16 minute read
Tenant Commands
from NASCC2021
in 1929 to Texas College of Arts and Industries signaled the broadening of its mission. A 1967 name change to Texas A&I University marked another transition. The university became a member of the Texas A&M University System in 1989 and changed its name to Texas A&M University-Kingsville in1993.
The University has been continuously accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) since 1928.
Texas A&M University-Kingsville has a highly diverse student body with about 8,000 students pursuing degrees from eight academic colleges. Programs
Texas A&M-Kingsville has 56 undergraduate degree programs, 61 master's programs and six doctoral degree programs in the Colleges of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Sciences, Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Education and Human Performance, Engineering, and Graduate Studies. The university features the region's only programs in engineering, social sciences and agriculture. With state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, the university's 545-acres teaching farm gives agriculture students hands-on farming and ranching experience. Texas A&M Kingsville's bilingual education program, offering degrees at the master's and doctoral levels, was the first of its kind in the country and continues to be one of the strongest. Undergraduates in nearly all disciplines have an opportunity to participate in research projects.
Coastal Bend College Phone: (866) 262-1615; Web: www.coastalbend.edu
Coast Bend College students in Kingsville can complete academic courses that make up a university-transfer core curriculum, and workforce education certificates and degree programs in accounting, child development, computer information technology, cosmetology, general office management, law enforcement, office automation technology, and vocational nursing. Continuing education classes and workshops are also offered.
If you choose to enroll at Coastal Bend College, you’ll find modern computerized facilities that are second to none. Classes are small in size, and you’ll

find free tutoring through CBC’s unique Learning Assistance Center where special seminars are held to stimulate your study skills, and reinforce what you have learned in the classroom. That’s possible with the computer-assisted instructional center staffed with tutors who work one-on-one with students.
Air Operations Department Phone: (361) 516-6125 / DSN: 876-6125
The Air Operations Department manages the airfield and provides services to support operations of activity, tenant, and transit¬ing aircraft; provides fire fighting functions, both structural and fire and rescue; provides air traffic control; operates the air terminal; schedules administrative and proficiency flights; repairs and maintains station ground electronics equipment; stores, maintains, and issues assigned ordnance and munitions; and operates firing and aerial target ranges, bombing ranges, and Navy Auxiliary Landing Field (NALF) Orange Grove.
The Air Operations Department is comprised of five divisions: Air Traffic Control, Ground Electronics, Field Support, NALF Orange Grove, and the McMullen Target Range located in Freer, Texas. Air Ops also includes the command BASH program and Community Planning.
The Air Operations Department supported 244,439 Air Traffic Control (ATC) operations during 2011. Air Ops also managed all operations and field functions for the 2012 "Wings Over South Texas" Air Show, hosting more than 100,000 visitors over the threeday period
Air Traffic Control - The NAS Kingsville Air Traffic Control Division handles the day-to-day aircraft operations at NAS Kingsville and Navy Auxiliary Landing Field Orange Grove. The department consists of 70 active-duty Navy air traffic controllers (ACs) and four contract personnel. In 2011, the ATC staff handled 149,812 flight operations.
Control Tower - The NAS Kingsville control tower issues clearances and information to aircraft and vehicular traffic on runways, taxiways, and other designated areas of the airfield in addition to aircraft operating in the assigned airspace. Airborne traffic controlled by the tower includes visual flight rules (VFR) and instrument flight rules (IFR) traffic released to local control jurisdic-

tion. Manual (non-radar) approach control services can also be provided from the control tower.
Radar - The function of the Radar Branch is to provide radar air traffic control services to both IFR and VFR air traffic within the command's assigned airspace.
Approach Control Radar - An $11.3 National Air Space Modification project was completed in 2010 for the Approach Control Radar facility. The project upgraded NAS Kingsville's Air Traffic Control (ATC) capabilities from analog to digital and transformed the command's ATC facilities to the most-modern in the Navy.
Flight Planning - The Flight Planning Branch of ATC provides for flight planning, receiving and processing inbound and outbound flight information, and

