Reston Fall 2012

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liVE 42 Living on the edge


WoRK when the General Assembly is not in session


PlaY Open Mikes in Reston


GEt inVolVEd who is in the volunteer Spotlight?


FALL 2012


RA Programs & Events

From the Front porch to the heart The USEful Exchange Eagles Cookies & Badges

Reston association Publication


e e r


Saturday, September 22, 2012 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Lake Anne Plaza Rain or Shine Everyone is encouraged to dress in attire from their own cultural roots.

Exciting Entertainment • Delicious Food • Beautiful Arts & Crafts Fun from Around the World for the Whole Family! Hosted by the Lake Anne Plaza and co-sponsored by Reston Community Center and Reston Association, with partners from a variety of Reston based organizations and businesses.


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1831 Wiehle Avenue Ste.Ste. 200200 | Reston, Virginia 20190 1831 Wiehle Avenue | Reston, Virginia 20190 | Fall Edition 2012


CONTENT 2012 Fall Edition | WWW.RESTON.ORG

16 features

16 cover storY From the Front Porch to the Heart

by barney tHomson

The idea came in a moment and has enriched lives for years. See how The Front Porch Singers make a difference.


08 10 12


Sustainability & Success General Assembly in the “Off Season” Fresh Faces this Fall at RCC

34 The USEful Exchange by JoHn LoVaas

36 Eagles, Cookies & Badges by JÜrIs keLLey

Do you have a talent or some time to share? Then learn how to trade that for something on your to-do list by joining one of Reston's oldest time banks.

Almost since Reston itself was founded, there have been scout troops in the community.

on the street

the finer thinGs


24 28

It's Time to Change Lanes Reston: The Art of Community Getting to Know : Richard A. Cabellos

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Singing During Supper

on the cover Photo by David Madison David Madison captures Sunrise resident Dottie Thomas as she enjoys a evening of musical delight from the Front Porch Singers. David Madison serves private and commercial clients, including Volkswagen and the DNC.

around reston

42 44

Living on the Edge Forty Years of Song

36 34 coMe plaY in reston


Member Services




RA Camps






Special Events

Get involved

81 81

84 84 85 86

Weed Warriors Halloween House and Trick or Treat Trail Haynes Whaley Associates, Inc. Project FM Global Project Deloitte IMPACT Day 2012 Volunteer Spotlight: Melissa Knueven

livinG in reston


89 89 90

Avoiding Conflict with the Neighbors Spring Fling 2012 Reston Home Expo Planning for a Safe Holiday Season

54 board & Governance

92 93

Board of Directors' Actions Board of Directors

info & resources

94 95

96 97

Reston Association Common Area Fishing & Boating Guidelines Directory & Facilities Reston Map

A digital version of Reston is available online at Reston is published quarterly by the Reston Association. Send correspondence or address changes to Reston Association at 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20191-3404, 703-435-6530. All articles Š Reston Association 2012. All rights reserved. Advertising rates are available upon request to or by phone to 202-337-1892. Articles and letters to the editor may be submitted via mail to Amelia Townsend, Reston Association at 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20191-3404, 703-435-6530. E-mail submissions may be made to Anonymous or incomplete information will not be published. Reston Association reserves the right to edit for length, style, clarity and content. Articles may be printed upon verification of authorship and availability of space.

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The Complete Resource for Living, Working, Playing and Getting Involved

Volume 3 | Number 3 VISION: Leading the model community where all can Live, Work, Play and Get Involved™. MISSION: To preserve and enhance the Reston community through outstanding leadership, service and stewardship of our resources. PUbLISHER: Reston Association, Ken Knueven, President, Board of Directors EDITORIAL: Amelia Townsend, COPy EDITORS: Jennifer O’ Connor, Kathy Bush DESIGN & PRODUCTION: Long Nguyen, PHOTOGRAPHER: Sean Bahrami, CONTRIbUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: David Madison, Jim Kirby,

Charles A. Veatch, Pete Staples, Bob Haukness, Lucy yen, Gene Morris ADVERTISING: Chris Schriever, Lindsay Sutton, RA CONTRIbUTORS: Arlene Whittick, Ashleigh Soloff, Barbara Beaver, Claudia Thompson-Deahl, Ha Brock, Katie Shaw, Laura Kowalski, Mary Conway, Nicki Bellezza, Patricia Greenberg, Sue Sims, Willa Whitacre COMMUNITy CONTRIbUTORS: Ken Plum (D-Va.36), Leila Gordon, John Lovaas, Jüris Kelley, Tim Steinhilber, Barney Thomson, Janet Rems, Bonnie Haukness, Robert E. Simon, Jr.

MAIN OFFICE (Member Services) 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, Virginia 20191-3404 Office Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Extended Summer Hours: Saturdays, April 21–July 28, 9 a.m.–Noon. Phone: 703-435-6530 Fax: 703-435-6516 E-mail: Board & Management services Administration Financial services Human Resources Assessment Questions Parks and Recreation Program information, reservations and registration for all camps, aquatics, tennis, special events and facility rentals Pool & Tennis Pass sales HOTLINES Tennis: 703-435-6502 ball fields: 703-435-6530 COVENANTS ADMINISTRATION Phone: 703-435-6530 Fax: 703-673-2040 E-mail: Design Review Board applications and design guidelines for Reston properties Use and maintenance of property, covenants information and complaints Information resource for neighborhood association operations Disclosure documents PARKS & RECREATION (Central Services Facility) Phone: 703-437-7658 Fax: 703-435-6555 E-mail: Maintenance and facilities such as wildlife, ball fields, tot-lots, pavilions, pathways and open space (including lakes, natural areas and trees) Recreational Vehicle Central Park (RVCP) garden Plot Program VOLUNTEERING Phone: 703-435-7986 Fax: 703-435-9481 E-mail: To volunteer for events and programs Volunteer to serve on RA’s advisory committees, which are organized to provide advice and assistance to the Board

Printed on 10% post-consumer recycled paper, using vegetablebased ink. Please recycle.


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Divers and RA staff repair the deck and fountain at Lake Anne.

Sustainability & Success A By KEN KNUEVEN | pHotograpHy by sean baHramI

s we look toward our next few years, it is important that, as a community, we keep these principles in focus. There are three priorities for our board of this year. All were drawn from the 2012-2016 Strategic Plan, which encompasses our Essential Reston and Mr. Simon’s goals.


top among our priorities — maintaining and preserving what we have. Interestingly, that is also a top tenet of sustainability. communities across the country are renovating, revitalizing and reinventing. what was old is new again.

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In Reston, that has always been the way. In the last few months, we have hosted international tour groups from Asia — South Korean provincial government leaders and a Chinese provincial delegation of finance directors. Last year, there were four such visits from countries such as Japan and Saudi Arabia. This summer, a professor from UCLA — Berkley brought students from Northern Virginia Community College to Reston for a class on 20th century urban geography.

All the groups wanted to learn essentially the same thing: how Reston has managed to retain its founding qualities. The phrase you will hear most often in U.S. circles is “sustainable community.” If you simply search for that term on the Internet, the results provide an amazing cornucopia of definitions. These include everything from creating community gardens (Reston has them.), to developing houses from recycled materials. (None in Reston as of this printing.) to offering a variety of amenities close to home. (Got those in spades.) According to the Partnership for Sustainable Communities, a joint initiative between three federal agencies — the EPA, HUD and DOT, Reston is well on its way to becoming a sustainable community. It embodies three of the partnership’s six principles for success.

• • • • • •

Promote equitable, affordable housing. Support existing communities. Value communities and neighborhoods. Provide more transportation choices. Enhance economic competitiveness. Coordinate and leverage federal policies and investment.

The purpose of the Partnership for Sustainable Communities is to “improve access to affordable housing, increase transportation options, and lower transportation costs while protecting the environment.”

These six, which are known as “Essential Reston,” were drawn from Mr. Simon’s original seven goals. As a board, we wanted to let those who are updating our master plan know that these are six non-negotiable ideals. They are essential to retaining the qualities that have sustained our community for nearly half a century. So when international visitors or college professors come to Reston, we can rightfully say this is a community that has sustained and become successful.

It seems the Reston community is already doing that. In fact, if you compare the principles of the partnership to those passed by our board two years ago, you will find many similarities. • • • • • •

Environmental Stewardship Commitment to the Arts Accessibility Planning & Design Excellence Recreational Amenities Housing Opportunities

Ken Knueven is president of the Board of Directors of Reston Association and represents his beloved Lake Anne/Tall Oaks District. He represents RA on the boards of IPAR and Friends of Reston. Because he works in Reston as well, Knueven does get to experience the Reston motto: Live, Work, Play and Get Involved™. | Fall Edition 2012



General Assembly “Off Season” in the



he Virginia General Assembly, the Commonwealth’s lawmaking body, meets each even-numbered year for 60 days and each oddnumbered year for 30 days which is usually extended to at least 45 days. These formal sessions of the legislature take place in the State Capitol in Richmond. It is then that bills are introduced, debated, and voted on. “What do legislators do between sessions in the ‘off season’?” is a question I am often asked. Some wonder whether the legislative sessions are adequate for a state of nearly eight million people and a budget approaching $40 billion per year. Only a few states have full-time legislatures, and I do not think that Virginia should move to have one. There is a great deal of value in a “citizen legislature” in which lawmakers spend the majority of time living in their districts experiencing the consequences of their legislative action and inaction. Certainly legislative sessions are intense times with nearly 3,000 bills and resolutions being considered, but as some have pointed out, an increase in the legislature’s schedule would simply produce


left: Ken and two South Lakes High School students at the school’s annual “Kick butts Day,” a day devoted to the importance of tobacco-free kids. middle: Ken talking about government with third grade students at Armstrong Elementary School. Right: Ken at the Reston Farmers Market, where you can find him every Saturday that he is in town.

more legislation that may not be needed. Under the present schedule, men and women of diverse backgrounds, careers, and experiences can work service in the legislature into their schedules. A full-time legislative body can produce professional politicians who may or may not stay in touch with the people in their districts. The “off season” is important to make the citizen legislature work effectively. Between sessions is when legislators can study issues in detail. Many years ago, I introduced legislation that established the Joint Commission on Technology and Science (JCOTS) and served for several years as its chairman. I still serve on JCOTS, and we study issues arising from technology and science and work with technical

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advisory committee members from the community to develop solutions. There are several such legislative commissions, and there are many study committees directed at particular issues. In addition, being in the community in the off season affords me many opportunities to stay in touch with my constituents. I get many suggestions for legislation from fellow shoppers at the Safeway at South Lakes Village Center. I am able to take part in many community activities and get to know my constituents and community well. I also respond to numerous constituent inquiries and requests for assistance with state government issues.

I have an advantage in that I am retired from my first career and now work at being a legislator full time. The pay is at a part time rate, but the rewards of public service keep me busy more than part time. The work I do in the community, the legislative study committees on which I serve, and the close contact I have with my constituents make me, and I believe all legislators, more effective when we meet together in full session. The so-called “off season” is a critically important part of the legislative process. Ken Plum represents the 36th District in the Virginia House of Delegates. He lives in Reston. | Fall Edition 2012



Fresh Faces l l a F s i Th at RCC By LEILA GORDON pHotograpHy proVIded by rcc staFF


all’s changing colors herald a time that is always exciting for Reston Community Center — a new season of programs and activities. This fall, there are also new faces to discover among familiar friends.


We hope you are looking forward to all the familiar and new ways to engage with RCC and our partners that are on the fall horizon. Visit the website to learn more and be sure to meet our newest staff additions when you stop by our Hunters Woods or Lake Anne facilities.

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Leila Gordon has been the RCC Executive Director since 2008.






55+ pROGRaM aSSiSTanT

RCC’s new Director of Arts and Events, Paul Douglas — or as he is known to us already — “PD” — arrives with over 25 years of experience working in theatre, music, opera and dance with a special expertise in producing festivals. His career encompassed the Stephen Sondheim, Tennessee Williams and Very Special Arts Festivals at the Kennedy Center. Recently, he was Festival Manager for the Atlas Performing Arts Center’s 2012 INTERSECTIONS Festival.

Karen moved to Reston with her family in 1968 and is a 1973 grad of Herndon High School and 1976 grad of Virginia Tech. She has owned and operated a business in Reston since 1983, but last spring decided to make a major life shift and return to the focus of her studies. She is engaged with her passion for “people programming” in her “dream job” at RCC and has planned a great menu of activities for the 55+ (previously named senior adults) gang to explore at full speed.

Long-time RCC fans may remember Susan from her role in the early 1980s as RCC Senior Adult Program Director. Some may have heard her beautiful professional soprano voice in concert at the CenterStage, or had her teach their children how to sing for young Actors Theatre. Perhaps you met Susan while she was a PTSA and community volunteer or out walking Kester. She returns to RCC and to the work she loves. She and Karen are a terrific team.

In PD’s own words, “Festivals combine my passion for the performing arts, education and my great desire to have fun — they are all in one place at a festival.” Come enjoy a festival with PD at the Reston Multicultural Festival at Lake Anne Plaza on Saturday, September 22 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

left: 2011 Reston Multicultural Festival bottom: Reston Community Center's Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive

WARREN BAILEy CUSTOMeR SeRviCe RepReSenTaTive Now that you are excited about the new program season at RCC, how can you enjoy the events and activities that appeal to you? All you need is the wise and helpful assistance of an RCC customer service representative. Joining the ranks of the "people who love helping people" is our newest CSR, Warren Bailey. Warren and his wife, yvonne, have lived in Reston for 28 years. Their sons, Jay and Jarrod, both graduated from South Lakes High School. Sports, especially baseball, are a favorite interest. Recently retired from the Fairfax County Office of Human Rights and Equity Programs after 28 years of service, Warren sought a parttime job that would allow him to continue to serve people and give him time to pursue his volunteer ministry avocation. | Fall Edition 2012


on the street

It's Monday morning, you overslept and you’re running late to work.

It's Time to Change Lanes by Tim Steinhilber | Art provided by 495 Express Lanes


Reston | LIVe, work, play and get involved™


riving east on Route 267, you take the ramp to I-495 south just in time to hear WTOP’s traffic on the 8s: “Severe delays on the outer loop in Northern Virginia, avoid the Beltway if you can." With no other choice, you inch your way to work, clocking half an hour to go a couple of miles. What a way to start the week. Luckily at the end of this year, everyone who travels on the Virginia side of the Capital Beltway will have a new, faster option to bypass Beltway gridlock. The 495 Express Lanes, formally the HOT Lanes, are on schedule to be completed this year. The 495 Express Lanes will run down the center of I-495 in Northern Virginia, beginning at the Springfield interchange and ending just north of the Dulles Toll Road. There will be two high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes in each direction.

The 495 Express Lanes will use advanced tolling technology to consistently provide a predictable trip to those who choose to use the lanes. Those with three or more in their vehicle, driving a motorcycle or riding a bus can travel toll-free in the lanes. Drivers traveling alone or with one other person can pay a toll to access the lanes. Tolls for the Express Lanes will be dynamic, meaning they will change periodically based on real-time traffic conditions to keep the lanes free flowing. Toll rates will be displayed on electronic message signs in advance of each entrance to the Express Lanes and drivers will have ample time to decide whether to take the Express Lanes or use the regular Beltway lanes.

e-ZpaSS® & expReSS LaneS Everyone needs an E-ZPass® to use the 495 Express Lanes, except motorcyclists. There will be no option to pay cash. Both the standard E-ZPass® and the new E-ZPass® Flex can be used to pay tolls on the Express Lanes. SM

The E-ZPass® Flex allows drivers to select toll-paying or HOV mode by sliding a switch on the bottom of the device. The Flex can be used to pay tolls on any facility that accepts E-ZPass®, regardless of the position of the switch. Carpoolers who want to travel toll-free on the Express Lanes need three passengers and an E-ZPass® Flex set to HOV-mode before they enter the lanes. SM



There will be several opportunities to access the 495 Express Lanes. Drivers already traveling on the Beltway can enter the Express Lanes at two different points. Those heading north on the Beltway can enter the Express Lanes from the regular Beltway just before Braddock Road. Drivers going south on the Beltway can enter the Express Lanes just before the Dulles Toll Road. There are also several entry and exit points to and from other highways and major side routes such as Route 267, I-66, and new access points at Route 29, Westpark Drive and Jones Branch Drive. Tim Steinhilber is the general manager for the 495 Express Lanes project at Transurban, the long-term operator of the Express Lanes.

eaSy Way TO pay Toll-paying drivers can use a regular E-ZPass® or the new E-ZPass® Flex set to toll-paying mode to pay their toll electronically at highway speed. SM

Visit to get an E-ZPass® or E-ZPass® Flex today. SM

For more information about the 495 express Lanes, visit | Fall Edition 2012


on the street

From the

Front porch to the Heart By BARNEy THOMSON | pHotograpHy by daVId madIson


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When The Front Porch Singers gather, not all the members make it to all events. At the Sunrise Assisted Living Center, the members in attendance were: (Left to right). Haze Hanna, Madeline Moravitz, Jonne Clemmer, bill Weinhold, barney Thomson, Dave Guest, Nancy Mitchell, Mary Ellen Craig, Will Logan, Robin Drake and Debbie Gegenheimer. | Fall Edition 2012



ottie has the smile, the voice and the touch of an angel. She is always there waiting on Tuesday evenings when the Front Porch Singers visit her assisted living facility. The group of volunteer singers travels to Reston area facilities to lead informal sing-alongs of folk songs, gospel, old hymns, popular and show tunes. These are the songs that residents such as Dottie recall from their younger days.

“It is a joy for all when Dottie’s face lights up as she harmonizes In the Garden,” said Barney Thomson of the Front Porch Singers. “Her 100th birthday later this year will be a special occasion for many." What is unique about the Front Porch Singers is they always try to sing requests from their audiences. For example, there was Natalie, who loved her Jersey coast home. When the Front Porch Singers visited her home at Sunrise Assisted Living, she would ask, “Do you know On the Way to Cape May?” "I went out and found that tune, and it became the Front Porch theme song at Sunrise for as long as Natalie lived,” recalled Will Logan, one of the singers. Front Porch usually closes sessions with Amazing Grace. Mary Pat, a rather young Down syndrome woman, always came forward with hugs to sing this favorite song with the group. One fall, a decade ago at their fall parish retreat in the Blue Ridge Mountains, some members of St. Anne’s Episcopal Church discovered they enjoyed singing the old and familiar songs. They decided to continue these sing-alongs back in Reston, and since have been leading informal sessions at retirement communities. The Front Porch Singers rotate monthly among several Reston assisted living facilities, making informal, fun music with the residents. With a variety of acoustic instruments and voices, the Front Porch sessions are loose and lively. “No auditions, no rehearsals, just good times,” says Emily McPhie.

Sunrise resident Dottie Thomas and FP member Haze Hanna


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1 1: Jonne Clemmer and Madeline Moravitz 2:Dottie Thomas 3: Mary Ellen Craig 4: Happy Sunrise resident Georgia Alkire and guitarist Will Logan. 5: Energetic Sunrise residents Jerry Churgin and Patti Tuholski.


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5 | Fall Edition 2012


Hearts and Souls

Clearly, music familiar to older people evokes feelings, those persistent echoes of distant memories that still stir the heart after one’s physical and mental abilities have diminished. It seems very important to these seniors to rekindle, experience, and express those feelings, sometimes by singing along, but often by just humming, rocking, or even via some non-visible, internal resonance of the spirit. The Front Porch Singers definitely sense and are enriched by this dialog of the heart with their elder friends. Bill Weinhold, another Front Porch member says, “Research has proven that music is the best thing seniors can do to keep their minds and spirits functioning, and our older friends seem to agree as they join us faithfully week in and week out.” The sessions with seniors who suffer from dementia often present interesting exchanges. For example, Leon is 103 and will belt out the lyrics, in his own key and tempo, of any song Front Porch plays. Clearly, music has been a huge part of his life and he still savors it. It is touching to witness moments and years of dedicated, loving attention of sons and daughters to their aging parents. And of the caring service patiently rendered by the caregivers, as in that rollicking time when Jambalaya got several attendants dancing lively with their charges. The staff members frequently drop in for a song or two with the residents, or pass by clapping and skipping in the hallways. After the music, the Front Porch Singers circulate for hugs and handshaking farewells. “One shrunken woman who no longer speaks words, will cling to your hand with a palsied, murmuring, usually tearful articulation of feelings clearly very important for her to impart,” said Thomson.

A Community Gift

Front Porch sings at a variety of other events also where others join in. Bob Simon once stepped up for a verse to send the Embry Rucker Homeless Walkers on their way. Once at a hall sing at Reston Hospital, a grateful visitor offered a $40 donation. On another occasion the Front Porch Singers were invited into the room of a dying mother to lead family members in a favorite hymn. This is a very personal community ministry that group members consider a vital, enriching gift in their lives. For more information on the Front Porch Singers, e-mail to New participants are welcome.

barney Thomson, an active member of St. Anne’s Episcopal Church, is a retired naval architect and Pentagon IT specialist. He now spends time building Habitat homes, playing bluegrass, taking music to the old and the very young, and trying to keep up with nine out-of-state grandchildren.


Top: FP Leader barney Thomson, with Mary Ellen Craig behind bottom: resident Dottie Thomas with FP member Madeline Moravitz

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on the street

Reston The Art of Community Initiative for Public Art — Reston traces history, future of public art in new Reston Museum exhibition By Janet Rems | Photography by lucy yen and sean bahrami


lmost 50 years ago when Reston was just getting underway, among those working at what became Lake Anne Village Center, Reston’s historic heart, was world-famous Uruguayan sculptor Gonzalo Fonseca, known for his modernist, architecturally influenced stone sculptures. Those involved in the early development of the innovative “New Town” might remember stopping to watch the sculptor working, perhaps even chatting with the friendly, voluble artist. At the same time Fonseca was working on his sculptures, which are still Lake Anne cynosures and favorite playing places for children, the nearby cubist townhouses at Hickory Cluster, designed by the equally noted modernist architect, Charles M. Goodman, were being constructed.


