\'e are most definitely not in contact with Van Drunen anymore.....
It's time to ask you about.,. What bends or musical styles do you listen with plessure? And what bands had in-
view ofwhat real death metal should sound like! Nothing more, nothing lessl We are no satanists. but do believe in the darker side of life and we are attracted to thc occult. That's not an image, it's who we arc. What can you tell us about the future for SOULBURN? Have you en!' ne\y songs, songnsmes and in generally tell
us in what way you composed your songs?
- We're working on some new songs, but nothing is final yet. I think they will be a little slower than the ones on "Feeding on Angels" in general. Slower, heavier and even more "to the bone". Eric and me are doing the music and do itjust by jamrning and watching horror movies. Those ::\'e us a good feeling and the right mood fcr ::aktng doomr. n:nes. Fiarlll. tell lour lest burning words
roulg of E\COMIUM .zine read-
- Thank you, Kornel, for doing this inten'iew! Good luck with your magazinel To all the ENCOMIUM 'zine readers, check out SOULBURN and discover real true evil death metal the way it was supposed to be! Burn or be burned!
SOULBURN c/ o Bob Bagchus
Wielewaalstr. l0 7 597 AZ De Lutte Holland GytcofiSufi'3s9?c 3
dorkest essence of evil & eerie orts ANCIENT CEREMONY hove creoted o unique concePtion in their lyrics ond music os well. "Fallen Angel's Symphony" is the s-econd ultimote steP for them ond to be cleor
cal, dark stuffmainly) and I adapt facets of those influences and combine them with my main motivation for writing such as my imaginations, my phantasy, my spirit, my dreams, my desires, mY evocations, my decadence and the likes. "Under Moonlight'.." fea-
emony begins... After the "Under Moonlight We Kiss"
album you had some line-up problems. Tell us how is the current line-uP like? What was the reason for
Amidst crimson Symphoni Sat
resque Wed-
dingnight Whst are such an of Metal? Wh the members listening to?
ls diVtlopment
for vou to do
kind styles do
to leave the band? - In February/March 1998 our I
tarists had to leave due to a lack of tion, they simPlY were not willing the necessary time and energY anY makes me the onlY left member from day on!
"Cemetary Visions", a time in which such topics were to 99% used in the Goth'scene. Hence the poetical work for our debut full length is undoubtfully no trend shit besides the fact that I am too vain, individualistic and excentric to create only cheap copies or such crap. I do not like the way too many sillv bands abuse the fascinating Vampyre they know nothing about the the roots psychological and historical backfor example and simPlY try to be by presenting us the image of a stusucking monster. I Prefer to shit fakes instead of granting them a piece of respect. lyrics on the symphony of the fallen as
Satanism, occultism, Gothic horror, ghosts, mfr[ology, Vampyres or angels, moreover I hart€'used or adapted certain quotations/ci-
27); Marc Barbian (guitar' l9); Meyer (guitar, l8); Michael "Jones" (bass, 22) and me, Chris Anderle poetry and management, 27)' What can you tell us about the new terial? Any song titles or song tions you can share? Is there enY ements or any exPeriments with the you think important to mention here? - The new epic is entitled "Fallen Angel's Symphony" and CACOPHONOUS have released it on the 22d February I 999. The recordings took place during AugusUSeptember and we mixed it at the famous Danse Macabre Studios in October which led to a killer sound that is more dedicated to extreme Metal again, a better respect to the compositions on this opus. The epic lasts 54 minutes and especially the guitars are less Gothic but more Death/Black. Of course the new material still has this for us typical darkness and symphonic mood with many
from for example Milton, Crowley, th{.-templar knights (I 3th/I 4th century), tatl'r$ns
pre.fgr As,!-8)
bliche gore lyrics may be fine for bands thatSave a musical concept fitting to this, lct-r$e name for example AUTOPSY or CefreSS - but have never been a theme for ANCIENT CEREMONT... is your favourite quotrtion from of ANCIENT CEREMONY and
6'n Death/
ffire's alsg$ppearing d coat)ror soundtri
playlists. Besides this
we (mainly I) also.;gpt through books
vidual dfEams'j We hdfue muslc, a
ine's Children born as Dragon's Lilith PregnmY, ReadY to raP-
Earth and the S€as, now bless the of the dartesr Star, Most Precious to the Altar of Thine, is Blood of the' Weak, offered litc Wine, Our Seal of Revenge is brotcs' tr€ Slaves in Fear all flee, Their dying Screams - a Lovesong to our
to thi
Tyranny the
eerie, dramatic or romantic interludes evoked mainly through synths/orchestration; driving drums and a pulsating bass can also be heard. The vocals consist of many different facets, screalns' grunts, narrations,
two chicks singing
ing the lyrics for the MCD title-tack
deal with different toPics such
The actual constitution of our communion nowadaYs is: Stefan (keyboard, 27); ChristoPh Mertes (
speaking...very horror-like anywa;plQn "symphoni Satani" for example you Wh hear a choir with 14 voices, this
chants. a reminescence to soundtrack or "Carmina Burana'. j The tracklist for the new oPus: ascends; Death in Desire's M Bride's ghostly Grace; Black Roses on Her Grave (Desdemona's Secret); Bleeding October Kiss; The Tragedy offorsaken Angels;
a tragic Vampyre romance
metol-listeners' mind to the co?e.I osked Chris to enlight us more obout the stronge conception ond further detoils of this releose. So, let the cer-
kevboard track with kettle
concept-story centered bY full of dark passion, revenge and mysticism' I already used such themes back in late 1993 when writtures
it will omoze eve?Y
Satanism, Magick, mythology...)' movies (Omen, Interview with..', several Draculas, Haunted, Princess Snow-White"'all such dark horror stuffl as well as music (classi-
Be compoied of the
are.fitten in and very pobtical w'ry
e LigbtY indi' rll maaY al-
legories, symbdlisnfrNSterltions or "dapted
spired to them by
ftfrOte. I get in-
Uuac{Shelley, Byron'
Stoker, Poe, Crowley, Niclzsche, deSade' LeFanu, Baudelaire, books on occultism'
'Om I inspired the Judas Kiss, now resurrecrd Aom the deepest Abyss, Drink from my Ctalice, the Origin of Sin and in Trir4f md Glory we shall win!" Enlighten me, oh Demon Whore, engulf nc in Thy Magic, to spread the Crown of Ilaath, through ladnah Mad, Mighty Empress of my Dreams' wed me as Khaos Bride, Flowers ofEvil decorate our Bed in the Temple of the Serpent, The Gate of God decays whilst I kiss jewel-covered Breasts" It is a long excerpt from the lyrics to the
song "Babalon ascends" and I love it so much for it combines all things marking my individual style: dark poetry, superior spirituality, the Satanic philosophy, great images/metaphers, mythology, knowledge between the lines....
of fear,
aBLACK 13 but
id vf
iiii can not besidesL
lot of time
r ,.tt";;+i'.o* cl..-qr1ed me" the'S{tsnlcrrdiidle It see;s BAN
CEREMONY's eloganr'what . i". thst meetr? mean? .1.
es , does
r.*i O*rrqnt**S*Ye
Maybe once,on-one cD together with your orln-released MCD "cemetary Vi-
sions" and some newer tracks or possible cD-Rom tracki. Your comments on it? And how do you estimate "where serpents Reign" from the point of '98 year? - \\'c*. rba: s indccd a cool idea but it never ha:-:- ::::.::lr. Our deho is only
forrboserl. :--.: ::: tr3;nfimc(sohurry up, there :.r3 i::.. : :::t3! i::1. haha) and
venues (catering, beer, stages etc.) were also
I think their album is oK for a debut, thcre are far better and also far worse records out in my opinion. Luckily we only played the really strong tracks which are in ttre beginning and the end of tbe cD as the stuff in the middle is absolutely not good enough. your association with:. a.) darkness -
intcnsi ve
and challcng love it and ii
- I created this sentence tq e some words in a short, trigtrly inaii,i$li form what to me means the spirituai aid philosophical essence of existence!
Do you study in university? In wh*l orientrtion you pursue studies? - The beautiful 'n sexy chicks, the beer, the Internet for free, the cool library and panies. haha!
Thanks a lot, thst's all I have, anvthing 1'ou have to add pleese add it. - lv{anv thau for the cool quesrions and best luck sirh vour publicarionl Tbe vcry last copies of our l99l "\\'here Serpents reign" demo are still availabie t-or 6 S, the MCD "Cemetary Visions" is ir_r S and thosc who can not find "Under \loont:ghr *'e kiss', elsewhere or want it q'ith st_t::rures, dedicatlons etc. should send i: S co the band adress (all prices incluci: :::<ing and postage; delivery by surfa::. arrmail + 3 g). People who
rr anr
tain questions shou,i no return postage
:: ;'rire or have ccr:::r free to do so but
oo sure reply. We
l,:',: released t*: :::=rent own-produccd l-s::r.s irne of:i3:r entitled ,,seducing ;r-'a.d_g3--i". - -.:
Millenium, hcnce
festlvrl+our? \'our opinion about . xo's a|bum
we could again, it was
the band adress
alilrfr +'-
tbâ&#x201A;Ź 'official ANCIENT CERENIONY bo*page" offers almost anything importatrl EDd interesting regarding our majestic band, chepk it out at the ncw URL: ' . gww.lti.nlmega/AncicntCeremony p.rqw.!ki.fi /mega/AncicntCeremony the Satanic candlc wisely!!! .
lo leart
::her one "Ancient Cer--
price of l5 $ plus 5 $ postage. Fur&ermore rhe darkcst of all websites.
teriers ar elt? ti'hat is your first
"Black's $t:,1r;":3:"^.-Tiii lT-:,1
if.^ffi pardy,ir Ilevqr
tll. fora
FIrre rou eny nelys about such great beads rs DESTRUCTIO\. HEAD-
\Yhat can you
r :'ct cro te : ---:ned from
."bce conmited sins ro':::: --lcr.::::' - hate it so n:ucl--. ::.
phori{,eli uomui
Willemsstr. 16
.54347 Neumagen-Dhron GERMANY E-mail: ande4201 @un i-trier,de
5 -.GytcD9ISUfi',3Sg?G
guitar, Vlado Slosiarik -
PATHOLOGYSTENCHiSONE of the iew bands deserved to be known more in the Death
Metal underground since they've released their first demo "Practical Brutalitv" back
drums, Marek Kucena - bass and Biiro Barancik - vocals.
in .{ L
r***ili{trrr$ffi]tffi First of all, could you please give us a short introduction for the band. How
shows, mostly here in Slovakia but many
in Czech Republic. Some shows we've
long has PATHOLOGY STENCH been together? - Hallo, all fans in your country. We're the group of four "grinders" from Slovakia in the middle of Europe. Everything started in June 1992 when the bass player and me decided to found a band of "madmen". More details you can find in info-materi-
played in Germany, Poland and Hungary. These shows took place in classical underground clubs and in large concert halls too. We've played with many bands from our country and from other countries too, e.g.
mer we played one of our best shows at Dynamo Czech. There were 10-15 thousand fans and 100.000 Watts. Who write the music and in general tell us in what way you composed your
CANNIBAL CORPSE, VADER, KRA. BATHOR, BENEDICTION, VOIVOD, etc. We play 4-5 shows monthly. Last sum-
tony" album which overwhelmed the Death Metal scenewith its uncompromising brutality. Well, it's time to leave
you alone with the answens of Bfuo Barancik Enjoy! Ukraine and Ukrainian underground? - I know quite a lot about Ukraine, because I'm interested in happening in the world. I know what's happening in your country, and we're neighbours. I got some information about your scene too. I keep touch with some bands from your country and I did some interview into a zine. Your scene is very good. The proof is the interest in P.S. I hope we come one day to your co{rnh* to make a live show.
What bands or musical styles do you
lffiet literature you prefer to read? Name us some of your favourite books. - Th-is time I don't read as much as before but I'r'e read a lot ofbooks. I like nonficdm. borrors. ald books about Indians. I iike sarching T\'. channels like BBC, C-\li to knos' *-har's bappening. Then I like movies like criminal stories. horrors. extreme massacres, documenury' films, scifi etc. My favourite serial is M.A.S.H. And this everything helps me in my creating. When we can expect the second album
Productions. How did this deal with
listen with pleasure? What other
I.S.P. come about? - The first demo "Practical Brutality" got to the IMMORTAL SOULS in 1994, when they started to work. They liked it and they helped us with promo. The demo was quite successful. Jaro Harin (owner of the IMMORTAL...) lives 50 km from Banskd Bystrica. Our co-operation started and he decided to release our first CD.
Slovakian bands can you recommend? - We listen to everything, from jazz and blues to extreme brutal trechno. If something is good we don't care what kind of music it is. I likeEnya, ABBA, Elvis. I just don't like BEATLES. DOORS and stufflike that. Talking about the Slovak scene, there are
Why did you choose this unusual name for the band? Is there any serious
meaning behind of it? - The name consists of two words PATHOLOGY and STENCH. We put them together and you've got the name of our band. We want to point at this dying world and the reasons of this state that smell. And we think it's easy to remember it. Not Iong ago, PAIIIOLOGY STENCH released their first CD entitled "Glut-
tony" through IMMORTAL SOULS
The ('Gluttonytt album sounds very brutal and professional. Where did you recorded this album? Will you record
the next album at the same place? - The album was recorded in the Exponent studio here in Slovakia. It was in February 1997, the album was mixed in March 1997 and then we did mastering. Another album we will hopefully record in this studio too. Do you agree with me if I say that your sound is very similar to bands such as
MORBID ANGEL and MONSTROSITY. Will that sound remain on the newer stuff? - What is concerning the sound the reactions are great. We want to improve our sound. We know what to improve. It's good that you've compared us with those bands but we want to keep our originality with classical elements of this music.
Do you play live often? What kind of bands do you prefer to play with? - We've played more than 160 live
In this line-up they've recorded the brilliant "Glut-
- Lubo, the guitar plal'er. is mad abor.rt new ideas. He brings the idea and re make some drums, I mean some skeleton, then vocals and bass. We play this preliminary version for many times until we are satisfied.
many bands. Some of them are good, some
I like bands like ABSTRACT,
Do you know something about
- We
don't plan details. We rest after the
concerts, then we make new songs, we play some shows etc. We want to do so much
for PS. and for the music scene.
Any last pathological words for the end,
- Thank 1ou for the interview and for your support. You're great fans ofP.S. and
underground and *e like you. Have fun, keep smiling. I klorl it's not easy in your country. Thanks a lot-
The most brutal prycho-penetraters
ofUlaaine suikes back
second masterpiece. This time
brains. So, we concentrate on making every song as emotional as possible, and our emotions are brutalize day by day! Have you played a lot of shows? Where have you played, who have you
leashed a stuffwhich can preten4
out doubt, to the throne of some socalled brutal Death Metal bands
played with and are there any exciting stories? - Not so lot, nearly 14. We have played in East Ukraine and there were local gigs. We have played with INFECTED, NOKTURNAL MORTUM, ECLIPSE,
overhere. Musically, the path these five musicians follow can be described as a
mix of CANNIBAL CORPSE and CRYPTOPSY, though their stuffnot
reflects the before mentioned bands' styles directly, but on the conuary they try to make their own origind way of massive killing. Old (vocals) was cool
ers. Exciting stories? Hm, our life - big and fucking exciting story!
enough and answered all the questions. Get ready and be prepared for the bru-
tal invasion of
First of all, describe to
us the mem-
bers of MENTAL DEMISE one by one. (Age, j ob, interests, etc.) - O.K. Toukan (bass) 22 years old. He is a miner interests - bass. death metal. Tom Grinder (drums) 22 yearc old and he like brutal death and grindcore. Fester (guitar) 24 years old. He is a fan of death metal and works on photo-firm together with Tom. Pinky (guitar) l7 years old, he is a student. Interests are similar
to other's members ones. And me, Old (vocals), I'm 20 years old and I'm student too. Interests - psychology and extreme music. So, that all, in common.
'Psycho-Penetretioo- is your second demo. Whrt's tbc rcrlnrrc to it bccr
likc? Hor bvc yor lca pcotirg tlc d*? Ervc yu grttr ry hfd
irtcrcrtrt ell? IJ trvr-*&-3l eny mdvc orfo@ribrLhrr0 - We got good criticism, h prmotion - it's a problem number one: if you want to promote your material good, so you must have a lot ofmoney. Our undcrground too weak to support bands on
worthy level (bad gigs organization, fucking government, poor economy), and if you want to became
professional band - no place for you in that country! "Psycho-Penetration" must be released on Imbecil Entertainment in MC format soon. Now this demo is distributed bv Maniacal Brutality Productions and Disa
devoured iaelf...
TYLet bends does MENTAL IIISE rcc u being influential on hl? I lcer e cross between the Ec CrrNI\fifAL CORPSE
CIDE,fyrr - Buds es
HSF'FOCATION. DEICIDE and, of or-, CANNIBAL CORPS E are infl uent x Wh about DEICIDE, maybe, sorc cl---c. are meet in our music,
frrt r-rk--. Yor hc r rc*
it?Whercrill songs (lengtl, bc
WL.rtdo you think ebout:
g:t Ukrrinien
underground bas many but our fucking government movement down. Hope, best come and Ulcraine will present bands to world!
But mythology, as it is, in ve in real r*'orld. - Theatre and metal: I
- Pain for mas, Of course,
ists for a little... of all! - Everlasting battle reason to interfere eternally...
to do
that your including
ro4 on:
GyfcDstsufi'35yte. 7
ilwTilffiffifih HLIIMililil
INTERNAL BLEEDING is from the sort of uncompromisingly brutal Death Metal bands of New York. lf you like gutripping guitar riffs, aggressive vocals and pure brutality built in technical Death Metal, that is surely for you. Everyone should know what brutal Death Metal is all about. That's why, I asked Chris Pervelis (guitar) to get a more clear picture of INTERNAL BLEEDING's activity and unbelievable brutality.
Your second album "The Extinction of Benevolence" is one ofthe mostbrutalDeath Metal albums of 197. What are your thoughb on the album at the moment? Who was the producer and where you recorded this stuIT? - I am vcry pleased with'The Extinction ofBeofwritnevolence",withthewaythewholeprocess ing and recording forthatlP went. I think itwas, at the timc a pcrfcct representation ofwhere the band was at musically. Now, I fecl that the music is outdated, as we have advanced musically as well as lyrically since ttren. The album was recorded at Gateway Sound Studios here in NY and it was produced by the band as well as a guy named Nick DMauro. I still think it holds ib own agairst many LPs *rat are being released today in I 999, and I do believe its one ofthe heaviest releases in the past 34 yean. Name us the current memben ofINTERNAL BLEEDING and say something about their interests. - Well, me Chris Pervelis (guihr) my interesb include American History as well as philosophy and art. Guy Marchais' (guitar) interesb include collccting Star Wan figurcs and o<otic guih$. Brian Hobbie's @ass) interests include video games and Star Wars. Ray Lebron's (vocals) interests include beer and women hhahah, and Bill Tolley (drums) is interested in Firefighting. How the deal with PA\fEMENT Music came about? Do you satisfied with PAVEMENT Mu-
bands mund similar to the other ones How do you thinkcan we speak here about some kind of NY sound? Ilo you concen6ate on meking every song as brutal as possible or are there an;* other things you consider? - I do think there is a definate 'T.IY'solld me that was pioneered by bands such as SUFFOCATION and furtherexpandedbybards like NTERNALBLEEDING and PYREXTA urd firuliy ernu-
ral reflection on how we feel about the world and what is going on around us. I think lyrics are a very important part of any band's body of work. Just writing anything that fits ttre "brutal" category is stupid. I think it is imperative to have lyrics that r€flecl what the band is feeling at that particular time. Again, it's like a window into someone's per-
lated by bands such as REPLIDILAIION, DEHUMANZED. etc. I tlrink the NY sound is focused
hunun righb, stawation, wat and ovenll misery. It is like a window to our soul, a visual metaphor for al I our songs. I worked very hard on the cover and I ftmk it cane out p€rfectly. I think it expresses our feelhgs and our outlook on life. \!hat can you tell us about the ly'rics of INTER\AL BLEEDING? How do you thinkthat bTics fit into brutel Death Metal? - Well, I don'tfiink we write "bnrtal" deadr metal lyrics per sae (???+d.), I think our lyrics arc a natu-
PAVEMENT saw us perform atthe 1994 Milwaukee Metalfest and it wasn't long after that until wc were signed and in *re studio recording ow first album. I'd say we are prery satisfied widr PA\{EMENT, although we'd like to see more prc motion ftom them. NewYorkisfamous byib brutal Deadt ll€tel bands such as SUTFOCATIO:{, PYRE)OA" MORTICIAN. DEHLIMANIZED. etc. All these - Well
on technicality as well as brutality. I also
6ink tte
goal to make everything as brutal as possible is a definate factor If you going to write d€a$ why shouldn't it be as brutal as psible? \\'e as a band don't concentat€ on nnking eventb:-ng brutal as possible drough. \Ie u1 to cr-e r. grcove as possible, concenu-aclg m Se "pn'- cr "slam"aspectofourmu.sc. ufuie ai.: ^+d.g soc t€chnicality for intere* In the same time \err'l'ork b very femousby its HC bands \hny Deeth Metel bands from USA changed their music to this style. Will you
the new material be in the vein of your last rill there be a more prominent Death
dbum or
I{r+rl influenct? -'\ e*'; e uL so into ttre studio
in Aprilto record should bc out in the sum: :.-- - S tnu strculdfollow, andhope-
;r: r; :l-r: *tich
s ::r:
-::-r :. !:-rea rr-: a:T *i:r The new music is a qx on'Extinction". :q: f,;F 3l-ic *':i:r Tbe :s s =le =;ic:--' ::-,:re slam filled and mrh rue dilrrse dt:r cr ig
be splendid to D€rth Metal in the future or change I our style? - FUCK NO! We are a DEATH MEIAL band. and al*'ays
sonality; !o his or her soul. H*e eny of the newmngsbeen recordedyet?
be. us the meaning of your very unique
cl)ver, - I $ink the cover ofour CD represents the way we feel about $e world. Hated frustation. lack of
:: I 9!9
a--:'u:r: It's also a lot h$er tun dr las alhun roo. I canrnr uait tro reconC it! What do you think about this wer bween Iraq and USA that may happen in future? (Or it already happened?) It can be the prologue to the 3d World War, isn't it? -Well, penonally I$ink ifAmericais to do somehing about Saddam Hussein, they better do it now
too late. We must destoy the power struclaq together Ifttrar takes bomb ing them into submission and killing the populace, before
h:re that is holding
so be it. I penonally think that we should invade and just forcefully remove Saddam Hussein. .As
migit be. If
being the prologue to WWIII; it
maybe it is good that this happens no* :efore trrese psychotic Muslim fuck get ahold of n',:clear tech-
nology and destoy themselves a.'rl the * orld! What kind of bands the members of INTERNAL BLEEDING are listen o? - Cunently we listcn to c',1 i: --*lng bands/art-
B' :.'X N-A,G, KISS, LED H:--i-r- Si-nYER, FLESH-
DAMONAC\. F-],'-:-\ REVAINS. HATEBREED, AG\CS:I.: l?"1'.\T. .{.1 DMeol4 Django Reinhardr T1[ ]'L:;-:.",:SFL\U ORCHESTRA DEAD HOp_i _ I,l:. -:-3R:
NsDe us ;cc of
lanr fevorite slbums of
- S::': :: :-- ::.i:::- albums of 1998 incl::: i':-i:-{-:. Sislem of the Animal", -Dsrined for Defilement", F: :!:,:?*\: C3.':-?l I
?:1- -'i-bisper Supermacy",
?i -SS.: l, -8.::snts of Corrosion", all the Reissue LPs, BLACK SAB-i.':,\ \L:..:,3' -i.s.-:::r" ts.{J}i
and many others.
Tlais ;rr 6e rnterview! Check us out on the
ae. ;r :E- bcrne.earthlink.net/-ibldng or email x c bfur3rcl.mm. You can write to us at INTER\.{L BI FFNING, PO. BOX 1402, LAKE GRO\E \.'Y meal!
gg?co$Jt3u$t '33ytg
l 1755 (USA). Stay sick and support
The band was established in the fall 1990 by guitarist/vocalist Pavel Suslov underthe name of SS.20. Forthe period since 1991-1994 the band recorded two demos, "lnfernal Life" and "Preacher Of Death". In the fall 1994 the band played a final gig and then the history of SS-20 was ended bacause the band's leader Pavel Suslov decided to
First of all, I'd like to know whv did vou change the whole booklet conception ofihe MC "From Death To Death" to another one on your CD version? I mean new cover, new photos, lay-out, etc. - We uscd "Allsorts" pich.re by Danny Flynn, English painter, in the MC cover, though we had not tumed to him for permission. Moreover. I havc always wanted to havc such a covcr as on our CD. We were in a hurry so we took that picturc for the cassette. Thc idea ofthe CD covcr is fully mine. It gocs well with the music and the lyrics. An embryo is asymbol oftransition from death to life and from dcath to death. The CD version was released by the American Wild Rags. What can you tell us about this contract? Is it a long-lasting contract or
just for one album?
- Bcsides Wild Rags we got proposals from Shivcr (Belgium) and Metal Agen (Rlssia), but we chose fuchard's label, cause his terms were better. He also suggested us to release the next CD and if we do not get b€tter proposals we will co-operate with Wild Rags. I noticed that you like to mix differentstyles
of Metal and not only Metal in your music. How all these influences came about? Do you like to fisten to jazz and other fusion styles?
us some of your
- \'es, res, rI enJoy enjoy dttergnt djfferent m$qrc. m.qqic. ts Bcsides al^l
r.:: of mctal (dcath^ (dcath. bla*, hlmll, fbtlric, rihttric =:..::
;::: :t classics and rock. On the rir -; :'. a col'er of SMOKifi iS ).-' -.n- a=?.-!s me for it is oo
othcrs othcrs.
&,since;[9ge'the line-up hasn't changed.
":$i1!.*l;9mce-i[996'the y?ilbuns in tbe s-ame tine-uo. f am The cassette version of "From Death Death Togis"WCMded Death" was out in JanuarJ'98 end wes ai..*. ttre Uina - I am 29. Victor, the basstributed by Hobgoblin Recoids in the trn{- t 201 Our drummer is tory tory' of Russia. will Will you working with wie tlreq drcq jl l)$i4 andFttre euitat-plaier is 24. we all work in
sHrsefi$;tsin is inro computg* r.;I^Tl:"::iv,i1*l':9"1*11":]$r Hobgoblin Rec. is through hard,tirnes anerTv: tlie *. c.*S.+'qftl "';*,i ri.i " ql: Russian Kusslan cnsls crisis rnat that brokc broKc oussilJrrgus oufti{}ugus lyru. 1998. WhaiiStheMoscows, whafistheMoscowscenelookslike?And Of course, wc would like'to-Xitease a MC for whatdoyouknowiBbuttheukrainianscene? of whatdoyouknowiBbutr '.I Ru_ssia. qsyeyou rnycontaclswm Dgncs trom nerel Haveyouanycintsctswithbsndsfromhere? -
themes. - There ari"lots of bands'in Moscow. but we in do not have ntany contace because of the lack general? Are you believe in life sfter de$h? of time. Now we-co-operate with Michacl from - I would Uke to believe in life after &sMENTAL HOME. He helps us and he will play But I think trat a human has to pass 6mugh thekeyboardsonthenextilbum.wemeetother Your lyrics deal with life and desth
What do you think abouf life,and deett
drlTcrcnt lives in order to reach spiriaul perfec- bands at the concerts. As for the Ukrainian uon. These are.;ust m;- ideas. I try to expr€ss bands. i know NOKTTJRNAL MoRTUM and
ml doubs in mv
Some of l our songs uere hardlv
MAD SAMTY. We played in a conccrt with
influenced MAD sANlry
b1 german Thr&sh Godz KREATOR Whlt do 1ou se1' j I suppmc your prori"bq, +f ous bend mmell Sg20 wgs e Thruh lHetd band s seIL Correct me if I'F q9qC. - I do nor o-.or'ea- tbe fact I like KRFiroR Their las alhtn -orrcas' is a grl pqqpiece. Buy'ou are 6e firsomeuhoKRF-AToRwhile
cobs rowER
in Kiev a
coird you
prease introduce us in what way your fdrthcoming album showing progressioii to lis predecesiors? -
- As for the tichnics, the new album will not
falt b€hind the previous one. And I am not to judge whether ii will be better or not. The biography says that you use the ele,-.,.. fhe ele_ ments of G-othic ind btack Irretrt in your mu-
spe"4.lgrgfEntsrc.Every-rF di.lecom. speakiry:?grgfmrsic.Everypoiqecom. ry:T P-:g diftrent bards. It's good lf the
own sic. How do you think are these elements nec_ pV-.rlb tle g.r essrry to ptiy Death l,Ietal in the wry Death sic didn't differ. We just - a Metsl shoutd be? :rcs[po6e all ali music fbrSERfor SER- ' - We don,t play traditional death metal. It is I did for SS-20. too tight to be within a ccrtain genrc. I would rLd &3 liag-up 6f SERMON,1, call our music VERSATILE MEIAL or MANySo &et's x'hy I would like to:, SIDED METAL. Though it,s not the mrsicians )st each membe r of the who should describe thCmusic, but vou. the edi_ irteress, ac-). tors.
tr€n we bave our
Where can we see 1ou play live frequently? Do you like to play live? - We enjoy to play live, but, unfortunately, this happens rather not very oftcn. In the last few months we have played only in Moscow. Thcre are few peoplc who wish to organize these concerts here - there's no Drofit, And other citics cannot but pay the trav;lling expensc for us I Wc are sick and tircd of crisis and ooo music!
What are the plans of SERMbN for the near future? - For the nearest future we olan to finish the rccording ofour new album and to release a CD. Finally, tell us some amazing stories of SERI{ON for the end. The space is yours.., - Sorry, I'm too lazy to write much. I will tell you some stories when we meet. There were lots of amazing stories in the 8 years of our cxistencc. Thank you for the support. All the best!
SERMON, c/o Povel Suslov, P.O.Box 285, l2ll5l Moscow, Russio
E-moil: sel,non@moil.ru
http://urww.sermon. russion.ru
gg?cofisufi'339?g 9
'4r' rv'
scene? Any bands, labels or'zines you
Another ombitious Deoth Metol bond roised from thY oshes, nomely
would like to recommend for us? - Iis a hard question... I'm not so informed about our country's scene... I know that there are a lot of small bands, but only few of them can emerge. Take DEVASTATION IN-
from ltolY ond ploy crushing Deoth Metol in the best interpretolion of it. lf you seorch for o bond which con be oble to creote lNSlDE. They come
SIDE for example, we are more aPpreciated in foreign countries than here in Italy. A new italian band that I can suggest is LATHEBRA and for the fanzines MELMOTH'zine, TETANUS...
outstonding ond memoroble
iunes nowodoys ond ot the some time leoving oll the troditionol motives of iis predecessors in it, go oheod ond discover "Simply Nothingi
Your opinion about: self-destruc-
tion, religion, violence, russian vodka, heaven and hell' Middle Ages and Black Metal, - I tell my personal opinion about these things and it could be different from that of the other members of DEVASTATION INSIDE, I think that self destruction is the greatest way to be totally free, but it's not ever a good thing, we talk about that in two songs of our demo: Last Breath and SimPlY Nothing. I am not religious and I don't know ifthere's a God over us, but I'm not even satanic... In any case I'm against religious extremisrns. I'm also against all kind ofvio-
the first demo of this five-Piece bond which is definitelY worth of your ottention. My questions were onswered by the guitodst Oliviee Let's start with some universal questions. How old are you? Are you married? Do you have jobs?