providing for planning, receiving and processing flight plans.
Field Support - The Field Support Division handles all transient aircraft movement on the airfield, maintains the command's arresting gear, and provides aircraft support for visiting aircraft on and around the Air Operations tarmac.
During the past year, Field Support Division supported the Training Air Wing TWO training mission by conducting excellent/safe turnarounds for 56 transient aircraft; responding to 16 short field arrest¬ments; and pumping 14,496 gallons of fuel.
Ground Electronics - The NAS Kingsville Ground Electronics Division is responsible for preventive maintenance of all ATC and Radar equipment at NAS Kingsville, NALF Orange Grove, and the McMullen Target Range. They also provide maintenance on the command TACAN and Precision Approach Radar, and command radios and communication systems.
Ground Electronics is also responsible for installation and upkeep of transmitter and receiver sites, certifying and maintaining NAS Kingsville and NALF Orange Grove's runway lighting systems, and providing PA system support for ceremonies and special events.
NALF Orange Grove - Navy Auxiliary Landing Field (NALF) Orange Grove is located in Jim Wells County about 40 miles northwest of NAS Kingsville. The site serves as an additional training site for Training Air Wing TWO, as an extension of usable air space. The field consists of two 8,000-ft runways, a parking apron, air traffic control tower and radar facility, a crash, fire, and rescue station, and a fully instrumental aircraft refueling station.
NALF Orange Grove supported the Training Air Wing TWO training mission in 2011 by completing 32,428 military operations and 17 civilian operations. Additional accomplishments include the addition of a $5.6M Lighting Project; the construction of an Emergency Generator Building; the installation of new lighting and taxiway lights to the secondary ramp - which added 12 new parking spaces for aircraft during night operations; and the installation of a new airfield lighting control system - allowing all airfield lighting to be controlled from a single source.

Branch Health Clinic Phone: (361) 516-6313 / DSN: 876-6313
Branch Health Clinic Kingsville provides outpatient medical care to active duty military personnel, military retirees, and their family members. Primary Care offers the largest concentration of care, with illness intervention requiring hospitalization provided through external resource sharing agreements.
Beneficiaries in the system have a Primary Care Manager as a central point of care delivery. The healthcare system offers a wide range of outpatient services including: Primary Care, Military Medicine, Flight Medicine, Occupational Health Services, Optometry Specialty Services from Naval Health Clinic Corpus Christi, Health Promotion and Wellness, Ancillary Services, Manage Care, Health Benefits Advisor, and UM/ Risk Management.
The Clinic has 52 staff members including six officers, 33 enlisted, nine civil service, one contractor, and three Reservists, and is an active participant in the TRICARE program, with more than 2,200 enrolled TRICARE Prime beneficiaries who account for over 13,000 annual visits.

Command Religious Ministries, Command Chaplain Phone: (361) 592-6331 Duty Chaplain: (361) 438-6979
The mission of the Command Religious Ministries Program is to meet the spiritual, family and moral needs of all Sailors, Marines, and civilian personnel at NAS Kingsville. Religious services are conducted every Sunday at McFall Memorial Chapel, a beautiful and historic building erected in 1942. The church was named after Chaplain William McFall, one of the first station chaplains, who died in action on Dec. 12, 1943, while serving in the South Pacific.
Protestant services are held beginning at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, while Catholic Services begin at 12:30 p.m.
McFall Chapel is available for weddings, funerals and other appropriate events. Use of the Chapel must be approved by the Chaplain staff. The Chaplain's office also provides confidential counseling. The Chaplain's office is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. Navy Federal Credit Union Phone: (888) 842-6328
NAS Kingsville is home to a full-service Navy Federal Credit Union Branch Office, located across from the NAS Kingsville headquarters building. The branch is open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and has ATM facilities.
Fleet & Family Support Center Phone: (361) 516-6333
The Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) offers a number of programs to help military personnel and their families while assigned to NAS Kingsville. These programs include job fairs, courses on personal finance, transition assistance, relocation services, and individual counseling. The Navy Marine Corps Relief Office is located in the same

