Architecture Work Portfolio

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7.3 Illustrative 3D Massing The residential accommodation within Block A would be entered at ground floor level, with access provided from a landscaped space adjacent Rockingham Street to the south of the site. The office accommodation would be accessed from the landscaped courtyard situated between the two blocks.


incl. RoL & block orientation



A typical floor within the main tower (Block A) consists of eight units wrapped around a central core, containing 4 x 2 bed and 4 x 1 bed apartments. The upper floors would contain larger 3 and 4 bedroom apartments, some of which would have direct access to the landscaped roof gardens / terraces. There would be no north facing single aspect units, and the larger apartments are located to benefit from views to both Elephant & Castle and to the city centre.


Additional amenity and plant accommodation could be provided at strategic levels to help define tenure.


2b 1b





2b 1b



Typical floor plan diagram within Block A

KEY Residential accommodation

Roof garden / terrace

Residential amenity




Block A

Isometric view from south east

Block B

Block B

Block A

Isometric view from north west





Northstowe, Cambridge, Homes England seek to design a high quality residential scheme. The scheme follows a strict design code containing detailed explanations of how the scheme should operate, enabling the scheme to fit in its surrounding context. We broke up the site into 5 separate spaces. Firstly, we will include a central urban park where no cars are permitted, a key western route which has a waterpark, sociable spaces where children safely enjoy outdoor play areas, design urban housing typologies which link into the surrounding context and we will use MMC technology to illustrate a high level of construction.



Concept SCHEME “Residential streets comprise of a rich mix of two and three-storey semi-detached dwellings arranged to provide stimulating and varied street scenes.� In certain instances, houses have been positioned to close views, breaking up street frontages and helping to frame spaces. These marker buildings will include features that enable people to navigate through the development, aided by distinctive architecture and landscaping that references the local vernaculars, materials and history that shape the diverse architectural heritage of the region.

Central Urban Park Greenway

Render of mews street, highlighting the marker building Rampton Drift

Town centre Greenway

Diagram showing the marker buildings and landscape features identified as part of the overall placemaking strategy

Water Park

Section through the site indicating sun path through the buildings


Bird’s eye looking South East


Strategy SPECIFICATION Four-storey apartment blocks with prominent and active frontages maximise views towards the park and provide a coherent streetscape and tight block structure. The architecture is designed as a contemporary interpretation of the ‘mansion’ block, with strong facades punctuated by projecting balconies and rhythmical rooflines that provide additional detail and visual interest.

Currently the development has long runs of buildings with no breaks

Key design focused marker views break up the stretch of infrastructure. Whilst other buildings look out onto the orchard or the urban park

Zoning Diagram which illustrates surrounding context

Green walls as part of a strict 5% green wall code

Urban park with key marker buildings


North Western Aerial View Overlooking Site



Dignity - The NHS faces multiple financial difficulties, worsened by the prospect of an impending Brexit. The NHS should implement two vital factors (often overlooked) to aid efficiency in addition to bettering patient outcomes. The prevention of disease is relatively neglected; the NHS often fails to sufficiently educate and provide awareness to the public on preventing disease. Maintenance, likewise, is overlooked; patients must understand when dismissed what action is required to prevent a problem reoccurring. Strokes kill one in three in the UK. Alongside this, the NHS have a shortage of beds. External rehabilitation proves to have a speedier recovery rate and positive wellbeing rates.






SCHEME The prevention is not only for the patient but also for the general public, staff and the students on site. In order to prevent strokes for the general public, there will be lectures held to educate the public; the patients, staff and students will spread the message through word of mouth. The patients will learn how to prevent strokes through their therapies. There will be counselling available for the individuals, enabling the NHS to save on further issues and reoccurring strokes.

The section below is shows a range of key feature in the design including a green roof, electrical fittings, balconies, cantilever, foundation, interior walls, materiality, window sills and construction materials.


1 2

Exterior Timber Frame Interior Concrete Beams


Exterior Concrete Beams


Interior & Exterior Walls


Intergrated Beams In Concrete

6 7

Concrete Slab Windows




I-Stud Walls


Roof Conservatory









11 6



Exterior Timber Frame


Concrete Beams Interior-Horizontal


Concrete Beams Exterior- Horizontal


Interior + Exterior walls


I-Beams integrated within concrete


Concrete slab






Concrete Columns


Interior I-Stud walls


Rufe Conservatory + Photovoltaic panels.