- Our average age is 22 and no one of us is married. ExcePt me (Olivier) that I'm a student in Com-
puter Engineering, all the others have
lencrl I surely don't know how is the pore russian vodka, but here we like
"Sirnply Nothing" is Your first demo. Moreover the output to be found there is more than Perfect. Did you spend a lot of time and
:-). Heaven and hell are things b1'hurnals because they fear whd mld be after their death. For rre, aftcr fu dearh there's nothing.
money to get such qualitY sound? - When we started with the idea to make a demo tape we didn't think that it could be with a sound like that... You are not the first saying
l, ' :
Our life is bere and now. About Midtlle Agss? (no opinion). I like bLrk ffiI rcic for its melodic
snrffr ba I dm't like its singing
that it have a good sound. We spent time in songwriting, but the demo was recorded in two days and we are satisfact foi our work, except by the vocals, maybe too much low. Our tape is totally autoproduced, so we spent much money for recording and
s;-lc- I
about this song. - Our lyrics are written by Emanuel and by me. They are based on our personal experiences and tell about our thoughts and about ourself. In our songs we want to say what we have inside of us. You didn't see the lyrics of "Why?" in the inlay because it's a song older than the others... In that song we talk about war and injustices made against people. Are you guys looking for a label to sign onto or are you going to stay self-financed for your career? Do you have any offers for a full-length album? - No, we don't have any offers from some label and I think we go to stay self-financed for a long time... maybe for all our career. In any case we are not looking for a contract to sign.
What can you tell us about DEVASTATION INSIDE's live performances. Do you play live often? What is the reason for you to play? Do you have any bands that you want to play with? - We
often play live, but we have never gone
share the thoughts
crpressed in the black
dbrb" 'Fbrfllbe your next material d rh it will come? Have you rt tst songs, songnarnes and in 3:rcral tell us in what way you cmposed your songs?
producing it. Your lyrics deal with human be. ing and life in general. You based
them on your personal experiences or... There is a live song "Why?" on the demo but I hadn't seen your lyrics of it on inlay. Tell me rnore
- We are composing new songs in
over the limits of our region. We play becwe like it, it's a way to relieve our fccl-gs and to make people to know us. HoscE ccently we have not played live so ftclcdy' because we are waiting to have roc Ew material composed.
What kind of music do Yr |ifu usu' ally, and which are your grti.st fonts of inspiration? - Generally we would likc to be a little original and to make sornethi4 rver heard, but
unfortunately we are heavily influencâ&#x201A;Źd by the
kind of music we lisuL And every member of DEVASTATION INSIDE listens to music -\at liscacd from others. We different from are not so uniform in that way. We go from Black to Death ll{eal, fromFEAR FACTORY to Bruce Springcca! !! Personally, in this momeDt,I'mvery influenced by Swedish melodic Death Metal: DARK TRANQUILLITY, AT THEGATES,EDGE OFSANITY... but I also tisten to a wide range of musical genres, from commercial things to old METALLICA albums.
Could you analyse us your country's
this moment and we hope to put it in a new release (tape or mini-CD) but we don't really know when. The tide of an our new song is "Hate/Love". We general-ly compose our songs writing a lyric before, and then trying to make a musical "skeleton" with guitar riffs and drums. But we aue never completely satisfied of our work the first time, so we make changes until we have the final song, that can be completely different from that we started to compose. Last words from inside... - It has been hard to answerto all your ques-
tion in english (this isn't my main language), but me and DEVASTATION INSIDE have been glad to do it. So thank you for your patience and for all- And a special thank goes to all your readers that will be interested about our music and about what we think.
.:: c/"T*chodF;mil1gq[':':":':'
i' : ,
E-mail,deva.inside@lycgsmaif ,gom, ' http: //members:xoom; com/deni-i nJide
Please give us a
y's6, [:i.*Huifu'J":"d'"",-,T:-W#il; e&tnffi:offirp,bb tr"i'""iiffi"Hpc E;;;,iffiT.S; ffi':
s*t w,,r]niforccs w
*' S
t1,4tsoff tuJffi trf"t W"ffiS' Diaffi,tt{etatffn the ehldito incjte vidlince in r{roge warli,iha$;,"kpl4t ffi Arc,<Wtgg. A ban "-{' ,W::.{rW7-':::'ir77; sns. r'T 11r,', , Your .o;r'riou#,hr"*,iu" ,; .ne.w atuum;"hta*&" ;W't1*$tinap ia ifurlfu,l$ 'ogregg'; Could progregg; yj ypii Could tgt us,gndig 1" n rout this,stuff? about fhis,stufP i'n i l. lS r? ;' ' the gtitarbt bf ' 0""n, iiy'Ju=nJi%rt"S%.igd;fr: ;" atC#:NEâ&#x201A;Ź.^A- Ud told ns "Ornaments" album then you will ,conu,ersatt'on. definetly be impressed by this effort the songs are more structured, and are rove of
r *i-, ,j'
mt ,
way more aggres-
sive. Be su[e to
pick i* uF you
will not
It will
be re-
leased in Spring
of 1999 by DELUSIONS OF GR.ANDEUR. R.ecerdr. Hrq
tlir rigr ctrc
and screw us over after an search we found JME Palacio (
sions), and he was willing'to with us. We stillhavedlot of
do so
up for furtler
Your previous'release grents Of Mutilation" iluced by Dave Gutross d
this material.
liter eme ,1p1ef9r
cytcD$?Sufi ,339?g 11
=-con of Thoth. The symbolism behind this
Your new material entitled "In The Eyes Of loldanacho'. Will it be different in musical conception from the album "The Third Storm Of Ctthraul"? Who
monumental tack is like the 'mother of science' to me, as I claimthat all "achraf' objects were regarded as "dead" in one pointin time; there was greatdifficulty in tansmuting Moonfire be-
was your producer and where You
recorded this material? -Yes andno: the er4PhonicaPProach on this mini.disque, I would state, has quite
few similarities
causeMoonfire, as she acts innahre, is distillation of power and magick' This goesbackto bringing the soul to the process of immortality in a sort
"The Thirrd
Storm Of Cythraul"; however, the
arrangements are
of"Otherworld" more or
imPlemented ,l
more progressively and more banefirlly, utilizing fasteriacedtempos this time around. Besides our debut albunL I feel this minidisque has the best shrdio production overall. It was recorded atNomad Recording Studios in
Canollton, Texas by chief engineer'Sir Kol Marshall', who is rather infamous for his aptress and skills in working on the
KING DIAMOND and MERCYFUL FAIE recordings. By his side was latest
Vincent Rossi, who co-engineered it and is the owner of the notorious Plymouth Rock Recording Studios here in the Dal-
the cover illustration represents ABSU,
i :""
as it is
I can explain
calledthe "sigil
CythmulKlan". This isthebestway
the serpentrepresents
plight of immortality of each ABSU
member, andit's eyes symbolize Ioldanach
The Cythraul KIan of ABSU strikes back again. About the new râ&#x201A;Źle:ue and mYtholo$cd themes behlnd
it Sir
Proscriptor McGovem told us a bunch of plentiful facts.
fu *trat he views within our past lives. Th Scouish dirks have gold hafls at the .'rt of ah handle; one of thembearing fu re'iQlthraul', while the other condg fu mre 'Wniol". The amputated
qldotize what once was an ePhemâ&#x201A;Źral tyrd driDg these particular ancestral rcG. h mtusiorU put all of it togefrer in place and formu-
las area.
Who was loldanach, and what happened with his eyes? Can You
explain us the lyrics of "In The Eyes Of Iolda-
I'rrr style called
nachtt? - "Ioldanach," in Celtic
-ltytlelogical Okkult llctrl Why you detldbcategorizeyour
mythos, is the mightfirl deus of magick and cun-
ning dexterity, so his forecasts, his predictions are
- Lyritzlly and image-
rb, hrr could we pos-
what we speak of in this mini-disque. The oPening
sAU be a black or death
track, "V.LT.R.I.O.L",
narrates not only what oc-
cun throughout our entire first album, but is the alchemical formula of the great'fidden stone in the Earth", "the abyss" and "the UnicusaV Universal Solvenf ' of the Primum Mobile. The initials of'Titriol" concoctan acronym, and are made up
of this alchemical formula
(Latin Terminology: Msita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem; English terminology: We Shall VisitThe InteriorParts OfThe Earth {The Abyss) By Rectificatio4 Thou Shalt Find Immortality ThroughThe Hidden Stone). It represents
balancedmixhne offte dtree
elementations in this principle: srlpher, mercury, and salt. These names can also be represented by Atu I, Itr, and IV. Whd I am saying is that
ifyou follow me to the
inside portions ofthis particular planet, then I can showtheewhat the'trnderworld
It's all in
trc glorious name of
poetically?! ?
sc cmcoctthce paradisio" is actually like in an esc'p"rt afterlife. The second song 'TIaIbt' be Ifemain and thysel{ concemig
h d
so-uhern'c*"1 por-
tion of Austia. Rough\'XItrds of some of our ancestqs $ere rot$ed bY a fre of ours, so "certain" enerty, a fiffi they shall and uill pey by tbe conclusion ofthe song. The rli4 iodeed'Manaman" is, by far, tre
and ferociots
track on the MCD, due to the fact that
tremajadasofseaandwindandcculd infuorsly case honendous storms and
was able
some thrash and pro-
gressiw roctdements in order to come occult metal". You knm; we're praising such themes like csmiaUritual magick, alchemi cal scirm, warding, Voudon gnostics,
intialirdbyBltr ry wift'qnhological
ratherchronicled one ancient culhue in the
EcSr4 dq
rrru-sic, Yss of course,
sky/statosphere lit-
erally ftlVcoll4se in Celtic mytholory. Lastly,'Never Blow Out The Eastern Candle" is a tack based qon pue ceremonial magiclg also conceming the bea-
asseogr4hic rite s, Sumeri anl}vlesop oramien/fi55y1ian mythology, Celtic/
legends, knighthood, and espe-
cially the traits that lead back to our
bloodlust. That's right: Scot-
tidr & Irish
You are a very active person. Beside
ABSU you have many projects like PROSCRIPTOR. MOON.ROOT... TVhat things motivates the music of these projects?
the occult and thy complete formusick. adoration -
as the informational center? Nowa-
days we can get more information from Internet than from any magazine.
- It's efficient and sufficient to use for thy useage.
When your next European tour shall take place? With what bands you would like to play? - We will perform on the "No Mercy" tour in April with EMPEROR, MORBID ANGEL, SIX FEET UNDER, LIMBONIC ART, and PECCATUM. It's all I know at the present moment. Tell us your last visions for the end. - Fuck, I am the burning of the ancient flame, you suckers! Thank all of you for reading this damned interview and remember your ancestors; it's only Always when I listen to 1'our album tions, which I assisted in putting to"The Third Storm Of Cr thraul" it re- gether, but we refused to be a pan of ir, minds me to the old thrash bands'at- due to some of oSMoSE's la*sl .{n1mosphere *hich vvas characteristic" .way, we recorded ,.Flag Of Hare.. b1, for bands like DESTRUcTIoN, KREATOR and "Bestial Inr.asion" b'
influenced by th these banfls?.{Vhat y-our opinion aboud the {B*t dtUqn ofKREATO
:E:;.5{*i ifi.;:i,$#It;:
:Sgqieti,ypqii"*- - rex.ds".:-:r'fii*s1s f$1n . r h i l;Xi,"* ."p*i,tave are S+4 \pne: 35 to in gg,$$q*F.iaJffiSi iie in e eg1, fF. rsg*d1 g& fs r s o n' e L E E D s gression$ryi{ffiIt ry'ryry r,'fsi..-I(tbftsm.{r '-''"#f:fnlffi.i r,- uLi--\ryr oF Lrcrr. pRo_ 4s.s$fo$l!"Ftififoming drums on f F.r\: l?-da:. {KR\BU,AKHKHRU, ERSB$:$XFIRA's new album CO\F:],:. _1.1. L\THR{. EQL-I'IANT, "Homecomingts March". Can you tell VALOI, -::--..-_\\OS' \\'OODS. tIN_ us more about this? What do you DERCRL':-.:',i.), l.S.::: think aboutAVERSE SEFIRA in gen- What is lour :pioi,:,n ab,:rut \\'\\'\\ s
P.O, Box 743307
Dalfas, TX75374-3307 USA
all! Tbe.KREATOR.albury,"iQj:::sf,': - ..'.'Thg iabel'i|;cunentlj ial jt'i|;cunentlj on ,:pa j:3" ishotall-.tbatereat.aSlfon'tire:-la;-is hot all.thg[gear, agf {o!'gir*. ia;-*-::-Oe.:uifrt,rnrirjrent. .:r:h.-.rr'i...i'-i*o.t drie i[.r:: -c: 'l';-i;..'i--=^.
/ DARK AGE Productions c/o Proscriptor
then decided to cor:rain
wkdffi r),er ! pf corl idq, "tbiiJ newer m$tbiial isnot as rilonumdatal as AGE their archiiesJ biit it'snot too bad...ryell, . .-hai been rsiessed:o r"i Aia rr hat do especiall$t6i S.ODOM is norso-bad ai ..1ou ptan to pelease in tnd fuiure:
h o" eh I, best sruilft
E-mail : proscriptor@webtv. net
glass-cased heart!
MCD we nev€r released
the truth locked within your liquid,
c e :
The Cythroul Klon
www.geocities.com/ Enc hontedFo r est / Cott oge/ 4241 The Attock Of The Highlond
Tyronts!ll w w w .g
eo cil
i es.
m/5 u nset Str
DARK AGE Productions cilies.com / V i enna/ St rasse / 17 49ldop. html
ww.geo cit ies.com/ v i enna/
- They selected a SR- 16 drum mecha-
nism over thy own abilities, but that's alright because I am too occupied with six other bands anyway. Yeah, Konx Om Pax Et Allaxitonia!
I've heard about the participate of ABSU on tribute albums of KREATOR and DESTRUCTION.
What labels released these materials? \ame us the tracks you played there? - I am so fucking disgusted with both :: :hose tributes, that they shouldn't :. :: occur, dammit! Well, I know the l:-iTRUCTION one will not be re-
::. Lnless another individualilabel ::::.e ro release it later on down .' , :::: l:: KREATOR tribute will :, -.:,=:i :.-. i'-LL \{OON Produc.
GJ?CD:|iIUI '3lJ?g 13
lot of othqr kinda
are working megtitledSHOCK!. y i$ Hungarian and it sty$'within rock and metal.
,ou"$oron in gen6pal? s(bd town, but and,frean here friends have very is a
, EUROPE, DEF L I went to ity first hi
algo, ttre
feelL ,et"i itri ffi. Ftio& uuout
I can say I
{ I
fu- At
I I ( Z A
What ddryou
- Yes, I mals.
can you (ell us
can ] like thdlii'because of-tlretr i$Enslty' Also give THEDREAM w.h.s.P., lbve ban&iike ATER. TYPE ONEGATTVE, THEATRE me'l
oto trlorlEY cRUE, (I the instrumental or ENSLAVED
suitarmusi$ of Tam6s Szekeres.
ih.t. ontffiu"
d d
mood. Thpn I often listento tbeHuni garian death/thrasVgrind 80's and the 90's. MY biggest
within rock/metal: I'm Erds suth as old
me a very Pleasant
CASTRIIM (reallY!);
What (zinbs you and in what'zines contributor
-Myveryfirst tion" I tra
o.K ne
rn. tftu*irol
of it's'got that
how. Flhink I have to goodbands $till... So:
UM, you hate in people? taking advantage of I don't like when onlythe negative shit Then I loathe self-conceit, the big etc... I rarely, meet people unfortutime all of them son-of=a-bitch.
called females founded my
g me some ques-
send my greetings
srrFF AND COIImH it to deattr in 1996 after ian and same English issues started to contribrrte
rocldmetalin who preslave ofothto be used as
ERS 'zine. Then ffituck
raira h
14 Gg?cDfisufi',3Sytg
Hail Tommy! How
- Well, it was kind of a coincidence. Me and my former bandmate Micael Larsson was having a couple of drinks while tuming pages in a book about the late artist Salvador Dali and there was a painting with the name gooseflesh. We didn't thought much about the meaning ofit, only that it felt good to say and since all the members in the band are fans of his work we later on decided to keep it. "Welcome To Suffer Age" is the first MCD of GOOSEFLESH and was released by the spanish label namely Goldtrack Records. What can you tell about this contract? Do you satisfied with it? What is the selling results of the MCD so far? - The contract with Goldtrack is a little bit ofa try out for both parties. At frrst they offered us a deal for two albums but since they are such a new label we turned it down. They later on came up with the
Srvedish Metolbond @OSEFLESH
hove recently signed o deal with HXGH 6AIN Records in Gerrnony (the home of such bonds like PRIIAAL FEAR, TE,UPLE OF THE AB. SURD, etc.) ond DOLPItrN Enter, toinment in Jopon. The bond's de-
but-CD "Chemicql Garden" will be released in Jopon in lilqrch ond Europe in April. GOOSEFI-ESH willolso toke pcrt on ENERCIE Records IRON MAIDEN-tribute that will be releosed in Europe in MorcVApril. They will contribute with thcir wry own version of "Killers". Definitely something to look fonvord to, nfiich olso the reunion of IRON IAAIDEN
will bel
osked Tommy Scolisi Svensson Quitar) obrut thc ortccedents
of the
idea ofreleasing Welcome To Suf-
the-v have done on 6c albm so far. As for tbe selling resft il's
terials. Are these materials still
S'hat are the preferred themes of GFSEFLESH? Name
- U.vou
your favourite
are referring to our lyrical side dcfinitely not writing about demons
don't. The only
there is quite an interest for extreme metal in Ukaine. It would be great ifyou could enlighten us a little on this matter?
Mmt/April '99. It's
What kind of progression do you
style and identity. How would you like to define the sound of your band? - Intense crossover Metal with a lot of aggression and attitude. All spiced up with !:oory parts and dynamic drums.
Sorry, but
thing that I have understood is that
available for the metalheads?
strong material on those tapes. Then of course they will be re-recorded. As for the progression I think we're always trying out new grounds. We never decide in advance which style we gonna play but on the other hand I think more and more you could always tell that it's GOOSEFLESH. I personally think that we have developed our own
Ukraine and its underground
ttGooseflesh','TLe f,rraill' and ttGlow" your previous ne-
mean songstructure,
Give us a short background about Phantom Management. - Phantom is a new manage-
time to come. Do you know something about
if TESTAMENT doesn't release anything
we'll work together for a long
sin i h releascdarcs in dftrrr
emphasize us?
before New Years eve!
ish rock. GOOSEFLESH was it's first signing and we're all good friends with each other and I think
sound, lyrics, etc. - All of our previous materials are sold out. Some of the songs might appear on coming albums because there are some really
sound like
A well-known mag about
thought the idea was great and we're really satisfied with the
HELLOWEEN" bands. No I like bands that mix styles and that aren't afraid of going in new directions like SEPULIURA and ENTOMBED for instance. None of us are into Black Metal though we like some Death bands. The strongest release this year??? "Powertrip" by MONSTER MAGNET, that
editor on "Backstage" magazine.
time was recorded already. We
bit too eartl'o
keen on these "trying
ment formed by a former chief
fer Age as a MCD, which at that
music in many different ways. Some of us read books, some of us don't. Next question!! ! What's your point of view on today,s music scene? What do you think is the strongest release ofthis year? Do you like BIack Metal at all? - Good and bad. Personally I'm not too
r &;r. Xo m the contrary there's alCGg aperienced or something that re r i m rar envirotrment that Finally, tell us when we can expect the we wriE -4 Et bcrrelzl, social injusnew material of GOOSEFLESII and in ticeorimrkt what orientation will it be? Any upcoming Youhavcfqdtdrlarhrrd plens for the future or whatever you would one with DISMffi'r.ILiy: ILc to edd? opinion aboutlltrffit-d - G@SEFLESH have recorded it's tull its members? Whd-1n td rb yrr hEfi deh calted'Chemical Garden" and play live? How mery Ct lr ;|ry pcr f ti[ bqeful]y be released in Europe in - We have done quit a lc of gh; bur we hope that the amount will increase cfren we release our first full-length album- As far as
a stampede of music in the vein of Suffer Age. On top of that
my concern goes about DISMEMBER I
there are plans for a tour in early summo. Your wishes for ENCOMIUM'zir rE ers in Swedish language...
think they're a hard working band that sometimes tries too hard to be true to their roots.
- Tjena, tjena mittbenal Hoppas att Ni snart fir tillfiille att lira kiinna GOOSE-
Anyway they are nice fellows. GOOSEFLESH live is a kick in the face on everybody's watching. We just love it and
FLESH pe ett vettigt sert: HART &
the audience
will notice that. There's a hell
of lot of energy when GOOSEFLESH hits the stage I can promise you that.
Briefly say something about
INTENSIVT: Ha't g6dd allihop! GOOSEFARM,
SE-46130 Trollhstton, Sweden
E-moil: limebomb@olgonet.se
,n%E #ffi,; *" pruy -a
APHASIA appeared in 1996. Describe us the main movements of the development since 1996. - We have always the same kind of music since 1996. Linle bit dif-
make firn and if people thrastr or make frur wift us... We're very haPPY... We have playedwith a lot oflocal band
ferent... We had some line-uP
change but J-F and I are alwaYs
etc. and some bands oubide
there for the band. The difference since 1996 is the matrity acquire by the band and the drum have change from grind to technical (more bass-drum with a lot of good drumming dtr). What can you tell us about the
bandmembers? Have You Played in any other band bdore 1996? - For now, we ate just 2 (J-F and t) cuz the drummer leb the band like I month ago. I never played with other band. I play before wi& J'F but just for fun. To the other side, J-F played guitar for a band called DARK SUPREMACY. This band is no longer alive... Hewas dead a few month before
, , t s 2
{ t
I (
their demo launching in l9%-5 (I tbinkD. I feel the strcng inlluence of Gothenburg style in your music How do you see it? - Gothenburg slyle???? I don'treallyknowwhat
I'm happy.." eheheh!!!! i) 'Beyond The Infinite Horizon" is your fint alburn What was the fans' reaction and do you satislied with the reviews you got so far?
is Gothenburg style but
- The fans seems like the CD... We had some very goodreview forthe CD, to tre other side, we had some bad review but it's good to have excellent andbad review, so you can have a good idea of the CD. But most of the time, we had good review, maybe I didn't see the bad review?!?l?!? I'm very proud ofthe production ofthis CD, ttranks to JeanFrancois Dagenais for his excellent wotk'
What is your lyrics about? Are thert any messages or thoughb You find important to tell us more ehut - I talk about the nature (forut winter,
water....). It's somestories thateveryone can imagine ib own hiSory of tlre song. I didn't
z A
I d
I d
talk aboutpoliticorsociety,
jecb. I don't think tlrd orr lyrics have any messages, it'sjust a sbry. Could you initiate us into tte tmdsground scene of Qu6bec? - The scene is verybigherc. Webavea lot of show, like l-2 showspercreelt In
everyMy listen deaft mealbads like DYING FETUS, DEEDS OF FT,ESH but we can see Black Metal growing. We general,
have very good bands here like CRYPTOPSY GORGUTS, OBLTVEON, KATAKLYSM... I think that Qu6bec is a very good place forthe underground stuff All my friand that come from a different country orprovince ftnd our scene very excellent, they never saw a scene like that. We have also a good selection in CD but we don't have a gmd selection for the t-
everything good!
Ohwe[ wecan'thave
You make ggs very often' Ilave;ou any special image on these gigs? Who have you played with and 8r€ lher€ rny exciting stories? - We don't have any special images..' When we play, we are-like every daY (fimny!! !). We are playing just for fun so when we are on fp sbge, we plaY, make fim, drink beer, smoke joint (ust before fte show). We have nodring to pmve, we play
Qu6bec like: SARCOPHAGUS,
And maybe sooq a very big show but I can't say nothing... ehdrc!!!
v The province of Qu€bec
getting stronger ond bigger every doy. I guess oll of You know such monsfers of Deotlr Metolos CRYPTOPSY GORGUTS OT KATAKLYSM fOT
instonce. lf so, you hove the chonce to discover onolher good technicol Deoth Metol bond, nomef APHASIA, whose brond of oclive grouPs hoving 5-6 gigs per months. I osked Steph {guitor/vocols) to tell us more of their first releose ond locolscene of Qu6bec.
Give us more information sbout the contract with WARFARE Records. - WARFARE Records is a distributor... So we don'thave any contactwitl
forthedistibution. ButWAR-
FARERecords, it's acompanybom inQudbec and 6ey prorrde a lot of band from tre province of Qrebec so we are very happy to be on their list.
Cb€erbWARFARERecor&tohelpQu6becbands topromotetreiralbumarorurdtheworld. Soor\ we will be distibutedby RELAPSE Records ( must
send the CDs
this week) and maYbe
SOUNDSCAPE Records forthe Canada What can you say aboutthe following poinb:
a) nuclear weapons - CraP! b,) terrorism - Maybe, it's usefull but we don't need tenorism every timg we can change thing wittrott t€rmrism and without violence. c.) rdigions - Silpid fting... I don't tust any religim. It'sjustsome stories to getweakpeople.... d.) new wave of old styles (Heavy Metal ThrshM€taL €fc.)- Goodthing forthe oldmetal fu h*persmally, I dm't like this ldttd of music. lvlaFe' p€qle dm'tbave new
msb r Esic.
any more id€a to cr€ate maybe fuy just like this kind of I dm'trcaly care aboutttis, every
body MUST
& cfr d they
like and no what
a) E d death - Life: party, beer, d- ft*Ndine! No more party.... F'.. rt yr pbns for the future? h rlrry fl bc 5nrr next material? - *hre b cur dunrner so for now fu arew &ummer and dur=-*ckirg ig|Isling wE compose new song. Al! ! !
qsinthesamekindofmusic, Ihopefint
record a full length CD (about 60 ninrmes) in l-2 yean... But dre next materialwill notchange, wewill have more experie,nce so we will use this for our next materil but always in the same vein....
Last words from beyond... - I would liketo thanks werybodyhow sceng I'm very support proud ofyou. Also tranks to Comelius for this interview and forthe heak $at I was taking at work to answer questions. eheheh! ! ! See you soon and I hope ftat we
me€t bgeth€r one day... Bye! ! !
APHASIA, C.P. St-Andre,
Montreol, Qu6bec, Conodo, B.P. 3211.|,
H2L 4Y5 [-moil: pouilleuxqc@videohon.to hltp://linpon.fortunacily.com/goldie/83 Phone: (514) 521-7604 (tteph)
tnergug fron the depths of tle 6andiat Black/hrud/Dcath thctal acenc, amee HORDT OT WORilA. HORDI Of WORIAB conbrnca.a potcnt, mhtnre of extremc m$E to crâ&#x201A;¬ate therT ow mi4le braad of lActal /,ltrlaug aped, nddq, textua and nood, tht solp rtp caucns
and Classic Rock. The best release of I 998 aside
from ouralbum is 0re new CRYPTOPSY "Whisper Supremacy''.
Briefly tell us something about the Canadian underground scene.
What bandg labelg diskibutors and 'zines crn you recommend
for us?
mid, sulardeare, /can;ng tlen aahuating for norc. |IORDE Of ers
Alexander: The Canadian undergroundhas nevergone away but itis flourishing now with some really original and brutal bands like:
WORTVB arc coftinting thc traditiotr of their predecessors. whih caruing their otw bntal path ufu t/u
HOR.DE Of WORIVS was faned by thra frtuds n tlc Sprrag of /9?6. Then the /rn-ry waa the follonag Ahxan&r Eilardt (qitara/bakng w-
ca/s/battcr/. Brutt Assua @itara/ backitrg vocals/batttry) and 6lrig
WARFARE RECORDS (Monheal) are good contacts here in Canada. The best Canadian zine is UNRESTRAINEDI
ctr). Thrr
(ld mkr'//s and thrut canhht alfon 'Hr& of Wan{
ott n l9qA and re/eased by
Abuldcl's osr /ah/ tanclu
ther'r /ne-
BUCKET Profuctins. Ba
ry ia
Your opinion concerning: a") hahrcd
Gord: lhate everyone and everything about today's world! There are too many
fucking people on this planet, we need
Tfu hude of 4lestrbne werc arcwared bq
another Ice Agel!!
tht collahratm of a// thc memfurs of
b.) swedish blasphemers HYPOCRISY and Peter Tigtgren's projects TIIE ABYSS and PAIN Alexander: I really like IIYPOCNSY
WO&U9. Rtd these lrus tte agressm aad bntality HORDT Of WORTVS ofhre uon.
and dbcoucr
First of all. tell us a little bit about the
for contacts CIVILIAN
filled ry fu the forcc of Qad ,llcCtbbn Qaad atd they plan to wite nrcic togthr for a long purd of tine
etc... As
DEATH NETWORK (Windsor) and
Alexander: Yes we used a drum mr,hine
bandmembers of HORDE OF WORl4.S-(Age, job, interests, etc.). Alexander: HORDE OF Ca.rada. The ases of the 24 tD 32. Everyone works have a wide variety
tfrc oHer albums but I like the ABYSS al-
new album of KATAKLYSM "Mc-
like it at
alM don't
decided to change their
hockey and motorcross chasing women!! But of tue calling.
$u DE-
Your album your band. Is it your any other releases in any other b4nd-
wasn't for
Alexander:, Tilfr{ =e not any
q l=OR- I met Brenitli !h I played ln a band atter that I fonhed
ud -s --ri-sinalty {Xmed iq I ! r. -!E .lfrr tirat l"$en joined
f9-Ab uLi-A-
-d b
::wbere rye
it.is what we do
canlrt bqf@d"igfo lc- -- r r .Arl*+*ry
a specific
ih" n"u,
lrt coc - I-stiiffi
fu be Buy
E (fg
Erhardt Blvd, Suite B ilr}R:,,$* ltslington, Ontario
lFrbt uif ' l-dtrrh-tsil-Hrl-.h: 1'= V-PE
riety of styles, tom old school BlacVDeailr, Mod em Bhck/Death Grindcore. Classical. krdrstrial
Canada, MgA 382
E+nail: wormy_2@hotmail.com Web Site: http://members.trircd.com/
-WORM 3/index.html
Russion slock
ilil':'ltli?it'*1.1T:#.1ti["t'"f,*$#lgl'nx'f'3:[;' ::['""*'*;#;*"*Ji:litiltit{ir*:lri::,iF"IF.;i$l ;:m;$;lh:!l*xiiiili:!ii*li':iix','j*:ilfi['ff'il'.il?]:1"'J;1*il]:-1ffi oscuf Konsiontinov wos recrulted trom n'NErfAL ---,;:iiiri" iciz rhis tine-up recorded ,l#HI,ff?!JF',ii:',,:iii-::J*"Ji^L-:iiiiji,..l.lii-,T:$:: i;;;;;ff t',i,T:,i";:l';;';,*:';,i1"#?;"'lJjir
",i:il"J:*H["""]lflf ;:ii:j;ll'J1".J"#T"',i1,"'il'J?ll,li.Tff:l'lilxiyl:"*i"mh*r,illo'Bl"Ttl'"?ff11' j::Lm":""J15#T':HI:
oosrrron er r"'ee t"-';d;;i;;: qlh lh-e o concluded : 9'11 ['Jl"r.r ree7. suxcnnnror suNcHan'di"l["i;.0;f ;;i;l;-;;t upsrod"fi;;';;d'ilh lh::11":",:.:t rislt:l tn"i' ihe bond's first demo, T:ilP.:l?:li:'"tLTlt"c .ANADA for the "i*'t" 'r ln*l;;:llil'?,ffi"'?:llli:H:.1'.'.1i.{ii:ii:'.:y}ii'*;i*:m'lif:l*J:i:'.'"Till"i'"'i
o quortet rhe rrio wos upgroded to ielilovor
r*nl":"*:"t'Hiff .':-f i"::i,.l1i{:i:*l{'i:::;i:;*'"xr*lTfi H$'.ffi ,l!i''-,t:il
or sUNcHARror' -,*i"",lJ;u,fi1'!l;$"1",,1Tfi'ii'-".;iillii{i{"'Jil:{ffi"*1:**yllt3'J.1il'1,'l?ry'"'"' r"rrhcomine rereose {}'tF il,;:-,$""Tl"f';ffi:t"J"t::|Tl':1"#Trn iii kinds ofsYnth music, but conform'
First off, give us
ably to our Presenr material, I think that
more info about the contract with
their using
SoundscaPe Music Canada. Are You satisfied with it? How is
Light of Fertile Ground" worldwide?
