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Abanoub Reyad w1743763 DS10 Report 2021 Hempism - A New Movement

Contents Brief 01 Secondary Research Primary Research Material Research Function & Site Initial Idea Plant Parameters Design Development Final Artefact

Contents Brief 02 MirrorLab Site Analysis Initial Idea Design Development Physical Experiments Material Analysis Physical Experiments 02 Modular Designs Phasing Details Site Axonometric Construction Phases Module Axonometric Visualisation

HEMPISM "Convenience Replaces Sustainability, But Now Convenience is Sustainability" Abanoub Reyad 2021

DS10 Philosophy & Ethos As soon as all the briefs had been pitched by the given tutors I knew right away DS10 had to offer the most in terms of what I wanted to learn. Striking a balance between conceptual and realistic architecture is difficult, but it is one of the main driving forces within the unit. Alongside this, the subject of ‘biomimicry’ is one that has inspired many architectural masterpieces like the Eden Project in Cornwall. Nature has always been the king of the cradle to cradle effect which is a driving force within today's world of thinking sustainability. As architects, we promote sustainability, however often fail to deliver it, in a majority of cases this is often a result of the funding. A range of books inspired my design process, aiding me to understand optimal solutions, the growth of Radiolaria, an insight into circular economies and inspired some of the experiments which took place. Continuing from last year the fundamentals of the extinction rebellion still resides in me. I look to continue in taking part in a whatever may assist sustainability and the future generations.

Books I have been inspired by

Last year's DS10 Extinction Rebellion

Ernst Haeckle Originally a doctor, Ernst Haeckle dropped out of medical school despite his parents wishes and pursued a more creative career. He was a German Zoologist, who discovered thousands of new species of planktons. He showed great interest in Embryology and his love for microscopes and used them to create sketches of microscopic creatures known today as Radiolaria. He identified and named thousands of them and created stunning art pieces throughout his career. Radiolarians, members of a microscopic plankton found at the bottom of the ocean. These creatures obtain a unique silica skeleton which is their protective layer when alive they obtain a cytoplasmic and promoplasmic substance which is the living matter within the skeleton. Over 4000 species exist and their unique organic shapes are for very good reason.

5. E. Taggart. " Before Macro Photography, This Scientist Used to Illustrate His Microscopic Findings." My Modern Met. Berlin. 2019.

> Skeletal formation provides defense > A way to hunt poking its protoplasm through the holes to reach and grab food > The inner proto and cytoplasm provide buoyancy to stay afloat > They communicate with other species to hunt. > Feed on Diatoms and smaller planton > Asexual creatures Radiolarian Spoke

Radiolaria Multi-layered Skeleton 6. P. Sorene. " Gorgeous Prints Of Ernst Haeckel’s Illustrations of Microscopic Life." Flashback. Berlin. 2020.

1. M. M. Sandin. L. Pillet. T. Biard. E. Bigeard. C. Poirier. "Time Calibrated Morpho-mo lecular Classification of Nassellaria (Radiolaria)." Elsevier GmbH. Research Gate. New York. 2019. 2. M. S. Afanasieva. E.O. Amon. "Biomineralization of radiolarian skeletons." Borissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya ul. 123, Mos cow, 117997 Russia. 2013. 3. E. Haeckel. "Generelle Morphologie der Organismen [The General Morphology of Or ganisms]." vol. 2. Berlin, (Germany): Georg Reimer. From p. 286: 1866. 4. D. LeBrun. "Proteus 2004" YouTube. Awe. 2020. 8. M. Keesy. " Haeckel: A Code Library for Browser-Based Evolutionary Diagrams." Three Pound Monkey Brain. 2012 7.

It All Starts With A POSTCARD. "Ernst Haeckel Magnet." New York. 2020.


Spumellaria - Reproduction One of the largest family members in the Radiolaria is called "Spumellaria." These Radiolaria's obtain a multiple layered skeleton to protect the central nucleus. These asexual creatures in order to reproduce break their skeletons in half and begin to rebuild the rest of the skeleton again. The diagram on the right different types of Spumellaria reproducing by breaking their skeletons.

03 Spicules 16 Connectors 02 Skeleton Layers

08 18 04

04 Spicules 16 Connectors 03 Skeleton Layers

04 Spicules 22 Connectors 03 Skeleton Layers

Triplococcus Akzhala

Triplococcus Acanthicus

Triplococcus Pingliangenis

06 16 03

04 Spicules 20 Connectors 04 Skeleton Layers

Triplococcus Aksuranensis

06 16 03

Spicules Connectors Skeleton Layers

Inanigutta Penrose Group

Spicules Connectors Skeleton Layers

Spicules Connectors Skeleton Layers

Inanigutta Penrosei Group

06 Spicules 19 Connectors 06 Skeleton Layers

04 Spicules 20 Connectors 04 Skeleton Layers

Plussatispila Delicata

Plussatispila Pellicia

04 Spicules 12 Connectors 03 Skeleton Layers

Kalimnasphaera Maculosa

06 16 04

Spicules Connectors Skeleton Layers

Inanibigutta Verrucula

06 Spicules 20 Connectors 05 Skeleton Layers

Plussatispila Cornwallisensis

Plussatispila Magnilimax

04 Spicules 24 Connectors 02 Skeleton Layers

04 Spicules 08 Connectors 04 Skeleton Layers

04 Spicules 00 Connectors 02 Skeleton Layers

Inanigutta Complanata

Inanigutta Complanata

Inanigutta Complanata


E. Taggart. " Before Macro Photography, This Scientist Used to Illustrate His Microscopic Findings." My Modern Met. Berlin. 2019.

Agglomeration Radiolaria once they break their skeletons in half to reproduce, they begin a process in which the radiolaria excrets silica in small little globules which aggregate together and react with the seawater to solidify. The innver layers of the skeleton are much more dense and the outer layers use larger globules which stick to the skeleton.

14. E. Taggart. " Before Macro Photography, This Scientist Used to Illustrate His Microscopic Findings." My Modern Met. Berlin. 2019.

Silica Skeleton Density


Radiolaria Inner Globule Structure

Radiolaria Inner Globule Structure Attaches to the Smaller Globule

Radiolaria inner globules attaches to the smaller globules to form central core of the skeleton

Larger globules stick to the central core increasing skeletal size.

Inner High Density Outer Globules stick to the large globules and complete the layering process of the skeletal excretion.

Inner Medium Density Outer Low Density

Ernst Haeckle Inspired Drawing

Bubble Statutes Bubbles follow multiple principles and laws which enables them to act the way they do. Platau's Laws and Meraldi's Laws are two different laws in which the bubble always respects.

N = Number of Bubbles

Plateau's Laws > Soap films are made of entire smooth surfaces > The main curvature of a portion of soap film is everywhere constant > Soap films always meet in threes along an edge. They do so at Arc cos (-1/2) = 120° Maraldi Law > The plateau borders meet in fours at a vertex, and do so at an angle of arc cos (-1/3) = 109.47°







P r1




















Double Bubble Conjecture Tripple Bubble Conjecture Minimal Surface Laws - Optimal Solutions A






















































































15. D. W. Thompson. "On Growth And Form." Dover Publications, INC. New York. 1992. 16. N. Suzuki. Y. Aita. " Achievement and unsolved issues on radiolarian studies: Taxonomy and cytology." ResearchGate. 2011 17. Febvre J (1981) The myoneme of the Acantharia (Protozoa): A new model of cellular motility. Biosystems 14: 327–336.