From its very beginnings, Reston was a place where public art was an important and integral part of the community. The sixth of the seven “Guiding Principles” for the planned community says: “Beauty — structural and natural — is a necessity of the good life and should be fostered.”

Reston | LIVe, work, play and get involved™

An exhibition, "Reston — The Art of Community," which traces Reston's rich public art history and also looks toward its future, opens at the Reston Museum at Lake Anne Village Center on September 15. The exhibition is co-sponsored by the Initiative for Public Art — Reston (IPAR), whose mission is to cultivate “a new generation of public artworks throughout the community,” and the Reston Historic Trust, which operates the museum. Among the exhibition and outreach program’s key supporters are MEDA Inc., Reston-based Comstock, and Friends of Lake Anne Village Center as well as private donations. Other partners include the Reston Community Center and South Lakes High School.

Organized by the geographic locations of Reston’s public art, the idea for the exhibition naturally evolved from two other IPAR projects, which will be part of the exhibition content, according to Anne Delaney, IPAR’s executive director. One is a still-growing inventory of close to 50 existing and temporary public art works put together by IPAR intern Nejla Izadi, whose work was supported by an Exxon-Mobil Community Summer Jobs Program (CSJP) grant. Last year, IPAR received very enthusiastic responses from the community when it sent out a call for information about Reston’s public art. Top: Emerge (detail), Valerie Theberge, 2010, Glade Drive underpass. Right: The Underpass, Gonzalo Fonseca, Lake Anne, 1965


An exhibition, “Reston — The Art of Community,” which traces Reston’s rich public art history and also looks toward its future, opens at the Reston Museum at Lake Anne Village Center on September 15. For details, visit the IPAR website at | Fall Edition 2012


The other is a 10 to12-minute film on Reston’s public art history produced by award-winning documentary director and producer Rebekah Wingert-Jabi, of Storycatcher Productions, who grew up in Reston and moved back here after years traveling and working abroad, especially in China and the Middle East.

“my hope is through focusing on different pieces, viewers will get a sense of the scope of public art in reston and how public art was part of the original vision to create a community of joy and inspiration,” said wingert-Jabi, who also recently co-directed, produced, edited, wrote and filmed the documentary “my neighbourhood,” which was selected for the 2012 tribeca Film Festival and won a 2012 al Jazeera documentary Film Festival special award.

Top: The Pyramid, James S. Rossant, Lake Anne Village Center, 1965, concrete. center: Cadmiosaur, John Parker, 1990, South Lakes High School. bottom: book of Love, Anne Nagy, 2008, Reston Regional Library.


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Creating a documentary about Reston’s public art history is a true labor of love for Wingert-Jabi, who moved to the community with her parents in 1973 when she was three days old. After almost a decade in the Middle East, she decided to move with her husband back to her hometown because she “came to value and appreciate how unique Reston is.” Plus, “I couldn’t raise my child anywhere else,” said WingertJabi, whose daughter, Hannah Victoria Jabi, was born March 21, 2012.

“My hope is through focusing on different pieces, viewers will get a sense of the scope of public art in Reston and how public art was part of the original vision to create a community of joy and inspiration.” – Rebekah Wingert-Jabi Producer and director of film on Reston’s public art history

Creating the overall design and content of “Reston — The Art of Community” are awardwinning exhibition designer Jeanne Krohn and urban planner and former National Building Museum curator Mary Konsoulis. A specialist in the design and fabrication of exhibitions for museums and nonprofit organizations, among Krohn’s past projects are exhibitions for the Smithsonian, Longwood Gardens, the National Building Museum, Baltimore Science Center, Folger Shakespeare Library, Jewish Historical Society of Washington, Colonial Williamsburg, and the Octagon Museum in Washington, D.C. She also did the total redesign of the Reston Museum’s interior space and designed the exhibition “Reston — A New Town” in 2009. Konsoulis currently is a contributor to and coordinating editor of a history of the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, to be published in 2012. She also is an adjunct faculty member in the School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation at the University of Maryland, College Park, and worked as an urban planner with the architecture firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill for 10 years.

Dennis Heimbach, Fidelity of Form, c. 2006, Reston Town Square Park

Both Wingert-Jabi and Delaney expect the exhibition will continue to have life afterwards. The research material will become part of the IPAR and the Reston Historic Trust archives and will be available on their respective websites. They anticipate that the exhibit material, including Wingert-Jabi’s film, also will be used by IPAR for outreach to community groups, schools and other educational institutions as well as the business community. In addition, IPAR plans to develop a map identifying the location of the public art works for the enjoyment of pedestrians and cyclists. “We’ve already received a great response from the community,” Delaney said. Janet Rems is chairman of the Initiative for Public Art — Reston’s Communications Committee. The former editor of The Reston Times, she currently freelances for The Fairfax County Times and Northern Virginia Magazine.

Learn More Reston (ipaR)

The Initiative for Public Art — Reston (IPAR) is a group of civic leaders who represent Reston's key community organizations. It seeks to inspire an ongoing commitment to public art and create a new generation of artworks in Reston. IPAR imagines public art throughout Reston that is worldrenowned, inspires the community, and engages the mind and senses. In 2008, IPAR adopted a Master Plan that outlines a vision for public art in Reston, key opportunities for new projects, and an action plan for success. IPAR is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, notfor-profit organization. Visit or call 703-4679797 to find out more about the Initiative for Public Art — Reston, its mission and future plans or to get involved.

Reston historic Trust

The Reston Historic Trust (RHT) was founded in 1996 as a community-based non-profit organization to sustain the unique history of the award-winning, innovative, planned community of Reston. The Trust operates the Reston Museum & shop, which offers community exhibits and archives, walking tours, children's art workshops, and public events. The museum also offers original art, crafts and Reston signature items for sale. Visit or call 703-7097700 to find out more. | Fall Edition 2012


on the street

Getting to Know

Richard A. Cabellos pHotograpHy by sean baHramI


REston | LIVe, work, pLay and get InVoLVed™


Part of the a

Listening and sharing

Guiding t

he learnin

Q: Where are you originally from?

I am originally from the South American country of Peru. I came to the United States when I was barely two years old. I grew up in Fairfax County.

Q: What do you do for work?

g process

Q: Tell us about your home.

I was raised and lived the majority of my life in Vienna, Virginia. I moved to Loudoun County about eight years ago and now with the purchase of my first house, I have been living in Manassas City.

I currently work for the County of Fairfax as the Director of the Southgate Community Center right here in Reston. My center is at the corner of Glade Drive and Pinecrest Road. Southgate serves active seniors, adults, teens and youth from first to sixth grades. We are an amazingly culturally diverse and welcoming community center because it is the "community's" center.

Q: What was the main factor that drove your decision to work in Reston?

We have a very popular computer lab that has adult and senior classes. We have free ESL classes, a teen dance class, a teen and adult game room, youth basketball and soccer leagues, a popular Zumba class and many more offerings. We have residents of Reston and participants of the center as employees and as volunteers of the community center.

For fun, I just love spending quality time with my family. My almost two-year-old son, Cruz, demands a lot of quality time with daddy. As much as I love working in Reston, my commute to Manassas City takes a toll on me. So quality time with my family is definitely my fun.

We have an outstanding free after-school program that children from Dogwood and Hunters Woods Elementary use where they have tutors from South Lakes and Langston Hughes. So as you can see, we truly are the "community's center." We invite you to come and visit your community center any time.

I remember Reston as a child. My family lived very close to Hunters Mill Road in Vienna Virginia, so I visited Reston a lot growing up. I remember Lake Anne and the great walks my family took around the lake and the shopping area.

Q: What do you do for fun?

Q: Who do you most admire and why?

My mother, Ana Rosa Reyes, and my father, Anibal Cabellos, are definitely the most important and most admirable people in my life. As first generation immigrants, nothing came easy for my parents. So my life lesson has always been to work hard at everything I do. Be it at school, at work or in my family, all of it needs hard work. Nothing in this world comes free and your dreams are really what you make them. It all comes down to you and what you need to do to make it all come true. | Fall Edition 2012


Q: What is your favorite local spot?

Honestly, because I only work in Reston, my favorite spots are all the diverse restaurants Reston has to offer. But if I were to pick just one it would be Lake Audubon. I found it one day by just driving around the Glade corridor. I am just getting to know the rest of Reston because I usually work at my office. But this one particular day I bought my lunch and I just drove all the way down Glade Road until I could go no further and I saw from the road this beautiful lake. Since I just finished buying lunch, I thought I would just eat lunch in my car. But when I parked in the loading dock/parking lot for cars, I saw a picnic table and immediatley took my lunch and had lunch outside. The view was incredible. The lake and the houses on the hills. It was a magnificant way to spend an afternoon, just relaxing in the surreal beauty I discovered. It's an amazing local spot away from the workplace and it has been my favorite spot now to just go and unwind when I have time for a lunch break.

Q: What is your favorite not-so-local place, either a vacation spot or another location you have visited?

I think my favorite vacation was when I was 26-years old. I visited Cuzco, Peru. The culture, the history of this part of the world was amazing to experience. This trip also involved one of my life’s goals: to hike to Machu Picchu. It is one of the seven wonders of the world. It took four days and three nights to reach Machu Picchu, also called the “Lost City of the Incas.” Located high up in the Andes Mountains, this amazing city, made out of rock and stone hidden in the clouds in the mountains, was just a majestic vision.

Helping children learn at Southgate Community Center

Onthank Co Award Fammunity Service irfax Cou nty

do you know a community leader who we should get to know? Contact Ha Brock, community outreach specialist II, at 703-4357986 or e-mail


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Hiking the Inca Trail to get to Machu Picchu was also part of this amazing adventure. This incredible place made me realize how beautiful the world really is and how advanced and intellectual human beings are to create such beauty out of objects we take for granted every day, and most incredibly without the technology we have today. It will forever be imbedded in my mind as one of the best places I will ever visit.

Q: is there anything else you would like to add?

I just want to say thank you for this wonderful opportunity to be a part of this segment and your wonderful magazine.

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the finer thinGs

Singing During Supper pHotos proVIded by daVId mascateLLo

“people love being on stage and believing their dream to be successful can come true.” - David Mascatello


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Mascatello says the experience is fun and entertaining for the singers and the audience. There are no special qualifications, no auditions and no pay. He adds that some people come to get discovered, but there are no record label or music industry executives at any of the events at Café Montmartre. People come because they love to perform.

In Reston, you will find this increasingly popular event at Café Montmartre on the plaza at Lake Anne Village. Called Totally Tuesdays, the event attracts about twenty performers.

For the restaurant, open mike nights offer a way to increase sales. Mascatello says the performers eat while watching other bands. Audience members and those who come to enjoy the French bistro at Café Montmartre all become part of the night’s entertainment.

“The majority of the acts are rock, blues, folk and a few hip-hop performers. Every once in a while, we will get a person who reads poetry,” says David Mascatello, the organizer of the event and manager for the band DC Transit Band. Mascatello says performers sign up on a white board. He provides speakers, microphones, a drum set, keyboards and guitar for use by the bands. Each group or individual is allotted a maximum time of 15 minutes or three or four songs, depending upon the number of people who perform.

“It is a great creative outlet for everyone,” he says. “We have regulars and there is a sense of being at home where you are welcomed.”

“These open mike nights provide a great social networking opportunity. You can build relationships and feel a part of something,” Mascatello says.“ This becomes their new hangout.” Mascatello also organizes other open mike events in the area and sets up shows for his other band, the DC Transit Band, a cover band made up of 10 performers who sing and play popular music for events and at restaurants. They perform at Café Montmartre on the first Saturday of each month.

Mascatello can speak with some authority on music and the range of talent in the Washington, D.C. area. He has been working with his father in a business that pairs students with music teachers. In the last few years, however, he found opportunities to grow the business, called planetary band music. In the area of open mike nights and with the growing trend toward people taking to the stage, Mascatello says he has been able to work full time.

Open Mike Night

Totally Tuesdays, 8 p.m. Sign-ups begin at 7:30 p.m.

Café Montmartre 1625 Washington Plaza North Lake Anne Village, Reston To Reach David Mascatello


erhaps it was American Idol or America’s Got Talent or even The X Factor that turned garage bands and shower singers into opening acts at a growing number of open mike nights. According to the website,, there are no fewer than a dozen such events on any given weeknight in the greater Washington, D.C. region. On the weekends, that number easily triples. They are held everywhere from restaurants to American Legion Posts. | Fall Edition 2012


around reston

The USEful Exchange a Concept Made for Reston By JOHN LOVAAS | pHotograpHy by gene morrIs


n Reston, innovative ideas have always sprouted like mushrooms in the woods after days of heavy rain. Henry Ware had one such idea back in 1975. He proposed a time-trading barter system that would enable neighbors to offer and seek useful, needed services with each other. Fittingly, he coined the system Reston Useful Services Exchange, or Reston U.S.E. Henry has gone from Reston, but U.S.E. lives on. Henry would be proud to see it. After a bit of a lull, U.S.E. is going strong again. The economic recession, in fact, seems to have re-energized it. Through U.S.E., neighbors can offer and obtain services with no money changing hands. Repayment is in-kind, in the form of services performed for other U.S.E. members. When money is tight, it helps if you can barter a free ride to an airport or turn a pile of scraps from a downed oak tree into neatly stacked firewood, as U.S.E. member Elizabeth Kerr did.

how to Get involved • •


Visit one of U.S.E. pot lucks. Now through November, visit U.S.E. booth at the Lake Anne Farmers Market

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left: U.S.E. booth at Lake Anne Farmers Market Top: When Margaret Grieshaber travels, Ralph Greenwood takes over her birdfeeding. bottom: Nancy Larson got computer assistance from Larisa briggs.

In 1975 he founded the Useful Services Exchange (U.S.E.), a barter service, used mostly by hundreds of Reston residents. Its inventory included hundreds of different skills and talents, such as chores participants could do for others, giving rides to the airport, lending of equipment, with the emphasis on services. By 1991, in the Reston area alone, U.S.E. served nearly 10,000 members. Over the years the concept spread throughout the United States and abroad. U.S.E. has been featured in various magazines and on major TV networks.

How does it work?


Simple. It costs just $10 annually, $15 covers a household. When you sign up, list the services you’d be willing to provide and you’ll receive a list of all members and the services they offer. The menu seems endless: rides, handyman repairs, canning, child care, bicycle repairs, computer assistance, cooking (e.g., baking a birthday cake), language instruction/ translation, pet sitting, gardening, travel advice, telephoning for U.S.E. or others, tutoring, organizing, lending tools or appliances, and many more.

What is U.S.E.?

U.S.E. is neither a business nor an employment agency. Members take responsibility for arranging service exchanges among themselves, then simply report the hours involved to U.S.E. It’s a great way to meet people and to make new friends. One such friendship started when Margaret Grieshaber needed someone to fill several birdfeeders while she and her husband travelled. Ralph Greenwood, a neighbor and bird aficionado himself, provided this useful service and the families have become good friends.

Recently, Nancy Larson was given a new computer by her children. It wasn’t what she was used to and she was having a devil of a time with it. Her frustration grew until she turned to U.S.E. member Larisa Briggs, who came to her rescue. Nancy says, “Our records are more accessible now, and the computer is more useful to me — thanks to U.S.E.” There appears to be no end to the possibilities for U.S.E. Join U.S.E. and find out for yourself, as Cherie de Souza did recently when she lost her keys in a patch of ivy and pachysandra. As a U.S.E. member, she knew what to do — put out the word that she needed to borrow a metal detector. For this brief loan, the lender will get U.S.E. credit and Cherie, hopefully, her keys. John Lovaas is a retired Foreign Service officer and the producer and host of Reston Impact, a program seen on Comcast Cable’s Reston community channel 28. He is a former vice president of Reston Association and former president of the Reston Citizens Association. In 1998, he started the Reston Farmers Market at Lake Anne and is the co-market master.


GO TO WWW.ReSTOnUSe.ORG anD JOin nOW | Fall Edition 2012


around reston

eagles, Cooki

SCOUTinG in R From Rain Gardens to Eagles By JÜRIS KELLEy | pHotograpHy by JÜrIs keLLey


couts have been active in Reston from almost the beginning of Reston’s founding. Take for example Boy Scout Troop 1970. They have been sponsored by the United Christian Parish of Reston for more than 40 years. Today there are 719 Girl Scouts along with 545 Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts in Reston. This does not include the many other scouting organizations around Reston, including Herndon, Oak Hill, and Vienna. Service projects are one of the most common ways in which scouts serve Reston. For example, the Generation Cluster was in need of a rain garden for a constantly wet area. That made for a perfect service project for Eagle Scout Meg of the North Point area of Reston. Working with the Reston Association and the cluster president, Meg designed the rain garden and managed a team of scouts, who both installed the rain garden and performed erosion control for an area leading to that site.


Recently, 75 Girl Scouts from north Reston got together for a day-long service fair, where they supported eight local nonprofits. They made 150 bag lunches for the Embry Rucker Community Shelter and 1000 horse treats for the local Horse Rescue Foundation. Reston Association itself is a common beneficiary of service projects — from a Weed Warrior project to trail maintenance. The Association’s environmental resource supervisor, Patricia Greenberg, commented, “The Boy Scouts are a huge help. They come out in large numbers, often bringing their friends and family along. Their many hands have a great impact on the restoration of Reston’s natural areas. Whether an entire troop joins us to remove invasive exotic plants at a Weed Warriors site or at one of the many Eagle projects coordinated by a motivated Boy Scout, we see their enthusiasm and willingness to help the greater community.”

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ies & Badges

ReSTOn | Fall Edition 2012


what better way for a child to learn than to have fun! this is why scouting is called “fun, with a purpose."

100TH Anniversary

of Girl Scouts

While the Boy Scouts celebrated their 100th anniversary two years ago, 2012 marks the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts. Celebrations included a large festival on the National Mall this past June, along with a commemorative stamp issued by the U.S. Postal Service and a silver dollar from the U.S. Mint.

Local Scouts


Cubs can cross over to Boy Scouts after the fifth grade or age 10. Reston has three Boy Scout troops: Troop 1970 (United Christian Parish), Troop 1313 (Sunrise Valley PTA) and Troop 877 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints).

“It was cold but fun, and we got to eat s’mores,” said grace. “I want to go camping again.”

Most Reston parents of young boys first come into contact with scouting at one of the nine local elementary schools or churches that sponsor Cub Scouts. Cubs can start in the first grade (or at age 7) and go through the fifth grade.

Girl Scouts start with kindergartenaged Daisies and advance through Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors.


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Going camping is a great way kids can overcome the Nature Deficit, and scouts love to camp. Seven-year-old Grace recently went camping with her Daisy Scout troop.

Most Boy Scout troops strive to go camping once a month, and fortunately the Reston area has plenty of diverse options within a two-hour drive. “I like camping. The canoe trip (on the Shenandoah River) was my first time camping. It was a new experience for me,” noted Gary, age 13. “I also liked the wilderness survival campout (on Massanutten Mountain). We had to make shelters from trees and leaves.”

Scouting for a Lifetime brothers Russ (L) and Steve Housley (R) are great examples of local scouting leaders dedicated to serving the youth of Reston. They have served in various scouting positions, to include scoutmaster, and they continue to be active long after their own sons have grown and left the area. Russ is an Internet security expert, and Steve is a management consultant in Reston.

How to Get Involved Girl Scouts

Ms. elyse Roland, Field Director 703-372-4341 or Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital:

boy Scouts & Cub Scouts

Mr. Henry Forester, District executive 571-403-0174 or National Capital Area Council, Boy Scouts of America: and

Fun, With a Purpose

Supporting Reston Events

Vic Moravitz, the outgoing committee chair of Troop 1970, recently stated, "I have had the honor of serving as committee chairman for the last four years. I have had 13 Eagle scouts on my watch, which brings the total of 78 Eagle scouts over the last 40 years here at United Christian Parish of Reston. However Troop 1970's program isn't about the adult leaders or the number of Eagles we generate. It is a community-based program that enables 50 families a year to get boys outdoors, and in the process, reinforce character development and instill leadership skills in the next generation. Self-reliance, religious tolerance, civic duty, service to others, and honesty are amongst the values we hope to promote with scouting."

Every year several Girl Scout troops and Cub Scout Pack 1313 handle the large character balloons in the Reston Town Center’s Holiday parade. Girl Scouts from Troop 5185 in Reston help with service projects throughout the area and sell their famous cookies, which many families eagerly await each year, and which cause workplace water cooler discussions to center around “which cookie is your favorite?”

The purpose of scouting is to teach lifelong skills, knowledge, and leadership in both an outdoor setting and in other practical areas. Along with the Wilderness Survival Merit Badge, for example, are merit badges in computers, chemistry, SCUBA, and American business.

Scouting is a movement that serves the youth of our community and supports just about every major organization and event in Reston. From the Reston FISH to the Reston Triathlon and the annual Reston Town Center’s holiday parade, they all depend on local scouts to help make their programs a success.

So the next time you’re handed a water bottle at mile four of the Reston Triathlon, thank the many local scouts who got up at 4 a.m. to help set up for that big day. Jüris Kelley is a 25-year resident of Reston. He is an Eagle Scout and is active in Reston’s Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Girl Scouts. | Fall Edition 2012




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the Four Cs Clarity

Diamond clarity is a quality of diamonds relating to the existence and visual appearance of internal characteristics of a diamond called inclusions, and surface defects called blemishes. Clarity is one of the four Cs of diamond grading, the others being carat, color, and cut.


The carat is a unit of mass equal to 200 mg (0.2 g; 0.007055 oz) and is used for measuring gemstones and pearls.


A chemically pure and structurally perfect diamond is perfectly transparent with no hue, or color.


A diamond cut is a style or design guide used when shaping a diamond for polishing such as the brilliant cut. Source:

knowlege for that special occasion.


Reston Historic Trust (RHT) was founded in 1996 as a community based non-profit organization to sustain the unique history of the award-winning, innovative, planned community of Reston. The Trust operates Reston Museum & Shop offering community exhibits and archives, walking tours, and public events. The Museum also offers original art, crafts and Reston signature items for sale. Educational programs are conducted by the professional staff, working with trained volunteers, and largely take place in the Lake Anne Historic District.