1 2

Vegetation Filter Fabric


Resevoir sheet


Vapour Barrier




Ceiling Join




Wire inbetween Ceiling Light fixture


Wooden Floor Finish Screed/Protective layer




Concrete slab




Wooden Floor Finish Screed/Protective layer




Concrete slab


Ceiling Finish


Development DIGNITY “Hospitals have blinking lights which don’t stop even When the patients’ life has.” BJ Miller. Patients are brought to this site from the hospital post stroke. Stroke has 5 main stages. These are; prevention, stroke event, discharge, rehabilitation and maintenance. However the NHS does not concentrate on the first and last (prevention and maintenance). For this reason I will focus on these. The patients will be treated through therapy and they will be looked after nurses and students who are learning on site.

Further to this counselling will lead to others to realising that getting over their habits is not as hard as it seems. Through the assistance of therapy also we aim to help the patient overcome any habits through distraction.

Educating the public on overeating, smoking and other effects which may lead to stroke we can be lower the rates of people doing these bad habits. Word of mouth after lectures is a method of prevention.




Introducing a newly designed system will enable the elderly to work while improving their fitness, aiding them to become less stressed and provide a balanced lifestyle, therefore providing prevention in a variety of ways, and not only for stroke.


Urban Grid Fitting in with the urban context is important, for this reason I have followed grid lines which have been generated from the surrounding context. Examples include natural paths and the building shapes.

Sun Pathing/Right of Light I have extruded the building enabling the sun to hit the building where indicated. The sun is positioned to enable the rooms to become brightly lit. The overall building height does not exceed a certain height to ensure neighbouring buildings recieve enough light.

Addition of 5th Building This next building has been added for private counciling sessions to take place with a view of the London skyline which sits above.

Editing the Exisiting Path By editing the path a more efficient circulation around the site between the public and the patients is enabled. The path is also more inviting, introducing a want for the public to pass by.

Adjusting building heights I have lowered the buildings in front of the back buildings this will means more light can be accessed, furthermore this enables individuals to obtain a view of immeadiate nature or the skyline or in many cases both. Again, enhancing the experience of the patient.

Right of way The urban context indicated an existing path through the site. I have therefore enabled this path to be accessed by the public enabling the site to still work well as a right of way for the community.

Building Spaces Adding spaces in between the building enables a variety of opportunities, such as the potential for more lighting more nature and this can enable a differentiation between the public and private areas.

Cutting Building & Sun Path By cutting the building up the sun is able to access more areas of the site, furthermore, the corners enable better spacing for the patient rooms.

Introducing Courtyards Courtyards are vital in my design as research has indicated that nature is a key in patient recovery. Providing immediate views for the patients will help reduce stress levels and increase their morality.

Cutting Corners of The Buildings I have cut the corners of the buildings this is because harsh edges are not suitable in building design.

Twisting Buildings Twisting the buildings enable the patients to have immeadiate access to courtyards right outside of their door. The buidlings are twisted in a way to cast little shadows and the enabling roof access for views will enable the view of london to be appreciated.


Maintenance Concrete plant pots for long life and durability.

SCHEME In order to achieve maintenance, a few principles need to be in place. These include using the correct colours throughout; a light green will be scattered in places which will enable the patients to feel calm. Further to this the connection between nature and man is very important for this reason I wanted to use materials such as timber for the interior spaces. I also wanted there to be a use of plants throughout bringing out some natural healing processes. Enabling the patient to feel at ease will improve their outcomes and they will recover at a rate speedier of that in a hospital.

Soil/crops for the therapy Bottom base for security and storage

Concrete/stone to hold up the patio.

Sunlight Strategy Greenery through seams


Northern Section Highlighting Patients Accomodation



Therapies Wooden Timber Cladding

PATIENT CARE Four key therapies will be taking place for the patients, including art, gardening, cooking, spa/gymnasium and counselling. These are all put in place to help the patients recover at a speedier rate than they would achieve in the hospital whilst still providing the patients with dignity enabling them to feel like they are still part of the community.