Microscopic Study In order to investigate the Radiolaria's parameters futher I have bought a microscope and obtained samples of radiolaria from Barbados. I will analyse the structure of these beings and understand in futher detail why they take the form they are.


Microscopic Imagery I began panning around on the microscopic bed to find samples of Radiolaria which belonged to certain families. Nassellaria - This species has several different forms and is usually built up on 3 clusters whilst protecting the abdomen. Spumellaria - This is the species with multi layered skeletons which are used to protect the middle nucleus.

Nassellaria Family

Eusyringium Sipho Key Characteristics: Concial and porous shell, the three segments the upper segment is used for buoyancy, the segment holds the abdomin and the lower segment for protection

Here I have managed to identify 13 types of nassellaria. These all have similar attributes but certain design features within each version of Radiolaria prepares itself to defend and attack in different ways.

Lithochytris Pyramidalis Key Characteristics: Tripod structure connection of three elongate spicules at a central point, each leg being 120°

60° 60° 60°

Podocyrtis Princeps. This member of the nassellaria family is build up upon 3 tiers. They also have legs to help the movement and buoyancy of the species. I will explore this individual Radiolaria seperately and in more detail and identify the microscopic parameters within the structure.

L3 L1


Theocotylissa Ficus sp. Key Characteristics:

Anthocyrtium Hispidum Key Characteristics: Tripod structure connection of three elongate spicules at a central point, each leg being 120°

Podocyrtis Papalis Key Characteristics: Concial and porous shell, the three segments the upper segment is used for buoyancy, the segment holds the abdomin and the lower segment for protection

120° 120° L3 L2 L2 L3 L1



Calocycloma sp. Key Characteristics: Ring surrounding a latticed shell

60° 60°

Podocyrtis Mitra Key Characteristics: Tripod structure connection of three elongate spicules at a central point, each leg being 120°

60° 60° 60° 60°



60° L3



Lychnocanoma sp. Key Characteristics Tripod structure connection of three elongate spicules at a central point, each leg being 120° L2

Calocyclas Key Characteristics: Concial and porous shell, the three segments the upper segment is used for buoyancy, the segment holds the abdomin and the lower segment for protection


Podocyrtis Princeps Key Characteristics: Tripod structure connection of three elongate spicules at a central point, each leg being 120°

Lychnocanium Centricosum Key Characteristics Tripod structure connection of three elongate spicules at a central point, each leg being 120° L3 L2

L1 60° 60° 60°

Anthocyrtis Grossularia Key Characteristics Ring surrounding a latticed shell

Podocyrtis Papalis Key Characteristics: Concial and porous shell, the three segments the upper segment is used for buoyancy, the segment holds the abdomin and the lower segment for protection

Eucyrtidium sp. Key Characteristics: Concial and porous shell, the three segments the upper segment is used for buoyancy, the segment holds the abdomin and the lower segment for protection


Nassellaria Parameters

4 Spicule

χ3 y3

3 Abdomen χ2 y2 Centre points for solidified Skeletal Hex

C 13 µm χ

5 µm



15 µm


B 23 µm

11 µm 5 µm

12 µm

y x

14 µm

Arrangement of holes central to grid

9 µm 12 µm 120° 120°


120° y

2 Skeleton A 65 µm

1 Feet Podocyrtis Princeps. As shown above this member of the family obtains several features to assist with the survival of this individual. This member has a three teired segments which get smalller in size. Also the size of the holes get smaller as the segments get smaller. The Radiolaria follows a hexagonal grid which is known to be a robust structure, the circular looking holes enable the Radiolaria's cytoplasm to grab food. The three legs sitting apart at 120°.

Nassellaria Matrix From the study above I have focused strudying a single segment in relation to the the hexagonal grid. Understanding this form will provide me with control over the parameters of the 'spike'. Below using grasshopper I am able to change the amplitude of the size of the spikes and can relate them in size with the Radiolaria. Initial Grid

Individual Segment

Aggregated Segment


120° 120°

Spike Amplitude 01

Spike Amplitude 02

Spike Amplitude 03

29. Diff-ARCH. "Grasshopper Plugin for Aggregation." Rhinoceros Forum, Grasshopper. 2020

Spike Amplitude 04

Spumellaria Matrix The spumellaria family has multilayered skeletons and a central nucleus to protect. I have 10 species that I am able to identify and explore. Each of the spumellaria have suble design differences which enable them to adapt for different survival scenarios. 3 Tier

Astrosphaerida Key Characteristics: 6+ main spicules, outer skeleton to protect internal protoplasm and cell. Tenticles are used to grab food and eventually become part of the skeleton. Cubical medullary shell.

Phormospyris Stabilis Key Characteristics: Symmetrical middle parting skeleton. Tenticles are used to grab food and eventually become part of the skeleton. Cubical medullary shell. 2 Tier

2 Tier Stylatractus Key Characteristics: Two main spicules, two outer skeletons to protect internal protoplasm and cell. Tenticles are used to grab food and eventually become part of the skeleton.

3 Tier

Stylosphaerida Key Characteristics: Tenticles poke through skeleton to grab food spicule grows

Stylatractus Key Characteristics: Two main spicules, two outer skeletons to protect internal protoplasm and cell. Tenticles are used to grab food and eventually become part of the skeleton. Cubical medullary shell.

Cubosphaerida Key Characteristics: 6 main spicules, outer skeleton to protect internal protoplasm and cell. Tenticles are used to grab food and eventually become part of the skeleton Cubical medullary shell.

Liosphaerida Key Characteristics: Double shell cubical medullary shell

Cubosphaerida Key Characteristics: 6 main spicules, outer skeleton to protect internal protoplasm and cell. Tenticles are used to grab food and eventually become part of the skeleton. Cubical medullary shell.

Astrosphaerida Key Characteristics: 6+ main spicules, outer skeleton to protect internal protoplasm and cell. Tenticles are used to grab food and eventually become part of the skeleton. Cubical medullary shell.

Staurosphaerida Key Characteristics: 4 main spicules, outer skeleton to protect internal protoplasm and cell. Cubical medullary shell.

Spumellaria Parameters The spumellaria uses the bubble-like cytoplasm to hold the living matter. This creature which splits its skeleton to reproduce

Central connectors to outer skeleton

Living Section - Cytoplasm

Living Section - Skeletal build-up

Living Section - X-Ray Section 30. E. Haeckel. "Generelle Morphologie der Organismen [The General Morphology of Organisms]." vol. 2. Berlin, (Germany): Georg Reimer. From p. 286: 1866. 31. D. LeBrun. "Proteus 2004" YouTube. Awe. 2020. 32. M. Keesy. " Haeckel: A Code Library for Browser-Based Evolutionary Diagrams." Three Pound Monkey Brain. 2012

Living Section - X-Ray + Cytoplasmic Section

Living Section - Cytoplasmic Section

Living Section - Segmentation

Gelatine Based Bio-plastics Design should always look to be inspired by the future, therefore sustainability is the ultimate forward way of thinking in the modern age. There is a very gradual change from the use of plastics to bio-plastics. Therefore I am compling a range of tests which enable me to test the use of bio-plastics in our everyday lives. Gelatine based bio-plastics enable the brittle element of the bioplastic to be adjustable the more gelatine the more flexible the plastic. Each of these plastics take 24 hours to semi dry and a minimum of a week to fully dry. These images represent the 24 hour dryness.