- The contract was signed in
I (
tion. As for lhe Russian lYrics iiBoPoHbf''.- to mY mind it fits of quite well to the-whole sPiritof the-song' *ii.h .*or.tt"t the counge ofthe forgotten past and lost heath*.
common with this Primitive soapY backgrounds, which many-of Present black metal
it will be the right deftni-
be ab-
And even ifone daY we deto cide to introduce keYboards our music, it will have nothing
the response to "BetraYal
solutelY out of Place'
sYn' bands are evoking from their
ou'lTdt' Btits t tpoifi"
kiod as
which was released in
featured onlY as musicians?
the middle of the summer 1998. It's hard to
sav whether are we fuily satisfied with this deal or not' The Posi-
above, during the record' ing of"BetraYal Light of
tive asPect ofour cooPeration with the foreign
tended to use some
i l I
label is ofcourse
ing vocalists and not
- As I
Fertile Ground" we in-
help us to complete the
overall Picture of the
our music all over the world. Besides, we became the first Russian black-metal band ever
i I
released on the other side of the ocean' On
the other hand, as You probably know, Soundscaoe Music Canada
rnstrument, which could
opportunity to sPread
sound, make it more rich and original' The guitars
were alreadY recorded,
but we still hadn't decided what kind of instument should we use' Thus. we started hastilY to seek the ProPer must-
cian and the ProPer instrument, which would f1t both our music and our band. The friend of mine told me, that he
was recentlY closed down. It means that we won't get a Proper Pro-
motion of our album anymore, the factwhich
of instrument, vocals have
phd- a rus ""tti.it tife the"ffolk music itscfi' irdi*incproper tiv"'fo, eue.y singie natioo' ld rb
*rti"i ."i.
eral copies ofour mCD left from Soundscape Vtusic'Canada. They are available directly iro- for only 6$US (Russia' CIS) and
10$US (worldwide).
i'B.tiuy"l Light of Fertile Ground"
vour debut MCb containing 5 trecks from i"ii.t on. is in Russian langurge rnd tle yourselvcs rest in Engtish' Do you consider
a Black Metal or Pagan band? Will Yol sing in Russian in the future? --"t t* to avoid straight claims and labels our muwhen ii comes to the description of ;;;. o;. should sav that we plav traditional influ"n"ed melodic black metal' and maybe
a certain
makes urine of vour native langrnge cardily we are uou ilo.", to your origir' Tlfswby loion a continue this tnditiro in the future' song yo'u should exPect rt h'rf one more
perfor-eO in tussian
forthcoming al-
Wny aiA you dcci& b use flute instead interofthe iign-Popdrr lcyboards? It's parts flute that yor think norv-do sting bult fit into Blrck Mcti?
some - It just catnâ&#x201A;Ź oshrally for us to add which instrument' traditional uoi oi" live O" unique folk atmosphere' that """"t" "Ja sound is not able to synthesized of anv kind nothing against have I ;;tf"t-. Perionally,
into many Levboards. Moreover, I find interest
part of desire to play. So Olga became the Speaking about the bands with fe-
say that it's only will feauo to the band to decide how and who . -irl t^ girl to cint ^L^^-:-^ choosing '.^L---'-^ If they're music' its hre in
i can only -ate Ua"t-uocutists,
only backgrounds, well, it's on their own' and musi teast, u ptetty gitl with good voice than better Primitive k ear is much samples.
Your music is filled with emotional' lodic and at the same time brutal and ing parts. It seems to me that the m' of"Sunchariot are influenced bY di all styles of Metal. Do you like to mix
and tums you into brainless cattle-like creature. I'm not a convinced atheist though. I have my own angels and demons, which lead me
through this life of loneliness and deep depression.
Have you or any of the other members ever been involved in other musical sideprojects? - Until now no one from the band ever took part in any musical side-projects. But personally I'm nurturing the idea of creating my own electronic project which definitely will have nothing to do with metal. I hope that this idea
be finally realized this year. What can you tell us about the new material of Sunchariot? When will it come and in what orientation will it be? Shall we listen something about the lyrical conception of it, Count us some fresh songnames.
- The material for the new full-length was ready long time ago.
All we have to do now is
to enter the studio, an event which will happsn very soon, this month probably. I don't want to describe it in details, just wait a liftle and you will hear it yourself. Al1 I have to say, is that this would be an album full of sad and
enchanting folk moods, created by dominating ultra-melodic guitar parts and plenty of atmospheric flute breaks. Also, it will be most
likely the last folk oriented album for aspects as one into t\," genq$of Black Metal?
- Yes, ideas.
Sunchariot. After that we're planning to explore new dimensions w|.qffi could be revealed
nization ofthe concerts, so you shouldn't expect to see Sunchariot live again soon, I don't care with what bands should we play. We've never been a part of any musical or ideological organizations. We are developing in our own way, counting only upon our own desires and abilities.
You have your own website. Has the website helped spread the name ofthe band at all or things still mosdy snail mait-based? What is your opinion about WWW?
- Internet indeed is a great information source. It helps people to communicate each other in fast and most reliable way. Wherever you live you could easily reach any comer of the planet, set the personal contacts with any band or label, in which you get interested. We
all our conversations with
Soundscape through the Internet only, and the
results were better than great. In my opinion, every serious label or band must have their own website. Otherwise, they are simply losing another powerful form ofadvertising, presented by this boundless community, called WWW That's why Sunchariot is fully presented in Internet. Besides Sunchariot, I recently managed to open The Offrcial Homepage for the unique Norwegian band Penitent. It can be found at: h@://penitent.ic.ru . Those, who find Wr interest in dark and majestic iq^should definitely check
ur finsl
butby the always tried metal and that *as aais the life was given to.=,,$i4c.$qiot;4 ning of 1996. We'r6:..usiry black basis, as some kind of expeSinental upon which we can sow +nl|geap the of new musical cultures.,At4:Xih results of our work will btcome,i in the nearest future.
You live in it? Tell us something aborltl town,
eY li*i; ,wtl
by your
dl no you with?
1998. We were
of rhe best black metal
gD rfiis performance.
like to participate in live shows at alll could be explaioed mainly by our negative attiUrde
audience and of course bad orga-
itek.net/home /stiv
- Yes, I'm living right in the core of this
'':l-cig with its daily occurrence and indus:;- rurmoil. I really can't stand this, that's r:-. i crten
like to walk alone outside the town,
u ie rverending steppes and groves, along t =.=binis and mirror waters of the pools, fr*:1'quietly rustling cane. The aus.-*.jF of Nature holds much more L t +'n eYeryday life in the hell of 4 -, _! Ere Eiose customs and mentalLientome. ---f-l h--rround you where you fâ&#x201A;Ź | n H. lebels, music-shops,
- Fl rc- -,!!-. a H- -l :ca gr drb =d riq-" :i.ctd-ts ::nrrti-v. 'c-
! Lts \.-o -Don metal L*-r:c -1.mind it has lll[ ls#< a.e've always q1 s a:led Rostov -r et rere many Xlqi k- -rlet6errdied c poo( and :rlo bar.e -rhdaqlrO*l gh srrE;f Cdardrr:re. =r.t xllrrt!-a4F-rtD. !r.. uT &H-Frit -1? - i ct'teosrqfut-rJtH,r - r{ taron}yfury{ l-rilf,rrro e .edofrdidqrll&pr-l n
ggtcofisufi'3sytc 19
momentd onb Poeifion{ obout
,9fted (brumd). Snbote
glncient 9[1e'
.* $louonic gPtdtllas
that some sig3 in Ukraine and Belorus' I think Ukrailiin scene is much better than Russian
call it
paganism is the stai6:o"f my soul and way
'of*"inl. It is not'onlv a h{igion'
The spirit
t. Of*f"uool.foft*n"n don't need jewish deities' '- ; * . . .*;';;; h;;' soon , whrt ir the msin thiiig for'vou' ideologv ". ot* or music? ilr out new *rsfiitfr.t"".. siratt retease our . .iut we ;f 6ing-is the m1-.i", iA"ofogy riifo o"tely'The'The I'jnilu; u* rriise points both r"o i' *iri S,'il;;j,t"*ii* {iri' '*equal " in our band -";:; ir. be rnot" p"t*t' are - - .t tt pa-
Ct M. Gc sl?
iJi," *-* ttrst ibwuaavs indresting.Itwilrbereleasedin-th'-'f 9fr*:-. t:E--15"T::*::X,1*'S:l':ffi1'i to survi'e."funaffi voui point iXT i::ll,T :,?"Ji.Ti'j'i;";iers or . .'en rescistic oflaonthet?'$Kffi.h,';',...1.i rnicForests"willber.o.r.^.d.J*piit'"it ;liy:i:,"-.J:*^ff*1TT""J"o#:*$ffiE:l: iil;"'"r.'iil't'Eiffi ran- ry:-":5:?- ::::"* ;;;i;;; * G'i* on sravonian which.were chinged blq*rittlu' il"ff;l#;l;;""0 ,"r.""1 -tq ssioosess eacffiffii'but rvwbod{Sn cause is for me ffi-*nroi..,"."l $} tt"'i*ite$e accuse last thine iffillow paqanism r6SgiSng131r. 'ga$;ffw :onic *The yosr way ott;Jf:"" ol llvrng or-n wav ;- ,,,^- -,Jt t rwn soriss from. &ihe B**''. vo,'ro*n ' '" .ffi I*: ;; ;;"-il. ':"_i'^Tm "ni ut*t"ia.n "n.i"l,
Ec U)
sf Zn
& w,
c ro: r{ ecro: 1i"lye1.,{a^,oy _*-:l'J:,t .. i n io n about abo u rlfle "r.-"" .ta"vi;''*" ;;ii*"rtJ.il tl" rvt- rcligiors? Your opinion ilffi-.;"'i#.'il; ;; ;;'" *, " and ; n".*sgi hisory lt:is'Exists - h b :f:1Ti" ril;ilJ'.Jr ^ suPpd'if; We vvs ruPPvr it. rr' from rrom hide lllss rt€G b *h€tc tq? vou orefer to tisten
' cults andorganizatiors di.rbien different sg about dillerent tt-Li do you vou think ebout '.,P r rn"iv pa"pr. a"nv such bands :1* ]f.-,s- T::.: *: :11"":::% :l t- .l\ "' romukraine'it;id :H"yrPr:1".[$+:iffi.1&;".*.rctrrsbends'f ilv 'ilii.i*v-rii-"io".t.theRri? REi: the were who ,,,","$d }di,'nAt"oRY etc. posers' Not$f rxloles and posers sry - Thc'v zc q]oles ."n you say *i", can vf*"f. What derSof Black Metal. flGbsryh€r€'
'l-Wl"-"::;'-']io'-tr"* J"t'r mb*e' t*t' i. i-pr"tli ghtt Metal
t^ & PA
:es and
futory and they deser ;il;''ffi ";'#-;;.-ii k;' ;
;Rii;M;.,i;';;rdlv th e-'youth
-^y :f :l'* :: Y1*:'H:1'Tj:"'; dirrerenl th.''
"4y Ll-":::':x*h - tT. oTC""t::1:"-t-'^"fl clristicn .u^.,,.,,, - ^ -^ they will - Yes' we h-ave somo probt"tt und off the ligli-fdurin g our toncerts' .
a Lrst iv'oYds...
frhu* g"ad-lt
luck in Your work Yori
chri+tianity and unite us in onc for Youl
#tt:cloFORGOTTEN SPIRIT lzor, SuMSKo-KIEVSKIH l *," iL ", DrvlzlJ srR. 48/84, $s aoo24 suMY, UKRAINE TIONS MENKO
3neybnENr<o AvE. 23'29
trdq?ll.?.'j"s ::' "$:uH*r', J: 3.
find lt hard to stay originel with your music with so mrnv different bends?
"Genuine Parts" is your first full-length CD. How has it done? Is the bsnd happy with turning out of this album? What can you tell us about the response you got so far? What label released this material or
it is a self-financed one? After WASTELAND released the MCD "Mare Tranquillitatis" in 1995 my person joined the band. All band-members agreed on the idea of recording a full-length CD as our next oublication. So we collected new material and went over unreleased old stuffwhich
- Well, for us it's no problem to
rnaybe -
the way, I noticed that the number of thrash-bands has increased again in the last years. So perhaps there will be a "new wave of
thrash-metal" or something like that. We will see.... '
is all now available on our current album "Genuine Parts". We are very satisfied with it and we are confirmed in our opinion by the response we got.
Reviews in several underground zines were all good and many people think that we are one ofthe most hopeful thrash-bands. Some people say that our music is a little "old-fashioned" but that's the way thrash metal has to sound in my opinion. In spite of the good response we were surprisingly not able to get a deal with any label and so we had to finance the whole production by ourselv€s. This has had the advantage that nobody could interfere in our affairs. So "Genuine Parts" is really that result which WASTELAND wanted. Give us a lookback on your five-track MCD
"Mare Tranquillitatis". Do you satislied with its production and sales? And tell us in what way "Genuine Parts" differs from it.
Here comes on interuiew with o fontosfic Throsh Metol bond, nomely WASTEI-AND. They opened new dimensions for the Throsh Melol style
lheir'Genuine Ports'olbum. So, I wos more thon pleosed hoving the in
chonce fo do on interuiew with such o greot group. Most of fhe quesfions were qnswered by Andr6 (drums), but
Fronk (bossl olso odded them with some senlences too. All is left to soy, keep your syes on WASTELAND ond check fheir'Genuine Ports' dght ofter reoding tfiese lines.
- The songs on the MCD are the first ones WASTELAND wrote. Satisfied with
I think WASTELAND is one of the few Thrash bands who ain't influenced by the nowadtys popular Black, Doom, Gothic, Hardcore, etc. styles and remains faithfully to its orlgins. Whrt you say about this? Are you listen to any of these styles I mentioned before? Name us your favourite ones. - Than-k you for this compliment. But that's a logical consequence ofthe fact, that we do not listen to much music of the styles you mentioned above. Some Hardcore acts are quite good, Gothic sounds boring in my ears, Doom is groovy but a
little slow and Black metal is a style of music I can only laugh about. Especially the thing
Tell us more about the live-experiences of WASTELAND. Do you play live often? Do you use any special accessories on this shows? What kind of bands do you pref€r to play with?
- We have collected
much live-experience since 1995. We try to perform as often as possible because
that's one of the coolest parts ofplaying in a metalband. We have a saying in Germany which means approximately: The bread ofa
material is very varied and the sound is faner. I think this progress results from the fact
musician is applause. So it's real fun to play live and have a cool aftershow-party.
We don't use any special accessoires in our shows,
playing together and that I
just a cool lightshow and much fog. We try to make
forced the band to play
Your sound is very similrr to the Thrash Metal bands of 80's when bands like DESTRUCTION, NECRONOMTCON, EXUMER, etc. reign. What do you think about this? Are you listen to these bsnds' old materials? Have you any news concerning these brnds? - Well, you are not the first person who compared our music with the thrash-style ofthe 80's.
And I think you are right. This is really our favourite metal-sound and thrash bands like -<REATOR and SODOM are godJikel We growed -: :: these times and we are a little bit proud of
E;- l:Le them although were are not copying ua r=;J1. When I start playing the drums and lan ::..:r's v'ith a dirty riff - well, it autofrrla n.:c: like thrash...... anFTE.t'\-D row
is a four-piece band. Do
Fa r h J tilc together or all of you -h ti r--".-. outside of the band? - ltil. rlr - ct x r a: band-info WASTEb F fi. --\ct Tob:as, our second -l'-\i[, lrr?hts qcd fu l-i irf, vcar after he rrs c of rlc G: IlD5- *'c ere all good irclds |nd +ad r fc d dr mgahcr outside rbc band- \*'e all br d orbcr for years from the school and livc n the same neighbourhood. Perhaps thst's one m-sm rty I go together better to WASTELAND than tbc fomer drummer. who
lutely ridiculous!
"Mare Tranquillitatis" is sold out, although it took a long time to sell our contingent. We either are satisfied with its production but nevertheless "Genuine Parts" is a coDsiderable step forward. The
harder and faster by my way of playing the drums (that is what the others say). To put in in a nutshell I might say that our new album is more professional than the MCD.
with the
"evil" make-up and all these requisites is
the sales? Well, actually
that we developed our way
original. The point is that we are not trying or planning to stay where we are. We are just playing music and in the past the results mostly sounded like the traditional thrash-metal. By
little st-ange. Tell us rbe rt the lyrics of WASTf,LANI) snd who rritr tbem? Which is th€ main line of them? Whrt things were motivrted the lyrics of cAgony Of Christ', "Infernal" and was a
- Well, as you can guess this is one ofthe most answered questions. Tte mst lyrics are mitten by our vocalist Tobias, some ofour bass-player and "manager" Frank. They contaia drfferent kinds of
topics. Many of the songs rcll the story of somebody's ill thoughts about our society. As a result the lyrics are very explicit and brutal, sometimes even satirical. But there are also serious topics lile the bad influence of modem television or the pain after losing a longstanding girl-friend. Nevertheless the music has the priority on our CDs and good music ofcourse ne€ds a text - otherwis€ Tobias would be unemployed...... So there is no special motivation for the lyrics ofthe songs you mention. "Agony of Christ" is about the pain and torture ofMister Jesus Christ while hanging at his
an more entertaining show, not an evil one. We do not prefer to play with a special kind ofband. The headliner of a gig should be a local band and it's quite good when bands of different sryles take part to make an impression on a bigger number
You live in Wolfsburg. Please draw up the Wolfsburg's scene in details. What bsnds, labels and magezines are out there? - Yes, we live in Wolfsburg. Labels? Magazines? Haha, the only useful products of Wolfsburg are the Volkswagen cars. Just kidding. I'm sorry, but we have no labels or magazines here actually. But some cool bands like VERY WICKED (Death., Grind), GRIEF OF GOD (Doom), UPPERCUT (Powerthrash) and some more famous bands like SEVENTH AVENUE (Power/Speed), HEAVENS GATE (Powermetal) and the late PROTECTOR
(Godz!!!). Last volces from the WASTELAND... - Thank you for this interview and for your support. If somebody wants to listen to cool thrash metal - listen to our CD. It's available for 16 US$/23 DM at: Frank Neugebauer,
cross, "Infemal" is about the end ofthe world and "Demon" describes how Satan and his demoniac underlings attack and plunder the world.
Heidkamp 21, 38,142 Wolfsburg, Germany, E-mail: wasteland@wolfsburg.de . Visit our homepage:
Nowadays the media srys that Thrash Metal is out of time style end they propagrte bullshit rbout the bands playing this
sible to load down songs and live-videos
style. What's your view on this? Do you
http://www.wolfsburg.del-Wasteland .
It's pos-
there. Bands: Trades are welcome, but ask before. Don't hesitate to get in contact with the WASTELAND!
GvtcotJr3u$n '33ytc
2l ,*J
mixed with lots of a melodic & memorable tunes, that's itl It's flawless stuff with killer sound! Available 1327, $14 from: c/o Ron Vento, P.o.Box MD 20?35-5327, USA, Aurora4dth@aol.com : www.auroraborealis.org
iite sr;lat oeath r\4etal ABYSfilAL TALL
Spit In The Foce Of Christ illCD'99 (Self+eleosedl PlaYs unholY Black Metal in the most evil way you can imagine' Their music differs a lot from the norwegian tvDe of Black Metal. Why is it so? I think' American Black Metal bands are
/ $5 (Workl) to: R.I.P. Productions, Vladimir Korolenko, P.O.Box ?2, ;ffiqlensk-04' 214004, Russia. To contact
write to: Jan Frederickx'
Black "saalist Christi'are from *re sort ofraw
Metal influences to enlarge their muslc' "Snit in the face ofchrist" contains 5 songs filied with antichristian lyrics, of course' Their music mostly mid-paced one, though as
The Possoge Bock To Life CD'98
always open to use some Death and Thrash
weli. "May God Strike Me Dead" and
Web Site: http://tinpan.fortunecity
Mol, Belgium.
parts thev iniected there a few grinding drum
E-mail: pouilleuxqc@videohon.ca
Morch CD'99
(Morbid R*ordsl
TheRetum (Cocophonous) Well, ANTESTOR ftomNorwaY and dealing Folk influenced l 1-song album. "Tbe
ls a seven-men and playing
of cks with
and Wrath on "Homecoming's 7
."rts thev are remarkable all the way' So if vou'd ti[e to get a great Black Metal stuff
Web Site: http://hometown'aol'com/ crstklprdc/index,html
ughtfully done there. " is the next in row. It is riffs and brutal grinding like to note its masterful
:fai Oei" is a mid-Paced one 'pt sophisticated drum-work
Deshoy To Creote MC'97
with lo
contains 35 different songs from
reminded me KINC
Death" has nothing sPecial I must say it's a very sometimes very close to THRONE and Though the more
lR.l.P. Productionsl This one is a very interesting release of the Russian R.l P. Productions which
extremelY well-executed that are musically not far songs as those two tracks as well. The album starts
The Scourge OfHeaven" Black Metal tune with and hellish screams. or We Have AlwaYs Been" (a which is one oftheit opinion. The vocal Parts
the most some acoustic guitar inclusions and drumming. According the bass
E-mail: CRSTKLPRDC@aoI com or
album "Homecoming's as always features
inclides a lot of cool thrashy guitar riffs'
inclurled): $4US / $5 Intemational'
ths ago I received their 2and now I have to Present
supposed to
Metal pieces with high-pitched screams' while "Iears Of Blood" reminded me a bit MERCYFUL FATE here and there with its the sreat guitar riffs. "Graven Image" follows irorri"t" and later on tums into their best sons called "Born To Die"' That one
your with top quality sound then don'twaste time and write to: ABYSMAL FALL' PO' Box 67, East Rochester, NY 14445-0067 ' USA. iost ofCDs (shipping included): $8 (shipping US / $9 Intemational; Cost oftapâ&#x201A;Źs
Record$ SEFIRA is a quite active
AGATHOCLES' early andnot early periods' There are songs recorded in 1991, 1995, 1996 and 1997 as well. In the whole conception this material stands for the fasl
) a
bit" though. And what's to every song, so You'll
6ifvleird special effects' Their
iiriiar hamronies' Then comes OfWrath".Iwould bii from the rest ofthe tracks, ofsome clear vocal Parts is "Ad Infinitum" (he ttleir promo) and You know
hd. The album ends with the
sound, etc'
Black recommend ihis material
who like to listen to DARK oTISENGARD's 58 minutes long MUSIC, P.O.Box 33' Hungury.
Foflro cD 98 This is the trio called
stuffwhich The first tune "
8 minutes long
rolling screeches which
vocal parts.
but only for material isn't second track
$avery changes. Mince Core assault again. These three guys - Jan (throat & bass), Dirk (guitar) and Burt (drums) - really know how to kick some ass with their raging Mince Core tunes which
are mostly deating with anti-political' philosophical, animal rights, etc. themes'
riffs, songs swedish line
Dorkness CD'97
Though they' intense, crushing
listened to AVULS Darkness" CD first ears, Because it has
music Death Metal
The tape has a good sound quality and comes
with a b/w cover which includes full sheet and other additional recommend this snrffto & Grind Corewoildwide. vou! To set this 60 minutes long official cassette re-lease
you should send $4 (Eurcpe)
only in the Period of 1990-l NowadaYs People get accustomeo
$ffiaiit6*dtlia ip*ial
s'-a{idrb, B.P. 3211l, Montr6al,
Qu6bdb';'tanada, H2L 4Y5.
22 gTtgofiSufi'3svtg
after tums into mY favourite
rack, namely "The Storm". In general, ifyou
commercial shit like Hard Core or Punk instance. And here we have a totally
sround and non-commercral
Generally their songs has a mid-paced orientation. The sound isn't the best one
prefer to be for such an interesting material but who cares, the songs are great and thal important. I like all the 8 composi oerfomed here, It's somekind of for me and give me the mood I felt in the late of 90's. Deep growls, cymbals, rolling drum parts, all this together combines the Metal is about. So who like Metal albums, shall accept don't like it - stay away. My are "Disgorged Entrails" and You can set this 33 minutes $8 (USA)/$10
gnderground-based one, though the synths it more quality. Their music is full of
Web Site: httn://www.freeyellow.com/
, hatred and ag$ession which flows over every inch oftheir stuff. It is the most unholy stuffI've ever heard. Musically, the guitars brought the Death Metal themes
and vocals gave the Black Metal touch to their music. There are a couple ofincedible add a special keyboard-based atmosphere 9Ongs. However, the role not only
Records "Contami24 songs with over time. The featurcdbands
wamBlood". Getthis killer stufffrom Century Media or contact the band at: Hate,
whole stuff
Deathgasm Records, P. Athens. GA 30604-8829,
CRYPTOPSY, P.O.Box 37534, 159,25e avenue, St-Eustache, Qudbec, Canada, J7P 5N2 (Enclose some LR,C.s for sure reply).
354-8856. E-mail: Web Site:
E-mail: dortmund@centurymedia.com Web Site:
Goodbye Cruel
Dying God
(Relopse Recordsf This double CD
out+f-print and live rurcrie|s c
mtai:t r
with AN(geat
EPs' hpcsc lcird and alternate takes. Thcre's: number ofcover oogs Aom
DAEMOS is an old-fashioned Thrash Metal band coming from San Diego, Its lineup consists ofVic Baddour on rhythm guitar and vocals, EricNunes on lead guitar, Jason St. Aubin on bass and Kevin Wood on drums. "Dying God" is their first release which represents the culmination of hard work during three years. It's definitely a strong release andthe oumut ofthese musicians can
IS THE DAY (w/ 2 songs), (W 2 songs), EXHUMED,
has a
into activity of the most band ever, called BRUTA{J I guess you know what to I like a collection oflive, stuffth€se four madmen ofexistence. Disc One shovli and unique was BRUTAI{ 1 stage. This gig was Annandale Hotel, Sydle gust 1998. Yfl'il get 22 ins csault *irh okable
(hyper fast
growls), and
see, Relapse Records is acts, thoughyou'll
be described only by their prcfssional skills in such music. They created tbe atmosphere
Doom bands as well
here. The dynamic and complex riffng of the guitarists makes the bases oftheir songs. Musically, this three track EP is very closed to the METALLICA s "Master Of Puppets" and
All" eras. However DAEMOS is bener a lot. My fave song is "TWo Deaths" with its intense song-struchre and quite well-played solos. Nevertheless the tracks "My Dying God" and "On The Rocks" kicks ass as well. Fans ofHeavy and
"...And Justice For
crew, then you'll sampler. Hurry up! , Brusseler str 14,
$mething that every grindcore :o check out! By ordering this
PSons; +49
grindcore history you'll get 56 nost 144 minutes! Don't be a fool dc -'-'ou copy right now! Write to: ::-.ap€. Brusseler sr. 14, 30539 lm. Phone: +49 (0)51 I 8709 {: . :'.-.: I t'09 230.
:'*i tEic
of a very unique heavy somd
hardcore bands like PLAN and COAall this, you should and comBenscoter. I cm Remember, if
8709 230.
Thrash Metal don't waste your time !o check this geat material out 'coz DAEMOS is
worthy ofinterest. Get in touch nowl You
can contact the band at: DAEMOS, P.O.Box 2295 l, San Diego, CA92192-2951 ,USA'
E-mail: band@daemos.com Web Site: www.daemos.com
is the third vastation of minutes ofpwe
ldeos MC'97
ftve madmen ,l album and Death Metal you can ever
(MetolAge Prcdudionsl In this I I -mng album DEHYDRATED stands for tecbnical Death Metal. The members of this band are Brailo Juriik guitars, Vlado Pag6C - vocals and Peter
"Pegas" Hlav6C - drums. These three guys the helpoftwo guestmusicians made a
n:qr- ry*rLr' Firsdl.I
qu-qJdl.q.m'd -rrystllc. tFE .r- \odoaa,tct'E-ril parbd&bornusic-lb12 tracks. TE rmld is nw end r rallY
stuff which musically ofsuchbands as DEATH
',FrsrttEi(lUe. Their songs full of
E-cn: Catryhnr@ryaonline.mm
Brutal Death Metal tracks are "Faceless Unknom"
complex rhythm changes, breaks with amazingbass tunes. Otheruise, Pegas plays much
ioner .rT R"t - To The Hall OfAges" (qr coriplex one!) and "shadows OfThe Ol World" for example. And then we have shows a new aspect ofthe band. Nevertheless, I've noticed some MO$$E ANGEI and CANNIBAL CoRPffiSluinces in track songs "Waiting ForThe
"The Art Of dwarfedby specific "Taste Of Dead Meat", and "Love". To cut it short' the essence of hyPerfast binedby powerflrl riffs, this 32 minutes long mastemiece. Order it froml
like Etemity" about
pieces h songs like "Cer Of Inquisition", "Etemal SleeP" t fs" to name a few. In short, "Tears"
A Grond Mogniffcence
lshindy/lmmortol Soulsl This is a CD I got from Radim
Metal album. To gt
uld write to: Michal Gon
0l Martin, Slova order there DYSANCHET
7 139. 036
FORGOTTEN SILENCE and it surprised me a lot 'cause I don't expected such a great material ftom this Slovakian quartet. "A Gnnd strong6t releases
buy ofl
outinApril l999,asw .sloet.sk
new songs
PartII), one
Soinh CD'99
Breathe), a 's "Reincar-
tions,P.O.Box 14890, Or mntact the band directlY c/o Rend Blahu5iak, Vaj Pirclrov. Slovakia. Tel. : +42 I By the way, DEMENTOR confact with Osmose ltoductl( ins two albums. Watch out for
(tracks 1-6) and "l l0) demos. At fimt I'd
h an obscure, evil I've never
aggressive. Forexample the songs like "Hate To God" or "stallion" are based on crushing suitar themes with non-stop gdnding assault' llado has a quite brutal deep-growling vmalstyle which add some more brutality to their uncompromising Death Metal stuff lt's a
killer product with superb sound quality! Buy or Diel This MC available from: Metal Age
Productions, P.O.Box 42, 03861 Vrirtky' Slovakia. Tel./Fax can also contact the band al c/o Vlado Pag6d, Teolick627 I 100,921 0l PieItany, Slovakia'
E-mail: metal.age@mt.sknet.sk
E-mil: Web Site:
solos from hell), v lbasis of their destru
DEI,IIilIONDE The tllordor's Poeh ltlC
can add dre blasPh
(Sonow Art
Eisenhauer who infemal bass tunes
This band definitelY in its rePertory fluctate between Doom They successfullY mixed
Andy Vehnekal a quite precx
he was rep
bea fac€ yet visible c ttb CD-booklet. TheY !r keyboard efects whicl for songs like "Bl my fave track) or' Christ" as well as iiffs, for example in
above mentioned styles some dark, gothic even
All these gultar
The Art
satanic Death Met lts". All songs come and unholy riffing ol guitar) and I
phemy!!! faster like the ones in above mentioned bands and in that way their music is much brutal and
heard be
created their
BlosPhemY CD'99
(Qqboloh Productionsl Straight from Rend (guitar/vocals) I received DEMENTOR's 3d album, the masterful'"The Art OfBlasphemy". Beside him there
Miro "Kerut" Kucej on bass and Milos "Holloshman" are Roman Calpas on guitar,
Homak on drums. Well,let's seewhatthey've done this time. After a short ritual-like intro of"Devil's Rebirth" the band initiates us tnto the most brutal dimensions of Death Metal with songs like "The False Faith", "Time For Death" and "TheEyes OfThe Beast"' Muically, they follows the path of'Kill The
Thought On Chdst" album, thoughtheirw songs are three times faster' I would say it's incredible how fast and precisely ttrey ca play' especially it goes to their new drummer Holloshmm. I was in shock, when I heardhis double-bass attacks first. This guy plays fan-
Tbe Deep" I've fount parts. To cut it short, alhm is a quite original satan llrzmly recommend for all the Metal worldwide. Availt
tastic. Regarding the guitarparts ofRen6and Romm, they've got amore complicated char-
acterwith lots of breaks. Also, mentlonmusl be made about the professionally worked out bass parts ofMiro and thoughtful solos executedbyRere,whores?onsible forthecruhing growls as well. Andwhat's more, through their lyrics you can get an all-sided lesson about the art ofblasphemy. There's one majestic keyboard-based track called "Requiem To The Cwsed Lust" in their repertory which
t2 (World) from:
P.O.Box 48829, Athens, GA
Tel.: (706) 354-8856.