Plasterboard interior

Window over-looking onto London Skyline. Ventilation

Nature based reception providing calming atmosphere’s I Beam intergrated with concrete for extra strength

Grey flooring for soothing colour scheme.

Structural coloumn Concrete floor

Infilled screed to match the floor height outside. (Green Roof )

Rooftop Terrace Overlooking London’s Skyline






8 V Void



1 Bedroom 2 Private Courtyard 3 Public Path 4 Main Public Entrance 5 Private path 6 Gymnasium 7 Cleaning & Storage Supplies 8 Counciling Public Rooftop Entrance 9


Cleaning & Storage Supplies Private Entrance


Public Path


Lecture Theatre


Gardening Therapy






One Croydon, London. Also known as the 50p building, this high-rise building in Croydon is an iconic building built in 1970. However, the reception is due for an upgrade as the surrounding is gentrifying. A new Westfield is being built nearby and it is time for this building to re-introduce itself with a new reception and landscape design.




In the below option, we decided to make the most changes to the building. We took the form of the building to create a brand for the building. These screens will lead from landscape outdoors to the reception indoors. A new retail has been added also help fund this project and to attract small pop up businesses in the area.

OPTIONS The building was constructed in 1970 for Noble Lowndes Annuities and was designed by Richard Seifert a prolific office builder in the 1960’s and 1970’s with Ove Arup as structural engineers. The original design intended to sit the tower upon a podium but the adjacent East Bridge House refused to move becoming a ransom strip that would then later be demolished 3 years after Number One Croydon’s completion. The building has remained in its original use since it was constructed with refurbishment being undertaken in 2007 this included external cleaning of the cladding, landscaping and a refurbishment of the office areas. Recently, a retail unit was added to the base of the building circa 2014.

The old 50p coin demonstrating a similar form



New signage wrapping proposal

Onsite construction in 1970 Perspective view of landscaping



New Illuminated Signage


Updated Screens


A1/A3 Retail Unit


Lettable Office Space


Security Speed Gates

4 5 7 6 2


Extended Facade Pulled Forward with Added Seating area


New Reception Desk With Feature Wall


Potential for Level Access


New plaza with hard landscaping


Way-finding Light System

8 3 9


Prevention SCHEME This is a perspective view looking to the front entrance. On the right is the newly added retail unit with a new pop up. The newly designed screens lead as a path into the new site. New security barriers and new signage has also been added to enhance the experience of the everyday worker in this office building.

One Croydon Inspired Screens



Lighting strategy wrapping the facade 7



6 2


3 8

4 2 9


New Illuminated Signage


New Leading Geometric Patterned Wall


A1/A3 Retail Unit



Lettable Office Space



Security Speed Gates


Extended Facade Pulled Forward with Added Seating area


New Reception Desk With Feature Wall


Potential for Level Access


New Plaza with Hard landscaping



View in front of reception with additional proposed cafe



EIN is a popular fashion retail store in Shenzhen China. The store is advancing in China and they are after a new concept store to maybe make into a reality. I wanted to use their own words and go with a theme of “simple luxury�. This theme is used because they do not focus of luxury in general, nor comfort, nor price, but rather they want to change the experience of retail and offer something new to customers, this may involve technology or installations.



EIN CONCEPT This brand which started in 2002 brings beauty and quality of life to modern women. The brand focuses on “simple luxury.” This brand is heavily influenced by Scandinavian countries and the way they have “transparency”. I therefore want to create a store which represents this Nordic atmosphere. I want to use a range of natural materials which compliment the surrounding store. Also, blending this with the theme of simple luxury will create a natural and fitting store to fit in with EIN.

As previously mentioned, materiality is going to be a key aspect in making this store feel right for the brand. Again, going with my Simple Luxury theme, I have chosen leather, concrete and wood as my main materials, combining the luxury of the leather with the natural wood to create the atmosphere I want.



Reception Desk

Promotional Items


Reception Desk

Promotional Items

CENTRE PIECE The render below illustrates what the customer would see as soon as they have entered the store. The most immediate thought would be to approach the centre piece where it is well lit and the design of this one off piece is intriguing. The materials of the natural wood against the concrete flooring work well together and produce a minimalistic feel inside.

