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from NASCC2021
at their office located in Building 2740, Room 112. Most of the community housing is available in Kingsville, Bishop, Ricardo and Riviera. Utility deposits may be charged for electricity, water, refuse collection, and gas. Bring a copy of your last utility bill to provide to the utility company to facilitate services.
The Housing Service Center can email you information about Kingsville and the surrounding areas upon request. You may also visit the command web site (http:// www.cn ic.navy.mil / kingsville for information about the air station and surrounding areas.
The day-to-day management, maintenance and operations of the PPV complexes are the responsibility of the Property Management/ Owner Manager. Residents should contact the manager when there are concerns or issues regarding occupancy at either location. Maintenance work requests must be submitted in writing to the management office. However, if there is an issue which does not get proper attention you should bring it to the attention of the Housing Service Center.
The Housing Service Center maintains a referral list of military personnel wanting to live in PPV housing. Active-duty military with families have top priority. If PPV housing cannot be filled by active¬ duty families, other categories of personnel including military bachelors and civilian employees then become eligible.
Applications for housing consist of: (1) DD1746 Application for Assignment to Housing (completed and signed by the active-duty member); (2) copy of the active-duty member's original orders; and (3) Certification of Dependents documentation (examples of dependent certification documents include NAVPERS 1070/603 Record of Emergency Data/ Dependency Application (Page 2), a NAVCOMPT 3072 Dependency Action Status, or a DD1172 Application for Uniformed Services Identification Card [DEERS Enrollment].
Applications may be made at any time after receipt of PCS orders and up to 30 days after reporting to new permanent duty station. Control dates will normally be the date of detachment from your last PCS. Applicants must confirm their application by contacting the Housing Service Center on their detaching date or no later than 30 days after reporting to their new duty station.
Applications may be faxed to (361) 516- 6988 or DSN 876-6988, e-mailed to kngv¬ housing@navy.mil, or mailed to: Housing Service Center 554 McCain Street Suite 114, Kingsville, TX 78363.
Personal Property (Household Goods) Phone: (361) 516-6289
Household goods shipments (pack outs, storage and deliveries) are arranged by the Personal Property Shipping Office (PPSO) located at NAS Corpus Christi. A representative of that office is available at NAS Kingsville every Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:20 p.m. Inquiries can be made other times by contacting the Corpus Christi office at (361) 961-3742 or 961-3729 from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Texas A&M University- Kingsville Phone: (361) 595-2111 www.tamuk.edu
Texas A&M University-Kingsville began in 1925 as South Texas Teachers College. Through preservation of its original buildings, the campus offers a unique blend of architectural significant structures and modern classrooms. Texas A&M University-Kingsville is the oldest continuously operating public institution of higher learning in South Texas. The school was chartered as the South Texas Normal School in 1917; however, the opening of the school was delayed due to World War I. Founded in 1925 as South Texas State Teachers College, The university’s name changed