Glycerine - 5ml Gelatine - 12g Water 60ml

Glycerine - 10ml Gelatine - 12g Corn Starch - 1.6g Water - 80ml

Glycerine - 5ml Gelatine - 12g Water - 60ml Burlap - 100 x 80mm

There are a combination of materials which can be combined with the base of glycerine, gelatine and water which can add various qualities to the plastics, the burlap provides a more tensile plastic and the cornstarch a more brittle one. 33. M. Dunne. "Bioplastic Cook Book a catalogue of bioplastic recipies." Issuu. 2018

Spirulina Bioplastics Spirulina is a powder generated from seaweed. This is also a superfood and obtains various qualities in your food. Spirulina obtains hydrophobic elements which enable the waterproofing aspects of the bioplastic. This plastic obtains qualities high in tensile strength, however the one issue with this is the opaqueness.

Glycerine - 3.6g Water - 50ml Gelatine - 12g Spirulina - 10g Sugar -4g

Mix these elements on a low heat for 10 minutes

24 Hours into the drying process.

These two spirulina based plastics obtain different qualities. One has incredible tensile strength and hydrophobic qualities, whilest the other has less tensile strength and but enables more light through. 34. M. Dunne. "Bioplastic Cook Book a catalogue of bioplastic recipies." Issuu. 2018

Agar Based Bioplastics Agar Agar another form of algae is another great use in bio-plastics and one where research is ongoing. It is a bioplastic from agarose. These are prone to shrinkage and with the combination of the gelatine generates high quality bio-plastics.

Glycerine - 5ml Gelatine - 12g Water - 60ml Agar Agar - 1.6g

Glycerine - 5ml Soap - 6ml Water 60ml Agar Agar - 1.6g

Glycerine - 5ml Gelatine - 12g Water - 60ml Soap - 6ml

35. M. Dunne. "Bioplastic Cook Book a catalogue of bioplastic recipies." Issuu. 2018

Water Solubility One of the largest problems with bio-plastics are with their water solubility. Many bio-plastics absorb water which makes the material a bad idea for construction use. Through these tests I am able to discover how much water was absorbed over a 24 hour period. I tested this against the current PLA which is a bio-plastic made with lactic acid.

Water Soluibility Test: Agar Agar Burlap Pre weight: 3g After 24hr in Water: 4.2g

Water Soluibility Test: Spirulina Bio-plastic Pre weight: 2g After 24hr in Water: 2.1g

Water Soluibility Test: Spirulina Bio-plastic 02 Pre weight: 2g After 24hr in Water: 2.1g

Water Soluibility Test: PLA Pre weight: 1.5g After 24hr in Water: 1.5g

Water Soluibility Test: Gelatine Bio-plastic Pre weight: 1.5g After 24hr in Water: 1.8g

Water Soluibility Test: Agar Agar 02 Pre weight: 2g After 24hr in Water: 2.3g

Water Soluibility Test: Gelatine Burlap Pre weight: 2.5g After 24hr in Water: 3g

Water Soluibility Test: Gelatine AgarAgar Bio-plastic Pre weight: 2g After 24hr in Water: 2.4g

Water Soluibility Test: Soap Bio-plastic Pre weight: 1.5g After 24hr in Water: 2.2g

Water solubility test. This was conducted using the same process, however due to the different weight amounts the results show varied results. The PLA by far the most impressive concerning water solubility after a 24 hour period no signs of water was absorbed providing it the best chance to be used in the construction industry, the other products are most likely to be used as packaging and various other purposes until the research excells it into construction use. The two bio-plastics I was most impressed with were the spirulina which absorbed little water and showed very impressive tensile features, and the gelatine bioplastic which provided a see through deisgn.

Self-Sustaining Ecosystems Terrarians are self-sustained ecosystems, they require indirect or direct sunlight and as long as they are encapsulated they require no maintainance. I wonder if I could introduce the use of a terrarian in my scheme, as low maintainance and a high return can benefit many people if food were to be grown in them.

Terrarian Jar with added rocks to enable water to drain within the ecosystem.

Charcoal and metal mesh added for filteration

Moist compost added

Plants added to the terrarian

Wildlife and water added to enable the ecosystem to become self sustainable.

Cork lid added to enclose the environment

36. R. Ochyra. "A Taxonomic study of the genus Handeliobryum Broth." J. Hattori bot. Lab. 1986.

Marcus Rashford Marcus Rashford the Manchester united and England international football player, this year has won an MBE and has begun a scheme to feed school kids. I wanted therefore to boost-

Marcus Rashford going the extra mile and catching Boris Johnson's attention during the epidemic. Thousands of families are struggling to up keep with todays costs and provide sufficient food. Rashford whos family had a similar background took it upon himself to notify authorities to take immediate action. Today thousands of meals are distributed to kids, and I would like to introduce a scheme which coinsides with Marcus Rashford and appeal to schools to make an effort to feed kids.

Marcus Rashford - Started the feed the school children scheme which aims to feed kids who's families cannot afford for it to happen. "End Child Food Poverty."

39. BBC News. "Boris Johnson says he became aware of Marcus Rashford's free school meals campaign today." BBC News. London. 2020. 40. H.Siddique. "Marcus Rashford forces Boris Johnson into second U-turn on child food poverty." The Gaurdian. London. 2020. 41. H. Stewart. " Rashford has Johnson grovelling again – but this time is different." The Gaurdian. London. 2020.

Bromley-by-Bow These 7 colossal gasometers sit on the eastern bank of River Lea by Twelvetrees Crescent. These were initiated by Bromley-by-Bow council and were part of the Imperial Gas Company from 1870 to 1873. The gas holders’ surrounds are made from Cast Iron and the drums are steel. They are decorated, with introcate detail with a different pattern on each storey. The site used to have 8 containers but one was damaged during the second world war. Gas was produced on this site until the early 1960s.

Locals schools in close proximity to the site.

The image shows women workers from the Gas Works taking high tea on the top of a gasometer in 1918.

New Biophilic route to create a route between bromley and West Ham Station.

37. Women workers at the Gas Light and Coke Company at Bromley By Bow, London, serving tea on top of a gasometer. 11th June 1918. Photo by A. R. Coster/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images © Getty Images 38. The-Line. " Bromley-by-Bow Gas Works." The-Line.org. Wordpress. London. 2014

Initial Ideas I begin to think about the use of bio-plastics in combination with terrarians. I wanted to create a circulation route between bromley and westham station. This route is not utilized however a biophilic route could enable people to be more encouraged to walk or cycle through instead of getting transport. What stands between the two stations are the gasometers in bromley, however by utilizing the space there could arise opportunities to feed kids and generate a biophilic route.

