Restoring Life Foundation - Issue 3

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RESTORING LIFE Restoring Lives from Adversity to Destiny



Issue 2

Restoring Lives from Adversity to Destiny

8 Tips on Forgiveness Bored with Normal I dared to believe ...Miracles do happen From ‘Ragamuffin’ to Ambassador The simplicity of


When the Righteous Reign

7 Ways to Gain Momentum FORGIVENESS SPECIAL

Wisdom Women The Power Of Blood Of Jesus


TOXIC THOUGHTS Frida :Chosen to die, destined to live

Known by Gods Love






48 I dared to believe ...Miracles do happen


8 34

8 Tips on Forgiveness

20 22 38


or the first time in my life during the summer of 2007 I understood the power of forgiveness on a level that I hadn’t experienced prior. I was in a church in South Africa teaching at a Pastors and Leaders conference when one of the organisers stepped up to the microphone. This white South African woman, came forward with a humble heart and began repenting on behalf of her fellow white South Africans for the atrocities her generation and the prior generations had inflicted on the black South Africans present. In that moment a deep guttural mourning began to lift the roof as years of pain surfaced. Immediately I connected with the cry from the cross that Christ made at the height of His pain, “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they do.” Lives lost, hope destroyed, and hearts crushed, began the journey of reconciliation and realising that cry of Christ’s heart for unity. As a result of this I connected my own painful journey of repentance and forgiveness, to the ability to change the destiny of not only individual people, but nations, and in deed the world through those words, “ I forgive you”. This summer edition of the Restoring Life Foundation magazine has a special on forgiveness which is a prerequisite to God’s desire for reconciliation and restoration. I hope that as you peruse this magazine that God will draw you a little closer to his heart as He empowers you to forgive.

COPYRIGHT © RESTORING LIFE FOUNDATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright of articles and photographs in Restoring Life Foundation Magazine remain with the original contributors, No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission. Applications should be made directly to

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Matthew 6:14- 15 For if you forgive others their offences, your Heavenly Father will forgive you also; but if you do not forgive others their offences, neither will your Father forgive yours...


r e

w o P he d e t o h T Of lo b In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. Hebrews 9:22


hen soldiers go to war they are equipped with the most powerful weapons that their governments can afford to ensure the safety of their soldiers and the kingdom that they represent. As we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). We need spiritual weapons that are designed to meet and conquer our spiritual foes. God in His wisdom has equipped us with just what we need, powerful weapons

with which to destroy our enemies. Of those weapons there is prayer, proclamation of the word, the name of Jesus, but all seem secondary to blood. The blood of Jesus is ultimately what paid the price (Leviticus 17:11) and cleansed us from the effects and consequences of our sin (Hebrews 9:22). Lyricist write many songs to testify about it, pastors preach sermons on it, authors pen books about it, indeed there is power, power wonder working power in the BLOOD OF JESUS.

TO BRING LIFE OUT OF DEATH For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life. Leviticus 17:11 “Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins.” Hebrews 9:22 FOR CLEANSING ″… the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7 “… Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” Revelation 1:5 DELIVERANCE FROM BONDAGE “… and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.” Exodus 12:13 OVERCOMING THE EVIL-ONE “And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony …” Revelation 12:11 TO PURGE THE CONSCIOUS “How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience …” Hebrews 9:14 DRAWING NEAR TO THE FATHER “Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus … Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience …” Hebrews 10:19, 22 SANCTIFICATION “Seven days you shall make an atonement for the altar, and sanctify it; and it shall be an altar most holy…” Exodus 29:37 “Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.” Hebrews 13:12

The Power. .


hile still a very "new“ Christian, I heard from the Pulpit one Sunday, 'if you ever find yourself in a situation from which there is no help and no hope, call on the Blood of Jesus'. I enthusiastically passed this on to my baby brother who lived with me. Although, he was not living a Christian life, he was bombarded by my new found faith. I recall (with a smile) that he became so afraid of catching my Born-again-ness that he seriously told me not to touch him.

“ Literally see his life passing before his eyes”

“ Resurrected my brother from death...” One day my brother who struggled for a time with drug addiction, told me about a night that he overdosed. He said that he could not move his body, and could literally see his life passing before his eyes, he knew he was dying. At that moment he remembered that I had told him to call on the blood of Jesus, from that place of desp e rat i o n He called out 'BLOOD OF JESUS'. Miraculously, he Instantly, was able to move, the effects of the drugs were completely gone.