Jaacob and
4713 306Ave., Kenosha, WI :E-mail: deathgasm@hotmail.c
gultar the pleasant
http ://come.to/death gasm
Tannya, her
enchanting as
D'aven which atmosphere not leastcomes (bros) and T
Empliness CD'r
worth of
firstbmd wl and mela fwithout nowadays the
T.o.n's catchy at th€
ve Moran - bass, Vince
ahd Dario Derna
The Emptiness" is thej
adthae. irsc
24 gTtgDfiSufi',339?G
Dcd Dd BLck
uE- ytt Tbc
They elemens in
itr such
album which contains seven adventt
world ofmelancholy frlled realit five musicians created the atmosPh the
flawless material with excellent somd. So, the chance is yours to make a trip to the spirits of ancient slavonic forests together Thekeyboards were on the whole material and were by two session musicians. It's an atmospheric stuffwith a good somd. So if you prefer to listen to Brutal Death/Black Metal with abig dose of female vocals, that's for you! You can order this 20 minutes long tape which includes b/w cover, lyrics and photos by sending
to: R.I.P P.O.Box72, Or contact Nikitina 81/
always dreamt for. Such a be played only by this way.
Musically, album vocals,
it follows the line of "Thots"
available for $2 (Ukraine), $3 (C.I.S.) and $6 (World) at the following address: Ukragh Productions, c/o Edward Y. Yeromenko, Shevchenko Avenue 23-29, 40011 Sumy, Ukraine. Or contact the band at: FORGOT-
they added more female
noises, whispers, etc.
The album has lots of mediative parts
even as
and quite weird ones. To
all this
some raging thrashy bass lines, charming dynmic drumming. This
guitar female
TEN SPIRIT, c/o Izot, Sumsko-Kievskih divizij str. 48/84, 40024 Sumy, Ukaine. E-mail: ukragh@usa.net
make their repertory andthoughtful. Youwill is album, even ifyou don't
styles particularly. Get
production for only
$6 At present, "Senyaan" by Redblack Productions in with two bonus tracks. so get your copy first (Redbalck the 2"d album "Behind The of the Czech Doom band No. I
long album has the best I've ever heard. The a pompous intro and right a slowly passages of
follows "Chime The "Lost Kingdom Of majestic hmonies. Soon
The Corono MCD'98
MIUM 'zine
should remember GARDEN OF SHADOWS' demo stuffI reviewed in
my fave song "Cuse The
You can set all these materials
the longest piece of almost l3 minutes. Great
FORGOTTEN SILENCE. Nov6dek), M6chova 487, 66501, Czech republic.
EVOKEN is one of the uses the keyboards only toln
mood for tbeir songs. I 'cause it expresses totally album title and the music for This album eave the listenes' mind how real soundlike! It's a must for
http://s in. cvut. czl-chulio/
fans worldwidel Be sutei
the v€ry first issue. Now they're back
rosterpiece for$7 from: Lakeview Ave, Suite #3 I
is one of the
USA. E-mail:
(X-Roted Recordsl All the diehard readers of ENCO-
l l
their first MCD released by the Mexican underground label X-Rated Records. This MCD contains the whole stuff of "Heart Of The Corona" demo. which meant to be 5 tracks, plus a new track called "Shards Of Tire Sphere". Because the demo tracks were reviewed erlierl'dlike to concentrate more on their newer song which was recordedyel with the add ofa bass-player. So the line-up
Bloodsooked MC'98 (R.l.P. Productionsl
is the following: Brian (guitar), Mary (guitar), Bret(drums), Chad (vocals), Owen (bass) and Scott (keyboards, who recently no longer part ofthe band). "Shards OfThe Sphere" shows anotherbrilliant Death Metal composition and talented work ofmusicians. This time tbe atmospheric line got its best interpretation in it. They use to mix fast drums, complex guitarriffs along with ultra deep growls, gallopingbass lines, emotional tunes ofkeyboards and, ofcourse, all this came in tbe most precisious way you can imagine. However, the aggression and
programming and Olga
melodies are still dominant part of their repertory s well. To all tbis I must add rh€ for symphonic l. There are six on "The Masters were @mposed
b1ms, mmely
), Ares really loow as
quite variable guitar
inality to their .y the so-called
"Bloodsoaked" is they combines bnnJ
which displays well (Especially Of War" and lot to mentlon of keyborads I like a
along with song "The Portraits
Grimaces)" is a quirc $ith a lot of female vocali *OnTheB
the last track "Enticing Scraps OfTom Enn-eils" can be characterized only as a t5i:l D€ath Metal based song with fast and
minutes and available for $10 (U.S.A.
$12 (World) from: X-Rated Records, c/o Mathias Kietzmam, APdo. Postal l-2023, Cuernavaca, Mor., C.P. 62fi)1, Mexico. To contact the band you should e-mail at: Bmissant@aol.com Or wdte directly to: GARDEN OF SHAmWS, Canada)
c/o Brian, 147 12 Botaty Way,Gaithenburg,
MD 20878, USA. Meanwhile, the band signed a contract wift Wicked World and the first full-length album should be out by the end ofthis year. Be sre to check their ne\v stuffas well as this MCD, E-mail: x_rated_records@yahoo.com Web Site: http://xrr.musicpage.com GOOSEFTESH
hruul song full-ofgri dcp-growls. The third one
hridity" is the best track though it cd1'CMDLE OF FILTH motives in ii
totally re-mAtered sound of the demo [-acks and the new lay-out of the booklet- The MCD has a playing time of almost 40
To Suffer
qufty.Tb-ac tb'Si& ad thc "SJcOfw'ffiI6oity".
again, thoce
created too much diff€rent
primitive Black Metal p.oductl.i:'Ii's
$uj.r renbi a c"We of successfully released demos GOOSEFLESH came with its debut MCD called "Welcome To Sufer Age" which
F are welilcomposed and have a good sound
quality, but nowadays it's not enough ifthe band has no originaliry though That's why' 'tpick anyiongs up,because thete's no mgrd\ :s i entirely satisfied with. Ifyou claim
contains five intense Metal tracks with the influences ofcrossover and hard core styles' The songs mostly based on massive yet melodic guitar riffs and dynamic drum parts, while the vocals filled with lots ofaggression and sometimes come in a quite thrashy way'
left this vocal style and become with a brutal and growling one. Their muslc be played only with a brutal voice I think so.i{owever, ifyou like professional Death'/ Thrash Metal that's it. Get this 44 minutes
Songs like "Killing Stone", "Seeds Of Terror" and "suffer Age" arâ&#x201A;Ź worth of mention, 'coz these ones shows GOOSEFLESH's own face the best. In a word, if vou into bands like MACHINE HEAD or
fan of semi-Death/Industrial Metal,
definitely for You. Otherwise, was released also on CD bY Records and recently the band more stuff, the "Black Dawn" ) and the "Darkest SPace" CD, aterials available at the band's
long album from: IMMOKIAL DOMINI-
oNl l3s nradley Drive, Fort Collins, Co 80524, USA.
, c/o Lajos Lalrtka'
-204 1 Budatirs, Hungary. ,hu
there ate no melodiesjust
in their songs. Fot Forest Reigns (Desire)" Void" are full ofenchanting only bad thing in the whole mechanical sound ofthe drums. that fact it's a highly for all the fans of fast, brutal
stufflike that then itwon'tbe
ment for you. You can get this MCD from: Phantom Management, P.O.Box 84, SE-
66010 Dals Langed, Sweden' E-mail:
this release You can get a
ture about the bands deal with and what interest. The CD Presents or two songs from each INVASION starts theCD
Death/Black Metal. Dive in of nuclear 6sault together WORMS and be sure to check out. You can order this stuff
phantom@swipnet.se . For any info about
ihe band, write to: The Goosefarm, Magasinsgatan I 5, SE-46130 Trollhiittan, Sweden.
sympho-influenced sh track namelY INTER follows the non-stop gdnding Black
nextband is SCHEIT kind of fast Black "Riding The ENSLAVED'S is GODGORY wh
I Anglesey Blvd, Suite B, Canada, M9A 382
E-mail: wormy
Web Site: httP:
E-mail: timebomb@algonet.se Web Site: http://hem2.passagen.se/gooseweb
'allot witb its well Metal. Their 8
filled with
Trizno After Sunset
"TheNew Saviour" are full songs are in the vein
lshodow Productionl GREAI HORN is a brand new Black Metal band coming from Nezhin, Ukraine'
Its line-up consists of Sereda Dmitry (suitar), Roman Doroshenko (vocals/guitar),
iiacheslav Dirda (bass), Yuri Kovalev (kevboards) and Sergey Lego (guest a.u*m"r). fhe best description of their music you can get after mixing norwegian tvne Biack Metal along with a big dose of ioik- and symphonic-oriented keyboardish stuff, There are 7 songs on -Trizna""' written in the DARK THRONE meâ&#x201A;Źts
CRADLE OF FILTH vein, but with
USA length songs
Brutal Death Metal Lsiupposed to be! The
d,s or tsuten wittr la$,n". I like that song a
soundwith an lotbut it's apity harthc is very close o Phil
kriow how to combine ca aggressive Death N is another stands for Viking 'Upon RagihgWaves" THE EVERDAWN PlaYs thc Gothenburg waY freath Metal in the vein DARK
ofPANTERAwhichl an mteilie
all. The
originality. of course. However, tbeir sngs have some potential as they combioe not
r I I
I l
onlv usual blackish riffs but use, for eramPle' too- The a couple ofDeath Metal-basedriffs kevboards are dominant all the way and brines the folkish mood to their stufftill the buzi-saw guitars and rasping screeches resoonsible for the noruegian marks' In a woid, it's a decent release with good sound quality, glossy b/w cover and lyrics about paganism. Cet it from: c/o Sereda Dmitry' shivctrenko str.l l6ll l, 25 1200 Nezhin,
skaya 33612'80, 271023 Brest, Belarus'
I tl
concept. Here Voices" and the are full of fast
0f Worms
the album. this album. sound
compilation CD release this time. The fevv
along with the mega-blasting energy coming fd'erld my from their instruments. But do not think that
It a
I t-
"Time To Die"
extremely ultra-deep growling CD contains 9 songs of
PO.Box 33,
instrumental dynamic racks
unusual style name but who cares. Ifyou'd like to get a more wide description oftheir music you cm imagine a mix of Brutal Death Metal twisted by Black elements and with
compositions have
clear male vocals and wel1. DEFLESHED is the last to me the best on this CD.
like "Brighter from the sort
(Bloodbucket Producfions) Canadian Blast Metal is the style HORDE OF WORMS stands for. A bit
26 ggtCDfiSUSJt',3svtg
performed in melodic
Death/Thrash Metal songs in is what they offers here "U is my favourite track which ic piece with great song-struc and devastating long
it through
E mail: valkalac@mailexcite.com
Shadow Production: c/o Khomich Vadim, Moskow-
Ukraine. Or order
is the
mclodic keyboardish Black special! The next song s which comes in the
['i; tti ""Jl'iitii!. r. it would be better for them to
for the new mat iuch as indrsrrial samPlers and grcovy Hard Corc riffs. Bcically' tber songs
POSED and ETERNAL AUTUMN. Some of the tracks were taken from the above mentioned INVASION Records comnilation though only the oldersongs. And the second PATH
point is that some of these bands' 4qi$ materials are reviewed in this section So I'd like to concentrate more on
bands. I begin with GAIES OF IS "Always" song. This one is Dusk And Forever" album. Of melodic and ripping Death Swedish line again. It's a pity
OF ISHTAR ended its album. However, the
new band called DUS interview for more det honourable. MITHOTYN
(Gol Recordsl Well, here's the latest release of INWARD PATH, which is a straight continuation of"Antiar". Their line-up enriched with Yegor Golovachov, who for the keyboards this sists of six polished of musical more they
when I
They pro$essed a lot and
they play somekind
influenced Black Metal The Wildemess" is the
SCHEITAN follows and piece from their Interesting track which
Clarity, (this is bum) plus and,
lVilights" and
Paleffue" for example.
The album special songs like "The The Stream" composition of the altrack "Citadel" "Saoed Serenity". Serenity" it's got a new the add of keyboards, sound
to: c/o Nick Korsun,
for me. Their song very close to a Black version of german GUARDIAN. Not bad! next band which
79000 Lviv, Ukraine.
74-54-98. ://members. xoom.com/
expect such a melodic t-ack
is the
iafllci s rcll Thc hrrH
Tbeir first u'rct -An
consists wbo thrown away his timc be became as the Dagenais Barbe on bass (he's the
clasic mshciarde, "Floatiry- is 6cird
Check this CD
ondrumswho works on "Mystical CD. This
o! Th
activity. TheCD is rltrTl
orientedbut thepace
Getitfrom:VIMPD( 8008 SzdkesfehiryrA,
the album
parts butjust ! Moreover, they more melodic and Metal. It's not bad tbat "Victims Of as a new chapt€r This 12 songs
Antior MC'96 (Gol Recordsl INWARD PATH is from the gressive bands, combining the Heavy Metal and jazz with other styles. Tbere are seven tracks full plex rhythm changes and breaks bv five musicians: Grigory Velchev Par el Korsun - bass, Vl
uls Bcically, their r.r:on)- of the gui nu'swork.Asfor srd rnderstandable, :Ef Ja \evertheless, uq-Desolation" :tcoealongwith {CE'i OSBOURNE's :L hs nearly 45 -rrd geprinted color cover, dfu ofo. For fans ot progressive tH ite rccomended stuff. Write -* l: cr Sfann, P.O.Box I 0640, 79000 Lrnrt -l: inward@mail.com .
md Nick
the melodic Bl-t llcrrl Heavy M€td end cl'*;-t
fantastic symphonic feeling to all the tunes. This is one of the most essential sonic devastations ever created in Ukaine. Get it right now from: LUCIFUGUM, P.O.Box 80, 262024 Zhitomir. Ukraine.
track GATES has a big material to mentiG bae
mostly fast as hell md the guiiars souds like a rasping grinder till the vocals shows no mercy with its raucous ravaging. By the way, the album pr€sents a couple ofreally well-
keyboards constantly hereby giving
production to its predecegsdi lts predeceqsof;i' Plooucuon quite melodic a bit Gotheqbrlig Black Metal piece. "Near song from ILLDISPOSEI. I
All the instruments audible here. Drums
interpreted sound. Moreovet they use the
It's a
Black Metal masterpiece which sounds like a blasphemic orry ofthe most unholier music ever performed, that's for sure! There's no slow parts in it,just pwe blasting aggression and hatred. Their compositions are simply geat and come with amazing sound quality.
constructed bass lines with clearly
clich€ name for a primitive song-structure is lines of their "Warlust" demo track I found
I say? Interesting! ll dislike on this album goes ofthe double-bass. In I advise you, progressiveto check this circa 60 minout! Oh, I almost forgot to tookplace in the band, shriveled up to five musicians: - drums. Pavel Korsun can
Melnik - vocals and Vitaly Yatsuk ll is left to say, the MC available $2 (C.l.S.), $s (world) Rom version of it for $6 (C.I.S.), $10 (world). Make
shrieks crossed with couse some keyboard ED comes like a stormy along its fast Brutal Flawless song! SK
sic in songs like "Visions Of
Sitling By The Fke MC'98
litetol Age Productiong This slovakian 6-men band made a ratber unusual mix of Metal styles in their l0-song album, The main line of music fluctate from melodic Heavy Metal through grinding Death Metal to classic- and atmospheric-based keyboardish stuff. But I can assure you that this definition isn't completely fil the music - Hirax (guitars),
Psycho (drums), Mortis (vocals), Emil
(vocals), Richard (bass) and King (keyboards) - created here. They combined aggression with melodies, complexity with
material to its ofview they'll they had on
album. changes itr
not bad songs
World Bums", II". By nto mid-paced that's surely for ,com
brutality, classic music with fusion, and so on... It's too much to describe all here. To cut it short, "Sitting By The Fire" is a professional quality albm without any limits or borders in styles representing the different but very skilled level of musicians' capabili-
Saturious on keyboards and drums. Their 9-track albm is an
ties. As you see, there are two vocalists in ATIC GODS whose works are add sign to the whole stuff. Their tends to clear-sung And the rhythm section is precise all the way and the guitarplayer's work just amazed me with their remarkable
gg?cofisufi'33yig 27
5 N]]
cluded dn inlay. To convince you I'd name soire of them here: "Baphomet (In The
riffs antl full speed ahbad solos. I guess this description is enough for every die-hard fans oforogressive Metal. So get it or be cursed for evir! Contact: LUNATIC CODS, c/o
Pavel "Hirax" Bari66k, Jana Mart6ka 33' 03608 Martin, Slovakia F ax: 00421 18421 222 - 403. E-matl'. pavel@rebeca'sk
everything. I'm sure most of you will like this 38 minutes long CD G*it'from IN-
VASION or order it
SIC, P.O.Box 33' 8008 gary'
Surfoce CD'98
(system Shockl
Voices OfThe
"Surface" is the fourth album of
Milwaukee's brutalers MORIA SKULD' And this time they did theirbest one which
includes eight mcompromising Brutal Dea*r
Metal tracks. The songs are mostly midoacedwith rolling double-bass parts andulira deep Death grunts However, there are
As usual bands comi
plays Brutal Death similar to that. And here
Name Of...)", "Nailed Upon A Cross" or ! ifu The Lambs OfChrist". I guess it's than enough. It's a warmlY recomstuff foi the fans of Black/Death it reminds me someumes a miehtv CRADLE OF FILTH! Get
lmogery CD'97 (Neoblost Productionsl Steven Henry of NURAXISNeoblast Productions was cool enough and sent me their extmordinary masterpiece "Imagery"' complex Death Itcontains l2 a significant mark Metal The album
"Temporal mercy with
em-iece from: VIMPEX MUSIC, 8008 Sz6kesfeh6rv6r, Hungary
Recordsl knows that U.S.
different stuff DEATH which
otherwise than
PlaYs filled Black Metal. The band
instance. One can beingone ofthem,
and Perun on guitars & vocals and Svarog on drums. represents a quite dark, composed material. You can
and added their music w
riffs, Moreover, awesome Blackish rl injected some Thrash there as well. The
everything from fast ass-kick razor-sharP guitars, clear and
to majestic keYboard inclusions and some aweThe album comes with an sound and a bit boring mostly deal with heathen such lyrics are Moreover, there are a few
weird bass guitar inclusions in their repertory too. Raging Death Metal is what they offers for us on this 34 minutes long album with superb sound quality andprecise songstructures. But conceming the originality this stuffa bit lack of it 'cause their music many times tum into their mates' music such as
as well as guitar riffs ABIGORandSUMMON mixed them with own
on bass, plus there rmusicians involved, So, let's analYse
or MORBID ANGEL for instance' Nevertheless, it's a killer product with the main emohasis on brutality! My fave tracks are "The Killing Machines" and "In Nothing We Trust". You can get this brutal stuff from:
contains I 1 with lop quality gadbeen done just amazed me, esPeciallY
iAs for tbe vocal Parts, oLes all the time making algrssive andhateful, riid-paced song, called "B
P.O Box 33, 8008 Srekes-
fehdruir, Hungary.
Ihe Druid CeremonY CD'98 (lnvosion Recordsl
r I
What can we exPect from a swedish bandwhich works with female singer? Only Melodic Dath Metall So, MoRTUM stands for the well-known Gothenburg style and it means their music is closer to IN FLAMES and DARK TRANQUILLITY The band combines ofChrille Andersson - vocals and suitars, Rillâ&#x201A;Ź Svensson - guitars, Michael iakansson - bass, Banek Nalezinski - drums anrl Tinna Crlsdouer - female vocals' "The
their music morâ&#x201A;Ź you into stoming it's a must for Ye aggression from P.O.Box 42,03t61
iirut- which reminded i's 'Mother North"
Fax: 0(X2 y0 cm oon!rcc 03601 Martin,
rbcm al Noctuary@aol.com
E-riail: metal
nr'.lostdisciple,corn NEIN CREED
music NEIN not my cup end Soul (
lyrics man can lmaSlne. fast grindcore till compositions can away. And what's more,
played emotional Death Metal beautiful harmonies of calist. The sound is excellffit'ilue to thd
tSink so? cool opening c well. The lyrics are deal with satanic toPics, though they're not in-
songs written in
hands of Andy La Rocque. Some more {irevtr
where Chris
Expcrience CD'99
and Dany guitars and together to they near to the
(Dive Dholi To begin
DruidCeremony- includs l0 songs ofwell-
words? Just check it andyou'll under3131i
stuffwhich canbe 6 ro: I-stDisciple Records, MA02152,USA Y on lhe web as well at:
cooi intros and effects l like this stuft It'sjustbrutal having the fastest and quite crazy vocals in it As for ics, I'll give you Just some
define what they're all about, Here they are
"Centuryofl-ies", "UnspeakableTenot''and
"Cramped Cage", "Grinding Tooth And Face", "Hellkat", "Tenor In The Whore-
"Tunnel Rats". In short, ifyou want to have anunompromisingly brutal & unholy stuff, then order "Blood For The Gods" which is
house Slum", "Bonerack Shackled'i "Goodnight Camage" and "Lingerie DisEe$ tion" to name a few. The second MURDER BY STAIIC, where struments were handledby Chris are l0 sonss in the vein of trial music with lots of weird must say it's not my cup of teaSS. QI leave you here. To get this 68 split release you should Communications. c/o Chris Suite 1102,30 Hanson Ontario, L5B 3A7, Canada. 9432. E-mail: noi
\qssession were Anders Nyander (guitars), Konstantinov (keyboards). The albm consongs in the way sists ofsil 'Amon' Nilsson (vocals), Chrille and melancholyof quitd Andersson (bass, growling vocals), filled with clear vocals. To cut Magnus Emilsson (drums) and Daniel 'Janos' Andersson (guitars, clean vocals). The sound a bit under-produced, however
will crush all yourparts with its brutal raw sounding. It's fast, raging, unholy and at the same time melodic cals add some the guitarists' least the And the
Hexpucru {Oriono
cool ics (all
in Russian language) and
Thb End Up frtC'98 lUnsung Heroes Recordsl RAMPAGE is back with its new and this time incredibly blasting old-school
Recordsl is a side-project of the NS COGITANS, namely Oleg
/ lblovrot
and Sergey Ponkratiev (guicontains 6 tracks in a verv they mix€d modern computer metal. I don't see the nekind of bands nowadavs for popsters and definitely not s)
ness ofBlack Metal
folk elements they
I think so.,. And it
ofVarggoth are more like a waming protest preparing all ofus to the
COGI. stuff for
Fight" (killer one!) andii
it. The
Cepe6po llepyna" (it's p version ofa song from thefr album). Xaar Quath's well bass parts are
sur?rised me
it will become a new trend al bmds io do some electro of cool metal albums. In a combines lots of weird dislorted vocals and so rctal fms even if the even if their
ten to "The Call of be common with them. again his precise, hyper tacks, which can crush body. The guitars got a the most songs, e.g.
miniCD-R '. clo
everytime backgrounded tilltr might knox tbere ae t*'o ers, mmely Satantb & done a great wort beving
majestic and
tire album. See smgr litq Wind Bom in Oriana", -Iloi Meqefi" or the mosl
Gods CD'99
Metal is what
"iesus' blood" for irotrc70 minutes of " don't be a fool and order Slavonic N.S. Black Metal bum right now! Available frqF Kolovrat Distribution & Pnot.: Gapon, P.O.Box 8622, 310144
in their 9-song album up to dat€ Metal stuffwith course. However.
Ringworm (rhythm guitar) and Tom Coffrnsmasher (bass). This l3-track album makes me drown into the unforgettable feeling of 80's bands such as VENOM,
POSSESSED, DESTRUCTION, MAYHEM and the list goes on. Their songs are really well-crafted, though those has less of originality due to the similarities with th€ bands above, but for me was important that their music came from their veins and it means a straight release which should be checked by all the true fans ofold-school Metal. Songs like "Satanic Symphony" and "Bom In Hell" are rattrer interesting complex Thrash tunes with killer riff-passages and
flawless drum-work. Moreover, the bass parts werc quite wbll-structured and add lots
ofvariety to their powerful music, while the
raw vocals gives more brutality
and aggression, And ifall this isn't enough for you, they added two bonus tracks forthe end, from which one is the cover version ofthe
famous MERCYFUL FATE's "Black Masses". Be sure to order this brutal oldschool stuffrightnow from: Unsung Heroes Records, 109 Misty Ridge Trail, Stockbridge, GA 30281, USA. And look for their next release, "Bellum Infinitm", which will be out somewhere in 1999. E-mail: m_c_vic@geocities.com Web Site: www.mindspring.com/'lordvic/ rampage/
SACRAMENTUM without any dcrtrs plays an inrcgnl part ofswedish Death }dcal
community. Their third album shovr fu same brutal uncompromising Deatb Mad
Necroticol CD'98 (lnvosion Recordsl NON SERVIAM progressed
ThrasVDeath/Black Metal stuff. The band's line-up has remained intact, and combines by the evil forces of Lord Vic (lead guitar and vocals), Paul Bearer (drums), Earuhig
Thy Block
I \ j
USA. Tel: 617 -846-37 41. F ax: 978975-7633. Band con6ct: PESSIMIST, 1807 S. Charles St., Baltimorc, MD 21230,USA. E-mail: pess666@ix.netcom.com Web Site: w.pessimist.com 02 I 52.
the band.
Obsession ftlC'98
mastemiece follows the Gates OfBlasphemous ing mixed the aggression,
sound for
and ending with the booklet ofthe tape, which graphics, photo, lyr-
it short,
something you should hear before die! Available for $16 from: Lost Disciple Records, P.O.Box 340, Winthrop, MA
vein as rh€ir ancestors "Far Away From Tb Sun" (1996) and "The Coming Of Cbc'
.ieir previous album.'Necrotical" is sEnic Death Metal out-Dut which
(1997). It's another unadulteratcd
i pnised by the underground freaks r-n. ll songs of pure blaspbemy; roomicon and other e$#m.lille s r ubatwe have here.
ofDEICIDE gultar I enjoyed a lot Death Metal it fluctuates
really crush
wbicb amared me with its tougbE €rid the popular Black trend. It acrinFofu by Andy La Rocque in Los Angnrd RGca+ quality. inBs, that means crystal clasd Nowadays SACRAMENTIJM conbining
by the magic fores of guitrbs Andas Broylcke and Nicklas Atrdcsson (also
known as member ofLORD BELLAL), vo calist/bassist Nise Karlen and last but not least drummer Nicklas Rudolfsson, whose name is well-knom by tbe appearance in such Deatb Metal hordes as SWORDMASTER, DEATHWITCH and RUNEMAGICK tracks of exc€llentblasting Deatb Metal hatred, aggression and brutality. special atmosphere for
took Dmitry Grygoriev ( Zimenkov (bass), Evgeny Trefilov
songs as "Unbom (Father)"
Alexey Koscheev (guitar) and Andrey
of the Earth". My favorite
Destiny". Complex guitar-work, precise drumming and cruel o 31e growling the marks of SACRAMENTUM.
GytcofiSufi'33ytg 29
lt's not a basic material ofDeafi Metal style, but I can frankly say it's a constituent part of should contact Century Media directly at: Schiifershasse 33a, 441 47 Dortmund, Ger-
you. Buy
from: VIMPEX MUSIC, Hungary.
PO.Box 33,8008
From Deoth To
(The Block Orchid Producfionsl "Anywhere Out Of The World" represents 8 brutal Death Metal compositions in the vein of American Brutal bands with a
lot of melodic stuff. The members of SARCASTIC are: Palo Gillar - vocals, Palo Gablik - guitar, Jiro Petiik - guitar, Palo La!36k - bass and Juro Sulek -drums. Palo Gillar's growls are deep which sometimes tums into nowadays popular high-pitched Black Metal vocal parts. I like a lot the
guitarists' riffing as well as their
this came with extra-deep growling ground. You see these guys don'tjoking
SERMoN ffiq
E-mail: promotion@centurymedia.com Web Site: www.centurymedia.com
Anywhere Out 0f The tllorld
0f tertile
Behoyol Llght
it. To get this fiendish masterpiece you
structures brutal and at the same time too similar to my favourite scandinavian type of rifting. The solos are worth ofmentioning
is the second
fulffith?tUum of
russian Death Metal &n wellTheir progression is evi structured and composedfiffiffi'$tow us
lyrics of songs like "Cold Bitch"'or "Necrosick" isn't about flowers or love or shit like that, hope you know what I'm basically mean here. Be the part of SICKNESS or die! You can order this brutal stuff for $12 World. The CD includes lyrics, photo,
Music Conodol fr om Rostov-on-Don (Russia) plays Black Metal with the
instrument, namely flute, in aggressive music. It's something when a band came with
idea. The band combines bY
Stanislav - vocals/lead and Denis - lead and rhythm
very nlce cover
Fl, 330
flute and Konstantin - drums/ For me itwas a pleasanl mix of fast grinding beats,
whatis thewaytheY
this way called melodic
ng and folk influenced spiced with lots of cool storted guitar Parts. The ARIOT includes ftve circa 22 minutes witb quality. And tracks like
Though, sometimes the drown into thruh metal and styles, for example to je are: "I Want To Reach The Progress" and "EcliPse" Russian language. The harmonic guitar solos, pitchâ&#x201A;Źd vocals and galloPing Conceming the sound I must
and "Bopoxrr" just its splendid indescribablY If you search for enlarge your is surely for youl
This fantastic (Russia, C.I.S.) and $
too. There are no bad tracks at all only
complex Brutal Death Metal tunes. Most of all, I like the tracks like "(Beautitul?) Gray World" and the last one which is actually a cover version of humorous Louis De Funes's Fantomas Trilogy and called "Fantomas Never Dies". Well, I leave you with these lines hope you might be interested about SARCASTIC's stuff. The chance is yours to order it from: c/o Palo Gillar, Tulsk6 79'
ST]NCTIARIOT, Russia. sitek.net
1; t.