Tunnel Route Initial Idea

Radiolaria Grid

y x

Internal Section Through Tunnel Bio-plastic Terrarian

Unrolled Surface

External Elevation

Pavilion Axonometric This terrarian pavillion is works as a biophilic artefact and creates an internal and external environment while encouraging people to walk and cycle between stations through a biophilic route. The materials used to make this pavillion are;

PLA Bio-pastic Terrarian

> Bio-plastic PLA Terrarians > Steel Frame > Bio-plastic Gelatine tensile sheet

Steel Frame

Tensile Bio-Plastic

Frame Construction Development Individual modules sit within the steel frame acting as individual terrarians which may be accessible to families. Or to schools kitchens where they collect the grown produce to feed the school children.

Module Holder

Terrarian modules assembled together to create the pavillion

Bio-plastic sheets

PLA Bio-plastic Terrarian Assembled Terrarian

Individual module assembled

Slotting Mechanism

Assembled Terrarian

To understand the build of an individual module I have constructed a frame for one of the modules. I have used copper and welded 6 seperate components together to generate the frame, similarly to how it would be done in reality.

Initial Idea Rendered Rendering provides an insight into how the pavillion could work and at which scale it would work best. Here a lady using the terrarians to feed her school kids.

Site Experimentation I wanted to get an idea of the potentials of the site so I used the generated grasshopper script to apply the modules in different ways around the site. This provided me with innovative ways of organising the site in future for the biophilic route.

Individual Plant Parameters Tempreture Requirment

By refocusing on a smaller scale I try to obtain more control over the production of the plants and can generate microenvironments suited to each plant. Every plant is timebased and requires different levels of sun.

02.28 04.46 06.64 08.82 11.00

I try to design something which sits on the floor as opposed to just a plain floor plate.













80mm 130mm Radish

Spacial Requirement


Spacial Requirement



Sweet Potato


Spacial Requirement

Spacial Requirement

150mm Carrot

Spacial Requirement

150mm Parsnips

Spacial Requirement

Artefact Floorplate In order to break away from different elements fitting within the structure, I try to tell one language by making the floor plate a aretefact itself.

Rendered View Opened Artefact Steel Frame

Material Requirements

Folding Panels Opened

Bioplastic Folding Panels Closed


Cental Rod

Timber Frame

Exploded Axonometric

Vegtables Grown with Artefact

02.28 04.46 06.64 08.82 11.00 Tempreture Requirement

Rendered Artfact

Opened and Closed Artefact Plan View

Optomized Growing

Tempreture Requirment

Vined fuit need certain conditions to flourish, vine fruited required a good amount of sun and play a vital role in the child's diet. This encourages a healthy diet for the children and uses fruit which the children find enjoyable.

11.00 13.18 15.36 17.34 19.72





1000-3000mm Grapes

Spacial Requirement


70mm Strawberries

Spacial Requirement



120mm Raspberry

Spacial Requirement



120mm Tomato

Spacial Requirement



320mm Lettuce

Spacial Requirement


90mm Brussel Sprouts

Spacial Requirement

Greenwall Artefact The next set of plants can grow on a wall, and accessed through panels which enable access to the vines. There is a reflective element which directs sunlight into the artefact.

Reflective Green Walls

Access Panels

Bio-plastic Panels

Material Requirements

Terrarian Structure Timber Base


Tensile Structure

Variant 02 Green Wall Reflectors Axonometric Reflective Surface

Vegetation Grown

11.00 12.84 14.58 16.04 18.52 Tempreture Requirment

Reflective Artefact

Reflective Artefact

Optomized Growing

Temperature Requirement

I wanted the route between the stations to also have larger habiable artfacts which can be accessed by school children. Larger bubbles could surround or inhabit a gasometer.

13.18 15.36 17.54 19.72 21.90




2.5m Banana Tree






7m Apple Tree


Inflation / Sun Penetration Levels

Sunlight Level 02

Sunlight Level 03



Fig Tree

Sunlight Level 01





Minimum Sunlight

Sunlight Level 04


Plum Tree

6m Pear Tree

Maximum Sunlight

Sunlight Level 05

Sunlight Level 04

Condition 03 This is an inflatable structure which enables light through in different quantities depending on the crop grown. This is a similar method to the Eden project where tropical plants are grown.

Inflated, Opacity High

Sunlight, Opacity Low

Inflated Plantation Site

Safety Steel Cylinder Aluminium Clamping Strip

Extruded Aluminium frame to open flap 3 Layered ETFE Layer Alternating Patches For Light Penetration

Steel Tube Cast Steel Node

Thermal Insulation

Diagonal Member High-pressure Air Tube Pneumatically operated cylindrical opening shaft

Grown Produce

Interior Render of Plantation 15.36 17.52 18.72 21.35 24.80 Tempreture Requirement

39. Eden Project Technical Drawings, BuildingSkils. "Eden Project Near St Austell." Buildskins Blog. Word Press. London. 2010 40. Eden Project Technical Drawings, BuildingSkils. "Plattenbau." Buildskins Blog. Wordpress. London. 2010

Inflation Artefact

Optomized Growing Tempreture Requirment

I would also like the schools to use and grow their own herbs. These are highly nutritous and relatively easy to upkeep and grow in open air environments

13.18 15.36 17.54 19.72 21.90


Spacial Requirement


Spacial Requirement


Spacial Requirement


Spacial Requirement


Spacial Requirement


Spacial Requirement

Open Air Artefact This structure is a herb garden which the schools can access by walking on a bridge to access the upper segment of the gasometer. This is a lighteright tensile structure which is held in place with a light outer steel frame.

Individual Segment Sketch

Compression Rods

Flat Planting Beds

Grown Produce

Tempreture Requirement

Tensile Sheet With Pulled Points

Outer Lightweight Frame

Site Layout Based on the artefacts above based on the plant's parameters I have designed the landscape within this site. This site is uses four artefacts which all flourish in their environment. The inflatable takes over most of the structures acting as a greenhouse, some of the gasometers acting as a structural frame for the other artefacts and a bridge which is multifunctional providing access to the gasometers upper floors and is itself an artefact.

Inflated Structure

Vine & Herbal Artefact

Floor Plate Artefact / Access Bridge

Landscaping Bridge

Existing Gasometers Outer Cycle Route


Variant Summary This is a view from the bridge which acts as a shortcut through the site. The bridge overlooks the biophilic fields and can grow water crops on its surface. This structure has a folding mechanism which enables access to the central void. Access to the upper layers are through the bridge. This particular artefact holds and grows vine fruits and vegetables. I would also like the schools to use and grow their own herbs. These are highly nutritous and relatively easy to upkeep and grow in open air environments

Sunlight, Opacity Low

Gasometer Covered

Inflated, Opacity High


Herb / Vine Artefact

The Gasometers Pre-existing Structure Maximizing the use of radiation studies, in combination of using the existing structure brings around a powerful and effective method of designing. On the right an axonometric illustrating with the use of the green line showing how the design can be performative and adjust to the environment.

Developed bioplastic fans

Sun attractor reating open air environments

PLA bio-pastic terrarian

Steel framework

Axonometric Fan Feature

The render above shows how the existing structure could be used as the main structure for holding these individual modules, keeping the character of the Gasometers, enabling an opening for internal access and different crops can grow depending on what the sun is hitting

Gasometer Casing This method involves using the gasometers structure to hold these unique modules. I have developed the module further by imporving the middle fan segment to open and close depending on the suns positioning and the needs of the plant inside.