..Of the

Blood Of Jesus My brother died many years ago just shy of his 23rd birthday at the hands of a couple of drunk/stoned drivers racing down an already dangerous stretch of road. It was the worst day of my life - if I live to be 102 I hope I never experience a day worse than that one.

The fact that my brother died saved, clean - and not as an addict - is a gift that I cherish. There may be

someone who would say that dead is dead, and what does it matter? However to me It matters, the Blood of Jesus, in that moment, resurrected my brother from death.. There is, indeed, power in the Blood, 'wonder working' Power in the blood of Jesus.

By Jo Ann Cotter

FOR Relationship difficulties whether it be natural families, marital families or friends are the main source of heart break or crushing of the spirit that we have encountered in counselling, coaching and ministry. Some cases are extreme: coming out of abuse or neglect in childhood; whilst others are relatively recent but equally potent. The depth of the wounding depends on a number of things; like the personality of the person involved, whether there was sin in the relationship, the type of wounding, e.g. betrayal, rejection, abuse, violence etc, the age or time of life when wounding occurred, and a whole host of other things. How ever the break occurred, it is important to recognise that the same solution is applicable for all. Whilst memories can be painful, and they have the power to imprison and poison us if we allow them to, we have been given the key to our freedom.

Step 1.

Acknowledge the pain.

As soon as you recognise that you have been wounded acknowledge it. Pushing down emotions, ignoring, or pretending that an injury has not occurred makes things worse. Whether you have caused the injury or have been wounded, acknowledging that it has occurred is the first step to getting it healed. The ramifications of someone having a large cut in their body and walking around denying its existence could be dire. The extreme of which could lead to death.

t h e f -w o r d

Physical pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong, spiritual and emotional pain operates in much the same way, signalling a spiritual or emotional problem. Many become like the walking dead, unable to experience the abundant life of God, often this is because they failed to take appropriate action to address a serious emotional or spiritual wound.

Step 2. Identify the how and what. Now that you recognise that you’ve been injured identify the source and type, a gunshot wound needs to be treated differently to a knife wound as does a gash to the leg as opposed to one to the heart. What kind of injury do you have, is it one for a plaster (Band-Aid for the Americans) or one that needs major surgery. If you have had major trauma or emotional damage you may need to seek specialist advice. This may depend on the level of your spiritual maturity but a good place to start would be to speak to your Pastor or Christian ministry team.






Every wound that is created needs to be forgiven. This is the most significant step in the healing process; it affects the greatest level of healing, but can also be the most difficult. Often people struggle with forgiveness because they misunderstand the biblical reasons ‘why’ we forgive. Seek out the truth about forgiveness, align yourself with scripture.

E V I G “Forgiveness is an act of the will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart.” ― Corrie ten Boom

The Truth about forgiveness 

We forgive to obey God. Colossians 3:13 bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.

We want forgiveness.

“...Forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us” Luke

11:4 NLT 

God will revenge leave room for Him.

We should put away bitterness and thoughts of revenge. Ephesians 4:31 Let

Romans 12:9 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. 

Love keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Peter 4:8 “And above all things have fervent love for one another.

Step 4. Recognise forgiving is an act of the will. Forgiveness is not an emotional, but a will decision, if you decided what to eat for breakfast or what clothes to wear today then your will is working. Its that same part of your soul that we use to make all of our decisions. Once we realise this, then we can engage our will to help us to forgive. If we wait until we feel like forgiving most of us will very rarely get there. If we accept that the decision is made by the will then we can forgive even when our emotions make us unwilling to do so. Therefore forgiveness is a freely made will choice to no longer allow the pain to keep you imprisoned and it is the cancellation of every condition that would hinder your forgiveness. Or Forgive," according to Webster's New World Dictionary, means: "to give up resentment against or the desire to punish; pardon; to overlook an offense; to cancel a debt." If you struggle with this try making a list of the pro’s and cons of forgiving. The benefits can include

some of the following: obedience to God, releasing harmful emotions which are toxic to your body, it’s essential for healing, it sets me free from the situation, etc.

Step 5. Understand that forgiving is not minimising. Forgiving someone for an offence against you is not an attempt to downplay what they have done. Nor is it saying “it didn’t hurt”,” it doesn’t matter” or “that they wasn’t wrong”. Forgiveness is simply releasing the person into Gods hands for Him to be the judge in the situation.

