Retail Focus 122

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2021 #122 @retailfocus

retail focus

regional boutique Luxury fashion retailer FLANNELS opens new 15,000 sq ft. site in Preston, situated in Deepdale Shopping Park

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WWW.THERPAGROUP.COM Our report, in partnership with Retail Focus, takes an in-depth look at how forward-thinking retailers can differentiate their brands, enhance the customer experience and ultimately drive sales.

the joy of shopping


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37 33 11-15


39 33-34 Project Focus

40 40-41

A Cold Wall*



36-37 Project Focus

Retail Surfaces

22-26 FEATURE VM & Display Show Preview

LK Bennett




Project Focus


Gamification in retail



2022 Creative Retail Awards - Now open for entries

opinion Store of the future





As we come out of the fi na l COVI D r es tr i c ti ons w e s ee a w el c ome r etur n of th e i n d u s try trade show. Having attend ed the S ur fa c e D es i g n S how a nd exhi b i ted a t S m art Te ch Retail last month it is cl ea r tha t w e onc e a g a i n ha ve the a p p eti te for fac e to f a ce networking . Next up for us is the VM & D i s pl a y S how w hi c h ta k es p l a c e on the 5-6 Ap r i l a t th e Business Design Centre. O nc e a g a i n Reta i l Foc us w i l l b e exhi b i ti ng a nd w e l o o k forward to meeting faces ol d a nd new . Y ou c a n fi nd out mor e i n our s how pre v i e w which highlights some of the exci ti ng exhi b i tor s you c a n exp ec t to meet. He re a t Retail Focus, we love a g ood netw or k i ng op p or tuni ty a nd a r e d el i g hted to a n n o u n ce that we will be holding Netw or k i ng D r i nk s a fter the fi r s t d a y of the VM & D i s pl a y Sh o w . Retailers and exhibitor s a r e i nvi ted to joi n us for a d r i nk on the Rooftop B ar a t B u b b a Oasis. Tickets are lim i ted a nd c a n b e r es er ved a t w w w . c r ea ti ver eta i l aw a r d s . co m / networkingdrinks In this issue, we get the i ns i d e tr a c k on s ome of the l a tes t devel op ments i n th e w i d e r retail industry, including the i mp or ta nt r ol e s ur fac es p l a y i n the mod er n r etai l d e s i g n . We also take a look at w hy g a mi fi c a ti on c oul d p l a y a n i mp or ta nt r ol e i n the f u t u re of retail, revealing deta i l s of how l uxur y b r a nd s ar e offer i ng b es poke i nter a cti v e experiences. We also cover the lates t i ns p i r a ti ona l p r ojec ts w hi c h i nc l ud e r eg i ona l b outiq u e FLANNELS, Hermes in Hong Kong a nd c l os er to home the new L K B ennett fl a gs h i p . From all of us here at Reta i l Foc us , w e hop e you enjoy thi s i s s ue a nd hop e to s e e y o u a t the VM & Display Show .



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FEATURED: CONNECTIONS BOUNCE, LONDON 10 JUNE 2022 Creative Design & Connections provides an element of fun and networking as well as one-to-one meetings. The quirky setting of Bounce Old Street, London, will let suppliers and buyers soak up the atmosphere, play some ping-pong and enjoy networking drinks and food after the one-to-one meetings have taken place. RETAILERS SIGN UP FOR FREE AT

VM & Display Show bdc, LONDON 5-6 april 2022


ISE 2022 Fira de Barcelona 10-13 May 2022

The VM & Display Show is the place for all your visual merchandising and display needs. Visitors can meet with an array of industry experts who can help make displays a reality, from concept to installation. Discuss your visual merchandising and display requirements with experts in your field.

Event for retail and hospitality organisations looking for the right tools, solutions and advice on how to enhance customer experience, increase operational effectiveness and drive sales.

The VM & Display Show is the place for all your visual merchandising and display needs. Visitors can meet with an array of industry experts who can help make displays a reality, from concept to installation. Discuss your visual merchandising and display requirements with experts in your field.





SHOPTALK EUROPE EXCEL, LONDON 6-8 JUNE 2022 Shoptalk Europe is the new home for Europe’s retail and grocery changemakers, taking place this 6th-8th June at ExCeL London. Over 2,500 decision-makers, (1 in 3 C-level / 1 in 10 CEO) from leading retailers and brands, startups, tech firms, investors, media, and analysts will come together to learn, network, collaborate, and evolve. Furthermore, 250+ companies will be showcasing the latest innovation and trends that continue to transform the sector globally, and across the three days, 200+ industry-leading speakers will walk Shoptalk’s stages. Qualifying retailers and brands can attend Shoptalk Europe for free with up to £500 in travel reimbursement through the world-renowned Hosted Meeting Programme.


FEATURED: CREATIVE RETAIL AWARDS LONDON SEPTEMBER 2022 The Creative Retail Awards are a dynamic and exciting annual event designed to recognise and reward innovation and excellence in retail design and experience. Organised by the Shop & Display Equipment Association (SDEA) and Retail Focus, the awards span a number of disciplines, including store design, surfaces, display systems, innovative technology, lighting and much more. The awards are judged by a panel of industry leaders and experts. Bringing together the whole industry, the Creative Retail Awards is a night that blends networking with an informal party atmosphere celebrating the diversity in our industry. The Awards recognise talent across the full spectrum of retail design and display in a broad range of awards categories. NOW OPEN FOR ENTRIES FREE ENTRY FOR RETAILERS




Danish lifestyle brand and e-bike retailer, launches in Seven Dials S h af te s bu r y h as o f f i c i al l y an n o u nce d D a n is h l i f e s ty l e br an d an d e -bi k e r e tai l e r , M A TE , w h ich h as n o w l au n c h e d i n S e v e n D i al s f o r its f ir s t U K s to r e o n 7 2 Ne al S tr e e t. S pan n i n g tw o f l o o r s an d to tal l in g 2 ,0 96 s q f t, M A TE S e v e n D i al s r e pr e s e n ts the b r a n d ’s f ir s t br i c k s -an d-m o r tar s i te i n th e U K an d s to ck s its f u l l c o l l e c ti o n o f s l e e k , f o l dabl e , a n d p r a ctica l e -bi k e s i n s e v e r al c o l o u r w ay s . Th e Se ve n D ia ls s to r e pr o v i de s an e n gagi n g an d in te g r a te d r e ta il e x pe r i e n c e , o f f e r i n g te s t r i de s th at a llo w vis ito r s to tr i al th e h i gh -pe r f o r m an c e e -bik e s . Th e n e w s pac e , de s i gn e d to be an e x pe r i en tia l s to r e , a ls o s h o w c as e s M A TE ’ s e x c l u s i v e r e tai l co lla b o r atio n s , i n c l u di n g CR x M A TE an d a c aps u le w ar dr o b e w i th Pal m A n ge l s , s y n e r gi s i n g h i gh -f a s h io n w ith h i gh -pe r f o r m an c e . R F

Moss Bros. and Sketchers set to open in Woking this spring Victoria Place i n W ok i ng , c o-ow ned b y Woking Bor oug h C ounc i l a nd Moy allen Grou p , ha s a nnounc ed the signing of M os s B ros . a nd Skechers, with b oth b ra nd s s et to op en la ter this s p ri ng . Op ening on Henry Pl a za , w hi c h forms p a rt of the þ 7 0 0 mi l l i on red evelop ment of W ok i ng tow n centre, Moss B ros . , w i l l oc c up y a 274 2 sq ft b outi q ue s toc k i ng i ts ful l collection of vers a ti l e c l othi ng , footwea r and ac c es s ori es . Thi s includes its sp ec i a l i s t c ol l ec ti on of suits for every oc c a s i on a nd recently la unch ed c a s ua l w ea r ra ng e, a s well a s exc l us i ve collab ora tions s uc h a s M os s B ros . x Fred Sirieix . E nha nc i ng the tow n centre’s p remiu m reta i l offeri ng , Moss Bros. Wok i ng w i l l a l s o d eb ut a new store co nc ep t a s the b ra nd g ea rs up for further s i te openi ng s throughout the yea r.



