2 minute read
meditations for an everyday relationship with Jesus
Biblical community
Acts 2:42-47 And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayers. Then fear came over everyone, and many wonders and signs were being performed through the apostles. Now all the believers were together and had everything in common. So they sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as anyone had a need. And every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple complex, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added those being saved to them.
This is where we text our friend with 75 acres outside of town and see if he is ready to donate the land and join our commune of Acts 2 believers.
And while it may come to that before it is all unwinds, it is far more likely that we will continue to live our lives in very ordinary ways keeping our antenna up for signs that the wind might be blowing in a different direction. In the everyday experience of the early believers there was an intentionality about meeting that took on a legitimate sense of urgency. The faithful were preparing for the return of Jesus, and they were supporting one another spiritually and emotionally by gathering as a community. The next meeting was never guaranteed.
We should gather in these days in the same way and with the same sense of urgency. Persecution may be subtle but it is no less real ...
Temptation, trial and testing
James 1:12 Blessed is a man who endures trials, because when he passes the test he will receive the crown of life that He has promised to those who love Him.
What are these trials that James is referring to? Are he and theApostle Paul comparing notes? There was always a naïve belief, I suppose, that life would be blessed and therefore easier for the believer.
Well, passing the test is not a pop quiz; it is a passage into eternity via death of the flesh. In our passage we receive the crown, the reward of eternal life, as promised. Life in the mean time can be hard … and we are not guaranteed special treatment. If we are living a truly Christian life, and doing it “by the Book” we can expect very tough times, very sweet times, and lots of time in between that is neither good nor bad. Life is life except that we are not on a journey by ourselves.
The big difference between believers and unbelievers is 1.) more peace in the flesh and 2.) unimaginable joy in eternity. That makes our faith worth waiting for and worth enduring all of the ups and downs!