Step 6. Confess your sin. If you were in any way to blame for the pain you have experienced either through your acts or omissions, confess it to God and release forgiveness to yourself. Recognise that God releases you when you confess your sin to him.

“A wise man will make haste to forgive, because he knows the full value of time and will not suffer it to pass away in unnecessary pain” -The Rambler, an 18th-century English periodical edited by Samuel Johnson (1752)

Do I need to forgive? When?


Where? What?





FROM REJECTED TO ACCEPTED. Looking at rejection, where it comes from and how we can overcome it. True freedom comes from really understanding how protection and defensive mechanism can hinder us forming deep and meaningful relationships. MIND MAKE-OVER.Š Limiting beliefs and faulty thinking are at the root of much harmful behaviour. Identify how your beliefs have been established and how they have hindered you growth. Learn strategies for freeing yourself. EMOTIONAL DETOX. Š Emotions add spice to life, but too many spices can cause problems for your heart. This emotional detox will look at your emotions and help you identify the signals which points to something much deeper. Harness the positive and release those negatives feelings and detox your life.

Restoring Live Foundation Authenticity








SELF-IDENTITY And SELF ESTEEM. Is your confidence linked to your job, relationships, financial profile or your possessions. Do you see your true potential or true value? Our Self Identity and Self Esteem workshop will help you recognise your intrinsic value and free you from the highs and lows of fluctuating esteem. MY FAIRYTALE ADVENTURE - HIS BRIDE, MY LOVER THE LORD Every little girl grows up hoping one day she will meet her Prince Charming who will fall in love with her and sweep her of her feet. But did you know that you are at the heart of the greatest love story of all times. Indeed there is a Prince who is greater than your wildest dreams, His desire is that you know Him as both your Lover and your Lord. MY LIFE MOT. © The My Life MOT workshop is a time to exam the overall course of your life. Using a my life graph© we will consider whether the various facets of our life is in keeping with the goals aspirations and visions that we hold. The output from this workshop will be goals which work on the areas that need improvement WOMAN ON PURPOSE © Do you realise that God has uniquely shaped you for a purpose, for some that will have been discovered a long time ago but for others, discovering their purposes is but a dream they hope to discover at some time in their future. Come join like-minded women as we share a journey discovering that God made us Women on Purpose'.





“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.� Lewis B. Smedes

Take away the barrier, That separates us my child, Christ came to tear it down, My love, On Golgotha crucified. He came that He might offer, To you My love that’s true. So receive this special package, Forgiveness I offer you. There’s one thing I might mention, This barrier needs tearing down. This unforgiveness dwelling in your heart, Oh My child I fear you’re drowned. It’s keeping you from all the treasures, I hold in heavens store. For each time I sent your healing, Unforgiveness closed the door. It holds you like a prison, That to you I gave the key. It takes a walk of faith my child, One that trust Me implicitly. No I wont let the offender of the hook, Nor let him go scot-free. But you need to release it into My hand, That I may judge each one fairly. Now I speak to you as The Father, Whose Son has paid the price. It’s your sin that nailed Him to the cross, So I know the pain is not nice. But I’ll see to it that you get healing, That the sun shines on your way. Just trust in My loving care My child, It’s your freedom I desire today. ©2006—2013 The 3DWoman

8 Tips on Forgiveness 1.

Healing is a journey not a destination – wounds of the heart heal slowly and cannot be forced.


Allow time for the process; don’t expect everything to return to your idea of normal immediately. “He heals their broken-hearted and binds up their wounds” Psalm 147:3


Your attitude as healing occurs in the one you offended is important. Lovingly wait for the time. Remember there is a time for everything under the sun Ecc3:4-5


Don’t rubbish, ignore or downplay someone else’s feelings. Allow them space to voice their pain. It helps the healing process.


Avoid becoming defensive, trying to justify or explain away incorrect behaviour. Listen

6. Genuine heartfelt repentance for any part you played in the pain always helps to quicken the forgiveness process: Luke 3:8 tells us to show fruits of repentance, ask yourself will anything else be necessary? A - Expressing


– “I’m sorry.” “I feel badly about what I

did.” B - Accepting C - Making



D - Genuinely

– “What can I do to make it right?”


E - Requesting

– “I was wrong.” “It was my fault.”

– “I’ll try not to do that again.”


– “Will you please forgive me?”