Lids opens quartet of UK stores as part of expansion US-ba sed sports reta i l er L i d s has op ened its first four E urop ea n stores – add ing 2 34 s q m to i ts U K footp rint. The l a unc h forms pa rt of a wid er plan to i nc rea s e the b ra nd ’s interna ti ona l p res enc e, rep resenting the fi rs t of ma ny p hy sical stores p l a nned a c ros s the continent. The vision f or the i ni ti a l q ua rtet of retail outlets ha s b een broug ht to life b y comm erc i a l i nteri ors sp ecia list Agili té Sol uti ons – which comp leted the fi t-out of shop s in Coven t Ga rd en a nd the 02 Peninsula S q ua re i n L ond on, Lakesid e Shop pi ng C entre i n E s s ex, a nd Churchill S q ua re Shop p i ng Centre in Brighton The bra nd currentl y ha s 2 , 0 0 0 stores throug hout the U . S. a nd Cana d a , includi ng the Na ti ona l Ba sketb a ll Ass oc i a ti on (NB A) fla g ship stores i n C a rna b y, London – the latter of w hi c h Ag i l i té Solutions a lso fi t-out l a s t yea r. RF

Ikea opens doors on first UK high street smallformat site Customers will b e a b l e to b uy home ac cessories and s oft furni s hi ng s a t the n e w site in Hammers mi th, w es t L ond on, bu t they will a lso b e a b l e to s ee enti re r o o m sets a nd order b ed s , w a rd rob es a nd bo okshelves for h ome d el i veri es . The new store i s p a rt of a þ 1 b i l l i on in v estment in Lond on over the next three ye a rs, with a second c i ty c entre s tore s et to take over p a rt of the former Top s hop f lagship site in O xford C i rc us i n a utumn n e x t y ea r. Hammersmith’s s tore w i l l be i ns i d e the Kin g s Mall shopp i ng c entre, w hi c h w a s bo ught in 2020 by I k ea ’ s I ng k a C entre bu siness. The centre is pi tc hed a s the future of r e ta iling and has b een reb rand ed a s L i va t Hammersmith, with b os s es hop i ng to w i n o v er loca l shop p ers w i th pop -up s tores a nd c o mmunity spa ces a s p a rt of a þ 1 7 0 mi l l i on r e f urbishment. The new Ikea s tore i s a q ua rter of the siz e of a ty pica l s i te a nd w i l l offer 1 , 8 0 0 pr oducts, a longside 4, 0 0 0 d i s p l a y p rod uc ts . RF



Creative Design & Display Connections The org a nisers b ehi nd the Creative Reta il Aw a rd s ha ve launched the i na ug ura l C rea ti ve Design & Displ a y C onnec ti ons (CDDC) meet th e b uyer event. To b e held in June 2 0 2 2 a t B ounc e O ld Street in Lo nd on, the event consists of 10 pre-ma tc hed oneto-one meetings b etw een b uyers

a nd s u ppl i e r s o v e r th e c o u r s e o f the d ay . W i th S u ppl i e r e n tr y f r o m jus t £ 1 , 7 5 0 + VA T, th e e v e n t c o u l d p rov i de th e h i gh e s t e v e r ROI for co m pan i e s at th i s di f f i c u l t tra d i n g pe r i o d. A ppr o v e d d el e gate s r e c e i v e f r e e e n tr y .

RIANNA + NINA first international flagship store opens in Paris RI A NNA + NI NA h as o p e n e d its d o o r s i n Par i s . Th e i n te r n atio n a l f la g s h ip o f f e r s v i s i to r s th e o p p o r tu n ity to e x pe r i e n c e n e v e r -bef o r e -s e e n o n e o f k i n d s ty l e s m ade f r o m r a r e h ig h e n d v i n tage f abr i c s , a n e x clu s ive s e l e c ti o n f r o m th e l a b e l’s A r ch ive Co l l e c ti o n , an d s o mu ch m o r e . L o c ate d at 3 4 Ru e d e M o n tpe n s i e r at th e Pa la is Ro y a l, RI A NNA + NI NA Par i s is a s tu n n in g e n tr y po i n t to th e l abe l’s e ve r gr o w i n g w o r l d. Th e lo ca tio n a ls o h o l ds a s pe c i al pl ace in Ria n n a ’s h e ar t — 25 y e ar s ago, Ria n n a ’s m o th e r e x h i bi te d h er o w n o n e -o f -a k i n d j e w e l l e r y i n th i s s a m e lo catio n , s par k i n g w i th i n Ri ann a th e lif e lo n g dr e am to do th e s am e . RI A NNA + NI NA Par is w ill a ls o f e atu r e s e l e c ti o n s f r o m Re a dy -to W e ar c o l l e c ti o n s , an a s s o r tm e n t o f h o m e go o ds , an d th e b r a n d ’s f am o u s bags an d acce s s o r ie s — all c u r ate d e s pe c i al l y f o r th is lo ca tio n .



Mango to open flagship store on New York’s Fifth Avenue M an go i s pr e par i n g to o p e n a s to r e o n Ne w Y o r k ’ s Fi f th A v e n u e , o n e o f th e c i ty ’ s bu s i e s t s tr e e ts . Th e n e w f l ags h i p s to r e w ill b e l o c ate d i n P l az a D i s tr ict, o n e o f th e m o s t e x c l u s i v e s h o ppin g a r e a s o f Fi f th A v e n u e . Th e s to r e w ill h a ve a s e l l i n g s pac e o f c l os e to 2 ,10 0 m 2 i n th e G r an de D am e b u ild in g , at n u m be r 7 1 1 o f th e e m ble m a tic Ne w Y o r k av e n u e . I t i s a h i s to r i c bu i l d in g f r o m th e l ate 1 920 s , w h i c h h as w o n a w a r d s f o r i ts e l e gan c e an d be a u ty , a n d w a s pr e v i o u s l y t h e h e adqu a r te r s o f m a j o r c o m pan i e s i n c l u di n g NB C, Co lu m b ia Pi c tu r e s an d Co c a-Cola . Th e f ir m pl an s to o pe n th e s tor e , w h ich w ill s to c k th e W o m an , M an a n d Kid s lin e s , du r i n g th e f i r s t h al f of 2 0 2 2 . Nespresso opens new experiential boutique at Trinity Leeds

Nespresso has l a unc hed a new exp eri enti a l b outiq ue at the Tri ni ty L eed s s hop p i ng c en tr e . The evolved bouti q ue c onc ep t i s d es i g ned to meet shop p ers ’ c ha ng i ng need s a nd p references by offeri ng i mmers i ve, l oc a l i s e d a nd persona lis ed exp eri enc es , exp l ori ng the a rtistry behi nd s ome of the w orl d ’ s fi ne s t coffees. The la unch i s p a rt of Nes p res s o’ s vi s i on to eleva te its r eta i l a p p roa c h and i ntrod uce s several new in nova ti ons to i ns p i re a nd exci te customers and eng a g e them i n the Nes p res s o b ra nd universe . Thes e i nc l ud e a n i ntera c ti v e ‘Ta ste & Discov er’ a rea , w here c us tomers c an ex plore a nd crea te thei r ow n c offee rec i p e s using iPad tutori a l s a nd Nes p res s o ma c hi n e s , a longside aug mented rea l i ty (AR) exp eri en c e s . AR gives co ns umers the op portuni ty to immerse thems el ves i n the s tori es , heri ta g e a nd ex p ertise b ehi nd Nes p res s o c offees a n d und erstand ho w c a p s ul es a re rec yc l ed, g i v i n g wa ste a second l i fe. RF


FlashNEWS to go here

Aldi opens first checkout-free supermarket Aldi ha s opened i ts fi rs t c hec koutfree store, whe re s hop pers w i l l b e ab le to p ick up p rod uc ts a nd leave without q ueui ng to p a y. The d iscount s up erma rk et’ s new site in Greenwi c h, s outh-ea s t

L ond o n , w i l l al s o al l o w c u s to m e r s to b u y al c o h o l , u s i n g f ac i al age es ti m ati o n te c h n o l o gy to c h e c k w heth e r t h e y appe ar to be o v e r the a ge o f 25 .

UK’s first New Look outlet to open in Northern Ireland G l o bal f as h i o n r e tai le r Ne w L o o k h as an n o u n ce d i t i s o pe n i n g i ts f i r s t e ve r U K c l e ar an c e s to r e a t No r th e r n I r e l an d’ s o utle t, Th e B o u l e v ar d. Th e 24 0 6 S q f t s tor e w ill o pe n i ts do o r s at th e Lo tu s Pr o pe r ty -o w n e d s c h e m e o n 25 th Fe br u ar y , o f f e r in g w o m e n ’ s c l o th i n g, f oo tw e a r , ac c e s s o r i e s . R F

Danish fashion retailer, Colorful Standard, opens flagship space in Seven Dials Sha ftesb ury ha s a nnounc ed tha t p op ul a r D a n i s h f as h i o n r e tai l e r , Co l o r f u l Stand a rd , ha s o p ened a p erma nent fl a gs hi p s pac e i n S e v e n D i al s . Co l o r f u l Stand a rd was fi rs t i ntrod uc ed to Seven D i a l s l as t y e ar , w i th a po p-u p s to r e loca ted on 18 Ea rl ha m Street a s p a rt of the r e tai l e r ’ s L o n do n e x pan s i o n . Going from succ es s to s uc c es s , the s us ta i na bl e e s s e n ti al s br an d h as become the lates t reta i l er to ta k e p erma nen t s pac e at S e v e n D i al s , op ening in the nei g hb ouri ng 8 7 2 s q ft uni t o n 1 6 E ar l h am S tr e e t.


