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meditations for an everyday relationship with Jesus
Is teaching for everyone?
James 3:1 Not many should become teachers, my brothers, knowing that we will receive a stricter judgment; the voice God gave me
This is not an issue of knowledge or intellectual development, but about the potential for misleading those who need truth the most.
Those who teach are those with greater influence and authority, and therefore held to a higher standard and closer scrutiny. This is clearly evident when we look at the wide range of misunderstood and misused doctrine and Scriptural interpretation being lofted by those in positions of significant authority. Many are well-intended; however, if it is not Jesus first it is distorted and has great potential for damage.
New believers, and the rebellious among us, are far more susceptible to false doctrine. Jesus Himself warns of this in the last days when He is quoted in the Olivet Discourse from the Matthew’s Gospel Believe what is consistent and true. … test it.
Mark 8:11–12 The Pharisees came out and began to argue with Him, demanding of Him a sign from heaven to test Him. But sighing deeply in His spirit, He said, "Why does this generation demand a sign? I assure you: No sign will be given to this generation!"
We all wants signs and wonders to back up our beliefs and our actions. No one understands that better than me. I am dependent upon the love and affirmations of others; I am especially vulnerable when I do not receive visible cues. This is ok except when we become reluctant to act in faith, and on our belief, because of our dependency upon signs.
I do not believe that faith is a “once and done” experience. It has to be cultivated though practice like everything else we learn. It is not natural for us to wait or to believe without tangible support.
Yet, by the work of the Holy Spirit we can become better at waiting and acting in good measure. We anticipate the appropriate time to act.