0n Cyberspeed
97401 Bansk6 Bystrica, Slovakia. Tel.: (0042 l) 903 535 320. E-mail : sarcastic@pobox.sk
ileetronic Publishingl perfect.
ofsuchbrilliant Or Die!". "Beethoven Goddess", the
Loy Eden In Ashes CD'98
i bnnAr
senous circa 50 by one a
(Block Diomondl "Lay Eden In Ashes" is a work ofthree swedish hell-bastards : Patrick Johansson on guitar & bass, Roger Lagerlund on drum and Fredrik Sundin on vocals. The trio have done nothing outstanding in this l0-track album.
KAT decided masterful stuff which
first ClassicalA4etal
to be pressed. With this
nowadays. Strong out' for all the freaks of Get it now from: Suslov, P.O.Box 28
m about 44 ofthe browse in the instruments, leam ti fmous classical works of music knowledge, watch
Russia or order the Rags,2207 W Montebello, Ca
md last but not least you KAT songs wbich s well. The com in the usual thrashy
sttr{Es 0mcrgrb0f
morable guitarriffs, aldkil.ler solos. Then follows
0lad lhor
I can't lay stress on any ofsongs 'cause all from the same series. Ard sometimes it is rather difficult to tell them apart Tbese tracks are fast, aggressive, raging Black Metal tunes mostly. They're follow the way
sloiag ad
Well, it's a to review it here. is the art ofpurâ&#x201A;Ź Death Metal musicjust the Eight tracks in
at least. Get it fot
Music: Karen Park Avenue, Suite
11743, USA. Tel.: : (516) 549-1129. You E GREAT KAT directly
rwo more fantastic
discover the power you. But don't CD you should
I've recommend this material only for fans of fast. extreme and brutal Black Metal. By
they speaks for itself. If foroutstanding albm to enlarge ! Make ajourney lady and her band into
and of course satanic. SARGOTH sloming well on this 36 minutes album, Songs like "Path OfSin" or "Evil Dawn" are worth of mentioning. But without less oforiginality
this stuff. You can take a probe with SARGOTH maybe it will be a worth election for
-Ri& OfThe Valkyries"
'Caprice 1*9" and Bach's grss there's no need to describe
in the past. The lyrics-wise is evil, unholy
ifyou haven't enough albums inyow
its suPer
amazing song'
afttr tums into 's
and ideology MARDUK, DARK FUNERAL and THE ABYSS started somewhere
the way, there are some Parts IMMORTAL as well. The sound
grbatkat@greatkat.com OR call toll
away. Fast, plerclng, massive guitar riffs md all
800-KAT-9199. E-mail : karent@thomas-pr.com Web Site: www.thomas-pr.com
quality is ripping and believe me that's comt a lot in such complex themes. Their songs provides a pile ofcatchy riffs, lechnical cymbal-works, pulsating bass tunes along with
Bloody VivoldiCD'98 (TPR
Ladies and gentlemen! THE KAT is back and faster than before. masterpiece "Bloody
extremely well-executed Classi tracks, which stands for pure eminent talent of the mighty
'^clip which is from their "De Profundis" "gq*terpiece. And then comes "Creatures Of ightAnd Darkness" a new song in the vein of their previous album "Black To The
mainly AT THE GATES-style vocals. XENOFANES repertory have a mid-paced orientation â&#x201A;Źven though the drummerplays
Blind". Great songl The next one rs a new version ofthe song "Breath OfCenturies"
fast grindingbeats here and there. The most
Ingegno responsible for the
from their very first albm "The Ultimate Incantation". There are no significant changes in it. I ls remained the lts
Lionel Cordew for the
speed then
performs all the violins, v conducts, vocals and d
attractive part of XENOFANES is in the guitarist's work, they mix all the way different dffs together which I like so much. On the other side, the quartet of CRANIAL
that's follows tire
tar riffs. To cut
for the fans of80's Thrruh die!!! It's available for l6 US$ Frank Neugebauer, Heidkamp is
DUST defmes three tracks in ordinary Black Metal style. Of course, their music is evil, dark and even melodious but as a whole I don't see any epoch-makingparts there. Basically, their songs come in a straight and quality way, but sometimes due to less of originality it annoyed me a bit. Nevertheless, "Master Death" I found interestingbecause ofits varied song-shucture, Hope the
Possion MC'98
begins with the first Vivaldi's famous piece which comes like a fast at the end of the last
's analyse
what we have here.
lDeath Metal in the
interesting this mix of
chamber orchestra "Torture Chamber" through pain and suffers crazy psychopathic and indutrial effects. I'm suii can give a fantastic sonic plii for die-hard KAT fans bui fofjal maso freals as s'ell. Ard tbbn sbonest piu of the album simply -Blod" r nusic ha-ha... I am sirrs-'.bb tue is about m.sir e guilr i
more melodies and what add of keybouds and Milan Savko
drums, Jurik mainly ln8, ines and there are
riffs in album
blood-&ipinglyi: It - Smste's *Cannen
bit to
great cybenpeed venion Of
new stuffthey will be composed in thatway. Consequendy this is a worthyrelease. However, only XENOFANES convinced me entirely. Order this split cassette for only $6/ l0DM incl. postage from: Cadla Communr
Classical virnroso,
cations, P.O.Box 10008, SE-850 l0
violins were successful
Sundsvall. Sweden. E-mail: cadla@hotmail.com Web Site: http://listen.to/cadla
performed at indescrib reallv knows how to combine with heavy yet hyper-fast solos. Get this excellent 4 TPR Music.775 Park
Huntington, NY
E-mail: gleatkat@greatkat.coml I Web Site: www.greatkat.com l
lSelf-releosedl Wow, what a title name?!!!
Hungarian md means "Drunken Jesus".
is 14 songs of antichristim holocaust filled with totally suitable lyrics. Musically, ZOMBIE HOLOCAUST is anolher cool band $el what we bave here
Kingdom MCD'98 (System Shockl Polish Death Metal masters :erumed, this time with an --- : lbum which contains six x r:io clip. If you have a pC x iJo).. tbe bigh professiona . r:-:l u nl)' audibly but visually
:L --DL1-$rhthe
Path",'New &e tbe most
if yor like tbe irpgirâ&#x201A;Ź keyboads md
yor car
from: Metal NECRONOM
03861 Vrirtky,
directly at: iovsk6 28,
like fas6 l,bdoubr, ir's a muicianship. Songs like "Agony or'Infemal" simply kills with its catchy
support tl|e movement of80's Thrash b68da
And they do the same as their
(INFERNO, GEHEN\AIi Or GUILLOTINE for instance). Their usrc is an excellent mixture of old ltnsb, DaCr and Black Metal. Some smgs bor rcird intros before tuming into nolic mostly SCANTIiNAViA
Thrash/Death Metal. Tbc
sad b qle
compared only o SODOM's "Obsessed By Cruelty" cra So, there four guys (Noszov Valentin - guitar/vocals, Horv6th Pdter - guiarlvocals, S6gi Hubert drums and Galmb Csaba - bass/vocals) really know how to kick some christian ass off. You cm contact the band at one ofthe following addmses: Noszov Valentin, Duna tir 9, 9200 Mosonmagyar6v6r, Hungary or Csaba, Aprilis 4 irt 15,9226
Hungary. As this is distributed also, I'll give you its
Their energetic yet melodic Metal overthrow me at once.
IST'zine, Szalay Gdbor, Galamb rit 27, 3060 Piiszto, Hungary. I guess $5 should be enough.
GytcofiSufi'339?g 31
a coupte oi great ba!q1a! the Maximum Festival rour'999 in ti.i J luil'l rT"a tile chance to met srx retr uN-D.ER, VAD9R1-EI-snYEJ'^:lIt",t?3:I'.1-t:t-:::., Hunsary. rhe list oittt"J"-na" ',"ii eiuili" xi"lt"on (vocals/bass) of ENSL,AVED was enoush wei. extremely went fi;; il: t"li?ifi. d b" * t' R"" d .h ;;
;;i; i ; il
i; J
your new album called "Blodhemn" from ,n.
heritage andancestors
than ours! *W 6/$F oneofourmaint-:-1f1:T:.11,:3,t i*t u: pro"d,:' :utn prouder "ri..iliii'"k wasthereasonforit? S/ to set people just - Actuauy r think all our albums diffe' I #*':?Jl'I"l: M* *ffi fromeachother.becausewe're_nIbfI€NWtffi}Xde=}-l::sttninka,r'.;tth.: is slightly difrer
all the time. That is natu-
iar. -rrru Aiivw
land, Greece, Hungary,
IY tr$ ff'HAK' R fiIfff :'l,: t*l:l.t' rJffiR W '$il K
pointmaking'.0':11 ;^b';ir^s,
- He was kicked
,--, \ out mainlY be-
!r,#t g a
::" Y:'ll:1T-i."1RH p*1 1g{ffif;H{$mgtg} DirgeRepbrought'S&W nryVV *'*il1*o.,n...u,onro.\ffIWT Y Irarald lrelgenson to leave
m'WtLiiir"n'."'vii".. w.akeup! Mosror lI
'lF V
f{ff '",,ttoio--s.vt sruo}.ntri W niniyo,rr-,ootrlFindthe r:*:.'ryyl"-l:ll['::i What can you tell about
,o"tuture for ENSLAVED. rnout tne new album. Will vou release it in
Y w{rt
much and were not able to
recorded during Jan/Feb
think about it?
The lyrics ofyour all
Black Metal, because Black Metal is satanic music and
put on our music Years ago.
rrr and rr^'r' Metal So ENSLAVED=Viking
is the reason
for it?
cbristians put on all the believers
mother tongue.
religionsinthelandstheyconquered.Sowe Tellussomewordstotheend. iJrri.'""^'!v of - If we have any fans I would like to hail The lyrics of your whole albums rre o" d"fioit"ly ootpagansiWe are believers them! Keep on supporting us' Support the arciartreligionJalledAsatru.Hailodin! the dealing with vikings and ancir:ntScrndi-
Is it only tribute to the pest oi yoo, nativeland or you consider yourselves as navian mythology. What is it for you?
pagans? you pagan know
llescrine uJttre situation in
underground nowadays. - I am afraid
I've got no idea what's
Army of the Northstar!l ! Also try to dig into your own proud history! You will enjoy it'
as much as
we do! Believe me' Keep up
l'jtl" 1'],""Y"i:"j'i^'
just a name the the older bands like GORGOROTH, GEHEN- E-moil: enslstcd€siort.no NA, MYSTICUM, DARKTHRONE CtC. etc.
There's a lot of viking bands in Norway (EINHERJER' STORM' etc.). What do you think about that? It seems to me that it can turn to the new trend. - Those bands are really not my faves, I do like the persons behind them, but I definitely don't like their music. You know, it's just a matter oftaste! The guys are cool but, yeah' you know..
What can you
dtl # )E
the countries that have nothilg
vikings @otand, France, Finlald call themselves "Viking MeteF? - I think it's wrong of them to cqy take part in our hetitage!
32 gytcofiSufi'3sytc
Tt€t ha\€
c to tbirwn
Fint of all, tell something about the history the band, - I don't knowexactly what to tell you. I think it's the history of the band to be
the most dull part of any interview in undergtound magazines. That's why I'll try to let you know the brief history of CRYPTHOWL. It started in 1997 as a oneman oroiect. Before the end of 1997 I recorded a promo-tape which
plan to release MC with half an hour of symphonic aggressive music. If you compare the forthcoming release with the promo tap€ you will discover the distort€d guitars presence (mind that there
were no distorted guitars on CRYFTHOWL's promo tape) and this will be the only change in music to take plaoe. Lyrically the album will remind you the promo tape, the
was spread in 300 copies over
poetical concep-tion is still the same.
the world. Positive reviews give me the forces to go
on with CRYPTI{OWL
and now
do you believe in vampires? If so, then read on this awesome interview answered by Oupire from CRYPTHO\VL. Otherwise, I recommend you to leave this off. And for the rest, be carefrrl, ha-ha-ha..
finish the recording of the debut album ofmy band. I've said <bandr> because now I have some musicians which help me on rehearsals. Why you decided to act in a way of a "one man project" first, but now yul working with full lineup? Tell us more about these musicians. - I want to compose music and lyrics myself, it's the best way for creative activity - when you are absolutelv free. And I decided to act alone, in a way of <one man projecD). But, nevertheless , I needed a full line-up to work on the stage. Live performances
upon the sole problem of vampirism and therefore I'm not a geat authority in this field, though I try not to miss the opportunity to get
to know something new about this evil phenomenon. As
for Slavonic traditions
mncerning vampirism I would say that there is no evident difference between the beliefs of vampires in West Europe and those in East one.
are the important part of metal band promotion and that's why I found the musicrans: two guys (guitar and bassguier) and a girl fteyboards).
Expleio tbe meaning of "Ahoqherk Hrror \Ietd", \[ty youdeciled
- The most eas)'sz]'szs m
-ll it
be known among those, who are in
and are not similar to all that Norwegian scrap. Death metal of Ukraine is the blank spac€ for me,
opinion about moden
but having contacts with some death metal bands from there I know that Ukrainian brutal death metal scene is gaining strength. Unfortunately, I haven't listened to a lot ofUkrainian bands (including CASTRUM), so my review is not impartial. Why you decided to clroce DEATH's "Evil Dead" as a cover? Do you fike their "Scream Bloody Gore" album? - I'm not an ardent worshipper of Chuck Schuldiner's work, but listen to his albums with some pleasure because there are a lot of
Undead Gods'?
melodies and excellent guitar solos in his songs, But I like his first album very much for the primitive malice, ferocity and violence.
The mi1'tr;g that I'd lake to pay attention on is that in Sbrt'aic traditions the vampires are more loarbcw and ferocious whereas those in West Europe oi'tec appear as the representatives ofaristocracl, s:.I r,cble rrranners, etc.
Again about the
Slat c.n you tell aba amiarytmian mptbn of
nandy'Affiars? Slet b 1'u
rqiic ordr *TemS Of Dragon" ("Temple of TrrErr-), rnd its manifestation - "Srcrifice;a lfefrrce to the - I know nothing about the rrsrti<rned ones aad would be very much obliged to 1-ou if you'll let me know the literature to read more about them. As for the last question I'm sure that if
has the same meaning as English <vampire> and,
they act according to their manifestation they are fools, because it's very hard to Iind a vampire ucrificing his lifeforce to someone else, even to the Undead Gods. Vampire feeds on somebody else's life, he is a parasite. Although, this manifestation could be interpreted in another way, as if it's like an appeal, a threat to mortals
understood, you're deeply in the theme
mcerning vampirism. Tell more about your
conceptions. What do you know about
drruric Eaditions concerning vampirisrn? -
\-: :
are in the wrong, because I take a great
r:==: ;- everything n-r
concerning the beyond,
themes of vampirism. But these part ofmylyrics,I try to ernbrace
u rit teffum of what is dark and eerie. lzrr rt'. I i.-rn't concentrate my researches
metal bands are really prosperous
underground. What is the meaning of the name "Oupire? Have it something with nssian "VTIbIPb'? - Yes, you are right. Ancient term <Oupirer>
onformably, Slavonic
- I can tell noihing
Undoubtedly, Ukrainian black
sl.rnphonic black metal. Some words about Kaluga's underground. - There is nothing special about Kaluga's underground. There is a dozen of bands which exist half a year in common, playing one or two concerts and never trying to record a demo. I don't think that they are the serious bands. I can single out FESTERGUTS (sympho death/ black) and CRYPTHOWL - the only bands to
Oupiric Prodrrctiors?
are the monsters, they
parade my music, which undoubtedly
HOWL is under the strong influence of
Records. And what is .
want to
themajor part of CRYPTHOWL's songs. My lyrics are about horror topics, that's why I prefer to call the style of CRYPTHOWL <Atmospheric Horror Metab>. But, nevertheless, CRYPT-
your ties with Horror
special about my ties with Horror Records. Azter. the chief of this label wrote me about his support of CRYPTHOWL and s€nt me some offers. It was the mmmon tie like the other ones with various labels. But I decided to release the MC of CRYPTHOWL by my own. So, the new label called Oupiric Productions started its activity. I also search for some good bands to release much more varied MC's. not only CRYPTHOWL's ones. Have you contacts with ukrainian Deatl/Bladr Metal bands? Do you like ukrainian urderground? - I like Ukrainian metal bands very much. It seems to me that the scene in Ukraine is the strongest among the ex-USSR s€nes, even if to compare with Russian one. I can single out such bands as LUCIFU-
sympho black mtat but I don'r sant people to think ofrneas ofooeoftbe who declare blaspherrous, satanic or paean rnaDifestations, making show of
their beliefs. As for me.
Tell us more about
I'm trying to
of forthmming sacrifrcing of their lives. If it's so, it would be interating to investigate this honible phenomenon.
In what way will yorr upcomilg release be? Will sone charyes in msic ud lyrics take place
concentrated in the songs of<Scream Bloodi
Gore>. And because
have chosen <Evil Dea$'
it's my favourite song from this
album, which I liked to listen to when I $as a child. I've tried to make a sympho black metal version of this song. Now you have full lilE{rp. Wiil yar perform gigs and in what way they will be? (I mn blood,
spike, leather, corpeepeint etc.) - Performing ggs was my aim when I was searching for a musicians. We have played no concerts untii now for we are not ready for it. But we'll try to rnake a horror show of high quality as we are ready. Just wait for it! I.o$ howlirys from flrc crypl.. - See you in my crypt! Your blood is my life!
gytcDfisufi'339?C 33 -----..----
their sryL changedabit to and grinding
Aestuum ll (ftlCftlxCVll[
tlCD'98 I like them in th€ intro and outro th€mes' Atmowould definitely call their there a
melodic insmmental ABSTRACT we have here ls band from Slovakia What a.t" i" cD format' Seven tracks irr"ir ".* *i,ft goocl qualiry' sadness and is a
$2 (Rusm reg-
give us a melancholy. This five-men band a ,tt. t"ix of Metal and classical 'cause irusic. t-tike their demo so much to right-mood the me gives it s'oiretimes ui,. ilere and there th-e demo
after follows it "The Quest" in
in two
0f Belief
ori€nted Parts and for this reason more, I song. I like this tune of its complex structure an€ The souncl is PrettY O'K was no dlummer on thrs However the drum-machine at all. It's a raging, I would
Metal material which
the band at one of their .SE SEFIRA, P.O' Box ?87s6-4934, USA .com/darkening/
Pedo (bass), Depress (drums) (voclas) - have created a very iiut *itit good qualitY sound teresting description of what Metal is all about. These so enough to satisry not only the of musicians but everY tncn
arttul +t,. *"ll rhe bassist PlaYs you can imaglne a ihemes. And for all this to mentlon soft sound of drums l've forgot the basis oftheir ,tr" t"f", *tti"ft
D{mons Return demo'98
li i,tOCXetY it u formation CarlWarslaugh-
Motors6g (vocals), rnger (guitar) and Sir Tordemo begins with lntemat who was riPPed offbY So, after this brilliant intro
stuff. The onlY minus of
is in the dfftng ofguitarists,
to me very like to
DEICIDE-formula for
""nstitute with our"lnrt^t""tut art Cet this MCD+ photos and info for $6 P&P + p&p) iir'" .urr"tt" u.*ion of it costs $3 ir'o* p.,.t Lengsfelcl, Moskovskf 25' 9?401 Banski BYstrica, Slovakia'
attention. To get lt You
The first release of defines brutal and antichristia in 6 Eacks. Tak€ it seriously' five guYs - Terno (guitar), Cim
s""n" i. u pretty fast grinding track blasts well with its unstopable
(Akne Produclionsl
guttars E-o,n, ,n" acoustic and distorted
s.,,rte opener "For.we Have
crazy blackion and demo APOTH
more aggresstve
time and awesome vocals This
brain-crushing vein but with more
elact Metal
other hand, we have an deep ulra-brutal growls screams which.adds
E-mail: awakener@bb'web sk
lief'. Al.L olEs
All Dies...But Something Remoins
directlY Vladimir
demo'96 The roots
DIES were founded
year was in the vear of 1994 In the same Sac,"t.ut"A u aaUu, a"mo called "Human
r*o y"urs later the second demo ,ii,.." "nd sui something Remains"' The i ait oi.r..
should Marek T Nitra,
Alexey sroup consists of seven members: Misha iuo"uftl, fgo. (guitar), Pavel (guitar)'
promo '98
demo una nrvonu (kevboards) This e *.it-rt-ctured songs ofsonow-
tnter"ont ful Doom Metal in a quite harmonlc are not so comriffs guitar The oretation. imporllex. though for such slow music it's simPle and memorable riffs as
i;;;i; "t; iiluju. aon" ttt"t" entirely
Keyboards are their shrff .o'rrtv tun"a in ,o organ making lJt"A a-t ttince Fiddle parts and plus to l.uut'in t f.*"f. vocals lend some
itr"t" aootv compositions till the
*o*ft ttingt .o*
death to the stuff' The with a ttut t ioto"ute sound and come Prices: $ I (Ukraine) Jiuin-*".o*.d '5 the tnutti", Belarus) / $4 (Rest of by regWorld). You should send your orders istereal letter to: Yura'Eater" Sinitsky' fviarcftlcita s8.22155' 262009 Zhitomir'
The Mlnd
Natasha (vocals/
Thispmmo4c atmosPhenc
fiJ6o" ti*.ong. in the most bate
nice keytoard into ab€witcbing
cMilsa*'-fi lled old-school BlacH
6-er. Motorseg's screams an md brutal ones, for er'
tune- Tbc Eyealasting
trackbut with
of Micke and Sir Torment have bea fn rircd incredibly good, though I've and IMPALED NAZA
grindingwheel, and interestlng
th"." Concerning Carl' it varies a lot. He PlaYs maid ri'id'paced parts, but there are a fE crindbeats as well The demo ed again. To get this besti
keyboards. To
promo tap€ APOCRYPH
The third clemo of
The basic line of
remained, though this atmospheric tunes got a leading
oiEs uiil
0f Solitude demo'98
slows orientation as it was on the demo'96' to the Moreover, their line-up is shriveled Igor ioito*ing p...ont: Alexey (vocals)' p*"f (guitar), Misha. (bas$ -ard ig"i,"O,
formation from
demo of BLEEDING co Lf DeathMetal madness Ft
PavlovskY EugenY on voca
ftcirre overme andleftonlY in my mind. ShortlY
send $5 to: Job
Jiirnviigsg. 19, 5-450!
You can hear some real4
inhunun vocals, it's for sure Th
bas a qult€
sngs lixe "Path of Death"
ocl Fire-
some clear female
34 SytGDfiSUfi',3Sytg
o tar
Dcrti Metal trst dcro
- guitars/
influences and tberefore
on g Trembatch Dmitry & Lazovsky Oleg Dvorel tars. Volkov Vitaly on drums and
Alex onbass, they composed a ratherbn ri stuff oveiloaded by piles ofmassive
intense drumming and ultra deep growls. Tracks such as "Buried In Fog", "Chopped Up To Bits" and "Deep Inside Guts" were
Simply Nofhing demo'98
strongly influenced by CANNIBA CORPSE's "The Bleeding" album, last track "Headhanter" shows special and characteristic only for ING. The sound is O.K. and the with pro-printed b/w cover. To
should contact the BLE ment: c/o Bey Vitaly, Tavlay
lerials of CANNIBAL CORPSE with
AL TRUTH's stuff and add
231300 Lida. Belarus.
L6szl6 Spirk,
Cornol Alto6 demo Well, BLEEDING's
parts to the result, though it's only my point ofview. The most interesting aspcts ofthe band are in the perplexed growling and screaming ofPdter plus in the perverse lyrics. To obtain this pro-done demo you should send some bucks to one of the addresses: c/o str. 46,
vocals plus here and there combines it with slow dooln)*Sgrts. Songs like "Carry Your Cross" amazed me much
four song tape ("Inside...", "Simply Nothing", "Last Breath" and "Why?") includes all the $eatest motives ofDeath Metal style. Three ofit are studio tracks and the last one namely "Why?" is recorded live in Summerof 1997. Due to the high abilities and skills of musicians the quality of the demo is above the average materials. It can
be characterized by its powerful guitar
a lot! From the
mincd oly
cals), Trembatch Dmi tblkor Vialy (drums).
msic in all Darameters. sormGwise it's more tbeir debut material away. positions written in a quite way. Iwouldsaythe
audible. Thev've done Songs like "Masses Of Lips"
To Behead" and "Pray To
your head with the there. They also used an to connecttheir sonss makes a special
ul guitar parts and precise To tell you the truth it is the
band I've ever heard and ircredibly well-stuctured
However, in songs like
nal Altars" the influence
recomend for every
CORPSE still "Carnal Altars" is a comes with pro-printed etc. Get it from BLEEDING c/o Bey Vitaly, Tavlay str.,3j II Lida, Belarus.
worldwide. It costs you $4 rc$ of the world demo,
D€no 99 Micb.cl- th. '91
of very
is from
Why? First of all,
only one person, all the
the lyrics to this stuff.
ning In Agony" I warmly
bulldozer drivers 'coz ofits ing devastation. The second
"Ambrosia". It kills very well, sme brutality and a bunch of great guitr riffs. Oh, "Infested With
that there are no And this fact makes styte of CRYPTdid it and call HonorMetal. He in these two filled music tO
A fantastic piece again with paced riffrng and quite crazy fond ofthis tune a lot. Check it
die!!l Contact:
BRODEQUIN, s-mddale Drive, Knoxville, TN
CRADLE OF loo. The
be another nightmare for the for sure. And the demo ends with
-\|L E.Gil: I:iSe:
printed b/w cover, lyrics, photo and additional infos from: DEVASTATION INSIDE, c/o Truchod Emanuel, Loc. Rhins 37, I I 100 Roisan, Aosta, Italy. E-mail: deva.inside@lycosmail.com Web Site: members.xoom.com/deva
extreme gore grindbrutality... Andreally, this
beats, dynamic yct along with the deepcc In short, this demo hrs sive brutal Death/Grhd four intense tracks. Thc
rhythms, melodious guitar solos, pulsating bass and quite unique variations ofdrums at the double bass parts. Vocals are mostly in the typical growling style but there is a bit ofthrashy influence in the music and vocals as well. The main goal ofDEVASTAIION INSIDE is in their complexity. They show us a good combination of dynamic and technical Death Metal. It is the way how the real Death Metal nowadays should be. No doubt, they are able to create their own original way of playing Death Metal and being one of the winners wbo survive in time. For all the lovers ofcomplex Death/ 'Ihrash Metal the chance is yours to get this demo now for only $5 (world) with pro-
l've Got My Mothers Eyes demo'99 Let's see what we have here. The booklet says their music guarantee the
Metalbods, BLEEDING
"Simply Nothing" is the very ftrst demo The quality is amazing and to tell you the truth for me it's much more as a demo tape. The
of this ltalian Death Metal quintet.
cover back up this fact very well. Songnarnes
like "Insane Cannibal Desire" or "UIeml Abdominal Decomposer" speak for itself. Concerning their sound I must add that I didn't expect such a quality sound from a Gore/Grind band. They've a big dor of in their compositions, thougb
effeas andgive to lista€r's com€s a fast, quite melodic
In Obsequal inc from
lines through . I've never that's why ire built his
only by
r+nfar+-r -1lb
However with
\*-I{E{F ) (i ISCE rill1rb-tlQriu3re 4 ftryc m tlra-r Thit Gic mainry: dal vid scracd Firrift ad f.st yet 3#q cbttic bc* of*m To defr. rh a-tfy thcy pley I rhorld cross
material can be described only by these terms. The demo includes six themes of horror-film-influenced grind assault performed by five serial killers: Hugo neoplasmatic strings & high-throat vomits, PN. - uncontrollable & putrescent beat, Kurika - sub-throat regurgitation, Ricardo four strings' brutalization and Mosh - spill decomposed strings. Some ofthe songs has a nice intro from honor movies and other keyboard-based effects as well. The lyrics tells about little gore-terror-stories. So there's no pleasant experiences at all. Tbe
be many sometimes I'venoticed the strong influence earlyCARCASS and KATAKLYSM stuf power is there and the gore is here,
and pulverizing Gore/ now you know what to
theirest are previous demos. In general thrashy rifling of guitars with
expect from the Portoguese DOWN-
clear-sung E-mail:oupiric@mail.ru
THROAT. This stuff recommended for all
GytcDfisufi'339tC 35 -
BelaruJ EVTHANAZIA plays powerful
the gor€ maniacs and grind freaks worldwide
Death Metal with the good use of keybords.
sure the Death Metal fans should like this stuff too. The demo comes with a
full-colour cover, lyrics, photos and interesting infos about the bandmembers. To get this demo you shouldwrite to: DOWN-
THROAT, Apartado 157,3780 Anadia, Portugal. DUST A Wonder Through
lhe Dork Reolm
lMester Productionsl DUST was formed in 1996 bY Wenngren (vocals, guitar and bass) and Jocke (drums, synth). And this demo tlrey remrded during 1997 which contains 5 songs ofpure
incamated by swedish-type of riffing and and blackish screams' e.g. contalns "Trembling". Till the
swedish Black Metal in the haditional fast and piercing way. Buzz-saw guitars and crushing blast beats break into quite rnelodic grooves, while incredibly razor-sharp vocals assaults your ears. There are two amazingly well-composed instrumental piec€s after the tracks "Tears Forever Laid To Rest" and "Through The Night" as well as four frosty storming ones from which I like mostly their "Red Sky" tune. This demo ain't full of originality, but as a whole it has some musual and weird parts in its song-structures
which surely kick some so-called "true"
of riffs were
the solos
TILENCE's album. In a word, it's totally original and quiE You can order it from: P.O.Box 36, 2
0f fity demo'98 bandname? How do
ECLIPSE was formed in the ruins of local Death M€ta SACRAL SUICIDE. On this is their only material so fat, th
style FILTHY they play Brutal
ofAmerican bands or DEICIDE OfSuppuration" is includes seven Metal songs. The Mosolkov on lead
Nevedrov (bass), Alexey
and Alexander Tonk "Celebration Of MY extremely brutal
can crash
on rhythm nd recently. Their ml
but enjoyable. I like much but to tell you riffs forne, a typical deep Death by a small here and there. land so brutal as FIL brutality isn't bands have their iir their music, And here
orgres some of by early
Eternity demo'98
that the
This is a 6-track demo Performed bY six talentful musicians: Peter Arya - gultar, S6ndor Papp - bass, Pdter Schmidt - key-
boards/vocals, Gy6rgy Monori - leadvocals, J6nos Moldov6nyi - drums andlajos Papp lead guitar/vocals. To define the music they play, I can easily say it's Doom Metal id general mainly with clear vocals, a lot of melodies and very keyboard-filled atmosphere. On the other hand, their repertory was strongly influenced by the materials of
awesome deep growh. You
so-called original face. on this demo is the ine instead of a normal foots person. Due to this has a synthetical
METAL SCRAP Kondyuk, Sbevcbmko Monastyrislq TemPol
contact the band 8t: Leningradskaya Lugarsk regioo, Tel.: (0&421
at.ll. things in the future and it's for sure. But to recommend this stuff Death Metal freaks who
found interesting, while Minor" and "It Hurts Again" ue quite soft and melodic pieces' which I can rccomend only for girls, haha. By the way, tbey still use deep growls
In The Deep"
"Faces Bebind The
solos and quite interesting Alex (deep growls) andvitalY vocals)which shows of their musical abilities. MY and the title hacl song-struchues. If I should to anything I guess
Productions or the band directly at: DUST' c/o wenngren, Sjtistigen 2, S-83004 Mdrsil, Sweden. E-mail : mesterprod@hotmail.com
like "UnderTbe Dreams" and "Somewherc
s and makes them
as possible. Yet I can add the
as well. The keyboards got a more specific way here, but sometimes it is too loud and some guttar riffs are dmming in it. Nevertheless, songs
E-mail: metal.
interview you should contaat Mester
Martin, Slovakia.
up was Victor Nivikov
...0n ltvilight
Lord", !ame, that
MC. You can also get this Michal Gontla, Suchidkova
Black Metal bands' ass as well. The chance is yours to get this 14 minutes of dark wanderings with b/w cover for $2 Europe, $3 elsewhere (prices incl. postage). You can order it ONLY from: Mester Productions, Postboks 793, N-8001 Bod0, NoruaY, For
Overall, their style is Death/Black they performed it in more though. Also, find KISS' "God ofThunde/'. well, especially I like the and drumming there. So order this great stuff, wbich soon by the russian OuPiric
music and sound both in the waY haditional Death Metal. As for me I really appreciate what they done in this 6-track demo, which features all the great motives ofold-school Death bands. Deep growls, killer double-bass, massive guitar riffs and what they offers
more guitar-hamonies, cals and yet more doomY like "Extasy ofDeath" and
on drums. The interesting fact that the was fomed in 1990 and due to this facl
The band consists of Alex (guitars/lead , Vitaly (bass/keyboards/backing ) and Yuri (drums). This 8-track I mostly based on technical guitar precise rhythm-section whicb songs totally masterful. The j parts plays a big role in their 1
the above mentioned this demo for $3 Europe, . You can send your moneY cash in registered letter!) to
'Joumey demo of this
The members of on guitars, Nildo
address: FILTHY FLESH, Orlov, Lebedeva-Kumacha 72Saratov, Russia.
punishing &unparts here and there. So, ifyou like Doom Mdaloverloaded with tons ofHeavy Metal-ishrifB, then don't hesitate to order this 38 minutcs long demo, which has a pro-printed coloued covet with lyr-
demo'97 of F.O.B. songs in oldmembers are Kouc Benda on lead
ics, photo, etc. Contact addrcs: DYING WISH, c/o Lajos Papp, Szondi str. 6, 4l 50 Piisptikladriny, Hungary,
backing vocals and a
I ,
0f Sorrow promo'99
Recently I got DYSANCHELY's newest stuff, a 5-song promo tape. One could say it's more melodic, emotional and aggressive compared to their "Tears" deed! They have sically and sound-wise, divided into two types ofsongs. The first type has the above mentioned aggression
36 gytcofisufi'339?g
mix between
catchy vocals through There's everything
Arotbcr relcas€ come straight
from the lyrics-wise, etc. and €ndins with 'iroduction. I can't say something unique or even dn'iFobia", but as for their music it's straight from their hearts. Believe me, count nowadays. I like to listen to tracks, because then I feel the same
in 1989 and that's exciting. To do some compares, I'd like to mention the SEPULTURA influences in tracks such as "Dark Shadows" and "Last Joumey". as back
what is more, there's also a live track
of it are Andrew Prokopchuk Max Gershankov - bass, Andrew - guitm mdDenis Stchuchenko
iIERtIN promo'97 tape in the deck I was pa-
- drums. "Silence Land" is their first demo a quite varied stuffin l0 well-composed songs. You cm find there as
which represents
Dhotos and lasts over 50 minutâ&#x201A;Źs.
fast gdnding drum parts with ultra deep growls in the early Chris,Bames vein but
F.O.B., Jiri Volni, PeFa z 0l T6bor, Czech Republic.
such things as
the band features Reverend Soul on vocals,
"Keep Achtung" as well as a cover mous "Fosue" from J.S. Bach. I there's no need to tell you more. comes with full-coloured
E-mail: Web Site: BirdlandZT6
sor'Naughty Cloms" MCD, On this demo
yet melodic Metal bands,
ralysed Moscow and brut{!
almost the same complex
the mighty MORBID And ifl addthat by Maria (a fetnale? | ! !) MERLIN. So the are Maria Abaza Ioffe - guitars and
you shqll
Byckov - drums. First that the quality oftheir stuff than I heard from other RusThere are 7 tracks ofex-
Metal mostly in MORBID
do not think that those tracks of copies... On the contrary a big dose oforiginality and
Vrc (bnsstocals) and dehr elbom *Iearfall" cmtains 12 rracks of with elemenr of Heavy band called its style as Heavy Wave. Well, this album is a quite melodic
thoughtful way. The vocals
such a destuctive female voice let's see the compositions. it's too hard to describe them, 's no need to tell you more,
influences ofLAKE OF DOWN or something less, they covered some their music as well as The quality is above the level ofmusicians is Ofcoume, there are some k| female vocals as well,
fast double-bass attacks and enchanting guitar melodies. This is something you should check before it's too late ! A flawless material with flawless musicianship for open-minded fans! Order it right now from:
'Die" altoo late.