Public Display

Public Display

Main Installation

Seasonal Cloths

Main Installation

Seasonal Cloths

Promotional Items Promotional Items

Public Display

Public Display

Viewpoint into the

store leads onto a the Viewpoint into view of the main store leads onto a influecing view of to the main someone enter influecing someone to enter

The plan of any retail shop is arguably the most important spacial design element. The plan needs to be concise, ensuring anthropometrics and ergonomic standards are met. I have designed the space to be open and inviting yet still contain the elements a shop needs to have. I have done this by having varied structure sizes which adds a good balance for this store.




As the installation in the middle is facing the entrance, it becomes the first thing which people walk by, therefore forcing people to move in a direction in which I want them to.

STORE CIRCULATION Here, an axonometric drawing clearly illustrates the layout and provides a feel to this concept store. The store at this stage is now an intrigue from the outside and from the inside. I feel this project brings out the best of EIN.

The customers would exit the structure to the left and continue to see all of the components of the store. Finally the individual has now passed by the majority of the products so that if they want to continue to the till, they can.

Simple Luxury has been achieved through a minimalistic design. The design materials are complimentary, yet the store obtains a modern outlook on the project.

Figure 1.1 Crate structure with lighting underneath



Shop Walk-through SHOP FRONT/INTERIOR A variety of renders here illustrate firstly the shop front. The shop front uses a black and copper feel which indicates a use of modern materials for a retail store. The shop front also builds and causes intrigue. From the outside the displays and the centre piece can allow people to feel the need to come inside and look through the store and experience a different retail experience. Then the view from the till and to the till illustrates, the store in a view of an employee and as a customer, showing what it is like as a member of staff and as a customer outside of the centre.

Figure 1.1 Render of the shop frontage causing initial intrigue. Figure 1.0 Render illustrating the view of a customer from the entrance of the changing room.


Figure 1.2 Render from the till of the reception showing an overview of the store.



The aim of this project is to regentrify a part of Lavapies in Madrid. The location has a run-down school and the surrounding area needs to be redeveloped. After conducting thorough research, we realised the best possible outcome would be to create a “technology park”, a place in which multiple age groups can be educated about engineering. Engineering is an ever growing industry and would therefore provide a stable job for individuals living in this region. The site includes: a Primary School, Secondary School, University, Workshops and a range of companies who would use the sites’ facilities. The idea is for individuals to grow up and learn in the area, then to give back to society by working in the region.



Development Diagrams

Technology-Based Primary School


View of Site / Business / Tobacco Factory / Corporate / Manufacturing / Professional

The variety of diagrams displayed shows the concept of this scheme. We aimed to create a technology park where the individuals could potentially have the choice to live their whole life on the site, continuously learning while returning what they have learnt to the site.

Iconic / Water Tank / Stream

The four diagrams below shows the routes that pedestrians, pod cars and staff would be able to take. Moreover, they indicate the vantage points where the public may go to appreciate the beautiful views. Entry points into the site are also indicated, showing how easy accessibility is, yet where needed, private. Zoning is shown on the right hand side. The site includes various activities for both the public and workers/researchers.


Technology-Based Secondary School Green Space / Benches / Park / Pathways

Large Scale CNC / 24-7Manufacturing Future of the Site

Testing Centre / New Research

Carbon Printing / Experimentations / Research / 3D printing Visitor Centre Gallery (Exhibitions / Degree Shows) Locals / Auditorium / Community

Computing and Server Room / Robotics / Engineers / Discovery / Students

Simple Grid System


Grid System Split

Grid System Twisted

Information point / Lake / Pathway


Technical Drawings PLANS, SECTIONS, ELEVATIONS These are the floor plans, sections and elevations of the proposed schools. The two sites can be utilised by both the Primary and Secondary schools where they share a middle ground. The site has potential to continue growing and developing in the future. The rooftop playground is shared enabling the kids of all ages to interact without the feeling of separation. Parts of the site are covered with the green roof lattice. This enables the children to have shelter and be protected from the sun as Spain’s climate varies.