/ IG EDIT Photography: Daniel Salemi

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Just scratching the surface


By: Rob Fletcher

Of ten a n und erut i li s ed a men i ty i n r eta i l environm ent s , s ur face s of f er a h o s t o f m a rk e t i n g a nd eng agem ent opportu ni t i es . Ro b F letc he r speaks wi t h s peci a li s t s i n th i s area to f i nd o ut h ow to make th e m o s t o f t h e s pac e you h av e. If there is one thing that almost all retailers have in common, it is surfaces. No matter what sort of environment you are working in, you will almost certainly have some sort of surface space at your disposal. However, these spaces can often be underutilised by retailers as they focus their attention elsewhere in the store or shop. Walls are left painted white, countertops blank and floors are scuffed and dirty, but with a few simple, often cost-effective changes to these surfaces, you can completely overhaul the look of your shop. Here, we speak with some of the leading companies and suppliers that can help you make these changes and take a look at some of the examples of surface work in other retail environments. >>>

“Retail surfaces such as counters, furniture, walls, displays and even floors are extremely important as they need to strike the right balance between creating attractive and customer friendly environments, while coping with daily footfall and wear and tear”


FEATURE Enhancing the experience First up, the surface most commonly ignored in retail environments are floors, and this is where Karndean Designflooring, a specialist in luxury vinyl flooring, can help. Fleur Carson, commercial sales director at Karndean Designflooring, said due to changing habits in recent years, with physical retail facing so much competition from online, retailers must emphasise emotional experience over functionality in order to win the confidence of customers. “Creatively designed spaces using materials that have a welcoming and homely feel yet are hard wearing and easy to maintain will offer a reassuring personal approach that can help customers feel safe again and so comfortable to browse,” Carson said. “Attention to detail is key as surfaces need to look great from opening to closing, come rain or shine. “Some of our retail clients are looking for an authentic but deliberately understated look that acts as a blank canvas. All eyes are therefore on the merchandise and not the internal finishes. Also, the complete opposite can be true. Some brands prefer to customise and personalise the store interior and are excited by the possibilities of design to create a fun and enticing experience for shoppers.” With health and wellbeing still high on the agenda, Carson said materials that provide an authentic natural look will appeal to the senses and create a comforting and relaxing environment for retailers. This, Carson said, makes luxury vinyl tiling the ideal choice for creating unique yet highly useable retail spaces that are easy to keep hygienically clean. Karndean flooring has a durable, waterproof surface that Carson said can stand up to tough retail settings with minimal maintenance. In addition, the company’s rigid core and loose lay ranges include an enhanced acoustic layer that can reduce noise levels by up to 21dB. “Reflecting our commitment to producing stylish and durable floors with the lowest possible impact on the environment, our products are designed to improve indoor environmental quality,” Carson added. Offering examples of these materials in action, Carson put forward Loom Loft, an accessible interiors store near Clitheroe in Lancashire that took on a new look to reflect the mill’s weaving history while showcasing contemporary style. “Reclaimed Heart Pine from our LooseLay Longboard collection provided a characterful rustic look yet is durable enough to stand up to the demands of a busy retail environment,” Carson said. “The extra-large planks are in scale with the extensive floor to ceiling windows, providing a sense of flow to the open plan store and a cohesive style that complements and highlights the furnishings on sale. The loose lay format means that should any damage occur repairs are conveniently simple and cost effective.” Carson also highlighted contemporary furniture brand Arlo & Jacob, which wanted its showroom in Bristol to reflect its unique brand personality and offer a memorable experience for customers. “A bespoke floor was designed using a combination of custom cut Knight Tile planks in a random pattern of wood and stone designs to complement the bright modern feel of the store and the innovative quality of its products,” Carson said. “The herringbone pattern includes statement white wood and grey stone tiles which have been used to provide


subtle punctuation and so highlight key zones across the store.”

Strike the right balance “Next, International Decorative Surfaces (IDS) is a major distributor of decorative surfaces specialising in flooring, worktops, laminates, compact, panel products, solid surface and wall panelling. John Bagshaw, managing director at IDS, said retailers should consider surfaces as highly important to their overall environment. “Retail surfaces such as counters, furniture, walls, displays and even floors are extremely important as they need to strike the right balance between creating attractive and customer friendly environments, while coping with daily footfall and wear and tear,” Bagshaw said. “Materials that are highly durable are key, and hygiene is an increasingly important consideration. There’s also a heightened focus on fire prevention for many customers in the retail sector. “FR grade surface materials are becoming more important to retail designers and shopfitters, particularly in the wake of Grenfell which has naturally led to heightened awareness around fire prevention. Retail designers would be wise to consider putting in place additional fire safety measures for peace of mind and potential future proofing by choosing FR grade materials for their projects.” Bagshaw said IDS has already seen growing demand from customers including fast food chains for these types of materials and expects more to follow suit. In response to this, IDS recently added the Merinolam range of highperformance laminates to its portfolio, offering the only stocked FR range currently available in the UK. The Merinolam FR+ Fire Retardant Laminate collection comprises 37 decors spanning a wide choice of popular plain colours, woodgrains and patterned decors, while Bagshaw added that the IDS Durasein solid surface range has also been tested and approved for fire resistance to EN 13501-1b comparable to BS476 Class 0. “The UK-exclusive Merinolam collection offers 55 creative, tactile and high-performance decors ideal for use in the retail design and shopfitting sectors,” Bagshaw said. “The range reflects strong market demand for FR grade laminate and super-matt anti-fingerprint surfaces in a spectrum of popular colours and designs – and everything is supplied to fabricators polycoated as standard assuring protection against potential damage. “We are also proud to be the exclusive UK distribution partner for the Durasein solid surface brand. This is an ideal choice for retail designers looking to specify a premium product with immense creative scope and high-performance qualities for their projects.” Examples of the products in use include Durasein Silver Falls being used to create a counter-top at Carlisle Cathedral’s Fratry Café, while Durasein Glacier White was used on a shaped counter-top in a busy fast-food outlet.

Setting the trend Elsewhere and visual communications specialist Antalis has a range of products available for retailers to decorate their surfaces. Claire White, specification consultant at Antalis, said surfaces can help create theatre, support campaigns


Karndean Designflooring partnered with Loom Loft to install floor tiling reflecting the former mill’s weaving history, while also showcasing contemporary style

and colour blocking, as well as evoke emotions or make statements. “There is a big focus on creating ‘experiences’ in retail stores at the moment,” White said “Retailers are increasingly using surfaces to convey corporate and social messaging such as sustainability. “The trend certainly seems to point to displays and surfaces that visually look more sustainable, with natural textures, and the use of materials made from recycled content or are fully reusable or recyclable at end of life.” In terms of the type of products retailers should be using for these applications, White says they should consider interior films and window vinyls, explaining that these are easy to refresh and can be used instead of refitting. “Antalis’ new range Coala Windows Décor films can add style and privacy to any window or glass partitioning,” White said. “It comes in a wide choice of designs, harmonious colours and finishes and can be applied to all types of internal glass surface, windows and glass partitions. It can easily be applied and removed so changing and updating can happen more frequently.” For the more green-minded retailer, Antalis also offers a number of sustainable products such as Xanita board. This engineered fibreboard is manufactured from fibres recovered from recycled, used cardboard boxes, and can be used for 3D structural concepts, FSDU units, displays and point of sale. “Our specification consultants can support projects from the very early stages of design to help provide the very best end result,” White said. “For example, sustainability is high on the agenda, and with 80% of the environmental impact of products determined at the early design stage, it is advisable to seek support. “Steps can be considered through all life stages and once surface products have come to the end of their campaign life, they can then be recycled. Antalis, is also working in partnership with waste management and carbon offsetting companies to provide solutions, with advice on how customers and end clients can meet their environmental objectives.

Antalis said its new range Coala Windows Décor films can add style and privacy to windows or glass partitioning

Make an impact Meanwhile, Siobhán Gadiot, marketing manager at Armourcoat, said an impactful, beautiful surface finish not only helps promote the brand, but also creates a trustworthy, calm environment, making a memorable first impression and encouraging return customers. “Retailers should not only consider surface finishes that are aesthetic and designed to physically interpret the core of the store’s brand but consider those that are sustainable,” Gadiot said. “Also, surface finishes can offer other qualities such as managing the acoustics in a space, design with all senses in mind - not just with your eyes.” Armourcoat produces a wide range of polished plaster finishes that Gadiot said can help add depth and craftsmanship to retail spaces of all shapes and sizes. “From a sense of subtle quality with Armourcoat finishes like Smooth and Pitted, right the way through to custom surfaces that offer a sense of occasion, there are finishes to enhance the design intent of every project,” Gadiot said. “Armourcoat offers polished plasters, architectural coatings, sculpted panel systems and casting for both the interior and exterior. In 2021 Armourcoat also released CLIME, a range of sustainable clay lime plaster finishes that Gadiot said demonstrates the company’s ongoing commitment to the environment, while also offering greener options to likeminded customers. Also from Armourcoat is the Signature Collection, which, designed by Armourcoat’s creative director Duncan MacKellar, is a celebratory range of luxury wall finishes. The collection comprises of exclusive polished plaster finishes inspired by an Italian heritage and MacKellar’s artistic interpretation of natural forms and surface effects. “These artisan finishes represent the highest level of product mastery, redefining the technique and underlining Armourcoat’s lead role in the industry,” Gadiot said. Gadiot’s comments over creating an impact offer an apt conclusion to this discussion. By working with trusted suppliers, retailers can add a whole new dimension to their shops and stores, simply by changing the look of a surface. With a whole host of products out there to help, the possibilities are seemingly endless in surface work within the retail sector.