Clown demo98
Spoceopple promo
demo by this
"Spaceapple" is the
which defines their
this russian Ultra Melodic complicated in "Tearfall" was. However, release again where the a less
you a
positive music (??? wide picture on their ing between the and
jazz. Of
The demo begins This song has a and male vocals.
Brought to the songs more making the material more this album the band consists of vocals), Miguel (guitars), Michael Elena (keyboards) and Andy r-emle vocals were perfomedby Iri a pleasant voice but nothing - Tbere are no bad c rd.L I must note the simplicity -+* rG is a bit boring sometimes. Id -h c l0 sngs are quite d bas a totally professional 4:t
Am Nobody" and
Toucb" of-
with its astemSbadeOfWind" built up on female
Metal and
sic. It was
way you somd it's sofl Recently, the
&inup! Ir r bl ritb
entitled I advise you to
d'Jgq;lc-L:rLE< -rhdL *,;rL43
rCXUt :I.-
A Mournful ichal Gonda,
rel rbtdby,
FdHttfirt F11IDaOX6ELL cs-;,9 frm
Neoblast Productions, 2540 Sherbrooke E. suite #2, Montreal PQ, H2K lE9, Canada. Tel.: (5 l4) 598-6193, fax: (514) 336-1926. E-mail : neoblast@yahoo.com Web Site: www.neoblast.com./nemxis NIGHTSIDE
bit higher I would say screamy ones here and
Death Metal material in the modern interpretation ofNEURAXIS. Vocals are a
is more than evident on "In Silence". My favorite tack is "Dreamrock" with its hyper
An&cy Subzi
female vocals play
Steven also sent me their ruffmix 4song promo "In Silence". It's their new material and they impressed me once more with their talent and brutality. This time they worked out a more professional stuffand also corrected the sound ofthe double-basses. The songs included there are "In Silence", "Dreamrock", "Imagery" and "Blind the Vision that Shatters". It's a full speed ahead
P.O.Box 3246,344O92
which has
In Silence promo '99
(Neoblost Producflonsl
remained the same complex as on "Imagery" album, though I felt these new ones more catching md pulsating. Well, the progression
2507,3fiX)m Tda. krssiaMagik
there. Concerning the new songs they
in MC fomat bv Magik Art firll-colornow, bnics, c.to
E-mail : revsoul@odyssee.net Web Page: www.odyssee.net/-revsoul
Alexander plays fantas-
Alexandre-De-S6ve, Montrdal, Qudbec, Canada,HZLzYT.
stuffwith fast. brutal
mentioned bands then to get your copy of "Tearfd
forS2 (C.I-S.),33 (r*b|@
imagine after brutalizing (ex-HOLY MOSES) to the even now this is nol
synth and rhythm guitar, Steve Bisonnette on lead guitar, Michel Nastas on bass and Dany Gamache on drums. The music has more industrialized with lots ofelectronic samples again which make the whole material more noisy and not valuable. I can't say anymore about something I don't like, let the electro/industrial fans price it. You can get this demo from: NEIN CREED, 1624
Promo'96 + Roin Donce'97 NIGHTSIDE is a five-men Death Metal band hailing from Italy. Its members are Davide Sacco - vocals, Simone Volpin guitars & keybouds, Ivo Roccio - bass, Luca Ferrazzi - lead guitar and Matteo Calautti drums, This promo tape contains three u-
believably well-composed melodic Dath Metal tunes which are mostly based on swedish Gothmburg-typâ&#x201A;Ź Meal. The pmrn begins with a beautiful inho and rightafter it tums into AT THE GATES-based guiar riffrng of"Searching... I didn't Find" rcng. This one is full of complex drumming, clear and high-pitched screams with lots of gEt
guitar melodies. The second track *Eryry & Dryness" mixes some great acestk pats with a few grinding beats. Tbe l6t u-ack "Prince OfClouds" has the sarc aggressive but quite melodic song-struure with more grinding parts and variety ofdistoned and acoustic guitars. Maneo was cool
taped their "Rain Dance" song after this promo. It was ffiitten in the summer 1997 and shows theirprogression which reflects more melodi* and clear-sung vocals in the basis of their songwiting, So if you prefer the Gothenburg-vein of swedish Death Metal, that's it. You can get it from:NIOHTSIDE, c/o Matteo Calautti, via Lonati 6, Turbigo - Milan, Italy.
for only $2 Bctr_
plryr msbing Dea6 Marl.
Kdri, V6cegres u. 15, ilY15, I l5 l' Hungary. E-mail: kaltes@freemail.hu
you something about it. So, demo which isn't too far from its
material of this Italian Death Metal quintet. Musically, the band remained as melodic as possible, though "Oneiric Reign" repres€nts the band in abit progressive way as before, due to the more confused song-structures, clear vocals and samplers. But do not think they're lost theirDeath Metal roots orsomething like tlrat. Only transformed it to another dimension. You can find all the great motives ofGothenburg Death Metal there: rasping vocals, here and there spiced with
grinding drums, technical guitar-riffing, splendid solos, etc. Plus they recorded a fantastic cover of swedish EDGE OF SANITY's "Black Tears", The demo has an excellent sound quality and comeswithb/w cover and lyrics. I guess there's no need to tell you some more words. Check it and you'll understand! You can get this 30 minutes long
- guitars, Martin Krul
Dalibor Figura thing I must note is the through the whole stuff. the technical skilled who mosdy amazed me fused solutions, but that point is to mention the til riffs and melodic solos together with the artful bass solos. To all add the enchanting wide-ranging of growls. stuffhas something
bass and
The first lof flute
Metal at it's best form. There are 12 asskicking Death Metal tracks on the "End Of Depression" influenced by early GRAVE DISMEMBER materials. If it's not
E-mail: belobrad@za.netax.sk Web Site: index.htrnl
for you, I can add, that they also re-
the famous "Bleed For Me" song 's "Like An Everflow" masterpiece, It was pure
point is SANGRE CON FILTRO rather con-
.lThe next guF on well
frnes and can
iad the
me to listen to those extremely
Own Roce Exlerminote Us demo'99 A friend ofmine gave me this 4-song demo
FINRO. rhythm/lead/ rhythm/lead and L6szl6 an aver-
Death Metal tunes.
I can'l
any of the songs, becaue they rules in my mind. However, I some song-titles: "Drops of
Outcome", "Deadmist", Of Purgatory" and so on. there are lots ofgreat soandunique sound-
ll this displays the high.
Order it straight or be cursed for-
sending a blank tape to the
Konstantin Zmievskij,
band's address: NIGHTSIDE, c/o Matteo Calautti, via Lonati 6, 20029 Turbigo Milan,Italy.
10166 Kharkiv, Ukraine 10.
Dreoms 0f lhe Eternol promo'98 This is the second album made bY
tlirdand the most sucressful risarianTESTIMONY The
Saint-Petersburg's leading doomsters ORA
Fonay on bass, Rudolf K6tai on guitars, O6bor ind L6szl6 Bzs6 on vocals.
PRO NOBIS. "Dreams Of The Etemal" in-
cludes 7 well-structured songs in 55 minutes with russian llrics again. The album has a more professional sound with lots ofacoustic inclusions and folkmotives. Forexample the song "Oy Moroz Moroz" is actually a russian traditional folk song, in recording of which participated a lot ofmusicians from Saint-Petersburg's metal bands. Ifyou lik€ slowly thoughtful Doom Metal thenorder it now! It's a sffaight and quite original release! E-mail: orapronobis@geocities.com Web Site
ww. geocities.con/Sunsetstrip/
udes 5 well-comoosed tunes in the vein of as DARK TRANQUIL-
for instance. The role on the whole great. There is No
{shit at all. The first is a
and precise The second one fromthe PARA unique
$6( Dalibor
Neverending Possible
E-mail: WebSite:
$lhich Rhe Moybe.., demo'95 Be on friendly tems with Dalibor, I received another demo of PARASOPHISMA, the predecessor of "Sole Light."". Musically, it differs in someways, of coune. I suppose it's due to the participation ofother musicians in tbe band. The main line of'1)ne OfNeverending..." has the same basis as we get accustomed to the early MY DYING BRIDE stuffs. There are 5 long songs filled up with a good mix ofsad violin-parts and mid-paced Doon/Death dffs of guitars. To cut it short, ifyou're into slowly yetmournful Doom/Detb Metal spiced with ultra deep growls andphilosophical themes, buy a copy ofthis 29 ninutes long funereal anthem. Write to: DalibtrIigua, Dolni Lutynd 515, 735 53, Czab Republic. E-mail: parasophisma@volny.cz
instrumental oiece with cml
0f Inconpofible
Dhections demo'98 Wow,just take a look at the title ofthe demo and then on the bandname. Not too usual things for a band playing Doom/Death Metal, isn't it? However, their T-song material is not only about t[]ese two styles, 'coz they like to mix jaz, rock, grind and other
"Now And Forever"
Neaologue (Erebos SANA Metal band hailing release tbeir
-drums,WbrmArgel snis sir m€lodic were strongly i and yet Black two songs and "Bloody
typical Death growling vocals, technical drum lated Areas
Luminous Roys
with cool bass lines and their best Fack on this demo in itbrings me a sad and I don't know why, maybe pere in such a depressive
Progressions And Vorionts,
Sole Light Point ln Yold Tongle
song slow hrne with
melodic piece Heavy Metal The fourth
has a very mostly based
which is another song yitb I deeply advise io check this fans of mid-paced melodic To get this pro-done tape witb tyrics, photos, etc. you should $STIMONY, c/o Tom Fonay, , ?400 Dunairjvdros, Hungary.
Frun Sirth demo'97 TORTURED is another brutal bandhailing from Olney, US,{.
From Birth" were oerformed ians: Rottweiler - vocals. James - drums, Nerses - lead guitar zuitar, This demo contains songs with amazingly quality. In general, their music is albums of with some early KAT
However, there in their repertory
drumming and
as well. Besides mention "Shackled" rich re full of cool rhy to
parts. The
styles along with quite thoughtful philosophical lyrics. They are really an all-sided band having such
tion within their conception. Let's go into details... They aie four: Monika Hrub6 - flute/vocals, Radim
38 gvtcofisufi'33ytg
vocal parts. If Brutal Death Metal you to check this demo band preparing its new stufi 'r will be a full-length album and promises be more TORTURED brutalness! ! ! wilh such were also some changes in their sound quality. So, what music well. And now TORTURED looks like they play? Well, it's pm swedisb Death lj.self
four-men band: Trey - drums, Erik - vocals (he was the very first vocalist in the band), Bob -guitar/backup vocals andNerses - lead guitar To get this demo you should wite tg;
TORTURED, c/o Bob Woodruff, Llewellyn Field Rd., Olney, MD
USA. For booking infomation you Bob at: (30 I ) 774-85 I 8. ,,
and Keisuke (drums). Man, tuckingbrutal material! This three rack
kills well. Gut-ripping riffs, bloodspluhing growls which sometimes tum into crazy psychopathic screms, thumping bass
loaded by an incredible concentration of melodi€s which creat€s a fantastic mix ight & powerful Death
Metal sound?
lines and fast grinding drum parts - these are
rhe ingradienrs
Noturol Concem promo
stands for. Interesting fact that Keisuke all
terval of,'
thetimeplayshis The riffs of
th€y're ther loq$
portion to solos came
vocals.6ros, Palo on
guitars,'voals and
plal kiada pmgtssirt
uilh re::d
I was
mainly located in the inand what's more SowithoutfurI would sav this stuff is , I've found a few of DEAIH's "Human" alminus less of virtuosity). 's "The Realms Of 'll uderstand what I'm baBand contacl do Evgeny str. l6ll-46. 618710 region, Russia.
erci rs.J_r jz e::: iots of breaks =:,-lw. ?roblem" a r:.b ere actually flom tl 199i, follows the t corfised crazy passages, rhythm changes and which sometimes turn grinding madness. Ifyou lilde
The Present-
changes after their prom-
$l disappointrnent for you. CfbCk understand everythingl Banal ( Vojtek, Na Stepnici 5, Slovakia. Tel.: 0855/5322 E-mail: vojtekova@suhe.
Views demo
tell you the truth, I don't €x-
What about the Moreover, there are a and complex drum-parts
Well. this is tbe third UNCONCER\'. Th€ band
is left from the early days
"The Realns OfFancy". spirit ofmaking good Death to do something to-
l2 new
songs show a
and I donl like il you some details, I into more cocktail.
Brutolly Violoted demrii'lS First of all, I would;l$e Todashi (Macabre Memed'toi Le sending me this cool :stiff. REMNANTS is a four-meri dd
volot of back-
coming from Japan. The Kyo (bass.), Shrnjrroh (voc
on "The ln-
changed and got a new interpretation here, To add some plus to them I must say the quality ofthe soud is excellent. So, ifyou like the type ofmusic I circumscribed here get in touch with WARHEAD. Write to: c/o
Evgeny Makeev, Pobeda str. l6ll-46, 6187 l0 Dobrjanka, Perm region, Russia. E-mail: warheadb@chat.ru Web Site: http://www.nevod.ru/local/m/ warhead
Hote demo'99 "Hate" is the third demo of WARHEAD up to date. It follows the line of their 2d demo "The Various Views...". Here the line-up is the following: Michael Toburdanovsky - guitars, Eugene Makeev - bass/ vocals, Dmitry Bersenev - drums. Therc are 8 songs in melodious Doom Metal way with a few Death,/Thrash influenses. Overall, the sound is O.K., even if the double-bass sounds a bit blunt in my view. Songs like "Last Hope", "Break" and "B.M. (Bogota Marazrnus)" are quite melodic pieces, while "War" is their best track on this demo that includes a lot of fast drum parts and cool guitar-work, The vocals are not so brutal here but far better then they were on "The Various
Views..." demo. There's also a great instrumental tune called "The Gale" featured, It shows the real talent and skills of WARHEAD's musicians. I wouldn't say this demo imprcssed me a lot, 'cause I know they arc abletoplay more complex andbrutal music instead of the stuffthey doing now. Well, ifyou liked their second demo then it won't be a disappointment for you. Get "Hate" from: c/o Eugene Makeev, Pobeda str. l6ll-46, 618710 Dobrjanka, Perm region, Russia. E-mail: warheadb@chat.nr Web Site: http://w.chat,nr/-warheadb
Aheody Deod 3'CD
FPR Musicl Do you like bloody
lHoppy Homsler
get a massive this two and a half minutes insanitv. In soite ofits short shouldn't tbink there's nothing to On the contrary, besides the ofthe GREAI KAI you'll get special coveredwith blood, pain, so, then
Wow. it is the first South African band
Stombringer. (vocals), Saman
I've heard and to tell you the truth it kicks ass. This threc guys really know how to
compos€ fast bone+rushing Death/Grird themes. "Already Dead" contains 4 studio tracks and 2 live tracks in circa l3 minutes.
lots of rhythm and what's md clear vocals parts I would ones
This song is while the side .
.r: : :.rd-dripped guitar, whilg\ 5 rEErc $reams tumed out to an
Doom Metal .
It's about
parts that
ne i-1::ngonhigh
bit lhe mighty
YX. Neverthe-
-lm !!rIn-
r-r =<
DROWNED has more
is about dark
recomend yourhmds
b- 5n5la--. Fr lrrdTEGlEAf t(*&S-+?!t C-I-E E :rlE =c'thmE *..r-..:.l&'c)_cbctkit
'€f,-,-.tirEr< E-ri1{*c *'tii-r[l*.ar
€tc. on blue
poiisl oiett Mdt'ff reomended! ri''' : E-mail: r*ib Site: htp://vader.covm.vnh.neV
98 Reot*/Do* Ag*|
Doom/DeathMetal The side of air Azure" which is
cment, etc. The scene of the :ore remlnlscent to the torture
r D{rE--l!c5e
WARHEAD are two songs from "The Realms..." demo, which were extremely
The CD beghs with the complex riffmassacre of'Already Dead". This rack also featured on tbe newGROINCHURN dbutrt"Fink", as well. The next two tracks come in the sarrc but mostly fast ginding wy widr
KRABATTIOR-style singing. The fourtb track was taken from their split 7- with WOYCZECH. This track a bit ditrers from the new ones due to its vocal-style and S.O.D.-based riffs, thougb thc
grinding motives of CROINCHURN are there. Th€ last tracks were recorded live in Ibbenbuhren, Gemany, on the 'Mortal Memories" tourwith KRABATHOR. And I guess that's wby sonre oftheirnewer tracks areabit similtrto KRABATTIOR.In a word, this is a worthy Death/Crind mat€rial which should bc cheked by every Death/Grind freaks worldwide. You can order it from: Dark Ages Distribution, P.O.Box 39550, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 0060, South $frica. E-mail : lunatic@smartnet.co.za, s@pixie.co.za . Or contact the GROINCHURN, c,/o Mark, 1930, South E-mail: grind@cenet,co,za
GytcDfisufi'33yac 39
e that money
Anything about the band for those who haven't heard about DUSKFALL before? - Well what can I saY, DUSKFALL was
a project I had in mind when things started to get nasty with GATES OF ISHTAR, the only thing that fucked up
was that INVASION Records didn't want us to record "At Dusk And Forever" under the name DUSKFALL, they wanted us to use GATES OF ISHTAR and as You alreadv know that's a fact now'.' The things *". ihut we signed for 2 full'length CD's with GATES OF ISHTAR, and Maja form INVASION was more into the moneY of selling under the name GATES OF ISHTAR then giving us a break using the
DUSKFALL... Why you decided to stoP GATES OF ISHTAR after three successfully released albums? Is there any emphatic reason for it? - Well as I said before, we had to,de' liver the last CD to INVASION before the contract was done, but I wanted to leave INVASION and all the trouble within
to me that the majorbands satanists or Whrt's vour view on it?
un!e timo
n8mr t0 todturod
fililarl Sslbrf iefs... I believe in myself and my abil, ity to make something good out of my life. I sant something I will make it hapdonlt pray for any ggd to help me...
on tsddguitsr.
mors f,bout tb?ir duced, I don't know if him for our next release... to check out tbe grounds before a studio to work in. I feel that we al have too little time to mix the tracks
ffilt#*;'ftf#'':rffi: is year?
has been a major upswing for Irorermetal genre this year with bands and HAMMERFALL... I per-
-solellv tbi tbink that acts like BLIND a?lFsolelly
and TRATovARIU S akes ;;;'n;'""ri "i-,i'-. :p;il;il;; il' " ituenirr,c-\ '$'r hl| of mus;c much better and more s
bit crappy, this time we're aiming for i great production and we a studio that need, not
i=cilg- Tlc srongest release this year .'rrrllc citlcr THE HAUNTED or
will try:,t ?hoosc
GATES OF ISHTAR behind me but Maja didn't care about that, this is why he re-
leascd a third GATES OF ISHTAR CD,. fi there were only supposed to be 2 not$lii: We couldn't do anything dudito the:cdntract for 2.Cd?S.r,
Currently you are workilg o! new material which will be the
1999. Erplela
difference betwCen the I
DUSI(FALL and GATE$ Are there eny changes in - Well there will not be ference bctween the bands, I music for'At Dusk fo-r
+e iS*C
*ForeVbr Beach",
made bf$$11n (the studiogul the rnew mffi.riar will co oame^nel.h as before but wi
ll1 ,
&ptoffier.l. rhe
I ? a
I It ta
tt tl
,' l, -l
Il_ I
j, 1 ,,"ry*op.rimental
Death Metal band from Greece . Their first
you start to play on musical instru_
I TI3r}
firllJength CD, namely'Pieces Of Mankind", *"" o.ri r8 1997
ments? - We try to do our best in music. Fans say that we are play-
Explain us the lyrical conception of every song (very interesting names). - Generally we like to talk about manv and different things in our songs, thing;
Tsombenos on pur asi& the
lr muslc
eggrcssiw in
to sound a
ms wzy. Dark melodies,
r-lrnical abilities
who annoy us, or things who make us feel like beast, or even some fantastic sto_ ries. All these with a touch of psychede_
lism. E.x. in "In The Frost,', a man got
are the
.{CID DEATH thechance big step... Thke a iourney to the
sion of technical and mysierious together with ACID DEATH.
will your travelling
ing really technical or we're very good musicians. We don't believe that. Of course we have spend enough time studying music but we could do it
better if we had enough time. We started playing on our instruments g-10 years before, without any help from any music_
college, just some help from some older musicians. Anyway...
Your land has a very ancient historv
and interesting mythology. Do you like
of his loneliness, or in..ReFreedom" you can see a difidea about Jesus Christ...
to read about this? And what do vou like to read in general? - Everyone has to know his countrv,s
yr Daoloth from NECROMAN-
history. We like to read about this. Gen_ erally we like to read when there is some free time. We prefer titles coming from horror and mystery like Stefen King.
F It seems to me that majority of Greek bands have ties with Magus
in any bands before%.i
Your opinion about:
- Well, most of us
didn't have any previous experience in a band. We createi
is a very good friend of mine... had very good relationship,
this band back in I 990 because we loved to play music, the music we like. Our drummer, Costas, only had a small ex_ perience before he come to us by play_
ing in a Speed Metal band called
APARENTLY DEAD, a band which has splited some years before.
You have r.err unusull music for
Greece. \l'hat,s r-our musicel influences? - Somerime we played pure TI{R{Sii DEATH, Iike SODOM, POSSF-SSED and stuff like this. Our influencâ&#x201A;Źs becac
more open-minded since the years
passed. Today we like to give mention to
more parts of ROCK generally. We like bands
WARNING or CANSAS and also bands like NAPALM DEATH, CARCASS or DEATH. This is clear in our music which
doesn't sound like typical DEATH METAL or something. We like this feel_ lng...
our personal works we her as often we want. with Sakis from ROT-
iallywithhim. We may but where
for months club or every-
beers or any
both these
guls and I
TeIl us more
band from Spain. b.) Cronos from VENOM _ BLACK_ FATTIER-METAL!!! c.) Solo albums of Tom Angetripper - I can't help laughing!!!
d.) CELTIC FROST's album (.Cold
e.) ROTTING CIIRIST's ..Dead Poem' - Fucking great! !!
Unidentified Flying
Objects - -f.) Maybe we're something like these. g.) Occultism (It seems to me that
3mdbanas. 16"
\{LC* \fORTAL PAIN. VEDIE\:{,L DEAT}I and more don,t
\r.ho see
it) -
Something interesting for
h.) J.R.R. Tolkien,s ..silmarilion" ex_
Poem....!! was
to do scecding. It,s strange but ing tbe
some people...
Today only few bands
like an.-.c *.,n
that was in split
majority of Greek bands are crazv
- Sooe yean before
a.) Band AVULSED
with you - A typical DEATH METAL
guitar and
you use now?
ying bass in
*-a1' rn life..
l'our lrcic k rery-. p.grfessional and technical Hne rou sfiioiea in some musical collcjcr ud from *.het age
it away and PRO models exlsts so
myhouse. Now I'm 5-string bass made popular Greek
playing with a by IOANNI bass manufac course I won't
Would y
ke to
lJkraine in - Whynot!!
And of
e gig in
Final chapt.er... - Thank you a lot for this interview. Get in touch with us. Wait for our new material released in I 999, or look for our "Pieces Of Mankind" CD.
Qahoo. com
g9?cD9?sufi ruJ(uD9JaSUTJl'33ytc 4 --
ing bass-guitar. It months ago I throw one of the firstARIA in Greece. This bass
DEMIMONDE started its existeiice in
*h"r, tlr"'-ori"i"rri of it
band's present qnd past. Otherwise, in'a wel[. And no* iead this quite informailS
tyin14g,;,,$*.**l_$b4;,h;ilowiiaq!"lcalledsgRRo]v tnr"r.gffi@'t"i$[jg!t us soinp asPects from the 'Ao h^f$tii the partilifition of drummer T.o'n' as tSy.tet$"ft i$teryfoing facts and neius of the band.
with the idea of
eir first material "The \flrrior?s Poets"
be morethan
Fint of all,
kingdoq be-
ending by
- For us worldowne.dby
*cept the fitst putt) was
tual possession". (lf I french to ehglish it means describe this Demimondial and lyrical expression. The o mondc: it's a minor of our realworld, so
depression anGI tried to
our lpics, you ivill find thetS today's ieality. Of course oul
of DEVIMONDE pne by 15 */ oq etc.)
could be interpreted also as an: dayreality (which is nothaPPY) in our "halfirorld". IIow could you determine
forc? Is there anybands that vou in somewhat?
- If
concem the music on otrl 'Wanior's Poets", it's maYbe
I can't
His job is atech-
--@rtp;, rna*iner but he would classical fiiui9 guitarplaying. D'aven
(atnospheric and faster)-Jei6 black/dark metal and medieval reviewers found there ences fromothersbands,
lead guitar): Studies pa'tres, peach vodka ard as his saks). Afagddu - (18, *gi.h toS interests: occult have also his pamed Afagddu.
who haven't heard about
dcath to artock.
yboards): I studyjoilrnalisrn on rniversity.
:my girlfriend golf , bo<ilc"and of course music (classica! electonic and metal). tnnya (24, female vocal): She is accounhnt/book-kebper
direct influ-
inaban\ shellika dnr,rerT.o.n. (= hslboyfriend),
mernber has really a completely diffient musical taste (Afagddu - industial and medieval, D'avor black and EBM, Jaacob - opcn and progressive,
Ankhabuth - horse...). And we NE\ER said "let's play the similar music as band XYZ...". On fte contrary, we are glad to have our own style atnospherical metal. The only band being admired by every member was (if I remember) Noctunus Bu! did you hear some Noch.mus inlluences in 'Warrior's Poets" release? Me not (Maybe in u:r
and atrc singing. T.o.n. - (19, drums): the most interestingfact is that he is very often angry and fiuious as a mad dog (it must be his hobby). He is also a socaUdii 'tnanage ' of Dernimonde and nrns a
new material will emerge some Noctrnrs-like
our own touch). but If you want, I can name some bads t+st
a Ff,ess
- I mrst a liule râ&#x201A;Źtrm to lhe question number I - basicaly our lyrics are connected with the whole
Denimondial concept. Afagddu (bassist who wries rrajority of lyrics) says often that some of his lyics really describe areality oftoday, mistakes of humau society, defech of civilization evolttion, etc.;. Thenit iscorreredbypoetical words andtrarsformed into 'Den!.tnonde language ', ht ur goal is not to speak abOilt old times, or:r lyrics are only touched by thisrmiddle-agdfanesy
The best e>rample of this concetrim is maybe a text ofShadow Symphony. Aryway it's really difficult to explain here more about contents of wery
song itdepends ofcourse cr yourpersonal feeling what you will find in our lyrics. But I will ty some oramples again: Qreen's Pilgrimage - it express the fear of uncertainty and also some pessimistic (but not atheis-
tic) vision of this world. Fnnire of Bal-Sagoft - this text is liule bit exceptimaL lt's exactly wbatwe don'twrite no.maltvIt's a "lale" - the firll Darle of it is "F:rpire of Bal-
Sagot[ ficrntbChronicles'. There cal tremes, qre afteranoher, andeach
too: 'Dance on the King's ers of Doom ',
firr mri-
corf','Kingt cmftastp{ty", "Ri}
ingl', "...afterttre coronatirx - 6e
42 gngofiSusJt'339?G
(so he is well oriened rn ug scene). [There were also seventh member who participated on "Warrior's Poeb" recording called Kashtan (31, higber male vocal, guibr), brr *e split with him last year becawe of conplete\' different opinions
'l/alkyre's Flighd'. If yul rcad fu
and visions about our work]-
As concem religioq rre ae ml a christian neifter satanical band, altbc4h smebody from us
and 3 vocalisS). So we have permanent problems, if Every manber indeed his own philosophy, syn&retisetl by many because we can't do a live presef.rtation of our muofways,opinions...Generallywearewitroutsome sical expression as good as we would like to do. The third negative aspect i$ thatifyou go into the concrete religion.
can agree with any iOeas of
mg were reaiized cn
is Dezrirrgrde.