TAKE A yOGA TIME OUT do you have a few minute to just

pause, breath, feel and connect?

Reston Historic Trust programs are presented with support from Reston Community Center.


Find a comfortable place to sit (floor/chair). Relax the body and close the eyes (or have a soft gaze of the ground). gently inhale through the nose, feeling your chest open and your entire rib cage float up. Notice how the the diaphragm realeases downward. gently exhale through the nose, feeling the rib cage hug the lungs and release the breath. Notice how the diaphragm draws upward. Continue to breath with this awareness for 2- 4 minutes a day.

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COMMUniTy DiSTRiCT MeeTinG Meet your district director and learn about the issues and amenities in your area. All meetings are free.

saVe tHe dates hunters Woods/Dogwood District Hosted by Director Cheryl Beamer WeDneSDay, SepTeMBeR 5, 7-9 p.M. Reston Association Conference Center 12001 sunrise Valley Drive

north point District

Hosted by Director Mike Collins WeDneSDay, SepTeMBeR 19, 7-9 p.M. Aldrin elementary school 11375 Center Harbor Road

10% off your purchase! Offer Code: RestonMag

*Not valid with any other offer. Expires Nov. 30, 2012.

Lake anne/Tall Oaks District


Hosted by Director Ken Knueven WeDneSDay, OCTOBeR 10, 7-9 p.M. Reston Community Center– Lake Anne 1690 Washington Plaza

Interested in either : • Helping to maintain the design standards of Reston? • Transportation issues that affect our community?

South Lakes District

Hosted by Director Richard Chew ThURSDay, nOveMBeR 8, 7-9 p.M. Reston Association Conference Center 12001 sunrise Valley Drive

Volunteer for either the Covenants or Transportation Advisory Committees. Both advise the RA Board of Directors. Check out "committees" on the website, Contact Ha Brock 703 435-7986 or via e-mail






distRiCt | Fall Edition 2012


around reston

Living on the Edge

11th Annual Reston Home Tour

Saturday, Oct. 13 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

tickets: $30 in advance available at:

Reston Museum Lake Anne Florist The Wine Cabinet at North Point Appalachian Spring, Reston Town Center Greater Reston Arts Center

By BONNIE HAUKNESS | pHotograpHy by bob Haukness


f you live in Reston, you are likely to be living on the edge of something fabulous — wooded parkland, golf course, lake or the urban look of Town Center.

And the 11th Annual Reston Home Tour offers you an insider’s view of the new “edge” that is under construction — the Metro Silver Line. Begin your tour with talks, photos, and architectural renderings of the future mixed-use development planned for the Reston Station. And you will also get to do this at one of Reston’s best-kept secrets — the offices of one of the most renowned photo magazines in the world. Nature’s Best Photography exhibit is unveiled at the Smithsonian each year and you will have the opportunity to see first-hand some of the incredible photos that make this possible. Tickets for this one-day event sell out quickly, so make plans to go. All proceeds benefit the Reston Historic Trust and the Reston Museum. The kids grew up and moved away, the cat died and bonnie needed a project. The museum had an “opening” for chairperson of the Reston Home Tour. The rest is history. Passionate about houses, Bonnie has been selling real estate in Reston for 37 years, and applauds the creative owners of every tour.

Reston's Glade Stream Valley offers views to take advantage of. The owners of this house have enlarged the glass space to take full advantage of their rare views, which over the years have included beaver dams, pileated woodpeckers, deer, and in October, during the tour, the leaves are sure to show off their brilliant colors.


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More info: or 703-709-7700

Photo Provided by Bill Beyer.

This is a picture of an amazing custom staircase in one of the homes. The owner is a tri-athlete and the staircase reflects his interest with spokes and wheels in glass, waves of maple and steps to run on. It's really an amazing house.

Here's another custom contemporary built by the owner-architect himself. He originally purchased a small home on Lake Audubon and over the years has enlarged it, retaining the clean lines, adding architectural interest with curved walls, and enhancing the amazing light that enters from every direction.

A well-known local Reston artist's home on Lake Thoreau is filled with both her own art and that of many other artists — it's really like a gallery visit enhanced by a local cabinet maker's custom work. It will also be our chance to see her studio and the wonderful views that inspire her work. | Fall Edition 2012


FoRtY yEARS OF SONG By ROBERT E. SIMON, JR. | pHotograpHy by mIke oLson


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around reston


The Reston Chorale's first concert was presented in 1967 when Reston's total community numbered barely over 200 men, women and children. I added my voice to that of the other devoted souls. Now, I had had a long history of performing vocally, starting when I was two-and-ahalf-years-old. An aunt had organized a performance of Hansel and Gretel, to be held in our living room to welcome my mother back from the hospital, bringing with her the latest offspring, my sister Carol. I had been assigned the role of the dew fairy, trained in my aria and equipped with an authentic costume — wings and all. When my turn came, frightened by the sight of a man with a full black beard, I chose refuge in my Mother's lap over giving my performance. The Reston Chorale has excited audiences with its musical excellence and versatility for over 40 years. The mixed voice chorus was established to provide Western Fairfax County and the Greater Washington Metropolitan Area with the finest in choral music performance produced by amateur and professional musicians from the community.

I believe it's true to say that since that first concert, not a year has passed without at least one concert having been performed by the chorale. Over the years, the chorale has grown in numbers and in experience. The Reston Chorale also provides the opportunities for local composers, musicians and singers to participate in the creation of new music. In a sense, this history was capped the evening of June 2, 2012 by the collaboration before a huge audience of the Reston Chorale in a joint performance with the Washington Balalaika Society. This was an exciting evening with David Lang, the chorale's conductor, sharing the podium with the society's conductor. Both organizations were in top form and the solo performances by Nancy Riley, soprano and Andrei Saveliev were absolutely wonderful. Robert E. Simon, Jr., founder of Reston.

MORE DETAILS David Brian Lang, Artistic Director E-mail:


Amadeus Orchestra Mass in G Sunday, Nov. 4 The Wonder of the Season Saturday, Dec. 1 A Night at the Movies Saturday, March 2, 2013

Tickets: Auditions: 703-834-0079, #4. | Fall Edition 2012


come play in reston

MeMber services


in Reston aquatics paGe



ra caMps paGe


tennis paGe

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nature paGe


special events paGe


come play in reston

Member services

Pool and Tennis Pass Sales

Guests Welcome

Two Easy Ways to Purchase Passes

As a host member or nonmember, you may bring guests when visiting a pool or tennis court. There are convenient options to purchase in advance or on-site.

Walk-In Location

Purchase in advance

Hours of Operation

Please Note: RA members and non-members (18 years or older) may purchase a Season Long Guest Pass; (limit one per household). This pass is good for one (1) guest only per visit. The address on both the guest pass and host's pass must display the same address; guests must be accompanied at all times.

Welcome to our 2012 Pool and Tennis pass options page. Have an enjoyable fall season. 1. 2.

Online — Walk-In — Come to the Reston Association Member Services; our staff is happy to assist you.

Season Long Guest Pass $35/Member $50/Non-member

Member Services 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 20191-3404 Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Please Note: A current pass is required for anyone (age 1 or older) visiting pools and tennis courts. Receipts will not be accepted onsite. Customers must be at least 18 years of age to purchase. For corporate, family zip code and replacement passes, or if it is your first time purchasing as a non-member, please visit Member Services with qualifying proof.


Welcome to the 2012 season. We are happy to serve you again this year.

Pool & Tennis Pass Price

Adults 18 years & older $20 Children under 18 $10 Season Long Guest Pass $35 Tennis Key Fob $2.50 (with purchase of pass) Discount for Members: For 2012 assessments paid online by March 1st, you are eligible for a 20% discount towards passes purchased online at Offer ends April 30. Discount does not apply to Guest Passes. Please Note: Members may purchase a pass for themselves, one adult household member and immediate family members under the age of 18. Two additional passes may be purchased for family members 18-22 years of age in person or online with prior approval from Member Services. All members must be in good standing and provide a proof of owning or occupying a Reston Association property.


We welcome non-members who either do not live in Reston or may live in portions of Reston that are not part of the Association. There are many pool and tennis pass options to meet your needs.

Pass Options


Family Pool & Tennis $610 Family Pool Only $580 Family Tennis Only $345 Couple Pool & Tennis $525 Couple Pool Only $510 Couple Tennis Only $300 Individual Pool & Tennis $435 Individual Pool Only $350 Individual Tennis Only $240 new Family Zip Code Pass $515 new Season Long Guest Pass $50 Discount for Non-Members: $50 off any option if purchased prior to April 30th. Discount does not apply to Guest Passes.

Corporate Membership If you work in Reston and are looking for a membership before, during or after work, please join us.

Pass Options


Individual Pool & Tennis $260 Individual Pool Only $210 Individual Tennis Only $225 Please Note: Corporate memberships are for weekday use only. Please visit Member Services to show proof of employment in Reston.

Pre-paid Guest Pass: $25 Pre-paid passes may be purchased online or in person. This convenient pass can be used for one or more guests at a time and eliminates the need to carry cash to the facilities. Pre-paid passes are sold in increments of 5 passes.

Purchase onsite

Poolside One-Day Guest Pass: $5 A one-day pool guest pass can be purchased at your local RA pool; cash only please. Courtside One-Day Guest Pass: $5 A one-day tennis guest pass can be purchased from the court monitor at the tennis court; cash only please. For more information on our facilities and programs, please refer to the Aquatics and Tennis sections, or e-mail Member Services at Please let us know if you have recommendations on how we can serve you better.

Please Note: All non-members purchasing passes for the first time are required to have a picture taken. If you are a 2011 returning customer this is not required. However, if you would like to have your picture for 2012 updated, please visit our office. We do recommend that children have their pictures updated every two years.

Refund Policy: All pool and tennis pass memberships are non-refundable. | Fall Edition 2012


come play in reston


Enjoy Our Pools

Reston Association provides Reston residents with an array of aquatic facilities and programs. Members can participate at all levels – including learn-to-swim programs, safety training and exercise classes or relaxing by the pool.



Reston Association is excited to be an authorized provider of American Red Cross Health and Safety programs and will begin offering CPR, First Aid, and AED training this fall. All courses will be taught by certified instructors and the fee includes all class materials. Six student-minimum in each class. Registration opens 8:30 a.m. on September 17, 2012, online at or in person at our Member Services desk. All classes are held at the RA headquarter building, 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive.



Saturday, Oct. 13, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. $60/RA Members $80/Non-members

Sunday, Nov. 11, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. $60/RA Members $80/Non-members

C ADULT, CHILD, and INFANT CPR/AED and FIRST AID Sunday, Oct. 21, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. $70/RA Members $90/Non-members

Saturday, Dec. 1, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. $70/RA Members $90/Non-members



Taught by a PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer, these classes will lead to certification as a PADI Open Water Diver. The course consists of three phases.

S Knowledge and Skill

Development Weekends $300/RA Members $320/Non-members

S Open Water

Evaluation Weekends

$200/RA Members $220/Non-members Please Note: Medical History Screening and watermanship skills (200-yard swim and 10-minute survival tread/float) are required.

How To Register for a Scuba Certification Class Contact PADI Diver Trainer Frank Wilson at 571-437-5189 or to request a registration packet. Complete the packet and return to Mr. Wilson.

MORE INFO . QUESTIONS . REGISTRATION . contact Willa Whitacre at 703-435-6532 or


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SeniOR WaTeR aeROBiCS (aGeS 55 & Up)

D.e.a.p. pROGRaM

D.E.A.P. stands for Drowning Education Awareness Program and stands to become a featured program for school and youth groups as well as parents and individuals who want to learn more about water safety. dRoWninG FaCts Drowning remains the second leading cause of injury-related death among children ages 1 to 14. For every child who dies from drowning, four more receive medical treatment for submersionrelated injuries. FoR MoRE inFo Reston Community Center (RCC) Contact 703-476-4500 Reston Association (RA) Contact 703-435-6528 By working together, RCC and RA strive to assure our community’s access to healthy and safe fun in all of Reston’s pools.

d WhaLe Tales (5-12 years old)

Registration Required Longfellow’s WHALE Tales is a FREE one-hour interactive presentation that provides easyto-follow information to help children learn safe behavior in, on, and around the water. Taught in a classroom environment, WHALE Tales makes water safety fun and easy to learn. Each lesson is reinforced with color posters, worksheets, activities, and a video that features Longfellow, the animated whale. This program is offered to Cub Scouts and Webelos, Daisy, Brownie, and Junior Girl Scouts, and day care centers.

d parent Orientation to Swim Lessons (18 years and older)

Registration Required This FREE one-hour presentation (30-minute presentation, 30 minutes of Q&A) will provide parents with an orientation to the group swimming lessons offered at the RCC. It is designed to teach parents of children in the lower levels how to provide guidance, care, supervision, motivation, and support as their children participate in our swim lessons program.

d General Water Safety (18 years and older)

Registration Required This FREE 90-minute presentation (60-minute lecture and 30 minutes of Q&A) focuses on the importance of water safety training and provides general information for keeping family members safe in, on, and around the water. The presentation is designed for rotary clubs, PTAs, home school networks, church groups, and other civic organizations and can be scheduled at their facility.

Reston Association’s most popular class is moving to Ridge Heights heated pool in order to wrap up the season and we hope you’ll join us for one class or many. sTARTinG: August 21 endinG: september 20 TUESDAyS AND THURSDAyS

10-11 a.m.

Ridge Heights Pool 11400 Ridge Heights Road $4/RA members $8/non-members noTe: Pool will not be heated until the water temperature drops to 78 degrees.


Renovations at Dogwood Pool should be completed sometime in the fall. While this means the pool will not be open for its regular season, we hope that sometime in the fall, we will be able to invite you to visit the site, see the changes, and build some excitement for a grand re-opening late in Spring 2013. Go to Dogwood Pool Renovations at for current updates. | Fall Edition 2012


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aquatics 2012 POOL SCHEDULE POOL





Season 4: August 20-September 3 Glade Pool & Spa

11 a.m.-7 p.m.

11 a.m.-7 p.m.


Dogwood Pool

Dogwood Pool will be undergoing construction this season. Please see our website for up-to-date information on the schedule.

Lake Newport Pool

10 a.m.-8 p.m.

11 a.m.-8 p.m.


Lake Thoreau Pool & Spa

10 a.m.-7:30 p.m.

10 a.m.-8 p.m.


North Hills Pool & Spa

11 a.m.-7 p.m.

10 a.m.-7 p.m.


North Shore Heated Pool & Spa

11 a.m.-9 p.m.

11 a.m.-7 p.m.


Ridge Heights Heated Pool

11 a.m.-8 p.m.

11 a.m.-7 p.m.


Tall Oaks Pool

weekends only

11 a.m.-7 p.m.

6-8:30 a.m. weekdays 7:30-10 p.m. weekdays M/T/R/F

7-9 a.m. weekdays

Season 5: September 4-30 Dogwood Pool

Dogwood Pool will be undergoing construction this season. Please see our website for up-to-date information on the schedule.

Ridge Heights Heated Pool

3-7 p.m.

11 a.m.-7 p.m.

North Shore Heated Pool & Spa

3-9 p.m.*

11 a.m.-7 p.m.

*After Sept. 9, pool closes at 7 p.m.

inCLeMenT WeaTheR


reston association is proud to employ over 300 members of the reston community every summer across our different parks and recreation programs and while many return year after year, we’re always interested in meeting new, qualified people.

to work for reston association aquatics applicants must be 15 years old and have obtained the following american red cross certifications: • • •

Lifeguarding First Aid CPR/AED

classes in Lifeguard training are held at various indoor facilities in the fall and winter months and classes held here at reston association will be advertised in the spring edition of reston magazine.

In the event of a storm (or if the weather is cool, raining or drizzling) all Reston Association pools will close for OPEN and ADULT SWIM with two exceptions: Lake Thoreau and North Shore Pools (unless normally closed on that day).


All Reston Association pools will close until one half-hour after the last sound of thunder or visible lightning.


All programs, lessons, and private rentals will continue unless otherwise stated. Cancellations will be determined onsite at event time.

Please note the following exceptions to the pool schedule:

Labor Day

September 3, 2012 All pools except North Shore and Ridge Heights close for the season

Reston Triathlon September 9, 2012

Race start at Lake Audubon Pool For details see

end of pool season September 30, 2012 If you have questions about working for RA Aquatics or want help finding a certification course, please contact Willa at


REston | LIVe, work, pLay and get InVoLVed™

All remaining pools close for the season

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pOOL FaCiLiTieS anD FeaTUReS AUTUMNWOOD 703-437-3847 11950 Walnut Branch Road Depth: 3.5-5.5 feet Length: 25 meters • Wading pool with fountain • Covered picnic area • Grass area • Tennis and playground within walking distance Under Renovation DOGWOOD 703-860-9890 2460 green Range Road Depth: 2.5-5.5 feet Length: 25 meters • Diving board • Zero-depth entry • Large grass/picnic area • Picnic pavilion and water feature on site See page 49 for renovation information. GLADE 703-860-9765 11550 glade Drive Depth: 3.5-12.5 feet Length: 25 meters • 1-Meter diving board • Spa • Zero-depth wading pool with fountains • 20-foot slide • Picnic tables • Tennis and playground within walking distance GOLF COURSE ISLAND 703-437-9792 11301 Links Drive Depth: 3-12 feet Length: 25 meters • 1-Meter diving board • 2 grass areas • Wading pool • Picnic tables • Playground and pavilion within walking distance

HUNTERSWOODS 703-860-9763 2501 Reston Parkway Depth: 3.5-8.5 feet Length: 25 meters • In-water basketball and volleyball • Diving board • Children’s splash area • Large spa • ADA ramp into main pool • Picnic tables • Playground, tennis and pavilion within walking distance LAKE AUDUbON 703-620-9801 2070 Twin Branches Road Depth: 3-5 feet Length: 25 meters • Diving board • Grass area • Picnic tables • Wading pool • Boat ramp to Lake Audubon within walking distance

NEWbRIDGE 703-860-9713 11768 golf Course square Depth: 3.5-12 feet Length: 25 meters • 1-Meter diving board • Wading pool • Picnic tables • Tennis and playground within walking distance NORTH HILLS 703-707-9367 1325 North Village Road Depth: 2-5 feet Length: 25 meters • Wading pool with fountain • Spa • ADA access and Hydrolift Chair to main pool • Grass area • Picnic tables • Tennis within walking distance

LAKE NEWPORT 703-689-9862 11601 Lake Newport Road Depth: 3.5-5.5 feet Length: 50 meters • Two 1-Meter diving boards • Wading pool • Covered picnic area with grills • Sand volleyball area • Playground, softball and basketball within walking distance

NORTH SHORE 703-437-9888 11515 North shore Drive Depth: 3-11 feet Length: 25 meters • Seasonally heated main pool • Spa • Shaded upper deck with picnic tables • Wading pool • Diving board • Lake Anne Plaza and Tennis within walking distance NOTE: Parking only on North Shore Drive

LAKE TH0REAU 703-860-9843 2040 Upper Lakes Drive Depth: 3-5 feet Length: 25 meters • Diving board • Spa • Wading pool • Grass area • Picnic tables • Lake overlook

RIDGE HEIGHTS 703-860-9767 11400 Ridge Heights Road Depth: 3-5 feet Length: 25 meters • Seasonally heated main pool • Diving board • Wading pool • 2 Grass areas • Picnic tables

SHADOWOOD 703-860-9708 2201 springwood Drive Depth: 3-5 feet Length: 20 meters • Small slide • Wading pool • Grass area • Picnic tables TALL OAKS 703-437-9854 12025 North shore Drive Depth: 3-12 feet Length: 25 meters • 1-Meter diving board • Wading pool • Picnic tables • Tall Oaks Shopping Center within walking distance UPLANDS 703-437-9784 11032 Ring Road Depth: 3.5-8.5 feet Length: 25 meters • Separate zero-depth (0-3 ft) children’s pool with interactive fountains • Interactive sand pit • ADA ramp into main pool • Picnic tables

Thank yOU SpOnSORS

Reston Association Aquatics staff would like to thank the following businesses for the goods, services, time and effort they have donated. These businesses are very much appreciated by our members and staff for their specific contributions.

Dr. Stephan Tisseront Tisseront Orthodontics celebrated their 10-year anniversary as a valued sponsor of RA Aquatics programs. In addition to giving every roster staff member a beautiful beach towel they also contributed to the Reston Kids Triathlon.

Vocelli pizza Vocelli Pizza and Italian Catering has been a sponsor for the last 3 summers, offering ‘free pizza’ vouchers to our weekly pool inspection winners as well as offering great pool delivery deals and catering discounts for private pool parties.

All-In-Stitches All-In-Stitches Embroidery has been with the Aquatics department for over 10-years, providing high quality uniforms as well as donating ‘Lifeguard Olympics’ t-shirts for every participant. | Fall Edition 2012


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ra camps

Building Memories

See for yourself why the longest operating camps in Reston are the place to be. Generations of Restonians have grown up through the RA Camp tradition, from campers to counselors and directors to managers, even to an RA Executive Vice President. Susanne Whitehouse The Reston camp T-shirts have been a part of my life for a long time. As a little girl growing up in Reston, I wore the yellow RHOA shirts as a camper and can remember singing songs while hiking around the Round House, doing experiments in science special interest and a buildyour-own robot contest among the groups. In the summer of 1987, I traded in my yellow shirts for blue ones and became a Day Camp Counselor -In-Training. I went on to work for a total of thirteen summers as a junior counselor, senior counselor, Arts & Crafts Specialist and finally as Day Camp Director. I have so many fun memories of camp, including cookouts with sing-alongs, building forts, creeking in the clay pits and making up elaborate and creative ways to incorporate the theme into each session. One session theme I remember was “Where’s Waldo.” We had the campers finding clues and spotting Waldo (Chris Cerino dressed up) all over Reston. The campers got so excited about the theme that everything became a “clue” to them, even if we hadn’t planted it. “Look, it’s an empty soda can! Waldo must have had a soda and left it there!”