7. Where relationships need to be maintained ask yourself does there need to be a change in behaviour to avoid future offences of this kind.  Becoming more accountable/ self policing  Becoming more open/trusting 8. Remember God promises to restore - Jeremiah 30:17

Once a woman has forgiven her man, she must not reheat his sins for breakfast. --Marlene Dietrich

The first time I heard the phrase to forgive is divine, I didn’t understand it, I say that as a person who has suffered at the hands of others including, the murder of a brother, domestic violence, infidelity, mistreatment by employers, major betrayals by friends and loved ones, financial loss, discrimination, etc.

bookshop. The title was fascinating, and I thought that I would get around to reading it when I got a spare moment. Months went by until one Friday evening at the beginning of a school break I picked up the book and began to read it. The book eases you into the story of Frida Gashumba who was a little girl just like any other growing up in a family that loved her as she enAll these things and too many more joyed a carefree existence of school to mention may seem unbelievable and family life. for one person to suffer, however time and experience has shown me that more people than we realise She excelled academically and was carry years of abuse, grief and pain a swift footed girl who took life for hidden in their all it had to ofhearts; the effects fer. Coming of which can result from an indusin a mark or trious family shadow over their Frida was firmly life hindering their planted in her progress. This is of community in course unless they Rwanda. Howrelease their pain ever all this through forgivequickly changed ness and allow as the climate in God to bind up the Rwanda exbrokenness in their ploded into hearts. tribal violence and genocide which left her with horrific head injuries Several years ago I happened upon and buried under the bodies of her the book “Frida – chosen to die, dead family. destined to live” in a ministry

“more people than we realise carry many years of abuse, grief and pain hidden in their hearts;”

Frida: Chosen to Die, Destined to live is available from Amazon please click the link below to purchase dp/1852404752

This book depicts the depths of human depravity that men and women can sink too when spurred on by violence, greed and hatred. The 100 days of bloody violence led to the massacre of approximately 800,000 men women and children made up of the Tutsi tribe (which Frida was a part of) and their Hutu sympathisers. Frida’s own journey to recovery is marked with the realisation of the enormity of the crimes against her, confronting

Heals her body from years of pain and releases her from the constant nightmares of the traumas she suffered. Frida says “I thought I was whole when I became a Christian. Then God showed me that I needed to forgive. I had thought I was whole when I had forgiven, but God had showed me that wholeness would come as I released to Him all the pain and grief I had locked up inside me. I understood that the healing of my

“I really thank God that He has enabled me to forgive because now I can live free and happy” Frida Gashumba the perpetrators of violence, but also recognizing God grace and forgiveness towards her and therefore her need to forgive those who killed her family and injured her leaving her for dead. Her journey eventually leads her to Ellel Ministries where God not only binds up her broken heart but

head wound was in fact a sign that all my inner pain and trauma was gone – forever taken away as Jesus carried it on my behalf on the cross.” Now at last she was ready to begin the next phase of her journey that of bringing Gods powerful healing to others that are broken-hearted.

“To be a Christia n means to forgiv e the inexcusable becau se God has forgiv en the inexcusable in yo u.� C.S. Lewis

Bored with


his time last year I was working with young people doing the daily routine, doing ‘normal’. I was bored of normal, bored of the status quo. I regularly had this conversation with God, in my heart I knew that a change was coming.

never even heard of Burundi, but that did not in the least bit stop me, I didn’t even hesitate to hand in my notice at work and get ready for a trip of a life time, all the while I knew that God was at work, and I was excited.

I expected God to do great things” Arriving in Burundi I had no other expectations, but I expected God to do great things. I was given the great honour of leading a team of 5 young people, three of which were in country volunteers. Adjusting to life in Burundi came easily for me, the people was so welcoming everyone greeting us with a smile, a hand shake, and the greeting ‘Amahoro ‘ which means ‘peace’. We became a little family over the 10 weeks.

“we all wanted to make a difference in our own way,” The whole team got stuck in to the project work as we all wanted to make a difference in our own way, we engaged in some amazing and sometimes hard projects. A malnutrition project working with small children and their parents who were malnourished; educating them on a balanced diet, health, hygiene, and providing them with a supplement of a nutritious porridge. An environmental project making fuel efficient ovens from local resources, and a lively hoods project - creating kitchen gardens. All the while we worked alongside the lo-

The change came when I had the opportunity to go to Burundi, East Africa with Tearfund as part of the government funded cal community and church. development programme, International Citizen Service (ICS). Before this I had

Our team that became a family in Burundi


es! I believe that we made a difference, but the biggest difference was in us. It went from work, to serving the people, to wanting show Gods love in action, then finally to building meaningful relationships.

breath taking views, the green luscious mountains, the vibrant colours of the women’s clothing and the smiling faces. I think of a place that has made a big impact on me. I can’t continue doing normal when people are still going hungry when there are people that don’t know of God’s love for them.

