Awards Brochure 2023

Page 1 #REIAwards2023 #PoweredbyAIBMS Celebrating 25 years of the Retail Excellence Awards 2023
25 YEARS OF REI AWARDS Welcome to the AIBMS Retail Excellence Awards. This prestigious event celebrates the outstanding achievements and excellence in the retail industry. We invite you to participate and showcase your business by entering into one or more of our exciting categories. Here's a glimpse of those categories and the benefits of participating: • Retailer of the Year • Sustainable Retailer of The Year • Supplier of the Year • Excellence in Customer Service • Small Online Retailer of the Year • Medium Online Retailer of the Year • Large Online Retailer of the Year • Rising Star of the Year • Manager of the Year • Unsung Hero of the Year The Categories 2023 #REIAwards2023 #PoweredByAIBMS

Overall Retailer of the Year Award

WhyYouShouldEntertheOverallRetaileroftheYearAward Phase1Benefits–EnteringtheRetailExcellenceAwards.

Showcaseyourbusinessandmotivateyourteamwith thechancetobecomeoverallRetaileroftheYearfor 2023.

Receiveanin-depthMysteryShoppingReportcarried outbyanindependentmysteryshopperwhichwill highlightthelevelofcustomercarebeingdeliveredin yourstore.

Thegoal-toreachPhase2-Top100Status. Phase2Benefits–BecomeaTop100Store.

JoinretailexpertMatthewBrownashehighlightswhatis trendingintheworldofretailandoutlinesthedetail behindthe5pillarsofRetailExcellence. Prepareandsubmitareporttoshowhowyourbusiness measuresagainstthe5pillarsofRetailExcellenceYou willreceiveshortwrittenfeedbackonyoursubmission andwillhavetheopportunitytodiscussyourbusiness withMatthewonaremotecall

Note–afacilitatorcanbeprovidedtosupportyouwiththis process.



MatthewBrownwillvisiteachoftheTop30Storesas partofthefinaljudgingprocess. OurproductioncompanywillvisittheTop30Storesand recordfootageofthestoreandgetyourcommentson whatmakesyourbusinessstandout.

Ourdigitalexpertswillexaminethestore’swebsiteand KPMGwilllookatyourfinancialpositionbeforewe awardthecoveted'OverallRetaileroftheYear2023'.


The Process

Sectoral Awards

Enter Mystery Customer Service Audit 5Pillarsof Excellence Audit Judging Winner
Restaurant, Wine and Coffee House of the Year Fashion, Footwear, Childrenswear, Accessory, Department Store of the Year Electronic, Tech and Phone Store of the Year Forecourt, Supermarket and Food Store of the Year Garden and Hardware Store of the Year Health and Beauty Store of the Year Furniture and Homeware Store of the Year Jewellers and Gift Store of the Year Opticians Store of the Year Lifestyle Store of the Year – Pet, Baby, Sports, Toys, Books, Hobbies.

PEOPLE AWARDS Manager of the Year

The Manager of the Year Award recognises managers that are on top of their game.

Register online and complete a submission document which will be reviewed by our external HR Partner. The Top 5 shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend an interview with our judging panel and the winner of this prestigious title will then be announced at the AIBMS Retail Excellence Awards Ceremony

PEOPLE AWARDS Rising Star of the Year

The Rising Star of the Year award recognises and rewards the team member that is on their way up

Register online and complete the submission document. This will be reviewed by our external HR Partner and the Top 5 Rising Stars will be invited to attend an interview with our judging panel. The winner of this award will be announced at the AIBMS Retail Excellence Awards Ceremony.

PEOPLE AWARDS Unsung Hero of the Year

This new award recognises the person who has had a positive influence on your business, someone who is willing to help, has a commitment to excellence and always goes above and beyond for you and your customers.

Register online and complete the submission document (Nominator) . This will be reviewed by our judges and for our Top 5 finalists the nominator will be invited to attend an interview.

