We all have things we want, yet we don’t always work for it. We make excuses: it’s too hard, I can’t, I’m not qualified, I don’t know where to start, I don’t want to put myself out there. Those are just our fears speaking. Life is short and you need to grab it by the lapels and go after what you want. Maybe you have been in your position for a long time and really want that promotion but you are too quiet, you don’t speak up at meetings, maybe you have amazing ideas but let others take credit for them. STOP! Speak up, share your ideas and show your boss you deserve that promotion. Work your tail off and go after it! Maybe you want to change industries all together- what’s stopping you? It’s okay that you don’t have experience in it. Remember when you started your first job, you probably didn’t have experience then, but someone took a chance on you. Someone will take a chance on you again and who cares if you have to start from the bottom, if you’ve done it before you can do it again. Changing careers shows you aren’t afraid of hard work. Go out there and get it girl! If you believe in yourself others will believe in you too. Don’t just go after your work and career goals, go after your fitness goals as well! Pick something that scares you or that you think you’d never be able to do. Then work towards it every day! It may not happen overnight, it may take months or even years to achieve your goal but know that once you reach it you will be happy that you stuck with it. Go after the love you deserve. Don’t settle for anything less than amazing! Find someone who will put in as much effort as you. There is someone out there that will match you on goals, someone who will
inspire you, someone who is on your level, and someone you can have intelligent and meaningful conversations with. You are an amazing woman, don’t settle for less. Whatever you want, whatever your goals are don’t be afraid of them. Go out there and start, work towards them every day. I promise you in a year you will look back and be happy you started when you did. Revere your fellow females as they strive to reach their goals and revere yourself for reaching for yours. You create your own reality; make it beautiful and one you are proud of. #REVEREHER #WOMENEMPOWERINGWOMEN