These are sketches of the site which shows a man-made lake flowing through it. The complex lattice structure holding the green roof up is held together by a variety of layers. The contours of the site are also shown through the various layers. The Lattice is joined to the building.


These diagrams show the existing plans of the Secondary School. The building is broken into segments for separation, ventilation and access points.


Man-made lake with iconic water tower behind

Visuals SITE IN USE Below are some of the visuals for the site. > Night render showing the City at night. > Evening render shows a child intrigued by the machinery and may decide that’s what he wants to do when he grows up. > Morning render shows the lake in use as an information point, fresh water supply and the water tank in the background is heating up.

Evening view showing the public the work Aerial view of the technology park

Daytime render of the public realm


Perspective Section


Educating Engineers Axonometric

TOBACCO FACTORY Purpose: Used to manufacture industry standard products, showcase the work, and impress investors. Tabacco Factory Facilities: 3D printing, Carbon printing, Robotics, Conference room. Purpose: Used to manufacture industry standard products, showcase the work, and impress investors.


Facilities: 3D printing, Carbon printing, Robotics, Conference room.

On the right hand side the axonometric shows the whole site taken apart. The site is broken down into 6 main components. > Tobacco Factory > Primary School > Water Sculpture > Incubation Facilities > Lattice > Ground level


Purpose: Focus teaching towards a Purpose: Focus teaching towards a more specific learning process with an emphasis on technology. more specific learning process with an emphasis on technology. Water Sculpture Facilities: Prototyping studio. 3D printing, lazer cutting, coding. Facilities:Prototypingstudio.3Dprinting, Purpose: Water purification. Be iconic to our site. laser cutting, coding. Facilities: Viewing platform. Reed bed water treatment.

WATER SCULPTURE Purpose: Water purification. Be iconic to our site. Facilities: Viewing platform. Reed bed water treatment.

3D Printing 3DPrinting Carbon Printing Carbon Printing

Visitors Lounge-

Visitors Centre - AudiAuditorium, toriam, Gallery Coding

Gallery Coding

Incubation facilities


Large CNC

Purpose: Provide space for postgraduates and professional engineers to carProvide space for postgraduates ry outPurpose: research and experimentation. Provide support to the lattice.

Large CNC

and professional engineers to carry out research and Facilities: 3D printing, Carbon printing, Large CNC factory, Robotics, Visitors experimentation. Provide support to the lattice. Centre. Facilities: 3D printing, Carbon printing, Large CNC factory, Robotics, Visitors Centre.

Robotics - Test sites, High-tech Machines, Robotics labs

Robotics - Test sites, High-tech Machines, Robotics labs

Lattice Purpose: Provide shade to regulate temperature. Creates walkable public space.

LATTICE Purpose: Provide shade to regulate temperature. Creates walk-able public

Ground level Purpose: Provides public space, recycle grey water, cool machinary.

Toilet Toilet

Facilities: Cafe, Restaurant, streams, Toielts, Lake, Seating, Information point, water purification system.






Purpose: Provides public space, recycle grey water, cool machinery. Facilities: Cafe, Restaurant, streams, Toilets, Lake, Seating, Information point, water purification system.



Adaptable spaces are limited yet efficient. Egypt is currently in a moment of rehabilitation, which is why I have brought my design to Egypt. The Nile is currently under used and introducing “Adaptable” will enable the public to feel more ownershipan area which the public does not utilise. “Adaptable” will contribute to society and bring the community together. Currently we live in a time where individuals are looking down at their phones and refined communication takes place. Further to this it will boost Egypt’s pop-up communities and economy as it will attract tourists as well as locals. A “fun palace” to me is an interchangeable space enabling a variety of activities to take place. Egypt has had an issue socially since the revoloution and designing a place where communities can grow together will encourage the rebuilding of the society. Movement is the key design factor contributing to a successful “fun palace”, enabling change at an instants notice.



Development Diagrams

Detailed Drawings



Spatially much is to be considered. Hosting a popular festival must be well organised, this can be achieved through zoning and circulation. Toilets, general services are all hosted on the outskirts of the structure enabling the middle segments to become dedicated to the festival. There are a range of lifts around the outside which can withhold the constant high number of individuals.