We met a lot of amazing people in our ten weeks in Burundi some are going to be forever etched in my memories people like Seth who is 16 years old who was unable to finish school. He is his parent’s seventh child, and they were only able to afford to put three children through school. He was working for a family for 25,000 Burundian francs a month which works out at 55cents a day. However he worked hard alongside us, without ever complaining or moaning. He was an incredible and inspirational young man.

Romans 12:2 tells us that we “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” My journey to Burundi and back has shown me that the mould I was in no longer fits, normal no longer works.

“For the first time I was terrified to hold a baby, scared that I would break him.” I also met a mother while engaging on the malnutrition project, she had a nine month old son who weighed 3 kilo’s that’s the same weight of a new born, it was a shock. I weighed him, and for the first time I was terrified to hold a baby, scared that I would break him. It was a shock to know that in this day and age 2013, that there are people going hungry knowing there is enough food in the world for us all. The injustice of it all! When I think of Burundi I think of

I now recognise that It’s all about: CHANGE COMMIT CONNECT

By Kandi Stewart

Limited Edition Tel: +44(0)7562 216 916 Email :

Known by Gods Love KNOWN by Yolanda Ballard


re you experiencing in your heart the onward pull to go deeper with Me? Then don't allow it to pass you by. Be sensitive to the leading of My Spirit and respond immediately. No matter what you are doing respond to My calling you close. Deep calls unto deep at the sound of My waterspouts. Examine the stirring within your heart. Is it that which comes from being in My intimate presence, or is it a drive within to accomplish something that you feel that needs to be done concerning My kingdom purposes? I want you to make sure that you are not just being driven by the spirit of busyness and religiosity, because anything I would set you out to do would not rob Me of your precious time before Me. You need to draw close to Me and examine those stirrings


by Yolanda Ballard

This is the time and the hour where I will be separating the men from the boys. Yes, I will choose this hour those who will dip their hand into the stream to drink, and leave those that bow down before every tree and idol. For when you leave all your cares into My hands is one thing, but to go about unaware of what is around you while you partake of every need that you have is where many fall short. You need to watch and pray while it is still day for there will come a day when those who are unprepared will be taken away by the streams of deception being poured out. Yes, I AM doing a separating work and those who have responded to My call to go deeper will be able to hear clearly and respond to My call.

I want you to be able to hear My voice clearly so I can direct you on the paths you are to take. I want to give you the discernment that you need to know what spirit you are being guided by, because that which is of the counterfeit has been directing the paths of many of My children these days. They are being tossed about by every wind and doctrine and not by the simplicity of My pure word directing them.

I love you, My children, and I want you to be ready for I AM drawing together My remnant who will be of one mind and will be in one accord with My plans and purposes. I will draw them together even around the world and place in their hearts the draw to go deeper into My presence. They will know My word, because I have filled them with My grace and truth. They will worship Me with the song of the Lord, and they will dance upon injustice and will release My deep and powerful heart cry for the lost, and you will see the multitudes rushing into My presence, and salvation and grace will be theirs. Yes, this is the final hour. Don't let it pass you by. Be sensitive to My drawing you close. Love Me with all your heart, and love your neighbour as yourself. And most of all, love the brethren, for then and only then will the world know you by My love.


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When the Righteous Reign Proverbs 29:2 when the righteous are in authority people rejoice, but when the wicked rule people groan