building. Hours of operation are Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Relocation Assistance Program
Are you getting ready to relocate to a new duty station? Did you know the Relocation Assistance Program can help you in a variety of ways? FFSC has a number of ways to assist you. Worldwide Welcome Aboard packages for different U.S. and overseas military installations are available for a one-week checkout while you are waiting for your own Welcome Aboard package to arrive. FFSC also has a variety of videos for different military installations available for a one-week checkout. Not all military installations are available, but they may just have the one you're looking for.
Other resources available include:
Loaner Kits - These kits, which include dishes, pans, cutlery and other kitchen items, are provided to help you during household goods pack-outs or while you're waiting for your household goods to arrive. Additionally, the Loan Closet includes a limited supply of coffee pots, toasters, can openers, irons & ironing boards, and some infant furniture and car seats. Most of these items are available for a 30-day loan period, unless otherwise specified.
Language Tapes - FFSC has language tapes for families PCSing toJapan and Italy. For families coming to NAS Kingsville, FFSC has Spanish I and Spanish II language tapes available to help you familiarize yourself with the Spanish language (which can be helpful with employment in this area or when you visit Mexico). If English is not your first language, English Language tapes are available to help you practice.
SITE Packets - FFSC has a number of current electronic Welcome Aboard packages for U.S. and overseas military installations (USN, USAF, USA, USMC). The packets include information about the installation, local community, education and employment resources, availability of medical and dental services/facilities, housing information, "Need to Know" information - especially for overseas locations, availability and type of support services for active-duty and family members, survival tips (such as reporting procedures, travel planning, billet¬ing, etc.) and much, much more. Each packet takes about 15-20 minutes to print, so please call in advance to request your packet.
If you would like to request your SITE packet in advance, please call the Fleet and Family Support Center at (361) 5166333 or DSN 876-6333. All Relocation Assistance is available on a walk-in basis. Stop by, visit and take advantage of these available resources.

Counseling Service
Counseling provides opportunities for change and the formats include short¬ term, individual, marital, family and group modalities. Issues addressed include situational problems in living; depression/grief after a loss; troubled relationships; financial difficulties; occupational concerns; family issues; marriage preparation; and marriage enrichment.
Counseling may be offered through educational programs such as stress management, parenting, marriage enrichment or self-esteem workshops. FFSC counselors are licensed and credentialed professionals such as counselors, social workers, psychologists, and marriage and family therapists.
The Fleet and Family Support Center also coordinates the command Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program (SAPR), and the Sexual Assault Victim Intervention Program (SAVI). Victim advocates are standing by to as-

sist you 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need to talk with someone, don't hesitate, call (877) 995-5247.
Legal Assistance Phone: NAS Kingsville (361) 516-6426 / NAS Corpus Christi (361) 961-3531
Legal assistance for NAS Kingsville military personnel, dependents and retirees is provided Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the NAS Kingsville Legal Office, located in Building 2740, on the third floor. If you have an issue that may require the assistance of a lawyer, please call the NAS Kingsville Legal Office prior to your visit.
Services provided at NAS Kingsville include, but are not limited to: powers of attorney, notary work, landlord-tenant law, and legal advice on domestic relations issues. Preparation of wills requires an appointment with a lawyer at NAS Corpus Christi (located at Building 3). Please stop by the NAS Kingsville Legal Office to pick up an information packet that you will need to fill out and take with you, and at that time. The Kingsville office can schedule that appointment for you.
Appointments for the NAS Corpus Christi office can be made by calling that office from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. This service is also available to eligible retired military personnel and their dependents, as resources permit.
Personnel Support Activity NAS Corpus Christi, Bldg. 1730 Phone: (361) 961-3848
No Personnel Support Activity is available at NAS Kingsville. All military pay records and travel arrangements are made through the Personnel Support Activity Detachment at NAS Kingsville Security Police office in Building 4728 can provide military and civilian ID cards.
Military members needing person-