Structurally, many aspects need to be considered. A floating structure comes with its own predicaments. I have included a floating ring around the outside which will keep the balance of the structure with very high weight tolerances. The mechanism includes actuators which is used to control the linkages. The linkages are connected to the pins which are raised and used for the platforms.

> Dealing with constant high flow of individuals. > Employees have some access to control heights > Range of viewpoints enables a controlled circulation.

> Float designed to be weight tolerant > Mechanism controls the pins individually.



Generic services

Stair & lift access




Exhibition Space

SITE IN USE Redefining fun in the 21st century involves delivering a variety of ever evolving services in order to fulfil the requirement of a “fun palace”. The use of a space where families and friends gather is a great source of fun globally. Through redefining the cultural aspect I decided to challenge the controversy of the moulid and begin to see how we may celebrate this event through the use of recreation. This recreational event will attract many as the celebration offers a variety of activities to partake in. The exhibition space is based on the theme “The miracle and power of love”. This event includes a spiritually gaining experience, enabling the user to discover the lives of their idols.

Reflections/ Viewpoint

Celebration View overlooking some of the celebrations


Adaptable strucure turned into ampitheatre for concerts and performing arts

Section during “amphitheatre” mode




This company approached us students as we have a unique method of designing. Over several months we began to transform the old building and created a different feel for Woolwich as the area is currently known for its high crime rates. The company is now a fully functioning business. We had many Complications as the client was on a budget. I learnt lots about supplying, costing and getting a grip on the real world and what it could be like to deal with clients.



Site Visit WALL DESTRUCTION The initial site visit was focused on deciding which walls needed to be taken down in order to brighten up the building. Currently it is run-down and needs much refurbishment. This is based around the corner from Woolwich high street and presents a big opportunity. There was also lots of furniture which needed to be taken out and dealt with.

After first seeing the site and getting a feel for the surroundings, we had begun choosing colour schemes, furniture and getting an initial feel for the site. After several meetings we had narrowed it down to what is shown above. A bookshelf which contains lit up lattices, books and can be used to store the stools. The tables would draw out like a boat with strings. There would be a bar facing outwards onto the street, a unique shelf opposite the book shelf and wood was considered as the main material for the interior.



Visuals COLOUR SCHEME Afterwards we spent some time producing renders, showing the client what we wanted the cafe to look like, experimenting with colour, shapes, lights and plants. In the next meeting the client was shown and apporoved of the renders and gave the thumbs up to create the render on the bottom left with the cream coloured wall. Immediately we began looking for someone to create the piece we wanted. After finally finding somebody to do this, he begun immediately after all the electrical works were completed.

Elevation of bespoke furniture Some of the renders in red to show the client the idea in a variety of ways. Ian, the client, said “The designs are phenomenal, however the red is over powering so lets stick with the cream�. Rendered plan

Option 1 colour scheme


Option 2 colour scheme


Final Piece DEVELOPED Continuing the project, we had begun to near the end and saw our work coming to life. We designed custom furniture, custom light fittings, broke some walls, chose the colour scheme and essentially everything designed was through our team.




No. 101 Newington Causeway is situated at a northern gateway in the heart of the Elephant and Castle Major Town Centre and Opportunity Area, located on the northeastern junction of Newington Causeway and Rockingham Street. The 0.26 hectare site is bordered by Newington Causeway to the west, and the recently completed ‘Pioneer Building’ – a 22-storey residential tower – to the north. To the east is Tiverton Street, the railway viaduct and the Rockingham residential estate. Immediately to the south is the Metro Central Heights, now a Grade II listed residential development. The site comprises an 11-storey building and currently accommodates office space for the headquarters of The Salvation Army. The site also houses space for band practice, as well as the Salvation Army Church which is located on the ground floor. At the rear of the site, a separate 5-storey building accommodates The Salvation Army’s ancillary shop as well as its ancillary publishing department.




tial /

the larger apartments are located to benefit from views to both Elephant & Castle and to the city centre.


Additional amenity and plant accommodation could be provided at strategic levels to help define tenure.

Massing Study




CONCEPT The development is conceived as two buildings creating a landscaped courtyard between. The largest of these comprises a 43-storey residential tower located in the south west corner of the site, at the junction of Rockingham Street and Newington Causeway.