By Rev Pearl Dyer


efore attempting to write anything practicality and piety into the fabric of senon this verse, I would ask myself and sible everyday godliness. The theme of our others a couple of questions. scripture reading is “forgiveness” to forgive is not easy for most of us. To forgive is to What does the word Proverbs mean? cease to feel angry, or bitter towards a person, or about an offence. More or less a What is a proverb? person who is righteous is most likely to forgive, as they are most likely to desire to do what is morally right. Proverbs is an Old Testament book in the bible - and a proverb, according to the Lutterworth dictionary of the bible says, that The scripture says that people will rejoice “a proverb is a succinct saying that registers when the righteous are in authority. This is a conclusion, based on experience, and so because there is goodness in the rightthe powers of observation. eous, as they are guided by God’s loving kindness, gentleness and compassion for others. Sin of course will be punished, and The word proverb is one of the important restrained. Religion and virtue will be supforms of language used by the teachers ported and kept in reputation. God himself who developed the “Wisdom Literature” of is righteous and he deals with our failings the bible. Proverbs 10:15 tells us that “the and sins carefully about this too. On the wealth of the rich is their fortress. The povother hand when the wicked rule, people erty of the poor is their ruin.” Here we see groan as wickedness will abound, religion that the value of wealth is made explicit by and religious people will be persecuted, comparing it to the security of a strong city and so the ends of government will be perwith mighty walls that protect its citizens verted. People become unhappy, as the against attack, while the poverty of the wicked are very unlikely to change their poor makes them weak and useless. They ways. They are unforgiving and heartless. are down trodden and cannot stand firm. They suppress others in order to get what Many people think that what’s written in the they want, and most of all to reach to great bible is mostly about getting people into heights at the expense of others. heaven, getting right with God, saving their souls. It does have to do with that, but mostly not. It is equally concerned with liv- They cannot, or will not forgive as their viing on this earth, and living well. sion is dull, and clouded by deceit and lies. They are vicious and will not think twice about making others unhappy and uncomWisdom is the biblical term for this - on fortable through their harsh treatment earth as it is in heaven everyday living. Wis- meted out to all. So let us to pray to God, and ask that we learn to forgive others, dom is the art of living skilfully in whatever actual conditions we find ourselves. It also even when they are unkind and spiteful to us. We should also not lose sight of the fact is about our response to God as it’s the most that the righteous will always stand for what practical thing to do. is right, and even when we are punished by them, it will be with love, compassion and In matters of everyday practicality nothing understanding, just as God does. takes precedence over God, and the book of Proverbs concentrates on these concerns more than any book in the bible. Much of the work of Proverbs consists of short couplets, individual sayings that can stand alone. They are pithy, pointed, even punchy snippets of wisdom that weave Graphics ©

I dared to believe... Miracles do happen! By Sally Sinclair

Isaiah 42:16 “I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them”; a prophecy given to me on 26 January

beyond the brokenness of my fractured life, brought about I believe by my early childhood years. I hated what I had become and what I saw in the mirror. How can we have the capacity to love others, when we are unable to love ourselves? A different person looks back at me now; God has transformed, renewed and changed me in gentle love. I’m in love with Jesus! Now devoting my life to His service and to His people. Because of my earlier years, I truly have a deep caring empathy for those who are now in the position, I used to be in and I am able to be an encourager and a listening ear with love and compassion.

The Lord has given me a whole new life. I was born in 1943, the youngest of three children at nine th months old my father died at 35, my brother was 2009. The Sally today bears no resemblance to the four and my sister three years old. So my mother person I was 25 years ago. I was a drunkard, a pre- was left with three small children under six and a tender, hiding behind a mask, critical, resentful, in- mortgage to pay off on the family home. My secure and most of all an adulterer. The list is end- mother was a qualified SRNM and needed to reless! Boy, what a task the Lord had sorting me out! turn to full time nursing to pay all the bills, etc. It took many years, but God saw me as I was, and When I was three and a half we three children were he loved me too much to leave me that way, seeing sent to a Christian boarding school.


his was deemed the best option to keep us together in a safe environment, allowing my mum to return to work. My earliest memory was seeing mother going out of a big door with her back to me. I didn’t know at the time, that she was sobbing so hard, that she couldn’t say good bye to me. I was left alone in a big house full of strangers, my family and home taken from me. My brother and sister were in different parts of the school. For all of us it must have been very traumatic and would present problems, later in each of our lives. My sister particularly became withdrawn and insecure with the loss of our father, and then being uprooted from the home. My brother was a loner and apparently withdrew from company. Unlike my siblings, being much younger I left school at 14 confident and self-assured. It would be only later that the psychological damage would surface. I kept my school leaving presentation bible in pristine condition until I came to the Lord and was born again in 1987. In the front cover of the bible is the school badge and motto “nisi domini frustra” – Unless the Lord builds the house, the labourers labour in vain.” This proved prophetic in my later years.

Unless the Lord builds the house, the labourers labour in vain

“For the Pagans run after all these things...”

and son or the wife and children of my new partner, so at 48 I divorced and moved abroad. For a while life was amazing – then crash again! By then I had remarried only to discover my husband was having an affair, leaving me alone in a rural location in Portugal.

