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International Convention and Expo
The Caribbean, Central and South American Corrugators Association (ACCCSA) groups together corrugated board manufacturers from 25 countries in the Latin American region. ACCCSA is member of the International Corrugated Case Association (ICCA) and the Spanish Association of Corrugated Board Manufacturers (AFCO, in Spanish). ACCCSA also includes organizational associates such as CAFCO from Argentina and ABPO from Brazil. In addition, ACCCSA is acknowledged by international associations like TAPPI and AICC from the United States, and FEFCO, the Corrugated Board European Manufacturers Federation.
More than 650 Latin American corrugated board specialists meet at this event. More than 80 companies exhibit cutting edge technology and services that aim the strengthening the industry. Well-known speakers update the manufacturers on relevant topics to encourage the sector’s continuous improvement.
International Convention and Expo ACCCSA 2008
The Convention features two important events: the keynote and technical conferences in charge of specialists, consultants, and suppliers who discuss up-to-date topics and show the latest technology in machinery, equipment, parts, and supplies. The other event is the Trade Expo which provides the unique opportunity of having direct, oneon-one contact with a wide range of qualified buyers and suppliers in the corrugating industry. The Expo has proven to be one of the most relevant activities within the Latin American corrugating industry.
You are invited to join us in Argentina next June 2008.
For space reservation, go to www.accsa.org or contact paola.rimolo@acccsa.org
You can also call to (506) 204 7201 • 204 7202 or Fax: (506) 204 7203, or write to: P.O.Box 04-6155 Forum, San José, Costa Rica