The tower (Block A) lies centrally within the cluster of neighbouring towers that are either built, under construction, consented or submitted for approval. A standalone 23-storey office building (Block B) is located to the north of the site directly adjacent to the 22-storey Pioneer Building. On the ground floor of each block, single storey retail units are provided to help activate the street frontage onto Newington Causeway. Active street frontages together with enhanced public realm spaces would be provided across the whole site linking Newington Causeway with Tiverton Street and Rockingham Office Street respectively.

Typical Floor (Upper)


Typical Floor (Mid)


2b 1b


2b Typical Floor (Lower)

Illustrative Upper Floor Plan

Typical floor plan diagram within Block A Retail / Amenity


s creating a

sidential site, at the Causeway.


Residential accommodation

Roof garden / terrace

Residential amenity




Block A

Block B


Ground Floor (with public realm and retail)

Isometric view from south east

ster nder oval.

Isometric view from north west


101 Newington Causeway - Pre-Application Report

) is located e 22-storey

Block B

7.7 Illustrative Context Views


Isometric view from the south east

Stacked floor plans diagram

Illustrative Roof Plan

y retail rontage


ed public hole site eet and Block A

Block B



Illustrative site plan diagram


Pioneer Building

Block B

Block A

Metro Central Heights

Illustrative street elevation (Newington Causeway)

Illustrative site massing diagram

Elevation looking onto Newington Causeway



101 Newington Causeway - Pre-Application Report

Strategy LOGISTICS The residential accommodation within Block A would be entered at ground floor level, with access provided from a landscaped space adjacent Rockingham Street to the south of the site. The office accommodation would be accessed from the landscaped courtyard situated between the two blocks.

Service / Delivery Vehicles

The proposed development has been designed to be ‘car free’.

A Delivery and Service Management Plan will be prepared to accompany a planning application, and this will set out in detail methods to monitor and effectively manage deliveries and service vehicles at the proposed development.

The absence of ‘regular’ parking on the site is resultant from a review of neighbouring sites, and we would hope to develop discussions with Southwark Highways to agree a preference for a car free scheme. The site is situated within the Central Activities Zone (CAZ) and has a PTAL of 6b and therefore it is proposed that no parking spaces (including disabled user spaces) will be provided on-site. Cycle Parking Connectivity diagram

Cycle parking will be provided in accordance with the New Southwark Plan (2017).

A typical floor within the main tower (Block A) consists of eight units wrapped around a central core, containing 4 x 2 bed and 4 x 1 bed apartments. The upper floors would contain larger 3 and 4 bedroom apartments, some of which would have direct access to the landscaped roof gardens / terraces. There would be no north facing single aspect units, and the larger apartments are located to benefit from views to both Elephant & Castle and to the city centre. Additional amenity and plant accommodation could be provided at strategic levels to help define tenure.

Car Parking

The provision of this facility would not result in the loss of any existing permit holder or Pay and Display parking bays or restrict vehicular movement on Tiverton Street. Clear and level access routes will be provided from the loading bay direct to the respective goods lift and storage areas located on the Ground Floor of each block.

Long-stay cycle parking spaces will be provided for residents and office employees and these will be located within designated cycle stores within the Basement level of each respective block.

It is envisaged that servicing and delivery access to the retail units will also be via Tiverton Street.

Retail cycle provision will be included within the demise of each individual unit.

Refuse collection for all uses will be undertaken in relation to the existing arrangements for the site and will be via Tiverton Street to the east.

The end users / tenants of the retail units are currently unknown, and the retail spaces will be targeted to deliver a BREEAM Excellent rating. Additional short-stay cycle parking spaces will be proposed within the public realm, located between the two blocks and adjacent to Tiverton Street.

Active frontages diagram

It is proposed that servicing vehicles will serve the site via a new loading bay proposed on Tiverton Street to the east of the site.

Refuse Vehicles

Refuse and recyclable waste (for all land uses) will be stored in the Basement Floors of each block within separate waste storage areas. It is proposed that a management system will be developed to allow bins to be collected by a management company and taken to a Ground Floor holding area prior to collection by the local authority. The distance waste operates will have to travel to ‘collect’ the waste bins will be within the maximum ‘drag’ distance identified in the DfT publication ‘Manual for Streets’ of 25m. As such no large refuse vehicles will be required to access the application site.