I borrowed money to stay in my home, as I had been left without finance. Illness and another I had friends and I was popular and eventually I major surgery forced my return to England. On met and fell in love with John. However after a return to Portugal by now relying on spirits and year he joined the merchant navy and came back wine to cope, and into the quagmire of despair and hopelessness that accompanied my binges, I with a new love. I was devastated and felt reresigned to believing that I was never going to be jected and broken. I met a kind gentleman on happy. the rebound, although I was not in love, I did love him, so we married and had a son. From then on I ran myself into the ground keeping everything so fanatically clean and perfect – an obsession which was difficult to break, I was dealing with the demands of a new baby and house, soon I was thrown into the trend of parties, materialism, and fashionable 60’s clothes. “For the Pagans run after all these things...”as written in Mathew 6! I became obsessed with buying which held only transitory joy. Nothing fulfilled my longings, or the void I felt. When I was 27 and my son three and a half years old, my husband started a business and we relocated to the West Country. A new road building project promised huge financial returns for 8 wheeled Lorries, so we purchased one on Hire Purchase (HP) and we were in the money, or so I thought! We also bought a top of the range car, for by now there was no limit to my spending. Then disaster struck! Four weeks of continuous rain covered the roads in mud this prevented work. We had a heavy investment with the mortgage and repayments on the lorry, unable to make the payments we were forced to sell our home and move into rented accommodation.

I was determined to stop drinking and made a vow to God

It seemed to me that everything always ended with disappointment, my health suffered, and I ended up having two operations. My self esteem crashed, my loveless marriage bored me, and in pursuit of my own happiness, I embarked on an affair. I never considered the cost to my own husband

One day I saw an advertisement in a shop window for a Christian English Charismatic church and rang the Pastor, pouring out my misery between my crying, and two weeks later I gingerly went into the church. My Anglican upbringing with Matins and ten and six and o clock services and all the doctrines of traditional church never prepared me for these people, who were dancing and singing in strange languages!! These people were so happy friendly and encouraging. I was determined to stop drinking and made a vow to God to this effect in November 2003. I have never had a drink of alcohol since. My Pastors prayed encouraged me and one night I received the anointing of the Holy Spirit, praying in tongues and singing all the way home in my new language. A new spiritual door had opened, and I was hungry for more! Dreams and visions followed, Prophetic Pastors, Healing and Deliverance Pastors, all contributed to my new life in the Lord. For a year I held worship at my house and 34 of us packed into my lounge! This was a new start, a new life, a new way – better now to look ahead and prepare, than look back and

Now to him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, despair! Miracles happened, people sent me money after the Holy Spirits prompting, someone paid ÂŁ1,000 to enable me to have Cataract surgery privately, God really can do exceedingly abundantly all that we can ever ask (Ephesians 3:20)!


hen anxiety was great within me, His consolation brought joy to my soul and this joy remains steadfast today.

Over the months and years that have passed the Lord revealed new gifts of water colour painting, floral art and cooking, all of which I am able to share in teaching and bringing healing to others. I give glory to God and thanks for His gifts for in 2008 I was able to return to England, doors opened wide to the right people , enabling me to benefit from a Christian subsidized ground floor flat, with a patio door leading to my small terrace and garden. Overlooking this is a huge war memorial cross – God is my landlord I feel. My pension and benefits are adequate for a comfortable standard of living. Having received the keys I quickly realised that I didn’t have any furniture, or the means to purchase any. With God’s perfect timing two weeks later my friend’s mother moved into a nursing home and gave me everything I needed. Apart from a few towels and chest of drawers everything was provided for me. So from arriving back in the U.K. with one suitcase, having left my home and all my possession behind in Portugal, God has restored everything and more. Most importantly He has given me a treasure that will last into eternity. The Lord has redeemed, restored and forgiven me, provided above and beyond all I could have hoped for. The void in my earlier life is filled to overflowing with God’s love, provision and healing.

Other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

He showed me to be obedient and to tithe, which releases an overflow of God’s abundance, the key to our harvest and God’s supply, rests in our own abundant harvest, by our sowing our seeds of giving. (Matthew 13:8) We are in charge of the seeds of the seed we sow into His Kingdom; God multiplies the seed and brings the increase. When I sowed in selfishness, I reaped despair, as I began to know Christ as the one who meets my every need and sow love obedience and faithfulness God met me and gave from His abundant storehouse.