B N I K C A B D & VM

With a historical venue, inspirational features and a packed exhibition space, the Business Design Centre is the place to be this April for all things VM

Dazzling lights; scented graphics; beautifully crafted paper furniture; innovative display systems: stylish, self-assured mannequins. These are just some of the pieces set to stir the senses and awaken the imagination at the 2019 VM & Display Show. Taking place from 5-6 April at London’s Business Design Centre, the event will host a record number of innovative visual merchandising and display companies. The show is free to enter either via pre-registration or on the door.

WHEN AND WHERE: 5-6 April, Business Design Centre, London







VM & DISPLAY SHOW dorotape Giving you exactly the finish you need. We supply self-adhesive coloured and specialist films to help the retail design, display and graphics specialists achieve the perfect finish each and every time. Our vast range of films, sourced from leading manufacturers ASLAN, R-Tape, Neschen and Cover Styl, includes metallised and dichroic films, eco-friendlier non-PVC, recycled products and graffiti repellent laminate, suitable for both indoor and outdoor displays. Years of experience and expertise gained working across a spectrum of sectors has made Dorotape a go-to display specialist.

See us on stand G10 E: W:

FOUNDPOP FoundPop was established in 2018 by Richard Found, founder of RIBA award-winning architectural practice, Found Associates, with 35 years of retail design experience. FoundPop’s versatile furniture range has been delivering affordable rental services across multiple retail sectors including fashion, jewellery, beauty and lifestyle in numerous high street, discount outlet and department stores across the UK and Europe. Stylish, flexible, cost effective and customer focused, FoundPop’s rental service provides the ideal solution for existing and emerging brands to meet challenges facing the new retail environment. Clients include Prada, Loro Piana, Selfridges, Harrods, Nike, Adidas, Lululemon, John Lewis, COS and BBC.

See us on stand E9 E:, W:

KGK Genix KGK Genix is an award-winning multidisciplinary agency specialising in producing exciting and vibrant window and in-store retail displays for some of the world’s leading brands and retailers. Offering an end-to-end in-house service for all creative, print, project management and installation projects, KGK Genix provide maximum impact with minimum fuss. With a focus on a greener future for retail, KGK Genix are showcasing their ECO range by bringing their sustainable and recyclable alternatives to traditionally used display materials into the spotlight. By visiting their stand, you could also get a tree planted in your name too! Be responsible… Rethink. Reuse. Recycle.

See us on stand D5 E: W:

helloProducts flamingo

Hello Flamingo

Flooring + Surfaces

Hello Flamingo are an award winning, creative design & manufacture company, Specialising in retail window displays, Design & development, pop-ups shops, events, project management & installation, all from our design studio & manufacturing workshop in East Sussex We offer full range of design & manufacturing services - woodworking, spraying, metal work, prop making & sculpting, CNC, and print. Hello Flamingo are a team of truly passionate, creative people, who love seeing an idea come to life. From initial brief through to the installation of the final product. Our ethos is built on a quality service and the highest standards of work!

See us on stand E4 E: W:

Imprint Pureprint Imprint Pureprint is on a mission to deliver enhance experiences across the retail, events, construction, hotel, and leisure sectors. Whether it’s Point of Sale, a printed hoarding, site signage, office re-brand with exterior or interior signage, marketing support or outdoor media; we do BIG print right first time, delivering you effective and accurate results from one off projects to national campaigns. Our full-service offering including project management enables us to take your project from creative concept through to production and installation. Visit us at stand F8 to meet the team and discuss your printing needs.

See us on stand F8 E: W:

MAD ABOUT DESIGN We are Mad About Design, a multi-award-winning retail design team based in the centre of London. We support our clients in our own unique way, by drawing stuff, doing stuff and making stuff. Our aim is to create retail spaces that pop, windows that zing and experiences that sparkle! We love talking about retail, and are always up for a chat, so come meet the Mad People, at stand C5, to find out more about all things retail and discover more about our unique sustainability plans.

See us on stand C5 E: W:

VM & DISPLAY SHOW KESSLERS London Kesslers London & Proportion London are proud to be exhibiting at the VM Display show for the first time. Proportion London has a heritage stretching back over 70 years and is a brand synonymous with the highest quality, hand-built mannequins supplying retailers, brands and museums across the globe. In January 2022, Kesslers London was founded with an ambition to create aspirational and market-leading spaces for both existing and new customers.

See us on stand B9 E: W:

GRAPHICA DISPLAY Our business is based around our clients’ requirements. We constantly evolve not only in machinery but also in new staff and production methods to offer you the best value for money from your budget. We will always try our best to meet quick turnaround times and we will see your graphic requirements through from start to finish with a professional manner. We run our works out of a 5000 SQFT Production Facility in Chessington South West London. We have installed some of the most state of the art print and finishing equipment with both UV and Solvent Based printing to offer most solutions that you need within large format printing and signage.

See us on stand G9 E: W:

KOSA ART GROUP We specialise in the Art of Window Display, created with unique artistic quality. Our mission is to communicate our clients’ values via bespoke creations to deliver one-of-a-kind experiences. We take care of ONE client at a time, putting maximum input into your project to deliver it quickly and at excellent value.

See us on stand C7 E: W:

The biggest ranges. The best advice.

Stand out with displays that hit the mark first time with our vast range of specialist films. One of the UK’s largest portfolio of

Choose from a wide collection of quality, self-adhesive films from across Europe, including metallised and dichroic films from specialists ASLAN. Take advantage of our expert knowledge and experience in everything from colour matching and bespoke design to finding the right finish. We’re here to help.

metallised and dichroic films Non-PVC recycled products Graffiti repellent laminate Fast nationwide, next day courier service

Contact our experts to make your job a success by calling

01858 431 642


B+Tube cosmetics Changsha, CHINA

B+TUBE wants to set a new standard in teenage cosmetics, focusing on AIdriven digital interaction. Storeage, the Shanghai-based Dutch retail design agency, worked closely with the team from B+Tube cosmetics to create their first flagship store. With its striking iridescent archways, the store aims to connect to teenagers looking for a more expressive and colourful approach to cosmetics. And in line with the teens shopping behaviour, the store introduces ample room to interact with social media to facilitate online to offline shopping. B+Tube collection of beauty products ranges from skincare, make-up, travel and lifestyle products, all focused around the idea of freedom of expression. The brand wanted to introduce a new and young attitude to the cosmetic retail landscape, aimed at teenagers and asked Storeage to design a store concept that was fitting the brand and would integrate different ways of shopping. >>>



The design pays tribute to an old Chines proverb of a mouse that fell into a rice jar. It is the analogy of being fully immersed in all the choices the brand wants to offer teenagers to express themselves. Translating that freedom of expression into design, Storeage chose iridescent perforated steel as the eye-catching material throughout the space. Applying the iridescent to a cathedral-like structure in the centre of the space the agency organized the lay-out around 3 basic principles of cosmetics: cleansing, foundation and makeup. Each direction comes with an education centre, with tutorials and videos, illustrating how to best apply the different products and in return allowing consumers to shop complementing ones from these videos for alternative expressions or better-suited products for their skin. With its double layer of perforations, walking inside of the cathedral feels like being immersed in colourful water, another hint at the abundance of choice this brand has to offer. As Lisa Yu, the founder and CEO of B+Tube puts it: “We want to encourage a younger Chinese generation to express themselves in whatever shape or colour they prefer, yet never at the expense of a healthy skin.” Following this thinking, the perimeter of the store is rather clean and laboratory-like, using brushed metal and white Corian. It emphasizes the fact B+Tube will not carry any cosmetic or skincare brand without doing proper research on the effect of those products on your skin. The store measures 218 sqm, and the centre archway takes up roughly 33% of that. The perimeter of the store features a private, inperson consultation room and a beauty bar, with iridescent circles floating above it. Towards the front of the store, the travel products are presented. “The product, the information, the experiences, the enjoyment, everything about beauty is rushing you from all, surrounds you and spoils you, continuously. As if you drown in beauty. Even when leaving this store, the consumer will feel inspired to live life full, in whatever way or fashion they fancy.” Kang Li, the director of Storeage China adds.