*a cnly adisto, sarne as thou*tri{ o*uil by T.o.n. and Jaacob.
ning, Sorrow .Art sards in sfule
After a fr.i-lre sid L,erytran rec. fihey said: sic Lr epod hr lormust go to ofrer shrdio and
r€rrabi-' fu'4-t
sponsc ftom
it was all
majority 4re only "epigones or followen' - everyof them have a same sound. My most appreciated Black metal bands are those really original and avantgarde: Dismal Euphony, Solefald (and maybe Limbonic Art). I like also those with perfect sound andtop playing skills for ex. last Hecate Enthroned albuitr - althoug[ they are not much original, and Emperor). Also sometimes I listen to early Cradle of Filth (dpec,ially Vempire...). But 90/o of today's
bands unfortunately didn't interest me. e) the,Ftro movements inThrash and Heary tvletrtstyti* - Sorry, but ye don't listen to Thrash
:ard'tt*r'y, aiiottrer world (only two it's lifile bit ahotrer fi1d Heavy, ifa
'.lgV stutrs" interesting forlne emerged actually: fumiback of King Diamond andthe amazing mas-
).Genofanystyles (not Regtu-ding metal' of Death,
*rsocrrcmm \E Tn-a-siid,ftat fuhftunderthe { o mnaey possibilities reddforourband. Td
'"I'lle Sound not very oriented iii
u$something about When we c.an expect
wlll sufely preter
and in what orientation il - Now we ate looking for a inErested on our nextprojeet new material which is planed to
no negative
wrth 20 riffs in Erany ditrerent fast, fi .riors; symphonic... of .5€DE\ we use the compUter bouse, inJrsral and hell effecb. we trere piano cml -Trles &om Wagrer's opera ord solo &lrrrad n bntaicomouternoise. and manv second frey are able elernenb... (flere are some compari- ug bard - they live playing to se[ bousands of our achral musical style (0 conce.rb and 3 during 5 bcg, -ru=e-:s utrc will review ow ne4t \.:ctumus, Dismal Euphony,".*yean!l!). Then I metallers Endless lctse r q€ od Front Line Assembly .hd.Ipve Hisfory as reoresenbnb ofthis clackmetal inamad- genreheni.Inur also a stsong base of hos grind core bards (highly praised are Contrastic,
also d*l
s q'-i#it little ir re-.g+ +r-1 \6r't Oel'-E*-g house.rlhbEE&misoru'sigrificant atnosphsedftGd;*.g .{ndwhatabout IngrowingmdcarbageDisposal).Asconcempure morc distant 'Gk? \i4r re r-:]i plit after re- black metal, Urclean and Sorrath could be intercordingofamrrird l,-orrl 653j6lqg, esting.AndofmunelmustnoteDemimondeasa but it's a real ddgFr E hE n Fwral prob. mixofall6ese styles lems,butthereisreallyagtr*h"tbamusi- b.) nowadep grorring Black Metal trend Tb d b tnt Me personally I like Black very well (nraybe most cal taste of wery barffi of all metal genres), hr indeed this syle began to we are not able to find togetherrmcfrin bealittlebitbbringnowadaysThereasanissinpie about future of musical style of lbimJe. - there is a few.bands tbat discover parb and tre Afagddu and AnkhabutlL two veryippcrbega
to be oriented on computef/dance music and miss their interest on metal mu::c. (There is some probability that almembers will continue on --R {qne i^-'*'crk together, but as I see :=crs : it will be probably
-e i ad \c --i \-sF=nt 142 electonic 4E$*, bpfiice?\\trtkind p;*rp\ with? J-f -h&-+15:Errfhimde qtreHo*5 hEfu/s,b+ lE -\dsiti!-- o m 6fli1s 5[6'eq -rrn-*,Fhthhbdsy ftd-lq-ed*lebcreqrnt frs h4e bad (sarr - e rul *ep&rytd*i& c 4n 6 ingurneas
S€pnq t.lesh
for.opffi-n our
ample: oneofnew
So I asked
can cboose a
is his answer: '$ritelttere, il, genial, genial...." $ If you are intercsted by this Oliver Stone's fi lrn' T',latura.l
beginning of 1999. We have quite insane avantgarde metal changes in ourstylejust after Poets" - one day we said that we music: now it's fasbr. more black and ences and the stricture of difficult maybe chaotic (but
sons who bring majority of ideas'
it (if I
rubbish or synthetizc our we want - we arc chil..-Reincamation theory is a part of one (imporbnt),Aay of human cul-
yourview aboutthe forced computer development? Have the members of DEMIMONDE any inter€sts to the computen? And what do vou like to do with it? - Ybur:# itrs not que if this development is good orbad regarding civilization interests. Butthe growing of wotldwide Net during 90's year-s is amazing..;'Me, I use 0re Net services very well (and often). Without email, our band couldn't sell hundreds oftapes in few months, cooperation with ug (zines, disbos, bands) is easier, faster. Also we created two Demimonde websites. As a student (and joumalist), I can't imagine a life without computer. The othcr way to ttse this machine is utrat our mcmber Afagddu shows us - he makes a very quality
electonic music on it Final thoughb.., - Tt'anks to yoq of coune, for a possibility of presenation in your zine. I hope that also among vor:r readers we will find some fans who could be interested by Demimonde music. Hail to you all!!! And, I would like to an
nounce an offer of our Sorrow Art
Dsto. We sell CDs, MCs, Mn$ mst ofthem are czech productioo, ad in the near future our mailorder will emerge on Int€mel Noq'we are interested on changing and selling Demimonde release, so every bands, distos
*to are interested in some cooperation are welcome to get in and labels touch.
DEfIllfIlONDE, Povel Povlik (To.n), HabovolQl55 OO PrqhoS Czech Republic E-moiL mcermqk@mbox.fsv.cunr.cz
svtcDfisusJt'33vtg 43
borned in the far 0f /994. Then therr lrnc-ap was the followng, Dnitry Qrgorlev (basd. Eugny Trcfilov (dnnd. After fiue Ahxander Qa!1'aev fuad gaitail Andrey Zrnenkov Quitar/vwald, 'Dooned' 09q9 and two ful/-bngth alfums 'Dedrcatron' in /997 years of exbtena they released one demo lqq3. Throagh thrs long of exrstcnce therr line-aV changd and and 'Dreams Of The tternal'
conststs of Dnitry Qrryrlev Qaitar/vaald, tAax Kttznetsov (basd. //ya &fronov Urams) nowadays (lead gaitar). fataaately, before the 47it of dranner fugnV, / had a chancc and and &rgy PRO ast hin to share wrth as some facts and news conarning A
As I see from your biography you had a couple of line-up changes. Who are the current bandmembers of ORA PRO NOBIS and will be this line-up con-
us. We needed about 2-3 months to com-
als, I think we achieved good heights and
pose each song and even after that we made significant changes to all the material. Different riffs travelled among some
maybe new line-up
songs, and
I think ifwe never started recording the album we'd change it eter-
TEARS band, he likes vocals and guitar
- Well, exactly 6 persons who once were members of band are not around anymore - Alexander Guljaev (guitar), Anastasija Ivanova (violin), Andrey Zimenkov (bass), Alexey Koscheev (gui-
tar) and the most recent - Andrey
Konstantinov (keyboards) and myself, Evgeny Trefilov (drums). All of the persons mentioned had to
nally. Basically, we didn't like the material as much as 'Dedication' album. it s'as like a contrast between our musical and technical possibilities and our *ishes. 1'ou know... For instance. J *-anted this albtm to be more progressive, in fre vein of Fates Warning or Dream Theater, not at
evolutioning in this space. As for influences,
Dima is great fan of LAKE OF
worh... Andrey was more into alternative and malte even drncing music, though be listens to a lot of heavy and even am-
bient music. I prefer progressive rock from i0 to 90, also hard rock classic, gothic and doom bands. Maxim is glam rock lover, but we didn't let him express his POlSON-influenced ideas on the al-
bum (metal cowboys
brm), hehe.
the band for different rea-
sons... some decided to
Could you analyse us
leave for themselves and some were fired because
the lyrics of "Dreams Of The Eternal" in de-
of musipal or personal
is still ed by
tails? Ar0 there any poets or poetry that you care to nbte as its influ-
main songwriter, vocalist
ence? - Sorry can't say noth-
and guitari$d of ORA PRO
ing, I don't write lyrics
NOBIS,a$Ig with skil led
and I &ink we shall put this question out ok?
problems. Nowadays band
leader Dmitry Grigoriev who is
bass-pla}eiMaxim Kuznetsov, whotlqqg.- were even a
For the first::album you signed a drhl with Metel Agen::i*bcords. And whaf,*hout now? Do vou still there?
mer is old
friend of.Dmjtry, Ilya Safronov, drldihe played
with Dima before ORA PRO NOBIS
project MOR. {'l'so there is new guitarist but.I still don't know anything about him. Ipao't think about this line-up as sometffi permanent, because everything chlnges... I never thought I'll leave this bp,.iil$ii as my first band and I played in it sini e 1994 - 5 years is a long time. But it happens sometimes you become interested in different styles and different approaches than the ones band
implementi. 6'Dreams Of The Thej newi,album :...a.1 -. -: Eternal", your. second one, is a very unique brarid of Doom Metal. In what way you compoqedyour songs and what was your main influences? - Well, this album was very hard for
all of course but in some elements. I think we achieved some ofour goals, our sound became really sympho'metallic, saturated with a lot of keyboards, powerful bass and sometimes tricky parts and measures. The last song we wrote not so long before recording session was'Death', 18 minutes track. It was an idea to write a long song in which we would express everybody's ideas, but it tumed to be something different in the end, because of problems inside the band and inside each member... I'd dare to say we become maybe a kind oflazy... orjust stopped believing in your-
self as musicians. so the most recent trends were to simpliff some of our experimental ideas. Being not profession-
stand all the difficulties ,.r, with *iih -dtH'ruri. of making business me'tH;music in
our band still never dustry standards. After.qeme efforts I re-
alized that the band ORKPR9 NOetS should remain ORA PRO NObtS... Uut that means that we won't get a deal in near future. And after all, I didn't like the tend to become a russiair-rockband and write sonss that will remind.CHAIF or
'#f Fl
Has the album beCn selling Wdll? Is the band happy with howithis album turned out?
Well, which album? Dedication was
selling good, we have sold about 400 copies I think and I don't know how much METAL AGEN sold. As for new album, it is still unreleased... Few labels didn't like vocals, ferv said we all have to significantlf improve our per-
forming and songxriting capabilities and the last refuse from BESTIAL RECORDS Romania was because our music *'a-< ioo soft for this extreme label. ai'.hcugh its chief Adrian admitted thar music is recorded and played very gooJ.
Do 1-ou play a lot of live \ilart t]?es of bands do you
playing doom metal. So we began brain storm and Dima said he wanted something in latin, because we loved first My Dying Bride single so, and there were some tracks in latin, we found it very unusual. And so Dima simply rememi bered all the words he knew (per asp.e.r,a ad astra (ad anus:) ) and so on... ORC , PRO NOBIS came up not directly from Ave Maria, but through Goffman's tale 'Satan's elixir'. We thought a bit about
and CHILDREN OF BODOM. What is your impression about the gig and do you like these bands' materials? - You know, I was away from Saint-
Petersburg on these days, me and Andrey were in Finland/Sweden on tour. So I can't say a lot, but as I know, people love Impaled Nazarene here from late 80's and never even hoped seeing them live, so close. Children Of Bodom gained a lot of credits here for it and everyone of us liked it so it be- their strongest musicianship, even come a name. Like we were saying dur= Kostya from PAINFUL MEMORIES ingnextyear,'YoushallprayforuS'cos- after seeing their soundcheck said he you can do nothing for people like us, . thinks about leaving the music 'cos he ing of^course,
point was that Impaled Nazarene were
in ROCK FUZZ. Jhe last band and a half of people left magazine revie# : Club, fearing not to be home this day. one humoristic :,But Impaled made really crazy show, guy mentioned Mikka wrote 'Fuck me' on his belly,
foe- ,eyen made some exhibitionist acts on Paradise'r;iirgtage and so on... you know they all Lost for beingr6ry6;. so drunk :). here, can forgive ir Give us some information about the
that he can
Ozzy Osbourne mysterious future of ORA PRO NOfor STILL being BIS? Has any new material been writhere, but as for teu yet? - As I know, guys now simpy rehearse ORA PRO NOBlS,youcanonly the old songs but as the new material pray, amen...
and will be rvritten, I'11 put information
so on.
Say some-
samples on our webpage. Forthe end, tell us your final dream
most often? .{nd u'hat is your image
thing about the to the readers... - My dream... I want to be in really members' interests outside of the
on the strge?
band. Are you married?
;-: did a lot of shows in past :-:: ,.:'-:: i:ar it r*'as hard to play a lot,:
cool and famous band, play around the
Dima Max for listening to
- Ha Ha :) No I am not married. is married for 3 years already and plans to marry soon as I know. As
world, making albums, cd's... and I
;ii'-:-: -:
my own interests,
playing drums, I do it for 6 years already and have second teacher now,
errr.... Sharon Stone hehe or like that..... why am I worse than this motley crue sucker? :)
- 'A-:,-
sr:.i-:-i: -osr of the clubs closed. Sim-' onl-v 2 stages - POLIGON --.:::s. as for POLIGON, they
aa;.-.\!l -:'::::strictions and JAM simpll- =r 7-: ::r-er cared about with whic: :.r:,- z:'.i rlal'. because always thougi: E. r: =3 rest :). To be seriousl-v. r: k:: :: :-:;;'*'ilh alternative,.ril bands - E::S: r-t. :;:C:,::e - because . a:dience on there is arr1J5:--cl
music, playing it, I really love
very accomplished funk/jazz drummer. Also my interests include computer/ interrret things... well not too much really" because main interests are inside
want to be as good as Mike Portnoy in
drumming. Also to have a
girl like
E-moil: oropronobis@geocilies.com .geocilies.com/SunsetStrip/671 2/
*uri. since my childhood, though I :I'rs r':dleoce is oivir .u.t been to musical school 'till tr! r:c -.r: much benr * '- =â&#x201A;Źtd f x Tle1' al- 20... Of course I love companies, drinkwayslistened:1 tr=rongsoreltil;;and ing:;:111t.r. things I think we all share supported us. tL r:rge $e ris{ -6 rrke :). Saint-Petersburg is a fantastic a kind of shos. z:-- -ot *-ith plroecL nic, but simpl;- ::e-r:-5ng and mor- plece. What can you tell us about its ing, feeling on s:râ&#x201A;Ź: :eel1'. and Dime roderground scene (labels, bands, likes to chat *ith r*:::.e. sing rr-ilh 'zires)? them and so on... Sc r::: *'hite shirB - Ah no. I don't know much about and black jeans and lorse our long zines ercept one called Sotsirh Susii alternanr':
kinda 'samizdat'. A lot of bands. but hair... well look at the pbo:os : t. ORA PRO NOBIS in't tle npica\Dost of them suck and only bands who band name. Ho*' wes tlc leme cho- have established themself through 5-6 sen? Is there any significut me:ning years are really interested for me at in it? least. And I don't know anv label who - Oh yes, at first our name was MOR, really supports underground bands. but we decided to change it after a.half I heard that fifth of september was a of year simply because it was kinda greatgiginSaint-PetersburgwithperCeath-metal name but we were alreadv formers like IMPALED NAZARENE
gytcDfiSufi'33vtc 45
7c/oLady Enslain, PO.Box 822, Quakertom, PA 18951. USA. Meanwhile, issue #6 is out with the following interuiews inside: HY-
lssue #3 AIHEIST is a great hungarian-witten Death/Black 'zine. The editors of it are
ing with the meal scene ofScandinavta. layout is excellent and what's more you
Gdbor Szalay and Zolt6n Nddudvari. They worked out a fantastic layout and content for their third issue. It specializes mainly on the eastem European scene md that is why there are intewiews with slovakian ERYTROSY, ukainian CASTRUM / CHAMOS /ENCOMIUM'zine, hungarian VALE OF TEARS, czech MANIAC BUTCHER / NHAAVAH / PUSSY GOD Records, slovakian LUNATIC GODS / METAL AGE Productions, russian TALES OF DARKNORD and Polish ESQARIAL. Also find enclosed scene reports ofUkraine and Poland plus articles about DARK CLOUDS, MYSTIC DEATH'
andROTTING CHRIST. It's avail$5 as well.
find there abuch of honestly witten
CDI'zirc reviews. As for the interviews, they're killerandmostly covered all thenecessary infomation you should know about you favorites. Well, it's time to listyou the names of intewiewedbmds. Here they go: (rhe
ENSLAINmag@aol.com www.enslalnmagazne.com
QUINTET the split-up), MORIFADE, MENH]R,
FREEZINGFLAMES layout among the publications. In this
read the following inties:
one!) and and
WAYD, DOOMSDAI DANGER, ZOM. BIE HOLOCAUST. TRAUMA, VARATHRON and PAGAN Records. And that's not in the least everything, because there are tons ofhonestly-written reviews on under-
ground products, a page dedicated to Hungary's new generation Black Metal bands and yet a section calledblack lyrical poetry. To get this 30 A./4 format pages you should send $3 to one ofthe following addresses: c/o G6bor Szalay, Galamb rit 27, H-
3060 Peszt6, Hungary ot clo Zolttn 47 / l,H-3200 Gyon-
Nidudvari, Zal6r J. itt gytis, Hungary.
lssue #6
RAL, POISON IDEA, JOHN HAMMERFALL, ABSCESS, REGURGITATION and also pictue about the new ground and above. Believe full ofbetter and better i be a fool and order your Available for S3 USA. $4
Martha Hughes, 358 M Francisco, CA 941 12, USA.
E-mail: Web Site: www,
The 6'h issue of BAST comes on 38 A/4 pro-printed pages with excellent quality. You can read there intervi€ws with BLOODTHORN, PIT Magazine, OTHELLO'S REVENGE, and BIG SHRIMP Plus get articles about Seattle's Weirdness, Profiles in Sickness, and many other. The most interesting part of this issue I found in the
well-written reviews on albums/shows and last but not least on 'zines. It features also some quite cool live pictures of MORBID ANGEL, INCANTATION and NILE along with short reports about these bands' killer achievements on the stage. Get it for $3 USA, $4 World from: c/o Martha Hughes, 358 Moscow St., San Francisco, CA 941 12,
USA. E-mail: bastzine@pacbell.net Web Site: www,bastmagazine.com
35 great vtews
ns, WITHERING VASSER, EMANZIPAand TERRAE SOLE I'Jy'ell, besides the usual piles reviews you can find there concert review and the the conceDtion of BURZUMT . All is left to say, it has 52 ll bfexcellent stuffwith quality nice backgrounds. Get it for $4
this bands us
VIRGINUM, CRUELTY, there ue also known acts
Pfalzgnif, Kinizsi Ltp. l/b Kaposv6r, Hungary.
NOMICONfq about such a bg
$7 lssue '$AGAZINE Wow' Miltha does a fantastic issue again. Th€ content improved a lot but tbe layout rcmined the same. The 76 issue includ€s gl€d inr€ruiews with FLESIITZED,
with such bandsu CANNIBAL CORPSE, ANCEL CORPSE SADUS, GORGUTS, CRYPTOPSI SADISTIC INTENT, NILE to name a few. And as wual, you can find there tons of honestly mitten reviews on
to me as wcll |s news and
usefirl'zirc you
pf dis issue you can bump into
of DARK TRANQUILLITY, CHRIST, ABSCESS, THE (infomative one!) and LORD plus read a short article about
hsue #5 CADLAS
me a lot! It's a
called LOBOTOMY bands ofextreme music send their
DARK loqe,l9d bave an excellent split issr hdilh most powerful underground namely GOETIA &NEAR DARK Let me begin with the content ofGOETIA
lssue #8 well, I think it's
interviews with CRIP INC., DARK FUNE-
far Martha features a ffiF6Tcool the 38 A/4 pages ofthis issue. You can read
and dozens ofreviews on tapes. Moreover, there are lots of
ads on its professionally printed pages. All this written in russian Contact: c/o Andrey Batura, 207,03 t50 Kiev, Ukraine. By thc ly started an extrem
CDs/demos/'zines and tbc special sections ofProfiles in Sickness alongwith anew one about Tales ofthe Sick! It has 38 A/,+ pages and can be yours by sending 33 USA, 34 World to: c/o Martha Hughes, 358 Moscow St., San Francisco, CA 941 12, USA. E-mail : bastzine@pacbell.net Web Site: www.bastmagazine.com
is a newspaper managed by lebel called MOON Records.
ff. cda yur cqy rltr w
Doo't be a fml, by sading 35 to:
Niclas its editor/mastermind, interviewd both famous & total und€rground acts th€f,e They are the following PENTACLE
of mcient Death Metal), BIFROST (pagan Metal band), REVELATION (American Doom Metal act at its best), THERION (the most undenated band of today,s scene by words of Niclas), TEMPERANCE den's Soul Metal Kings!), THE M ICON (Swedish Doom/Death MOANING (Black/Death horde, from Sweden) and EVOKEN amazing Doom Metal band Also find enclosed two more Misanthropy Records and plus as usual tons of demos/7"s/CDs. O.K.. let's DARK. There are two behind it, namely Kim & content, it's also combines previously mentioned
copy for only $4, Contact: Ewald provoost. Schuitvlotstraat 37, 4373 Af Biggekerke,
Hollmd. tastic to read about the old warriors such
SqINECRONOMICON, RAZOR and IAH, while I've found interesring to read about KRABATHOR, DROWNED and DERANGED as well, for example. The lay-out remained the same profes-
lssue #25 Be long in doing such editions (to be exact from 1986) Chris Forbes improved METAL CORE up to ftee publication. This 25tr issue comes on 44 A,/4 pro-printed pages and features extra long interviews with THE GRIMOIRE OF EXALTED DEEDS ,zine,
sional as it was in #4. So, this is something
you should order before it,s too late. Get your copy for $4 from: Niclas
For me, were interesting to read the sections
ofreviews, they're 100% honest! Furtherly, you can find there a plenty number ofads,
read there interyiews
LISTENABLE Records. Nevertheless, it's a pity that there are only a few pictures in it. To get a copy you should write to: c/o Chris Forbes, 13 Carriage Lane, Marlton, NJ
humororrs anicle i bunch of&mCD rev all the ny professional, arc rnorc clear in GOETIA.
namely Ewald Provoost. The of this issue are features MASTIC SCUM, C.U.M.,
Most of all. I lited the PENTACLE EVOKEN, MOANI\-G rnd OPETH you Emt to ederge your Srat ise ('h-i has 52 A/4 ahad erd b_v rhis splir pgi
EAVES, ENTRAILS MAS. PARRICIDE, NASARCA, FORGOTTEN BOWELS,NYCTOSONORO,LASTDAYS Y, SINISTERandALGOL. detailed ones with clear illustrations. It was also a big number of logos
@uopei !4 (cls*here!6 foll,orirg rd*esss: GOQi toUarssco, Linncg etaa 24
tllg- Swdq\-EAR
sections. Good idea. 's-also an article I can only
st- \risr. j4 C, 853 52 sq:'i- a \E{R D.{RIC'ob T N1-+qr- t?
of'zines and news of
08053-l 109, usA. E-mail: metalczine@aol.com I}IETAI, FORCE'IIAGAZINE
lssue #l METAL FORcEmagazine
is an up and
coming publication of the independent ukrainian label METAL FORCE Records. Its first issue has a surprisingly good quality along the 24 A./4 pro-printed glossy pages of
it. As for the content it covers interviews, articles, news and lyrics from a wide range ofstyles. That's why you can read there about german rock stars SCORPIONS, ukrainian industrial band VIA DOLOROSA, geman
\icbofG(f,llA [reTEf,J
are back their best
about such great bands as
TRAGEDY, NIGHT IN GI TICE, ETERNAL IDA. I would like to mention questions of Niclas that
views interesting and noted the presence of album reviews. It's great! As it's again on professional level gvi clear pictures md lots of band I say more? Maybe, but rhis issue sJ itself. Jur rry to get one and you wr disappoinred ar alt! To get these 44 A,l4 ofmetal an 1'm should send $3
heavy metalists EDGUy as well as about swedish Black Metal blasphemers MAR-
DUK, noruegian Blacksters BORKNAGAR, twin-guitarmasters of swedish Death Metal ARCH ENEMI andukrainian Death Metal band CASTRUM. To all this, you can
54 (elsewhere_) to: Niclas Limesare 24, 380 62 Moft ylringa, Sy$ E-roil: *rdriqa@mbox3OZ.swii.{r$
add the detailed concert review about METALLICAs firstappearance in Kiev and
keep in view
bsre f5
l 'ell, ir is rhc best tbe l,rst is of
siaplc,bcaa\.ilr catled Sumbngc
(Canadren Thresl
content, brutal and
D]RE, KRABATHOR. DROWNED, DERA NOMICON (Geman Thmsh msrerslj IRON RAINBOW. It's really a thick md killer issue having 56 A/4 pags packedwith tons of honest reviews and belter and better interviews. Believe me, it was fan-
METAL FORCE as well! E-mail: metalfor@ingok.com.ua Web Site: http://come.tolmetalforce
to: METAL FORCE, PO.Box 94,50102 Krivij fug, Ulcaine. By the way, don,t forget to take a look at tbe official web site of
it's a ukrainian-written
magazine. The only defect of this issue I found in lack ofreview sections, though as a whole it looks pretty O.K. SeDd you orders
lsue #4 Well, this issue has a really exciting and layout with professional prinring
It contains interuiews with
lsue #8 M.O.B is
fantastic 'zine edited by a
pages with excllent quality cover. What arâ&#x201A;¬ you waiting for?
first issue, I won't complain
that. From the content,
interviews of famous TIAMAT, ANCIENT, METALLICA, PYOGE MOTH, EMPEROR, three more interviews as VELIAR,
N articles about BURZUM,
8-paged grind assaulq, SKINLAB, NEVER-
MORE and SOIL (band of ex-BROKEN HOPEbassist). Also, it includes sections of reviews, news and contact addresses plus some excellent A/4 pictures ofsuch bands As DARKFUNERAL, ULTRASPANK, IN FLAMES and STUCK MOJO' To cut it short, you must to check out these 56 A/4 pages of great stuff for only $3 (US & Canada) / $4 (World). Contact: c/o Simon Thibaudeau, I l2 Ste-Marie, Panet, COR 2J0' Canada.
E-mail: mail@mindspell. freeserver'com Web Site: www.mindspell.freesew€rs.com
demo/CD/concert lyrics and a Culture Of Evil". Well, one thing, it's written inrussian from: c/o Alex Marennikov, l-2-13, 95007 SimferoPol,
much about there
Death/Grind scene of eastem Europe
Such as
get a clear picrure what's really happe3q there nowadays. Find the following inter-
views inside: INSEPULTUS, AMORBI-
r€'s also ROW-
DREAMS, ERIBOS Productions (they're all fiom Slovakia), DEATH SENTENCE
(Doom/Death from Czech), DISEMfrom Greece), BOWEL N
THE ART OF from Huneditedbut
issue ls yours
TH, METAL ORISON with interuiews to read about these great
to notice the inandC.O.F. interviews, the most essenin my opinion, lies in
I'd like
hsue #2 The second issu€ is still a
though its quality imProved i Clear pictures, interesting tons of demo/CD/' zine rev foryou. I guess, all this due editorial board, Alex got two in the persons ofBarbarossa tween the well-packed 58 issue you'l[ ftnd intewiews
can find tons ofuseful in-
the underground releases printed 'zine with nice laYhd cool pictures. Go ahead lfor only $3. Contact: Th€
ia t^
Fi$line, P.O.Box
39550, Pii*oria 0060, South Africa
NIGHIWALK lssue #l Another decent 'zine rised from the land ofour neighbours - Hungary. Its debut
issue contains interviews only with norwegian bands as DARKTHRONE' AURA NOIR, MAYHEM, HELHEIM, HADES. ULVER and DIMMU BORGIR.
These are quite long, in-depth intewiews, but after a while I tired to read only about noruegians. It could be far better with tbe add of other cool bands of theworld l mean, there's no variety in this issue. Nevertbeless, I would recommend this one for the fans of Noruay's scene, 'coz there are really much
interesting things about the beforehand mentionedbands. And ofcourse, you'll find a few reviews on demos/CDs and an article about theNorthem Mythology on its 32 A/4 It can be yours for $4. Available from: c/o Attila M6t6. Tessedik S6muel 140,4032 Debrecen, Hungary. E-mail: AMATE@tigris.klte.hu
(Ryan), I got the new
CRUSADER. As You totallv dedicated to all that Let's see the content.
with WICKED ANused
labels, dering this it's a
I{OIR, HATRED, ARCANA and D.A.B. Dlus a short iiicluding four great South Af' hnd also a cool article aboul RN's view on their "AheadY Ifit's still not enough for you,
rcomendyou lssue
fantastic cover art
Coecragain. Get this tbick 5,i .nd remember Metal is o: Tbe Crusader Fanzine, an- Crsfontein. Pretoria 0060,
From tb€ straight th€
to check oul
of dem'CD.7"/video/book retbse All this come on 64 A/
dctd i
lsue f2 The second issue ofNIGHTWALK has lots of improvements. It goes to both the content atrd layoot of it. So this time you can
read intervieq's with BLOODTHORN, MYSTIC CIRCLE, ...AND OCEANS, LORD BELIAI. ARATHORN, AMORTIS, ENSLAVED (inmesting one!), GORGOROTH, AHRIMAN, MALIGNANT ETERNAL,INTHE WOODS... plus you can dive into the usual demo/CD reviews and the continuation of Northem Mythology series' And what's more, there's a painting of famous Hieronymus Bosch on the front
&- co=es the l3'h issue of )IlE rcricd with the all-sided ofBrE Zrh;b. Find interviews with JL\GLE ROT, DARK FU-
\:lDE& C.{\}IIBAL
The joking attitude E other than the h interesting fi lled with rcviews, ads, comics and ofcourse. All is left, is a
lssue l{l
STTCHERY. THORR'S ,BENEDICTIud POLTERCHRIST them? There's and ofcourse but I must note, that things in any other
cover. Enough said, order this piecc ofart by sending $5 to: c/o Attila M6t6, T€ssedik S6rnuel 140, 4032 Debrecen, Hungary. E-mail : AMATE@tigris.klte.hu
The debut issue ofthis comes on 52 A/4 pages What can I say? monotonous and the characters ofthe texts are too big for my taste, but since it's their
dcssage ofthe edilor: "Ifyou can't at
yruself, don't
read this magzine".