101 Newington Causeway - Pre-Application Report

101 Newington 101 Newington Causeway Causeway - Pre-Application - Pre-Application Report Report

incl. incl. RoL RoL && block block orientation orientation

Service / delivery vehicle access diagram

7.37.3Illustrative Illustrative 3D3D Massing Massing

Isometric view from north east


The The residential residential accommodation accommodation within within Block Block A would A would be entered be entered at ground at ground floorfloor level, level, withwith access access provided provided fromfrom a landscaped a landscaped space space adjacent adjacent Rockingham Rockingham Street Street to to the south the south of the of site. the site. The The office office accommodation accommodation would would be accessed be accessed fromfrom the landscaped the landscaped courtyard courtyard situated situated between between the two the two blocks. blocks.

43 43 43 43

A typical A typical floorfloor within within the main the main tower tower (Block (Block A) consists A) consists of of eight eight unitsunits wrapped wrapped around around a central a central core,core, containing containing 4 4 x 2 bed x 2 bed and and 4 x 14bed x 1 bed apartments. apartments. The The upper upper floors floors would would contain contain larger larger 3 and 3 and 4 bedroom 4 bedroom apartments, apartments, some some of of which which would would havehave direct direct access access to the to landscaped the landscaped roof roof gardens gardens / terraces. / terraces. There There would would be no benorth no north facing facing single single aspect aspect units, units, and and the larger the larger apartments apartments are located are located to benefit to benefit fromfrom views views to to bothboth Elephant Elephant & Castle & Castle and and to the to city the centre. city centre.

20 20

Additional Additional amenity amenity and and plant plant accommodation accommodation could could be be provided provided at strategic at strategic levels levels to help to help define define tenure. tenure.


2b 1b

1b 1b



Core Core 2b

20 20



2b 1b

1b 1b




Typical Typical floor plan floor diagram plan diagram withinwithin BlockBlock A A


Illustrative aerial view from the east


Residential Residential accommodation accommodation

RoofRoof garden garden / terrace / terrace

Residential Residential amenity amenity

Office Office

Plant Plant

Retail Retail

Block Block A A

Block Block B B

Block Block A A

67 Isometric Isometric view from view south from south east east


Block Block B B

Isometric Isometric view from view north from north west west


As a child, the garden is one of the most vital parts of their experiences as it enables them to learn, explore, and grow where they cannot do so indoors. It gives them a chance to have contact with the various seasons, elements and the natural world that we exist in. The design aims were to provide children with an education of the continents, countries and places of the world, giving them a sense of their physical surroundings and their community. There will be a series of continents with specific countries in each area, involving the many different facts on the countires as well as allowing the children to understand the kinds of people, culture, traditions and environments that coexist. The adaptable structures and environments around them will encourage the children to express themselves physically, intellectually and emotionally by allowing them to share their thoughts, ideas and feelings when connecting them to each country. It will enable them to have the choice in altering their own surroundings, being creative within themselves and the world around them.



Visuals ANIMATION Based on research, ideas, sustainability, feedback, cost and many other factors we had created an animation which takes the client through the site, enabling them to fully picture what their new playground would look like. As we were designing based on different continents, each play area needed to be designed accordingly. Australia was designed based on their outback rocks where the children can play with the structures and use them as they wish. This same system applies for each individual continent throughout the site.



Axonometric DEVELOPED PROPOSAL This is an axonometic of site. We have proposed our structres to the client and recieved some positive feedback. After again being shortlisted we have an opportunity to make this into a reality and are therefore on the verge of redesigning some of the aspects. The total of these structures and rebuilding is ÂŁ13,000.

1 2

Grey Foam





Canopy Structure

Wood Chips


Bike Track


Adaptable Structures


Jungle Gym


Talky Tube




Sand Pits


Bike Rack


4 6



8 9 10 12

11 13


10 - Adaptable Mud Cafe 11 - Adaptable Apparatus 12 - Chinese Caves 13 - Bug Hotel




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