project Flash to go here


Flash to go here




Lotte Department Store, Jamsil, Seoul

A-COLD-WALL* Lotte Department Store, Jamsil, Seoul set to launch A - C O L D - WA L L * h a s a n n o u n c e d t h e l a u n c h o f a second Seoul concept store-in-store. Following the opening of a bold and distinctly industrial space inside the world-renowned Hyundai COEX, the brand unveils yet another site in the Korean capital, this time located in the famed Lotte Department Store, Jamsil. A - C O L D - WA L L * e m b a r k o n t h e n e x t c h a p t e r o f i t s developing relationship with fashion consultancy and importer Modern Works via a companion store-instore, part of a series of dynamic brand experiences conceived in-house by the ACW* team, led by designer and founder Samuel Ross. In-keeping with the label’s fundamental tenets of culture and community, Ross seeks to offer Korea’s engaged and informed audience a truly immersive entry into the ACW* universe. Located on the fourth floor of the storied Lotte Department Store, part of the MAN’s fashion division, this new site brings to life Samuel Ross’ singular vision across fifty-three square metres. The designer’s background in industrial design informs the store’s striking aesthetic, drawing on a A - C O L D - WA L L * ’ s e s t a b l i s h e d v i s u a l l a n g u a g e t o create an innovative space offering an expansive



selection of clothing, accessories and exclusive product. Echoing Ross’ rational approach to garment creation, the Lotte store-in-store references familiar modernist principles, modularity and system-based design as the driving forces behind its distinctive architecture. Applied globally throughout retail sites and installations, these universal codes w i l l c o n n e c t A - C O L D - WA L L * c o m m u n i t i e s n o matter their physical location. Vibrant colour creates a tangible energy across the hub, an optimistic palette led by densely pigmented orange signalling positive intent. Inspired by CAD frameworks, the display’s linear forms and graphic lines intersect with softly rounded signage, branding rendered in both bracket logo and uncondensed type. A nod to the interplay between natural and manufactured forms, contrast continues across surfaces, tactility key to both collection and store fit.


hello flamingo


Hermès Pacific Place Mall, Hong Kong H e r m è s reopens it s store in Paci f i c Place M a ll, re ve a l i ng a un ique, spac iou s d e s i g n a nd rea f f ir ming its h i s to ry w it h Hon g Kong Hermès has reop ened the d oors of the new l y renovated stor e i n Pa c i fi c Pl a c e ma l l , Hon g K o n g. A cherished locati on for the hous e s i nc e i t o pe n e d i n 1991. Sp a nning 32 5m2 , the new , c ontemp or ar y v i s i o n for this store portra ys the uni q ue d yna mi c be tw e e n Hong K ong’s urb a n l a nd s c a p e and i ts verdan t n atu r al surrounding s. Aw a s h w i th l i g ht a nd rec a s t i n a w ar m , welcoming col our p a l ette, the new s tore b o as ts a sp a cious lay out w here one c a n d i s c over th e s i x te e n métiers of the hous e a nd the s p i ri t of s a vo i r -f ai r e an d innova tion at the hea rt of Hermès . Tra nsforme d b y the Pa ri s i a n a rc hi tec tu r e age n c y RDAI, the floorp l a n i s g ui ded b y the c urved f o r m s of the sp a ce and fol l ow s a fl ui d , op en l a yo u t th at encourag es the eye to tra vel from one s i d e o f th e s to r e to the other. D ed i c a ted men a nd w omen’ s u n i v e r s e s a re placed at op p os i te end s of the s tore, w h i l e th e silk collections , fa s hi on a c c es s ori es , eq ue s tr i an , a nd perfume a nd b ea uty méti ers fl ow out f r o m th e centra l store entra nc e. B es p oke g eometri c f r am e s a nd ca b inets d i s p l a y a s el ec ti on of c ol our f u l o bj e c ts , which ad d a s ens e of rhythm to the c us tom e r ’ s journey . In ea c h a rea , l ea ther s ofa s a nd ar m c h ai r s a ccentuate th e i nvi ti ng a tmos p here, a nd th e o v e r al l


f e e l i n g o f i n ti m ac y an d di s c o v e r y i s e n ha n ce d by th r e e di s ti n c t l y de s i gn e d al c o v e s t h at h o u s e th e w atc h e s an d j e w e l l e r y , l e ath e r go o ds , a n d c o l l e c ti o n s f o r th e h o m e . U n i qu e c u l t u r al r e f e r e n c e s ar e i n s ti l le d in be s po k e de s i gn f e atu r e s o f bo th th e i n te r io r a n d e x te r i o r . Th e i m pac tf u l m e tal f açade , i ns p ir e d b y o pti c al ar t an d c r af te d f r o m o v e r l appi n g g r a p h ic m o ti f s o f a He r m è s pr i n t an d an abs tr act j u n g le l an ds c ape , appe ar s to v i br ate as c u s to me r s p a s s by . A ddi ti o n al w i n do w s e n h an c e tr an s pa r e n cy a n d s h o w c as e th e s to r e ’ s v i v i d c o l l e c ti o n s , a s w e ll a s c o m m i s s i o n e d ar tw o r k s . Fo r th e s to r e ’ s re o p e n in g , a w h i m s i c al an d w i l dl y c o l o u r f u l w o r k by Fin n is h i l l u s tr ato r K u s taa S ak s i an i m ate s th e s tor e f r o n t. I n s i de th e s to r e , ar ti s an al de tai l s s i t in h ar m o n y w i th th e ar c h i te c tu r al c o de s o f th e h o u s e , i n c l u di n g th e s i gn atu r e e x -l i br i s , th e be s po k e h an d-l ai d m o s ai c at th e e n tr an ce , a n d th e l i gh t-r e f l e c ti n g te r r az z o f l o o r s . I n th e s h o e s al o n , th e h an d-w o v e n bam bo o w al l s pre s e n t a c o m pu te r -ge n e r ate d m o ti f th at r e f e r e n ce s b o th th e m o de r n c i ty an d i ts s tr o n g ti e s to tr ad itio n a l c r af t. B e s po k e c ar pe ts r e v e al a c o n s te l la tio n o f s po ts th at e v o k e th e w i n k i n g l i gh ts o f a city at n i gh t, w h i l e th e h o m e u n i v e r s e ar e a, w h ich V I P s pac e , f e atu r e s w al l s u ph o l s te r e d i n a lu s h , bo tan i c al -i n s pi r e d f abr i c . A u n i f i e d pal e tte o f h o n e y h u e s , r an gin g f r o m s u n -dr e n c h e d y e l l o w to l i gh t c ar am e l , cr e a te s a w ar m an d w e l c o m i n g am bi e n c e . To f i n e s s e e a ch ar e a w i th a pe r s o n al i s e d to u c h , a s e l e ctio n o f c o n te m po r ar y ph o to gr aph y an d i l l u s tr atio n s , a s w e l l as ar tw o r k f r o m th e E m i l e He r m è s C o lle ctio n , gr ac e s th e w al l s . Th e n e w l y r e f u r bi s h e d He r m è s Pac i f ic Pla ce s to r e o f f e r s l o c al c u s to m e r s an d n e w v i sito r s a w ar m an d s pac i o u s e x pe r i e n c e , s e t i n a n in vitin g e n v i r o n m e n t, th at c o m bi n e t h e u n i qu e n es s o f th e c i ty w i th th e Par i s i an h o u s e ’ s c r e ati v i ty a n d f in e c r af ts m an s h i p.




Come and understand how we can improve your retail windows and learn about sustainability in retail. We can help you save time, save money and help to save our planet. VM SHOW

STAND F8 on the 5-6 APRIL 2022.

For more information or to book a meeting please contact: Dave Matthews on m. 07917 031 121 e:

FLANNELS PRESTON, UK L u xu ry fashion r eta iler F L A N N E L S opens n ew 15,0 00 s q f t. s i t e in Preston , s i tuate d in Deepda le S ho ppi n g Pa rk . Frasers Group plc has opened the doors to its latest FLANNELS store in Preston. The next generation luxury retailer continues with the commitment to investing in retail and bringing world-class shopping destinations to new locations throughout the UK. Situated in Deepdale Shopping Park, the 15,000 sq ft. site will house a selection of carefully curated men’s, women’s and junior luxury designer clothing and accessories from some of the most coveted luxury names in fashion, including Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, Burberry, Off White and Versace. Lauren Barrie, Head of Luxury Retail Development at Frasers Group, says: “We’re really proud to open our next Regional boutique in Preston. As we continue to expand and develop our vision, the store brings to life the FLANNELS brand in a physical space – providing an engaging shopping destination, with the biggest brands in luxury fashion and contemporary streetwear all under one roof.” With this latest opening, FLANNELS have a portfolio of over 55 stores across the UK. The opening follows the launch of FLANNELS’ ground-breaking Regional Flagship stores in Sheffield and Leicester, last year, further cementing FLANNELS’ vision and ongoing commitment to bricks and mortar retail.