2013 Registration Don't Forget


The experiences I had every summer with the campers and my talented fellow staff members were what drove me to become a teacher. I received my undergraduate degree from James Madison University and started teaching at Sunrise Valley Elementary in 1996. I taught children with moderate to severe disabilities for nine years while also getting my Masters in Severe Disabilities from George Mason University. I now live in Leesburg with my husband, Colin (a former Teen Camp counselor), and our three children. Those yellow camp shirts are still hanging in my house — this time in my kids closets. Emily, 9, and Tyler, 7, have both attended Reston Association camps and my youngest, Maggie, almost 4, hopes to start her camp career this summer at Nature Tots.

R h o a

■■ RA members begins January 28, 2013. ■■ Non-members begins February 4, 2013. Nature Tots (ages 3-5) Walker’s Rangers (ages 6-8) Hug-A-Tree (ages 5-7) Sportsters (ages 6-8)

Mini Camp (ages 5-10) Skate Camp (ages 6-13) Day Camp (ages 7-11) Science Camp (ages 8-12)

Adventure Links (ages 8-13) Teen Camp (ages 11-14) Guard Start (ages 13-15) Counselor-In-Training (ages 14-16)

Check the January issue of Reston magazine for complete camp details and a registration form. For more information, visit us online at

Reston | LIVe, work, play and get involved™

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ra caMps


From nature tots to teen camp, there were happy campers everywhere. throughout the nine weeks of ra camps, we had tons of fun. we rode an 89-year-old carousel, made crafts from recycled materials and even kayaked on the shenandoah river.

many thanks to our 100 camp employees and our extended RA family for making this great summer possible. bring a friend and join the fun next summer.

General information • • •

Our staff-to-camper ratio is at least one staff member for every seven campers. Age requirements must be met by september 30, 2013. safety and supervision exceeds the minimum standards for Child Day Centers as required by the Virginia Department of social services. scholarships are available for Reston youth whose families have a demonstrated financial need.


We DiD WhaT?

• • • • • •

Swimming in 13 of Reston’s pools. Doing experiments with the scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey. Winning sportsmanship and athletic awards at Sportsters. Visiting exciting places like the Massanutten Water Park and the Fairfax Water Facility. Dropping in a half-pipe and grinding a rail at Skate Camp. And searching for wildlife at the Walker Nature Center.

Ra CaMp SChOLaRShip pROGRaM Each year, donations from organizations, businesses and individuals make it possible for economically disadvantaged children of Reston to attend our valuable camp programs. Special Thanks to Our 2012 Camp Scholarship Donors.


For an additional fee, van transportation is available within RA boundaries. Pick Up/ Drop Off locations must be a home, place of employment or day care provider.

Extended Care

For an additional fee, extended care is provided from 7:30-9 a.m. and 4-5:30 p.m.

Payment & Refunds • • • • •

A $75 non-refundable deposit per camper per session is required for all camps at registration time. Full payment for all sessions and services is required by May 1. Refunds, minus applicable deposits, may be recovered until June 1. Members can register online, beginning at 8:30 a.m. on January 28. Non-member registration begins February 4.

Fairfax County Department of Family Services Friends of Reston for Community Projects, Inc. Reston Garden Club And whoever else… If you would like to make a donation to the scholarship fund, please contact or call 703-435-6567. | Fall Edition 2012


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Tennis Anyone?

With 52 outdoor tennis courts, 26 lighted for night play and six courts for ten and under juniors, Reston Association offers one of the most extensive tennis programs in the Washington metropolitan area.


QuickStart Tennis 10 & Under

Tennis is a whole new ball game. Balls, rackets and courts start sized right for kids. It’s all about the play. Children learn best early when they have an opportunity to play and have fun. Reston Tennis Youth classes focus on practice, learn and play using the QuickStart format. Children will learn to play tennis by playing tennis. Reston Tennis implements the games-based approach to tennis, which means involving participants in tennis play within the first hour of the program.

Q QuickStart Tennis

For Aces Aces I (ages 5-7) Aces II (ages 6-8)

Once a week for six weeks

Q QuickStart Tennis For

Munchkins (ages 3-4)

Once a week for six weeks

Session 4: Sept. 5-Oct. 13

This exciting new play format for learning tennis is designed to bring kids into the game by utilizing specialized equipment, shorter court dimensions and modified scoring — all tailored to age and size. Kids enjoy a fun, motivating introduction to tennis, emphasizing fun and play. It’s the fast, fun way to get kids into tennis and keep them playing. Parents or guardians must be present and join in the fun. Class size limited to six.


This exciting new play format for learning tennis is designed to bring kids into the game by utilizing specialized equipment, shorter court dimensions and modified scoring — all tailored to age and size. Kids enjoy a fun, motivating introduction to tennis, emphasizing fun and play. It’s the fast, fun way to get kids into tennis and keep them playing. We encourage a parent or guardian to join in the fun to make this class a success. The emphasis will be on learn, practice and play. To be enrolled in Aces II, you must have completed Aces I.

North Shore Courts $90/RA Members $100/Non-members

Aces I Aces I


10-10:45 a.m.

North Shore Courts $90/RA Members $100/Non-members

4-4:45 p.m., 5-5:45 p.m.


9-9:45 a.m.,10-10:45 a.m. 11-11:45 a.m. North Shore Courts $90/RA Members $100/Non-members


2:30-3:30 p.m. 3:30-4:30 p.m.

North Shore Courts $96/RA Members $103/Non-members Fridays

Aces I Aces II

4-5 p.m. 5-6 p.m.

North Shore Courts $96/RA Members, $103/Non-members

For more information on tennis programs, please contact or call 703-435-6502.


Reston | LIVe, work, play and get involved™

Photo by pete staples

Session 4: Sept. 7-Oct. 15


Aces I Aces I Aces I Aces II

9-10 a.m. 10-11 a.m. Noon-1 p.m. 11 a.m.-Noon

North Shore Courts $96/RA Members, $103/Non-members

Q QuickStart Tennis For Aces III with Rod (ages 6-8)

Twice a week for three weeks

Session 4: Sept. 4-20 Session 5: Sept. 25-Oct. 11 Tuesday & Thursday

Aces III 4:30-5:30 p.m. Aces III 5:30-6:30 p.m. North Shore Courts $96/RA Members $103/Non-members

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d o Shop n a s uet t Ra pr q a or R ents a i n u J uipm eq

Q QuickStart Tennis For Champions i (ages 7-8)

Q QuickStart Tennis For Champions ii (ages 7-8)

Session 4: Sept. 12-28 Session 5: Oct. 3-19

Session 4: Sept. 12-28 Session 5: Oct. 3-19

Twice a week for three weeks

This is the next step for children who are committed to improving their tennis skills. A certificate from Tennis Aces II is required for enrollment in this class. The QuickStart format will be implemented but there will be more of a focus on forehand and backhand stroke production so that students can consistently hit the ball over the net. WEDNESDAy & FRIDAy

5-6 p.m.

pRivaTe TenniS LeSSOnS

Twice a week for three weeks

This is the next step for children who are committed to improving their tennis skills and have completed Champions I. Champions II will concentrate on movement to the ball and preparation for hitting. Serve and volley will be introduced. WEDNESDAy & FRIDAy

6-7 p.m.

Hook Road Courts $96/RA members $103/non-members

Hook Road Courts $96/RA members $103/non-members

For those who prefer more individual instruction or for the player needing a flexible schedule.


$62-68 hour/ra members $64-70 hour/non-members


$34 person/hour/ra members $36 person/hour/non-members book a series of six private lessons or semi-private lessons and receive a 5 percent discount.

Where you will find one of the top tennis programs in northern virginia? According to the readers of Virginia Living Magazine, the answer is Reston Tennis Association. The program earned honors as one of the three best tennis clubs in the area during a two-month, online survey of readers. The first place tennis facility ranking went to Fairfax Racquet Club and third place went to Middleburg Tennis Club.

The survey simply asked respondents to list their "bests." "This is a great honor and recognition for the tennis programs in Reston," said Mary Conaway, Reston Association tennis manager. Reston Association manages 52 tennis courts and programs for all ages.

Readers could also vote for specific regions of the Commonwealth or vote for categories statewide. During the contest, Reston Association posted the survey on its homepage and sent it to all 134 homeowners' associations within Reston. Virginia Living editors said they received nearly 10,000 responses. | Fall Edition 2012


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J Junior Tennis Lesson

Level One, Two, Two Adv. Twice a week for three weeks.

Session 7: Sept. 10-27 Session 8: Oct. 1-18

Saturdays, once a week for six weeks.

Session 5: Sept. 8-Oct. 13

J Level One

This class is for players with little or no tennis background. Monday & Wednesday

5-6 p.m.

Lake Newport Courts $114/RA Members $117/Non-members Tuesday & Thursday

5-6 p.m.

Lake Newport Courts $114/RA Members $117/Non-members Saturday

9-10 a.m. Noon-1 p.m.

Autumnwood Courts $114/RA Members $117/Non-members

This program is for junior players previously involved in Reston junior tennis. Participants in this program must have the skill and desire to continue to improve their level of play. It is intended that these groups will develop over the years so that they are able to enter sanctioned USTA tournaments and be competitive once they reach high school. Players will be placed in a class with juniors of similar experience and ability. Players will play on the right size court with the right size equipment. Meets twice a week for three weeks.

J Futures Level I (ages 8-10)

Session 7: Sept. 10-28 Session 8: Oct. 1-19

This class is for students who have taken Level One. Monday & Wednesday

Each session will include: stroke analysis, instruction, drills, tactics, footwork, conditioning, doubles and singles strategy. Monday & Wednesday

Lake Newport Courts $114/RA Members $117/Non-members

Lake Newport Courts $171/RA Members $175/Non-members

J Level Two

5-6 p.m.

Tuesday & Thursday

5-6 p.m.

Lake Newport Courts $114/RA Members $117/Non-members Saturday

10-11 a.m.

Autumnwood Courts $114/RA Members $117/Non-members

J Level Two Advanced

This class is for students who have taken Level Two more than three times Saturday

4:30-6 p.m.

J Futures Level II

(ages 10-12)

Session 7: Sept. 4-20 Session 8: Sept. 25-Oct. 11

Each session will include: stroke analysis, instruction, drills, tactics, footwork, conditioning, doubles and singles strategy. Tuesday & Thursday

4:30-6 p.m.

Lake Newport Courts $171/RA Members $175/Non-members

11 a.m.-Noon

Autumnwood Courts $114/RA Members $117/Non-members

For more information on tennis programs, please contact or call 703-435-6502.


Reston | LIVe, work, play and get involved™

Photo by pete staples

J Futures Program For Junior Player with Chume Bertrand (ages 8-12)

Junior Tennis (ages 8 -17)

Photo by pete staples


J Teen Tennis (ages 13-16)

Session 7: Sept. 10-27 Session 8: Oct. 1-18

Teens will enjoy tennis with their peers and learn the fundamentals of tennis techniques and strokes. Emphasis is on fun, fitness and play. In addition, we will have a Team Tennis event at the conclusion of each session on the last day of the session. In the event of rain, the Team Tennis event will be held on Friday. Class size limited to six. Class meets twice a week for three weeks.

J Level One

This class is for players with little or no tennis background. Monday & Wednesday

6-7 p.m.

Shadowood Courts $114/RA Members $117/Non-members

J Level Two

This class is for students who have taken Level One. Monday & Wednesday

7-8 p.m.

Shadowood Courts $114/RA Members $117/Non-members

J Level Three

Teenage players advancing beyond level two should qualify for RA High School Tennis Innovations Development Program.

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Adult Tennis (17 years & older) Monday & Wednesday

6-7 p.m.

Lake Newport Courts $120/RA Members $126/Non-members Photo by pete staples

Monday & Wednesday


Newbridge Courts $120/RA Members $126/Non-members

A Intermediates

Tuesday & Thursday

8-9 p.m.

J High School Tennis

Photo by pete staples

Innovations Development Program (ages 12-17)

Session 7: Sept. 4-20 Session 8: Sept. 25-Oct. 11

This is Reston Association’s highest level of play for juniors. This program is for rising high school players and those already in high school. This match play program will develop competitive skills for both singles and doubles play under actual match conditions. Emphasis will be on strategy, conditioning and footwork. Players must already be competitive to enter this program. Tuesday & Thursday

4:30-6 p.m.

Autumnwood Courts $171/RA Members $175/Non-members

Adult Tennis

Group lesson for adults for all levels of play. Note: We cannot guarantee court preference. On some occasions, classes may be combined at one location or students may be asked to move from one level to another to maximize congenial class instruction.


Introduces serve, volley, forehand and backhand strokes, court positions and tennis terms.

Advanced Beginners Lesson Locations Shadowood Courts 2201 Springwood Drive Autumnwood Courts 11950 Walnut Branch Road Hook Road Courts Fairway Drive and Hook Road Lake Newport Courts 11452 Baron Cameron Avenue Newbridge Courts 11718 Golf Course Square

Reviews beginners’ strokes with an emphasis on stroke execution. Introduces lob and overhead, scoring and rules. Students must know the basic strokes and forehand rallying.


For those wishing to perfect their strokes through drills with an emphasis on consistency, singles and doubles strategy and match play.

A Adult Tennis

Twice a week group lesson for three weeks.

Session 7: Sept. 10-27 Session 8: Oct. 1-18

A Beginners

Tuesday & Thursday

6-7 p.m.

Lake Newport Courts $120/RA Members $126/Non-members Monday & Wednesday

8-9 p.m.

Lake Newport Courts $120/RA Members $126/Non-members Monday & Wednesday

10-11 a.m.

Newbridge Courts $120/RA Members $126/Non-members

A Advanced Beginners

Tuesday & Thursday

7-8 p.m.

Lake Newport Courts $120/RA Members $126/Non-members Monday & Wednesday

7-8 p.m.

Lake Newport Courts $120/RA Members $126/Non-members

A Adult Tennis

Once a week group lesson for four weeks.

Session 5: Sept. 8-29 Session 6: Oct. 6-27

A Beginners


Noon-1:30 p.m.

Autumnwood Courts $120/RA Members $126/Non-members

A Advanced Beginners


10:30 a.m.-Noon

Autumnwood Courts $120/RA Members $126/Non-members

A Intermediates


9-10:30 a.m.

Autumnwood Courts $120/RA Members $126/Non-members

Lake Newport Courts $120/RA Members $126/Non-members

For more information on tennis programs, please contact or call 703-435-6502. | Fall Edition 2012


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aDULT TenniS pROGRaMS (17 yeaRS & OLDeR)


a Stroke of the Week

Three to eight players. Must register at least one week in advance.




REston tEnnis on FaCEBooK


10-11 a.m.

Lake Newport Courts NEW THURSDAy NIGHTS

a adult Tennis Drop-in Tennis


7-10 p.m.

Lake Newport Tennis Courts: 1,2,5,6 how it works: you must have your RA pass with you to participate. Bring a can of balls and your game. Doubles will be the format when people are waiting to play. Teams will play best of five games using NO-AD scoring. The winning team will stay on the same court but will split and no longer be partners. Losing team will slide to the next court down where a winning team will have split and will except one player each. If the court next to you has not finished, you are asked to wait outside the court or on a bench. This format will continue until nobody is waiting to play. Once people are waiting to play, you are asked to go back to the five game NO-AD matches. Courts 1 and 2 should be used by players 3.5 and below when no line is present. Courts 5 and 6 should be used for 3.5 and above when no line is present. If court 3 has no lessons at 9 p.m., it will be reserved for drop-in tennis. Call the tennis office at 703-435-6502 for details. *Drop-in tennis is for Reston Association Members and tennis members only. Non-members must purchase an RA tennis membership to participate.

7-8 p.m.

Lake Newport Courts datE

September 6 September 13 September 20 September 27 October 4 October 11 October 18 October 25

stRoKE Serves Volleys and half volleys Serve and volley-attack the net Forehands Backhands: one- and two-handed Overheads and lobs Approach shots Doubles strategy

book four strokes and receive a 5 percent discount. $22/RA members $24/non-members

a adult Serve & Return Lesson Session 5: Sept. 4-25 Session 6: Oct. 2-23

Groups of up to four students meet once a week for four weeks to become masters of their serve. The serve is the most important stroke in tennis. It starts the game. Without being able to serve, you cannot play the game of tennis. In this class you will learn a kick serve, a slice serve and increase the pace and velocity of your flat serve. Let the games begin.


6-7 p.m.

Shadowood Courts $80/RA members $88/non-members

tEnnis onlinE ■ ■ ■

RTT Score Board Tennis Ladder USTA Tournament & Entry Forms


This list will give you the names, level and availability of players, along with their phone numbers. The list is updated once a month, so if you would like to add your name to the list, e-mail RA members only.

tEnnis adVisoRY

The Tennis Advisory Committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Reston Association. All comments and suggestions are welcome. Send an e-mail to tennis@reston. org. To call or e-mail a committee member with suggestions, look them up on our website

BEst tEnnis CouRts

We have some of the best community tennis courts in the Northern Virginia area. We are calling on you to help keep our courts in tiptop condition. If you see a broken net strap or a light out, please e-mail or call the tennis office at 703-435-6502. Court locations are on page 96.

KEY taGs (sold out)

Great for easy identification and your convenience. Key tags are available for $2.50 (RA Members Only). Come to RA to purchase one or find one online at

tEnnis RatinGs

Reston Association tennis professionals will give free ratings. Please call 703-435-6502 to arrange a convenient time. These are Reston ratings and apply for play in the Reston Team Tennis League.

For more information on tennis programs, please contact or call 703-435-6502.


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NEW Biomimetic 400 $169

NEW Biomimetic 400 Tour $179

NEW Biomimetic 400 Lite $159

NEW Biomimetic 700 $179


SHOWCASING 2012 DUNLOP RACQUETS AVAILABLE FOR DEMO Call 703-435-6502 for more info on racket demos and shoes.

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Move Rules

Tennis Leagues for Adults

If you are looking to play more tennis with your partner, we invite you to join our Mixed Doubles Flight. All levels of play are welcome. Match results are used to sort the flight so everyone has a good, competitive match each week. You must have a partner to play in this flight; partners are not assigned. You are also responsible for finding a substitute to play with your partner when you cannot play yourself. (All substitutes must be RA residents or members.) However, if both team members must miss a week, you are not responsible for a substitute team if you notify the flight coordinator in advance. This flight runs into the summer, so we expect that many teams will miss a week or two due to vacations and other activities. Specific guidelines on the flight are e-mailed to all registered participants before the first night of play. If you have any questions before then, please contact the tennis office or send an e-mail to There will be two flights that will run for six weeks each.

Flight III: Sept. 14-Oct. 19

Deadline to sign up is Sept. 8. Friday

7-9 p.m.

Photo by pete staples

T Mixed Doubles Flight

T Senior Round Robin

(55 years and over)

Sessions 4: Sept. 14-Oct. 19 (Rain date: Oct. 26) FRIDAY

9-11 a.m.

Upland Courts $15 for six weeks of play per person. Still looking for competitive fun play? Join the senior interReston league. The format will be doubles. Register in advance at the tennis office at 703-435-6502.

Lake Newport Tennis Courts $20 per person/RA Members $22 per person/Non-members


What level?

Reston Association tennis professionals will give free ratings. Please call 703-435-6502 to arrange a convenient time. These are Reston ratings and apply for play in the Reston Team Tennis League.

Reston Association Tennis Court Rules Usage RA Members with their membership cards. (Guests must have a guest pass and be accompanied by the host member). Players must show membership cards and guest passes on the changeover. RA instructors are the ONLY persons permitted to give lessons on a fee-paying basis. Reserving a Court Players must place their membership card and a racquet (or racquet cover) on the numbered hooks on the courtside bulletin boards. Failure to display the racquet/cover and the membership card or key tag means the court is not reserved. Players reserving courts must remain courtside while waiting to play. Players may not reserve a court while playing. RA may reserve courts for lessons, tournaments, league play and court rentals.

For more information on tennis programs, please contact or call 703-435-6502.


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Priority of Play Court changes are made on the hour. Please show your pass when entering the court. Play is limited to one hour for singles and two hours for doubles when other people are waiting. Players who have used the court for a fraction of the hour must vacate on the hour when others are waiting to play. Enforcement of the Rules RA court monitors and staff will enforce the rules of court play. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in loss of court privileges. Membership cards and guest passes are available at the RA tennis office, 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 20191-3404. Guest passes are also available from a court monitor.

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GaMe MaTCh SeT

Simon Cup Tournament Sept. 15-16

Men’s & Women’s Singles

Sept. 29-30 Men’s & Women’s Doubles

Oct. 6-7 Mixed Doubles

Sept. 30 Comcast filming of the Men’s Singles

Oct. 13-14 45/55 Men’s & Women’s Singles/Doubles



Ages 18 and over, non-gender specific Guaranteed at least three matches Format: Red felt ball on 36-foot courts NTRP Level: 4.0–5.0 singles, 3.0–3.5 doubles 1st & 2nd Place will receive awards & cash money 3rd & 4th Place will receive awards & gift certificates For more information, visit and search by tournament ID 300038712.

Register Deadline: One week prior to match location: lake newport courts entry fee: $20 RA members $22 non-members


more info and to register:

$30 charitable donation per player • •

September 22-23 Lake Newport Tennis Courts, Reston Deadline: Sept. 17

Players guaranteed at least two matches. All levels of players welcome.

Play tennis to benefit three great causes. All funds go directly to the organization you choose:


Sponsored by Dr. Hani Thariani, Orthodontist

Questions? E-mail us at | Fall Edition 2012


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MARy CONAWAy RA’s Tennis Manager has been involved in Reston since 1987. In 1998, Mary became certified as a PTR Instructor and taught lessons for Reston Association. Mary currently serves as chair of the USTA National Learning and Leadership Committee.

ELAINE KILLORAN New to Reston’s tennis staff, Elaine is passionate about tennis and wants to share her passion on the courts with all ages of juniors. Elaine has been a Reston Team tennis captain for ten years and enjoys the thrill of competition.