Gasometer Modules using the solar position to dictate the fans opening and closing Plan of fans opening and closing

Sun Radiation Diagram For London

Wind-Rose London

Sun Radiation on Gas Towers from eye level

South Western Site View

North Eastern Site View

Spoke Mechanism Using the inspiration from a real umbrella enables me to understand spoke mechanisms, so that I can apply a button mechanism to tripper the spokes to extend and open enabling the vegetation to be accessible.

Umbrella Spoke Mechanism

Module in opened and closed form

Render of Variation 01 Two potential variations, one variation uses the frame to obtain the aesthetic features of the Gasometer and the other sitting in fromnt of the gasometer still using the structure but hiding the aesthetic of the gasometer.

Steel Framework The structure of the steel is all interconnected throughout providing extra strength. The framework enables the fans to hold on and the spokes to work.

Steel Framework North Eastern Sun Radiation London

South Western Sun Radiation London

Birds-eye view of Structures Radiation

London Wind Rose Diagram

Total Sun Radiation London

Steel Framework Segment

Filling Void Tensile materials are lightweight and are efficient in material saving techniques. Some of the frame is still nessesary as the filling is with doil which could add lots of weight to the structure. In this variation I have filled the void with a catanoid like structure where foods can be harvested.

Clustered Modules

Inidvidual Module

Technical Module

Renders of the structures which are growing edible plants for people to eat. This design means it is harder to access of the plants and therefore in future variations I will attempt to make access somewhat easier through introducing platforms

Dome & Bridge In this variation I add platforms to make the modules more accessble from behind. The dome sits over a resevoir of water which is within the site. Concerning the dome I came across a slight complication which was adding floorplates similar to Buckminister Fuller however I do aim to get past this in the future. I introduce in this version a breathable and tensile fabric which expands and retracts according to the plants needs.

South Western Sun Radiation London

South Eastern Radiation London

Eye Level Sun Radiation London

Wind Rose London

Sun Radiation London

Breathable Fabric

Interior Vision Interior render of structure. Multiple floors shows the access to reach the unreachable parts of the structure.

Internal Access View

Site Section

Site Overview Birds-eye views over the structure shows the dome in context. And a render from eye level shows a timebased diagram.

Birds-eye Site Overview

Eye level Time Based Diagram

Brief 02 The Arcology

Territorial Effect Alberto Magnaghi is an urban theorist who speaks of something called the territorial effect. The ‘territorialist’ approach combines three features; place-consciousness, (the relation of the local identity and heritage) the territories individuals and places and the environment. These three identities assist in analysing a territory’s possibility to become self-sustained. This is comprised by breaking down the territory into smaller manageable segments. Political sustainability, is a high capacity for self-government in the relations with exogenous and superordinate decision making systems, this process is about empowering weak stakeholders and providing them with a say in decisions with external stakeholders. This is encouraged by participation enabling the territory to be self-governed yet involved in communication with the authorities avoiding a collision with the government like the MST. Social sustainability is a greater involvement of weak stake holders in the local decision making system. Enabling weak stakeholders to work together through participation to encourage endogenous decision making between themselves.

Territorial Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability

Economic Sustainability, the capacity of growth in a territory which can produce added value. Encouraging self-employment for the benefit of local self-sustaining development, self-employment encourages workers to produce high quality products for the local community and global market. Trading with fair financial trading activities. Also local techniques are applicable to territories which can increase productivity. Environmental sustainability, rules of human settlement, suitable for producing self-sustainability going beyond the prevention of polluting technology and creating cycles within territories for ecological development. Territorial sustainability, identifying settlement patterns and develop reterritorialisation through its production and reproduction rules. The design of infrastructure, and complex systems are used to reterritorialised the area. Sustainability to sustainabilities. This is the sustainable development in the territorial context, however sustainability does not just refer to sustainable does not refer to just environmental sustainability. There are 5 inseparable components to sustainability including social, economic, ecological, geographical and cultural. These all have circular relations which contribute to the local self-sustainable development.

Social Sustainability

Political Sustainability

Economic Sustainability

The Arcology Redfined The arcology which Paolo Soleri proposed was an interesting concept which used hyper-buildings to act as cities. However he had an unsustainable apprach concerning materiality and a poor outlook on the environment due to the lack of knowledge at the time. I look to be inspired by this and will attempt to create a sustainable arcology which can grow.

“Somehow, after 200 years, we have become hyper consumers possessed by materialism, buying our happiness.” Paolo Soleri

Physical Models - MirrorLab To generate some exciting geometries for my arcology I wanted to be inspired by both the radiolaria and the use of MirrorLab. I began by using 3D printed models of Radiolaria to experiment this.

Family 3D Scanned Radiolaria Following earlier research I am using the families discovered and using that to create geometry.

06 Spicules 19 Connectors 06 Skeleton Layers Plussatispila Delicata

03 Spicules 16 Connectors 02 Skeleton Layers Triplococcus Aksuranensis

06 16 03

Spicules Connectors Skeleton Layers

Inanigutta Penrose Group

04 Spicules 08 Connectors 04 Skeleton Layers Inanigutta Complanata

06 Spicules 20 Connectors 05 Skeleton Layers Plussatispila Magnilimax

06 16 04

Spicules Connectors Skeleton Layers

Plussatispila Cornwallisensis

MirrorLab Deconstructed After Generating a range of forms I wanted to read this image as a section and how in theory different areas could be used for different functions.

Environmental Sustainability

Territorial Sustainability

Social Sustainability Political Sustainability Economic Sustainability

06 Spicules 16 Connectors 04 Skeleton Layers Plussatispila Cornwallisensis

06 16 04

Spicules Connectors Skeleton Layers

06 16 03

Spicules Connectors Skeleton Layers

Plussatispila Cornwallisensis Inanigutta Penrose Group

06 Spicules 20 Connectors 05 Skeleton Layers Plussatispila Magnilimax

06 16 03

Spicules Connectors Skeleton Layers

Inanigutta Penrose Group

03 Spicules 16 Connectors 02 Skeleton Layers

06 Spicules 19 Connectors 06 Skeleton Layers

Triplococcus Aksuranensis

Plussatispila Delicata

06 16 03

Spicules Connectors Skeleton Layers

Inanigutta Penrose Group 06 Spicules 20 Connectors 05 Skeleton Layers 06 Spicules 16 Connectors 04 Skeleton Layers Plussatispila Cornwallisensis

Plussatispila Magnilimax

06 16 03 03 Spicules 16 Connectors 02 Skeleton Layers Triplococcus Aksuranensis

Spicules Connectors Skeleton Layers

Inanigutta Penrose

Mixed Matrix Conceptual Arcology Following a similar principle as above, Mirrorlab has inpired my geometry and helped me understand how to read these images as architectural pieces.

Environmental Sustainability

Territorial Sustainability

Social Sustainability


Political Sustainability Economic Sustainability







Historical Structure Gasometers have been reused in many ways over the years, from Kings Cross's gasometers upcycled to site around the residential site, to the demolition of the gasometers in Austria which was later partly upcycled and turned into a new shopping centre. Keeping the gasometers is clearly an important thing to do as they contain some history, however it is important to not let that stop the progression of the area, so they must be resused.