nel support should first coordinate their requirements through their Administrative Office before contracting NAS Corpus Christi. PSA is located in Building 1730 at NAS Corpus Christi and can be reached by calling (361) 961-3848. Hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday; and 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday.
Defense Commissary Agency Phone: (361) 516-6241
The Commissary opens at 10 a.m. Tuesday to Saturday. It closes at 5 p.m. on Saturday at 6 p.m. on Tuesday and Friday and at 7 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday. The commissary is closed Sunday, Monday and holidays. Navy Exchange Phone: (361) 516-6241
The Navy Exchange and gas station are open Monday through Saturday, but are closed Sunday and holidays. The gas station opens at 7 a.m. daily while the Exchange opens at 10 a.m. Both facilities close at 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday 5:30 p.m. on Fridays and 4 p.m. on Saturdays. A uniform shop is located in the main store and has the same hours of operation.
Eligible patrons can shop for a variety of items ranging from clothing, household products and jewelry, to garden products, seasonal items and much more. A barber shop is also available 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday. The barber shop can be reached at (361) 516-6447.
The Navy Exchange shopping center also includes a Subway restaurant, which is open 7am-7pm Mon-Thur and 7am-5pm on Friday. Phone: (361) 5928900.

Training Air Wing Two
Phone: (361) 516-6306 / DSN: 876-6306 www.cnatra.navy.mil/tw2
Each year, approximately 150 student naval aviators report to Training Air Wing TWO for Jet/Strike Training. These students report to one of two training squadrons: Training Squadron Twenty-One (VT-21) or Training Squadron Twenty-Two (VT-22). The Training Air Wing is responsible for providing the fleet with newly winged Navy and Marine Corps aviators. The Air Wing also consists of approximately 75 instructor pilots, and 105 T-45 “Goshawk” aircraft. Students undergo a rigorous training syllabus in the T-45 “Goshawk” on the way to earning their “Wings of Gold.”
Students report to Training Air Wing TWO at NAS Kingsville from primary flight training at NAS Corpus Christi, Texas or NAS Whiting Field, Milton, Fla. Upon arrival, they begin 10-to-12 months of training at NAS Kingsville.
The Training Air Wing TWO Ground Training Department provides classroom instruction, computer-based instruction, and flight simulation in instruction and operational flight trainers.
L-3 Communications contract maintenance and support departments provide the Navy with maintenance and upkeep of the aircraft, and support for the aircrew’s flight gear. Fidelity Technologies, Inc., provides support for all of the ground and simulator instruction.
Strike Instructor Training School, also a part of Training Air Wing TWO, prepares winged fleet aviators to become flight instructors in the T-45. Training begins in the Ground Training

department of Training Wing TWO and consists of three weeks of classroom instruction. Students attend classes on subjects that include engineering (T45), aerodynamics, meteorology, flight rules and regulations, and instrument navigation. During this ground school training, students also begin simulator events that teach students the capabilities and systems in the T-45 Goshawk and how to deal with malfunctions of those systems.
The T-45 Strike Flight Curriculum is comprised of 16 flight stages. During these 16 stages students will fly approximately 156 hours. This includes nearly 47 hours of solo flight time. Students will also fly approximately 96 hours in aircraft simulators before they complete the syllabus.
The first eight stages of training are designed to introduce the students naval aviator to jet aircraft and provide a basis for future stages. They include instrumental training, jet familiarization flights, formation flights, night familiarization flights, and land based carrier qualifications.
During these stages the students are qualified to fly solo in the T-45 in all weather conditions. They also learn to fly in two-and-four-plane formation flights, and land the T-45 the same way they would on an aircraft at sea.
The later stages of training introduce the student to the strike community with Operational Navigation in which the students learn to plan and fly low level flight routes. They also fly weapons, guns, and air combat maneuvers, which introduces the students to different offensive weapons and tactics. In weapons, the students drop 25 lb. practice bombs at a target range near Kingsville. And practice gunnery and air combat maneuvers with other aircraft. A camera mounted in the cockpit that records the encounters. These stages prepare the students for the tactical jets that they will be flying when they leave Kingsville for the fleet.
The syllabus culminates in the second Carrier Qualification Stage when the students travel to an active aircraft carrier at sea to complete their Carrier Qualification and make their first carrier landings. Students must carrier-qualify by completing 14 landings and 10 arrested landings aboard an aircraft carrier at sea before they can complete jet/strike training.
Once students successfully complete the jet/strike syllabus, they are designated as Naval Aviators and presented their coveted “Wings of Gold.” At that time they will be selected for one of two fleet pipelines: the intermediate and advanced E2-C (Hawk-eye)/C2-A (Greyhound) pipeline, or the advanced