2 minute read
meditations for an everyday relationship with Jesus
Not a burden
2Thessalonians 3:8 … we did not eat anyone's bread free of charge; instead, we labored and toiled, working night and day, so that we would not be a burden to any of you.
This actually goes to good citizenship … a virtue sorely lacking. A symptom of societal decay that is prevalent in our culture is the multigenerational assumption that entitlement is an acceptable lifestyle choice.
If one thing that has fallen out of favor, especially among the hopeless, it is the belief that contribution is key to self worth. If we look at the significant number of disabled, drug addicted, unemployed, mentally ill and incarcerated it is apparent that taking is an inverse contribution: one that takes rather than contributes or gives back more than it takes.
Paul tells us again and again that being a good example will do more to attract those in need of salvation than preaching will. Let your life be your testimony.
The greatest thirst; the hunger
Psalm 42:1 As a deer longs for streams of water, so I long for You, God.
the voice God gave me meditations for an everyday relationship with Jesus
A friend told me that he wants to be ravenous for the Word of God! He does not want to settle for lapping up the Word or sipping it like milk. He wants to be carnivorous for the meat of truth!
Are you a carnivore for the Word of God? Are you passionate to sink your teeth into the marrow of God’s holiness and mystery?
If you, like my friend Steve, are one of the passionate few be certain that you attend a Bible-believing church, understand your Spiritual gifts and study the Word with trusted friends. These are precarious times so stick together ...
Sing to the Lord; rejoice
Isaiah 44:23 Rejoice, heavens, for the Lord has acted; shout, depths of the earth. Break out into singing, mountains, forest, and every tree in it. For the Lord has redeemed Jacob, and glorifies Himself through Israel.
All creation will rejoice: God’s child Jacob and His children Israel will be redeemed, Jerusalem will scintillate like a crown jewel.
The earth will shout deep and wide
Every mountain peak will sing its praises
Every forest and every tree will bow Jacob will be redeemed and Israel glorified …
Jesus Christ will reign, the Church will be His bride and Jerusalem the Father’s dowry.
There is a method
Matthew 1:17 So all the generations from Abraham to David were 14 generations; and from David until the exile to Babylon, 14 generations; and from the exile to Babylon until the Messiah, 14 generations.
Rather than getting hung up on numerology, obsessing over sets and subsets, epochs and eons, God wants us to get totally hung up on Him. He is cosmic, He is orderly, and He brings direction into the chaos we call life.
Our God is a consistent God ... a Creator God, and Father we can fully rely upon. Our God has a personal plan for every believer, one that is immaculately tuned for our good and His glory. We can lean on Him with complete confidence. He is our Thousand Foot Crutch.
Yes, enjoy numbers like 1, 3, 7, 12, 40 & 144, but do not let these numbers create a spirit of obsession with them In Romans Paul tells us that Jesus died for the ungodly,“… at the appointed moment.” In Ecclesiastes we are told that that “He has made everything appropriate in its time.”
Trust Him.