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meditations for an everyday relationship with Jesus

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Peaceable kingdom

Peaceable kingdom

Never enough

Haggai 1:5 –6 Now, the Lord of Hosts says this: "Think carefully about your ways: “You have planted much but harvested little.


You eat but never have enough to be satisfied. You drink but never have enough to become drunk. You put on clothes but never have enough to get warm. The wage earner [puts his] wages into a bag with a hole in it."

Why is it that we never have enough? Is it because of there being too little or is there another reason? Is it because we are unwise with what little we do have?

the voice God gave me


John 3:12 If I have told you about things that happen on earth and you don't believe, how will you believe if I tell you about things of heaven?

We believe what we want to believe. Sometimes it involves heaven, and other times not. Jesus knew this all too well. That is why he timed His delivery of sensitive information so that the disciples could “eat it in little bites.” Too much good information is the same as misinformation: it is more than the recipient can handle.

The Christ-follower’s simple claim to belief might begin like this: “I believe that God exists. The proof is all around me. There is no other reasonable explanation for the perfect harmony I see around me every day. It is easier, for me, to believe that God did this than to invent an alternative. I choose to believe.”

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