ROD PAOLINI Rod particularly enjoys working with young children. He employs various activities and games that develop the skills needed for tennis. He invites parents to be involved in the lesson in order to learn and play together. Rod is a PTR-certified instructor.

bOb bARNETT Bob is a certified PTR tennis instructor. In addition to teaching and playing tennis, Bob is a certified racket stringer with USRSA with a rating of MRT. Bob operates his own stringing business, Racketbear Customized Racket Service in Reston.

JIM ELDER Jim is a USPTA-certified pro since he began teaching for RA in 1997. He chairs the USTA Mid-Atlantic Adult Ranking Committee and is the VP for the men’s division of the Northern Virginia Tennis League. In 2011, Jim was ranked #15 nationally in doubles and #1 in Virginia for singles and doubles. He captains a Reston NVTL men’s team and a 4.5 USTA men’s senior team.

CHUME bERTRAND Chume is a PTR-certified associate instructor. She has been involved with tennis since she moved to the Reston area in 1991. Chume has been very active with USTA junior tennis. She plays tennis competitively in many local tennis leagues.

PETE STAPLES A native of Australia, Peter is a PTR-Certified Instructor, now living in Reston. He is passionate about tennis and loves to share his love of the game with high energy instruction. His other passion is tennis photography. Peter photographs the pros at the Legg Mason Tournament, as well as many other ATP tour events.

JESSICA KEENER Jessica is a recent graduate from the Top 50 Division I tennis program, Marshall University, where she played on a full scholarship for her collegiate career. She loves to work with upcoming juniors, helping them to develop their game.

RObERT TUCKER Robert is a certified PTR tennis instructor who lives in Reston. With two decades of experience in tennis sales, he is the “go to” guy when you’re trying to find the right equipment for your game.

DyANNA DELANEy Dyanna loves to inspire younger children through tennis. She teaches them games that make them want to learn tennis and sportsmanship.

KATHy REDDLE Kathy is both a Junior Development PTR Certified Instructor and Adult PTR Certified Instructor. From beginners to advanced juniors and adults, Kathy enjoys instructing at a variety of skill levels. Her passion for tennis and helping players reach their potential is a terrific combination.

JUAN FIGUEROA Juan is a PTR tennis instructor. He has been playing tennis since 1984 and became a certified tennis instructor in 2003. Juan loves working with children of all ages. He also works with adults and loves to improve their game.


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Adult REGISTRATION Session Number:

Location: Day:



Name: DOB:




o Male

o Female

NTRP Rating

Court Locations

Street Address: City: State:

o o o o o o


E-Mail: Phone: (Home)

(Work) (Cell)

DIAL-A-MATCH Availabilty: o Weekdays o Evenings o Weekends o Anytime Level

Stroke of the week Date:



Junior Registration Parent/Guardian’s Name: Street Address: City: Phone: (Home)





Session Number:




o Male

Location: Day:



LevelS: o Munchkin o Aces I o Aces II o Champions I o Champions II o Level 1 o Level 2 o Level 3 o Junior Futures I o Junior Futures II o Teen L1 o Teen L2 o HS Development Child’s Name (2): DOB:


Session Number:




o Male

Location: Day:

o Female


Adult Leagues

o Wed o Thurs o RTT League Captain’s Name o Greater Washington Tennis League o Northern Virginia League o Men's o Women's o Mixed o Senior Round Robin o Male o Female o Singles o Doubles

o Female


Lake Newport Hook Road Shadowood Newbridge Autumnwood North Shore

Tennis Ladder

(Work) (Mobile)

Child’s Name (1): DOB:

Adult Classes

o Beginner o Advanced Beginner o Intermediate o Serving Class



LevelS: o Munchkin o Aces I o Aces II o Champions I o Champions II o Level 1 o Level 2 o Level 3 o Junior Futures I o Junior Futures II o Teen L1 o Teen L2 o HS Development


Payment can be made by personal check, cash or credit card. Please make checks payable to Reston Association. If mailing registration form, please send to: Reston Association, 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20191-3404. No faxes will be accepted. Amount: $

Check Number:

oVisa oMC Card Number:

Expiration Date: *Card Security Code:#


*Typically a 3-digit code located on back of credit card, to the right of the signature strip.

I hereby release the Reston Association (RA), and any of its directors, officers, employees and agents from all claims for bodily injury, death or property damage arising out of my and my child’s participation in the above event(s), except for claims caused directly by the negligence or willful misconduct of RA. I assume full responsibility for all liability in connection with such claims, and for having insurance for me and my child. I agree to indemnify RA and hold RA harmless against any such claims and related costs, including claims by any minor which may be brought after attaining majority. I also hereby grant permission for Reston Association to photograph and videotape my child and to use such photographs and videotapes for promotional and advertising purposes and for trade purposes. I promise to abide by the rules and regulations of RA’s tennis courts and exercise care and caution for my and/or my child’s personal safety and that of my fellow participants. I acknowledge and agree that my and my child’s participation in any program sponsored by RA or presence at its tennis courts or other areas under RA’s control may be an activity where injury can occur and shall be undertaken at my and my child’s sole risk. I hereby certify that I and my child are physically fit and have not been otherwise informed by a physician. I understand that RA employs no physicians, and its staff cannot and does not diagnose medical problems.

Signature of Participant (or parent/legal guardian if participant is under 18 years of age): Date: Printed Name: | Fall Edition 2012


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Nature Programs

Nature programs support environmental awareness, enjoyment, knowledge and action. Together we can conserve and enjoy Reston’s beautiful natural areas. Come hike, paddle, stargaze, toast a marshmallow, or slosh in a stream with us!


A Autumn Campfire


All ages welcome. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

Sunday, Oct. 21, 2-3 p.m.

WNC Campfire Ring on Soapstone Drive between Glade Drive and Lawyers Road Reserve by: Oct. 9 $5/person RA Members $8/person Non-members Autumn is a perfect time of year to cozy up to a crackling campfire. Sing songs, tell jokes and enjoy the change of season. Roast a marshmallow and make a "gourmet" s’more.

B A Tree Detectives

Saturday, Sept. 8, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Walker Nature Center 11450 Glade Drive Reserve by: Sept. 5 $4/person RA Members $6/person Non-members

Can you identify a tree by its leaves or nuts? Learn some tricks of the trade and use your detective skills on a walk to discover some of our common trees. Search for nuts and berries the animals are eating now and storing for the winter.

A Gone Batty

Friday, Sept. 28, 7-8 p.m.

Walker Nature Center 11450 Glade Drive Reserve by: Sept. 25 $6/person RA Members $9/person Non-members

See one of the most fascinating nocturnal creatures up close. Join a bat specialist from Bat World Nova to learn more about these amazing animals and the challenges they face.

A Gifts for Birds

Friday, Oct. 12, 6:30-8 p.m.

Walker Nature Center 11450 Glade Drive Reserve by: Oct. 17 $5/person RA Members $8/person Non-members Learn which woodpeckers can be seen in Reston and make a log suet feeder to take home to attract them to your yard. Fall is the perfect time to learn about birds you can enjoy all winter and find out how you can help our feathered friends.

Babes in the Woods

18 months through 35 months. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

B Slithering Snakes Choose Monday, Sept. 10 or Tuesday, Sept. 11, 10-11 a.m. Walker Nature Center 11450 Glade Drive Reserve by: Sept. 7 $5/child RA Members $8/child Non-members

Learn about the snakes that live here in Reston. Find out how snakes smell, what they like to eat, and how long the longest snake is. Touch a live snake who lives here at the nature center. Make a craft and go on a short hike to find snakes on the trail.

B Deer Me! Choose Monday, Oct. 1 or Tuesday, Oct. 2,10-11 a.m. Walker Nature Center 11450 Glade Drive Reserve by: Sept. 28 $5/child RA Members $8/child Non-members

Fall is a great time of year to see deer. Read a story about deer, make an antler craft, and then go in search of deer in the nature center. Find out what deer like to eat, and why their antlers are so important.

Nature programs may be cancelled in the event of severe weather, severe weather warnings, or low enrollment. Advance reservations are required for all fee-based programs. For nature program reservations, Call 703-476-9689 and press 5 or e-mail


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pReSChOOL happeninGS

3 to 5 years. Children must be accompanied by an adult.



5 to 12 years. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

C nature Game Day Sunday, Sept. 16, 2-3 p.m. walker Nature Center 11450 Glade Drive Reserve by: Sept. 12 $5/child RA members $8/child non-members

Play Bingo, Tic Tac Toe and Twister — all with a nature spin. Then, make your own checker board out of natural and recycled materials to take home. you don’t need to spend a lot of money in order to have a good time with board games. This is a sure way to enjoy an afternoon full of fun and prizes!

P Fur, Feathers, Fins

Saturday, Sept. 22, 10:30-11:30 a.m. walker Nature Center 11450 Glade Drive Reserve by: Sept. 19 $5/child RA members $8/child non-members

Different animals have different body coverings. Learn what covers the skin of different animals, like fins, fur and feathers, and how these help an animal survive. See and touch some up close. Make your own body covering to take home.

P Rascal Raccoons

Tuesday, Oct. 9, 10-11 a.m. walker Nature Center 11450 Glade Drive Reserve by: Oct. 6 $5/child RA members $8/child non-members

Make your own raccoon mask and tail crafts, and then dress up like a raccoon to go in search of what a raccoon needs. Explore the forest to look for food, water and shelter that is just right for a raccoon.

Walker nature Center, located at 11450 Glade Drive, provides

a variety of educational and recreational resources, programs and facilities. The mission of the center is to foster an environmental stewardship ethic in the community. The center enhances people’s awareness, knowledge, appreciation, and enjoyment of the environment. Nestled in the woods of the 72-acre Walker Nature Center, Nature House is a place where people of all ages can learn about our precious natural resources.

visit nature house to:

enjoy exhibits and displays. Talk with onsite naturalists. Use the nature resource library. Watch a multimedia presentation. Do a simple activity or read a story to your child.

Nature programs may be cancelled in the event of severe weather, severe weather warnings, or low enrollment. Advance reservations are required for all fee-based programs. for nature program reservations, call 703-4769689 and press 5 or e-mail



MOnDay, WeDneSDay-FRiDay: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. TUeSDay: Closed SaTURDay: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. SUnDay: 1-4 p.m.


Free parking, restroom and trail access dawn to dusk, 365 days a year. Check holiday schedule for additional closings.

Meet a box turtle and a snake. Attend a variety of programs for all ages. Learn about its many green building features. | Fall Edition 2012


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Scout Leaders

The walker Nature Center can help your organization to earn patches & badges. Make a date with a naturalist to... Lead a fun and educational program in an achievement area such as: Forester, Naturalist, Wildlife, Eco-action, Earth Connections, Earth is Our Home, Earth and Sky, Water Everywhere, Senses, Animals and more.

Planning a Birthday Party?

Bring the kids and the cake to a funfilled, creative party at the nature center. Thematic parties include a two-hour facility rental, 45 minutes of staff-led activities, and party favors.

$4 per participant (minimum charge $40)/RA members $6 per participant (minimum charge $60)/nonmembers

Lead a Campfire Fun or Campfire Cookery program $5 per participant

(minimum charge $50)/RA members $8 per participant (minimum charge $80)/nonmembers

The Campfire Ring can also be rented for self-use. You bring the wood and the water. Campfire Ring Rental: $10/hr./RA members $15/hr./non-members

Lead a Community Service Project with your group. fRee

Activity kits are also available on loan for Birds, Trees and Watershed requirements.

Call 703-476-9689 and press 3 or e-mail naturecenter@ for details and reservations.

Choose from the following themes: Nature Detectives Ages 3-7 Learn to be a good nature detective by using your eyes, ears, nose and hands. Play sensory guessing games, find what doesn’t belong on our “unnature” trail, and follow clues to solve a mystery animal’s trail. Favors include a magnifying hand lens, a mininotebook and a nature center pencil. The birthday child receives an Earl the Squirrel stuffed toy.

Nature Crafts Ages 3-12 Learn new skills and nature facts as you make a variety of crafts to take home. younger crafters will make bug boxes, rock insects and wildlife masks or puppets. Older crafters will try their hands at leather craft, building a bird feeder and making beaded accessories.

Dinosaurs Ages 3-9

Campfire Fun Ages 7-12

Share what you know about these amazing animals. Uncover bones and shells like a paleontologist, and make your own fossil imprints in clay. Go on a dinosaur egg hunt that will lead you to a nest full of eggs. Favors include a dinosaur egg, a dinosaur sticker and a fossil imprint. The birthday child gets a Myrtle the Turtle key chain.

Parties are held at the campfire ring off of Soapstone Drive. Program includes nature jokes, stories, songs, and games around the campfire. S’mores provided. Favors include a glow stick and red hot candies. The birthday child gets a nature center flashlight.

How to book • Parties may be booked up to three months in advance. • Weekend dates are limited and fill quickly. • Consider a weekday afternoon or evening party. • Maximum 15 children.

Fee: $175/RA Members $200/Non-members



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16 years to adult Free. No reservations required.


16 years to adult

Beginning and expert birders are all welcome to help find birds in some of Reston’s most beautiful natural areas. We will visit a variety of sites. Our collaborative efforts usually produce a good variety of local birds, and we always have a great time. These walks are jointly sponsored by Reston Association and its Environmental Advisory Committee, the Audubon Society of Northern Virginia and The Bird Feeder store. There are no fees and registration is not required.

a voluntary Simplicity 6 consecutive Mondays, Sept. 10-Oct. 15, 7-8:30 p.m.

walker Nature Center 11450 Glade Drive Reserve by: Sept. 6 $30/person RA or Rcc members $40/person non-members Join this six-session facilitated discussion course to identify adjustments that can be made in daily living that are active, positive responses to today’s complex dilemmas. Learn to embrace, either partially or totally the tenets of frugal consumption, ecological awareness and personal growth. Explore the material and psychological distractions that prevent us from caring for the earth, and acknowledge the connection between our lifestyle choices and the condition of the planet. Participants will receive a book of readings that form the basis of each discussion. you will be contacted when the course materials arrive, and asked to pay your fee and pick up your materials approximately two weeks before the first session. Cosponsored by Reston Community Center and Sustainable Reston.

a Organic Gardening

Saturday, Sept. 29, 9:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.

walker Nature Center 11450 Glade Drive Reserve by: Sept. 26 $25/RA or Rcc member $35/non-member Discover the world of organic gardening with avid gardener and Smart Markets, Inc. producer, Joe Belsan. Learn the basics of composting, including the benefits and how to get started. Discuss types of gardens such as ground vs. raised bed or container gardens. Worried about when and what to plant, how to deter and control pests and invasive plants, or how to produce the best vegetables and fruits? This program will teach you how to optimize your garden. Cosponsored by Reston Community Center and Sustainable Reston.

Nature programs may be cancelled in the event of severe weather, severe weather warnings, or low enrollment. Advance reservations are required for all fee-based programs. for nature program reservations, call 703-4769689 and press 5 or e-mail

a home energy efficiency

Thursday, Oct. 4, 7-9 p.m. walker Nature Center 11450 Glade Drive Reserve by: Oct. 1 $5/RA or Rcc member $8/non-member

Curious about how to improve your home’s energy use to make it more efficient, comfortable, and cost effective? Learn from the best in the industry with Mike Hogan, a representative from the Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP). LEAP is a nonprofit organization and a trusted leader in Virginia that coordinates home energy efficiency improvements through a Home Performance with ENERGy STAR program. This program is for educational purposes only. There will be no solicitation or obligations of the attendees. Cosponsored by Reston Community Center and Sustainable Reston.

September Bird Walk: Twin Branches and Glade Stream valley

Sunday, Sept. 23, 7:30 -10:30 a.m.

Location: Park on Glade Drive at Twin Branches Road. We will start at Twin Branches and walk the Glade upstream. leader: matt bender

October Bird Walk: Sunrise valley Wetlands and polo Fields

Sunday, Oct. 7, 7:30-10:30 a.m.

Location: Sunrise Valley Wetland Park, 12700 Sunrise Valley Drive. Park on the left (west) side of the office building. leader: Tbd

Free ra’s brush chipping program offers you a place to bring your brush for chipping at no cost. ra guidelines state that no brush may be dumped on ra property. Just drop off your brush at the locations listed below, and ra crews will chip it for use on ra open space.



October 20-21

Central Services Facility 12250 Sunset Hills Road

September 15-16 Lake Audubon Pool 2070 Twin Branches Road

PleAse: Brush only. (Branches should be less than 4 inches in diameter.) No grass clippings, dirt, trash, paper, vines, thorns or other debris. Brush may be dropped off at any time during the days listed. No contractors. | Fall Edition 2012


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You’RE inVitEd

Halloween House & Trick-or-Treat Trail

to the best family friendly Halloween event this side of transylvania — raIn or sHIne.

Choose from one of four event times:

FRiDay, OCTOBeR 26, 6-7:15 p.M. OR 7:30-8:45 p.M. SaTURDay, OCTOBeR 27, 6-7:15 p.M. OR 7:30-8:45 p.M. LOCaTiOn

WALKER NATURE CENTER 11450 GLADE DRIVE, RESTON VA 20191 Gate opens 15 minutes prior to the event start time. Please park along Glade Drive or at the Glade Pool, and bring a flashlight. This is NOT a horror show or a haunted house. Meet a creative cast of characters, including live animals, along our stroller-friendly, nature themed Trick-or-Treat Trail and inside our Nature House turned Halloween House for this very special evening. Enjoy jack-o-lanterns, carnival style games, sound and light effects, and creatures of the night. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Ticket price includes a Trick-or-Treat bag. Additional concessions (e.g. popcorn, cotton candy, apple cider) will be on sale. Participants are encouraged to wear non-scary costumes, and enjoy the activities at their own self-guided pace. To volunteer, contact Ha Brock, RA community outreach specialist II, at or 703-435-7986. Volunteers must be preregistered to help with this event.


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aDvanCe TiCkeTS OnLy

$10/person (Adults and children who are 18 months or older must have a ticket.) Tickets are on sale Monday, Oct. 1 (9 a.m.) – Thursday, Oct. 25 (5 p.m.). Don’t delay. This is a sell out event.

OnLine TiCkeTS

Buy your tickets online at at the following links, starting October 1:

Note: A service fee per ticket will be applied to online sales. You may also purchase tickets in person at the Walker Nature Center’s Nature House. Hours: Monday and Wednesday-Friday, 9 – 5, Saturday, 10-1, Sunday, 1-4. Closed on Tuesdays. For more information, call 703-476-9689, and press 5 or e-mail

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Eight Prohibited Plants in Reston Invasive exotic plants are non-native species that have been introduced intentionally or accidentally and spread from landscaped areas, gardens and yards into natural areas. They aren’t “bad” plants, just plants out of place. Invasive exotic plants are nonnative to North America. They spread quickly and outcompete our native vegetation. Often, invasive exotic plants get their start in yards and gardens where they can become a serious problem for the property owner and adversely affect neighboring private property, as well as RA natural areas. The proliferation of these plants decreases plant diversity and harms the wildlife that depends on native plants for food and shelter. Many invasive exotics overtake native shrubs and trees that are a signature of the Reston community. Efforts to control these species on RA property are ongoing and costly. We are grateful for the many volunteers who have worked diligently to remove invasive exotic plants and educate our members about their harmful effects.

banned Invasive Exotics

Flowering Pears (Pyrus calleryana cultivars) Winged Burning Bush (Euonymus alata) Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii) Exotic Bush Honeysuckles (Lonicera spp.) Exotic Bamboos (Bambusa spp.) Chinese Wisteria (Wisteria sinensis) Japanese Wisteria (Wisteria floribunda) English Ivy (Hedera helix) Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus)

By resolution of Reston Association's Board of Directors, the Use and Maintenance Standards for all properties that fall under the Reston deed were amended in May of 2008 to include the eight invasive exotics.

If you would like to learn more about invasive exotic plants, visit “Plants” on the “Natural Resources” page in the “Nature” section of our website,

Thank you for your cooperation in not planting any of these species in Reston.

If you would like to volunteer to help control invasive plants in Reston, contact Ha Brock via e-mail at Please direct questions to our environmental resource staff at 703-437-7658.

Lake Anne Boat Rentals 2012 Dates: May 24 – Sept. 2, 2012 Enjoy a journey across Lake Anne in a canoe, kayak, paddleboat, or rowboat. Rental tickets can be purchased at Reston’s Used Book Shop, 1623 Washington Plaza (near the fountain).

Hours of Operation Thursday: 4-8 p.m. Friday: 4-8 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m.-5 p.m.

Cost: $6 per boat for 1-hour rental*

*Boat operator must be at least 16 years of age. A parent or legal guardian (18 years of age or older) must sign a waiver/agreement and accompany passengers under the age of 16. Swimming is not permitted. Pets are not allowed in boats.

Contact the Book Shop by calling 703-435-9772. | Fall Edition 2012


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Get Nuts for Clean Water

Rain Barrel Workshop

How to Help: ■

■ ■ ■ ■

Collect nuts in your yard or other open areas where they will be unable to grow. Please do not collect at the nature center or any natural area in Reston. Separate the nuts by species and place them into breathable bags (no plastic bags). Label each bag with the kind of nuts that are inside. Store in a cool dry place, then drop them off at the nature center.


Seed drop offs are accepted Sept. 15- Oct. 21.


Information and collection bags can be picked up at the Walker Nature Center, 11450 Glade Drive. Please deposit bagged and identified acorns in the container on the side porch at Nature House. This fall, you can help to restore native forests and protect streams throughout the Potomac River region…one acorn at a time. So, when you rake the leaves, don’t throw out the acorns. Consider getting involved in this fun activity that can be enjoyed by all. Citizens throughout the Potomac River watershed are invited to take part in a native seed collection effort. Collected seeds are donated to state tree nurseries, where they are nurtured and transplanted for use in streamside and riverside reforestation. Growing Native is coordinated by Potomac Conservancy on behalf of the Potomac Watershed Partnership. For additional information about the program, detailed instructions (including desirable seeds), and seed identification materials, visit


For Adults

sunday, september 23 1-3 p.m.

