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Registration and Hotel Reservations
Registration and Hotel Reservations
The enclosed registration and hotel reservation form must be filled and returned to the address indicated below, with your payment of corresponding fee by check payable to ACCCSA International or credit card charge authorization.
Name: Last Name: Title: Company: Postal address: City: State: Country: Zip Code: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Accompanying spouse and/or children:
Registration Fees
Up to 31/05/2008 ® Corrugator Member Non member ® First US$450.00 US$550.00 ® Additional US$250.00 US$300.00 ® Spouse US$250.00 US$300.00 ® Supplier With Stand ® First (included in the price of the Stand) ® Additional US$350.00 ® Spouse US$300.00 After Member US$500.00 US$300.00 US$250.00 Without Stand US$ 1,800.00 US$ 400.00 US$ 350.00 Non member US$600.00 US$350.00 US$300.00
Payment or charge authorization to any of the credit cards indicated in the registration form must be made upon registration. Cancellations must be notified in writing. No refunds can be made for cancellations made after May 31, 2008.
Hotel Accommodations
Rooms are available at selected hotels at the following special guaranteed rates, buffet breakfast included: Sheraton Buenos Aires ® Single ® Double ® Standard US$ 125.00 US$ 140.00 ® Executive flor US$ 165.00 US$ 180.00 (Plus 21% tax) Date of arrival__________________ Departure________________________ Please indicate hotel choice and type of room desired and enclose payment for one night deposit (taxes included) or give internationally valid credit card number to guarantee first night. Available rooms will be allocated in the order in which requests are received. Hotel reservation requests can only be made through the organizers in conjunction with the Convention registration, before May 31, 2008. Changes or cancellations must be made in writing prior to arrival. No deposit refunds can be made after this date.
For shipment of the form: fax: (506) 204-7203
For more information: please contact the organizers at the following address or visit ACCCSA’s web site at www.acccsa.org, or: Attentión: Javier Rivera, Executive Director / jrivera@acccsa,org Paola Rimolo, Operations Director / paola.rimolo@acccsa.org 12 Parque Empresarial Forum, San José, Costa Rica Tel. (506) 204-7201/ 204-7202 Fax: (506) 204-7203
Method of payment:
Check enclosed payable to: ACCCSA Internacional (Checks from banks outside the U.S.A., are not accepted. Please contact ACCCSA for wire transfers) American Express Master Card Visa
Name: ________________________________________________ Number _____________________ Exp. Date__________
Pyment includes:
Registration fee US$ ______________ Accompaning persons US$ ______________ Hotel deposit* US$ ______________ Total: US$ ______________ *Only if you dont give the hotel credit card number as a guarrantee for the reservation; include the payment of the deposit of one night, plus 10% with your check or bank transfer payment.