The winner of this award will be announced at the AIBMS Retail Excellence Awards Ceremony.

PEOPLE AWARDS Ecommerce Manager of the Year

A new category this year to reflect the diligent work of an individual who has lead their business into an omnichannel presence in 2023

This person will have shown true ambition, leadership, ability to drive change and innovation to be crowned the inaugural Ecommerce Manager of the Year winner. This category will be judged by a written submission across a number of key questions and our Top 5 finalists will be invited to attend an interview The winner of this award will be announced at the AIBMS Retail



Small Online Retailer of the Year

1 - 10 Employees

The Small Online Retailer of the Year Award is for businesses that have 1-10 employees. Every website entered will undergo a comprehensive audit conducted by our expert eCommerce judging panel. All entrants will be subject to a mystery shopping process to test their delivery services.

Each entrant will receive a valuable report outlining where improvements can be made The finalists will be invited to attend an interview with our judging panel online. The winner will be announced at the AIBMS Retail Excellence Awards.


Medium Online Retailer

11 - 30 Employees

The Medium Online Retailer of the Year Award is for businesses that have 11-30 employees. Every website entered will undergo a comprehensive audit conducted by our expert eCommerce judging panel. All entrants will be subject to a mystery shopping process to test their delivery services

Each entrant will receive a valuable report outlining where improvements can be made The finalists will be invited to attend an interview with our judging panel online, with the winner being announced at the AIBMS Retail Excellence Awards Ceremony


Large Online Retailer of the Year

30+ Employees

The Large Online Retailer of the Year Award is for businesses that have over 30 employees Every website entered will undergo a comprehensive audit conducted by our expert eCommerce judging panel. All entrants will be subject to a mystery shopping process to test their delivery services

Each entrant will receive a valuable report outlining where improvements can be made. The finalists will be invited to attend an interview with our judging panel online, with the winner being announced at the AIBMS Retail Excellence Awards Ceremony

Sustainable Retailer of the Year

This Sustainable Retailer of the Year award recognises and rewards retailers making changes within their business to become more sustainable.

We invite all retailers, whether they feel their sustainable action is small or large, to apply. This award is about progress over perfection, and we want to recognise the steps Irish Retailers are making towards sustainability Just enter your company online and you will then receive a submission document to complete.

This document will be reviewed by our external Sustainability Partner. The Top5 scoring companies will be invited to attend an interview with our judging panel and the winner will be announced at the AIBMS Retail Excellence Awards.

Supplier of the Year Award

The Supplier of the Year Award allows us to celebrate the very best suppliers to the Irish Retail Industry. Only partners to Retail Excellence can enter.

Entry involves completion of a submission which is assessed by an external independent expert judging panel. The Top5 Suppliers will be announced as finalists and the overall Supplier of the Year will be announced at the AIBMS Retail Excellence Awards

Excellence in Customer Service Award

Our new "Excellence in Customer Service Award" category is to showcase your dedication to delivering unforgettable experiences to your customers.

Anyone who enters the Store of the Year Award is automatically entered into our new Excellence in Customer Service Award and your customer service will be evaluated during the mystery shop in phase 1 of Store of the Year entries.

Enter Now


Platnium Partners
thanks to our Partners Title Sponsor Gold Partners

Booking Information

To enter log onto and complete your entry. All entries must be completed online.



Phase1: Allentries–CustomerServiceMysteryShopAudit€130(ExVAT@23%)

Phase2: Top100Store€220(ExVAT@23%)







SmallOnlineRetaileroftheYear (1-10employees)€295(ExVAT@23%)

MediumOnlineRetailer (11–30employees)€295(ExVAT@23%)

LargeOnlineRetaileroftheYear (over30employees)€295(ExVAT@23%)

SustainableRetailerOfTheYear€130(ExVAT@23%) #REIAwards2023 #PoweredByAIBMS 2023

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