Health is something we tend to take for granted when we are younger, but grows ever more important with age. So what do we do to maintain good health?! We go to the gym, we watch what we eat, but we still have concerns about our health. One thing we have found with new research is the importance of what kind of food we consume. Studies have shown that out of 100 test subjects that were put on a regulated diet had massive differences in the overall health after a 12 week study. Fifty of the participants were provided processed foods that are carried in health stores, that we assume are healthy. The other fifty participants were put on a whole food, non processed food diet with zero grains and only wild caught fish and free range meat. At the end of the study the participants that consumed what some call healthy food but processed, had a large increase in blood pressure, weight gain, and cholesterol increase. On the other hand the participants that were on a whole food diet had significant weight loss, improved cardiovascular function, lower blood pressure, and a drop in cholesterol. This study is one of many we have reviewed, giving us a better understanding on diet. So when we are walking down the aisle at the health food store and we see the all organic energy bars, we should curb our natural reaction to grab what the marketers are telling us is a good and healthy all organic snacks. In fact, the serving size alone, for example the energy bars, well exceeds what should be considered a mid day snack.
Take a little more time next time you are at the sore, read the ingredients of what you are looking to purchase, buy more raw food and start making more tasty meals at home from scratch. Stick to this plan for a few weeks and I guarantee you will notice the difference. Here is to our health and a healthy lifestyle. Revereher!