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Club Facilities
from NASCC2021
Fleet Logistics Center Jacksonville NAS Kingsville Detachment
Phone: (361) 516-6221 www.navsup.navy.mil/navsup/ourteam/navsupgls/navsupflcj NAVSUP FLC Jacksonville Detachment NAS Kingsville's mission is to provide logistics support to NAS Kingsville, Training Air Wing TWO and other tenant commands. Comprised of aircraft refueling, liquid and aviator breathing oxygen (ABO), and liquid and gaseous nitrogen, the FLC Detachment supports flight operations for TW-2 and its T-45 jet trainer aircraft and transient flights.
Other functions include operating Retail Supply warehousing operations; providing receipt, stowage and issue of flight gear; packaging, shipping and receiving of Depot- level repairable for the contracted aviation maintenance and Ground Electronic maintenance shops; and providing general material support. The retail supply contract employees at this site also provide support for invoice certification and items being shipped to the local Defense Reutilization Material Organization (DRMO) on board NAS Corpus Christi. FLC Det NAS Kingsville also handles postal operations for the installation.
Through Naval Supply Systems Command transformation initiatives, NAVSUP FLC Jacksonville has evolved from a local storefront operation with several remote regional sites to a unified single-point pro¬vider of supply chain and logistics products and services for aIl Navy activities throughout the Southeast Region, from Texas to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
FLC Jacksonville manages a combined budget of $115 million and a workforce of approximately 1,100 personnel at 24 sites, delivering combat capability through logistics, at the right level and the right cost.
Public Works Department (Navy Facilities Command Southeast)
Phone: (361) 516-6464 portal.navfac.navy.mil
The NAS Kingsville Public Works (PW) team consists of 70 employees, including four military officers, two active-duty enlisted personnel, and 64 civil service and contractor personnel. The team works together to support the mission of providing public works services to NAS Kingsville, Navy Auxiliary Landing Field (NALF) Orange Grove, McMullen Target Site and Escondido Ranch.
The Public Works Department also provides in-house and contract support to the air station and is responsible for facility planning, design, construction, maintenance, environmental, hazardous waste management, energy conservation, utilities systems plant operations, transportation, recycling, and self-help coordination.
U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Kingsville Station Sector
Phone: (361) 592-3284
The Kingsville Sector of the U.S. Border Patrol is a major tenant command on board the air station. With nearly 250 agents assigned to the command, the Kingsville Sector plays an important role in manning the Sarita Checkpoint. In addition to performing checkpoint duties, agents perform highway interdiction operations, brush crew details, train checks, and ATV operations.


U.S. Army Reserve F Company, 7-158TH Aviation Regiment MEDEVAC
Phone: (361) 516-4291
NAS Kingsville is home to F Company, 7-15th Aviation Regiment, which is organized under 7th Battalion 158th Aviation Regiment, out of Fort Hood, Texas. The "Saints"' mission is to provide aeromedical evacuation (MEDEVAC) to support division level units. F Company is comprised of four forward support medical teams (FSMT). Each FSMT supports brigade-size units. In a theater of operation, the "Saints"' primary mission is the expedient clearing of casualties off the battlefield. Aeromedical evacuation plays a critical role in maintaining our nation's fighting force.
The first two helicopters assigned to the "Saints" arrived as NAS Kingsville in June 2011.

Phone: (316) 516-8630
NAS Kingsville is also home to the U.S. Army Reserve 370th Transportation Company (PLS) Detachment 1, with company headquarters located in Brownsville, Texas. The Kingsville detachment is an Army platoon-size unit with approximately 50 Soldiers assigned. There are three full-time Army Reserve staff members (Active Guard Reserves or AGRs) with offices located in the new Armed Forces Reserve Center aboard the air station.
Contract Employees
Phone: L-3 Vertex (361) 516-8305 / Rolls-Royce (361) 516-4450 / Fidelity Technologies (361) 516-6536
There are three major contract employers on the Naval Air Station. L-3 Communications/L-3 Vertex is the largest civilian contractor with more than 400 employees. L-3 holds the maintenance contract for the T-45 and Training Air Wing TWO. The second largest contract employer is Fidelity Technologies, with just over 60 employees, which handles simulator training for the Chief of Naval Air Training. RollsRoyce handles engine maintenance and testing for the T-45.