Walker Nature Center 11450 Glade Drive $55 per barrel (Limit two per household.) Reservations required by September 17.

Rain barrels are a great way to help capture and control storm water from rooftops, to prevent erosion, to improve water quality, and to conserve water. This workshop is a quick and inexpensive way to bring home a rain barrel for immediate use. Participants must register and submit payment online at php. Cosponsored by Northern VA Soil and Water Conservation District, the VA Dept. of Conservation and Recreation and Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment.

Be active, Get involved

enviROnMenTaL vOLUnTeeRS neeDeD

Halloween Volunteers — help at the nature center’s special event nights, see page 81. Weed Warriors — help protect the trees and other native plants in our natural areas, see page 81. Fall Stream Clean Up — Saturday, October 20, 10 a.m. – Noon, see page 82. Storm Drain Marking — help mark storm drains that flow to local streams and the Chesapeake Bay, see page 82 . Stream Monitors — help monitor local stream health by inventorying macroinvertebrates, see page 82.

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Rent Space at the Walker Nature Center Looking for the perfect spot for a community meeting, family gathering or business retreat? Affordable and attractive rentals are available at the nature center. Nature House Multipurpose Room

664 square feet of space, capacity 94 people, seats 44 people with tables and chairs. Parking and restroom access. RA member or Reston not-for-profit fee $30/hr. non-member or non-Reston not-for-profit fee $50/hr. for profit/corporate fee $75/hr.

Nature Center Pavilion

576 sq. ft. pavilion with picnic tables and bench seating in a beautiful woodland setting. Parking and restroom access. RA member fee $20/hr. non-member fee $30/hr. for profit/corporate fee $50/hr.

Campfire Ring

Campfire pit with bench seating, small pavilion and picnic tables. Roadside parking. No restroom. RA member fee $10/hr. non-member fee $15/hr. for profit/corporate fee $25/hr. Renters must supply their own wood and water to extinguish the fire. For details and reservations, call 703-476-9689 and press 3 or e-mail | Fall Edition 2012


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Adopt-A-Bench is a program of Friends of Reston, which seeks to increase seating along Reston’s pathways and at recreational areas. Donations are appreciated in any amount and are taxdeductible. Sponsor a bench in someone’s honor for the donation amounts below.

Tennis benches

Select the court location (based on availability on a first-come, first-serve basis). Cost includes an engraved plaque, if desired. For more details about tennis benches, contact tennis@reston. org or call 703-435-6534. Donation Amount: $235

Pathway/Recreation Facility benches

Donation Amount: $850

Locations based upon need and your preference. Benches are made of recycled plastic with heavy duty steel supports. Cost includes an engraved plaque, if desired. For more information about pathway/recreation facility benches, contact CSFstaff@ or call 703-437-7658.

Please make checks payable to the “Friends of Reston” and write “Adopt-ABench” in the memo section. Mail to: Friends of Reston, 12001 sunrise Valley Drive, Reston VA 20191.


Donation Amount: $475

Help Reston increase recycling in the community. Attractive recycling bins are needed at Reston’s tennis courts. Select the court of your choice. Reston Association will manage the recyclables. The bins are made of 100% recycled plastic lumber, fastened to a sturdy, recycled, cast-aluminum frame. The cost includes an engraved plaque, if desired.

Make checks payable to “Friends of Reston” and write “Adopt-A-Recycling Bin” in the memo section. Mail to: Friends of Reston, 12001 sunrise Valley Drive, Reston VA 20191. For more information, contact or call 703-437-7658.


REston | LIVe, work, pLay and get InVoLVed™

Photos by: Charles A. Veatch Text By: Claudia Thompson-Deahl An art photography, nature and informational book and guide to Reston’s habitats all in one beautiful hard-bound volume. ON SALE FOR $20 at Walker Nature Center 11450 Glade Drive

All proceeds from the book sales go to the Walker Nature Center.

come play in reston



RA’s Glade Room and Brown’s Chapel are frequently used for group functions, including cluster meetings, scout meetings, wedding ceremonies and a variety of classes. RENTAL FEES: $15–$70 per hour (security deposit required) Contact Member Services to reserve a community room by calling 703-435-6530 or e-mailing

BROWN’S CHAPEL, 11300 Baron Cameron Avenue Size: 914 square feet Its tall ceilings provide excellent acoustics and its parklike grounds offer a lovely setting. The facility has chairs to seat 65 people, three tables, restroom facilities, heating, air conditioning and ample parking. It is perfect for church services, small meetings or classes. GLADE ROOM, 11550 Glade Drive Size: 881 square feet Located above the pool bathhouse at the intersection of Glade and Soapstone Drive. This facility is equipped with chairs to seat 65 people, four tables, restroom facilities, heating and air conditioning. It is an ideal facility for preschool groups, dance classes, small meetings and club functions.


Available for rent seven days a week April through October, a perfect place for private parties and group gatherings. RENTAL FEES APPLY: $150/RA Members, $300/Corporate & Non-members HUNTERS WOODS PICNIC PAVILION (James “Jimmy” Wright Memorial Pavilion), at the corner of Steeplechase Drive and Reston Parkway. Size: 842 square feet The pavilion offers four picnic tables, one grill and ample parking (shared parking at Hunters Woods Pool or Hunters Woods Park).

NORTH HILLS PICNIC PAVILION Center Harbor Road and North Village Road Size: 1,024 square feet North Hills Picnic Pavilion offers electricity, water, lights, three large brick barbecue grills, two portable restrooms, six picnic tables (under cover of pavilion), tot-lot and ample parking.

BROWN’S CHAPEL PICNIC PAVILION Located next to Brown’s Chapel, 11300 Baron Cameron Avenue

PONY BARN Corner of Steeplechase Drive and Triple Crown Road Size: 2,006 square feet

This pavilion is equipped with four picnic tables, two grills, and restrooms. The pavilion is near a basketball court, ball fields, an exercise trail and a tot-lot. Lake Newport is close by for fishing off the dock/ dam. Brown’s Chapel Picnic Pavilion is available on a firstcome, first-serve basis at no charge.

A wood-chipped tot-lot, equipped with swings and a jungle gym, is an inviting place for youngsters to romp and play. The Pony Barn contains seven picnic tables, two grills and two portable restrooms. Water available.

LAKE ANNE PICNIC PAVILION 11301 North Shore Drive Size: 900 square feet Lake Anne Park includes a tot-lot, two large grills and a restroom facility. Six picnic tables are situated under cover. Basketball court, tennis court, sand volleyball court, water, electricity, and ample parking also are available. Recreational courts are not included in private reservation.

TEMPORARY ROAD PICNIC PAVILION Corner of North Shore Drive and Temporary Road Size: 892 square feet The pavilion is equipped with ten picnic tables (eight of which are under cover), one large grill, two portable restrooms, swing set and four benches situated throughout the park. Parking is available in 16 marked spaces or at curbside. Water fountain available.

WALKER NATURE EDUCATION CENTER: See page 71 for more information on rental space. | Fall Edition 2012


come play in reston

special events

Join in the Fun

Reston Association has something for everyone including trips to local places of interest, monthly movies for seniors and a Halloween event, just to name a few. Join us at one of Reston Association’s many facilities and see what’s in it for you. Visit the Parks, Recreation & Events section at


Children’s Events

Ages: 3-5 years Children must be accompanied by an adult

C Pilgrims and Indians Kids Play Tuesday, Nov. 13, 10-11 a.m. Reston Association 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive $4/RA Members $6/Non-members

Gobble, gobble! Join us for a morning of fun with the Reston Association. We will have a variety of activities, Thanksgiving and crafts. Great event for a moms' groups, play dates and stayat-home parents. Registration required. Payment due at the event.



All ages are welcome. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

A Baltimore Orioles vs. NY Yankees

Sunday, Sept. 9, 11 a.m.- 6 p.m.

C It’s a Pirate Parrrrty

Wednesday, Sept. 19 11 a.m.-Noon

Reston Association 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive $4/RA Members $6/Non-members

C Halloween Fun

Thursday, Oct. 25, 10-11 a.m. Reston Association 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive $3/RA Members $6/Non-members

Bus pick-up location: Reston Association 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive $39/RA Members $44/Non-members

Join us for a chartered bus trip to Oriole Park at Camden Yards to see The Baltimore Orioles Dress up in your favorite costume play the New York Yankees. You Join us for a Pirate Parrrrty! The and join the fun with hands-on are welcome to bring food and Pirate Adventure will transform activities, crafts and go trick-ordrink for the bus ride to and your child into a pirate, complete treating around the Association from. Children under 18 must with dress-up. Enjoy food, crafts & office. Registration required. be accompanied by an adult. fun activities. Cheese pizza will be Payment due at the event. Registration is required. All sales provided. Registration required. are final. Registration form can Payment due at the event. be found on our website at

For more information on these or upcoming events, or to receive e-mail notices of upcoming events, contact, call 703-435-6577, or visit the Parks, Recreation & Events section at


Reston | LIVe, work, play and get involved™

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special events a Reston presents... Series Monday, Nov. 5, 7-9 p.m. Reston Community Center at Lake Anne, 1609 washington Plaza fRee

a Reston presents Series

Monday, Sept. 10, 7-9 p.m.

Reston Community Center at Lake Anne, 1609 washington Plaza fRee This month features local fitness professional, Woody mcmahon, Tai Chi and Qigong Instructor, Roger blough and Certified Therapeutic yoga Instructor bonnie elliott of the Osteoporosis Resource Center who will discuss the importance of bone and joint health. They will show and tell you how to make simple lifestyle changes to gain muscle strength, increase joint flexibility and build bone — all of which help to alleviate pain, improve balance and posture, reduce the risk of falling and enhance your health and feelings of well being. Registration requested.

This month features local author, isabelle Tsakok speaking on “Success in Agricultural Transformation: What it Means and What Makes it Happen”” (Camb. Univ. Press, ’11). To lift and keep millions out of poverty requires that smallholder agriculture be productive and profitable in the developing world. Do we know how to make this happen? Researchers and practitioners still debate how best to do so. The book proposes a hypothesis that five sets of conditions are necessary to achieve success. The author will discuss why successful agricultural transformation should be of interest to urban Americans. Registration requested.

Festival on the



is a bi-monthly lecture and presentation series that highlights the multifaceted talents of local residents. Topics include anything from cooking demonstrations to stories from war veterans and book signings with local authors. Reston Presents…is sponsored by the Reston Association and the Reston Community Center. For more information, contact or 703-435-6577 to register.





sundaY oCtoBER 14 12-4 PM

ReSTOn heiGhTS 11810 SUnRiSe vaLLey DRive ReSTOn, viRGinia

this family friendly event will feature live music and entertainment, reston Interfaith’s community walk to Help end Homelessness, food & drink, children’s activities, and more. MORe inFO: CONTACT ASHLEIGH@RESTON.ORG OR CALL 703-435-6577.

Festival on the Square is sponsored by the Reston Community Center, Reston Association, Reston Interfaith, the JBG Companies, The Westin-Reston Heights, Vinifera Restaurant, Sheraton Reston, Syrah Restaurant, Brickman, Reston Connection and Fairfax County Times. | Fall Edition 2012


come play in reston

special events


Newcomers' Night

SeniOR evenTS

Ages 55 years and older

New or not so new to Reston?

s Write your Memories into Memoirs

Come learn more about Reston Association (RA) and its many services, amenities and programs. Meet RA board members and sta and find out how you can get involved in Reston.

Thursdays, Sept.13-Nov. 8 (no class Oct. 11) 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

s Senior Movie Day

wednesdays: Aug. 22, "One For The Money" Sept. 26, " Best exotic Marigold Hotel" Oct. 24, TBD Doors open at 9:15 a.m. Showtime is at 10 a.m. Reston Town Center Bow-Tie Cinemas fRee

The Reston Association, in cooperation with Reston Town Center Bow-Tie Cinemas, presents, "Meet Me at the Movies." Join us on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Refreshments are provided and door prizes are distributed prior to the movie. Movie titles are posted at

s Senior Social: Sock hop

Friday, Sept. 14, 1:30-3 p.m. Reston Community Center at Hunters woods fRee

Reston Association 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive

Light refreshments will be available and door prizes will be awarded. Please RSVP to or call 703-435-6577.


Thursday, Oct. 18, 7-9 p.m.

Plan your fall calendar while you learn about upcoming senior adult trips, classes, and events that are facilitated by Reston Community Center and Reston Association. Enjoy a sampling of treats while meeting new people and catching up with friends. Door prizes will be awarded during the event. This event is cosponsored by Reston Community Center and Reston Association. Registration requested.

Reston Association 12001 Sunrise valley Drive $20/RA members $28/non-members Whether you are just beginning or already writing your memoirs, this eight-week class focuses on turning life experiences into an engaging story. you will discuss different writing topics each week in a supportive and lively setting. All you need is a serious desire to write, the willingness to share your personal journey and the ability to put your thoughts on paper. At the end, your stories may be bound as a book for you to keep. Give the priceless gift of legacy to your children, grandchildren and future generations. Class size is limited to 10. Registration required. Registration form is available at

s Jigsaw puzzle event

Tuesday, Oct. 2, 10 a.m.-2;30 p.m. Reston Association 12001 Sunrise valley Drive $9/RA members $13/non-members

Do you like to put together jigsaw puzzles? Join us as an individual or as a couple for this fun event. Each team will be doing a Reston themed puzzle to see how much you can finish in the time allotted. Enjoy coffee and conversation while doing one of America's favorite pastimes. Lunch will be provided. Registration required as space is limited.

For more information on these or upcoming events, or to receive e-mail notices of upcoming events, contact, call 703-435-6577, or visit the Parks, Recreation & Events section at


REston | LIVe, work, pLay and get InVoLVed™

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special events

Community Yard Sale Saturday September 8 (rain date Sept. 9)

8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Ninety-five families will be selling a variety of items, so this event is a great opportunity to find things for a new home or a college dorm. Sign up to have a booth or stop by to browse for great bargains. Booth space = two parking spaces. Tables are not provided. Space is limited. Vendors must pre-register with payment to secure space. All sales are final. No refunds unless cancelled due to rain. Contact or call 703-435-6577 for more information.

Reston Association, 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive

$26/RA Members, booth space, $33/Non-members, booth space

Community Yard Sale September 8, 2012 Please complete the form below and return this portion with payment to: Reston Association, 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20191-3404 in order to secure your space.

Your Name(s)

Daytime Phone

Street Address State Fee Enclosed: $


City E-mail

q Check q Visa q Mastercard

Charge Number

*Typically a 3-digit code is located on back of credit card, to the right of the signature strip.

*Card Security Code#:

Expiration Date Cardholder’s Signature All sales are final. No refunds unless cancelled due to rain. For office use only: Code: SE-YARD SALE | Fall Edition 2012


come play in reston

special events


Seniors Advisory Committee

Senior Events

Ages 55 years and older

S Nature at Night

Wednesday, Nov. 28, 6-7:30 p.m. Walker Nature Center 11450 Glade Drive $5/RA Members $8/Non-members

S Navigating the

Local Transit System

Thursday, Oct 11, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Reston Association 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive $9/RA Members $13/Non-members

Join us for an innovative transportation experience to get familiar with the regional transit systems. The bus, called MATT (Mobile Accessible Travel Training), is used to educate seniors through a hands-on learning experience. You will learn "travel training" tips in which you will travel by bus and learn how to read schedules and route maps, learn how to pay the fare and how to signal the driver to stop, as well as other bus travel skills. The bus will also take us to a Metrorail station where we will learn how to determine the fare and purchase Metrorail fare cards, load SmarTrip cards, and read the system map. Registration required.

S Wine Tasting at the

Nature House

Friday, Nov. 2, 4-6 p.m. Walker Nature Center 11450 Glade Drive $9/RA Members $13/Non-members

Enjoy an evening of wine tasting in the beautiful setting of the Walker Nature Education Center. Sample red and white wines, along with a variety of cheese and crackers. The evening includes a tour of the nature center's gardens and ADA accessible trail. Watch for birds doing their own "tasting" at feeders. Look at wild grapevines and late blooming flowers. Registration required. Payment due at the event.

Grandparents — bring your grandchildren out for a fun and exciting evening hike at Walker Nature Center. Explore the woods after dark to see who is still awake. We will listen for owls, flying squirrels, and other nocturnal creatures; learn what adaptations these animals use to survive; and end our evening back at Nature House for some warming refreshments. Registration required. Payment due at the event.

S Holiday Centerpiece Craft

Thursday, Nov. 29, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Walker Nature Center 11450 Glade Drive $10/RA Members $14/Non-members

Join us to create a beautiful seasonal decoration. We will have many options for you to choose from to make your floral decoration unique and an instructor to guide you along the way. Registration required. Payment due at the event.

We are looking for NEW ideas and FRESH perspectives. This committee, established by the Reston Association, is charged with developing and implementing programs to benefit Reston’s senior adults. If you have visited Reston Town Center’s Multiplex Cinemas recently to see a movie and enjoy coffee and pastries with friends, then you have seen the work of the Seniors Advisory Committee first-hand. Give something back to your community by sharing your talents and ideas.

JOIN US Reston Association 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive 2-3:30 p.m. 2nd Tuesday of each month

For more information on these or upcoming events, or to receive e-mail notices of upcoming events, contact, call 703-435-6577, or visit the Parks, Recreation & Events section at


Reston | LIVe, work, play and get involved™

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special events



Ages 55 years and older

Reston Association’s Seniors Advisory Committee will take a variety of trips this year to locations such as museums, a dinner theatre and local places of interest. Join us as we have fun visiting the area’s hot spots. For upcoming trip dates, details and to get on our trip mailing list, contact or call 703-435-6577.

T Trip to the Newseum



Thursday, Nov. 8, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Bus pick-up times & locations: 8:30 a.m. Hunters Woods Shopping Center (Ledo Pizza) 8:45 a.m. Thoreau Place, 1951 Sagewood Lane 9:00 a.m. Lake Anne Fellowship House, 11450 North Shore Drive $37/RA Members $41/Non-members



i a.o


Wednesday, Dec. 12, 5:30 -11:30 p.m.

Bus pick-up times & locations: 5:30 p.m. Hunters Woods Shopping Center (Ledo Pizza) 5:45 p.m. Thoreau Place, 1951 Sagewood Lane 6:00 p.m. Lake Anne Fellowship House, 11450 North Shore Drive $60/RA Members $67/Non-members




Photo by kimmy@


T Irving Berlin’s White Christmas at the Kennedy Center


Join us for a chartered bus trip to the National Harbor, located just across the river in Maryland. Take a stroll along the promenade and shop at the outdoor American Market, which includes a vast offering of producer-only merchandise including farm fresh produce and meats, specialty foods, handmade crafts, jewelry and more. Enjoy lunch on your own at one of the many restaurants overlooking the Potomac River. Payment is required to hold reservations. You must cancel 72 hours in advance to receive a refund. Registration form can be found on our website at

to by steve@ wik im Pho e


Bus pick-up times & locations: 9:00 a.m. Hunters Woods Shopping Center (Ledo Pizza) 9:15 a.m. Thoreau Place, 1951 Sagewood Lane 9:30 a.m. Lake Anne Fellowship House, 11450 North Shore Drive $24/RA Members $29/Non-members


T Trip to the National Harbor

Saturday, Oct. 6, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Join us for a chartered bus trip to the Newseum, the world’s most interactive museum. A 250,000 square foot museum full of news, there are seven levels of galleries, theaters, retail spaces and visitor centers. Here you get to experience hands-on exhibits from five centuries of news history. A behind-thescenes look at how and why the news is made. The Newseum’s new election-year exhibit, Every Four Years, explores how media coverage of presidential campaigns has evolved since 1896. Lunch is available for purchase in the café. Payment is required to hold reservations. You must cancel 72 hours in advance to receive a refund. Registration form can be found on our website at

to by David Mon ac Pho

Join us for a chartered bus trip to the Kennedy Center to see Irving Berlin’s White Christmas. Direct from Broadway, the classic holiday movie "White Christmas" comes to the stage at last! This brand new musical shines with classic Irving Berlin hits like "Blue Skies," "How Deep is the Ocean?" and of course, the unforgettable title song. All sales are final. Registration form can be found on our website at



For more information on these or upcoming events, or to receive e-mail notices of upcoming events, contact, call 703-435-6577, or visit the Parks, Recreation & Events section at | Fall Edition 2012


get involved


Be Active, Volunteer

There are numerous ways to contribute and make a difference. Join our team! Our volunteers are excited, engaged and committed to Reston. Getting Involved Volunteer for and Suiting Your Passion Our advisory committees are where Your Own Style

You could say the ways to get involved in Reston are as unique as you.

you can really immerse yourself in a cause or area that suits you. These include:

For example, if you have a special knack for gardening and like to beautify natural spaces, then the Weed Warriors program might be for you. This group is out and about in Reston, removing invasive exotic plants from our forested areas, which can grow rapidly, eventually taking over the native ferns, wildflowers and tree seedlings.

Or, maybe you like to slosh around in a streambed, checking water quality, identifying wildlife and collecting data on your findings. As a stream monitor, you can actively help to assess the health of our local watersheds. There are several monitoring sessions per year, with training given by the watershed staff. A two-year commitment is encouraged for this project.

• • • • • • •

The Reston Neighborhood Advisory Committee The Environmental Advisory Committee The Parks and Planning Advisory Committee The Pedestrian and Bicycling Advisory Committee The Seniors Advisory Committee The Tennis Advisory Committee The Transportation Advisory Committee The Communications Advisory Committee

Each committee is comprised of up to 15 members and includes a Board and at least one staff liaison and generally meets once per month. More information on the committees and an application can be found at

But there are also shorter-term endeavors that will allow even the busiest person the opportunity to make a difference in the community where they live. These include festivals or events such as Halloween House & Trick or Treat Trail or Reston Fall Cleanup Day.