Remediation and Decontamination Process Building regulations are designed with the purpose of securing health, safety, welfare and convenience of individuals in and about a building. In my instance there is a need to mitigate the effects of contaminants within the land, protecting; the building, people and creating functions which are deemed safe. For example food may not be grown on contaminated land as it can be dangerous to ingest. My function includes growing materials and food and would therefore need attention. The redevelopment of land is usually an effective method when dealing with contamination and attempting to remediate the land. The authorities must be notified about any contamination. The environmental health department of the district council should be informed if contaminants are found on site. Redevelopment is favoured for this process and the local planning authority need to consider whether a proposed design needs to be altered depending on the risk assessment carried out. Specialists are brought to site to survey and dispose of the contaminant in a safe way, the contaminant must be disposed off appropriately. The risk assessment undergoes 4 stages . Hazard Identification . Hazard Assessment . Risk Estimation . Risk Evaluation

Water Recyle and Treatment

Excavated Soil Pile


Excavation Separation Froth

Contamination Removed

Over-sized Material Coarse Returned To Excavated Area

If the risk assessment comes back okay then the remedial procedure begins. There are three types of remediation methods depending on the contaminant.

Offsite Disposal

. Treatment . Containment . Removal

Soil Returned To Original Site

Clean Soil Fraction

In my case I will need to remove the contaminant, however this in some cases is not possible due to the amount of excavation needed. I have drawn up a mediation diagram based on specialists Faithful and Gould who are experts on dismantling gasometers.

Site Survery's - Load Testing, Gas Checks, Contamination Checks


Land Remediation

Gasometers Disassembled

I wanted to understand the density of Kowloon City. At the time it is the most densly populated area in the world. To put it into perspective, if Kowloon was one square kilometer in size then it would house a total of 1,920,000 people. Comparing this to London's most densly populated borough Islington per square kilometer is 16,057. I wander how I can achieve densily within my project without over crowding.


Kowloon Density Comparasion



Sqft Per Person KWC



1940 5000 Inhabitants

Average Rent Cost in KWC

137 Sqft Per Person Islington


1898 700 Inhabitants


Average Rent Cost in 1990

Buildings constructed in 2.7 Hectares

Population Density Per Square Kilometer

1950 10000 Inhabitants

Population Density Per Square Kilometer

Kowloon Walled City 1,920,000 Islington 16,057 London 5701

Kowloon Walled City 1,920,000 Mong Kok 130,000

1980 50,000 Inhabitants

Hong Kong 6,700


Tower Hamlets Regeneration I have been compiling information around the Bromley-By-Bow Gasometers. There are a few developments which are currently underway. These sit in the Regeneration zone. There are a range of developments some of which include design proposals which reach a height of 26 stories, this gives me an idea of how high I can build on my site. There is approved development underway these are residential units increasing the need for other facilities in the area. I need to be aware of the listed buildings around my site the three mills island is a sensitive sight and need to be respectful to it.

Regeneration Zone

Olympic Legacy Route

Flight Path LCA

Bromley Gasworks

Site Analysis I need to understand the surrounding site so my proposal sits within the current development and acts as part of the rest of London. Therefore compiling site analysis research assisted me when understanding areas in development. For example a 26 storey building is located nearby, therefore the height of my building will just be slightly higher than that.

Conservation Areas

Poposed Development

Approved Development

Listed Buildings

Tower Hamlets Border

Bromley Gasworks

26 Storey Building

Tower Hamlets

Gas Works Site

Bromley By Bow

Tree Distribution I aim to grow trees to a certain age and transport them across the schools in London. These will contribute to feeding children who cannot afford to eat at school.

Initial MirrorLab Ideas I began to read the MirrorLab drawings as plans. I used a radial shape to inspire my drawings as the gasometers were also radial. I then began to model what I thought this would look like in 3D.

MirrorLab Structure

Read as a Plan

3D Representation Using Brief 01 Skin

MirrorLab Radial Attributes I began to read these are modular segements which fit around a contral core.

6 Modular Array

8 Modular Array

20 Modular Array

24 Modular Array

12 Modular Array Axonometric

Radiolaria Skin Modular breakdown. I broke down the modules into habitable spaces and the facade would continue to grow food similarly to brief 01.

Selected Module

Skin Plant Growth Pods

Module 01 Section

Growth Modules

Interior Skin

Floor Plates

Middle Module I wanted each family to have their own access to a number of growth modules. Thhis would encourage individuals to eat their own grown food and eventually become self sustainable.

Selected Module

Growth Modules

Layout Plan

Interior Skin

Floor Plates

Site Overview Before I began the development of my modules, I wanted to see what the site would look like with these modules arrayed to scale on site. What I will take foreward into development: . . .

Growing food Proposal Follow the MirrorLab Arraying Modular Element

What I will not be taking into development . .

Removal of rigid structures Mix the skin with some open areas

Radiolaria Double Skins A matrix based on the radiolarias skeleton and how the double skin could be interpreted. This opens the opportunity for double skins with spacial features to excel.

Double Skin Examples

Design Development The double skin here enables the opportunity for spaces to be occupied. These spaces have interesting spcial features which range at different scales for different activities.

Breakdown of Module

Developed Design As with the intial idea, I wanted to see how these modules could be arrayed on site in different ways. Going forward I would like to use the double skin idea and combine it with some experiments which will provide me with some accurate modules. As radiolaria follows the rules of soap bubbles I will push this to generate forms which are informed on the physics of the Radiolaria.

Radiolaria Physics When the Radiolaria is alive it is made up of cytoplasm and protoplasm. I conducted soap bubble experiments as the configuration of the soap bubble resembles the protoplasm and cytoplasm within the Radiolaria. This enables me to understand how the skeleton is confirgured and how it obtains its unique form.

109.47° 109.47° 109.47°







Layering Process of Skin




120° 120°





109.47° 109.47° 109.47°

109.47° 120°

Radiolaria Section, Alive State.

Segment of Section Illustrating Cytoplasmic Formation

Radiolarian section, each segment within the two white lines refer to the image on the right. The experiment on the right hand side illustrates how the cytoplasm sits within the space between the two skeletons. The skeletal build up is the holder for the cytoplasm in which the edges solidify to create the unique form. The form of the bubbles are a 4D shape which are polar arrayed.

The bubbles are currently following plateau's and maraldi laws. The angle at the vertex being 109.47° and at a corner 120°. The soap bubble cube inside the cube is the shape which holds the minimal surface. If this shaped was dunked, the result is always the same. 18. H. Michael. M. Frank; R. Manuel; R. Antonio (2002), “Proof of the double bubble conjecture”, Annals of Mathematics, 2nd Ser. 155 (2)

Bubble Physics I in order to generate futher understanding in this matter I varied the shape in which was dunked into the soap solution. The shape was a trapezoid prism. Unlike when the hollow cube was dunked in the solution there was no 3D varient in the centre as seen above. This is because the minimum solution with short sided trapezoid prisms in to have a flat surface in the centre.

Section A

Section B

The minimal surface for the "short-sided trapezoid prism." The result is a traingular centre as the short sides are too short which means the result does not have a 4D shape in the centre. Section A and B illustrate the volume of the bubble within the short-sided trapezoid prism. 20. D.Piker. "Kangaroo Soap Bubbles" Rhinoceros Forums. McNeel. 2020.

