Create A Morning Ritual

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We all want that perfect body but it’s not easy with life these days. We have our career, our family, our friends, and let’s not forget general “adulting” responsibilities. Modern life has so many wonderful advancements but our lives continue to get busier and busier, we are always connected. How can we find the time to work on ourselves? The key to success in the gym is changing our routine. We all have 24 hours in the day; you might as well make the most of it. Your morning routine is the first place experts recommend you start with improving your routine. A solid morning ritual will set the course of your entire day and if you are not starting your day properly, it could be affecting other areas of your life that you aren't aware off. Start by getting your body warmed up. Think of it as making a meal, you likely are not going to throw all the ingredients in a bowl mix it up and put it on the stove top. No, you are going to follow the recipe step by step adding ingredients and heat as needed. This delicate dance of cooking, if you follow the directions correctly will provide the end result of a magnificent meal. Same is true of our routines. Do you find yourself waking up in the morning in agony that the alarm has gone off; just give me 20minutes you tell yourself? Or perhaps you wake up scattered and feel like you are scrambling to get organized to get out the door to start your day.

Whatever it may be we all could probably work on how we start out the day. Number one, get your body moving in the right way. When you start your day you need to get your endorphins flowing. An easy way to do this is by jumping rope for 5-10minutes after you get up. The importance of getting the "blood flowing" as the old timers might say, is that your energy level throughout the day will be greatly increased. This is because you engaged your body first thing in the morning. This is a primal method of thinking; once you get going your body will want to keep going. Our ancestors lived in a world with constant physical activity but in our world today we hardly put our body to the physical tests that we are capable of. All due to the fact that you engaged your body fist thing in the morning. The bonus to increased physical activity will not only shine through in our vanity to look good but will improve our overall mental wellness.

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