LK Bennett London, UK

LK B ennett has announc ed the op eni ng of thei r n e w Flagship store at 95-96 New B ond Street. The n e w sto r e follows a flu i d , op en-p l a n l a yout, tha t c o m bi n e s f r e sh, contemp ora ry c omfort w i th s l eek a nd d e l i be r ate de ta iling. The store utilises c us tom-b ui l t fi tti ng s a nd f i x tu r e s c r e ated to enhanc e a nd el eva te the c us tomer sh o pp ing ex p erien c e, L K B ennett New B ond Str e e t will showcase new c ol l ec ti ons , a s w el l a s muc h -l o v e d c ar ry -forward pieces , a nd i s a true exa mpl e of th e r e j uvenation that the B ri ti s h hi g h-s treet need s , po s tpandemic. As well as b ein g the fl a g s hi p reta i l s p a c e, Ne w Bo nd Street will al s o s erve a s the new L K B head o f f ice; housing all tea ms , from d es i g n to ec om m e r c e – all owing all area s of the b us i nes s to have a tr u e to u ch-point with our c us tomers . Darren Top p, c C E O c ommented “ W e a re d e l i gh te d to be opening our b ra nd new , b i g g er a nd b ette r f lagship store on the p res ti g i ous New B ond Str e e t. It will incorpora te the ful l offer of not jus t b ea u ti f u l h and ma d e shoes from I ta l y a nd Sp a i n, but new ar e as su c h as our recen tl y l a unc hed B ri d a l C ol l ec ti o n . W e h o pe this will b e the fi rs t of ma ny new s tores an d c o ncession openin g s not jus t i n the U . K . b ut ar o u n d th e world.”


LK Bennet t says go o dby e to Bro ok S tr eet and h ello to New Bo nd S tr eet, as th ey unv eil thei r n ew F lag ship store.



Transforming the POS into a retail experience through gamification

Inside the “Coco Chanel Game Center,” Chanel’s innovative beauty pop-up arcade at Pacific House in Hong Kong,

Gaming i s a m egat rend ; for go o d r eas o n, i t ’s an at tract i ve playgro un d fo r bra nd s to g et i n to uc h w i t h you nge r ta rget gro u p s : Th e com m uni t y i s curio u s , networ k ed a nd act i ve an d gaming i s a ra pi d ly grow i n g market wi t h 176 b i lli o n U S d ol la r s i n revenue (new zoo 2 0 2 1) a nd 2 .7 tri lli o n g a m er s wo rl dw i d e (I BI SWor ld 2 0 2 0 ). Brands can take advantage of this trend by developing their own games or integrating gamification elements into their retail store concepts. In the digital world, some brands are already tapping into the possibilities offered by games: “Advergames” are making a comeback, such as Louis Vuitton’s “Louis the Game”, Balenciaga made headlines with “Afterworld” and brands like Gucci, Adidas or Nike have already established a presence in the Metaverse.

Mathias Ullrich, Managing Director, LIGANOVA



Interaction and customer loyalty through gamification While the first steps are being taken in brand marketing, the retail sector has so far largely not exploited the potential inherent in it. In particular, physical retail and experience marketing can benefit greatly from gamification, i.e. game elements in non-game contexts. Gamification offers numerous opportunities to increase the experience in store concepts and to address younger target groups in particular. Here are some examples of how retail can be inspired by gaming: Game mechanics and dynamics are an effective way to create drive-to-store in a physical retail environment. When the store is involved, gamification can strengthen the bond with customers in a whole new way. At the flagship stores of sports brands such as Nike for example, it is clear how movement-based games offer a “phygital” experience that entertains and engages participants. Last year, on the occasion of the launch of the “React” shoe, Nike introduced the “Reactland” virtual environment. This was a game in which the users could extensively test the new shoe as digital avatars on the treadmill, while climbing on buildings or while running on simulated roads. The game promoted consumer confidence in the product and resulted in a remarkable 48 percent of players buying it. On the occasion of the worldwide launch of its pop-ups, the Burberry partnered with Snapchat to create an in-store gamification experience. Snapchat users were able to scan Snapcodes embedded in the pop-ups and were transported to the world of Burberry’s Animal Kingdom. Visitors could click toucans to unlock offers and rewards, for example. Globetrotter produced a groundbreaking, multi-sensory multiplayer VR experience for its 40th anniversary, which has toured the chain’s stores and has now found a permanent home in its Hamburg


store in the Europa Passage mall. Fans of the brand are able to embark on an immersive adventure with physical interaction possibilities and playful components modeled after the VR spectacles seen in amusement parks such as Disney and its peers. Fendi and Chanel demonstrate how gaming aesthetics can work for non-gaming brands too: At the “Fendi Arcade Game pop-ups” at the luxury department store Harrods, Fendi combined visual merchandising, reminiscent of amusement fairs and 80s video games such as Pac-Man, with clothing packed in arcade game machines. Inside the “Coco Chanel Game Center,” Chanel’s innovative beauty pop-up arcade at Pacific House in Hong Kong, visitors were able to explore the make-up products of the fashion house and relive childhood memories of video games. Retail must make better use of the potential Although these examples demonstrate creative approaches, at the same time, gamification in retail is still just getting started. Anyone who is familiar with both worlds (games and retail) will recognize that the potential has hardly been exhausted yet. Cross-media storytelling, augmented reality and the digital layer via your own smartphone offer completely new possibilities to bring target groups to the store and to establish a connection between them and the location in the long term. Retailers can now be first movers and benefit sustainably from the gaming trend by increasing interaction through gamification and directing visitor flows. Brick-and-mortar retail stores are not only up against other stores like them and online retail. They also compete for their target groups’ time – including against media such as video games. Gamification can help to turn retail into an experience and thus give retailers a chance in this competition.


Louis Vuitton’s “Louis the Game” Burberry

Five tips for brands: 1. Have courage and forge new paths that other brands have not yet taken. 2. Take as inspiration not only components such as collecting points, but also mechanics and dynamics of games. 3. Integrate storytelling and adapt it accordingly to the content marketing of the brand.


4. Think about gamification in the store concept right from the start. 5. In the long term, it is more important to increase the experience through gamification in-store than to create a shortterm drive-to-store.





Embracing the ‘store of the future

Alex Rutter, UKI Director, Retail, Google Cloud

In recent years, retail has experienced a digital overhaul unmatched by other industries. Forced to adapt to a permanent shift in consumer behaviours and expectations as a result of the pandemic, the industry accelerated its digital transformation dramatically last year. Retailers large and small embraced technology solutions able to meet the needs of the post-pandemic consumer, and that was just the beginning. In 2022, retailers will leverage digital technology and data-drive innovations to tackle the continued challenges posed by COVID-19, and deliver exceptional customer experiences online, in-store and everywhere in between.

The value of data In capturing and effectively managing data, retailers today can draw invaluable insights across the business, supporting both company and customer personalisation. Many leading retailers are already leveraging data to address areas where there are clear metrics and opportunities to calculate return on investment, and we expect to see lots more of this in 2022. Large-scale analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence(AI) can prove effective for operational efficiency, deploying associates, tracking


inventory and more. For example, Google Cloud’s partnership with retail brand Lush enabled the business to improve customer experiences, enhance inventory optimisation and boost sustainable sales through development of its AI-powered, intelligent mobile app, Lush Lense. In grasping a good working understanding of their customer and company data next year, more retailers will be able to follow Lush’s example. They will be able to venture into new areas, encourage customers to engage in new ways, and develop a sharp enough profile of their activities to personalise and fully optimise their operations.

Prioritising personalisation There is no business more customerfocused than retail, and so it’s no surprise that the sector has embraced digital technology to better understand what their customers want. This year, many retailers will come to realise that now familiar personalisation solutions have value outside the customer-facing realm, and can be leveraged to tackle logistical and operational challenges too, such as disruptions facing the supply chain. Supply chains are broken everywhere from manufacturing, to storage and shipment. On top of this, every company has a unique set of circumstances to contend with, tackling challenges with partners, inventories, store locations and more. In this environment, understanding how, for example, a particular supply chain disruption will affect customer delivery in two months is critical. Company personalisation enables visibility of things like local weather, time of delivery, and even an outlook for finding and recruiting new staff. The ability to understand oneself and one’s environment in this way enables retailers to look ahead and predict previously unforeseen

challenges, empowering them to prepare with confidence.

The store of tomorrow, today Following a period of preparation for the post-covid world, the convergence of digital and physical retail experiences are now commonplace. Caused at least in part by continued high street lockdown closures and the subsequent shift to ecommerce, 80% of consumers now engage with digital touchpoints at some stage of their shopping journey. The omnichannel store of the future is here, and retailers must embrace this reality to avoid being left behind. In combining lessons from the pandemic with tried and tested retail strategies, leading brands have been able to merge the worlds of online and physical retail to offer customers the best of both. This means delivering enhanced customer experiences combining the emotional connection of in-store with the convenience of online. Mobile purchasing, checkout-free stores, same-day delivery and in-store pickup are just some of the customer benefits enabled by an omnichannel strategy, whilst seamless digital offers of this kind allow retailers greater visibility into customer behaviour, shopping preferences and product interest. Having built up its digital capabilities over a number of years, data-driven innovation has long been an area of interest for the retail industry. With COVID-19 as the catalyst, digital technology solutions will move from interesting to vital this year. Consumer expectations are shifting, the lines between in-store and online are blurring, and the technologies able to support retailers in this new space are multiplying. In 2022, retailers will embark on some of their most significant transformations to date.