Maraldi and Plateau's Laws


Section A

Section B

120° 21. H. A. Schwarz, 1884: Beweis des Satzes, daß die Kugel kleinere Oberfläche besitzt, als jeder andere Körper gleichen Volumens. Nachrichten Königlichen Gesellschaft Wissenschaften Göttingen, (1884) 1–13. 22. J. Harrison. UC Berkeley: Soap film solutions to Plateau’s problem, ArXiv. 2012

Bubble Physics I wanted to see the result of a shape which had a open ended finish. So this open pyramid shape was the next to be dunked in the solution. This experiment showed me the consistency of the curvature of the soap film.

Grashopper Model - Consistant curved edges

Section A

Grasshopper Model - Minimal Surface Curve

Open ended pyramid soap bubble experiment 03

23. H. A. Schwarz, 1884: Beweis des Satzes, daß die Kugel kleinere Oberfläche besitzt, als jeder andere Körper gleichen Volumens. Nachrichten Königlichen Gesellschaft Wissenschaften Göttingen, (1884) 1–13. 24. J. Harrison. UC Berkeley: Soap film solutions to Plateau’s problem, ArXiv. 2012

Section through open ended pyramid.

Bubble Physics The next experiment uses a helix structure with a central column to support the bubble solution acting as the bonding agent. This helix structure creates a tight curveature which makes the soap solution unstable.

Physical Model - Joined helix structure

Grasshopper Model - The bubble follows the tight angles of the helix structure making the solution unstable.

25. Encyclopaedia Britannica. "Plateau Problem." The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2010

Isometric view of helix bubble structure

Bubble Physics The final experiment is a similar shape to bubble experiment 02. However by changing the short edge of the shape into a longer edge the bubble solution changes to adapt the new shape which is provides a line through the middle of the shape which the vertices connect to resulting in the minimal solution answer.

Physical Model - New vertex point added to change the bubble outcome.

Section A

Grasshopper Model - A accurate representation of of the

Long-sided trapezoid prism

26. H. A. Schwarz, 1884: Beweis des Satzes, daß die Kugel kleinere Oberfläche besitzt, als jeder andere Körper gleichen Volumens. Nachrichten Königlichen Gesellschaft Wissenschaften Göttingen, (1884) 1–13. 27. J. Harrison. UC Berkeley: Soap film solutions to Plateau’s problem, ArXiv. 2012

Section through the side of the model

Bubble Matrix Formfinding This matrix is uses the structures above in 2D and replicating them to generate unique structures. On the right hand is the outline of the first bubble experiment in aggregated together. Form finding and playing with these structures to find any unique and useable features.

Aggregated Bubble Formfinding Experiment

Aggregated Bubble Formfinding Experiment

Modular Stacking From the formfinding experiment above I join these components together to generate clusters of structures. Individual cluster

Aggregated clusters

Elevation of aggregation

Aggregation in Grasshopper enables the complining of an object into desnse clusers of structures. 28. Diff-ARCH. "Grasshopper Plugin for Aggregation." Rhinoceros Forum, Grasshopper. 2020

Soap Bubble Lattice Using the Section of the radiolaria I am generating a strutural element which can could be used for the residential blocks. A Lattice structure offers the opportunity for housing units to have enough light and their own garden.

Section of Radiolaria When Alive Green Represents Cytoplasm and Protoplasm

120° 120°

109.47° 120°

109.47° 109.47° 109.47°

Plant Temperature Parameters Tempreture Requirment

Tempreture Requirment

02.28 04.46 06.64 08.82 11.00

11.00 13.18 15.36 17.34 19.72
















130mm Garlic



Sweet Potato


150mm Carrot


















150mm Parsnips






Brussel Sprouts

13.18 15.36 17.54 19.72 21.90


Gaps between the modules and lattice enable sunlight to access the building in its entirety, Below the are the northern and southern sunlight diagrams







Apple Tree

Fig Tree





Banana Tree









Plum Tree

Pear Tree



Tempreture Requirment

13.18 15.36 17.54 19.72 21.90





MirrorLab Site Organisation I discovered a resemblance between the the MirrorLab diagrams and the gasometer site and I wanted to use this throughout the site.

Circulation Progression I began to explore the possible interior pathways and routes, determining how modules could be accessed.

Bohemians My main users are bohemians and their families. The lifestyle suits the users needs and opportunities for a self sufficient community arises.

Hemp Attributes Hemp is a resource which has over 50,000 uses. This material however is not used very much in the building and construction industry. It does have the potential to be but is currently not researched enough. I will be trying to use the fibres of the hemp to use it as a composite or replacement of fibreglass. Stalks Industrial Textiles

Composting & Recycling Seeds

. Rope . Canvas . Tarps . Carpeting . Netting . Caulking . Fine Fabrics

Biofuels . Fuels . Oils . Solvents . Coatings . Printing Inks . Oil Paints



. Printing . Newsprint . Cardboard . Packaging

. Soaps . Shampoo . Lotions . Balms . Cosmetics

Foods . Cakes . Hemp Seeds Hearts . Hemp Protein Powder . EFA Food Supplements

Building Materials . Fibreboard . Insulation . Acrylics . Fibreglass Substitute

15 Tonnes


Leaves Body Care . Protein Powders . Medicine






Composting & Recycling

. Diapers . Clothing . Handbags . Denim . Shoes . Fine Fabrics

Animals . Bedding

Net Gain 162% 8-12 tons per acre

Root Composting & Recycling

Composting & Recycling . Medicine . Helps to fight against eczema

Fibreglass Variation I wanted to compare the compression ability between the hemp and the fibreglass I therefore repeated the process above to this model and to achieve a close identical model for testing.

Vaseline Applied

First Layer Applied

Fibreglass layered onto Burlap base

Layering Process

Hair-dryer removes air bubbles

Once dried I begin to trim the model

Fibreglass Application

Dried Result

Removing model from Mould

Hemp Model Analysis A hemp based variation.

3D Printed Mould

Burlap is used to hold the structure together

Bio-resin added in 2 parts

Bio-resin Application

Vaseline applied to assist with the releasing of the mould

Layers of the hemp are applied

Final Layer of burlap. String is applied to hold the hemp in place during the drying the process though this is usually done with a vacuum Bio-resin Application

Hemp Application

Bio-resin Application

Test 01 Compression Testing Now I had a model for both materials I wanted to rest to see which would hold more weight. I began with the hemp testing and found it to be surprisingly durable. The Fibreglass however also stood its ground with this test and both managed to hold 95 kg

The first Model I made snapped as I was removing it from the mould. Therefore I did not use this in the testing phase.

Hemp Test 01

Fibreglass Test 01

I began adding weights onto the mould I had created above. I added all the weights I own and it totalled 55kg and the model surprisingly to me held up. At this point I appointed someone to stand it this was approximately 95kg, and still the model did not break. (As seen in Video)

I repeated the same test and I received the same results, the model withstood the initial 55kg followed by someone standing on it weighing 95kg. As I did not have access to university facilities I could not fully conclude this test to clearly determine which model withstood compression better though both showed positive signs.