Available for $4. Contact: The Grimoire of Exalted Deeds. 248 Lakeview Avenue, Suite 237, Clifton, NJ 0701 l, USA E-mail: billzbub@wfmu.org
In spite of the fact I've done r
very much, I've been a big fan of him since the beginning in '85. The old MERCYFUL FATE
this interview a long time ago
I'd like to fill it with some news. Further line-up change for ANCIENT Scorpios is no longer in the band and
is also among my fave . . bands, but I'm
new bassist
stuff They really lost some of that special style they had when
dreadv been Ecruited. Since the bandparted
they got reformed and got
with him right
a new drummer.
before the recordings of the new alb.-, the bass was recoded by Aphazel himself. Their new dbum "The Halls Of Etemiqi is recendy out on METhL BLADE Records. It differs &om "Mad Grandiose Bloodfiends", being heavier and more similar to the early works of ANCIENT, presenting also new elements and atmosphercs.
Do you know something about Ukraine (our bands,'zines etc.), Our Carpathian mountains is the source of legends sbout Nosferatu, werewolves, etc. - Not very much, to be honest, Ukraine used to be part of Russia, but now it's an independent nation. It's a poor country. I don't know very much more. I know about the Carpathian mountains very well, yeah,
and some day I will probably go to visit this area. When we can expect your new material and in what way it will be? - Hopefully we'll be ready to go into the shrdio in february. I think we'll record in Germany this time. The next album should be out in apriV may, I suppose. In some ways it will be a bit back to the style we had earlier, but also with some ncw influences. It will be very heary, and also melodic. Have you any problems with Norwegian "Inner Circle" fl think these guys werr like a children, playing in warriors
The following is an interesting
Aphazel of
ANCIENT. Read it! Who is "Aphazel"? From what mythology came that name? - "Aphazef is a kind of anti-chrisq a blasphemer, a half man/ half beast. I've always seen myself as someone totally different from "normal" people. The name just came from my own mind, not from anymyttrology.
Who is that one called "Jesus Cbrist!"? - It's
egainst christianity)?
orkeyboardplayer, heused to play
gnL fu us earlier. The whole point in rlirg such a narne *'as to mock .rriri-y * IrFrK rhat JesLs Christ - Hy- h c crisin mth. fu e-th irybaol1| dtbbeq'otu*'it ItSadhFF.q,!r!a ha Describc E tr.rrr-
nowadaysbct-ft$*-3' a.ftt EWho play dnr r ;rflr bracett?
-No. How do you think what is more dangerous for youth now - olficial church
or such things like different baptistic sects asjehovah witnesses, adventists oI
seventh day, etc. I know that many of these bastards are based in USA. Have
ning *'as really good, I thought, and when
Gbm decided !o leave ANCIENT in august 95, I -4.d Kaiaphas up and told him I wanted
i L fui: Aphazel: Guita$&wc* DeadlyKristin: Fembd
Ero& arrt for Grimm. A few weeks later I Et b b US a€ain, and we started playing
Scorpios: Bass
- The line-up today
Krigse: Drums Jesus Christ! : Keyboards In the video for "Lilift's
see the drummer Kjetil, wto's drums on "The Cainian Chroniclc'-
1n ca plrying
- k' r l - I haven't been that much into vqiin, like Kaiaphas was. And now that he's no lqrr in the band I want to get away from this thc,
Tell us more about your inteEtt Mythology (Vampires, Werewolvcr,
also a lot because it's way too trendy and overdone in the scene right now. I have interest in ancient mythology, especially the Norse, Greek and Egptian ones, I haven't had so much time to strdy th€s€ lately though. Wlcre yor 6rd Krirphes (as we know he
is your opinion - I rx'as
rbert.rie brnd?
not very
rr, fond of their newer
Xaiaphas since early '94
or so, we tradd tap€s vitt eo.h other, I liked his band GRAND BELLAL'S KEY a lot, and when I went to the US in may '95 I met up with him and we became good friends. He also let me listen to his side-project, THOKK, which really impressedme alol his voice andhis drum-
I hlbc*AliD BELIAL'S KEY a lo! the old mat€rial 2 released) was really like r-er1'much the good and I ttr'igtt new line-rp tby
(b &-tr @ dilU fu'r hr n; What do yor ' ' r.l er s -.t Crcnos, Tom Wlriq,J:fiBccarf Mrrcd Sthirmer... - Not much, I respect
sm dtca, h[
dm't mean very much to me. Tle majority says that Bld Mdrl is dyir? Tl'hrt is your opinion sbout thb? - \f'ell 6e quality of the Black lvletal that has beca rdeased the latest years has gone down realty r ifyou compare it to the beginning in - '93. A lot because there's too many bands, 16 mrypocple has jumped on the bandwagon, and rnary ber& concentate too much on selling as mud albrms as possible, making commercial 'Blrck Metal" that can reach a bigger audience, and don't make music they fruly are into, It's very easy to hear when your music doesn't come from your heart, I think.
Do you like King's bands KING DIAMOND and MERCYFUL FATE (you play cover "Black Funeralt)?
you sny troubles with them?
such bands as DEICIDE, MORBID ANGEL have troubles with these rssholes. They make demonstrations on their shows for example). - I think the only thing that can be considered
"dangerous" is stupidiry believing everything you're being told without using your own intelligence and opinion. People must start to take life in their own hands and not rely on others. We srue had some negative reactions in the US, with several christian organizations, complaining that we're using the name Jesus Christ, ht itdirln't cause us anyproblems. They'rc just e btnch of worthless idiots who are jealoris on p€Alewho dare to live life to the fullest, to enjoyarearthty existence, and try to tcll us'\ile'll go to hell" and and and a half. What a bunch of loeers, they all belong in a mental hospital, I rhink. Some ancient words from elder demon to the readers.,. - Thanks for your support, we look forward to see you all in Hell!
Bergen Norwoy
E-mail: Ancientband@hotmail.com Web Site: www.ancientband.com
gstcDfiSufi'339?g 49 -,---ffi--:-
Here comes'tbtal darkness blought fonh bi tlre band from Zaporozhye, namely XUL This young band can be one of the leaderg in Ukrainiap BJack lllgJal in the tuture. Their debut alburn '3rl0' was very strong and can blow off many so-called Black Mgtal kings evcr from aboard..so read the interview with my friend Obscurian anO drp,wri'i0,,the'abyss of the most fearful evil. For it comes for you!
First of all, tell the history of youp , and from niusic. But!!!!! Nowadays IAI Zl DINGIR XUL KANPA! : many 13-14 years old bastards ap- I always love to see how judeo- The barrd wars formed in Winter peared, who read about Norwegian -why ctftistian marasm burns but I c'an't 1998. The line-up is Obscurian, criminals (l donrt understand, under$t4nd these idiots who proInnominan'dus" and.Caxnr. In Au- they do not hail Al Capone anC the,, glaimedrthe war against christianity
gust-Septembqr,,1999-we recorded &res like him) and call themselvqs - and"dedicated" their lives toit{as our first a{b;tt'rn, namel%6i3JlO", in "true pgan btack metal", crepti/rg . tlrey $ay)1 [1old about how.I;3rnder:' Beat Studibi' Kha1kiv. ;#*+nlQ
Explain thb.music'style of
' t
tvfalgs:' (ha-ha-ha) a4 ing a "waro to many,*te.*##ffii.lqlibnorma-
s is the ittf.id:.*J
- BLACK.MqIf:L!!!i Youi opinionj*$ilut Black Metat existence.'of in ukraine:ffftdo you think what tittteuoy.q-.9$i.i6g$iffiffi.:l-. [;-tle caiet ifoFqqh"be{N" .u$tbffi*ri" bands aie'tdierve to be known? music as^iiffi*,RloRifieffifiaifiti" n.".r .Y..i ur" :.:
want to name them here) are '*."'li'"ii,'"t::;:;;;'t1'.J:",{.-ffi[{:#:I,Wl];";fi:::W:-;;;";;; da"r,..F
bestbandsareNoi(T[eNNAL3igiffiffi'whendffiE4Eo:Thosewhose MORTUM. LUCIFUGISS-iRU- b.ffi_d$ig*fferse N ES- OF DIAN_CEHT- .dll'these people are more de-eply inderstand]' Black meral thdi nt fuctif'.]
assholes who ca
Blact !Ietal'?
lust. The who dominated:once
l-;.Dd'sb4ll inherit... -.. , Will.sq4e changes ih.1husic
Tlhe tnajoiity of this fake foul human sociCty will be exterminated and the
*'ill iemain will be changed in those low creatures who ones who
are they really are.'
egories: Thelones who grew up on VENOM, CELTIC FROST, etc.; The- ones who rise,due to Black
Metal of early 90's - MAYHEM,'
majority of these people (I mean
Carpathians a V"ampires,, werewolves, warlo.q.ks, hgxeq and ahcidlt evil that sleepi in the.<iepihb of the mouirtains but dome,{a'y. will awake (now tve can behold the1beginning
ot, this'awakening). Carpathians is two parts) are deserve to be hailed. . the diabolic place wheid many black They are the ones who understagd roots.dw.ell aN feeded by the hidwhat they want from themselves eous powers of the Ancient Ones.
le':: I
are beholding
; the eiffof : Iyrics teke place in the futuie? id pbople- I hate. -' -.Yes,^our new mat*eria!.will be glrt forth many .more sinister, more fasier and more ns whicb desecrate diffibult. That's all I can say about r{ffait the moment when it.
pArHoRs;Mi !!-.{prgh t,hgv,
Them is a pure blas.
Non adaf$f
' Last rords for - Thel'are
the end-..
awa,iiilBi+d lbey will
l-ri do Kirill Vojuckij SYobody str fr65 B. Sbevcbenko 4A/5 69O17 Zzporozhye .880ffi Udgorod Ukraire Ukraine P.S.: Album "3IO' will be released do Chepuyrcr
soon on Kolovrat Productions
(Kharkiv) in MC format.
After reoding fhis interesling interview onswersd by Evon Morch, tfre vocolist of AVIIISION, you will undoubtedly going to thinlt obout anlorging your collecfion with their outstonding olbum'Dlmensions Of Dorknesso. you con olso find here olmost errerylhing from lfre beginning to ttre present doys of fhis greot Decftr Metol quortet. Tell us the history of AVULSION. IIow it's all had begun and why you decided to use the name AVIJI,SION for your band? Give us some info about the bandmembers. - AWLSION was formed in earlv '94 bv Evan March (vocals) + Ian Macdonald
and then all of
sudden are playing black metal
or hardcore?
rangeofstyles.., someregionshavetheirownsound,
but overall
- I think that progression is
it varies from one bandtothenext. What kind
of bands the members of AVULSION
(guiar). hApril AndrciNad:lesa(bass) + Blake Jones (drums)joined. kr July '94 we recorded a 4 song reheanal demo entitled'NearDeath" and in Nov. '94 recorded the 2 song "Inexorable Suffering" demoandinJan. '95
are listen to? Are
there any thrash metal, black metal
maybe grindcore bands you like to listen or youtre
listen only Death Metal
additional tracks whichwere included w/ the demo. In Feb. '95, AlexCoxjoinedas2d guitarist Lr spring/summer'96 "Dimensions OfDarkness" was recorded
of course acceptable, but when a band's style changes l0f/o from I albumto thenex! I feel this is rmaccentable.
- I listen to mostly deaft metal and some doom
+ black metal. I'm into bands such as old UNLEASHED/ENTOMBED/DISMEMBER. old
atlan's home studio. This
was finally released in Oct.'97 The current line-up is Evan March -
vocals (21 yr. old college shdent), Ian Macdonald - guitar (21 yr. old college
AlexCnx - guitar (20 yr. old coll. student), Blake Jones drums (l9yr. oldcoll. s[rstudent),
same type of strff, but also
some non death metal such as TTIE MISFITS.
dent) and Ian Cone -bass
(20 yr. old coll. snrdent). We now live in 3 different states. so it's hard to practice often.
BLACK SABBATH, BEFIERII, etc. Say something about
your live shows.,. Do you p!d$1 live often?
"Dimensions Of Darkness"was rdeased
by your own
DEATIIGASM Recordsin 197. Give us some information about ib bands and upcoming rc-
Tdl us more about the AVUISIONo
Of The Dbciple end the rtbsed bv
in'94,releasing4 comp. tapes in'95+'96, then the fint CD [), and by the time youread this the EVIL NATE 'tslood of the Sainb' CDwill be out. March 'DesL of the Heavenly Realrns" rP, CD
by Ld umc l"
thetacksaefrcm is on tbe'So we ilbe
- Ibegan the label
is on ExtrernistRec"
rrleased It Be VoIArre us these far.
Death" vol.
ls0n InAsh€s"
t kind of
bands do you prefer to play - We play only about 5 or we live farfrom each otheran as much as we'd like to. The show there will be 15
mosdyplayV other bands we've played We
yeax, smce
together les... one
one 150. Some ; NO-
Whatwouldyou who say that
- I would Acrully 3
Whatrolethe therc any it? Whatis
comp. CD,
etc. I also labels such as
hG ftm
CDs as the
and Alex
,nrlg 'tr'uturc
$gomg ryecific i Who write the - The material is
ccir(h. overg!6
gyilcomp.CDadth forcD#2, tobcl**rd
$ ovef
but tlre lyrics are wn
*o€en F^ ng lor
Have you any shipping tte - I'm an atlreisr
-Sometimeinlare CD. and in June there
be out in August
with wor-
- Thanks a lot
cytcDfiSufi'33yfc 51
/y,' 6 las/h y rd s y n th /h w x o f :6 14 :7 tJ O I, / 6 O N 'fo/d,'as.;'j.''.167.0f'thlhgsabout.thewrirdone'9ytna.'iaf:..t/tetrfuslc4land/qrra/tdeo'logy.3b..bt
(.pt led,:'in,t th tetes
tlU "iatl ue iE h t:r'm:twi th
6,,1r@;' Ke /
preted to iillri irilliriliii :jlititiiiiirjrr:;: .,j.
i , ::,jj::.j:;11:,rj:':',
of things.
wanted'*:r la::*:g from
flrst mo-
rusl',Yr I ca.r ienln','ber that there was '' ment:nn. ct i:rs isronJ lt all. We all
u1ilifl+{ti:iio one has been able,,to do,,all that'r ,,,hSidoubt
we're basically just four g11ys who...lbve CATHOLICONisagalnstorganitbd cJr+i., : .,doingihi,s,kindof musicanrlj,b,eingapar'[.,,::rreligionandlhefalsehobdofCreatlon- i.:r -.--: l:.'. of rtris Jiene:, whiie,ar tlidlisame,,.iii*e., fm in lyrlcs. Could vbu teil us more ii:-:: " '-.
ihe tyricat lconcbpfioh of . -i=-= ,tr-,doai#ruirt:riin*reim,tis:t,ruuiea cATuol-tcorq:Dos;thetdt+aiir*- r -: . :-.
tappyto$riunuaail'bin**uilfib*,i{itei* ' about
=,i:.,..,,.,..,, .'-----;: "1j6g:{;,,:Chronicles:;:bf t:hEWqiin isitjustadrawing?HowdidJuh.
l:r.i:::1. l il, ., i :::::..-. :'j:,:1::..u:i.', .'
gsyliirr:i:$ ypuri:Aebtl
album have any symbolic'fiiiani*gs
;lbun iretaasei Vuorma's artwork
: ;:.':js=elittle,sccnc -:::. butthe;;liino - rrrnk d;;ih.,.m;dl
:nough wc'ro,;striVtng 'vtirr."1:is
about? \1
ii$assee ttrrough tne Flamesii I;:,,{riuc;,,' oi:'ai{h".,.vniii'*ct {tillri""...,o{.don*.youi.|iomewor[i........t;..tia.;;a.sn'*a.i1o,tt"-*,.'-.Actuallr, ,::-' c.d. c.d.. is.,solt.of'the is soit of the culminar:: Actqally. r::,' [n rnany,ways],it is r:: culmina-"'''ln'm.dnv.,wav$Lr,it
-: -. :coin
- -
oT;"iii*,;";il';';, ;ffiiil,Hil;,.'..=-,
- : ; i:.
- i\ ou'. yori&*ve tXone your homewor . , acrually did s::f3th$r. lirnny:,*on-r called 'K-rll Bob Lar"on' borrowing musr: lrom another local b hd,r,,way hgfore thc form,tion oi C.{THSHICOh{;i* tan sa.,' rhat cur liirsust for ttrai,man As *eli as our iocsJ iersion of hintii{Jimm-u S*aggarf] :,i- : rery big factoi in this r-r-,i s for; :.ii:cn. I {ohit think about Br,h much tlr:e daysi#nrt:if::if':were ncr for him anil
- . .,:'.--. .-:.-*ri i cwfi;Ctr,ir1g,,norb-nrccordedueforc,ti::i+iiiiiii:writc abofrr ri::- - --- : - ':= ,-:'.' atmos!,,si4rtin$loiodKatthatc.d,;rrd$,:,a,, planto): but:.=-- -:-:*-.-: .:;'.e:o trig,defiq;1+f;r,sh$y.mr'r:thrnanalbum. stdynearlo:r::--."::.-:--:=i=-'Trrr .r'Ifrrit#j1;ififihst -aearn *r,.t and Wb selCctf,il ?sbnss from ea.; i rhe rlrsr rsnorance 3i3 :-:'€rti:- ::.: - :-l- *e: - -i:i5 fg,:V[:yelf8iol${+fiexistence ani reitirc: reiigion fci.iss!-r€s itsi::€s i ha C i,: : ned.,r#b =E .'- a 'atani111ig,,$gj,ggu$g$l tuy*-*Sffi$ ,bo{h tin,ts r.e ca'md !.f0$rti1ffiel,'$p,y*sli.,ffr1 .,r$il {he c'd. :s arri obsessics. u*fc"1,}ar.t.1' to QiIfi €l{Y;:,:I; fi O tt:f$I [Itne L: r; i'i' t arn ed ilEVa*:,i1,aud,lilii,tt,e$ii{wittdfi:in,early 1997. \'tr;;., :s a gree ai'tisl O:: E- rtrrit.,"f,*lp'tffi!,Ifi"."ti:iiiii*iy be.r .q,!ri"i a-'rsi,,r:;:e gi*c+;-i :.-r:r *. ;'iiclffiri,i,i iilil*ai* u,..*, un.'d ",l s,:ini,iirl atong rvithlsoiid, newcr tractCll],, gur*'ouiessin;;:u,:-
u c
it our, I *iieve. I\}en I i-:::
think it lootedas if ircor:.: c-- 3
great irony td ail this i$ that Bob LarSon Hinistries,has, ioi ;qbont *e pait,'!'l"ar,
reg mone1. It was rruc Chripq{*ns,,*ho' car*e to tie rescue, ina senSiEi;hy,e,ipo$i
52 g9?ao$?3u91?'q3t?c
ing him as a fraud. When someone tries
to pit Christianity against Satanism or whatever else in an at it, he isa . I have credlt
As long as it con
sad thi the thines
, there is
. I'm ti
evil atrnoly, the best
sphere, I'll go band is SUTUR
say that everything contained in the sec-
ond l.p. is_totally documented and hisand well researched. I will any Christian toj#N oqes*ftArd*of
really beli
or practice his own
ls at all
cheated on his marri
isused funds, now?
etc., etc.). Who's the ev
read it whose version Lovecraft's or Si
What do you think bout Necronomicon? Have you
And if you was: H.P.
- I wish I had our ex-guitarists Troy Thomas or Chris 'Olieribos' here for that one; but since I don't, pass on that question. That was their field of exper-
tise, not mine. What are the musical influences of the band? What are the bands from the present scene you like most? - I love the darker stuff. I don't go much for brutality or speed. Conveyed Feeling is what matters most to me. I should point out that this statement stands in sharp contrast to what the other members would tell you, but I can only speak for me. I love TIAMAT, MOONSPELL, the Electric Hellfire Club, I'm a lifelong fanatic of MERCYFUL FATE and KING DIAMOND. DEATH is still putting out great music. DEICIDE doesn't do much for me anvmore. EMPEROR and C.O.F. are great. I\{PE\DINC DOOM (German)', )s a _;::: r:nJ.. I love VENOM.
say for n
willing to I
say and play, I
I don't want to been into this and I can't imagind death metal scene always be there around.
have a demo soon to
we have to .
If not, well...
t. Really, I've 10 years now f out of it. The
ke family and has ways as it's
is, thanks for your info on us. visit htto:// come.tolc6tholicon and e-mail us at
time. For
constat@ibm.net and write P.O. Box 183,
Greenwell Springs, La. 7 0739-9998, USA.
Currentlv vou'
rial for the
you might That's all I'll
posing mate-
second album which ten-
tatively entitled ((Christianity". What can you tell us about this album? It seems to me lyrically there will be no changes. And what about music? - Musically, it is stronger, faster, heavier, more challenging, and more tastefully written and crafted - but still definitely us, you'll know it's us when
"The prophet is
afool, the spiritual man is mad" Hosea 9:7 KJV
you hear it. Lyrically, actually, there will be a great change, as this is a tightly woven concept album. Before, we were just blasphemous. Now, you will know why we are the way we are. Everyone
read, understand, and believe. I don't want to give too much away except to
g9?cDfisu$?',339t9 53
[ell-o fo all fhe readers ol your magazine; here lrom the Xnca's J.rand com€ iTartin edifon ol Explosion €erebral'zine wifh a lasl view ol the Pei'wian scen€ and lile here in Peru lihe a little part ol fhe wonld. Well, lefs go:
Ifwe musttalk about a musical scene we must go to the 70's years with some rock and roll bands, but in the beginning of80's the underground scene has become reality. In the 80's bom punk, hardcore and metal bands. One ofthe most common problem in the peruvian scene is that the people change very fast ofidea or style. In the 80's bom a lot ofbands into the Venom style. When the bay area was in boom all the bands were sound like a thrashcore with a bit ofdeath
The metal scene said: "To think about the social problems are the punks and hardcores". But in that years me (Explosion Cerebral zine) widr other editors (fermonuclear, Derrame Cercbral, and Asco) formed trc AFA (Asociacion
metal. So appears the swedish death metal scene and all the bands were playing Entombed/Suffer sound. And the last when happened all the cases in Norway here appears a lot of black metal guys saying that they were the most cru-
cows under the excuse that they wanted to confol the terrorism. Now we have other shit in the govemment like is the shit of Fujimori a man who wants to be in the govemment for all the years (now have l0 yean in the power). Also their people in the congress they have need a referendum to say stop to &e madness. And like ever the metal scene say nothing, but well what can I do now if a lot of people thatwere with me
elty black poep in the world, making inner circles or trying to kill each other (never happened nothing). Also a lot ofthese bands exist only sometime and after this time they died and also the guys dissapear ofthe scene. Between the most known Metal bands were Hastur (they released a demo called "Satanic Nun") butafter this demo they split up. Another ancient band and now the most known in Europe is Mortem (they began in 86 and after 4 demos they recorded their "Demon Tales" with the german Merciless), Hadez (since the same 86 they recorded their Cd "Aquelane" after it they split up and now they are back), Sepulcro (one ofthe best power metal band after 2 demos they changed to a style more complicated and they split up), Kranium (also since the same year drey still exist with their great demo "Dos Sonrisas Una Lagrima" excellent production), Armageddon (great heavy from 80's now they split up), Orgus (a band that was in the vein of commercial hcavy metal), Massacre (was one ofthe first heavy metal bands), Almas Inmortales, Jerusalem, Mortuorio, Penitencia (one ofttre best death
metal band here in Peru in the all vein of Sepultura (old) and all the brazilian acts from the 80's, sorry they split up in the 88). In this I
time borned a youth metal association that was named "La Horda Metalica' = "The Metallic Horde". The idea ofthis association was to realize more concerts and to do a rupture between punks and metals. Yes this association was the beginner of a lot of fights between them. Aftera few time (no more of two years) ttris Horde died 'coz the head ofit was taken but a guy that only saw in this a bussines (he still live in the scene and its name Pino, this guy sell all 'coz he say that he lives ofit) and all the people into it leave the association to seek other points, but never hnd nothing like that...The unique error ofthis Horde to search the light enter punks and met-
Mortis, Morbid Cadaver, Sqpliciura Pandemonium, Asiaroth, Puterfacto, Ritual, Post Mortal, Ferefto, Fosa Comun, Criminal Insane, Darken, Disinter, Dictadura de Conciencia, Ahofia Cerebral, Materia Organica" Sentencia, Esperpento,
Estigma, Estallido, Insensibilidad Energetica,
Cadaver Incubator, Situacion Hostil, SNA, Saram ScMt Santuario, Blast, Psicorragia, Engorged Pussy, Anfo, InfCrnal, Lament Christ, Sarcoma, Impalement, Hecrophaga, En Las Espeasa Nieblas, Golgota, Autodestruccion, Epilepsia, Elekhash, Audicion lrritable, Requiem, Akrateia, Black Angel, Confusion and a bit more. About fanzines in all our scene and the most important to me was Headbanger (death/blackmetal zine really great: years 8588), Termonuclear (anarcozine with all the styles: years 87-91) and DeathCross (only aa issue but that rules in the death scene I thiok that was in the year 88). Afterthese zines bcmcd a lot of zine like Butchey, ProMurder, THC?. UnderMetal, Esquina, Asco, AberracicnDe Protesta, Combatiendo, Yo Odio,
Crr Ccrm.
Sarcasm, Suppurated
Derre Gd>
b I'lEs-rbd rd
ral, Leviathan, Concientizacioo O?crcfemal Noise, Guttural Breath- Crhrn ragia, Infected Voice, Mutitrr FI=k ter, and Ataque Metal. All rE the only that I can sa1' thr re Erplosion Cerebral (sonf'tic Tcqfc ofThe Damned,
rle n r= cL Maleficarira, T+.
To the yean 90's we have amore bigger scene but \ryith the same problems, to realize concerts,
and a bit undcrgrrod and no more, scr5r bat
d r Fd E), ard.. orr sca b r lot of problems lite otnccmi:l corn
distribution of peruvian stuffs out of Pent
fanzines not really great between us, people ttat only want your material and not to support your
try. A.ll tbe prices to & a zine b so high ed wc search a lot of ways to do this mte chcT tbat ever we con In 6e year 94-95 *e hrc ttc visit oftwo bands Immolatioo: one ofthe best concerts even do and Disrnemb€r a wift trot a great response. Now some ofthe actral bands
in the AFA now they don't belong to nothing less to the scene. In that years appear a lot of bands like Necropsia" Traum4 Estrella Negr4 Coprofagia, Inri, Inextremis, Necrofucker, Spasm, Anal Vomi! Mortal4 Neuroparalya, Opcion, Diabolica, Aberracion, Curriculum
gro (this zine is a
tenorism the only scene (for say something) that have a very strong point ofview was the punk one. They sometime had some fights with the bunch oftenorism thatwas infilters in the scene.
articles in our 'zines, to fight against the terorism and the fascism of our govemment that in these years wanted to conEol the people like
work neither the scene. When we have had the time with violence like a product of the stupid
de Fanzines Altemativos = Altematives Fanzines Association) to realize some concerts and tro put
54 C9?COfiSUfi',3Sytg
that are in current work are:
. En
Las Espeses Niebles: Doom metal metat
band in the vein ofAnathema.
. Lament Christ: .4 rare mixture between doom and black metal, really a cool band. . Blrck Angel: On ly blackmetal not so ptofessional but very cruel. . Cadever Incubatorz Old grindnoise. . Anal Vomit: Death metal in the vein of
Cannibal Corpse. . Disinter: Doorz metal like Beyond Dawn. . Kranium: Great ancient band in the same vein that their ancient days but morc professional. . Mortem: We must say new from them? Ever an occult band, . Estigma: Band that only exists to play in bussiness market. To me (my personal point of view) is a bad band. . Sarcoma: Grcat death metal with a lot of
rican touc hes. These are the most important bands to me and I think that also they are working so hard to have a place in the scene. To explain a bit more my
s out hame
sceoe: all the guys in it, have a lot ofyears in
(for example I am since 1987) and in the last years we have new guys in the scene that is good to us to see grow our scene. The only matter is
that these guys want to have a "Name" in the underground like us that we are working for years. Well these guys try to do some (All rip offs) to get stuffand so they can say that they are someone in the underscene, This matter existed a lot oftime ago and I think that our scene must have more time in the world to get the rigths persons to work more professional and at least to have a scene like Brazil that here in Souftamerica is one ofthe best. Chile sometime ago was tbe second more important scene in Sorrbamerica, but now have a bit problem (I tlrinlr 931a61 like us) il tbeir scrne. If I must rrcm€rd you a sce bcre io Sorfiamerica. I mq sy 19s Peru fcu it is my scene), Brazl d Colcltr Tbc rcsr of countries have
bu I dinf ?hr 6ey
ate beginners. of Chile, Argentina" Ecu-
Clcrl rb & e
rfudl*rgrt: "ttidof ry*uk Myzine ispreparing tui+U rh k mlly written in English and r Lr i-rvicss with Primordial, Vargr, Ar* Su, A.ri:c Ceremony, Baal, Noctuary ElFirE, Dnrring
in Tears, FleshCrave, Night Season, Gone Sad-
C-l'rrs Day, Celestial rc, Ar;ldcss ald more.
3Ut llrfround,
$uppn tno
lf you want more info write to Explosion Cerebral'zine: do Martin Lazarte Castro, Jr. Huamanpoma de Ayala 257, Lima 32, PERU PhoneFax: (51 ) (1 ) 578-3048 Fax: (51) (1) 578-3048 ICQ #: 22921323 E-mail: mlcexpz@telematic.edu.pe
oll originol four piece metql oct from
Northern Colorodo. Entronce into the locol live music scene occured in August of 1995. Since then IMMORTAI DOTIAINION hos progressed into one of the most well-known locols oround. This notoriety developed due to the powerful performonces felt, heord on"d by mony music fons in the region over the,1 In December of 1996 the self releosed stirred o buying frenzy. This five so-ng intended to be iust o demo qqgJ*tg! fons something to listen to. momentum they opened for "Endure" is your first out for a few months now.
WICKED INNOCENCE ond APOCATYPSE THEATER; Their olbum "Endureo wqs recorded
ne of 1998 ot The Blosting Room. oEnto toke people on o ride thot will
hqrd'to forget. One of the biggest keys to DOrtltlNlON's continued growth is fons to thelr showst And thot is why be touring nqtionwlde for severql -upport of oEndure'. The whole bqnd on ol! of the qnswerd up with Juha Vuorma? Will you choose
ron your
CD in spite of it is a high quali sponse to it been like? How has it any distribution deals with any cti! it all on your own? Have you - a) So far, we have experienced$t responses zines and fans. b) We are selling CD a lot faster togk for our EP "Birth" to get into c) For have Dutch East India Tradine ,ure talking to Impured Records in Germpny
What kind of things influence tfie individuals? I hear a fluctation styles in your music, and Phil Anselmo be a heavy influence for you, do you- Our influences stem from all of play from our hearts. Ray likes a lot of diffqenf Phil Anselmo is definately one of thei TeIl us something about the lyrical
future releases?
minutewhenwe ran outof options, Juha e-mailed ,his work was killer and used as much of it as we defi_pitely be considered for future work. band from Colorado that I've heard. Is you where you live? n:it we,
great bands here and the scene continues
you play gigs? What is the reason for you to is your image on this gigs and are there any What bands do you prefer to play with? out 4 times a month, we just got back off played 16 shows in 30 days. We play really wild and girls take off their
?iAre you married? What are the ofthe band? rian-26. Two ofus are mar-
comics. Listen to mu-
TAL DOMINION. Very mon Voicestt and "Hydrotombtt losophy you or your band
read and why? Any you somewhat?
satanism, etc.)? - Those songs were writteh philosophy is to love your let live. I like a lot your booklet with'
morality, war M.prality-Where?, le.
the future
llow ofshows, and ev,9ry hand pos-
lr t I
t: J
E-mail: immortaldominion@uno.com Web Site: www.immortaldominion.com