And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. My life has become a living testimony of God’s faithfulness, regularly experiencing miraculous blessings from his hand, now I can dare to believe that miracles will happen. For I have learned that If I have a need, I shouldn’t eat my seed – but rather sow it with expectation; and it will return abundantly in due season, for whatever a man sows he will reap and no good thing will he lack.

I pray an overflow of God’s blessings into your life and that your faith will be anchored in Him, knowing that if He forgave and transformed me for all this and so much more no matter your circumstances wherever you are on your journey He will also forgive and transform you.

Sally Sinclair is a faithful intercessor for Restoring Life Foundation, and part of our network of supporters.

From ‘Ragamuffin’

to Ambassador

The Simplicity of Relationship Over 2000 years ago Jesus took twelve ‘ragamuffins’ including a betrayer through the first process of discipleship. There wasn’t a devotional in sight, neither was there a discussion group, a bible study, a purpose driven statement, nor a smart goal anywhere to be seen. However in a few short years he turned 11 out of the original 12 from a divided group vying for power, privilege, and position to Kingdom Ambassadors walking in power, identity, and authority.

Following the Master He did not follow a training course, neither did he follow a programme. However, Jesus’ approach was powerful because it was uniquely simple. He simply did life with

them, He walked, talked, ate and lived with them, applying Kingdom principles to each and every scenario they encountered. Thus moving them from a disjointed group of Fishermen to ‘fishers of men’ frequently seeing thousands saved, filled and baptised. After Pentecost these ’fishers of men’ experienced an invasion of supernatural power like the planet had not seen since the Genesis creation account.

This invasion resulted in men, women, boys other relationship. Walking, talking, eating and girls walking as ambassadors in a spirit of and living together, being yoked together in unity and love. No they were not withthe bond of fellowship and out human problems or disagreements love. As it was in the New For just as the heavens are but they were bound together in fellowTestament time so will it higher than the earth, so ship and love. The apostles of the time be in our time, Go make my ways are higher than were used in extraordinary ways, raising disciples was His comyour ways and my thoughts the dead, healing the sick, speaking mand, to them and to you. higher than your powerful truths that broke yokes and set If our response is to be “ thoughts. Isaiah 55:9 captives free. yes Lord�, we must follow the blueprint that He left us, anything apart from this is simply no. We can never improve on Gods ways for His thoughts are higher than ours could ever be, to be faithful and successful disciplers operating in accord with the I am fully convinced that breakthrough for Great commission we too must determine to lay programme aside and take up authentic this generation will come in like manner, not relationship like never before. through another programme, but through an-

Breakthrough comes through the bond of fellowship and love

The Bond of Fellowship and Love Artwork

TOXIC THOUGHTS or Replace? From time to time we all have thoughts that are not conducive to a maintaining a healthy mental state. Whilst we can’t always control what goes into our mind we can control, what we choose to do with it once it is there. Negative or toxic thoughts can be fuelled by many things, like feeling unwell, being tired, overworked, being disconnected from God and enemy attack. Whatever the reason, you do have the power to choose whether those thoughts are embraced or replaced.

To keep yourself free from those toxic thought bugs

simply catch it, bin it, replace it.

Finally, sisters, keep your thoughts on whatever is right or deserves praise: things that are true, honourable, fair, pure, acceptable, or commendable. Philippians 4:8

From Genesis to Revelation God declares His intention to restore, He makes that point clear when our first parents sinned in taking and eating the forbidden fruit. God shows His desire to restore through the promised seed which is Jesus Christ the Messiah, who is the lamb slain before the creation of the world Revelation 13:8. Our purpose at Restoring Life Foundation is to be agents of restoration through ministry and discipleship.


Our long range vision includes the establishment of long term ministry centres where women can come to be refreshed, re-envisioned and restored.

We aim to provide a home for women lasting anything from three months up to a year which weaves a bible based ministry programmes into the daily lives of the women who join us.

We aim to equip these women to become effective members of the community, through helping them to develop life and vocational skills.

We aim to be a resource for the church and Christian community based projects, and to provide drop-in biblically based discipleship and ministry sessions.

We aim to glorify God in our endeavours.

Tel: + 44 (0) 7562 216916 Email: Web: WWW.RESTORINGLIFEFOUNDATION.ORG Restoring Life Foundation RestLFoundation

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