Test 02 Tensile Testing This time I wanted to compare three different materials. First being the hemp mixed with bioresin, followed by the fibreglass and lastly a composite of both. I used a pocket spring balance which can hold up to 50kg to weigh a piece of material in tension. Testing Mould

Material Tested Hemp Test 01 As university facilities were closed I researched a way to tensile test from home. I used a garden bracket to hold string which held the pocket spring balance which held a bucket of sand. This was not entirely accurate because I had to drill a hole in the model and secondly the hemp is not weaved. However This managed to hold 25 kg before snapping in half.

Fibreglass & Hemp Test 03


Distributed Weight


Fibreglass Test 02 For this experiment I repeated the same procedure. This resulted in the string snapping as seen in the image above. The fibreglass had been holding a total of 40kg when the string snapped. This taught me that there is some evidence perhaps showing fibreglass as the superior material.

The last tensile test was a composite material made from bio-resin, hemp and fibreglass. As seen in the image below the bucket held 43kg (all I could fit in) and the material did not break. This continues to show me great evidence that there is a possibility to use the two materials together. However As before I would have ideally like to use a machine for more accurate and more extensive research.

Further Testing Fire conductivity and water solubility testing are other essential tests which should be carried out to determine the legibility of a new building material. Grenfell tower being a recent precedent of why so many tests are essential to be completed before commercial and private use.

Water Solubility Hemp & Fibreglass Composite

Fire Conductivity Test One of the main things to getting a material approved in the construction industry is the resistance to fire. Hemp when dried can easily catch alight and is not suitable. On the other hand once it is mixed with bioresin, though it still combusted, the hemp takes much longer to set alight. I measured the temperature on either side to see how long it took heat to transfer over. Using a blowtorch at max heat it took a total of 1 minute to combustion the hemp and about one minute and a half for the fibreglass showing that it does worsen the fire resistance of the material.

Weight Before 24hr 2.8g Weight After 24hr 2.8g

Water Solubility Fibreglass Weight Before 24hr 2.5g Weight After 24hr 2,5g

Water Solubility Fibreglass Weight Before 24hr 4.5g Weight After 24hr 4,5g

Based on these tests it seems the bio-resin makes the material waterproofed and the water solubility of these 3 materials are minimal.

Prefabrication The structure I have designed will be prefabricated in parts due to the scale of it, then assembly will take place on site. I have highlighted each of the different stations which will take place at this warehouse in order to deliver the project.




Servicing Section.

3D Printing


Once the mould has been completed, insulation will be added and water pipes. This is completed before both halved are joined. In the warehouse

Industrial sized 3D printers are used to print out moulds for the structure.

Lubricant applied, followed by 8 layers of hemp and another 8 layers of fibreglass.


Vacuum & Drying An industrial vacuum is used to remove any air holes, the structure is then left to dry before it is taken to the workshop.



3 4

Local Material sourcing & Phasing I will be growing hemp on my site after the remediation process. The hemp grown on site is harvested and sorted into its main components. I am only interested in the stalk. Therefore I will get the stalk and process it on-site to create the fibre and outsource the fibreglass. Each Acre of land is capable of producing up to 12 tonnes of hemp.

1. Existing Masterplan

2. Post Surveying

Site specialists observe site and commence the decontamination and dismantling procedure.

Decontamination and dismantling process begins

3. Remediation

4. Water and Farming

5. Hemp Manufacturing

Decontaminants removed and remediation begins.

The lake is joined via an underground route and keeps the water stagnated. This water is used to grow the hemp a total of 21.5 acres of hemp is grown producing a total of 258 tonnes of hemp per hemp season this is used to build the structure.

3 Gasometers re-established and used as temporary manufacturing areas for the hemp production.

Space for vehicle access, pathways for works have been made to present safe environments for the staff.

18 Acres 258 Tonnes

6. Structures begin

7. Third structure begins

The structures use the hemp grown and other local hemp sources to begin creating the material for commercial use. At this stage only 2 of the 3 structures begin in order to generate more yield from the hemp.

After some time the last structure is under constructions while parts of the site are accessible and functional.

14 Acres 168 Tonnes

16 Acres 8. Public Realm and Connections

192 Tonnes

Now the main infrastructure is formed the public realm and connective bridges between the structures are formed. In the future the has space where the project can grow further if the hemp becomes a redundant source.

12 Acres 144 Acres

10 Acres 120 Acres

On-Site Construction During the first 4 phases the land has been decontaminated/re-mediated and the beginning of construction commences. The hemp farms are erected and the growth immediately grows, the foundations are placed alongside the core, this will be a mixture of hempcrete and there will be the structure starting below ground. Modules are delivered to site and using scaffolding the modules are carefully fitted, the gasometer has been reassembles and the structure builds up.

6 Bottom Modules Constructed The constructions now moves towards the middle where the residential areas begin to arise.

5 Reassembled Gasometer The Gasometer is reassembled and will act as an area where the hemp is processed.

4 Scaffolding Erected


The modules are carefully arranged with a crane and supervisors who arrange the segments in a strategic order.

Hemp Farming Hemp can start growing on site in order to provide local materials for the structure.


3 Foundations Placed

Modules Delivered & Assembled

Excavation has been completed due to the decontamination process, the foundations and the core are put in place.

The pre-fabricated modules arrive and are assembled on site.

On-Site Construction The later phases include the construction of the rooftop gardens, limited activities can begin happening with some areas.

8 First Tower Complete The first tower is finished before the others and use can begin.

6 Construction Structure Expanding over the lake and upwards.


7 Residential Construction

Gasometers Reassembled

The residential modules begin construction

The next gasometers are ready to be put back in place providing some recreation areas.

Laboratory This lab will hold research over new materials including hemp and bioplastics. Any trials are testing in the local site and new community



Greenhouse Roof Structure


Plant Growth


Open space study platform




Lab Growth Pods





4 6


Public Hemp & Food Markets The local community will participate in opening small businesses and these are innovative material based businesses or hemp based.


Marketplace Module

1 Greenhouse Module 2 Viewing Platform 3 Local Market Greenhouses 5

4 Module Section Breakdown

4 Platforms 5 Structure



Greenhouse Module The process of making delivering trees to schools within London is achieved in these small pods where young trees grow to a healthy size before shipped to the schools to feed young school children. Depending on the location of the module different foods are grown due to the different climates.

Greenhouse Module



Greenhouse Module & Rainwater Harvesting


Greenhouse structure


Ready Trees


Young Trees Growing


5 Structure

3 5 4

Axonometric Reservoir There are both public and private facilities over the on-site reservoir. On the top floor a lecture theatre for the students and research labs, and underneath a restaurant based on hemp for the local community.


2 1

Acoustic Roof


Acoustic Roof Structure


Lecture Panels











Greenhouse Section The Greenhouse's water collection process and pipe servicing


Greenhouse Module Facade


Pipe controlling water levels


Automatic Water Dispenser to New Trees


Young Trees Growing


6 7

5 Structure 8

6 Hemp & Fibreglass composite 7 Insulation 8 Service Pipes






Site Axonometric Site Breakdown



Hemp Tower Blocks


New Landscaping


Refurbished Gasometers


Hemp Farms


Bridge and Lake Creation


Surrounding Context






Tower Exploded Axonometric All of the modules inside the building.



Greenhouse Module


Laboratory & Material Research Lab


Open Air Tree Growth


Local Community Markets


Hemp Restaurant


Lecture Theatre


Rooftop Garden



1 3 2


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