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18/02/2021 13:58:17

Products @retailfocus

PRODUCTS TORMAX Hygienic Pedestrian Traffic Control from TORMAX Offering a modular solution to the pressing need for retail outlets to more closely regulate the number of people entering their shop, TORMAX has launched a new add-on module, TORMAX count+go. Working in tandem with any TORMAX sliding or folding automatic entrance, this module effectively controls the number of people entering an area, setting the door to close when a pre-set limit is reached. Operated via smartphone, tablet or laptop, TORMAX count+go synchronises the timing of entry to ensure a hygienic physical distance is maintained between individuals, issuing a clear acoustic signal to alert pedestrians to wait. W:

STYLE Style Secures HSW The UK’s leading moveable and partitioning wall specialist, Style, has further strengthened its partnership with the dormakaba Group by securing the exclusive UK distribution of its interior glass Horizontal Sliding Walls (HSW) range. The partnership means that Style will now offer a complete end-to-end process for architects, contractors and end user clients for the specification, provision and installation of dormakaba’s HSW partitioning systems. “dormakaba’s HSW range is a world leading portfolio of single glazed moveable partitioning wall systems, popular in high street shops, retail outlets in airports and shopping centres, restaurants and banks,” said Julian Sargent, Style’s group managing director. W: E: S @StylePartitions



STYLE PARTITIONS Demand for Glass Moveable Walls Hits All-time High Glass moveable walls are today’s ‘en vogue’ method of creating light, airy, flexible space with specifications from architects and interior designers at an all-time high. According to Mark Cowley, who heads up the glazed Horizontal Sliding Walls (HSW) division of the UK’s leading moveable wall specialist, Style, the demand for glass partitioning systems has rocketed. “Shops and restaurants, particularly in indoor arcades and shopping centres, are increasingly choosing glass partitioning walls to open up their entire frontage – offering a more welcoming, open feel to the premises while retaining visibility when the wall is closed”, said Cowley.

W: E: S @StylePartitions

PowrPOD PowrPods are unique charging stations, delivering increased footfall for businesses such as salons, restaurants, or retail outlets. Not only do they solve a perennial problem for consumers, low battery anxiety, but the PowrApp app also directs consumers to their nearest local charging station, and can promote vendor special offers. This is a key way to drive more consumers into businesses. Sponsored pods are currently in place at various locations in the UK, including universities, where the pods have proved a huge success with sponsored brands and students. Lauren Jade Adams, Founder of PowrPod, said that: “Everyone is suffering now due to the dire economic consequences of the pandemic. Our charging solutions provide an essential service for people on the go and helps increase footfall into businesses in a safe and controlled manner and generating a much-needed new revenue stream for the vendor.” Each PowrPod is a custom-made, high-tech table that is supplied with a range of comfortable seating, super-fast

Qi wireless charging pads and charging cables, a touchfree hand sanitiser dispenser and an 18.5” LED digital advertising screen. The Bar Call app is a digital ordering system that is based on consumer input and feedback. E: Twitter: PowrUpClub



PRODUCTS Troldtekt Danish manufactured Troldtekt panels are commonly specified throughout the UK and Europe to improve the interior acoustic environment. Troldtekt® line forms nine acoustic solutions that make up the “design solutions” range which combines the best ideals of form and function. Founded on the Cradle to Cradle design concept, 100% Troldtekt’s natural wood wool panels are manufactured in a new state-of-the-art production facility. With a variety of different surfaces and colours, they can be supplied in the FSC® 100% category (FSC®C115450) contributing to a building’s BREEAM, DGNB and LEED rating. In addition to their high sound absorption and tactile surface, the panels offer high durability and low cost life cycle performance, as well as inherent sustainability. They are also a natural, breathable material which can absorb and release moisture, which is why they have been awarded an Allergy Friendly Product Award by Allergy UK. T. +44 (0)1978 664255 W.

FAAC Entrance Solutions Following the completion of the EUR 100 million acquisition by the Italian multinational FAAC Group earlier this year, 7 European divisions of Assa Abloy Entrance Systems and Agta Record (also part of the ASSA ABLOY Group) are now being rebranded as FAAC Entrance Solutions. As part of the EU Commission approved purchase, FAAC Entrance Solutions UK Limited will be the sole supplier of all ASSA ABLOY branded automatic pedestrian door products in the United Kingdom, including swing, slide and revolving door systems and operators. The UK division (Auto Pedestrian Doors Limited Registration No. 1256207), based in Sunbury-On-Thames – has now been rebranded as FAAC Entrance Solutions UK Limited. The transaction doesn’t represent any operational changes to management, staffing, services, or product offering. The legal entities registration number remains unchanged. The new identity roll out will start on 30th of November and will be completed in 2021.



Flooring + Surfaces

Armourcoat Decorative specialists Armourcoat have provided the finishing touches to The Soak, a new bar and restaurant next to London’s Victoria Station with an all-day menu that is built around signature soaked flavours through fermenting, pickling, brining and steeping techniques. Armourcoat’s Koncrete polished plaster finish is used to great effect on the bar front with recessed logo. Koncrete is an urban range of polished plaster colours and finishes designed for contemporary projects. The range offers a wealth of design options to achieve a distinctive modern look including distressed effects or recessed ‘shutter’ markings. Outside the building, Armourcoat PPX has been used to repeat the restaurant logo design. PPX is a low maintenance, durable external limestone render system that can create stunning honed and textured stone like finishes for both new build and renovation projects. T. +44 (0) 1732 460668 E. Twitter: @armourcoat



HOSPITALITY AND LEISURE NEWS The latest design projects featured on The Conduit, WAREHOUSE The Mercers’ C omp a ny ha s a nnounc ed tha t The Cond uit, a c ommuni ty c ommi tted to s o c i al , environmenta l , a nd ec onomi c c hang e, i s to de bu t its first p ub lic -fa c i ng res ta ura nt, W a rehou s e , o n th e 16th November, a t 6 L a ng l ey Street, C oven t G ar de n . Op ening withi n the rec entl y l a unc hed C on du i t members club i n C ovent Ga rd en, b ut enti r e l y o pe n to the pub lic, the 2 , 0 0 0 s q ft W a rehous e res tau r an t w i l l opera te a n 80 -c over res ta urant on i ts g rou n d f l o o r .

Curzon, Camden Market Hawley Wharf C urzon has opened i ts l a tes t c i nema w i thi n C am de n Ma rket Ha wley Wha rf’ s hi s tori c ra i l w a y a rc he s . The 6,000 sq ft l a nd ma rk venue c ons i s ts of f i v e sep a ra te thea tre s , ea c h w i th 30 s ea ts . The ci n e m a wa s designed by Ta k ero Shi ma za k i Arc hi tec ts , w h o al so worked with C urzon on thei r i c oni c B l oo m s bu r y loca tion.



Hotel AMANO, Covent Garden Hotel AMANO Covent Ga rd en i s a new b outi qu e lifesty le hotel o p eni ng i n s p ri ng 2 0 2 2 tha t pr o m i s e s to bring the cool a nd vi b ra nt energ y of B er l i n to the heart of Lond on. L oc a ted on C ovent Gar de n ’ s Drury La ne, thi s new k i d on the b l oc k i s the f i r s t internationa l d es ti na ti on from B erl i n-b a s ed h o te l i e r , The AMANO Gro up , w hi c h c urrentl y ha s ei g h t h o te l s i n Berlin, one in M uni c h, a nd one i n D üs s el do r f . Formerly a 1 98 0 s offi c e b ui l d i ng know n a s D r u r y House, this 141-room p rop erty i s the fi rs t of m u l ti pl e AMANO hotels s et to op en i n L ond on. Hotel A M A NO Covent Gard en w i l l offer a new d es ti na ti on f o r Lond oners to s oc i a l i s e i n, as w el l a s vi s i tor s c o m i n g to the city . Here y ou’ l l fi nd a b a s ement b a r, re s tau r an t, sky b a r and ro oftop terra c e w i th i mp res s i ve c i ty v i e w s and DJs spinni ng mus i c on w eek end s .

PrettyLittleThing, UK HOTEL Th e Pr e tty L i ttl e Th i n g Ho te l o f f i c i al l y o pe n e d its d o o r s to gu e s ts . D e c k e d o u t w i th Pr e tty L i ttl e Th i n g h o m e w a r e , ac c e s s o r i e s an d tr e ats f o r gu e s ts , th e de co r o f th e h o te l i s de s i gn e d to gi v e gu e s ts a tas te o f th e lu x u r y l i f e s ty l e . U po n ar r i v al , gu e s ts ar e gi v e n a h o te l g u ide o u tl i n i n g a r i c h i ti n e r ar y f u l l o f l u x u r y ac t i vitie s to h e lp th e m l e t do w n th e i r h ai r an d r e l ax .


pop & display H&LD

The Londoner Loca ted in the hea rt of L ei c es ter Sq ua re i s an o utsp oken, thea tri c a l hotel s ta nd i ng 30 mete r s h i g h and 3 2 meters b enea th s treet l evel . Thi s i s Th e Londoner, the firs t hotel of i ts k i nd to hi t the c i ty . Designed as an od e to the art of p erforma nce , Y abu Pushelberg c ra fted a rc hetyp es of a the atr e prod uction’s ca s t a nd c rew to p ers oni fy s p a c e s w i th i n the hotel.