Many Opportunities, One Goal At Reston’s volunteer appreciation party, at every regular Board meeting of the Association, at our annual meeting and at other events throughout the year, we have the opportunity to recognize and thank our amazing volunteers — from those who have served on committees, on a special project or even just a one-time event. From scout groups, business leaders to active retirees, all share one common goal. They want to give back to the community with their time, talent and unwavering energy.

Do You Need Service Hours for School? Often times we find that individuals (such as middle and high school students) are required to perform a specified number of community service hours. If this is the case, then you may be able to complete up to 8 hours of community service by working one of our department's special events, such as festivals, Weed Warriors, and watershed cleanups, to name a few. We cannot guarantee that you'll be able to complete all of the hours you need during one special event. Each special event will have a limited number of spots available for volunteers, so it is very important that you notify us well in advance of your desire to work a special event.


Reston | LIVe, work, play and get involved™

get involved


Halloween House and Trick or Treat Trail

Volunteer for a Howling Time Walker Nature Education Center 11450 Glade Drive, Reston, VA (Rain or shine event)

Volunteer Date and Time

Friday, Oct. 26, 4:30-9:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27, 4:30-9:30 p.m. There will be a mandatory volunteer orientation at the Nature Center on Oct. 17 from 6-7 p.m. We're looking for fun-loving, energetic volunteers to help at our Halloween event for children of all ages. Volunteers ages 15 through adult are needed to play character roles and run carnival games, admissions, face painting, concessions and more. Volunteers will receive a pizza dinner. Requirements: Must be willing to have fun! Costumes encouraged, but not required. Volunteers MUST be at least 15. Volunteers between the ages of 13-14 must be accompanied by an adult. For more information or to volunteer, contact Ha Brock, RA community outreach specialist II, at or 703435-7986. Volunteers must be pre-registered to help with this event.

Weed Warriors Projects Our native trees, ferns and wildflowers are under attack by invasive exotic plants like English Ivy, Japanese Honeysuckle and Bamboo. That is why we need warriors like you to join us in rescuing Reston’s beautiful parkland from these aggressive plants. These fast growing, invasive plants escape from people’s yards and seriously threaten local ecosystems, taking away vital food and habitat from already stressed wildlife populations. Please, spend a couple hours in our parkland protecting our forests every fourth Saturday of each month as we help restore Reston’s forests to their natural state. With new RA guidelines stating that certain invasive exotic plants may not be installed on Reston Association member property, we have more support than ever in this rigorous battle. Please join us.

walk down the path on the left of the pipe-stem driveway. There is poison ivy at this site.

NeighborWoods Month – Volunteer Activity Alliance of Community Trees Sponsored Event Saturday, Oct. 13, 10 a.m.- Noon

Please wear long sleeves and long pants if you are allergic to poison ivy. RA will provide tools, gloves, snacks and water.

Join us to protect the trees at the Old Trail Drive horseshoe. Volunteers will help remove invasive exotic plants like English Ivy that are taking over the natural area. Meet between addresses 2358 and 2354 Old Trail Drive.

Protect the Trees at Fieldview

Stop the Tree Hazard

The heavy vines of Oriental Bittersweet continue to strangle trees and take over shrubs in the natural area at Stones Throw Drive. Oriental Bittersweet is one of the most invasive and vigorous weeds in Reston. Please help us eradicate this aggressive vine and liberate our native plants. We will meet at the Bright Pond cul-de-sac and

English Ivy can choke and kill beautiful trees. English Ivy is a threat to the health of trees by crowding the roots and suffocating the bark. Please join RA staff to help remove the Ivy in the Sanibel Drive natural area. We will meet at the Sanibel Drive cul-de-sac. Look for the RA truck. There is poison ivy at this site.

Saturday, Sept. 22, 10 a.m.-Noon

Saturday, Oct. 27, 10 a.m.-Noon

Our Volunteers Really

Dig Us.

Some say it’s the tree planting they like the best, some like the fact that they can cultivate an idea and watch it flourish. In some cases, RA volunteers actually do “dig” into the dirt to plant a few seedlings.

Stop the Choking Hazard

Saturday, Nov. 17, 10 a.m.-Noon

Help protect the trees at Wainwright natural area. We will continue the restoration of the natural area at Wainwright Drive by removing the English Ivy that is battling native plants for a place to grow. We have had immense success in the past and invite you to join us in protecting the woods at Wainwright Drive. English Ivy is a threat to the health of trees by competing for nutrients and water. Thick ivy can accelerate rot by holding in moisture, which can also attract mosquitoes. Meet near the corner of Wainwright and North Shore Drives. Look for the RA truck. There is poison ivy at this site.

To volunteer, contact Ha Brock, RA community outreach specialist II, at or 703-435-7986.

You can make a difference in your community, be involved in something you like, meet some interesting people, and learn some new skills in the process. Planting trees may not be what you’re into, but there are plenty of other areas in which to “grow.” RA is seeking volunteers to help enhance the community in a variety of areas. There are many opportunities available in such areas as environment and ecology, the Walker Nature Education Center, recreational programs and facilities, special events and many more. | Fall Edition 2012


get involved

volunteers Fall Stream Cleanup

Saturday, Oct. 20, 10 a.m.-Noon (Rain or Shine) All ages are welcome.

Fall Stream Cleanup Site Leader Needed

Saturday, Oct. 20 Volunteer Hours: 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Site leader volunteers are needed for the Fall Stream Cleanup.

Stream Monitoring

Summer monitoring session: July 1-Aug. 31 Fall monitoring session: Oct. 1-Nov. 30

If you are at least 21 and can supervise a large group of people, complete data sheets and walk in wooded, floodplain areas then you could be a great site leader.

Locations: Snakeden Branch (Upper) – meet at Hunters Woods Village Center Snakeden Branch (Middle) – meet at Soapstone Road Nature House – meet at the pavilion Colvin Run – meet at Tall Oaks Pool Stevenage Road – meet at the Reston North Park You can help clean up Reston’s streams and lakes! Do you want to get involved and help clean up our local stream valley? Looking for a service project or need community service hours for school? Do you want to make an instant impact in improving the health of our local streams? Then participating in the International Coastal Cleanup is for you. Tons of trash ends up in the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay every year from our watersheds. Litter is harmful and an eyesore in our neighborhoods and open spaces. Let’s do our part. It is amazing what a group of people can accomplish in a few hours. Please sign up by Oct. 17. Training and supplies are provided.

Site leaders are responsible for: 1. Picking up all of their groups’ supplies from RA Central Services Facilities. Supplies include: bags, gloves, signs, first-aid kit, vest, haz-mat bottle, clipboard, waiver forms, data sheets and a list of their volunteers for their site the day before (Friday). 2. Arriving at their clean-up location by 9:30 a.m. to meet and register their volunteers, who should arrive by 10 a.m. 3. Giving a short safety speech (this will be provided) and hand out all supplies (trash bags, gloves, etc.). 4. Leaders make sure that volunteers behave responsibly and safely. 5. Leaders must have a functioning cell phone to report any problems or emergencies to RA staff or request additional supplies, if needed. 6. Finally, Site Leaders should return any unused supplies to RA following the event, along with their volunteer sign-in sheet marked with the items their team recovered from the clean-up site. For more information or to volunteer, contact Ha Brock, RA community outreach specialist II, at habrock@ or 703-435-7986.

For more information or to volunteer, contact Ha Brock, RA community outreach specialist II, at habrock@ or 703-435-7986.


Reston | LIVe, work, play and get involved™

Become a volunteer stream monitor and help RA assess the health of our streams. RA is in need of volunteers to assist with stream monitoring at several locations throughout Reston during all seasons. If you are willing to learn, can work with a partner, enjoy data collection and insect identification, and are interested in the health of Reston’s streams, this is the job for you. Volunteering consists of four monitoring sessions of 3-4 hours each for a total of 12-16 hours per year. Training and practice are required and a two-year commitment is encouraged. Each season, we need at least one volunteer to help us monitor two sites in Reston. If you are interested, join our volunteer monitors email distribution list for notices of upcoming monitoring dates. E-mail with the message, “add me to the stream monitors list,” and you will begin receiving e-mails. For more information about becoming a stream monitor, contact Ha Brock at 703-435-7986 or e-mail

Storm Drain Marking Project What can you do to protect our local streams, lakes and the Chesapeake Bay?

One way is to participate in the Storm Drain Marking Project. Our storm drains prevent flooding of roads and neighborhoods by carrying rain and snowmelt away from streets and sidewalks. Unlike water from our taps and tubs, water flowing into our storm drains is not treated. Storm drains connect directly to our streams and empty into our lakes. Trash, pet waste, motor oil, paint and other materials dumped or washed into storm drains pollute our watersheds and ultimately, the Chesapeake Bay. Markers on each storm drain remind all of us to keep storm drains and our streams clean. By contacting Nicki Bellezza, Reston Association’s watershed supervisor, you can be a part of the Storm Drain Marking Project. Since there are over 4,000 storm drains in Reston, many volunteers are needed to mark the storm drains and to help educate the community about the connection between the storm drains and our streams and lakes. Everybody is encouraged to participate. Many storm drains in Reston are on private roads. In order for volunteers to mark the drains, clusters need to grant permission first. Contact your local cluster board member and get your neighborhood involved today. To get your project started, or for more information, contact Nicki Bellezza at 703-435-6560, Nicki@, or visit the County’s Storm Drain Marking website at stormdrained.htm. The Storm Drain Marking Project in Reston is sponsored by the Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services, the Northern VA Soil and Water Conservation District, the Virginia Department of TransportationNorthern VA District, and Reston Association.

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Reston Multicultural Festival 2012

CALL FOR Saturday, Sept. 22, 2012 7 a.m.-8 p.m. (Rain or Shine) VOLUNTEERS Lake Anne Plaza 1609-A Washington Plaza Age: Volunteers must be 13 years or older. Younger volunteers must be accompanied by an adult.

Give Back To Your Community Reston Association (RA) is a not-forprofit corporation that is initially empowered by the developer, further authorized by the state and responsible to its members. Reston’s attractiveness and the amenities provided by the Association play an important role in attracting and retaining environmentally friendly commercial enterprises. The Association maintains and nurtures over 1,350 acres of open space, including four man-made lakes, 55 miles of paved and natural surface pathways, 800 acres of parkland in woods, meadows and wetlands, as well as a 72-acre Walker Nature Center and Nature House. Perhaps the best metaphor for RA is that of a “steward” responsible for maintaining the quality of life in Reston by caring for and administering the use of one of the community’s most precious assets – its real property. There’s no better way to raise your profile in the community and make employees feel proud than by giving back to the community where they Live, Work, Play and Get Involved. Perhaps dedicate a day of service. Close your office for a day (or a half day) and let your employees use that time to give back. Research shows that the most successful company-run volunteer programs allow employees to select the causes they support, so you pick the day and let your people pick their cause.

Get involved with the Reston Association and give back to the community. • Sponsor a Reston Association project or event. • Work with our environmental resource staff on an environmental project. • Staff a booth at the Spring or Multicultural Festival • Donate your company’s products. • Post our volunteer opportunities in your lunch room or post it on your internal website. • Encourage employees to volunteer during business hours (if applicable) or during their personal time. Be recognized in your support. • An article and photos of “your give back” project will be printed in RA’s Reston Magazine, mailed to 22,000 households and have a long shelf life. • Your company’s name will be listed on the flyers that are distributed throughout Reston prior to the event if time permits. For more information about RA’s Volunteer Program, please contact Ha Brock, RA’s community outreach specialist II, at 703-435-7986 or e-mail

Come out and join us at Reston Multicultural Festival. The Reston Multicultural Festival is an annual event that brings together the people of Reston to celebrate our rich medley of cultures. The festival opening will include a Naturalization Ceremony where America’s newest citizens will take the Oath of Allegiance. Come and share with family, friends, and neighbors the music, entertainment, dress, food, and cultural treasures from all over the world that are all right here. The Reston Multicultural Festival is hosted by the Lake Anne of Reston Condominium Association and co-sponsored by the Reston Association, with partners from a variety of Reston-based organizations and businesses. This signature Reston event honors the diversity that is one of our greatest assets.

Festival Volunteer Schedule:

Friday, Sept. 21 3-6 p.m.

Festival set-up

Saturday, Sept. 22

7-11 a.m. Set-up 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Specific jobs at the festival (see job descriptions) 3-5:30 p.m. Specific jobs at the festival (see job descriptions) 5:30-8 p.m. Breakdown

Sunday, Sept. 23 Noon-3 p.m.

Breakdown continues

Volunteer Opportunities: Parking Attendant – control access to parking lot, directing the public to parking areas around the plaza. Volunteer must be 18 years or older. Floaters – Relieving volunteers for breaks. Floaters must have flexibility. Children’s Area – Assist children with hands-on activities RA Concession – Assist with selling popcorn, hotdogs & cotton candy. Set-up/Break Down – Set-up crew in the morning will help with decorating the plaza, setting up tables, chairs, tablecloths. Please note: set-up will take place as early as 7 a.m. and break down will begin at 5:30 p.m. Please specify which day and shifts you would like to work. If you are taking on more than two shifts, we will provide you with breaks in between shifts. For more information on the festival or to volunteer, contact Ha Brock, 703-435-7986 or e-mail | Fall Edition 2012


get involved


Corporate Social Responsibility: Spotlighting Companies that Give Back

FM Global – Lake Audubon Cleanup Project

Haynes Whaley Associates, Inc. Golf Course Island Garden Plot Project

Some community gardeners in Reston will now have an easier and safer trip to their garden plots, thanks to volunteers from a structural engineering firm. The eight-person team from Haynes Whaley Associates made repairs to the connecting pathway between the garden plots. John Gander, Haynes Whaley Vice President & Principal, was a member of the volunteer team. He says, "Haynes Whaley is pleased that we planted roots in Reston over 25 years ago. We enjoy our location and the business opportunities it provides us throughout the MidAtlantic region. Our people are energetic, technicallyfocused and have a real desire to give back to the local community. The opportunity to help Reston citizens by creating safe pathways to their garden plots is a real privilege. We thank the Reston Association and their community outreach team for helping us to coordinate such a worthwhile project."

"The work by the Haynes Whaley team allowed our staff to put the finishing touches on the pathway and made it possible for us to complete the work for our gardeners."

Reston Association has about 270 community garden plots in four areas. They are rented by individuals each season. Patricia Greenberg, Reston Association Environmental Resource Supervisor, said the work completed by Haynes Whaley created level paths for the gardeners to easily reach their plots.

What’s the Program About?

The RA volunteer program consists of about 500 active volunteers, working in a variety of capacities and settings. Ha Brock, RA’s community outreach specialist II, takes special care to make sure that there is a good match with the volunteer and the job. To volunteer or learn more about how you can get involved in Reston, you can call Ha Brock at 703-435-7986, or via e-mail to, and she can help to provide ideas and options that are well suited for your talents. You can also visit the RA website at www.reston. org and click on “Get Involved” tab for more information or complete the online volunteer application.


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- Patricia Greenberg


When members of the Reston Masters Swim team took to the waters of Lake Audubon over Memorial Day weekend, they likely noticed that the lake was cleaner. There was less debris, thanks to FM Global. On May 23 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. FM Global worked alongside our watershed staff to clean Lake Audubon. Volunteers boarded canoes, kayaks, and a jon boat to pick up trash and debris on Lake Audubon. Volunteers also walked the shoreline to remove debris throughout the day. Thank you FM Global for helping to make Lake Audubon safe for the Reston Masters Swim Team and Reston.

get involved


Deloitte IMPACT Day 2012 holiday






Imagine the impact of an entire organization working on community projects for one day. At Deloitte they call this IMPACT Day — a firm-wide day of volunteer service. Reston Association was one of many sites selected in the DC metro area for Deloitte IMPACT Day 2012. This day of community service took place on June 8, 2012, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at Cabots Point Recreational Area. Sixty-five Deloitte volunteers worked with our Parks & Recreation staff to help remove invasive exotic plants, including Honeysuckle vines, bush honeysuckle, burning bush, multi-flora rose and oriental bittersweet vines. Staff from various crews collaborated to make this a successful project. Volunteers restored the natural area surrounding the playfield at Cabots Point Recreation Area and the natural area between Cabots Point and Owls Cove Lanes. Deloitte has generously donated funds to cover the cost of native plants and supplies for this project. To help provide healthy wildlife habitat, volunteers planted native trees, shrubs and wildflowers at the playfield. Thank you Deloitte for making an IMPACT in the Reston community!

Join the Fun | Fall Edition 2012


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SPOTLIGHT Q A Q How long have you lived in



I followed my sister to Reston in 1989, having no idea that my future husband was waiting for me here! Ken’s and my first house together was in Woodstock Cluster. Since then, we’ve moved three times within Reston, but our current house in Waterview Cluster on Lake Anne is truly our home.

Q Where are you from originally? A Born in Alexandria and raised in

Arlington, I am proud to be a “native Northern Virginian!”

Q What do you do as a volunteer

for RA? What sort of projects have you worked on?


Currently, I am the proud host of RA’s newest program, “Spotlight Reston.” In the past, I have had the privilege to fill in as host of “Reston Today” and serve on the Communications Advisory Committee. Last fall, I got to dig in the dirt with a dozen of my co-workers to restore some of the pathways in the Golf Course Island garden plot. And when I can, I enjoy helping out in the RA booth at various events throughout the year.

Q How long have you been an RA

volunteer and what is it that you like about volunteering?


I began volunteering in 2010 and wonder why I didn’t get involved sooner! It is such a gift to volunteer alongside people who share the same love of this unique community that I have been a part of for over 20 years. Through my volunteer activities I have met fascinating, dedicated and selfless people who do much more for Reston than I ever could!


Melissa Knueven Photography by sean bahrami Q What is one of your proudest

accomplishments as an RA volunteer?


My proudest accomplishment is something I hadn’t actually set out to do. The company I work for moved to Reston in July 2010. At the time, most of my co-workers didn’t know very much about this unique community. Although I touted Reston’s great services and amenities, my words didn’t have much impact until my co-workers watched me as fill-in host of “Reston Today.” Although their reason for watching was to raz me about everything from my hair blowing in the wind to my choice of attire, they came away with a greater appreciation for what Reston is about and our strong sense of community. It didn’t take long before my co-workers were enjoying our paths at lunchtime and after work, bringing their families here on the weekends, and volunteering as a company. These folks may not live in Reston, but now they work, play, and get involved!

Q Do you volunteer with other

organizations in Reston?


This year, I joined the fundraising committee for the Initiative for Public Art, Reston. Previously, I served as a board member and president of Waterview Cluster Association in the beautiful Lake Anne community.

Q What do you do for fun? A Running on Reston’s paths in the early

morning is a passion of mine. At every turn I see a beautiful vista, notice a tree I hadn’t seen before, and pass familiar faces also out for their morning exercise. But, my favorite thing about running in Reston is collecting as many dog kisses as possible along the way!

Q What’s the last book you read

and last movie you saw?


Currently, I’m in the middle of two books: Barbara Walters’ memoir, Audition, and The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris by David McCullough. The last movie I watched was The Iron Lady with Meryl Streep.

Q Aside from what you do now, what would be your ultimate dream job? A

I’m a big softie when it comes to dogs, particularly shelter and rescue dogs. My ultimate dream job is to own and operate a sanctuary for abandoned and unwanted dogs. And I would want enough volunteers and staff members to ensure that no dog ever sleeps alone!

Q What would you say to someone

who was considering volunteer opportunities with RA based on your experiences with RA?


Volunteering with RA is an extremely positive experience because you are supporting an organization that truly is dedicated to making Reston a unique community. The RA staff has an obvious and infectious passion for Reston. They have great respect for the volunteers in our community and work tirelessly to ensure our activities are well-supported and wellorganized. And, although volunteering isn’t about being recognized, every member of the RA staff always greets volunteers with a heartfelt “thank you.” Reston is a great place to live, work, play and get involved because of the RA staff!

Do you know a Reston Association volunteer who should be in the spotlight? Send your nomination to Ha Brock, RA community outreach specialist II, at or 703-435-7986.

Reston | LIVe, work, play and get involved™

get involved

volunteers | Fall Edition 2012


living in reston


avoiding Conflict with the neighbors


e all can just get along. The key? Communication. It’s often the best way to prevent and resolve conflict before it reaches the legal system. you don’t have to be friends or spend time together to achieve a peaceful coexistence, but you should try to be a good neighbor and follow these tips:

R Say hello. At the mailbox, while

walking the dog or when you see a moving van arrive, introduce yourself. Learn your neighbors’ names and regularly offer a friendly greeting.

R provide a heads up. If you’re

planning a construction project, altering your landscaping or hosting a big party, contact your neighbors beforehand.

R Do unto others. Treat neighbors

as you would like to be treated. Be considerate about noise from vehicles, stereos, pets, etc.


R know your differences. Make

an effort to understand each other. Differences in age, ethnic background and years in the neighborhood can lead to different expectations or misunderstandings.

R Consider the view. Keep areas of your property that others can see presentable.

R appreciate them. If the neighbors do

something you like, let them know. They’ll be pleased you noticed, and it’ll be easier to talk later if they do something you don’t like.

R Stay positive. Most people don't

try to create problems. If a neighbor does something that irritates you, don’t assume it was deliberate.

R Talk honestly. Tolerance is important, but don’t let a real irritation go because it seems unimportant or hard to discuss. Let your neighbors know if something they do annoys you.

REston | LIVe, work, pLay and get InVoLVed™

R Be respectful. Talk directly to

your neighbors if there’s a problem. Gossiping with others can damage relationships and create trouble.

R Remain calm. If a neighbor mentions

a problem they have with you, thank them for the input. you don’t have to agree or justify any behavior. Wait for any anger to subside before responding.

R Listen carefully. When discussing

a problem, try to understand your neighbor’s position and why he or she feels that way.

R Take your time. Take a break to think about what you and your neighbor have discussed. Arrange to finish the conversation at another time.

living in reston


Spring Fling On March 28, 2012, The Reston Neighborhood Advisory Committee hosted the Spring Fling. The event replaced the Winter Social and ushered in a new more vibrant way for neighborhood association Board Members to celebrate all their hard work over the past year. It also honored many through a variety of new award categories. The 2011 Neighborhood Association of the Year award seemed to garner the most anticipation. The selected association was Lakeport Cluster. Dave MacWhorter, President of Lakeport, reflects on receiving this honor.

2012 ReSTOn hOMe expO J T H A N D Y M A N Y L W H E G G M O P




















vendor Categories "Lakeport Cluster is pleased to have been awarded the “2011 Reston Neighborhood Association of the year” by Reston Association. The award recognized the Cluster’s creating a community gathering place called Triangle Park. Triangle Park transformed a piece of little-used common space within the Cluster. The park now has as its center a circular sitting area, with perennials and rocks providing accents. Existing trees provide shade, and the adjacent grassy area provides openness and light. The park is adjacent to Reston’s Red Trail. For those using the Red Trail, as well as for our residents, the park offers a place to “sit a spell,” chat, rest, share a cup of coffee. To complete the project within our funding constraints, we leveraged over 300 hours of volunteer labor, donated by our neighbors. The benefit of this volunteer participation was that as neighbors worked together, they got to know one another.

As with many of the neighborhoods in Reston, we are a busy lot. Though we try to stay in touch through a vigorous e-mail communication system, and through our up-todate website, and though we schedule TGIF gatherings, such as under-the-stars movie nights, and holiday decorating contests, we are also aware that a visible, inviting community gathering space allows the space for faceto-face interactions that are vital for building relationships and for building a sense of community. At our ribbon cutting for the park, over 50 neighbors attended. In addition to sharing Saturday morning coffee, we also used the time and space to host a food drive for Reston Interfaith. After the ribbon cutting, neighbors lingered in the park for an hour, sitting in the sun and simply visiting. Since then, we delight to see strollers, children, readers, and impromptu groups taking a few minutes to enjoy one another and the park."

The following services will be on display at the 2012 Reston Home Expo on Saturday, October 6, 2012, at the Reston Community Center – Hunter’s Woods. Can you find these vendor categories above?

aTTORneyS BankinG DOORS hanDyMan LanDSCapinG MaiLBOx COMpanieS ManaGeMenT SeRviCeS Mini-SeMinaRS painTinG pavinG ReMOLDinG ReSeRve STUDy ReSTOn aSSOCiaTiOn ReSTOn hOMe expO ROOFinG SiDinG TOWinG TRee MainTenanCe venDORS WinDOWS

Congratulations again to the 2011 Reston Neighborhood Association of the Year — Lakeport. | Fall Edition 2012


living in reston


Planning for a

Safe Holiday Season


veryone wants a safe place to call home, and all neighborhood associations strive to make all residents feel secure. But as the holiday season approaches, we all must become diligent in our efforts to reduce possible dangers in our community. It’s up to everyone to pitch in to keep crime rates down. Thankfully, taking a few simple steps can go a long way in keeping theft, vandalism and other felonies and misdemeanors out of the association.

1 Know Your Neighbors

And not just the neighbors on your block, but also the neighbors from all parts of the association. At the very least, you’ll get a better idea of who actually lives (and in turn, who belongs) where. Talking with your neighbors will also give you the chance to find out if they have noticed any crimes or suspicious activity in the association recently so that you can be on the lookout as well. Consider creating and distributing a list with everyone’s contact information so that you and your neighbors can alert each other of any problems that arise. Of course, be sure to get your neighbors’ permission first to put their information on the list.


2 Leave The Light On

A good way to deter felons from breaking into your home is to make sure your front porch light stays on all night, even when you’re out of town. Not only does it signal that someone’s home, it also makes it harder for vandals to hide among the shadows. If you’re worried that you’ll either forget to turn the light on at night or off in the morning, you can purchase an inexpensive timer that will automatically do that for you every day. Also, if you see any street lights around the association that are burnt out, please let the board know as soon as possible so they can take appropriate action .

Reston | LIVe, work, play and get involved™

3 Lock Up

If you want to keep unwanted guests out, don’t make your home inviting. Even when you’re around, it’s best to keep all gates, doors and garages locked at all times. It’s also a good idea to keep your windows closed and locked when possible, especially if they’re on the ground floor.

living in reston


4 Put On Your Walking Shoes

Taking a stroll around the association isn’t just good exercise. You can casually patrol the community for anything suspicious or unusual, as well as swap notes about criminal activity in the area with other neighbors who are out and about. Also, when more residents regularly walk around the association, it can help scare off hooligans who are afraid of getting caught in the act.

5 Clean It Up

Picking up litter, removing graffiti and keeping trees, bushes and lawns trimmed not only makes the association look better, but also sends the message that our residents are diligent about keeping the neighborhood a respectable place to live. This can help discourage troublemakers from hanging around your community and encourage responsible and involved people to move to the association.

6 See Something, Say Something If you notice a crime or a suspicious activity, regardless of how small the incident may seem, notify the police immediately. Of course, only call 911 if it is an emergency; otherwise, contact the police on their non-emergency line (703) 691-2131.

Neighborhood Association residents all share the responsibility to help keep their neighborhood safe, and incorporating even a few of these tips can go a long way. Do your part to make your community a place you’re happy to call home. | Fall Edition 2012


reston association

Board & Governance

Board of Directors' Actions March 2012 - June 2012 March 2012 Meeting II

Contributed $500 to each of the All Night Graduation parties held by South Lakes and Herndon High Schools in 2012. Approved the revised Addendum to the Northern Virginia Stream Restoration agreement, incorporating the changes made consistent with the Board of Director’s previous discussions. (Full motion can be viewed on www. under the Board Minutes section of the site.) Authorized the Reston Masters Swim Team to use Lake Audubon and Lake Audubon Pool Facilities for their Jim McDonnell Lake Swim. (Full motion can be viewed on under the Board Minutes section of the site.) Approved amendments to Common Areas Rules & Regulations Resolution 3: Pool Use & Access, which updates existing rules for use by renters of the pool facilities. Adds a new opportunity for customers to contract with Reston Association to host organized birthday parties at pool facilities; and clarifies general pool facility access and use rules, including but not limited to smoking within or near facilities, guest pass purchasing requirements, and ADA features at certain facilities.

Approved the policy and administrative amendments to Committees Resolution 2: Committee Member and Chair Appointments, thereby setting term limits – two consecutive three-year terms – for appointees to Committees. Appointed/Reappointed: Sara Sinclair to the position of design professional on the Design Review Board for a term of three years, ending March 2015. Jennifer Byl to the position of design professional on the Design Review Board for a term of three years, ending March 2015. Burton Griffith as Chair of the Pedestrian & Bicycling Advisory Committee for a term of one year, ending March 2013. Renee Maisel to the Tennis Advisory Committee for a term of three years, ending March 2015. Valerie King to the Tennis Advisory Committee for a term of three years, ending March 2015. Nina Hardman to the Environmental Advisory Committee for a term of three years, ending March 2015.

Approved the report of the Legal Committee and authorize action to be taken on the cases reviewed during its meeting of March 7, 2012. (Full motion can be viewed on under the Board Minutes section of the site.) Approved the policy and administrative amendments to Design Review & Covenants Administration Resolution 1: Design Review Board and Covenants Committee Appointments, thereby setting term limits – two consecutive three-year terms – for appointees to the Design Review Board and Covenants Committee.


Reston | LIVe, work, play and get involved™

May 2012 Meeting I

May 2012 Meeting II

Authorized staff to install a new 30’ by 30’ Garden Plot located on Reston Association Common Area between Forest Edge Elementary School and Cedar Ridge Apartments (“Cedar Ridge Garden Plot”).

Adopted the “Bicycle Friendly Community Action Plan for Reston”, as proposed by the Association’s Pedestrian & Bicycling Advisory Committee to improve conditions for and to realize the benefits of bicycling in the community.

Authorized staff to enter into a one-year Garden Plot License Agreement, subject to review and approval by the Association’s legal counsel, with Reston Interfaith, in cooperation with the community group Sustainable Reston, to use consistent with the existing Garden Plot Resolution, the new Cedar Ridge Garden Plot, which will be used by Reston Interfaith clients who are Members of the Reston Association and residents of the Cedar Ridge Apartment complex. Set the Cedar Ridge Garden Plot use fee under the one-year Garden Plot License Agreement with Reston Interfaith at $100. Approved the report of the Legal Committee and authorized action to be taken on the cases reviewed during its meeting of April 4, 2012. (Full motion can be viewed on www. under the Board Minutes section of the site.)

Amended Design Review & Covenants Administration Resolution 1, Design Review Board and Covenants Committee Appointments by adding a policy provision on term limits – no more than a maximum of three consecutive three-year terms – for appointees to the Design Review Board and Covenants Committee. Approved administrative amendments to Design Review & Covenants Administration Resolution 1, Design Review Board and Covenants Committee Appointments, which clarifies vacancy notice and candidate application requirements for open positions on the Design Review Board and Covenants Committee Amended Committees Resolution 2, Committee Member and Chair Appointments by adding a policy provision on term limits – no more than a maximum of three consecutive three-year terms – for appointees to Committees. Approved administrative amendments to Committees Resolution 2, Committee Member and Chair Appointments, which clarifies vacancy notice and candidate application requirements for open positions on committees. Approved the report of the Legal Committee and authorized action to be taken on all of the cases, with the exception of case 6, reviewed during its meeting of May 2, 2012. (Full motion can be viewed on www. under the Board Minutes section of the site.)

reston association

Board & Governance Board of Directors « June 2012 Approved the Work Plan of the Environmental Advisory Committee for the period of June 2012 to May 2013. Approved the Work Plan of the Pedestrian & Bicycling Advisory Committee for the period of June 2012 to May 2013. Supported the Pedestrian & Bicycle Advisory Committee’s recommendation that the Board of Directors send a letter of support to Fairfax County Hunter Mill District Supervisor Cathy Hudgins in support of, subject to its feasibility, the Countywide Bicycle Transportation Plan, as it was presented on June 5, 2012, and the Association anticipates the plan’s implementation as soon as funding permits.

Approved the report of the Legal Committee and authorize action to be taken on the cases reviewed during its meeting of June 6, 2012. (Full motion can be viewed on www. under the Board Minutes section of the site.) Amended Committee Resolution 1; Committee Operations & Administration, thereby distinguishing between the voting rights of members of Board Committees and the nonvoting status of Board Liaisons designated as such to Advisory Committees. Approved the proposed administrative amendments to Committee Resolution 1; Committee Operations & Administration.

Ken Knueven, President Lake Anne/Tall Oaks District Representative or Andy Sigle, Vice-President At-Large Representative or

Joe Leighton, Secretary At-Large Representative or

John Higgins, Treasurer Reston Association Member or

Amanda Misiko Andere Apartment Owners’ Representative or

Appointed/Reappointed: Ed Abbott to the position of Lay Member on the Design Review Board for a term of three years, ending March 2015. Kathleen Driscoll McKee to the Environmental Advisory Committee for a term of three years, ending June 2015. Kathleen Driscoll McKee to the Communications Advisory Committee for a term of three years, ending June 2015. Approved action of sending a letter to the individual Lot Owners (“Benefited Owners”) subject to that Declaration and Imposition of Easement ("Declaration"), recorded in Fairfax County Land Records at Deed Book 6243 at Page 153. (Full motion can be viewed on www. under the Board Minutes section of the site.)

Cheryl Beamer Hunters Woods/Dogwood District Representative or

Donna Miller Rostant At-Large Representative or

Mike Collins North Point District Representative or

Michael R. Sanio At-Large Representative or Richard Chew South Lakes District Representative Milton Matthews, Chief Executive Officer | Fall Edition 2012


reston association

Info & Resources


Owners, including owners of property adjacent to the Common Area, shall not attempt to nor improve, alter, landscape or mow Reston Association (RA) Common Area.


No invasive exotic plants or animals (especially invasive plants such as bamboo and English ivy), shall be introduced to the RA Common Area.


Owners, including owners of property adjacent to the Common Area, shall confine all fencing (including invisible fencing), sheds, or any other development to their own property.



RA meadows in the Common Area shall be mowed annually by RA staff only.

Unless specifically authorized by the Association, the use of any motor vehicles or other motorized vehicle, other than governmental police, fire and rescue vehicles, on walkways or other Common Area is prohibited. [Also see Amended Deed Section VI.2(db)(10)]


Smoking is prohibited within all RA Community Buildings, and is also prohibited in all Pool facilities; on and within all Tennis Court facilities and Picnic Pavilions; on all Ball fields, Multi-purpose Courts, Garden Plots or Garden Plot Areas; and on or within TotLots or Tot-Lot Areas. This smoking ban is also in effect for up to a 25-foot perimeter around these buildings or facilities, to the extent that the 25 feet, or any portion thereof, comprises RA Common Area.


Horseback riding shall be confined to designated bridle paths.


Dogs are to be walked on a leash in accordance with Fairfax County regulations. Cats, while on Common Area, must also be walked on a leash. Except for service dogs, no pets are permitted on active recreation areas, including but not limited to, such areas as playgrounds, picnic and multi-purpose courts, and play fields.



Dumping of any refuse, including but not limited to grass clippings, leaves, Christmas trees, appliances, old sofas, crank case oil, etc., is prohibited. [Also see Amended Deed Section VI.2(b)]

10. Loitering, as defined by Fairfax County Code Article 1 Section 5-1-2, is prohibited. Specifically, it shall be unacceptable for any person to loiter at, on or in RA Common Area in the following manner: a. To interfere, impede or hinder the free passage of pedestrian or authorized vehicular traffic; b. To threaten or do physical harm to another member or members of the public; c. To threaten or do physical damage to the Common Area; or d. To breach the peace or engage in disorderly conduct by the use of words, or acts or other conduct that clearly threaten, intimidate or present a danger to others. Except where 10 a-d apply, before contacting local law enforcement, Reston Association, in its sole discretion, may contact an appropriate organization(s) to assist in the intervention with or removal of individuals from the Common Area.

Reston | LIVe, work, play and get involved™

Photo by jim kirby

Reston Association Common Area

11. Unless specifically authorized by the RA Board of Directors, the following actions are prohibited in the RA Common Area: a. Carrying or discharging of firearms, air guns, archery equipment, including but not limited to bow and arrow, and B-B guns; b. Hunting, trapping, harvesting or collecting of any wildlife, including but not limited to mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians; c. Feeding of nondomesticated wild animals (except songbirds); d. Practices that attract non-domesticated wild animals or those that may be vectors for infectious diseases, including, but not limited to, leaving pet food out of doors overnight in a location accessible to nondomesticated wild animals; e. Fires or burning; f. Overnight camping; g. Harvesting or collecting plant life, except as authorized by the Association. 12. Fishing in the Association’s Lakes and Ponds is permitted as per Section 8(i) of Common Area Rules & Regulations Resolution 2 on Lake Use & Access.

13. Geocaching (use of Geographic Positioning Systems (GPS) to locate a cache of materials is permitted only by Members under the following rules: a. Members interested in performing geocaching must notify the Association of all cache sites. b. Cache sites located on the Common Area must be completely hidden from view. c. Cache sites are not permitted near wildflowers, a wildlife nest or den. d. Cache sites located in the Association’s Common Area, known as the Walker Nature Education Center, must be no more than ten feet from a pathway or trail edge. e. The Association shall not be held liable for any injuries or personal property damage incurred by those participating in geocaching on the Common Area. The Board of Directors may, for specific management purposes on certain properties, amend these rules or implement additional rules to meet land and resource management objectives.

reston association

Info & Resources

Fishing & Boating Guidelines

Fishing in Reston Fishing is allowed on all of Reston’s lakes and ponds from designated areas. Much of the shoreline around each lake is private. Please respect the “No Trespassing” and “Private Property” areas indicated by signs. Please do not litter. Please do not feed ducks, geese or other waterfowl. Lake Newport: Along dam (park at Brown’s Chapel). Lake Anne: Along Lake Anne Plaza steps and dock, along south shore of the canal and along dam. Lake Thoreau: Along 80 feet of shoreline and dock near Thoreau pool, along dam, along bridge near golf course, and along timber wall at Purple Beach. Lake Audubon: Along dam behind Brenton Point Drive, at boat ramp and dam at Twin Branches Road and along shoreline for 150 feet near Nature Center. Docks are private. Species of fish that may be caught include: Large mouth bass, channel catfish, crappie, blue gill and sunfish. Please release grass carp. To support the large mouth bass population, please fish out large mouth bass four to twelve inches from Lake Aududon, Thoreau and Newport. Catch and release all species at Lake Anne. Anglers 16 years and older must have a VA fishing license.

Photo by jim kirby

Reston’s four man-made lakes — Anne, Thoreau, Audubon, and Newport — along with Reston’s two ponds, Bright and Butler, cover 125 acres and provide recreation and stormwater management for the community. While swimming and ice skating are not permitted, fishing, boating, wildlife watching, and lakeside picnicking are available to RA members and their guests.

Residents may fish from RA-owned property, which includes the dams on each lake.

Boating in Reston Reston’s four lakes are also available for boating. We suggest taking your favorite book out, having a floating picnic or fishing for large mouth bass. Electric motors only A free permit for general access to the four lakes is available at the RA main office,12001 Sunrise Valley Drive, during regular office hours. Proof of boat size is required. The concrete boat ramp at Lake Audubon, off of Twin Branches Road, is available to launch boats from trailers. Access points are monitored between April and October. Other general access points for hand-carried boats include: On Lake Thoreau, the grassy area by the underpasses at the intersection of South Lakes Drive and Ridge Heights Road. On Lake Anne, the area at the north end of the dam at the intersection of Wiehle Avenue and Inlet Court. On Lake Newport, at the east end of the dam at the wooden dock.

Boat Reminders Boats (jon boats, canoes, deck boats, sailboats, etc.) may be up to 18 feet long, and no more than 10 feet wide. One electric motor (no gas motors) up to three horsepower may be used. Inflatables must have three separate compartments and sidewalls. All boats are required to have a wearable flotation device for each passenger on board. All boats left in the water between November 1 and March 31 require a permanent mooring permit. If you see an abandoned boat floating around or have lost your boat on our lakes, call Watershed Specialist Brian Petty at 703-435-6535 to help track it down. Only lakefront owners may permanently moor a boat on Reston's lakes. Cluster or condo associations who own lakefront property have specific rules regarding boat mooring, consistent with RA rules and regulations. For more information, see Resolution 2: Lake Use Access in Governing Documents.

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reston association

info & resources

Directory & Facilities REston assoCiation hEadQuaRtERs (14) 12001 SUNRISE VALLEy DRIVE 703-435-6530 noRth hills Pool (1) 1325 NORTH VILLAGE ROAD 703-707-9367 autuMnWood Pool (2) 11950 WALNUT BRANCH ROAD 703-437-3847 doGWood Pool (24) Dogwood Pool will be undergoing construction this season. Please see our website for up-todate information on the schedule. Additional amenities will include a zero-depth entry, outside water play area and picnic pavilion. GladE Pool (29) 11550 GLADE DRIVE 703-860-9765 GolF CouRsE island Pool (12) 11301 LINKS DRIVE 703-437-9792 huntERs Woods Pool (26) 2501 RESTON PARKWAy 703-860-9763 laKE auduBon Pool (22) 2070 TWIN BRANCHES ROAD 703-620-9801 laKE nEWPoRt Pool (3) 11601 LAKE NEWPORT ROAD 703-689-9862 laKE thoREau Pool (19) 2040 UPPER LAKES DRIVE 703-860-9843 nEWBRidGE Pool (17) 11768 GOLF COURSE SQUARE 703-860-9713 tall oaKs Pool (13) 12025 NORTH SHORE DRIVE 703-437-9854 uPlands Pool (7) 11032 RING ROAD 703-437-9784 noRth shoRE Pool (8) 11515 NORTH SHORE DRIVE 703-437-9888


RidGE hEiGhts Pool (21) 11400 RIDGE HEIGHTS ROAD


shadoWood Pool (23) 2201 SPRINGWOOD DRIVE 703-860-9708


laKE nEWPoRt tEnnis CouRts (5) 11452 BARON CAMERON AVENUE nEWBRidGE tEnnis CouRts (17) 11718 GOLF COURSE SQUARE shadoWood tEnnis CouRts (23) 2201 SPRINGWOOD DRIVE noRth hills tEnnis CouRts (1) 1325 NORTH VILLAGE ROAD hooK Road tEnnis CouRts (9) FAIRWAy DRIVE/HOOK ROAD autuMnWood tEnnis CouRts (2) 11950 WALNUT BRANCH ROAD BaRton hill tEnnis CouRts (20) SUNRISE VALLEy DRIVE/BARTON HILL ROAD Colts nECK tEnnis CouRts (27) COLTS NECK ROAD GladE tEnnis CouRts (29) 11550 GLADE DRIVE laKE annE tEnnis CouRts (6) 11301 NORTH SHORE DRIVE noRth shoRE QuiCKstaRt 36 Ft tEnnis CouRts (8) 11515 NORTH SHORE DRIVE uPPER laKEs tEnnis CouRts (18) UPPER LAKES DRIVE/SUNRISE VALLEy DRIVE uPlands tEnnis CouRts (7) 11032 RING ROAD BRoWn’s ChaPEl PaRK (4) BARON CAMERON AVENUE huntERs Woods PiCniC PaVilion (25) STEEPLECHASE DRIVE laKE annE PiCniC PaVilion (6) 11301 NORTH SHORE DRIVE noRth hills PiCniC PaVilion (1) 1325 NORTH VILLAGE ROAD

REston | LIVe, work, pLay and get InVoLVed™

REston assoCiation CEntRal sERViCEs FaCilitY (10) 12250 SUNSET HILLS ROAD 703-437-7658 tEMPoRaRY Road PiCniC PaVilion (11) TEMPORARy ROAD/NORTH SHORE DRIVE WalKER natuRE EduCation CEntER (30) 11450 GLADE DRIVE 703-476-9689 WalKER natuRE EduCation CEntER CaMPFiRE RinG (31) SOAPSTONE DRIVE/LAWyERS ROAD

reston association

info & resources | Fall Edition 2012



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