H&LD pop & display

Louche Soho, London Louche Soho is Soho’ s new home for d i vers e n i gh tl i f e , live music a nd c a b a ret, hous ed i n a b ui l d i n g w i th a celebra ted story a nd s teep ed i n Soho fol k l o r e . The first notewo rthy op eni ng of a l i ve mus i c v e n u e in Soho in y ears , the 2 60 -c a p ac i ty venue, fe atu r i n g two stag es, op ened on 8 th O c tob er a nd i nte n ds to emula te the old, i nfa mous l ouc he Soho c ul tu r e w i th i ts entertainment and s tyl e. The venue tak es i ts i ns pi ra ti on a nd a es th e t i c f r o m the old Soho of the 1 92 0 s a nd i s a c el eb ra ti o n o f Soho nightlife throug h the era s , c a pturi ng th e l i v e s within them and c ha mp i oni ng the l oos e a nd i n c l u s i v e attitud es tha t ma d e the a rea : the ri c h c ha ra c te r s , th e history and the d ra ma . Broug ht to you b y the tea m b ehi nd the Re c o r ds Bars, it will be thei r mos t d i s ti nc ti ve venue to date . Split over a n old three-s torey tow nhous e, ne w l y r efurbished in li ne w i th the b ui l d i ng ’ s hi s tor y , th e s i te contains incons p i c uous s p a c es , ol d -E ng l i s h pan e l l e d suites, and alcoves tha t c omp l ement the l ow -l i t, r affish interior tha t s how s the s tory of Soho o n i ts walls.

The Barbary Next Door, London S h af te s bu r y h as an n o u n c e d th e o f f i c i al o pe n in g o f a n e w r e l ax e d n e i gh bo u r h o o d r e s tau r an t a n d w in e bar , Th e B ar bar y Ne x t D o o r , th e ‘ l i ttl e s i s ter ’ co n ce p t adj ac e n t to Th e B ar bar y i n Ne al ’ s Y ar d, S e ve n D ia ls . Ope n f r o m e ar l y i n th e m o r n i n g u n ti l e ve n in g , th e 3 0 0 s q f t Th e B ar bar y Ne x t D o o r r e s tau r ant lo ca te d at 1 6a Ne al ’ s Y ar d s e r v e s a m e n u i n s pi r e d by th e f r a g r a n t s pi c e s an d s m o k y f l av o u r s o f M o o r i s h S pain a n d No r th A f r i c an c o o k i n g.



Q&A John Bagshaw Managing Director at International Decorative Surfaces You recently added Merinolam to the IDS portfolio, can you tell us why? We recognised the market need for an ex-stock range of fire-rated decorative laminate offering immediate availability to customers anywhere in the UK. Merino was the right brand partner for us in this exclusive distribution agreement as we have enjoyed a good working relationship with the company for more than 10 years - we know them well and like how they do business. They are among the top five producers of laminate in the world and are responsible for manufacturing an impressive 18 million plus sheets per year. Their investment in high-quality manufacturing processes and commitment to design innovation and environmental sustainability all perfectly align with our own principles and business practices. There is huge potential for Merino here in the UK and we’re really excited about this new partnership. What are its key attributes and potential applications in retail design? Merinolam offers retail designers and shopfitters a collection of 55 creative and high-performance laminates in a spectrum of industry bestselling colours and designs. Reflecting strong demand for Fire Rated laminate, the Merinolam FR+ Fire Retardant Laminate collection comes in a wide choice of plain colours, patterns and woodgrains. We’ve also introduced the Luvih super matt anti-fingerprint range which responds to the ongoing trend for fashionable and tactile matt finishes and there are also several speciality decors including metallics and through-colour options to ensure we can cater for all customer needs. A major selling point of the range is that all Merinolam decors across the FR+, Luvih and speciality collections are available ex stock for deliver to anywhere in the UK in 24-48 hours. Everything is supplied polycoated as standard, assuring protection against potential damage at every stage of the supply chain journey. Merinolam can be used with absolute confidence across a wide range of horizontal and vertical applications in the retail environment including counter tops, cash and wrap desks, displays and furniture. Is FR grade becoming more important to retail designers and shopfitters? In short yes. FR grade is becoming more important, particularly in the wake of Grenfell which has naturally led to heightened awareness around fire prevention. We’re seeing growing demand from customers including fast food chains, who recognise the benefits of putting in place additional fire safety measures for peace of mind and potential future proofing. Merinolam offers the only stocked FR range currently available in the UK. With other manufacturer brands on the market, products are made to order and have a lead time which could potentially delay projects. Merinolam offers a market-led selection of highly popular colours,patterns and woodgrains that a customer can get in 24-48 hours if they want it. The important point retail designers and shopfitters should be aware of when working with FR Rated laminates, is that the laminate manufacturer is not liable for the Fire Rating of bonded products and components as this will vary depending on the materials used. It is for this reason that all combinations should be FR tested independently to meet specific requirements.

John Bagshaw, Managing Director of IDS, which has been appointed the exclusive UK distributor for Merinolam.

And what about Luvih, why have you introduced this range? Supermatt anti-fingerprint finishes are becoming ever more popular because they give a premium aesthetic and are also highly practical. In high footfall retail environments, they’re ideal for creating a luxury customer experience for customers while their durability means they’re easy to clean and maintain. The Luvih collection comprises eight contemporary decors specifically selected for the UK market which give a satin smooth, matt surface that looks and feels very high end while being incredibly hard-working. Luvih is highly resistant to superficial micro scratches, impact, moisture and stains and it doesn’t leave unsightly fingerprints, grease marks or smudges, which is ideal in high traffic areas. The material is also very hygienic with anti-bacterial properties, which as we all know has become even more important since the start of the pandemic. Luvih is available in two sheet sizes of 3050mm x 1300mm x 0.8mm and 4300mm x 1550mm x 0.8mm to give customers greater creative and fabrication flexibility. What other benefits does Merinolam offer retail designer and shopfitters? Customers have complete flexibility to order exactly what they want to meet their project requirements, whether that’s a single sheet, a mixed pick or multiple pallets. They have


Above: Merinolam ex stock FR+ woodgrain laminate in Sea Beech and Luvih super-matt laminates in Charcoal and Blaze Grey, exclusively available from IDS. Below: Merinolam ex stock Uni+ Colonial White solid core laminate and FR+ Wenge woodgrain laminate, exclusively available from IDS.

the freedom to utilise different colours and designs with no minimum order quantity, from one sheet to 1000 sheets in absolutely any décor of their choice. What are the main considerations when it comes to choosing surfaces for the retail environment? It’s important that retail designers strike the right balance between creating attractive and customer friendly environments which can also withstand huge daily footfall. Materials that are highly durable are key here and hygiene is an ever more important consideration. There’s also a heightened focus on fire prevention for many customers in the retail sector. With Merinolam customers are assured of a product that offers huge design scope, with the assurance of a brand that is committed to the highest standards in its manufacturing processes. Merino offers certifications including Greenguard, FSC®, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and EN 438. Supply chain issues and the impact on product availability have dominated over the past 18 months. How has IDS dealt with this? We are the UK’s largest distributor of decorative surfaces and as such our financial strength, size, network of UK wide branches and strong relationships with manufacturing partners means we can hold an extensive stock on the

ground across all our product lines. These qualities mean we’ve been able to assure continuity of supply and a guarantee of accurate, on time delivery during these challenging times. As with all our product lines, Merinolam can be picked, packed and delivered to customers within 24-48 hours nationwide, even just one sheet if required. This will avoid any time penalty clauses and ensure retail projects remain on track.

T: 0845 7 298 298 E: W: 57


Latest SDEA member survey finds a resilient market despite turbulent backdrop

In spite of the currently unstable supply chain climate within the UK and the continuing battle with covid and inflationary pressures, SDEA is pleased to report a vote of confidence from within the display industry. The latest SDEA survey reveals 66% of members experienced an increase in sales for the final six months of 2021 compared with the same period of 2020 – the average increase in sales being an encouraging 29%. An additional 58% of respondents further reported an increase in sales in the second half of 2021 when compared to the first six months, with the average increase being 26%. Encouragingly this upward trend looks set to continue. When asked to forecast their sales prospects for the first half of 2022, 50% of SDEA members expected their sales to rise by an average of 17%. In light of this sales increase a substantial section of the respondents had also increased their staff levels – 33% reported increasing their staff levels during the previous six months and 50% expect to employ extra staff in the coming six months. This positive outlook has been despite price increases – 91% of members experienced increased supplier prices over the past six months with a 19% average rise. A further 73% expected supplier prices to rise over the next six months by a projected 11% average. SDEA Director, Antony Behiels says, “It is extremely encouraging to see SDEA members’ sales continue to rise. From our survey responses the industry remains buoyant despite the volatile worldwide economy with the first half of 2022 looking healthy. However, it is evident that suppliers’ price inflation continues to impact members at an even greater scale than in recent years.”


Photo Credit: SLVHCS ‘Project Legacy’, New Orleans, USA © Sean Airhart/NBBJ

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